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Teetrinker viel anfälliger
für Prostatakrebs, Micron
  Associates Ansprüche
Teetrinker viel anfälliger für
     Prostatakrebs, Micron
     Associates Ansprüche
Eine neue Studie aus Schottland hat festgestellt,
dass Männer, die schweren Teetrinker sind einem
höheren Risiko für Prostatakrebs sein können. Die
Forscher führen aus ihrer Studie wurde jedoch
nicht entwickelt, um Ursachen, zu finden, also
alles, was sie sagen können, dass ein höheres
Risiko für Prostatakrebs und nicht unbedingt die
Ursache schwerer Teetrinken verknüpft ist.
Prostatakrebs ist eine Erkrankung, die nur
Männer betrifft. Krebs beginnt in der Prostata –
eine Drüse im männlichen reproduktiven System
wachsen. Das Wort “Prostata” kommt vom
mittellateinischen Prostata und mittelalterliche
“Am meisten frühere Untersuchungen entweder
keine Beziehung mit Prostatakrebs für schwarzen
Tee oder einige präventive Wirkung des grünen
Tees, gezeigt hat”, sagte Shafique.
Die Daten, die sie benutzten überdachten 6.016
schottischen Männer im Alter von 21 bis 75
Jahren, die eingeschrieben wurden auf die
Midspan Collaborative studieren zwischen 1970
und 1973 und folgten bis 37 Jahre.
Die Männer hatten ausgefüllt Fragebögen über
ihre allgemeine Gesundheit, Rauchgewohnheiten
und üblichen Verzehr von Tee, Kaffee und Alkohol,
und    sie  besuchte     auch    eine Screening-
Wenn sie die Daten analysiert die Forscher einen
statistisch signifikanten Link gefunden (P = 0,02,
so unwahrscheinlich aufgrund reiner Zufall sein)
zwischen Teetrinken und allgemeine Risiko der
Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs.
Nach Wasser ist Tee das am häufigsten
konsumierte Getränk der Welt. Sie fanden, dass
die Männer, die die meisten (mehr als sieben
Tassen am Tag, knapp ein Viertel aller Männer)
Tee getrunken hatte ein 50 % höheres Risiko der
Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs als diejenigen, die
die wenigsten (0 bis 3 Tassen am Tag) getrunken.
Insgesamt entwickelt 6,4 % der Männer, die den
Schreiben Sie “Männer mit höheren Aufnahme
von Tee höheres Risiko der Entwicklung von
Prostatakrebs,     aber    es    gibt   keinen
Zusammenhang mit aggressiver Krankheit,” die
Autoren, die zu schließen:
“Weitere Forschung ist notwendig, um zu
bestimmen, die zugrunde liegenden biologischen
Mechanismen für den Verein.”
Shafique sagte: “Wir fanden, dass schwere
Teetrinker eher nicht übergewichtig werden,
werden nicht-Alkohol-Trinker und haben gesunde
Cholesterinwerte. Aber haben wir für diese
Unterschiede in unserer Analyse anpassen und
Dr. Kate Holmes, Head of Research in The
Prostate Cancer Charity, sagte in einer Erklärung
am Dienstag veröffentlicht: “Obwohl es angezeigt
wird, dass – der 6.000 Männer, die an dieser
Studie – diejenigen, die sieben oder mehr Tassen
Tee täglich tranken ein erhöhtes Risiko der
Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs hatte, Dies
dauerte nicht in Betracht Familiengeschichte oder
andere diätetische Elemente als Tee, Kaffee-und
Alkoholkonsum. Es ist daher unklar, ob gab es
andere Faktoren im Spiel, die einen größeren
Einfluss auf das Risiko haben kann.”
“Wir daher nicht wünschen würde jeder Mann
Dr. Carrie Ruxton ist ein Ernährungsberater, der
auf den Tee Advisory Panel, einer Gruppe
Gesundheit gefördert durch der Teeindustrie UK
Tea Council sitzt. Am Dienstag berichtet der
Telegraph ihr sagen:
“Die Studie zeigt eine Ursache- Wirkungs -
Beziehung zwischen Tee trinken und Krebs-Risiko
“Teetrinken ist einfach ein Marker für einige
andere Frage. Die können bis auf Probleme mit
Stress, oder vielleicht Diät,”sagte Ruxton.
