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Learning Objectives
 Understand various concepts of strategy
 Understand what the strategy is all about.
 Understand the nature of strategy.
 Understand how the strategy work in
different organizational setting.
 Understand how the strategy can be applied
in different setting.
 Understand the relationship of strategy with
other fields
Rencana Strategik
Berkenaan dengan:
 Arah perusahaan
 Keputusan besar
 Dimensi waktu, panjang
 Sesuatu yang tidak biasa
 Sesuatu yang tidak rutin
 Melibatkan banyak orang
 Biaya besar
 Dan lain-lain
Strategi berkaitan dengan keputusan “besar” yang
dihadapi organisasi dalam melakukan bisnis, juga
berkaitan dengan perilaku organisasi yang konsisten,
dan upaya penciptaan keunggulan kompetitif suatu
Strategi sangat penting untuk menentukan kesuksesan
organisasi. Strategi merupakan salah satu S dalam 7-S
menurut McKinsey, yang menentukan keberhasilan
suatu organisasi.
The McKinsey 7S Framework
 Meningkatkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam
mencegah masalah, menentukan tujuan, dan cara
 Manajemen perusahaan dapat mengambil keputusan
dari berbagai alternatif yang terbaik.
 Memungkinkan karyawan/anggota organisasi dalam
implementasi strategi dan dapat meningkatkan
motivasinya dalam upaya mencapai tujuan organisasi.
 Mengurangi penolakan (resistensi) karyawan atas
perubahan yang terjadi dalam suatu organisasi.
Alfred D. Chandler (1962)
The determination of the long run goals and objectives of
an enterprise, and the adoptions of courses of action and
the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these
Christensen & Guth (1965):
Alat untuk menciptakan keungulan bersaing. Berkaitan
dengan bisnis, fokus strategi itu memutuskan apakah
suatu bisnis perusahaan itu harus ada atau tidak.
Henry Mintzberg (1970):
Respons secara terus-menerus dan adaptasi terhadap faktor
ancaman dan peluang dari lingkungan eksternal serta faktor
kelemahan dan kekuatan dari lingkungan internal yang
mempengaruhi organisasi.
Kenneth Andrew (1977)
Pola sasaran, maksud atau tujuan dan kebijakan serta rencana-
rencana penting untuk mencapai tujuan itu, yang dinyatakan dengan
cara seperti menetapkan bisnis yang dianut oleh perusahaan, dan jenis
atau akan menjadi jenis apa perusahaan tersebut.
Glueck ( 1980)
A unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan designed to ensure that
the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved.
Kenichi Ohmae (1983)
Upaya mengubah kekuatan perusahaan yang sebanding dengan
kekuatan pesaing dengan cara yang paling efisien.
 Michael E. Porter (1985)
An integrated set of actions a company designs to produce a
sustainable competitive advantage and thus attain superior
performance. Strategy is about making necessary choices to
perform different activities from rivals’ or perform similar
activities in different ways.
Hamel & Prahalad (1995):
“The essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s
competitive advantages faster than competitors mimic the one you
possess today”
Bagaimana dan kapan Sungai Kahayan bisa seperti ini?
Bagaimana kalau Kahayan dibuat seperti ini?
Hunger & Wheelen (1996):
Comprehensive master plan that stating how the corporation
will achieves it mission and objectives.It maximizes competitive
advantage and minimize competitive disadvantage.
Gareth R. Jones (1998):
The specific pattern of decisions and actions that
managers take to use core competences and resources to
generate competitive advantages, in order to achieve the
organizational goals and outperform competitors.
Hunger and Wheelen (2001)
Strategy is set of managerial decisions and actions that
determines long-run performance.
Towards Definition of Strategy
“The process of identifying, choosing and
implementing activities that will enhance the
long term performance of an organization by
setting direction and by creating ongoing
compatibility between internal skills and
resources of the organization, and the
changing external environment within which
it operates” (Viljoen and Dann, 2003) in The
Nature and Scope of Strategic Management.
Definition of Strategy (Continued)
Wells (1998) in Choosing the Future:
“Strategy is like search of the holy grail;
it is like the continual asking of the
question, what is the meaning of life?”
Strategy is set of
managerial decisions and
that determines the long-
run performance of a firm.
An art and a science of formulating, implementing,
and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable
an organization to achieve its future objectives. (Fred
R. David).
Proses yang digunakan para manajer untuk memilih
dan mengimplementasikan atau menyesuaikan
serangkaian strategi bagi suatu organisasi guna
mewujudkan misi dan visinya. (Hunger & Wheelen)
Proses menganalisis kondisi lingkungan, baik sekarang
maupun masa datang, menetapkan tujuan organisasi,
merumuskan dan menerapkan strategi, serta mengendalikan
keputusan-keputusan yang difokuskan untuk mencapai
tujuan-tujuan organisasi tersebut, baik pada kondisi
lingkungan yang sekarang maupun yang akan datang.
(Smith, Arnold & Bizzell, 1988)
Proses yang digunakan para manajer untuk menetapkan
arah jangka panjang suatu organisasi, menetapkan tujuan
kinerja, mengembangkan strategi, guna mencapai tujuan-
tujuan dimaksud, berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan internal
dan eksternal yang relevan, serta melaksanakan rencana
tindakan yang telah dipilih. (Thompson & Strickland, 1987)
Strategic Plan is defined as the set of decisions and
actions that result in the formulation and
implementation of plans designed to achieve a
company’s objectives.
• Strategic Plan is a process that involves planning,
directing, organizing, and controlling of a
company’s strategy-related decisions and actions.
(Pearce & Robinson)
Where is the organization now?
Where are we now? How is our company position?
If no changes are made, where will we be in the future?
Where do we want to go?
What kind of business we want to be in and which
market position we want to stakeout?
Which buyer needs and groups we want to serve?
What is outcomes we want to achieve?
How will we get there?
What specific actions should management undertake?
What are the risks and payoffs involved?
Simple Process Of Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan: What it is
 Strategic is a process (“on going and interrelated
activities.., is a living, evolving process that does not
finish once the strategy is written”)
 Requires different time lines (time horizons which is
affected by market factors, human factors,
performance factors).
 Concerns organizational context at all levels
(corporate level, competitive or business level and
operational or functional level).
 Is interface between organization and its
 Is the management of organizational scope.
Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic
Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
The Strategy is actually about:
 Developing competitive positioning, plan, pattern,
 It is about focusing your business resources and
 It is about leveraging, balancing and amalgamating
the approach, process and resources.
 It is about linking the key function and process.
 It is about aligning the formulation and
 It is about understanding the risk
 It is about managing the paradox
 It has to be systemic
 It entails both analytical and intuitive approach.
Strategy basically tells about:
 Why (the organization needs to exist)
 Where (the organization intent to go)
 What (to achieve or attain)
 Who (are going to be considered and
going to implement)
 How (to get it done)
 When (it is to be accomplished)
What does Strategic Plan do?
 Strategic Management improve
organizational effectiveness.
 Creates organizational flexibility.
 Utilizes the core competencies of an
 Determine the organizational risk
 Creates the sustainable competencies
Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic
Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
What it requires?
 It needs innovation
 It needs broad knowledge
 Requires senior managers’ involvement
 Requires strong leadership
Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic
Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
Strategic Planning is complex because:
 Multidimensional
 Based on partial ignorance (manager can
never be sure of the nature and significance
of their organizations’ environment and
future trends)
 High risk (as it requires substantial amount
of resources over long period of time).
 Contextual (internally and externally)
 Requires innovation
Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic
Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
What is the nature of strategic decisions?
 Concerned with organizations activities and
 Relates to the matching of organization’s activities
with opportunity of its substantive environment
 Require matching of org. activities with its resources
 Have major implications to organizations
 Influenced by values and expectations
 Affects organizations long term directions
 Complex in nature
 Least systematic in nature
(Wilson 2000)
Manajemen Strategis v Perencanaan
Manajemen Strategis
dijumpai di dunia akademis
Merujuk pada perumusan,
implementasi dan evaluasi
Tujuannya untuk
mengeksploitasi dan
menciptakan berbagai
peluang untuk masa
Perencanaan Strategis
merujuk di dalam dunia
Merujuk lebih pada
perumusan strategi
Tujuannya untuk
mngoptimalkan tren dewasa
ini untuk masa mendatang
Steph Subanidja 29
Buatlah 5 (lima) garis lurus tanpa putus yang
menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
Buatlah 4 (empat) garis lurus tanpa putus yang
menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
Buatlah 3 (tiga) garis lurus tanpa putus yang
menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
Buatlah 2 (dua) garis lurus tanpa putus yang
menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
Buatlah 1(satu) garis lurus tanpa putus yang
menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
Seseorang yang ‘hebat’ secara
akademis, pada umumnya sangat
kuat dalam logika, kata, daftar,
angka, linieritas, analisis, dan
sejenisnya. Menurut Tony Buzan
(Use Your Head: 1993): hasil
aktivitas otak kiri manusia
Adapun otak kanan lebih berkaitan menangani irama, imajinasi, warna, angan-angan, kesadaran ruang, gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi
Adapun otak kanan lebih berkaitan menangani irama, imajinasi, warna, angan-angan, kesadaran ruang, gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi
Otak kanan lebih berkaitan
menangani irama, imajinasi, warna,
angan-angan, kesadaran ruang,
gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi
Dominan Otak Kiri Dominan Otak Kanan
Menggunakan logika Menggunakan perasaan
Berorientasi detail Berorientasi secara keseluruhan
Melihat fakta Melihat imajinasi
Kata-kata dan bahasa Simbol dan gambaran
Hari ini dan masa lalu Hari ini dan masa depan
Matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan Filosofi dan religi
Mengetahui Memahami
Mengetahui Mempercayai
Mengakui Mengapresiasi
Mempersepsi urutan/pola Mempersepsi secara spasial/ruang
Mengetahi nama objek Mengetahui kegunaan objek
Berdasar pada realita Berdasar pada fantasi
Menyusun strategi Berdasar pada apa yang terjadi
Praktis Terburu-buru/tidak sabar
Bermain aman Mengambil resiko
Kalau Anda melihat gambar ini diam, maka Anda
kecenderungan banyak menggunakan otak kiri.
Kalau Anda melihatnya selalu bergerak-gerak maka
Anda cenderung menggunakan otak kanan.
Tapi kalau Anda bisa mengatur diri, dan bisa
melihatnya bergerak atau diam, dalam kehendak Anda,
maka insya Allah otak kiri dan otak kanan Anda relatif
Tapi kalau Anda melihat ini bingung, karena yang
kelihatan cuma hitam dan gelap, berarti Anda sedang
tutup mata. buka dong matanya
Pertanyaan pertama
Anda ikut berlomba. Anda menyalip
orang di posisi nomor dua. Sekarang
posisi anda nomor berapa?
Jika anda menjawab Nomor Satu, anda
SALAH BESAR! Jika anda menyalip
orang nomor dua, sekarang andalah
yang ada di posisi nomor dua!
Pertanyaan Kedua
 Jika anda menyalip orang di posisi
terakhir, sekarang anda di posisi…?
 Jika anda menjawab anda orang kedua
dari terakhir, anda SALAH LAGI… Coba,
bagaimana caranya menyalip orang
TERAKHIR? Anda sebetulnya tidak
terlalu pintar, ‘ kan?
Seseorang tidak akan bisa
memimpin individu-
individu tanpa bisa
membangun kejelasan
masa depan bagi mereka.
Sebab pemimpin adalah
penjelas masa depan”
Jika kita tahu dimana kita berada dan bagaimana kita akan
mencapai tujuan kita, kita mungkin dapat melihat arah kita
berjalan- dan jika hasil yang terlihat tidak sesuai, maka
buatlah perubahan segera
( Abraham Lincoln)
Jika seseorang tidak
memikirkan apa yang jauh di
depan, ia akan menemukan
kesedihan di dekatnya. Ia
yang tidak kawatir tentang
apa yang akan terjadi di masa
depan, segera akan
meemukan sesuatu yang lebih
buruk daripada kekawatiran
itu sendiri
Masa Lalu
Tahapan Rencana Strategik
and Control
and Control
Strategic Management Model, Fred David, 2009
General Forces
Industry Analysis
Chain of Command
Assets, Skills
Beliefs, Expectations,
Reason for
What results
by when Plan to
achieve the
mission &
objectives Broad
guidelines for
needed to
a plan
Cost of the
of steps
needed to
do the job
to monitor
and take
and Control
Steph Subanidja 55
Tingkatan Strategi
 Strategi tingkat korporasi: berupaya untuk
menentukan bisnis apa yang seharusnya dilakukan
oleh perusahaan
 Strategi tingkat bisnis: berupaya untuk menentukan
bagaimana seharusnya suatu perusahaan bersaing
dalam setiap bisnisnya
 Unit bisnis strategi: bisnis tunggal atau kumpulan
bisnis yang berdiri sendiri dan merumuskan
strateginya sendiri
 Strategi tingkat fungsional: berupaya menentukan
cara mendukung strategi tingkat bisnis
Unit Business
Steph Subanidja 57
Proses Rencana Strategis
Misi, Tujuan, Sasaran
kekuatan & kelemahan
peluang & ancaman
and Control
and Control
Strategic Management Model, Fred David, 2009
General Forces
Industry Analysis
Chain of Command
Assets, Skills
Beliefs, Expectations,
Reason for
What results
by when Plan to
achieve the
mission &
objectives Broad
guidelines for
needed to
a plan
Cost of the
of steps
needed to
do the job
to monitor
and take
and Control
The Strategy and People
“Living Strategy: Putting People at the
Heart of Corporate Purpose”
Strategy As the System
 System thinking approach (Senge
1999) needs to be seriously considered
within the strategy process.
Strategic Thinking, System Thinking and
Strategy Process
Strategic Thinking
 Effort to bridge the gap between thinking and doing
within the strategy process.
 Is the basic foundation of strategy and strategy
 To enrich the strategy by expanding the strategy
horizons and perspective.
 Broadening the belief system which can affect the
people (cognitive ability) as the planners and doers
of the strategy.
 Considering the complex nature of the strategy.
 Attempt to eradicate the problems through
identifying the underlying roots cause of the
problems rather than the symptoms.
What is the Strategic Thinking?
 Are people paid to work or to think?
 Is strategy different with strategic
 How do you engage people with
strategic thinking?
Strategic thinking Process
(Wells 1998)
 Perceiving (what seems to be happening?)
- Acquiring insight
- Developing foresight
 Understanding (What possibilities do we
- Strategic levers
- Matching the levers
 Reasoning (What are we going to do about
- Choosing the right strategy
- Making the strategy works
Expanding Our Strategic Thinking
 Through dialogue or strategic
 Through suspending our judgment.
 Through considering all factors (sharing
the perspectives)
 Try to see things differently
(challenging our existing assumption
through knowledge management and
self talk)
System Thinking
 The capabilities to see the big picture, connection,
interconnection and pattern of the situation.
 That the reality is greater than the sum of all parts
(could you give examples?).
 The abilities to understand and differentiate the
short and long term consequences of today’s
decisions (Senge 1999)
 Needs to understand the purpose of a system
(Wheatley 1999)
 Self organizing system (Wheatley 1999)
 Needs to understand the key elements of a system
 Emergent properties of a system
 Open and closed system
What is a Self Organizing System?
The organization (entity or system) that
- Its purpose in life
- Genuine relationship with the
subsystem (people).
- Open and shared information (free
flow of information)
The Reality is:
 Sometime the management is bad at
being broad
 Management sometime focuses on
simplicity, on narrowing the variables
and eradicating the complexity
Strategy Analysis:
External Environment Analysis
Learning Objectives
 To understand the general environments
used in strategic analysis
 Be able to use the external environment
analysis effectively
 To understand the interaction between
organization and its external environment to
then appreciate and be aware of its related
threats and opportunity
 To be able to use the principles of
environmental scanning
Underlying Assumption
 Organization does not exist in a
vacuum environment.
 Organization is a part of larger system
– social system, political system,
economic system etc.
 Organization, therefore have to
consider the effect of their choice and
many forces that shape their external
The Concepts of Organization’
 Organization environment includes all
the conditions, circumstances and
influences surrounding and affecting
the total organization of any of its
internal system.
 Organization environment contains
forces that variously dynamics and
complex under different circumstances
Organization Environment
“it consist of atoms and molecules,
agglomerations of things in motion: of
physical laws and social laws: social
ideas, norms of action, of forces and
resistances. Their number is infinite
and there are always present. They are
always changing”
General Macro Environment
 Socio-cultural
 Technological
 Economic
 Physical environments
 Political
 Legal
The Organization Environment System
General external environment
Socio-cultural Economy
Industry external environment
Special interest group
Trade association
Internal environment
Culture, climate,
capabilities., competencies,
Structure, business process,
Some important variables of
External Environment
 Economics
 GDP trends
 Interest rates (domestics and US)
 Inflation rates
 Disposable and discretionary income
 Technological
 Industry spending for R&D
 Patents growth
 Technology growth
 Internet growth
 Telecommunication infrastructure
 Political-legal
 Tax laws
 Protection laws
 Environmental laws
 Socio-cultural
 Life style changes
 Career expectation
 Consumers activism
 Growth rate of population (aging population?)
Number of breakthrough development
which will have significant impact during
the decade from 2000 - 2010
 Portable information devices and
electronic networking
 Fuels cells and alternative energy
 Precision farming
 Virtual personal assistant
 Genetically altered organism
 Smart, mobile robots
Socio-cultural trends in US
 Increasing environmental awareness
 Growth of the seniors market (aging population –
look also at Australia and other developed country)
 Impact of generation Y boomlet
 Decline of the mass market – people needs more
personalized stuff
 Changing the pace and location of life
 Emerging of soft issues in life (health and life style)
 Changing household and composition
 Increasing diversity of workforce and markets
Look At Some Interesting Things
Around us
 How waroeng Padang Uda operates
(near our campus)
 How Bank BRI operates around us
 How leisure park operates (considering
the general weather, climate and
seasonal effect of the climate).
 Can you give us more example of how
external environment can affect
strategy and business decisions?
The Task or The Industry Environment
 Customers
 Competitors
 Suppliers
 Stakeholders
Industry Analysis
(Porter’s five forces)
 Barriers to entry (threats of new
 Bargaining power of buyers
 Bargaining power of suppliers
 Existence of substitute products
 Existing rivalry within the industry
Threats of New Entrants
(Barriers to Entry)
 Economies of scale (cost advantage of the
existing industry over new entrants)
 Product differentiation (high if the existing
industry employ high levels of marketing and
 Capital requirements (huge capital
investment pose significant barriers to the
new entrants.
 Access to distribution channels (remember
how Indomie and Teh Botol works on
distribution channels)
 Government Policy (Pertamina and Telkom)
Rivalry amongst Existing Firms
 Number of competitors
 Rate of Industry Growth
 Product or service characteristics
 Cost structure
 Capacity
 Exit barriers
 Diversity of rivals
Porter’s Five Competitive
Barriers to
Power of Suppliers
Threats from
Substitute Products/
Bargaining Power of
The Industry:
Jockeying for position
Among current competitors
Working examples of
How External Environment Works
(effectively or badly)
 Boeing Vs Airbus (which affect their strategic
decisions – to develop efficient & smaller planes or
giant airships?)
 Look at Newmont Minahasa Raya at Buyat base ( a
case of dynamic aspects of external environment –
NGO, government and local communities).
 McDonald and other fast food industry – external
environment forces from socio-cultural issues.
 Apple – with its Ipod product.
 Toyota Kijang, Avanza and Xenia case – family but
affordable car – relatively easy maintenance.
 Play Station Vs X-Box
 Banking Sectors – Credit cards sales (personification
of cards for Indonesian segments)
 Nokia case – in Indonesia and abroad
Environmental Scanning
 It is also related with Wells (1998)
strategic thinking approach: perceiving
(acquiring insight and developing
 Can be used to determine the possible
threats and opportunities for a firm.
