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MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Stories from
the Other Side
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Exploring OOP and
Functional Programming
(to become a better programmer)
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Why am I interested in this?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Smart guys go FP (lambdalicious, phunkie)
The Little Schemer
Scala is the rage!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What is this, OOP + FP?
Where did these paradigms start?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
The term "Object Oriented Programming"
was coined by Alan Kay
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Original image by Marcin Wichary - Thanks!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Amongst many other achievements,
Alan Kay created Smalltalk
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
"OOP to me means only messaging,
local retention and protection
and hiding of state-process,
and extreme late-binding of all things"
It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP."
~ Alan Kay
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
"It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP."
wait... WHAT?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
((lambda (f)
(define pick
(lambda (n lat)
((zero? (sub1 n)) (car lat))
(else (pick (sub1 n) (cdr lat))))))
It's lists and recursion all the way down
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
How does OOP work with that?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What is OOP?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Is it about inheritance?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
"OOP to me means only messaging,
local retention and protection
and hiding of state-process,
and extreme late-binding of all things"
~ Alan Kay
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Kay doesn't mention inheritance.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Is OOP about classes?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Kay doesn't mention classes either.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
If OOP is not about
classes or inheritance,
what is it about?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Lets start with
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
I guess that means method calls.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
In class based OOP,
the methods of a class define its
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Related Methods
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Quite similar to
related Functions
within a Namespace
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
So OOP is about grouping methods together?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
"... local retention and protection ..."
~ Alan Kay
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Oh yeah, objects have states.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What is a state?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
State in class based OOP:
class Foo
private static $class_state = 42;
private $instance_state = -0.2;
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
State in RL is more like
public function __construct(...)
$this->type = 'simple';
$this->customerSession = $customerSession;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->counter = 0;
$this->id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$this->names = $db->getNames();
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What properties do these examples of
state have?
public function __construct(...)
$this->type = 'simple';
$this->customerSession = $customerSession;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->counter = 0;
$this->id = $_REQUEST['id'];
$this->names = $db->getNames();
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
A literal
$this->type = 'simple';
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
A shared object
$this->customerSession = $customerSession;
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Literal zero
(but looks like that might change)
$this->counter = 0;
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Global state
$this->id = $_REQUEST['id'];
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Stuff from the DB
$this->names = $db->getNames();
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Can we partition those examples?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
1. State that is always the same
2. State that might change
(within the lifespan of the object)
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
State that might change:
→ Counter
→ Session
→ Filesystem / DB / Internet
→ Globals
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Non-changing state
→ The Type ID
→ Application State
→ Configuration
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What can we do with
this information?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Pure functions?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Don't cause any side effects
→ Given the same arguments
always return the same result
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
What are
side effects?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Changing state non-local to the
function scope
→ DB or Filesystem or Network access
→ Throwing Exceptions
→ Forking
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
No side effects
was one part.
What was the other?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Same Arguments
Same Result
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
A function that always returns the same
result given the same arguments is called
Referentially Transparent
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Referentially Transparent Functions
must not use state that might change!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Why should we care?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
of Pure Functions!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Easier to think about
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Easier to break apart
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Easier to combine
(composability & reuseability)
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Easier to show correctness
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
→ Easier to parallelize
(threadability ;))
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
But what about the
changing things?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
How can we deal with changing state?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We treat objects as snapshots of the
state of the world in one moment.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
The state of the world in that
moment will never change.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
If change occurs, it means now is a
different moment in time.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We can represent change in two ways:
→ by modifying the object
→ by creating a new instance
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
For example, what happens when an
admin logs in?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
$loggedInAdmin = $loggedOutAdmin->login();
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
public function login()
return new self($isLoggedIn = true);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
But what if a method
needs the
"current instance"?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Either that object has to be recreated
with the current instance,
or the current instance has to be
passed as a method argument.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
OOP style
$authorizationManager->hasAccess($dashboard, $loggedInAdmin);
$authorizationManager->hasAccess($dashboard, $loggedOutAdmin);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
$has_access($dashboard, $loggedInAdmin);
$has_access($dashboard, $loggedOutAdmin);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
There are more
parameters in RL!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Okay, lets reduce the argument count by
adding properties to the object.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
$dashboardAuthorizationManager =
new class($authorizationManager, $dashboard) {
private $authorizationManager; private $page;
public function __construct($authorizationManager, $page)
$this->authorizationManager = $authorizationManager;
$this->page = $page;
public function hasAccess($admin)
return $this->authorizationManager
->hasAccess($this->page, $admin);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Only one argument left:
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
How might that look like in FP?
