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   A Project of Sierra Club

   a    al h nced…
     ppe nou
     te a July 25
   Fri day,                                                                               but the TCA is changing their strategy in
                                                                                          their appeal to the federal government.
                                                                                          First they claimed their road would
                                                                                          relieve congestion on I-5 and now they
Earlier this year Sierra Club, Surfrider
and environmental groups from
                                                                                          are saying it's a matter of national
all over the state won a decisive
                                                                                         security! Thanks to all of you who have
victory at the California Coastal
                                                                                         written Secretary Gutierrez urging him
Commission hearing in Del Mar, CA.
                                                                                         to grant a Federal Hearing in Southern
Over 3,000 surfers, campers, hikers, bikers                                              California.
and environmentalists came out to urge the                                                    We need to turn out at least as many
Coastal Commission to save California’s                                                  people at this Federal Hearing as we did
fifth most popular state park. In an 8-2 vote                                            at the Coastal Commission hearing in Del
the Coastal Commission voted to uphold                                                   Mar earlier this year. If we don’t we could
the Coastal Act and keep a six-lane pay-to-drive road out of San                         lose nearly 60% of the park, including the
Onofre State Beach.                                                San Mateo Campground, and destroy the last pristine watershed
      However, the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA)          in Southern California and one of the greatest surf breaks in
have appealed, asking the Federal Government to overturn           Northern America. Also at stake is a Native American Sacred Site
the Commission's decision. The United States Secretary of          and the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy.
Commerce, Carlos Gutierrez, will oversee the appeal. In a               There is no time to lose! Sierra Club’s Friends of the Foothills
shocking testament to TCA’s consistent and repeated failure        Campaign is gearing up for a busy summer. In continuation of our
to address the public’s concerns regarding this toll road, they    efforts to save Trestles, the San Mateo Campground and San
have urged the Department of Commerce to deny the public           Onofre State Beach from a destructive toll road, we are taking
an opportunity to participate in a hearing on the appeal. But      our fight to Washington D.C.! Help spread the word about the
Secretary Gutierrez has announced he will allow and host a         upcoming hearing to people who we know care about San Onofre
public hearing in Southern California on Friday, July 25th at      State Beach. To learn how you can help contact Robin Everett at
the UCI Bren Center in Irvine CA.                         or call 949-361-7534.
      We need to keep the pressure on the Bush Administration.
We all know what our reasons for stopping the toll road are,

                                                                                                Mark your calendar
                                                                                    for Friday, July 25th to attend
                                                                          the most important hearing the toll road
                                                                   fight has faced yet—it can seal the fate of our
                                                                       fight to STOP the Foothill-South Toll Road.
In a time of declining ridership
     and revenue, why is the TCA
    looking to take on more debt?

w       ith gas prices at well over four dollars a gallon, Orange
County toll roads are feeling the pinch. A recent Los Angeles Times
                                                                          date, 20th century, supposed traffic solution?
                                                                               In a recent traffic study done by the OCTA, transportation
article reported that ridership on the 241 toll road is down 4%           plans proposed to address traffic problems 20 years in the future
and if the trend continues the Transportation Corridor Agencies           still contain the Foothill-South Toll Road, and the OCTA board
(TCA) will miss their projected budget by 8%. The declines have           refuses to look at alternatives that consider a future without the
been attributed to higher gas prices and the economic downturn.           toll road extension. In fact, OCTA is even considering subsidizing
     That leaves many of us saying, “In a time of declining ridership     the toll roads with what they call a “shadow toll” in order to get more
and revenue, why is the TCA looking to take on more debt?” The            people on the toll roads. Shadows tolls would take funds from other
Foothill-South Toll Road would cost an estimated $1.3 billion             sources to subsidize the true price a driver would pay on the toll road.
that is almost a 50% increase from the originally proposed                Where will the funds come from to lower the toll road rates? OCTA
figure of $875 million. On top of that, the TCA is seeking over           does not know, but you can bet it will come from our pockets not the
a billion dollars in federal loans to help facilitate its merger of the   TCA’s!
241 and 73 toll roads.                                                         If the TCA cannot meet their budget when gas is $4 a gallon,
     With the proposed toll road extension prices escalating              what will they do when it is $8 a gallon? Now is the time to get real,
and revenue plummeting why is the TCA and Orange County                   and start facing Orange County's traffic problems realistically, and
Transportation Authority (OCTA) pushing forward with an out-of-           stop burying our heads in the sand.

