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March          2011

Vol. 68, Issue 3
                                                                                                                          NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas

Traveling Veterans’ Wall

                                                                                                                                           Commemorative Flight
Coming to Benbrook
                                                                                                                                                             On March 25, Capt. T.D.
                                                                                                                                                          Smyers, Air Force Brig. Gen.
                                                                                                                                                         Bruce Miller, and Fort Worth
                                                                                                                                                       Mayor Mike Moncrief will fly
     The city of Benbrook will bring                                                                                                                 in the only operational B-29 in
the American Veterans Traveling Trib-                                                                                                              existence to commemorate the first
ute and The Traveling Wall to Dutch                                                                                                            nonstop around-the-world flight.
Branch Park from March 30 to April 3,                                                                                                                                      See Page 4
and Capt. T.D. Smyers, commanding
officer of NAS Fort Worth JRB, will be
one of the guest speakers.
     “We have a lot of veterans in our
community, and we thought it would                                                                                                         Marines Treated
be a great way to honor them,” said
Patty Bissey, marketing coordinator                                                                                                        to Pre-Dawn Breakfast
for the city of Benbrook. “We’ll have a
                                                                                                                                                                 The Marines at MAG-
ceremony on Saturday, April 2 at 1:30.”
                                                                                                                                                               41 were treated to a
     Former U.S. Deputy Secretary
                                                                                                                                                               homemade breakfast
of Defense Gordon England, who re-
                                                                                                                                                               by member of Shady
ceived his MBA from TCU, will be the                                                                              PHOTO COURTESY OF AVTT
                                                                                                                                                               Oaks Baptist Church.
keynote speaker. Smyers and England           A wall rubbing is a common sight at the American Veterans Traveling Tribute by people who
                                                                                                                                                                           See Page 9
may be joined by U.S. Congresswom-            want to remember a relative or friend.
an Kay Granger, Bissey said, although            “We’re trying to keep it short and             “I always like speaking to veterans
that had not been confirmed at press          sweet, because it’s about the wall and        groups,” Smyers said recently.
time.                                         honoring veterans,” Bissey added.
                                                                                                                  continued on page 18
                                                                                                                                           Air Force
Installation’s Free Air Power Expo Just Weeks Away                                                                                         Combines Squadrons
BY KATHLEEN BYNUM                                                 nial is bringing out      Angels.
                                                                 more than is usually            Last year, the VFA-204 River Rat-                           The     301st    Mission
      Because 2011 marks the Centen-
                                                               allowed. It’s going to       tlers from NAS Belle Chase, New Or-                            Support Squadron and
nial of Naval Aviation, NAS Fort Worth
                                                             be the biggest air show!”      leans, provided a six-aircraft show-of                         Services Flight merged to
JRB’s Air Power Expo on April 16-17 is
                                                                  The Blue Angels, the      -force with pyrotechnics. Returning this                       become the 301st Force
expected to be spectacular.
                                                           Navy’s most prestigious pi-      year, they up their impressive demo by                         Support Squadron with Lt.
      “I’m excited about the all the dem-
                                                        lots, will be just one of many      adding two more planes.                                        Col. Kathryn Smith as the
os,” said Cmdr. Brian Parker, a Tactical
                                              demos that Parker, along with many                 “It will be an eight-plane show-                          new commander.
Support Wing officer and the Air Show
                                              others, can’t wait to see first-hand.         of-force, complete with pyrotechnics,”                                       See Page 12
director. “It’s really unheard of ... we’ll
                                                   “They are the culminating demon-         Parker said.
have more than we’ve ever had, and
                                              stration each day,” he said of the Blue
more than we ever will ... the Centen-                                                                            continued on page 14

                                                                 Visit us on the web at
p. 2                                                                                                                                                                                  March             2011

                                                                                                                                                                        Flag Officers speaking at events
                                                                                  CAPTAIN’S LOG:                                                                        throughout the Metroplex; the
                                                                                  A CeNTuRy iN ReTROSpeCT
                                                                                                                                                                        Navy Band performing at venues
                                                                                                                                                                        in the Stock Yards and Sundance
                                                                                  BY CAPT. T.D. SMYERS                                                 changed
                                                                                                                                                                        Square; and aviation-centered
                                                                                                                                                       that course
                                                                                        This year, Navy and Marine                                                      contests at our public schools,
                                                 NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas                                                                             — things
                                                                                  Corps flyers commemorate 100                                                          among other things. Navy Week
                                                                                                                                                       like the use
    The Official Base Newspaper of Naval Air Station                              years of flying with the world-                                                       will culminate in the largest air-
                                                                                                                                                       of mounted
         Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas                                     wide Centennial of Naval Aviation
                                                                                                                                                       soldiers, the
                                                                                                                                                                        show ever at our base, the 2011
                                                                                  (CoNA) celebration. Of course,                                                        Air Power Expo.
                                                                                                                                                       casting of
            Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base                       those of us on this joint base prob-                                                        This year’s Expo will feature
                                                                                                                                                       armor, the
                         Commanding Officer                                       ably know, better than most, that                                                     the U.S. Navy Blue Angels for the
                            Capt. T.D. Smyers                                                                                        SMYERS            discovery of
                                                                                  the Army beat us all to the skies                                                     first time in six years, as well as air-
                                                                                  by two years when they stood up                                                       to-ground attack demonstrations,
                            Public Affairs Officer                                                                            and the advent of naval warfare.
                                                                                  the Army Air Corps (now the U.S.                                                      stunt pilots, the amazing F/A-18
                               Mr. Don Ray                                                                                    In recent world history, it would be
                                                                                  Air Force)! CoNA gives us cause                                                       E/F Superhornet flight demo, the
                                                                                                                              difficult to find something that im-
                                                                                  to reflect on how air power has                                                       AV-8B Harrier demo and many
                                 Editor                                                                                       pacted the course of human events
                            Kathleen Bynum                                        changed the course of history, not                                                    others, including more than 100
                                                                                                                              than the arrival of flying machines
                             (817) 782-7815                                       only the history of our services,                                                     static display aircraft.
                                                                                                                              as instruments of United States
                                             but also the history of our country                                                         These events will be legend-
                                                                                                                              power projection, especially when
                                                                                  and, consequently, the history of                                                     ary, but another way we’ll com-
                                                                                                                              those flying machines were capa-
                                 Staff                                            the world.                                                                            memorate CoNA is more endur-
                                                                                                                              ble of being brought within reach
                        MC2(AW) Bradley Dawson                                          In order to help my kids get                                                    ing. Sometime during the course
                                                                                                                              of enemy shores by enormous sea-
                                                                                  their heads around the history                                                        of Navy Week, our new natato-
         CORRECTION: In the February issue of the Sky Ranger,                                                                 going cities — America’s carrier.
                                                                                  they’re taught at school, I’ve found                                                  rium will be named in honor of
  the number listed for musicians interested in joining the Sammy Team                                                              While it would seem that land-
                                                                                  it useful to remind them that (in my                                                  Lt. j.g. Marshall Barnett, a North
     band was incorrect. Interested parties should call 817-782-1873.                                                         locked Fort Worth is a long way
                                                                                  opinion) human history is largely                                                     Texan and hero of the Battle of
                                                                                                                              from the traditional coastlines we
        The Sky Ranger is an authorized newspaper published on the sec-           the history of conflict. Whether                                                      Leyte Gulf. Watch next month’s Sky
                                                                                                                              usually identify with naval force,
  ond Thursday of every month for the installation’s tenant commands,             that conflict is between nations,                                                     Ranger for more information.
  base military personnel, civilian employees and retirees of the Naval Air                                                   NAS Fort Worth JRB will celebrate
                                                                                  religions, tribes, noblemen or spe-                                                         There’s never been a better
  Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas.                                                                               CoNA in a couple of BIG ways.
        The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and           cies, conflict has shaped our globe                                                   time to be a Sailor or, for that mat-
                                                                                                                                    April will bring a Navy Week
  provided by the Public Affairs Office. News items, photos and event             since the dawn of recorded time.                                                      ter, a Marine, Soldier, Airman or
  briefs must be submitted by noon on the last Friday of the month. The                                                       to Fort Worth for the first time in
                                                                                  At key milestones along history’s                                                     Guardsman, in North Texas! Hoo
  Public Affairs Office is in building 1510 (Chennault Ave.) News ideas and                                                   recent memory. Beginning April
  questions can be directed to the editor by calling (817) 782-7815 or            course, things have happened that                                                     Yah! I can’t wait!
                                                                                                                              11, this week will feature Navy
  faxed at 782-3293. All materials are subject to editing.

                                                                                                          CO’s Suggestion Box
        The Sky Ranger is an authorized publication for members of the
  military service. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views
  of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy,
  and does not imply endorsement thereof.
        The appearance of advertising in the publication, including inserts                              Install a credit union ATM on              evening “colors.” While this would be
  or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department                                 base.                                           an easy thing to do, and might even
  of Defense, Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, or Full Amor                           By instruction, installations are             seem to make sense in this time of
  Group of the products advertised. Advertisers are responsible for accu-
  racy of ads contained herein.                                                                  authorized both a bank and a credit union.         constrained human resources, we’re
        Everything advertised in the publication shall be made available          We’ve dusted off this authorization and have included the         just not going to do it.
  for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion,        pursuit of a credit union into our near term base services           There are some things that you
  gender, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political
                                                                                  strategy. While it’s still too early to tell what the footprint   just can’t let go if the customs and
  affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of purchaser, user, or patrons.
        The Sky Ranger is published by Full Armor Group, a private firm, in       of the bank and credit union might look like, rest assured        traditions of our service are to
  no way connected with the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy,              we’re going to build it to provide optimum service to our         continue to hold meaning. Colors is
  under exclusive contract with the U.S. Navy. The circulation is 10,000.         war fighters — past, present and future.                          one of them.
        POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NAS Fort Worth JRB Public
  Affairs Office, 1510 Chennault Ave., Fort Worth, Texas, 76127                      Can we get a light mounted for the ensign?
        The Sky Ranger is a registered                                                                                                                I’ll use the remainder of my
  trademark of the United States of                                                  For those of you in other services, the “ensign,” in this      space this month to let you know
  America.                                                                        context, is the U.S. Flag.                                        about something BEFORE it hits the
        Advertisements are solicited by                                              For years, it’s been suggested that we light the ensign        Suggestion Box. You’ll notice work at the front gate when
  the publisher and inquiries regard-
  ing advertisements should be di-                                                at night, rather than take it down at sunset and hoist it at      you arrive in the morning. This work is the beginning of
  rected to the Public Affairs Office at                                          0800 each day. While the customs of our various services          a project to modernize and renovate our main entry
  817.782.7815 or call Full Armor Group                                           differ a bit, each service honors the flag in some similar        control point, both for function and appearance. I know
  directly at 817.887.8470.
                                                                                  observance as part of the daily routine, but many have            you’ll like the new sign and lighting. Let me know!
                                                                                  begun lighting the flag so that it can be displayed at night,
                                                                                  thus relieving the burden of performing morning and
March   2011                                                                                                                                                               p. 3

