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Executive Summary
dELiA*s has established itself as a trendy retailer for teen girls that offers
the latest clothes, shoes, and accessories. dELiA*s appeal is widespread and
spans teens between the ages of 12-19.
At present, dELiA*s target market consists of 17 year old girls, but dELiA*s
hopes to appeal to a younger 12-14 year old audience, through an
interactive direct marketing campaign. Our campaign is designed to position
dELiA*s as a unique and trendy brand to this younger audience, while
retaining current customers.
The campaign is multifaceted with an emphasis on presenting dELiA*s as
a social shopping experience. Through the Social Summer campaign, we
believe we can positively impact the future of dELiA*s. Explanations and
materials are provided in the text that follows.
With a $500,000 budget, we were able to strategically allocate our resources
across multiple media platforms that we determined would most effectively
reach our target audience. These executions include direct mailings, email
marketing, social media, and point of purchase displays. All communications
are designed to promote a purchase while simultaneously positioning
dELiA*s as the ideal shopping destination for girls and their friends.
We would like to sincerely thank dELiA*s and DMEF for this riveting
opportunity. Crafting the campaign ahead was an exciting process, and we
enjoyed putting our heads together to come up with a fun and creative
direct marketing campaign that is sure to make a summer splash – pun

Table of Contents
Market research

1 to 3

appendix: A

4 to 5

Overall Strategy
Creative Strategy

Media Plan
Media Objectives
Media Schedule
Media Tactics
Creative Placements

Detailed Budget
Detailed Impressions
Detailed Frequency
appendix: B
Creative Executions
appendix: C


Big Idea
Media strategy

Forecasted Results
appendix: D

6 to 7

Creative executions 8 to 9

Video Advertisement
appendix: E
Strategic Summary
appendix: F
Key Market Areas
appendix: G
Works Cited



Outline of Budget
Return on Investment

Company Background
Industry Review
Product Review
Competitor Analysis
SWOT Analysis
Consumer Analysis
Primary/Secondary Audience
Marketing Strategy


Market Research
Company Background
Delia’s Inc. is a direct marketing and retail company comprised
of two brands, dELiA*s and Alloy. The dELiA*s brand specifically
is a lifestyle clothing company that generates sales through
direct mail catalogs, mall-based stores, and its website. Its
products consist of trendy apparel, accessories, and footwear
for teenage girls.
Industry review
dELiA*s falls into two categories, mail-order houses and
women’s clothing stores. One-third of dELiA*s sales comes
from direct business through its catalog and website. The
emergence of the Internet has affected the ease in which
consumers can purchase items online in the comfort of their
own home. However, the at-home purchases are not in lieu of
traveling to stores. Consumers, especially teenagers, still prefer
tangible clothing items that can be tried on before purchased.
There are currently 110 mall-based dELiA*s stores in 30 states,
which accounts for two-thirds of the brands’ sales. Thus, it is
important to focus on channels that will drive people to dELiA*s
website as well as to its stores.
product review
Products in-stores can also be found directly on the dELiA*s
website and may be featured in their direct mail catalog.
However, dELiA*s also provides a wider assortment and
inventory of items on its website deemed “online exclusives.”
dELiA*s carries various styles to suit individual tastes. Whether
you like prints or solids, floral or lace, skinny jeans or flare, you
can find it all at dELiA*s. All of their clothes are unique, colorful,
and most of all - trendy.

competitor analysis
With their Life Your Life campaign,
American Eagle has successfully
enticed young men and women from
15 to 25 to purchase their simple
yet fashion-forward clothing and
accessories. With over 900 stores in
malls and a sleek website, they have a
strong brand recognition in the minds of

Although on the more expensive end of
teenage apparel pricing, 12 to 14 year
olds seek Abercrombie Kids for its
exclusivity and its essence of privilege.
Its sister company is Abercrombie &
Fitch, a store in which girls aspire to
eventually purchase from.

Hot Topic is a direct competitor of
the graphic tees sector of dELiA*s.
They are known for their pop culture
inspired fashion and the latest in music
paraphernalia. With over 650 stores in
the United States, they are a hot spot in

Market Research
swot analysis

dELiA*s offers up-to-date trends with clothing in a
variety of styles, colors, and fits
Merchandise appeals to a wide range of ages (12 to 17)
Presence on social media with constant, relevant

Trends are always changing; staying on top of them
gains a competitive advantage
The Internet is a growing medium for communication
Teen girls are looking for the status associated with the
store brand, which a campaign can create


Price is not always affordable by the target themselves
Number of store locations
Lack of communication about items exclusively online

Lack of brand loyalty for clothes
Competitors releasing similar styles at lower prices
The need for a credit card makes it difficult for young
teens to order online
Market Research
Consumer analysis
Currently, dELiA*s target customer is a 17 year-old girl in high school. However, customers range from 12-17, with the older girls
setting a fashion example for the younger girls aspiring to be like them. dELiA*s challenge is introducing the brand to younger potential
customers. The Social Summer campaign aims to appeal to the entire dELiA*s market with a particular focus on the 12-14 year-olds.
Primary audience

The Stylish Sisters: The Martin sisters, Heather & Annabelle, may not agree on much, but what they do agree on
is that dELiA*s is their go-to for the latest trends and styles to suit their unique tastes. Twelve-year-old Heather loves
dELiA*s whimsical and free style, while Annabelle, 15, likes to explore her edgier style through dELiA*s graphic tees.

The Trendsetting Best Friends: From the moment Lucy McDonough, 13, moved into the house next door to Kate
Simon, 13, the pair has been inseparable. Two peas in a pod, these best friends are excited to start high school, and
make their grand entrance together on the first day of school.

secondary audience
The It Girls: As seventeen-year-old seniors in high school, Michelle, Dani and Cheyenne are no strangers to the
styles and trends available at dELiA*s. These It Girls are engrossed in social media and are looked up to for fashion
guidance. This trio works to be the style icons that the younger set can aspire to be, and dELiA*s helps them achieve it.

