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Do This 60 Seconds Dental Trick Before
Going to Bed Tonight
To Rebuild Your Teeth and Gums And Get Rid of Tooth
(Users Say It’s Better Than Implants)

But even though it was the most terrifying experience from my entire life…
It was that precise nightmarish moment that sent me on a completely
unexpected journey that opened my eyes to the sick and deadly practices of
the dental industry...
Helped me find out what’s really happening inside the body when your gums
are bleeding…
And eventually lead me to the discovery of a completely natural and
inexpensive method that makes it possible for you to effortlessly regenerate all
your gums...
While super-cementing your teeth no matter how advanced your tooth decay
In the following 5 minutes, I’ll show you why…
Gum disease, tooth decay or bad breath have
nothing to do with how good your oral hygiene
But with predatory bacteria buried deep inside your gums, eating at your roots and spreading like a plague to your
throat, nose and airways…
And, no matter what your doctor tells you, not even the deepest cleaning treatments can reach and destroy these
bacteria that are tirelessly lurking inside your mouth even when your teeth seem fine…
But, once you'll find out what you can do about it, not only will you have the power to get rid of your bleeding gums,
bad teeth and bad breath once and for all…
But you’ll also never have to face a dentist for horrifying procedures again…
Because this solution is so simple that you can prepare it right now in your own home in less than 60 seconds…
And so incredibly powerful that it has been clinically proven
to work regardless of your age, medical condition or the
severity of your tooth decay…
But even if your dentist has crushed your hopes by saying that “it’s too late”, that you're bound to throw all your
hard-earned savings on teeth reconstruction and implants…
It's crucial that you stick with me until the very end of my story, because in a few moments....
You'll soon be able to save your teeth and smile with confidence once again.
Just imagine…
No more throbbing pain, no more inflamed, bleeding gums and bad breath…
No more risking serious infections or stuffing yourself with medications hoping the pulsating tooth agony will stop
for just one second…
Without you having to spend a single red cent on endless dental
treatments, dangerous chemical-filled medications... painful tartar removal,
risky surgeries, or implants.
In fact, this cheap method is so amazing...
That not only did it send shockwaves across the medical establishment...
But many doctors see it as a miraculous key that can unlock gum and teeth
Yes, I know how incredible this sounds... especially if you've been suffering
from tooth decay and terrible pain thinking there's NO escape whatsoever...
Never having to cover your mouth or feel embarrassed…
Instead eating whatever you want, whenever you want…
Talking, smiling and taking pride in showing your pearly whites…
Being able to kiss your wife or your kids without seeing them turning their heads away…
And never ever having to set foot in a dental office again.
Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this
page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Steel Bite Protocol products
and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to
represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Just like 57,000 other people did. People like…
Nicolas C.J., 45 y. o., from Glendale, Arizona
Kimberly M., 51 y. o., from Chicago, Illinois
“I have always taken care of my teeth and just couldn’t understand why my gums
were red, swollen and receding.
My dentist recommended me tartar removal, it was awful, still hurts when I think
about that scaler digging under my gums.
No to mention it didn’t help at all and
one tooth got loose.
Didn’t really believe in your method but tried it
anyway because I was desperate.
It’s like my gums have grown back.  My teeth seem whiter too. Thank you for this,
never going back to the doctor again!”
Nicolas C.J., Arizona
“Thomas, God bless you! I was sick with worry over my teeth. I was spitting blood
every time I brushed and one of my front teeth seemed to be moving. I hate
dentists and I sure didn’t have money for an implant. Now everything is fine, gums
are clean and healthy, and no more loose teeth.”
Why my unusual discovery turned the dental industry upside down while saving thousands of people the pain and
money of going through implants and sickening dental procedures....
And how exactly it will help you rebuild your teeth and gums in 60 seconds before going to bed - even in the most
severe of cases of tooth decay.
You see, after getting my second job as a taxi driver, I started working long hours, especially at night, fuelling up on
coffee and sweets to stay awake or just find the energy to carry on.
At first, I used to carry a toothbrush in my glovebox and wash my teeth in gas stations but after a while I was just too
for that.
Few months later, my gums started bleeding…
First time, I noticed the toothpaste I spitted out turned slightly pink...
Then, each time I got to brush my teeth, I spitted out blood in the sink.
No big deal, I thought, I have more important things to worry about.
So, as you know, my name is Thomas Spear. I’m 52 years old and I live in a
small town near San Francisco, California, with my wife, Hannah.
I’ve been a chemistry teacher for the past 30 years and, in the past 5 years,
since my wife had to retire early due to an accident, I’ve also been working
as a taxi driver.
Life’s never been too easy for me but I don’t complain. In fact, as you’re
about to see, had it not been for my two jobs, I wouldn’t have come across
the groundbreaking solution that is now changing the lives of so many
A little bleeding from brushing can happen to
nothing wrong with that, right?
Wrong, spitting out blood after brushing is dead
It’s true, it happens to more people than you think…
A whopping 56% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease…
But this does not make it any less serious…
You’re about to see inside this presentation why you should never ignore this sign.
So, not long after, something embarrassing happened.
At school, the other teachers kept turning their heads away when I was talking to them…
Or just made a step back to keep a distance…
And once I’ve even overheard a few of my students calling me
If you don’t know who that is… well, it’s a movie character with rotten,
horrible teeth…
When I heard them…
I just wished the ground would open and
swallow me.
I went to the bathroom and looked at my teeth in the mirror.
Yellow, with swollen and irritated gums.
And as hard as it was to admit…
It was my breath that kept driving everybody away.
Which explained why Hannah kept avoiding kissing me or even hugging me.
But what really hurt like hell, was when I wanted to take my granddaughter, Sarah, into my arms, and she started
“I don’t wanna! You make me vomit!”
Still, the worst was yet to come.
Pain. Terrible, never ending, pulsating pain, even after popping painkillers like Tic-Tacs.
I was always moody. Always tired. Avoided to talk to people as much as I could.
And on top of everything, my upper left molar seemed to be moving.
It felt like in one of those bad dreams when, you know, your teeth are falling…only it was really happening…
My wife kept bugging me to go to the dentist. On one side, I knew she was right, on the other side…I kept
postponing it… and eating only on the left side.
Listen, I’m a 6-foot tall man and I know how this sounds…
But I’d rather pet a venomous, hairy, giant tarantula than go to the dentist.
I get cold shivers up my spine just when thinking about it…
The gruesome smells, the gut wrenching instruments.
But then…
The dreadful night came.
Hannah was babysitting our granddaughter, so she was spending the night at our son’s house.