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p. 4                                                                                                                                                                      March             2011

Miller, Smyers Commemorate First
Nonstop Around-the-World Flight
Flight that Departed from Fort Worth Made History
BY KATHLEEN BYNUM                    improve American morale just            ered 23,452 miles, while averag-
     The notably rare WWII-era       years after the end of World War        ing a speed of about 250 m.p.h.
B-29 Superfortress bomber “Fifi”     II, but it sent a clear message to      Lucky Lady II was refueled in the
will take off from Carswell Field    the Soviet Union about America’s        air four times by tanker versions
on March 25 to commemorate           capabilities at the beginning of        of the KB-29. Lucky Lady II re-
the first nonstop around-the-        the Cold War, Adams added.              turned to Carswell on March 2,
world flight in 1949, and Capt.            With a crew of 14, Capt.          1949. It’s historic flight, a secret
                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB ADAMS
T.D. Smyers, commanding officer      James G. Gallagher took off             no more.
                                                                                                                      The only operational B-29 Superfortress bomber, Fifi, can now be seen at
of NAS Fort Worth JRB, will be on    from Fort Worth in a Boeing B-50             Fifi, now stationed at Cav-         Cavenaugh Flight Museum at Addison Airport. She’ll be on base on March 25 in
board along with Air Force Brig.     named Lucky Lady II – an updated        enaugh Flight Museum at Addi-            celebration of the first nonstop around-the-world flight.
Gen. Bruce Miller, commander of      version of the B-29.                    son Airport, is the only operation-
the 301st Fighter Wing, and Fort           This was actually the sec-        al B-29 in the world, Adams said.        of Base Ops – close to the plaque      flight.
Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief.           ond plane to attempt the secret              “This is mainly to let the pub-     that honors that first flight by            At about 1 p.m., Smyers,
     That long-ago flight was        mission; the first, Global Queen,       lic know that something big hap-         Lucky Lady II, close to where the      Miller and Moncrief will board Fifi
meant to make an impression,         lost an engine and landed in the        pened here,” Adams said of the           former air traffic control tower       and fly around Fort Worth.
and it did, said Bob Adams, presi-   Azores. The next day, Feb. 26,          commemoration flight by Smy-             stood.                                      Professional photographer
dent of the B-36 Peacemaker          Lucky Lady II took up the mission.      ers, Miller and Moncrief.                    Beginning at 11:30 a.m.,           Jay Miller will mark the event
Museum and a retired USAF fire-            Lucky Lady II’s flight, took 94        Fifi will arrive on base at 10      Smyers, Miller and other dignitar-     mid-air, taking aerial photo-
fighter. Not only did that flight    hours and one minute and cov-           a.m. and will be parked in front         ies will speak about the historic                       continued on page 16

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month
                                                                                                                                                                       only negatively impacts
                                                                                                                                                                         the victim and those
                                                                                                                                                                           around him/her, but it
BY JOSE JASSO, 301 FW/SARC           to raise awareness and promote          Navy and Marines at NAS Fort             the DoD’s contin-                                     can also significantly
                                     the prevention of sexual violence.      Worth JRB will be observing SAAM         ued commitment to                                     diminish a unit’s mis-
     Nationally, Sexual Assault
                                          This coming April, the Air         through special events and educa-        improving prevention,                               sion readiness.
Awareness Month (or SAAM) oc-
                                     Force Reserve, Air National Guard,      tion in order to bring attention to      treatment and support                                   So mark your
curs in April. The goal of SAAM is
                                                                                                                      of victims, accountabil-                         calendars, and join us
                                                                                                                                                                      and the whole nation
                                     Go Light on Lights                                                               ity and zero-tolerance of behavior
                                                                                                                      and attitudes that promote sexual      this coming April in a joint NAS
                                                                                                                                                             Fort Worth JRB effort to increase
                                                                                                                            The theme for 2011 is a con-     awareness and prevent sexual as-
                                               Do you really need the lights? If there’s
                                                                                                                      tinuation of last year’s theme:        sault. The whole base populace—
                                               natural daylight in your workspace, try turning
                                                                                                                      “Hurts One. Affects All ... Prevent-   civilian and military—are invited
                                               off your overhead lights. If the morning is dark,
                                                                                                                      ing Sexual Assault is Everyone’s       to participate in the following
                                               see if you can leave the lights off after you
                                                                                                                      Duty.” This theme reminds us of        three special events:
                                               return from lunch. You can use task lighting to
                                               supplement the daylight in specific areas that                         the negative consequences of
                                                                                                                      sexual assault as having a ripple      GuEst sPEAkEr
                                               need more light. It uses a fraction of the energy
                                                                                                                      effect, starting with the victim and        Alex C. Lewis, assistant U.S.
                                               that lighting a whole room does.
                                                                                                                      expanding outward to include           attorney and federal prosecutor
                                                                                                                      families, friends, work colleagues,    from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in
                                                                                                                      neighbors and increasingly larger      Fort Worth will talk about child
                                                                                                                      parts of the population. The same      sexual abuse and the Internet at
                  DEPARTMENT                                                                                          can be said for the military. A        the base theater on Wednesday,
                  OF THE NAVY                                                         Visit
                                                                                                                      sexual assault in the military not                     continued on page 14
March             2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           p. 5

                                 TEXADILLO CORNER: BASE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL

                                   Aquatic Center Begins
                                   ‘Baby & Me Water Awareness’ Class
                                   BY KATHLEEN BYNUM

      Aquatic Center Manager Luene “Lu”                              and is also WSI [water safety instruction]                          nized holidays.                                                       Get MWR updates!
 Rice will be teaching “Baby and Me: Water                           certified by the American Red Cross. Rice,                               The pool operates from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m.
 Awareness” classes on Tuesdays and Thurs-                           who has been on the job since mid-Sep-                              Monday through Saturday and on Sunday                                         Facebook:
 days during the month of April.                                     tember, comes from a community-based,                               from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for active-duty service               
      The free classes, from 10 to 10:45                             high school natatorium in Bloomfield Hills,                         members. Military cardholders have access
 a.m., will focus on skills for children from 6                      Mich. She’s been involved in the swim-re-                           to the pool Monday through Saturday, 8
 months old to 4 years old, Rice said. Each                          lated industry for about 30 years.                                  a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Search ‘LibertyFW’
 child must be accompanied by an adult.                                   The 313,687.5-gallon pool has two                              on holidays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Depending on
       “The program is essential for water                           center-stripped lanes for swimming laps,                            military status or activity, some pool visitors                                  Offline?
 introduction and water safety,” Rice said                           a deep end reaching 12.5 feet, as well as a                         may be required to pay $1 for pool use.                                       Connect at the
 of the new class. “Studies have shown the                           shallow area used for classes, water basket-                             The pool is at Bldg. 3319, next to the                                   Base Library’s
 older they are when they’re introduced to                           ball or just floating.                                              childcare center, off Hensley Road.                                           Computer Lab
 water, the more difficult it is for them to get                          The pool, heated to a constant 85 de-                               For details on the Water Awareness                                         or use the
 comfortable,” Rice said.                                            grees, is open year-round, seven days a                             class, or to register, call 817-782-1221 or                                  Bowling Center’s
      Rice is a Lifeguard trainer, CPR trainer                       week and only closes for federally-recog-                           817-782-1220.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     FRee WiFi Network

                                                                COMMUNITY RESOURCES and ATTRACTIONS
 LIBRARY                                             April 26: Texas Land Board Seminar at 11:30                                                             1810 Tuskegee Airmen Drive
 1802 Doolittle Ave.                                 a.m.                                               LONE STAR BAR                                        817-782-7770                                        SAVE THE DATES
 817-782-7735                                                                                           1815 Military Pkwy.                                  NEW: The Fitness Center now has a Personal          April 16-17: Air Power Expo 2011
 Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to         TEXPLEX CENTER                                     817-782-6122/5505                                    Trainer free to active duty personnel. Non-         April 22: 5K Sexual Assault Awareness Fun
 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30       1815 Military Pkwy.                                Ongoing: Free Munchies on Fridays, 4:30 to 6         active duty $20/month for 2 days a week.            Run at 11 a.m.
 p.m.; Closed Sunday and holidays.                    817-782-6122/5505                                 p.m.                                                 To schedule an appointment with personal            April 22: Earth Day … work with your
 Ongoing: The Library is hosting ESL (English        Information, Ticket and Tours (ITT)                March 12: Open House from 4:30 to 10 p.m.            trainer, Derek, call the Fitness Center.            command to help the environment.
 as a Second Language) classes every Thursday        Hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5          Don your green clothing and enjoy an evening         Ongoing: step aerobics, pilates, yoga, spin,        Recycling Manager Ron Estilow will
 evening at 5:30 p.m. Yolanda Williams is the        p.m.                                               of shenanigans with DJ Curly B. Complimentary        zumba, pump-it-up, adult/children karate and        announce events in next month’s Sky
 instructor and Co-Sponsored by FreshStart           Attractions: Grapevine Vintage Railroad,           snacks to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Door Prizes   personal training. Check center for days and        Ranger.
 Literacy, Inc. Call for details.                    Dinosaur World (Glen Rose), Fort Worth Zoo,        to lucky patrons.                                    times.                                              April 23: JRB Children’s Easter Egg Hunt
 Of note: The Library’s new additions are            SeaWorld, Disney World, DisneyLand. New                                                                 More Classes: Spin class offered Tuesday and        & Party at TexPlex from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
 Rosetta Stone, new children’s and young             Military Salute tickets for Disney World. Stop     MOVIE REEL THEATER                                   Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.; Weekend yoga is        Hunt will start at 11. Tickets on sale at ITT
 adult’s titles, provided by the Navy General        by or call for information and purchasing          Best price movie and snacks available in the         from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays.              beginning April 4.
 Library Program. Also available new adult           guidelines.                                        metroplex and for our military families              March 25: “Healthy Brown Bag Lunch &                May 6: 3X3 Team Fun Event at 11 a.m. by
 titles, books on CD and latest movies (rental       Beginning March 1: Tickets now available for       Friday through Sunday, call for times. 817-782-      Nutrition Class” is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m..         the lake. Event consists of 1.5 mile run,
 is free).                                           Fiesta Texas San Anontio, which opens March 5.     6037                                                                                                     canoeing and tricycle ride. Information
 March is National Women’s Month:                    Upcoming: Tickets for the Scarborough              LONE STAR CENTER (formally DESERT                    AQUATICS CENTER                                     and register at the Fitness Center (teams
 Materials are available about the contributions     Renaissance Festival will soon be available. The   STORM CONFERENCE CENTER)                             3319 Hensley Ave., 817-782-1220                     must have two males, one female or two
 and accomplishments of women throughout             festival runs from April 9 through May 30, and     2570 Desert Storm Road, 817-782-                     Ongoing: Water Aerobics- JRB Aquatics Center        females, one male
 the ages.                                           is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays,       5293/7237                                            from 8 to 9 a.m.; $1 per person.
 March 22: Texas Land Board Seminar at 11:30         Sundays and Memorial Day Monday.                   Ongoing: Call Natalie Bullock or Sandy Foy for       Tuesdays, Thursday in April: Baby and Me
 a.m.                                                Passes: Season passes, Play passes and Combo       information concerning your next conference,         Water Awareness class from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m.
 March 26: “Tribute to Abraham Lincoln”              passes, which include Six Flags, Hurricane         meeting or event.                                    No charge for the month of April.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Aquatics Center. Pick up a flyer at one of the
 performed by Thomas Leach of the Civil War          Harbor are available.                                                                                                                                     above locations for additional information.
                                                                                                        VET CLINIC                                           OUTDOOR REC & BOAT RENTALS
 Center of Texas. The program will be about                                                             1739 Eisenhower Ave.                                 1145 Hurcules Drive 817-782-6375                  March 14: Putt Putt Tournament at Bldg. 1145
 Lincoln the person, as told by one of his closes    TORNADO LANES
                                                     1815 Military Pkwy.                                817-782-5608                                         Check out the new bicycles and helmets,           parking lot;
 friends, and the marriage relationship of                                                              March 9, 23: The clinic will be open for             available for rental at Auto Hobby/Outdoor Rec.   March 15: Basketball Shoot-out Tournament
 Lincoln and Mary Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Leach           817-782-6122/5505
                                                     Hours: Monday through Thursday 10 a.m.             the purchase of medications or to schedule           Boats not available for rental until spring.      at court behind commissary;
 will be in period costume. This year is the 150th                                                      appointments.                                                                                          March 16: Bike Ride along Trinity River; Meet
 anniversary of the Civil War, and the Library       to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 10
                                                     p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Lanes close 15     April 6, 20: The clinic will be open for the         CROSSROADS TEEN CENTER (SPRING BREAK              at Bldg. 1145;
 has many new items about Lincoln, including                                                            purchase of medications or to schedule               ACTIVITIES)                                       March 17: St. Patrick’s Day Pool Party at
 a vintage six-volume set of Abraham Lincoln         minutes prior to center)
                                                     Ongoing: Special military group pricing            appointments.                                        817-782-7520                                      Aquatics Center, Bldg. 3319; and
 by Carl Sandburg, c. 1939. The program is from                                                                                                              Registration forms are available for these        March 18: Bowling Party at TexPlex,, Bldg.
 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                available for command events and birthdays.        FITNESS CENTER
                                                     Call 782-6122 for details.                                                                              events at the CDC, TexPlex (bowling alley) and    1815.
p. 6                                                                                                                                                    March            2011