Marketing Strategy
The Social Summer campaign will run for 8 weeks. It will start on Monday, June 24, 2013 and end on Monday, August 19, 2013.

Overall strategy

Over the 8-week period, we hope to achieve the following:

Raise awareness of the dELiA*s brand so that 60% of the
target audience can identify the brand.

Increase the readership of dELiA*s catalog as well as the
number of people who interact online by 40%.

Increase traffic on dELiA*s website and participation on
dELiA*s-related social media content by 40%.

Increase online, catalog and in-store purchases by 30%.


Primary research was conducted in an effort to understand the
lifestyle and shopping habits of 12 to 17 year old girls. Through
qualitative interviews with middle school teachers, parents, and
siblings of the target market, we found that 12 to 17 year old girls are
in a stage of finding themselves. In doing so, they turn to their group
of friends for everything - advice, gossip, and approval. At this age,
girls share similar styles, hobbies, and interests. They do everything
and go everywhere together. We are positioning dELiA*s as a brand
that brings girls together; dELiA*s combines social interactions with
the latest trends.
dELiA*s varied styles suit all tastes for all friendships and allows girls
to make their own fashion choices while still feeling included. dELiA*s
is the desired destination when girls are shopping together for the
perfect outfit for any occasion.
The campaign will take place in the summer at a time when girls
will be in the position to shop with their friends. School will not be in
session and these teens will have more time to spend together - at
dELiA*s. To entice these girls to purchase, the campaign will offer an
incentive of saving $5 for every $25 spent.
Marketing Strategy
Our marketing strategy entails placing advertisements in malls in
our key market areas. These areas are likely to be high in traffic
and see the highest return on investment.
The key market areas of our campaign are depicted on the
map. The Mall of America is rated #1 for America’s Most Visited
Shopping Malls with it’s 40 million annual visitors. This mall
receives high traffic for all ages, including our target. The chosen
dELiA*s stores are in high-income areas; as dELiA*s is a high
quality brand, these malls are perfect locations for the local
teens in the selected regions. Additional information about the
specific key market areas is provided in Appendix F.
We will be sending direct mailers to 12-17 year olds in these
target areas. In these key market areas, we will be placing decal
advertisements on escalators in these multi-level malls. Typically,
dELiA*s is on the second floor; since the girls in our target spend
much of their time traversing the mall with their friends, we
predict these girls will use the escalators bearing advertisements,
and visit dELiA*s.
Every dELiA*s store will feature our creative storefront point-ofpurchase display. Advertisements will also be placed on popular
websites to entice online shopping (to be discussed in the media
section). This campaign utilizes a catazine, Facebook, Twitter,
Instagram, and Vine to carry the message of the campaign.

Creative Strategy

Media Strategy

Big Idea

Media Plan

Our campaign is multifaceted but can be
stated as this:

We plan to transfer our message through a variety of media vehicles including direct
mail, online advertisements, and social media. These tactics will be targeted directly
to our audience and give them a reason to make a purchase from dELiA*s.

to provide the latest trends
to girls and their friends
so they will always be
together in style.

We intend to make shopping a social
experience, and in this, our tagline will be our
campaign name - Social Summer. The summer
timeframe will appeal to these girls because
they will be out of school and home for the
summer: the perfect time to hang with their


Total Reach:

Effective Frequency:


2.5 (on average)

media schedule
Media Strategy
Media tactics



Total Audience

Direct Mail Piece














Total Audience

















Store Front

Online Ads

Social Media





Escalator Ads





Creative placements
Banner Ads: Intensive research indicates teen girls are large consumers of various media. 93% of 12-14 year old teenagers spend
time online, so it is essential to place advertisements in online media. Females specifically browse the Internet to keep up with popular
culture. Thus, we have decided to place banner advertisements on sites they frequent, including,, and Seventeen.
com. We will also be placing sponsored ads on Facebook.
The banner ads on J-14 will entice the
younger age range of the target market
(12-14 year olds) to visit the Social
Summer web page and get involved in the
campaign. The median age of readership
is 13.7 years old. As it is directed to the
younger girls, J-14 offers an interactive
and social experience by including quizzes,
polls, and giveaways.
Our interviews with mothers, babysitters,
and teachers revealed girls, especially 12
to 16 year olds, often look to media for
advice on fashion and growing up, as well
as to keep up with the latest celebrity
gossip. encompasses all three of
these aspects. The broad age range allows
many girls to connect with dELiA*s by
placing banner ads on the site.
The index on MRI for Seventeen magazine
is 239 for 17 year old girls, so combining
that with the Internet consumption
statistics, we can infer they also visit This site will capture the
attention of the older target market.

Creative Executions
Direct Mail
Imagine the smile on a young teen’s face when she sees mail in her name sitting on the kitchen counter.
The direct mail piece will contain two collectible dELiA*s shopping bags – one for the recipient and one
for her friend. The direct mail piece will only be distributed to girls within key market areas depicited on
page 5. This is to entice them to shop in-store with the bag and participate in the Social Summer’s offers.
Escalator Advertisements
As a creative form of advertisement, we plan to decorate the
steps of escalators with a Social Summer ad depicting dELiA*s
clothes as they “fall” down the escalator and into a dELiA*s
Social Summer bag. This will grab the attention of teen girls
as they wander the mall with their friends, remind them of the
Social Summer campaign, and entice them to visit the store only
steps away.

Because shopping is a social activity for these girls, it is vital
to catch their attention while they aimlessly walk through the
mall searching for that perfect top together. The eye-catching
storefront will entice these girls to shop in dELiA*s.

Enhance your
summer look!

All of this summer’s hottest trends
are waiting for you inside.

Back to School

Plan the perfect
Hor�copes and
Qu�zes Galore!
All inside for you to enjoy!


The Social Summer gets you ready
for those perfect summer moments
with dELiA*s Shop and Save deals!