I had a free shift so I was happy to get into bed and finally get some sleep…
All seemed to be just fine, my gums weren’t swollen anymore so I fell asleep with a glimpse of hope…
…And got brutally woken up.
I’ll never forget the time: 12:47.
Choking, unable to breath, not knowing what was stuck in my throat.
Hopelessly staring at the clock on the nightstand…
A minute that felt like eternity: from 12:47 to 12:48.
Then coughing up all the blood…and the molar.
I was sick to my stomach when I saw all the mess.
Sick to my stomach when I thought I almost died, choking on a tooth in my sleep.
The next morning, my cheek was swollen.
After hearing all that had happened to me and seeing the way I looked, Hannah was worried sick.
So, I knew I had no choice: I had to go to the dentist.
My heart was pounding out of my chest when I entered the cabinet.
After a quick look into my mouth and an X-ray…
The dentist gave me 2 frightening news…
And, please, keep listening, especially if you’ve ever dealt with bleeding gums…
One. My gums were so damaged that I had passed right by gingivitis, and landed into the dangerous land of
Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that begins with
inflammation and bleeding… and ultimately causes your gums to retract, your
teeth to fall, plus bad breath and tooth decay.
Not only that but gum disease and periodontitis
are also linked to
respiratory infections, kidney disease and even
oral cancer.
All because- as you’re about to see- it turns your mouth into a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to thrive in…
So, what was I supposed to do? Well, as the doctor put it…
Here’s how much it would cost you to “fix” your
gums at the dentist
and what you would have to go through…
Gum grafts… about $600 per gum, no guarantee it will work. If your gums are seriously damaged, this could cost you
up to thousands of dollars.
Fillings and root canals to “save” the teeth that were
already damaged, with prices that range from $500 to $2000-
that’s a lot of money for a lot of pain if you ask me!
Then there’s surgery to “strengthen the gums” or, in medical terms, “pocket elimination surgery”, costs
approximately $6,000…
Or – my favourite one- remove the worst teeth and replace them with implants.
Thinking an implant costs $4,500 – best case scenario - and that, according to the doctor - I needed at least 4, I
might as well have sold one of my kidneys!
Oh, but the list doesn’t stop here… no matter the dental procedure you choose as your torture…
Know that after you’ll have to pay for…maintenance, which can cost over $100 per session.
To put it bluntly: expensive, lengthy, painful treatments that promised no real solution...and I assure you, no doctor
could ever guarantee you that any of those treatments would work.
It’s all a game of chance: only it’s your money, your time and your health on the table.
For example…
Did you know that you have to wait for a year
and a half to know if your dental implant is a
success or not?
Implants are usually a two-part process — first putting in the implant, then waiting for the area to heal and covering
it with a crown six to 3-4 months later…
And then, only if 1 year passes without infections or other complications, can you finally breathe a sigh of relief…
As if this depressing list wasn’t, the dentist dropped the second bomb on me…
I needed surgery.
You see, my fallen tooth had a fractured root. A piece of this root was still buried deep inside my gums, causing an
So, we needed to remove the remaining bits and fast, before the infection was going to spread even more.
As the doctor explained to me, a tooth infection can “invade”
your brain in a matter of hours and lead to severe
complications, and even death.
Why? Because each one of your teeth is connected to your brain through tiny nerves.
The infection can travel from the tooth to the nose…to the eyes…and ultimately to the brain.
Here’s how to tell if your infection
needs immediate medical attention
(1 tip I learned from the doctor)
If you experience confusion, headaches and fever, you need to go to the hospital right away.
As for my surgery, I’ll spare you the details.
Let’s just say getting stung with a big anesthetic needle in your gums 5 times in a row and then butchered for one
hour straight isn’t something you want to remember.
The most horrifying thing, however, was that, even after the anesthetic from the surgery was gone…
I couldn’t feel my chin and my mouth was a
little crooked.
It took me one month to recover and regain the senses in my numb face.
Meanwhile I did a lot of research online to see if anybody else had been in my situation…
Besides the only good advice I read...take B vitamins for facial nerve recovery and pray to God…
I came across a study that shattered me to the core.
Dental procedures and surgeries- implants included, can leave you disfigured.
No wonder they have you sign tons of consent forms before the
implant! Anything  to cover their backs in case
something goes wrong…
So, I could consider myself “a fortunate case”.
After all these, one thing was sure: I was never going back to the dentist again!
I started using a special toothpaste for gum disease but with no success whatsoever…
I was afraid to chew, always checking my teeth with my tongue to see if everything is fine…
I began eating mostly soups and mashed potatoes…
Until one day, it happened again:
One of my front teeth was moving.
That night I couldn’t sleep. I was paralyzed with fear. And tormented by thoughts.
I was a full-grown man eating baby food
on his way to lose its front teeth, with no money
for implants,
and risking life-threatening infections.
That’s when I took the decision to take the matter into my own hands and find a solution that I could afford. Go to
the end of the earth if I had to. I couldn’t possibly live like that.
So, I took some time off from teaching…which, frankly, was a relief as I was too embarrassed about my bad breath
and bleeding gums to
face my colleagues…
And began spending my days in the biggest library in San Francisco, searching every corner…
As you can imagine, it was not easy... And I can't tell you how many times I almost gave up...
Well, there sure is a higher power out there,
because barely 3 weeks later, I FINALLY found
the one thing that changed everything...
That would end up giving me and over 57,000 other people just like yourself their good, strong teeth and gums
Now, here’s what exactly happens inside your mouth when you have gum disease…
It all starts with these dangerous bacteria
lurking deep inside your gums…
The bacteria are like small termites that are relentlessly chewing on your teeth and gums, leaving them bleeding
and inflamed. You might’ve gotten the bacteria from food, water, or even from kissing or drinking after somebody
In time, the bacteria, along with food debris, multiply, accumulate and form the so-called plaque and calculus.
The calculus/plaque is like a toxic mould that spreads on your teeth walls, causing bad breath and providing an
“excellent” home for the bacteria to thrive in.
Most of the times, your body’s natural defence system succeeds in healing the swelling. But there’s a catch to it:
scars remain.
This means that, after every inflammation episode, your gums retract.
Ultimately, they are too weak or too loose to hold your teeth.
Not only that but another disturbing thing
(and you need to take action fast)
The next numbers are nothing less than frightening but the good news is there’s a simple way out of all of these and
you’re going to discover it soon.
According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan…
There are 20 billion bacteria in your mouth.
These bacteria reproduce every 5 hours.
If you go 24 hours without cleaning your teeth - and I’m going to show you the MOST efficient way to clean your
teeth inside this
Those 20 billion become 100 billion!
