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First, people. Everyday, people from Agra do Orzán, Ventorrillo, Mariñeiros, Peruleiro, A Silva or Visma
visit Ágora.

All of them are part of our library. Locals, the same as those arrived yesterday or the day before. Those
reflecting in their eyes memories of Gramela or Visma and those bringing images from Dakar,
Montevideo, Marraketch or Malabo, prepared to share them with those of us whishing to see and hear.
Those who came from Costa da Morte and those arrived from Senegal’s shore. Those who moved within
the city, and those who came from the countryside...

Teens and elder, girls and boys. Wrinkled people whose face and hands have been carved by time,
newborn toddlers with their soft skin. All of us coexist within this green wind territory, a working-class
land, open to the Atlantic oceans and their paths.

We are locals
Where we are now, under this Ágora of words, flowers grew once, and streams of subterranean water
ran, and thus were we told. And that is how we want it today, we want the voices and memories of
those who live and have lived here run like a river: that of Mr. Paco, the one from Silva’s Nieves de
Alarcon, Lecho’s from Mariñeiros, the one of Ms. Carmen partying in Cuba street...they are our treasure,
our memories, our identity, and the pillar to start building our future. Many of them came from
Bergantiños many years ago. Others are local. Who cares...

Men and women together have been essential here in the everyday life as well as in the changes
around, collectively working for the common welfare of citizens. People like Xosé Ramón Calvete, from
San Pedro Neighbour’s Association; Rosa María Barreiro and Carlos Suárez from Agra do Orzán
Neighbour’s Association or Ana María Rodríguez (Peruleiro-Mariñeiros Neighbour’s Association). Those
collectives they conform are key elements in the daily life of the neibourghoods sorrounding Ágora.

Round trip.

Within Galicia, we are more than used to migrate all around the world, and we are more than concious
of the personal and human wound that it provokes, the family distance, all the uncertainty facing a new
life to be built. Such model of migration we experienced is the current one we live in now: the first
arrived, call upon the following, people they know, their families, their neighbours.

Most of the foreign population here are African (most of them from Senegal and Marroco, but also from
Guinea, Camerun and other places) and Southamerican (mainly from Urugay, Colombia and Argentina)

They have to learn our languages (Galician, Spanish...) to be understood, look for work, look for a place
to sleep...but this means efforts, sadness or intolerance. A new beginning is never easy. That is why, on
their arrival, they join together in collectives supporting each other (namely Aseser Teranga from
Senegal) and different other asssociations working for diversity and social justice (NGOs like Viraventos,
Equus Zebra, Xabier Pita, Asociación Sen Papeis, Tierra de hombres, Cáritas...)

We, as the Ágora Library, want to support all these people and collectives.

Urban density

During decades, this zone has been punished by massive construction and lack of
governmental care, but still it has been proud of itself. Still solidary, active, and
capable of making its voice be heard. That is the way Agra do Orzán is, the core of
Agora’s sphere of influence.

Such an uncontrolled, chaotic urban model, plenty of high buildings and suffocating
densities, has been the constant for a living here, and still is today.

Demarcated by two avenues – namely Nelle and Outeiro – and Barcelona street as the
most vivid street, all the public space depends on the comercial activity of Conchiñas,
Vila de Negreira and Barcelona street itself. But now is pending Observatorio’s reform
to turn it into a public space.

During late 70s and earliy 80s Ventorrillo started to conform as it is, mainly a green
residential area, filled with public spaces and collective equipments, but built in
different quality materials. Ventorrillo area can be considered the natural
continuation of Agra. It has two specific areas characterized by their marked sense of
identity: Katanga and Mariñeiros. The name of Katanga refers to the war on Congo in
early 70s. They are linear buildings parallel to the Ronda de Outeiro. Mariñeiros, a.k.a.
the Casas de Franco, were built during the 50s and are connected directly to fishing
and the sea commerce.

Despite the unavoidable past of time, both Katanga and Mariñeiros still have a strong
feeling of identity and old neighbourhood spirit which makes them really interesting
inside the Agra area.

Despite its chaotic and violent urban planning, Agra do Orzan managed to cope
succesfully with the massive migratory movements around; first, coming from rural
areas within Galiza, then those who came from America and Africa. Locals welcomed
the foreign population resulting in a new identity with its own distinguishing features
to defend and value.

Rural survival

While Agra and Ventorrillo represent high poulation density and uncontrolled urban
planning, the small places of Silva, Cances and San Pedro de Visma, survive as the
remains of the rural spaces within the city, coexisting among the coasts and massive
constructions and roads that suffocate their territory.
Urban space is free,
                                                                 unplanned and open.
                                                                 On the contrary, the
rural structure is characterized by being single-family, with gardens and courtyards,
with no sidewalks and adapted to the territory. Thus, urban growth swallows up rural
areas and involve clear transformations for their inhabitants and territory.

There is a change on the natural landscape, but, above all, there is a change in habits.
It modifies the names of places changing them into commercial new ones, and keeping
aside the traditional ones, thus changing the collective memory: Gramela, Barral,
Caldemoreiras, Loureiro, ... It also modifies social habits, doors now need to be closed
as part of the population is just population but not inhabitants of the area. The same
way, traditional fests come to be mere celebrations instead of a ceremony of sharing
space and experiences.

Whitin this context, social ties are modified and generational gaps mark the difference
between the elder sphere and that of their grandsons and daughters.

