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SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL............................................5
The pillars of Social Good Brazil.................................................... 6
Forming a unique social innovation network in Brazil................... 8
New Social Good Brazil “Links”..................................................... 10
Media coverage............................................................................... 12
Trend in social innovation............................................................... 17
Influencers...................................................................................... 18
THE SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL SUMMIT......................23
An unforgettable event ................................................................... 24
Where the participants come from................................................. 26
Participants profile......................................................................... 27
Online participants profile.............................................................. 27
More than a summit....................................................................... 28
Media coverage............................................................................... 38
Dissemination on social networks................................................. 42
THE SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL LAB.............................49
Knowledge to promote innovation: This is some of SGB Lab........ 50
Lab’s most important meetings..................................................... 50
Find out more about the 06 finalists initiatives.............................. 53
Saiba mais sobre as 6 iniciativas finalistas.................................... 54
Media coverage............................................................................... 60
Dissemination on social networks................................................. 64
Testimonials about the 2014 SGB Lab............................................ 68
THE PLATFORM......................................................71
Connecting users to Social Good Brazil......................................... 72
News on the network and on the platform..................................... 74
Cultural competition “Ideas that go far”........................................ 76
THE DOCUMENTARY...............................................79
Social Good Brazil’s first medium-lenght film............................... 80
Launch and Premier of the documentary...................................... 82
Connected We Make Change Happen............................................ 82
Strategies for 2015.......................................................................... 85
Media coverage............................................................................... 86
Dissemination on social networks................................................. 87
The Social Good Brazil team.......................................................... 93
Partners making change happen...................................................95
Social Good Brazil’s vision is a society where technology and innovative
thinking are used systematically in order to solve the world’s greatest
challenges. To achieve this vision, the Social Good Brazil pillars are:
Disseminate the concept of Social Good, inspiring organizations and
individuals to engage in this cause
Be a hub where people can interact, find information and practical tools
to use technology and innovative thinking to solve the world’s greatest
Identify and support innovative experiences to increase the number of
successful Brazilian cases and expand these initiatives’ potential to improve
society, using the Social Good Brazil Lab.
Be different to make the difference.
Know the pillars of Social Good Brazil.
•	 Act in network establishing partnerships with individuals
and organizations;
•	 Bold and relevant online positioning;
•	 Beyond digital: Annual summits;
•	 Act to reduce the gaps found in the system of social innovation
support in Brazil focusing on the ideas design, development
and proof of concept;
•	 To be a radar for trends and a funnel of social innovation.
In 01 year of Social Good Brazil, the network grew and it is well known.
There are more than 100 important local and national partners and 36 Social
Good Brazil “Links”. It is a qualified and comprehensive network gathering
different sectors and broadcast companies.
Adding to the 2013 network of brilliant partners,
in 2014 new important partnership were established:
Master Parner: Itaú
Summit Partner: Natura
Lab Fund Partner: Instituto Asas
Lab Institutional Patners: CRC, Sebrae-SC
Partners Rouanet Law: IBM, AZUL, Softplan, Tractebel
Partners in projects: Endeavor Brasil, Ink, Aliança Empreendedora,
Brazil Inovators, Instituto Quintessa, Edools, Taller, Sebrae-SC, Media
Education Lab, Thunderclap, Todoos, Meu Copo Eco, Oeko, Ceres,
Procomposto, Fundartec, Eva Macário, Metamorfose do Óbvio, Marinela
Goulart, Isabel Possidonio, Paula Tonon Bittencourt.
Communication partners: Unisul, IDIS, Rádio Tom Social, Instituto
Filantropia,, CEJESC, GIFE, Laduo, Glóbulo, ACIF Jovem,
SEBRAE, FEJESC, Avina, Edge, Aliança Empreendedora, Coordenadoria da
Juventude – PMF, ITCP – FGV, NeSst, Escola de Notícias, ISES -
Instituto de Sócio-economia Solidária, Peiferia em Movimento, Tellus,
Conexão Social FGV, Aspen Network Development Entrepreneurs,
Instituto Elos Brasil, Jr. Achievement, Startup SC, Empreende
Floripa e Múrmura.
Forming a unique social innovation
network in Brazil
New Social Good Brazil “Links”*
Mariana Ribeiro
Journalist by training, brand manager by opportunity and
purpose social entrepreneur. She has travelled all over
Brazil working on the project “Imagine in the World Cup”
and knew, studied and documented stories of young people
that are changing the country.
Mafoane Odara
Psychologist, Masters in Social Psychologist and
specialized in social entrepreneurship and training
for leaders and changemakers.
Bruna Waitman
New Business Director at Media Education Lab
(MEL),an organization working with education as
part of the real world, experimenting and connecting
people and practices.
*We use the term “Link” to identify people who have given outstanding contri-
bution to spread the Social Good mission and vision.
Tomás de Lara
Social Entrepreneur and netweaver by vocation, Tomás
co-founded “Engage”, a company that works with strategy
and technology for social innovation projects. Engage
was one of the co-founders of Catarse, the first online
crowdfunding platform in Brazil.
Gab Gomes
25 years old, advertiser, founder of Múrmura and co-
founder of ‘Shoot The Shit’. Gab is an enthusiast of a
variety of parallel projects.
Marcelo Germano
Passionate and successful entrepreneur. His
new project aims at helping small and medium
Media coverage
As well as getting coverage from regional and traditional medai channels,
Social Good Brazil was present nationally on mass media and had
great visibility:
Well known channels
Articles and interviews in high impact and relevant digital channels
accessed by influencers:
Closed groups on Linkedin
UFPE, Google Developer’s Group Brasil, Associação de Software Livre, Cufa
SP, Orbitalab, Pediatria Radical, Instituto Paulo Freire, AIESEC Porto Alegre,
and others.
Groups on Facebook
UFPE, C.E.S.A.R, Bicicletando, Grupo SOMOS, Grupo Campus Party
Brasil, Grupo de alunos UFABC, Casa da Cultura Digital SP, Cufa SP, Grupo
Linkedin Brasil - De A a Z, Maloca querida, Teto, RoadMaps PE,
Orbitalab, Instituto Paulo Freire, Movimento Down, Casa da Sustentabili-
dade, UX Weekend, Casa das Redes, Atenção Básica, Agência Favela (ANF),
Bela Rua, A Banca, and others.
•	 Quem Inova - Catraca Livre
•	 Brasileiros
•	 Info
•	 PME - Exame
•	 As Boas Novas
•	 Proxxima
•	 Pequenas Empresas Grandes Negócios
•	 Draft
•	 Folha de São Paulo
•	 AoQuadrado
•	 Catraca Livre
•	 Galileu
•	 Revista HSM
•	 Meio & Mensagem
13 1
Social Good Brazil was mentioned
as a trend in social innovation in the
WSGN February 2014 Report,
a world leader magazine on trends.
