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How does living in the
Amazing Grace of God
impact our lives?
1. Our “Circumcised Hearts” make us
WANT to please our Heavenly Father.
2. God’s Amazing Grace Activates us as
His Ambassadors.
3. Testimonies from the saints about
how Grace has impacted their lives.
4. God’s Amazing Grace frees us to
celebrate the Lord’s Supper
1. A Circumcised Heart –
The ‘Parable’ of
The Hippie’s Haircut
2. God’s Amazing Grace
us as His
In God’s wonderful New Covenant,
He calls Christians many things.
Here are some of them:
New Creations (or Creatures)
Children of God
Priests and Ambassadors
2 Cor 5: 17 – 21:
So, in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 to 21, God calls us:
(Quick question: What does an ambassador do?)
And He gives us:
Anybody remember what they were!?
“So . . . .EASY SO?” (You may say.)
“JUST LIKE THAT God is suddenly not counting
people’s sins against them?”
NO! . . . .NOT “Easy So”
NOT “Just like that” . . . .HERE’S what it took for
God not to count our sins against us:
(2 Cor 5: 21)
God counted our sins against
JESUS and Jesus paid the penalty
for them IN FULL.
So now, God is no longer
counting them against us.
The moment Jesus died on the cross, God
stopped counting our sins against us – that’s
why He was able to TEAR the “Sin Curtain” in
the temple in two the moment Jesus died!
SO! Here is our message of reconciliation,
from 2 Cor 5: 17 to 21.
This is the GOOD NEWS a lost soul needs to hear:
God is not counting your sins against you.
That’s because He counted them against JESUS and
JESUS paid the penalty for them instead of you.
If you believe in Jesus, God will give you eternal life
and will give to you
And we can quote 2 Cor 5: 18 and 21:
Now the lost soul has the opportunity to REPENT.
To REPENT means he changes his MIND – about two things:
1. About SIN: He now starts to see sin as God sees it –
as totally abhorrent and destructive – something to
be avoided at all costs.
2. About God: He probably used to see God as
judgmental and remote – someone to be afraid of
and to stay far from. He must now see God as His
Loving Heavenly Father, who loves and accepts him,
who is no longer counting his sins against him and
who wants to consider him RIGHT in His sight.
A Father that he can have a close, loving relationship
with because Jesus by His death has
RECONCILED him to God.
If the lost soul repents – changes his mind - in these
two ways and accepts God’s wonderful gift of
salvation, righteousness and LIFE, he then becomes:
A New Creation (or Creature)
A Saint
A Child of God
A Priest and An Ambassador.
(And the body of Christ has just grown
by one new member! And there is rejoicing
among the angels in Heaven!)
So, God’s Amazing Grace
Activates us to be effective
Sadly, people can be Christians for YEARS and
yet still have not truly understood God’s
message of reconciliation – the message that
as God’s ambassadors they are to share!
Many Christians believe that God is still counting at
least some of their sins against them – even though
He clearly says that He is NOT, because He has
already counted them against Jesus,
as we have seen.
And many, many, many Christians have no idea that
in Christ, they have been credited with the very
So let us now investigate these
important questions– Did Jesus really
take away the sin of the world?
Is God REALLY no longer counting our
sins against us?
Here are
1. Two thousand years ago, Jesus paid the price
for and took away all the sin of the whole
world – one sacrifice for all time.
2. When we trust in Jesus, God JUSTIFIES us – He
declares us to be as holy and righteous as
Jesus Himself.
3. When we trust in Jesus, our perfectly holy God
comes to live right inside of us!
4. God can live in us because, in His sight, we
do not have the slightest stain of sin, but we
are perfectly holy and righteous.
5. The “sin curtain” is GONE, because God
counted our sin against Jesus and is no longer
counting it against us.
6. God’s amazing salvation gives us VICTORY
over sin and develops righteousness in us over
Amazing Salvation Truths Numbers 2 to 6 are only
possible if Amazing Salvation Truth Number 1
is true – they are only possible if Jesus really HAS
taken away the sin of the world and therefore,
God is no longer counting our sins against us.
(If you want to explore these 6 Salvation Truths in
detail, get a copy of our Amazing Grace Booklet
and come to our Amazing Grace Course on
Thursday evenings.)
Right now, we will concentrate on these 2 truths:
Two thousand years ago, Jesus paid the price for
and took away all the sin of the whole world – one
sacrifice for all time.
The “sin curtain” is GONE, because God counted
our sin against Jesus and is no longer counting it
against us.
“Sin taken away in Jesus” is constantly taught
throughout the Bible (Old and New Covenants.)
But the clearest and most detailed teaching of all is
found in Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10.