And after they feed on your gums…
They start devouring the ligaments that hold your teeth and supports the bones.
Your teeth loosen…
The roots get fractured…
And it’s only a matter of time until you’ll face infections, throbbing pain and tooth decay.
If you’re thinking –as I did back then- all you have to do is “clean” your mouth of bacteria…think again.  
Here’s what I discovered next:
No dental or medical method
can destroy the gum-eating bacteria
(and here’s why)
This is not something you’re going to hear from your dentist because they have no interest in you knowing this.
Normally, doctors recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing or going through dental scaling
procedures to get rid of the bacteria and tartar…
But here’s where it all goes wrong…
No matter how well you clean your teeth, at least 10% of the bacteria will remain hidden inside the “gum
Because no traditional or advanced dental cleaning method can reach that deep…
Electronic toothbrushes don’t stand a chance of removing the teeth-eating bacteria as they only deal with the
surface of the teeth.
Dental floss might be good to clean the dental debris but is very aggressive on your already inflamed gums...
Mouthwash might cover the entire area and go deeper under the gums but is not powerful enough to break the
plaque. Actually,
all it does is to attack your taste buds…
While dental scaling – the deepest method of teeth cleaning- has to be done at least once a week, often because
the bacteria re-spreads fast. But, if done too often, dental scaling destroys the enamel. And without the enamel
protecting your tooth, you will scream with pain, that I can guarantee.
Now, if your tooth falls, and you do have the money for an implant and you’re also lucky enough for the operation to
be a success…guess what?
The bacteria can always cause an infection around the implant, resulting in inflammation of the gums and, in the
worst cases, leading to bone loss in the jaw itself.
Plus, note that even if a tooth looks perfect at the surface, the remaining 10% of bacteria are still chewing on its roots.
Every time you do one of the following things,
the bacteria become even more resistant
1. Eating hard food. Yes, I know how that sounds. But every time you take a bite, the bacteria go even deeper. Why?
Because you put an incredible amount of pressure on your teeth - up to 141 pounds! - therefore “sheltering” the
colony of termites deep inside the gums.
2. Same thing happens at night if you’re grinding your teeth.
Chances you’re doing during your sleep are very
high as up to 50% of Americans suffer from this condition, yet few are aware of it.
So, what in the world could be powerful enough
to reach the bacteria, destroy it for good and clean the plaque?
I was stuck. But not for long.
As I met one of the most respected medical
Doctor S. T. (initials used to protect identity).
He came every morning into the library and read tons of books on plants and herbs.
His smile was so perfect that I couldn’t help but stare every single time he greeted us.
One time I just couldn’t refrain myself:
“I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t not notice your teeth. I bet you had a lot of work done…”
“Actually, none at all.”
So, we got to talking.
S.T. was retired for the past 2 years and if he was to say the one thing he had learned in all his 40 years of medical
research was
that: plants were far superior to drugs.
His impeccable teeth were actually the result of a homemade, soft “bubble gum” that he’d been chewing on every
Hearing all these, I began sharing my story.
The terrible night I almost choked to death on my tooth, my gum disease and all the embarrassment and pain it had
caused me, the surgery…
And what I had discovered about the indestructible, termite-bacteria…
“You know…”
S.T. said, after listening carefully to my every word…
There’s one and only one thing that reaches
every corner of your mouth and goes under
your gums:
your saliva.
Seeing that I didn’t quite understand what he was explaining, S.T. continued...
“The most important role of your saliva is to protect your teeth and gums. That’s why it has antibacterial properties
and contains lots of minerals and proteins.
That’s why the saliva is designed by nature to reach every corner of your mouth and go deep under your gums.
Meaning, it has access- so to say- to the places where the bacteria thrive.
The only problem is…its power is limited. And, without any help, it can’t possibly break all the tartar or fight millions of
multiplying bacteria by itself.
Then, it hit me.
The solution:
turning saliva into the most powerful
disinfectant that would
break the tartar and destroy all the termite-
But how?
After giving it some thought, S.T. came to my rescue once again.
In his 40 years of medical research he had seen herbs 4 times
stronger than morphine that could erase migraines
and tooth abscess pain…
Or oils that made canker sores outbreaks vanish in hours while forcing the affected tissues to regenerate by next
The only thing was to find the right herbs, plants & oils that would perfectly mix with the saliva and turn it into a
strong weapon against the termite-bacteria.
By now, you must be very curious and anxious to find out what this ultimate anti-gum disease solution contains...
Why it’s so extremely powerful that not only does it fiercely
fight gum disease and tooth decay but it also starts the
rebuilding and
rejuvenation of your teeth while protecting you against other conditions, like cavities and bad
And, most importantly...
How does it work and why does it work so
incredibly well?
Please pay very close attention…
First of all, we didn’t discover just the one trick that repairs your gums…
We’ve gathered a remarkable number of breakthrough recipes inside a unique, teeth-fortifying protocol.
Recipes that you can easily prepare in your own home, using dirt-cheap ingredients from the local store…
For example, S.T.’s homemade bubble-gum which, honestly, works like you wouldn’t believe..
Or a 'super teeth regrow' formula that makes your teeth feel like new using an ingredient that also speed up your
Or the 'fast whitener formula' that will give you a V.I.P. smile for less than $3...
These little-known ingredients - herbs, plants and oils - used in precise quantities - will “dissolve” into your saliva,
transforming it into an ultimate weapon that will:
Break the existing plaque and tartar that have been loosening your gums and creating a comfortable
environment for the termite-bacteria;
Locate the bacteria colonies and destroy them by drowning them in purifying substances that will also
fight the bleeding and inflammation;
Tighten your loose gums and cement the teeth roots;
Strengthen your teeth crowns by filling them with minerals and vitamins. This step is a lot like repairing
cracked walls.
Form a permanent shield for your teeth and gums, making them indestructible against future bacteria or
food debris.
And all you have to do is follow a few step-by-step instructions. Here’s an example, just to illustrate how easy it is:
1. Take one spoonful of a natural herb powder that we like
to call “the Bacteria Exterminator” because it can
act faster than antibiotics...
2. Add 30 ml of an oil that Australian commanders secretly used to treat their gums and infected wounds on
the battlefield…
3. Blend and chew the soft mixture for 1 minute, then spit it out.
Back to this day I don’t know why S.T. agreed to help me gather all the secret recipes, remedies and formulas.
Maybe it was because of my story…
Maybe because of his passion for natural remedies…
Or maybe because, working in the medical industry, he had seen enough dentists stuffing their pockets with money
and leaving innocent people to faith after risky and expensive surgeries…
But one thing’s for sure: we made an amazing team.