Trend in social innovation
An unforgettable event moving
with the country
Considered the largest event about the use of technology for social innovation
in Brazil, the summit is the Brazilian agenda of the Social Good Summit in
New York, the international annual event held during the United Nations
The theme of the 2014 edition of the Social Good Brazil summit was
PROTAGONISTS + SOCIAL INNOVATION: The new tool for change is you.
Date: November 5-6
Time: 13:00 - 19:00
Place: CIC Theater. Florianópolis, SC - Brazil
Total participants: 1.217
Total access livestream: 10.189
Special Activities
•	 Workshops offered by Partners: Natura Movement and Fundação
Telefonica, on November 6th
•	 Premier of the first documentary Social Good Brazil, on November 6th
•	 Art exhibition EcoArte, with the work of 04 local artists in partnership
with the Zero Waste Week
•	 Social Good Brazil and local patners did the largest learning festival on
social innovation in Brazil during the same week of the summit. Hub
Escola Floripa gathered around 300 people in 21 inspiring workshops
held by SGB summit pannelists and other invited professionals.
Northeast Brazil
Middle West Brazil
Southeast Brazil
State of Paraná
State of Rio Grande do Sul
State of Santa Catarina
Where the participants come from
Participants profile Online participants profile
Santa Catarina
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Rio Grande do Sul
Distrito Federal
2 8
Corporate foundation
Educational institution
Nonprofit organization
8% 5%
As well as the participants in the theater, the summit was followed by people
from all over the country and aborad via livestream. These are the Brazilian
States from where viewers followed the summit online:
More than a summit,
an environment for innovation
As well as the theater, 03 other
areas were prepared for the
•	 Digital Media Lounge - to be used by the press and as a co-working and
networking area;
•	 Lounge - place for coffee breaks and networking;
•	 EcoArte Exhibit - exhibition of local artists that use waste as the
material for their work
Interventions at the summit
•	 Capturing testemonials from participants
•	 Interactive wall where participants display their ideas for
the question: What would you do for a better world?
•	 “Clothesline” to hang business cards for public display
•	 Art intervention (picture painting)
Workshop organized by Fundação Telefônica and Movimento Natura and
the workshops of Hub Escola Floripa, organized in partnership with ICom’s
Center for Social Innovation and the Impact Hub.
•	 40 speakers volunteered to share their knowledge:
•	 32 Brazilians who are well known in the field of social innovation
and 08 international speakers from the USA, India and Chile, who
represented important institutions such as, Singularity
University, MIT and othes.
Master of Ceremonies
Edgar Gouveia was the MC for the summit and brilliantly entertained the
public as well as inspiring all to reflect on social impact.
Partner’s workshop
Free workshops offered during the summit by our partners:
•	 “Put your ideas in movement with Natura’s social entrepeneurs”
Offered by Natura’s Movement and had more than 50 participants.
•	 “Projecting tomorrow”
Offered by Fundação Telefônica and also had over 50 participants.
VIP Happy hour
For the night of the summit’s first day (05), Instituto Asas offered the
Social Good Brazil’s partners and international speakers a happy hour for
Summit’s management for
Considering the environmental impact, some action was taken in order to
build a more sustainable event:
•	 Each participant was given a reusable EcoCup, which saves the waste
of 7.200 disposable plastic cups;
•	 Solid and compostable waste was given correct and sustainable
•	 There was no printed material. All information was available on the
Social Good Brazil app;
•	 Environmental education and art education activities were offered at
the EcoArte Exhibit;
•	 The participants were enouraged to use public transportation, bikes or
car-sharing to commute to the theater.
Media coverage
Dissemination on social networks
Knowledge to promote innovation:
This is some of Social Good Brazil Lab
•	 Design Thinking and Lean Startup - both are human-centered methods
•	 Virtual environment, allowing autonomy;
•	 03 face-to-face meetings with practical work in communities,
in Florianópolis and in São Paulo
•	 Incentive for innovative behavior and new mental models;
•	 Collaboration from partners and mentors;
Process to select participants
Applications came in the form of a video. The selection was performed in
two parts. First, 11 people from SGB, IVA and Centro Ruth Cardoso, selected
a group of candidates who participated in a webinar where the 2014 SGB
Lab program was explained in detail. After the webinar, the applicants were
given a challenge in which they had to use the following tools: stakeholders
map, empathy map and a form of ‘diagnosis’. To accomplish the task, the
applicants had to deliver their diagnosis form filled with their completed
empathy and stakeholders map.
The evaluation of this first part was performed by a committee of 29 people
formed by SGB and Centro Ruth Cardoso and invited entrepreneurs and
mentors from differente organizations, including SGB Lab partners.
The committee ranked the applicants and the SGB team selected the 2014
Lab participants. 27 initiatives from Florianópolis and 31 from São Paulo
were selected.
•	 Number of applicants: 285
•	 Selected for the 2013 Lab (pilot): 15
•	 Selected for the 2014 Lab: 58
•	 Finalists that presented their ideas in the summit: 6
•	 Ideas that received seed money: 3
2014 Lab Demo Day Judges
The judges that selected the finalists to run for the seed money offered by
the 2014 SGB Lab Fund were:
In Florianópolis
•	 Alexandre Oliveira / Meritt Brasil
(Demo Day keynote speaker)
•	 Marcelo Ferrari Wolowski - BZ Plan
•	 Marco Piacentini - Endeavor
•	 Mariana Marrara Vitarelli - Sebrae/SC
•	 Julia Kodaira - ICom
•	 Guilherme Sarkis - SGB
•	 Carolina de Andrade - SGB
In São Paulo
•	 Nathalie Trumann - FIAP (Demo Day keynote speaker)
•	 Renato Kiyama - Artemisia
•	 Alaís Ávila - Instituto C&A
•	 Juliana Opipari Paes Barreto - CRC
•	 Camila Melo - Instituto Asas
•	 André Dantas Vilar - Itaú
•	 Andressa Trivelli - SGB
•	 Carolina de Andrade - SGB
•	 #sejoga - Promote innovative behavior, changing mental models
and design thinking. The meeting was facilitated by IntoActions;
•	 #vaiprarua - Using the Lean Startup method and Business Model
Canvas, with the support of business and technology mentors;
•	 #hackaton - Developing technology with the support of volunteer
developers, designers and digital marketing professionals;
•	 #mostrapromundo - Training on business pitch with SOAP and
BrazilInnovatiors. Demo Day with presentation of the initiatives to SGB
partners, investors and accelerators.
