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I had learned this particular technique many years ago but had lost the info until yesterday I
don’t know if I can insert the images but if I can t I sure you could find them by googling
Tattwa is a Sanskrit word meaning energy. Tattwas are five geometric symbols which represent
the five universal energies. Each Tattwa symbolizes unique energies with specific properties,
potentials and frequencies.In varying combinations, these five energies make up the sum totality
of everything in our physical and spiritual universe
Tattwas are like psychic elevators, psychic circuit boards, a bridge between the conscious & the
unconscious mind. It is based on the five elements of Earth(Square), Water(Crescent) ,
Fire(Triangle) , Air(Circle) & Ether(Oval). The word Tattwa, alternately spelled tattva, tatwa,
tatva, is Sanskrit basically meaning ―essence,‖ ―principle,‖ or ―element.‖ The concept of the
Tattwas date back at least as early as 2000 BC and they are said to predate even the Greeks’ own
knowledge of the elements of nature, and in fact that the Greeks may have learned of the
elements from the Indian gurus. In a better context, the Tattwas are the essence of nature through
which we not only experience the world around us, but give rise to the very concept of
awareness. This comes into play later when we learn the relationship of the five primary Tattwas
to the five senses, but they basically are the elements that lead us to believe that we exist. The
geometrical shapes of 5 elements are Called Tattwas. Each Tattwas symbolizes unique energies
with specific properties, potentials and frequencies. In varying combinations, these five energies
make up the sum totality of everything in our physical and spiritual universe. These five basic
symbols are combined to create symbols of many different kinds. There are five primary
Tattwas, each relating to one of the five elements of nature.
These are the yellow square for earth, the silver crescent for water, the red triangle for fire, the
blue circle for air and the black egg for Akasha or spirit. Even though they are of Indian origin,
these tattwas have long been used by European occultists as convenient sigils for the elements.
Earth: Prithivi, a yellow square. Heh (final) of Tetragrammaton.
Air: Vayu, a blue circle. Vav of Tetragrammaton.
Water: Apas, a silver crescent. Heh of Tetragrammaton.
Fire: Tejas, a red triangle. Yod of Tetragrammaton.
Ether (spirit): Akasa, a black egg. Shin of Pentagrammaton.
The basis of these exercises is a practice that has been used by the Golden Dawn, the Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light, the Brotherhood of Eulis, certain Buddhist and Yogic traditions, and a
variation has been used as an exercise in the Philosopher level of the New Hermetics since it
began. The purpose of this exercise is to connect you intimately with the energies of the
elements. By using a visual symbol as a fixation point for the eyes and the mind you will alter
your state of consciousness, and this altered state will be related to the element.
FIRE TATTWA :- Triangle represents Fire , passion, meditate on this symbol to intensify
and clarify desire, creativity, prosperity, magnetism and to develop the right brain .
The element of fire is associated with change and passion. It is both physical and spiritual,
being related to sexuality and to divinity. Fire magick is quickly manifested and filled with
primal energy. It is also associated with Heat, Anger.
Rules - Energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, candle flames,
sun, blood, healing, destruction, will, creativity, flame, heat, bonfires, hearth fires, protection,
courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power
Magick involving Time , Storms , Fire and candles.
Direction - South
Astrological Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Colors - Red, gold, crimson, orange,
White Season – Summer
Time - Noon
Energy - Projective ,masculine
Gemstones - Red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, lava, quartz crystals, ruby, carnelian, tigers eye,
rhodochrosite, agates
Metals - Gold, brass.
Plants - Allspice, basil, cacti, chile peppers, cinnamon, garlic, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper,
lime, mustard, nettle, onion, orange, red peppers, red poppies, thistle, almond tree
Animals - Lions, lizards, salamander, snakes, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark,
phoenix, coyote, fox
Tarot Suite- Wands
Goddesses - Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Pele, Vesta ,Sekmut Gods - Vulcan, Ra, Hepaetstus, Horus
WATER TATTWA :- Moon represents Water, This symbol increases the ability to feel ,
meditation with this form can bring greater self reflection sensitivity and receptivity toward
The element of water is associated with the subconscious mind, intuition, and emotions. As the
primal substance of life, it is symbolized by the womb and is related to fertility.