Four processes of environmental
 Scanning – entails the study of all segments
of the general environments.
 Assessing – determines the timing and
significance of the effects of environmental
changes and trends on the strategic
management of a firm.
 Forecasting – takes place when analysts
develop feasible projections of what might
happen and how quickly the result of change
 Monitoring – occurs when analyst observe
environment changes to see if in fact, an
important trend is emerging
Scanning the external environment
Interest Group
Selection of Strategic
- Opportunities
Analysis of Societal Environment:
Economics, Socio-cultural, technological, Political-Legal Factors
Source: Wheelen & Hunger
Issues Priority Matrix
(Probability of
(Probability of
(Probability of
High Medium Low
Probable Impact on Corporation
Source: Wheelen & Hunger
Key Success Factors, Strategic Factors
and Industry Matrix
 Key success factors dealing with the
entire industry – are those variable that
can affect significantly the overall
competitive position of all companies
within any particular industry.
 Key success factors is generally
important to determine the company
success within the particular industry.
 Strategic factors deal with a particular
Industry Matrix
Key success
Weight Company A
(0 – 5)
Company A
Company B
(0 – 5)
Company B
Total Total must
be = 1
Total score
of company
Total score
of company
Competitive Intelligence
“is a formal program of gathering
information on a company’s
 The danger of assumption (in many cases
because they assumes that future changes is
simply the linear extrapolation of the past.
 Useful forecasting techniques:
- Brainstorming (non-quantitative approach)
- Expert opinion (non-quantitative app by using
expert in particular fields)
- Delphi techniques (quantitative which heavily
relies on historical data – should consider the
pattern and magnitude of relationship)
- Scenario writing
- Industry scenario
Industry Scenario
 Is forecasted description of particular industry’s likely
 Entails the followings:
- Examine the possible shift in societal variables globally
- Identify uncertainties in each of the PESTLE environment
- Make range of plausible assumptions about future trends.
- Combine assumptions about individual trends into internally
consistent scenarios
- Analyze industry situation that would prevail under each
- Determine the source of competitive advantage under each
- Predict competitors behavior under each scenarios
- Select the scenario that is either most likely to happen or
most likely to have significant impact for the organization
Strategy Analysis
(Hermawan Kartajaya’s Framework)
 3 C’s framework (Competitors, Change
and Customers analysis)
 Building Strategy Architecture by
defining the strategy elements of the
strategic architecture:
- Segmentation (Age, Income, population,
demographically, psycho-graphically)
- Positioning
- Targeting
Stakeholders’ Analysis and
Learning Objectives
 Understand how significant and role of
stakeholders management within the
strategy context.
 Understand how to define and identify the
 Understand various approach of stakeholders
 Be able to use and incorporate our
comprehension of stakeholders management
concepts into the dynamic process of
How Important is Stakeholders
 Look at various cases:
 Newmont Minahasa Raya at Buyat
 Enron and Freeport in Papua
 Promulgation of UU Tenaga Kerja, Taxation Law,
 Existing dispute between and amongst the
stakeholders of the corporation,
 Some BUMN performance
 But also look at some other cases
(McDonalds in India)
 Can you give more examples of interesting
stakeholders management issues?
Stakeholders Management
Corporate Governance:
-Whom should organization serve?
-How should purpose be
Business Ethics:
-Which purpose should be
- Why?
Whom does the organization serve?
Cultural context:
-Which purpose are prioritized?
Organizational Purpose:
How to define the stakeholders
(who is our stakeholders)?
 The parties or those who have a stake,
claim or vested interest to the
organization (those who provide
something of importance and expect
something in return)
 Those who affect and are affected by
the organization
 Those who are at risk by organization’s
strategic direction and decision making
Who is our stakeholders?
 Can you give me a clue?
 Government, employee, local
community, trade union, competitors,
creditors, suppliers, BoD etc.
Why it is important to identify
and know our stakeholders?
 We can manage the key stakeholders in
order to achieve our broad strategic goals.
 To scope, build momentum and monitor a
process – for broad level strategy process
 To examine the health or the organization
and plan changes – for institution and
 To design, steer and monitor a project – for
a project
 To predict the consequences of a decision
and plan to deal with them
How to identify our key stakeholders?
 Identification by staff of key agencies
and other knowledgeable individuals.
 Identification through written records
and population data.
 Stakeholders self selection
 Identification and verification by other
Key Questions that needs to be
asked in identifying the stakeholders?
 Who are potential beneficiary?
 Who might be adversely affected?
 Who has existing rights?
 Who is likely to be voiceless?
 Who is likely to resist change and mobilize
resistance against it?
 Who is responsible for intended plans?
 Who has the money, skills or key
 Whose behavior has to change for success.
Can we categorize the stakeholders?
 Internal, interface or external stakeholders
 Primary or secondary stakeholders (based on
their relative or immediate importance)
 Can also be based on their primary
characteristics, in terms of:
 The basic (men, women etc)
 Locations
 Ownership (landowners, trade union, managers
 Functions
 Scale (small, medium, large)
 Time or etc
Stakeholders Management:
Stakeholders Salience
A stakeholders becomes salient based on
its possession of three attributes; (1)
Power, the stakeholders power to
influence the company (2) Legitimacy
(the stakeholders relationship with the
company) (3) urgency – the extent to
which the stakeholders demand
immediate attention
 It may be defined as the ability of those who
possess power to bring about the outcomes they
desire (Salancik & Pfeffer 1974).
 How is power exercised or alternatively, what
are the basis of power?
 Power is an organizational setting based on the
type of resource used to exercise power:
coercive power, expertise power, utilitarian
power (based on material or financial resource),
normative power (based on symbolic)
 Power is transitory it can be acquired and it can
be lost
 Refers to socially accepted and expected
structures or behaviors
 Legitimacy and power are distinct attributes
that can be combined to create authority but
can exist independently as well.
 Legitimacy without power may not achieve
salience from the firm managers
 Legitimacy is generalized perception or
assumption that the actions of an entity are
desirable, proper or appropriate within some
socially constructed system of norms, values,
belief and definitions (Suchman 1995)
Is based on the followings two attributes:
(1) Time sensitivity – the degree to which
managerial delay in attending the claim or
relationship is unacceptable to the
(2) Criticality – the importance of the claim or
the relationship to the stakeholders
Urgency is the degree to which stakeholders
claims call for immediate attention
8 different stakeholders group
(1) Dormant stakeholders (Power, no legitimacy and no
(2) Discretionary stakeholders (Legitimacy, but no power
and no urgency)
(3) Demanding stakeholders (Urgency, but no legitimacy
and no power)
(4) Dominant stakeholders (Power and legitimacy, but no
(5) Dangerous stakeholders (Power and urgency, but no
(6) Dependent stakeholders (Legitimacy and urgency, but
no power)
(7) Definite stakeholders (Power, legitimacy and urgency)
(8) Non-stakeholders (No power, no legitimacy and no
Stakeholders Mapping
Tools for Stakeholders Analysis
High Potential Low Importance
High Power Collaborate with Mitigate Impact,
defend against
Low Power Involve, build capacity
and secure interests
Monitor or ignore
Other Approach of
Stakeholders Analysis & Management
How can we identify and
Strategically Manage
Our Stakeholders?
 By using the stakeholders analysis which try
to examine:
 Their needs and wants
 What are the things that they provide to the
company (how importance) and what do they
expect in return
 What is their relative importance, power, interest
 What are the risks which are associated with their
existence (if their concern is not considered by
the company)
 We can develop appropriate way to manage
the stakeholders after the analysis
Stakeholders Management
 Depends on the context and purpose of
the stakeholders management
 Can be used for broad purpose, either
as part of a broad or an overall
strategy process or for a narrower or
specific purposes (policy development,
project planning and development, etc)
 Needs to understood as a dynamic and
interactive process
Stakeholders Analysis and Management:
Strategy Context
Stakeholders Needs and
They Provide Strategy
Stakeholders Analysis and Management:
Change Management Perspective
Stakeholders Needs and
Their Concern
Stakeholders Analysis and Management:
Policy Development Context
Stakeholders Interest,
power and
Their Primary
How to understand the Stakeholders’
 Brainstorming
 Semi-structure interview
 Digging up existing data
 Time lines – historical data about the
 Diagrams
Influences on the Stakeholders
 Institutional/Organizational factors
 Individual motivational factors
An Internal Analysis
The Internal Analysis:
Resources, Capabilities and
Core Competencies
What we learn for today:
- Learn why the firm needs to study and understand
their internal environment
- Define Value and discuss its importance
- Define the difference between tangible and
intangible resources
- Define capabilities and learn how to develop
- Learn the four criteria used to determine the core
competencies (and the alternative model)
- Define how value chain analysis can be used to
identify and evaluate resources and capabilities
Our Learning Schedule for Today
 Presentation
 Discussion
 Case Study and Lecture
 Discussion and Media Watch
 Class wrap up and next week
Can you tell me:
 What do you thing about the
underlying factors that determine the
successful organization? (consider how
Microsoft, Apple, General Electric, Intel,
Toyota, Nokia, Coca Cola, Goldman
Sachs perform their business?)
 What do you think more important:
tangible or intangible assets
(resources) of the company?
It may be useful for you:
 To read the Fortune 500 and see how
the best companies in the world
manage their business (please read the
article then).
 To learn the internal factors that you
consider important to develop firms
sustainable competitive advantage?
Then consider these factors:
 Is it about their huge financial resources?
 Is it about their sophisticated IT
 Is it about their huge physical assets?
 Is it about their brand? (Coke, Toyota, BMW,
Nokia, Apple, Microsoft)
 How about their leaders? (Steve jobs,
Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Phillip Purnama, Jeff
Imelt, Jack Welsch)
 Or is it about their human capital?
What do you think about these?
 Coca Cola Vs Pepsi
 Daihatsu (Zenia) Vs Toyota (Avanza)
 Toyota Vs GM?
 Singapore Airline Vs Garuda?
 Apple Vs IBM
Critical Issues to Develop
Sustainable Competitive Advantage
 Resources
 Capabilities
 Core Competencies
Four Terms that you need to
thoroughly consider
 Resources
 Capabilities
 Core Competencies
 Sustainable Competitive Advantage
 Strategic Competitiveness
You May Need to Remember that:
 A sustainable competitive advantage is
achieved when firms implement a value
creating strategy that is grounded in their
own unique resources, capabilities and core
 Firm achieve strategic competitiveness and
above average return when their unique core
competencies are leveraged effectively to
take advantage of opportunities in external
environment (their unique core competencies
fit into their external environment).
The Sustainability of Competitive
Is a function of three factors:
(i) The rate of core competence
obsolescence due to environmental
(ii) The availability of substitute for core
(iii) The imitability of the core
Now consider these:
 Can you give examples of the previous
statement in terms of your working
organization or the organization that
you now?
 Do you have special experience about
those statement?
Again, Consider this Statement:
“No advantage and no success is ever
permanent. The winners are those who
keep moving. The only constant in our
business is that everything is changing.
We have to be ahead of the game”
(Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computer
Outcome of External and Internal
Environment Analysis
By Studying the external
Environment, firms identify:
-What they might choose
to do
- In form of Opportunity
and threats
By studying the internal
Environment, firms
-What do they have (in terms
of their resources, capabilities,
and core competence)
-What they can do
Source: Hitt MA, R Duane and Hoskisson RE 2001, “The Internal Environment:Resources, Capabilities and
Core Competencies” in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
Remember that:
 Having the resources, capabilities and core
competencies are not inherently valuable.
 Their value depends on the capability of the
firm to deploy all of them (to perform certain
unique or distinct activities) that result in
competitive advantage)
 To create a sustained competitive advantage,
these activities must be unique.
 Different or die (Jack Trout)
The Scheme
Core Competencies
Sustainable Competitive
Needs to
or distinctive
The Importance of Internal Analysis
 Experimentation and learning are expected and fostered to
develop firm capability.
 Most top-level managers recognize the need to change their
mindsets, but many hesitate to do so: “It is more reassuring for
all of us to stay as we are, even though we know the result will
be certain failure..”
 The required mind-set is the view that a firm is a bundle of
heterogeneous resources, capabilities, and core competencies
that can be used to create an exclusive market position.
 This view suggest that individual firm posses at least some
resources and capabilities that other companies do not have.
 By using their core competencies, firm perform activities better
than competitors or perform activities that other company do
not have.
 Michael Porter said the strong sustainable strategies Vs
operational efficiency (quality, productivity, service excellent)
 Meta learning (learning how to learn to create competitive
Value and Core Competencies
 By exploiting their core competencies and
meeting the demanding standards of global
competition, firms create value for the
 Value consist of performance characteristics
and attributes that the companies provide in
the form of goods and services for which the
customers are willing to pay.
 Ultimately, customers’ value is the source of
a firm’s potential to earn average or above-
average returns.
The Challenge of Internal Analysis
 The decisions that managers take in terms of
resources, capabilities and core competencies have a
significant influence to develop competitive
advantages and earn above-average returns.
 Such decisions are identifying, developing, deploying
and protecting resources, capabilities and core
 Yet, some of the decisions are failed.
 Recognizing the firm’s core competencies is required
before making strategic decisions.
 Learning is essential (to grow from either the
success and the failure)
The Challenge of Internal Analysis
Condition Affecting Managerial Decisions
About Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies
Regarding characteristics of the general and
the industry environments, competitors,
actions and customer’s preferences
Regarding the interrelated causes
shaping a firm environment and
Perceptions of the environment
Intra-organizational Conflicts
among people making managerial decisions
and those affected by them
Judgment in Strategic Decisions
 Cognitive capability (cognitive biases) of the
people when considering:
(i) whether it is strength or weakness
(internal analysis)
(ii) whether it is threats or opportunity
(iii) may come from the selective ignorance
of the leaders (their expectation and
(iv) what is important and not important
 Denial – is an unconscious coping
mechanism used to block out and not initiate
painful changes.
Source of Cognitive Bias
 Prior Hypothesis bias
- Decision makers having strong belief about certain variables.
 Escalating commitment
- Path dependency (committing more resources even though
he/she knows that the project will fail)
 Reasoning by analogy
- The use of simple (wrong analogy)
 Representativeness
- Based on merely a simple sample or single occurences
 Illusion of Control
- A belief that one can control effectively any events from
implementing decisions.
Techniques for Improving
Strategic Decision Making
Devil’s advocate
Final Plan
Devil’s Advocacy
Plan 1
Plan 2
Final Plan
Dialectic Inquiry
Scheme of Tangible and Intangible
 Tangible Resources
- Financial resources
- Organizational resources
- Physical Resources
- Technological Resources
 Intangible Resources
- Human resources
- Innovation resources
- Reputational resources
Components of Internal Analysis
Leading to Competitive Advantage
and Strategic Competitiveness
- Intangible
Core Competencies
Four Criteria
Value Chain
-Costly to imitate
Source: Hitt MA, R Duane and Hoskisson RE 2001, “The Internal Environment:Resources,
Capabilities and
Core Competencies” in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
 A competitive advantage is actually created
through the unique bundling of several
 Tangible Assets are assets that can be seen
and quantified.
 Intangible resources usually difficult to
quantify (but it is possible and therefore
necessary to measure).
 Intangibles are relatively difficult to be
understood and imitated by the competitors
(look at I-pod from Apple, Windows from
Tangible Resources
 Financial resources
- firm’s borrowing capacity
- Firm’s ability to generate internal financing
 Organizational Resources
- Firm formal reporting and planning structure
 Physical Resources
- Sophistication and location of a firm’s plants and
- Access to raw material
 Technological Resources
- Technology infrastructure, patents etc.
Intangible Resources
 Human Resources
- Knowledge
- Unique culture
- Trust
- Managerial capabilities
- Organizational routine
 Innovation Resources
- Ideas
- Scientific Capabilities
- Capacity to innovate
 Reputational Resources
- Reputation with customers (brand, relationship, cust.
- Reputation with suppliers
Resources (continued)
 The strategic value of resources is
determined by the degree to which they can
contribute to the development of capabilities,
core competencies and a competitive
 Resource as the source of firms capabilities
(capabilities are source of a firm’s core
 Intangible resources are more important
than tangible resources in the knowledge
economy era (do you believe this?).
 Is firm capacity to deploy resources that
have been purposely integrated to achieve
the desired end state.
 Capabilities enable the firm “to create and
exploit external opportunity and develop
sustained advantages when used with insight
and adroitness.
 The foundation of capabilities lies in the skills
and knowledge of a firm’s employee and
often, their functional expertise.
Capabilities (continued)
 “The knowledge possessed by the
firm’s human capital is among the most
significant of an organization
capabilities and may ultimately be at
the root of all competitive advantage”
 “Today dominance rarely comes from
the owner of a stockpile; in fact it is
not usually an issue of good at all.
Power is in the hands of people who
hold valuable knowledge”
People Issues in Developing
 In the knowledge economy, a
company’s value derives not from
things, but from knowledge, know-
how, intellectual assets, competencies
– all of it embedded in people
Knowledge is Critical to
Develop Capabilities
 What is knowledge?
 What kind of knowledge do we have?
 How to develop knowledge? (is it
enough if knowledge is developed only
through training?)
 Where is the position of knowledge in
human capital.
(an attempts to define knowledge)
 Read again the experience economy
(Pines and Gilmore article).
 Knowledge emerged through
interaction (remember when we learn
system thinking – open system and self
organizing system which put
relationship as one of its primary
 Knowledge is not data nor information.
What is the hierarchy of knowledge?
 Data is an objective facts presented
without any judgment or context.
 Information is data which have been
categorized, analyzed, summarized and
placed into context.
 Knowledge is information that is laden
with experience, judgment, intuition
and values.
Classification of Knowledge
 Tacit (subjective knowledge – resides
in people from their unique experience
and cognitive memory)
 Explicit (objective knowledge – have
been codified and transformed into
formal and written presentation.
Building the Knowledge Creating
Company (Nonaka & Takeuchi)
 Tacit to tacit (Combination)
 Explicit to explicit (socialization)
 Explicit to tacit (internalization)
 Tacit to explicit (externalization)
Examples of Firms’ Capabilities
Functional Areas Capabilities Examples of Firms
Distribution Effective use of logistic
management techniques
Wall Mart, Woolworth
(Australia), Carefour, The Botol,
Human Resources Motivating, empowering and
retaining employees
Southwest, Virgin Blue,
Marketing Effective promotion and brand
Coca Cola, Sampoerna, Samsung
Management Effective management execution General Electric
Production (manufacturing) Creative, innovative and efficient
manufacturing capability
Toyota, Ikea
Research and development Exceptional research and
development capability
Boeing, Intel, Apple, Samsung,
Core Competencies
 Core competencies are resources and capabilities
that serve as a source of competitive advantage for
a firm over its rivals.
 As the source of competitive advantage, core
competencies distinguishes a company competitively
and reflects its personality.
 Core competency emerge over time through the
process of accumulating and learning to deploy
different resources and capabilities.
 As the capacity to take action, core competencies
are the activities that the company can perform
distinctively well over its competitors (rivals) which
the firm adds unique value to its goods and services
over long period of time.
How Many Core Competencies is
required to have a sustained
Competitive advantage
 McKinsey suggest four core
 McDonalds (real estate, restaurant
operation, marketing and global
 Ford Motor Co (design, branding, sales
and service operation)
Building Core Competence
We can use two tools:
(i) Build competencies which can meet
the four criteria of sustainable
competitive advantage
(ii) By using the value chain analysis
The Four Criteria
Determining Strategic Capabilities
The Used Criteria Remarks
Valuable Capabilities Help a firm neutralize threats or exploit opportunities.