Lab’s most important meetings
Know more about the 2014 SGB Lab
06 finalists initiatives
By Fabiana Dias Moreira and Kátia Veríssimo
(Lab São Paulo)
It is a platform aiming to increase the quality refurbishment and
maintenance of houses managed by the house owners themselves. The
plataform helps the house owners to have a better and more beautiful house
without losing money and suffering with the frustration of constant delays
from bad suppliers. 100pepinos develops simple technical content, offering
assistance to those facing house repairs who do not want the stress.
By Monyse Almeida and Dariele Santos
(Lab São Paulo)
Degrading, ruthless and analogous to slavery. These are three very
commoncharacteristics in textile industry labor . Deeply troubled with
this realityy, these entrepreneurs used the Social Good Brazil Lab to
design Alinha. It is a plataform to accelerate and match, where partner
organizations will accelerate sewing workshops (support for formalization,
infrastructure, quality of the work provided, microcredit to purchase new
equipment). When ready, these workshops will be presented to the textile
industry and its supply chain in order to get better conditions in contracts.
Imposto vira cultura
By Lidiane Lemes (Lab Florianópolis)
74% of the cultural projects legally able to offer tax deduction do not manage
to raise the necessary funds to be implemented. Imposto vira cultura (tax
turns into culture) is a crowdfunding platform that wants to connect those
who work with culture and those who can finance projects. Nobody will
put money in: you designate your due taxes to help cultural projects you
want to see implemented. It is a platform and a campaign to clarify how
tax deduction works and offer a digital trusteeship with the participation of
the society: “Imposto vira cultura is a crowdfunding platform, using the tax
deduction system for cultural projects. Promote culture with your taxes!”.
By Jorge Henrique da Silva and Fabiano Luiz Tristão
(Lab Florianópolis)
Less than 10% of the population in Brazil is involved in volunteering. The
number is below the rate in countries of similar economy such as India,
Russia and Mexico. When asked why they are not volunteering, Brazilians
main reasons are lack of transparency and not knowing how to help. To
attract volunteers is not the main activity of the nonprofits. To close these
gaps and get volunteering back to help increase non-profits impact is
the aim of Inforpeople. The process consists of collecting data about the
nonprofits, analysing and telling their story. This happens through an app,
where people will know more about the nonprofit’s cause and work and can
apply for a volunteer position. The platform already counts on the support of
partner and registered institutions: “Interactive data that tell the story of the
social cause and get people engaged? Here it is! #inforpeople.”
By Leonardo Aguiar and Marisângela Brittes
(Lab Florianópolis)
Give voices to silent diseases. This is Maisha’s goal. It is an m-health platform
that allows information exchange. The idea was developed because chronic
diseases such as high blood pressure are responsible for 75% of global
expenses in health care. Part of this money could be saved with prevention
and that is Maisha’s focus. The tool used is very simple, functional and
unexpensive: SMS. The target public are the public and private health care
systems and there are negotiations in course with the Association of People
With Disabilities (APAE) of the city of Itajaí (Santa Catarina, Brazil) and a city
council: “We found a way to improve your health and the health of the entire
population, relieving the health care system by using simple, efficient and
low cost technology.”
Portal SuperAção
By Leticia Borges Taveira and Gabriella Barros Besser
(Lab São Paulo)
Portal SuperAção is a social network focused on public health, gathering
patients and their families, promoting solidarity and mutual support.
The initiative makes available an innovative system of emotional support,
information and connection to other kinds of support patients and families
may need. Portal SuperAção strengthens institutions and their professionals
promoting connection, visibility and direct contact with their target
public, making impact in the entire public health systeam and promoting
collaboration for the common good. The first users of the plataform are
dealing with dieases such as cancer, HIV and chemical dependence.
Media coverage
Dissemination on social networks
"The 2014 Social Good Brazil Lab's
team and consultants are confident
using the tools, believe in the projects
and live social innovation."
"The content presented is very
direct and dynamic.
The sessions are mentally tiring
but keep you awake and
Testimonials about the 2014 SGB Lab
Co-creation with the other
labbers was great and let us
know a lot about each ones project.
That was very good and motivating
for me. And the contact with the
Google Developers Group (GDG)
was also amazing, I got to learn
valuable tips."
"I believe that in the group of
mentors there are very qualified
professionals in their field. Our mentor
was great! She brought in benchmarking
initiatives, references and new points
of view. She really heard us."
Connecting users to Social Good Brazil,
its activities and partners
on twitter
Website visits
on YouTube and
e-mails received
through "contact us"
on Slideshare
slide views
Facebook fans
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
Our online growth
The Social Good Brazil’s Facebook Fan Page at the beginning of the year
counted on 37.979 fans. On November 20th the number it had more than
doubled, at 76.057.
At the beginning of the year the average monthly access to Social Good
Brazil’s website was 15.000 visits. Now the average monthly access has
reached almost 40.000.
On YouTube, our videos summed 15.539 views in 2013. In 2014, the number
increased to 24.109 views.
Blog posts
During 2014, 158 posts were written in the blog, with content about Brazilian
social initiatives, social innovation and the activities of Socail Good Brazil
itself. Among the posts, 15 inspiring stories were portrayed.
61 projects were registered in the session “Comece Agora” (Get Started
Now), with opportunities for users to engage in initiatives that use technology
to stimulate online learning, webcitizenship, accessibility, mobilization and
other issues.
Facebook posts
In 2014, the Social Good Brazil team produced several posts about the
program’s acivities, topics for discussion and the events agenda. There were
more than 480 posts that generated the interaction and the engagement of
the Social Good Brazil fans:
Post Likes
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
New Facebook groups
03 new Facebook groups were created:
• Social Good Brasil Lab – 1.427 members - Open group for those
interested in the SGB Lab. Innovators and entrepreneurs keep the group
updated with daily posts.
• SGB Labbers 2014 - São Paulo – 70 members - Closed group only for
participants of the Lab in São Paulo.
• SGB Labbers 2014 - Floripa – 47 members - Closed group only for
participants of the Lab in Florianópolis.
Members in these two last groups have lots of interaction among themselves,
exchanging information and talking about the activities of the Lab, as well
as publicizing their projects to the other participants.
Social innovation Blog
A collaborative space was launched with articles and news on social
innovation. The content is produced by people and organizations from all
over the world who are specialists in the field. Several of the articles are
inedit in Brazil and bring valuable information to increase the impact of
social business and social projects.
News on the network and on
Social Good Brazil’s platform
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit.
Highlighting Education
85% of the Brazilian young people consider education a priority, and so does
Social Good Brazil! We support the cause of education in Brazil and that is
why we prioritized initiatives related to this subject in the “Comece Agora”
(Get Started Now) section of the website.