Because of the unique layout of
the dELiA*s-focused catazine,
consumers will be more likely to
read the content rather than skim
through and toss it. We postulate
that these girls will take the
included quizzes with their friends
as well as look at the celebrity
fashion comparisons, stories, and
horoscopes together. It provides
them with something to read at
sleepovers with their besties, all
while promoting dELiA*s clothes.
Creative Executions
Social Media
Young girls are vast consumers of social media and are constantly looking for the approval of their closest friends. By
including a “share” feature on the outfit builder and recent purchases page, these girls’ friends can comment on their
style. This is sure to give them the boost of confidence they need and reinforce their dELiA*s purchase. The preexisting dELiA*s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts will also prove a useful tool, the regular posts will have
an emphasis on being social. Additionally, we plan to incorporate the new, popular app, Vine. Brief snippets showing
clothing, as well as in-store customers (turned models!) will capture the attention of these teen girls. Who doesn’t
want the chance to act as a model whilst shopping at the mall? Fundamentally, our social media plan is to ensure
these girls are included in the campaign.
Girls between 12 and 17
have personal emails that
are checked frequently.
Emails will be sent once
a week to existing and
prospective customers
on the dELiA*s database
as well as those on the
rented lists. They will be
sent at the beginning of
the campaign, once a
week thereafter for the
entirety of the campaign,
and as a follow-up when
customers abandon their

Website Tab
When dELiA*s site first
opens, the Social Summer
logo will pop-up welcoming
online shoppers. On the
homepage, the bright
Social Summer logo will
be featured as a tab so
current shoppers will see
the campaign and the
incentives offered. When
clicked, an outfit builder
and social media feed
overlay the dELiA*s page,
allowing each girl to see
others’ shared styles. They
can then share their own
outfit created right on the



Outline of budget

Evaluation Plan
We will measure the awareness of dELiA*s using the following criteria:

Direct Mail Piece
Online Ads
Social Media
Escalator Ads
Production Costs

Mail: The number of people who open an email or receive the
direct mail
Online: The number of online advertising impressions
Social media: The number of people who view the Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram, and Vine pages
Mall ads: The number of people who visit the KMA malls

We will measure interest using the following criteria:

Online: The number of click-throughs on the banner ads
Social media: The number of “likes” on Facebook and followers on
Twitter, Instagram and Vine
Mall ads: The number of people who walk into all dELiA*s stores

We will measure desire using the following criteria:

return on investment
dELiA*s Current Sales
Projected Sales of our campaign
Average Cost of dELiA*s Sales
Average Cost of Sales with our Campaign
Girls Projected to shop at dELiA*s during our campaign
Campaign Budget
Campaign Total


ROI 5.04

Mail: The number of people who bring the Social Summer bag to
the stores
Online: The number of people who place items in their online
shopping cart or visit more than 3 web pages
Social media: The number of people who willingly interact by liking
posts or retweeting tweets

We will measure action using the following criteria:

The number of people who purchase in-store with the Social
Summer bag or online via the email click-through link. We will be
tracking the total number of purchases throughout the campaign.

Appendix: A
Detailed budget
Direct Mail
Online Ads
Social Media
Escalator Ads
Production Costs




Direct Mail
Cost of Bags: $2.44 each x 2 per mailing = $4.88
Cost of foldable postcards: $0.14 each
Cost for postage (11 oz.): $3 per shipment
Total per mail piece= $8.02
Sending 16,000 direct mail pieces
$8.02 x 16,000 = $128,320
Online Advertisements
$2.00 per 1,000 impressions (CPM)		
(5,000,000 impressions / 1,000)		
(3,000,000 impressions / 1,000)	
(8,000,000 impressions / 1,000)	
Paying for 40,000 click throughs
40,000 x 0.90 = $36,000
Total Online Advertisments = $68,000

x 2 = $10,000
x 2 = $6,000
x 2 = $16,000
at $0.90 each

Escalator Advertisments
$2,000 per escalator per month
x 2 for 2 months
x 2 per mall
x 8 KMA malls
Total = $64,000
We have allotted $150,000 for email, direct mail, website, catazine,
online advertisements and storefront production costs.
Grand Total = $410,320
Appendix: A
Detailed Impressions
Direct Mail Piece
Online Ads
Social Media*
Escalator Ads




The impressions
listed are those
calculated for
each medium.
The total number
of impressions
are not unique.

# of people that liked
dELiA*s on Facebook
(691,481) x average # of
friends in our target (10)

Detailed Frequency
Direct Mail 16,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 16,000 impressions
Email 550,000 (reach) x 8 emails a week (freq) = 4,400,000
Monthly unique visitors are between 2.0 and 2.5 million
x 2 months = 4,500,000
4,500,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 4,500,000 impressions
Online Advertisements		
5,000,000 x 7 = 35,000,000 impressions		
3,000,000 x 5 = 15,000,000 impressions	
8,000,000 x 10 = 80,000,000 impressions
Facebook Ads	
2,000,000 x 1 = 2,000,000 impressions
				Total = 132,000,000 impressions
Social Media
6,914,810 x 1 = 6,914,810 impressions
44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions
44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions
44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions
				Total = 7,047,020 impressions
Storefront 545,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 545,000 impressions
Catazine 2,000,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 2,000,000

based on
mall traffic

Escalator Ads 545,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 545,000 impressions

*Assuming that dELiA*s social media posts that are liked or
retweeted are seen by 10 Facebook friends or 10 Twitter followers.

Direct Mail
Online Ads
Social Media
Escalator Ads




# of people that follow
dELiA*s on Twitter (4,407) x
average # of follows in our
based on current

based on
mall traffic


Appendix: B

Shopping Bags

Direct Mail Piece
Sent to 16,000 households in Key Market Areas - See Appendix A
Each piece contains two shopping bags enclosed in a postcard mailer.
Appendix: B

Sent to girls personal email accounts, these emails introduce
girls to the Social Summer and then continue to remind them of
the campaign and its incentives.
Appendix: B
Store Front Mock-Up

Social Summer Logo
A large cutout of the
Social Summer logo will
be hung from the ceiling.