Why is this, you may wonder.
Because the book of Hebrews was written to people
who were in danger of giving up their trust in Jesus’
salvation and going back to the Law with its animal
sacrifices. (They were facing persecution as Christians.)
The writer is helping them to see the SUPERIORITY
TIME sacrifice and encouraging them NOT to give up
the “SO GREAT SALVATION” that they have IN CHRIST.
Let us prayerfully read excerpts from Hebrews 8-10.
• Old Rules about Worship
• Christ Is the Perfect Sacrifice
Christ’s Sacrifice Once for All
So, Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10 teach us CLEARLY:
1. Jesus’ death established a New and Better
Covenant between God and man.
2. The Old Covenant was based on animal
sacrifices, which could NEVER take away our
sins, so they never stopped being offered.
3. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect and
compete sacrifice – the sacrifice that DID take
away our sins – ONCE for ALL for ALL TIME, so
sacrifices have now STOPPED!
NOW! Here comes the ‘GRAND FINALE’ of what
the writer of Hebrews wants us to understand.
This is what he has been leading up to for
the last 3 Chapters.
He starts off with “And so” . . . or “Therefore”.
“And so” or “Therefore” means, “In the light of all
I’ve taught you in Chapters 8 to 10, here is what it
means to YOU that Jesus has taken away all your
sins by a single sacrifice, good for all time.”
And then he writes to the Hebrews (and to us)
Hebrews Ch 10: 19 – 22:
• A Call to Persevere
Anybody here notices the BOMBSHELL
quality of these words?
Anybody here sees why these are some of the most
DRAMATIC words in the entire Bible?
The writer has just stated that because of the blood
of Jesus, WE can go RIGHT THROUGH the CURTAIN,
in Heaven’s MOST HOLY PLACE!
(And, in fact, the “Sin Curtain” in the temple was
NO LONGER there! The moment Jesus died, God
had TORN IT IN TWO – to dramatically show us the
truth that Hebrews 10: 19 – 22 teaches.)
And note carefully that WE can ENTER BOLDLY!
When the High Priest in the Old Covenant entered
God’s Presence behind the curtain once a year, did
he enter BOLDLY?
NO! He entered in fear and trembling, hoping that
he had done all his atoning for sin EXACTLY RIGHT
and hoping that he would not die because he had
forgotten something, or done something wrong.
If he HAD done something wrong, when he entered
God would still be counting his sin against him and
he would DIE!
So, how come WE can enter BOLDLY?
How come WE don’t have “cleansing procedures”
to go through before we can enter God’s Holy
Many Christians think, for example, that
“Unconfessed Sin” in our lives is sin that
God has not yet forgiven and taken away.
Don’t we have to ensure that we have confessed all
our sins before we dare enter God’s presence?
If we DO, the writer of Hebrews has not been kind
to us with his call to enter BOLDLY – he should warn
us to be sure to confess all our sins first.
In fact, he has given us A DEATH SENTENCE if our
unconfessed sin is still being counted against us
and he has told us to enter BOLDLY,
without warning us to confess our sins first.
If we enter God’s Presence with God counting even
a SINGLE sin against us, like the High Priest, we are
But the writer of Hebrews tells us the REASON
we can enter BOLDLY:
The blood that has taken away:
The blood from:
“a SINGLE sacrifice for sin, good for all time.”
The fact that WE can BOLDLY enter God’s presence
without “cleansing procedures” is the climax of
Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10. It’s the strongest proof
that the writer of Hebrews can give that:
So WE go
– that is, trusting
JESUS and the cleansing work that HE did
2000 years ago!
So – back to our morning’s theme:
Living in God’s Amazing Grace
Activates us to be effective
We Christians often have two BIG
stumbling blocks as we seek to be God’s
ambassadors to the lost:
1. We try to be God’s ambassadors from
“outside the curtain”
with guilt and a lack of assurance
affecting our relationship with God.
Jamie at the men’s retreat spoke exactly about this
when he asked the men,
“How can God use YOU to set people free from
YOU yourself are living in
Guilt, Shame and Condemnation?”
God wants us to be His ambassadors from WITHIN
the curtain - safe and secure in God’s presence,
“accepted in the Beloved”, full of love, joy and
peace with full assurance that in God’s sight
WE are as righteous as JESUS
The lost can tell the difference!
If WE are UNCERTAIN about our
standing with God, our
Ambassadorial Activities will be UNCERTAIN also!
Stumbling Block Number 2:
We often clearly see and concentrate on the
sinfulness and the sinful ways of the lost.
Put it another way – WE are often COUNTING THEIR
SINS AGAINST them, even while we seek to witness
to them about what Jesus has done!