Him, a walking “natural alternatives Encyclopedia”…
Me, with all my knowledge on chemistry, ready to test every possible interaction between the saliva and the various
plants and herbs
he had discovered…
We worked night after night, testing until dawn inside S.T.’s home laboratory…
Making sure that we got the right quantities and the most effective combination of ingredients....
And there were times when I was so tired that I could throw up but, in the end, there it was: a protocol that gathered
100% natural, breakthrough formulas and recipes.
Of course, I was the very first one to try it.
After the first day, I didn’t feel a thing. Well, maybe hope, which, was still something I thought that I'd lost forever!
But when I woke up the second morning, something had clearly changed.
There was no more blood after brushing. I just couldn’t believe that- for the first time in months- I wasn’t spitting
blood like
in a horror villain.
The 5 day I just could believe my eyes: more than half of the plaque had disappeared…
The 11 day my heart stood still: my front tooth wasn’t moving anymore.
Seeing my progress, I gathered a list of 20 people I knew who
suffered from various forms of gum disease and asked
them to discreetly
test out our formula.
Every single person accepted immediately, especially because no one needed to leave their house, as we personally
delivered them the protocol and ingredients.
They each received a daily report form to follow their progress.
I was prepared to wait at least a week for the initial reports to come back.
But what happened next was amazing...
Even after 3 or 4 days, I was getting call after call
from everyone in the study, claiming their gums
and teeth felt like new
They were stunned.
I was even more SHOCKED at how quickly my gum swelling and tooth pain went away…
Honestly, when I woke up one morning and felt no ache, and no metallic taste in my mouth…I thought for a second
that I was dead!
On Week 3, my gums had tightened back up and completely re-attached to my teeth…
By week 4, it was like my gum disease had never happened. Plus, the shade of my teeth was a lot lighter…
Not only that but, according to my wife, I wasn’t grinding my teeth in my sleep anymore…
My life was completely normal again! I could finally smile, eat whatever I pleased…and nobody would ever judge me
for how my teeth looked!
And it wasn't just me...
When I went to collect the reports from the other subjects in my initial study...
The results I saw were astounding!
Not a single person reported tooth pain, gum inflammation, plaque or bad breath…
And most importantly: no loose teeth.
Even S.T. had seen nothing like it.
It was clear we couldn't keep this life-saving protocol all to ourselves…
So, we decided to make it available for everybody who's tortured by gum disease or tooth decay.
We’ve called it:
The Steel Bite Protocol
Inside you’ll find all the secret ingredients and potent formulas organized in one easy-to-follow guide that you can
use to rebuild your gums and teeth today.
Once all the bacteria are destroyed, this protocol will help you to…
Even though some of these methods are pretty unexpected…
They can be used by anyone, at any age, regardless of their medical condition…
Even after years of neglect and decline.
Plus, as you already know, all you need are a few cheap, natural ingredients that you can buy from the local store.
To date, more than 57,000 Americans just like you have already used the Steel Bite Protocol personally, or shared it
with a loved one. And across the board, the results are incredible.
Gabriel Backer, 40 y. o., from Baltimore, Maryland writes us that:
Stop bleeding and receding gums, while you regain their healthy look and feel...
Stop the pain and infections (this alone will save your thousands in painful root canals and other dental
Make the ugly plaque build-up literally fall shed away your teeth;
Escape gingivitis and periodontal diseases;
Get rid of bad breath and all the embarrassing moment caused by it;
Enjoy the confidence of having whiter teeth, without cavities;
Never have to throw your savings on dental implants and risk nerve damage or even facial paralysis…
And never, ever have to go to the dentist.
“No more bleeding gums and I still can’t believe I
got rid of cavities! And to think
how easy it was. I’ve been following your protocol for three weeks now and I’ll share
Loretta Martin, 48, New Orleans, Louisiana says:
Dameon Sanders, 52, Flint, Michigan who believes that:
Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this
page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Steel Bite Protocol products
and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to
represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Now, knowing all of this, it's obvious why Steel Bite Protocol dominates any other option to “fixing” gum disease…
Nothing else out there proved to WORK...
Inside it you’re shown a completely natural and 100% effective way of destroying the dangerous bacteria that are
now lurking deep inside your gums, sentencing you to tooth decay…
Of course, you could go to a dentist, who will torture you with sick plaque cleaning methods like dental scaling……
methods that can’t reach the root cause of your gum disease and eliminate the termite-bacteria…
it with everyone I know!”
Gabriel Backer, Maryland
“I was afraid to eat. Always cut everything into tiny pieces and chewed them
carefully. After following the protocol for 1
week, I finally had the courage to eat my
favourite food: beef steak. It was a huge victory for me.”
Loretta Martin, Louisiana
“I don’t think there’s a worse pain than tooth pain. I couldn’t focus at work or enjoy my free time and I was
hooked on
painkillers. Now it’s like I’ve got my life back. No more pain, it just
feels so good.”
Dameon Sanders, Michigan
Or maybe he'll talk you into an expensive, lengthy treatments like gum grafts or pocket elimination surgery...
treatments that no doctor can guarantee they work - and good luck getting your insurance to cover the costs of
thousands of dollars!
Next, your doctor might suggest you to replace your worst teeth with implants
that cost $4,500 a pop, and have you
wait one-and-a-half year just to see if the operation was a success…not to mention the termite-bacteria can still
cause an infection around the implant.
You could put your hopes inside special toothpastes or “gum strengthening” creams but these will never be
strong enough to be that cure-all you're wishing for.
All are a waste of money, time, and energy and you know it. They won't get you well in a million years...
Unlike Steel Bite Protocol that can get the job done in less than three weeks while keeping your gums and teeth
safe from future dental disorders…
You can understand why S.T. and I initially wanted to set the value for Steel Bite Protocol at $399.
That’s less than a gum graft surgery…
And certainly a lot less than the cost of a dental implant…
Plus, with Steel Bite Protocol you don’t run the risk of infections or even face nerve damage as it’s 100% natural and
side-effect free…
When you think about all of that, it should be pretty clear why both I, and the more than 57,000 people who have
already used this program personally… think that $399 is a steal.
But This Is Not About Us Making A Profit

I’ve seen firsthand how using the Steel Bite Protocol gave me
my life back, got me rid of all the pain and humiliation…
And how I don’t have to lose sleep at night worrying about
whether one of my teeth will fall or not, whether there’s an
infection that could spread to my brain and kill me in a matter of
Plus, I know the desperation of being sick and broke…with no
money to take care of yourself…
Which is why I’m not going to ask you to invest anywhere near the
$399 I was initially going to price this at…
Or even $299, or $199, or heck even $99.