Rules - Emotions, feelings, love, courage, the unconscious mind, intuition, the womb, marriage,
friendship,happiness, dreams, sleep, healing, menstruation, fertility, cleansing, purification,
vision quests, self-healing, sorrow, reflection, psychic ability, oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, springs
and wells. The sea, snow or ice, mirror, magnet, rain, cleansing and purification
Direction – West
Astrological Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Colors - Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, aquamarine,
White Season - Autumn
Time - Twilight,Dusk
Energy - Receptive, feminine.
Gemstones - Aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, blue fluorite,
lapis lazuli, sodalite
Metals - Mercury, silver, copper
Plants -Aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley,
lotus, mosses, orris, passion flower, rose, seaweeds, thyme, valerian, water lilies, all water
plants, willow tree,
Animals - All fish, shellfish and sea mammals, serpents, sea birds, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear
Tarot Suite - Cups
Goddesses - Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Gods - Dylan, Ea, Manannan,
Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon, Varuna Magickal Tools - Chalice, cauldron, mirrors.
EARTH TATTWA :- Earth, is the most physical of the Elements is the element of Stuff. Solid
Material.Earth is the element that is most stable and dependable.
Rules - It represents abundance, prosperity, and wealth, and is creative but in a practical,
physical manner. Earth sustains all life and is the foundation on which the other elements rest.
The normal everyday activities are Earth, walking eating, sleeping , work, focus and
determination , diversity , inner strength enhances the ability to move from dreams to reality.
Earth is the Mother, stable, nurturing, calm and understanding, a reservoir of great wisdom and
knowledge.Earth is the element of the body, growth, money, creativity, birth, death, material
gain, fertility, birth, healing, rocks, trees, animals, manifestation, materialization, crystals,
silence, metal, empathy, grounding, employment, stability, success, strength, practical wisdom,
mystery, gardening.
Astrological Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Colors - Black, brown, green, gold, white.
Season - Winter,
Time - Midnight
Night Energy - Receptive, feminine
Stones include Rock crystal, emeralds, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst, tourmaline,
tourmalinated quartz, rutilated quartz and many more.
AIR TATTWA :- The element of air is associated with thought, intellect, mental processes, the
mind and Creativity. Air is also associated with higher consciousness and wisdom, divination,
and purification, concentration, prophecy, visualization, wind magic, karma.In the Negative
aspect it is associated with flightiness and unpredictability .
Circle represents Air , thought, and is used to enhance ones ability to visualize and
discriminate. Meditation on circles activates the subconscious mind brings about greater ability
to discriminate ,concentrate and communicate.
Air is the Elemental force of mind, mental and psychic work, intuition, knowledge, abstract
thought, wind, breath, clouds, inspiration, hearing, purification, freedom, truth, instruction,
telepathy, memory, learning the secrets of the dead, zen meditation, new beginnings,
illumination, essential qualities, spiritual plane, knowledge, abstract learning, theories,
windy or high places, breath, speech.
Astrological Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius ,
Colors - White, yellow, light blue, lavender, gray.
Season - Spring
Time- Dawn
Energy - Projective.
Gemstones - Aventurine, Topaz, Mica, Fluorite, Crystals, Amethyst, yellow or blue stones,
Quartz crystal with cloud like inclusions, Quartz pebbles, Tin, Copper, Aventurine, Jasper,
Mica, Pumice
Plants - Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Benzoin, Clover, Dill, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon grass,
Myrrh, Pine, Primrose, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow .
Tarot Suite - Swords
The Tattwas work to increase your power to manifest your goals and desires quickly this
method allows the form of your desires to be complete and balanced in all the four areas of
your life force /nature.
Many forms of manifesting are incomplete they usually focus on one area of your life. The
manifesting process is delayed when the goal is not integrated into your full life. Blockages
in one area can effect and delay or even prevent the realization. When you actively deal
with all areas of your life and include them in your manifesting process will be more
The basis of these exercises is a practice that has been used by the Golden Dawn, the Hermetic
Brotherhood of Light, the Brotherhood of Eulis, certain Buddhist and Yogic traditions, and a
variation has been used as an exercise in the Philosopher level of the New Hermetics since it
But this new exercise has a much more powerful potential than any previous version as it uses
specific physical visuals combined with specific frequencies of sound, unique aromas, and
induced feelings in the body-mind that will align you with the energies of these forces more
powerfully and quickly than ever before achieved.