                                                                               Chapel Prepares for Easter
                                                                                               day; Roman Catholic Mass is at 9           vices leading up to, and including,
                                                                                               a.m. each Sunday.                          Easter.
                                                                                                    On Tuesdays, a 10 a.m. Rosary
                                                      BY KATHLEEN BYNUM                                                                   CAtHOLIC sErVICEs
                                                                                               of Our Lady of Fatima is said.
                                                            Regularly scheduled church                                                       March 9: Ash Wednesday service
                                                                                                    Daily Mass is at 11:45 a.m. on
                                                      services will continue at the Robert                                                at 11:45 a.m.
                                                                                               Mondays, Tuesdays and the first Fri-
                                                      P. Taylor Chapel, Bldg. 1838, for both                                                 April 21: Holy Thursday service at
                                                                                               day of each month.
                                                      Protestants and Catholics leading                                                   8 p.m.
                                                                                                    For people interested in Bap-
                                                      up to Holy Week, the week before                                                       April 22: Stations of the Cross at
                                                                                               tism, there will be a two week study
                                                      Easter.                                                                             3 p.m.; Good Friday service at 7 p.m.
                                                                                               preceding the Easter Service Bap-
                                                            For Protestants, regular wor-                                                    April 23: Easter Vigil Mass at 7
                                                                                               tism. The classes will be on Sunday,
                                                      ship times include a Sunday school                                                  p.m.
                                                                                               April 10 and 17 at 9:15 a.m. or Tues-
                                                      at 9:15 a.m., followed by a 10:30 a.m.                                                 April 24: Easter Mass at 9 a.m.
                                                                                               day, April 12 and 19 from noon to 1
                                                      church service.                          p.m. Both studies will be at the base      PrOtEstANt sErVICEs
                                                            Tuesday’s schedule includes a      Chapel.                                      April 22: Good Friday service at
                                                      10:30 a.m. Protestant Women’s Bible           The annual JRB Children’s Eas-        noon
                                                      Study.                                   ter Egg Hunt & Party is set for April        April 24: Easter Sunrise service by
                                                            Another Bible Study, open to       23 at the TexPlex from 11 a.m. to 1        the lake at 7 a.m.; Easter service with
                                                      everyone, is Wednesday at noon.          p.m. Hunt will start at 11. Tickets will   water baptism at Aquatic Center at
                                                            For Catholics, Confession is       be on sale at ITT beginning April 4.       10:30 a.m.
                                                      scheduled for 8:15 a.m. each Sun-             The following is a schedule ser-

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March           2011                                                                                                                                                                                                                     p. 7

                     Navy reserve Logistics squadron Faces Possible Cut
                       BY CHRIS VAUGHN,                                       midway through the fiscal year.                         is facing its own shrinking fund-                   about 150 full-time officers and
                       COURTESY OF THE STAR-TELEGRAM                               “The Navy has led them-                            ing. Numerous weapons pro-                          sailors and 110 reservists who
                                        two sister reserve squadrons in       selves down this road, where                            grams are on the table for can-                     work part time. The squadron
                  Editor’s Note: This
                                        New Jersey and Maryland, are          they think there is no alternative                      cellation or reduction, including                   moved to Fort Worth in 2009 af-
a r t i c l e first appeared in the
                                        slated for decommissioning in         to decommissioning squadrons,”                          the Fort Worth-built F-35, and                      ter Naval Air Station Atlanta was
Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Feb.
                                        the Defense Department’s fiscal       said Ike Puzon, a retired Navy                          most of the services are trim-                      shuttered in the last round of
16. It is reprinted here by permis-
                                        2012 budget that was sent to          captain and the legislative direc-                      ming personnel from the ranks.                      base closures.
sion of the Star-Telegram.
                                        Congress on Monday, Feb. 14.          tor for the Association of the U.S.                          The Republican majority in                          If the Navy does shut down
                                             Two squadrons fly the C-9        Navy in Virginia “They knew they                        the House, including U.S. Rep. Kay                  VR-46 next year, it will leave one
     Just two years after relo-
                                        Skytrain, a 40-year-old version of    needed to replace this airplane,                        Granger of Fort Worth, may also                     Navy flying squadron at the Fort
cating to Naval Air Station Fort
                                        the DC-9 airliner that is increas-    but they had no roadmap to do                           find it hard to protect defense pro-                Worth base, which already has a
Worth, a Navy Reserve logistics
                                        ingly expensive to maintain and       it. We’re now at a point where                          grams, given the pressure to cut                    significantly greater number of
squadron is threatened with
                                        operate and has significant limita-   money is short, and the Navy has                        spending and reduce the deficit.                    Air Force and Marine aircraft.
shutdown by the Navy command
                                        tions. The president’s budget calls   shortages in a lot of equipment.”                                                                                Puzon said the Navy’s recent
and the president’s budget.
                                        for removing 10 C-9, five C-12 and         With budget cuts looming                           LOsING ExPErtIsE                                    decisions regarding its reserve
     Fleet Logistics Support
                                        two C-20 aircraft from the Navy Re-   across the entire federal govern-                          VR-46, as the squadron is                        forces are a legitimate threat to
Squadron 46, as well as at least
                                        serve’s operations budget about       ment, the Defense Department                            known within the military, has                                              continued on page 16

                                                                              Retired Military Wives Invited to Monthly Meetings
                                                                                   All wives and widows of ca-                        Road. It begins at 11 a.m. The                      al Organization meets at the
                                                                              reer military men with a valid ID                       group’s social event is on the                      Chapel on base on the fourth
                                                                              card are invited to participate in                      fourth Thursday of the month.                       Wednesday of the month at
                                                                              the twice-monthly assembly of                                For details on the club or                     11a.m. for fellowship, lunch and
                                                                              the Retired Military Wives Club.                        these events, contact Jean Bon-                     a short business meeting. All
                                                                                   The Retired Military Wives                         ner (817-246-9523) or Judy Cor-                     military branches and ranks are
                                                                              Club has its business meeting                           so (817-266-0167).                                  welcome.
                                                                              on the second Thursday of each                                                                                   For detail, contact Jo Henry
                                                                              month at the Fort Worth Elks                            tHE sOCIEty OF MILItAry WIdOWs                      (817-283-0416).
                                                                              Club, 3233 White Settlement                                  Chapter 32 of the Nation-                                          — Staff Report

                                                                                 NOW HEAR THIS:                                        available at Fleet & Family Support Center from
                                                                                                                                       8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 through
                                                                                                                                                                                          Attention Fitness Center Enthusiasts:
                                                                                                                                                                                          The parking lot normally used by most gym
                                                                                 Base Announcements                                    Friday, March 25.                                  users, the one directly across the street, will be
                                                                                                                                                                                          cordoned off for several months to accommodate
                                                                                 Interfaith Ministries presents: Narnia, Soup          Work in Texas representative will be at Fleet &    the construction of an addition to building 1730
                                                                                 & Study: Part II in a two part-series at the base     Family Support Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on     nearby. Construction is to be completed at the
                                                                                 Chapel, Bldg. 1838. The free Bible study takes        Tuesday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 22.           end of November. Parking for the Fitness Center
                                                                                 a comparative look at the movie Chronicles of                                                            will be available by building 1720 and in the
                                                                                 Narnia, based on the series of books of the same      FFSC presents Life Skills: Anger Management        lot behind the Fitness Center. Think of these
                                                                                 name by C.S. Lewis. The study continues from the      from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 16. Call     few extra steps as part of your physical fitness
                                                                                 first Christmas series. Everyone is invited to the    817-782-5287 for details.                          routine.
                                                                                 studies, Wednesday, March 30 and Wednesday,
                                                                                 April 13, both at 5 p.m. The Chapel provides soup,    Texas VA representative will be at FFSC from       The Traveling Wall, an 80 percent replica of the
                                                                                 bread and drinks, but people are welcome to           10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 17 and        Vietnam Memorial, will come to Dutch Branch
                                                                                 bring side dishes or dessert for sharing.             Thursday, March 24.                                Park in Benbrook from March 30 to April 3. Capt.
                                                                                                                                                                                          T.D. Smyers, commanding officer of NAS Fort
                                                                                 The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society’s                FFSC presents Life Skills: Money and Marriage      Worth JRB, will be one of the guest speakers on
                                                                                 Budget for Baby class is the second Thursday of       for E1 through E4. Call 817-782-5287 for time      April 2. SEE STORY FOR DETAILS.
                                                                                 each month. B4B is for any service family who         and details.
                                                                                 is expecting a new family member and is open                                                             Catholic Lenten Studies: Every Tuesday from 6
                                                                                 to all ranks, branches of services and reservists.    FFSC presents Life Skills: Family Care from        to 8 p.m. beginning March 15 through April 19 at
                                                                                 Sign up for the class by calling the NMCRS office     10 a.m. to noon on Monday, March 21. For           the base Chapel, Bldg. 1838.
                                                                                 at 817-782-6000.                                      information call 817-782-5287.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Earth Day is April 22. Recycling Manager Ron
                                                                                 FFSC presents Life Skills: Stress Management,         FFSC presents: Exception Family Member             Estilow will announce events in next month’s Sky
                                                                                 Part II, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March       Program (GMT) Training on Wednesday, April 6       Ranger.
                                                                                 14. For information call 817-782-5287.                and Thursday, April 7 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at
                                                                                                                                       Bldg. 3175. For information call 817-782-5287.     Moreland Hall, the base dining facility, is
                                                                                 Transition Assistance Program, or TAP, is                                                                                    continued on page 16
p. 8                                                                                                                                                                                   March                2011