Cultural competition “ideas that go far”
In 2014, Social Good Brazil launched the cultural competition “Ideas that
go far”. It was an initiative in partnership with +SocialGood and Online
Volunteers Portal, with the support of and CDI.
The competition was held from June 26th to August 3rd 2014.
•	 To map successful digital campaigns that got people
engaged in social issues;
•	 To identify a proactive person;
•	 Measure the engagement and evaluate the envolvement
with the social good cause.
•	 Trip to New York to participate (as invitee) in the Social Good Summit;
•	 Trip to Florianópolis to participate (as invitee and panelist) in the Social
Good Brazil Summit.
Applications and selection
•	 127 initiatives registered
•	 10 finalists, selected by a team of experts
on social mobilization.
Process: application was submitted through a specific online form. The
evaluation committee formed by the Social Good Brazil team, partners
and experts on social mobilization used the forms to select 10 finalists.
These finalists participated in a Google+Hangout and from them, 3were
awarded with the prizes.
Applicants profile
Evaluation criteria
Recording and transparency: we looked for campaigns that gathered data
of its processes and results, information that can be shared publicaly and
with the SGB team. It is important to have records of the development and
results of the campaign (phtos, videos, reports) and that the processes were
conducted with transparency;
•	 Effectiveness: if the aims established at the beginning of
the campaign were effectively matched;
•	 Real Change: the campaign was able to produce real change;
•	 People engagement: People engaged in the campaign,
online and/or offline;
•	 Visibility: the campaign reached the traditional media and
was well spread on the internet;
•	 Network of partners: the campaign managed to gather people,
partners, other organizations around the cause;
other areas of society engaged in the campaign;
•	 Communication: there was a real concern with the quality of the
message of the communication material prepared in the campaign;
•	 Timing: there was an immediate need and the campaign
came at the right moment.
•	 1º lugar: Que ônibus passa aqui
(Which bus stops here) - Gab Gomes
•	 2º lugar: De Bike ao trabalho
(Bike to work) -JP Amaral
•	 3º lugar: Campanha para inclusão da Quimio Oral
Campaign to include oral chemotherapy in health plans - Luciana Holtz
Initiative from an individual
Initiative from an organization
Initiative from a group,
colective or movement
Social Good Brazil’s first
medium-lenght film
06 moving stories
In 2014, Social Good Brazil produced the documentary “Connected we make
change happen”, a medium-lenght film lasting 52 minutes. The first film
portrays stories of people that act to make a difference in Brazil and work
hard to sove social problems. The context is the use of technology and new
media, which is essential in a world where anyone can be the protagonist
of the change they want to see in the world. These are the tools used by the
protagonists to increase the impact of their projects.
Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were the locations where the
documentary was filmed and the stories presented were from Teto Brasil,
Meu Rio, Banco Comunitário Maricá, Conexão Pais e Filhos, Projeto Integrar,
Fundação Laço Rosa, Rapunzel Solidária and chemotherapy and Beauty.
Launch and Premier of the documentary
Connected we make change happen
"I got the microphone
to say that I am touched
by this film, it is really inspiring.
I am from Maricá and I am very
happy to know what you are
doing for the city."
Andrea Monteiro, talking about the activities of the Community Bank of Maricá,
project that created the social currency called "mumbuca", which offers a
complementary monthly revenue to people that live in extreme poverty.
The launch of the film was on the stage of the Social Good Brazil Seminar, on
November 05th, in Florianópolis. The protagonists of the sories, the team,
parners and sponsors, were present and the film trailer was presented to
the public in the theater.
On November 06th, the complete film was presented in a premier in the
cinema at the culture center that hosted the SGB Summit. The documentary
can be seen in a special area on the SGB platform:
The medium-lenght film is a project approved by the Rouanet Law for
incentive of the culture and was made possible thanks to the support of IBM
Brasil, Azul Linhas Aéreas, Softplan and Tractebel.
The protagonists that
participated in the Premier
• Bruno Nichel e Mara Goulart - Projeto Integrar
• Marcelo Michelsohn - Conexão Pais e Filhos
• Pedro Oliveira - Teto Brasil
• Rafael Rezende - Meu Rio
• Fernanda Bornhausen Sá - Portal Voluntários Online
• Joaquim Melo - Banco Palmas e Banco Maricá
• Claudia Furiati (Writer) - Lagoa Filmes
• Wagner Novais (Director) - Lagoa Filmes
1.500 views of the film
on YouTube in less
than one week
people were present to watch
the Premier of the documentary
in the culture center
in Florianópolis.
For the next year, we will use the power of our network to disseminate
SGB’s first film, to the world.. Other activities in our plans are:
•	 To edit shorter films from the documentary, cutting per project
portrayed (around 8 minutes). This is to increase the possibility of
•	 To disseminate the film’s version with subtitles in English and Spanish,
counting on international partners such as the +SocialGood network;
•	 Strengthen the partnership and support from national and
international digital influencers already in our network of Social Good
Brazil “Links”, such as Beth Kanter, Kriss Deiglmeier, Alessandra
Orofino, Bia Granja, among others;
•	 Dub the film in Italian, to produce a version with subtitles
in Português for those with hearing impairment and a version
with audiodescription for visually impared people;
•	 To establish partnerships with TV Broadcast Networks in order to
exhibit the film (Rede Globo, Canal Futura and HBO);
•	 Partnerships with national online and offline magazines
such as Planeta Sustentável, Folha de S. Paulo, Portal Exame
and Catraca Livre;
•	 To promote an agenda of free exhibitions around the country,
with the support of partners and engaged volunteers.
Strategies for 2015
Media coverage
Dissemination on social networks
At the end of 2014,
the SGB team is:
•	 Fernanda Bornhausen Sá, Strategic Committee
•	 Lucia Dellagnelo, Strategic Committee
•	 Ana Maria Warken do Vale Pereira, Strategic Committee
•	 Anderson Giovani da Silva, Strategic Committee
•	 Carolina de Andrade, General Coordinator
•	 Bruna Pires, Communication Coordinator
•	 Ana Paula Santos, Communication Analyst
•	 Bibiana Beck, Social Media Analyst
•	 Ricardo Prisco, Art Director
•	 Cecília da Silva, Summit Coordinator
•	 Guilherme Sarkis, Lab Florianópolis Coordinator
•	 Andressa Trivelli, Lab São Paulo Coordinator
Social Good Brazil team
Fundação Telefônica
Master Partners
Senior Partners Lab SC PartnerLab Institutional Partners Lab Fund Partner Summit Partner
Documentary Gold Partner Documentary Silver Partner Documentary Bronze Parner
Institutional Partners
Social Good Brazil 2014 Report

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Social Good Brazil 2014 Report

  • 1.