Fish and wildlife Service grants permits to TCA
i  n the last two weeks the Transportation Corridor Agencies
(TCA) received two permits from the Fish and Wildlife
                                                                 major adverse impacts. Indeed, they recommend that the TCA find
                                                                 alternative alignments outside of San Onofre State Beach.
Service and the Department of Fish and Game. Once again               In the end, though, we know this fight is about not only
the agencies charged to protect our environment have refused to  the pocket mouse, the arroyo toad and the steelhead trout; it
acknowledge the effects that out-of-control                                            is about the endangered species of hikers,
development and infrastructure projects                                                campers, and surfers! 2.5 million people
                                                    we know this fight is              visit San Onofre State Beach every year,
have upon our fragile environment.
     Through the years the Fish and Wildlife    about not only the pocket              and it is one of the few places left were
Service has repeatedly failed to properly         mouse, the arroyo toad               working families can affordably vacation on
determine when a species is in trouble,                                                California's coastline. This fight is about
                                                 and the steelhead trout;              endangered species, yes, but it is also
and has been corrected by the courts, most
recently in the Delta Smelt Case.                  it is about the endan-              about the San Mateo Campground, the
     We disagree with many of the findings       gered species of hikers,              pristine San Mateo Watershed, the world-
in the Fish and Wildlife Service's biological                                          famous Trestles Beach, the Donna O'Neill
                                                  campers, and surfers!
opinion regarding the impact the Foothill-                                             Land Conservancy, and the Sacred Site of
South Toll Road would have on threatened                                               Panhe.
and endangered species.                                               Though the opinions of these agencies do not affect the Coastal
     The Fish and Wildlife Service itself admits, even if all     Commission decision it does highlight the importance of making
these species are not pushed to extinction, there are still       our voice heard at the Commerce hearing this summer!
California leaders Urge U.S. Commerce
           Department to Uphold Coastal Act

                              letter t
                    s from a
           Excerpt           Secreta
           U.S. Co           Califor
                     z from
            Gutierre           ill Lock
                  rea surer, B
          State T

           “My public record makes clear I do not oppose California's growth. As a State Treasurer and as a Californian who loves my state, I
           understand the importance of finding an appropriate balance between the competing demands of providing an infrastructure that meets
           the needs of our growing state and protecting the natural resources we cherish. The TCA proposal, however, does not balance these
           competing interests. It simply paves over one interest to satisfy the other.”

              fro m a l Secretary i,
        rpts         rce            mend
  Exce . Comme ohn Gara or;
     U.S        from
                      J            vern
                           nt Go ident
   Gut ierrez Lieutena           res
            rnia           tor P         air,
   C alifo rata, Sena inberg, Ch
           Pe       ll S
         em; Darre e Natural e.
  Pro T        Sena
                                  te                                                                                     legated to it by
                                                                                                        the authority de
                   ces C                                                      acted in accordance with         action would vi
                                                                                                                                olate the
          R  esour                                       Coa stal Commission                 ta l Commission’s
                                        rtification, the                     ride of the Cos
                                             consistency ce                           blic. Your over         rnia Coastal Act
                          ject the TCA’s                          sibility to the pu
         “In voting to re                        its legal respon                          ct and the Califo
                            ithfu lly executed                 al Zone  Management A                                                          were taken by
                                                                                                                                                              a local
         Congress and fa                     e Federal Coast                                                                  rnia park lands            tion and
                          spirit of both th                                                         e in history that
                                                                                                                                        ples of preserva
         substance and                                                           ld be the first tim mock the foundational princi
                                                                        it wou
                                                        d constructed,                           would
                                      be approved an                           ch an intrusion
          “If this project were to            or infrastruct ure project. Su
                           entity for a maj                                 .”                                                                            nal security.
          governmental                                     ic park system                                                                 quired by natio
                            derlying C   alifornia’s publ                                                        that the Toll Road is re              portant Marine
           stewardship un                                                                       ould be to find                        ndleton, the im
                                                                           si on’s decision w                   ay th rough Camp Pe                  them.
                                                         ing the Commis                         ilding a highw                       an to promote
                                      basis for overrid                     need. Indeed, bu                        tary training th
            …the   only remaining               such a na  tional security                   and se curity and mili
                              no showing of                                dermine homel
            There has been                               ore likely to un
                             on the W   est Coast, is m
            Training Base

