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§  The Board of Directors is vested with the full powers and
    responsibility for the management and policies of the USFA.
         (Article VII - Bylaws United States Fencing Association, Effective August 28, 2010)

§  A successful Board of Directors includes members with varying
§  I wish to offer my business and fencing experience to help improve
    the organization for the benefit of the United States Fencing
    Association, its members and the sport.

                                                     JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   2
University of Notre Dame
§ Graduated in 1978 with a Bachelors of Business Administration
   Degree in Accounting.

                                         JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   3
        PUBLIC ACCOUNTING                           PRIVATE INDUSTRY

§  Six years with Ernst &            §  Twenty-fours years in private
    Whinney.                              industry.
§  Tax Manager.                      §  Chief Financial Officer of
§  Provided tax, accounting and          privately held businesses
    litigation support services.          having annual revenues up to
§  CPA licensed to practice in the       $200 million.
    State of Texas since 1981.        §  Manager of Accounting for a
§  New York CPA license issued in        publicly traded company with
    June 2010.                            over $1 billion annual


                                             JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   4

       HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE                                 ADULT

Notre Dame High School, Niles IL         •      Resumed fencing in 2002 at the
                                                San Antonio Sports Foundation.
§  Competed in foil for NDHS.
                                         •      Daughter s first coach. She is
§  Competed in foil and epee at local          now a freshman epee fencer on
    competitions; and, epee at                  the Columbia University team.
    national tournaments.                •      Monituer in foil and epee
University of Notre Dame                        awarded by the USFCA.
§  Four year starter in epee with a     •      Paul Pesthy s assistant coach at
                                                15th Touch Fencing Club in
    record of 111-42.                           San Antonio TX.
§  Team took 1st in NCAA s junior       •      Recreational fencer at Fencer s
    and senior years; and, 3rd                  Club of New York.
    freshman and sophomore years.        •      May participate in Vet events.

                                                JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   5

§  Member of USFA Audit Committee      §  Served on Frank Van Dyke
    from 2008-2010.                         Disciplinary Panel.
§  Analyzed financial data for the     §  Analyzed financial data with
    years 2004-2008.                        regards to alleged financial
§  Reconstructed and reconciled            irregularities in the Pacific Coast
    balance sheet accounts.                 Section.
§  Prepared draft report of findings   §  Prepared draft report of
    for Ed Wright, Audit Committee          findings for Alex Wood,
    Chairman.                               Disciplinary Panel Chairman.


                                                JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   6
§  Every organization, whether it is for-profit or not-for-profit, needs to
    be run like a business in order to serve its customers.
§  The failure of USFA management to abide by this tenet was the root
    cause of the organization s distressed financial condition.

                                            JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   7
                                                                                                 §  Per the graph at left, the net asset
                                                                                                     balance has historically hovered
                                                                                                     around -0-. The USFA spends
                                                                                                     money as fast as it is received.
                                                                                                 §  A breakdown in management left
                                                                                                     the USFA with more debts than
                                                                                                 §  This led to changes in the
                                                                                                     management team and board of
                                                                                                 §  The USFA has been in a workout
                                                                                                     mode since 2008 to rectify the

§  A successful business knows its customers.
§  Products and services are tailored to meet the customers needs.
§  The business model is reviewed periodically to make sure it is

                                            JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   9
§    Fencers
§    Parents
§    Coaches
§    Fencing Clubs
§    USFA Divisions and Sections
§    College Teams and Clubs
§    National Collegiate Athletic Association
§    Officials, Armourers and Volunteers
§    Fencing Equipment Dealers and Manufacturers
§    United States Olympic Committee
§    Federation Internationale d Escrime

                                         JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   10
•  When do they start fencing?
•  What weapon(s) do they fence?
•  Where do they go to school?
•  What is their level of participation?
   §  Recreational.
   §  Local tournaments.
   §  National tournaments .
   §  College.
   §  International tournaments.
   §  US National Teams.
•  When do they stop fencing?
•  Can we get them back into the sport?

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   11
§  The USFA should develop detailed multi-year demographics data on
    its membership.
§  This data is crucial for developing a business plan for the USFA.
   § How many years of data are available?
   § What is the quality of the data?
   § Members have not been treated as individual customers in the
      QuickBooks accounting system. This makes it harder to use the data.