  • 2. Content SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL............................................5 The pillars of Social Good Brazil.................................................... 6 Forming a unique social innovation network in Brazil................... 8 New Social Good Brazil “Links”..................................................... 10 Media coverage............................................................................... 12 Trend in social innovation............................................................... 17 Influencers...................................................................................... 18 THE SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL SUMMIT......................23 An unforgettable event ................................................................... 24 Where the participants come from................................................. 26 Participants profile......................................................................... 27 Online participants profile.............................................................. 27 More than a summit....................................................................... 28 Media coverage............................................................................... 38 Dissemination on social networks................................................. 42 THE SOCIAL GOOD BRAZIL LAB.............................49 Knowledge to promote innovation: This is some of SGB Lab........ 50 Lab’s most important meetings..................................................... 50 Find out more about the 06 finalists initiatives.............................. 53 Saiba mais sobre as 6 iniciativas finalistas.................................... 54 Media coverage............................................................................... 60 Dissemination on social networks................................................. 64 Testimonials about the 2014 SGB Lab............................................ 68 THE PLATFORM......................................................71 Connecting users to Social Good Brazil......................................... 72 News on the network and on the platform..................................... 74 Cultural competition “Ideas that go far”........................................ 76 THE DOCUMENTARY...............................................79 Social Good Brazil’s first medium-lenght film............................... 80 Launch and Premier of the documentary...................................... 82 Connected We Make Change Happen............................................ 82 Strategies for 2015.......................................................................... 85 Media coverage............................................................................... 86 Dissemination on social networks................................................. 87 INSTITUTIONAL......................................................93 The Social Good Brazil team.......................................................... 93 Partners making change happen...................................................95
  • 4. 6 Social Good Brazil’s vision is a society where technology and innovative thinking are used systematically in order to solve the world’s greatest challenges. To achieve this vision, the Social Good Brazil pillars are: Inspiration Disseminate the concept of Social Good, inspiring organizations and individuals to engage in this cause Information Be a hub where people can interact, find information and practical tools to use technology and innovative thinking to solve the world’s greatest challenges. Action Identify and support innovative experiences to increase the number of successful Brazilian cases and expand these initiatives’ potential to improve society, using the Social Good Brazil Lab. Be different to make the difference. Know the pillars of Social Good Brazil.
  • 5. 7 Strategies • Act in network establishing partnerships with individuals and organizations; • Bold and relevant online positioning; • Beyond digital: Annual summits; • Act to reduce the gaps found in the system of social innovation support in Brazil focusing on the ideas design, development and proof of concept; • To be a radar for trends and a funnel of social innovation.
  • 6. 8 In 01 year of Social Good Brazil, the network grew and it is well known. There are more than 100 important local and national partners and 36 Social Good Brazil “Links”. It is a qualified and comprehensive network gathering different sectors and broadcast companies. Adding to the 2013 network of brilliant partners, in 2014 new important partnership were established: Master Parner: Itaú Summit Partner: Natura Lab Fund Partner: Instituto Asas Lab Institutional Patners: CRC, Sebrae-SC Partners Rouanet Law: IBM, AZUL, Softplan, Tractebel Partners in projects: Endeavor Brasil, Ink, Aliança Empreendedora, Brazil Inovators, Instituto Quintessa, Edools, Taller, Sebrae-SC, Media Education Lab, Thunderclap, Todoos, Meu Copo Eco, Oeko, Ceres, Procomposto, Fundartec, Eva Macário, Metamorfose do Óbvio, Marinela Goulart, Isabel Possidonio, Paula Tonon Bittencourt. Communication partners: Unisul, IDIS, Rádio Tom Social, Instituto Filantropia,, CEJESC, GIFE, Laduo, Glóbulo, ACIF Jovem, SmartMob,180hub,CERTI,VillajCoworking,GoogleDevelopersGroup–GDG, SEBRAE, FEJESC, Avina, Edge, Aliança Empreendedora, Coordenadoria da Juventude – PMF, ITCP – FGV, NeSst, Escola de Notícias, ISES - Instituto de Sócio-economia Solidária, Peiferia em Movimento, Tellus, Conexão Social FGV, Aspen Network Development Entrepreneurs, Instituto Elos Brasil, Jr. Achievement, Startup SC, Empreende Floripa e Múrmura. Forming a unique social innovation network in Brazil
  • 7. 9
  • 8. 10 New Social Good Brazil “Links”* Mariana Ribeiro Journalist by training, brand manager by opportunity and purpose social entrepreneur. She has travelled all over Brazil working on the project “Imagine in the World Cup” and knew, studied and documented stories of young people that are changing the country. Mafoane Odara Psychologist, Masters in Social Psychologist and specialized in social entrepreneurship and training for leaders and changemakers. Bruna Waitman New Business Director at Media Education Lab (MEL),an organization working with education as part of the real world, experimenting and connecting people and practices. *We use the term “Link” to identify people who have given outstanding contri- bution to spread the Social Good mission and vision.
  • 9. 11 Tomás de Lara Social Entrepreneur and netweaver by vocation, Tomás co-founded “Engage”, a company that works with strategy and technology for social innovation projects. Engage was one of the co-founders of Catarse, the first online crowdfunding platform in Brazil. Gab Gomes 25 years old, advertiser, founder of Múrmura and co- founder of ‘Shoot The Shit’. Gab is an enthusiast of a variety of parallel projects. Marcelo Germano Passionate and successful entrepreneur. His new project aims at helping small and medium enterprises.