This can make our attitude and the way we come
across to people judgmental and condemning.
Make no mistake, the lost pick this up immediately
We need to remember, the same way God is not
counting our sins against US, He is NOT counting
their sins against THEM!!
The difference between the lost and we Christians is
NOT sin!
God is not counting their sins against THEM just like
He is not counting ours against US. ALL sin has been
counted against JESUS!
The difference between the lost and we Christians is
that we have BELIEVED and we therefore have LIFE.
THIS is the message of reconciliation that we are to
give to the lost!
He has come to GIVE YOU LIFE!
BELIEVE on Jesus and you will have LIFE!
When our Ambassadorial
Activities are based on the
God’s Amazing Grace; on
they will be MUCH MORE
Now, a very important question:
Christians are FORGIVEN PEOPLE.
But NOT in order to
(Christians are FORGIVEN PEOPLE!)
Christians should confess their sins
in order to be
(2 Cor 3: 18)
The Greek word for “confess” is
This is from 2 Greek words:
• “Homou”, meaning “together with” and
• “Lego”, meaning “to say.”
So, “Homologeo” means “To say together with”
or, “to agree with.”
When we “Homologeo”, or confess our
sin to God, we are AGREEING with Him,
or ADMITTING that we have sinned.
Can we be transformed if we
do not agree with God that we have
sinned and we do not admit that
we have done wrong?
So a Christian “homologeoes” to start the
transformation process.
• He agrees with God that he has sinned.
• He THANKS God that he is a forgiven person and
that God is not counting that sin against him.
• He thanks God that God is at work in him,
transforming him into the image of Jesus with
ever-increasing glory and giving him VICTORY
over that sin and every other sin.
Knowing that we are forgiven people –
knowing that God is not counting our sins
against us actually FREES us to be open and
honest with God
and with our fellow human beings
about our many
shortcomings and “ways.”
When we understand that God Himself has
JUSTIFIED us – has declared us NOT GUILTY of sin,
but perfectly righteous in His sight –
we no longer fear accusation or condemnation
from God or from other people.
We are FREE to openly and honestly “Homologeo”
our sins to both God and to each other and from
that open and honest “Homologeing” comes
So, saints!
Let us Activate our Ambassadorial Activities with a
message of reconciliation to the world:
Remember, we saw earlier:
If WE are UNCERTAIN about our standing with
God, ourAmbassadorial Activities will be
But when we KNOW that God is no longer
counting our sins against us – and that he has
given us JESUS’ righteousness, our Ambassadorial
Activities will be full of confidence and love!
Who do you think will be a more effective
Ambassador for Jesus?
1. An “uncertain” saint who is full of Guilt, Shame
and Condemnation?
2. Or a saint who is confident of his standing In
Christ and who is full of:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,
goodness, faithfulness, gentleness,
and self-control.
WE know the answer – and so does SATAN.
That’s why he does everything he can to keep us
But let US, God’s Ambassadors, declare right now:
It is for freedom that Christ has set
us free. We will stand firm and will
not let ourselves be burdened again
by a yoke of slavery.
3. Testimonies from
the saints about
living in
God’s Amazing Grace.
4. God’s Amazing Grace
frees us to celebrate
the Lord’s Supper
Here is a passage of Scripture that is nearly always
read before the saints participate in the Lord’s Supper:
“So then, whoever eats the bread or
drinks the cup of the Lord in an
unworthy manner will be guilty of
sinning against the body and blood of
the Lord. Everyone ought to examine
themselves before they eat of the bread
and drink from the cup. For those who
eat and drink without discerning the
body of Christ eat and drink judgment
on themselves.”
This is from 1 Corinthians 11: 17 – 34, the
well-known “Lord’s Supper” passage.
The words “judge” or “judgment” appear FOUR
times in this passage.
Sadly, when it is read as the Lord’s Supper is about
to be shared, the pastor usually tells the flock that
if they partake with
UNCONFESSED SIN in their lives, they will be
eating and drinking JUDGMENT upon themselves.
He then usually invites the people to examine
themselves for a couple of minutes
and silently confess any unconfessed sin,
so that they may partake “worthily.”
The result of this is that many people then partake
WITH GUILT ( and some don’t partake AT ALL),
because they are wondering,
“Did I remember and confess EVERY sin?”
This must make our Lord Jesus Christ
Perhaps He thinks, “Do these people think we are
still in the Old Covenant, with Days of Atonement,
when the people confessed their sin and rebellion
again and again, because the shed blood of bulls
and goats could only COVER sin and could not
“Did they not hear what I said the night before I
shed MY blood?”
I said:
“Do they not understand that MY blood,
the blood of The Lamb of God,
TOOK AWAY the sin of the world?”