Celebrating Women’s History Month                                                                                                                                        WOMEN’S HISTORY QUIZ
                                                                                                                                                                         America wasn’t only shaped by the
                                                                                                                                                                         Founding Fathers; she had a little help
                                                                                                                                                                         from strong women throughout history.
BY MC1 (AW/SW) MICHELLE SMITH             Hasson, Army Pfc. Lori Piestewa          known as “Captain Molly” was the                Army Pfc. Lori Piestewa was           We all know the names and deeds
     Editor’s Note: This article origi-   and Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester?               first American woman to receive            one of the first woman deployed            of women such as Susan B. Anthony,
                                                                                                                                                                         Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman
nally appeared in the March 2010                 These women and countless         a military pension. During the             during Operation Enduring Free-            and Rosa Parks, but there are plenty of
issue of the Sky Ranger; it has been      others have served in the United         defense of Fort Washington, her            dom, after the terrorist attacks of        other women who made a difference.
                                                                                                                                                                         Test your women’s history mettle with
updated for this month.                   States military from the time of the     husband, John Corbin was killed at         Sept. 11, 2001. Piestewa along with        this quiz.
     This month marks the 31st An-        American Revolution to the pres-         the cannon. Molly quickly took as-         Spc. Shoshana Johnson and Army
                                                                                                                                                                         1. What woman was the first African-
niversary of Women’s History Week,        ent, but their accomplishments           sumed his post and was wounded.            Pfc. Jessica Lynch became prison-          American woman to win the Nobel Prize
when then-President Jimmy Carter          have either faded over time or have      The Continental Congress on July           ers of war during the early days.          for Literature?
issued the first presidential proc-       not been a part of history lessons.      6, 1779, granted her money equal           Piestewa is the first servicewoman
                                                                                                                                                                         2. Who was the first woman to run for
lamation declaring the week of                  “The history of women often        to one-half pay drawn by a Solider         to be killed during Operation Iraqi        president of the United States (1872)?
March 8, 1980 as National Women’s         seems to be written with invisible       and one suit of clothes. She is bur-       Freedom and is also the first Native
                                                                                                                                                                         3. Who opened up social work as a
History Week. In 1987, Congress           ink,” according to a spokeswoman         ied at West Point Military Academy         American servicewoman ever to              profession for women, and also won the
                                          for the National Women’s History         Post Cemetery.                             die in battle.                             1931 Nobel Peace Prize for her anti-war
expanded the week into a month,                                                                                                                                          organizing work?
which is National Women’s History         Project. “Even when recognized in              Esther Voorhees Hasson, was               In 2005, Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester,
Month. This year marks the 24th           their own times, women are not in-       one of more than 1,500 nurses              while serving in the Kentucky Army         4. Who was the first woman Poet
                                                                                                                                                                         Laureate of the United States?
annual observance of Women’s              cluded in the history books.”            who served with the Army in the            National Guard, became the first
History Month.                                  Still wondering about Corbin,      Spanish-American War. Hasson               woman in history to be awarded             5. Who was the first “First Lady” to have
                                          Hasson, Piestewa, Hester and Has-        was stationed on the hospital ship         the Silver Star for combat action.         developed her own political and media
     When you think about famous                                                                                                                                         identity?
women throughout history do the           son?                                     Relief during the war and became           The other 12 recipients were nurs-
                                                Wait no longer.                    one of the first Superintendent of         es who were awarded for valor dur-         6. Who wrote the first version of the
following women come to mind:                                                                                                                                            Equal Rights Amendment, in 1923?
Margaret Corbin, Esther Voorhees                Margaret Corbin who became         the Navy Nurse Corps in 1908.              ing World Wars I and II.
                                                                                                                                                                         7. Who was the first Black woman
                                                                                                                                                                         elected to Congress?

Adm. Elmo r. Zumwalt Award Winners Named                                                                                        AWARD WINNERS
                                                                                                                                The recipients of the Adm. Elmor
                                                                                                                                                                         8. What leading suffragist was arrested
                                                                                                                                                                         and convicted of attempting to vote in
BY KATHLEEN BYNUM                         we’re doing isn’t in vain,” Roberts      the Housekeeper of the Year: Su-                                                      the 1872 election?
                                                                                                                                R. Zumwalt Award for Excellence in
     The recipients of the Adm.           said.                                    sana Azucena. Her supervisor put             Lodging Management for Calendar Year     9. What journalist traveled around the
Elmo R. Zumwalt Award for Excel-                “It’s exciting … this is our       her in for the award … and that’s            2010 include the following facilities.   world in 72 days in 1890?
                                                                                                                                This year, 15 installations achieved
lence in Lodging Management for           fourth Zumwalt accreditation,”           an accomplishment because each               five-star ratings in all areas.          10. What woman was turned down
the calendar year 2010 have been          Roberts added. “It’s very, very hard     of the 15 sites submitted several            1. NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION          by 29 medical schools before being
announced, and NAS Fort Worth             to get … You earn points for cer-        employees for each section or cat-           CENTER GULFPORT, MS.                     accepted as a student, graduated at the
                                                                                                                                2. NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST, FL.       head of her class and then became the
JRB’s Navy Gateway Inn & Suites is        tain sections (facilities, service and   egory,” Roberts said.                        3. NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, FL.      first licensed woman doctor in the U.S.?
among them.                               finance), but you can miss out with            Azucena has been employed              4. NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY NEW
                                                                                                                                ORLEANS, LA.                             11. What former slave was a powerful
     Similar to hotel industry qual-      minor things, like being out of          here since June of 2008, according           5. NAVAL AIR STATION FORT WORTH          speaker for the rights of women and
ity standard ratings, lodges are          uniform or rooms not being up to         to Roberts.                                  JOINT RESERVE BASE                       Black people?
judged on facilities, service and                                                                                               6. NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY PANAMA
                                          standard.”                                     While Roberts is proud of              CITY, FL.                                12. When was the Equal Rights
finance to earn a 3-, 4- or 5-star              To keep that from happening,       each employee, she points out                7. NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY,         Amendment first introduced into
rating. Management is accredited                                                                                                CUBA.                                    Congress?
                                          Roberts said each housekeeper            that everyone has to do their part
                                                                                                                                8. NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, FL.
and evaluated sporadically on es-         gets a 25-point check list to make       to make it work.                             9. NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER,     13. Who drove a stagecoach across
tablished performance standards.          sure standards are met.                         “This is a really great accom-        MD.                                      the roughest part of the West without
                                                                                                                                10. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES           anyone knowing until she died that she
     From more than 70 national                 “We also do a walk through         plishment, and it took a team to do          CHINHAE, KOREA.                          was a woman?
and international Navy Gateway            and check,” Roberts said. “We do         it,” Roberts said.                           11. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES
                                                                                                                                SASEBO, JAPAN.                           14. Who was chairwoman of the board
Inn & Suites, 15 have been hon-           the same for the front desk … just             Navy Gateway Inn & Suites is           12. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES           and publisher of The Washington Post
ored with the much-coveted 5-star         kind of stand in the wings and           focused on teambuilding, she said,           YOKOSUKA, JAPAN.                         and Newsweek magazine, and also
rating.                                                                                                                         13. NAVAL AIR FACILITY ATSUGI, JAPAN.    oversaw six broadcasting stations?
                                          make sure everyone is doing what         “because if you can get everyone             14. NAVAL AIR FACILITY MISAWA,
     “We just got notified, as a          they’re suppose to be doing.”            to participate in a team building            JAPAN.                                   15. What woman was invited to teach
matter of fact, a few weeks ago,”                                                                                               15. NAVAL BASE GUAM.                     nuclear physics at Princeton University,
                                                And the folks at Gateway are       day, you can get them to work to-                                                     even though no female students were
said Sherle Roberts, site manager         sure hitting the mark, because in        gether.”                                                                              allowed to study there?
                                                                                                                                   “It’s open to everyone, so folks
of Gateway Inn, about winning the         addition to winning the Zumwalt                For the first time, Fort Worth
                                                                                                                              can bring their family,” Roberts           sEE PAGE 16 FOr tHE ANsWErs.
Zumwalt accreditation.                    accreditation, a housekeeper from        has been chosen as the host city
                                                                                                                              said. “Eric Gaines at CNIC is over-
     Roberts was ecstatic about           here won the Housekeeper of the          for the Zumwalt Awards Banquet.
                                                                                                                              seeing the program, and people
winning the accreditation.                Year Award.                                    It is set for March 31 at the Omni
                                                                                                                              can contact him for tickets. They’re
     “It proves that all the work               “We had one person who won         hotel in downtown Fort Worth.
                                                                                                                              about $53,” she said.
March         2011                                                                                                                                                                                          p. 9

Marines Enjoy Home Cookin’
Community Gives Back
to MAG-41 with Breakfast
     Community members from
Fort Worth took time to show
gratitude to a group of Marines
from Marine Aircraft Group 41,
4th Marine Aircraft Wing.
     These Marines, like other
service members aboard NAS
Fort Worth JRB, spend countless
hours training and preparing for
missions for upcoming combat
deployments worldwide.                                                                      PHOTO BY SGT. CHRIS T. MANN