In den zehn Jahren bis 2010 stieg die Inzidenz
von Prostatakrebs in Schottland um 7,4 %. Es ist
The short life of Older Father,
   the long life span of their
According to the study in the Proceedings of the
National Academy of Sciences, Fathers who are
preferred to have children until they’re almost at
the age of 40 may provide their offspring a longer
life. The children will inherit the longer telomeres,
caps at the end of the chromosomes which then
protects them from the so-called degeneration.
The longer telomeres provide slower aging and
may mean a longer lifespan. However, based from
the research the older a man reproduces child is
likely to produce disorders like autism. Moreover,
older fathers have a chance to lower intelligence
scores than those born to younger men.
A study author and doctoral student at
Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois- Dan
Eisenberg. He said that most of literature also
suggests risks from paternal age .The longer
telomerse may delay sexual development, and
direct the body’s energy into maintaining itself
and staying healthy, he added. In addition, the
late fatherhood may serve as a signal that
mortality rates are low.The benefit was also seen
in grandchildren of men who became fathers at
later ages.
The correlation held regardless of whether the
families were rich or poor, the study said.
Damaged telomeres cause cells to stop dividing,
stem cells become dormant, organs to atrophy
and brain cells to die. As most cells age, the
telomeres become shorter and shorter. This isn’t
the case for sperm, where the telomeres lengthen
with age. The men may be passing the longest
telomeres to their children, the longest lifespan.
The Bitter Truth About Sugar
The Bitter Truth About Sugar is one of the three
kinds of carbohydrate: starch, fiber and sugar.
Sugar is found only in foods of plant origin. In
food, sugar is classified as either naturally
occurring or added. Naturally occurring sugars
include lactose in milk, fructose in fruit, honey
and vegetables and maltose in beer. Added sugars
originate from corn, beets, grapes, and sugar
cane, which are processed before being added to
foods. The body cannot tell the difference
between naturally occurring and added sugars
because they are identical chemically. Although,
food sources of naturally occurring sugars also
Furthermore the added sugar, which does not
contain    vitamins    and    minerals,   displaces
nutritious food in the diet. High intakes of sugar
promote overeating because of its stimulating
taste. Excess calories consumed over time result
in obesity with its innumerable of health risks and
problems. A high sugar intake is closely
associated with dental caries especially when the
sugar is eaten as a sticky food.
Although all sugar provides the body with energy,
how quickly the body breaks it down affects the
blood sugar levels. The body breaks down simple
sugars quickly as one of the bitter taste of sugar,
causing a spike in blood sugar levels . The body
responds by producing and releasing insulin, a
hormone produced by the cells in the pancreas
necessary for cells to intake glucose. Over time,
the increased demand on the pancreatic cells can
make them wear out, leading to a decrease in
insulin production. This insulin resistance can
cause diabetes and contribute to heart disease
risk factors like high blood pressure and high
Many foods that contain sugar also contain a
large number of calories and a high fat content.
These factors together can contribute to weight
gain. Foods that contain added sugar, those that
do not occur naturally, also cause weight gain
that can lead to obesity. The more sugar added to
a food, the more calories it has. Because most of
the foods that contain a large amount of added
sugar, like soft drinks and desserts, also contain
very few if any nutrients nutritionists classify
them as nutrient-poor foods, also known as
empty calories. Moreover, sugar can give you its
bitter taste by attacking your body with insomnia,
Consuming a lot of empty calories means that you
cannot get your required nutrients in the required
amount of calories resulting in the consumption
of too many calories. Therefore, sugar in general
is associated with weight gain and obesity, a
condition that affects nearly one-third of adults in
the United States and one of the growing disease
in this developing world.
The Best foods for your brain.
The food you consume plays an essential part in
boosting your physical performance.But, did you
know that there are certain food you eat can help
you enhance your brain function? If you think
that your memory needs further or your
awareness is letting you down, maybe your time
is now to check what you are eating.
1.     Antioxidants
If you want to delay your brain aging, eat foods
that are high in antioxidants for the reason that it
has the capability to fight your free radical
change. Free radicals are the irregular molecular
atoms, that is naturally take place in your body or
externally from the environmental factors such as
pollution, cigarette smoke and herbicides, that
attacks your cells, that results in breaking down
of your tissues and possibly play a role in a
number of diseases cases from cancer to
2.   Cacao
I know chocolate is one of the apples in your eye.