“Do they not understand that I gave them the
“Lord’s Supper” so that they could
“Don’t they understand that MY shed blood
enables New Covenant believers to
experience something that
Old Covenant people could never experience?”
“That in the New Covenant,
sacrifices would STOP being offered,
because worshippers would be cleansed
(See Hebrews 10: 1-2)
“The Lord’s Supper should be a time of
of MY shed blood –
MY FINAL and COMPLETE sacrifice that
TOOK AWAY the sin of the whole world.
Who dares to turn it into a time of
(End of what we imagine Jesus might think.)
So, we have now established that
“unconfessed sin”
is NOT the reason why the believers in Corinth
were in danger of eating and drinking
judgment on themselves
as they shared the Lord’s Supper!
The reason that the Lord’s Supper EXISTS is that
Jesus’ shed blood ushered in a
brand NEW COVENANT – a BETTER Covenant
under which
ALL our sins, past, present and future, have been
So, WHY were the
Corinthians in danger of
eating and drinking
judgment upon
The answer is found in the last 2 verses of
1 Cor 11: 17 – 34.
(This is where Paul tells the Corinthians
what they must do
to avoid bringing judgment upon themselves.)
And HOW simple the solution is!!
TWO simple things they must do!!
1. EAT AT HOME before they come to meet.
2. WAIT FOR EACH OTHER when they have
If they do these two simple things, they will not
bring judgment on themselves.
How come?
Because the reasons the Corinthians were eating
the bread and drinking the cup of the Lord
in an unworthy manner is that they were not
“recognizing the body of the Lord” nor
“honouring the body of Christ.”
They were not recognizing or honouring His body
at 2 levels:
(REMEMBER! When THEY came together to
celebrate the Lord’s Supper, they had a FULL MEAL!)
Here’s how they didn’t recognize or honour
the body of Christ at 2 levels:
1. They were so eager to “chow down” on the meal
that they took no time to remember the Lord’s
broken body and shed blood for them – they
ignored the very purpose for which they had
gathered – the very purpose of the Lord’s Supper.
2. They were so eager to “chow down” that they did
not recognize that they, TOGETHER, were the Body
of Christ on the earth. Instead of being patient and
polite as the meal was being served, they grabbed
lots and started gobbling before seeing if there was
enough food for everyone, so some went hungry.
The Corinthians’ problem was NOT
“unconfessed sin” in their lives!
Their problem was that in their
they were not recognizing or honoring
the body of Christ.
(at 2 levels, as we have seen.)
THIS is what they were told to
“examine themselves” for: (1 Cor 11: 28-29):
What can WE learn from this?
When WE meet for The Lord’s Supper, WE TOO need to
recognize and honour the body of Christ at these two
1. The Lord’s Supper is not just a ritual – we must
partake in JOYFUL remembrance of Jesus’ broken body
and shed blood that TOOK AWAY our sins.
2. We must also recognize and honour EACH OTHER as
vital parts of the body of Christ here on earth – fellow
believers remembering together what
our Saviour did for us.
WE need to examine ourselves to ensure that
we are recognizing these 2 things!
But NEVER AGAIN should we let someone
STEAL OUR JOY as we share the Lord’s Supper
by making us feel GUILTY about “unconfessed sin.”
The reason that the Lord’s Supper EXISTS is that
Jesus’ shed blood ushered in a
brand NEW COVENANT – a BETTER Covenant
under which
ALL our sins, past, present and future, have been
Jesus did not give us the Lord’s Supper so that we
can remember how SINFUL we are.
What Jesus wants us to remember is this:
(2 Cor 5: 19)
Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper so that we can
remember how FORGIVEN we are!
In Jesus, God has TAKEN AWAY ALL OUR SIN and
He has credited US with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS –
Let us remember THIS as we partake
The blood that has taken away
The blood from
“a SINGLE sacrifice for sin, good for all time.”
The blood that
Has forever reconciled us to God.

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TGP How Grace affects Lives July 3 2016

  • 1. How does living in the Amazing Grace of God impact our lives?
  • 2. 1. Our “Circumcised Hearts” make us WANT to please our Heavenly Father. 2. God’s Amazing Grace Activates us as His Ambassadors. 3. Testimonies from the saints about how Grace has impacted their lives. 4. God’s Amazing Grace frees us to celebrate the Lord’s Supper CONFIDENTLY and JOYFULLY.
  • 3. 1. A Circumcised Heart – The ‘Parable’ of The Hippie’s Haircut
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7.
  • 8. 2. God’s Amazing Grace ACTIVATES us as His AMBASSADORS!