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   12

§  Parents pay a lot to support their child s participation in fencing.
§  What services can and should the USFA provide to make fencing a
    better experience for the parents?
     § Where to find a place to fence.
     § Fencing instruction.
     § Make it easier to buy fencing uniforms and equipment.
     § Fencing safety.
     § Negotiate better travel deals.
§  How many parents are fencers themselves?

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   13
§  The USFA website lists clubs by state and division.
§  Additional information could make the page more useful.
     § How many active USFA members are in a club?
     § What are the coaches names and credentials?
     § Does the club specialize in one weapon?
     § How many fencing strips does it have?
     § What are the demographics by weapon for the division and
        section? How many potential people are there to fence with
     § Hyperlink to club website.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   14
§  Have different size/age male and female fencers try on uniforms
    from the various manufacturers and vendors.
§  Publish a table that cross-references uniform sizes by manufacturer
    for the different body types (sex, height, dimensions).
     § This would reduce a barrier to entering the sport.
     § Help the fencers, their parents and equipment dealers fill orders
        the first time; and, reduce equipment returns.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   15
§  Concerns about safety can be a barrier for parents and new fencers.
§  An eye injury is the easiest way to kill a fencing program. I know. An
    eye injury at my high school helped kill high school fencing in Illinois.
§  The USFA rulebook has uniform requirements. These requirements
    should be met as a condition of insurance coverage for clubs.
     § At USFA tournaments, require that masks be held in front of the
        face when testing bell guards (epée) and lamés (foil). Award a
        yellow card for failure to follow safety protocols.
     § Establish the minimum safe distance between strips for clubs to
        prevent injuries.
     § Require that full uniforms be worn in fencing clubs as a condition
        of insurance. For example, epee fencers need to wear socks.

                                             JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   16

§  Is it in the best interest of US Fencing to have two separate coaching
       § United States Fencing Coaches Association (USFCA).
       § USFA Coaches College.
§ Would fencing coaches be in a better position to have a positive
   influence on the sport if they worked from inside the USFA instead of
   as a separate organization?

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   17
§  Fencers register for local tournaments on; and, for
    national tournaments on the website. Would it be more
    efficient and cost effective to consolidate registrations on one site?
        § The USFA would need to maintain databases for rankings and
§ Many businesses respond to blog postings to address customer service
   issues. Is this something the USFA should consider doing as well?
§ Can the USFA stream national events over the internet?

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   18

§  Make it easier to start fencing programs in underserved parts of the
    country (and world) by offering online instruction videos.
     § What happens in a bout…how things work.
     § Footwork.
     § Fencing lessons.
     § Tactics.
     § Armourer skills.
     § How to run a tournament.
     § Referee lessons…multiple choice…you make the call.
§  Can we enlist film schools and studios to produce videos?
§  Can we charge a user fee? This could be a source of revenue from
    fencers in other countries.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   19
§  The USFA is organized into sections and divisions.
     § Do the sections and divisions fairly represent the membership
        population? Congress redraws districts every ten years. When is
        the last time the USFA equalized sections?
     § Is it easier or harder for competitors from a given division or
        section to qualify for national tournaments due to the present
     § What is the minimum number of clubs and fencers to form a

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   20
§  The USFA has a College Fencing Committee; but, the USFA as an
    organization has not actively thrown its support behind college fencing.
§  It would be interesting to analyze the demographics to determine how many
    members stop fencing after high school…and if they ever return.
§  The USFA should work with individual schools, conferences and the NCAA to
    grow the number and quality of varsity teams and clubs.
§  Why can’t the NCAA award separate NCAA Championship trophies for the
    Men’s and Women’s programs?
§  Can the USFA enlist the aid of college presidents and athletic directors to
    expand college fencing opportunities?

                                               JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   21

•  The USFA should use the voice of its 23,000 members to frame issues
   and influence outcomes affecting the sport of fencing.
•  The USFA should employ coordinated letter-writing campaigns from
   its 23,000 members. A physical letter is more powerful than an e-
     •  To obtain sponsor support.
     •  To get better pricing from hotel chains, airlines and car rental
        companies. Eliminate baggage fees for fencing bags.
     •  Lobby for/against FIE rule changes as appropriate.
     •  The affect of Title IX on men’s college fencing programs.
     •  Separate Men’s and Woman’s NCAA Championship trophies.

