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The Backyard Surprise
        By:   Click to find out
• One day you are digging in the backyard when
  his shovel hit something hard…..
• Do you
• A - keep digging to find what you hit.

•   B   - stop digging and quit.

•   C   - go eat a sandwich.
• When they finally got it open they found….

                         Start over
• There was a robbery at subway wile you
  where there, also you where token hostage
  and shot.

                         Start over
• Now that you have the box will you…
• A - open the rusty box.

•   B   - burn the box.

•   C   -leave it alone

•    A FOOTBALL!!! And two teams that magically appeared along with
    a stadium.
• It spontaneously blows up in your face, your

                           Start over
• You turn around and fall in the hole you dug
  and pass out later it starts to rain and you

                           Start over
• then you took the pitch and ran for a 100 yard   next
  touchdown with it.
• Now will you…

   A • Do a touchdown dance.

   B • steal a car.

   C • go get dinner at a restaurant.
• The referee fouled you on un sportsmanlike
  conduct, you later got in a fight with the ref
  and he stabbed you.

                       Start over
• The police chased you down then you crashed
  and died.

                         Start over
• Now what do you order…

   A   steak

   B • Hot wings

   C • pizza
• You slip wile cutting and slit your wrist. You
  bleed to death.

                            Start over
• You chock on a bone and die.

                           Start over
• You loved the pizza.

• After dinner do you…

   A • - dine and dash(not pay for your meal).

   B • -pay your bill and go.

   C   - burn down the restaurant after eating dessert.
• The manager kills you with a baseball bat as
  you walk out the door.

                           Start over

• Now your in the parking lot
• You foot gets stuck in between the booth wile
  trying to escape the fire, you burned.

                          Start over
• Now what do you do next…
• F -sleep on the parking lot ground.

• F -get in your car and go to….

• F -walk to….
• You get run over and die, its what you disserve
  you retard.

                           Start over
• Do you go to…

• AF - the movies.

• BF -public restrooms

• CF - your house.
• You fall asleep during the movie and the
  person next to you stole your wallet and
  phone you run into a wall because your mad
  then you die from internal bleeding.

                         Start over
• You fall asleep at the urinal and your head falls
  in and drown.

                            Start over
• Your at your home you go to sleep and that’s
  the end of your day!!

Good morning!
Your alarm went off do you…

F -push snooze

B   - get up and eat some wheat's

F -skip breakfast and go looking for a job.
• You sleep too long and fall into a coma then after
  50 years in a coma they put you down your
  buried in shoops cemetery on Jonestown road.

• Come for the funeral                   Start over

• Stay for the ice cream!
• You choke on the Wheaties, you died.

                                         Start over
• Do you apply to be a....
• AF - astrophysics

• BF -fry cook

• C F -a drug dealer
• You are killed because an asteroid hit you.

                                        Start over
• You fall in a giant fryer and are cooked to a
  crisp. You are dead!!!

                                           Start over
• They denied your application but give you a
  sample size of cocaine.

• Now will you…
• A -snort the cocaine

• B -go to a bar

• C -sell the cocaine
• You get high, then stumble on to the street
  and are run over by a Mack truck, you died.

                                       Start over
• You go to a local bar called ‘‘THE BAR’’.

• You sell the cocaine to a narcotics officer; you
  where arrested. After you got to the station
  and they found out who you where and what
  you did the sentenced you to death for
  opening the rusty box. You almost got away
  with it but if you got arrested a day later you
  would not die because they repealed the law
  that day that opening a rusty box is a crime.
                                         Start over
• You get in a fight at “THE BAR”;what do you
  do?do you…
• A - run away.

• B -beat up the guy who started it.

• C -throw your taco out the window.
• You run into a knife duck taped to the wall
  your dead.

                                        Start over
• You started it so you killed yourself.

                                           Start over
It landed in the road and the guy fighting you
whent out in the road to get it and got run over.

• Now what do you do…
• A -go eat tanbark.

• B -go to a dog fight

• C -go sleep in a hole.
• You get fat from tanbark and die of diabetes,
  your dead.