Rare Capabilities Are not possessed by many others
Costly to imitate
Historical: a unique culture and brand name
Ambiguous cause: the cause and uses of competence are
Social complexity: interpersonal relationship, trust and
friendship among managers, partners and customers.
No Strategic Equivalent
Core Competence (Continued)
 Every core competence is a capability,
but not every capability is a core
 Operationally, for a capability to be a
core competence, it must be valuable
and unique from the customers’ point
of view and must be unique and
inimitable from competitors point of
Rare Capabilities
 Are those possessed by few, if any,
current and potential competitors.
 Competitive advantage results only
when firms develop and exploit
capabilities that differ from those they
share with competitors.
Costly to Imitate
 Are those that other can not develop
 Are those that do not have strategic
 Those that create value for a firm by
exploiting opportunity or neutralizing
threats in the firm’s external
Value Chain Analysis
 By value chain analysis we can identify,
determine and therefore develop the
areas which are critical for the creation
of sustainable competitive strategy for
a firm.
The Value Chain Analysis
logistics Operations
And sales
By Value Chain
Business example
 How Fedex create its sustained profits
by developing the areas within the
value chain which is unique and
valuable (the use of sophisticated
technology, extra trucks and more
airplane) and unimitable and rare (the
use of more part time employee and
bonuses for extra delivery)
SWOT Analysis
 From internal analysis we can identify:
- Strength
- Weakness
 From the external analysis we can
- Opportunity
- Threats
Remember that
 The essence of strategy is the opportunity
divided by capacity.
 Therefore: SA = O/(S – W)
 Where:
- SA = Strategic Alternative
- S = Strength
- W = Weakness
 The question is: “should we invest more to
make our strength stronger or should we
invest more to make our weakness become
Criticism of SWOT Analysis
 It generates lengthy lists
 It uses no weight to reflect priorities
 It uses ambiguous words and phrases
 The same factor can be placed in two
categories (strength can also be a weakness)
 No obligation to verify opinions with data or
 It requires only single level of analysis
 There is no link to strategy implementation
The Alternative Way to
Overcome Criticism towards
SWOT analysis
Through the use of:
- IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis
- EFAS (External Factor Analysis
- SFAS (Strategic Factor Analysis
IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary)
(May Tag Example)
Internal Strategic Factors Weight Rating Weighted
S1 Quality Maytag Culture 0.15 5.0 0.75 Quality key to sucess
S2 Experienced top management 0.05 4.2 0.21 Know appliances
S3 vertical integration 0.1 3.9 0.39 Dedicated Factories
S4 Employee relations 0.05 3.0 0.15 Good but deteriorating
S5 International orientation 0.15 2.8 0.42 Hover name in cleaners
W1 process oriented R&D 0.05 2.2 0.11 Slow on new product
W2 Distribution Channels 0.05 2.0 0.10 Slow on new product
W3 Financial Position 0.15 2.0 0.30 High debt load
W4 Global positioning 0.20 2.1 0.42 Hovers weak outside UK &
W5 Manufacturing Facilities 0.05 4.0 0.20 Investing now
Total Scores 1.00 3.05
EFAS (External Factor Summary Analysis)
May Tag Example
Weight Rating Weighted Score Comments
O1 0.20 4.1 0.82 Acquisition of Hover
O2 0.10 5.0 0.50 Maytag Quality
O3 0.05 1.0 0.05 Low Maytag presence will
take time
O4 0.05 2.0 0.10
O5 0.10 1.8 0.18 May Tag Weak in this
T1 0.10 4.3 0.43 Well positioned
T2 0.10 4.0 0.40 Well positioned
T3 0.15 3.0 0.45 Hoover weak globally
T4 0.05 1.2 0.06 Questionable
T5 0.10 1.6 0.16 Only Asian presence in Aus
Total Scores 1.00 3.15
Strategic Factor Analysis Summary
Strategic Factors Weight Rating Weighted
ST IT LT Comments
S1 Quality Maytag
0.10 5.0 0.50 X Quality key to
S5 Hover international
0.10 2.8 0.28 X X Name recognition
W3 Financial position 0.10 2.0 0.20 X X High debt
W4 Global positioning 0.15 2.2 0.33 Only in UK and
O1 Eco.Integration of
0.10 4.1 0.41 X Acquisition of
O2 Demographic favor
0.10 5.0 0.50 X Maytag quality
O5 Trend to super
0.10 1.8 0.18 X Weak in this
T3 Whirlpool and
0.15 3.0 0.45 X Dominate industry
T5 Japanese Appliance
0.10 1.6 0.16 X Asian presence
Total Scores 1.00
TOWS Matrix for Maytag Example
Strength (S)
Maytag strengths S1 – S5
Weakness (W)
Maytag weaknesses W1 – W5
Opportunities (O)
May Tag Opportunities
O1 – O5
SO Strategies
-Use worldwide Hoover
distribution channels for both
Hoover and Maytag major
-Find joint venture partners in
Eastern Europe and Asia
WO Strategies:
- Expand Hoover presence in
continental Europe by
improving Hoover quality and
reducing manufacturing and
distribution costs.
- Emphasize superstore
channel for all non-Maytag
Threats (T)
May Tag Opportunities
T1 – T5
ST Strategies:
- Acquire Raytheon appliance
business to increase US
market share.
-Merge with Japanese major
home appliance company.
-Sell of all non-Maytag brand
WT strategies:
-Sell of Dixie-Narco division to
reduce debt
-Emphasize cost reduction to
reduce break-even point
-Sell out to Raytheon or a
Japanese firm
The use of SWOT analysis
for Strategic Recommendation
SWOT Strength Weakness
Opportunity SO Strategy: use the
strength to tap the
Example: Microsoft,
Danone, Indofood Sukses
WO strategy: overcome
weakness by tapping the
Modify poor technology
infrastructure to enter
new market
Threats ST Strategy: Use
strength to avoid threats
Example: mergers and
acquisition (look at
Daimler etc), use rigorous
marketing effort
WT Strategy: Minimize
weakness and avoid
By divesting the
resources, or liquidation
Findings a Propitious Niche
- An extremely profitable niche
- That is so well suited to the firm
internal and external environment that
other corporation are not likely to
challenge or dislodge it.
- To find such niche, mgt must always do
strategic window (unique market
opportunity that is available only for
particular time).
End of Presentation
 Can you give more example
 Can you develop the model for your
organization or the organization that
you know.
Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis
and Business Strategy: Determining
Strategic Choices at business level,
functional level and corporate level”
Steph Subanidja 183
Analisis Industri Porter’s Model
Pemain Baru
Tawar menawar
tawar menawar
Business (Competitive) Strategy
 Lower Cost Strategy
- The ability to design, produce and market
a comparable product more efficiently
than its competitor.
 Differentiation Strategy
- The ability to provide unique and superior
value to the buyer in terms of product
quality, special features or after-sales
Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategy
Cost Leadership Differentiation
Cost Focus
Lower Cost Differentiation
Competitive Advantage
Competitive Strategy
(Cost Leadership)
- Cost leadership
- Aims at the broad mass market
- Requires aggressive construction of efficient scale
facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reduction from
experience, tight cost and OH control and cost
minimization in areas such as R&D, service, sales
force, advertising
- Is then able to charge at a lower price than
- Example: Southwest Airline, Giant, Hypermart,
Carefour, Wall mart
Competitive Strategy
- Aims at the broad mass market and involves the
creation of a product or service that is perceived
throughout its industry as unique.
- May then charge a premium price.
- Especially associated with design, brand image,
technology, features, dealer network, or customer
- Is a viable strategy for a specific business because of
the resulting brand loyalty (look at Harley, BMW,
Lexus, Apple etc)
- Higher profit rather than low cost strategy as it
creates higher barrier to entry (while low cost create
higher market share)
Cost Focus (Focused Differentiation)
- Is a low cost strategy which is targeted
to a particular buyer group, geographic
market and attempt to serve only on
this niche, to the exclusion of others.
- A company or business unit Seeks a
cost advantage in its target segments
- The cost focus will be valued only if it is
believed to deliver value more
efficiently compared to its competitors.
Differentiation Focus
Concentrates only on a particular buyer
group, product line segment or
geographic market.
Steph Subanidja 191
Strategi Generik
Risks of Generic Competitive Strategy
Risks of Cost Leadership Risk of Differentiation Risks of Focus
Cost leadership is not sustained:
-Competitors intimate
-Technology changes
-Other bases for cost leadership
Differentiation is not sustained:
-Competitors imitate
-Bases for differentiation become
less important to buyers
The focus strategy is imitated
The target segment become
structurally unattractive:
-Structure erodes
-Demand disappears
Proximity in differentiation is lost Cost proximity is lost Broadly targeted competitors
overwhelmed the segments
- The segment’s differences from
other segment narrow
- The Advantages of a broad line
Cost focusers achieve even lower
cost in segments
Differentiation focusers achieve
even greater differentiation in
New focusers subsegment the
Issues in Competitive Strategy
 Beware to be trapped in “the stuck in
the middle strategy” (between cost
leadership and differentiation strategy).
 But some companies (but rare) proved
to be excellent at both (Toyota).
Industry Structure and
Competitive Strategy
 Fragmented industry (where small and
medium size companies competes in
relatively small shares of the total market
share and for a products or service at
growing stage) – focus strategy will likely
 As industry become mature, consolidated
industry will likely to occur with few large
companies – differentiation or cost leadership
Industry Structure and
Competitive Strategy
 The strategic rollup – innovation
strategy may likely predominate (as
cost leadership and differentiation
strategy has achieved its maximum
Requirement for Generic Competitive
Generic Strategy Required Skills and
Common Organizational
Overall Cost Leadership -Sustained capital investment and access
to capital
-Process engineering skills
-Intense supervision on labor
-Product design for ease of manufacture
-Low cost distribution system
-Tight cost control
-Frequent, detailed control reports
-Structured organization and
-Incentive based on strict quantitative
Differentiation -Strong marketing abilities
-Product engineering
-Creative flair
-Strong capabilities in research
-Reputation in quality or technology
-Long tradition within the industry or
unique combination of skills drawn from
other business
-Strong cooperation from channels
- Strong coordination among
functions in R&D, product
development and marketing.
-Subjective measurement and
incentives of quantitative measures.
-Amenities to attract highly skilled and
creative people
Focus Combination of the above policies directed
at particular strategic target.
Combination of the above policies
directed at the particular strategic
Competitive Tactics
 Is a specific operating plan detailing
how a strategy is to be implemented in
terms of when and where it is to be
put in action.
 When to Compete:
 First movers
 Late movers
Market Location Tactics
(Where to Compete)
 Can be offensive or defensive
 Offensive, usually takes place in an
established competitors’ market
 Defensive, usually takes place in the
firm’s own current market position as a
defense against possible attack by
Offensive Tactics
 Frontal Assault (head to head with
 Flanking Maneuver (attack a part of market
where competitors is weak)
 Bypass attack (Change the rule of the game
– to achieve quasi monopoly state)
 Encirclement (encircle the competitors
positioning in terms of products, market or
 Guerrilla warfare (the use of hit and run
Defensive Tactics
 Aims to lower the probability of attack,
divert attack to less threatening
avenues or lessen the intensity of an
attack. Instead of increasing
competitive advantage as per se, they
make the company or business unit
competitive advantage more
sustainable by causing a challenger to
conclude that an attack is unattractive.
Defensive tactics
 Raise structural barriers
 Offer a full line of product in every market segment (Coca Cola)
 Block channel access (by signing exclusive contract with
 Raise buyer switching cost
 Increase economies of scale to reduce unit costs
 Foreclose alternative technology through parenting or licensing
 Limit outside access to facilities and personnel
 Tie up supplier by signing an exclusive contract
 Avoid supplier to also serve the competitors
 Encourage other parties to increase barrier to entry (government
to set policies on enviro protection etc)
 Increased expected retaliation (increase the perceived threats
of retaliation for an attack)
 Lower the inducement for attack (like Southwest which
continuously keep the price low and constantly invest in cost
reducing measures.
Cooperative Strategy
 Collusion (active cooperation of firms to reduce output and
raise prices)
 Strategic Alliance (partnership between two or more firms to
achieve strategically significant objectives)
 Mutual Service Consortia (a partnership in similar industry
which pool their resources to gain benefit from the too expense
 Joint Venture (cooperative business activity for strategic
purposes, that creates an independent business entity and
allocate ownership, operational responsibility and financial
rewards and risk to each member, while preserving their
separate identity/autonomy.
 Licensing arrangement (licensing firms grants its rights to
another firm)
 Value Chain partnership (strong and close alliance to form long
term arrangement with key supplier and distributor for mutual
Strategic Alliance Success Factors
 Clear strategic purpose
 Find a fitting partner
 Aware of the partnering risk and deal with it when
alliance is formed
 Create incentive for cooperation to minimize differences
(in culture or organization fit)
 Have cross-cultural perspective (transnational alliance)
 Exchange human resource (to build communication and
 Operate with long term horizons
 Develop multiple joint projects
 Agree upon monitoring process
 Be flexible in terms of renegotiating
 Agree upon exit strategy
Corporate Strategy
Deal with three issues:
1. The firm’s overall orientation towards
growth, stability or retrenchment
(directional strategy)
2. The industry or market which the firm
competes through its product and business
units (portfolio strategy)
3. The manner in which management
coordinate activities, transfer resources and
cultivates capabilities among product lines
and business units (parenting strategy)
Directional Strategy
 Growth Strategy (expand the company
 Stability Strategy (make no change of
the company current activities)
 Retrenchment Strategy (reduce the
company level of activities)
Growth Strategies
 Concentration
 Vertical growth (Backward or forward
 Horizontal growth (horizontal integration)
 Diversification
 Concentric (related diversification)
 Conglomerate (unrelated diversification)
Global Strategy
 Exporting
 Licensing
 Franchising
 Joint Venture
 Acquisition
 Green field development
 Production sharing
 Turnkey operation
 Management Contract
Stability Strategies
 A pause/proceed with caution (pause
until significant changes in org.
 No change strategy (a decision to do
nothing new)
 Profit strategy – maintain the existing
activities by reducing investment and
other discretionary expense.
Entrenchment Strategy
 Turnaround strategy (improvement of
operational efficiency)
 Contraction – immediate stop the bleeding
 Consolidation
 Captive Company Strategy (giving up of
independence in exchange for security)
 Sell out – divestment strategy
 Liquidity (bankcruptcy) strategy
Portfolio Analysis
 BCG Matrix
 GE Business Screen
Functional Level Strategy
 Operational Excellence
 Customers Intimacy
 Product/Service Leadership
The Customer-Value Proposition
Service Relationships
Unique products and services that
“push the envelope”
“The Best Product”
Personal service tailored to
produce results for customer and
build long term relationships
Price √
Lead Time
Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image
Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image
Quality and selection in key categories with
Unbeatable prices
“Smart Shopper”
√ √
Innovation time
Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image
“Trusted Brand”
General Requirement
Building the Strategy Architecture
Goals BSC
PESTLE Industry
Strategy Tactic
Shareholders Customers
The Strategy
PCS Triangle
Control System
Well’s strategic thinking cycle and framework
Perceiving and understanding phases Reasoning phases
Planning stages Implementation
The Strategy Architecture
 Strategy
 Segmentation
 Positioning
 Targeting
 Tactic
 Selling tactic
 Marketing mix
 Sales mix
 Value
 Process
 Brand
 Value
Matriks BCG
 Perangkat strategi untuk memberikan
pedoman pada keputusan alokasi
sumberdaya berdasarkan pangsa pasar
dan pertumbuhan unit business
Steph Subanidja 215
Matriks BCG
Steph Subanidja 218
Pangsa Pasar
Tinggi Rendah
Matriks BCG
Steph Subanidja 219
Integrasi kebelakang/
Penetrasi pasar
Pengembangan pasar
Pengembangan produk
Pengembangan produk
Enetrasi pasar
Pengembangan pasar
Pengembangan produk
Matriks BCG
 Cash Cows: menghasilkan banyak uang tunai, tetapi
harapan dimasa mendatang terbatas
 Stars: lebih banyak melakukan investasi atau
pengembangan produk
 Question Marks: bisnis bersifat spekulatif dan
mengandung risiko tinggi
 Dogs: tidak menghasilkan banyak uang tunai, dan
tidak membutuhkan banyak uang tunai, serta tidak
ada harapan yang lebih baik
Steph Subanidja 220
VISI – 10-20 tahun
STRATEGI- 5-10 tahun
PROGRAM – 0-1 tahun
Perusahaan dan Lingkungan Mikro
Integrasi Kedepan
(Forward Integration)
 Usaha untuk memperoleh kepemilikan atau kendali
yang lebih besar atas distributor atau peritel
 Contoh: Toyota Menjual mobilnya melalui Auto 2000
(?), Bank Bukopin menggunakan ATM banyak bank,
 Berikan contoh yang lain
Integrasi Kedepan
Pedoman Integrasi Kedepan
1. Ketika distributor menjadi sangat mahal, atau
tidak dapat diandalkan, atau tidak mampu
memenuhi kebutuhna perusahaan
2. Ketika ketersediaan distributor yang berkualitas
begitu terbatas untuk menawarkan keunggulan
3. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan SDM
yang dibutuhkan untuk mengelola bisnis
pendistribusian produknya sendiri
4. Ketika keuntungan produksi yang stabil sangat
tinggi, ini menjadi pertimbangan untuk
memprediksi permintaan
5. Ketika distributor atau peritel memiliki margin
laba yang tinggi
Jumlah pabrik obat 198
Jumlah distributor 2250, perbandingan 1: 11
Distributor dengan toko obat 2:3
Integrasi ke Belakang
(Backward Integration)
 Mengupayakan kepemilikan atau
kendali yang lebih besar atas pemasok
 Contoh: Restaurant Pecel Lele,
mendirikan empang lele, Hotel membeli
perusahaan perusahaan furnitur
 Berikan contoh yang lain
Integrasi Kebelakang
Pedoman Integrasi Kebelakang
1. Ketika pemasok menjadi sangat mahal, atau
tidak dapat diandalkan, atau tidak mampu
memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan
2. Ketika jumlah pemasok sedikit, dan jumlah
pesaing banyak
3. Ketika industri berkembang pesat
4. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal, SDM,
untuk mengelola bisnis yang dilakukan
5. Ketika margin yang diperoleh pemasok tinggi
6. Ketika perusahaan perlu mengakuisisi atau
memperoleh sumberdaya secara cepat
Integrasi Horisontal
(Horizontal Integration)
 Mengupakayakan kepemilikan atau kendali
yang lebih besar kepada pesaing
 Contoh: Danon ke Aqua,
 Berikan contoh yang lain
Integrasi Horisontal
Pedoman Integrasi Horisontal
 Ketika Perusahaan dapat memperoleh
karakteristik monopolistik di suatu wilayah,
kawasan tertentu tanpa bertentangan dengan
peraturan yang menghambat persaingan
 Ketika perusahaan bersaing dalam industri
yang sedang berkembang
 Ketika meningkatnya skala ekonomi
memberikan keunggulan kompetitif yang besar
 Ketika perusaaan memiliki modal, SDM yang
dibutuhkan untuk ekspansi
 Ketika pesaing melemah karena kurang
terampil secara managerial, atau sumberdaya
tertentu dimiliki perusahaan
Penetrasi Pasar
 Mencari pangsa pasar yang lebih besar
untuk produk dan jasa saat ini di pasar
yang ada sekarang melalui upaya
 Contoh: Extra Joss menghabiskan
milyardtan rupiah untuk memasarkan
produknya, dengan munum 2 botol
sehari. Kompas minggu menerbitkan
artikel untuk anak-anak dan remaja
 Berikan contoh lain
Penetrasi Pasar
Pedoman Penetrasi Pasar
1. Ketika pasar belum jenuh dengan
produk atau jasa tertentu
2. Ketika tingkat pemakaian konsumen
dapat ditingkatkan
3. Ketika pangsa pasar pesaing utama
menurun, sementara total penjualan
industri meningkat
4. Ketika pemasaran berkorelasi dengan
5. Ketika skala ekonomi meningkat
Pengembangan Pasar
(Market Development)
 Memperkenalkan produk atau jasa saat
ini ke wilayah geografis baru
 Contoh: KFC membuka pasar di
Indonesia, Universitas Mercubuana,
membuka Universitas Mercubuana
 Berikan contoh lain
Pengembangan Pasar
Pedoman Pengembangan Pasar
1. Ketika saluran distribusi baru yang ada
dapat diandalkan, tidak mahal,
berkualitas baik
2. Ketika perusahaan berhasil dengan
bisnis yang dijalankan
3. Ketika pasar yang baru belum
dikembangkan dan belum jenuh
4. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan
SDM untuk pengembangan tersebut
5. Ketika kapasitas produksi berlebih
6. Ketika industri berkembang dan menjadi
Pengembangan Produk
(Product Development)
 Mengupayakan peningkatan penjualan
melalui perbaikan produk atau jasa
saat ini atau pengembangan produk
atau jasa baru
 Contoh: Shampoo Three in One, Esia
memperkalkan HP mirip design
 Berikan contoh lain
Pengembangan Produk
Pedoman Pengembangan Produk
1. Ketika perusahaan memiliki produk-
produk yang berhasil dalam taham
kematangan daur hidup produk
2. Ketika perusahaan dalam persaingan
ketat dan tehnologi berkembang cepat
3. Ketika pesaing memproduksi barang
berkualitas dengan harga yang “bagus”
4. Ketika tingkat pertumbuhan industri
5. Ketika perusahaan memiliki kapabilitas
penelitian dan pengembangan yang kuat
Philip Kotler, Bapak Pemasaran Dunia
Yg memiliki
Dan memiliki
Daya beli
 Pemasaran: Marketing is a societal
process by which individuals and
groups obtain what they need and
want through creating, offering, and
freely exchanging products and
services of value with others.