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   22

1.     To serve as the National Governing Body for the sport of fencing in the United States, and
       in that capacity to fulfill the lawful obligations imposed on national governing bodies and
       to enjoy the privileges and prerogatives accorded national governing bodies by United
       States Law, the USOC and the FIE.
2.     To provide local, regional and national competitive opportunities for fencers of all levels of
       ability under uniform rules and regulations and to strive for improvement in all aspects of
       organizing and conducting fencing competition.
3.     To select, support and prepare individuals and teams to represent the United States in
       international fencing competitions.
4.     To develop, support and promote fencing referees in domestic and international

                                                         JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   23

5.     To promote the sport of fencing in the United States and around the world and to
       disseminate information about fencing so that people may be exposed to and enjoy its
       many physical, mental and social benefits.
6.     To provide support in the form of information and programs to fencing instructors and to
       organizations and groups that offer fencing opportunities.
7.     To make available information and opportunities that will allow fencing practitioners to
       enhance their skills and to increase the enjoyment and benefit they derive from the sport.
8.     To provide assistance and support to other organizations that promote fencing or conduct
       fencing competitions in a manner consistent with the purposes, goals and means of the
9.     To foster good will and harmonious relationships with fencers and fencing organizations in
       foreign countries for the betterment of the sport of fencing.

                                                        JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   24
                 DOMESTIC                         INTERNATIONAL
•    Domestic purposes include all   §    International purposes include a
     23,000+ USFA members and              subset of USFA members and
     other USFA customers.                 customers.
      •     Fencers                          §  Elite fencers who are vying for
      §    Parents                              national teams.
      §    Clubs                            §  Individual and national squad
      §    Colleges                             coaches.
      §    Coaches                          §  Internationally qualified
      §    Equipment vendors                    referees.
                                             §  Support personnel.
                                             §  U.S.O.C. and F.I.E.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   25
§  I believe the USFA’s primary responsibility is to its 23,000+ members.
§  Should support for elite programs be limited to funds received from
    sources such as:
     § The US Olympic Committee.
     § Elite program sponsors and supporters.
     § Designated member contributions.

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   26

§  A business cannot offer a product or program it cannot run.
§  A lifetime membership program can only work under the following
      §  The proceeds are saved to match future obligations.
      §  The return on investment is great enough to meet future
§  In the USFA’s case, the proceeds from lifetime memberships were
    spent as soon (or before) they were received.
§  The USFA cannot generate a complete list of lifetime members.
§  I propose that this program be eliminated; and, that existing lifetime
    memberships be amortized at a 5% rate of return (average CD rate).

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   27

                   §  If the US Speed Skating
                       Team can raise $250k
                       from the Colbert Nation
                       in two weeks then why
                       can’t the USFA find
                       corporate supporters and


§  The USFA needs to actively promote the sport of fencing at all levels
     of participation. This plan should:
      § Inform the public about the sport of fencing.
      § Boost college team and college club participation.
      § Develop a host of materials for individual clubs to use to increase
         local participation.
      § Develop a cadre of volunteers to support events.
§ When is the last time a fencer was on a Wheaties box?
§ Everyone loves a winner…capitalize on the moment of victory to raise
   funds from corporate sponsors and individuals to support the program.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   29

One of my daughter’s teacher told me: “Traveling around the country to
  tournaments is very glamorous. You see a lot of cities.”. I replied: “We
  usually see an airport, a hotel and a convention center”.
§  Would the USFA be better served with a permanent venue for
    holding national tournaments, training camps, coaches clinics and
    national office?
§  It’s hard to employ technology when we move from place to place.
§  It costs at least $10k-$15k to move equipment from venue to venue.
§  Can the USFA rent a suitable facility; or, receive a contribution for
    use of a facility?

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   30
§  The USFA could approach sponsors to sell naming rights for a
    permanent facility. That would be hard to do with the current
    tournament roadshow.
§  Considerations for a permanent facility location should include:
     § A central geographic location…possibly along the Dallas-
        Memphis corridor. Study fencer demographics.
     § Located in a major air traffic hub with a numerous direct flights.
     § Having reasonable and plentiful hotel rooms and restaurants for
        weekend stays near the facility.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   31
§  Traveling to national tournaments is expensive.
§  Under the current tournament format, are we giving the customer-
    fencers enough fencing “bang for their buck?
§  Should the USFA consider alternative tournament formats such as
    multiple rounds of pools to DE bouts starting in the Round of 64.
§  More frequent single-weapon tournaments that can be completed
    over a Saturday-Sunday to replace four-day NAC’s.