                            er to
   Exce  rpts fro
                  m a lett ary
            ommerce san Davis,                           Congress of the United S
   U.S. C
       ierrez f
                rom Su
                                                      Washington, DC 2
   Gut           of Cong
       Member                   ator,
               xer, U .S. Sen ress.                                                                                                 cy…
            Bo                 ong                                                                                natives…Consistan
  Barbara           ers of C                                                                    ur decision…Alter
            er memb                                                     are required to base yo
and 26 o
         th                                          teria on which you
                                tisfy any of the cri
                             the TCA can sa
          “We do not believe                                                                                                              l security. Howeve
          National Security…
                              ”                                                                                      the basis or nationa
                                                                                      tal Comm  ission's decision on                  litary readiness.”
                                                                 the California Coas                               we know about mi
                                            u to act to override                              onsistent with what
           “The TCA ha   s already asked yo          proved by virtue of this toll road is inc
                                tional security is im
           the assertion that na

     To read the letters in entirety, please visit
“On Friday, July 25th, show the U.S. Commerce
Department we DOn'T wAnT The TOll ROAD!”
by steve netherby
i  f you missed the February 6th Coastal Commission toll road
hearing at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, someone surely told you,
“You shoulda been there!”
     More than 3,000 of us packed the hall, along with bus
loads of orange-shirted union pro-roaders and tailored toll road
execs. Signs, surfboards, and shirts read, “Arnold Don’t Surf,”
“Terminate the Toll Road,” and “Save the Park, Stop the Toll
Road.” One girl was dressed as an endangered tidewater goby;
another came as Sally the Steelhead.
     Moms and dads with kids came to save San Onofre State
Park, Trestles, and the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. Adults
skipped work, kids skipped school and surfers skipped the beach
to participate.
     The Commissioners’ eight-to-two vote against the toll
road signaled one of the great environmental victories in recent California history. Cheers rose, tears flowed, smiles and hugs
abounded. It was a sweet end to a banner day for the democratic process.
     However, this important victory is now in jeopardy. On Friday, July 25th at the UCI Bren Center in Irvine C.A., the Secretary
of Commerce will hold a hearing to decide whether to uphold or overturn the Coastal Commission’s historic decision. We need to
show the Secretary of Commerce that our park and beach is too precious to lose for a pay-to-drive road. If you missed the last hearing or
simply want to relive the excitement all over again, please attend the upcoming Commerce Department hearing and help drive the
final nail into the Foothill-South coffin.

                                                                                                       San Clemente, California 92674
                                                                                                              P.O. Box 3942

                                                                                                         A Project of Sierra Club
                                                                                                    STOP ThE TOLL ROAD SOUTh
                                                                                                   —PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY—
                                                                                                  FROM TRESTLES TO SADDLEBACK

                            25 th …
                          ly nced
                        Ju nou
                                              e an earing
                                         dat al h
     Permit No. 50
      Walnut, CA
     U.S. Postage
                                 by U.S. Secretary of Commerce
     PRSRT STD            TCA's Appeal hearing is granted
join us for a scenic hike and see for yourself
what is threatened by the toll road
Saturday, July 26                                                    Saturday, September 13

trestles beach                                                       trestles beach
Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the      Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the
extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows.         extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows.
We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area    We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area
and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would      and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would
do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot.   do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot.
3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin        3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin
Everett, Assistant: Paul Carlton.                                    Everett, Assistant: Duana Miller.