                                       Start over
• You meet Michel Vick, Plaxico Burress and Ray
  Lewis. Then ray Lewis kills you because he is a
  murder, obviously!!!

                                       Start over
• You make friends with a friendly bear!

• Now will you…
• AF - kill him.

• BF - eat his honey.

• CF - eat piglet.
• You bash his head with a rock and poo bear is

• He woke up with a rumbly tummy and a bad
  temper he then mauled you and you died.

                                   Start over
• You had some bacon but then tigger mauled
  you because you ate his friend.

                                   Start over
• Now will you…
   Become a cereal killer     Become a car salesman        Enter NFL draft
    Go back to collage       Work construction     Become a professional gambler
   By 1000 lottery tickets     Get an ATT phone      Buy a dog
   Become a super hero        Become a competitive eater Become a teacher
   Get a job other than any of these     Spend all day on the computer       eat a taco
   Build time machine        Become a lab rat    Get married
   Go to one of these countries…        throw stuff out a window    adopt a kid
• After 15 murders you where caught sentenced
  to death on the cross.

                                    Start over
• Wile selling a car you give a test drive to a
  psychopath and he runs you over, your dead.

                                      Start over
• You where drafted by the Cleveland browns…
  so you kill your self.

                              Start over
• You go to Virginia Tec and get shot, your dead.

                                       Start over
• An iron “I” beam falls and crushes you, you

                                      Start over
• You gamble with the devil and bet you sole for
  a fiddle of gold and lose your dead.

                                      Start over
• You won the lottery but run out side and
  scream you won and a guy shoots you and
  takes your id and ticket your dead.

                                    Start over
• ATT is actually trying to take over the world
  using there customers phones and you’re the
  host of the robot, the plan fails and all the
  robots are dead including you!

                                     Start over
• The dog bit you and it had rabies and then you

                                      Start over
• Will you be…
 Green arrow        superman           Robin       The hulk
    batman          Wolverine          Pikachu         Luigi
     flash            Thor           Spiderman        Kirby
     Yoshi          Iron man           Mario      Shaquille O'Neal
 Green Lantern      Cat woman       Super woman
Caption America   Luke sky walker
• You won a hot dog eating competition but
  were then latter targeted by another
  competitive eater because he was not as good
  as you he put dry concert mix in your water
  and wen you drank it hardened in your throat
  and you suffocated.                 Start over
• What subject…
    Science                       Art

     Gym                          Math

              Foreran languages
• Will you be a….
      Taxi driver     Doctor       Dentist    Police officer
    Factory worker   Night guard    Athlete    EBay guru
        Banker          Clerk        Baker      President
• You explode your computer from overuse
  setting your house on fire killing you.

                                    Start over
• There was a knife in your taco that you ate so
  then it stabbed your internal organs and you

                                      Start over
• You go back to the Oj Simpson case and Oj kills

                                      Start over
• An experiment goes horribly wrong and you
  turn into a human with spider instincts, so you
  build a giant web to catch people then you
  start to eat the people you caught and the one
  had Ebola so you get it and die in 10 days.

                                      Start over
• You married a psychopath and every time they
  served you dinner they slipped a pill in you
  food so you will slowly die over a period of 5
  years. Then in 5 years your organs rupture and
  explode from the inside out.

                                      Start over
• Pick a country to fly with your points from you
  double miles credit card.
          Russia                Canada


          Mexico                Germany
• You hit a crazy guy with one of those box TVs.
  After he wakes up he gets a plasma TV and
  busts it over your head your dead.

                                       Start over
• You thought you adopted a kid but it was
  really a small person who happened to be a
  murderer. He said he could not sleep so you
  let him in your bead and he slit your throat.

                                       Start over
• You shot your self in the face with an arrow
  because your stupid and dead.

                                       Start over
• You jump off a building but you are too heavy
  to fly you need to be 50lb or under so you are

                                      Start over
• You run so fast you loose control and run into
  a wall and you are dead

                                       Start over
• Mario bounces off your head and you fall and die.

                                             Start over
• Your lantern falls and starts a fire that you die

                                         Start over
• You tripped and slice you’re head off with
  you’re shield.

                                       Start over
• You ate green jello but it was actually
  kryptonite and you died.