                                          JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   32

§  It’s fantastic that the USFA offers wheelchair fencing. But what about
    injuries that do not require a wheelchair?
§  Fencing is an asymmetrical sport.
§  There have been improvements in prosthetic arms and legs.
§  Fencing could be beneficial to an individual for:
     § Rehabilitation.
     § Fine motor skills development.
     § Giving injured athletes a lifetime sport.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   33

§  The Wounded Warrior
    Project’s mission is to
    honor and empower
    wounded warriors.
§  If these warrior-athletes
    can navigate an obstacle
    course, then shouldn’t we
    try to get them on a
    fencing strip?

                                 JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   34
§  The USFA needs a long-range strategic plan that outlines
    the goals and direction of the organization.
§  Plans, budgets, fundraising efforts, facilities et al should
    conform with the strategic plan.
§  The plan should be published.
§  USFA members and sponsors will be more inclined to
    support the organization if they know where it is going.

                                      JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   35

§  I am running for an at-large seat                John J. Strass CPA
    on the Board of Directors for the                250 West 103rd Street
    betterment of the sport, not
                                                     Apartment 10D
    personal prestige or betterment.
                                                     New York NY 10025
§  This application was prepared in
    this format to raise questions about
    the direction of our sport.
§  I am offering my creativity and
    experience to help Fencing thrive in
    the 21st century.

                                           JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR   36

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Strass John Usfa Board Application