Saturday, August 17                                                  Saturday, October 18

trestles beach                                                       donna o’neill land conservancy
Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the      Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery on this slow-paced nearly level
extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows.         walk. We will discuss the ecological importance of the DOLC and
We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area    the surrounding area and the damage the Foothill-South Toll Road
and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would      would bring to the Conservancy and watershed. Meet at 8:30 am
do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot.   at the SOC rideshare pt. (Ortega Business Center, on Ortega Hwy.,
3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin        2 blks. E of I-5). Conservancy donation of $10 to support the work
Everett, Assistant: Duana Miller.                                    of the DOLC is appreciated. 3 mi. rt. Bring water. Rain cancels.
                                                                     Leader: Robin Everett, Assistant: Paul Carlton.

South Orange County (SOC) hikes rideshare meeting point:
Ortega Business Center parking lot, Southeast corner, at the
intersection of Ortega Highway and Rancho Viejo Road
in San Juan Capistrano.

Important Information for all hikes:
Always bring water; sturdy, comfortable shoes;
and a hat. Wear sunscreen. Rain Cancels.

     For more information or directions call Robin Everett at or call (949) 361-7534
get involved–
Help Sierra Club’s Friends of the Foothills protect San Onofre State Beach, San Mateo
Campground and the world-famous Trestles Beach from the destructive Foothill-South
Toll Road. By donating as little as a couple hours a month you can really make a
difference! Our volunteers often tell us that they enjoy meeting new people and doing
something positive for their community.

To find out more about volunteer opportunities contact Sierra Club Friends of the
Foothills campaign organizer Robin Everett at or call

We have a variety of committees that need your help:
• Tabling Committee: We set up informational tables at Trestles Beach and local
  fairs, festivals, and surf contests. By donating just a couple hours you can help us
  spread the word of the upcoming Commerce hearing.
• Events Committee: Work with others to help organize our events and make
  sure they run smoothly.
• Newsletter Committee: Write articles for our campaign newsletter, donate
  photographs or original art.
• Website Committee: Help us keep our Friends of the Foothills website up-to-
  date and accurate.
• Hikes Committee: Have an idea for a local hike or other outdoor activity to
  help the public learn about our great wild places? Want to train to be a docent? Want
  to become a trained hike leader? Our experienced Sierra Club volunteers can help
  you make it a reality.
• Public Officials Liaison Committee: Join other local residents and learn
  how to meet and talk with public officials about the critical issues confronting our
• Publicity Committee: Help publicize Friends of the Foothills and Sierra Club
• Speakers Bureau: We need speakers to address community groups about the
  challenges and opportunities Orange County confronts in protecting its environment
  and quality of life.

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Summer 2008 Friend to Friend Newsletter, Friends of the Foothills

