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Natural Stones and their benefits | how to reduce stress, tension,
impatience and regulate mood swings
We have prepared a very comprehensive guide about natural stones and their properties, where
you can find the stone you want. First of all, we can answer the question of what is natural stone
and then continue our topic with natural stone types. Natural stones refer to mineral, stone or
organic matter that can be cut and polished or processed in different ways to be used in both
ornaments and jewelry.
Precious natural stone varieties embody rarity, beauty and durability. Semi-precious stones
have only one or two of these features. Today we will talk about natural stones believed to heal
and their properties. We will share its benefits and compatible horoscopes with you, enjoy
reading :)
Agate) Stone
Compatible Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Gemini
Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
We have previously covered the topic of agate stone benefits in our natural stones category. Again, I don't see
any harm in going through it.
It is a stone believed to provide the mind, body and spirit to be balanced and harmonized. Agate stone helps to
clear and stabilize the aura by removing the negative energy in the body. It helps to develop concentration,
perception, analytical abilities and mental functions. It makes it possible to heal internal anger and tension and
create a sense of security and trust.
Navy Blue Agate Benefits and Properties
 intuitive increase
 emotional balancing
 Universe harmony
 Enlightenment
Green Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
 practical decision making
 Bravery
 life energy
 Power in career
 Improvement
Brown Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
 physical strength and grounding
 universal energy
 Opening the heart/mind to innovations
Pink Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
 Courage, self-confidence
 Trust
 soothing effect
 Healing of problems
 relaxation effect
Blue Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
 Ability to express oneself comfortably
 rest the soul
 Strengthening communication
 emotional healing
Purple Agate Stone Benefits and Properties
 energy booster
 productivity booster
 Protective effect
 personal talisman
Aquamarine Stone
Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries
Aquamarine Stone Benefits and Properties
Aquamarine is known as the stone of courage. The most well-known and beautiful varieties are found in
Russia. It means "sea water" in Latin and the stone is believed to be a treasure of mermaids. In addition, since
ancient times, aquamarine is known as the secret of sailors' safe voyage. In other words, sailors would
definitely take aquamarine stone with them when they set out.
Cleansing, Inner Peace, Meditation, Peace, Prophecy, Inspiration, Power, Soothing, Calming, Safe Traveling
on Water
 It calms the mind by reducing negative energy and stress.
 By removing confusion, it creates clarity in perception and sharpens the intelligence.
 It allows you to express yourself comfortably. It increases sensitivity and calms fear.
 Allows prudence to open, sharpens intuition.
 It is thought to protect both mother and baby during pregnancy.
 It is believed to help heal sore throats, swollen glands and thyroids.
Amazonite Stone
Compatible Signs: Virgo
It is mixed because it has similar colors with aquamarine stone. But amazonite stone is distinguished by its
darker patterns. Amazonite, also known as Amazon stone, is a green type of microcline Feldspar. It is
frequently used as a precious stone.
Amazonite Benefits and Properties
Sincerity, Inspiration, Love, Communication, Integrity, Honor, Trust, Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Clarity, and
Psychic Vision
 It is known as the soothing stone. It provides the protection of optimum health by calming the nervous
and brain systems.
 It balances the feminine and masculine energies.
 It helps you to see both sides and different angles in the problems that occur.
 It helps to calm the emotional trauma by reducing anxiety and fear.
 It removes negative energy, violence and blockage in the nervous system.
 Absorbs microwave and defends against magnetic pollution.
Amethyst Stone
Compatible Signs: Virgo
Natural stones and their properties, the current stone of our guide, amethyst, is shown among the strongest
and protective natural stones. Natural stone found in igneous rock cracks and cavities is most common in Brazil
and Uruguay.
Amethyst Stone Benefits and Properties
Inner Peace/Healing, Body, Mind and Spirit Healing, Meditation, Spiritual Awareness, Psychic Abilities, Positive
 Protects against psychic attacks.
 It transforms high energy into levels and protects the wearer from stress and ill-wishers of others.
 It takes away stress and tension. It stabilizes mood swings by calming the nerves. It is thought to be a
natural sedative.
 It is recommended for a comfortable sleep, if you have an amethyst stone at your bedside, it is thought
to relieve insomnia.
 It helps to remember and understand the dream.
 It helps to relieve anger, fear and anxiety. It alleviates sadness and grief and removes negativity.
 It opens the intuition and activates spiritual awareness. Develops psychic abilities.
 It calms the mind by stimulating it. It helps focus, gives motivation and strengthens memory.
Apatite Stone
Compatible Signs: Gemini
Apatite is known as a spiritual stone. It increases the vibrations in one's psychic perceptions on one's body,
mind and aura. In short, it instills inspiration and creativity in the person. Apatit, which takes its place in this
content that will guide the subject of natural stones and their properties , has green, yellow and blue
colors. It attracts attention especially with its vitality. You need to be careful when storing this mineral stone,
which is fragile in structure.
Apatite Stone Benefits and Properties
Focus, Learning, Reason, Acceptance, Unconditional Love, Clarity in Concentration, Thought Stimulating
Ideas, Idea Seeking, Peace, Harmony and Communication
 As we mentioned above, Apatite develops creativity.
 It deepens meditation. It also helps to develop spiritual harmony and increase psychic abilities.
 It focuses on the strengthening of communication and helps the person to express himself more easily.
 It increases motivation. It provides emotional, spiritual, mental and physical balance.
 It helps relieve frustration, awaken the inner self, and reduce irritability.
 By accelerating the metabolism, it provides suppression of hunger, which will encourage healthy
Aventurine Stone (Fortunate Stone)
Compatible Signs: Leo and Cancer
Aventurine Stone Benefits and Properties
Creative, Imagination, Calm, Career Success, Balance and Luck
 It is known as the lucky stone.
 It helps to reinforce one's sense of leadership and determination.
 It leads to empathy and compassion.
 It encourages patience.
 It helps to relieve violent thoughts.
 It provides stabilization in mood, movement in perception and increase in creativity.
 It opens the way for other possibilities and alternatives to be seen.
 It encourages the calming of anger and the predominance of feelings of well-being.