  • 2. WHY I WANT TO SERVE ON THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS. §  The Board of Directors is vested with the full powers and responsibility for the management and policies of the USFA. (Article VII - Bylaws United States Fencing Association, Effective August 28, 2010) §  A successful Board of Directors includes members with varying backgrounds. §  I wish to offer my business and fencing experience to help improve the organization for the benefit of the United States Fencing Association, its members and the sport. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 2
  • 3. MY COLLEGE EDUCATION. University of Notre Dame § Graduated in 1978 with a Bachelors of Business Administration Degree in Accounting. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 3
  • 4. MY  WORK  EXPERIENCE.   PUBLIC ACCOUNTING PRIVATE INDUSTRY §  Six years with Ernst & §  Twenty-fours years in private Whinney. industry. §  Tax Manager. §  Chief Financial Officer of §  Provided tax, accounting and privately held businesses litigation support services. having annual revenues up to §  CPA licensed to practice in the $200 million. State of Texas since 1981. §  Manager of Accounting for a §  New York CPA license issued in publicly traded company with June 2010. over $1 billion annual revenues.   JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 4
  • 5. MY FENCING EXPERIENCE. HIGH SCHOOL AND COLLEGE ADULT Notre Dame High School, Niles IL •  Resumed fencing in 2002 at the San Antonio Sports Foundation. §  Competed in foil for NDHS. •  Daughter s first coach. She is §  Competed in foil and epee at local now a freshman epee fencer on competitions; and, epee at the Columbia University team. national tournaments. •  Monituer in foil and epee University of Notre Dame awarded by the USFCA. §  Four year starter in epee with a •  Paul Pesthy s assistant coach at 15th Touch Fencing Club in record of 111-42. San Antonio TX. §  Team took 1st in NCAA s junior •  Recreational fencer at Fencer s and senior years; and, 3rd Club of New York. freshman and sophomore years. •  May participate in Vet events.     JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 5
  • 6. MY INVOLVEMENT WITH THE USFA. AUDIT COMMITTEE MEMBER DISCIPLINARY PANEL MEMBER §  Member of USFA Audit Committee §  Served on Frank Van Dyke from 2008-2010. Disciplinary Panel. §  Analyzed financial data for the §  Analyzed financial data with years 2004-2008. regards to alleged financial §  Reconstructed and reconciled irregularities in the Pacific Coast balance sheet accounts. Section. §  Prepared draft report of findings §  Prepared draft report of for Ed Wright, Audit Committee findings for Alex Wood, Chairman. Disciplinary Panel Chairman.   JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 6
  • 7. THE USFA NEEDS TO BE RUN LIKE A BUSINESS. §  Every organization, whether it is for-profit or not-for-profit, needs to be run like a business in order to serve its customers. §  The failure of USFA management to abide by this tenet was the root cause of the organization s distressed financial condition. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 7
  • 8. THE USFA IS IN A WORKOUT MODE. §  Per the graph at left, the net asset balance has historically hovered around -0-. The USFA spends money as fast as it is received. §  A breakdown in management left the USFA with more debts than assets. §  This led to changes in the management team and board of directors. §  The USFA has been in a workout mode since 2008 to rectify the Source:   United  States  Olympic  CommiOee  Audit  Report  dated  July  28,  2008   problem.   8
  • 9. THE USFA NEEDS TO BE CUSTOMER FOCUSED. §  A successful business knows its customers. §  Products and services are tailored to meet the customers needs. §  The business model is reviewed periodically to make sure it is relevant.     JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 9
  • 10. WHO ARE THE USFA’S CUSTOMERS? §  Fencers §  Parents §  Coaches §  Fencing Clubs §  USFA Divisions and Sections §  College Teams and Clubs §  National Collegiate Athletic Association §  Officials, Armourers and Volunteers §  Fencing Equipment Dealers and Manufacturers §  United States Olympic Committee §  Federation Internationale d Escrime JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 10
  • 11. WHO ARE THE FENCER-CUSTOMERS? •  When do they start fencing? •  What weapon(s) do they fence? •  Where do they go to school? •  What is their level of participation? §  Recreational. §  Local tournaments. §  National tournaments . §  College. §  International tournaments. §  US National Teams. •  When do they stop fencing? •  Can we get them back into the sport? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 11
  • 12. THE USFA NEEDS FENCER DEMOGRAPHICS. §  The USFA should develop detailed multi-year demographics data on its membership. §  This data is crucial for developing a business plan for the USFA. § How many years of data are available? § What is the quality of the data? § Members have not been treated as individual customers in the QuickBooks accounting system. This makes it harder to use the data. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 12
  • 13. WHAT CAN THE USFA DO FOR FENCING PARENTS? §  Parents pay a lot to support their child s participation in fencing. §  What services can and should the USFA provide to make fencing a better experience for the parents? § Where to find a place to fence. § Fencing instruction. § Make it easier to buy fencing uniforms and equipment. § Fencing safety. § Negotiate better travel deals. §  How many parents are fencers themselves? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 13
  • 14. WHERE CAN I FENCE? §  The USFA website lists clubs by state and division. §  Additional information could make the page more useful. § How many active USFA members are in a club? § What are the coaches names and credentials? § Does the club specialize in one weapon? § How many fencing strips does it have? § What are the demographics by weapon for the division and section? How many potential people are there to fence with nearby? § Hyperlink to club website. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 14