Mannequins wearing dELiA*s
clothes will be positioned
holding a Social Summer
shopping tote.
Hanging Polaroid Photos
Hundreds of photographed social scenarios hung
by string dangle from the ceiling. Polaroids include
silhouettes of girls, reading “You and your friend here.”
Appendix: B
Popular summer
clothes “fall” down
the stairs of the
escalator and into
the dELiA*s Social
Summer bag as a fun
way to advertise the
Appendix: B

Enhance your
summer look!

All of this summer’s hottest trends
are waiting for you inside.

Back to School

Plan the perfect
Hor�copes and
Qu�zes Galore!
All inside for you to enjoy!

The Social Summer gets you ready
for those perfect summer moments
with dELiA*s Shop and Save deals!

As a way to enhance
dELiA*s brand image,
we want to give the
catalog a new spin and
design it like a teen
magazine. Along with
the normal catalog
features, horoscopes,
quizzes and articles will
be featured.
Appendix: B
Website Pop-Up
This pop-up serves as a reminder for the deals
girls can save upon accessing
Appendix: B
Social Summer Website Tab Pop-Up
Clicking on the Social Summer tab at the top of dELiA*s
website pulls up the outfit builder as well as a social
media feed in which girls share their outfits.
Appendix: B
Website Shopping Cart
The cart shows total savings as well as suggested
items that would offer additional savings.
Appendix: B

Banner Ads
The banner ads depict teen girls in realistic social scenarios that other
girls can relate to.
Appendix: B
Facebook Kit
The redesigned
Facebook cover
photo and logo helps
maintain a consistent
brand image of the
Appendix: B

Twitter Kit
The recognizable Social Summer
logo as well as photos of
social activities on the Twitter
background further emphasizes
the campaign and its attributes.
Appendix: C
ROI Calculation
Girls projected to shop at dELiA*s during the 8 week campaign: 40,000
Average cost of dELiA*s purchase: $72.00
- $10.00 saved with the Shop and Save discount
				Total: $62.00
Projected sales of campaign: 40,000 x $62.00 = $2,480,000
Total spent on campaign: $410,320
ROI: (2,480,000 - 410,320) / 410,320 = 5.04
Appendix: D
Vine Video
The Vine videos show dELiA*s
unique styles in brief snippets
of friends shopping together
for clothes, shoes, and accessories. These videos will visually appeal to girls on social
media as they will be posted
to Facebook and Twitter.

Our ideas for Vine videos
can be found here:

Appendix: E
Strategic Summary Chart
Marketing Research Conclusions


According to our qualitative research, young teens are enticed
by free collectibles.

Establish the Social Summer by direct mailing the “Shop and
Save” collectible tote bags to encourage a purchase.

Middle school and high school girls view shopping as a social

Place advertisements in malls where these girls shop together,
through executions such as storefront displays and on

Girls’ styles reflect their social group and are often similar to
their friends’ style.

Present the Social Summer as an interactive campaign by
placing advertisements in places teen girls will see them
together, such as in the catazine, in malls, and online.

In our research, we found that teen girls are frequent
consumers of online media and social networking sites.

Incorporate banner advertisements, social media, and a tab
on the dELiA*s website to appeal to online media consumers.
Appendix: F
Key Market area data

A. Galleria at Roseville
Roseville, CA
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 4,472
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 4,051
B. Mall of America
Bloomington, MN
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 2,142
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,236
C. Riverchase Galleria
Hoover, AL
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 2,866
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,466

E. Galleria at Ft. Lauderdale
Ft. Lauderdale, FL
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 3,687
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 4,140

D. Annapolis Mall
Annapolis, MD
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 908
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 984

F. Palisades Center
West Nyack, NY
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 143
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 109

G. The Plaza at King of Prussia
King of Prussia, PA
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 480
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 448

H. Tucson Mall
Tucson, AZ
Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 1,634
Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,140
Appendix: G
Works Cited
“American Fact Finder.” United States Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 8

“Leasing.” Galleria Fort Lauderdale. Lorel Marketing Group, n.d. Web.



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dELiA*s: The Social Summer Campaign