 It helps balance the masculine-feminine energies.
Moon Stone
Compatible Signs: Gemini
The moonstone, which takes its name from its blue glow, shows this mysterious face when its light is eclipsed.
It supports the body to maintain its daily routine. Moonstone, which also paves the way for emotional balancing,
is a natural stone type that has been used and known for centuries.
Moonstone Benefits and Properties
It is believed that moonstone prevents emotional turmoil. It helps people to regulate their emotional worlds and
have clearer thoughts. It also strengthens intuition and communication. Strengthening the lymph system is
among the benefits of moonstone. It is also one of the most effective natural stone types against the evil eye.
It is a type of stone that is frequently preferred by dieters and those struggling with obesity, as it gives the
person a feeling of satiety. It also offers benefits for the removal of toxins from the body and skin health. It is
one of the most ideal natural stones for those who have problems in understanding and empathizing with the
other side. In addition, moonstone is good for brain functions and contributes to the development of
Since it is a sensitive stone due to its structure, attention should be paid to its use. It is enough to be kept in the
sun for cleaning. It should be kept away from chemical products, water and soap.
Fluorite Stone
Compatible Signs: Pisces and Capricorn
Fluorite Stone Benefits and Properties
Consciousness, Aura Clearing, Mind, Protection and Truth
 This stone clears and balances the aura.
 Absorbs stress and negative energy.
 It helps to learn.
 It also balances the energy by pushing it to the positive.
 It provides mental and physical balance.
Sun Stone
Compatible Signs: Leo and Libra
Sunstone, a stone belonging to the quartz group, includes shades of brown, orange, yellow, pink, red and
peach. It symbolizes the life energy. It can be used with moonstone. It gives energy to the person to increase
his leadership feature. It is found in Sweden, Southern Norway, parts of the Americas and some coastal areas
along the central part of Southern Australia.
Sunstone Benefits and Properties
Authenticity and Freedom, Sexuality, Romance, Luck and Independence
 It is associated with good fortune and luck.
 It is known to clear the chakras and give energy to create vitality.
 It raises intuition, allowing the self to truly shine.
 It helps to reduce stress and fear and increases vitality.
 It encourages originality and independence.
 Helps those who have trouble saying "No" to others.
 Increases self-confidence.
 It encourages enthusiasm and good thinking.
Jasper Stone
Compatible Signs: Leo, Virgo and Scorpio
Jasper stone, which belongs to the quartz variety chalcedony group, is available in red, brown and
orange tones. This natural stone , which is frequently preferred during yoga and meditation , creates an
invisible shield to the wearer. For this reason, it is important to touch the jasper stone during the day.
Jasper Stone Benefits and Properties
Compassion, Serenity, Healing, Completion, Satisfaction, Relaxation, and Consolation
 It gives support, peace and integrity by keeping it up when you are stressed.
 By absorbing negative energy, it protects the wearer.
 Balances Yin Yang.
 It cleans all environmental pollution and electromagnetics, including radiation.
 It leads to self-righteousness.
 It gives courage to solve problems clearly.
 Helps practical thinking and improves organizational ability.
 It stimulates the imagination and helps turn ideas into action.
Blood stone
Compatible Signs: Aries, Pisces and Libra
A powerful healing stone, bloodstone is also a great blood purifier. It is mined in countries such as Brazil and
India. It is usually seen in dark green and blue tones. It has red spots that look like blood. This stone, which has
been used to stop blood since ancient times, is still preferred by some barbers today.
Bloodstone Benefits and Properties
Harmony, Smooth Energy Flow, Abundance, Organization, Idealism, Purification, Generosity and Good Luck
 It strengthens intuition and increases creativity.
 It provides protection and grounding possible.
 It attracts negative energy on the person and helps to overcome stress.
 It also stimulates dreaming, as it is a powerful invigorator.
 It allows you to take steps to get out of dangerous situations by giving courage.
 It makes it possible for you to have a calm mind. In particular, it improves the right decision making by
eliminating the confusion based on stress.
 It helps to reduce aggression, impatience and irritability.
In alternative medicine, it is thought to help purify and strengthen the blood in anemia. It is also believed to
regulate blood flow.
Tiger Eye Stone (Tiger Eye)
Compatible Signs: Capricorn
In our guide to natural stones and their properties , it's time for the tiger eye, the details of which we
have shared before. It is a very popular natural stone that is often seen in bright yellow and brown
tones and is appreciated by everyone.
Tiger Eye Stone Benefits and Properties
Clear Thinking, Protection, Integrity, Personal Empowerment, Practicality, Integrity, Strength, Courage,
Grace and Will
 Known as the stone of protection, the tiger's eye is known to bring good luck to the wearer.
 It helps to focus and encourages the mind to be clear.
 It helps to solve the problems by preventing them from getting mixed with emotions.
 It is very useful for relieving anxiety and fear.
Crystal Quartz Stone
Compatible Signs: It can be used for all zodiac signs.
Crystal Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties
 The tip of the crystal quartz stone, which is in transparent color, is pointed. He is also known as a
master healer.
 When it is used with the energy it receives from its clarity, the concentration also increases.
 It is used in yoga and meditation.
 Crystal quartz natural stone can also be used for cleansing, balancing and activating the chakras.
 You can strengthen your intention and energy with this natural stone, which is considered a power
Labradorite Stone
Compatible Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo
It takes its name from Canada's Labrador peninsula, where it was first discovered. It is a mineral with a dark
and dull appearance. But it also has an iridescent feature. If you look at it by moving it, the surface will turn red.
Colors appear as slices and refract light. It attracts attention with its playful colors. Violet, green, blue,
sometimes orange and yellow colors flash with the reflection of light. Thus, it reveals itself more. Known as the
stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful natural stone that instills strength and perseverance through
change. This stone, which provides the grounding of the spiritual energy, also raises the consciousness.
Labradorite Benefits and Properties
Strengthens Will, Transformation, Channels Psychic Abilities, Stimulates Imagination, and Has a Calming
 It is a wonderful natural stone type that triggers intuitive empowerment. It also encourages the use of
psychic abilities.