  • 10. 12 Media coverage As well as getting coverage from regional and traditional medai channels, Social Good Brazil was present nationally on mass media and had great visibility: Well known channels Articles and interviews in high impact and relevant digital channels accessed by influencers: Closed groups on Linkedin UFPE, Google Developer’s Group Brasil, Associação de Software Livre, Cufa SP, Orbitalab, Pediatria Radical, Instituto Paulo Freire, AIESEC Porto Alegre, and others. Groups on Facebook UFPE, C.E.S.A.R, Bicicletando, Grupo SOMOS, Grupo Campus Party Brasil, Grupo de alunos UFABC, Casa da Cultura Digital SP, Cufa SP, Grupo Linkedin Brasil - De A a Z, Maloca querida, Teto, RoadMaps PE, Orbitalab, Instituto Paulo Freire, Movimento Down, Casa da Sustentabili- dade, UX Weekend, Casa das Redes, Atenção Básica, Agência Favela (ANF), Bela Rua, A Banca, and others. • Quem Inova - Catraca Livre • Brasileiros • Info • PME - Exame • • As Boas Novas • Proxxima • Pequenas Empresas Grandes Negócios • Draft • Folha de São Paulo • AoQuadrado • Catraca Livre • Galileu • Revista HSM • Meio & Mensagem Newspaper TV Radio Magazine Podcast 15 7 13 1 101
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  • 15. 17 Social Good Brazil was mentioned as a trend in social innovation in the WSGN February 2014 Report, a world leader magazine on trends. Trend in social innovation
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  • 21. 24 An unforgettable event moving with the country Considered the largest event about the use of technology for social innovation in Brazil, the summit is the Brazilian agenda of the Social Good Summit in New York, the international annual event held during the United Nations Week. The theme of the 2014 edition of the Social Good Brazil summit was PROTAGONISTS + SOCIAL INNOVATION: The new tool for change is you. Outlook Date: November 5-6 Time: 13:00 - 19:00 Place: CIC Theater. Florianópolis, SC - Brazil Total participants: 1.217 Total access livestream: 10.189 Special Activities • Workshops offered by Partners: Natura Movement and Fundação Telefonica, on November 6th • Premier of the first documentary Social Good Brazil, on November 6th • Art exhibition EcoArte, with the work of 04 local artists in partnership with the Zero Waste Week • Social Good Brazil and local patners did the largest learning festival on social innovation in Brazil during the same week of the summit. Hub Escola Floripa gathered around 300 people in 21 inspiring workshops held by SGB summit pannelists and other invited professionals.
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  • 23. 83% 1% 2% 9% 3% 2% Northeast Brazil Middle West Brazil Southeast Brazil State of Paraná State of Rio Grande do Sul State of Santa Catarina 26 Where the participants come from
  • 24. 27 Participants profile Online participants profile Santa Catarina São Paulo Rio de Janeiro Rio Grande do Sul Paraná Distrito Federal Bahia Others 6% 5% 4% 3 2 2 8 38% 32% Press Companies Students Corporate foundation Educational institution Nonprofit organization Government Others 40% 2% 8% 15% 3% 8% 5% 19% As well as the participants in the theater, the summit was followed by people from all over the country and aborad via livestream. These are the Brazilian States from where viewers followed the summit online:
  • 25. 28 More than a summit, an environment for innovation As well as the theater, 03 other areas were prepared for the participants • Digital Media Lounge - to be used by the press and as a co-working and networking area; • Lounge - place for coffee breaks and networking; • EcoArte Exhibit - exhibition of local artists that use waste as the material for their work Interventions at the summit • Capturing testemonials from participants • Interactive wall where participants display their ideas for the question: What would you do for a better world? • “Clothesline” to hang business cards for public display • Art intervention (picture painting) Workshops Workshop organized by Fundação Telefônica and Movimento Natura and the workshops of Hub Escola Floripa, organized in partnership with ICom’s Center for Social Innovation and the Impact Hub. Speakers • 40 speakers volunteered to share their knowledge: • 32 Brazilians who are well known in the field of social innovation and 08 international speakers from the USA, India and Chile, who represented important institutions such as, Singularity University, MIT and othes. Master of Ceremonies Edgar Gouveia was the MC for the summit and brilliantly entertained the public as well as inspiring all to reflect on social impact.
  • 26. 29 Partner’s workshop Free workshops offered during the summit by our partners: • “Put your ideas in movement with Natura’s social entrepeneurs” Offered by Natura’s Movement and had more than 50 participants. • “Projecting tomorrow” Offered by Fundação Telefônica and also had over 50 participants. VIP Happy hour For the night of the summit’s first day (05), Instituto Asas offered the Social Good Brazil’s partners and international speakers a happy hour for networking. Summit’s management for sustainability Considering the environmental impact, some action was taken in order to build a more sustainable event: • Each participant was given a reusable EcoCup, which saves the waste of 7.200 disposable plastic cups; • Solid and compostable waste was given correct and sustainable destination; • There was no printed material. All information was available on the Social Good Brazil app; • Environmental education and art education activities were offered at the EcoArte Exhibit; • The participants were enouraged to use public transportation, bikes or car-sharing to commute to the theater.
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  • 46. 50 Knowledge to promote innovation: This is some of Social Good Brazil Lab Method • Design Thinking and Lean Startup - both are human-centered methods • Virtual environment, allowing autonomy; • 03 face-to-face meetings with practical work in communities, in Florianópolis and in São Paulo • Incentive for innovative behavior and new mental models; • Collaboration from partners and mentors; Process to select participants Applications came in the form of a video. The selection was performed in two parts. First, 11 people from SGB, IVA and Centro Ruth Cardoso, selected a group of candidates who participated in a webinar where the 2014 SGB Lab program was explained in detail. After the webinar, the applicants were given a challenge in which they had to use the following tools: stakeholders map, empathy map and a form of ‘diagnosis’. To accomplish the task, the applicants had to deliver their diagnosis form filled with their completed empathy and stakeholders map. The evaluation of this first part was performed by a committee of 29 people formed by SGB and Centro Ruth Cardoso and invited entrepreneurs and mentors from differente organizations, including SGB Lab partners. The committee ranked the applicants and the SGB team selected the 2014 Lab participants. 27 initiatives from Florianópolis and 31 from São Paulo were selected. • Number of applicants: 285 • Selected for the 2013 Lab (pilot): 15 • Selected for the 2014 Lab: 58 • Finalists that presented their ideas in the summit: 6 • Ideas that received seed money: 3
  • 47. 51 2014 Lab Demo Day Judges The judges that selected the finalists to run for the seed money offered by the 2014 SGB Lab Fund were: In Florianópolis • Alexandre Oliveira / Meritt Brasil (Demo Day keynote speaker) • Marcelo Ferrari Wolowski - BZ Plan • Marco Piacentini - Endeavor • Mariana Marrara Vitarelli - Sebrae/SC • Julia Kodaira - ICom • Guilherme Sarkis - SGB • Carolina de Andrade - SGB In São Paulo • Nathalie Trumann - FIAP (Demo Day keynote speaker) • Renato Kiyama - Artemisia • Alaís Ávila - Instituto C&A • Juliana Opipari Paes Barreto - CRC • Camila Melo - Instituto Asas • André Dantas Vilar - Itaú • Andressa Trivelli - SGB • Carolina de Andrade - SGB
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  • 49. 53 • #sejoga - Promote innovative behavior, changing mental models and design thinking. The meeting was facilitated by IntoActions; • • #vaiprarua - Using the Lean Startup method and Business Model Canvas, with the support of business and technology mentors; • • #hackaton - Developing technology with the support of volunteer developers, designers and digital marketing professionals; • • #mostrapromundo - Training on business pitch with SOAP and BrazilInnovatiors. Demo Day with presentation of the initiatives to SGB partners, investors and accelerators. Lab’s most important meetings
  • 50. 54 Know more about the 2014 SGB Lab 06 finalists initiatives 100pepinos By Fabiana Dias Moreira and Kátia Veríssimo (Lab São Paulo) It is a platform aiming to increase the quality refurbishment and maintenance of houses managed by the house owners themselves. The plataform helps the house owners to have a better and more beautiful house without losing money and suffering with the frustration of constant delays from bad suppliers. 100pepinos develops simple technical content, offering assistance to those facing house repairs who do not want the stress.