Chocolate is made from cacao in its purest form,
free from sugar, dairy and other processed
ingredients. It was considered as a superb food
because of its huge amounts of antioxidants, as
well as a compound called epicatechin. Scientists
are now discovering the combination of exercise
and a diet high in epicatechin promotes functional
changes in a part of your brain that supports
learning and memory. What does this mean for
the rest of us? We can keep our mind sharp with a
cup of hot cacao (hold the marshmallows) as a
3.   Coffee
Your morning coffee does more than just wake
you up – it also boosts your brain power.
Research shows coffee improves your memory
and speeds up your reaction times by acting on
your brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area is
responsible for your short-term memory.
A lifetime of coffee consumption has even been
associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s
disease, a brain disease affecting your memory,
thought and well as your language.
4.   Complex carbohydrates
These types of carbohydrates can give you a slow
release of glucose into your brain. This includes
food that is made with flour or sugar, grains,
foods with added sugar, and starchy vegetables
such as potatoes and corn. For your information,
glucose is     necessary to stimulate your brain
cells   that    are    in    charge   for    your
concentration,memory and most especially in
learning. Remember that good sources of
complex     carbohydrates    include  wholegrain
breads, oats, brown rice, legumes, fruits and
5.   Egg yolk
As we all know, egg is a great source of
protein,but you are wrong.Its yolk can give you a
nutrient choline in which could help you in
structuring your cell membranes. It can also
guard your livers from building fats. For your
maximum health benefits include up to two in
your diet, three to four times in a week.
6.   Kelp
Without your thinking, a sea vegetable ,kelp is
high in magnesium calcium and iodine. Iodine is
necessary    for   your    normal     growth and
development of your brain and body.Because the
body does not make iodine, it must be gained
from the diet. Kelp is the most abundant, iodine-
rich sea vegetable. Other rich sources of iodine
include seafood, dairy products, plants grown in
iodine-rich soil and iodized table salt. Severe
iodine deficiency has long been known to cause
you mental impairment, stunted growth and
learning problems specifically in children.
7.   Oily fish
The fish you eat contains high levels of the fatty
acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA
(docosahexaenoic acid). It acts like an anti
inflammatory in your body, and also helps you to
prevent blood clotting, which can trigger a heart
attack or stroke. DHA is concentrated in large
amounts in your brain and is now considered a
vital nutrient to enhance your learning ability and
your mental development. Fish that contain the
highest levels of fatty acids include tuna,
mackerel, salmon, trout and sardines.
8.   Sage
In a herbal encyclopedia Sage or salvia can
enhance your memory. According to the recent
studies, taking sage oil can boost your memory
performance. I suggest to make your own tea,
one easy and inexpensive way to consume sage.
Just simply pour one cup of boiled water over two
teaspoons of fresh or one teaspoon of dried sage
leaves. Cover and steep for 10 minutes and strain.
Take note,your fresh sage leaves should be
wrapped in a moist paper towel or bag, placed in
a loose plastic bag, and stored it in your
9.   Walnuts
Interestingly a shelled walnut looks remarkably
like a miniature brain; it’s like nature’s way of
reminding us to eat these little wonders for brain
nourishment. Walnuts are packed with essential
fatty acids, critical for your brain and well as your
nervous system performance. Your brain is a very
fatty organ and requires adequate amounts of
these fatty acids for optimum function and your
well cognition. Add walnuts to your morning
porridge or enjoy a handful as your snack.
10.   Water
Approximately 75 percent water your brain is
made up, so you should stay hydrated for your
optimum brain performance. Most of Health
Professionals believe that the number one cause
of memory loss, at any age, is dehydration and
simple act of drinking a large glass of water can
improve your brain function. I commend you to
start your day hydrated and make drinking of
glass of water upon waking then again as soon as
you get to work a daily habit.
Facebook Might Be Tough on
  Users with Low Self-Esteem
A new study suggests that using Facebook can be
bad for people with low self-esteem.
Canadian researchers found people with low self-
esteem surge their Facebook friends with
negative details about their lives, which makes
them less likeable. Many people with low self-
esteem are uncomfortable sharing their thoughts
and feelings face-to-face, but Facebook enables
them to do this remotely, explained study author
Amanda Forest, a graduate student at the
University of Waterloo, in Ontario.
“We had this idea that Facebook could be a really
fantastic place for people to strengthen their
relationships,” Forest said in a journal news
However, while people with low self-esteem may
feel safer making personal disclosures on
Facebook, doing so may actually cause them
social harm.
“If you’re talking to somebody in person and you
say something, you might get some indication
that they don’t like it, that they’re sick of hearing
your negativity,” Forest said.