Looking at the maps, we can see Oza Council, as it was independent from Coruña until
1912. It was demarked by the Casa de Máquinas and Mondelos river bridge, covering
the whole suburbs of the town from Visma to Santa María de Oza.

Both Campo da Burra and Parque do Observatorio are spaces in conflict. Neighbours’
intentions collide with urban planning when dealing with their future. They are a
natural green lung as well as the vantage point of the Agra regarding the city. Thus
the intention of the population around is to transform them into a natural space and
open park to be used by them and having into account the massive construction in
the area.

One of the major features of Agra do Orzán when talking about its urban landscape is
its inner patios. They are empty, quiet spaces, carefully cared by their owners. They
are meant to be transformed in connected spaces for the public use.

San Pedro de Visma has a strong rural and sailor tradition. Nowadays, this is being
violently modified by means of an invasive building plan that dismiss its specific



Codeco staff shop, Chaplin cinemas, the opening of supermarkets, Queijo video store,
the Zara shop in Barcelona st., all the pubs and bars...these are recurrent images of the
past when neighbours talk about old times and commerce in the area. But now
strategies have to be rebuilt. When locales talk about he evolution of the commerce
around the y always mention the evolution they suffered during the years.
There are lost of
                                                                   references neighbors
                                                                   mention when dealing
with this subject: from traditional grocery stores to the first supermarkets and
comercial galleries and of course, the evolution of Barcelona st. including its
transformation into a walkway turning thus into the commercial core of the area and
its later decline as bigger malls appeared in the city. It was times when the streets Villa
de Negreira and Conchiñas were crowded with people, contrary to the current state of

However, and despite the changes experienced, comercial activity was tradionally one
of the most important aspects in terms of economic welfare. In fact, it still keeps
imortance and relevance nowadays. Today the area is clearly multicultural, plenty of
call centers,all 1€ shops, food shops, different specific shops and offers oriented to the
different nationalities inhabiting the area. This kind of commerce has helped to
revitalise degraded areas as well as to keep many small business opened.

There are three commercial organizations in the area: Conchiñas,
Barcelona st. and Agra del Orzán, working for the detection of needings
and how to solve them, as well as improving the small commerce around
the zone.


Current Agra del Orzán population is the result of different waves of migration within
Galicia and outside it. This brings the area a clear and very characteristic multicultural

There are few urban spaces to meet except for Barcelona st. and Conchiñas market.
There cohexist migrants retorned from America, Chinese population working on
restaurants or small gift shops Colombian and Morocco population ruling ethnical
business to solve its partners necessities and of course open to those of the locals (hair
saloons, grocery stores, call centers, bazars...). There is also a great presence of the
descendants of those coming once from Carballo or Malpica.

Such a diversity have changed the rules for job stratification that existed previously
regarding the specific population of an area. To talk about areas like Mariñeiros meant
to talk about men going to the sea from the Portiño and women selling fish in Lugo
Market, the same that should take part later in the beginning of Amancio Ortega's

Agra del Orzan area had also a lot to do on the starting of the refinery and Bens/ A
Grela industrial state as well as the comercial development in Barcelona st. due to
make it a walkway.
Ventorrillo was from its
                                                                  beginning, the most
                                                                  midclass zone, mixing a
                                                                  lot of differentjobs in it.

Conchiñas Market

Built in the mid 70s, it had more that 5000 square floors metres dividend in three
levels. It was rebuilt in the first decade of XXI Century.

A place for retails.

The low value of commercial plot in relation to other areas in the city as well as its lo
catión beetween the two main roads in Coruña and the high density of population
inhabiting the area, make Agra del Orzan a place clearly influenced in its growth by
small commerce.

Barcelona Street was in Vogue during the 90s. Making it a walkway helped to create a
very dinamic place in terms of commerce. It is still today the main place for meeting
and relation for those who inhabit the area.


Schools around
CEIP Raquel Camacho
This school was innagurated the year 1969-1970 and has been the witness of the
transformations around it. Nowadays it focusses mainly in values like social harmony
and social respect . It also develops an specific project to promote the use of new
technologies with the project Abalar.

CEIP María Barbeito
María Barbeito was built in 1977, when the Ventorrillo area began to grow. This public
center tries to promote ethical values and tries to bring a comprehensive and
customized formation on all kind of skills and moral values from the personal and
familiar, to the profesional and social spheres. This is done by using open and
democratic attitudes to help gender equality and to avoid any kind of discrimination.
This is an example of a school clearly connected with Galician tradition and culture, but
respectful and open to any other culture.

CEIP San Pedro de Visma
This school was opened in 1989. It is a plurilingual center deeply connected with the
rural area that surrounds it as it takes advantage of it in many ways. Focussed on
social coexistence, new technologies and reading promotion. Visma´s school has
specific programs like A horta escolar or Radio SPV.
Secondary Schools
IES Rafael Dieste
Rafael Dieste Secondary school started to work in 1989 receiving students from Agra
do Orzán and other areas of the city. Apart from being selected as Bilingual School in
the year 2010-2011, it still develops the provincial project Sección Bilingüe. It also
carries on an important program together with many social and cultural oprganizations
of the area.

IES Agra
Located just beside Ágora, Agra Secondary School is one of the main educational
references of the area and it is characterized by the multicultural nature of its
students. It also has mediation teams and is going take part on the Abalar project, to
help to promote the use of new technologies in the center.

