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Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at
8pm ET. #nurses #health #nursing            IVchat
RT @IVchat Good morning! Join
#IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses
#rnchat #mdchat                             PhilBaumann
RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good
morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm
ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat                 onlinenursing
RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good
morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm
ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat                 NUR3563
RT @onlinenursing: RT @philbaumann
@IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat
tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat
#mdchat                                     nursingpins
RT @onlinenursing: RT @philbaumann
@IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat
tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat
#mdchat                                     soupermom
RT @IVchat: Good morning! Join
#IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses
#health #nursing                            InfusionNurse
RT @IVchat: Good morning! Join
#IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses
#health #nursing                            mcvassociates
@onlinenursing @philbaumann
@NUR3563 @TBL_Renova ..thanks for
the RTs - would b honored if u can join
#IVchat tonight 8PM ET!                     IVchat
RT @InfusionNurse: The Good, The
Bad and Drug Shortages.:                       IVchat
2hours till #IVchat time..go grab dinner
and join us at 8pm ET! #nurses #nursing
#Health #healthcare                         IVchat
RT @IVchat: 2hours till #IVchat time..go
grab dinner and join us at 8pm ET!
#nurses #nursing #Health #healthcare        VascularAccess
@nursingpins @soupermom ..thanks for
the RT..hope u can join #IVchat tonite!!
8PM ET!                                     IVchat
1 hour away from #IVchat...come join us
tonite 8PMET..#nurses #nursing #health
#Healthcare                                 IVchat
30 minutes till IVchat...get ur fav drink
and join us 8pm ET #nurses #nursing
#health #healthcare #IVchat                 IVchat
RT @IVchat: 30 minutes till IVchat...get
ur fav drink and join us 8pm ET #nurses
#nursing #health #healthcare #IVchat        nursingpins
RT @IVchat: 30 minutes till IVchat...get
ur fav drink and join us 8pm ET #nurses
#nursing #health #healthcare #IVchat            InfusionNurse
15 minutes...#IVchat at 8pm
ET...#nurses #nursing #health
#healthcare #infusion #therapy                  IVchat
5 minutes till #IVchat... #nurses #nursing
#health #healhcare #infusion #therapy           IVchat
It's #IVchat time! Welcome all. IVchat is
a global online chat for RNs & HCPs on
topics related to infusion therapy &
vascular access..etc.                           IVchat
Let's start w/ intros..tell us about yourself
in < than 140.. #IVchat                         IVchat
Good evening to all! I'm Cora, infusion
nurse and moderator of IV chat.
Welcome!! #IVchat                               InfusionNurse
Hi all..glad to b here..I'm
Michelle..#IVchat                               VascularAccess
@IVchat Hi I am Chris from Orlando, FL,
IV Nurse for many years, now a Clinical
Specialist for a manufacturer                   ChrisCavRN
Hi Cora - Vernon, Crit Care in New
Orleans - thankful to be off tonight.
#IVChat                                         nursingpins
Hi Michelle, good to see u, glad u can
join us!! Welcome back! #IVchat                 InfusionNurse
@nursingpins Hi Vernon, thanks for
joining us on ur nite off! Welcome!
#IVchat                                         InfusionNurse
I'm jon - I'm not a nurse but this chat is
always interesting to me. Howdy!
#IVchat                                         MEDsyntrix
Thanks - always useful information here.
#IVChat                                         nursingpins
Great, welcome to all. Topics will be
listed as T1, T2, etc. Pl. prepend ur
replies w/ topic number #IVchat                 IVchat
I'm going to lurk and learn! Student
nurse here - third semester. Just getting
into IV medications. :) #IVChat                 Kat_SN
@MEDsyntrix ..Welcome jon! Glad u
can join us tonite! #IVchat                     InfusionNurse
@Kat_SN ..welcome, we're always
happy to see student nurses and any
lurkers out there! #IVchat                      InfusionNurse
T1 IV errors til a problem, do u think
mandatory public reporting will help
reduce med errors? #IVchat                      IVchat
T1 We cant place blame but need to
investigate making systems changes to
prevent errors, humans = errors #ivchat       ChrisCavRN
T1 - u mean public reporting of "incident
reports" of IV med errors? hmmm..not
sure..#IVchat                                 VascularAccess
Another student nurse here! First time
chatting with #IVchat                         NurseNaters
T1 - public reporting of IV med errors or