  • 1. friend to friend ing FROM TRESTLES TO SADDLEBACK—PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY—STOP ThE TOLL ROAD SOUTh ear A Project of Sierra Club a al h nced… ppe nou n te a July 25 th da Fri day, but the TCA is changing their strategy in their appeal to the federal government. First they claimed their road would relieve congestion on I-5 and now they Earlier this year Sierra Club, Surfrider and environmental groups from are saying it's a matter of national all over the state won a decisive security! Thanks to all of you who have victory at the California Coastal written Secretary Gutierrez urging him Commission hearing in Del Mar, CA. to grant a Federal Hearing in Southern Over 3,000 surfers, campers, hikers, bikers California. and environmentalists came out to urge the We need to turn out at least as many Coastal Commission to save California’s people at this Federal Hearing as we did fifth most popular state park. In an 8-2 vote at the Coastal Commission hearing in Del the Coastal Commission voted to uphold Mar earlier this year. If we don’t we could the Coastal Act and keep a six-lane pay-to-drive road out of San lose nearly 60% of the park, including the Onofre State Beach. San Mateo Campground, and destroy the last pristine watershed However, the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) in Southern California and one of the greatest surf breaks in have appealed, asking the Federal Government to overturn Northern America. Also at stake is a Native American Sacred Site the Commission's decision. The United States Secretary of and the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. Commerce, Carlos Gutierrez, will oversee the appeal. In a There is no time to lose! Sierra Club’s Friends of the Foothills shocking testament to TCA’s consistent and repeated failure Campaign is gearing up for a busy summer. In continuation of our to address the public’s concerns regarding this toll road, they efforts to save Trestles, the San Mateo Campground and San have urged the Department of Commerce to deny the public Onofre State Beach from a destructive toll road, we are taking an opportunity to participate in a hearing on the appeal. But our fight to Washington D.C.! Help spread the word about the Secretary Gutierrez has announced he will allow and host a upcoming hearing to people who we know care about San Onofre public hearing in Southern California on Friday, July 25th at State Beach. To learn how you can help contact Robin Everett at the UCI Bren Center in Irvine CA. or call 949-361-7534. We need to keep the pressure on the Bush Administration. We all know what our reasons for stopping the toll road are, Mark your calendar for Friday, July 25th to attend the most important hearing the toll road fight has faced yet—it can seal the fate of our fight to STOP the Foothill-South Toll Road.
  • 2. In a time of declining ridership and revenue, why is the TCA looking to take on more debt? w ith gas prices at well over four dollars a gallon, Orange County toll roads are feeling the pinch. A recent Los Angeles Times date, 20th century, supposed traffic solution? In a recent traffic study done by the OCTA, transportation article reported that ridership on the 241 toll road is down 4% plans proposed to address traffic problems 20 years in the future and if the trend continues the Transportation Corridor Agencies still contain the Foothill-South Toll Road, and the OCTA board (TCA) will miss their projected budget by 8%. The declines have refuses to look at alternatives that consider a future without the been attributed to higher gas prices and the economic downturn. toll road extension. In fact, OCTA is even considering subsidizing That leaves many of us saying, “In a time of declining ridership the toll roads with what they call a “shadow toll” in order to get more and revenue, why is the TCA looking to take on more debt?” The people on the toll roads. Shadows tolls would take funds from other Foothill-South Toll Road would cost an estimated $1.3 billion sources to subsidize the true price a driver would pay on the toll road. that is almost a 50% increase from the originally proposed Where will the funds come from to lower the toll road rates? OCTA figure of $875 million. On top of that, the TCA is seeking over does not know, but you can bet it will come from our pockets not the a billion dollars in federal loans to help facilitate its merger of the TCA’s! 241 and 73 toll roads. If the TCA cannot meet their budget when gas is $4 a gallon, With the proposed toll road extension prices escalating what will they do when it is $8 a gallon? Now is the time to get real, and revenue plummeting why is the TCA and Orange County and start facing Orange County's traffic problems realistically, and Transportation Authority (OCTA) pushing forward with an out-of- stop burying our heads in the sand. Fish and wildlife Service grants permits to TCA i n the last two weeks the Transportation Corridor Agencies (TCA) received two permits from the Fish and Wildlife major adverse impacts. Indeed, they recommend that the TCA find alternative alignments outside of San Onofre State Beach. Service and the Department of Fish and Game. Once again In the end, though, we know this fight is about not only the agencies charged to protect our environment have refused to the pocket mouse, the arroyo toad and the steelhead trout; it acknowledge the effects that out-of-control is about the endangered species of hikers, development and infrastructure projects campers, and surfers! 