IES Salvador de Madariaga

Salvador de madariaga Secondary School is a public center whose main objective is the
comprehensive formation of its students in many different areas like Science, Morals,
Arts, Phisics and Scoacial aspects.
It follows the current tendency of teaching, focussing on personal development,
respect and coexistence and basic rights.
The center mixes both Obligatory and Postobligatory Secondary education. Both
secondary courses are taught in the center, as well as the second course of PCPI and
postobligatory secondary education night-shift.
The current building was inaugurated September 23, 1947.

Other centers
Besides the public centers, ther also exist different private centers that
complement the current educational offer.

To name but a few, we shall mention private centers like Tomás Barros – which
actually is the only private center offering the whole courses regarding Socio-Cultural
Services to the comunity –; as well as academies like Aula Nosa, and children schools
like Picariños or Pequerrechos.

Who was s/he?

María Barbeito (A Coruña, 1880-1970). She was a very well know and innovative
Galician teacher with firm social convictions on progress and social equality. As head of
many schools she
                                                                promoted an active
                                                                school model and
                                                                included Phisical and
Arts activities in the programs. She also promoted the active use of Galician in the
schools and well as the equalitarian education regarding gender and started school
cafeterias. Undoubtly, she was an example of a teacher devoted to the public quality

Tomás Barros (Toledo 1992 - A Coruña 1986). He was a Galician painter and writer
specially brilliant on poetry and drama. He was clearly positioned against Franco’s
regime and collaborated with many artists in exile like Luís Seoane or Rafael dieste. He
also was know as an important cultural motivator, started publications like Aturuxo
(1952) or Nordés (1975) and belonged to the Real Academia Galega.


Let’s talk about trawneys, football, indoor soccer, basketball, chave, boxing,
skateboarding, gymnastics...The collective memories of the area keep alive and
proudly talks about sport clubs, sportsmen/sportswomen and the different collectives
related to physical activities.

Mariñeiros´people have the time of the Batallador club carved in their minds; Visma’s
remember the 40s when their trawneys ruled all the competitions around. Meanwhile,
Ventorrillo and Agra population remember their sport associations from the 90s as
well as their indoor soccer teams.

Nowdays, there is a wide range of different sports and activities like boxing gyms –
Azteca - or the traditional chave, which is one of the pillars in the lives of those in
Mariñeiros. But also we have to mention swimming, aerobics, Agra gym or Ventorrillo
F.S. football school.

Sure you know a lot more around!

A Coruña Basket Club

January 1995, Arteixo Basketball Club signs an agreement with the Ventorrillo Sports
Group as their pavillion was being opened in the Ventorrillo. The agreement specified
that the team was permanently linked to the Ventorrillo Sports Association and the
basketball school from the Ventorrillo should be built. At the same time, Arteixo
Basketball Club manages to play the National Basket League.

In July 1996 Coruña Basket Club, previously playing the EBA league, descends and
disappears all at once. After an agreement between both directive teams, Arteixo
Basket Club moves to A Coruña using Ventorrillo´s place.

Thus, by mixing both Arteixo’s and Ventorrillo’s basket club, Coruña Basket Club is
born. The new structure of the club begins with a team playing the EBA league using
Ventorrillo’s place, and
                                                                  a second one playing
                                                                  the major league in
                                                                  Riazor Stadium. The
head office is final set in Ventorrillo’s Neighbours Association and the directive staff
mixes both previous clubs.

Azteca Boxing Club is a gym specifically oriented to boxing in all its varieties: classical,
non-contact, female, children, among others. This club is deeply related to spreading
the proper values of boxing: humility, quality, perseverance and hard work. Thus
creating a charming atmosphere with a plural and positive spirit where all ages and
social status mix.

Mariñeiros Chave Club was born when a group of neighbours realized it was time to
change football for some any other sport more suitable to their age. Thirty years later,
they are considered a local as well as State reference, playing the major league, the
División de Honor Galega.

Ventorrillo Indoor Soccer Club
This club was founded in 1982, bringing a really importante football school for kids. Its
main aim is to keep this sport alive bearing in mind the most important local teams like
Chaston or 5 Coruña.

San Pedro de Visma Oarsmen Club
This club was the leader of any regatta held in the city during the 40s. 44’s victories
over the Centro Deportivo Santa Lucía and Liceo Monelos are very well documented in
the local archives. Visma’s trwney was “María del Carmen” which won the Diputación
Cup that very same year.

Land of artists

We are a land of artists. That is how Xurxo Souto vehemently, witty and
passionate explains once and again. Although he is originally from Monte
Alto, he has already been inhabiting Ventorrillo for years. Both the
quantity and variety of artistic manifestations around the area seem to
confirm Souto's words.

Around Ventorrillo area we can find companies like Manicómicos, Danthea or Gurugú
hall, but also language training projects like the one from Katarsis, the enterprise
Algarabía Animación or the Sociopedagogical Galician Association. All of them
promoting different projects and working on different fileds.

The sorrounding areas of Ágora have traditionally held different fests and events. The
Festa da Diversidade Cultural featured the different migrants and social collectives
around. It is also important to highlight the Festival Artístico Paralelo 43 23' 45", which
helped to promote
                                                                   photography, painting,
                                                                   esculpture, music and
                                                                   artistic workships
through the commerces and urban spaces around.