 Powerful to reveal the truth behind the illusions, Labradorite also helps to remove insecurity and fears.
 It increases one's self-belief and confidence in the universe.
 It stimulates the imagination and calms the mind. It also helps to have new ideas.
 It stimulates mental acuity by reducing anxiety and stress.
Lapis Lazuli Stone
Compatible Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces and Libra
Lapis Lazuli stone has been among the most sought-after natural stones since the past. The Sumerians
believed that the spirit of the gods lived in this stone. Ancient Egyptians saw it as a symbol of the night sky. In
summary, this type of natural stone is associated with courage, strength, wisdom, reason and truth. It takes its
name from the Latin lapis "stone" and the Persian "blue".
Lapis Lazuli Stone Benefits and Properties
Confidence, Love, Intuition, Purification, Friends, Inner Strength and Reality
A stone of protection that can be worn to guard against psychic attacks, this organic stone quickly releases
stress, bringing deep peace.
 It brings deep peace by reducing stress.
 It facilitates self-awareness.
 It allows the individual to express himself and gives the personality the qualities of honesty, compassion and
decency, especially by revealing the spiritual truth.
 It promotes objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity.
 It supports the person to face the truth and address and especially instills confidence in the person.
 It bonds relationships and supports the expression of emotions.
Malachite (Malachite) Stone
Compatible Signs: Capricorn, Libra and Scorpio
It is a natural stone with a hardness of 3.5-4, which goes from light to dark green and has black stripes.
Malachite Benefits and Properties
Loyalty, Leadership, Wisdom, Calming, Protection, Balance, Peace, Comfort, Positive Transformation, Self-
understanding and Healing
 It is a stone that absorbs negative energy. It also takes bad energy from your living space.
 It protects against radiation and cleans the effect of electromagnetic pollution.
 It opens the heart to unconditional love.
 It paves the way for you to incorporate risk and change into your life.
 It is instructive so that the wearer can take responsibility for their actions, thoughts and feelings.
 It releases emotional inhibitions. It develops empathy.
Blue Quartz Stone
Compatible Signs: Pisces and Aquarius
Blue quartz stone, which is part of the quartz group, is quite strong. It is believed that it gives strength to the
person in contact and contributes to their creative qualities. Blue quartz stone is generally used during
meditation and yoga.
Blue Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties
Communication, Harmony, Spirit, Joy, Removing Fear and Creativity
 It allows you to be more creative in expressing yourself.
 It makes it simple for you to communicate with other people.
 It helps you to analyze your important life memories.
 It makes you adaptable and leads to forgiveness.
 It allows you to achieve mental clarity. It allows you to focus so you can get rid of cluttered feelings.
 It leads to happiness. This will lead you to accept the things that bring you joy.
 It guides dream healing.
Najaf Stone (Mountain Crystal)
Compatible Signs: It can be used for all zodiac signs.
The transparent and veined form of crystal quartz stone is called mountain crystal stone. What makes this
stone special is the water and carbon dioxide that causes the veins in it to form. Mined in Brazil and
Madagascar, this natural stone is preferred for balancing, activating and clearing the chakras.
Mountain Crystal (Najaf) Stone Benefits and Properties
Energy, Healing, Harmony, Calmness and Clarity
 It balances the person mentally, physically, emotionally and mentally and gives vitality.
 It provides concentration and calmness in the mind-emptying phases.
 It is believed to bring abundance and good luck to the bearer.
 It is known as the miraculous stone as it is compatible with all zodiac signs.
Obsidian Stone
Compatible Signs: Sagittarius and Scorpio
This type of natural stone is known as a very strong protective stone. It becomes a hidden shield against all the
negativities you may encounter in your living space. Obsidian stone, a type of volcanic glass, is formed by the
sudden cooling and hardening of lava. It is also known as the mirror stone as it is thought to be the reflection of
the inner world.
 You can place it in your living space or on your desk,
 During meditation, yoga or exercise,
 It is possible to use it with you during the day, such as a wallet or bag.
Obsidian Stone Benefits and Properties
Transformation, Realization, Manifestation, Practicality, Psychic Ability, Purification, Metamorphoses
 It protects against psychic attacks and absorbs the negative in the environment.
 It removes tension and stress in the mind.
 It supports spiritual development and gives healing.
 It is known to open mind and helps you open new horizons.
 It helps dissolve emotional blockages and clears confusion.
Onyx (Courage) Stone
Compatible Signs: Leo and Gemini
Onyx is the stone of the planet Saturn and is the version of the saying "You reap what you sow". It enables the
person to take action by guiding them to make logical decisions.
It is formed by the deposition of silica in lava gas cavities. Although it is found especially in black in nature, it
can also be pink, red, green and brown.
Onyx Stone Benefits and Properties
Consistency, Stamina, Toughness, Strength, Persistence, and Self-Control
 It is believed to give strength to the bearer.
 Increases patience, endurance and vigor.
 It helps you to be more comfortable in your environment by gaining self-confidence.
 It helps to eliminate grief and sorrow.
 It promotes luck and happiness.
Rose Quartz Stone
Compatible Signs: Scorpio
Rose quartz can be used during energy balancing, meditation or yoga. If you wish, you can position it on your
table as a decoration object. You can carry it in your jacket or purse if you wish. If you are facing problems in
bilateral relations, you will not want to leave the pink quartz stone with you.
Rose Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties
Love, Affection, Compassion and Attachment
 Since it is a stone that attracts unconditional love, you can use it however you want. No matter how you use it,
it is definitely compatible with love and happiness.
 Crystal is especially used to attract love and compassion.
 It can be used to create compassion and unconditional love beyond romance. This is why it is a powerful stone
for deepening all relationships.
Selenite Stone
Compatible Signs: Taurus
Selenite stone, which is a type of mineral gypsum, has a very soft structure. Therefore, it is easy to scratch and
should be carefully maintained. Also, it should definitely come into contact with water.
Selenite Stone Benefits and Properties
Welfare, Money, Creativity, Generosity, Protection, Power, Pleasure, Harmony, Stability, Confidence, Energy,
Management Skill, Success, Comfort, Truth, Warmth, Kindness, Enjoyment of Life, Spiritual Development
 Citrine stone energizes all levels of life. It helps to clear the chakras and open the intuition.