2.5 million people we know this fight is visit San Onofre State Beach every year, have upon our fragile environment. Through the years the Fish and Wildlife about not only the pocket and it is one of the few places left were Service has repeatedly failed to properly mouse, the arroyo toad working families can affordably vacation on determine when a species is in trouble, California's coastline. This fight is about and the steelhead trout; endangered species, yes, but it is also and has been corrected by the courts, most recently in the Delta Smelt Case. it is about the endan- about the San Mateo Campground, the We disagree with many of the findings gered species of hikers, pristine San Mateo Watershed, the world- in the Fish and Wildlife Service's biological famous Trestles Beach, the Donna O'Neill campers, and surfers! opinion regarding the impact the Foothill- Land Conservancy, and the Sacred Site of South Toll Road would have on threatened Panhe. and endangered species. Though the opinions of these agencies do not affect the Coastal The Fish and Wildlife Service itself admits, even if all Commission decision it does highlight the importance of making these species are not pushed to extinction, there are still our voice heard at the Commerce hearing this summer!
  • 3. California leaders Urge U.S. Commerce Department to Uphold Coastal Act o letter t s from a Excerpt Secreta ry mmerce U.S. Co Califor nia z from Gutierre ill Lock yer: rea surer, B State T “My public record makes clear I do not oppose California's growth. As a State Treasurer and as a Californian who loves my state, I understand the importance of finding an appropriate balance between the competing demands of providing an infrastructure that meets the needs of our growing state and protecting the natural resources we cherish. The TCA proposal, however, does not balance these competing interests. It simply paves over one interest to satisfy the other.” to etter fro m a l Secretary i, rpts rce mend Exce . Comme ohn Gara or; U.S from J vern nt Go ident Gut ierrez Lieutena res rnia tor P air, C alifo rata, Sena inberg, Ch Pe ll S te Don em; Darre e Natural e. Pro T Sena t ommit te legated to it by the authority de ces C acted in accordance with action would vi olate the R esour Coa stal Commission ta l Commission’s rtification, the ride of the Cos consistency ce blic. Your over rnia Coastal Act .” ject the TCA’s sibility to the pu “In voting to re its legal respon ct and the Califo ithfu lly executed al Zone Management A were taken by a local Congress and fa e Federal Coast rnia park lands tion and spirit of both th e in history that Califo ples of preserva substance and ld be the first tim mock the foundational princi it wou d constructed, would be approved an ch an intrusion “If this project were to or infrastruct ure project. Su entity for a maj .” nal security. governmental ic park system quired by natio derlying C alifornia’s publ that the Toll Road is re portant Marine Corps stewardship un ould be to find ndleton, the im si on’s decision w ay th rough Camp Pe them. ing the Commis ilding a highw an to promote basis for overrid need. Indeed, bu tary training th …the only remaining such a na tional security and se curity and mili no showing of dermine homel There has been ore likely to un on the W est Coast, is m Training Base er to tates Exce rpts fro m a lett ary Secret ommerce san Davis, Congress of the United S 0515 U.S. C ierrez f rom Su ess; Washington, DC 2 Gut of Cong r Member ator, xer, U .S. Sen ress. cy… Bo ong natives…Consistan Barbara ers of C ur decision…Alter er memb are required to base yo and 26 o th teria on which you tisfy any of the cri the TCA can sa “We do not believe l security. Howeve r, National Security… ” the basis or nationa tal Comm ission's decision on litary readiness.” the California Coas we know about mi u to act to override onsistent with what “The TCA ha s already asked yo proved by virtue of this toll road is inc tional security is im the assertion that na To read the letters in entirety, please visit