  • 2. Executive Summary dELiA*s has established itself as a trendy retailer for teen girls that offers the latest clothes, shoes, and accessories. dELiA*s appeal is widespread and spans teens between the ages of 12-19. At present, dELiA*s target market consists of 17 year old girls, but dELiA*s hopes to appeal to a younger 12-14 year old audience, through an interactive direct marketing campaign. Our campaign is designed to position dELiA*s as a unique and trendy brand to this younger audience, while retaining current customers. The campaign is multifaceted with an emphasis on presenting dELiA*s as a social shopping experience. Through the Social Summer campaign, we believe we can positively impact the future of dELiA*s. Explanations and materials are provided in the text that follows. With a $500,000 budget, we were able to strategically allocate our resources across multiple media platforms that we determined would most effectively reach our target audience. These executions include direct mailings, email marketing, social media, and point of purchase displays. All communications are designed to promote a purchase while simultaneously positioning dELiA*s as the ideal shopping destination for girls and their friends. We would like to sincerely thank dELiA*s and DMEF for this riveting opportunity. Crafting the campaign ahead was an exciting process, and we enjoyed putting our heads together to come up with a fun and creative direct marketing campaign that is sure to make a summer splash – pun intended. i
  • 3. Table of Contents Market research 1 to 3 evaluation appendix: A 4 to 5 Timing Objectives Overall Strategy Placement Creative Strategy Media Plan Media Objectives Media Schedule Media Tactics Creative Placements Detailed Budget Detailed Impressions Detailed Frequency appendix: B Creative Executions appendix: C 6 Big Idea Media strategy Forecasted Results appendix: D 6 to 7 Creative executions 8 to 9 Video Advertisement appendix: E Strategic Summary appendix: F Key Market Areas appendix: G Works Cited ii 10 Outline of Budget Return on Investment Company Background Industry Review Product Review Competitor Analysis SWOT Analysis Consumer Analysis Primary/Secondary Audience Marketing Strategy budget 10
  • 4. Market Research Company Background Delia’s Inc. is a direct marketing and retail company comprised of two brands, dELiA*s and Alloy. The dELiA*s brand specifically is a lifestyle clothing company that generates sales through direct mail catalogs, mall-based stores, and its website. Its products consist of trendy apparel, accessories, and footwear for teenage girls. Industry review dELiA*s falls into two categories, mail-order houses and women’s clothing stores. One-third of dELiA*s sales comes from direct business through its catalog and website. The emergence of the Internet has affected the ease in which consumers can purchase items online in the comfort of their own home. However, the at-home purchases are not in lieu of traveling to stores. Consumers, especially teenagers, still prefer tangible clothing items that can be tried on before purchased. There are currently 110 mall-based dELiA*s stores in 30 states, which accounts for two-thirds of the brands’ sales. Thus, it is important to focus on channels that will drive people to dELiA*s website as well as to its stores. product review Products in-stores can also be found directly on the dELiA*s website and may be featured in their direct mail catalog. However, dELiA*s also provides a wider assortment and inventory of items on its website deemed “online exclusives.” dELiA*s carries various styles to suit individual tastes. Whether you like prints or solids, floral or lace, skinny jeans or flare, you can find it all at dELiA*s. All of their clothes are unique, colorful, and most of all - trendy. competitor analysis With their Life Your Life campaign, American Eagle has successfully enticed young men and women from 15 to 25 to purchase their simple yet fashion-forward clothing and accessories. With over 900 stores in malls and a sleek website, they have a strong brand recognition in the minds of teenagers. Although on the more expensive end of teenage apparel pricing, 12 to 14 year olds seek Abercrombie Kids for its exclusivity and its essence of privilege. Its sister company is Abercrombie & Fitch, a store in which girls aspire to eventually purchase from. Hot Topic is a direct competitor of the graphic tees sector of dELiA*s. They are known for their pop culture inspired fashion and the latest in music paraphernalia. With over 650 stores in the United States, they are a hot spot in malls. PAGE 1
  • 5. Market Research swot analysis Strengths dELiA*s offers up-to-date trends with clothing in a variety of styles, colors, and fits Merchandise appeals to a wide range of ages (12 to 17) Presence on social media with constant, relevant updates Opportunities Trends are always changing; staying on top of them gains a competitive advantage The Internet is a growing medium for communication Teen girls are looking for the status associated with the store brand, which a campaign can create PAGE 2 Weaknesses Price is not always affordable by the target themselves Number of store locations Lack of communication about items exclusively online Threats Lack of brand loyalty for clothes Competitors releasing similar styles at lower prices The need for a credit card makes it difficult for young teens to order online
  • 6. Market Research Consumer analysis Currently, dELiA*s target customer is a 17 year-old girl in high school. However, customers range from 12-17, with the older girls setting a fashion example for the younger girls aspiring to be like them. dELiA*s challenge is introducing the brand to younger potential customers. The Social Summer campaign aims to appeal to the entire dELiA*s market with a particular focus on the 12-14 year-olds. Primary audience The Stylish Sisters: The Martin sisters, Heather & Annabelle, may not agree on much, but what they do agree on is that dELiA*s is their go-to for the latest trends and styles to suit their unique tastes. Twelve-year-old Heather loves dELiA*s whimsical and free style, while Annabelle, 15, likes to explore her edgier style through dELiA*s graphic tees. The Trendsetting Best Friends: From the moment Lucy McDonough, 13, moved into the house next door to Kate Simon, 13, the pair has been inseparable. Two peas in a pod, these best friends are excited to start high school, and make their grand entrance together on the first day of school. secondary audience The It Girls: As seventeen-year-old seniors in high school, Michelle, Dani and Cheyenne are no strangers to the styles and trends available at dELiA*s. These It Girls are engrossed in social media and are looked up to for fashion guidance. This trio works to be the style icons that the younger set can aspire to be, and dELiA*s helps them achieve it. PAGE 3