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
$has_access_to_dashboard =
function ($admin) use ($dashboard, $has_access) {
return $has_access($dashboard, $admin);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Can we remove all
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
$loggedInAdminDashboardAuthorization =
new class($dashboardAuthorizationManager, $loggedInAdmin)
private $pageAuthorizationManager; private $admin;
public function __construct($pageAuthorizationManager, $admin)
$this->pageAuthorizationManager = $pageAuthorizationManager;
$this->admin = $admin;
public function hasAccess()
return $this->pageAuthorizationManager
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
In FP:
$has_logged_in_admin_access_to_dashboard =
function () use ($has_access_to_dashboard, $admin) {
return $has_access_to_dashboard($admin);
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We can bundle state
and functions
without classes!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We can bundle state
and process
without classes!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Look Ma,
OOP in PHP without
hands classes!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We have the choice:
→ pass state with method arguments
→ set state as object properties
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
The more volatile the object state,
the more often we need to
create new instances...
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
...if we want to have
Pure Functions.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Lesson from FP:
Distinguish between mutable and
immutable object properties.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
"Mutable stateful objects are the new
spaghetti code"
~ Rich Hickey
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Concepts from the FP languages can be
useful in OO PHP.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We can benefit from designing our
OO code so it exhibits the properties of
pure functions.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
We barely scratched the surface.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Don't be afraid of FP's mathematical
pattern names. It's still just code.
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
Building these slides I
learned something about OOP.
I hope you found it interesting, too!
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
(if (has-communication? you vinai)
(communicate you vinai)
(enjoy you remaining-agenda))
MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp

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Stories from the other side

  • 1. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 2. Stories from the Other Side MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 3. Exploring OOP and Functional Programming (to become a better programmer) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 4. Why am I interested in this? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 5. Smart guys go FP (lambdalicious, phunkie) The Little Schemer Scala is the rage! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 6. What is this, OOP + FP? Where did these paradigms start? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 7. The term "Object Oriented Programming" was coined by Alan Kay MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 8. Original image by Marcin Wichary - Thanks! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 9. Amongst many other achievements, Alan Kay created Smalltalk MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 10. "OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things" It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP." ~ Alan Kay MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 11. "It can be done in Smalltalk and in LISP." wait... WHAT? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 12. OOP in LISP? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 13. ((lambda (f) (define pick (lambda (n lat) (cond ((zero? (sub1 n)) (car lat)) (else (pick (sub1 n) (cdr lat)))))) It's lists and recursion all the way down MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 14. How does OOP work with that? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 15. What is OOP? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 16. Is it about inheritance? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 17. "OOP to me means only messaging, local retention and protection and hiding of state-process, and extreme late-binding of all things" ~ Alan Kay MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 18. Kay doesn't mention inheritance. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 19. Is OOP about classes? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 20. Kay doesn't mention classes either. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 21. If OOP is not about classes or inheritance, what is it about? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 22. Lets start with Messaging MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 23. I guess that means method calls. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 24. In class based OOP, the methods of a class define its Interface. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 25. Interface == Related Methods MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 26. Quite similar to related Functions within a Namespace MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 27. So OOP is about grouping methods together? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 28. "... local retention and protection ..." ~ Alan Kay MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 29. Oh yeah, objects have states. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 30. What is a state? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 31. State in class based OOP: class Foo { private static $class_state = 42; private $instance_state = -0.2; } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 32. State in RL is more like public function __construct(...) { $this->type = 'simple'; $this->customerSession = $customerSession; $this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig; $this->counter = 0; $this->id = $_REQUEST['id']; $this->names = $db->getNames(); } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 33. What properties do these examples of state have? public function __construct(...) { $this->type = 'simple'; $this->customerSession = $customerSession; $this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig; $this->counter = 0; $this->id = $_REQUEST['id']; $this->names = $db->getNames(); } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 34. A literal $this->type = 'simple'; MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 35. A shared object $this->customerSession = $customerSession; MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 36. Literal zero (but looks like that might change) $this->counter = 0; MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 37. Global state $this->id = $_REQUEST['id']; MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 38. Stuff from the DB $this->names = $db->getNames(); MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 39. Can we partition those examples? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 40. 