But when people have a negative reaction to a
post on Facebook, they tend to keep it to
“On Facebook, you don’t see most of the
reactions,” Forest added

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Teetrinker viel anfälliger für Prostatakrebs, Micron Associates Ansprüche

  • 1. Teetrinker viel anfälliger für Prostatakrebs, Micron Associates Ansprüche you-know-that/
  • 2. Teetrinker viel anfälliger für Prostatakrebs, Micron Associates Ansprüche Eine neue Studie aus Schottland hat festgestellt, dass Männer, die schweren Teetrinker sind einem höheren Risiko für Prostatakrebs sein können. Die Forscher führen aus ihrer Studie wurde jedoch nicht entwickelt, um Ursachen, zu finden, also alles, was sie sagen können, dass ein höheres Risiko für Prostatakrebs und nicht unbedingt die Ursache schwerer Teetrinken verknüpft ist. Prostatakrebs ist eine Erkrankung, die nur Männer betrifft. Krebs beginnt in der Prostata – eine Drüse im männlichen reproduktiven System wachsen. Das Wort “Prostata” kommt vom mittellateinischen Prostata und mittelalterliche
  • 3. “Am meisten frühere Untersuchungen entweder keine Beziehung mit Prostatakrebs für schwarzen Tee oder einige präventive Wirkung des grünen Tees, gezeigt hat”, sagte Shafique. Die Daten, die sie benutzten überdachten 6.016 schottischen Männer im Alter von 21 bis 75 Jahren, die eingeschrieben wurden auf die Midspan Collaborative studieren zwischen 1970 und 1973 und folgten bis 37 Jahre. Die Männer hatten ausgefüllt Fragebögen über ihre allgemeine Gesundheit, Rauchgewohnheiten und üblichen Verzehr von Tee, Kaffee und Alkohol, und sie besuchte auch eine Screening-
  • 4. Wenn sie die Daten analysiert die Forscher einen statistisch signifikanten Link gefunden (P = 0,02, so unwahrscheinlich aufgrund reiner Zufall sein) zwischen Teetrinken und allgemeine Risiko der Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs. Nach Wasser ist Tee das am häufigsten konsumierte Getränk der Welt. Sie fanden, dass die Männer, die die meisten (mehr als sieben Tassen am Tag, knapp ein Viertel aller Männer) Tee getrunken hatte ein 50 % höheres Risiko der Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs als diejenigen, die die wenigsten (0 bis 3 Tassen am Tag) getrunken. Insgesamt entwickelt 6,4 % der Männer, die den
  • 5. Schreiben Sie “Männer mit höheren Aufnahme von Tee höheres Risiko der Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs, aber es gibt keinen Zusammenhang mit aggressiver Krankheit,” die Autoren, die zu schließen: “Weitere Forschung ist notwendig, um zu bestimmen, die zugrunde liegenden biologischen Mechanismen für den Verein.” Shafique sagte: “Wir fanden, dass schwere Teetrinker eher nicht übergewichtig werden, werden nicht-Alkohol-Trinker und haben gesunde Cholesterinwerte. Aber haben wir für diese Unterschiede in unserer Analyse anpassen und
  • 6. Dr. Kate Holmes, Head of Research in The Prostate Cancer Charity, sagte in einer Erklärung am Dienstag veröffentlicht: “Obwohl es angezeigt wird, dass – der 6.000 Männer, die an dieser Studie – diejenigen, die sieben oder mehr Tassen Tee täglich tranken ein erhöhtes Risiko der Entwicklung von Prostatakrebs hatte, Dies dauerte nicht in Betracht Familiengeschichte oder andere diätetische Elemente als Tee, Kaffee-und Alkoholkonsum. Es ist daher unklar, ob gab es andere Faktoren im Spiel, die einen größeren Einfluss auf das Risiko haben kann.” “Wir daher nicht wünschen würde jeder Mann
  • 7. Dr. Carrie Ruxton ist ein Ernährungsberater, der auf den Tee Advisory Panel, einer Gruppe Gesundheit gefördert durch der Teeindustrie UK Tea Council sitzt. Am Dienstag berichtet der Telegraph ihr sagen: “Die Studie zeigt eine Ursache- Wirkungs - Beziehung zwischen Tee trinken und Krebs-Risiko nicht.” “Teetrinken ist einfach ein Marker für einige andere Frage. Die können bis auf Probleme mit Stress, oder vielleicht Diät,”sagte Ruxton. In den zehn Jahren bis 2010 stieg die Inzidenz von Prostatakrebs in Schottland um 7,4 %. Es ist
  • 8. The short life of Older Father, the long life span of their offspring. According to the study in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Fathers who are preferred to have children until they’re almost at the age of 40 may provide their offspring a longer life. The children will inherit the longer telomeres, caps at the end of the chromosomes which then protects them from the so-called degeneration. The longer telomeres provide slower aging and may mean a longer lifespan. However, based from the research the older a man reproduces child is likely to produce disorders like autism. Moreover, older fathers have a chance to lower intelligence scores than those born to younger men.