The purpose of this exercise is to connect yourself intimately with the energies of the elements.
This is an invocation of a sort, but only in the most general sense. By focusing on the elemental
qualities while inhaling the perfume of the element and listening to specially chosen sound
frequencies you will be creating a strong connection with the elements. By using a visual symbol
as a fixation point for the eyes and the mind you will alter your state of consciousness, and this
altered state will be related to the element. You are creating a multi-pronged anchor, but more
importantly, once you have mastered the technique you are creating access to magical resources
and planes in a simple and nearly automatic way.
This exercise will also dramatically increase your concentration skills, your visualization skills
and your ability to produce altered states and their phenomena (such as astral projection etc.)
This simple exercise can be carried very far into higher meditative states and may produce
paranormal phenomena of various advanced sorts. But do not worry about that matter for now.
You will need tattwa images for the elements. These are the yellow square for earth, the silver
crescent for water, the red triangle for fire, the blue circle for air and the black egg for Akasha or
spirit. Sub-tattwas are unnecessary at this time. Even though they are of Indian origin, these
tattwas have long been used by European occultists as convenient sigils for the elements. The
images included in this paper can be used, or you can make your own. If you do not like the
tattwas or want a very simple replacement you could use the colored discs also included, black
(or green) for earth, blue for water, red for fire, yellow for air and white for spirit.
This exercise can be used as a variant method for the ―Awareness Flow‖ in Synergistic
Meditative Flows. In this case you may wish to circulate the energy of the element specifically in
the Bio-Energy flow, and Visit the elemental realm during Visionary Flow. This can be an
extremely powerful combination but see to it that you are doing so in a balanced way. In other
words, do it with ALL ELEMENTS if you do it with one!
First of all Download Four Tattwas from Below
If you work on Computer you open them with any Image viewer or else if you want to work
Offline Take print Colour print outs ( you can resize them ) an Laminate them. If you work
Offline You can Hold Laminated tattwa with your Hand in following direction.
Earth - North
Air- east
Fire- South
Water – West
Means if you work for Earth element hold yellow square tattwa in the direction of north. I the
same way you select direction for remaining tattwas.
First select which tattwa you want to work. If you are working Online Just open with any image
viewer or Hold Laminated tattwa if you are working offline
Now Gaze on the Centre of tattwa for 5 Minutes. This is called "Trataka," and I will describe it
as soft contemplation with the caveat that you gently inhibit blinking as much as possible.
Trataka is definitely not "staring" aggressively (glaring) nor being "bug-eyed." Just gently gaze
upon the element design and know that the first sign of success is when a "rim aura" appears: i.e.
an "on-off" flashing around the outline of the shape—often quite spectacular! This phenomenon
is a standard psycho-physiological effect due to mild retinal stimulation and not psychic at all.
However, the consequent effects upon your unconscious are psychic. The next thing that you
may notice is that the "Yantra" (geometric shape) becomes three-dimensional against the
background color. Things are "cooking" at a physiological, psychological, and psychic level
when this happens. Now Close your eyes and see the image in your mind as long and clearly as
you can. Try to maintain the afterimage of the symbol for as long as possible while deeply
connecting with the symbol and its energy. You may Find your eyes tiring, but try to remain
focused on the figure at one point, rather than moving your eyes around. Focus visually upon the
design until it changes color. Try to maintain the afterimage of the symbol for as long as possible
while deeply connecting with the symbol and its energy. The image may disappear momentarily
and then return, so do not give up prematurely. Try to extend it as long as possible keeping track
of the highest number you can achieve each day in your journal. Be very relaxed and at ease in
this. Do not let it become obsessive or tense. You will slip into highly blissful states if you just
relax and allow yourself to connect with these energies. While watching the afterimage you may
silently repeat the Bija mantra, a special sound associated with each shape. As the above screen
shot is for Fire The Bija mantra would be RUM.