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Steel Bite Protocol - Rebuild Your Teeth and Gums

  • 1. Menu Do This 60 Seconds Dental Trick Before Going to Bed Tonight To Rebuild Your Teeth and Gums And Get Rid of Tooth Decay (Users Say It’s Better Than Implants) But even though it was the most terrifying experience from my entire life… It was that precise nightmarish moment that sent me on a completely unexpected journey that opened my eyes to the sick and deadly practices of the dental industry... Helped me find out what’s really happening inside the body when your gums are bleeding… And eventually lead me to the discovery of a completely natural and inexpensive method that makes it possible for you to effortlessly regenerate all your gums... While super-cementing your teeth no matter how advanced your tooth decay is... In the following 5 minutes, I’ll show you why…
  • 2. Gum disease, tooth decay or bad breath have nothing to do with how good your oral hygiene is… But with predatory bacteria buried deep inside your gums, eating at your roots and spreading like a plague to your throat, nose and airways… And, no matter what your doctor tells you, not even the deepest cleaning treatments can reach and destroy these bacteria that are tirelessly lurking inside your mouth even when your teeth seem fine… But, once you'll find out what you can do about it, not only will you have the power to get rid of your bleeding gums, bad teeth and bad breath once and for all… But you’ll also never have to face a dentist for horrifying procedures again… Because this solution is so simple that you can prepare it right now in your own home in less than 60 seconds… And so incredibly powerful that it has been clinically proven to work regardless of your age, medical condition or the severity of your tooth decay… But even if your dentist has crushed your hopes by saying that “it’s too late”, that you're bound to throw all your hard-earned savings on teeth reconstruction and implants… It's crucial that you stick with me until the very end of my story, because in a few moments.... You'll soon be able to save your teeth and smile with confidence once again. Just imagine… No more throbbing pain, no more inflamed, bleeding gums and bad breath… No more risking serious infections or stuffing yourself with medications hoping the pulsating tooth agony will stop for just one second… Without you having to spend a single red cent on endless dental treatments, dangerous chemical-filled medications... painful tartar removal, risky surgeries, or implants. In fact, this cheap method is so amazing... That not only did it send shockwaves across the medical establishment... But many doctors see it as a miraculous key that can unlock gum and teeth rejuvenation… Yes, I know how incredible this sounds... especially if you've been suffering from tooth decay and terrible pain thinking there's NO escape whatsoever...
  • 3. Never having to cover your mouth or feel embarrassed… Instead eating whatever you want, whenever you want… Talking, smiling and taking pride in showing your pearly whites… Being able to kiss your wife or your kids without seeing them turning their heads away… And never ever having to set foot in a dental office again. Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Steel Bite Protocol products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Just like 57,000 other people did. People like… Nicolas C.J., 45 y. o., from Glendale, Arizona Kimberly M., 51 y. o., from Chicago, Illinois “I have always taken care of my teeth and just couldn’t understand why my gums were red, swollen and receding. My dentist recommended me tartar removal, it was awful, still hurts when I think about that scaler digging under my gums. No to mention it didn’t help at all and one tooth got loose. Didn’t really believe in your method but tried it anyway because I was desperate. It’s like my gums have grown back.  My teeth seem whiter too. Thank you for this, never going back to the doctor again!” Nicolas C.J., Arizona “Thomas, God bless you! I was sick with worry over my teeth. I was spitting blood every time I brushed and one of my front teeth seemed to be moving. I hate dentists and I sure didn’t have money for an implant. Now everything is fine, gums are clean and healthy, and no more loose teeth.”
  • 4. Why my unusual discovery turned the dental industry upside down while saving thousands of people the pain and money of going through implants and sickening dental procedures.... And how exactly it will help you rebuild your teeth and gums in 60 seconds before going to bed - even in the most severe of cases of tooth decay. You see, after getting my second job as a taxi driver, I started working long hours, especially at night, fuelling up on coffee and sweets to stay awake or just find the energy to carry on. At first, I used to carry a toothbrush in my glovebox and wash my teeth in gas stations but after a while I was just too exhausted for that. Few months later, my gums started bleeding… First time, I noticed the toothpaste I spitted out turned slightly pink... Then, each time I got to brush my teeth, I spitted out blood in the sink. No big deal, I thought, I have more important things to worry about. So, as you know, my name is Thomas Spear. I’m 52 years old and I live in a small town near San Francisco, California, with my wife, Hannah. I’ve been a chemistry teacher for the past 30 years and, in the past 5 years, since my wife had to retire early due to an accident, I’ve also been working as a taxi driver. Life’s never been too easy for me but I don’t complain. In fact, as you’re about to see, had it not been for my two jobs, I wouldn’t have come across the groundbreaking solution that is now changing the lives of so many people… A little bleeding from brushing can happen to anyone, nothing wrong with that, right? Wrong, spitting out blood after brushing is dead wrong... It’s true, it happens to more people than you think… A whopping 56% of Americans suffer from some form of gum disease… But this does not make it any less serious… You’re about to see inside this presentation why you should never ignore this sign. So, not long after, something embarrassing happened. At school, the other teachers kept turning their heads away when I was talking to them… Or just made a step back to keep a distance… And once I’ve even overheard a few of my students calling me “Beetlejuice”. If you don’t know who that is… well, it’s a movie character with rotten, horrible teeth…
  • 5. When I heard them… I just wished the ground would open and swallow me. I went to the bathroom and looked at my teeth in the mirror. Yellow, with swollen and irritated gums. And as hard as it was to admit… It was my breath that kept driving everybody away. Which explained why Hannah kept avoiding kissing me or even hugging me. But what really hurt like hell, was when I wanted to take my granddaughter, Sarah, into my arms, and she started crying: “I don’t wanna! You make me vomit!” Still, the worst was yet to come. Pain. Terrible, never ending, pulsating pain, even after popping painkillers like Tic-Tacs. I was always moody. Always tired. Avoided to talk to people as much as I could. And on top of everything, my upper left molar seemed to be moving. It felt like in one of those bad dreams when, you know, your teeth are falling…only it was really happening… My wife kept bugging me to go to the dentist. On one side, I knew she was right, on the other side…I kept postponing it… and eating only on the left side. Listen, I’m a 6-foot tall man and I know how this sounds… But I’d rather pet a venomous, hairy, giant tarantula than go to the dentist. I get cold shivers up my spine just when thinking about it… The gruesome smells, the gut wrenching instruments. But then… The dreadful night came. Hannah was babysitting our granddaughter, so she was spending the night at our son’s house. I had a free shift so I was happy to get into bed and finally get some sleep… All seemed to be just fine, my gums weren’t swollen anymore so I fell asleep with a glimpse of hope… …And got brutally woken up. I’ll never forget the time: 12:47.