- Philip Kotler (p. 7)
Marketing Management
Analisis, perencanaan, implementasi,
dan pengendalian dari program-
program yang dirancang untuk
menciptakan, membangun, dan
memelihara pertukaran yang
menguntungkan dengan pembeli
sasaran untuk mencapai tujuan
The analysis, planning, implementation, and
control of programs designed to create,
build, and maintain beneficial exchanges
with target buyers to achieve
organizational objectives.
Core Concepts
Needs, wants,
and demands
Exchange, transactions,
and relationships
and quality
What Motivates a Consumer
to Take Action?
• Needs - states of felt deprivation including physical
needs for food, social needs for belonging and
individual needs for self-expression. i.e. I am thirsty.
• Wants - form that a human need takes as shaped by
culture and individual personality. i.e. I want a Coca-
• Demands - human wants backed by buying power. i.e. I
have money to buy a Coca-Cola.
5 Marketing Philosophies
Product Levels
& Credit
Actual Product Core Product
Augmented Product
Consumer Product Classifications
Types of
Product Classifications
Consumer Products
Shopping Products
> Buy less frequently
> Higher price
> Fewer purchase
> Comparison shop
Clothing, cars, appliances
Convenience Products
> Buy frequently &
> Low priced
> Mass advertising
> Many purchase locations
Fast Food, Candy,
Specialty Products
> Special purchase efforts
> High price
> Unique characteristics
> Brand identification
> Few purchase locations
Unsought Products
> New innovations
> Products consumers don’t
want to think about
> Require much advertising &
personal selling
Telepon seluler generasi pertama disebut juga 1G. 1-G
merupakan telepon seluler pertama yang sebenarnya.
Tahun 1973, Martin Cooper dari Motorola Corp
menemukan telepon seluler pertama dan diperkenalkan
kepada public pada 3 April 1973. Telepon seluler yang
ditemukan oleh Cooper memiliki berat 30 ons atau
2G – HP Generasi Kedua
Generasi kedua atau 2-G muncul pada sekitar
tahun 1990-an. 2G di Amerika sudah
menggunakan teknologi CDMA, sedangkan
di Eropa menggunakan teknologi GSM. GSM
menggunakan frekuensi standar 900 Mhz dan
frekuensi 1800 Mhz. Dengan frekuensi
tersebut, GSM memiliki kapasitas pelanggan
yang lebih besar. Pada generasi 2G sinyal
analog sudah diganti dengan sinyal digital.
Penggunaan sinyal digital memperlengkapi
telepon seluler dengan pesan suara, panggilan
tunggu, dan SMS. Telepon seluler pada
generasi ini juga memiliki ukuran yang lebih
kecil dan lebih ringan karena penggunaan
3G – HP Generasi Ketiga
Generasi ini disebut juga 3G yang memungkinkan
operator jaringan untuk memberi pengguna
mereka jangkauan yang lebih luas, termasuk
internet sebaik video call berteknologi tinggi.
Dalam 3G terdapat 3 standar untuk dunia
telekomunikasi yaitu Enhance Datarates for GSM
Evolution (EDGE), Wideband-CDMA, dan
CDMA 2000. Kelemahan dari generasi 3G ini
adalah biaya yang relater lebih tinggi, dan
kurangnya cakupan jaringan karena masih barunya
teknologi ini
4G – HP Generasi Keempat
Generasi ini disebut juga Fourt Generation (4G). 4G
merupakan sistem telepon seluler yang menawarkan
pendekatan baru dan solusi infrstruktur yang
mengintegrasikan teknologi wireless yang telah ada
termasuk wireless broadband (WiBro), 802.16e,
CDMA, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, dlll. sistem 4G
berdasarkan heterogenitas jaringan IP yang
memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan
beragam sistem kapan saja dan dimana saja. 4G juga
memberikan penggunanya kecepatan tinggi, volume
tinggi, kualitas baik, jangkauan global, dan
fleksibilitas utnuk menjelajahi berbagai teknologi
berbeda. Terakhir,4G memberikan pelayanan
Diversikasi Terkait
 Menambah produk atau jasa baru
namun masih berkaitan
 Contoh: Universitas mendirikan
konsultan bisnis,
 Berikan contoh lain
Diversikasi Terkait
Pedoman Diversikasi Terkait
1. Ketika perusahaan berkompetisi di industri yang
tidak tumbuh atau pertumbuhannya lambat
2. Ketika penambahan produk baru meningkatkan
total penjualan
3. Ketika produk baru terkait dapat ditawarkan
dengan harga bersaing
4. Ketika produk baru memiliki penjualan musiman
5. Ketika produk saat ini dalam tahap penurunan
dalam daur hidup produk
6. Ketika perusahaan memiliki manajemen yang
Diversifikasi Tak Terkait
 Menambah produk atau jasa baru
namun tidak berkaitan
 Contoh Johny Andrean mendirikan J Co
 Berikan contoh lain
Diversikasi Tak Terkait
Pedoman Diversifikasi Tak Terkait
1. Ketika pendapatan dari produk atau jasa saat ini akan meningkat
secara signifikan dengan penambahan produk atau jasa baru
2. Ketika perusahaan bersaing di industri yang kompetitif dan atau
tidak mengalami pertumbuhan sebagai diindikasikan oleh margin
3. Ketika saluran distribusi dapat digunakan untuk mendistribusikan
produk baru
4. Ketika produk baru diprediksi memiliki penjualan yang bagus
5. Ketika penjualan industri mengalami penurunan
6. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan SDM dalam industri baru
7. Ketika perusahaan memiliki peluang untuk investasi membeli bisnis
yang tak terkait
8. Ketika ada sinergi secara financial jika akan mengakuisisi
9. Ketika pasar sudah jenuh untuk produk saat ini
10. Ketika ada pandangan no trust terhadap perusahaan akan produk
yang ada dengan hanya berkonesentrasi pasa produk lama
 Pengelompokkan ulang (regrouping)
melalui pengurangan biaya dan aset
untuk membalikkan penurunan
penjualan dan laba
 Contoh: Starbuck menutup sejumlah
outlet di Afrika,
 Berikan contoh lain
Pedoman Penciutan
1. Ketika perusahaan memiliki kompetensi khusus namun
gagal dalam memenuhi maksud dan tujuan perusahaan
dari waktu ke waktu
2. Ketika perusahaan merupakan pesaing lemah dalam
3. Ketika organisasi tidak efisien, profitabilitas rendah,
semangat kerja buruk, dan ada tekanan dari pemegang
saham untuk memperbaiki kinerja organisasi
4. Ketika organisasi gagal memanfaatkan peluang , gagal
memanfaatkan kekuatan internal dari waktu ke waktu
dan kemungkinan dapat digantikan oleh individu yang
5. Ketika organisasi tumbuh membesar secara cepat
sehingga reorganisasi besar besaran diperlukan
 Perusahaan menjual suatu divisinya
atau bagiannya dari perusahaan
 Contoh: Kantor Pos menjual ke Bank
BRI untuk kantor cabang
 Berikan contoh lain
Pedoman Divestasi
1. Ketika strategi penciutan gagal untuk mencapai
2. Ketika suatu divisi perlu lebih banyak
sumberdaya agar lebih kompetitif dari yang
dapat disediakan perusahaan
3. Ketika suatu divisi bertanggungjawab terhadap
keseluruhan organisasi
4. Ketika suatu divisi tidak mampu menyesuaikan
diri dengan bagian lain organisasi
5. Ketika sejumlah dana besar diperlukan dalam
waktu dekat dan tidak dapat diperoleh dari
sumber lain
6. Ketika tindakan antitrust pemerintah
mengancam organisasi
Pemerintah Indonesia, Badan Usaha
Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Badan
Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD)
ternyata belum siap mengambil-alih
saham divestasi PT Newmont Nusa
Tengggara (NNT).
Sebanyak 24% saham yang
ditawarkan dalam proses divestasi
perusahaan tambang tembaga terbesar
ke-10 di dunia ini tidak berhasil
dikuasai secara penuh oleh
pemerintah maupun perusahaan
 Penjualan seluruh aset perusahaan
secara terpisah pisah, dibubarkan
 Contoh: Bank Servitia, sekarang tidak
ada, Hotel HI menjadi Hotel HI
 Berikan contoh lain
Pedoman Likuidasi
1. Ketika strategi penciutan dan
divestasi gagal
2. Ketika satu satunya alternatif
menyatakan organisasi bangkrut
3. Ketika pemegang saham
meminimalkan kerugian dengan
menjula organisasi
10/7/2023 293
(Action Plan)
Hakikat Implementasi Strategi
 Implementasi Strategi adalah proses mewujudkan
strategi ke dalam bentuk tindakan.
 Tindakan-tindakan tersebut biasanya menjadi
tanggungjawab para manajer divisional dan fungsional,
yang meliputi:
o Menyusun tujuan tahunan
o Membuat kebijakan
o Mengalokasikan sumber daya
o Mengubah struktur organisasi yang ada
o Restrukturisasi dan desain ulang
o Merevisi rencana insentif dan penggajian karyawan
o Meminimalkan resistensi terhadap perubahan
o Menyelaraskan struktur dengan strategi
o Mengembangkan budaya yang mendukung strategi
o Mengadaptasikan proses produksi/operasi
o Mengembangkan fungsi sumber daya manusia yang efektif
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 295
The Strategy Process
Strategy Implementation:
“The process by which strategies and
policies are put into action”
(Wheelen & Hunger, 1992)
Strategy Formulation: The process
of developing long-range plans based
on environmental opportunities and
threats in the light of corporate
strengths and weaknesses, includes
defining corporate missions, setting
objectives, developing strategies, and
setting policy guidelines.
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 296
What is Strategy
 Strategy implementation is - activities
and choices used to put strategies and
policies into action. (Wheelen, 1997: 6)
Strategy Implementation is the process
by which strategies and policies are put
into action. (Wheelen & Hunger, 1992)
 Implementing requires the development
of programs, budgets and procedures.
May include important factors that we
© Copyright I. Hardhy Winarta,
How Do We Put Strategy Into Action?
Prentice Hall,
Chapter 1
Strategy Implementation
10/7/2023 298
What is Program, Budget,
Rincian kegiatan atau langkah-
langkah yang diperlukan untuk
memenuhi/ mewujudkan suatu
Rencana biaya yang diperlukan untuk
mewujudkan suatu program.
Suatu sistem yang mengatur langkah-
langkah sekuensial (berurutan) yang
menjelaskan secara detail bagaimana suatu
tugas atau kegiatan harus dilaksanakan.
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 300
Resource Program Changes
 The resource are is the third area of
the internal environment that may need
to be changed after structure and
culture have been changed as a result
of the adoption of new strategies
Example resource areas: are
Production/ Operation, Marketing,
Finance, HRM/HRD, Information
System, R&D. These could be areas in
which new implementing programs
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 301
Implementation Program
The following slide are an example of Implementing Program
 Program: Marketing
 Program Objectives:
 Reach new market in Europe (20% market share in 5 years).
 Target market will changes distribution, product, pricing, and
promotion mix
 Managers responsible (VP Marketing, Advertising Exc.)
 Set up distribution network in 6 months to 18 months.
Begin Promotion (advertising) in next 6 months
 Budget: (Distribution 2% of estimated sales, Promotion -
$12 Million)
 Results of this marketing program: might be brand
awareness of 80% of public and 20% of people willing
to try product.
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 302
Implementation Program
Another example of Implementing Program
 Program: Financing New Factory
 Objective: Get $400M of loans, $100 corporate
bonds. 7% cost of money
 Managers Responsible (VP Finance and Controller)
 Action Plan obtain financing commitment in next six
months (will be detailed in next slide)
 Determine Budget $1M for forecasting and analysis
over next two years.
 Results: might be financing received in time, and at
or below market rates. Improved relations with
financing companies.
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 303
What don’t we know about implementation
 What happens when plans fail?
 Information, communications, & involvement don’t work
 What happens when plans aren’t followed?
 Everybody agrees on plans, but no action follows
 What happens when circumstances have changed or
when unexpected events occur?
 Performance booming - why continue implementation?
We have limited knowledge about the later stages in
the implementation process
• What happens after decisions have been made?
• How does this affect the strategy the organization ends up with?
• How do managers handle the duality of control and flexibility
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 304
How to make Action Planning
1. List specific actions.
2. List dates to begin and end each action.
3. Allocate the appropriate budget for each action.
4. Name person responsible for each action.
5. Name person responsible for monitoring
timelines and effectiveness of each action.
6. Estimate expected financial and physical
consequences of each action.
7. Develop contingency plans (A firm should have
plans on how to alter strategy and make other
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 305
How to make Action Planning
1. Membuat rencana aksi/kegiatan.
2. Menentukan kapan kgiatan dimulai dan berakhir.
3. Alokasikan anggaran yang tepat untuk setiap kegiatan.
4. Tentukan nama personel yang bertanggungjawab untuk
setiap kegiatan.
5. Tentukan orang yang bertanggungjawab untuk
memonitor jadwal dan efektivitas masing-masing
6. Estimasikan konsekuensi finansial dan fisik dari masing-
masing kegiatan.
7. Kembangkan alternatif strategi lain (A firm should have
plans on how to alter strategy and make other
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 306
Action Planning
(Ex.: New Product Development Strategy)
Nu Programs Time Schedule Budget
$ (Rp)
1. Penciptaan Ide
2. Penyaringan Ide /Ga-
gasan ttg Produk Baru
3. Pengujian Konsep
4. Pengembangan Strategi
5. Analisis Bisnis
6. Pengembangan Produk
7. Pengujian Pasar
8. Komersialisasi
10/7/2023 307
Proses Pengembangan Produk Baru
Proses pengembangan produk baru terdiri
dari delapan tahap berurutan sebagai
1. Penciptaan ide
2. Penyaringan ide
3. Pengembangan dan uji konsep
4. Pengembangan strategi pemasaran
5. Analisis-bisnis
6. Pengembangan produk
7. Uji pasar
8. Komersialisasi
10/7/2023 Strategic Management 308
Ketrampilan Yang Diperlukan
Para Manajer Dalam
(Thomas V. Bonoma)
1. Interacting Skills
2. Allocating Skills
3. Monitoring Skills
4. Organizing Skills
 Interacting Skills
Kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dan berempati
dengan berbagai macam perilaku dan sikap orang
lain untuk mencapai tujuan.
 Allocating Skills
Kemampuan dalam menjadualkan tugas-tugas,
menyusun anggaran, mengalokasikan waktu, serta
sumberdaya lain secara efisien.
 Monitoring Skills
Kemampuan dalam menggunakan informasi yang
efisiesnuntuk memperbaiki dan menyelesaikan
berbagai masalah dalam proses implementasi strategi.
 Organizing Skills
Kemampuan untuk menciptakan jaringan atau
organisasi informal dalam rangka menyesuaikan diri
dengan berbagai masalah yang mungkin timbul.
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10/7/2023 Strategic Management 311
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10/7/2023 Strategic Management 315
Other Condition for Successful
Strategy Implementation
 Successful strategy implementation
 Good Planning
 Support
 Discipline
 Motivation
 Hard work
 Ethic
(Strategy Evaluation & Control)
and Control
and Control
Strategic Management Model
General Forces
Industry Analysis
Chain of Command
Assets, Skills
Beliefs, Expectations,
Reason for
What results
by when Plan to
achieve the
mission &
objectives Broad
guidelines for
needed to
a plan
Cost of the
of steps
needed to
do the job
to monitor
and take
and Control
Hakikat Evaluasi Strategi
 Evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi adalah proses
memantau kinerja perusahaan dan mengambil tindakan
korektif atas deviasi yang terjadi.
 Evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi merupakan proses
memonitor kegiatan guna meyakinkan bahwa semua
kegiatan telah terlaksana sebagaimana direncanakan,
serta melakukan tindakan koreksi atas berbagai deviasi
yang signifikan.
 Tujuan evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi adalah untuk
memastikan terlaksananya strategi pada jalur yang
benar ke arah pencapaian tujuan organisasi.
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Strategic Planing (2).pptx
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  • 2. Learning Objectives  Understand various concepts of strategy  Understand what the strategy is all about.  Understand the nature of strategy.  Understand how the strategy work in different organizational setting.  Understand how the strategy can be applied in different setting.  Understand the relationship of strategy with other fields
  • 3. Rencana Strategik Berkenaan dengan:  Arah perusahaan  Keputusan besar  Dimensi waktu, panjang  Sesuatu yang tidak biasa  Sesuatu yang tidak rutin  Melibatkan banyak orang  Biaya besar  Dan lain-lain
  • 4. MENGAPA PERLU RENCANA STRATEGIK Strategi berkaitan dengan keputusan “besar” yang dihadapi organisasi dalam melakukan bisnis, juga berkaitan dengan perilaku organisasi yang konsisten, dan upaya penciptaan keunggulan kompetitif suatu organisasi/perusahaan. Strategi sangat penting untuk menentukan kesuksesan organisasi. Strategi merupakan salah satu S dalam 7-S menurut McKinsey, yang menentukan keberhasilan suatu organisasi.
