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                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                  Dec. Issue

UN Day, Too Old to Participate...........................................2                  Gulnara Radjapova

AIS vs. TIS......................................................................3-7
Dance Night Reviews.....................................................8-10               Nursultan Salikhbaev

Oct 15th - ONE BILLION people living in hunger...............11
Coffee.........................................................................12-13        Nobonita Bhowmik
Hello Cafeteria, Are you there?...................................14-15
Where on earth Koreans get their food from?..............16-17                              Malika Baratova
                                                                                              Asiya Yakhina
Students’ lunch...........................................................18-19
                                                                                             Isabella Zohrab
School Lunch Constellation..........................................20-21                    Julia McNulty
                                                                                               Elena Kvak
Candy Shop Reviews...................................................22-24                   Hyun Jeong An
                                                                                               Milind Shah
Book Reviews:
                                                                                              Xinbo Zhang
	  Tomorrow, When the War Began................................26                              Said Turaev
                                                                                            Ralph Minderhoud
Ejik..................................................................................27    Gulnara Radjapova
                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue
                                                                             UN Day

	     UN Day, United Nations day, the day of the
year where we bring together all the nations, a day
where one is proud to dress up in your national dress
and teach people about your country. So where do
you draw the line for when to stop doing this? At
what age should we stop acknowledging UN day?
Well according to TIS after elementary you are to old
to engage in it. This year the elementary had a fan-
tastic set up, where each classroom was organized to
reflect a country, with games and pictures centred        The type of lives we lead encourages us to be un-
on the culture of that specific country. The kids had     derstanding and accepting of other nations, since
passports made and they “travelled” to each coun-         we are constantly being exposed to it daily. So why
try getting stamps for their passport, and learning       didn’t we do anything?! Personally I think it’s sad
new things from each different room. By the end of        that a school with the assortment of nationalities
the day the elementary students went home after           such as TIS can’t pull it together to reflect this. It’s
having a whole day dedicated to enjoying and be-          important to encourage the acknowledgement the
ing aware of UN day. Which is all good and great          importance of others, especially as we get older. To
for the elementary kids but what about us?! I hadn’t      enforce this, as our age is what will ensure that when
recognized that you got too old to acknowledge the        we move on and go to other countries the lessons we
unification of nations. Especially at TIS which is an     have learned from our schooling years will always be
international school, it should be dedicated to the       there.
promotion of the mixture of nationalities and cul-
ture us students have.                                    	     Even the manner in which the younger stu-
                                                          dents celebrated UN was a bit under developed,
	     Understandingly we are too old to be play-          they weren’t included in the culture, but rather
ing games and winning prizes (as fun as they are,         had it thrust upon them. Granted the children are
we’ll have to stick to doing this in the privacy of our   young, and at least this way they are getting an in-
homes) but that doesn’t mean we can’t find an age         troduction into awareness of others but just having
appropriate way of celebrating UN day. An assembly        these rooms full of England decorations doesn’t re-
where students volunteer to represent an aspect of        ally explain the culture. It all feels very underplayed
their culture either from a national dance, or poem,      and much more about showing off. Perhaps, when
or anthem. It doesn’t have to be the whole day as         it comes to doing something for the older kids they
obviously IB students can’t afford to be losing that      could give them the opportunity to debate and com-
time, but something would be appreciated!                 ment on issues surrounding the UN. That way it
                                                          would actually be educational and culturally awak-
                                                          ening. Some sort of community action that can in-
                                                          volve all the students, no matter what the age, be-
                                                          cause when you come down to it, there is no age cut
                                                          off for celebrating our nations, and it’s a ridiculous
                                                          assumption on the part of the teachers to think that
                                                          we wouldn’t be bothered by the fact it’s almost prac-
                                                          tically unnoticeable in the high school and middle
                                                          school. I mean unless you had a younger brother or
                                                          sister telling you about what they did in school for
                                                          UN day or the little mark on the school calendar,
                                                          you would hardly know what day it was. So in fu-
                                                          ture, a note out for all the teachers of the school, UN
                                                          day isn’t an ageist thing so don’t treat it like one.

                                                                                                    By Julia C.M
                              TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                    Dec. Issue
                                                                           AIS vs. TIS

    	 As you know, there was a soccer tournament in Almaty recently. All games were held in AIS (guess what
    it stands for...? Automatic Intercept System...? No way… Alarm Indication Signal...?...uhm…are you seri-
    ous...? Australian Institute of Sport?.. Haah... that would be cool, but still… back to the harsh reality: Al-
    maty International School). Actually, we were given a hearty welcome there, probably because the hosts couldn’t
    even think of our malicious intent to explore, observe, and (attention!!) memorize everything we see…
    	 It’s great to go on international trips to get to know other countries, make new friends, compete at
    sports, debating, or whatever else. Another bonus resulting from these trips is being able to vindictively com-
    pare your school to their school in all possible ways.
    	 So, TIS versus AIS...

Bells                                             1 point     Décor                                            1 point

	      How effective is the signal to drag your informa-      	     Do the colors of your school literally brighten
tion-overloaded body to your next class?                      your day?
	      One thing we found very odd about AIS was              	     One of the areas where TIS beats AIS is defi-
their bell. In TIS, we have a shrieking, piercing, pay-       nitely the color scheme. The color of all AIS lockers
attention-to-me-or-be-shot bell which you can’t help          is – grey. The outer walls – grey. The roofs – grey. The
but here. I have seen people drop their books when            floors – white. The walls – white. The bathrooms –
the bell goes off unexpectedly and sleeping students          white with white walls.
wake up yelling “What’s happening?” This is a bell            	     Let’s consider TIS. The outer walls – pale tur-
that demands attention and clearly tells all who here         quoise. The roofs – dark green. The floors – wooden
it to get up, for crying out loud, and get yourself to        or cream tiles. The walls – white, but covered with
your next class.                                              bright posters and artwork. The bathrooms – pink or
	      The AIS bell, on the other hand, would never           blue.
surprise anyone and couldn’t wake up a sleeping stu-          	     Certainly, a school with yellow walls and red
dent if it was played over and over a hundred times           lockers and pink floors would be the stuff that horror
louder than the TIS bell. Simply put, the AIS bell is         movies are made of. On the other hand, a grey and
– a doorbell. Ding-dong, it beeps, signaling all AIS          white school is extremely depressing and rather like
students to head to their next class. How in the world        a hospital. In the freezing, grey, depressing weather
would anyone here this bell in a crowded lunchroom            that accompanied the football tournament, there was
full of hungry teenagers? How would anybody in Ms             not a single piece of color to brighten the atmosphere.
Oakley’s class drama class hear such a gentle, pas-
sive, timid bell and be bothered to move to their next                     TIS wins (exclamations of joy)
               TIS wins (thunderous applause)                                          TIS: 2
                                                                                       AIS: 0
                          TIS: 1
                          AIS: 0

                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue
                                                                       AIS vs. TIS

Bathrooms                                     2 points

	     The strangest thing about AIS was the strange
absence of mirrors. The bathroom next to the cafete-
ria had a common area for boys and girls with sinks,
and then a door for a girls’ bathroom and a door for
the boys’ bathroom, each bathroom containing one
toilet. The room was completely white with one wall
mostly windows, two sinks, a paper towel dispenser,
and…no mirrors. Tiny mirrors that showed only your
chest could be found in the actual bathrooms. The
other bathrooms near the gym had separate rooms
for girls and boys. There, you entered into a room
with two sinks and two tiny mirrors and then you
moved into the rooms with the toilets, three in each.
	     In TIS, however, on every floor there are a pair
of bathrooms. These bathrooms each have two sinks
and one huge mirror, and each bathroom has four
toilets. Mirrors are essential for girls who need to fix Orienteering                                    2 points
hair and makeup. In TIS, they can stand quite com-
fortably. In AIS, you would have to crouch, and that’s 	        How many weeks did it take you to figure out
just uncomfortable.                                      how to find your way around?
                                                         	      For the average un-athletic, sleep-deprived,
                  TIS wins (Yeeeey!!!)                   book-laden student, stairs are simply a chore. We do
                                                         not want to have to drag heavy backpacks up three
                         TIS: 4                          flights of stairs to get to homeroom. Interestingly, the
                         AIS: 0                          eleventh and twelfth graders, the IB students, whose
                                                         backpacks are presumably the heaviest, have most
                                                         classes situated on the third floor. The elementary
                                                         students, on the other hand, most of whom do not
                                                         need backpacks, only have to climb a flight of stairs
                                                         to learn to type or to do finger-painting, or perhaps to
                                                         learn Russian. Where is the justice?
                                                         	      Anyway, the point is, most of AIS is one floor.
                                                         There is no need to drag bags up three flights of stairs
                                                         to get to the next class. All walking is done horizon-
                                                         tally. Vertical movement is very limited, keeping un-
                                                         necessary exercise to a minimum.
                                                         	      Unfortunately, a lot of horizontal movement
                                                         makes the matter of finding places much more diffi-
                                                         cult. AIS’s maze of hallways is organized in such a way
                                                         that I was frequently suspicious that I was literally
                                                         going to circles, not to mention the fact that the walls
                                                         lined with lockers all look the same and there are no
                                                         windows to see if the landscape is repeating itself.
                                                         	      The exhaustion of chairs versus finding your
                                                         next class…let’s call it a tie. One point each.

                                                                                  TIS: 5
                                                                                  AIS: 1

                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue
                                                                       AIS vs. TIS

                                                      Lockers                                          2 points

                                                      	     Can you really cram all your stuff into your locker?
                                                      	     Walking down the maze hallways of AIS, one thing
                                                      caught the attention of all TIS students – the lockers!
                                                      It was like something out of a generic American high-
                                                      school movie – tall, grey and grey. They are wider and
                                                      bigger than the TIS lockers, and much more grey and
                                                      professional-looking. As we walked through the school
                                                      to eat, the strange imitation of a bell informed the
                                                      AIS students that it was time to use their lockers. We
                                                      couldn’t help but see the contents of those lockers.
                                                      	     People could fit jackets, books, changes of clothes,
                                                      shoes, and many more things into their lockers. Imag-
                                                      ine a school where you can leave your sneakers and your
                                                      PE clothes in your locker instead of dragging a gym
                                                      bag to school every four days. Also, imagine a locker
                                                      big enough to hold musical instruments. The TIS lock-
                                                      ers can probably hold flutes, and maybe violins if there
                                                      wasn’t much else inside, but what about guitars or clari-
                                                      nets? Imagine being able to actually fit your locker with
                                                      everything you need! What a wonderful world…

                                                                       AIS wins (Cry of grief)
Changing Rooms                                       3 points
                                                                                TIS: 5
	      How accommodating is the room in which you must                          AIS: 3
change to do all things athletic?
	      We all know TIS’s changing rooms. You can hear any-
thing that is said by the people in them, they smell funny,
and the girls’ changing room has a pair of socks that have
been resident on the heater for over a month.
	      AIS’s changing room has a bench for placing one’s stuff
surrounded by – lockers! Players on the sports teams have
lockers there to store their uniforms, sneakers, water bot-
tles, and addictive gum.
	      On the other hand, the AIS girls’ changing room has
2 showers, the boys’ has 1. The TIS changing rooms have
5 each. AIS’s changing room is a little crowded because of
all the lockers; there is heaps of space in the TIS changing
room. There’s also the matter of the extra door in the AIS
changing room, giving people a great opportunity to open
the door when you really would rather they didn’t.
	      Once again, it’s a toss-up. Storing all your stuff and
less chance of someone staring at you, or a higher chance of
getting a shower and having space to move?