  • 6. Choking, unable to breath, not knowing what was stuck in my throat. Hopelessly staring at the clock on the nightstand… A minute that felt like eternity: from 12:47 to 12:48. Then coughing up all the blood…and the molar. I was sick to my stomach when I saw all the mess. Sick to my stomach when I thought I almost died, choking on a tooth in my sleep. The next morning, my cheek was swollen. After hearing all that had happened to me and seeing the way I looked, Hannah was worried sick. So, I knew I had no choice: I had to go to the dentist. My heart was pounding out of my chest when I entered the cabinet. After a quick look into my mouth and an X-ray… The dentist gave me 2 frightening news… And, please, keep listening, especially if you’ve ever dealt with bleeding gums… One. My gums were so damaged that I had passed right by gingivitis, and landed into the dangerous land of periodontitis. Periodontitis is an advanced form of gum disease that begins with inflammation and bleeding… and ultimately causes your gums to retract, your teeth to fall, plus bad breath and tooth decay. Not only that but gum disease and periodontitis are also linked to respiratory infections, kidney disease and even oral cancer. All because- as you’re about to see- it turns your mouth into a perfect environment for harmful bacteria to thrive in… So, what was I supposed to do? Well, as the doctor put it…
  • 7. Here’s how much it would cost you to “fix” your gums at the dentist and what you would have to go through… Gum grafts… about $600 per gum, no guarantee it will work. If your gums are seriously damaged, this could cost you up to thousands of dollars. Fillings and root canals to “save” the teeth that were already damaged, with prices that range from $500 to $2000- that’s a lot of money for a lot of pain if you ask me! Then there’s surgery to “strengthen the gums” or, in medical terms, “pocket elimination surgery”, costs approximately $6,000… Or – my favourite one- remove the worst teeth and replace them with implants. Thinking an implant costs $4,500 – best case scenario - and that, according to the doctor - I needed at least 4, I might as well have sold one of my kidneys! Oh, but the list doesn’t stop here… no matter the dental procedure you choose as your torture… Know that after you’ll have to pay for…maintenance, which can cost over $100 per session. To put it bluntly: expensive, lengthy, painful treatments that promised no real solution...and I assure you, no doctor could ever guarantee you that any of those treatments would work. It’s all a game of chance: only it’s your money, your time and your health on the table. For example… Did you know that you have to wait for a year and a half to know if your dental implant is a success or not? Implants are usually a two-part process — first putting in the implant, then waiting for the area to heal and covering it with a crown six to 3-4 months later… And then, only if 1 year passes without infections or other complications, can you finally breathe a sigh of relief… As if this depressing list wasn’t, the dentist dropped the second bomb on me… I needed surgery. You see, my fallen tooth had a fractured root. A piece of this root was still buried deep inside my gums, causing an infection. So, we needed to remove the remaining bits and fast, before the infection was going to spread even more. As the doctor explained to me, a tooth infection can “invade” your brain in a matter of hours and lead to severe complications, and even death. Why? Because each one of your teeth is connected to your brain through tiny nerves. The infection can travel from the tooth to the nose…to the eyes…and ultimately to the brain.
  • 8. Here’s how to tell if your infection needs immediate medical attention (1 tip I learned from the doctor) If you experience confusion, headaches and fever, you need to go to the hospital right away. As for my surgery, I’ll spare you the details. Let’s just say getting stung with a big anesthetic needle in your gums 5 times in a row and then butchered for one hour straight isn’t something you want to remember. The most horrifying thing, however, was that, even after the anesthetic from the surgery was gone… I couldn’t feel my chin and my mouth was a little crooked. It took me one month to recover and regain the senses in my numb face. Meanwhile I did a lot of research online to see if anybody else had been in my situation… Besides the only good advice I read...take B vitamins for facial nerve recovery and pray to God…
  • 9. I came across a study that shattered me to the core. Dental procedures and surgeries- implants included, can leave you disfigured. No wonder they have you sign tons of consent forms before the implant! Anything  to cover their backs in case something goes wrong… So, I could consider myself “a fortunate case”. After all these, one thing was sure: I was never going back to the dentist again! I started using a special toothpaste for gum disease but with no success whatsoever… I was afraid to chew, always checking my teeth with my tongue to see if everything is fine… I began eating mostly soups and mashed potatoes… Until one day, it happened again: One of my front teeth was moving. That night I couldn’t sleep. I was paralyzed with fear. And tormented by thoughts. I was a full-grown man eating baby food on his way to lose its front teeth, with no money for implants, and risking life-threatening infections.
  • 10. That’s when I took the decision to take the matter into my own hands and find a solution that I could afford. Go to the end of the earth if I had to. I couldn’t possibly live like that. So, I took some time off from teaching…which, frankly, was a relief as I was too embarrassed about my bad breath and bleeding gums to face my colleagues… And began spending my days in the biggest library in San Francisco, searching every corner… As you can imagine, it was not easy... And I can't tell you how many times I almost gave up... Well, there sure is a higher power out there, because barely 3 weeks later, I FINALLY found the one thing that changed everything... That would end up giving me and over 57,000 other people just like yourself their good, strong teeth and gums back. Now, here’s what exactly happens inside your mouth when you have gum disease… It all starts with these dangerous bacteria lurking deep inside your gums…
  • 11. The bacteria are like small termites that are relentlessly chewing on your teeth and gums, leaving them bleeding and inflamed. You might’ve gotten the bacteria from food, water, or even from kissing or drinking after somebody else. In time, the bacteria, along with food debris, multiply, accumulate and form the so-called plaque and calculus. The calculus/plaque is like a toxic mould that spreads on your teeth walls, causing bad breath and providing an “excellent” home for the bacteria to thrive in. Most of the times, your body’s natural defence system succeeds in healing the swelling. But there’s a catch to it: scars remain. This means that, after every inflammation episode, your gums retract. Ultimately, they are too weak or too loose to hold your teeth. Not only that but another disturbing thing happens… (and you need to take action fast) The next numbers are nothing less than frightening but the good news is there’s a simple way out of all of these and you’re going to discover it soon. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan… There are 20 billion bacteria in your mouth. These bacteria reproduce every 5 hours. If you go 24 hours without cleaning your teeth - and I’m going to show you the MOST efficient way to clean your teeth inside this presentation-… Those 20 billion become 100 billion!