  • 6.  Meningkatkan kemampuan perusahaan dalam mencegah masalah, menentukan tujuan, dan cara pencapaiannya.  Manajemen perusahaan dapat mengambil keputusan dari berbagai alternatif yang terbaik.  Memungkinkan karyawan/anggota organisasi dalam implementasi strategi dan dapat meningkatkan motivasinya dalam upaya mencapai tujuan organisasi.  Mengurangi penolakan (resistensi) karyawan atas perubahan yang terjadi dalam suatu organisasi. MENGAPA BELAJAR RENCANA STRATEGIK
  • 7. Alfred D. Chandler (1962) The determination of the long run goals and objectives of an enterprise, and the adoptions of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals. Christensen & Guth (1965): Alat untuk menciptakan keungulan bersaing. Berkaitan dengan bisnis, fokus strategi itu memutuskan apakah suatu bisnis perusahaan itu harus ada atau tidak. Henry Mintzberg (1970): Respons secara terus-menerus dan adaptasi terhadap faktor ancaman dan peluang dari lingkungan eksternal serta faktor kelemahan dan kekuatan dari lingkungan internal yang mempengaruhi organisasi. ARTI STRATEGI
  • 8. Kenneth Andrew (1977) Pola sasaran, maksud atau tujuan dan kebijakan serta rencana- rencana penting untuk mencapai tujuan itu, yang dinyatakan dengan cara seperti menetapkan bisnis yang dianut oleh perusahaan, dan jenis atau akan menjadi jenis apa perusahaan tersebut. Glueck ( 1980) A unified, comprehensive, and integrated plan designed to ensure that the basic objectives of the enterprise are achieved. Kenichi Ohmae (1983) Upaya mengubah kekuatan perusahaan yang sebanding dengan kekuatan pesaing dengan cara yang paling efisien. ARTI STRATEGI
  • 9.  Michael E. Porter (1985) An integrated set of actions a company designs to produce a sustainable competitive advantage and thus attain superior performance. Strategy is about making necessary choices to perform different activities from rivals’ or perform similar activities in different ways. Hamel & Prahalad (1995): “The essence of strategy lies in creating tomorrow’s competitive advantages faster than competitors mimic the one you possess today” ARTI STRATEGI
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 12. Bagaimana dan kapan Sungai Kahayan bisa seperti ini?
  • 13. Bagaimana kalau Kahayan dibuat seperti ini?
  • 14. Hunger & Wheelen (1996): Comprehensive master plan that stating how the corporation will achieves it mission and objectives.It maximizes competitive advantage and minimize competitive disadvantage. Gareth R. Jones (1998): The specific pattern of decisions and actions that managers take to use core competences and resources to generate competitive advantages, in order to achieve the organizational goals and outperform competitors. Hunger and Wheelen (2001) Strategy is set of managerial decisions and actions that determines long-run performance. ARTI STRATEGI
  • 15. Towards Definition of Strategy “The process of identifying, choosing and implementing activities that will enhance the long term performance of an organization by setting direction and by creating ongoing compatibility between internal skills and resources of the organization, and the changing external environment within which it operates” (Viljoen and Dann, 2003) in The Nature and Scope of Strategic Management.
  • 16. Definition of Strategy (Continued) Wells (1998) in Choosing the Future: “Strategy is like search of the holy grail; it is like the continual asking of the question, what is the meaning of life?”
  • 17. Strategy is set of managerial decisions and actions that determines the long- run performance of a firm. WHAT IS STRATEGY LOOK LIKE?
  • 18. An art and a science of formulating, implementing, and evaluating cross-functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve its future objectives. (Fred R. David). Proses yang digunakan para manajer untuk memilih dan mengimplementasikan atau menyesuaikan serangkaian strategi bagi suatu organisasi guna mewujudkan misi dan visinya. (Hunger & Wheelen) ARTI RENCANA STRATEGI
  • 19. Proses menganalisis kondisi lingkungan, baik sekarang maupun masa datang, menetapkan tujuan organisasi, merumuskan dan menerapkan strategi, serta mengendalikan keputusan-keputusan yang difokuskan untuk mencapai tujuan-tujuan organisasi tersebut, baik pada kondisi lingkungan yang sekarang maupun yang akan datang. (Smith, Arnold & Bizzell, 1988) Proses yang digunakan para manajer untuk menetapkan arah jangka panjang suatu organisasi, menetapkan tujuan kinerja, mengembangkan strategi, guna mencapai tujuan- tujuan dimaksud, berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan internal dan eksternal yang relevan, serta melaksanakan rencana tindakan yang telah dipilih. (Thompson & Strickland, 1987) ARTI RENCANA STRATEGIK
  • 20. Strategic Plan is defined as the set of decisions and actions that result in the formulation and implementation of plans designed to achieve a company’s objectives. • Strategic Plan is a process that involves planning, directing, organizing, and controlling of a company’s strategy-related decisions and actions. (Pearce & Robinson) ARTI RENCANA STRATEGI
  • 21. Where is the organization now? Where are we now? How is our company position? If no changes are made, where will we be in the future? Where do we want to go? What kind of business we want to be in and which market position we want to stakeout? Which buyer needs and groups we want to serve? What is outcomes we want to achieve? How will we get there? What specific actions should management undertake? What are the risks and payoffs involved? Simple Process Of Strategic Plan
  • 22. Strategic Plan: What it is  Strategic is a process (“on going and interrelated activities.., is a living, evolving process that does not finish once the strategy is written”)  Requires different time lines (time horizons which is affected by market factors, human factors, performance factors).  Concerns organizational context at all levels (corporate level, competitive or business level and operational or functional level).  Is interface between organization and its environment.  Is the management of organizational scope. Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
  • 23. The Strategy is actually about:  Developing competitive positioning, plan, pattern, ploy  It is about focusing your business resources and activities.  It is about leveraging, balancing and amalgamating the approach, process and resources.  It is about linking the key function and process.  It is about aligning the formulation and implementation.  It is about understanding the risk  It is about managing the paradox  It has to be systemic  It entails both analytical and intuitive approach.
  • 24. Strategy basically tells about:  Why (the organization needs to exist)  Where (the organization intent to go)  What (to achieve or attain)  Who (are going to be considered and going to implement)  How (to get it done)  When (it is to be accomplished)
  • 25. What does Strategic Plan do?  Strategic Management improve organizational effectiveness.  Creates organizational flexibility.  Utilizes the core competencies of an organization.  Determine the organizational risk profile  Creates the sustainable competencies Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
  • 26. What it requires?  It needs innovation  It needs broad knowledge  Requires senior managers’ involvement  Requires strong leadership Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
  • 27. Strategic Planning is complex because:  Multidimensional  Based on partial ignorance (manager can never be sure of the nature and significance of their organizations’ environment and future trends)  High risk (as it requires substantial amount of resources over long period of time).  Contextual (internally and externally)  Requires innovation Source: Viljoen and Dann S 2003, “The Nature and Scope of Strategic Management” in Strategic Management Chapter 1.
  • 28. What is the nature of strategic decisions?  Concerned with organizations activities and boundaries  Relates to the matching of organization’s activities with opportunity of its substantive environment  Require matching of org. activities with its resources  Have major implications to organizations  Influenced by values and expectations  Affects organizations long term directions  Complex in nature  Least systematic in nature (Wilson 2000)
  • 29. Manajemen Strategis v Perencanaan Strategis Manajemen Strategis dijumpai di dunia akademis Merujuk pada perumusan, implementasi dan evaluasi strategi Tujuannya untuk mengeksploitasi dan menciptakan berbagai peluang untuk masa mendatang Perencanaan Strategis merujuk di dalam dunia bisnis Merujuk lebih pada perumusan strategi Tujuannya untuk mngoptimalkan tren dewasa ini untuk masa mendatang Steph Subanidja 29
  • 30.
  • 31. Buatlah 5 (lima) garis lurus tanpa putus yang menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
  • 32. Buatlah 4 (empat) garis lurus tanpa putus yang menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
  • 33. Buatlah 3 (tiga) garis lurus tanpa putus yang menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
  • 34. Buatlah 2 (dua) garis lurus tanpa putus yang menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
  • 35. Buatlah 1(satu) garis lurus tanpa putus yang menutup 9 (sembilan) titik di atas
  • 36. Seseorang yang ‘hebat’ secara akademis, pada umumnya sangat kuat dalam logika, kata, daftar, angka, linieritas, analisis, dan sejenisnya. Menurut Tony Buzan (Use Your Head: 1993): hasil aktivitas otak kiri manusia
  • 37. Adapun otak kanan lebih berkaitan menangani irama, imajinasi, warna, angan-angan, kesadaran ruang, gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi Adapun otak kanan lebih berkaitan menangani irama, imajinasi, warna, angan-angan, kesadaran ruang, gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi Otak kanan lebih berkaitan menangani irama, imajinasi, warna, angan-angan, kesadaran ruang, gambaran menyeluruh dan dimensi
  • 38. Dominan Otak Kiri Dominan Otak Kanan Menggunakan logika Menggunakan perasaan Berorientasi detail Berorientasi secara keseluruhan Melihat fakta Melihat imajinasi Kata-kata dan bahasa Simbol dan gambaran Hari ini dan masa lalu Hari ini dan masa depan Matematika dan ilmu pengetahuan Filosofi dan religi Mengetahui Memahami Mengetahui Mempercayai Mengakui Mengapresiasi Mempersepsi urutan/pola Mempersepsi secara spasial/ruang Mengetahi nama objek Mengetahui kegunaan objek Berdasar pada realita Berdasar pada fantasi Menyusun strategi Berdasar pada apa yang terjadi Praktis Terburu-buru/tidak sabar Bermain aman Mengambil resiko
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41. Kalau Anda melihat gambar ini diam, maka Anda kecenderungan banyak menggunakan otak kiri. Kalau Anda melihatnya selalu bergerak-gerak maka Anda cenderung menggunakan otak kanan. Tapi kalau Anda bisa mengatur diri, dan bisa melihatnya bergerak atau diam, dalam kehendak Anda, maka insya Allah otak kiri dan otak kanan Anda relatif seimbang. Tapi kalau Anda melihat ini bingung, karena yang kelihatan cuma hitam dan gelap, berarti Anda sedang tutup mata. buka dong matanya
  • 42. Pertanyaan pertama Anda ikut berlomba. Anda menyalip orang di posisi nomor dua. Sekarang posisi anda nomor berapa?
  • 43. Jawaban Jika anda menjawab Nomor Satu, anda SALAH BESAR! Jika anda menyalip orang nomor dua, sekarang andalah yang ada di posisi nomor dua!
  • 44. Pertanyaan Kedua  Jika anda menyalip orang di posisi terakhir, sekarang anda di posisi…?
  • 45. Jawaban  Jika anda menjawab anda orang kedua dari terakhir, anda SALAH LAGI… Coba, bagaimana caranya menyalip orang TERAKHIR? Anda sebetulnya tidak terlalu pintar, ‘ kan?
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. A LEADER Seseorang tidak akan bisa memimpin individu- individu tanpa bisa membangun kejelasan masa depan bagi mereka. Sebab pemimpin adalah penjelas masa depan” (Napoleon)
  • 49. Jika kita tahu dimana kita berada dan bagaimana kita akan mencapai tujuan kita, kita mungkin dapat melihat arah kita berjalan- dan jika hasil yang terlihat tidak sesuai, maka buatlah perubahan segera ( Abraham Lincoln)
  • 50. Jika seseorang tidak memikirkan apa yang jauh di depan, ia akan menemukan kesedihan di dekatnya. Ia yang tidak kawatir tentang apa yang akan terjadi di masa depan, segera akan meemukan sesuatu yang lebih buruk daripada kekawatiran itu sendiri
  • 52.
  • 54. Evaluation and Control and Control Strategic Management Model, Fred David, 2009 Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Mission Objectives Strategies Policies Feedback/Learning Environmental Scanning Societal Environment General Forces Task Environment Industry Analysis Structure Chain of Command Resources Assets, Skills Competencies, Knowledge Culture Beliefs, Expectations, Values Reason for existence What results to accomplish by when Plan to achieve the mission & objectives Broad guidelines for decision making Programs Activities needed to accomplish a plan Budgets Cost of the programs Procedures Sequence of steps needed to do the job Process to monitor performance and take corrective action Performance External Internal Evaluation and Control
  • 55. Steph Subanidja 55 Tingkatan Strategi  Strategi tingkat korporasi: berupaya untuk menentukan bisnis apa yang seharusnya dilakukan oleh perusahaan  Strategi tingkat bisnis: berupaya untuk menentukan bagaimana seharusnya suatu perusahaan bersaing dalam setiap bisnisnya  Unit bisnis strategi: bisnis tunggal atau kumpulan bisnis yang berdiri sendiri dan merumuskan strateginya sendiri  Strategi tingkat fungsional: berupaya menentukan cara mendukung strategi tingkat bisnis
  • 57. Steph Subanidja 57 Proses Rencana Strategis Mengidentifikasi Misi, Tujuan, Sasaran Menganalisis Lingkungan Menganalisis Sumberdaya Perusahaan Evaluasi Strategi Implementasi Strategi Formulasi Strategi Mengidendifikasi kekuatan & kelemahan Mengidentifikasi peluang & ancaman
  • 58. Evaluation and Control and Control Strategic Management Model, Fred David, 2009 Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Mission Objectives Strategies Policies Feedback/Learning Environmental Scanning Societal Environment General Forces Task Environment Industry Analysis Structure Chain of Command Resources Assets, Skills Competencies, Knowledge Culture Beliefs, Expectations, Values Reason for existence What results to accomplish by when Plan to achieve the mission & objectives Broad guidelines for decision making Programs Activities needed to accomplish a plan Budgets Cost of the programs Procedures Sequence of steps needed to do the job Process to monitor performance and take corrective action Performance External Internal Evaluation and Control
  • 59. The Strategy and People Gratton: “Living Strategy: Putting People at the Heart of Corporate Purpose”
  • 60. Strategy As the System  System thinking approach (Senge 1999) needs to be seriously considered within the strategy process.
  • 61. Strategic Thinking, System Thinking and Strategy Process
  • 62. Strategic Thinking  Effort to bridge the gap between thinking and doing within the strategy process.  Is the basic foundation of strategy and strategy process.  To enrich the strategy by expanding the strategy horizons and perspective.  Broadening the belief system which can affect the people (cognitive ability) as the planners and doers of the strategy.  Considering the complex nature of the strategy.  Attempt to eradicate the problems through identifying the underlying roots cause of the problems rather than the symptoms.
  • 63. What is the Strategic Thinking?  Are people paid to work or to think?  Is strategy different with strategic thinking?  How do you engage people with strategic thinking?
  • 64. Strategic thinking Process (Wells 1998)  Perceiving (what seems to be happening?) - Acquiring insight - Developing foresight  Understanding (What possibilities do we have?) - Strategic levers - Matching the levers  Reasoning (What are we going to do about it) - Choosing the right strategy - Making the strategy works
  • 65. Expanding Our Strategic Thinking Skills  Through dialogue or strategic conversation.  Through suspending our judgment.  Through considering all factors (sharing the perspectives)  Try to see things differently (challenging our existing assumption through knowledge management and self talk)
  • 66. System Thinking  The capabilities to see the big picture, connection, interconnection and pattern of the situation.  That the reality is greater than the sum of all parts (could you give examples?).  The abilities to understand and differentiate the short and long term consequences of today’s decisions (Senge 1999)  Needs to understand the purpose of a system (Wheatley 1999)  Self organizing system (Wheatley 1999)  Needs to understand the key elements of a system  Emergent properties of a system  Open and closed system
  • 67. What is a Self Organizing System? The organization (entity or system) that has: - Its purpose in life - Genuine relationship with the subsystem (people). - Open and shared information (free flow of information)
  • 68. The Reality is:  Sometime the management is bad at being broad  Management sometime focuses on simplicity, on narrowing the variables and eradicating the complexity
  • 70. Learning Objectives  To understand the general environments used in strategic analysis  Be able to use the external environment analysis effectively  To understand the interaction between organization and its external environment to then appreciate and be aware of its related threats and opportunity  To be able to use the principles of environmental scanning
  • 71. Underlying Assumption  Organization does not exist in a vacuum environment.  Organization is a part of larger system – social system, political system, economic system etc.  Organization, therefore have to consider the effect of their choice and many forces that shape their external environment
  • 72. The Concepts of Organization’ Environment  Organization environment includes all the conditions, circumstances and influences surrounding and affecting the total organization of any of its internal system.  Organization environment contains forces that variously dynamics and complex under different circumstances
  • 73. Organization Environment (Barnard) “it consist of atoms and molecules, agglomerations of things in motion: of physical laws and social laws: social ideas, norms of action, of forces and resistances. Their number is infinite and there are always present. They are always changing”
  • 74. General Macro Environment  Socio-cultural  Technological  Economic  Physical environments  Political  Legal
  • 75. The Organization Environment System General external environment Socio-cultural Economy Technology Political-legal Industry external environment Shareholders Suppliers Government Special interest group Creditors Communities Trade association Competitors employee Internal environment Culture, climate, capabilities., competencies, Structure, business process, etc
  • 76. Some important variables of External Environment  Economics  GDP trends  Interest rates (domestics and US)  Inflation rates  Disposable and discretionary income  Technological  Industry spending for R&D  Patents growth  Technology growth  Internet growth  Telecommunication infrastructure  Political-legal  Tax laws  Protection laws  Environmental laws  Socio-cultural  Life style changes  Career expectation  Consumers activism  Growth rate of population (aging population?)
  • 77. Number of breakthrough development which will have significant impact during the decade from 2000 - 2010  Portable information devices and electronic networking  Fuels cells and alternative energy sources  Precision farming  Virtual personal assistant  Genetically altered organism  Smart, mobile robots
  • 78. Socio-cultural trends in US  Increasing environmental awareness  Growth of the seniors market (aging population – look also at Australia and other developed country)  Impact of generation Y boomlet  Decline of the mass market – people needs more personalized stuff  Changing the pace and location of life  Emerging of soft issues in life (health and life style)  Changing household and composition  Increasing diversity of workforce and markets
  • 79. Look At Some Interesting Things Around us  How waroeng Padang Uda operates (near our campus)  How Bank BRI operates around us  How leisure park operates (considering the general weather, climate and seasonal effect of the climate).  Can you give us more example of how external environment can affect strategy and business decisions?
  • 80. The Task or The Industry Environment Analysis  Customers  Competitors  Suppliers  Stakeholders
  • 81. Industry Analysis (Porter’s five forces)  Barriers to entry (threats of new entrants)  Bargaining power of buyers  Bargaining power of suppliers  Existence of substitute products  Existing rivalry within the industry
  • 82. Threats of New Entrants (Barriers to Entry)  Economies of scale (cost advantage of the existing industry over new entrants)  Product differentiation (high if the existing industry employ high levels of marketing and promotion)  Capital requirements (huge capital investment pose significant barriers to the new entrants.  Access to distribution channels (remember how Indomie and Teh Botol works on distribution channels)  Government Policy (Pertamina and Telkom)
  • 83. Rivalry amongst Existing Firms  Number of competitors  Rate of Industry Growth  Product or service characteristics  Cost structure  Capacity  Exit barriers  Diversity of rivals
  • 84. Porter’s Five Competitive Forces Barriers to Entry Bargaining Power of Suppliers Threats from Substitute Products/ Services Bargaining Power of Buyers The Industry: Jockeying for position Among current competitors Source:
  • 85. Working examples of How External Environment Works (effectively or badly)  Boeing Vs Airbus (which affect their strategic decisions – to develop efficient & smaller planes or giant airships?)  Look at Newmont Minahasa Raya at Buyat base ( a case of dynamic aspects of external environment – NGO, government and local communities).  McDonald and other fast food industry – external environment forces from socio-cultural issues.  Apple – with its Ipod product.  Toyota Kijang, Avanza and Xenia case – family but affordable car – relatively easy maintenance.  Play Station Vs X-Box  Banking Sectors – Credit cards sales (personification of cards for Indonesian segments)  Nokia case – in Indonesia and abroad
  • 86. Environmental Scanning  It is also related with Wells (1998) strategic thinking approach: perceiving (acquiring insight and developing foresight)  Can be used to determine the possible threats and opportunities for a firm.