 It is also known as the stone of abundance and money.
 It attracts success, prosperity and wealth.
 It instills enthusiasm, delight, surprise and joy. Increases self-confidence.
 It triggers motivation, activates for creativity and paves the way for more comfortable self-expression.
 It stimulates the mind and increases concentration.
 It provides emotional balance.
Sodalite Stone
Compatible Signs: Sagittarius
Sodalite Benefits and Properties
Emotional Balance, Openness, Perception, Truth, Intelligence, Logic and Intuition
 Sodalite is known to bring calmness and order to the human mind. In particular, it helps to create emotional
balance and calms panic attacks.
 It promotes objectivity, rational thinking, intuition, and truth in the light of verbally expressed emotions.
 It provides self-acceptance, eliminates self-anxiety and helps to increase self-confidence.
 It is effective in preventing insomnia.
 It helps to balance metabolism, balances immunity.
Who Should Use Sodalite?
1. Sagittarius, who generally do not need to think while talking, may prefer primarily.
2. Those that work to balance the forehead and throat chakra
3. It can be used by those who are looking for spiritual guidance in making an important decision.
Shungite (Life) Stone
Compatible Signs: Capricorn and Scorpio
It is a very strong stone that develops in Shungite (Shungite) with the development of the planet. Shungite is
known as a natural stone that both protects and heals. It earths its carrier and protects it from toxins and
electromagnetic frequencies in the air and the environment.
Although most natural stones are the result of converted organic materials, Shungit is considered by some to
be among the elements responsible for the life of the planet. That's why it's called the stone of life.
The stone with the most perfect grounding in our guide to natural stones and their properties is undoubtedly
Shungit. Just like in grounding, it is also very good at cleaning. It helps to remove the things that drain your
energy from your life. It helps to create a resting environment away from chaos by keeping the person away
from things that give weight and distraction. It is a natural stone that is famous for its ability to purify energy. In
addition, this stone is also used to purify water by charging. It also encourages people to learn more and
encourages them towards spiritual breakthrough.
Shungite Stone Benefits and Properties
 It helps to astral travel easily.
 It encourages universal feelings of unity.
 It spreads personal energy around you and allows you to create your own energy shield.
 It creates light for your dark phases in life.
 Energy regulates body temperature while working.
 It transfers energy to the soul, mind and body.
 It turns negatives into positives.
 It soothes tired eyes.
Turquoise (Turquoise) Stone
Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces
Turquoise; Turquoise stone, with its other name, is a purification stone. It provides protection against external
factors and evil eye, and allows the negative to disperse. It is one of the natural stones that have been highly
valued and considered sacred since ancient times. In addition, this natural stone, which attracts attention with
its opaque and waxy structure, draws attention with its blue color and black veins running over it. It is often
referred to as turquoise because it is found in blue color.
Turquoise Stone Benefits and Features
Protection, Wisdom, Peace, Friendship, Purification, Love, Sensitivity, Strength, Positive Thinking and Balance
 It provides inner peace and balances sudden changes in mood.
 It has the feature of preventing panic attacks.
 It has a healing effect against fatigue and depression.
 By instilling creativity, it makes it easier to solve problems.
 It is known as a symbol of friendship and triggers romantic love.
 It is also thought to have an effect on being physically healthy.
Tourmaline Stone
Compatible Signs: Virgo, Libra and Capricorn
It is found in nature in different colors such as pink, black and green. It is a crystalline silicate
mineral. Especially black tourmaline stone can be preferred in order to protect from negativities and to remove
them from the body.
Tourmaline Stone Benefits and Properties
Objectivity, Compassion, Resilience, Balance, Strength, Understanding, Resilience, Positive Transformation,
Tolerance and Healing
 It is preferable to understand both oneself and other people.
 Increasing confidence helps reduce fear. It attracts well-being, inspiration, compassion and tolerance.
 It balances both sides of the brain.
 It helps to remove the blockages caused by increasing the energy.
Ruby Zoisite (Anolite) Stone
Compatible Signs: Aries
Ruby Zoisite Benefits and Properties
Self-Esteem, Adjustment, Self-Control, Healing, Dream Recall, Relaxation
 It creates high energy in the state of consciousness.
 It allows you to access and use the abilities of your mind.
 It triggers personality awareness.
 It instills spontaneity, courage and joy, bringing flavor and passion to life.
 It improves blood circulation, quality and heart diseases.
Compatible Signs: Gemini, Aries, Taurus and Libra
Jade stone, also known as jade stone, is one of the minerals used as ornaments. It has been frequently
preferred in making souvenirs and trinkets since ancient times. Due to its healing properties, it is used as a
facial massage tool and gua sha stones. In addition, in the past sources, jewelry and accessories containing
jade were given as gifts in the 12th century.
Jade Benefits and Properties
Longevity, Peace, Stability, Fertility, Wisdom, Balance, Perspective, Harmony, Tranquility, Moderation Peace
and Wisdom
 Jade symbolizes purity and inner peace. It means wisdom accumulated in peace.
 This stone stands out with its protective aspect. It allows the carriers to adapt and protect them from harm.
 It aims to relax the mind by releasing negative thoughts. Emotionally, it's a total comforter.
 The jade stone, which is believed to bring abundance and fertility, is also known as the dream stone. It helps
you remember your dreams more easily.
 It helps to remove toxins from the body. It heals stitches by helping to regenerate cellular systems.
Star Stone
Compatible Signs: Sagittarius
Starstone (goldstone), which fascinates those who see it with its glittering reflection and glitters on it, is a stone
produced by people. It can be golden yellow and blue colors. It gets its shine from manganese or cobalt in it.
Star Stone Benefits and Properties
Ambition, Perseverance, Vitality, Hope and Goal Setting
 It raises one's energy. It helps build courage and a positive attitude.
 It promotes vitality and reduces tension.
“Amethyst is a natural sedative that reduces
stress and tension, calms impatience, regulates
mood swings, and alleviates aggression, rage,
fear, and anxiety. Dissolves negativity and
alleviates melancholy and despair.”