                         TIS-1 AIS-2

                            TIS: 6
                            AIS: 5

                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                    Dec. Issue
                                                                         AIS vs. TIS

Environmental Awareness                           3 points

	     To what extent does the school community sob
over murdered trees?
	     Another interesting fact about AIS is that in the
bathrooms they have containers with tissues on the
walls. “Um… very interesting… “ – you might say, but be
patient. Attention now. While taking out a tissue you
can’t help reading a request, or maybe an entreaty… as
you like. “Save trees. Please, use ONLY ONE tissue.” In
our school we have those rolls of suspiciously brown toi-
let paper and no warnings about disappearing trees. You
know why? Because TIS students are environmentally
friendly by nature, they do not need reminders all over      Kitchen                                      5 points
the bathroom to remember about dying trees. More-
over, the TIS administration, which is environmentally        	     Oh, the glory of having fresh food sold in the
friendly as well, acts wisely when choosing that special      school cafeteria...
kind of toilet paper (recycled toilet paper and quite         	     There is a big and very significant BUT as
rough) to prevent students from over-expenditure of           an advantage of AIS. (Cry of despair) They have a
the paper and killing trees. That is a much more effec-       kitchen!!! Students have their breakfast and lunch
tive way to save trees then hanging those humiliating         at school. And the food is quite tasty.
posters and counting on students’ conscience. So, in the      	     For breakfast we had milk with different
both nominations of ‘environmental friendliness’ and          kinds of cereal, juice, tea, omelettes, and different
‘the most creative administration’ TIS wins. (Thunder-        kinds of cookies or doughnuts, I don’t remember
ous clapping)                                                 exactly. For lunch we had juice, pizza, and lasa-
                                                              gne. The staff was so kind to us. Once we couldn’t
                            TIS: 9                            have our breakfast on time because we had a game.
                            AIS: 5                            We came to the cafeteria when there was nobody
                                                              besides staff down there. They said that we were
                                                              late, and there was nothing left. A suspicion that
                                                              they still might have something for us crept in my
                                                              mind, that’s why we immediately turned on our
                                                              natural charm and asked for food again mention-
                                                              ing that we just had a game outside and showing
                                                              are blue frozen fingers this time. It worked, and we
Cafeteria                                            5 points got our breakfast.
                                                              	     Since that time, when I go to bed, every single
	      Is the room in which you eat big enough to accom- night I have a dream about TIS with a kitchen…
modate everyone?                                              Students are standing in the line for their break-
	      The Cafeteria in AIS is relatively small. I don’t      fasts. I can see shiny smiles on their faces. One by
think that all AIS students can be there at once. Prob-       one they get their food and take seats at tables in
ably students have to eat by turns. But all AIS students      the cafeteria. They slowly sip their steaming coffee,
eat in the cafeteria and don’t bring their lunches from       and eat their doughnuts with gusto. At that very
home. Our school cafeteria is more capacious, though          moment I always wake up with a cold sweat on my
not all of our students eat in the cafeteria. Life is unfair, face.
isn’t it?.. So, in the nomination of the ‘biggest cafeteria’
TIS wins. (Prolonged applause)                                                  AIS wins (Goood…)

                          TIS: 14                                                   TIS: 14
                          AIS: 5                                                    AIS: 10

                              TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                      Dec. Issue
                                                                          AIS vs. TIS

    Football field                                 5 points

    	      The state of the TIS football field is a sensi-
    tive subject. With its uneven ground, the corpses
    of birds infrequently found in the tufts of grass, the
    yellow bald spots, and the suspicious large patches
    of muddy water, it is hardly an ideal place to learn
    how to play football.
    	      The AIS field on the other hand, is more or
    less even, young, therefore not balding. It’s relative-
    ly smooth, with no deep muddy ponds to fall into,
    and no holes or grassy knolls to break an ankle trip-
    ping over.
    	      AIS also actually has places to sit and watch
    the games – three or four benches compared to
    TIS’s two. Both are quite pathetic numbers, but
    still, AIS is slightly less pathetic in the accommoda-
    tion of enthusiastic (freezing) fans.

               AIS wins (Cry of desperation)
                                                              It was close in the end, but AIS still beats TIS. Our lack
                            TIS: 14                              of a kitchen, balding excuse for a football field, and
                            AIS: 15                            tiny lockers can’t compare to AIS’s busy kitchen, smooth
                                                                green field, and huge grey lockers. Even though our
                                                               changing rooms and the organization of our schools are
                                                               tied, and TIS excels with our piercing school bells, our
                                                                brightly decorated hallways, our huge bathrooms with
                                                              their big mirrors, our big cafeteria and our care for
                                                                all things green, AIS still beat us in the end, just like
                                                                        they beat the girls in the tournament…

                                                                             By Isabella Z. and Asiya Y.

                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                   Dec. Issue

                                                                        Dance Night

Slack Beginning                                                Épigraphe:
                                                               ”I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good
	     It was my first and hopefully not last dance             night…”
night at TIS. Dance night started off from drawing             Black Eyed Peas
nice pink ticks, or birds, or maybe curves (y=2x2) on
the hands of those who were lavish with two thou-
sands sum on that day… So after STUCO drew those
signs of wealth on our hands, proud and gratified,
we entered the MPR but… found nobody there (6:30
p.m.). Some people were waiting for something in-
conceivable to happen in the study area and were
vigorously not going to dance. Others were sitting
on the chairs by the walls in MPR and looked strange
while just attentively observing garish green rays
playing on the walls instead of dancing. Why, if we
want to do something, don’t we just start doing it in-
stead of waiting for others to do it for us? Even if it’s
dancing… people still waited for something and we
decided to set a shining example by making uncoor-
dinated movements to the music. (6:50 p.m.)Gradu-
ally more and more people overcame their shyness
and threw themselves into a dance.

                                                            Compared to the Dance Night at AIS…

                                                            	     Time passed and I noticed how talented TIS
                                                            dancers are. By the way during the AIS dance night
                                                            I was bored but here I had fun. In AIS there was a
                                                            certain group of dabbling-in-being-DJs people who
                                                            selected songs, but in TIS People’s opinion was taken
                                                            into consideration and we could choose songs on our
                                                            own. Long live Democracy!!! Hurray!

What Happens When the Demand Doesn’t Corre-
spond to the Supply…

	     Soon more and more people went to the small
gym to have a snack (about 7:15 p.m.) and I found
myself almost all alone in the MPR. Did people
come to the dance night to eat? Duuh… Though
many people stayed in the small gym for quite a
long time and apparently were eating during this
period of time, StuCo still had food to sell by the
end of the dance night. After I heard Gulya’s voice
calling people to buy something to eat, I went to
the small gym and bought a bottle of coke. Dear
StuCo, sorry I didn’t buy any food. I swear I wasn’t
                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                  Dec. Issue
                                                               Dance Night
Dance Battle

	     An enormous multitude of TIS students could show
their talent for dancing during the dance battle. It was
hooot in the MPR when dancers were competing against
each other trying to figure out who is better, who is good
enough to win. It took rather long to decide who was better
because the crowd as a rule, voted equally loud for both
dancers. I would like to make a special mention of two
people who also participated in the dance battle: Rodrigo
and Jasper. You guys were awesome!!! Dancing in such your
style undoubtedly deserves respect and recognition.

	     This dance night was fun. Moreover, it was well orga-
nized. There were two interesting competitions (wriggle-
in-a-not-really-comfortable-way-under-the-stick competi-
tion and dance battle), we could buy food or something to
drink if we wanted to, and there were songs we asked for.
Thank you, StuCo members, for taking our opinion into
consideration and organizing this event.

                                                 By Asiya Y.

                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue
                                                                      Dance Night

	    At the end of the quarter after many re-           PEOPLE YOU CAME TO
quests were made by the TIS students STUCO
decided to organize a new event. It was a Dance
                                                       DANCE NIGHT TO DANCE
Night.                                                          NOT TO
	     Those of you who came I bet don’t regret            EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it. On the whole, dance night was successful and
not successful at the same time. Yes, there was        	     Also I would like to note that dance night was the
fun. Yes, music was good. Yes, food was awe-          first event when our FOTO (Friends Of The Orphanage)
some. And yes, the price wasn’t high. But the         team started to work. They made a beautiful big tree and
huge failure of STUCO was that they didn’t pay        every student could come and buy a leaf or an apple and
enough attention to the promotion part of the         through this help the orphans.
event. Many students just ignored it. It means
that posting small A4 size papers on the walls
and making one morning announcement 2 days
before the actual event is not enough.

	     Again like in a previous event Candy Shop
did a good job. The Food they were selling was
as good as ever. There were many tables so you
could eat with comfort, away from the MPR
where music didn’t disturb you. I think, howev-
er, this fact also played a bad role. Not many peo-
ple came to dance, night but STUCO lost even
more people because they preferred to spend
their time chatting with their friends and eating
delicious food in a so called cafeteria. I think
that it was disappointing not only for STUCO
but also for those who didn’t want to leave but
had to as they didn’t want to spend time alone.

                                                        ATTENTION HERE: this action is still in operation
                                                        – buy an apple or a leaf from Loulou or Wonsuk in
                                                        Grade 12.

                                                      	   I think it was a good job that they earned 61000

                                                      	     As always I want to say thanks to our STUCO as it
                                                      was a great job. Despite the problem that occurred, our
                                                      students had fun. Also I want to say that our 10th graders
                                                      were the best dancers as nothing could stop them. They
                                                      were not seduced by food or the overwhelming desire to
                                                      chat. They were dancing all night long and moreover al-
                                                      most all of them came to the event.

                                                      	    So, at the end we say more dancing night and more
                                                      cool events from our STUCO are needed.
                              TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                    Dec. Issue
                                                                             Oct 15th

                 ONE BILLION of Population Living in Hunger

     	     On Oct 15th many people in TIS are very hap-
     py, because it’s the day before the fall break; some
     people plan to go back to their homeland, some
     people plan to travel to another country and so
     on… Almost 16% of the world population can’t even
     dream about such things - a simple reason is they
     are still living in hunger, and their number is ex-
     tremely large which is about 1.02 billion - according
     to the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization)

     	    World food day

     	     On Oct 15th, the FAO published its report
     which showed there are around 1.02 billion people
     around the world still living in hunger. For the first
     time in the past 40 years this number broke 1 bil-
     lion. Compared to last year the hungry population
     has increased by nearly 100 million, which is about
     10%, and such an increase is one of the highest in
     past 40 years. What concerns the FAO is that this
     number is calculated from the data from the past
     two years, which can only partially reflect the world
     food crisis today, and the report has shown that
     even before the economic crisis the number of peo-
     ple starving is increasing, which is pretty awful. If
     you look at the starvation line which set by the FAO,
     people who get less than 1800 calories per day are
     considered to be starving. How much is 100 grams
     of chocolate? Every 100 grams of chocolate contains
     nearly 2500 CALORIES! I think you probably should
     have a general idea about their life.

     	    What can we do?

     	    There are many things we can do; you can do-
     nate money to the FAO or give some money to the
     Red Cross and so on, but I’m not recommending            You can always find some burgers which are not
     you do these things, because you are not earning         even opened in the trash cans. We should really
     money right now. Therefore, a simple way you can         take the problem of wasting food seriously, be-
     help hungry people is STOP WASTING FOOD. I               cause if we look at the hungry population, which
     don’t want give a lot of scary numbers about how         is equal to nearly one in every seven people, which
     much food we are wasting very day, but if you were       is unbelievable in the 21st century.
     paying a little bit more attention to the lunch room
     trash can, you will know the waste of food in TIS is a   Conclusion
     serious problem.

                                                              Stop wasting your FOOD!
                          TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                Dec. Issue

                      Energizer Bunny
                  Actuall Drinks Coffee!!!

	      How many days in a school year do we
sense the delicious coffee aroma wafting all over
the room? Adults seem to live on coffee, which
isn’t surprising to a modern student. What ex-
actly makes the adult subspecies, among us
called teachers, so much in need of and in love
with coffee? Why do students, as they near
graduation, also become dependent on this iron
of beverages?

	     If you don’t know the answer, you are
probably a young, innocent sixth grader. While
this is not a bad thing, it’s pretty clear that you
might not have the experience with coffee that
overloaded students in the double-digit grades
have. Therefore you don’t know about the mi-
raculous effects that coffee brings, namely alert-
ness and hyperactivity. So, some teachers are
walking around with their mugs full of instant
coffee, while others prefer the real stuff (for a
price). If you ever felt like playing a sport after
passing the office, it is because you have inhaled
the energizing fumes of coffee brewed in the           	     “The PTA did mention, I want to be very
PTA coffee machine.                                    transparent, that they wouldn’t have a problem,
                                                       they would like, the students to buy because that
	     Now, of course some of us, students, have        would mean they’d make more money. But, the
drunk coffee at home. But are we allowed to            price of coffee is going from 500 to 1000, still that’s
drink coffee at school, buy it here or bring it        a bargain for a good cup of coffee, but I don’t think
with you in a shiny thermos? Has anyone ever           the PTA has thought through it because I don’t
discussed it at a serious level with anyone? “No-      think the machine could sustain that.”
body has ever approached me about it, and I’ve
been here four years.” says Ms. Heard. “I know         	      Fellas, let’s face it, that machine is one flimsy
a lot of schools do have coffee but I think what       little box. The reason for not allowing us to drink
we don’t want to happen is for students to be          coffee is because of the fear that if students joined
wired with that coffee because this particular         the coffee-drinking cult, the machine would break.
coffee is very strong.” Our principal is, of course,   “Right now as it is, because of where it’s located,
speaking of the priced stuff made in the office        the office staff have to put water in it, load the
for teachers and parents. Students have no ac-         beans, we’re talking about pulling people away
cess to the instant teacher coffee, but no one         from their jobs to maintain that coffee machine for
has prohibited students from buying this coffee,       the PTA. Were students to be allowed to use it too
right?                                                 I think we’d have to talk about a different location,
                                                       a different machine and somebody there to be re-
                                                       sponsible for it.” Hey, what if the Candy Shop took
                                                       to maintaining a coffee machine? Wouldn’t that be
                                TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                      Dec. Issue

                           Energizer Bunny
                       Actuall Drinks Coffee!!!

     	     “I think the point is if you’re using it as a bev-
     erage just because you love it or drink it and it’s
     not so strong and it’s not making you really hyper,
     I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But, I think that
     as a faculty and a school we’d have to look into a
     policy on coffee because at this moment there isn’t

     	     A policy. Yes, the school will have to estab-
     lish who will be responsible for the coffee ma-
     chine, who will maintain it, who will be allowed
     to buy the coffee. If anyone in the school decides
     to bring this topic up, there will be quite a discus-
     sion. “We’d have to look at it from a lot of different
     angles.” notes Ms. Heard. “I’ve been in seven dif-
     ferent schools and coffee has never been allowed.
     Or cokes.” So we’re actually pretty lucky.