  • 87. Four processes of environmental scanning  Scanning – entails the study of all segments of the general environments.  Assessing – determines the timing and significance of the effects of environmental changes and trends on the strategic management of a firm.  Forecasting – takes place when analysts develop feasible projections of what might happen and how quickly the result of change  Monitoring – occurs when analyst observe environment changes to see if in fact, an important trend is emerging
  • 88. Scanning the external environment Market Analysis Competitor Analysis Supplier Analysis Government Analysis Community Analysis Interest Group Analysis Selection of Strategic Factors: -Threats - Opportunities Analysis of Societal Environment: Economics, Socio-cultural, technological, Political-Legal Factors Source: Wheelen & Hunger
  • 89. Issues Priority Matrix Medium Priority Low Priority Low Priority High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority High Priority High Priority Medium Priority Low (Probability of Occurrence) Medium (Probability of Occurrence) High (Probability of Occurrence) High Medium Low Probable Impact on Corporation Source: Wheelen & Hunger
  • 90. Key Success Factors, Strategic Factors and Industry Matrix  Key success factors dealing with the entire industry – are those variable that can affect significantly the overall competitive position of all companies within any particular industry.  Key success factors is generally important to determine the company success within the particular industry.  Strategic factors deal with a particular company
  • 91. Industry Matrix Key success factors Weight Company A Rating (0 – 5) Company A Weighted Score Company B Ratings (0 – 5) Company B Weighted Score Total Total must be = 1 Total score of company A Total score of company B
  • 92. Competitive Intelligence “is a formal program of gathering information on a company’s competitors”.
  • 93. Forecasting  The danger of assumption (in many cases because they assumes that future changes is simply the linear extrapolation of the past.  Useful forecasting techniques: - Brainstorming (non-quantitative approach) - Expert opinion (non-quantitative app by using expert in particular fields) - Delphi techniques (quantitative which heavily relies on historical data – should consider the pattern and magnitude of relationship) - Scenario writing - Industry scenario
  • 94. Industry Scenario  Is forecasted description of particular industry’s likely future.  Entails the followings: - Examine the possible shift in societal variables globally - Identify uncertainties in each of the PESTLE environment - Make range of plausible assumptions about future trends. - Combine assumptions about individual trends into internally consistent scenarios - Analyze industry situation that would prevail under each scenario - Determine the source of competitive advantage under each scenario - Predict competitors behavior under each scenarios - Select the scenario that is either most likely to happen or most likely to have significant impact for the organization
  • 95. Strategy Analysis (Hermawan Kartajaya’s Framework)  3 C’s framework (Competitors, Change and Customers analysis)  Building Strategy Architecture by defining the strategy elements of the strategic architecture: - Segmentation (Age, Income, population, demographically, psycho-graphically) - Positioning - Targeting
  • 97. Learning Objectives  Understand how significant and role of stakeholders management within the strategy context.  Understand how to define and identify the stakeholders.  Understand various approach of stakeholders management  Be able to use and incorporate our comprehension of stakeholders management concepts into the dynamic process of strategy
  • 98. How Important is Stakeholders Management?  Look at various cases:  Newmont Minahasa Raya at Buyat  Enron and Freeport in Papua  Promulgation of UU Tenaga Kerja, Taxation Law, etc.  Existing dispute between and amongst the stakeholders of the corporation,  Some BUMN performance  But also look at some other cases (McDonalds in India)  Can you give more examples of interesting stakeholders management issues?
  • 99. Stakeholders Management Corporate Governance: -Whom should organization serve? -How should purpose be determined? Business Ethics: -Which purpose should be prioritized? - Why? Stakeholders: Whom does the organization serve? Cultural context: -Which purpose are prioritized? -Why? Organizational Purpose: -Mission -Objectives
  • 100. How to define the stakeholders (who is our stakeholders)?  The parties or those who have a stake, claim or vested interest to the organization (those who provide something of importance and expect something in return)  Those who affect and are affected by the organization  Those who are at risk by organization’s strategic direction and decision making activities.
  • 101. Who is our stakeholders?  Can you give me a clue?  Government, employee, local community, trade union, competitors, creditors, suppliers, BoD etc.
  • 102. Why it is important to identify and know our stakeholders?  We can manage the key stakeholders in order to achieve our broad strategic goals.  To scope, build momentum and monitor a process – for broad level strategy process  To examine the health or the organization and plan changes – for institution and business  To design, steer and monitor a project – for a project  To predict the consequences of a decision and plan to deal with them
  • 103. How to identify our key stakeholders?  Identification by staff of key agencies and other knowledgeable individuals.  Identification through written records and population data.  Stakeholders self selection  Identification and verification by other stakeholders
  • 104. Key Questions that needs to be asked in identifying the stakeholders?  Who are potential beneficiary?  Who might be adversely affected?  Who has existing rights?  Who is likely to be voiceless?  Who is likely to resist change and mobilize resistance against it?  Who is responsible for intended plans?  Who has the money, skills or key information?  Whose behavior has to change for success.
  • 105. Can we categorize the stakeholders?  Internal, interface or external stakeholders  Primary or secondary stakeholders (based on their relative or immediate importance)  Can also be based on their primary characteristics, in terms of:  The basic (men, women etc)  Locations  Ownership (landowners, trade union, managers staff)  Functions  Scale (small, medium, large)  Time or etc
  • 106. Stakeholders Management: Stakeholders Salience A stakeholders becomes salient based on its possession of three attributes; (1) Power, the stakeholders power to influence the company (2) Legitimacy (the stakeholders relationship with the company) (3) urgency – the extent to which the stakeholders demand immediate attention
  • 107. Power  It may be defined as the ability of those who possess power to bring about the outcomes they desire (Salancik & Pfeffer 1974).  How is power exercised or alternatively, what are the basis of power?  Power is an organizational setting based on the type of resource used to exercise power: coercive power, expertise power, utilitarian power (based on material or financial resource), normative power (based on symbolic)  Power is transitory it can be acquired and it can be lost
  • 108. Legitimacy  Refers to socially accepted and expected structures or behaviors  Legitimacy and power are distinct attributes that can be combined to create authority but can exist independently as well.  Legitimacy without power may not achieve salience from the firm managers  Legitimacy is generalized perception or assumption that the actions of an entity are desirable, proper or appropriate within some socially constructed system of norms, values, belief and definitions (Suchman 1995)
  • 109. Urgency Is based on the followings two attributes: (1) Time sensitivity – the degree to which managerial delay in attending the claim or relationship is unacceptable to the stakeholders (2) Criticality – the importance of the claim or the relationship to the stakeholders Urgency is the degree to which stakeholders claims call for immediate attention
  • 110. 8 different stakeholders group (1) Dormant stakeholders (Power, no legitimacy and no urgency) (2) Discretionary stakeholders (Legitimacy, but no power and no urgency) (3) Demanding stakeholders (Urgency, but no legitimacy and no power) (4) Dominant stakeholders (Power and legitimacy, but no urgency) (5) Dangerous stakeholders (Power and urgency, but no legitimacy) (6) Dependent stakeholders (Legitimacy and urgency, but no power) (7) Definite stakeholders (Power, legitimacy and urgency) (8) Non-stakeholders (No power, no legitimacy and no urgency)
  • 112. Tools for Stakeholders Analysis Stakeholders Power/Potential High Potential Low Importance High Power Collaborate with Mitigate Impact, defend against Low Power Involve, build capacity and secure interests Monitor or ignore
  • 113. Other Approach of Stakeholders Analysis & Management
  • 114. How can we identify and Strategically Manage Our Stakeholders?  By using the stakeholders analysis which try to examine:  Their needs and wants  What are the things that they provide to the company (how importance) and what do they expect in return  What is their relative importance, power, interest  What are the risks which are associated with their existence (if their concern is not considered by the company)  We can develop appropriate way to manage the stakeholders after the analysis
  • 115. Stakeholders Management  Depends on the context and purpose of the stakeholders management  Can be used for broad purpose, either as part of a broad or an overall strategy process or for a narrower or specific purposes (policy development, project planning and development, etc)  Needs to understood as a dynamic and interactive process
  • 116. Stakeholders Analysis and Management: Strategy Context Stakeholders Needs and Wants They Provide Strategy
  • 117. Stakeholders Analysis and Management: Change Management Perspective Stakeholders Needs and Wants Their Concern towards Change Possible change management Strategy
  • 118. Stakeholders Analysis and Management: Policy Development Context Stakeholders Interest, power and legitimacy Their Primary Concern Strategy Approach
  • 119. How to understand the Stakeholders’ Characteristics  Brainstorming  Semi-structure interview  Digging up existing data  Time lines – historical data about the stakeholders  Diagrams
  • 120. Influences on the Stakeholders  Institutional/Organizational factors  Individual motivational factors
  • 122. The Internal Analysis: Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies What we learn for today: - Learn why the firm needs to study and understand their internal environment - Define Value and discuss its importance - Define the difference between tangible and intangible resources - Define capabilities and learn how to develop capabilities - Learn the four criteria used to determine the core competencies (and the alternative model) - Define how value chain analysis can be used to identify and evaluate resources and capabilities
  • 123. Our Learning Schedule for Today  Presentation  Discussion  Case Study and Lecture  Discussion and Media Watch  Class wrap up and next week preparation
  • 124. Can you tell me:  What do you thing about the underlying factors that determine the successful organization? (consider how Microsoft, Apple, General Electric, Intel, Toyota, Nokia, Coca Cola, Goldman Sachs perform their business?)  What do you think more important: tangible or intangible assets (resources) of the company?
  • 125. It may be useful for you:  To read the Fortune 500 and see how the best companies in the world manage their business (please read the article then).  To learn the internal factors that you consider important to develop firms sustainable competitive advantage?
  • 126. Then consider these factors:  Is it about their huge financial resources?  Is it about their sophisticated IT infrastructure?  Is it about their huge physical assets?  Is it about their brand? (Coke, Toyota, BMW, Nokia, Apple, Microsoft)  How about their leaders? (Steve jobs, Michael Dell, Bill Gates, Phillip Purnama, Jeff Imelt, Jack Welsch)  Or is it about their human capital?
  • 127. What do you think about these?  Coca Cola Vs Pepsi  Daihatsu (Zenia) Vs Toyota (Avanza)  Toyota Vs GM?  Singapore Airline Vs Garuda?  Apple Vs IBM  BPD KALTENG VS BANK BRI?
  • 128. Critical Issues to Develop Sustainable Competitive Advantage  Resources  Capabilities  Core Competencies
  • 129. Four Terms that you need to thoroughly consider  Resources  Capabilities  Core Competencies  Sustainable Competitive Advantage  Strategic Competitiveness
  • 130. You May Need to Remember that:  A sustainable competitive advantage is achieved when firms implement a value creating strategy that is grounded in their own unique resources, capabilities and core competencies  Firm achieve strategic competitiveness and above average return when their unique core competencies are leveraged effectively to take advantage of opportunities in external environment (their unique core competencies fit into their external environment).
  • 131. The Sustainability of Competitive Advantage Is a function of three factors: (i) The rate of core competence obsolescence due to environmental changes (ii) The availability of substitute for core competence (iii) The imitability of the core competence
  • 132. Now consider these:  Can you give examples of the previous statement in terms of your working organization or the organization that you now?  Do you have special experience about those statement?
  • 133. Again, Consider this Statement: “No advantage and no success is ever permanent. The winners are those who keep moving. The only constant in our business is that everything is changing. We have to be ahead of the game” (Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Computer Corporation)
  • 134. Outcome of External and Internal Environment Analysis By Studying the external Environment, firms identify: -What they might choose to do - In form of Opportunity and threats By studying the internal Environment, firms Determine: -What do they have (in terms of their resources, capabilities, and core competence) -What they can do Source: Hitt MA, R Duane and Hoskisson RE 2001, “The Internal Environment:Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies” in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
  • 135. Remember that:  Having the resources, capabilities and core competencies are not inherently valuable.  Their value depends on the capability of the firm to deploy all of them (to perform certain unique or distinct activities) that result in competitive advantage)  To create a sustained competitive advantage, these activities must be unique.  Different or die (Jack Trout)
  • 136. The Scheme Resources Capabilities Core Competencies Sustainable Competitive Advantage Needs to Be: Unique or distinctive
  • 137. The Importance of Internal Analysis  Experimentation and learning are expected and fostered to develop firm capability.  Most top-level managers recognize the need to change their mindsets, but many hesitate to do so: “It is more reassuring for all of us to stay as we are, even though we know the result will be certain failure..”  The required mind-set is the view that a firm is a bundle of heterogeneous resources, capabilities, and core competencies that can be used to create an exclusive market position.  This view suggest that individual firm posses at least some resources and capabilities that other companies do not have.  By using their core competencies, firm perform activities better than competitors or perform activities that other company do not have.  Michael Porter said the strong sustainable strategies Vs operational efficiency (quality, productivity, service excellent)  Meta learning (learning how to learn to create competitive advantage)
  • 138. Value and Core Competencies  By exploiting their core competencies and meeting the demanding standards of global competition, firms create value for the customers.  Value consist of performance characteristics and attributes that the companies provide in the form of goods and services for which the customers are willing to pay.  Ultimately, customers’ value is the source of a firm’s potential to earn average or above- average returns.
  • 139. The Challenge of Internal Analysis  The decisions that managers take in terms of resources, capabilities and core competencies have a significant influence to develop competitive advantages and earn above-average returns.  Such decisions are identifying, developing, deploying and protecting resources, capabilities and core competencies.  Yet, some of the decisions are failed.  Recognizing the firm’s core competencies is required before making strategic decisions.  Learning is essential (to grow from either the success and the failure)
  • 140. The Challenge of Internal Analysis Condition Affecting Managerial Decisions About Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies Uncertainty: Regarding characteristics of the general and the industry environments, competitors, actions and customer’s preferences Complexity: Regarding the interrelated causes shaping a firm environment and Perceptions of the environment Intra-organizational Conflicts among people making managerial decisions and those affected by them Condition Condition Condition
  • 141. Judgment in Strategic Decisions  Cognitive capability (cognitive biases) of the people when considering: (i) whether it is strength or weakness (internal analysis) (ii) whether it is threats or opportunity (iii) may come from the selective ignorance of the leaders (their expectation and experience) (iv) what is important and not important  Denial – is an unconscious coping mechanism used to block out and not initiate painful changes.
  • 142. Source of Cognitive Bias  Prior Hypothesis bias - Decision makers having strong belief about certain variables.  Escalating commitment - Path dependency (committing more resources even though he/she knows that the project will fail)  Reasoning by analogy - The use of simple (wrong analogy)  Representativeness - Based on merely a simple sample or single occurences  Illusion of Control - A belief that one can control effectively any events from implementing decisions.
  • 143. Techniques for Improving Strategic Decision Making Expert Plan Criticism By Devil’s advocate Final Plan Devil’s Advocacy Expert Plan 1 Expert Plan 2 Dialectic Conversation (Debate) Final Plan Dialectic Inquiry
  • 144. Scheme of Tangible and Intangible Resources  Tangible Resources - Financial resources - Organizational resources - Physical Resources - Technological Resources  Intangible Resources - Human resources - Innovation resources - Reputational resources
  • 145. Components of Internal Analysis Leading to Competitive Advantage and Strategic Competitiveness Resources: -Tangible - Intangible Capabilities Core Competencies Competitive Advantage Strategic Competitiveness Discovering Core Competencies Four Criteria Of SCA Value Chain Analysis -Valuable -Rare -Costly to imitate -Nonsubstitutable Source: Hitt MA, R Duane and Hoskisson RE 2001, “The Internal Environment:Resources, Capabilities and Core Competencies” in Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization
  • 146. Resources  A competitive advantage is actually created through the unique bundling of several resources.  Tangible Assets are assets that can be seen and quantified.  Intangible resources usually difficult to quantify (but it is possible and therefore necessary to measure).  Intangibles are relatively difficult to be understood and imitated by the competitors (look at I-pod from Apple, Windows from Microsoft).
  • 147. Tangible Resources  Financial resources - firm’s borrowing capacity - Firm’s ability to generate internal financing  Organizational Resources - Firm formal reporting and planning structure  Physical Resources - Sophistication and location of a firm’s plants and equipment - Access to raw material  Technological Resources - Technology infrastructure, patents etc.
  • 148. Intangible Resources  Human Resources - Knowledge - Unique culture - Trust - Managerial capabilities - Organizational routine  Innovation Resources - Ideas - Scientific Capabilities - Capacity to innovate  Reputational Resources - Reputation with customers (brand, relationship, cust. Perception) - Reputation with suppliers
  • 149. Resources (continued)  The strategic value of resources is determined by the degree to which they can contribute to the development of capabilities, core competencies and a competitive advantage.  Resource as the source of firms capabilities (capabilities are source of a firm’s core competencies).  Intangible resources are more important than tangible resources in the knowledge economy era (do you believe this?).
  • 150. Capabilities  Is firm capacity to deploy resources that have been purposely integrated to achieve the desired end state.  Capabilities enable the firm “to create and exploit external opportunity and develop sustained advantages when used with insight and adroitness.  The foundation of capabilities lies in the skills and knowledge of a firm’s employee and often, their functional expertise.
  • 151. Capabilities (continued)  “The knowledge possessed by the firm’s human capital is among the most significant of an organization capabilities and may ultimately be at the root of all competitive advantage”  “Today dominance rarely comes from the owner of a stockpile; in fact it is not usually an issue of good at all. Power is in the hands of people who hold valuable knowledge”
  • 152. People Issues in Developing Capabilities  In the knowledge economy, a company’s value derives not from things, but from knowledge, know- how, intellectual assets, competencies – all of it embedded in people
  • 153. Knowledge is Critical to Develop Capabilities  What is knowledge?  What kind of knowledge do we have?  How to develop knowledge? (is it enough if knowledge is developed only through training?)  Where is the position of knowledge in human capital.
  • 154. Knowledge (an attempts to define knowledge)  Read again the experience economy (Pines and Gilmore article).  Knowledge emerged through interaction (remember when we learn system thinking – open system and self organizing system which put relationship as one of its primary elements).  Knowledge is not data nor information.
  • 155. What is the hierarchy of knowledge?  Data is an objective facts presented without any judgment or context.  Information is data which have been categorized, analyzed, summarized and placed into context.  Knowledge is information that is laden with experience, judgment, intuition and values.
  • 156. Classification of Knowledge  Tacit (subjective knowledge – resides in people from their unique experience and cognitive memory)  Explicit (objective knowledge – have been codified and transformed into formal and written presentation.
  • 157. Building the Knowledge Creating Company (Nonaka & Takeuchi)  Tacit to tacit (Combination)  Explicit to explicit (socialization)  Explicit to tacit (internalization)  Tacit to explicit (externalization)
  • 158. Examples of Firms’ Capabilities Functional Areas Capabilities Examples of Firms Distribution Effective use of logistic management techniques Wall Mart, Woolworth (Australia), Carefour, The Botol, Sampoerna Human Resources Motivating, empowering and retaining employees Southwest, Virgin Blue, Starbucks Marketing Effective promotion and brand name Coca Cola, Sampoerna, Samsung Management Effective management execution General Electric Production (manufacturing) Creative, innovative and efficient manufacturing capability Toyota, Ikea Research and development Exceptional research and development capability Boeing, Intel, Apple, Samsung, Sony
  • 159. Core Competencies  Core competencies are resources and capabilities that serve as a source of competitive advantage for a firm over its rivals.  As the source of competitive advantage, core competencies distinguishes a company competitively and reflects its personality.  Core competency emerge over time through the process of accumulating and learning to deploy different resources and capabilities.  As the capacity to take action, core competencies are the activities that the company can perform distinctively well over its competitors (rivals) which the firm adds unique value to its goods and services over long period of time.