1. State that is always the same 2. State that might change (within the lifespan of the object) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 41. State that might change: → Counter → Session → Filesystem / DB / Internet → Globals MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 42. Non-changing state → The Type ID → Application State → Configuration MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 43. What can we do with this information? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 44. Pure Functions! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 45. Pure functions? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 46. → Don't cause any side effects → Given the same arguments always return the same result MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 47. What are side effects? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 48. → Changing state non-local to the function scope → DB or Filesystem or Network access → Throwing Exceptions → Forking MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 49. No side effects was one part. What was the other? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 50. Same Arguments ==> Same Result MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 51. A function that always returns the same result given the same arguments is called Referentially Transparent MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 52. Referentially Transparent Functions must not use state that might change! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 53. Why should we care? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 54. Benefits of Pure Functions! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 55. → Easier to think about (reasonability) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 56. → Easier to break apart (decomposability) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 57. → Easier to combine (composability & reuseability) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 58. → Easier to show correctness (testability) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 59. → Easier to parallelize (threadability ;)) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 60. Mkay. But what about the changing things? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 61. How can we deal with changing state? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 62. We treat objects as snapshots of the state of the world in one moment. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 63. The state of the world in that moment will never change. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 64. If change occurs, it means now is a different moment in time. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 65. We can represent change in two ways: → by modifying the object → by creating a new instance MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 66. Immutability MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 67. For example, what happens when an admin logs in? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 68. $loggedInAdmin = $loggedOutAdmin->login(); MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 69. public function login() { return new self($isLoggedIn = true); } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 70. But what if a method needs the "current instance"? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 71. Either that object has to be recreated with the current instance, or the current instance has to be passed as a method argument. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 72. OOP style $authorizationManager->hasAccess($dashboard, $loggedInAdmin); $authorizationManager->hasAccess($dashboard, $loggedOutAdmin); MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 73. In FP $has_access($dashboard, $loggedInAdmin); $has_access($dashboard, $loggedOutAdmin); MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 74. There are more parameters in RL! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 75. Okay, lets reduce the argument count by adding properties to the object. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 76. $dashboardAuthorizationManager = new class($authorizationManager, $dashboard) { private $authorizationManager; private $page; public function __construct($authorizationManager, $page) { $this->authorizationManager = $authorizationManager; $this->page = $page; } public function hasAccess($admin) { return $this->authorizationManager ->hasAccess($this->page, $admin); } } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 77. Only one argument left: $pageAuthorizationManager->hasAccess($loggedInAdmin); $pageAuthorizationManager->hasAccess($loggedOutAdmin); MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 78. How might that look like in FP? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 79. $has_access_to_dashboard = function ($admin) use ($dashboard, $has_access) { return $has_access($dashboard, $admin); } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 81. Can we remove all arguments? MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 82. $loggedInAdminDashboardAuthorization = new class($dashboardAuthorizationManager, $loggedInAdmin) { private $pageAuthorizationManager; private $admin; public function __construct($pageAuthorizationManager, $admin) { $this->pageAuthorizationManager = $pageAuthorizationManager; $this->admin = $admin; } public function hasAccess() { return $this->pageAuthorizationManager ->hasAccess($this->admin); } } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 83. In FP: $has_logged_in_admin_access_to_dashboard = function () use ($has_access_to_dashboard, $admin) { return $has_access_to_dashboard($admin); } MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 84. We can bundle state and functions without classes! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 85. We can bundle state and process without classes! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 86. Look Ma, OOP in PHP without hands classes! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 87. We have the choice: → pass state with method arguments → set state as object properties MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 88. The more volatile the object state, the more often we need to create new instances... MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 89. ...if we want to have Pure Functions. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 90. Lesson from FP: Distinguish between mutable and immutable object properties. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 91. "Mutable stateful objects are the new spaghetti code" ~ Rich Hickey MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 92. Summary MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 93. Concepts from the FP languages can be useful in OO PHP. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 94. We can benefit from designing our OO code so it exhibits the properties of pure functions. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 95. We barely scratched the surface. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 96. Don't be afraid of FP's mathematical pattern names. It's still just code. MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 97. Building these slides I learned something about OOP. I hope you found it interesting, too! MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp
  • 98. (if (has-communication? you vinai) (communicate you vinai) (enjoy you remaining-agenda)) MageTitans Manchester, UK - #MageTitansMCR 2016-11-12 - twitter://@VinaiKopp