While watching the after image in Mind You may silently Chant the Bija mantra- A special
sound associated with each shape .Following Bija mantras are for all 4 Elements.
After completion for all 4 tattwas with Bija mantras you again repeat on them Chant (vibrate)
Names of each element
For Earth DIVINE NAME Adonai Ha-Aretz ( ah-doe-nye ha-ah- retz)
ANGEL – Phorlakh ( PHOR- LAHK)
For Air DIVINE NAME - Shaddai El Chai ( shad-dai el chai )
ARCHANGEL - Raphael ( rah- fay-el)
ANGEL – Chassan ( chah - sahn)
For Fire DIVINE NAME - Yhvh Tzabaoth ( yod – hey – vav - hey tza- bah-oth )
ARCHANGEL - Michael ( mee- chail- el )
ANGEL – Aral ( ah- rahl )
For Water DIVINE NAME - Elohim Tzabaoth ( el- oh- heem tza- bah-oth )
ARCHANGEL - Gabriel ( gah- bree- el)
ANGEL – Talihad ( tah – lee – ah - hahd)
To do this, take a deep breath and slowly pronounce the word of power you are using with your
entire exhaled breath. There should be no breaks in your pronunciation; the word of power
should become one long, flowing, monotonous sound. If done properly, it should sound like you
are almost humming the word in a single, drawn-out note. While doing this, try to "hear" this
word vibrating throughout the entire universe. You should vibrate in Order First DIVINE
For earth it should be ah-doe-nye ha-ah- retz , OHR- EE-EL and PHOR- LAHK
You can repeat the Two methods that is BIJA mantra and Vibrating Names of Tattwas
and it takes 40 Minutes to complete the whole process for all 4 tattwas. If you don’t have
much time to spend then at least work on BIJA mantra method which takes only 15 to 20
Minutes Daily. Do this daily for 1 month then after wards thrice a week.
You can also modify the above method. As I said you should see after Image with closed eyes
Instead of that you can look on a white Paper or wall immediately after gazing for 5
minutes. The illusory image appearing in the white paper is spectacular & vivid.
Lastly, you don't need to do the exercises for months before seeing the slightest results. Results,
though small at the beginning, are seen from day 1. The benefits of Tattwas doesn’t just end up
with attracting elementary energies which are Main manifestation blocks but they will Give you
Perfect Visualization effortlessly which is Important aspect of manifestation. This is something
like an automatic visualization. You do not have to make any effort to visualize the Tattwa
shape, just gaze at it, look away, & it will appear, it’s that simple. This is particularly helpful for
people, like myself, who find visualization hard to achieve. You can see any one’s Aura along
with colours with weeks of regular use of Exercise and also develops like Divination,
Scrying , Chakra Activation, Shaping the Future, OBE, Lucid Dreams & Developing
Finally Ground Yourself for 5 Minutes. If you are Not grounding You are Limiting to Results
less than 50 %. If you want 100 % results Grounding is Must . First of all take Grounding
Empowerment from . Then say “ I am Grounded, I am rooted and
Grounded in my life. I am Earthed, I am safe and Protected ! “ . Put your Bare foot on the
Floor and Close your eye and rest for 5 Minutes. You are Grounded. Some of the activities you
do Daily without Missing a day Like Brushing your teeth, Bathing, Going for Bathroom, Eating
food, Breathing Oxygen, Sleeping at Night, Drinking water . These are the things any person on
this earth will do without missing a day. Similarly Grounding is also very Important and should
do without missing . Spend 10 minutes or at least 5 Minutes Daily on Grounding and there are
tons of benefits from it.
You Journey of Elementary Magick Doesn’t stop with Tattwas. I have provided ELEMENTAL
ATTUNEMENT at . Regular Activation of this will Take you next
level of Elementary Magick.