  • 9. In God’s wonderful New Covenant, He calls Christians many things. Here are some of them: New Creations (or Creatures) Saints Children of God Priests and Ambassadors
  • 10. 2 Cor 5: 17 – 21:
  • 11.
  • 12. So, in 2 Corinthians 5: 17 to 21, God calls us: NEW CREATIONS AMBASSADORS (Quick question: What does an ambassador do?) And He gives us: A TASK And A MESSAGE Anybody remember what they were!?
  • 14. “So . . . .EASY SO?” (You may say.) “JUST LIKE THAT God is suddenly not counting people’s sins against them?” NO! . . . .NOT “Easy So” NOT “Just like that” . . . .HERE’S what it took for God not to count our sins against us: (2 Cor 5: 21)
  • 15. God counted our sins against JESUS and Jesus paid the penalty for them IN FULL. So now, God is no longer counting them against us. The moment Jesus died on the cross, God stopped counting our sins against us – that’s why He was able to TEAR the “Sin Curtain” in the temple in two the moment Jesus died!
  • 16. SO! Here is our message of reconciliation, from 2 Cor 5: 17 to 21. This is the GOOD NEWS a lost soul needs to hear: God is not counting your sins against you. That’s because He counted them against JESUS and JESUS paid the penalty for them instead of you. If you believe in Jesus, God will give you eternal life and will give to you JESUS’ PERFECT RIGHTEOUSNESS.
  • 17. And we can quote 2 Cor 5: 18 and 21:
  • 18. Now the lost soul has the opportunity to REPENT. To REPENT means he changes his MIND – about two things: 1. About SIN: He now starts to see sin as God sees it – as totally abhorrent and destructive – something to be avoided at all costs. 2. About God: He probably used to see God as judgmental and remote – someone to be afraid of and to stay far from. He must now see God as His Loving Heavenly Father, who loves and accepts him, who is no longer counting his sins against him and who wants to consider him RIGHT in His sight. A Father that he can have a close, loving relationship with because Jesus by His death has RECONCILED him to God.
  • 19. If the lost soul repents – changes his mind - in these two ways and accepts God’s wonderful gift of salvation, righteousness and LIFE, he then becomes: A New Creation (or Creature) A Saint A Child of God A Priest and An Ambassador. (And the body of Christ has just grown by one new member! And there is rejoicing among the angels in Heaven!)
  • 20. So, God’s Amazing Grace Activates us to be effective Ambassadors! Sadly, people can be Christians for YEARS and yet still have not truly understood God’s message of reconciliation – the message that as God’s ambassadors they are to share!
  • 21. Many Christians believe that God is still counting at least some of their sins against them – even though He clearly says that He is NOT, because He has already counted them against Jesus, as we have seen. And many, many, many Christians have no idea that in Christ, they have been credited with the very RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD.
  • 22. So let us now investigate these important questions– Did Jesus really take away the sin of the world? Is God REALLY no longer counting our sins against us?
  • 24. 6 AMAZING SALVATION TRUTHS: 1. Two thousand years ago, Jesus paid the price for and took away all the sin of the whole world – one sacrifice for all time. 2. When we trust in Jesus, God JUSTIFIES us – He declares us to be as holy and righteous as Jesus Himself. 3. When we trust in Jesus, our perfectly holy God comes to live right inside of us!
  • 25. 4. God can live in us because, in His sight, we do not have the slightest stain of sin, but we are perfectly holy and righteous. 5. The “sin curtain” is GONE, because God counted our sin against Jesus and is no longer counting it against us. 6. God’s amazing salvation gives us VICTORY over sin and develops righteousness in us over time.
  • 26. Amazing Salvation Truths Numbers 2 to 6 are only possible if Amazing Salvation Truth Number 1 is true – they are only possible if Jesus really HAS taken away the sin of the world and therefore, God is no longer counting our sins against us. (If you want to explore these 6 Salvation Truths in detail, get a copy of our Amazing Grace Booklet and come to our Amazing Grace Course on Thursday evenings.)
  • 27. Right now, we will concentrate on these 2 truths: Two thousand years ago, Jesus paid the price for and took away all the sin of the whole world – one sacrifice for all time. The “sin curtain” is GONE, because God counted our sin against Jesus and is no longer counting it against us.
  • 28. “Sin taken away in Jesus” is constantly taught throughout the Bible (Old and New Covenants.) But the clearest and most detailed teaching of all is found in Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10. Why is this, you may wonder. Because the book of Hebrews was written to people who were in danger of giving up their trust in Jesus’ salvation and going back to the Law with its animal sacrifices. (They were facing persecution as Christians.) The writer is helping them to see the SUPERIORITY and SUFFICIENCY of Jesus’ ONCE FOR ALL FOR ALL TIME sacrifice and encouraging them NOT to give up the “SO GREAT SALVATION” that they have IN CHRIST.