  • 7. Marketing Strategy Timing The Social Summer campaign will run for 8 weeks. It will start on Monday, June 24, 2013 and end on Monday, August 19, 2013. Objectives Overall strategy Over the 8-week period, we hope to achieve the following: Awareness Raise awareness of the dELiA*s brand so that 60% of the target audience can identify the brand. Interest Increase the readership of dELiA*s catalog as well as the number of people who interact online by 40%. Desire Increase traffic on dELiA*s website and participation on dELiA*s-related social media content by 40%. Action Increase online, catalog and in-store purchases by 30%. PAGE 4 Primary research was conducted in an effort to understand the lifestyle and shopping habits of 12 to 17 year old girls. Through qualitative interviews with middle school teachers, parents, and siblings of the target market, we found that 12 to 17 year old girls are in a stage of finding themselves. In doing so, they turn to their group of friends for everything - advice, gossip, and approval. At this age, girls share similar styles, hobbies, and interests. They do everything and go everywhere together. We are positioning dELiA*s as a brand that brings girls together; dELiA*s combines social interactions with the latest trends. dELiA*s varied styles suit all tastes for all friendships and allows girls to make their own fashion choices while still feeling included. dELiA*s is the desired destination when girls are shopping together for the perfect outfit for any occasion. The campaign will take place in the summer at a time when girls will be in the position to shop with their friends. School will not be in session and these teens will have more time to spend together - at dELiA*s. To entice these girls to purchase, the campaign will offer an incentive of saving $5 for every $25 spent.
  • 8. Marketing Strategy PLACEMENT Our marketing strategy entails placing advertisements in malls in our key market areas. These areas are likely to be high in traffic and see the highest return on investment. The key market areas of our campaign are depicted on the map. The Mall of America is rated #1 for America’s Most Visited Shopping Malls with it’s 40 million annual visitors. This mall receives high traffic for all ages, including our target. The chosen dELiA*s stores are in high-income areas; as dELiA*s is a high quality brand, these malls are perfect locations for the local teens in the selected regions. Additional information about the specific key market areas is provided in Appendix F. We will be sending direct mailers to 12-17 year olds in these target areas. In these key market areas, we will be placing decal advertisements on escalators in these multi-level malls. Typically, dELiA*s is on the second floor; since the girls in our target spend much of their time traversing the mall with their friends, we predict these girls will use the escalators bearing advertisements, and visit dELiA*s. Every dELiA*s store will feature our creative storefront point-ofpurchase display. Advertisements will also be placed on popular websites to entice online shopping (to be discussed in the media section). This campaign utilizes a catazine, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine to carry the message of the campaign. PAGE 5
  • 9. Creative Strategy Media Strategy Big Idea Media Plan Our campaign is multifaceted but can be stated as this: We plan to transfer our message through a variety of media vehicles including direct mail, online advertisements, and social media. These tactics will be targeted directly to our audience and give them a reason to make a purchase from dELiA*s. Media OBJECTIVES promises to provide the latest trends to girls and their friends so they will always be together in style. We intend to make shopping a social experience, and in this, our tagline will be our campaign name - Social Summer. The summer timeframe will appeal to these girls because they will be out of school and home for the summer: the perfect time to hang with their friends. PAGE 6 Total Reach: Effective Frequency: 100,000,000 2.5 (on average) media schedule
  • 10. Media Strategy Media tactics Production Cost Reach Frequency Total Audience Impressions Direct Mail Piece Bags Postcard Postage Total $78,080.00 $2,800.00 $48,000.00 $128,320.00 16,000 1 16,000 Email $0.00 550,000 8 $0.00 4,500,000 1 Reach Frequency Total Audience Impressions 4,400,000 Website Production Cost 4,500,000 5,000,000 3,000,000 8,000,000 2,000,000 7 5 10 1 35000000 15000000 80000000 2000000 132000000 6,194,810 44,070 44,070 44,070 1 1 1 1 6,914,810 44,070 44,070 44,070 7,047,020 $0.00 545,000 1 545,000 Catazine $10,000.00 $6,000.00 $16,000.00 $36,000.00 $68,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Store Front Online Ads Facebook Total Social Media Facebook Twitter Instagram Vine Total $0.00 2,000,000 1 2,000,000 Escalator Ads $64,000.00 545,000 1 545,000 Creative placements Banner Ads: Intensive research indicates teen girls are large consumers of various media. 93% of 12-14 year old teenagers spend time online, so it is essential to place advertisements in online media. Females specifically browse the Internet to keep up with popular culture. Thus, we have decided to place banner advertisements on sites they frequent, including,, and Seventeen. com. We will also be placing sponsored ads on Facebook. The banner ads on J-14 will entice the younger age range of the target market (12-14 year olds) to visit the Social Summer web page and get involved in the campaign. The median age of readership is 13.7 years old. As it is directed to the younger girls, J-14 offers an interactive and social experience by including quizzes, polls, and giveaways. Our interviews with mothers, babysitters, and teachers revealed girls, especially 12 to 16 year olds, often look to media for advice on fashion and growing up, as well as to keep up with the latest celebrity gossip. encompasses all three of these aspects. The broad age range allows many girls to connect with dELiA*s by placing banner ads on the site. The index on MRI for Seventeen magazine is 239 for 17 year old girls, so combining that with the Internet consumption statistics, we can infer they also visit This site will capture the attention of the older target market. PAGE 7
  • 11. Creative Executions Direct Mail Imagine the smile on a young teen’s face when she sees mail in her name sitting on the kitchen counter. The direct mail piece will contain two collectible dELiA*s shopping bags – one for the recipient and one for her friend. The direct mail piece will only be distributed to girls within key market areas depicited on page 5. This is to entice them to shop in-store with the bag and participate in the Social Summer’s offers. Escalator Advertisements As a creative form of advertisement, we plan to decorate the steps of escalators with a Social Summer ad depicting dELiA*s clothes as they “fall” down the escalator and into a dELiA*s Social Summer bag. This will grab the attention of teen girls as they wander the mall with their friends, remind them of the Social Summer campaign, and entice them to visit the store only steps away. Storefront Because shopping is a social activity for these girls, it is vital to catch their attention while they aimlessly walk through the mall searching for that perfect top together. The eye-catching storefront will entice these girls to shop in dELiA*s. Enhance your summer look! All of this summer’s hottest trends are waiting for you inside. Back to School Perfection Plan the perfect Sleepover Hor�copes and Qu�zes Galore! All inside for you to enjoy! PAGE 8 Ready, Set, Shop Together! The Social Summer gets you ready for those perfect summer moments with dELiA*s Shop and Save deals! Catazine Because of the unique layout of the dELiA*s-focused catazine, consumers will be more likely to read the content rather than skim through and toss it. We postulate that these girls will take the included quizzes with their friends as well as look at the celebrity fashion comparisons, stories, and horoscopes together. It provides them with something to read at sleepovers with their besties, all while promoting dELiA*s clothes.