  • 15. CAN WE MAKE IT EASIER TO BUY FENCING EQUIPMENT? §  Have different size/age male and female fencers try on uniforms from the various manufacturers and vendors. §  Publish a table that cross-references uniform sizes by manufacturer for the different body types (sex, height, dimensions). § This would reduce a barrier to entering the sport. § Help the fencers, their parents and equipment dealers fill orders the first time; and, reduce equipment returns. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 15
  • 16. IS THERE A BETTER WAY TO ADDRESS SAFETY? §  Concerns about safety can be a barrier for parents and new fencers. §  An eye injury is the easiest way to kill a fencing program. I know. An eye injury at my high school helped kill high school fencing in Illinois. §  The USFA rulebook has uniform requirements. These requirements should be met as a condition of insurance coverage for clubs. § At USFA tournaments, require that masks be held in front of the face when testing bell guards (epée) and lamés (foil). Award a yellow card for failure to follow safety protocols. § Establish the minimum safe distance between strips for clubs to prevent injuries. § Require that full uniforms be worn in fencing clubs as a condition of insurance. For example, epee fencers need to wear socks. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 16
  • 17. WHY DO WE HAVE TWO FENCING COACH ORGANIZATIONS? §  Is it in the best interest of US Fencing to have two separate coaching organizations? § United States Fencing Coaches Association (USFCA). § USFA Coaches College. § Would fencing coaches be in a better position to have a positive influence on the sport if they worked from inside the USFA instead of as a separate organization? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 17
  • 18. CAN THE USFA USE THE INTERNET BETTER? §  Fencers register for local tournaments on; and, for national tournaments on the website. Would it be more efficient and cost effective to consolidate registrations on one site? § The USFA would need to maintain databases for rankings and points. § Many businesses respond to blog postings to address customer service issues. Is this something the USFA should consider doing as well? § Can the USFA stream national events over the internet? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 18
  • 19. CAN WE PRODUCE INTERNET BASED INSTRUCTION VIDEOS? §  Make it easier to start fencing programs in underserved parts of the country (and world) by offering online instruction videos. § What happens in a bout…how things work. § Footwork. § Fencing lessons. § Tactics. § Armourer skills. § How to run a tournament. § Referee lessons…multiple choice…you make the call. §  Can we enlist film schools and studios to produce videos? §  Can we charge a user fee? This could be a source of revenue from fencers in other countries. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 19
  • 20. ARE THE SECTION AND DIVISION STRUCTURES FAIR? §  The USFA is organized into sections and divisions. § Do the sections and divisions fairly represent the membership population? Congress redraws districts every ten years. When is the last time the USFA equalized sections? § Is it easier or harder for competitors from a given division or section to qualify for national tournaments due to the present borders? § What is the minimum number of clubs and fencers to form a division?     JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 20
  • 21. HOW CAN THE USFA HELP COLLEGE FENCING? §  The USFA has a College Fencing Committee; but, the USFA as an organization has not actively thrown its support behind college fencing. §  It would be interesting to analyze the demographics to determine how many members stop fencing after high school…and if they ever return. §  The USFA should work with individual schools, conferences and the NCAA to grow the number and quality of varsity teams and clubs. §  Why can’t the NCAA award separate NCAA Championship trophies for the Men’s and Women’s programs? §  Can the USFA enlist the aid of college presidents and athletic directors to expand college fencing opportunities? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 21
  • 22. HOW CAN THE USFA ENLIST THE AID OF ITS MEMBERS? •  The USFA should use the voice of its 23,000 members to frame issues and influence outcomes affecting the sport of fencing. •  The USFA should employ coordinated letter-writing campaigns from its 23,000 members. A physical letter is more powerful than an e- mail. •  To obtain sponsor support. •  To get better pricing from hotel chains, airlines and car rental companies. Eliminate baggage fees for fencing bags. •  Lobby for/against FIE rule changes as appropriate. •  The affect of Title IX on men’s college fencing programs. •  Separate Men’s and Woman’s NCAA Championship trophies. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 22
  • 23. ARTICLE II – PURPOSES OF THE USFA 1.  To serve as the National Governing Body for the sport of fencing in the United States, and in that capacity to fulfill the lawful obligations imposed on national governing bodies and to enjoy the privileges and prerogatives accorded national governing bodies by United States Law, the USOC and the FIE. 2.  To provide local, regional and national competitive opportunities for fencers of all levels of ability under uniform rules and regulations and to strive for improvement in all aspects of organizing and conducting fencing competition. 3.  To select, support and prepare individuals and teams to represent the United States in international fencing competitions. 4.  To develop, support and promote fencing referees in domestic and international competition. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 23
  • 24. ARTICLE II – PURPOSES OF THE USFA (CONT) 5.  To promote the sport of fencing in the United States and around the world and to disseminate information about fencing so that people may be exposed to and enjoy its many physical, mental and social benefits. 6.  To provide support in the form of information and programs to fencing instructors and to organizations and groups that offer fencing opportunities. 7.  To make available information and opportunities that will allow fencing practitioners to enhance their skills and to increase the enjoyment and benefit they derive from the sport. 8.  To provide assistance and support to other organizations that promote fencing or conduct fencing competitions in a manner consistent with the purposes, goals and means of the 9.  To foster good will and harmonious relationships with fencers and fencing organizations in foreign countries for the betterment of the sport of fencing. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 24