  • 29. Let us prayerfully read excerpts from Hebrews 8-10. • Old Rules about Worship
  • 30.
  • 31. • Christ Is the Perfect Sacrifice
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 35.
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. So, Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10 teach us CLEARLY: 1. Jesus’ death established a New and Better Covenant between God and man. 2. The Old Covenant was based on animal sacrifices, which could NEVER take away our sins, so they never stopped being offered. 3. Jesus offered Himself as the perfect and compete sacrifice – the sacrifice that DID take away our sins – ONCE for ALL for ALL TIME, so sacrifices have now STOPPED!
  • 39. NOW! Here comes the ‘GRAND FINALE’ of what the writer of Hebrews wants us to understand. This is what he has been leading up to for the last 3 Chapters. He starts off with “And so” . . . or “Therefore”. “And so” or “Therefore” means, “In the light of all I’ve taught you in Chapters 8 to 10, here is what it means to YOU that Jesus has taken away all your sins by a single sacrifice, good for all time.” And then he writes to the Hebrews (and to us) Hebrews Ch 10: 19 – 22:
  • 40. • A Call to Persevere
  • 41. Anybody here notices the BOMBSHELL quality of these words? Anybody here sees why these are some of the most DRAMATIC words in the entire Bible? The writer has just stated that because of the blood of Jesus, WE can go RIGHT THROUGH the CURTAIN, RIGHT INTO THE PRESENCE OF GOD, in Heaven’s MOST HOLY PLACE! (And, in fact, the “Sin Curtain” in the temple was NO LONGER there! The moment Jesus died, God had TORN IT IN TWO – to dramatically show us the truth that Hebrews 10: 19 – 22 teaches.)
  • 42. And note carefully that WE can ENTER BOLDLY! When the High Priest in the Old Covenant entered God’s Presence behind the curtain once a year, did he enter BOLDLY? NO! He entered in fear and trembling, hoping that he had done all his atoning for sin EXACTLY RIGHT and hoping that he would not die because he had forgotten something, or done something wrong. If he HAD done something wrong, when he entered God would still be counting his sin against him and he would DIE!
  • 43. So, how come WE can enter BOLDLY? How come WE don’t have “cleansing procedures” to go through before we can enter God’s Holy Presence? Many Christians think, for example, that “Unconfessed Sin” in our lives is sin that God has not yet forgiven and taken away. Don’t we have to ensure that we have confessed all our sins before we dare enter God’s presence?
  • 44. If we DO, the writer of Hebrews has not been kind to us with his call to enter BOLDLY – he should warn us to be sure to confess all our sins first. In fact, he has given us A DEATH SENTENCE if our unconfessed sin is still being counted against us and he has told us to enter BOLDLY, without warning us to confess our sins first. If we enter God’s Presence with God counting even a SINGLE sin against us, like the High Priest, we are DEAD.
  • 45. But the writer of Hebrews tells us the REASON we can enter BOLDLY: The blood that has taken away: ALL SIN The blood from: “a SINGLE sacrifice for sin, good for all time.”
  • 46. The fact that WE can BOLDLY enter God’s presence without “cleansing procedures” is the climax of Hebrews Chapters 8 to 10. It’s the strongest proof that the writer of Hebrews can give that:
  • 47. So WE go – that is, trusting JESUS and the cleansing work that HE did 2000 years ago!
  • 48. So – back to our morning’s theme: Living in God’s Amazing Grace Activates us to be effective Ambassadors! We Christians often have two BIG stumbling blocks as we seek to be God’s ambassadors to the lost:
  • 49. 1. We try to be God’s ambassadors from “outside the curtain” with guilt and a lack of assurance affecting our relationship with God. Jamie at the men’s retreat spoke exactly about this when he asked the men, “How can God use YOU to set people free from SHAME, GUILT and CONDEMNATION, when YOU yourself are living in Guilt, Shame and Condemnation?”
  • 50. God wants us to be His ambassadors from WITHIN the curtain - safe and secure in God’s presence, “accepted in the Beloved”, full of love, joy and peace with full assurance that in God’s sight WE are as righteous as JESUS The lost can tell the difference! If WE are UNCERTAIN about our standing with God, our Ambassadorial Activities will be UNCERTAIN also!
  • 51. Stumbling Block Number 2: We often clearly see and concentrate on the sinfulness and the sinful ways of the lost. Put it another way – WE are often COUNTING THEIR SINS AGAINST them, even while we seek to witness to them about what Jesus has done! This can make our attitude and the way we come across to people judgmental and condemning. Make no mistake, the lost pick this up immediately also!