Still, it is music what dominates Agra, Silva, Ventorrillo or Visma. To name but a few,
we can mention the music of Pucho Boedo, that of those verbenas still remembered by
the quality of their bands in Silva or Ventorrillo, the music of the pipers around, that of
the Concheiros Association or Luar na Lubre’s main figure -Bieito Romero- playing the
pipe through Ventorrillo's paths... But also updated proposals like Álvaro Muras' jazz-
funk, or the kids practising in the rooms around.

Not only music, but words are important here. In our library, meaning the open space
considered Ágora for anyone to take part of it, are the voices of universal writers from
Coruña like Pilar Pallarés, Miguel Mato Fondo, Xabier Cordal or Xabier Docampo,
coexisting with that of Léopold Sédar Senghor from Senegal, Eduardo Galeano from
Uruguay, Mohamed Chukri from Marrakesh or Belén Gopegui from Spain.

We have also to pay attention to the cinema. From the Agra area Fran Calvelo projects
his short films internationally: Carabás, Crisálida, Santiago de Sangre... Also from the
Ventorrillo Xurxo Souto directs the project of the documentary about Pucho Boedo
Pucho Boedo, un crooner na fin do mundo.

Also Galician, classical or oriental dancing. Also blogs. Also graffiti and new artistic
manifestations e the count goes on...

But above all, there is notheing more important that the history and identity of the
people around the area: the memorices of life, the mares of the territory, the names of
the places, the experiences lived along their different lifes.

Long story short: that is the culture we love in Suma Ágora and the one we want to
give a pull.

Pucho Boedo, the voice of the people.

We could not understand talking about the culture of Silva and Ventorrillo
areas if we do not talk about their most eminent talent as well as its most
famous artist: the great Pucho Boedo.

The crooner from a Coruña was born in 1929 in Silva. His family was anarchist and had
to face Franco's repression when the Civil War begun. His father and his brother were
members of the CNT killed by the fascists. His other brother had to exile to Venezuela
for many years. All this happened when Pucho Boedo was only seven.
He was very well know
                                                                 in the area for being a
                                                                 very good football
                                                                 player and also for
starting to work in any job very soon, as varnisher, bootcleaner or office boy.
Moreover, his talent singing stood out within the area. His first band was Eslava, and
then on, many others came: Ubierna, Los Satélites, Mallo, Radio City or Los

In 1959, when he was thirty and with lots of international experience thanks to his
travels with Satélites and Trovadores, he was required by Los Tamara as they were
returning from Morocco and had tour dates on Europe. Being part of this formation
helped him to share stage with many famous artists of the time like Shirley Bassey,
Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, Gilbert Becaud, Charles Trenet or Doménico Modugno.

Then records came with the French label Bel-Air. Finally Pucho recorded eight records
with Los Tamara, some of them in Galician which was a declaration of principles as
Galician language was under siege during Franco’s regime. These Galician records were
the most famous and that pulled him to the biggest stages: Paris’ Olympia or Costa
Azul Casinos, but he never forgot his roots, a working class family from A Silva, A
Coruña, that privileged place where the land penetrates the ocean and salutes the
winds of freedom.

Childhood times

Past times kids from Agra, Visma and mariñeiros remember how they used to spend
their children time around.

They tell us about hills, fields and gardens surrounding Divina Pastora, the casas de
Franco, and Mariñeiros area. A place for the kids to imagine, building their own toys
and discovering by themselves the nature around.

The old nursery manhole, where we are now as a library, was their playground. In the
surroundings, small cabins where built in the trees and goldfinches hunted using Virgo
Blanco glue or gum to be sold for a few coins later and ride some Taboada’s hired bikes
in the Praza de Lugo. Collecting fruit from the houses surrounding Riazor area ou near
the Observatorio was another frequent activity.

Summertime suggested a sunbath in the Portiño, or fishing with friends in the dock
using their parent’s boats or just navigating the harbour and the Parrote.

Lack of money help to stir imagination up. In Rancheiro Hill, where the
army performed their shooting practices, gangs of kids collected the shells
or even the bullets buried in the floor as being copper they were later very
well paid. In case of
                                                     joining money
                                                     enough they could
                                                     even afford the
tickets for the Finisterre cinema and buy some sweets.

As they grew up, being fifteen and sixteen, they started to attend balls
outside the city in the Seijal, the Nikar, the Cinco Estrellas or the Sally.
Some of them even visiting the Rey Brigo in Betanzos or the Moderno in
Sada. The younger ones even remember to attend the balls organized in
the Circo de Artesáns or Finisterre.

Of partys and fests.

During the Sixties, besides parties, hotel balls like those in the Embajador, la Granja,
the Finisterre, were really in vogue. These ballrooms included a band playing alive for
the guests.

And then there were the verbenas. They were different at the time,
experienced differently as they were awaited the whole year being almost
the only party they had. Verbenas were the most important event in the
year, and many boys and girls together with some adult helped to
organiza them collecting money in every home. Those were the times for
flirting and using the new shoes and trousers, the best clothes each one

The area of Campo de Vioño, Silva and Ventorrillo were known to have
good verbenas as well as good bands playing in them, same as the ones in
front of the Finisterre. The most famoust bands at that time were
Trovadores, Satélites or Orquesta X, but there were a lot more around the
city, high quality ones.

Easter, Mardi Gras, San Xoán, Christmas,...

Obviously the rest of festivities were also celebrated and still are by the
whole neighbourhood. Easter, Mardi Grass, San Xoan, Shamain, Christmas
have been traditionally very present in the sorroundings of this library. We
even know that one of our neighbours – X.L. Brandariz, from Ventorrillo –
was one of the starters of the traditional bonfires in Coruña.