any errors might not be a great way to
reduce med errors...could be punitive
#IVchat                                       InfusionNurse
Join me for a #ivchat TweetChat at:              ChrisCavRN
T! I think it will make the pub aware of
the # of errors - but will not red them
until hosps take them serious & enforce
reporting. #IVChat                            nursingpins
T1 - @nursingpins shared this
article.. #IVchat         IVchat
T1 Due to hospital culture - med errors
are a long way form being reported in
any reliable #'s #IVChat                      nursingpins
@ChrisCavRN ..I agree..also state
mandated reporting not always
completely followed... #IVchat                InfusionNurse
Agree, who really wants to report own
mistakes? RT @nursingpins: T1 Due to
hospital culture - med errors are not
being reported #IVchat                        InfusionNurse
@ChrisCavRN Welcome to IV chat
Chris! #IVchat                                IVchat
@IVchat Thanks! This is a great idea,
and nice forum #ivchat                        ChrisCavRN
T1 - there are still IV errors and honestly
think public awareness might not be that
effective in reducing.. #IVchat               InfusionNurse
Noticed that some tweets r not showing
up, pls. dont forget #IVchat so we can all
see u!! :) #IVchat                            IVchat
Think about the ATM machine it used to
keep our cards all the time because we
forgot them #ivchat                           ChrisCavRN
Now we swipe and the card never
leaves our hand-a system fix to a human
problem #ivchat                               ChrisCavRN
T1 I don't think you can reduce any kind
of med errors without better staffing
practices by hospitals. #IVChat               Kat_SN
T1 -i'm a bit slow here but pls. share
how u think public awareness will reduce
med errors by nurses who r human
beings? #Ivchat                             VascularAccess
We need to find ways like that to reduce
med errors like using bar coded arm
bands and medication dispensers like
Pyxis #ivchat                               ChrisCavRN
good point RT @Kat_SN: T1 I dont think
you can reduce any kind of med errors
without better staffing practices by
hospitals. #IVchat                          IVchat
T1 @Kat_SN safe staffing could reduce
many errors - you are right. #IVChat        Nursingpins
pressure admin to improve systems..RT
@VascularAccess: T1 - bit slow here but
how u think public awareness will reduce
med errors #IVchat                          InfusionNurse
T1 In a learning environment knowing
how mistakes happen could be
beneficial. Blame will only create better
excuses or loopholes. #IVchat               NurseNaters

T2 coming up in a sec... #IVchat            IVchat
T1 IV errors ARE taken more serious - if
no reaction etc - even they are not
reported #IVChat                            nursingpins
Agree RT @nursingpins: T1 @Kat_SN
safe staffing could reduce many errors -
you are right. #IVchat                      IVchat
RT @ChrisCavRN: We need to find
ways like that to reduce med errors like
using bar coded arm bands/medication
dispensers like Pyxis #IVchat               IVchat
T1 - public awareness will help the
patients be informed enough to ask
questions - will save some lives. #IVChat   nursingpins
T1 - aren't incident reports protected
from the public until subpoena? #ivchat     VascularAccess
T1 - I have seen many drug errors
avoided by patient questions. #IVChat       nursingpins
As a student, I've seen my share of IV
med errors... most of which were caused
by failing to label properly. #IVChat       Kat_SN
Agree that educated consumer can help
but education and awareness raising
more effective than punitive advertising
of errors #ivchat                           ChrisCavRN
T1 esp "Is that a new med" and "I have
never taken that before" #IVChat            nursingpins
Amen to that!! RT @nursingpins: T1 - I
have seen many drug errors avoided by
patient questions. #IVchat                   InfusionNurse
Distractions also increase the incidence
of med errors. A "no-interruption zone"
for medication preparation & admin can
help #IVChat #ivchat                         FreshRN
RT @ChrisCavRN: Agree that educated
consumer can help but education and
awareness more effective not punitive
advertising of errors #IVchat                InfusionNurse
true..RT @Kat_SN: As a student, Ive
seen my share of IV med errors... most
of which were caused by failing to label
properly. #IVchat                            InfusionNurse
T2 - Drug shortages of many meds esp.
critical IV meds -what action plans do ur
org have to handle/manage? What is the
nurses role? #IVchat                         IVchat
RT @FreshRN: Distractions incre
aseincidence of med errors. A "no-
interruption zone" for medication prep &
admin can help #IVChat #IVchat               InfusionNurse
Great example...RT @nursingpins: T1
esp "Is that a new med" and "I have
never taken that before" #IVchat             IVchat
T2 - drug shortages is really becoming
an issue and accdg to ISMP may
contribute to increased med errors..