     	     Why isn’t coffee allowed in some schools
     and completely available to all in others? Well,
     because the schools have different policies and
     belief statements. If a school decides it wants to
     be one-hundred-percent healthy, they won’t allow
     coffee. If a school decides that their student body
     is wise enough to know if they should drink coffee,
     the school just makes it available. Ms. Heard says,
     “I think the initiative would have to come from
     and involve the parents, faculty, the PTA. We’d
     all have to be involved in this.” If this was a USSR
     propaganda poster, it would say, “Students of the          I’ll answer the last:
     World, Unite in the Fight for Our Coffee Rights!
     Equality for all Consumers of Coffee!” We aren’t in
     the USSR anymore and the message is thus: if we,
     students of TIS, do not care about coffee enough
     to make a suggestion to the PTA or someone high            	     So that we don’t walk around the school with
     up in the school, we will not get anything done,           a glassy stare. So that we never fall asleep while
     since grown ups are well-known to forget things            reading a book in class. So that we never answer
     and die before they remember. We have to take the          to a teacher “I don’t know?” again when the actual
     initiative in getting what we want, right?                 answer is about fifty words longer and doesn’t end
                                                                with a question mark. I have said enough. I’m off
                                                                to invent coffee batteries- when I’m done the Ener-
                                                                gizer Bunny will lose the race.

                                                                                                      By Malika B.

                          TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                Dec. Issue

                                                           School Cafeteria

	     Let’s imagine here, that you’re going into a
fancy restaurant that’s just opened. The reviews
on the food are great and you’re really looking
forward to the idea of going out with your friends
and trying out somewhere new. So your turn up
at this restaurant and the smells, even from the
outside are positively mouth watering, and you’re
thinking this place is going to be good. Then
you walk inside, and you see that there isn’t any-
where to sit. You’ve got this fantastic kitchen in
the background, and all these really fancy look-
ing servers and yet, no tables. I bet you’re think-
ing that isn’t right, where are the tables? Well you
know what; you have every right to be thinking

                                                       	     I wanted to paint that picture for you, an
                                                       analogy of what our cafeteria or lack there of is
                                                       like. See, the food options at TIS include, ei-
                                                       ther bring your own lunch from home (in my
                                                       opinion the safest bet) or pre-order the school
                                                       lunch. Oh wait, of course I forgot the other op-
                                                       tion although you’ll have to be Korean to get
                                                       included, but well some of you are. The mysteri-
                                                       ous option number three is Korean food served
                                                       by the mothers to only Korean kids. But that
                                                       aside, what ever your food choice, your going to
                                                       need somewhere to eat it. Otherwise, it all feels
                                                       sort of wasted. Good food eaten standing up is
                                                       hardly worth it. At the moment the places to eat
                                                       consist of the MPR, (small and rather cramped
                                                       for the entire school to be eating in) the candy
                                                       shop (only about four benches, and when it gets
                                                       cold where do we go?) and well wherever you
                                                       can find an empty spot, that isn’t the library of
                                                       course. (That would be deadly)

                               TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                     Dec. Issue

                                                              School Cafeteria

     	     Anyway, it’s a much debated argument
     amongst students where can we eat, and what can
     we eat? As I said the options are rather limited at
     best, and the eating arrangements even more lack-
     ing. So as an active member of the Spark newspa-
     per, I took it upon myself to interview the man in
     charge; Mr.Brindley. And I can say that a cafeteria
     is fortunately on the horizon, of course no official
     date was set or a particular time frame but we can’t
     be picky, at least it’s been brought to attention eh?

     	      Mr.Brindley says that as of last week’s Board
     meeting the cafeteria idea was set in motion.
     However, the down side is it’s not actually up to
     him, and will have to be passed through the com-
     mittees, who of course are much more concerned
     with expansion for the primary, secondary and
     office space. But when you come down to it, if the
     school expands and we have an increase in stu-
     dent population, catering for 500 students is going
     to be even more difficult with the facilities avail-
     able then it is now. That will all come in due time,
     though for now the basic idea is that it would be
     adjacent to the park in the front of the school, so
     that students could have a nice view and atmo-
     sphere when eating. What is being considered is a
     kitchen, serving area and of course a seating area.
     The food will no doubt have to be healthy, as pro-
     moting unhealthy food would be a crime against
     nature. Mr.Brindley was suggesting a wide range
     of cultural food, perhaps served by local people,
     and a mixture of cold food and hot food. This is
     always an issue, as timing is essential. Hot food
     needs time to be prepared and cold food doesn’t so
     how do you organize these around one another?
     Prices are another issue, but until we know what
     sort of food is going to be served I wouldn’t worry
     too much. But the cafeteria is hopefully going to
     be catering to the parents and teachers as well.
     Somewhere for them to sit in and perhaps enjoy a
     tea or coffee, while waiting for their children. This
     cafeteria will surely be a big impact on everyone,
     so hopefully the board will take this into acknowl-
     edgement and do something about it quickly, not
     put it off as a less important issue. As it most sure-
     ly is not. Bottom line is, the cafeteria now is not
     sufficient at all, and action should be a top priority
     for the near future.

15                                           By Julia C.M
                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                  Dec. Issue

                                                                   School Lunch

	     The time is 11:30am. Just like everyday, the bell
rings and lunch time starts. Some people head to
candy shop, some people head to benches outside
and some people go directly to the MPR. Most of
Korean students who go to the MPR are offered Ko-
rean food. They receive stainless dishes, with rice
and warm soup with three different kinds of dishes
that go with rice from Korean women. After they
finish the lunch they return the empty dishes and
leisurely leave the MPR. Where on earth did they
get the food from? Why do only Koreans have that
food? Who are those Korean women who are dis-
tributing the food?

                                                          	     It came to light that the food is from one old
                                                          Korean woman who volunteered to cook and offered
                                                          the food. The Korean mothers volunteered to work
                                                          at the MPR distributing the food to the students. A
                                                          system like this is common in Korea. The main aim
                                                          of starting this Korean food system was for Korean
                                                          students who could not adapt to the school lunch

                                                          	     If so, is it impossible for students who are not
                                                          Korean to have Korean lunch? According to one
                                                          woman who was giving the food to the kids, there
                                                          are a few students and teachers who are not Korean
                                                          having Korean food. Nevertheless rather than get-
                                                          ting it regularly, they inform the day that they want
                                                          the food to the old woman and pay for the food on
                                                          that specific day. The reason why any person cannot
                                                          pay and immediately get the food is the quantity of
                                                          food and the number of the dishes is limited. Some
                                                          students get food by asking their Korean friends.
                                                          But both of those two ways are quite annoying and

                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                  Dec. Issue

                                                                School Lunch

 	     The situation is not proper and quite hard
 for people who are not Korean to have Korean
 lunch service regularly. The reason is, first of all,
 because it is not applicable just like school lunch
 service. School lunch service provides a small
 coated sheet, which is the menu, to everybody.
 When one gives this to the man in front, the food
 is offered. Unlike this, the only way to get the Ko-
 rean food is to ask the old Korean woman to offer
 the food. However, unfortunately, she does not
 speak English and that makes it much harder to
 communicate. The second reason is the extremely
 high price. The average price for one meal is 6000
 to 6500 sum. This is much more expensive than
 the price of the school lunch service or a sandwich
 from the candy shop. People are rarely willing to
 pay that high of a price unless they are Korean.

   	   In spite of the increasing number of students
 who want to be able to purchase Korean food, the
 access it is limited. This is also because of a lack
 of support from the school itself. When we get
 the application form for the school lunch service,
 there is only one sheet and nothing about Korean
 	     On the other hand there are lots of Korean
 students who prefer not to have Korean food. This
 is because of the price that may weigh heavily on
 students and the limitation that they should eat in
 the MPR. Or they prefer their own food or simpler
 food such as hot dogs or sandwiches to have more
 spare time during lunch time.

                                                         	     If you are not Korean I suggest that the sim-
                                                         plest way to get Korean food is to ask any of your
                                                         Korean friends. And if you are Korean, there must
                                                         be movement against the extremely high price
                                                         compared to the other choices. These also would
                                                         lead to the conclusion that the school should find
                                                         ways to offer a lunch service that would satisfy
                                                         both Korean and non-Korean students.

                                                                                         By Hyun-Jeong An

                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue

                                                         Students’ Lunch

          In this issue we are trying to deeply look at the lunch
                           problem in our school.

      	 My job here is to tell you more about
      lunches that come here everyday from
      a mysterious café or restaurant, who
      knows, and that is sold by people in the
      MPR. I will call it just lunch.

      	 So, basically I’m writing about this
      because I’m one of these rare people who
      buy it.

	     Another problem is that our school is working
with these lunch makers for the first time so basi-
cally when you choose a dish you don’t know what’s
going to jump out of the plastic box. Some food they
make is so delicious and tasty that you start thinking
why didn’t you order more portions. On the other
hand, sometimes when you open the box you think
that you better not take any risks and buy something
else. Actually it doesn’t mean that the food is bad or
you can be poisoned but the way it looks make you
think about your safety.

	     It happened to me once when I ordered
“Chicken with macaroni”. When I took it I saw
that there were green and orange macaroni, but no
white. I was surprised and didn’t eat it. But what it
actually meant was that any day I chose this dish, for
I had to find another source to buy food from and it
was annoying.

	     The main problem with this lunch is that you
have to decide what you want to eat for the whole
month and once you put a tick mark in front of the
dish on the form you cannot change it. But what if
I suddenly change my mind? What if I don’t want
to eat noodle soup today? Don’t think that the sell-
ers will be happy if you tell them this and will give
you anything you want. Nope! They won’t do this.
You are just going to be hungry and starving without
lunch, if you won’t buy something else for an addi-
tional price. I’m actually a person who changes her
mood and desires every second, so I have problems
with this “month predicting and planning method”.
                               TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                     Dec. Issue

                                                                       Students’ Lunch

     	    Ok. Here, for you I have list of dishes that I’ve already tested
     and I made notes for each one. My list isn’t long but still it could
     help you to make your choice when you will have to plan your

                                                             Kimbab – guys, this is the best dish
                                                             I have ever eaten from this caf-

                                                             Chicken with macaroni – for those of
                                                             you who want to take risks + all
                                                             the comments above

                                                             Kiev style cutlet with corn – actually it
                                                             was a really good one, I advise you
                                                             to try

                                                             Chicken filet roasted in eggs – it’s too
                                                             oily but not bad

                                                             Macaroni with cheese – not enough

                                                             Fruit salad – vegetarians, this is for

                                                             Vegetarian sandwich – do we call a
                                                             sandwich something with meat in-
                                                             side? But as it is vegetarian, there
                                                             was no meat inside so it was just
                                                             bread, salad, tomato and cucumber.
                                                             This is for those who like vegeta-
                                                             bles and refuses meat

                                                             Pizza – fast food forever!!!! It
                                                             was good enough but not actually

                                                  	    So, for now this is the whole list of dishes I ordered
                                                  before. I hope it will help you somehow. Students’ lunches
                                                  could be good and could be bad. In our case everything de-
                                                  pends on your unconscious choice.
                           TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                 Dec. Issue
                                                                      School Lunch

                  	     Today in TIS there are probably 3 types of lunches, one is Korean
                  Lunch for Koreans, second is school restaurant lunch for the rest, and the
                  third is Candy Shop or your own packed lunch. In this article I’m just
                  trying to evaluate three different types of lunches, I will list the advan-
                  tage and disadvantage below, then you can determine which lunch is best
                  for you. This is based on my own experiences; and in general this is a
                  disaster, I would never want to have such an experience again.

 	      In general, school lunch is not bad, but this     Then if we look at the price of Samsa, a potato Sam-
 still is a disaster, at least for me and some side-      sa cost 700 sum! And the taste needs to be tolerated.
 effects have happened to me when I try the school
 lunch.                                                   	     But school lunch has some advantages, which
                                                          is that they are the official lunch provider of school
 	     The hot dog is what most people like to buy        and everyone can order their lunch , and the speed
 from the school lunch shop. However you can              of getting your food is well… speedy; also some
 see that, less and less people are buying the hot-       dishes have quite a nice taste based on my last year
 dog from the school lunch shop. Why? I think             of school lunch experiences.
 the price is important. How much does a hot-dog
 cost outside of school? Probably from 600-1000           	    Even though some school dishes have quite a
 sum would be the maximum. The bread is usually           good taste, and arrive faster, but when you think of
 much bigger and the sausage is much longer, but          the price of lunch, and the side-effect of eating the
 if we look at school lunch, a single small hot-dog       lunch.
 with a little sausage costs 1500 sum, which is a di-

	    In general I think that the Korean Lunch tastes pretty
good. Everyday they have either rice or Kimpab, also soup
and I especially like the pickles, so, I have a pretty good re-
view about Korean Lunch. The largest Non-official school
lunch provider of TIS.