With Divine love,
Tattwas Manifesting & Block Removal.pdf

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Tattwas Manifesting & Block Removal.pdf

  • 1. I had learned this particular technique many years ago but had lost the info until yesterday I don’t know if I can insert the images but if I can t I sure you could find them by googling Tattwa. Tattwa is a Sanskrit word meaning energy. Tattwas are five geometric symbols which represent the five universal energies. Each Tattwa symbolizes unique energies with specific properties, potentials and frequencies.In varying combinations, these five energies make up the sum totality of everything in our physical and spiritual universe Tattwas are like psychic elevators, psychic circuit boards, a bridge between the conscious & the unconscious mind. It is based on the five elements of Earth(Square), Water(Crescent) , Fire(Triangle) , Air(Circle) & Ether(Oval). The word Tattwa, alternately spelled tattva, tatwa, tatva, is Sanskrit basically meaning ―essence,‖ ―principle,‖ or ―element.‖ The concept of the Tattwas date back at least as early as 2000 BC and they are said to predate even the Greeks’ own knowledge of the elements of nature, and in fact that the Greeks may have learned of the elements from the Indian gurus. In a better context, the Tattwas are the essence of nature through which we not only experience the world around us, but give rise to the very concept of awareness. This comes into play later when we learn the relationship of the five primary Tattwas to the five senses, but they basically are the elements that lead us to believe that we exist. The
  • 2. geometrical shapes of 5 elements are Called Tattwas. Each Tattwas symbolizes unique energies with specific properties, potentials and frequencies. In varying combinations, these five energies make up the sum totality of everything in our physical and spiritual universe. These five basic symbols are combined to create symbols of many different kinds. There are five primary Tattwas, each relating to one of the five elements of nature. These are the yellow square for earth, the silver crescent for water, the red triangle for fire, the blue circle for air and the black egg for Akasha or spirit. Even though they are of Indian origin, these tattwas have long been used by European occultists as convenient sigils for the elements. Earth: Prithivi, a yellow square. Heh (final) of Tetragrammaton. Air: Vayu, a blue circle. Vav of Tetragrammaton. Water: Apas, a silver crescent. Heh of Tetragrammaton. Fire: Tejas, a red triangle. Yod of Tetragrammaton. Ether (spirit): Akasa, a black egg. Shin of Pentagrammaton. The basis of these exercises is a practice that has been used by the Golden Dawn, the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, the Brotherhood of Eulis, certain Buddhist and Yogic traditions, and a variation has been used as an exercise in the Philosopher level of the New Hermetics since it began. The purpose of this exercise is to connect you intimately with the energies of the elements. By using a visual symbol as a fixation point for the eyes and the mind you will alter your state of consciousness, and this altered state will be related to the element. FIRE TATTWA :- Triangle represents Fire , passion, meditate on this symbol to intensify and clarify desire, creativity, prosperity, magnetism and to develop the right brain . The element of fire is associated with change and passion. It is both physical and spiritual, being related to sexuality and to divinity. Fire magick is quickly manifested and filled with primal energy. It is also associated with Heat, Anger. Rules - Energy, sexuality, passions, love, authority, transformation, purification, candle flames, sun, blood, healing, destruction, will, creativity, flame, heat, bonfires, hearth fires, protection, courage, strength, physical exercise, self-knowledge, loyalty, vision, illumination, power Magick involving Time , Storms , Fire and candles. Direction - South Astrological Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius Colors - Red, gold, crimson, orange, White Season – Summer Time - Noon Energy - Projective ,masculine Gemstones - Red jasper, bloodstone, garnet, lava, quartz crystals, ruby, carnelian, tigers eye, rhodochrosite, agates