  • 12. And after they feed on your gums… They start devouring the ligaments that hold your teeth and supports the bones. Your teeth loosen… The roots get fractured… And it’s only a matter of time until you’ll face infections, throbbing pain and tooth decay. If you’re thinking –as I did back then- all you have to do is “clean” your mouth of bacteria…think again.   Here’s what I discovered next: No dental or medical method can destroy the gum-eating bacteria (and here’s why) This is not something you’re going to hear from your dentist because they have no interest in you knowing this. Normally, doctors recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day, flossing or going through dental scaling procedures to get rid of the bacteria and tartar… But here’s where it all goes wrong… No matter how well you clean your teeth, at least 10% of the bacteria will remain hidden inside the “gum pockets”. Why? Because no traditional or advanced dental cleaning method can reach that deep… Electronic toothbrushes don’t stand a chance of removing the teeth-eating bacteria as they only deal with the surface of the teeth. Dental floss might be good to clean the dental debris but is very aggressive on your already inflamed gums... Mouthwash might cover the entire area and go deeper under the gums but is not powerful enough to break the
  • 13. plaque. Actually, all it does is to attack your taste buds… While dental scaling – the deepest method of teeth cleaning- has to be done at least once a week, often because the bacteria re-spreads fast. But, if done too often, dental scaling destroys the enamel. And without the enamel protecting your tooth, you will scream with pain, that I can guarantee. Now, if your tooth falls, and you do have the money for an implant and you’re also lucky enough for the operation to be a success…guess what? The bacteria can always cause an infection around the implant, resulting in inflammation of the gums and, in the worst cases, leading to bone loss in the jaw itself. Plus, note that even if a tooth looks perfect at the surface, the remaining 10% of bacteria are still chewing on its roots. Moreover… Every time you do one of the following things, the bacteria become even more resistant 1. Eating hard food. Yes, I know how that sounds. But every time you take a bite, the bacteria go even deeper. Why? Because you put an incredible amount of pressure on your teeth - up to 141 pounds! - therefore “sheltering” the colony of termites deep inside the gums. 2. Same thing happens at night if you’re grinding your teeth. Chances you’re doing during your sleep are very high as up to 50% of Americans suffer from this condition, yet few are aware of it. So, what in the world could be powerful enough to reach the bacteria, destroy it for good and clean the plaque? I was stuck. But not for long. As I met one of the most respected medical researchers. Doctor S. T. (initials used to protect identity). He came every morning into the library and read tons of books on plants and herbs. His smile was so perfect that I couldn’t help but stare every single time he greeted us. One time I just couldn’t refrain myself: “I’m sorry to bother you, but I couldn’t not notice your teeth. I bet you had a lot of work done…” “Actually, none at all.” So, we got to talking. S.T. was retired for the past 2 years and if he was to say the one thing he had learned in all his 40 years of medical research was that: plants were far superior to drugs. His impeccable teeth were actually the result of a homemade, soft “bubble gum” that he’d been chewing on every morning. Hearing all these, I began sharing my story.
  • 14. The terrible night I almost choked to death on my tooth, my gum disease and all the embarrassment and pain it had caused me, the surgery… And what I had discovered about the indestructible, termite-bacteria… “You know…” S.T. said, after listening carefully to my every word… There’s one and only one thing that reaches every corner of your mouth and goes under your gums: your saliva. Seeing that I didn’t quite understand what he was explaining, S.T. continued... “The most important role of your saliva is to protect your teeth and gums. That’s why it has antibacterial properties and contains lots of minerals and proteins. That’s why the saliva is designed by nature to reach every corner of your mouth and go deep under your gums. Meaning, it has access- so to say- to the places where the bacteria thrive. The only problem is…its power is limited. And, without any help, it can’t possibly break all the tartar or fight millions of multiplying bacteria by itself. Then, it hit me. The solution: turning saliva into the most powerful disinfectant that would break the tartar and destroy all the termite- bacteria. But how? After giving it some thought, S.T. came to my rescue once again. In his 40 years of medical research he had seen herbs 4 times stronger than morphine that could erase migraines
  • 15. and tooth abscess pain… Or oils that made canker sores outbreaks vanish in hours while forcing the affected tissues to regenerate by next day… The only thing was to find the right herbs, plants & oils that would perfectly mix with the saliva and turn it into a strong weapon against the termite-bacteria. By now, you must be very curious and anxious to find out what this ultimate anti-gum disease solution contains... Why it’s so extremely powerful that not only does it fiercely fight gum disease and tooth decay but it also starts the rebuilding and rejuvenation of your teeth while protecting you against other conditions, like cavities and bad breath… And, most importantly... How does it work and why does it work so incredibly well? Please pay very close attention… First of all, we didn’t discover just the one trick that repairs your gums… We’ve gathered a remarkable number of breakthrough recipes inside a unique, teeth-fortifying protocol. Recipes that you can easily prepare in your own home, using dirt-cheap ingredients from the local store… For example, S.T.’s homemade bubble-gum which, honestly, works like you wouldn’t believe.. Or a 'super teeth regrow' formula that makes your teeth feel like new using an ingredient that also speed up your digestion... Or the 'fast whitener formula' that will give you a V.I.P. smile for less than $3... These little-known ingredients - herbs, plants and oils - used in precise quantities - will “dissolve” into your saliva, transforming it into an ultimate weapon that will: Break the existing plaque and tartar that have been loosening your gums and creating a comfortable environment for the termite-bacteria; Locate the bacteria colonies and destroy them by drowning them in purifying substances that will also fight the bleeding and inflammation; Tighten your loose gums and cement the teeth roots; Strengthen your teeth crowns by filling them with minerals and vitamins. This step is a lot like repairing cracked walls. Form a permanent shield for your teeth and gums, making them indestructible against future bacteria or food debris. And all you have to do is follow a few step-by-step instructions. Here’s an example, just to illustrate how easy it is: 1. Take one spoonful of a natural herb powder that we like to call “the Bacteria Exterminator” because it can act faster than antibiotics... 2. Add 30 ml of an oil that Australian commanders secretly used to treat their gums and infected wounds on the battlefield… 3. Blend and chew the soft mixture for 1 minute, then spit it out. Back to this day I don’t know why S.T. agreed to help me gather all the secret recipes, remedies and formulas.