#IVchat                                      InfusionNurse
RT @nursingpins: T1 Due to hospital
culture - med errors are a long way form
being reported in any reliable #'s
#IVChat                                      Dlwdillon
@FreshRN ..welcome to IV chat...good
point! #IVchat                               IVchat
@FreshRN Would help-but nur now is a
const distrac-add mult. IVPB's new
orders- PRN staff- q. shift is a perfect
storm for errors. #IVChat                    nursingpins
RT @nursingpins: T1 esp "Is that a new
med" and "I have never taken that
before" #IVChat                              soupermom
T2 @InfusionNurse ..saw ur blog on
drug shortages..u r right, nurses should
be concerned as well #IVchat                 VascularAccess
RT @nursingpins: @FreshRN const
distrac-add mult. IVPBs new orders-
PRN staff- q. shift is a perfect storm for
errors. #IVchat                              IVchat
T1 Plus added pressure at the pyxis
mach. - nurses in line to get meds -
times should be stagged more. #IVChat         nursingpins
T2 I am more concerned about patient
injury such as risk of using dilantin again
instead of fosphenetoyn #ivchat               ChrisCavRN
RT @nursingpins: T1 Plus added
pressure at the pyxis mach. - nurses in
line to get meds - times should be
stagged more. #IVchat                         IVchat
@IVchat Yes that's very true. No-
interrupt. zones wouldn't completely
eliminate distractions but may help to
reduce them. Good point #ivchat               FreshRN
T2 i think that nurses think drug
shortage is just a pharm prob. #IVchat        InfusionNurse
room 4 errors again.RT @ChrisCavRN:
T2 concerned about patient injury such
as risk of using dilantin again instead of
fosphenetoyn #IVchat                          InfusionNurse
Many errors now from nurses unfamiliar
with pts - many PT nurses - most drug
errors now are multiple errors. #IVChat       nursingpins
True RT @nursingpins: Many errors now
from nurses unfamiliar with pts - many
PT nurses - most drug errors now are
multiple errors. #IVchat                      IVchat
Disagree that PT RNs are a problem
even FT RNs make mistakes and have
unfamiliar new admissions again we
need a systems fix #ivchat                    ChrisCavRN
T2 - my fear w/ substitution of drug is
that it is never as good as the original
#IVchat                                       VascularAccess
RT @VascularAccess: T2 - my fear w/
substitution of drug is that it is never as
good as the original #IVchat                  IVchat
T2- As a student my preceptor & I would
always check the fridge/etc @ start of
shift to ensure drips were in stock &
request if out #ivchat                        FreshRN
Sound alike drugs have always been a
prob-nur shld check tngs if the drug is
not avail. many errors are caught with
pyxis over-ride. #IVChat                      nursingpins
great! RT @FreshRN: T2- As a student
my preceptor & I always check @ start
of shift to ensure drips were in stock &
request if out #IVchat                        InfusionNurse
RT @nursingpins: Many errors now from
nurses unfamiliar with pts - many PT
nurses - most drug errors now are
multiple errors. #IVChat                     dlwdillon
RT @nursingpins: Sound alike drugs
been a prob-nur shld chk tngs if drug is
not avail. many errors r caught with pyxis
over-ride. #IVchat                           InfusionNurse
T3 - an update from the recent AVA
meeting - @chriscavRN attended -
anything to share? #IVchat                   IVchat
T2 - when other drugs r substituted,
make me nervous that I always
double/triple check b4 giving to pt.
#IVchat                                      InfusionNurse
One hospital was printing a
reconciliation sheet from pharmacy (will
catch many errors) they quit - too many
discrepancy's #IVChat                        Nursingpins
AVA is the Association for Vascular
Access - @chriscavrn - pls. feel free to
share #IVchat                                IVchat
T3 Great information presented
regarding reducing CRBSI to Zero, risks
of thrombosis with PICCs, central line tip
location using EKG #ivchat                   ChrisCavRN
@nursingpins ..prob takes lots of time
and manpower... #IVchat                      InfusionNurse
T2 New antimicrobial PICC new caps
with antimicrobial properties and caps
for caps/valves with alcohol in them
#ivchat                                      ChrisCavRN
@ChrisCavRN ..anything new on
reducing CRBSI to zero? #IVchat              IVchat
@InfusionNurse Can be printed out with
pyxis program - will match all drugs
removed and times. #IVChat                   nursingpins
T3 45 posters presented the most ever
and great post conference on IJ
placement of central lines #ivchat           ChrisCavRN
T3 - EKG for PICC tip placement - will
that replace the need for xray
verification? #Ivchat                        VascularAccess
T3 Yes-CRBSI to zero needs a systems
approach both insertion and care
bundles and technology #ivchat               ChrisCavRN
@nursingpins ..why did they stop just
b/c of too many discrepancies? #IVchat       InfusionNurse
RT @VascularAccess: T3 - EKG for
PICC tip placement - will that replace the
need for xray verification? #IVchat          IVchat
T3 yes one company has FDA approval
to replace chest xray with their EKG
based system it is very easy to use
#ivchat                                      ChrisCavRN
@VascularAccess T3 good question -
many more can identify PICC with x-ray
- many cannot read EKG's - including
physicians. #IVChat                          nursingpins
T3 no more waiting hours for xrays to be
read use the line as soon as it is placed
#ivchat                                      ChrisCavRN
RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 New antimicrobial
PICC new caps with antimicrobial
properties and caps for caps/valves with
alcohol in them #IVchat                      IVchat
@InfusionNurse yes - too many errors -
was a nightmare. #IVChat                     nursingpins
T3 actually using x-ray is very inaccurate
and subjective also depends on
technique ECG verification is the same
for every patient #ivchat                    ChrisCavRN
RT @nursingpins: @VascularAccess T3
good question - many more can identify
PICC with x-ray - many cannot read
EKGs - include MDs #IVchat                   IVchat
T3 The RN learns to look for the change
in the p wave, does not have to "read"
an EKG #ivchat                               ChrisCavRN
@nursingpins @InfusionNurse We still
do drug reconciliations.... we just don't
trust the doctors to do them properly.