     In the early morning hours    Neighbors of the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base served breakfast
of Saturday, Feb. 12, several      to Marines with Marine Aircraft Group 41, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, during the
friendly Fort Worth neighbors      early morning hours of Saturday, Feb. 12. Marines arrived early to eat a meal prior
                                                                                                                                                                        PHOTO BY MC2 (AW) BRADLEY DAWSON
                                   to the day’s training.
took time to show their ap-                                                                                               Capt. T.D. Smyers, commanding officer of NAS Fort Worth JRB, prepares to sign
preciation for MAG-41 Marines      the Marines for all the                                about them and want             his allotment supporting the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society.
and the jobs they take part in     things they do for us,”                               to do something to
by serving up a home-cooked
                                   said James Hensley, direc-
                                   tor for Fleet Marine Forces
                                                                                        show appreciation.”
                                                                                           Members of the Fort
                                                                                                                          NMCRS Kicks Off Fundraising
     “We really just enjoy cook-   Association and local Fort                       Worth Willow Park Baptist             BY KATHLEEN BYNUM
ing for the Marines, and this      Worth resident. “This lets Ma-                 Church arrived on base at                     The Navy-Marine Corps Re-
is our way of giving back to       rines know that people care                   about 3 a.m. to set up gas-
                                                                                                                          lief Society is kicking off its fund-        To participate in the Jail-n-Bail,
                                                                              powered grills and other cook-              raising this month with several              call the following numbers:
                                                                                                                                                                          • 817-782-3713
                                                                              ing equipment to accommodate                activities, including a Jail-n-Bail             • 817-782-7232
                                                                              early training schedules. Addi-             event and a 5K Fun Run.                         • 817-782-7006
                                                                              tionally, several tents and tables                “The Jail-n-Bail is a program
                                                                              were also set up as a makeshift             that is designed to be a good           from the judge (i.e. work at the
                                                                              dining facility outside of the              fundraiser,” said MA2 (SW) Jason        Main Gate, Galley, 1st Lieuten-
                                                                              MAG-41 Headquarters building.               Pruitt, who is helping coordinate       ant, etc.).”
                                                                                   “This is a huge honor for the          the event. “For the NMCRS, this is           The Jail-n-Bail program is
                                                                              community to come and sup-                  the first time that this event has      slated for March 23-24, from 9:30
                                                                              port the 1,800 Marines we have              been created … it involves mo-          a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
                                                                              here on the base,” said Sgt. Maj.           rale amongst the Chain                                  “I hope that you
                                                                              Blaine H. Jackson, MAG-41. “We              of Commands from                                        are nice to your
                                                                              always welcome Fort Worth to                each      organization                                    people, or we will
                                                                              take part in what is going on               on the base. What                                         see you on the
                                                                              with the base, and this shows               we have planned                                           gate,” Pruitt joked.
                                                                              that some volunteers want to                is to have an in-                                             In addition to
                                                                              say thank you to Marines.”                  dividual who is                                          the Jail-n-Bail pro-
                                                                                   Despite early morning                  of rank (i.e. E-7 and                                   gram, the NMCRS
                                                                              freezing weather, Willow Park               above) to be detained                                is planning a 5K Fun
                                                                              Attendees were determined to                and taken out of the                             Run.
                                                                              complete their mission of serv-             working environment to the                   “Running towards the Goal,”
                                                                              ing Marines before the training             Court House (Bldg. 1815) and            is set to begin at 11 a.m. on
                                                                              schedules began that day. The               face judgment. Once the judg-           March 25 at Bldg. 1810. Runners
                                                                              residents brought large quanti-             ment is cast upon the individual,       may register for the event on
                                                                              ties of their own supplies and              they will either pay their fine or      Tuesdays and Thursdays at the
                                                                              food to feed hungry Marines                 if they can’t afford to pay their       base gym from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
                                                                                                continued on page 11
                                                                                                                          fine they will receive a penalty
                                                                                                                                                                                     continued on page 11
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
Sky Ranger 2011 March
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Sky Ranger 2011 March