  • 9. A study author and doctoral student at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois- Dan Eisenberg. He said that most of literature also suggests risks from paternal age .The longer telomerse may delay sexual development, and direct the body’s energy into maintaining itself and staying healthy, he added. In addition, the late fatherhood may serve as a signal that mortality rates are low.The benefit was also seen in grandchildren of men who became fathers at later ages. The correlation held regardless of whether the families were rich or poor, the study said.
  • 10. Damaged telomeres cause cells to stop dividing, stem cells become dormant, organs to atrophy and brain cells to die. As most cells age, the telomeres become shorter and shorter. This isn’t the case for sperm, where the telomeres lengthen with age. The men may be passing the longest telomeres to their children, the longest lifespan.
  • 11. The Bitter Truth About Sugar The Bitter Truth About Sugar is one of the three kinds of carbohydrate: starch, fiber and sugar. Sugar is found only in foods of plant origin. In food, sugar is classified as either naturally occurring or added. Naturally occurring sugars include lactose in milk, fructose in fruit, honey and vegetables and maltose in beer. Added sugars originate from corn, beets, grapes, and sugar cane, which are processed before being added to foods. The body cannot tell the difference between naturally occurring and added sugars because they are identical chemically. Although, food sources of naturally occurring sugars also
  • 12. Furthermore the added sugar, which does not contain vitamins and minerals, displaces nutritious food in the diet. High intakes of sugar promote overeating because of its stimulating taste. Excess calories consumed over time result in obesity with its innumerable of health risks and problems. A high sugar intake is closely associated with dental caries especially when the sugar is eaten as a sticky food.
  • 13. Although all sugar provides the body with energy, how quickly the body breaks it down affects the blood sugar levels. The body breaks down simple sugars quickly as one of the bitter taste of sugar, causing a spike in blood sugar levels . The body responds by producing and releasing insulin, a hormone produced by the cells in the pancreas necessary for cells to intake glucose. Over time, the increased demand on the pancreatic cells can make them wear out, leading to a decrease in insulin production. This insulin resistance can cause diabetes and contribute to heart disease risk factors like high blood pressure and high
  • 14. Many foods that contain sugar also contain a large number of calories and a high fat content. These factors together can contribute to weight gain. Foods that contain added sugar, those that do not occur naturally, also cause weight gain that can lead to obesity. The more sugar added to a food, the more calories it has. Because most of the foods that contain a large amount of added sugar, like soft drinks and desserts, also contain very few if any nutrients nutritionists classify them as nutrient-poor foods, also known as empty calories. Moreover, sugar can give you its bitter taste by attacking your body with insomnia,
  • 15. Consuming a lot of empty calories means that you cannot get your required nutrients in the required amount of calories resulting in the consumption of too many calories. Therefore, sugar in general is associated with weight gain and obesity, a condition that affects nearly one-third of adults in the United States and one of the growing disease in this developing world.
  • 16. The Best foods for your brain. The food you consume plays an essential part in boosting your physical performance.But, did you know that there are certain food you eat can help you enhance your brain function? If you think that your memory needs further or your awareness is letting you down, maybe your time is now to check what you are eating.
  • 17. 1. Antioxidants If you want to delay your brain aging, eat foods that are high in antioxidants for the reason that it has the capability to fight your free radical change. Free radicals are the irregular molecular atoms, that is naturally take place in your body or externally from the environmental factors such as pollution, cigarette smoke and herbicides, that attacks your cells, that results in breaking down of your tissues and possibly play a role in a number of diseases cases from cancer to dementia.