LOL #IVChat                                  Kat_SN
@ChrisCavRN something I am not
familiar with thanks, will have to read
about EKG vitrifaction. #IVChat              Nursingpins
LOL RT @Kat_SN:@nursingpins
@InfusionNurse We still do drug
reconciliations.... we just dont trust the
doctors to do properly. LOL #IVchat          InfusionNurse
RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 The RN learns to
look for the change in the p wave, does
not have to "read" an EKG #IVchat            IVchat
T3 - read p wave only upon insertion not
dwell? #IVchat                               VascularAccess
@Kat_SN I had the hardest time
deciphering what an MD had written on
the Med Rec once due to illegible
handwriting... #ivchat                        FreshRN
@chriscavrn ..caps w/ alcohol or CHG?
#ivchat                                       VascularAccess
T3 compare an intercavitary EKG to
Surface EKG, the PICC becomes a lead
and causes changes in the p wave as it
gets closer to atrium #ivchat                 ChrisCavRN

T3 hard to explain in 140 #ivchat             ChrisCavRN
@IVchat That is simple enough - had
plenty exp. with p's and swans - many
nurses will have to learn p act. - many
don't know? #IVChat                           Nursingpins
so true...LOL..RT @ChrisCavRN: T3
hard to explain in 140 #IVchat                IVchat
@FreshRN Honestly, every med rec. I
have seen was prepared by nurse,
signed off on by MD, and then
CHECKED again by RN. #IVChat                  Kat_SN
T3 two companies make a cap with
alcohol that goes over any luer-end of
catheter, end of pt site, y sites, etc
#ivchat                                       ChrisCavRN
@chriscavrn ..LOL, thanks always good
to know about EKG for picc placement!
#Ivchat                                       VascularAccess
@Kat_SN Sounds like the way to go =)
#ivchat                                       FreshRN
@FreshRN And seriously, do they teach
a "how to OD your patients with your
bad handwriting" class in Med School?
#IVChat                                       Kat_SN
Wow, our hour is up....pls. continue to
chat if u wish... #IVchat                     IVchat
T3 change to p wave only during
placement so only PICC RNs will have
to learn very easy to learn, really #ivchat   ChrisCavRN
LOL, maybe!RT @Kat_SN: @FreshRN
And seriously, do they teach a "how to
OD your patients with your bad
handwriting" class in Med Sch? #IVchat        IVchat
@ChrisCavRN OH - ok that makes
sense - thanks #IVChat                        Nursingpins

T3 check out #ivchat          ChrisCavRN
RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 two companies
make a cap with alcohol that goes over
any luer-end of catheter, end of pt site, y
sites, etc #IVchat                            IVchat
Thanks for the discussion! :) I enjoyed it.
#IVChat                                       Kat_SN
Continue to chat as long as u want, but
just remind everyone - next chat is Oct.
12 at 8pm ET!! #IVchat                        IVchat
@IVchat @ChrisCavRN @Kat_SN
@nursingpins @VascularAccess
@InfusionNurse Really enjoyed reading
your posts, awesome first #ivchat             FreshRN
Glad u enjoyed it, thanks and hope to c
u again! RT @Kat_SN: Thanks for the
discussion! :) I enjoyed it. #IVchat          IVchat
Thanks Cora - next chat is Oct. 12 at
8pm ET!! #IVChat                              Nursingpins
RT @FreshRN: @IVchat @ChrisCavRN
@Kat_SN @nursingpins
@VascularAccess @InfusionNurse
Really enjoyed reading your posts,
awesome first #ivchat                         Kat_SN
@FreshRN ..aww, thanks glad u
enjoyed ur 1st IV chat - plan to join us
again on Oct. 12! #IVchat                     IVchat
Glad to see the turnout - will be back.
#IVChat                                       Nursingpins
Thanks to all..I too enjoyed iteven if I'm
one of the old ones..LOL..#IVchat             VascularAccess
Thanks to @Kat_SN: RT @FreshRN:
@ChrisCavRN @Kat_SN @nursingpins
@VascularAccess @InfusionNurse and
lurker friends for chatting! #IVchat          IVchat
Thanks everyone and hope to see you
all again at next IV chat Oct 12 at 8PM!