  • 1. March 2011 SKY RANGER Vol. 68, Issue 3 NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas Traveling Veterans’ Wall Inside... Commemorative Flight Coming to Benbrook BY KATHLEEN BYNUM On March 25, Capt. T.D. Smyers, Air Force Brig. Gen. Bruce Miller, and Fort Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief will fly The city of Benbrook will bring in the only operational B-29 in the American Veterans Traveling Trib- existence to commemorate the first ute and The Traveling Wall to Dutch nonstop around-the-world flight. Branch Park from March 30 to April 3, See Page 4 and Capt. T.D. Smyers, commanding officer of NAS Fort Worth JRB, will be one of the guest speakers. “We have a lot of veterans in our community, and we thought it would Marines Treated be a great way to honor them,” said Patty Bissey, marketing coordinator to Pre-Dawn Breakfast for the city of Benbrook. “We’ll have a The Marines at MAG- ceremony on Saturday, April 2 at 1:30.” 41 were treated to a Former U.S. Deputy Secretary homemade breakfast of Defense Gordon England, who re- by member of Shady ceived his MBA from TCU, will be the PHOTO COURTESY OF AVTT Oaks Baptist Church. keynote speaker. Smyers and England A wall rubbing is a common sight at the American Veterans Traveling Tribute by people who See Page 9 may be joined by U.S. Congresswom- want to remember a relative or friend. an Kay Granger, Bissey said, although “We’re trying to keep it short and “I always like speaking to veterans that had not been confirmed at press sweet, because it’s about the wall and groups,” Smyers said recently. time. honoring veterans,” Bissey added. continued on page 18 Air Force Installation’s Free Air Power Expo Just Weeks Away Combines Squadrons BY KATHLEEN BYNUM nial is bringing out Angels. more than is usually Last year, the VFA-204 River Rat- The 301st Mission Because 2011 marks the Centen- allowed. It’s going to tlers from NAS Belle Chase, New Or- Support Squadron and nial of Naval Aviation, NAS Fort Worth be the biggest air show!” leans, provided a six-aircraft show-of Services Flight merged to JRB’s Air Power Expo on April 16-17 is The Blue Angels, the -force with pyrotechnics. Returning this become the 301st Force expected to be spectacular. Navy’s most prestigious pi- year, they up their impressive demo by Support Squadron with Lt. “I’m excited about the all the dem- lots, will be just one of many adding two more planes. Col. Kathryn Smith as the os,” said Cmdr. Brian Parker, a Tactical demos that Parker, along with many “It will be an eight-plane show- new commander. Support Wing officer and the Air Show others, can’t wait to see first-hand. of-force, complete with pyrotechnics,” See Page 12 director. “It’s really unheard of ... we’ll “They are the culminating demon- Parker said. have more than we’ve ever had, and stration each day,” he said of the Blue more than we ever will ... the Centen- continued on page 14 Visit us on the web at
  • 2. p. 2 March 2011 Flag Officers speaking at events CAPTAIN’S LOG: throughout the Metroplex; the A CeNTuRy iN ReTROSpeCT SKY RANGER Navy Band performing at venues in the Stock Yards and Sundance BY CAPT. T.D. SMYERS changed Square; and aviation-centered that course This year, Navy and Marine contests at our public schools, NAS Fort Worth JRB, Texas — things Corps flyers commemorate 100 among other things. Navy Week like the use The Official Base Newspaper of Naval Air Station years of flying with the world- will culminate in the largest air- of mounted Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas wide Centennial of Naval Aviation soldiers, the show ever at our base, the 2011 (CoNA) celebration. Of course, Air Power Expo. casting of Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base those of us on this joint base prob- This year’s Expo will feature armor, the Commanding Officer ably know, better than most, that the U.S. Navy Blue Angels for the Capt. T.D. Smyers SMYERS discovery of the Army beat us all to the skies first time in six years, as well as air- projectiles by two years when they stood up to-ground attack demonstrations, Public Affairs Officer and the advent of naval warfare. the Army Air Corps (now the U.S. stunt pilots, the amazing F/A-18 Mr. Don Ray In recent world history, it would be Air Force)! CoNA gives us cause E/F Superhornet flight demo, the difficult to find something that im- to reflect on how air power has AV-8B Harrier demo and many Editor pacted the course of human events Kathleen Bynum changed the course of history, not others, including more than 100 than the arrival of flying machines (817) 782-7815 only the history of our services, static display aircraft. as instruments of United States but also the history of our country These events will be legend- power projection, especially when and, consequently, the history of ary, but another way we’ll com- those flying machines were capa- Staff the world. memorate CoNA is more endur- ble of being brought within reach MC2(AW) Bradley Dawson In order to help my kids get ing. Sometime during the course of enemy shores by enormous sea- their heads around the history of Navy Week, our new natato- CORRECTION: In the February issue of the Sky Ranger, going cities — America’s carrier. they’re taught at school, I’ve found rium will be named in honor of the number listed for musicians interested in joining the Sammy Team While it would seem that land- it useful to remind them that (in my Lt. j.g. Marshall Barnett, a North band was incorrect. Interested parties should call 817-782-1873. locked Fort Worth is a long way opinion) human history is largely Texan and hero of the Battle of from the traditional coastlines we The Sky Ranger is an authorized newspaper published on the sec- the history of conflict. Whether Leyte Gulf. Watch next month’s Sky usually identify with naval force, ond Thursday of every month for the installation’s tenant commands, that conflict is between nations, Ranger for more information. base military personnel, civilian employees and retirees of the Naval Air NAS Fort Worth JRB will celebrate religions, tribes, noblemen or spe- There’s never been a better Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, Texas. CoNA in a couple of BIG ways. The editorial content of this newspaper is prepared, edited and cies, conflict has shaped our globe time to be a Sailor or, for that mat- April will bring a Navy Week provided by the Public Affairs Office. News items, photos and event since the dawn of recorded time. ter, a Marine, Soldier, Airman or briefs must be submitted by noon on the last Friday of the month. The to Fort Worth for the first time in At key milestones along history’s Guardsman, in North Texas! Hoo Public Affairs Office is in building 1510 (Chennault Ave.) News ideas and recent memory. Beginning April questions can be directed to the editor by calling (817) 782-7815 or course, things have happened that Yah! I can’t wait! 11, this week will feature Navy faxed at 782-3293. All materials are subject to editing. CO’s Suggestion Box The Sky Ranger is an authorized publication for members of the military service. Its content does not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and does not imply endorsement thereof. The appearance of advertising in the publication, including inserts Install a credit union ATM on evening “colors.” While this would be or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department base. an easy thing to do, and might even of Defense, Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base, or Full Amor By instruction, installations are seem to make sense in this time of Group of the products advertised. Advertisers are responsible for accu- racy of ads contained herein. authorized both a bank and a credit union. constrained human resources, we’re Everything advertised in the publication shall be made available We’ve dusted off this authorization and have included the just not going to do it. for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, pursuit of a credit union into our near term base services There are some things that you gender, national origin, age, martial status, physical handicap, political strategy. While it’s still too early to tell what the footprint just can’t let go if the customs and affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of purchaser, user, or patrons. The Sky Ranger is published by Full Armor Group, a private firm, in of the bank and credit union might look like, rest assured traditions of our service are to no way connected with the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, we’re going to build it to provide optimum service to our continue to hold meaning. Colors is under exclusive contract with the U.S. Navy. The circulation is 10,000. war fighters — past, present and future. one of them. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to NAS Fort Worth JRB Public Affairs Office, 1510 Chennault Ave., Fort Worth, Texas, 76127 Can we get a light mounted for the ensign? The Sky Ranger is a registered I’ll use the remainder of my trademark of the United States of For those of you in other services, the “ensign,” in this space this month to let you know America. context, is the U.S. Flag. about something BEFORE it hits the Advertisements are solicited by For years, it’s been suggested that we light the ensign Suggestion Box. You’ll notice work at the front gate when the publisher and inquiries regard- ing advertisements should be di- at night, rather than take it down at sunset and hoist it at you arrive in the morning. This work is the beginning of rected to the Public Affairs Office at 0800 each day. While the customs of our various services a project to modernize and renovate our main entry 817.782.7815 or call Full Armor Group differ a bit, each service honors the flag in some similar control point, both for function and appearance. I know directly at 817.887.8470. observance as part of the daily routine, but many have you’ll like the new sign and lighting. Let me know! begun lighting the flag so that it can be displayed at night, thus relieving the burden of performing morning and
  • 3. March 2011 p. 3 Follow Us On Your Just One Mile North of I-30 on Favorite Web Sites! West Loop 820 Exit White Settlement Rd. WHITE SETTLEMENT RD. 820 I - 30 Ask for I- 20 “The Colonel” Pat Snell OUR * LARGEST SELECTION OUR LOWEST PRICES WHY FORD CERTIFIED PRE-OWNED? 169-POINT INSPECTION BUY WITH TEXAS MOTORS ZERO APPROVAL! • Vehicle History Report obtained FORDS GOAL IS • Scheduled maintenance performed COMPREHENSIVE WARRANTY • Engine • Air conditioning and heating 100% CREDIT • Transmission • Brakes POWERTRAIN WARRANTY • Timing Chain • Transmission Cas • Water Pump • Axle Shaft ROADSIDE ASSISTANCE That's 24 hours a day, seven days a week, all yearlong, in case of breakdown, blowout, bad weather, etc. MONEY DOWN! * VEHICLE HISTORY REPORT It includes checks for: • Flood vehicles • Fire damage *WITH APPROVED CREDIT. • Frame damage • Salvage vehicles Just One Mile North of I-30 on 300 West Loop 820 South in Fort Worth West Loop 820 Exit White Settlement Rd. Call Toll Free 800-338-8452
  • 4. p. 4 March 2011 Miller, Smyers Commemorate First Nonstop Around-the-World Flight Flight that Departed from Fort Worth Made History BY KATHLEEN BYNUM improve American morale just ered 23,452 miles, while averag- The notably rare WWII-era years after the end of World War ing a speed of about 250 m.p.h. B-29 Superfortress bomber “Fifi” II, but it sent a clear message to Lucky Lady II was refueled in the will take off from Carswell Field the Soviet Union about America’s air four times by tanker versions on March 25 to commemorate capabilities at the beginning of of the KB-29. Lucky Lady II re- the first nonstop around-the- the Cold War, Adams added. turned to Carswell on March 2, world flight in 1949, and Capt. With a crew of 14, Capt. 1949. It’s historic flight, a secret PHOTO COURTESY OF BOB ADAMS T.D. Smyers, commanding officer James G. Gallagher took off no more. The only operational B-29 Superfortress bomber, Fifi, can now be seen at of NAS Fort Worth JRB, will be on from Fort Worth in a Boeing B-50 Fifi, now stationed at Cav- Cavenaugh Flight Museum at Addison Airport. She’ll be on base on March 25 in board along with Air Force Brig. named Lucky Lady II – an updated enaugh Flight Museum at Addi- celebration of the first nonstop around-the-world flight. Gen. Bruce Miller, commander of version of the B-29. son Airport, is the only operation- the 301st Fighter Wing, and Fort This was actually the sec- al B-29 in the world, Adams said. of Base Ops – close to the plaque flight. Worth Mayor Mike Moncrief. ond plane to attempt the secret “This is mainly to let the pub- that honors that first flight by At about 1 p.m., Smyers, That long-ago flight was mission; the first, Global Queen, lic know that something big hap- Lucky Lady II, close to where the Miller and Moncrief will board Fifi meant to make an impression, lost an engine and landed in the pened here,” Adams said of the former air traffic control tower and fly around Fort Worth. and it did, said Bob Adams, presi- Azores. The next day, Feb. 26, commemoration flight by Smy- stood. Professional photographer dent of the B-36 Peacemaker Lucky Lady II took up the mission. ers, Miller and Moncrief. Beginning at 11:30 a.m., Jay Miller will mark the event Museum and a retired USAF fire- Lucky Lady II’s flight, took 94 Fifi will arrive on base at 10 Smyers, Miller and other dignitar- mid-air, taking aerial photo- fighter. Not only did that flight hours and one minute and cov- a.m. and will be parked in front ies will speak about the historic continued on page 16 April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month only negatively impacts the victim and those around him/her, but it BY JOSE JASSO, 301 FW/SARC to raise awareness and promote Navy and Marines at NAS Fort the DoD’s contin- can also significantly the prevention of sexual violence. Worth JRB will be observing SAAM ued commitment to diminish a unit’s mis- Nationally, Sexual Assault This coming April, the Air through special events and educa- improving prevention, sion readiness. Awareness Month (or SAAM) oc- Force Reserve, Air National Guard, tion in order to bring attention to treatment and support So mark your curs in April. The goal of SAAM is of victims, accountabil- calendars, and join us and the whole nation Go Light on Lights ity and zero-tolerance of behavior and attitudes that promote sexual this coming April in a joint NAS Fort Worth JRB effort to increase assault. The theme for 2011 is a con- awareness and prevent sexual as- Do you really need the lights? If there’s tinuation of last year’s theme: sault. The whole base populace— natural daylight in your workspace, try turning “Hurts One. Affects All ... Prevent- civilian and military—are invited off your overhead lights. If the morning is dark, ing Sexual Assault is Everyone’s to participate in the following see if you can leave the lights off after you Duty.” This theme reminds us of three special events: return from lunch. You can use task lighting to supplement the daylight in specific areas that the negative consequences of sexual assault as having a ripple GuEst sPEAkEr need more light. It uses a fraction of the energy effect, starting with the victim and Alex C. Lewis, assistant U.S. that lighting a whole room does. expanding outward to include attorney and federal prosecutor families, friends, work colleagues, from the U.S. Attorney’s Office in neighbors and increasingly larger Fort Worth will talk about child parts of the population. The same sexual abuse and the Internet at DEPARTMENT can be said for the military. A the base theater on Wednesday, OF THE NAVY Visit sexual assault in the military not continued on page 14