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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
Boletín Informativo de setembro 2019 da Biblioteca Sagrada Familia da Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
Boletín Informativo de xullo-agosto 2019 da Biblioteca Sagrada Familia da Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
Boletín Informativo de xuño 2019 da Biblioteca Sagrada Familia da Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
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Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
Boletín Informativo de abril 2019 da Biblioteca Sagrada Familia da Coruña
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Boletín Informativo de abril 2019 da Biblioteca Sagrada Familia da Coruña
Bibliotecas Municipais de A Coruña
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Suma Ágora: english version

  • 1. OUR PEOPLE First, people. Everyday, people from Agra do Orzán, Ventorrillo, Mariñeiros, Peruleiro, A Silva or Visma visit Ágora. All of them are part of our library. Locals, the same as those arrived yesterday or the day before. Those reflecting in their eyes memories of Gramela or Visma and those bringing images from Dakar, Montevideo, Marraketch or Malabo, prepared to share them with those of us whishing to see and hear. Those who came from Costa da Morte and those arrived from Senegal’s shore. Those who moved within the city, and those who came from the countryside... Teens and elder, girls and boys. Wrinkled people whose face and hands have been carved by time, newborn toddlers with their soft skin. All of us coexist within this green wind territory, a working-class land, open to the Atlantic oceans and their paths. We are locals Where we are now, under this Ágora of words, flowers grew once, and streams of subterranean water ran, and thus were we told. And that is how we want it today, we want the voices and memories of those who live and have lived here run like a river: that of Mr. Paco, the one from Silva’s Nieves de Alarcon, Lecho’s from Mariñeiros, the one of Ms. Carmen partying in Cuba street...they are our treasure, our memories, our identity, and the pillar to start building our future. Many of them came from Bergantiños many years ago. Others are local. Who cares... Men and women together have been essential here in the everyday life as well as in the changes around, collectively working for the common welfare of citizens. People like Xosé Ramón Calvete, from San Pedro Neighbour’s Association; Rosa María Barreiro and Carlos Suárez from Agra do Orzán Neighbour’s Association or Ana María Rodríguez (Peruleiro-Mariñeiros Neighbour’s Association). Those collectives they conform are key elements in the daily life of the neibourghoods sorrounding Ágora. Round trip. Within Galicia, we are more than used to migrate all around the world, and we are more than concious of the personal and human wound that it provokes, the family distance, all the uncertainty facing a new life to be built. Such model of migration we experienced is the current one we live in now: the first arrived, call upon the following, people they know, their families, their neighbours. Most of the foreign population here are African (most of them from Senegal and Marroco, but also from Guinea, Camerun and other places) and Southamerican (mainly from Urugay, Colombia and Argentina) They have to learn our languages (Galician, Spanish...) to be understood, look for work, look for a place to sleep...but this means efforts, sadness or intolerance. A new beginning is never easy. That is why, on their arrival, they join together in collectives supporting each other (namely Aseser Teranga from Senegal) and different other asssociations working for diversity and social justice (NGOs like Viraventos, Equus Zebra, Xabier Pita, Asociación Sen Papeis, Tierra de hombres, Cáritas...) We, as the Ágora Library, want to support all these people and collectives.
  • 2. LIFE PLACES Urban density During decades, this zone has been punished by massive construction and lack of governmental care, but still it has been proud of itself. Still solidary, active, and capable of making its voice be heard. That is the way Agra do Orzán is, the core of Agora’s sphere of influence. Such an uncontrolled, chaotic urban model, plenty of high buildings and suffocating densities, has been the constant for a living here, and still is today. Demarcated by two avenues – namely Nelle and Outeiro – and Barcelona street as the most vivid street, all the public space depends on the comercial activity of Conchiñas, Vila de Negreira and Barcelona street itself. But now is pending Observatorio’s reform to turn it into a public space. During late 70s and earliy 80s Ventorrillo started to conform as it is, mainly a green residential area, filled with public spaces and collective equipments, but built in different quality materials. Ventorrillo area can be considered the natural continuation of Agra. It has two specific areas characterized by their marked sense of identity: Katanga and Mariñeiros. The name of Katanga refers to the war on Congo in early 70s. They are linear buildings parallel to the Ronda de Outeiro. Mariñeiros, a.k.a. the Casas de Franco, were built during the 50s and are connected directly to fishing and the sea commerce. Despite the unavoidable past of time, both Katanga and Mariñeiros still have a strong feeling of identity and old neighbourhood spirit which makes them really interesting inside the Agra area. Despite its chaotic and violent urban planning, Agra do Orzan managed to cope succesfully with the massive migratory movements around; first, coming from rural areas within Galiza, then those who came from America and Africa. Locals welcomed the foreign population resulting in a new identity with its own distinguishing features to defend and value. Rural survival While Agra and Ventorrillo represent high poulation density and uncontrolled urban planning, the small places of Silva, Cances and San Pedro de Visma, survive as the remains of the rural spaces within the city, coexisting among the coasts and massive constructions and roads that suffocate their territory.