	     You can always see people fighting for a Kimpab when
Koreans have it for lunch. I really don’t know whether this
is good or bad, because on one side it means the Korean
lunch is very tasty, but on the other hand it means “you
can’t get Korean lunch very easily, unless you are a Korean.”

	    This is a Quote from a teacher in TIS. Therefore the
key point I will talk about here is why non-Koreans can’t
have Korean Lunch.

	    Some teachers were trying to ask for Korean lunch,
but the Korean lady was saying NO to the teachers. My Ko-
rean friends told me that maybe that Korean lady doesn’t
understand English really well; she might think the teacher
                              TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                   Dec. Issue
                                                                      School Lunch

     just want a Korean lunch for one day, therefore the   Russian or Uzbek, and every single of them are
     lady says NO to the teacher. He said it is possible   ordering lunch from the official school lunch pro-
     to let non-Koreans have Korean lunch, but the         vider.
     form that you need to complete is written in Ko-
     rean. So, if you want have a Korean lunch you need    	    So, it’s very interesting to see that the two
     to know how to speak Korean or some of your Ko-       majority groups of school students have their own
     rean friends should help you to complete the form.    lunch provider, but what about the minority of the
                                                           TIS students? Most of them chose to bring their
     	    Even though lots of people would like to try     own lunch from home, and therefore read my next
     the Korean lunch, there are also people who said      sub-topic.
     even if they have an opportunity to have Korean
     lunch they wouldn’t take it, and most of them are

     	    It is hard for me to determine the taste of       	    That’s a lot more love than you can’t get
     your lunch, unless I can try everyone’s lunch,         from any school lunch provider. The price will be
     therefore you need to decide whether you have a        much cheaper if cooking at home.
     good and tasty lunch or not. As the one who brings
     his own lunch every day I would like to use my         	     Disadvantages are also involved in this case.
     example to talk of some advantages and disadvan-       If your parent’s forced you to eat lunch cooked by
     tages of bringing your own lunch.                      them and they think they cooked up a very nice
                                                            taste but actually it’s gross, that’s going to be a
     	     There are tons and tons of advantages to         disaster for you. Also if you forget your lunch at
     bringing your own lunch. One is the food that          home and you just realize this during lunch time,
     wouldn’t make you feel bad down there, because         then you don’t have money to buy food.
     you are adjusted to it and you know how old the
     bread is and how they cook it. In many cases your
     parents cook lunch for you; therefore you can taste
     the “love” that your parents put in your lunch.

                    	     Every lunch provider has their own advantage and disadvantage and
                    if you are smart you know which lunch is good for you, you won’t think
                    lunch is a disaster, but if you have make the wrong choice, I think the
                    only word you can describe your lunch is “DISASTER.”

                             TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                   Dec. Issue
                                                                        Candy Shop

	    The candy shop, normally the place where stu-
dents unquestionably devote their teeth to the on-
slaught of sugary sweets, has sparked some unrest
among the students. Well, unrest is an exaggeration,
people were initially upset about the new prices at
the candy shop but, as humans tend todo more often
than they should, they have long forgotten the good          	     The second issue is that the candy shop now has
old days of 1,000 sum chocolate and coca-cola. This          no purpose, other than to sell us candy. It is no dif-
price raise, on top of the fact that the candy shop has      ferent than a McDonalds opening in school, I doubt
seceded from the student council, has raised some            people would tolerate that, yet we tolerate the candy
eyebrows among the candy-addicts. Are the candy-             shop? Our toleration was based on the fact that
fanatic’s feelings unjustified or is there in fact a prob-   we knew our money was coming back to us in the
lem with the way the candy shop is operating?                form of events. Now our money goes into the candy
                                                             shop and into making it a bigger, better and stron-
 	     The issue of price was the initial action that        ger organization (McDonalds style). The candy shop
caused people to question the beloved candy shop.            members like to argue that they are doing it for the
I would like to point out that based on observation          students and they are taking the profit to buy new
the candy shop has not been receiving fewer custom-          machines to offer new products to us. Profit only
ers and I wouldn’t hesitate to guess that they were,         leads to one outcome, more profit. Since the candy
in fact, receiving more. It would seem that people           shop now has no purpose, the only logical thing for
are either too addicted or don’t care enough to have         them to do is to sell for no-profit and just be a center
done anything about the candy shop’s new prices,             for sweets. This would resolve the issue of prices be-
although they did manage to moan and groan for the           ing raised as now people know that if the prices are
first few weeks the candy shop started selling. To be        raised it is not for the candy shop’s self-interest. An-
fair to the candy shop group, yes that group of female       other thing they could do is rejoin the student council
students whose system of management is similar               which in the past allowed the candy shop to spend
to that of a mafia, the prices are actually reasonable       their money on new things before giving it to the
based on other prices in Tashkent. It would seem             student council. Some examples are the new toasters,
candy prices have in fact risen and I’ve been in a few       new water boiler (although the noodles have disap-
shops selling things for similar prices. For example,        peared) and the slushy machines.
the last time I checked, the closest shop to school
sells Twix and M&Ms for 1,100 cym which is only 100          	     Although this shift in the candy shop’s modus
cym less than the candy shop. So the complaints              operandi has left us critical of the candy shop we
about the prices are just normal complaints that are         mustn’t forget the good things. The candy shop is a
expressed when anything becomes more expensive.              great place to hang out. I’m not sure whether it’s habit
Albeit there is still an issue here and it stems from        or the shade that attracts people but I tend to find
the issue of the increased prices.                           myself instinctively heading in that general direction
                                                             at lunch and after school. I would also like to com-
	     Prices are increased to maintain a profit margin       mend the group as they do invest a lot of time and ef-
and in the past the candy shop’s profit margin was           fort. They always try their best to make sure the candy
given to the student council to use in events. This          shop is stocked up and they make cheese sandwiches
year the candy shop is no longer part of the student         daily, not to mention that sometimes we get a home-
council which means that their profit margin stays at        made treat on Mondays. Also during events which re-
the candy shop. The candy shop is now a completely           quire large amounts of food, the lock-in for example,
independent enterprise that has no purpose but to            the candy shop always invests countless hours clean-
give us sweets.This is a problem for a few reasons.          ing, cutting and cooking. Hopefully the candy shop
The first being is that now the student council’s            will resolve some of the issues of this year and the
source of money has disappeared. This is an issue            candy-addicts can indulge themselves without having
as the student council is supposed to be the central         to complain about the prices.
organization responsible for organizing events but                                                       By Ralph M.
now they don’t even have the money to.
                              TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                    Dec. Issue
                                                                         Candy Shop

     	    Lunchtime! We finally get our rest from learn-      	     Back to the topic- the Candy Shop. How pop-
     ing and can go sit down and have a chicken and           ular is it at school? Quite popular, I’d say, despite
     mustard and banana sandwich, which you eat in            the fact that there is (“oh, my!”) competition- the
     about 5 minutes, as usual. So what do you do now?        school caterers also sell some “yummies”, as does
     You’re still very hungry. Of course, you go to the       the Sports Council, but only on sport matches. Of
     Candy Shop! No offense, Stuco, but Candy Shop is         course, we prefer the Candy Shop due to it selling
     hardly an appropriate name, since the thing closest      representatives of most levels of the food pyra-
     to candy that one might get there is Starburst. It’s     mid as well as due to the fact that the Candy Shop
     more like a chocolate bar shop…                          is open after school, during lunch, and during
                                                              matches. This neither of the competition even at-

     Now, even though we have some fruits, juices, and        	     There have been speculations about what
     baked goods available, a lot of people still prefer      would happen if we were to suddenly cut all sourc-
     the energy-packed sugary candy bars. The reasons         es for chocolate bars within the school. If there
     for our maximized sugar consumption are that sec-        were no student-employing chocolate-selling in-
     ondary students generally stay after school, doing       stitutions at school, would people eat less sugar-
     activities or waiting for activities to start, or they   based chocolate bars and be healthier? Or would
     are doing homework or projects and need sugar to         students calmly bring chocolate from home, and
     slap them awake. One of the teachers I know even         the consumption of sugar be about the same per
     refers to candy bars as “survival”.                      average student? Now that would make an amaz-
                                                              ing lab report. Except for the fact that you get eat-
                                                              en by sugar-depraved students at some point dur-
                                                              ing the experiment.

                          TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                Dec. Issue
                                                               Candy Shop

	     About the chocolate dealers- do you know
how the Candy Shop started? Before that, there
was nothing- nowhere to get our energy from,
no amazing little box of a shop to get your food
from- until the Stuco decided to change things.
They set up the very first Candy Shop! You know
the “study area” before you enter the MPR? Well
between the bamboo screen and the window,
was the CS. Anyway, in 2007, the Candy Shop
moved outside, into a box which we are so famil-
iar with. Beautifully decorated and equipped,
it was ready for action and lots of customers!
Which it obviously received.

	     How much money does the CS make from            	     Sounds like the Candy Shop management
selling food every day? I didn’t dare ask such im-    knows what they want. But do they know what
pudent questions. What I did ask is what is all       we want? Has anyone heard about a survey pro-
this money-making for? Last year, school year         vided by the Candy Shop to see what we like
2008- 2009, Student Council sold subsidized           to eat? No, because there isn’t one! The Candy
TIS hoodies- an interesting, school spirit-up-        Shop has gone way healthier since last year,
lifting investment. What will happen this year        which is pleasing for dieters and health nuts,
then? Will the student council proceed with           and there are still things to be cleared up. Why,
their school-spirit uplifting mission, or will they   for example, aren’t there hot cup noodles this
find a different way of investing? It’s much too      year? The Candy Shop management is great but
early in the year to see, and from what I heard,      we have yet to connect to them directly. As far as
the Student Council is actually quite a separate      I know the Candy Shop, has been a body which
entity from the Candy Shop which, means that          exists in integration with the rest of the student
all money earned by the Candy Shop goes to            body, but always thinks up its own menu. This is
(gasp!) the Candy Shop. A Candy Shop repre-           good for a basic selection of snacks but wouldn’t
sentative, Madina Gazieva, has kindly respond-        you want to work on the details with the con-
ed to my inquiries.                                   sumers?

“The money is to buy more food: chocolate,
drinks, fruits, bread, cheese, ice cream, etc,
                                                      	      The sole purpose of this in-school business
and we are planning to buy more technologies,
                                                      is, of course, to provide us with all the junk and
once we have enough. A big water boiler is our        non-junk food that might help us not starve to
aim for now, later we will come up with more          death during the school year. This isn’t an inter-
things we can do to improve the Candy Shop.”          esting or very controversial topic, but aren’t you
                                                      grateful for the bountiful realms of the box out-
                                                      side? While we’re on the topic, I think we should
                                                      register the Candy Shop as a TIS trademark.
                                                      Who knows..?

                                                                                           By Malika B.

                            TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL

                                  Dec. Issue
                                                                    Book Reviews

 Once upon a time, a little girl grew up. Then she drew a lot of cartoons on how she did it....
                                                 	     The little girl’s name is Marjane Satrapi, who brings us a
                                                 tale of growing up in her non-fiction, partially philosophical,
                                                 and completely alive graphic novel. With pictures containing
                                                 only two colors and seemingly primitive (keeping in mind that
                                                 at times less is more) images, we are brought into Iran at the
                                                 end of the 1970’s and 1980’s where life is taking a new turn.

                                                 	      The Islamic Revolution brought immense changes to
                                                 life. Before a mostly secular country lead by a Shah, Iran is
                                                 now revealing religious fanatics at every corner- the Revolu-
                                                 tion hasn’t brought anything new that Marjane’s family likes.
                                                 All females, very young and very old, must wear veils. Men
                                                 mustn’t wear ties (“You piece of Westernized trash!”). Schools
                                                 close to let the government completely rewrite the education-
                                                 al system. War with Iraq, right after the Revolution. People
                                                 hide in their basements to feel safe from the bombs which
                                                 drop frequently. First young men, then boys as young as four-
                                                 teen are coaxed by propaganda to enlist in the army. Anyone
                                                 who is against the Revolution is imprisoned. Life goes on.

                                                 	     Growing up is a story in itself, as Satrapi shows us. She’s
                                                 lived through great turmoil which changed her being, which
                                                 makes her life now. Reading Persepolis is like reading a diary
                                                 which was neglected most of the time, except for a few times
                                                 when something important happened. Each chapter of this
                                                 story is a highlight of Marjane’s childhood- starting with The
                                                 Veil, and ending with The Trip.

                                                 Satrapi tells us that life never stops until it really stops.
 	     At no time during this tale do we         Through peacetime, war, terror and happiness we go on try-
 feel the urge to put the book down, but         ing to do the things we do every day, enjoying life, spending
 it also doesn’t force you to stay glued to it   time with our families, going out with friends. Drawing and
 until you finish. If you ever met a person      writing Persepolis, Satrapi wanted to make us see the life of
 who looks skinny and weak but in fact           people in the Iran of her time. She wanted us to feel the life,
 weighs a ton and can pick up as much,           instead of watching the news for information on how people
 this book is like that person. It carries a     live there. She tells us not to judge an entire nation by the
 weight of thought which is impossible to        government- because indeed, people are different all over
 not notice and not to understand. The           and life is what unites us.
 simplicity with which this memoir was
 writing strikes and appeals to the reader.                                                           By Malika B.
 Whoever reads this will never again un-
 derestimate the air of familiarity which
 this book radiates.                              PS: This is only the first half of the story- hopefully we’ll
                                                  know the other half when our school library purchases the
                                                  sequel, Persepolis 2: Story of a Return. Hint, hint.