  • 5. March 2011 p. 5 TEXADILLO CORNER: BASE ACTIVITIES FOR ALL Aquatic Center Begins ‘Baby & Me Water Awareness’ Class BY KATHLEEN BYNUM Aquatic Center Manager Luene “Lu” and is also WSI [water safety instruction] nized holidays. Get MWR updates! Rice will be teaching “Baby and Me: Water certified by the American Red Cross. Rice, The pool operates from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Awareness” classes on Tuesdays and Thurs- who has been on the job since mid-Sep- Monday through Saturday and on Sunday Facebook: days during the month of April. tember, comes from a community-based, from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. for active-duty service The free classes, from 10 to 10:45 high school natatorium in Bloomfield Hills, members. Military cardholders have access a.m., will focus on skills for children from 6 Mich. She’s been involved in the swim-re- to the pool Monday through Saturday, 8 Twitter: months old to 4 years old, Rice said. Each lated industry for about 30 years. a.m. to 7 p.m.; Sunday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.; and Search ‘LibertyFW’ child must be accompanied by an adult. The 313,687.5-gallon pool has two on holidays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Depending on “The program is essential for water center-stripped lanes for swimming laps, military status or activity, some pool visitors Offline? introduction and water safety,” Rice said a deep end reaching 12.5 feet, as well as a may be required to pay $1 for pool use. Connect at the of the new class. “Studies have shown the shallow area used for classes, water basket- The pool is at Bldg. 3319, next to the Base Library’s older they are when they’re introduced to ball or just floating. childcare center, off Hensley Road. Computer Lab water, the more difficult it is for them to get The pool, heated to a constant 85 de- For details on the Water Awareness or use the comfortable,” Rice said. grees, is open year-round, seven days a class, or to register, call 817-782-1221 or Bowling Center’s Rice is a Lifeguard trainer, CPR trainer week and only closes for federally-recog- 817-782-1220. FRee WiFi Network COMMUNITY RESOURCES and ATTRACTIONS LIBRARY April 26: Texas Land Board Seminar at 11:30 1810 Tuskegee Airmen Drive 1802 Doolittle Ave. a.m. LONE STAR BAR 817-782-7770 SAVE THE DATES 817-782-7735 1815 Military Pkwy. NEW: The Fitness Center now has a Personal April 16-17: Air Power Expo 2011 Hours: Monday through Thursday 9:30 a.m. to TEXPLEX CENTER 817-782-6122/5505 Trainer free to active duty personnel. Non- April 22: 5K Sexual Assault Awareness Fun 7 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 1815 Military Pkwy. Ongoing: Free Munchies on Fridays, 4:30 to 6 active duty $20/month for 2 days a week. Run at 11 a.m. p.m.; Closed Sunday and holidays. 817-782-6122/5505 p.m. To schedule an appointment with personal April 22: Earth Day … work with your Ongoing: The Library is hosting ESL (English Information, Ticket and Tours (ITT) March 12: Open House from 4:30 to 10 p.m. trainer, Derek, call the Fitness Center. command to help the environment. as a Second Language) classes every Thursday Hours: Tuesday-Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 Don your green clothing and enjoy an evening Ongoing: step aerobics, pilates, yoga, spin, Recycling Manager Ron Estilow will evening at 5:30 p.m. Yolanda Williams is the p.m. of shenanigans with DJ Curly B. Complimentary zumba, pump-it-up, adult/children karate and announce events in next month’s Sky instructor and Co-Sponsored by FreshStart Attractions: Grapevine Vintage Railroad, snacks to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. Door Prizes personal training. Check center for days and Ranger. Literacy, Inc. Call for details. Dinosaur World (Glen Rose), Fort Worth Zoo, to lucky patrons. times. April 23: JRB Children’s Easter Egg Hunt Of note: The Library’s new additions are SeaWorld, Disney World, DisneyLand. New More Classes: Spin class offered Tuesday and & Party at TexPlex from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Rosetta Stone, new children’s and young Military Salute tickets for Disney World. Stop MOVIE REEL THEATER Thursday, 6:30 to 7:30 a.m.; Weekend yoga is Hunt will start at 11. Tickets on sale at ITT adult’s titles, provided by the Navy General by or call for information and purchasing Best price movie and snacks available in the from 10:45 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturdays. beginning April 4. Library Program. Also available new adult guidelines. metroplex and for our military families March 25: “Healthy Brown Bag Lunch & May 6: 3X3 Team Fun Event at 11 a.m. by titles, books on CD and latest movies (rental Beginning March 1: Tickets now available for Friday through Sunday, call for times. 817-782- Nutrition Class” is from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.. the lake. Event consists of 1.5 mile run, is free). Fiesta Texas San Anontio, which opens March 5. 6037 canoeing and tricycle ride. Information March is National Women’s Month: Upcoming: Tickets for the Scarborough LONE STAR CENTER (formally DESERT AQUATICS CENTER and register at the Fitness Center (teams Materials are available about the contributions Renaissance Festival will soon be available. The STORM CONFERENCE CENTER) 3319 Hensley Ave., 817-782-1220 must have two males, one female or two and accomplishments of women throughout festival runs from April 9 through May 30, and 2570 Desert Storm Road, 817-782- Ongoing: Water Aerobics- JRB Aquatics Center females, one male the ages. is open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturdays, 5293/7237 from 8 to 9 a.m.; $1 per person. March 22: Texas Land Board Seminar at 11:30 Sundays and Memorial Day Monday. Ongoing: Call Natalie Bullock or Sandy Foy for Tuesdays, Thursday in April: Baby and Me a.m. Passes: Season passes, Play passes and Combo information concerning your next conference, Water Awareness class from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. March 26: “Tribute to Abraham Lincoln” passes, which include Six Flags, Hurricane meeting or event. No charge for the month of April. Aquatics Center. Pick up a flyer at one of the performed by Thomas Leach of the Civil War Harbor are available. above locations for additional information. VET CLINIC OUTDOOR REC & BOAT RENTALS Center of Texas. The program will be about 1739 Eisenhower Ave. 1145 Hurcules Drive 817-782-6375 March 14: Putt Putt Tournament at Bldg. 1145 Lincoln the person, as told by one of his closes TORNADO LANES 1815 Military Pkwy. 817-782-5608 Check out the new bicycles and helmets, parking lot; friends, and the marriage relationship of March 9, 23: The clinic will be open for available for rental at Auto Hobby/Outdoor Rec. March 15: Basketball Shoot-out Tournament Lincoln and Mary Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Leach 817-782-6122/5505 Hours: Monday through Thursday 10 a.m. the purchase of medications or to schedule Boats not available for rental until spring. at court behind commissary; will be in period costume. This year is the 150th appointments. March 16: Bike Ride along Trinity River; Meet anniversary of the Civil War, and the Library to 9 p.m.; Friday and Saturday 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Lanes close 15 April 6, 20: The clinic will be open for the CROSSROADS TEEN CENTER (SPRING BREAK at Bldg. 1145; has many new items about Lincoln, including purchase of medications or to schedule ACTIVITIES) March 17: St. Patrick’s Day Pool Party at a vintage six-volume set of Abraham Lincoln minutes prior to center) Ongoing: Special military group pricing appointments. 817-782-7520 Aquatics Center, Bldg. 3319; and by Carl Sandburg, c. 1939. The program is from Registration forms are available for these March 18: Bowling Party at TexPlex,, Bldg. 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. available for command events and birthdays. FITNESS CENTER Call 782-6122 for details. events at the CDC, TexPlex (bowling alley) and 1815.
  • 6. p. 6 March 2011 Chapel Prepares for Easter day; Roman Catholic Mass is at 9 vices leading up to, and including, a.m. each Sunday. Easter. On Tuesdays, a 10 a.m. Rosary BY KATHLEEN BYNUM CAtHOLIC sErVICEs of Our Lady of Fatima is said. Regularly scheduled church March 9: Ash Wednesday service Daily Mass is at 11:45 a.m. on services will continue at the Robert at 11:45 a.m. Mondays, Tuesdays and the first Fri- P. Taylor Chapel, Bldg. 1838, for both April 21: Holy Thursday service at day of each month. Protestants and Catholics leading 8 p.m. For people interested in Bap- up to Holy Week, the week before April 22: Stations of the Cross at tism, there will be a two week study Easter. 3 p.m.; Good Friday service at 7 p.m. preceding the Easter Service Bap- For Protestants, regular wor- April 23: Easter Vigil Mass at 7 tism. The classes will be on Sunday, ship times include a Sunday school p.m. April 10 and 17 at 9:15 a.m. or Tues- at 9:15 a.m., followed by a 10:30 a.m. April 24: Easter Mass at 9 a.m. day, April 12 and 19 from noon to 1 church service. p.m. Both studies will be at the base PrOtEstANt sErVICEs Tuesday’s schedule includes a Chapel. April 22: Good Friday service at 10:30 a.m. Protestant Women’s Bible The annual JRB Children’s Eas- noon Study. ter Egg Hunt & Party is set for April April 24: Easter Sunrise service by Another Bible Study, open to 23 at the TexPlex from 11 a.m. to 1 the lake at 7 a.m.; Easter service with everyone, is Wednesday at noon. p.m. Hunt will start at 11. Tickets will water baptism at Aquatic Center at For Catholics, Confession is be on sale at ITT beginning April 4. 10:30 a.m. scheduled for 8:15 a.m. each Sun- The following is a schedule ser- 10% OFF Reserve NO W ANY RENTAL AWD-H789100 for your HOLIDAY TR AVEL! AVIS Rental Car at Ridgmar Mall Inside Sears Auto Center 1800 Green Oaks Road Ft Worth, TX 76116 Ph: 817-731-3665 Serving- Lockheed Martin, NAS JRB & NW Fort Worth Fort Worth Tuesday & Thursday evenings Lockheed Martin Recreation Area March 22 - April 28; 6:30 – 9:30 PM Register by March 15 817-735-5204;
  • 7. March 2011 p. 7 Navy reserve Logistics squadron Faces Possible Cut BY CHRIS VAUGHN, midway through the fiscal year. is facing its own shrinking fund- about 150 full-time officers and COURTESY OF THE STAR-TELEGRAM “The Navy has led them- ing. Numerous weapons pro- sailors and 110 reservists who two sister reserve squadrons in selves down this road, where grams are on the table for can- work part time. The squadron Editor’s Note: This New Jersey and Maryland, are they think there is no alternative cellation or reduction, including moved to Fort Worth in 2009 af- a r t i c l e first appeared in the slated for decommissioning in to decommissioning squadrons,” the Fort Worth-built F-35, and ter Naval Air Station Atlanta was Fort Worth Star-Telegram on Feb. the Defense Department’s fiscal said Ike Puzon, a retired Navy most of the services are trim- shuttered in the last round of 16. It is reprinted here by permis- 2012 budget that was sent to captain and the legislative direc- ming personnel from the ranks. base closures. sion of the Star-Telegram. Congress on Monday, Feb. 14. tor for the Association of the U.S. The Republican majority in If the Navy does shut down Two squadrons fly the C-9 Navy in Virginia “They knew they the House, including U.S. Rep. Kay VR-46 next year, it will leave one Just two years after relo- Skytrain, a 40-year-old version of needed to replace this airplane, Granger of Fort Worth, may also Navy flying squadron at the Fort cating to Naval Air Station Fort the DC-9 airliner that is increas- but they had no roadmap to do find it hard to protect defense pro- Worth base, which already has a Worth, a Navy Reserve logistics ingly expensive to maintain and it. We’re now at a point where grams, given the pressure to cut significantly greater number of squadron is threatened with operate and has significant limita- money is short, and the Navy has spending and reduce the deficit. Air Force and Marine aircraft. shutdown by the Navy command tions. The president’s budget calls shortages in a lot of equipment.” Puzon said the Navy’s recent and the president’s budget. for removing 10 C-9, five C-12 and With budget cuts looming LOsING ExPErtIsE decisions regarding its reserve Fleet Logistics Support two C-20 aircraft from the Navy Re- across the entire federal govern- VR-46, as the squadron is forces are a legitimate threat to Squadron 46, as well as at least serve’s operations budget about ment, the Defense Department known within the military, has continued on page 16 Retired Military Wives Invited to Monthly Meetings All wives and widows of ca- Road. It begins at 11 a.m. The al Organization meets at the reer military men with a valid ID group’s social event is on the Chapel on base on the fourth card are invited to participate in fourth Thursday of the month. Wednesday of the month at the twice-monthly assembly of For details on the club or 11a.m. for fellowship, lunch and the Retired Military Wives Club. these events, contact Jean Bon- a short business meeting. All The Retired Military Wives ner (817-246-9523) or Judy Cor- military branches and ranks are Club has its business meeting so (817-266-0167). welcome. on the second Thursday of each For detail, contact Jo Henry month at the Fort Worth Elks tHE sOCIEty OF MILItAry WIdOWs (817-283-0416). Club, 3233 White Settlement Chapter 32 of the Nation- — Staff Report NOW HEAR THIS: available at Fleet & Family Support Center from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Tuesday, March 22 through Attention Fitness Center Enthusiasts: The parking lot normally used by most gym Base Announcements Friday, March 25. users, the one directly across the street, will be cordoned off for several months to accommodate Interfaith Ministries presents: Narnia, Soup Work in Texas