  • 3. Urban space is free, unplanned and open. On the contrary, the rural structure is characterized by being single-family, with gardens and courtyards, with no sidewalks and adapted to the territory. Thus, urban growth swallows up rural areas and involve clear transformations for their inhabitants and territory. There is a change on the natural landscape, but, above all, there is a change in habits. It modifies the names of places changing them into commercial new ones, and keeping aside the traditional ones, thus changing the collective memory: Gramela, Barral, Caldemoreiras, Loureiro, ... It also modifies social habits, doors now need to be closed as part of the population is just population but not inhabitants of the area. The same way, traditional fests come to be mere celebrations instead of a ceremony of sharing space and experiences. Whitin this context, social ties are modified and generational gaps mark the difference between the elder sphere and that of their grandsons and daughters. Looking at the maps, we can see Oza Council, as it was independent from Coruña until 1912. It was demarked by the Casa de Máquinas and Mondelos river bridge, covering the whole suburbs of the town from Visma to Santa María de Oza. Both Campo da Burra and Parque do Observatorio are spaces in conflict. Neighbours’ intentions collide with urban planning when dealing with their future. They are a natural green lung as well as the vantage point of the Agra regarding the city. Thus the intention of the population around is to transform them into a natural space and open park to be used by them and having into account the massive construction in the area. One of the major features of Agra do Orzán when talking about its urban landscape is its inner patios. They are empty, quiet spaces, carefully cared by their owners. They are meant to be transformed in connected spaces for the public use. San Pedro de Visma has a strong rural and sailor tradition. Nowadays, this is being violently modified by means of an invasive building plan that dismiss its specific features. COMMERCE AND WORK RETAILS Codeco staff shop, Chaplin cinemas, the opening of supermarkets, Queijo video store, the Zara shop in Barcelona st., all the pubs and bars...these are recurrent images of the past when neighbours talk about old times and commerce in the area. But now strategies have to be rebuilt. When locales talk about he evolution of the commerce around the y always mention the evolution they suffered during the years.
  • 4. There are lost of references neighbors mention when dealing with this subject: from traditional grocery stores to the first supermarkets and comercial galleries and of course, the evolution of Barcelona st. including its transformation into a walkway turning thus into the commercial core of the area and its later decline as bigger malls appeared in the city. It was times when the streets Villa de Negreira and Conchiñas were crowded with people, contrary to the current state of affairs. However, and despite the changes experienced, comercial activity was tradionally one of the most important aspects in terms of economic welfare. In fact, it still keeps imortance and relevance nowadays. Today the area is clearly multicultural, plenty of call centers,all 1€ shops, food shops, different specific shops and offers oriented to the different nationalities inhabiting the area. This kind of commerce has helped to revitalise degraded areas as well as to keep many small business opened. There are three commercial organizations in the area: Conchiñas, Barcelona st. and Agra del Orzán, working for the detection of needings and how to solve them, as well as improving the small commerce around the zone. PAST AND PRESENT JOBS Current Agra del Orzán population is the result of different waves of migration within Galicia and outside it. This brings the area a clear and very characteristic multicultural approach. There are few urban spaces to meet except for Barcelona st. and Conchiñas market. There cohexist migrants retorned from America, Chinese population working on restaurants or small gift shops Colombian and Morocco population ruling ethnical business to solve its partners necessities and of course open to those of the locals (hair saloons, grocery stores, call centers, bazars...). There is also a great presence of the descendants of those coming once from Carballo or Malpica. Such a diversity have changed the rules for job stratification that existed previously regarding the specific population of an area. To talk about areas like Mariñeiros meant to talk about men going to the sea from the Portiño and women selling fish in Lugo Market, the same that should take part later in the beginning of Amancio Ortega's business. Agra del Orzan area had also a lot to do on the starting of the refinery and Bens/ A Grela industrial state as well as the comercial development in Barcelona st. due to make it a walkway.
  • 5. Ventorrillo was from its beginning, the most midclass zone, mixing a lot of differentjobs in it. Conchiñas Market Built in the mid 70s, it had more that 5000 square floors metres dividend in three levels. It was rebuilt in the first decade of XXI Century. A place for retails. The low value of commercial plot in relation to other areas in the city as well as its lo catión beetween the two main roads in Coruña and the high density of population inhabiting the area, make Agra del Orzan a place clearly influenced in its growth by small commerce. Barcelona Street was in Vogue during the 90s. Making it a walkway helped to create a very dinamic place in terms of commerce. It is still today the main place for meeting and relation for those who inhabit the area. SCHOOLS FOR A BETTER FUTURE Schools around CEIP Raquel Camacho This school was innagurated the year 1969-1970 and has been the witness of the transformations around it. Nowadays it focusses mainly in values like social harmony and social respect . It also develops an specific project to promote the use of new technologies with the project Abalar. CEIP María Barbeito María Barbeito was built in 1977, when the Ventorrillo area began to grow. This public center tries to promote ethical values and tries to bring a comprehensive and customized formation on all kind of skills and moral values from the personal and familiar, to the profesional and social spheres. This is done by using open and democratic attitudes to help gender equality and to avoid any kind of discrimination. This is an example of a school clearly connected with Galician tradition and culture, but respectful and open to any other culture. CEIP San Pedro de Visma This school was opened in 1989. It is a plurilingual center deeply connected with the rural area that surrounds it as it takes advantage of it in many ways. Focussed on social coexistence, new technologies and reading promotion. Visma´s school has specific programs like A horta escolar or Radio SPV.