  • 51. 55 Alinha By Monyse Almeida and Dariele Santos (Lab São Paulo) Degrading, ruthless and analogous to slavery. These are three very commoncharacteristics in textile industry labor . Deeply troubled with this realityy, these entrepreneurs used the Social Good Brazil Lab to design Alinha. It is a plataform to accelerate and match, where partner organizations will accelerate sewing workshops (support for formalization, infrastructure, quality of the work provided, microcredit to purchase new equipment). When ready, these workshops will be presented to the textile industry and its supply chain in order to get better conditions in contracts.
  • 52. Imposto vira cultura By Lidiane Lemes (Lab Florianópolis) 74% of the cultural projects legally able to offer tax deduction do not manage to raise the necessary funds to be implemented. Imposto vira cultura (tax turns into culture) is a crowdfunding platform that wants to connect those who work with culture and those who can finance projects. Nobody will put money in: you designate your due taxes to help cultural projects you want to see implemented. It is a platform and a campaign to clarify how tax deduction works and offer a digital trusteeship with the participation of the society: “Imposto vira cultura is a crowdfunding platform, using the tax deduction system for cultural projects. Promote culture with your taxes!”. 56
  • 53. Inforpeople By Jorge Henrique da Silva and Fabiano Luiz Tristão (Lab Florianópolis) Less than 10% of the population in Brazil is involved in volunteering. The number is below the rate in countries of similar economy such as India, Russia and Mexico. When asked why they are not volunteering, Brazilians main reasons are lack of transparency and not knowing how to help. To attract volunteers is not the main activity of the nonprofits. To close these gaps and get volunteering back to help increase non-profits impact is the aim of Inforpeople. The process consists of collecting data about the nonprofits, analysing and telling their story. This happens through an app, where people will know more about the nonprofit’s cause and work and can apply for a volunteer position. The platform already counts on the support of partner and registered institutions: “Interactive data that tell the story of the social cause and get people engaged? Here it is! #inforpeople.” 57
  • 54. 58 Maisha By Leonardo Aguiar and Marisângela Brittes (Lab Florianópolis) Give voices to silent diseases. This is Maisha’s goal. It is an m-health platform that allows information exchange. The idea was developed because chronic diseases such as high blood pressure are responsible for 75% of global expenses in health care. Part of this money could be saved with prevention and that is Maisha’s focus. The tool used is very simple, functional and unexpensive: SMS. The target public are the public and private health care systems and there are negotiations in course with the Association of People With Disabilities (APAE) of the city of Itajaí (Santa Catarina, Brazil) and a city council: “We found a way to improve your health and the health of the entire population, relieving the health care system by using simple, efficient and low cost technology.”
  • 55. 59 Portal SuperAção By Leticia Borges Taveira and Gabriella Barros Besser (Lab São Paulo) Portal SuperAção is a social network focused on public health, gathering patients and their families, promoting solidarity and mutual support. The initiative makes available an innovative system of emotional support, information and connection to other kinds of support patients and families may need. Portal SuperAção strengthens institutions and their professionals promoting connection, visibility and direct contact with their target public, making impact in the entire public health systeam and promoting collaboration for the common good. The first users of the plataform are dealing with dieases such as cancer, HIV and chemical dependence.
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  • 64. "The 2014 Social Good Brazil Lab's team and consultants are confident using the tools, believe in the projects and live social innovation." "The content presented is very direct and dynamic. The sessions are mentally tiring but keep you awake and running." Testimonials about the 2014 SGB Lab 68
  • 65. Co-creation with the other labbers was great and let us know a lot about each ones project. That was very good and motivating for me. And the contact with the Google Developers Group (GDG) was also amazing, I got to learn valuable tips." "I believe that in the group of mentors there are very qualified professionals in their field. Our mentor was great! She brought in benchmarking initiatives, references and new points of view. She really heard us." 69
  • 67. 72 Connecting users to Social Good Brazil, its activities and partners DatacollectedonNovember20th2014 followers on twitter 2.958 282.842 Website visits views 24.109 498 Subscribers on YouTube and e-mails received through "contact us" +2.200 Followers on Slideshare 194 slide views 11.609 Facebook fans 76.057
  • 68. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 73 Our online growth The Social Good Brazil’s Facebook Fan Page at the beginning of the year counted on 37.979 fans. On November 20th the number it had more than doubled, at 76.057. At the beginning of the year the average monthly access to Social Good Brazil’s website was 15.000 visits. Now the average monthly access has reached almost 40.000. On YouTube, our videos summed 15.539 views in 2013. In 2014, the number increased to 24.109 views. Blog posts During 2014, 158 posts were written in the blog, with content about Brazilian social initiatives, social innovation and the activities of Socail Good Brazil itself. Among the posts, 15 inspiring stories were portrayed. 61 projects were registered in the session “Comece Agora” (Get Started Now), with opportunities for users to engage in initiatives that use technology to stimulate online learning, webcitizenship, accessibility, mobilization and other issues. Facebook posts In 2014, the Social Good Brazil team produced several posts about the program’s acivities, topics for discussion and the events agenda. There were more than 480 posts that generated the interaction and the engagement of the Social Good Brazil fans: 99.756 22.528 12.802 Post Likes Shares Comments
  • 69. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 74 New Facebook groups 03 new Facebook groups were created: • Social Good Brasil Lab – 1.427 members - Open group for those interested in the SGB Lab. Innovators and entrepreneurs keep the group updated with daily posts. • SGB Labbers 2014 - São Paulo – 70 members - Closed group only for participants of the Lab in São Paulo. • SGB Labbers 2014 - Floripa – 47 members - Closed group only for participants of the Lab in Florianópolis. Members in these two last groups have lots of interaction among themselves, exchanging information and talking about the activities of the Lab, as well as publicizing their projects to the other participants. Social innovation Blog A collaborative space was launched with articles and news on social innovation. The content is produced by people and organizations from all over the world who are specialists in the field. Several of the articles are inedit in Brazil and bring valuable information to increase the impact of social business and social projects. News on the network and on Social Good Brazil’s platform
  • 70. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. 75 Highlighting Education 85% of the Brazilian young people consider education a priority, and so does Social Good Brazil! We support the cause of education in Brazil and that is why we prioritized initiatives related to this subject in the “Comece Agora” (Get Started Now) section of the website.