                                        Start over
• You tripped and fell on your claws, your dead.

                                      Start over
• You crush your self with your hammer, your

                                     Start over
• You kill yourself with those laser things.

                                         Start over
• You are chased up a tree and starve to death.

                                      Start over
• Your nest burns down with you, your dead

                                    Start over
• You get stuck in charlotte's web, then she eats

                                       Start over
• You hit your head on a brick and die of
  internal bleeding.

                                       Start over
• You are shot with a kryptonite bullet, your

                                       Start over
• You electrocute your self, your dead

                                    Start over
• You catch on fire and burn to death.

                         Start over
• You suck in too much air and explode, your

                                     Start over
• You die from overdose on drugs, your dead.

                                     Start over
• You turn into the new Darth Vader and your
  son kills you, your dead.

                                     Start over
• You are the best super hero ever, helping
  people who cant reach things, grabbing cats
  from trees you couldn't be more awesome.
• You created a shock sensitive explosive
   material, Fulminate of Mercury
• Readily formed by interaction of mercury (II)
   nitrate, nitric acid and ethanol.
• It may be initiated when dry by flame, heat,
   impact, friction or intense radiation.
• Contact with sulfuric acid causes explosion.
 this created an explosion that kills you

                                        Start over
• You where dodge ball and instead of doge
  balls you used bowling balls you where killed
  by little kids.

                                          Start over
• You don’t know Spanish very well even though
  you’re the teacher, then when you go on a
  field trip to Mexico you accidentally say
  something offensive to a native person. After
  that they knock you out and tie your front and
  bottom half to two different donkeys and have
  them go in different directions and split you in
                                        Start over
• You are killed by car, un-related to your job
  you just get run over by a bus, your dead.

                                         Start over
• You drink toxic paint your dead.

                                     Start over
• You go back in time and go in the civil war. You
  where killed at the battle of Gettysburg.

                                        Start over
• You get a paper cut wile reading a book, you
  latter bleed to death. Doctors say it was the
  worst paper cut they ever saw.

                                        Start over
• They say curiosity killed the cat, so don’t try to
  find out everything. You died before the quiz
  even started.

                                            Start over
• You fall asleep during the night sift and
  plummet the taxi off a cliff, and you died.

                                         Start over
• There was friendly fire and you where shot
  and killed.

                                      Start over
• You where at a museum where things came to
  life and you where killed by a monkey.

                                    Start over
• You bought a package and when you opened it
  exploded in your face.

                                    Start over
• You where killed in a robbery, the robbers
  gassed the bank with carbon monoxide then
  came in with a gas mask and took the money.

                                     Start over
• The anesthesiologist left the gas tank open an
  the room was full of the gas, you fell asleep
  due to the gas and then you fell over and you
  where stabbed with the scalpel in the eye. You

                                       Start over
• You take an x-ray wile still in the room with
  out a lead vest and the machine you had was
  really old so it emitted a lot of radiation and
  you died instantaneously.

                                         Start over
• You get a job as the police chief!

• You where paralyzed wile playing tennis, one
  day you wheel chair was left un attended on a
  hill. You start to roll down, then you hit a rock,
  start flipping, go on a ramp propelling you into
  a pool of raw sewage at the sewage treatment
  plant. You drown in the sewage.

                                          Start over
• You leave an explosive material on the infer
  red scanner too long and it crates an explosion
  that kills you.

                                       Start over
• You where crushed in a printing press.

                                       Start over
• You where assassinated by a terrorist.

                                       Start over
• You get stuck in a giant oven and bake to
  death, but you tasted delicious!

                                       Start over
• In communist Russia horse eats cowboy.

                                    Start over
• You are killed by a chupacabra


                                     Start over
• You are eaten by a dragon that Towand

                                     Start over
• You drown in maple syrup.

                              Start over
• You choke on some schnitzel stumble and are
  impaled by a stein.

                                     Start over
• You die because you could not make three
  free throws.

                                        Start over
• After 40 years in the police force you retire
  and die of a heart attack at age 60.