  • 160. How Many Core Competencies is required to have a sustained Competitive advantage  McKinsey suggest four core competencies  McDonalds (real estate, restaurant operation, marketing and global infrastructure)  Ford Motor Co (design, branding, sales and service operation)
  • 161. Building Core Competence We can use two tools: (i) Build competencies which can meet the four criteria of sustainable competitive advantage (ii) By using the value chain analysis
  • 162. The Four Criteria Determining Strategic Capabilities The Used Criteria Remarks Valuable Capabilities Help a firm neutralize threats or exploit opportunities. Rare Capabilities Are not possessed by many others Costly to imitate capabilities Historical: a unique culture and brand name Ambiguous cause: the cause and uses of competence are unclear Social complexity: interpersonal relationship, trust and friendship among managers, partners and customers. Nonsubstitutable capabilities No Strategic Equivalent
  • 163. Core Competence (Continued)  Every core competence is a capability, but not every capability is a core competence.  Operationally, for a capability to be a core competence, it must be valuable and unique from the customers’ point of view and must be unique and inimitable from competitors point of view.
  • 164. Rare Capabilities  Are those possessed by few, if any, current and potential competitors.  Competitive advantage results only when firms develop and exploit capabilities that differ from those they share with competitors.
  • 165. Costly to Imitate  Are those that other can not develop easily.
  • 166. Non-substitutable  Are those that do not have strategic equivalents.
  • 167. Valuable  Those that create value for a firm by exploiting opportunity or neutralizing threats in the firm’s external environment.
  • 168. Value Chain Analysis  By value chain analysis we can identify, determine and therefore develop the areas which are critical for the creation of sustainable competitive strategy for a firm.
  • 170. By Value Chain Business example  How Fedex create its sustained profits by developing the areas within the value chain which is unique and valuable (the use of sophisticated technology, extra trucks and more airplane) and unimitable and rare (the use of more part time employee and bonuses for extra delivery)
  • 171. SWOT Analysis  From internal analysis we can identify: - Strength - Weakness  From the external analysis we can identify: - Opportunity - Threats
  • 172. Remember that  The essence of strategy is the opportunity divided by capacity.  Therefore: SA = O/(S – W)  Where: - SA = Strategic Alternative - S = Strength - W = Weakness  The question is: “should we invest more to make our strength stronger or should we invest more to make our weakness become competitive”.
  • 173. Criticism of SWOT Analysis  It generates lengthy lists  It uses no weight to reflect priorities  It uses ambiguous words and phrases  The same factor can be placed in two categories (strength can also be a weakness)  No obligation to verify opinions with data or analysis  It requires only single level of analysis  There is no link to strategy implementation
  • 174. The Alternative Way to Overcome Criticism towards SWOT analysis Through the use of: - IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) - EFAS (External Factor Analysis Summary) - SFAS (Strategic Factor Analysis Summary)
  • 175. IFAS (Internal Factor Analysis Summary) (May Tag Example) Internal Strategic Factors Weight Rating Weighted Score Comments Strengths: S1 Quality Maytag Culture 0.15 5.0 0.75 Quality key to sucess S2 Experienced top management 0.05 4.2 0.21 Know appliances S3 vertical integration 0.1 3.9 0.39 Dedicated Factories S4 Employee relations 0.05 3.0 0.15 Good but deteriorating S5 International orientation 0.15 2.8 0.42 Hover name in cleaners Weakness W1 process oriented R&D 0.05 2.2 0.11 Slow on new product W2 Distribution Channels 0.05 2.0 0.10 Slow on new product W3 Financial Position 0.15 2.0 0.30 High debt load W4 Global positioning 0.20 2.1 0.42 Hovers weak outside UK & US W5 Manufacturing Facilities 0.05 4.0 0.20 Investing now Total Scores 1.00 3.05
  • 176. EFAS (External Factor Summary Analysis) May Tag Example Weight Rating Weighted Score Comments Opportunities O1 0.20 4.1 0.82 Acquisition of Hover O2 0.10 5.0 0.50 Maytag Quality O3 0.05 1.0 0.05 Low Maytag presence will take time O4 0.05 2.0 0.10 O5 0.10 1.8 0.18 May Tag Weak in this channel Threats T1 0.10 4.3 0.43 Well positioned T2 0.10 4.0 0.40 Well positioned T3 0.15 3.0 0.45 Hoover weak globally T4 0.05 1.2 0.06 Questionable T5 0.10 1.6 0.16 Only Asian presence in Aus Total Scores 1.00 3.15
  • 177. Strategic Factor Analysis Summary SFAS Strategic Factors Weight Rating Weighted score ST IT LT Comments S1 Quality Maytag culture 0.10 5.0 0.50 X Quality key to success S5 Hover international orientation 0.10 2.8 0.28 X X Name recognition W3 Financial position 0.10 2.0 0.20 X X High debt W4 Global positioning 0.15 2.2 0.33 Only in UK and AUS O1 Eco.Integration of EU 0.10 4.1 0.41 X Acquisition of hover O2 Demographic favor quality 0.10 5.0 0.50 X Maytag quality O5 Trend to super stores 0.10 1.8 0.18 X Weak in this channel T3 Whirlpool and Electrolux 0.15 3.0 0.45 X Dominate industry T5 Japanese Appliance companies 0.10 1.6 0.16 X Asian presence Total Scores 1.00
  • 178. TOWS Matrix for Maytag Example Strength (S) Maytag strengths S1 – S5 Weakness (W) Maytag weaknesses W1 – W5 Opportunities (O) May Tag Opportunities O1 – O5 SO Strategies -Use worldwide Hoover distribution channels for both Hoover and Maytag major appliances -Find joint venture partners in Eastern Europe and Asia WO Strategies: - Expand Hoover presence in continental Europe by improving Hoover quality and reducing manufacturing and distribution costs. - Emphasize superstore channel for all non-Maytag brand Threats (T) May Tag Opportunities T1 – T5 ST Strategies: - Acquire Raytheon appliance business to increase US market share. -Merge with Japanese major home appliance company. -Sell of all non-Maytag brand WT strategies: -Sell of Dixie-Narco division to reduce debt -Emphasize cost reduction to reduce break-even point -Sell out to Raytheon or a Japanese firm
  • 179. The use of SWOT analysis for Strategic Recommendation SWOT Strength Weakness Opportunity SO Strategy: use the strength to tap the opportunity. Example: Microsoft, Danone, Indofood Sukses Makmur WO strategy: overcome weakness by tapping the opportunity. Example: Modify poor technology infrastructure to enter new market Threats ST Strategy: Use strength to avoid threats Example: mergers and acquisition (look at Daimler etc), use rigorous marketing effort WT Strategy: Minimize weakness and avoid threats By divesting the resources, or liquidation
  • 180. Findings a Propitious Niche - An extremely profitable niche - That is so well suited to the firm internal and external environment that other corporation are not likely to challenge or dislodge it. - To find such niche, mgt must always do strategic window (unique market opportunity that is available only for particular time).
  • 181. End of Presentation  Can you give more example  Can you develop the model for your organization or the organization that you know.
  • 182. Strategy Formulation: Situation Analysis and Business Strategy: Determining Strategic Choices at business level, functional level and corporate level”
  • 183. Steph Subanidja 183 Analisis Industri Porter’s Model Ancaman Pemain Baru Ancaman produk pengganti Kekuatan Tawar menawar pembeli Kekuatan tawar menawar pemasok Persaingan didalam industri
  • 184.
  • 185. Business (Competitive) Strategy (Porter)  Lower Cost Strategy - The ability to design, produce and market a comparable product more efficiently than its competitor.  Differentiation Strategy - The ability to provide unique and superior value to the buyer in terms of product quality, special features or after-sales services.
  • 186. Porter’s Generic Competitive Strategy Cost Leadership Differentiation Cost Focus Differentiation Focus Lower Cost Differentiation Competitive Advantage Competitive Scope Broad Target Narrow Target
  • 187. Competitive Strategy (Cost Leadership) - Cost leadership - Aims at the broad mass market - Requires aggressive construction of efficient scale facilities, vigorous pursuit of cost reduction from experience, tight cost and OH control and cost minimization in areas such as R&D, service, sales force, advertising - Is then able to charge at a lower price than competitors - Example: Southwest Airline, Giant, Hypermart, Carefour, Wall mart
  • 188. Competitive Strategy (Differentiation) - Aims at the broad mass market and involves the creation of a product or service that is perceived throughout its industry as unique. - May then charge a premium price. - Especially associated with design, brand image, technology, features, dealer network, or customer service. - Is a viable strategy for a specific business because of the resulting brand loyalty (look at Harley, BMW, Lexus, Apple etc) - Higher profit rather than low cost strategy as it creates higher barrier to entry (while low cost create higher market share)
  • 189. Cost Focus (Focused Differentiation) - Is a low cost strategy which is targeted to a particular buyer group, geographic market and attempt to serve only on this niche, to the exclusion of others. - A company or business unit Seeks a cost advantage in its target segments - The cost focus will be valued only if it is believed to deliver value more efficiently compared to its competitors.
  • 190. Differentiation Focus Concentrates only on a particular buyer group, product line segment or geographic market.
  • 192. Risks of Generic Competitive Strategy Risks of Cost Leadership Risk of Differentiation Risks of Focus Cost leadership is not sustained: -Competitors intimate -Technology changes -Other bases for cost leadership erodes Differentiation is not sustained: -Competitors imitate -Bases for differentiation become less important to buyers The focus strategy is imitated The target segment become structurally unattractive: -Structure erodes -Demand disappears Proximity in differentiation is lost Cost proximity is lost Broadly targeted competitors overwhelmed the segments - The segment’s differences from other segment narrow - The Advantages of a broad line increase Cost focusers achieve even lower cost in segments Differentiation focusers achieve even greater differentiation in segment New focusers subsegment the industry
  • 193. Issues in Competitive Strategy  Beware to be trapped in “the stuck in the middle strategy” (between cost leadership and differentiation strategy).  But some companies (but rare) proved to be excellent at both (Toyota).
  • 194. Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy  Fragmented industry (where small and medium size companies competes in relatively small shares of the total market share and for a products or service at growing stage) – focus strategy will likely predominate.  As industry become mature, consolidated industry will likely to occur with few large companies – differentiation or cost leadership predominate
  • 195. Industry Structure and Competitive Strategy  The strategic rollup – innovation strategy may likely predominate (as cost leadership and differentiation strategy has achieved its maximum standard)
  • 196. Requirement for Generic Competitive Strategy Generic Strategy Required Skills and Resources Common Organizational requirements Overall Cost Leadership -Sustained capital investment and access to capital -Process engineering skills -Intense supervision on labor -Product design for ease of manufacture -Low cost distribution system -Tight cost control -Frequent, detailed control reports -Structured organization and responsibilities -Incentive based on strict quantitative targets Differentiation -Strong marketing abilities -Product engineering -Creative flair -Strong capabilities in research -Reputation in quality or technology leadership -Long tradition within the industry or unique combination of skills drawn from other business -Strong cooperation from channels - Strong coordination among functions in R&D, product development and marketing. -Subjective measurement and incentives of quantitative measures. -Amenities to attract highly skilled and creative people Focus Combination of the above policies directed at particular strategic target. Combination of the above policies directed at the particular strategic target.
  • 197. Competitive Tactics  Is a specific operating plan detailing how a strategy is to be implemented in terms of when and where it is to be put in action.  When to Compete:  First movers  Late movers
  • 198. Market Location Tactics (Where to Compete)  Can be offensive or defensive  Offensive, usually takes place in an established competitors’ market location.  Defensive, usually takes place in the firm’s own current market position as a defense against possible attack by rivals.
  • 199. Offensive Tactics  Frontal Assault (head to head with competitors)  Flanking Maneuver (attack a part of market where competitors is weak)  Bypass attack (Change the rule of the game – to achieve quasi monopoly state)  Encirclement (encircle the competitors positioning in terms of products, market or both).  Guerrilla warfare (the use of hit and run strategy)
  • 200. Defensive Tactics  Aims to lower the probability of attack, divert attack to less threatening avenues or lessen the intensity of an attack. Instead of increasing competitive advantage as per se, they make the company or business unit competitive advantage more sustainable by causing a challenger to conclude that an attack is unattractive.
  • 201. Defensive tactics  Raise structural barriers  Offer a full line of product in every market segment (Coca Cola)  Block channel access (by signing exclusive contract with distributors)  Raise buyer switching cost  Increase economies of scale to reduce unit costs  Foreclose alternative technology through parenting or licensing  Limit outside access to facilities and personnel  Tie up supplier by signing an exclusive contract  Avoid supplier to also serve the competitors  Encourage other parties to increase barrier to entry (government to set policies on enviro protection etc)  Increased expected retaliation (increase the perceived threats of retaliation for an attack)  Lower the inducement for attack (like Southwest which continuously keep the price low and constantly invest in cost reducing measures.
  • 202. Cooperative Strategy  Collusion (active cooperation of firms to reduce output and raise prices)  Strategic Alliance (partnership between two or more firms to achieve strategically significant objectives)  Mutual Service Consortia (a partnership in similar industry which pool their resources to gain benefit from the too expense activities)  Joint Venture (cooperative business activity for strategic purposes, that creates an independent business entity and allocate ownership, operational responsibility and financial rewards and risk to each member, while preserving their separate identity/autonomy.  Licensing arrangement (licensing firms grants its rights to another firm)  Value Chain partnership (strong and close alliance to form long term arrangement with key supplier and distributor for mutual advantage)
  • 203. Strategic Alliance Success Factors  Clear strategic purpose  Find a fitting partner  Aware of the partnering risk and deal with it when alliance is formed  Create incentive for cooperation to minimize differences (in culture or organization fit)  Have cross-cultural perspective (transnational alliance)  Exchange human resource (to build communication and trust)  Operate with long term horizons  Develop multiple joint projects  Agree upon monitoring process  Be flexible in terms of renegotiating  Agree upon exit strategy
  • 204. Corporate Strategy Deal with three issues: 1. The firm’s overall orientation towards growth, stability or retrenchment (directional strategy) 2. The industry or market which the firm competes through its product and business units (portfolio strategy) 3. The manner in which management coordinate activities, transfer resources and cultivates capabilities among product lines and business units (parenting strategy)
  • 205. Directional Strategy  Growth Strategy (expand the company activities)  Stability Strategy (make no change of the company current activities)  Retrenchment Strategy (reduce the company level of activities)
  • 206. Growth Strategies  Concentration  Vertical growth (Backward or forward integration)  Horizontal growth (horizontal integration)  Diversification  Concentric (related diversification)  Conglomerate (unrelated diversification)
  • 207. Global Strategy  Exporting  Licensing  Franchising  Joint Venture  Acquisition  Green field development  Production sharing  Turnkey operation  BOT  Management Contract
  • 208. Stability Strategies  A pause/proceed with caution (pause until significant changes in org. environment)  No change strategy (a decision to do nothing new)  Profit strategy – maintain the existing activities by reducing investment and other discretionary expense.
  • 209. Entrenchment Strategy  Turnaround strategy (improvement of operational efficiency)  Contraction – immediate stop the bleeding actions  Consolidation  Captive Company Strategy (giving up of independence in exchange for security)  Sell out – divestment strategy  Liquidity (bankcruptcy) strategy
  • 210. Portfolio Analysis  BCG Matrix  GE Business Screen
  • 211. Functional Level Strategy  Operational Excellence  Customers Intimacy  Product/Service Leadership
  • 212. The Customer-Value Proposition Service Relationships STRATEGY Operational Excellence Customer Intimacy Product Leadership Unique products and services that “push the envelope” “The Best Product” Personal service tailored to produce results for customer and build long term relationships Quality Price √ Selection Lead Time Brand √ Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image √ √ √ √ Brand Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image Quality and selection in key categories with Unbeatable prices “Smart Shopper” √ √ √ Functionality Innovation time Brand √ Product/Service Attributes Relationship Image “Trusted Brand” √ Differentiator General Requirement
  • 213. Building the Strategy Architecture Goals BSC PESTLE Industry Company Strategy Tactic Value People Shareholders Customers Business Landscape Analysis Building The Strategy Architecture PCS Triangle (stakeholders Analysis) Policy Implementation & Control System Well’s strategic thinking cycle and framework Perceiving and understanding phases Reasoning phases Planning stages Implementation
  • 214. The Strategy Architecture  Strategy  Segmentation  Positioning  Targeting  Tactic  Selling tactic  Marketing mix  Sales mix  Value  Process  Brand  Value
  • 215. Matriks BCG  Perangkat strategi untuk memberikan pedoman pada keputusan alokasi sumberdaya berdasarkan pangsa pasar dan pertumbuhan unit business strategy Steph Subanidja 215
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  • 217.
  • 218. Matriks BCG Steph Subanidja 218 Cash Cow Question Marks Pangsa Pasar Tingkat Pertumbu han Tinggi Rendah Tinggi Rendah
  • 219. Matriks BCG Steph Subanidja 219 Stars: Integrasi kebelakang/ kedepan/horisontal Penetrasi pasar Pengembangan pasar Pengembangan produk Dogs: Penciutan Divestasi likuidasi Cash Cow: Pengembangan produk Diversifikasi Penciutan divestasi Question Marks: Enetrasi pasar Pengembangan pasar Pengembangan produk divestasi
  • 220. Matriks BCG  Cash Cows: menghasilkan banyak uang tunai, tetapi harapan dimasa mendatang terbatas  Stars: lebih banyak melakukan investasi atau pengembangan produk  Question Marks: bisnis bersifat spekulatif dan mengandung risiko tinggi  Dogs: tidak menghasilkan banyak uang tunai, dan tidak membutuhkan banyak uang tunai, serta tidak ada harapan yang lebih baik Steph Subanidja 220
  • 221. VISI – 10-20 tahun STRATEGI- 5-10 tahun PROGRAM – 0-1 tahun
  • 222. Perusahaan dan Lingkungan Mikro Perusaha an Pemas ok Konsum en Distribut or Pesaing
  • 223. Integrasi Kedepan (Forward Integration)  Usaha untuk memperoleh kepemilikan atau kendali yang lebih besar atas distributor atau peritel  Contoh: Toyota Menjual mobilnya melalui Auto 2000 (?), Bank Bukopin menggunakan ATM banyak bank, waralaba,  Berikan contoh yang lain
  • 225. Pedoman Integrasi Kedepan 1. Ketika distributor menjadi sangat mahal, atau tidak dapat diandalkan, atau tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhna perusahaan 2. Ketika ketersediaan distributor yang berkualitas begitu terbatas untuk menawarkan keunggulan kompetitf 3. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan SDM yang dibutuhkan untuk mengelola bisnis pendistribusian produknya sendiri 4. Ketika keuntungan produksi yang stabil sangat tinggi, ini menjadi pertimbangan untuk memprediksi permintaan 5. Ketika distributor atau peritel memiliki margin laba yang tinggi
  • 226. Jumlah pabrik obat 198 Jumlah distributor 2250, perbandingan 1: 11 Distributor dengan toko obat 2:3
  • 227. Integrasi ke Belakang (Backward Integration)  Mengupayakan kepemilikan atau kendali yang lebih besar atas pemasok  Contoh: Restaurant Pecel Lele, mendirikan empang lele, Hotel membeli perusahaan perusahaan furnitur  Berikan contoh yang lain
  • 229. Pedoman Integrasi Kebelakang 1. Ketika pemasok menjadi sangat mahal, atau tidak dapat diandalkan, atau tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan 2. Ketika jumlah pemasok sedikit, dan jumlah pesaing banyak 3. Ketika industri berkembang pesat 4. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal, SDM, untuk mengelola bisnis yang dilakukan pemasok 5. Ketika margin yang diperoleh pemasok tinggi 6. Ketika perusahaan perlu mengakuisisi atau memperoleh sumberdaya secara cepat
  • 230. Integrasi Horisontal (Horizontal Integration)  Mengupakayakan kepemilikan atau kendali yang lebih besar kepada pesaing  Contoh: Danon ke Aqua,  Berikan contoh yang lain
  • 232. Pedoman Integrasi Horisontal  Ketika Perusahaan dapat memperoleh karakteristik monopolistik di suatu wilayah, kawasan tertentu tanpa bertentangan dengan peraturan yang menghambat persaingan  Ketika perusahaan bersaing dalam industri yang sedang berkembang  Ketika meningkatnya skala ekonomi memberikan keunggulan kompetitif yang besar  Ketika perusaaan memiliki modal, SDM yang dibutuhkan untuk ekspansi  Ketika pesaing melemah karena kurang terampil secara managerial, atau sumberdaya tertentu dimiliki perusahaan
  • 233. Penetrasi Pasar  Mencari pangsa pasar yang lebih besar untuk produk dan jasa saat ini di pasar yang ada sekarang melalui upaya pemasaran  Contoh: Extra Joss menghabiskan milyardtan rupiah untuk memasarkan produknya, dengan munum 2 botol sehari. Kompas minggu menerbitkan artikel untuk anak-anak dan remaja  Berikan contoh lain
  • 235. Pedoman Penetrasi Pasar 1. Ketika pasar belum jenuh dengan produk atau jasa tertentu 2. Ketika tingkat pemakaian konsumen dapat ditingkatkan 3. Ketika pangsa pasar pesaing utama menurun, sementara total penjualan industri meningkat 4. Ketika pemasaran berkorelasi dengan penjualan 5. Ketika skala ekonomi meningkat
  • 236. Pengembangan Pasar (Market Development)  Memperkenalkan produk atau jasa saat ini ke wilayah geografis baru  Contoh: KFC membuka pasar di Indonesia, Universitas Mercubuana, membuka Universitas Mercubuana Yogyakarta  Berikan contoh lain
  • 238. Pedoman Pengembangan Pasar 1. Ketika saluran distribusi baru yang ada dapat diandalkan, tidak mahal, berkualitas baik 2. Ketika perusahaan berhasil dengan bisnis yang dijalankan 3. Ketika pasar yang baru belum dikembangkan dan belum jenuh 4. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan SDM untuk pengembangan tersebut 5. Ketika kapasitas produksi berlebih 6. Ketika industri berkembang dan menjadi global
  • 239.