  • 12. Creative Executions Social Media Young girls are vast consumers of social media and are constantly looking for the approval of their closest friends. By including a “share” feature on the outfit builder and recent purchases page, these girls’ friends can comment on their style. This is sure to give them the boost of confidence they need and reinforce their dELiA*s purchase. The preexisting dELiA*s Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts will also prove a useful tool, the regular posts will have an emphasis on being social. Additionally, we plan to incorporate the new, popular app, Vine. Brief snippets showing clothing, as well as in-store customers (turned models!) will capture the attention of these teen girls. Who doesn’t want the chance to act as a model whilst shopping at the mall? Fundamentally, our social media plan is to ensure these girls are included in the campaign. Email Girls between 12 and 17 have personal emails that are checked frequently. Emails will be sent once a week to existing and prospective customers on the dELiA*s database as well as those on the rented lists. They will be sent at the beginning of the campaign, once a week thereafter for the entirety of the campaign, and as a follow-up when customers abandon their cart. Website Tab When dELiA*s site first opens, the Social Summer logo will pop-up welcoming online shoppers. On the homepage, the bright Social Summer logo will be featured as a tab so current shoppers will see the campaign and the incentives offered. When clicked, an outfit builder and social media feed overlay the dELiA*s page, allowing each girl to see others’ shared styles. They can then share their own outfit created right on the site. PAGE 9
  • 13. Budget Evaluation Outline of budget Evaluation Plan Awareness: We will measure the awareness of dELiA*s using the following criteria: Direct Mail Piece Email Website Online Ads Social Media Storefront Catazine Escalator Ads Production Costs Mail: The number of people who open an email or receive the direct mail Online: The number of online advertising impressions Social media: The number of people who view the Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Vine pages Mall ads: The number of people who visit the KMA malls Interest: We will measure interest using the following criteria: Online: The number of click-throughs on the banner ads Social media: The number of “likes” on Facebook and followers on Twitter, Instagram and Vine Mall ads: The number of people who walk into all dELiA*s stores Desire: We will measure desire using the following criteria: return on investment dELiA*s Current Sales Projected Sales of our campaign Average Cost of dELiA*s Sales Average Cost of Sales with our Campaign Girls Projected to shop at dELiA*s during our campaign Campaign Budget Campaign Total $66,222 $2,480,000 $72.00 $62.00 40,000 $500,000 $377,600 ROI 5.04 Mail: The number of people who bring the Social Summer bag to the stores Online: The number of people who place items in their online shopping cart or visit more than 3 web pages Social media: The number of people who willingly interact by liking posts or retweeting tweets Action: We will measure action using the following criteria: The number of people who purchase in-store with the Social Summer bag or online via the email click-through link. We will be tracking the total number of purchases throughout the campaign. PAGE 10
  • 14. Appendix: A Detailed budget Direct Mail Email Website Online Ads Social Media Storefront Catazine Escalator Ads Production Costs $128,320.00 $0.00 $0.00 $68,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $64,000.00 $150,000.00 TOTAL $410,320.00 Direct Mail Cost of Bags: $2.44 each x 2 per mailing = $4.88 Cost of foldable postcards: $0.14 each Cost for postage (11 oz.): $3 per shipment Total per mail piece= $8.02 Sending 16,000 direct mail pieces $8.02 x 16,000 = $128,320 Online Advertisements $2.00 per 1,000 impressions (CPM) (5,000,000 impressions / 1,000) (3,000,000 impressions / 1,000) (8,000,000 impressions / 1,000) Paying for 40,000 click throughs 40,000 x 0.90 = $36,000 Total Online Advertisments = $68,000 x 2 = $10,000 x 2 = $6,000 x 2 = $16,000 at $0.90 each Escalator Advertisments $2,000 per escalator per month x 2 for 2 months x 2 per mall x 8 KMA malls Total = $64,000 We have allotted $150,000 for email, direct mail, website, catazine, online advertisements and storefront production costs. Grand Total = $410,320
  • 15. Appendix: A Detailed Impressions Direct Mail Piece Email Website Online Ads Social Media* Storefront Catazine Escalator Ads 16000 4400000 4500000 132000000 704720 545000 2000000 545000 TOTAL 151053020 The impressions listed are those calculated for each medium. The total number of impressions are not unique. # of people that liked dELiA*s on Facebook (691,481) x average # of friends in our target (10) Detailed Frequency Direct Mail 16,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 16,000 impressions Email 550,000 (reach) x 8 emails a week (freq) = 4,400,000 Website Monthly unique visitors are between 2.0 and 2.5 million x 2 months = 4,500,000 4,500,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 4,500,000 impressions Online Advertisements 5,000,000 x 7 = 35,000,000 impressions 3,000,000 x 5 = 15,000,000 impressions 8,000,000 x 10 = 80,000,000 impressions Facebook Ads 2,000,000 x 1 = 2,000,000 impressions Total = 132,000,000 impressions Social Media Facebook 6,914,810 x 1 = 6,914,810 impressions Twitter 44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions Instagram 44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions Vine 44,070 x 1 = 44,070 impressions Total = 7,047,020 impressions Storefront 545,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 545,000 impressions Catazine 2,000,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 2,000,000 based on mall traffic Escalator Ads 545,000 (reach) x 1 (frequency) = 545,000 impressions *Assuming that dELiA*s social media posts that are liked or retweeted are seen by 10 Facebook friends or 10 Twitter followers. Direct Mail Email Website Online Ads Social Media Storefront Catazine Escalator Ads 1 9 1 6 1 1 1 1 AVERAGE 3 # of people that follow dELiA*s on Twitter (4,407) x average # of follows in our target based on current circulation based on mall traffic
  • 16. Back Front Appendix: B Shopping Bags Direct Mail Piece Sent to 16,000 households in Key Market Areas - See Appendix A Each piece contains two shopping bags enclosed in a postcard mailer.
  • 17. Appendix: B Emails Sent to girls personal email accounts, these emails introduce girls to the Social Summer and then continue to remind them of the campaign and its incentives.