                                         Start over
The End

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The backyard surprise jr full version

  • 1. The Backyard Surprise By: Click to find out
  • 2. • One day you are digging in the backyard when his shovel hit something hard…..
  • 3. • Do you • A - keep digging to find what you hit. • B - stop digging and quit. • C - go eat a sandwich.
  • 4. • When they finally got it open they found….
  • 6. • THE SUSPENCE IS KILLING YOU, you blow up. Start over
  • 7. • There was a robbery at subway wile you where there, also you where token hostage and shot. Start over
  • 8. • Now that you have the box will you… • A - open the rusty box. • B - burn the box. • C -leave it alone
  • 9. Next • A FOOTBALL!!! And two teams that magically appeared along with a stadium.
  • 10. • It spontaneously blows up in your face, your dead. Start over
  • 11. • You turn around and fall in the hole you dug and pass out later it starts to rain and you drown. Start over
  • 12. • then you took the pitch and ran for a 100 yard next touchdown with it.
  • 13. • Now will you… A • Do a touchdown dance. B • steal a car. C • go get dinner at a restaurant.
  • 14. • The referee fouled you on un sportsmanlike conduct, you later got in a fight with the ref and he stabbed you. Start over
  • 15. • The police chased you down then you crashed and died. Start over
  • 16. • Now what do you order… A steak B • Hot wings C • pizza
  • 17. • You slip wile cutting and slit your wrist. You bleed to death. Start over
  • 18. • You chock on a bone and die. Start over
  • 19. • You loved the pizza. Next
  • 20. • After dinner do you… A • - dine and dash(not pay for your meal). B • -pay your bill and go. C - burn down the restaurant after eating dessert.
  • 21. • The manager kills you with a baseball bat as you walk out the door. Start over
  • 22. Next • Now your in the parking lot
  • 23. • You foot gets stuck in between the booth wile trying to escape the fire, you burned. Start over
  • 24. • Now what do you do next… • F -sleep on the parking lot ground. A • F -get in your car and go to…. B • F -walk to…. C
  • 25. • You get run over and die, its what you disserve for SLEEPING ON A PARKING LOT GROUND, you retard. Start over
  • 26. • Do you go to… • AF - the movies. • BF -public restrooms • CF - your house.
  • 27. • You fall asleep during the movie and the person next to you stole your wallet and phone you run into a wall because your mad then you die from internal bleeding. Start over
  • 28. • You fall asleep at the urinal and your head falls in and drown. Start over
  • 29. • Your at your home you go to sleep and that’s the end of your day!! Next
  • 30. Good morning! Your alarm went off do you… F -push snooze A B - get up and eat some wheat's F -skip breakfast and go looking for a job. C
  • 31. • You sleep too long and fall into a coma then after 50 years in a coma they put you down your buried in shoops cemetery on Jonestown road. • Come for the funeral Start over • Stay for the ice cream!
  • 32. • You choke on the Wheaties, you died. Start over
  • 33. • Do you apply to be a.... • AF - astrophysics • BF -fry cook • C F -a drug dealer
  • 34. • You are killed because an asteroid hit you. Start over
  • 35. • You fall in a giant fryer and are cooked to a crisp. You are dead!!! Start over
  • 36. • They denied your application but give you a sample size of cocaine. Next
  • 37. • Now will you… • A -snort the cocaine F • B -go to a bar F • C -sell the cocaine F
  • 38. • You get high, then stumble on to the street and are run over by a Mack truck, you died. Start over
  • 39. • You go to a local bar called ‘‘THE BAR’’. Next
  • 40. • You sell the cocaine to a narcotics officer; you where arrested. After you got to the station and they found out who you where and what you did the sentenced you to death for opening the rusty box. You almost got away with it but if you got arrested a day later you would not die because they repealed the law that day that opening a rusty box is a crime. Start over
  • 41. • You get in a fight at “THE BAR”;what do you do?do you… • A - run away. F • B -beat up the guy who started it. F • C -throw your taco out the window. F
  • 42. • You run into a knife duck taped to the wall your dead. Start over
  • 43. • You started it so you killed yourself. Start over
  • 44. It landed in the road and the guy fighting you whent out in the road to get it and got run over. Next
  • 45. • Now what do you do… • A -go eat tanbark. F • B -go to a dog fight F • C -go sleep in a hole. F