  • 240.
  • 241. Pengembangan Produk (Product Development)  Mengupayakan peningkatan penjualan melalui perbaikan produk atau jasa saat ini atau pengembangan produk atau jasa baru  Contoh: Shampoo Three in One, Esia memperkalkan HP mirip design Blackberry  Berikan contoh lain
  • 243. Pedoman Pengembangan Produk 1. Ketika perusahaan memiliki produk- produk yang berhasil dalam taham kematangan daur hidup produk 2. Ketika perusahaan dalam persaingan ketat dan tehnologi berkembang cepat 3. Ketika pesaing memproduksi barang berkualitas dengan harga yang “bagus” 4. Ketika tingkat pertumbuhan industri tinggi 5. Ketika perusahaan memiliki kapabilitas penelitian dan pengembangan yang kuat
  • 244.
  • 245. Philip Kotler, Bapak Pemasaran Dunia
  • 247. PEMASARAN  Pemasaran: Marketing is a societal process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating, offering, and freely exchanging products and services of value with others. - Philip Kotler (p. 7)
  • 248. Marketing Management Analisis, perencanaan, implementasi, dan pengendalian dari program- program yang dirancang untuk menciptakan, membangun, dan memelihara pertukaran yang menguntungkan dengan pembeli sasaran untuk mencapai tujuan perusahaan. The analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to create, build, and maintain beneficial exchanges with target buyers to achieve organizational objectives.
  • 249. Core Concepts Products Needs, wants, and demands Exchange, transactions, and relationships Markets Core Marketing Concepts Value, satisfaction, and quality
  • 250. What Motivates a Consumer to Take Action? • Needs - states of felt deprivation including physical needs for food, social needs for belonging and individual needs for self-expression. i.e. I am thirsty. • Wants - form that a human need takes as shaped by culture and individual personality. i.e. I want a Coca- Cola. • Demands - human wants backed by buying power. i.e. I have money to buy a Coca-Cola.
  • 253. Consumer Product Classifications Types of Consumer Products Convenience Specialty Unsought Goods Shopping
  • 254. Product Classifications Consumer Products Shopping Products > Buy less frequently > Higher price > Fewer purchase locations > Comparison shop Clothing, cars, appliances Convenience Products > Buy frequently & immediately > Low priced > Mass advertising > Many purchase locations Fast Food, Candy, Newspapers Specialty Products > Special purchase efforts > High price > Unique characteristics > Brand identification > Few purchase locations Unsought Products > New innovations > Products consumers don’t want to think about > Require much advertising & personal selling
  • 255. Telepon seluler generasi pertama disebut juga 1G. 1-G merupakan telepon seluler pertama yang sebenarnya. Tahun 1973, Martin Cooper dari Motorola Corp menemukan telepon seluler pertama dan diperkenalkan kepada public pada 3 April 1973. Telepon seluler yang ditemukan oleh Cooper memiliki berat 30 ons atau
  • 256. 2G – HP Generasi Kedua Generasi kedua atau 2-G muncul pada sekitar tahun 1990-an. 2G di Amerika sudah menggunakan teknologi CDMA, sedangkan di Eropa menggunakan teknologi GSM. GSM menggunakan frekuensi standar 900 Mhz dan frekuensi 1800 Mhz. Dengan frekuensi tersebut, GSM memiliki kapasitas pelanggan yang lebih besar. Pada generasi 2G sinyal analog sudah diganti dengan sinyal digital. Penggunaan sinyal digital memperlengkapi telepon seluler dengan pesan suara, panggilan tunggu, dan SMS. Telepon seluler pada generasi ini juga memiliki ukuran yang lebih kecil dan lebih ringan karena penggunaan
  • 257. 3G – HP Generasi Ketiga Generasi ini disebut juga 3G yang memungkinkan operator jaringan untuk memberi pengguna mereka jangkauan yang lebih luas, termasuk internet sebaik video call berteknologi tinggi. Dalam 3G terdapat 3 standar untuk dunia telekomunikasi yaitu Enhance Datarates for GSM Evolution (EDGE), Wideband-CDMA, dan CDMA 2000. Kelemahan dari generasi 3G ini adalah biaya yang relater lebih tinggi, dan kurangnya cakupan jaringan karena masih barunya teknologi ini
  • 258. 4G – HP Generasi Keempat Generasi ini disebut juga Fourt Generation (4G). 4G merupakan sistem telepon seluler yang menawarkan pendekatan baru dan solusi infrstruktur yang mengintegrasikan teknologi wireless yang telah ada termasuk wireless broadband (WiBro), 802.16e, CDMA, wireless LAN, Bluetooth, dlll. sistem 4G berdasarkan heterogenitas jaringan IP yang memungkinkan pengguna untuk menggunakan beragam sistem kapan saja dan dimana saja. 4G juga memberikan penggunanya kecepatan tinggi, volume tinggi, kualitas baik, jangkauan global, dan fleksibilitas utnuk menjelajahi berbagai teknologi berbeda. Terakhir,4G memberikan pelayanan
  • 259.
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  • 264. Diversikasi Terkait  Menambah produk atau jasa baru namun masih berkaitan  Contoh: Universitas mendirikan konsultan bisnis,  Berikan contoh lain
  • 266. Pedoman Diversikasi Terkait 1. Ketika perusahaan berkompetisi di industri yang tidak tumbuh atau pertumbuhannya lambat 2. Ketika penambahan produk baru meningkatkan total penjualan 3. Ketika produk baru terkait dapat ditawarkan dengan harga bersaing 4. Ketika produk baru memiliki penjualan musiman 5. Ketika produk saat ini dalam tahap penurunan dalam daur hidup produk 6. Ketika perusahaan memiliki manajemen yang kuat
  • 267.
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  • 269.
  • 270. Diversifikasi Tak Terkait  Menambah produk atau jasa baru namun tidak berkaitan  Contoh Johny Andrean mendirikan J Co  Berikan contoh lain
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  • 272.
  • 274. Pedoman Diversifikasi Tak Terkait 1. Ketika pendapatan dari produk atau jasa saat ini akan meningkat secara signifikan dengan penambahan produk atau jasa baru 2. Ketika perusahaan bersaing di industri yang kompetitif dan atau tidak mengalami pertumbuhan sebagai diindikasikan oleh margin laba 3. Ketika saluran distribusi dapat digunakan untuk mendistribusikan produk baru 4. Ketika produk baru diprediksi memiliki penjualan yang bagus 5. Ketika penjualan industri mengalami penurunan 6. Ketika perusahaan memiliki modal dan SDM dalam industri baru 7. Ketika perusahaan memiliki peluang untuk investasi membeli bisnis yang tak terkait 8. Ketika ada sinergi secara financial jika akan mengakuisisi 9. Ketika pasar sudah jenuh untuk produk saat ini 10. Ketika ada pandangan no trust terhadap perusahaan akan produk yang ada dengan hanya berkonesentrasi pasa produk lama
  • 275.
  • 276. Penciutan  Pengelompokkan ulang (regrouping) melalui pengurangan biaya dan aset untuk membalikkan penurunan penjualan dan laba  Contoh: Starbuck menutup sejumlah outlet di Afrika,  Berikan contoh lain
  • 278. Pedoman Penciutan 1. Ketika perusahaan memiliki kompetensi khusus namun gagal dalam memenuhi maksud dan tujuan perusahaan dari waktu ke waktu 2. Ketika perusahaan merupakan pesaing lemah dalam industri 3. Ketika organisasi tidak efisien, profitabilitas rendah, semangat kerja buruk, dan ada tekanan dari pemegang saham untuk memperbaiki kinerja organisasi 4. Ketika organisasi gagal memanfaatkan peluang , gagal memanfaatkan kekuatan internal dari waktu ke waktu dan kemungkinan dapat digantikan oleh individu yang kopmpeten 5. Ketika organisasi tumbuh membesar secara cepat sehingga reorganisasi besar besaran diperlukan
  • 279. Divestasi  Perusahaan menjual suatu divisinya atau bagiannya dari perusahaan  Contoh: Kantor Pos menjual ke Bank BRI untuk kantor cabang  Berikan contoh lain
  • 280.
  • 282. Pedoman Divestasi 1. Ketika strategi penciutan gagal untuk mencapai perbaikan 2. Ketika suatu divisi perlu lebih banyak sumberdaya agar lebih kompetitif dari yang dapat disediakan perusahaan 3. Ketika suatu divisi bertanggungjawab terhadap keseluruhan organisasi 4. Ketika suatu divisi tidak mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan bagian lain organisasi 5. Ketika sejumlah dana besar diperlukan dalam waktu dekat dan tidak dapat diperoleh dari sumber lain 6. Ketika tindakan antitrust pemerintah mengancam organisasi
  • 283. Pemerintah Indonesia, Badan Usaha Milik Negara (BUMN) dan Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) ternyata belum siap mengambil-alih saham divestasi PT Newmont Nusa Tengggara (NNT). Sebanyak 24% saham yang ditawarkan dalam proses divestasi perusahaan tambang tembaga terbesar ke-10 di dunia ini tidak berhasil dikuasai secara penuh oleh pemerintah maupun perusahaan negara.
  • 284. Likuidasi  Penjualan seluruh aset perusahaan secara terpisah pisah, dibubarkan  Contoh: Bank Servitia, sekarang tidak ada, Hotel HI menjadi Hotel HI Kempinski  Berikan contoh lain
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  • 291. Pedoman Likuidasi 1. Ketika strategi penciutan dan divestasi gagal 2. Ketika satu satunya alternatif menyatakan organisasi bangkrut 3. Ketika pemegang saham meminimalkan kerugian dengan menjula organisasi
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  • 294. 294 Hakikat Implementasi Strategi  Implementasi Strategi adalah proses mewujudkan strategi ke dalam bentuk tindakan.  Tindakan-tindakan tersebut biasanya menjadi tanggungjawab para manajer divisional dan fungsional, yang meliputi: o Menyusun tujuan tahunan o Membuat kebijakan o Mengalokasikan sumber daya o Mengubah struktur organisasi yang ada o Restrukturisasi dan desain ulang o Merevisi rencana insentif dan penggajian karyawan o Meminimalkan resistensi terhadap perubahan o Menyelaraskan struktur dengan strategi o Mengembangkan budaya yang mendukung strategi o Mengadaptasikan proses produksi/operasi o Mengembangkan fungsi sumber daya manusia yang efektif
  • 295. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 295 The Strategy Process Strategic Choice Strategy Content Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Outcome Strategy Implementation: “The process by which strategies and policies are put into action” (Wheelen & Hunger, 1992) Strategy Formulation: The process of developing long-range plans based on environmental opportunities and threats in the light of corporate strengths and weaknesses, includes defining corporate missions, setting objectives, developing strategies, and setting policy guidelines.
  • 296. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 296 What is Strategy Implementation?  Strategy implementation is - activities and choices used to put strategies and policies into action. (Wheelen, 1997: 6) Strategy Implementation is the process by which strategies and policies are put into action. (Wheelen & Hunger, 1992)  Implementing requires the development of programs, budgets and procedures. May include important factors that we
  • 297. 10/7/2023 © Copyright I. Hardhy Winarta, 297 How Do We Put Strategy Into Action? Prentice Hall, 2002 Chapter 1 Wheelen/Hunger 9 Strategy Implementation Strategy Implementation Programs Budgets Procedures
  • 298. 10/7/2023 298 What is Program, Budget, Procedures? Rincian kegiatan atau langkah- langkah yang diperlukan untuk memenuhi/ mewujudkan suatu rencana. Rencana biaya yang diperlukan untuk mewujudkan suatu program. Suatu sistem yang mengatur langkah- langkah sekuensial (berurutan) yang menjelaskan secara detail bagaimana suatu tugas atau kegiatan harus dilaksanakan. Program: Budget: Procedures:
  • 300. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 300 Resource Program Changes  The resource are is the third area of the internal environment that may need to be changed after structure and culture have been changed as a result of the adoption of new strategies Example resource areas: are Production/ Operation, Marketing, Finance, HRM/HRD, Information System, R&D. These could be areas in which new implementing programs
  • 301. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 301 Implementation Program The following slide are an example of Implementing Program  Program: Marketing  Program Objectives:  Reach new market in Europe (20% market share in 5 years).  Target market will changes distribution, product, pricing, and promotion mix  Managers responsible (VP Marketing, Advertising Exc.)  Set up distribution network in 6 months to 18 months. Begin Promotion (advertising) in next 6 months  Budget: (Distribution 2% of estimated sales, Promotion - $12 Million)  Results of this marketing program: might be brand awareness of 80% of public and 20% of people willing to try product.
  • 302. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 302 Implementation Program Another example of Implementing Program  Program: Financing New Factory  Objective: Get $400M of loans, $100 corporate bonds. 7% cost of money  Managers Responsible (VP Finance and Controller)  Action Plan obtain financing commitment in next six months (will be detailed in next slide)  Determine Budget $1M for forecasting and analysis over next two years.  Results: might be financing received in time, and at or below market rates. Improved relations with financing companies.
  • 303. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 303 What don’t we know about implementation processes?  What happens when plans fail?  Information, communications, & involvement don’t work  What happens when plans aren’t followed?  Everybody agrees on plans, but no action follows  What happens when circumstances have changed or when unexpected events occur?  Performance booming - why continue implementation? We have limited knowledge about the later stages in the implementation process • What happens after decisions have been made? • How does this affect the strategy the organization ends up with? • How do managers handle the duality of control and flexibility
  • 304. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 304 How to make Action Planning 1. List specific actions. 2. List dates to begin and end each action. 3. Allocate the appropriate budget for each action. 4. Name person responsible for each action. 5. Name person responsible for monitoring timelines and effectiveness of each action. 6. Estimate expected financial and physical consequences of each action. 7. Develop contingency plans (A firm should have plans on how to alter strategy and make other changes.)
  • 305. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 305 How to make Action Planning 1. Membuat rencana aksi/kegiatan. 2. Menentukan kapan kgiatan dimulai dan berakhir. 3. Alokasikan anggaran yang tepat untuk setiap kegiatan. 4. Tentukan nama personel yang bertanggungjawab untuk setiap kegiatan. 5. Tentukan orang yang bertanggungjawab untuk memonitor jadwal dan efektivitas masing-masing kegiatan. 6. Estimasikan konsekuensi finansial dan fisik dari masing- masing kegiatan. 7. Kembangkan alternatif strategi lain (A firm should have plans on how to alter strategy and make other changes.)
  • 306. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 306 Action Planning (Ex.: New Product Development Strategy) Nu Programs Time Schedule Budget $ (Rp) Procedure 1. Penciptaan Ide 2. Penyaringan Ide /Ga- gasan ttg Produk Baru 3. Pengujian Konsep 4. Pengembangan Strategi Pemasaran 5. Analisis Bisnis 6. Pengembangan Produk 7. Pengujian Pasar 8. Komersialisasi
  • 307. 10/7/2023 307 Proses Pengembangan Produk Baru Proses pengembangan produk baru terdiri dari delapan tahap berurutan sebagai berikut: 1. Penciptaan ide 2. Penyaringan ide 3. Pengembangan dan uji konsep 4. Pengembangan strategi pemasaran 5. Analisis-bisnis 6. Pengembangan produk 7. Uji pasar 8. Komersialisasi
  • 308. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 308 Ketrampilan Yang Diperlukan Para Manajer Dalam Mengimplementasikan Strategi (Thomas V. Bonoma) 1. Interacting Skills 2. Allocating Skills 3. Monitoring Skills 4. Organizing Skills
  • 309. 309  Interacting Skills Kemampuan untuk berinteraksi dan berempati dengan berbagai macam perilaku dan sikap orang lain untuk mencapai tujuan.  Allocating Skills Kemampuan dalam menjadualkan tugas-tugas, menyusun anggaran, mengalokasikan waktu, serta sumberdaya lain secara efisien.  Monitoring Skills Kemampuan dalam menggunakan informasi yang efisiesnuntuk memperbaiki dan menyelesaikan berbagai masalah dalam proses implementasi strategi.  Organizing Skills Kemampuan untuk menciptakan jaringan atau organisasi informal dalam rangka menyesuaikan diri dengan berbagai masalah yang mungkin timbul.
  • 315. 10/7/2023 Strategic Management 315 Other Condition for Successful Strategy Implementation  Successful strategy implementation requires:  Good Planning  Support  Discipline  Motivation  Hard work  Ethic
  • 317. 317 Evaluation and Control and Control Strategic Management Model Strategy Formulation Strategy Implementation Mission Objectives Strategies Policies Feedback/Learning Environmental Scanning Societal Environment: General Forces Task Environmentt: Industry Analysis Structure Chain of Command Resources Assets, Skills Competencies, Knowledge Culture Beliefs, Expectations, Values Reason for existence What results to accomplish by when Plan to achieve the mission & objectives Broad guidelines for decision making Programs Activities needed to accomplish a plan Budgets Cost of the programs Procedures Sequence of steps needed to do the job Process to monitor performance and take corrective action Performance External Internal Evaluation and Control
  • 318. Hakikat Evaluasi Strategi  Evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi adalah proses memantau kinerja perusahaan dan mengambil tindakan korektif atas deviasi yang terjadi.  Evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi merupakan proses memonitor kegiatan guna meyakinkan bahwa semua kegiatan telah terlaksana sebagaimana direncanakan, serta melakukan tindakan koreksi atas berbagai deviasi yang signifikan.  Tujuan evaluasi dan pengendalian strategi adalah untuk memastikan terlaksananya strategi pada jalur yang benar ke arah pencapaian tujuan organisasi.