  • 52. We need to remember, the same way God is not counting our sins against US, He is NOT counting their sins against THEM!! The difference between the lost and we Christians is NOT sin! God is not counting their sins against THEM just like He is not counting ours against US. ALL sin has been counted against JESUS! The difference between the lost and we Christians is that we have BELIEVED and we therefore have LIFE.
  • 53. THIS is the message of reconciliation that we are to give to the lost! God is NOT COUNTING YOUR SINS AGAINST YOU! He has come to GIVE YOU LIFE! BELIEVE on Jesus and you will have LIFE!
  • 54. When our Ambassadorial Activities are based on the SURE FOUNDATION of God’s Amazing Grace; on WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST, they will be MUCH MORE EFFECTIVE!
  • 55. Now, a very important question: Christians are FORGIVEN PEOPLE. But SHOULD CHRISTIANS CONFESS THEIR SINS?
  • 56. YES!
  • 57. But NOT in order to be FORGIVEN! (Christians are FORGIVEN PEOPLE!)
  • 58. Christians should confess their sins in order to be TRANSFORMED – CHANGED! (2 Cor 3: 18)
  • 59. The Greek word for “confess” is “Homologeo” This is from 2 Greek words: • “Homou”, meaning “together with” and • “Lego”, meaning “to say.” So, “Homologeo” means “To say together with” or, “to agree with.”
  • 60. When we “Homologeo”, or confess our sin to God, we are AGREEING with Him, or ADMITTING that we have sinned. Can we be transformed if we do not agree with God that we have sinned and we do not admit that we have done wrong?
  • 61. NO!
  • 62. So a Christian “homologeoes” to start the transformation process. • He agrees with God that he has sinned. • He THANKS God that he is a forgiven person and that God is not counting that sin against him. • He thanks God that God is at work in him, transforming him into the image of Jesus with ever-increasing glory and giving him VICTORY over that sin and every other sin.
  • 63. Knowing that we are forgiven people – knowing that God is not counting our sins against us actually FREES us to be open and honest with God and with our fellow human beings about our many shortcomings and “ways.”
  • 64. When we understand that God Himself has JUSTIFIED us – has declared us NOT GUILTY of sin, but perfectly righteous in His sight – we no longer fear accusation or condemnation from God or from other people. We are FREE to openly and honestly “Homologeo” our sins to both God and to each other and from that open and honest “Homologeing” comes TRANSFORMATION and VICTORY OVER SIN.
  • 65. So, saints! Let us Activate our Ambassadorial Activities with a FULL UNDERSTANDING and ASSURANCE of God’s message of reconciliation to the world:
  • 66. Remember, we saw earlier: If WE are UNCERTAIN about our standing with God, ourAmbassadorial Activities will be UNCERTAIN also! But when we KNOW that God is no longer counting our sins against us – and that he has given us JESUS’ righteousness, our Ambassadorial Activities will be full of confidence and love!
  • 67. Who do you think will be a more effective Ambassador for Jesus? 1. An “uncertain” saint who is full of Guilt, Shame and Condemnation? 2. Or a saint who is confident of his standing In Christ and who is full of: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • 68. WE know the answer – and so does SATAN. That’s why he does everything he can to keep us in FEAR / GUILT / SHAME and CONDEMNATION. But let US, God’s Ambassadors, declare right now: It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. We will stand firm and will not let ourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
  • 69. 3. Testimonies from the saints about living in God’s Amazing Grace.
  • 70. 4. God’s Amazing Grace frees us to celebrate the Lord’s Supper CONFIDENTLY and JOYFULLY.
  • 71. Here is a passage of Scripture that is nearly always read before the saints participate in the Lord’s Supper: “So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Everyone ought to examine themselves before they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves.”
  • 72. This is from 1 Corinthians 11: 17 – 34, the well-known “Lord’s Supper” passage. The words “judge” or “judgment” appear FOUR times in this passage. Sadly, when it is read as the Lord’s Supper is about to be shared, the pastor usually tells the flock that if they partake with UNCONFESSED SIN in their lives, they will be eating and drinking JUDGMENT upon themselves.
  • 73. He then usually invites the people to examine themselves for a couple of minutes and silently confess any unconfessed sin, so that they may partake “worthily.” The result of this is that many people then partake WITH GUILT ( and some don’t partake AT ALL), because they are wondering, “Did I remember and confess EVERY sin?”
  • 74. This must make our Lord Jesus Christ VERY SAD. Perhaps He thinks, “Do these people think we are still in the Old Covenant, with Days of Atonement, when the people confessed their sin and rebellion again and again, because the shed blood of bulls and goats could only COVER sin and could not TAKE IT AWAY?”