#IVchat                                       InfusionNurse
@ChrisCavRN ..thanks Chris! Very
interesting info! Hope u can join us again
next chat! #IVchat                            InfusionNurse
The summary of tonight's IV chat will be
posted on Will tweet when its
up. Good night, thanks again for joining
IVchat #IVchat                                IVchat
RT @IVchat: The summary of tonights
IV chat will be posted on Will
tweet when its up. #ivchat                    FreshRN
Thanks Vernon, always a delight to see
u!! RT @nursingpins: Glad to see the
turnout - will be back. #IVchat               IVchat
@IVchat Thanks - glad to see you too -
will be back - the chat was great! :)     Nursingpins
@NurseNaters ..thanks for joining IV
chat tonite. Hope to see u again next
chat Oct. 12 8pm ET!                      IVchat
AAAAAAmen! ~>RT @nursingpins: T1
@Kat_SN safe staffing could reduce
many errors - you are right. #IVChat      Findkarag
One more RN chatting in #ivchat for the
first time! Gotta love technology!        TheToddRN

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Summary 09292010 IVchat

  • 1. Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #health #nursing IVchat RT @IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat PhilBaumann RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat onlinenursing RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat NUR3563 RT @onlinenursing: RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat nursingpins RT @onlinenursing: RT @philbaumann @IVchat Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #rnchat #mdchat soupermom RT @IVchat: Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #health #nursing InfusionNurse RT @IVchat: Good morning! Join #IVChat tonight at 8pm ET. #nurses #health #nursing mcvassociates @onlinenursing @philbaumann @NUR3563 @TBL_Renova ..thanks for the RTs - would b honored if u can join #IVchat tonight 8PM ET! IVchat RT @InfusionNurse: The Good, The Bad and Drug Shortages.: IVchat 2hours till #IVchat time..go grab dinner and join us at 8pm ET! #nurses #nursing #Health #healthcare IVchat RT @IVchat: 2hours till #IVchat time..go grab dinner and join us at 8pm ET! #nurses #nursing #Health #healthcare VascularAccess @nursingpins @soupermom ..thanks for the RT..hope u can join #IVchat tonite!! 8PM ET! IVchat 1 hour away from #IVchat...come join us tonite 8PMET..#nurses #nursing #health #Healthcare IVchat 30 minutes till IVchat...get ur fav drink and join us 8pm ET #nurses #nursing #health #healthcare #IVchat IVchat RT @IVchat: 30 minutes till IVchat...get ur fav drink and join us 8pm ET #nurses #nursing #health #healthcare #IVchat nursingpins
  • 2. RT @IVchat: 30 minutes till IVchat...get ur fav drink and join us 8pm ET #nurses #nursing #health #healthcare #IVchat InfusionNurse 15 minutes...#IVchat at 8pm ET...#nurses #nursing #health #healthcare #infusion #therapy IVchat 5 minutes till #IVchat... #nurses #nursing #health #healhcare #infusion #therapy IVchat It's #IVchat time! Welcome all. IVchat is a global online chat for RNs & HCPs on topics related to infusion therapy & vascular access..etc. IVchat Let's start w/ intros..tell us about yourself in < than 140.. #IVchat IVchat Good evening to all! I'm Cora, infusion nurse and moderator of IV chat. Welcome!! #IVchat InfusionNurse Hi all..glad to b here..I'm Michelle..#IVchat VascularAccess @IVchat Hi I am Chris from Orlando, FL, IV Nurse for many years, now a Clinical Specialist for a manufacturer ChrisCavRN Hi Cora - Vernon, Crit Care in New Orleans - thankful to be off tonight. #IVChat nursingpins Hi Michelle, good to see u, glad u can join us!! Welcome back! #IVchat InfusionNurse @nursingpins Hi Vernon, thanks for joining us on ur nite off! Welcome! #IVchat InfusionNurse I'm jon - I'm not a nurse but this chat is always interesting to me. Howdy! #IVchat MEDsyntrix Thanks - always useful information here. #IVChat nursingpins Great, welcome to all. Topics will be listed as T1, T2, etc. Pl. prepend ur replies w/ topic number #IVchat IVchat I'm going to lurk and learn! Student nurse here - third semester. Just getting into IV medications. :) #IVChat Kat_SN @MEDsyntrix ..Welcome jon! Glad u can join us tonite! #IVchat InfusionNurse @Kat_SN ..welcome, we're always happy to see student nurses and any lurkers out there! #IVchat InfusionNurse T1 IV errors til a problem, do u think mandatory public reporting will help reduce med errors? #IVchat IVchat