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Natural Stones and their benefits.pdf

  • 1. Natural Stones and their benefits | how to reduce stress, tension, impatience and regulate mood swings We have prepared a very comprehensive guide about natural stones and their properties, where you can find the stone you want. First of all, we can answer the question of what is natural stone and then continue our topic with natural stone types. Natural stones refer to mineral, stone or organic matter that can be cut and polished or processed in different ways to be used in both ornaments and jewelry. Precious natural stone varieties embody rarity, beauty and durability. Semi-precious stones have only one or two of these features. Today we will talk about natural stones believed to heal and their properties. We will share its benefits and compatible horoscopes with you, enjoy reading :) Agate) Stone Compatible Signs: Taurus, Virgo and Gemini Agate Stone Benefits and Properties We have previously covered the topic of agate stone benefits in our natural stones category. Again, I don't see any harm in going through it.
  • 2. It is a stone believed to provide the mind, body and spirit to be balanced and harmonized. Agate stone helps to clear and stabilize the aura by removing the negative energy in the body. It helps to develop concentration, perception, analytical abilities and mental functions. It makes it possible to heal internal anger and tension and create a sense of security and trust. Navy Blue Agate Benefits and Properties  intuitive increase  emotional balancing  Universe harmony  Enlightenment Green Agate Stone Benefits and Properties  practical decision making  Bravery  life energy  Power in career  Improvement Brown Agate Stone Benefits and Properties  physical strength and grounding  universal energy  Opening the heart/mind to innovations Pink Agate Stone Benefits and Properties  Courage, self-confidence  Trust  soothing effect  Healing of problems  relaxation effect Blue Agate Stone Benefits and Properties  Ability to express oneself comfortably  rest the soul  Strengthening communication  emotional healing Purple Agate Stone Benefits and Properties  energy booster  productivity booster  Protective effect  personal talisman Aquamarine Stone
  • 3. Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Gemini, Aquarius, Pisces and Aries Aquamarine Stone Benefits and Properties Aquamarine is known as the stone of courage. The most well-known and beautiful varieties are found in Russia. It means "sea water" in Latin and the stone is believed to be a treasure of mermaids. In addition, since ancient times, aquamarine is known as the secret of sailors' safe voyage. In other words, sailors would definitely take aquamarine stone with them when they set out. Cleansing, Inner Peace, Meditation, Peace, Prophecy, Inspiration, Power, Soothing, Calming, Safe Traveling on Water  It calms the mind by reducing negative energy and stress.  By removing confusion, it creates clarity in perception and sharpens the intelligence.  It allows you to express yourself comfortably. It increases sensitivity and calms fear.  Allows prudence to open, sharpens intuition.  It is thought to protect both mother and baby during pregnancy.  It is believed to help heal sore throats, swollen glands and thyroids. Amazonite Stone
  • 4. Compatible Signs: Virgo It is mixed because it has similar colors with aquamarine stone. But amazonite stone is distinguished by its darker patterns. Amazonite, also known as Amazon stone, is a green type of microcline Feldspar. It is frequently used as a precious stone. Amazonite Benefits and Properties Sincerity, Inspiration, Love, Communication, Integrity, Honor, Trust, Clairvoyance, Prophecy, Clarity, and Psychic Vision  It is known as the soothing stone. It provides the protection of optimum health by calming the nervous and brain systems.  It balances the feminine and masculine energies.  It helps you to see both sides and different angles in the problems that occur.  It helps to calm the emotional trauma by reducing anxiety and fear.  It removes negative energy, violence and blockage in the nervous system.  Absorbs microwave and defends against magnetic pollution. Amethyst Stone
  • 5. Compatible Signs: Virgo Natural stones and their properties, the current stone of our guide, amethyst, is shown among the strongest and protective natural stones. Natural stone found in igneous rock cracks and cavities is most common in Brazil and Uruguay. Amethyst Stone Benefits and Properties Inner Peace/Healing, Body, Mind and Spirit Healing, Meditation, Spiritual Awareness, Psychic Abilities, Positive Transformation  Protects against psychic attacks.  It transforms high energy into levels and protects the wearer from stress and ill-wishers of others.  It takes away stress and tension. It stabilizes mood swings by calming the nerves. It is thought to be a natural sedative.  It is recommended for a comfortable sleep, if you have an amethyst stone at your bedside, it is thought to relieve insomnia.  It helps to remember and understand the dream.  It helps to relieve anger, fear and anxiety. It alleviates sadness and grief and removes negativity.  It opens the intuition and activates spiritual awareness. Develops psychic abilities.  It calms the mind by stimulating it. It helps focus, gives motivation and strengthens memory. Apatite Stone
  • 6. Compatible Signs: Gemini Apatite is known as a spiritual stone. It increases the vibrations in one's psychic perceptions on one's body, mind and aura. In short, it instills inspiration and creativity in the person. Apatit, which takes its place in this content that will guide the subject of natural stones and their properties , has green, yellow and blue colors. It attracts attention especially with its vitality. You need to be careful when storing this mineral stone, which is fragile in structure. Apatite Stone Benefits and Properties Focus, Learning, Reason, Acceptance, Unconditional Love, Clarity in Concentration, Thought Stimulating Ideas, Idea Seeking, Peace, Harmony and Communication  As we mentioned above, Apatite develops creativity.  It deepens meditation. It also helps to develop spiritual harmony and increase psychic abilities.  It focuses on the strengthening of communication and helps the person to express himself more easily.  It increases motivation. It provides emotional, spiritual, mental and physical balance.  It helps relieve frustration, awaken the inner self, and reduce irritability.  By accelerating the metabolism, it provides suppression of hunger, which will encourage healthy eating. Aventurine Stone (Fortunate Stone)
  • 7. Compatible Signs: Leo and Cancer Aventurine Stone Benefits and Properties Creative, Imagination, Calm, Career Success, Balance and Luck  It is known as the lucky stone.  It helps to reinforce one's sense of leadership and determination.  It leads to empathy and compassion.  It encourages patience.  It helps to relieve violent thoughts.  It provides stabilization in mood, movement in perception and increase in creativity.  It opens the way for other possibilities and alternatives to be seen.  It encourages the calming of anger and the predominance of feelings of well-being.  It helps balance the masculine-feminine energies. Moon Stone