representative will be at Fleet & the construction of an addition to building 1730 & Study: Part II in a two part-series at the base Family Support Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on nearby. Construction is to be completed at the Chapel, Bldg. 1838. The free Bible study takes Tuesday, March 15 and Tuesday, March 22. end of November. Parking for the Fitness Center a comparative look at the movie Chronicles of will be available by building 1720 and in the Narnia, based on the series of books of the same FFSC presents Life Skills: Anger Management lot behind the Fitness Center. Think of these name by C.S. Lewis. The study continues from the from 9 to 11 a.m. on Wednesday, March 16. Call few extra steps as part of your physical fitness first Christmas series. Everyone is invited to the 817-782-5287 for details. routine. studies, Wednesday, March 30 and Wednesday, April 13, both at 5 p.m. The Chapel provides soup, Texas VA representative will be at FFSC from The Traveling Wall, an 80 percent replica of the bread and drinks, but people are welcome to 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 17 and Vietnam Memorial, will come to Dutch Branch bring side dishes or dessert for sharing. Thursday, March 24. Park in Benbrook from March 30 to April 3. Capt. T.D. Smyers, commanding officer of NAS Fort The Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society’s FFSC presents Life Skills: Money and Marriage Worth JRB, will be one of the guest speakers on Budget for Baby class is the second Thursday of for E1 through E4. Call 817-782-5287 for time April 2. SEE STORY FOR DETAILS. each month. B4B is for any service family who and details. is expecting a new family member and is open Catholic Lenten Studies: Every Tuesday from 6 to all ranks, branches of services and reservists. FFSC presents Life Skills: Family Care from to 8 p.m. beginning March 15 through April 19 at Sign up for the class by calling the NMCRS office 10 a.m. to noon on Monday, March 21. For the base Chapel, Bldg. 1838. at 817-782-6000. information call 817-782-5287. Earth Day is April 22. Recycling Manager Ron FFSC presents Life Skills: Stress Management, FFSC presents: Exception Family Member Estilow will announce events in next month’s Sky Part II, from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Monday, March Program (GMT) Training on Wednesday, April 6 Ranger. 14. For information call 817-782-5287. and Thursday, April 7 from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. at Bldg. 3175. For information call 817-782-5287. Moreland Hall, the base dining facility, is Transition Assistance Program, or TAP, is continued on page 16
  • 8. p. 8 March 2011 Celebrating Women’s History Month WOMEN’S HISTORY QUIZ America wasn’t only shaped by the Founding Fathers; she had a little help from strong women throughout history. BY MC1 (AW/SW) MICHELLE SMITH Hasson, Army Pfc. Lori Piestewa known as “Captain Molly” was the Army Pfc. Lori Piestewa was We all know the names and deeds Editor’s Note: This article origi- and Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester? first American woman to receive one of the first woman deployed of women such as Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman nally appeared in the March 2010 These women and countless a military pension. During the during Operation Enduring Free- and Rosa Parks, but there are plenty of issue of the Sky Ranger; it has been others have served in the United defense of Fort Washington, her dom, after the terrorist attacks of other women who made a difference. Test your women’s history mettle with updated for this month. States military from the time of the husband, John Corbin was killed at Sept. 11, 2001. Piestewa along with this quiz. This month marks the 31st An- American Revolution to the pres- the cannon. Molly quickly took as- Spc. Shoshana Johnson and Army 1. What woman was the first African- niversary of Women’s History Week, ent, but their accomplishments sumed his post and was wounded. Pfc. Jessica Lynch became prison- American woman to win the Nobel Prize when then-President Jimmy Carter have either faded over time or have The Continental Congress on July ers of war during the early days. for Literature? issued the first presidential proc- not been a part of history lessons. 6, 1779, granted her money equal Piestewa is the first servicewoman 2. Who was the first woman to run for lamation declaring the week of “The history of women often to one-half pay drawn by a Solider to be killed during Operation Iraqi president of the United States (1872)? March 8, 1980 as National Women’s seems to be written with invisible and one suit of clothes. She is bur- Freedom and is also the first Native 3. Who opened up social work as a History Week. In 1987, Congress ink,” according to a spokeswoman ied at West Point Military Academy American servicewoman ever to profession for women, and also won the for the National Women’s History Post Cemetery. die in battle. 1931 Nobel Peace Prize for her anti-war expanded the week into a month, organizing work? which is National Women’s History Project. “Even when recognized in Esther Voorhees Hasson, was In 2005, Sgt. Leigh Ann Hester, Month. This year marks the 24th their own times, women are not in- one of more than 1,500 nurses while serving in the Kentucky Army 4. Who was the first woman Poet Laureate of the United States? annual observance of Women’s cluded in the history books.” who served with the Army in the National Guard, became the first History Month. Still wondering about Corbin, Spanish-American War. Hasson woman in history to be awarded 5. Who was the first “First Lady” to have Hasson, Piestewa, Hester and Has- was stationed on the hospital ship the Silver Star for combat action. developed her own political and media When you think about famous identity? women throughout history do the son? Relief during the war and became The other 12 recipients were nurs- Wait no longer. one of the first Superintendent of es who were awarded for valor dur- 6. Who wrote the first version of the following women come to mind: Equal Rights Amendment, in 1923? Margaret Corbin, Esther Voorhees Margaret Corbin who became the Navy Nurse Corps in 1908. ing World Wars I and II. 7. Who was the first Black woman elected to Congress? Adm. Elmo r. Zumwalt Award Winners Named AWARD WINNERS The recipients of the Adm. Elmor 8. What leading suffragist was arrested and convicted of attempting to vote in BY KATHLEEN BYNUM we’re doing isn’t in vain,” Roberts the Housekeeper of the Year: Su- the 1872 election? R. Zumwalt Award for Excellence in The recipients of the Adm. said. sana Azucena. Her supervisor put Lodging Management for Calendar Year 9. What journalist traveled around the Elmo R. Zumwalt Award for Excel- “It’s exciting … this is our her in for the award … and that’s 2010 include the following facilities. world in 72 days in 1890? This year, 15 installations achieved lence in Lodging Management for fourth Zumwalt accreditation,” an accomplishment because each five-star ratings in all areas. 10. What woman was turned down the calendar year 2010 have been Roberts added. “It’s very, very hard of the 15 sites submitted several 1. NAVAL CONSTRUCTION BATTALION by 29 medical schools before being announced, and NAS Fort Worth to get … You earn points for cer- employees for each section or cat- CENTER GULFPORT, MS. accepted as a student, graduated at the 2. NAVAL AIR STATION KEY WEST, FL. head of her class and then became the JRB’s Navy Gateway Inn & Suites is tain sections (facilities, service and egory,” Roberts said. 3. NAVAL AIR STATION PENSACOLA, FL. first licensed woman doctor in the U.S.? among them. finance), but you can miss out with Azucena has been employed 4. NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY NEW ORLEANS, LA. 11. What former slave was a powerful Similar to hotel industry qual- minor things, like being out of here since June of 2008, according 5. NAVAL AIR STATION FORT WORTH speaker for the rights of women and ity standard ratings, lodges are uniform or rooms not being up to to Roberts. JOINT RESERVE BASE Black people? judged on facilities, service and 6. NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY PANAMA standard.” While Roberts is proud of CITY, FL. 12. When was the Equal Rights finance to earn a 3-, 4- or 5-star To keep that from happening, each employee, she points out 7. NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, Amendment first introduced into rating. Management is accredited CUBA. Congress? Roberts said each housekeeper that everyone has to do their part 8. NAVAL STATION MAYPORT, FL. and evaluated sporadically on es- gets a 25-point check list to make to make it work. 9. NAVAL AIR STATION PATUXENT RIVER, 13. Who drove a stagecoach across tablished performance standards. sure standards are met. “This is a really great accom- MD. the roughest part of the West without 10. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES anyone knowing until she died that she From more than 70 national “We also do a walk through plishment, and it took a team to do CHINHAE, KOREA. was a woman? and international Navy Gateway and check,” Roberts said. “We do it,” Roberts said. 11. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES SASEBO, JAPAN. 14. Who was chairwoman of the board Inn & Suites, 15 have been hon- the same for the front desk … just Navy Gateway Inn & Suites is 12. COMMANDER FLEET ACTIVITIES and publisher of The Washington Post ored with the much-coveted 5-star kind of stand in the wings and focused on teambuilding, she said, YOKOSUKA, JAPAN. and Newsweek magazine, and also rating. 13. NAVAL AIR FACILITY ATSUGI, JAPAN. oversaw six broadcasting stations? make sure everyone is doing what “because if you can get everyone 14. NAVAL AIR FACILITY MISAWA, “We just got notified, as a they’re suppose to be doing.” to participate in a team building JAPAN. 15. What woman was invited to teach matter of fact, a few weeks ago,” 15. NAVAL BASE GUAM. nuclear physics at Princeton University, And the folks at Gateway are day, you can get them to work to- even though no female students were said Sherle Roberts, site manager sure hitting the mark, because in gether.” allowed to study there? “It’s open to everyone, so folks of Gateway Inn, about winning the addition to winning the Zumwalt For the first time, Fort Worth can bring their family,” Roberts sEE PAGE 16 FOr tHE ANsWErs. Zumwalt accreditation. accreditation, a housekeeper from has been chosen as the host city said. “Eric Gaines at CNIC is over- Roberts was ecstatic about here won the Housekeeper of the for the Zumwalt Awards Banquet. seeing the program, and people winning the accreditation. Year Award. It is set for March 31 at the Omni can contact him for tickets. They’re “It proves that all the work “We had one person who won hotel in downtown Fort Worth. about $53,” she said.
  • 9. March 2011 p. 9 Marines Enjoy Home Cookin’ Community Gives Back to MAG-41 with Breakfast BY SGT. CHRIS T. MANN, MAG-41 Community members from Fort Worth took time to show gratitude to a group of Marines from Marine Aircraft Group 41, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing. These Marines, like other service members aboard NAS Fort Worth JRB, spend countless hours training and preparing for missions for upcoming combat deployments worldwide. PHOTO BY SGT. CHRIS T. MANN In the early morning hours Neighbors of the Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base served breakfast of Saturday, Feb. 12, several to Marines with Marine Aircraft Group 41, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, during the friendly Fort Worth neighbors early morning hours of Saturday, Feb. 12. Marines arrived early to eat a meal prior PHOTO BY MC2 (AW) BRADLEY DAWSON to the day’s training. took time to show their ap- Capt. T.D. Smyers, commanding officer of NAS Fort Worth JRB, prepares to sign preciation for MAG-41 Marines the Marines for all the about them and want his allotment supporting the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. and the jobs they take part in things they do for us,” to do something to by serving up a home-cooked breakfast. said James Hensley, direc- tor for Fleet Marine Forces show appreciation.” Members of the Fort NMCRS Kicks Off Fundraising “We really just enjoy cook- Association and local Fort Worth Willow Park Baptist BY KATHLEEN BYNUM ing for the Marines, and this Worth resident. “This lets Ma- Church arrived on base at The Navy-Marine Corps Re- is our way of giving back to rines know that people care about 3 a.m. to set up gas- JAIL-N-BAIL lief Society is kicking off its fund- To participate in the Jail-n-Bail, powered grills and other cook- raising this month with several call the following numbers: • 817-782-3713 ing equipment to accommodate activities, including a Jail-n-Bail • 817-782-7232 early training schedules. Addi- event and a 5K Fun Run. • 817-782-7006 tionally, several tents and tables “The Jail-n-Bail is a program were also set up as a makeshift that is designed to be a good from the judge (i.e. work at the dining facility outside of the fundraiser,” said MA2 (SW) Jason Main Gate, Galley, 1st Lieuten- MAG-41 Headquarters building. Pruitt, who is helping coordinate ant, etc.).” “This is a huge honor for the the event. “For the NMCRS, this is The Jail-n-Bail program is community to come and sup- the first time that this event has slated for March 23-24, from 9:30 port the 1,800 Marines we have been created … it involves mo- a.m. to 2:30 p.m. here on the base,” said Sgt. Maj. rale amongst the Chain “I hope that you Blaine H. Jackson, MAG-41. “We of Commands from are nice to your always welcome Fort Worth to each organization people, or we will take part in what is going on on the base. What see you on the with the base, and this shows we have planned gate,” Pruitt joked. that some volunteers want to is to have an in- In addition to say thank you to Marines.” dividual who is the Jail-n-Bail pro- Despite early morning of rank (i.e. E-7 and gram, the NMCRS freezing weather, Willow Park above) to be detained is planning a 5K Fun Attendees were determined to and taken out of the Run. complete their mission of serv- working environment to the “Running towards the Goal,” ing Marines before the training Court House (Bldg. 1815) and is set to begin at 11 a.m. on schedules began that day. The face judgment. Once the judg- March 25 at Bldg. 1810. Runners residents brought large quanti- ment is cast upon the individual, may register for the event on ties of their own supplies and they will either pay their fine or Tuesdays and Thursdays at the food to feed hungry Marines if they can’t afford to pay their base gym from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. continued on page 11 fine they will receive a penalty continued on page 11