  • 46. • You get fat from tanbark and die of diabetes, your dead. Start over
  • 47. • You meet Michel Vick, Plaxico Burress and Ray Lewis. Then ray Lewis kills you because he is a murder, obviously!!! Start over
  • 48. • You make friends with a friendly bear! Next
  • 49. • Now will you… • AF - kill him. • BF - eat his honey. • CF - eat piglet.
  • 50. • You bash his head with a rock and poo bear is dead!!! Next
  • 51. • He woke up with a rumbly tummy and a bad temper he then mauled you and you died. Start over
  • 52. • You had some bacon but then tigger mauled you because you ate his friend. Start over
  • 53. • Now will you… Become a cereal killer Become a car salesman Enter NFL draft Go back to collage Work construction Become a professional gambler By 1000 lottery tickets Get an ATT phone Buy a dog Become a super hero Become a competitive eater Become a teacher Get a job other than any of these Spend all day on the computer eat a taco Build time machine Become a lab rat Get married Go to one of these countries… throw stuff out a window adopt a kid
  • 54. • After 15 murders you where caught sentenced to death on the cross. Start over
  • 55. • Wile selling a car you give a test drive to a psychopath and he runs you over, your dead. Start over
  • 56. • You where drafted by the Cleveland browns… so you kill your self. Start over
  • 57. • You go to Virginia Tec and get shot, your dead. Start over
  • 58. • An iron “I” beam falls and crushes you, you died. Start over
  • 59. • You gamble with the devil and bet you sole for a fiddle of gold and lose your dead. Start over
  • 60. • You won the lottery but run out side and scream you won and a guy shoots you and takes your id and ticket your dead. Start over
  • 61. • ATT is actually trying to take over the world using there customers phones and you’re the host of the robot, the plan fails and all the robots are dead including you! Start over
  • 62. • The dog bit you and it had rabies and then you died. Start over
  • 63. • Will you be… Green arrow superman Robin The hulk batman Wolverine Pikachu Luigi flash Thor Spiderman Kirby Yoshi Iron man Mario Shaquille O'Neal Green Lantern Cat woman Super woman Caption America Luke sky walker
  • 64. • You won a hot dog eating competition but were then latter targeted by another competitive eater because he was not as good as you he put dry concert mix in your water and wen you drank it hardened in your throat and you suffocated. Start over
  • 65. • What subject… History Science Art English Gym Math Foreran languages
  • 66. • Will you be a…. Taxi driver Doctor Dentist Police officer Factory worker Night guard Athlete EBay guru Banker Clerk Baker President
  • 67. • You explode your computer from overuse setting your house on fire killing you. Start over
  • 68. • There was a knife in your taco that you ate so then it stabbed your internal organs and you died. Start over
  • 69. • You go back to the Oj Simpson case and Oj kills you. Start over
  • 70. • An experiment goes horribly wrong and you turn into a human with spider instincts, so you build a giant web to catch people then you start to eat the people you caught and the one had Ebola so you get it and die in 10 days. Start over
  • 71. • You married a psychopath and every time they served you dinner they slipped a pill in you food so you will slowly die over a period of 5 years. Then in 5 years your organs rupture and explode from the inside out. Start over
  • 72. • Pick a country to fly with your points from you double miles credit card. Russia Canada China Mexico Germany
  • 73. • You hit a crazy guy with one of those box TVs. After he wakes up he gets a plasma TV and busts it over your head your dead. Start over
  • 74. • You thought you adopted a kid but it was really a small person who happened to be a murderer. He said he could not sleep so you let him in your bead and he slit your throat. Start over
  • 75. • You shot your self in the face with an arrow because your stupid and dead. Start over
  • 76. • You jump off a building but you are too heavy to fly you need to be 50lb or under so you are dead. Start over
  • 77. • You run so fast you loose control and run into a wall and you are dead Start over
  • 78. • Mario bounces off your head and you fall and die. Start over
  • 79. • Your lantern falls and starts a fire that you die in. Start over
  • 80. • You tripped and slice you’re head off with you’re shield. Start over
  • 81. • You ate green jello but it was actually kryptonite and you died. Start over