  • 3. T1 We cant place blame but need to investigate making systems changes to prevent errors, humans = errors #ivchat ChrisCavRN T1 - u mean public reporting of "incident reports" of IV med errors? hmmm..not sure..#IVchat VascularAccess Another student nurse here! First time chatting with #IVchat NurseNaters T1 - public reporting of IV med errors or any errors might not be a great way to reduce med errors...could be punitive #IVchat InfusionNurse Join me for a #ivchat TweetChat at: ChrisCavRN T! I think it will make the pub aware of the # of errors - but will not red them until hosps take them serious & enforce reporting. #IVChat nursingpins T1 - @nursingpins shared this article.. #IVchat IVchat T1 Due to hospital culture - med errors are a long way form being reported in any reliable #'s #IVChat nursingpins @ChrisCavRN ..I agree..also state mandated reporting not always completely followed... #IVchat InfusionNurse Agree, who really wants to report own mistakes? RT @nursingpins: T1 Due to hospital culture - med errors are not being reported #IVchat InfusionNurse @ChrisCavRN Welcome to IV chat Chris! #IVchat IVchat @IVchat Thanks! This is a great idea, and nice forum #ivchat ChrisCavRN T1 - there are still IV errors and honestly think public awareness might not be that effective in reducing.. #IVchat InfusionNurse Noticed that some tweets r not showing up, pls. dont forget #IVchat so we can all see u!! :) #IVchat IVchat Think about the ATM machine it used to keep our cards all the time because we forgot them #ivchat ChrisCavRN Now we swipe and the card never leaves our hand-a system fix to a human problem #ivchat ChrisCavRN T1 I don't think you can reduce any kind of med errors without better staffing practices by hospitals. #IVChat Kat_SN
  • 4. T1 -i'm a bit slow here but pls. share how u think public awareness will reduce med errors by nurses who r human beings? #Ivchat VascularAccess We need to find ways like that to reduce med errors like using bar coded arm bands and medication dispensers like Pyxis #ivchat ChrisCavRN good point RT @Kat_SN: T1 I dont think you can reduce any kind of med errors without better staffing practices by hospitals. #IVchat IVchat T1 @Kat_SN safe staffing could reduce many errors - you are right. #IVChat Nursingpins pressure admin to improve systems..RT @VascularAccess: T1 - bit slow here but how u think public awareness will reduce med errors #IVchat InfusionNurse T1 In a learning environment knowing how mistakes happen could be beneficial. Blame will only create better excuses or loopholes. #IVchat NurseNaters T2 coming up in a sec... #IVchat IVchat T1 IV errors ARE taken more serious - if no reaction etc - even they are not reported #IVChat nursingpins Agree RT @nursingpins: T1 @Kat_SN safe staffing could reduce many errors - you are right. #IVchat IVchat RT @ChrisCavRN: We need to find ways like that to reduce med errors like using bar coded arm bands/medication dispensers like Pyxis #IVchat IVchat T1 - public awareness will help the patients be informed enough to ask questions - will save some lives. #IVChat nursingpins T1 - aren't incident reports protected from the public until subpoena? #ivchat VascularAccess T1 - I have seen many drug errors avoided by patient questions. #IVChat nursingpins As a student, I've seen my share of IV med errors... most of which were caused by failing to label properly. #IVChat Kat_SN Agree that educated consumer can help but education and awareness raising more effective than punitive advertising of errors #ivchat ChrisCavRN T1 esp "Is that a new med" and "I have never taken that before" #IVChat nursingpins
  • 5. Amen to that!! RT @nursingpins: T1 - I have seen many drug errors avoided by patient questions. #IVchat InfusionNurse Distractions also increase the incidence of med errors. A "no-interruption zone" for medication preparation & admin can help #IVChat #ivchat FreshRN RT @ChrisCavRN: Agree that educated consumer can help but education and awareness more effective not punitive advertising of errors #IVchat InfusionNurse true..RT @Kat_SN: As a student, Ive seen my share of IV med errors... most of which were caused by failing to label properly. #IVchat InfusionNurse T2 - Drug shortages of many meds esp. critical IV meds -what action plans do ur org have to handle/manage? What is the nurses role? #IVchat IVchat RT @FreshRN: Distractions incre aseincidence of med errors. A "no- interruption zone" for medication prep & admin can help #IVChat #IVchat InfusionNurse Great example...RT @nursingpins: T1 esp "Is that a new med" and "I have never taken that before" #IVchat IVchat T2 - drug shortages is really becoming an issue and accdg to ISMP may contribute to increased med errors.. #IVchat InfusionNurse RT @nursingpins: T1 Due to hospital culture - med errors are a long way form being reported in any reliable #'s #IVChat Dlwdillon @FreshRN ..welcome to IV chat...good point! #IVchat IVchat @FreshRN Would help-but nur now is a const distrac-add mult. IVPB's new orders- PRN staff- q. shift is a perfect storm for errors. #IVChat nursingpins RT @nursingpins: T1 esp "Is that a new med" and "I have never taken that before" #IVChat soupermom T2 @InfusionNurse ..saw ur blog on drug shortages..u r right, nurses should be concerned as well #IVchat VascularAccess RT @nursingpins: @FreshRN const distrac-add mult. IVPBs new orders- PRN staff- q. shift is a perfect storm for errors. #IVchat IVchat