  • 8. Compatible Signs: Gemini The moonstone, which takes its name from its blue glow, shows this mysterious face when its light is eclipsed. It supports the body to maintain its daily routine. Moonstone, which also paves the way for emotional balancing, is a natural stone type that has been used and known for centuries. Moonstone Benefits and Properties It is believed that moonstone prevents emotional turmoil. It helps people to regulate their emotional worlds and have clearer thoughts. It also strengthens intuition and communication. Strengthening the lymph system is among the benefits of moonstone. It is also one of the most effective natural stone types against the evil eye. It is a type of stone that is frequently preferred by dieters and those struggling with obesity, as it gives the person a feeling of satiety. It also offers benefits for the removal of toxins from the body and skin health. It is one of the most ideal natural stones for those who have problems in understanding and empathizing with the other side. In addition, moonstone is good for brain functions and contributes to the development of intelligence. Since it is a sensitive stone due to its structure, attention should be paid to its use. It is enough to be kept in the sun for cleaning. It should be kept away from chemical products, water and soap. Fluorite Stone
  • 9. Compatible Signs: Pisces and Capricorn Fluorite Stone Benefits and Properties Consciousness, Aura Clearing, Mind, Protection and Truth  This stone clears and balances the aura.  Absorbs stress and negative energy.  It helps to learn.  It also balances the energy by pushing it to the positive.  It provides mental and physical balance. Sun Stone
  • 10. Compatible Signs: Leo and Libra Sunstone, a stone belonging to the quartz group, includes shades of brown, orange, yellow, pink, red and peach. It symbolizes the life energy. It can be used with moonstone. It gives energy to the person to increase his leadership feature. It is found in Sweden, Southern Norway, parts of the Americas and some coastal areas along the central part of Southern Australia. Sunstone Benefits and Properties Authenticity and Freedom, Sexuality, Romance, Luck and Independence  It is associated with good fortune and luck.  It is known to clear the chakras and give energy to create vitality.  It raises intuition, allowing the self to truly shine.  It helps to reduce stress and fear and increases vitality.  It encourages originality and independence.  Helps those who have trouble saying "No" to others.  Increases self-confidence.  It encourages enthusiasm and good thinking. Jasper Stone
  • 11. Compatible Signs: Leo, Virgo and Scorpio Jasper stone, which belongs to the quartz variety chalcedony group, is available in red, brown and orange tones. This natural stone , which is frequently preferred during yoga and meditation , creates an invisible shield to the wearer. For this reason, it is important to touch the jasper stone during the day. Jasper Stone Benefits and Properties Compassion, Serenity, Healing, Completion, Satisfaction, Relaxation, and Consolation  It gives support, peace and integrity by keeping it up when you are stressed.  By absorbing negative energy, it protects the wearer.  Balances Yin Yang.  It cleans all environmental pollution and electromagnetics, including radiation.  It leads to self-righteousness.  It gives courage to solve problems clearly.  Helps practical thinking and improves organizational ability.  It stimulates the imagination and helps turn ideas into action. Blood stone
  • 12. Compatible Signs: Aries, Pisces and Libra A powerful healing stone, bloodstone is also a great blood purifier. It is mined in countries such as Brazil and India. It is usually seen in dark green and blue tones. It has red spots that look like blood. This stone, which has been used to stop blood since ancient times, is still preferred by some barbers today. Bloodstone Benefits and Properties Harmony, Smooth Energy Flow, Abundance, Organization, Idealism, Purification, Generosity and Good Luck  It strengthens intuition and increases creativity.  It provides protection and grounding possible.  It attracts negative energy on the person and helps to overcome stress.  It also stimulates dreaming, as it is a powerful invigorator.  It allows you to take steps to get out of dangerous situations by giving courage.  It makes it possible for you to have a calm mind. In particular, it improves the right decision making by eliminating the confusion based on stress.  It helps to reduce aggression, impatience and irritability. In alternative medicine, it is thought to help purify and strengthen the blood in anemia. It is also believed to regulate blood flow. Tiger Eye Stone (Tiger Eye)
  • 13. Compatible Signs: Capricorn In our guide to natural stones and their properties , it's time for the tiger eye, the details of which we have shared before. It is a very popular natural stone that is often seen in bright yellow and brown tones and is appreciated by everyone. Tiger Eye Stone Benefits and Properties Clear Thinking, Protection, Integrity, Personal Empowerment, Practicality, Integrity, Strength, Courage, Grace and Will  Known as the stone of protection, the tiger's eye is known to bring good luck to the wearer.  It helps to focus and encourages the mind to be clear.  It helps to solve the problems by preventing them from getting mixed with emotions.  It is very useful for relieving anxiety and fear. Crystal Quartz Stone
  • 14. Compatible Signs: It can be used for all zodiac signs. Crystal Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties  The tip of the crystal quartz stone, which is in transparent color, is pointed. He is also known as a master healer.  When it is used with the energy it receives from its clarity, the concentration also increases.  It is used in yoga and meditation.  Crystal quartz natural stone can also be used for cleansing, balancing and activating the chakras.  You can strengthen your intention and energy with this natural stone, which is considered a power stone.
  • 15. Labradorite Stone Compatible Signs: Sagittarius, Scorpio and Leo It takes its name from Canada's Labrador peninsula, where it was first discovered. It is a mineral with a dark and dull appearance. But it also has an iridescent feature. If you look at it by moving it, the surface will turn red. Colors appear as slices and refract light. It attracts attention with its playful colors. Violet, green, blue, sometimes orange and yellow colors flash with the reflection of light. Thus, it reveals itself more. Known as the stone of transformation, Labradorite is a useful natural stone that instills strength and perseverance through change. This stone, which provides the grounding of the spiritual energy, also raises the consciousness. Labradorite Benefits and Properties Strengthens Will, Transformation, Channels Psychic Abilities, Stimulates Imagination, and Has a Calming Effect  It is a wonderful natural stone type that triggers intuitive empowerment. It also encourages the use of psychic abilities.  Powerful to reveal the truth behind the illusions, Labradorite also helps to remove insecurity and fears.  It increases one's self-belief and confidence in the universe.  It stimulates the imagination and calms the mind. It also helps to have new ideas.  It stimulates mental acuity by reducing anxiety and stress.