  • 6. Secondary Schools IES Rafael Dieste Rafael Dieste Secondary school started to work in 1989 receiving students from Agra do Orzán and other areas of the city. Apart from being selected as Bilingual School in the year 2010-2011, it still develops the provincial project Sección Bilingüe. It also carries on an important program together with many social and cultural oprganizations of the area. IES Agra Located just beside Ágora, Agra Secondary School is one of the main educational references of the area and it is characterized by the multicultural nature of its students. It also has mediation teams and is going take part on the Abalar project, to help to promote the use of new technologies in the center. IES Salvador de Madariaga Salvador de madariaga Secondary School is a public center whose main objective is the comprehensive formation of its students in many different areas like Science, Morals, Arts, Phisics and Scoacial aspects. It follows the current tendency of teaching, focussing on personal development, respect and coexistence and basic rights. The center mixes both Obligatory and Postobligatory Secondary education. Both secondary courses are taught in the center, as well as the second course of PCPI and postobligatory secondary education night-shift. The current building was inaugurated September 23, 1947. Other centers Besides the public centers, ther also exist different private centers that complement the current educational offer. To name but a few, we shall mention private centers like Tomás Barros – which actually is the only private center offering the whole courses regarding Socio-Cultural Services to the comunity –; as well as academies like Aula Nosa, and children schools like Picariños or Pequerrechos. Who was s/he? María Barbeito (A Coruña, 1880-1970). She was a very well know and innovative Galician teacher with firm social convictions on progress and social equality. As head of
  • 7. many schools she promoted an active school model and included Phisical and Arts activities in the programs. She also promoted the active use of Galician in the schools and well as the equalitarian education regarding gender and started school cafeterias. Undoubtly, she was an example of a teacher devoted to the public quality teaching. Tomás Barros (Toledo 1992 - A Coruña 1986). He was a Galician painter and writer specially brilliant on poetry and drama. He was clearly positioned against Franco’s regime and collaborated with many artists in exile like Luís Seoane or Rafael dieste. He also was know as an important cultural motivator, started publications like Aturuxo (1952) or Nordés (1975) and belonged to the Real Academia Galega. TRADITIONALLY SPORTMEN! Let’s talk about trawneys, football, indoor soccer, basketball, chave, boxing, skateboarding, gymnastics...The collective memories of the area keep alive and proudly talks about sport clubs, sportsmen/sportswomen and the different collectives related to physical activities. Mariñeiros´people have the time of the Batallador club carved in their minds; Visma’s remember the 40s when their trawneys ruled all the competitions around. Meanwhile, Ventorrillo and Agra population remember their sport associations from the 90s as well as their indoor soccer teams. Nowdays, there is a wide range of different sports and activities like boxing gyms – Azteca - or the traditional chave, which is one of the pillars in the lives of those in Mariñeiros. But also we have to mention swimming, aerobics, Agra gym or Ventorrillo F.S. football school. Sure you know a lot more around! A Coruña Basket Club January 1995, Arteixo Basketball Club signs an agreement with the Ventorrillo Sports Group as their pavillion was being opened in the Ventorrillo. The agreement specified that the team was permanently linked to the Ventorrillo Sports Association and the basketball school from the Ventorrillo should be built. At the same time, Arteixo Basketball Club manages to play the National Basket League. In July 1996 Coruña Basket Club, previously playing the EBA league, descends and disappears all at once. After an agreement between both directive teams, Arteixo Basket Club moves to A Coruña using Ventorrillo´s place. Thus, by mixing both Arteixo’s and Ventorrillo’s basket club, Coruña Basket Club is born. The new structure of the club begins with a team playing the EBA league using
  • 8. Ventorrillo’s place, and a second one playing the major league in Riazor Stadium. The head office is final set in Ventorrillo’s Neighbours Association and the directive staff mixes both previous clubs. Azteca Boxing Club is a gym specifically oriented to boxing in all its varieties: classical, non-contact, female, children, among others. This club is deeply related to spreading the proper values of boxing: humility, quality, perseverance and hard work. Thus creating a charming atmosphere with a plural and positive spirit where all ages and social status mix. Mariñeiros Chave Club was born when a group of neighbours realized it was time to change football for some any other sport more suitable to their age. Thirty years later, they are considered a local as well as State reference, playing the major league, the División de Honor Galega. Ventorrillo Indoor Soccer Club This club was founded in 1982, bringing a really importante football school for kids. Its main aim is to keep this sport alive bearing in mind the most important local teams like Chaston or 5 Coruña. San Pedro de Visma Oarsmen Club This club was the leader of any regatta held in the city during the 40s. 44’s victories over the Centro Deportivo Santa Lucía and Liceo Monelos are very well documented in the local archives. Visma’s trwney was “María del Carmen” which won the Diputación Cup that very same year. Land of artists We are a land of artists. That is how Xurxo Souto vehemently, witty and passionate explains once and again. Although he is originally from Monte Alto, he has already been inhabiting Ventorrillo for years. Both the quantity and variety of artistic manifestations around the area seem to confirm Souto's words. Around Ventorrillo area we can find companies like Manicómicos, Danthea or Gurugú hall, but also language training projects like the one from Katarsis, the enterprise Algarabía Animación or the Sociopedagogical Galician Association. All of them promoting different projects and working on different fileds. The sorrounding areas of Ágora have traditionally held different fests and events. The Festa da Diversidade Cultural featured the different migrants and social collectives around. It is also important to highlight the Festival Artístico Paralelo 43 23' 45", which