          Dec. Issue
                                         Book Reviews

                  	     Tomorrow, When the War Began is the first book in a seven-
                  book series by John Marsden. The series is set mostly in Australia
                  and a little bit in New Zealand. Basically, an unnamed country in-
                  vades Australia, landing their first invasion in a small Australian
                  town called Wirawee. Seven teenagers had gone camping a few
                  days before, and didn’t know about the invasion until they came
                  home to their farms and found their properties abandoned and
                  their animals dying of hunger and thirst.

                  	    The military situation seemed pretty hopeless – Australia
                  had been taken completely by surprise and except for New Zea-
                  land, no other countries wanted to get involved in the war in any

                  	    Those seven teenagers not only managed to survive in the
                  wilderness, they took the opportunity to fight for their country
                  and for their families. They blew up a bridge, a street of houses, a
                  harbor full of military ships, and became top of the enemy’s Most
                  Wanted List. They were famous all over Australia and New Zea-
                  land for their achievements.

                  	     Have you ever wondered what you would do under a high-
                  pressure situation? If someone had a gun pointed at your friend,
                  would you step in front of them? If you were the only group of
                  free people within hitchhiking distance, would you fight for your

                  	     Would you be like Lee, and do whatever you have to do to
                  save your family? Would you be like Kevin and crack up? Would
                  you be like Homer, and keep cracking jokes even when you have
                  a death sentence in a week? Would you be like Fiona, and rise to
                  the challenge even if everyone expects you to fail? Would you be
                  like Ellie, and do whatever you have to do to get the job done?
                  Would you be like Robyn, and sacrifice everything for all your

                  	     Although you may need to learn some Australian slang be-
                  fore you read these books, and you might not understand a thing
                  the first time you read it – Australians have a strange vocabulary
                  – they are definitely worth reading. Unlike the books you read in
                  class, the Tomorrow series is told from a point of view of a teen-
                  ager. Unlike almost all books, these books are realistic.

                                                                        By Isabella Z.


            Dec. Issue


                              	 Food. I like food. It’s yummy. It can also
                              be yucky. Ever tried this thing called egg-
                              plant? Gross. Good thing the school doesn’t
                              sell eggplant. It might be healthy but dying of
                              disgustingness isn’t a very good thing for your
                              health either. I can’t believe some people
                              like eggplant! No really, how can people eat
                              that? It looks like barf. I also hate cream-of
                              soups. You know, like when someone makes a
                              soup and then kills it by blending it. I mean,
                              why would you do that? I was having lunch
                              the other day and a friend of mine goes “Ew
                              that’s nasty how can you eat that and that
                              person doesn’t eat meat and I was like ex-
                              cuse me?

                              	 It’s a normal hunk of animal parts
                              and you better not mess with animal parts
                              ’cause they’re tasty. Then we had an argu-
                              ment about the pros and cons of meat. Then
                              she ate yogurt and I finished my meat loaf.
                              I suppose it depends on each person, what
                              they eat, I mean. I also hate that phrase
                              “You Are What You Eat I bet some can-
                              nibal came up with that. At least I’m not an
                              eggplant. Anyway, as I said, it’s good that at
                              school there are different types of food which
                              a person can choose to eat, since everyone
                              has a different taste. Which is tragic for
                              spinach and all those other nasty-but-healthy
                              foods since no one seems to like those ones.


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TIS vs AIS: A Comparison of Two International Schools