  • 16. Lapis Lazuli Stone Compatible Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces and Libra Lapis Lazuli stone has been among the most sought-after natural stones since the past. The Sumerians believed that the spirit of the gods lived in this stone. Ancient Egyptians saw it as a symbol of the night sky. In summary, this type of natural stone is associated with courage, strength, wisdom, reason and truth. It takes its name from the Latin lapis "stone" and the Persian "blue". Lapis Lazuli Stone Benefits and Properties Confidence, Love, Intuition, Purification, Friends, Inner Strength and Reality A stone of protection that can be worn to guard against psychic attacks, this organic stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace.  It brings deep peace by reducing stress.  It facilitates self-awareness.  It allows the individual to express himself and gives the personality the qualities of honesty, compassion and decency, especially by revealing the spiritual truth.  It promotes objectivity, clarity and encourages creativity.  It supports the person to face the truth and address and especially instills confidence in the person.  It bonds relationships and supports the expression of emotions.
  • 17. Malachite (Malachite) Stone Compatible Signs: Capricorn, Libra and Scorpio It is a natural stone with a hardness of 3.5-4, which goes from light to dark green and has black stripes. Malachite Benefits and Properties Loyalty, Leadership, Wisdom, Calming, Protection, Balance, Peace, Comfort, Positive Transformation, Self- understanding and Healing  It is a stone that absorbs negative energy. It also takes bad energy from your living space.  It protects against radiation and cleans the effect of electromagnetic pollution.  It opens the heart to unconditional love.  It paves the way for you to incorporate risk and change into your life.  It is instructive so that the wearer can take responsibility for their actions, thoughts and feelings.  It releases emotional inhibitions. It develops empathy.
  • 18. Blue Quartz Stone Compatible Signs: Pisces and Aquarius Blue quartz stone, which is part of the quartz group, is quite strong. It is believed that it gives strength to the person in contact and contributes to their creative qualities. Blue quartz stone is generally used during meditation and yoga. Blue Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties Communication, Harmony, Spirit, Joy, Removing Fear and Creativity  It allows you to be more creative in expressing yourself.  It makes it simple for you to communicate with other people.  It helps you to analyze your important life memories.  It makes you adaptable and leads to forgiveness.  It allows you to achieve mental clarity. It allows you to focus so you can get rid of cluttered feelings.  It leads to happiness. This will lead you to accept the things that bring you joy.  It guides dream healing.
  • 19. Najaf Stone (Mountain Crystal) Compatible Signs: It can be used for all zodiac signs. The transparent and veined form of crystal quartz stone is called mountain crystal stone. What makes this stone special is the water and carbon dioxide that causes the veins in it to form. Mined in Brazil and Madagascar, this natural stone is preferred for balancing, activating and clearing the chakras. Mountain Crystal (Najaf) Stone Benefits and Properties Energy, Healing, Harmony, Calmness and Clarity  It balances the person mentally, physically, emotionally and mentally and gives vitality.  It provides concentration and calmness in the mind-emptying phases.  It is believed to bring abundance and good luck to the bearer.  It is known as the miraculous stone as it is compatible with all zodiac signs. Obsidian Stone
  • 20. Compatible Signs: Sagittarius and Scorpio This type of natural stone is known as a very strong protective stone. It becomes a hidden shield against all the negativities you may encounter in your living space. Obsidian stone, a type of volcanic glass, is formed by the sudden cooling and hardening of lava. It is also known as the mirror stone as it is thought to be the reflection of the inner world.  You can place it in your living space or on your desk,  During meditation, yoga or exercise,  It is possible to use it with you during the day, such as a wallet or bag. Obsidian Stone Benefits and Properties Transformation, Realization, Manifestation, Practicality, Psychic Ability, Purification, Metamorphoses  It protects against psychic attacks and absorbs the negative in the environment.  It removes tension and stress in the mind.  It supports spiritual development and gives healing.  It is known to open mind and helps you open new horizons.  It helps dissolve emotional blockages and clears confusion. Onyx (Courage) Stone
  • 21. Compatible Signs: Leo and Gemini Onyx is the stone of the planet Saturn and is the version of the saying "You reap what you sow". It enables the person to take action by guiding them to make logical decisions. It is formed by the deposition of silica in lava gas cavities. Although it is found especially in black in nature, it can also be pink, red, green and brown. Onyx Stone Benefits and Properties Consistency, Stamina, Toughness, Strength, Persistence, and Self-Control  It is believed to give strength to the bearer.  Increases patience, endurance and vigor.  It helps you to be more comfortable in your environment by gaining self-confidence.  It helps to eliminate grief and sorrow.  It promotes luck and happiness. Rose Quartz Stone
  • 22. Compatible Signs: Scorpio Rose quartz can be used during energy balancing, meditation or yoga. If you wish, you can position it on your table as a decoration object. You can carry it in your jacket or purse if you wish. If you are facing problems in bilateral relations, you will not want to leave the pink quartz stone with you. Rose Quartz Stone Benefits and Properties Love, Affection, Compassion and Attachment  Since it is a stone that attracts unconditional love, you can use it however you want. No matter how you use it, it is definitely compatible with love and happiness.  Crystal is especially used to attract love and compassion.  It can be used to create compassion and unconditional love beyond romance. This is why it is a powerful stone for deepening all relationships. Selenite Stone
  • 23. Compatible Signs: Taurus Selenite stone, which is a type of mineral gypsum, has a very soft structure. Therefore, it is easy to scratch and should be carefully maintained. Also, it should definitely come into contact with water. Selenite Stone Benefits and Properties Welfare, Money, Creativity, Generosity, Protection, Power, Pleasure, Harmony, Stability, Confidence, Energy, Management Skill, Success, Comfort, Truth, Warmth, Kindness, Enjoyment of Life, Spiritual Development  Citrine stone energizes all levels of life. It helps to clear the chakras and open the intuition.  It is also known as the stone of abundance and money.  It attracts success, prosperity and wealth.  It instills enthusiasm, delight, surprise and joy. Increases self-confidence.  It triggers motivation, activates for creativity and paves the way for more comfortable self-expression.  It stimulates the mind and increases concentration.  It provides emotional balance. Sodalite Stone