  • 6. T1 Plus added pressure at the pyxis mach. - nurses in line to get meds - times should be stagged more. #IVChat nursingpins T2 I am more concerned about patient injury such as risk of using dilantin again instead of fosphenetoyn #ivchat ChrisCavRN RT @nursingpins: T1 Plus added pressure at the pyxis mach. - nurses in line to get meds - times should be stagged more. #IVchat IVchat @IVchat Yes that's very true. No- interrupt. zones wouldn't completely eliminate distractions but may help to reduce them. Good point #ivchat FreshRN T2 i think that nurses think drug shortage is just a pharm prob. #IVchat InfusionNurse room 4 errors again.RT @ChrisCavRN: T2 concerned about patient injury such as risk of using dilantin again instead of fosphenetoyn #IVchat InfusionNurse Many errors now from nurses unfamiliar with pts - many PT nurses - most drug errors now are multiple errors. #IVChat nursingpins True RT @nursingpins: Many errors now from nurses unfamiliar with pts - many PT nurses - most drug errors now are multiple errors. #IVchat IVchat Disagree that PT RNs are a problem even FT RNs make mistakes and have unfamiliar new admissions again we need a systems fix #ivchat ChrisCavRN T2 - my fear w/ substitution of drug is that it is never as good as the original #IVchat VascularAccess RT @VascularAccess: T2 - my fear w/ substitution of drug is that it is never as good as the original #IVchat IVchat T2- As a student my preceptor & I would always check the fridge/etc @ start of shift to ensure drips were in stock & request if out #ivchat FreshRN Sound alike drugs have always been a prob-nur shld check tngs if the drug is not avail. many errors are caught with pyxis over-ride. #IVChat nursingpins great! RT @FreshRN: T2- As a student my preceptor & I always check @ start of shift to ensure drips were in stock & request if out #IVchat InfusionNurse
  • 7. RT @nursingpins: Many errors now from nurses unfamiliar with pts - many PT nurses - most drug errors now are multiple errors. #IVChat dlwdillon RT @nursingpins: Sound alike drugs been a prob-nur shld chk tngs if drug is not avail. many errors r caught with pyxis over-ride. #IVchat InfusionNurse T3 - an update from the recent AVA meeting - @chriscavRN attended - anything to share? #IVchat IVchat T2 - when other drugs r substituted, make me nervous that I always double/triple check b4 giving to pt. #IVchat InfusionNurse One hospital was printing a reconciliation sheet from pharmacy (will catch many errors) they quit - too many discrepancy's #IVChat Nursingpins AVA is the Association for Vascular Access - @chriscavrn - pls. feel free to share #IVchat IVchat T3 Great information presented regarding reducing CRBSI to Zero, risks of thrombosis with PICCs, central line tip location using EKG #ivchat ChrisCavRN @nursingpins ..prob takes lots of time and manpower... #IVchat InfusionNurse T2 New antimicrobial PICC new caps with antimicrobial properties and caps for caps/valves with alcohol in them #ivchat ChrisCavRN @ChrisCavRN ..anything new on reducing CRBSI to zero? #IVchat IVchat @InfusionNurse Can be printed out with pyxis program - will match all drugs removed and times. #IVChat nursingpins T3 45 posters presented the most ever and great post conference on IJ placement of central lines #ivchat ChrisCavRN T3 - EKG for PICC tip placement - will that replace the need for xray verification? #Ivchat VascularAccess T3 Yes-CRBSI to zero needs a systems approach both insertion and care bundles and technology #ivchat ChrisCavRN @nursingpins ..why did they stop just b/c of too many discrepancies? #IVchat InfusionNurse
  • 8. RT @VascularAccess: T3 - EKG for PICC tip placement - will that replace the need for xray verification? #IVchat IVchat T3 yes one company has FDA approval to replace chest xray with their EKG based system it is very easy to use #ivchat ChrisCavRN @VascularAccess T3 good question - many more can identify PICC with x-ray - many cannot read EKG's - including physicians. #IVChat nursingpins T3 no more waiting hours for xrays to be read use the line as soon as it is placed #ivchat ChrisCavRN RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 New antimicrobial PICC new caps with antimicrobial properties and caps for caps/valves with alcohol in them #IVchat IVchat @InfusionNurse yes - too many errors - was a nightmare. #IVChat nursingpins T3 actually using x-ray is very inaccurate