  • 3. Metals - Gold, brass. Plants - Allspice, basil, cacti, chile peppers, cinnamon, garlic, heliotrope, hibiscus, juniper, lime, mustard, nettle, onion, orange, red peppers, red poppies, thistle, almond tree Animals - Lions, lizards, salamander, snakes, praying mantis, ladybug, bee, scorpion, shark, phoenix, coyote, fox Tarot Suite- Wands Goddesses - Brigit, Freya, Hestia, Pele, Vesta ,Sekmut Gods - Vulcan, Ra, Hepaetstus, Horus WATER TATTWA :- Moon represents Water, This symbol increases the ability to feel , meditation with this form can bring greater self reflection sensitivity and receptivity toward others. The element of water is associated with the subconscious mind, intuition, and emotions. As the primal substance of life, it is symbolized by the womb and is related to fertility. Rules - Emotions, feelings, love, courage, the unconscious mind, intuition, the womb, marriage, friendship,happiness, dreams, sleep, healing, menstruation, fertility, cleansing, purification, vision quests, self-healing, sorrow, reflection, psychic ability, oceans, rivers, lakes, rain, springs and wells. The sea, snow or ice, mirror, magnet, rain, cleansing and purification Direction – West Astrological Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces Colors - Blue, blue-green, green, gray, indigo, aquamarine, White Season - Autumn Time - Twilight,Dusk Energy - Receptive, feminine. Gemstones - Aquamarine, amethyst, blue tourmaline, pearl, coral, blue topaz, blue fluorite, lapis lazuli, sodalite Metals - Mercury, silver, copper Plants -Aloe, apple, catnip, chamomile, ferns, gardenia, lemon, lettuce, lilac, lily of the valley, lotus, mosses, orris, passion flower, rose, seaweeds, thyme, valerian, water lilies, all water plants, willow tree, Animals - All fish, shellfish and sea mammals, serpents, sea birds, cat, frog, turtle, swan, bear Tarot Suite - Cups Goddesses - Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya, Gods - Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon, Varuna Magickal Tools - Chalice, cauldron, mirrors.
  • 4. EARTH TATTWA :- Earth, is the most physical of the Elements is the element of Stuff. Solid Material.Earth is the element that is most stable and dependable. Rules - It represents abundance, prosperity, and wealth, and is creative but in a practical, physical manner. Earth sustains all life and is the foundation on which the other elements rest. The normal everyday activities are Earth, walking eating, sleeping , work, focus and determination , diversity , inner strength enhances the ability to move from dreams to reality. Earth is the Mother, stable, nurturing, calm and understanding, a reservoir of great wisdom and knowledge.Earth is the element of the body, growth, money, creativity, birth, death, material gain, fertility, birth, healing, rocks, trees, animals, manifestation, materialization, crystals, silence, metal, empathy, grounding, employment, stability, success, strength, practical wisdom, mystery, gardening. Astrological Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn Colors - Black, brown, green, gold, white. Season - Winter, Time - Midnight Night Energy - Receptive, feminine Stones include Rock crystal, emeralds, peridot, onyx, jasper, azurite, amethyst, tourmaline, tourmalinated quartz, rutilated quartz and many more. AIR TATTWA :- The element of air is associated with thought, intellect, mental processes, the mind and Creativity. Air is also associated with higher consciousness and wisdom, divination, and purification, concentration, prophecy, visualization, wind magic, karma.In the Negative aspect it is associated with flightiness and unpredictability . Circle represents Air , thought, and is used to enhance ones ability to visualize and discriminate. Meditation on circles activates the subconscious mind brings about greater ability to discriminate ,concentrate and communicate. Air is the Elemental force of mind, mental and psychic work, intuition, knowledge, abstract thought, wind, breath, clouds, inspiration, hearing, purification, freedom, truth, instruction, telepathy, memory, learning the secrets of the dead, zen meditation, new beginnings, illumination, essential qualities, spiritual plane, knowledge, abstract learning, theories, windy or high places, breath, speech. Astrological Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius , Colors - White, yellow, light blue, lavender, gray. Season - Spring Time- Dawn Energy - Projective.