  • 18. Appendix: B Store Front Mock-Up Social Summer Logo A large cutout of the Social Summer logo will be hung from the ceiling. Mannequins Mannequins wearing dELiA*s clothes will be positioned holding a Social Summer shopping tote. Hanging Polaroid Photos Hundreds of photographed social scenarios hung by string dangle from the ceiling. Polaroids include silhouettes of girls, reading “You and your friend here.”
  • 19. Appendix: B Escalator Advertisement Popular summer clothes “fall” down the stairs of the escalator and into the dELiA*s Social Summer bag as a fun way to advertise the campaign.
  • 20. Appendix: B Enhance your summer look! All of this summer’s hottest trends are waiting for you inside. Back to School Perfection Plan the perfect Sleepover Hor�copes and Qu�zes Galore! All inside for you to enjoy! Ready, Set, Shop Together! The Social Summer gets you ready for those perfect summer moments with dELiA*s Shop and Save deals! Catazine As a way to enhance dELiA*s brand image, we want to give the catalog a new spin and design it like a teen magazine. Along with the normal catalog features, horoscopes, quizzes and articles will be featured.
  • 21. Appendix: B Website Pop-Up This pop-up serves as a reminder for the deals girls can save upon accessing
  • 22. Appendix: B Social Summer Website Tab Pop-Up Clicking on the Social Summer tab at the top of dELiA*s website pulls up the outfit builder as well as a social media feed in which girls share their outfits.
  • 23. Appendix: B Website Shopping Cart The cart shows total savings as well as suggested items that would offer additional savings.
  • 24. Appendix: B Banner Ads The banner ads depict teen girls in realistic social scenarios that other girls can relate to.
  • 25. Appendix: B Facebook Kit The redesigned Facebook cover photo and logo helps maintain a consistent brand image of the campaign.
  • 26. Appendix: B Twitter Kit The recognizable Social Summer logo as well as photos of social activities on the Twitter background further emphasizes the campaign and its attributes.
  • 27. Appendix: C ROI Calculation Girls projected to shop at dELiA*s during the 8 week campaign: 40,000 Average cost of dELiA*s purchase: $72.00 - $10.00 saved with the Shop and Save discount Total: $62.00 Projected sales of campaign: 40,000 x $62.00 = $2,480,000 Total spent on campaign: $410,320 ROI: (2,480,000 - 410,320) / 410,320 = 5.04
  • 28. Appendix: D Vine Video Advertisement The Vine videos show dELiA*s unique styles in brief snippets of friends shopping together for clothes, shoes, and accessories. These videos will visually appeal to girls on social media as they will be posted to Facebook and Twitter. Our ideas for Vine videos can be found here: Storyboard
  • 29. Appendix: E Strategic Summary Chart Marketing Research Conclusions Strategy According to our qualitative research, young teens are enticed by free collectibles. Establish the Social Summer by direct mailing the “Shop and Save” collectible tote bags to encourage a purchase. Middle school and high school girls view shopping as a social activity. Place advertisements in malls where these girls shop together, through executions such as storefront displays and on escalators. Girls’ styles reflect their social group and are often similar to their friends’ style. Present the Social Summer as an interactive campaign by placing advertisements in places teen girls will see them together, such as in the catazine, in malls, and online. In our research, we found that teen girls are frequent consumers of online media and social networking sites. Incorporate banner advertisements, social media, and a tab on the dELiA*s website to appeal to online media consumers.
  • 30. Appendix: F Key Market area data A. Galleria at Roseville Roseville, CA Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 4,472 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 4,051 B. Mall of America Bloomington, MN Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 2,142 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,236 C. Riverchase Galleria Hoover, AL Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 2,866 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,466 E. Galleria at Ft. Lauderdale Ft. Lauderdale, FL Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 3,687 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 4,140 D. Annapolis Mall Annapolis, MD Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 908 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 984 F. Palisades Center West Nyack, NY Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 143 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 109 G. The Plaza at King of Prussia King of Prussia, PA Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 480 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 448 H. Tucson Mall Tucson, AZ Pop. of girls aged 10-14: 1,634 Pop. of girls aged 15-19: 2,140
  • 31. Appendix: G Works Cited “American Fact Finder.” United States Census Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 “Leasing.” Galleria Fort Lauderdale. Lorel Marketing Group, n.d. Web. May 2013. < 8 May 2013. <>. index.xhtml>. “Mall Advertising.” Blue Line Media. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. “Audience Insights.” U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. <>. “Media Kit.” Bauer Media Group. Bauer, n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print. “The Average CPM Rates Across Different Verticals.” Digital Inspiration. < kit/>. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. < average-cpm-rates/11315/>. “On-Mall Advertising Rates.” On-Mall Advertising Rates. Cambridge “Bags.” Custom Ink. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <http://www.cus>.>. “Clothing Retail.” MRI+. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <http://www. “Postage Price Calculator.” United States Postal Service. N.p., n.d.>. “Cost Per Thousand - CPM.” Investopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. x?m=1&p=0&o=11&dz=14850&oz=12550&pob=0&MailingDa <>. te=5/8/2013&MailingTime=8:00%20AM>. DELiA*s. DELiA*s, n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <>. Side Galleria, n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <http://www.cambridg Web. 8 May 2013. < “Technology Blog.” The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. “DELiA*s, Inc. Company Information.” Hoover’s. Hoover’s, n.d. Web. 8 < May 2013. < company-profile.dELiA*s_Inc.3b1ebb494313598b.html>. Testaverde, Tony. “AdWords Tips.” WordStream. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 twitter-users-average-api-traffic>. “dELiA*s Inc. Income Statement.” Yahoo Finance. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 ws/2013/02/22/click-through-rate-by-ad-position>. May 2013. <>. May 2013. < “Facebook Ads Guide.” Social Ads Tool. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. - - -. “AdWords Tips.” WordStream. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. < < ads-cost/>. through-rate-by-ad-position>. “Folded Postcards.” U Printing. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. <http:// Yogerst, Joe. “America’s Most Visited Shopping Malls.” Travel +>. “Investor Relations.” DELiA*s Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 May 2013. - - -. “America’s Most Visited Shopping Malls.” Travel + Leisure Dec. <>. Leisure Dec. 2011: n. pag. Print. 2011: n. pag. Print.