  • 1.
  • 2. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Contents Editor-in- Contents: Chief: UN Day, Too Old to Participate...........................................2 Gulnara Radjapova AIS vs. TIS......................................................................3-7 Photographer: Dance Night Reviews.....................................................8-10 Nursultan Salikhbaev Oct 15th - ONE BILLION people living in hunger...............11 Designer: Coffee.........................................................................12-13 Nobonita Bhowmik Hello Cafeteria, Are you there?...................................14-15 Journalists: Where on earth Koreans get their food from?..............16-17 Malika Baratova Asiya Yakhina Students’ lunch...........................................................18-19 Isabella Zohrab School Lunch Constellation..........................................20-21 Julia McNulty Elena Kvak Candy Shop Reviews...................................................22-24 Hyun Jeong An Milind Shah Book Reviews: Persepolis..................................................................25 Xinbo Zhang Tomorrow, When the War Began................................26 Said Turaev Ralph Minderhoud Ejik..................................................................................27 Gulnara Radjapova
  • 3. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue UN Day UN Day, United Nations day, the day of the year where we bring together all the nations, a day where one is proud to dress up in your national dress and teach people about your country. So where do you draw the line for when to stop doing this? At what age should we stop acknowledging UN day? Well according to TIS after elementary you are to old to engage in it. This year the elementary had a fan- tastic set up, where each classroom was organized to reflect a country, with games and pictures centred The type of lives we lead encourages us to be un- on the culture of that specific country. The kids had derstanding and accepting of other nations, since passports made and they “travelled” to each coun- we are constantly being exposed to it daily. So why try getting stamps for their passport, and learning didn’t we do anything?! Personally I think it’s sad new things from each different room. By the end of that a school with the assortment of nationalities the day the elementary students went home after such as TIS can’t pull it together to reflect this. It’s having a whole day dedicated to enjoying and be- important to encourage the acknowledgement the ing aware of UN day. Which is all good and great importance of others, especially as we get older. To for the elementary kids but what about us?! I hadn’t enforce this, as our age is what will ensure that when recognized that you got too old to acknowledge the we move on and go to other countries the lessons we unification of nations. Especially at TIS which is an have learned from our schooling years will always be international school, it should be dedicated to the there. promotion of the mixture of nationalities and cul- ture us students have. Even the manner in which the younger stu- dents celebrated UN was a bit under developed, Understandingly we are too old to be play- they weren’t included in the culture, but rather ing games and winning prizes (as fun as they are, had it thrust upon them. Granted the children are we’ll have to stick to doing this in the privacy of our young, and at least this way they are getting an in- homes) but that doesn’t mean we can’t find an age troduction into awareness of others but just having appropriate way of celebrating UN day. An assembly these rooms full of England decorations doesn’t re- where students volunteer to represent an aspect of ally explain the culture. It all feels very underplayed their culture either from a national dance, or poem, and much more about showing off. Perhaps, when or anthem. It doesn’t have to be the whole day as it comes to doing something for the older kids they obviously IB students can’t afford to be losing that could give them the opportunity to debate and com- time, but something would be appreciated! ment on issues surrounding the UN. That way it would actually be educational and culturally awak- ening. Some sort of community action that can in- volve all the students, no matter what the age, be- cause when you come down to it, there is no age cut off for celebrating our nations, and it’s a ridiculous assumption on the part of the teachers to think that we wouldn’t be bothered by the fact it’s almost prac- tically unnoticeable in the high school and middle school. I mean unless you had a younger brother or sister telling you about what they did in school for UN day or the little mark on the school calendar, you would hardly know what day it was. So in fu- ture, a note out for all the teachers of the school, UN day isn’t an ageist thing so don’t treat it like one. By Julia C.M 2
  • 4. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue AIS vs. TIS As you know, there was a soccer tournament in Almaty recently. All games were held in AIS (guess what it stands for...? Automatic Intercept System...? No way… Alarm Indication Signal...?...uhm…are you seri- ous...? Australian Institute of Sport?.. Haah... that would be cool, but still… back to the harsh reality: Al- maty International School). Actually, we were given a hearty welcome there, probably because the hosts couldn’t even think of our malicious intent to explore, observe, and (attention!!) memorize everything we see… It’s great to go on international trips to get to know other countries, make new friends, compete at sports, debating, or whatever else. Another bonus resulting from these trips is being able to vindictively com- pare your school to their school in all possible ways. So, TIS versus AIS... Bells 1 point Décor 1 point How effective is the signal to drag your informa- Do the colors of your school literally brighten tion-overloaded body to your next class? your day? One thing we found very odd about AIS was One of the areas where TIS beats AIS is defi- their bell. In TIS, we have a shrieking, piercing, pay- nitely the color scheme. The color of all AIS lockers attention-to-me-or-be-shot bell which you can’t help is – grey. The outer walls – grey. The roofs – grey. The but here. I have seen people drop their books when floors – white. The walls – white. The bathrooms – the bell goes off unexpectedly and sleeping students white with white walls. wake up yelling “What’s happening?” This is a bell Let’s consider TIS. The outer walls – pale tur- that demands attention and clearly tells all who here quoise. The roofs – dark green. The floors – wooden it to get up, for crying out loud, and get yourself to or cream tiles. The walls – white, but covered with your next class. bright posters and artwork. The bathrooms – pink or The AIS bell, on the other hand, would never blue. surprise anyone and couldn’t wake up a sleeping stu- Certainly, a school with yellow walls and red dent if it was played over and over a hundred times lockers and pink floors would be the stuff that horror louder than the TIS bell. Simply put, the AIS bell is movies are made of. On the other hand, a grey and – a doorbell. Ding-dong, it beeps, signaling all AIS white school is extremely depressing and rather like students to head to their next class. How in the world a hospital. In the freezing, grey, depressing weather would anyone here this bell in a crowded lunchroom that accompanied the football tournament, there was full of hungry teenagers? How would anybody in Ms not a single piece of color to brighten the atmosphere. Oakley’s class drama class hear such a gentle, pas- sive, timid bell and be bothered to move to their next TIS wins (exclamations of joy) class? TIS wins (thunderous applause) TIS: 2 AIS: 0 TIS: 1 AIS: 0 3
  • 5. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue AIS vs. TIS Bathrooms 2 points The strangest thing about AIS was the strange absence of mirrors. The bathroom next to the cafete- ria had a common area for boys and girls with sinks, and then a door for a girls’ bathroom and a door for the boys’ bathroom, each bathroom containing one toilet. The room was completely white with one wall mostly windows, two sinks, a paper towel dispenser, and…no mirrors. Tiny mirrors that showed only your chest could be found in the actual bathrooms. The other bathrooms near the gym had separate rooms for girls and boys. There, you entered into a room with two sinks and two tiny mirrors and then you moved into the rooms with the toilets, three in each. In TIS, however, on every floor there are a pair of bathrooms. These bathrooms each have two sinks and one huge mirror, and each bathroom has four toilets. Mirrors are essential for girls who need to fix Orienteering 2 points hair and makeup. In TIS, they can stand quite com- fortably. In AIS, you would have to crouch, and that’s How many weeks did it take you to figure out just uncomfortable. how to find your way around? For the average un-athletic, sleep-deprived, TIS wins (Yeeeey!!!) book-laden student, stairs are simply a chore. We do not want to have to drag heavy backpacks up three TIS: 4 flights of stairs to get to homeroom. Interestingly, the AIS: 0 eleventh and twelfth graders, the IB students, whose backpacks are presumably the heaviest, have most classes situated on the third floor. The elementary students, on the other hand, most of whom do not need backpacks, only have to climb a flight of stairs to learn to type or to do finger-painting, or perhaps to learn Russian. Where is the justice? Anyway, the point is, most of AIS is one floor. There is no need to drag bags up three flights of stairs to get to the next class. All walking is done horizon- tally. Vertical movement is very limited, keeping un- necessary exercise to a minimum. Unfortunately, a lot of horizontal movement makes the matter of finding places much more diffi- cult. AIS’s maze of hallways is organized in such a way that I was frequently suspicious that I was literally going to circles, not to mention the fact that the walls lined with lockers all look the same and there are no windows to see if the landscape is repeating itself. The exhaustion of chairs versus finding your next class…let’s call it a tie. One point each. TIS: 5 AIS: 1 4
  • 6. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue AIS vs. TIS Lockers 2 points Can you really cram all your stuff into your locker? Walking down the maze hallways of AIS, one thing caught the attention of all TIS students – the lockers! It was like something out of a generic American high- school movie – tall, grey and grey. They are wider and bigger than the TIS lockers, and much more grey and professional-looking. As we walked through the school to eat, the strange imitation of a bell informed the AIS students that it was time to use their lockers. We couldn’t help but see the contents of those lockers. People could fit jackets, books, changes of clothes, shoes, and many more things into their lockers. Imag- ine a school where you can leave your sneakers and your PE clothes in your locker instead of dragging a gym bag to school every four days. Also, imagine a locker big enough to hold musical instruments. The TIS lock- ers can probably hold flutes, and maybe violins if there wasn’t much else inside, but what about guitars or clari- nets? Imagine being able to actually fit your locker with everything you need! What a wonderful world… AIS wins (Cry of grief) Changing Rooms 3 points TIS: 5 How accommodating is the room in which you must AIS: 3 change to do all things athletic? We all know TIS’s changing rooms. You can hear any- thing that is said by the people in them, they smell funny, and the girls’ changing room has a pair of socks that have been resident on the heater for over a month. AIS’s changing room has a bench for placing one’s stuff surrounded by – lockers! Players on the sports teams have lockers there to store their uniforms, sneakers, water bot- tles, and addictive gum. On the other hand, the AIS girls’ changing room has 2 showers, the boys’ has 1. The TIS changing rooms have 5 each. AIS’s changing room is a little crowded because of all the lockers; there is heaps of space in the TIS changing room. There’s also the matter of the extra door in the AIS changing room, giving people a great opportunity to open the door when you really would rather they didn’t. Once again, it’s a toss-up. Storing all your stuff and less chance of someone staring at you, or a higher chance of getting a shower and having space to move? TIS-1 AIS-2 TIS: 6 AIS: 5 5
  • 7. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue AIS vs. TIS Environmental Awareness 3 points To what extent does the school community sob over murdered trees? Another interesting fact about AIS is that in the bathrooms they have containers with tissues on the walls. “Um… very interesting… “ – you might say, but be patient. Attention now. While taking out a tissue you can’t help reading a request, or maybe an entreaty… as you like. “Save trees. Please, use ONLY ONE tissue.” In our school we have those rolls of suspiciously brown toi- let paper and no warnings about disappearing trees. You know why? Because TIS students are environmentally friendly by nature, they do not need reminders all over Kitchen 5 points the bathroom to remember about dying trees. More- over, the TIS administration, which is environmentally Oh, the glory of having fresh food sold in the friendly as well, acts wisely when choosing that special school cafeteria... kind of toilet paper (recycled toilet paper and quite There is a big and very significant BUT as rough) to prevent students from over-expenditure of an advantage of AIS. (Cry of despair) They have a the paper and killing trees. That is a much more effec- kitchen!!! Students have their breakfast and lunch tive way to save trees then hanging those humiliating at school. And the food is quite tasty. posters and counting on students’ conscience. So, in the For breakfast we had milk with different both nominations of ‘environmental friendliness’ and kinds of cereal, juice, tea, omelettes, and different ‘the most creative administration’ TIS wins. (Thunder- kinds of cookies or doughnuts, I don’t remember ous clapping) exactly. For lunch we had juice, pizza, and lasa- gne. The staff was so kind to us. Once we couldn’t TIS: 9 have our breakfast on time because we had a game. AIS: 5 We came to the cafeteria when there was nobody besides staff down there. They said that we were late, and there was nothing left. A suspicion that they still might have something for us crept in my mind, that’s why we immediately turned on our natural charm and asked for food again mention- ing that we just had a game outside and showing are blue frozen fingers this time. It worked, and we Cafeteria 5 points got our breakfast. Since that time, when I go to bed, every single Is the room in which you eat big enough to accom- night I have a dream about TIS with a kitchen… modate everyone? Students are standing in the line for their break- The Cafeteria in AIS is relatively small. I don’t fasts. I can see shiny smiles on their faces. One by think that all AIS students can be there at once. Prob- one they get their food and take seats at tables in ably students have to eat by turns. But all AIS students the cafeteria. They slowly sip their steaming coffee, eat in the cafeteria and don’t bring their lunches from and eat their doughnuts with gusto. At that very home. Our school cafeteria is more capacious, though moment I always wake up with a cold sweat on my not all of our students eat in the cafeteria. Life is unfair, face. isn’t it?.. So, in the nomination of the ‘biggest cafeteria’ TIS wins. (Prolonged applause) AIS wins (Goood…) TIS: 14 TIS: 14 AIS: 5 AIS: 10 6
  • 8. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue AIS vs. TIS Football field 5 points The state of the TIS football field is a sensi- tive subject. With its uneven ground, the corpses of birds infrequently found in the tufts of grass, the yellow bald spots, and the suspicious large patches of muddy water, it is hardly an ideal place to learn how to play football. The AIS field on the other hand, is more or less even, young, therefore not balding. It’s relative- ly smooth, with no deep muddy ponds to fall into, and no holes or grassy knolls to break an ankle trip- ping over. AIS also actually has places to sit and watch the games – three or four benches compared to TIS’s two. Both are quite pathetic numbers, but still, AIS is slightly less pathetic in the accommoda- tion of enthusiastic (freezing) fans. AIS wins (Cry of desperation) It was close in the end, but AIS still beats TIS. Our lack TIS: 14 of a kitchen, balding excuse for a football field, and AIS: 15 tiny lockers can’t compare to AIS’s busy kitchen, smooth green field, and huge grey lockers. Even though our changing rooms and the organization of our schools are tied, and TIS excels with our piercing school bells, our brightly decorated hallways, our huge bathrooms with their big mirrors, our big cafeteria and our care for all things green, AIS still beat us in the end, just like they beat the girls in the tournament… By Isabella Z. and Asiya Y. 7
  • 9. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Dance Night Slack Beginning Épigraphe: ”I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good It was my first and hopefully not last dance night…” night at TIS. Dance night started off from drawing Black Eyed Peas nice pink ticks, or birds, or maybe curves (y=2x2) on the hands of those who were lavish with two thou- sands sum on that day… So after STUCO drew those signs of wealth on our hands, proud and gratified, we entered the MPR but… found nobody there (6:30 p.m.). Some people were waiting for something in- conceivable to happen in the study area and were vigorously not going to dance. Others were sitting on the chairs by the walls in MPR and looked strange while just attentively observing garish green rays playing on the walls instead of dancing. Why, if we want to do something, don’t we just start doing it in- stead of waiting for others to do it for us? Even if it’s dancing… people still waited for something and we decided to set a shining example by making uncoor- dinated movements to the music. (6:50 p.m.)Gradu- ally more and more people overcame their shyness and threw themselves into a dance. Compared to the Dance Night at AIS… Time passed and I noticed how talented TIS dancers are. By the way during the AIS dance night I was bored but here I had fun. In AIS there was a certain group of dabbling-in-being-DJs people who selected songs, but in TIS People’s opinion was taken into consideration and we could choose songs on our own. Long live Democracy!!! Hurray! What Happens When the Demand Doesn’t Corre- spond to the Supply… Soon more and more people went to the small gym to have a snack (about 7:15 p.m.) and I found myself almost all alone in the MPR. Did people come to the dance night to eat? Duuh… Though many people stayed in the small gym for quite a long time and apparently were eating during this period of time, StuCo still had food to sell by the end of the dance night. After I heard Gulya’s voice calling people to buy something to eat, I went to the small gym and bought a bottle of coke. Dear StuCo, sorry I didn’t buy any food. I swear I wasn’t hungry. 8
  • 10. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Dance Night Reviews Dance Battle An enormous multitude of TIS students could show their talent for dancing during the dance battle. It was hooot in the MPR when dancers were competing against each other trying to figure out who is better, who is good enough to win. It took rather long to decide who was better because the crowd as a rule, voted equally loud for both dancers. I would like to make a special mention of two people who also participated in the dance battle: Rodrigo and Jasper. You guys were awesome!!! Dancing in such your style undoubtedly deserves respect and recognition. This dance night was fun. Moreover, it was well orga- nized. There were two interesting competitions (wriggle- in-a-not-really-comfortable-way-under-the-stick competi- tion and dance battle), we could buy food or something to drink if we wanted to, and there were songs we asked for. Thank you, StuCo members, for taking our opinion into consideration and organizing this event. By Asiya Y. 9