and subjective also depends on technique ECG verification is the same for every patient #ivchat ChrisCavRN RT @nursingpins: @VascularAccess T3 good question - many more can identify PICC with x-ray - many cannot read EKGs - include MDs #IVchat IVchat T3 The RN learns to look for the change in the p wave, does not have to "read" an EKG #ivchat ChrisCavRN @nursingpins @InfusionNurse We still do drug reconciliations.... we just don't trust the doctors to do them properly. LOL #IVChat Kat_SN @ChrisCavRN something I am not familiar with thanks, will have to read about EKG vitrifaction. #IVChat Nursingpins LOL RT @Kat_SN:@nursingpins @InfusionNurse We still do drug reconciliations.... we just dont trust the doctors to do properly. LOL #IVchat InfusionNurse RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 The RN learns to look for the change in the p wave, does not have to "read" an EKG #IVchat IVchat T3 - read p wave only upon insertion not dwell? #IVchat VascularAccess
  • 9. @Kat_SN I had the hardest time deciphering what an MD had written on the Med Rec once due to illegible handwriting... #ivchat FreshRN @chriscavrn ..caps w/ alcohol or CHG? #ivchat VascularAccess T3 compare an intercavitary EKG to Surface EKG, the PICC becomes a lead and causes changes in the p wave as it gets closer to atrium #ivchat ChrisCavRN T3 hard to explain in 140 #ivchat ChrisCavRN @IVchat That is simple enough - had plenty exp. with p's and swans - many nurses will have to learn p act. - many don't know? #IVChat Nursingpins so true...LOL..RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 hard to explain in 140 #IVchat IVchat @FreshRN Honestly, every med rec. I have seen was prepared by nurse, signed off on by MD, and then CHECKED again by RN. #IVChat Kat_SN T3 two companies make a cap with alcohol that goes over any luer-end of catheter, end of pt site, y sites, etc #ivchat ChrisCavRN @chriscavrn ..LOL, thanks always good to know about EKG for picc placement! #Ivchat VascularAccess @Kat_SN Sounds like the way to go =) #ivchat FreshRN @FreshRN And seriously, do they teach a "how to OD your patients with your bad handwriting" class in Med School? #IVChat Kat_SN Wow, our hour is up....pls. continue to chat if u wish... #IVchat IVchat T3 change to p wave only during placement so only PICC RNs will have to learn very easy to learn, really #ivchat ChrisCavRN LOL, maybe!RT @Kat_SN: @FreshRN And seriously, do they teach a "how to OD your patients with your bad handwriting" class in Med Sch? #IVchat IVchat @ChrisCavRN OH - ok that makes sense - thanks #IVChat Nursingpins T3 check out #ivchat ChrisCavRN
  • 10. RT @ChrisCavRN: T3 two companies make a cap with alcohol that goes over any luer-end of catheter, end of pt site, y sites, etc #IVchat IVchat Thanks for the discussion! :) I enjoyed it. #IVChat Kat_SN Continue to chat as long as u want, but just remind everyone - next chat is Oct. 12 at 8pm ET!! #IVchat IVchat @IVchat @ChrisCavRN @Kat_SN @nursingpins @VascularAccess @InfusionNurse Really enjoyed reading your posts, awesome first #ivchat FreshRN Glad u enjoyed it, thanks and hope to c u again! RT @Kat_SN: Thanks for the discussion! :) I enjoyed it. #IVchat IVchat Thanks Cora - next chat is Oct. 12 at 8pm ET!! #IVChat Nursingpins RT @FreshRN: @IVchat @ChrisCavRN @Kat_SN @nursingpins @VascularAccess @InfusionNurse Really enjoyed reading your posts, awesome first #ivchat Kat_SN @FreshRN ..aww, thanks glad u enjoyed ur 1st IV chat - plan to join us again on Oct. 12! #IVchat IVchat Glad to see the turnout - will be back. #IVChat Nursingpins Thanks to all..I too enjoyed iteven if I'm one of the old ones..LOL..#IVchat VascularAccess Thanks to @Kat_SN: RT @FreshRN: @ChrisCavRN @Kat_SN @nursingpins @VascularAccess @InfusionNurse and lurker friends for chatting! #IVchat IVchat Thanks everyone and hope to see you all again at next IV chat Oct 12 at 8PM! #IVchat InfusionNurse @ChrisCavRN ..thanks Chris! Very interesting info! Hope u can join us again next chat! #IVchat InfusionNurse The summary of tonight's IV chat will be posted on Will tweet when its up. Good night, thanks again for joining IVchat #IVchat IVchat RT @IVchat: The summary of tonights IV chat will be posted on Will tweet when its up. #ivchat FreshRN Thanks Vernon, always a delight to see u!! RT @nursingpins: Glad to see the turnout - will be back. #IVchat IVchat
  • 11. @IVchat Thanks - glad to see you too - will be back - the chat was great! :) Nursingpins @NurseNaters ..thanks for joining IV chat tonite. Hope to see u again next chat Oct. 12 8pm ET! IVchat AAAAAAmen! ~>RT @nursingpins: T1 @Kat_SN safe staffing could reduce many errors - you are right. #IVChat Findkarag One more RN chatting in #ivchat for the first time! Gotta love technology! TheToddRN