  • 82. • You tripped and fell on your claws, your dead. Start over
  • 83. • You crush your self with your hammer, your dead. Start over
  • 84. • You kill yourself with those laser things. Start over
  • 85. • You are chased up a tree and starve to death. Start over
  • 86. • Your nest burns down with you, your dead Start over
  • 87. • You get stuck in charlotte's web, then she eats you. Start over
  • 88. • You hit your head on a brick and die of internal bleeding. Start over
  • 89. • You are shot with a kryptonite bullet, your dead. Start over
  • 90. • You electrocute your self, your dead Start over
  • 91. • You catch on fire and burn to death. Start over
  • 92. • You suck in too much air and explode, your dead. Start over
  • 93. • You die from overdose on drugs, your dead. Start over
  • 94. • You turn into the new Darth Vader and your son kills you, your dead. Start over
  • 95. • You are the best super hero ever, helping people who cant reach things, grabbing cats from trees you couldn't be more awesome. Next
  • 96. • You created a shock sensitive explosive material, Fulminate of Mercury • Readily formed by interaction of mercury (II) nitrate, nitric acid and ethanol. • It may be initiated when dry by flame, heat, impact, friction or intense radiation. • Contact with sulfuric acid causes explosion. this created an explosion that kills you Start over
  • 97. • You where dodge ball and instead of doge balls you used bowling balls you where killed by little kids. Start over
  • 98. • You don’t know Spanish very well even though you’re the teacher, then when you go on a field trip to Mexico you accidentally say something offensive to a native person. After that they knock you out and tie your front and bottom half to two different donkeys and have them go in different directions and split you in two. Start over
  • 99. • You are killed by car, un-related to your job you just get run over by a bus, your dead. Start over
  • 100. • You drink toxic paint your dead. Start over
  • 101. • You go back in time and go in the civil war. You where killed at the battle of Gettysburg. Start over
  • 102. • You get a paper cut wile reading a book, you latter bleed to death. Doctors say it was the worst paper cut they ever saw. Start over
  • 103. • They say curiosity killed the cat, so don’t try to find out everything. You died before the quiz even started. Start over
  • 104. • You fall asleep during the night sift and plummet the taxi off a cliff, and you died. Start over
  • 105. • There was friendly fire and you where shot and killed. Start over
  • 106. • You where at a museum where things came to life and you where killed by a monkey. Start over
  • 107. • You bought a package and when you opened it exploded in your face. Start over
  • 108. • You where killed in a robbery, the robbers gassed the bank with carbon monoxide then came in with a gas mask and took the money. Start over
  • 109. • The anesthesiologist left the gas tank open an the room was full of the gas, you fell asleep due to the gas and then you fell over and you where stabbed with the scalpel in the eye. You died. Start over
  • 110. • You take an x-ray wile still in the room with out a lead vest and the machine you had was really old so it emitted a lot of radiation and you died instantaneously. Start over
  • 111. • You get a job as the police chief! Next
  • 112. • You where paralyzed wile playing tennis, one day you wheel chair was left un attended on a hill. You start to roll down, then you hit a rock, start flipping, go on a ramp propelling you into a pool of raw sewage at the sewage treatment plant. You drown in the sewage. Start over
  • 113. • You leave an explosive material on the infer red scanner too long and it crates an explosion that kills you. Start over
  • 114. • You where crushed in a printing press. Start over
  • 115. • You where assassinated by a terrorist. Start over
  • 116. • You get stuck in a giant oven and bake to death, but you tasted delicious! Start over
  • 117. • In communist Russia horse eats cowboy. Start over
  • 118. • You are killed by a chupacabra censored Start over
  • 119. • You are eaten by a dragon that Towand summoned. Start over
  • 120. • You drown in maple syrup. Start over
  • 121. • You choke on some schnitzel stumble and are impaled by a stein. Start over
  • 122. • You die because you could not make three free throws. Start over
  • 123. • After 40 years in the police force you retire and die of a heart attack at age 60. Start over
  • 124.