  • 9. helped to promote photography, painting, esculpture, music and artistic workships through the commerces and urban spaces around. Still, it is music what dominates Agra, Silva, Ventorrillo or Visma. To name but a few, we can mention the music of Pucho Boedo, that of those verbenas still remembered by the quality of their bands in Silva or Ventorrillo, the music of the pipers around, that of the Concheiros Association or Luar na Lubre’s main figure -Bieito Romero- playing the pipe through Ventorrillo's paths... But also updated proposals like Álvaro Muras' jazz- funk, or the kids practising in the rooms around. Not only music, but words are important here. In our library, meaning the open space considered Ágora for anyone to take part of it, are the voices of universal writers from Coruña like Pilar Pallarés, Miguel Mato Fondo, Xabier Cordal or Xabier Docampo, coexisting with that of Léopold Sédar Senghor from Senegal, Eduardo Galeano from Uruguay, Mohamed Chukri from Marrakesh or Belén Gopegui from Spain. We have also to pay attention to the cinema. From the Agra area Fran Calvelo projects his short films internationally: Carabás, Crisálida, Santiago de Sangre... Also from the Ventorrillo Xurxo Souto directs the project of the documentary about Pucho Boedo Pucho Boedo, un crooner na fin do mundo. Also Galician, classical or oriental dancing. Also blogs. Also graffiti and new artistic manifestations e the count goes on... But above all, there is notheing more important that the history and identity of the people around the area: the memorices of life, the mares of the territory, the names of the places, the experiences lived along their different lifes. Long story short: that is the culture we love in Suma Ágora and the one we want to give a pull. Pucho Boedo, the voice of the people. We could not understand talking about the culture of Silva and Ventorrillo areas if we do not talk about their most eminent talent as well as its most famous artist: the great Pucho Boedo. The crooner from a Coruña was born in 1929 in Silva. His family was anarchist and had to face Franco's repression when the Civil War begun. His father and his brother were members of the CNT killed by the fascists. His other brother had to exile to Venezuela for many years. All this happened when Pucho Boedo was only seven.
  • 10. He was very well know in the area for being a very good football player and also for starting to work in any job very soon, as varnisher, bootcleaner or office boy. Moreover, his talent singing stood out within the area. His first band was Eslava, and then on, many others came: Ubierna, Los Satélites, Mallo, Radio City or Los Trovadores. In 1959, when he was thirty and with lots of international experience thanks to his travels with Satélites and Trovadores, he was required by Los Tamara as they were returning from Morocco and had tour dates on Europe. Being part of this formation helped him to share stage with many famous artists of the time like Shirley Bassey, Jacques Brel, Charles Aznavour, Gilbert Becaud, Charles Trenet or Doménico Modugno. Then records came with the French label Bel-Air. Finally Pucho recorded eight records with Los Tamara, some of them in Galician which was a declaration of principles as Galician language was under siege during Franco’s regime. These Galician records were the most famous and that pulled him to the biggest stages: Paris’ Olympia or Costa Azul Casinos, but he never forgot his roots, a working class family from A Silva, A Coruña, that privileged place where the land penetrates the ocean and salutes the winds of freedom. Childhood times Past times kids from Agra, Visma and mariñeiros remember how they used to spend their children time around. They tell us about hills, fields and gardens surrounding Divina Pastora, the casas de Franco, and Mariñeiros area. A place for the kids to imagine, building their own toys and discovering by themselves the nature around. The old nursery manhole, where we are now as a library, was their playground. In the surroundings, small cabins where built in the trees and goldfinches hunted using Virgo Blanco glue or gum to be sold for a few coins later and ride some Taboada’s hired bikes in the Praza de Lugo. Collecting fruit from the houses surrounding Riazor area ou near the Observatorio was another frequent activity. Summertime suggested a sunbath in the Portiño, or fishing with friends in the dock using their parent’s boats or just navigating the harbour and the Parrote. Lack of money help to stir imagination up. In Rancheiro Hill, where the army performed their shooting practices, gangs of kids collected the shells or even the bullets buried in the floor as being copper they were later very
  • 11. well paid. In case of joining money enough they could even afford the tickets for the Finisterre cinema and buy some sweets. As they grew up, being fifteen and sixteen, they started to attend balls outside the city in the Seijal, the Nikar, the Cinco Estrellas or the Sally. Some of them even visiting the Rey Brigo in Betanzos or the Moderno in Sada. The younger ones even remember to attend the balls organized in the Circo de Artesáns or Finisterre. Of partys and fests. During the Sixties, besides parties, hotel balls like those in the Embajador, la Granja, the Finisterre, were really in vogue. These ballrooms included a band playing alive for the guests. And then there were the verbenas. They were different at the time, experienced differently as they were awaited the whole year being almost the only party they had. Verbenas were the most important event in the year, and many boys and girls together with some adult helped to organiza them collecting money in every home. Those were the times for flirting and using the new shoes and trousers, the best clothes each one had. The area of Campo de Vioño, Silva and Ventorrillo were known to have good verbenas as well as good bands playing in them, same as the ones in front of the Finisterre. The most famoust bands at that time were Trovadores, Satélites or Orquesta X, but there were a lot more around the city, high quality ones. Easter, Mardi Gras, San Xoán, Christmas,... Obviously the rest of festivities were also celebrated and still are by the whole neighbourhood. Easter, Mardi Grass, San Xoan, Shamain, Christmas have been traditionally very present in the sorroundings of this library. We even know that one of our neighbours – X.L. Brandariz, from Ventorrillo – was one of the starters of the traditional bonfires in Coruña.