  • 75. “Did they not hear what I said the night before I shed MY blood?” I said:
  • 76. “Do they not understand that MY blood, the blood of The Lamb of God, TOOK AWAY the sin of the world?” “Do they not understand that I gave them the “Lord’s Supper” so that they could REMEMBER AND CELEBRATE THAT I TOOK THEIR SIN AWAY?”
  • 77. “Don’t they understand that MY shed blood enables New Covenant believers to experience something that Old Covenant people could never experience?” “That in the New Covenant, sacrifices would STOP being offered, because worshippers would be cleansed ONCE FOR ALL, FOR ALL TIME and would NO LONGER FEEL GUILTY FOR THEIR SINS.” (See Hebrews 10: 1-2)
  • 78. “The Lord’s Supper should be a time of JOYFUL CELEBRATION and REMEMBRANCE of MY shed blood – MY FINAL and COMPLETE sacrifice that TOOK AWAY the sin of the whole world. Who dares to turn it into a time of GUILT and CONDEMNATION?” (End of what we imagine Jesus might think.)
  • 79. So, we have now established that “unconfessed sin” is NOT the reason why the believers in Corinth were in danger of eating and drinking judgment on themselves as they shared the Lord’s Supper! The reason that the Lord’s Supper EXISTS is that Jesus’ shed blood ushered in a brand NEW COVENANT – a BETTER Covenant under which ALL our sins, past, present and future, have been TAKEN AWAY by HIS BLOOD!
  • 80. So, WHY were the Corinthians in danger of eating and drinking judgment upon themselves?
  • 81. The answer is found in the last 2 verses of 1 Cor 11: 17 – 34. (This is where Paul tells the Corinthians what they must do to avoid bringing judgment upon themselves.) And HOW simple the solution is!!
  • 82. TWO simple things they must do!! 1. EAT AT HOME before they come to meet. 2. WAIT FOR EACH OTHER when they have gathered. If they do these two simple things, they will not bring judgment on themselves. How come?
  • 83. Because the reasons the Corinthians were eating the bread and drinking the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner is that they were not “recognizing the body of the Lord” nor “honouring the body of Christ.” They were not recognizing or honouring His body at 2 levels: (REMEMBER! When THEY came together to celebrate the Lord’s Supper, they had a FULL MEAL!)
  • 84. Here’s how they didn’t recognize or honour the body of Christ at 2 levels: 1. They were so eager to “chow down” on the meal that they took no time to remember the Lord’s broken body and shed blood for them – they ignored the very purpose for which they had gathered – the very purpose of the Lord’s Supper. 2. They were so eager to “chow down” that they did not recognize that they, TOGETHER, were the Body of Christ on the earth. Instead of being patient and polite as the meal was being served, they grabbed lots and started gobbling before seeing if there was enough food for everyone, so some went hungry.
  • 85. The Corinthians’ problem was NOT “unconfessed sin” in their lives! Their problem was that in their GREED and SELFISHNESS, they were not recognizing or honoring the body of Christ. (at 2 levels, as we have seen.)
  • 86. THIS is what they were told to “examine themselves” for: (1 Cor 11: 28-29):
  • 87. What can WE learn from this? When WE meet for The Lord’s Supper, WE TOO need to recognize and honour the body of Christ at these two levels: 1. The Lord’s Supper is not just a ritual – we must partake in JOYFUL remembrance of Jesus’ broken body and shed blood that TOOK AWAY our sins. 2. We must also recognize and honour EACH OTHER as vital parts of the body of Christ here on earth – fellow believers remembering together what our Saviour did for us. WE need to examine ourselves to ensure that we are recognizing these 2 things!
  • 88. But NEVER AGAIN should we let someone STEAL OUR JOY as we share the Lord’s Supper by making us feel GUILTY about “unconfessed sin.” The reason that the Lord’s Supper EXISTS is that Jesus’ shed blood ushered in a brand NEW COVENANT – a BETTER Covenant under which ALL our sins, past, present and future, have been TAKEN AWAY by HIS BLOOD!
  • 89. Jesus did not give us the Lord’s Supper so that we can remember how SINFUL we are. What Jesus wants us to remember is this: (2 Cor 5: 19)
  • 90. Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper so that we can remember how FORGIVEN we are! In Jesus, God has TAKEN AWAY ALL OUR SIN and He has credited US with HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS – Let us remember THIS as we partake with GREAT JOY!
  • 91. The blood that has taken away ALL SIN The blood from “a SINGLE sacrifice for sin, good for all time.” The blood that Has forever reconciled us to God.