  • 16. Maybe it was because of my story… Maybe because of his passion for natural remedies… Or maybe because, working in the medical industry, he had seen enough dentists stuffing their pockets with money and leaving innocent people to faith after risky and expensive surgeries… But one thing’s for sure: we made an amazing team. Him, a walking “natural alternatives Encyclopedia”… Me, with all my knowledge on chemistry, ready to test every possible interaction between the saliva and the various plants and herbs he had discovered… We worked night after night, testing until dawn inside S.T.’s home laboratory… Making sure that we got the right quantities and the most effective combination of ingredients.... And there were times when I was so tired that I could throw up but, in the end, there it was: a protocol that gathered all-powerful, 100% natural, breakthrough formulas and recipes. Of course, I was the very first one to try it. After the first day, I didn’t feel a thing. Well, maybe hope, which, was still something I thought that I'd lost forever! But when I woke up the second morning, something had clearly changed. There was no more blood after brushing. I just couldn’t believe that- for the first time in months- I wasn’t spitting blood like in a horror villain. The 5 day I just could believe my eyes: more than half of the plaque had disappeared… The 11 day my heart stood still: my front tooth wasn’t moving anymore. Seeing my progress, I gathered a list of 20 people I knew who suffered from various forms of gum disease and asked them to discreetly test out our formula. Every single person accepted immediately, especially because no one needed to leave their house, as we personally delivered them the protocol and ingredients. They each received a daily report form to follow their progress. I was prepared to wait at least a week for the initial reports to come back. But what happened next was amazing... th th Even after 3 or 4 days, I was getting call after call from everyone in the study, claiming their gums and teeth felt like new
  • 17. They were stunned. I was even more SHOCKED at how quickly my gum swelling and tooth pain went away… Honestly, when I woke up one morning and felt no ache, and no metallic taste in my mouth…I thought for a second that I was dead! On Week 3, my gums had tightened back up and completely re-attached to my teeth… By week 4, it was like my gum disease had never happened. Plus, the shade of my teeth was a lot lighter… Not only that but, according to my wife, I wasn’t grinding my teeth in my sleep anymore… My life was completely normal again! I could finally smile, eat whatever I pleased…and nobody would ever judge me for how my teeth looked! And it wasn't just me... When I went to collect the reports from the other subjects in my initial study... The results I saw were astounding! Not a single person reported tooth pain, gum inflammation, plaque or bad breath… And most importantly: no loose teeth. Even S.T. had seen nothing like it. It was clear we couldn't keep this life-saving protocol all to ourselves… So, we decided to make it available for everybody who's tortured by gum disease or tooth decay. We’ve called it: The Steel Bite Protocol
  • 18. Inside you’ll find all the secret ingredients and potent formulas organized in one easy-to-follow guide that you can use to rebuild your gums and teeth today. Once all the bacteria are destroyed, this protocol will help you to… Even though some of these methods are pretty unexpected… They can be used by anyone, at any age, regardless of their medical condition… Even after years of neglect and decline. Plus, as you already know, all you need are a few cheap, natural ingredients that you can buy from the local store. To date, more than 57,000 Americans just like you have already used the Steel Bite Protocol personally, or shared it with a loved one. And across the board, the results are incredible. Gabriel Backer, 40 y. o., from Baltimore, Maryland writes us that: Stop bleeding and receding gums, while you regain their healthy look and feel... Stop the pain and infections (this alone will save your thousands in painful root canals and other dental bills); Make the ugly plaque build-up literally fall shed away your teeth; Escape gingivitis and periodontal diseases; Get rid of bad breath and all the embarrassing moment caused by it; Enjoy the confidence of having whiter teeth, without cavities; Never have to throw your savings on dental implants and risk nerve damage or even facial paralysis… And never, ever have to go to the dentist. “No more bleeding gums and I still can’t believe I got rid of cavities! And to think how easy it was. I’ve been following your protocol for three weeks now and I’ll share
  • 19. Loretta Martin, 48, New Orleans, Louisiana says: Dameon Sanders, 52, Flint, Michigan who believes that: Testimonials, case studies, and examples found on this page are results that have been forwarded to us by users of Steel Bite Protocol products and related products, and may not reflect the typical purchaser's experience, may not apply to the average person and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Now, knowing all of this, it's obvious why Steel Bite Protocol dominates any other option to “fixing” gum disease… Nothing else out there proved to WORK... Inside it you’re shown a completely natural and 100% effective way of destroying the dangerous bacteria that are now lurking deep inside your gums, sentencing you to tooth decay… Of course, you could go to a dentist, who will torture you with sick plaque cleaning methods like dental scaling…… methods that can’t reach the root cause of your gum disease and eliminate the termite-bacteria… it with everyone I know!” Gabriel Backer, Maryland “I was afraid to eat. Always cut everything into tiny pieces and chewed them carefully. After following the protocol for 1 week, I finally had the courage to eat my favourite food: beef steak. It was a huge victory for me.” Loretta Martin, Louisiana “I don’t think there’s a worse pain than tooth pain. I couldn’t focus at work or enjoy my free time and I was hooked on painkillers. Now it’s like I’ve got my life back. No more pain, it just feels so good.” Dameon Sanders, Michigan
  • 20. Or maybe he'll talk you into an expensive, lengthy treatments like gum grafts or pocket elimination surgery... treatments that no doctor can guarantee they work - and good luck getting your insurance to cover the costs of thousands of dollars! Next, your doctor might suggest you to replace your worst teeth with implants that cost $4,500 a pop, and have you wait one-and-a-half year just to see if the operation was a success…not to mention the termite-bacteria can still cause an infection around the implant. You could put your hopes inside special toothpastes or “gum strengthening” creams but these will never be strong enough to be that cure-all you're wishing for. All are a waste of money, time, and energy and you know it. They won't get you well in a million years... Unlike Steel Bite Protocol that can get the job done in less than three weeks while keeping your gums and teeth safe from future dental disorders… You can understand why S.T. and I initially wanted to set the value for Steel Bite Protocol at $399. That’s less than a gum graft surgery… And certainly a lot less than the cost of a dental implant… Plus, with Steel Bite Protocol you don’t run the risk of infections or even face nerve damage as it’s 100% natural and side-effect free… When you think about all of that, it should be pretty clear why both I, and the more than 57,000 people who have already used this program personally… think that $399 is a steal. But This Is Not About Us Making A Profit I’ve seen firsthand how using the Steel Bite Protocol gave me my life back, got me rid of all the pain and humiliation… And how I don’t have to lose sleep at night worrying about whether one of my teeth will fall or not, whether there’s an infection that could spread to my brain and kill me in a matter of hours… Plus, I know the desperation of being sick and broke…with no money to take care of yourself… Which is why I’m not going to ask you to invest anywhere near the $399 I was initially going to price this at… Or even $299, or $199, or heck even $99.