  • 24. Compatible Signs: Sagittarius Sodalite Benefits and Properties Emotional Balance, Openness, Perception, Truth, Intelligence, Logic and Intuition  Sodalite is known to bring calmness and order to the human mind. In particular, it helps to create emotional balance and calms panic attacks.  It promotes objectivity, rational thinking, intuition, and truth in the light of verbally expressed emotions.  It provides self-acceptance, eliminates self-anxiety and helps to increase self-confidence.  It is effective in preventing insomnia.  It helps to balance metabolism, balances immunity. Who Should Use Sodalite? 1. Sagittarius, who generally do not need to think while talking, may prefer primarily. 2. Those that work to balance the forehead and throat chakra 3. It can be used by those who are looking for spiritual guidance in making an important decision. Shungite (Life) Stone
  • 25. Compatible Signs: Capricorn and Scorpio It is a very strong stone that develops in Shungite (Shungite) with the development of the planet. Shungite is known as a natural stone that both protects and heals. It earths its carrier and protects it from toxins and electromagnetic frequencies in the air and the environment. Although most natural stones are the result of converted organic materials, Shungit is considered by some to be among the elements responsible for the life of the planet. That's why it's called the stone of life. The stone with the most perfect grounding in our guide to natural stones and their properties is undoubtedly Shungit. Just like in grounding, it is also very good at cleaning. It helps to remove the things that drain your energy from your life. It helps to create a resting environment away from chaos by keeping the person away from things that give weight and distraction. It is a natural stone that is famous for its ability to purify energy. In addition, this stone is also used to purify water by charging. It also encourages people to learn more and encourages them towards spiritual breakthrough. Shungite Stone Benefits and Properties  It helps to astral travel easily.  It encourages universal feelings of unity.  It spreads personal energy around you and allows you to create your own energy shield.  It creates light for your dark phases in life.  Energy regulates body temperature while working.  It transfers energy to the soul, mind and body.  It turns negatives into positives.  It soothes tired eyes.
  • 26. Turquoise (Turquoise) Stone Compatible Signs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Aquarius and Pisces Turquoise; Turquoise stone, with its other name, is a purification stone. It provides protection against external factors and evil eye, and allows the negative to disperse. It is one of the natural stones that have been highly valued and considered sacred since ancient times. In addition, this natural stone, which attracts attention with its opaque and waxy structure, draws attention with its blue color and black veins running over it. It is often referred to as turquoise because it is found in blue color. Turquoise Stone Benefits and Features Protection, Wisdom, Peace, Friendship, Purification, Love, Sensitivity, Strength, Positive Thinking and Balance  It provides inner peace and balances sudden changes in mood.  It has the feature of preventing panic attacks.  It has a healing effect against fatigue and depression.  By instilling creativity, it makes it easier to solve problems.  It is known as a symbol of friendship and triggers romantic love.  It is also thought to have an effect on being physically healthy. Tourmaline Stone
  • 27. Compatible Signs: Virgo, Libra and Capricorn It is found in nature in different colors such as pink, black and green. It is a crystalline silicate mineral. Especially black tourmaline stone can be preferred in order to protect from negativities and to remove them from the body. Tourmaline Stone Benefits and Properties Objectivity, Compassion, Resilience, Balance, Strength, Understanding, Resilience, Positive Transformation, Tolerance and Healing  It is preferable to understand both oneself and other people.  Increasing confidence helps reduce fear. It attracts well-being, inspiration, compassion and tolerance.  It balances both sides of the brain.  It helps to remove the blockages caused by increasing the energy. Ruby Zoisite (Anolite) Stone
  • 28. Compatible Signs: Aries Ruby Zoisite Benefits and Properties Self-Esteem, Adjustment, Self-Control, Healing, Dream Recall, Relaxation  It creates high energy in the state of consciousness.  It allows you to access and use the abilities of your mind.  It triggers personality awareness.  It instills spontaneity, courage and joy, bringing flavor and passion to life.  It improves blood circulation, quality and heart diseases. Jade
  • 29. Compatible Signs: Gemini, Aries, Taurus and Libra Jade stone, also known as jade stone, is one of the minerals used as ornaments. It has been frequently preferred in making souvenirs and trinkets since ancient times. Due to its healing properties, it is used as a facial massage tool and gua sha stones. In addition, in the past sources, jewelry and accessories containing jade were given as gifts in the 12th century. Jade Benefits and Properties Longevity, Peace, Stability, Fertility, Wisdom, Balance, Perspective, Harmony, Tranquility, Moderation Peace and Wisdom  Jade symbolizes purity and inner peace. It means wisdom accumulated in peace.  This stone stands out with its protective aspect. It allows the carriers to adapt and protect them from harm.  It aims to relax the mind by releasing negative thoughts. Emotionally, it's a total comforter.  The jade stone, which is believed to bring abundance and fertility, is also known as the dream stone. It helps you remember your dreams more easily.  It helps to remove toxins from the body. It heals stitches by helping to regenerate cellular systems. Star Stone
  • 30. Compatible Signs: Sagittarius Starstone (goldstone), which fascinates those who see it with its glittering reflection and glitters on it, is a stone produced by people. It can be golden yellow and blue colors. It gets its shine from manganese or cobalt in it. Star Stone Benefits and Properties Ambition, Perseverance, Vitality, Hope and Goal Setting  It raises one's energy. It helps build courage and a positive attitude.  It promotes vitality and reduces tension. “Amethyst is a natural sedative that reduces stress and tension, calms impatience, regulates mood swings, and alleviates aggression, rage, fear, and anxiety. Dissolves negativity and alleviates melancholy and despair.”