  • 18. 2. Cacao I know chocolate is one of the apples in your eye. Chocolate is made from cacao in its purest form, free from sugar, dairy and other processed ingredients. It was considered as a superb food because of its huge amounts of antioxidants, as well as a compound called epicatechin. Scientists are now discovering the combination of exercise and a diet high in epicatechin promotes functional changes in a part of your brain that supports learning and memory. What does this mean for the rest of us? We can keep our mind sharp with a cup of hot cacao (hold the marshmallows) as a
  • 19. 3. Coffee Your morning coffee does more than just wake you up – it also boosts your brain power. Research shows coffee improves your memory and speeds up your reaction times by acting on your brain’s prefrontal cortex, the area is responsible for your short-term memory. A lifetime of coffee consumption has even been associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a brain disease affecting your memory, thought and well as your language.
  • 20. 4. Complex carbohydrates These types of carbohydrates can give you a slow release of glucose into your brain. This includes food that is made with flour or sugar, grains, foods with added sugar, and starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn. For your information, glucose is necessary to stimulate your brain cells that are in charge for your concentration,memory and most especially in learning. Remember that good sources of complex carbohydrates include wholegrain breads, oats, brown rice, legumes, fruits and vegetables.
  • 21. 5. Egg yolk As we all know, egg is a great source of protein,but you are wrong.Its yolk can give you a nutrient choline in which could help you in structuring your cell membranes. It can also guard your livers from building fats. For your maximum health benefits include up to two in your diet, three to four times in a week.
  • 22. 6. Kelp Without your thinking, a sea vegetable ,kelp is high in magnesium calcium and iodine. Iodine is necessary for your normal growth and development of your brain and body.Because the body does not make iodine, it must be gained from the diet. Kelp is the most abundant, iodine- rich sea vegetable. Other rich sources of iodine include seafood, dairy products, plants grown in iodine-rich soil and iodized table salt. Severe iodine deficiency has long been known to cause you mental impairment, stunted growth and learning problems specifically in children.
  • 23. 7. Oily fish The fish you eat contains high levels of the fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). It acts like an anti inflammatory in your body, and also helps you to prevent blood clotting, which can trigger a heart attack or stroke. DHA is concentrated in large amounts in your brain and is now considered a vital nutrient to enhance your learning ability and your mental development. Fish that contain the highest levels of fatty acids include tuna, mackerel, salmon, trout and sardines.
  • 24. 8. Sage In a herbal encyclopedia Sage or salvia can enhance your memory. According to the recent studies, taking sage oil can boost your memory performance. I suggest to make your own tea, one easy and inexpensive way to consume sage. Just simply pour one cup of boiled water over two teaspoons of fresh or one teaspoon of dried sage leaves. Cover and steep for 10 minutes and strain. Take note,your fresh sage leaves should be wrapped in a moist paper towel or bag, placed in a loose plastic bag, and stored it in your refrigerator.
  • 25. 9. Walnuts Interestingly a shelled walnut looks remarkably like a miniature brain; it’s like nature’s way of reminding us to eat these little wonders for brain nourishment. Walnuts are packed with essential fatty acids, critical for your brain and well as your nervous system performance. Your brain is a very fatty organ and requires adequate amounts of these fatty acids for optimum function and your well cognition. Add walnuts to your morning porridge or enjoy a handful as your snack.
  • 26. 10. Water Approximately 75 percent water your brain is made up, so you should stay hydrated for your optimum brain performance. Most of Health Professionals believe that the number one cause of memory loss, at any age, is dehydration and simple act of drinking a large glass of water can improve your brain function. I commend you to start your day hydrated and make drinking of glass of water upon waking then again as soon as you get to work a daily habit.
  • 27. Facebook Might Be Tough on Users with Low Self-Esteem A new study suggests that using Facebook can be bad for people with low self-esteem. Canadian researchers found people with low self- esteem surge their Facebook friends with negative details about their lives, which makes them less likeable. Many people with low self- esteem are uncomfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings face-to-face, but Facebook enables them to do this remotely, explained study author Amanda Forest, a graduate student at the University of Waterloo, in Ontario.
  • 28. “We had this idea that Facebook could be a really fantastic place for people to strengthen their relationships,” Forest said in a journal news release. However, while people with low self-esteem may feel safer making personal disclosures on Facebook, doing so may actually cause them social harm. “If you’re talking to somebody in person and you say something, you might get some indication that they don’t like it, that they’re sick of hearing your negativity,” Forest said.
  • 29. But when people have a negative reaction to a post on Facebook, they tend to keep it to themselves. “On Facebook, you don’t see most of the reactions,” Forest added