  • 5. Gemstones - Aventurine, Topaz, Mica, Fluorite, Crystals, Amethyst, yellow or blue stones, Quartz crystal with cloud like inclusions, Quartz pebbles, Tin, Copper, Aventurine, Jasper, Mica, Pumice Plants - Acacia, Anise, Aspen, Benzoin, Clover, Dill, Frankincense, Lavender, Lemon grass, Myrrh, Pine, Primrose, Vervain, Violet, Yarrow . Tarot Suite - Swords The Tattwas work to increase your power to manifest your goals and desires quickly this method allows the form of your desires to be complete and balanced in all the four areas of your life force /nature. Many forms of manifesting are incomplete they usually focus on one area of your life. The manifesting process is delayed when the goal is not integrated into your full life. Blockages in one area can effect and delay or even prevent the realization. When you actively deal with all areas of your life and include them in your manifesting process will be more effective. HOW TO USE THE TATTWAS :- The basis of these exercises is a practice that has been used by the Golden Dawn, the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, the Brotherhood of Eulis, certain Buddhist and Yogic traditions, and a variation has been used as an exercise in the Philosopher level of the New Hermetics since it began. But this new exercise has a much more powerful potential than any previous version as it uses specific physical visuals combined with specific frequencies of sound, unique aromas, and induced feelings in the body-mind that will align you with the energies of these forces more powerfully and quickly than ever before achieved. The purpose of this exercise is to connect yourself intimately with the energies of the elements. This is an invocation of a sort, but only in the most general sense. By focusing on the elemental qualities while inhaling the perfume of the element and listening to specially chosen sound frequencies you will be creating a strong connection with the elements. By using a visual symbol as a fixation point for the eyes and the mind you will alter your state of consciousness, and this altered state will be related to the element. You are creating a multi-pronged anchor, but more importantly, once you have mastered the technique you are creating access to magical resources and planes in a simple and nearly automatic way. This exercise will also dramatically increase your concentration skills, your visualization skills and your ability to produce altered states and their phenomena (such as astral projection etc.) This simple exercise can be carried very far into higher meditative states and may produce paranormal phenomena of various advanced sorts. But do not worry about that matter for now. You will need tattwa images for the elements. These are the yellow square for earth, the silver crescent for water, the red triangle for fire, the blue circle for air and the black egg for Akasha or spirit. Sub-tattwas are unnecessary at this time. Even though they are of Indian origin, these tattwas have long been used by European occultists as convenient sigils for the elements. The images included in this paper can be used, or you can make your own. If you do not like the
  • 6. tattwas or want a very simple replacement you could use the colored discs also included, black (or green) for earth, blue for water, red for fire, yellow for air and white for spirit. This exercise can be used as a variant method for the ―Awareness Flow‖ in Synergistic Meditative Flows. In this case you may wish to circulate the energy of the element specifically in the Bio-Energy flow, and Visit the elemental realm during Visionary Flow. This can be an extremely powerful combination but see to it that you are doing so in a balanced way. In other words, do it with ALL ELEMENTS if you do it with one! First of all Download Four Tattwas from Below .docx/file If you work on Computer you open them with any Image viewer or else if you want to work Offline Take print Colour print outs ( you can resize them ) an Laminate them. If you work Offline You can Hold Laminated tattwa with your Hand in following direction. Earth - North Air- east Fire- South Water – West Means if you work for Earth element hold yellow square tattwa in the direction of north. I the same way you select direction for remaining tattwas. First select which tattwa you want to work. If you are working Online Just open with any image viewer or Hold Laminated tattwa if you are working offline Now Gaze on the Centre of tattwa for 5 Minutes. This is called "Trataka," and I will describe it as soft contemplation with the caveat that you gently inhibit blinking as much as possible. Trataka is definitely not "staring" aggressively (glaring) nor being "bug-eyed." Just gently gaze upon the element design and know that the first sign of success is when a "rim aura" appears: i.e. an "on-off" flashing around the outline of the shape—often quite spectacular! This phenomenon is a standard psycho-physiological effect due to mild retinal stimulation and not psychic at all. However, the consequent effects upon your unconscious are psychic. The next thing that you may notice is that the "Yantra" (geometric shape) becomes