  • 71. 76 Cultural competition “ideas that go far” In 2014, Social Good Brazil launched the cultural competition “Ideas that go far”. It was an initiative in partnership with +SocialGood and Online Volunteers Portal, with the support of and CDI. The competition was held from June 26th to August 3rd 2014. Objectives • To map successful digital campaigns that got people engaged in social issues; • To identify a proactive person; • Measure the engagement and evaluate the envolvement with the social good cause. Prizes • Trip to New York to participate (as invitee) in the Social Good Summit; • Trip to Florianópolis to participate (as invitee and panelist) in the Social Good Brazil Summit. Applications and selection • 127 initiatives registered • 10 finalists, selected by a team of experts on social mobilization. Process: application was submitted through a specific online form. The evaluation committee formed by the Social Good Brazil team, partners and experts on social mobilization used the forms to select 10 finalists. These finalists participated in a Google+Hangout and from them, 3were awarded with the prizes.
  • 72. 77 Applicants profile Evaluation criteria Recording and transparency: we looked for campaigns that gathered data of its processes and results, information that can be shared publicaly and with the SGB team. It is important to have records of the development and results of the campaign (phtos, videos, reports) and that the processes were conducted with transparency; • Effectiveness: if the aims established at the beginning of the campaign were effectively matched; • Real Change: the campaign was able to produce real change; • People engagement: People engaged in the campaign, online and/or offline; • Visibility: the campaign reached the traditional media and was well spread on the internet; • Network of partners: the campaign managed to gather people, partners, other organizations around the cause; other areas of society engaged in the campaign; • Communication: there was a real concern with the quality of the message of the communication material prepared in the campaign; • Timing: there was an immediate need and the campaign came at the right moment. Winners • 1º lugar: Que ônibus passa aqui (Which bus stops here) - Gab Gomes • 2º lugar: De Bike ao trabalho (Bike to work) -JP Amaral • 3º lugar: Campanha para inclusão da Quimio Oral Campaign to include oral chemotherapy in health plans - Luciana Holtz Initiative from an individual Initiative from an organization Initiative from a group, colective or movement 37% 49% 14%
  • 74. Social Good Brazil’s first medium-lenght film 80 06 moving stories In 2014, Social Good Brazil produced the documentary “Connected we make change happen”, a medium-lenght film lasting 52 minutes. The first film portrays stories of people that act to make a difference in Brazil and work hard to sove social problems. The context is the use of technology and new media, which is essential in a world where anyone can be the protagonist of the change they want to see in the world. These are the tools used by the protagonists to increase the impact of their projects. Santa Catarina, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro were the locations where the documentary was filmed and the stories presented were from Teto Brasil, Meu Rio, Banco Comunitário Maricá, Conexão Pais e Filhos, Projeto Integrar, Fundação Laço Rosa, Rapunzel Solidária and chemotherapy and Beauty.
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  • 76. 82 Launch and Premier of the documentary Connected we make change happen "I got the microphone to say that I am touched by this film, it is really inspiring. I am from Maricá and I am very happy to know what you are doing for the city." Andrea Monteiro, talking about the activities of the Community Bank of Maricá, project that created the social currency called "mumbuca", which offers a complementary monthly revenue to people that live in extreme poverty. Connecting The launch of the film was on the stage of the Social Good Brazil Seminar, on November 05th, in Florianópolis. The protagonists of the sories, the team, parners and sponsors, were present and the film trailer was presented to the public in the theater. On November 06th, the complete film was presented in a premier in the cinema at the culture center that hosted the SGB Summit. The documentary can be seen in a special area on the SGB platform: conectadostransformamos The medium-lenght film is a project approved by the Rouanet Law for incentive of the culture and was made possible thanks to the support of IBM Brasil, Azul Linhas Aéreas, Softplan and Tractebel.
  • 77. The protagonists that participated in the Premier • Bruno Nichel e Mara Goulart - Projeto Integrar • Marcelo Michelsohn - Conexão Pais e Filhos • Pedro Oliveira - Teto Brasil • Rafael Rezende - Meu Rio • Fernanda Bornhausen Sá - Portal Voluntários Online • Joaquim Melo - Banco Palmas e Banco Maricá • Claudia Furiati (Writer) - Lagoa Filmes • Wagner Novais (Director) - Lagoa Filmes 83 82 + 1.500 views of the film on YouTube in less than one week people were present to watch the Premier of the documentary in the culture center in Florianópolis.
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  • 79. 85 For the next year, we will use the power of our network to disseminate SGB’s first film, to the world.. Other activities in our plans are: • To edit shorter films from the documentary, cutting per project portrayed (around 8 minutes). This is to increase the possibility of viralization; • To disseminate the film’s version with subtitles in English and Spanish, counting on international partners such as the +SocialGood network; • Strengthen the partnership and support from national and international digital influencers already in our network of Social Good Brazil “Links”, such as Beth Kanter, Kriss Deiglmeier, Alessandra Orofino, Bia Granja, among others; • Dub the film in Italian, to produce a version with subtitles in Português for those with hearing impairment and a version with audiodescription for visually impared people; • To establish partnerships with TV Broadcast Networks in order to exhibit the film (Rede Globo, Canal Futura and HBO); • Partnerships with national online and offline magazines such as Planeta Sustentável, Folha de S. Paulo, Portal Exame and Catraca Livre; • To promote an agenda of free exhibitions around the country, with the support of partners and engaged volunteers. Strategies for 2015
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  • 87. 93 At the end of 2014, the SGB team is: • Fernanda Bornhausen Sá, Strategic Committee • Lucia Dellagnelo, Strategic Committee • Ana Maria Warken do Vale Pereira, Strategic Committee • Anderson Giovani da Silva, Strategic Committee • Carolina de Andrade, General Coordinator • Bruna Pires, Communication Coordinator • Ana Paula Santos, Communication Analyst • Bibiana Beck, Social Media Analyst • Ricardo Prisco, Art Director • Cecília da Silva, Summit Coordinator • Guilherme Sarkis, Lab Florianópolis Coordinator • Andressa Trivelli, Lab São Paulo Coordinator Social Good Brazil team
  • 88. Initiative Fundação Telefônica Master Partners Senior Partners Lab SC PartnerLab Institutional Partners Lab Fund Partner Summit Partner Documentary Gold Partner Documentary Silver Partner Documentary Bronze Parner Institutional Partners