  • 25. THE USFA S NINE (9) PURPOSES CAN BE ASSIGNED TO TWO BROAD CATEGORIES DOMESTIC INTERNATIONAL •  Domestic purposes include all §  International purposes include a 23,000+ USFA members and subset of USFA members and other USFA customers. customers. •  Fencers §  Elite fencers who are vying for §  Parents national teams. §  Clubs §  Individual and national squad §  Colleges coaches. §  Coaches §  Internationally qualified §  Equipment vendors referees. §  Support personnel. §  U.S.O.C. and F.I.E. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 25
  • 26. HOW SHOULD THE USFA SPEND MEMBER FUNDS? §  I believe the USFA’s primary responsibility is to its 23,000+ members. §  Should support for elite programs be limited to funds received from sources such as: § The US Olympic Committee. § Elite program sponsors and supporters. § Designated member contributions. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 26
  • 27. SHOULD WE ELIMINATE THE LIFETIME MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM? §  A business cannot offer a product or program it cannot run. §  A lifetime membership program can only work under the following circumstances: §  The proceeds are saved to match future obligations. §  The return on investment is great enough to meet future obligations. §  In the USFA’s case, the proceeds from lifetime memberships were spent as soon (or before) they were received. §  The USFA cannot generate a complete list of lifetime members. §  I propose that this program be eliminated; and, that existing lifetime memberships be amortized at a 5% rate of return (average CD rate). JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 27
  • 28. WHY CAN’T THE USFA FIND SPONSORS? §  If the US Speed Skating Team can raise $250k from the Colbert Nation in two weeks then why can’t the USFA find corporate supporters and sponsors? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 28
  • 29. HOW CAN THE USFA THRIVE WITHOUT A MARKETING PLAN? §  The USFA needs to actively promote the sport of fencing at all levels of participation. This plan should: § Inform the public about the sport of fencing. § Boost college team and college club participation. § Develop a host of materials for individual clubs to use to increase local participation. § Develop a cadre of volunteers to support events. § When is the last time a fencer was on a Wheaties box? § Everyone loves a winner…capitalize on the moment of victory to raise funds from corporate sponsors and individuals to support the program. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 29
  • 30. SHOULD WE CHANGE THE ROTATING TOURNAMENT MODEL? One of my daughter’s teacher told me: “Traveling around the country to tournaments is very glamorous. You see a lot of cities.”. I replied: “We usually see an airport, a hotel and a convention center”. §  Would the USFA be better served with a permanent venue for holding national tournaments, training camps, coaches clinics and national office? §  It’s hard to employ technology when we move from place to place. §  It costs at least $10k-$15k to move equipment from venue to venue. §  Can the USFA rent a suitable facility; or, receive a contribution for use of a facility? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 30
  • 31. CAN GYPSIES SELL NAMING RIGHTS? §  The USFA could approach sponsors to sell naming rights for a permanent facility. That would be hard to do with the current tournament roadshow. §  Considerations for a permanent facility location should include: § A central geographic location…possibly along the Dallas- Memphis corridor. Study fencer demographics. § Located in a major air traffic hub with a numerous direct flights. § Having reasonable and plentiful hotel rooms and restaurants for weekend stays near the facility. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 31
  • 32. ARE FENCERS GETTING “BANG FOR THEIR BUCK”? §  Traveling to national tournaments is expensive. §  Under the current tournament format, are we giving the customer- fencers enough fencing “bang for their buck? §  Should the USFA consider alternative tournament formats such as multiple rounds of pools to DE bouts starting in the Round of 64. §  More frequent single-weapon tournaments that can be completed over a Saturday-Sunday to replace four-day NAC’s. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 32
  • 33. CAN THE USFA EXPAND SUPPORT FOR INJURED ATHLETES? §  It’s fantastic that the USFA offers wheelchair fencing. But what about injuries that do not require a wheelchair? §  Fencing is an asymmetrical sport. §  There have been improvements in prosthetic arms and legs. §  Fencing could be beneficial to an individual for: § Rehabilitation. § Fine motor skills development. § Giving injured athletes a lifetime sport. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 33
  • 34. SHOULD WE WORK WITH THE WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT? §  The Wounded Warrior Project’s mission is to honor and empower wounded warriors. §  If these warrior-athletes can navigate an obstacle course, then shouldn’t we try to get them on a fencing strip? JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 34
  • 35. THE USFA NEEDS A STRATEGIC PLAN. §  The USFA needs a long-range strategic plan that outlines the goals and direction of the organization. §  Plans, budgets, fundraising efforts, facilities et al should conform with the strategic plan. §  The plan should be published. §  USFA members and sponsors will be more inclined to support the organization if they know where it is going. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 35
  • 36. THANK YOU FOR CONSIDERING MY APPLICATION. §  I am running for an at-large seat John J. Strass CPA on the Board of Directors for the 250 West 103rd Street betterment of the sport, not Apartment 10D personal prestige or betterment. New York NY 10025 §  This application was prepared in this format to raise questions about the direction of our sport. §  I am offering my creativity and experience to help Fencing thrive in the 21st century. JOHN J STRASS CPA, APPLICANT FOR AT-LARGE DIRECTOR 36