  • 4. “On Friday, July 25th, show the U.S. Commerce Department we DOn'T wAnT The TOll ROAD!” by steve netherby i f you missed the February 6th Coastal Commission toll road hearing at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, someone surely told you, “You shoulda been there!” More than 3,000 of us packed the hall, along with bus loads of orange-shirted union pro-roaders and tailored toll road execs. Signs, surfboards, and shirts read, “Arnold Don’t Surf,” “Terminate the Toll Road,” and “Save the Park, Stop the Toll Road.” One girl was dressed as an endangered tidewater goby; another came as Sally the Steelhead. Moms and dads with kids came to save San Onofre State Park, Trestles, and the Donna O’Neill Land Conservancy. Adults skipped work, kids skipped school and surfers skipped the beach to participate. The Commissioners’ eight-to-two vote against the toll road signaled one of the great environmental victories in recent California history. Cheers rose, tears flowed, smiles and hugs abounded. It was a sweet end to a banner day for the democratic process. However, this important victory is now in jeopardy. On Friday, July 25th at the UCI Bren Center in Irvine C.A., the Secretary of Commerce will hold a hearing to decide whether to uphold or overturn the Coastal Commission’s historic decision. We need to show the Secretary of Commerce that our park and beach is too precious to lose for a pay-to-drive road. If you missed the last hearing or simply want to relive the excitement all over again, please attend the upcoming Commerce Department hearing and help drive the final nail into the Foothill-South coffin. San Clemente, California 92674 P.O. Box 3942 A Project of Sierra Club STOP ThE TOLL ROAD SOUTh —PROTECT OUR COMMUNITY— FROM TRESTLES TO SADDLEBACK 25 th … ly nced Ju nou e an earing dat al h Permit No. 50 Walnut, CA PAID U.S. Postage appe by U.S. Secretary of Commerce PRSRT STD TCA's Appeal hearing is granted
  • 5. hikes join us for a scenic hike and see for yourself what is threatened by the toll road Saturday, July 26 Saturday, September 13 SIERRA SAgE/FRIENDS OF ThE FOOThILLS SIERRA SAgE/FRIENDS OF ThE FOOThILLS trestles beach trestles beach Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows. extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows. We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot. do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot. 3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin 3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin Everett, Assistant: Paul Carlton. Everett, Assistant: Duana Miller. Saturday, August 17 Saturday, October 18 SIERRA SAgE/FRIENDS OF ThE FOOThILLS SIERRA SAgE/FRIENDS OF ThE FOOThILLS/INNER CITY OUTINgS trestles beach donna o’neill land conservancy Enjoy this walk to the famous surfing beach at Trestles and the Enjoy the beautiful natural scenery on this slow-paced nearly level extensive wetlands area through which San Mateo Creek flows. walk. We will discuss the ecological importance of the DOLC and We will discuss the ecological importance of the surrounding area the surrounding area and the damage the Foothill-South Toll Road and the damage that the proposed Foothill-South Toll Road would would bring to the Conservancy and watershed. Meet at 8:30 am do to the state beach. Meet 8:30 am Trestles Surfers’ parking lot. at the SOC rideshare pt. (Ortega Business Center, on Ortega Hwy., 3 mi rt., 100’ gain. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin 2 blks. E of I-5). Conservancy donation of $10 to support the work Everett, Assistant: Duana Miller. of the DOLC is appreciated. 3 mi. rt. Bring water. Rain cancels. Leader: Robin Everett, Assistant: Paul Carlton. South Orange County (SOC) hikes rideshare meeting point: Ortega Business Center parking lot, Southeast corner, at the intersection of Ortega Highway and Rancho Viejo Road in San Juan Capistrano. Important Information for all hikes: Always bring water; sturdy, comfortable shoes; and a hat. Wear sunscreen. Rain Cancels. For more information or directions call Robin Everett at or call (949) 361-7534
  • 6. get involved– volunteer! Help Sierra Club’s Friends of the Foothills protect San Onofre State Beach, San Mateo Campground and the world-famous Trestles Beach from the destructive Foothill-South Toll Road. By donating as little as a couple hours a month you can really make a difference! Our volunteers often tell us that they enjoy meeting new people and doing something positive for their community. To find out more about volunteer opportunities contact Sierra Club Friends of the Foothills campaign organizer Robin Everett at or call 949-361-7534. We have a variety of committees that need your help: • Tabling Committee: We set up informational tables at Trestles Beach and local fairs, festivals, and surf contests. By donating just a couple hours you can help us spread the word of the upcoming Commerce hearing. • Events Committee: Work with others to help organize our events and make sure they run smoothly. • Newsletter Committee: Write articles for our campaign newsletter, donate photographs or original art. • Website Committee: Help us keep our Friends of the Foothills website up-to- date and accurate. • Hikes Committee: Have an idea for a local hike or other outdoor activity to help the public learn about our great wild places? Want to train to be a docent? Want to become a trained hike leader? Our experienced Sierra Club volunteers can help you make it a reality. • Public Officials Liaison Committee: Join other local residents and learn how to meet and talk with public officials about the critical issues confronting our area. • Publicity Committee: Help publicize Friends of the Foothills and Sierra Club events. • Speakers Bureau: We need speakers to address community groups about the challenges and opportunities Orange County confronts in protecting its environment and quality of life.