  • 11. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Dance Night Reviews At the end of the quarter after many re- PEOPLE YOU CAME TO quests were made by the TIS students STUCO decided to organize a new event. It was a Dance DANCE NIGHT TO DANCE Night. NOT TO Those of you who came I bet don’t regret EAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it. On the whole, dance night was successful and not successful at the same time. Yes, there was Also I would like to note that dance night was the fun. Yes, music was good. Yes, food was awe- first event when our FOTO (Friends Of The Orphanage) some. And yes, the price wasn’t high. But the team started to work. They made a beautiful big tree and huge failure of STUCO was that they didn’t pay every student could come and buy a leaf or an apple and enough attention to the promotion part of the through this help the orphans. event. Many students just ignored it. It means that posting small A4 size papers on the walls and making one morning announcement 2 days before the actual event is not enough. Again like in a previous event Candy Shop did a good job. The Food they were selling was as good as ever. There were many tables so you could eat with comfort, away from the MPR where music didn’t disturb you. I think, howev- er, this fact also played a bad role. Not many peo- ple came to dance, night but STUCO lost even more people because they preferred to spend their time chatting with their friends and eating delicious food in a so called cafeteria. I think that it was disappointing not only for STUCO but also for those who didn’t want to leave but had to as they didn’t want to spend time alone. ATTENTION HERE: this action is still in operation – buy an apple or a leaf from Loulou or Wonsuk in Grade 12. I think it was a good job that they earned 61000 soums. As always I want to say thanks to our STUCO as it was a great job. Despite the problem that occurred, our students had fun. Also I want to say that our 10th graders were the best dancers as nothing could stop them. They were not seduced by food or the overwhelming desire to chat. They were dancing all night long and moreover al- most all of them came to the event. So, at the end we say more dancing night and more cool events from our STUCO are needed. 10
  • 12. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Oct 15th ONE BILLION of Population Living in Hunger On Oct 15th many people in TIS are very hap- py, because it’s the day before the fall break; some people plan to go back to their homeland, some people plan to travel to another country and so on… Almost 16% of the world population can’t even dream about such things - a simple reason is they are still living in hunger, and their number is ex- tremely large which is about 1.02 billion - according to the FAO(Food and Agriculture Organization) World food day On Oct 15th, the FAO published its report which showed there are around 1.02 billion people around the world still living in hunger. For the first time in the past 40 years this number broke 1 bil- lion. Compared to last year the hungry population has increased by nearly 100 million, which is about 10%, and such an increase is one of the highest in past 40 years. What concerns the FAO is that this number is calculated from the data from the past two years, which can only partially reflect the world food crisis today, and the report has shown that even before the economic crisis the number of peo- ple starving is increasing, which is pretty awful. If you look at the starvation line which set by the FAO, people who get less than 1800 calories per day are considered to be starving. How much is 100 grams of chocolate? Every 100 grams of chocolate contains nearly 2500 CALORIES! I think you probably should have a general idea about their life. What can we do? There are many things we can do; you can do- nate money to the FAO or give some money to the Red Cross and so on, but I’m not recommending You can always find some burgers which are not you do these things, because you are not earning even opened in the trash cans. We should really money right now. Therefore, a simple way you can take the problem of wasting food seriously, be- help hungry people is STOP WASTING FOOD. I cause if we look at the hungry population, which don’t want give a lot of scary numbers about how is equal to nearly one in every seven people, which much food we are wasting very day, but if you were is unbelievable in the 21st century. paying a little bit more attention to the lunch room trash can, you will know the waste of food in TIS is a Conclusion serious problem. Stop wasting your FOOD! 11
  • 13. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Coffee Newsflash: Energizer Bunny Actuall Drinks Coffee!!! y How many days in a school year do we sense the delicious coffee aroma wafting all over the room? Adults seem to live on coffee, which isn’t surprising to a modern student. What ex- actly makes the adult subspecies, among us called teachers, so much in need of and in love with coffee? Why do students, as they near graduation, also become dependent on this iron of beverages? If you don’t know the answer, you are probably a young, innocent sixth grader. While this is not a bad thing, it’s pretty clear that you might not have the experience with coffee that overloaded students in the double-digit grades have. Therefore you don’t know about the mi- raculous effects that coffee brings, namely alert- ness and hyperactivity. So, some teachers are walking around with their mugs full of instant coffee, while others prefer the real stuff (for a price). If you ever felt like playing a sport after passing the office, it is because you have inhaled the energizing fumes of coffee brewed in the “The PTA did mention, I want to be very PTA coffee machine. transparent, that they wouldn’t have a problem, they would like, the students to buy because that Now, of course some of us, students, have would mean they’d make more money. But, the drunk coffee at home. But are we allowed to price of coffee is going from 500 to 1000, still that’s drink coffee at school, buy it here or bring it a bargain for a good cup of coffee, but I don’t think with you in a shiny thermos? Has anyone ever the PTA has thought through it because I don’t discussed it at a serious level with anyone? “No- think the machine could sustain that.” body has ever approached me about it, and I’ve been here four years.” says Ms. Heard. “I know Fellas, let’s face it, that machine is one flimsy a lot of schools do have coffee but I think what little box. The reason for not allowing us to drink we don’t want to happen is for students to be coffee is because of the fear that if students joined wired with that coffee because this particular the coffee-drinking cult, the machine would break. coffee is very strong.” Our principal is, of course, “Right now as it is, because of where it’s located, speaking of the priced stuff made in the office the office staff have to put water in it, load the for teachers and parents. Students have no ac- beans, we’re talking about pulling people away cess to the instant teacher coffee, but no one from their jobs to maintain that coffee machine for has prohibited students from buying this coffee, the PTA. Were students to be allowed to use it too right? I think we’d have to talk about a different location, a different machine and somebody there to be re- sponsible for it.” Hey, what if the Candy Shop took to maintaining a coffee machine? Wouldn’t that be fine? 12
  • 14. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Coffee Newsflash: Energizer Bunny Actuall Drinks Coffee!!! y “I think the point is if you’re using it as a bev- erage just because you love it or drink it and it’s not so strong and it’s not making you really hyper, I wouldn’t have a problem with it. But, I think that as a faculty and a school we’d have to look into a policy on coffee because at this moment there isn’t one.” A policy. Yes, the school will have to estab- lish who will be responsible for the coffee ma- chine, who will maintain it, who will be allowed to buy the coffee. If anyone in the school decides to bring this topic up, there will be quite a discus- sion. “We’d have to look at it from a lot of different angles.” notes Ms. Heard. “I’ve been in seven dif- ferent schools and coffee has never been allowed. Or cokes.” So we’re actually pretty lucky. Why isn’t coffee allowed in some schools and completely available to all in others? Well, because the schools have different policies and belief statements. If a school decides it wants to be one-hundred-percent healthy, they won’t allow coffee. If a school decides that their student body is wise enough to know if they should drink coffee, the school just makes it available. Ms. Heard says, “I think the initiative would have to come from and involve the parents, faculty, the PTA. We’d all have to be involved in this.” If this was a USSR propaganda poster, it would say, “Students of the I’ll answer the last: World, Unite in the Fight for Our Coffee Rights! Equality for all Consumers of Coffee!” We aren’t in the USSR anymore and the message is thus: if we, students of TIS, do not care about coffee enough to make a suggestion to the PTA or someone high So that we don’t walk around the school with up in the school, we will not get anything done, a glassy stare. So that we never fall asleep while since grown ups are well-known to forget things reading a book in class. So that we never answer and die before they remember. We have to take the to a teacher “I don’t know?” again when the actual initiative in getting what we want, right? answer is about fifty words longer and doesn’t end with a question mark. I have said enough. I’m off to invent coffee batteries- when I’m done the Ener- gizer Bunny will lose the race. By Malika B. 13
  • 15. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Cafeteria Let’s imagine here, that you’re going into a fancy restaurant that’s just opened. The reviews on the food are great and you’re really looking forward to the idea of going out with your friends and trying out somewhere new. So your turn up at this restaurant and the smells, even from the outside are positively mouth watering, and you’re thinking this place is going to be good. Then you walk inside, and you see that there isn’t any- where to sit. You’ve got this fantastic kitchen in the background, and all these really fancy look- ing servers and yet, no tables. I bet you’re think- ing that isn’t right, where are the tables? Well you know what; you have every right to be thinking that! I wanted to paint that picture for you, an analogy of what our cafeteria or lack there of is like. See, the food options at TIS include, ei- ther bring your own lunch from home (in my opinion the safest bet) or pre-order the school lunch. Oh wait, of course I forgot the other op- tion although you’ll have to be Korean to get included, but well some of you are. The mysteri- ous option number three is Korean food served by the mothers to only Korean kids. But that aside, what ever your food choice, your going to need somewhere to eat it. Otherwise, it all feels sort of wasted. Good food eaten standing up is hardly worth it. At the moment the places to eat consist of the MPR, (small and rather cramped for the entire school to be eating in) the candy shop (only about four benches, and when it gets cold where do we go?) and well wherever you can find an empty spot, that isn’t the library of course. (That would be deadly) 14
  • 16. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Cafeteria Anyway, it’s a much debated argument amongst students where can we eat, and what can we eat? As I said the options are rather limited at best, and the eating arrangements even more lack- ing. So as an active member of the Spark newspa- per, I took it upon myself to interview the man in charge; Mr.Brindley. And I can say that a cafeteria is fortunately on the horizon, of course no official date was set or a particular time frame but we can’t be picky, at least it’s been brought to attention eh? Mr.Brindley says that as of last week’s Board meeting the cafeteria idea was set in motion. However, the down side is it’s not actually up to him, and will have to be passed through the com- mittees, who of course are much more concerned with expansion for the primary, secondary and office space. But when you come down to it, if the school expands and we have an increase in stu- dent population, catering for 500 students is going to be even more difficult with the facilities avail- able then it is now. That will all come in due time, though for now the basic idea is that it would be adjacent to the park in the front of the school, so that students could have a nice view and atmo- sphere when eating. What is being considered is a kitchen, serving area and of course a seating area. The food will no doubt have to be healthy, as pro- moting unhealthy food would be a crime against nature. Mr.Brindley was suggesting a wide range of cultural food, perhaps served by local people, and a mixture of cold food and hot food. This is always an issue, as timing is essential. Hot food needs time to be prepared and cold food doesn’t so how do you organize these around one another? Prices are another issue, but until we know what sort of food is going to be served I wouldn’t worry too much. But the cafeteria is hopefully going to be catering to the parents and teachers as well. Somewhere for them to sit in and perhaps enjoy a tea or coffee, while waiting for their children. This cafeteria will surely be a big impact on everyone, so hopefully the board will take this into acknowl- edgement and do something about it quickly, not put it off as a less important issue. As it most sure- ly is not. Bottom line is, the cafeteria now is not sufficient at all, and action should be a top priority for the near future. 15 By Julia C.M
  • 17. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Lunch The time is 11:30am. Just like everyday, the bell rings and lunch time starts. Some people head to candy shop, some people head to benches outside and some people go directly to the MPR. Most of Korean students who go to the MPR are offered Ko- rean food. They receive stainless dishes, with rice and warm soup with three different kinds of dishes that go with rice from Korean women. After they finish the lunch they return the empty dishes and leisurely leave the MPR. Where on earth did they get the food from? Why do only Koreans have that food? Who are those Korean women who are dis- tributing the food? It came to light that the food is from one old Korean woman who volunteered to cook and offered the food. The Korean mothers volunteered to work at the MPR distributing the food to the students. A system like this is common in Korea. The main aim of starting this Korean food system was for Korean students who could not adapt to the school lunch services. If so, is it impossible for students who are not Korean to have Korean lunch? According to one woman who was giving the food to the kids, there are a few students and teachers who are not Korean having Korean food. Nevertheless rather than get- ting it regularly, they inform the day that they want the food to the old woman and pay for the food on that specific day. The reason why any person cannot pay and immediately get the food is the quantity of food and the number of the dishes is limited. Some students get food by asking their Korean friends. But both of those two ways are quite annoying and complicated. 16
  • 18. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Lunch The situation is not proper and quite hard for people who are not Korean to have Korean lunch service regularly. The reason is, first of all, because it is not applicable just like school lunch service. School lunch service provides a small coated sheet, which is the menu, to everybody. When one gives this to the man in front, the food is offered. Unlike this, the only way to get the Ko- rean food is to ask the old Korean woman to offer the food. However, unfortunately, she does not speak English and that makes it much harder to communicate. The second reason is the extremely high price. The average price for one meal is 6000 to 6500 sum. This is much more expensive than the price of the school lunch service or a sandwich from the candy shop. People are rarely willing to pay that high of a price unless they are Korean. In spite of the increasing number of students who want to be able to purchase Korean food, the access it is limited. This is also because of a lack of support from the school itself. When we get the application form for the school lunch service, there is only one sheet and nothing about Korean food. On the other hand there are lots of Korean students who prefer not to have Korean food. This is because of the price that may weigh heavily on students and the limitation that they should eat in the MPR. Or they prefer their own food or simpler food such as hot dogs or sandwiches to have more spare time during lunch time. If you are not Korean I suggest that the sim- plest way to get Korean food is to ask any of your Korean friends. And if you are Korean, there must be movement against the extremely high price compared to the other choices. These also would lead to the conclusion that the school should find ways to offer a lunch service that would satisfy both Korean and non-Korean students. By Hyun-Jeong An 17
  • 19. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Students’ Lunch In this issue we are trying to deeply look at the lunch problem in our school. My job here is to tell you more about lunches that come here everyday from a mysterious café or restaurant, who knows, and that is sold by people in the MPR. I will call it just lunch. So, basically I’m writing about this because I’m one of these rare people who buy it. Another problem is that our school is working with these lunch makers for the first time so basi- cally when you choose a dish you don’t know what’s going to jump out of the plastic box. Some food they make is so delicious and tasty that you start thinking why didn’t you order more portions. On the other hand, sometimes when you open the box you think that you better not take any risks and buy something else. Actually it doesn’t mean that the food is bad or you can be poisoned but the way it looks make you think about your safety. It happened to me once when I ordered “Chicken with macaroni”. When I took it I saw that there were green and orange macaroni, but no white. I was surprised and didn’t eat it. But what it actually meant was that any day I chose this dish, for I had to find another source to buy food from and it was annoying. The main problem with this lunch is that you have to decide what you want to eat for the whole month and once you put a tick mark in front of the dish on the form you cannot change it. But what if I suddenly change my mind? What if I don’t want to eat noodle soup today? Don’t think that the sell- ers will be happy if you tell them this and will give you anything you want. Nope! They won’t do this. You are just going to be hungry and starving without lunch, if you won’t buy something else for an addi- tional price. I’m actually a person who changes her mood and desires every second, so I have problems with this “month predicting and planning method”. 18
  • 20. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Students’ Lunch Ok. Here, for you I have list of dishes that I’ve already tested and I made notes for each one. My list isn’t long but still it could help you to make your choice when you will have to plan your lunch. Kimbab – guys, this is the best dish I have ever eaten from this caf- eteria Chicken with macaroni – for those of you who want to take risks + all the comments above Kiev style cutlet with corn – actually it was a really good one, I advise you to try Chicken filet roasted in eggs – it’s too oily but not bad Macaroni with cheese – not enough cheese Fruit salad – vegetarians, this is for you Vegetarian sandwich – do we call a sandwich something with meat in- side? But as it is vegetarian, there was no meat inside so it was just bread, salad, tomato and cucumber. This is for those who like vegeta- bles and refuses meat Pizza – fast food forever!!!! It was good enough but not actually nourishing. So, for now this is the whole list of dishes I ordered before. I hope it will help you somehow. Students’ lunches could be good and could be bad. In our case everything de- pends on your unconscious choice. 19