three-dimensional against the background color. Things are "cooking" at a physiological, psychological, and psychic level when this happens. Now Close your eyes and see the image in your mind as long and clearly as you can. Try to maintain the afterimage of the symbol for as long as possible while deeply connecting with the symbol and its energy. You may Find your eyes tiring, but try to remain focused on the figure at one point, rather than moving your eyes around. Focus visually upon the design until it changes color. Try to maintain the afterimage of the symbol for as long as possible while deeply connecting with the symbol and its energy. The image may disappear momentarily and then return, so do not give up prematurely. Try to extend it as long as possible keeping track of the highest number you can achieve each day in your journal. Be very relaxed and at ease in this. Do not let it become obsessive or tense. You will slip into highly blissful states if you just relax and allow yourself to connect with these energies. While watching the afterimage you may
  • 7. silently repeat the Bija mantra, a special sound associated with each shape. As the above screen shot is for Fire The Bija mantra would be RUM. While watching the after image in Mind You may silently Chant the Bija mantra- A special sound associated with each shape .Following Bija mantras are for all 4 Elements. FIRE - RUM AIR - YUM WATER - VUM EARTH – LUM After completion for all 4 tattwas with Bija mantras you again repeat on them Chant (vibrate) Names of each element For Earth DIVINE NAME Adonai Ha-Aretz ( ah-doe-nye ha-ah- retz) ARCHANGEL - Auriel ( OHR- EE-EL) ANGEL – Phorlakh ( PHOR- LAHK) For Air DIVINE NAME - Shaddai El Chai ( shad-dai el chai ) ARCHANGEL - Raphael ( rah- fay-el) ANGEL – Chassan ( chah - sahn) For Fire DIVINE NAME - Yhvh Tzabaoth ( yod – hey – vav - hey tza- bah-oth ) ARCHANGEL - Michael ( mee- chail- el ) ANGEL – Aral ( ah- rahl ) For Water DIVINE NAME - Elohim Tzabaoth ( el- oh- heem tza- bah-oth ) ARCHANGEL - Gabriel ( gah- bree- el) ANGEL – Talihad ( tah – lee – ah - hahd) To do this, take a deep breath and slowly pronounce the word of power you are using with your entire exhaled breath. There should be no breaks in your pronunciation; the word of power should become one long, flowing, monotonous sound. If done properly, it should sound like you are almost humming the word in a single, drawn-out note. While doing this, try to "hear" this word vibrating throughout the entire universe. You should vibrate in Order First DIVINE NAME next ARCHANGEL and last ANGEL. For earth it should be ah-doe-nye ha-ah- retz , OHR- EE-EL and PHOR- LAHK You can repeat the Two methods that is BIJA mantra and Vibrating Names of Tattwas and it takes 40 Minutes to complete the whole process for all 4 tattwas. If you don’t have much time to spend then at least work on BIJA mantra method which takes only 15 to 20 Minutes Daily. Do this daily for 1 month then after wards thrice a week. You can also modify the above method. As I said you should see after Image with closed eyes Instead of that you can look on a white Paper or wall immediately after gazing for 5 minutes. The illusory image appearing in the white paper is spectacular & vivid.
  • 8. Lastly, you don't need to do the exercises for months before seeing the slightest results. Results, though small at the beginning, are seen from day 1. The benefits of Tattwas doesn’t just end up with attracting elementary energies which are Main manifestation blocks but they will Give you Perfect Visualization effortlessly which is Important aspect of manifestation. This is something like an automatic visualization. You do not have to make any effort to visualize the Tattwa shape, just gaze at it, look away, & it will appear, it’s that simple. This is particularly helpful for people, like myself, who find visualization hard to achieve. You can see any one’s Aura along with colours with weeks of regular use of Exercise and also develops like Divination, Scrying , Chakra Activation, Shaping the Future, OBE, Lucid Dreams & Developing Clairvoyance. Finally Ground Yourself for 5 Minutes. If you are Not grounding You are Limiting to Results less than 50 %. If you want 100 % results Grounding is Must . First of all take Grounding Empowerment from . Then say “ I am Grounded, I am rooted and Grounded in my life. I am Earthed, I am safe and Protected ! “ . Put your Bare foot on the Floor and Close your eye and rest for 5 Minutes. You are Grounded. Some of the activities you do Daily without Missing a day Like Brushing your teeth, Bathing, Going for Bathroom, Eating food, Breathing Oxygen, Sleeping at Night, Drinking water . These are the things any person on this earth will do without missing a day. Similarly Grounding is also very Important and should do without missing . Spend 10 minutes or at least 5 Minutes Daily on Grounding and there are tons of benefits from it. You Journey of Elementary Magick Doesn’t stop with Tattwas. I have provided ELEMENTAL ATTUNEMENT at . Regular Activation of this will Take you next level of Elementary Magick. With Divine love, MADDHU BECOME AN ASCENDED MASTER IN 17 YEARS