  • 21. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Lunch Constellation Today in TIS there are probably 3 types of lunches, one is Korean Lunch for Koreans, second is school restaurant lunch for the rest, and the third is Candy Shop or your own packed lunch. In this article I’m just trying to evaluate three different types of lunches, I will list the advan- tage and disadvantage below, then you can determine which lunch is best for you. This is based on my own experiences; and in general this is a disaster, I would never want to have such an experience again. In general, school lunch is not bad, but this Then if we look at the price of Samsa, a potato Sam- still is a disaster, at least for me and some side- sa cost 700 sum! And the taste needs to be tolerated. effects have happened to me when I try the school lunch. But school lunch has some advantages, which is that they are the official lunch provider of school The hot dog is what most people like to buy and everyone can order their lunch , and the speed from the school lunch shop. However you can of getting your food is well… speedy; also some see that, less and less people are buying the hot- dishes have quite a nice taste based on my last year dog from the school lunch shop. Why? I think of school lunch experiences. the price is important. How much does a hot-dog cost outside of school? Probably from 600-1000 Even though some school dishes have quite a sum would be the maximum. The bread is usually good taste, and arrive faster, but when you think of much bigger and the sausage is much longer, but the price of lunch, and the side-effect of eating the if we look at school lunch, a single small hot-dog lunch. with a little sausage costs 1500 sum, which is a di- saster. In general I think that the Korean Lunch tastes pretty good. Everyday they have either rice or Kimpab, also soup and I especially like the pickles, so, I have a pretty good re- view about Korean Lunch. The largest Non-official school lunch provider of TIS. You can always see people fighting for a Kimpab when Koreans have it for lunch. I really don’t know whether this is good or bad, because on one side it means the Korean lunch is very tasty, but on the other hand it means “you can’t get Korean lunch very easily, unless you are a Korean.” This is a Quote from a teacher in TIS. Therefore the key point I will talk about here is why non-Koreans can’t have Korean Lunch. Some teachers were trying to ask for Korean lunch, but the Korean lady was saying NO to the teachers. My Ko- rean friends told me that maybe that Korean lady doesn’t understand English really well; she might think the teacher 20
  • 22. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue School Lunch Constellation just want a Korean lunch for one day, therefore the Russian or Uzbek, and every single of them are lady says NO to the teacher. He said it is possible ordering lunch from the official school lunch pro- to let non-Koreans have Korean lunch, but the vider. form that you need to complete is written in Ko- rean. So, if you want have a Korean lunch you need So, it’s very interesting to see that the two to know how to speak Korean or some of your Ko- majority groups of school students have their own rean friends should help you to complete the form. lunch provider, but what about the minority of the TIS students? Most of them chose to bring their Even though lots of people would like to try own lunch from home, and therefore read my next the Korean lunch, there are also people who said sub-topic. even if they have an opportunity to have Korean lunch they wouldn’t take it, and most of them are It is hard for me to determine the taste of That’s a lot more love than you can’t get your lunch, unless I can try everyone’s lunch, from any school lunch provider. The price will be therefore you need to decide whether you have a much cheaper if cooking at home. good and tasty lunch or not. As the one who brings his own lunch every day I would like to use my Disadvantages are also involved in this case. example to talk of some advantages and disadvan- If your parent’s forced you to eat lunch cooked by tages of bringing your own lunch. them and they think they cooked up a very nice taste but actually it’s gross, that’s going to be a There are tons and tons of advantages to disaster for you. Also if you forget your lunch at bringing your own lunch. One is the food that home and you just realize this during lunch time, wouldn’t make you feel bad down there, because then you don’t have money to buy food. you are adjusted to it and you know how old the bread is and how they cook it. In many cases your parents cook lunch for you; therefore you can taste the “love” that your parents put in your lunch. Every lunch provider has their own advantage and disadvantage and if you are smart you know which lunch is good for you, you won’t think lunch is a disaster, but if you have make the wrong choice, I think the only word you can describe your lunch is “DISASTER.” 21
  • 23. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Candy Shop The candy shop, normally the place where stu- dents unquestionably devote their teeth to the on- slaught of sugary sweets, has sparked some unrest among the students. Well, unrest is an exaggeration, people were initially upset about the new prices at the candy shop but, as humans tend todo more often than they should, they have long forgotten the good The second issue is that the candy shop now has old days of 1,000 sum chocolate and coca-cola. This no purpose, other than to sell us candy. It is no dif- price raise, on top of the fact that the candy shop has ferent than a McDonalds opening in school, I doubt seceded from the student council, has raised some people would tolerate that, yet we tolerate the candy eyebrows among the candy-addicts. Are the candy- shop? Our toleration was based on the fact that fanatic’s feelings unjustified or is there in fact a prob- we knew our money was coming back to us in the lem with the way the candy shop is operating? form of events. Now our money goes into the candy shop and into making it a bigger, better and stron- The issue of price was the initial action that ger organization (McDonalds style). The candy shop caused people to question the beloved candy shop. members like to argue that they are doing it for the I would like to point out that based on observation students and they are taking the profit to buy new the candy shop has not been receiving fewer custom- machines to offer new products to us. Profit only ers and I wouldn’t hesitate to guess that they were, leads to one outcome, more profit. Since the candy in fact, receiving more. It would seem that people shop now has no purpose, the only logical thing for are either too addicted or don’t care enough to have them to do is to sell for no-profit and just be a center done anything about the candy shop’s new prices, for sweets. This would resolve the issue of prices be- although they did manage to moan and groan for the ing raised as now people know that if the prices are first few weeks the candy shop started selling. To be raised it is not for the candy shop’s self-interest. An- fair to the candy shop group, yes that group of female other thing they could do is rejoin the student council students whose system of management is similar which in the past allowed the candy shop to spend to that of a mafia, the prices are actually reasonable their money on new things before giving it to the based on other prices in Tashkent. It would seem student council. Some examples are the new toasters, candy prices have in fact risen and I’ve been in a few new water boiler (although the noodles have disap- shops selling things for similar prices. For example, peared) and the slushy machines. the last time I checked, the closest shop to school sells Twix and M&Ms for 1,100 cym which is only 100 Although this shift in the candy shop’s modus cym less than the candy shop. So the complaints operandi has left us critical of the candy shop we about the prices are just normal complaints that are mustn’t forget the good things. The candy shop is a expressed when anything becomes more expensive. great place to hang out. I’m not sure whether it’s habit Albeit there is still an issue here and it stems from or the shade that attracts people but I tend to find the issue of the increased prices. myself instinctively heading in that general direction at lunch and after school. I would also like to com- Prices are increased to maintain a profit margin mend the group as they do invest a lot of time and ef- and in the past the candy shop’s profit margin was fort. They always try their best to make sure the candy given to the student council to use in events. This shop is stocked up and they make cheese sandwiches year the candy shop is no longer part of the student daily, not to mention that sometimes we get a home- council which means that their profit margin stays at made treat on Mondays. Also during events which re- the candy shop. The candy shop is now a completely quire large amounts of food, the lock-in for example, independent enterprise that has no purpose but to the candy shop always invests countless hours clean- give us sweets.This is a problem for a few reasons. ing, cutting and cooking. Hopefully the candy shop The first being is that now the student council’s will resolve some of the issues of this year and the source of money has disappeared. This is an issue candy-addicts can indulge themselves without having as the student council is supposed to be the central to complain about the prices. organization responsible for organizing events but By Ralph M. now they don’t even have the money to. 22
  • 24. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Candy Shop Lunchtime! We finally get our rest from learn- Back to the topic- the Candy Shop. How pop- ing and can go sit down and have a chicken and ular is it at school? Quite popular, I’d say, despite mustard and banana sandwich, which you eat in the fact that there is (“oh, my!”) competition- the about 5 minutes, as usual. So what do you do now? school caterers also sell some “yummies”, as does You’re still very hungry. Of course, you go to the the Sports Council, but only on sport matches. Of Candy Shop! No offense, Stuco, but Candy Shop is course, we prefer the Candy Shop due to it selling hardly an appropriate name, since the thing closest representatives of most levels of the food pyra- to candy that one might get there is Starburst. It’s mid as well as due to the fact that the Candy Shop more like a chocolate bar shop… is open after school, during lunch, and during matches. This neither of the competition even at- tempt. Now, even though we have some fruits, juices, and There have been speculations about what baked goods available, a lot of people still prefer would happen if we were to suddenly cut all sourc- the energy-packed sugary candy bars. The reasons es for chocolate bars within the school. If there for our maximized sugar consumption are that sec- were no student-employing chocolate-selling in- ondary students generally stay after school, doing stitutions at school, would people eat less sugar- activities or waiting for activities to start, or they based chocolate bars and be healthier? Or would are doing homework or projects and need sugar to students calmly bring chocolate from home, and slap them awake. One of the teachers I know even the consumption of sugar be about the same per refers to candy bars as “survival”. average student? Now that would make an amaz- ing lab report. Except for the fact that you get eat- en by sugar-depraved students at some point dur- ing the experiment. 23
  • 25. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Candy Shop About the chocolate dealers- do you know how the Candy Shop started? Before that, there was nothing- nowhere to get our energy from, no amazing little box of a shop to get your food from- until the Stuco decided to change things. They set up the very first Candy Shop! You know the “study area” before you enter the MPR? Well between the bamboo screen and the window, was the CS. Anyway, in 2007, the Candy Shop moved outside, into a box which we are so famil- iar with. Beautifully decorated and equipped, it was ready for action and lots of customers! Which it obviously received. How much money does the CS make from Sounds like the Candy Shop management selling food every day? I didn’t dare ask such im- knows what they want. But do they know what pudent questions. What I did ask is what is all we want? Has anyone heard about a survey pro- this money-making for? Last year, school year vided by the Candy Shop to see what we like 2008- 2009, Student Council sold subsidized to eat? No, because there isn’t one! The Candy TIS hoodies- an interesting, school spirit-up- Shop has gone way healthier since last year, lifting investment. What will happen this year which is pleasing for dieters and health nuts, then? Will the student council proceed with and there are still things to be cleared up. Why, their school-spirit uplifting mission, or will they for example, aren’t there hot cup noodles this find a different way of investing? It’s much too year? The Candy Shop management is great but early in the year to see, and from what I heard, we have yet to connect to them directly. As far as the Student Council is actually quite a separate I know the Candy Shop, has been a body which entity from the Candy Shop which, means that exists in integration with the rest of the student all money earned by the Candy Shop goes to body, but always thinks up its own menu. This is (gasp!) the Candy Shop. A Candy Shop repre- good for a basic selection of snacks but wouldn’t sentative, Madina Gazieva, has kindly respond- you want to work on the details with the con- ed to my inquiries. sumers? “The money is to buy more food: chocolate, drinks, fruits, bread, cheese, ice cream, etc, The sole purpose of this in-school business and we are planning to buy more technologies, is, of course, to provide us with all the junk and once we have enough. A big water boiler is our non-junk food that might help us not starve to aim for now, later we will come up with more death during the school year. This isn’t an inter- things we can do to improve the Candy Shop.” esting or very controversial topic, but aren’t you grateful for the bountiful realms of the box out- side? While we’re on the topic, I think we should register the Candy Shop as a TIS trademark. Who knows..? By Malika B. 24
  • 26. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Book Reviews Once upon a time, a little girl grew up. Then she drew a lot of cartoons on how she did it.... The little girl’s name is Marjane Satrapi, who brings us a tale of growing up in her non-fiction, partially philosophical, and completely alive graphic novel. With pictures containing only two colors and seemingly primitive (keeping in mind that at times less is more) images, we are brought into Iran at the end of the 1970’s and 1980’s where life is taking a new turn. The Islamic Revolution brought immense changes to life. Before a mostly secular country lead by a Shah, Iran is now revealing religious fanatics at every corner- the Revolu- tion hasn’t brought anything new that Marjane’s family likes. All females, very young and very old, must wear veils. Men mustn’t wear ties (“You piece of Westernized trash!”). Schools close to let the government completely rewrite the education- al system. War with Iraq, right after the Revolution. People hide in their basements to feel safe from the bombs which drop frequently. First young men, then boys as young as four- teen are coaxed by propaganda to enlist in the army. Anyone who is against the Revolution is imprisoned. Life goes on. Growing up is a story in itself, as Satrapi shows us. She’s lived through great turmoil which changed her being, which makes her life now. Reading Persepolis is like reading a diary which was neglected most of the time, except for a few times when something important happened. Each chapter of this story is a highlight of Marjane’s childhood- starting with The Veil, and ending with The Trip. Satrapi tells us that life never stops until it really stops. At no time during this tale do we Through peacetime, war, terror and happiness we go on try- feel the urge to put the book down, but ing to do the things we do every day, enjoying life, spending it also doesn’t force you to stay glued to it time with our families, going out with friends. Drawing and until you finish. If you ever met a person writing Persepolis, Satrapi wanted to make us see the life of who looks skinny and weak but in fact people in the Iran of her time. She wanted us to feel the life, weighs a ton and can pick up as much, instead of watching the news for information on how people this book is like that person. It carries a live there. She tells us not to judge an entire nation by the weight of thought which is impossible to government- because indeed, people are different all over not notice and not to understand. The and life is what unites us. simplicity with which this memoir was writing strikes and appeals to the reader. By Malika B. Whoever reads this will never again un- derestimate the air of familiarity which this book radiates. PS: This is only the first half of the story- hopefully we’ll know the other half when our school library purchases the sequel, Persepolis 2: Story of a Return. Hint, hint. 25
  • 27. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Book Reviews Tomorrow, When the War Began is the first book in a seven- book series by John Marsden. The series is set mostly in Australia and a little bit in New Zealand. Basically, an unnamed country in- vades Australia, landing their first invasion in a small Australian town called Wirawee. Seven teenagers had gone camping a few days before, and didn’t know about the invasion until they came home to their farms and found their properties abandoned and their animals dying of hunger and thirst. The military situation seemed pretty hopeless – Australia had been taken completely by surprise and except for New Zea- land, no other countries wanted to get involved in the war in any way. Those seven teenagers not only managed to survive in the wilderness, they took the opportunity to fight for their country and for their families. They blew up a bridge, a street of houses, a harbor full of military ships, and became top of the enemy’s Most Wanted List. They were famous all over Australia and New Zea- land for their achievements. Have you ever wondered what you would do under a high- pressure situation? If someone had a gun pointed at your friend, would you step in front of them? If you were the only group of free people within hitchhiking distance, would you fight for your country? Would you be like Lee, and do whatever you have to do to save your family? Would you be like Kevin and crack up? Would you be like Homer, and keep cracking jokes even when you have a death sentence in a week? Would you be like Fiona, and rise to the challenge even if everyone expects you to fail? Would you be like Ellie, and do whatever you have to do to get the job done? Would you be like Robyn, and sacrifice everything for all your friends? Although you may need to learn some Australian slang be- fore you read these books, and you might not understand a thing the first time you read it – Australians have a strange vocabulary – they are definitely worth reading. Unlike the books you read in class, the Tomorrow series is told from a point of view of a teen- ager. Unlike almost all books, these books are realistic. By Isabella Z. 26
  • 28. The TIS MONTHLY JOURNAL SparkJournal Dec. Issue Eжiк Food. I like food. It’s yummy. It can also be yucky. Ever tried this thing called egg- plant? Gross. Good thing the school doesn’t sell eggplant. It might be healthy but dying of disgustingness isn’t a very good thing for your health either. I can’t believe some people like eggplant! No really, how can people eat that? It looks like barf. I also hate cream-of soups. You know, like when someone makes a soup and then kills it by blending it. I mean, why would you do that? I was having lunch the other day and a friend of mine goes “Ew that’s nasty how can you eat that and that ” person doesn’t eat meat and I was like ex- cuse me? It’s a normal hunk of animal parts and you better not mess with animal parts ’cause they’re tasty. Then we had an argu- ment about the pros and cons of meat. Then she ate yogurt and I finished my meat loaf. I suppose it depends on each person, what they eat, I mean. I also hate that phrase “You Are What You Eat I bet some can- ” nibal came up with that. At least I’m not an eggplant. Anyway, as I said, it’s good that at school there are different types of food which a person can choose to eat, since everyone has a different taste. Which is tragic for spinach and all those other nasty-but-healthy foods since no one seems to like those ones. 27