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Shopping for fruits
and Vegetables
by:Gako, Reyna
Casumpang , Jezza Mae
Berries - Those commonly used are the strawberries , blueberries , raspherries and blackberries.
Citrus- These are the oranges, tangerines, calamansi, lemons, and limes.
Drupes- Examples are the peaches , prunes, plums, apricots, cherries and nectarines.
Fruits play an important role in our diet. They contain vitamins and mineral , and except for a few, are low
in calories and enough bulk to assuage hunger and provide energy. They are enjoyed at the end of a meal
or in luncheon salads. Fruits are at there best when ripened in trees or vines and when freshly picked.
Then they are excellent when eaten raw.
The following is a classification of fruits:
4. Melons – These are the vine grown fruits and include the cantaloupe,
honeydew melons, Persian melons and watermelons.
5. Pommes- We have apples and pears.
6.Tropical Fruits- These are avocados, papayas, bananas , dates, figs, guavas ,
mangoes, pineapple , persimmons , etc.
In purchasing fruits, no rules will fruits , no rules will fit every instance. We will therefore consider
quality guides for buying each fruit.
1.) Apple – should be firmed and well colored . They have to be mature when harvested to have
good flavor, crisp texture and storing ability. Avoid those with bruises , blemishes, decay, or mealy
2. ) Grapes -This should be well colored an plump and firmly. Attached to the stem ends.
3.) Lemons- The fruits should have a yellow rich color , reasonably smooth – textured with a
little glow. A pale or greenish yellow color means very fresh fruit with a higher acidity.
4.) Limes- glossy skin and heavy weight for the sizes are preferable. Do not buy those with dull
dry skin as this means aging and loss of acidity. Avoid those showing signs of decay- soft spots
and skin punctures
5. Cantaloupe and Persian melons – The signs of full maturity are as follows:
a.) The stem end should be gone, leaving a smooth, symmetrical, shallow basin called a full slip.
If all or part of the stem scar is jogged or torn, the melon is not fully matured;
b.) The netting or veining should be thick , coarse and corky and should stand out in bold relief
over some parts of the surfaces.

c.) The skin color between the netting should be greenish, yellowish, gray or a pale yellow.
6.) Honey dew- melons – A soft, velvety feel is a sign of maturity . Ripeness will be
indicated by a slight softening at the blossom end, a faint fruity aroma or a yellowish
– white color. Avoid melons with a greenish –white color and hard smooth feel which
are signs of immaturity ; large water soaked bruised area , cuts or punctures are
signs of decay.
7.) Watermelons – In cut melons , flesh should be firm , juicy , and have a good red
color ; free of white streaks and seeds should be dark brown or black.
8.) Orange- Choose firm and heavy with bright looking skin oranges . Avoid light –
weight oranges which are likely to lack content and juice. A rough skin means an
abnormally thick skin and less flesh.
9.) Strawberries – Choose those with a full red color , firm flesh and the cap stem
still attached. The berries should be dry , clean and free of mold. Small berries have a
better eating quality than the larger one.
10.) Tangerines – A deep yellow orange color and a bright luster are signs of fresh,
mature and good flavored tangerines
Tropical Fruits
1. Avocados- there are two kinds of avocados, one with a
rough skin which turns dark purple when ripe and the other
with a smooth skin that stays green. this fruit ripens after being
picked . left at room temperature the flesh softens and
becomes yellow in color.
2.Atis ( sugar apple)- this fruit should be regular in shape
and possess good symmetry. it should not be overripe which
means it should not be too soft with an appreciable change in
the flavor of the fruit.
3. Bananas-should be firm and free from bruises . the stage of
ripeness is shown by the skin color- best eating quality has
been reached when the solid yellow color is specked with
brown. at this stage, the flesh is yellow and the flavor fully
developed. unripe bananas should be allowed to ripen at room
temperature. chilling discolors the fruit.
4. Caimito( star apple )- are of two varieties – the green
and the purple kind. the fruit should be well colored, the
skin glossy. it should be free from cuts , bruises and
decay. the fruit is ready to be eaten when it yields to
gentle pressure.
5. Calamansi- shouldbe firm and not soft with a good
texture and a good green color. it should be juicy and not
show signs of dryness, mushiness , woodiness.
6. Chico –the fruit should be mature as indicated by a
light brown or reddish brown color, the skin smooth and
the fruit not over ripe becoming excessively soft and
discolored and often with afermented odor. it should be
free from hard lumps or hardened areas in the flesh
resulting from pressure, bruises or hardened sap.
7.Coconut- are available all year round. It must be checked for heaviness, size and a good shape. Shake to
hear the fluid inside. Coconuts that are dry inside are to be moldy. The coconut is encased in a large, thick
and fibrous material of greenish color.
8.Dates- The date is long berry , brown and with a some what wrinkled surface . They are three varieties: the
soft, dry , and semi-dry. The soft dates are excellent for flavor but ship badly. They are used chiefly in date
confections. The other varieties are used extensively as a dessert fruit and as ingredient in baked products.
9. Duhat( Blackplum)- The fruit should be ripe which means that the fruit has changed from the green color
of the immature to full dark violet and the pulps has considerably swelled. The fruit should be firm , yielding
to slight pressure.
10. Figs- is a pear- shaped fruit that has a very sweet flavor . they are fresh in areas where they are grown.
but they ship badly and handle poorly and must therefore be dried or preserved to be sent to distant
11. Guayabano ( soursop)- The fruit should be firm, free from bruises and insect bites . it is soft and
perishable when ripe and ferments rapidly. the fruit is ovoid , heart - shaped or oblong in form, green with
short fleshy spines on the surface. the flesh is white , cottony in texture , juicy and highly aromatic . it is
extensively used in the preparation of sherbets and other refreshing drinks.
12. Guavas- This fruit comes in varying shapes – pear- shaped, round or a blunted oval. flesh may be white ,
yellowish or pinkish. seeds are plentiful- they are small , hard stones. select guavas that are firm, free form
bruises or soft spots and insect bites. this fruit is useful in many ways, is often used as a fruit for jelly-
13.Langka(jackfruit)- The langka is oval or oblong. the surface is studded with short hard points ;pale green in the
immature fruit becoming greenish yellow in the ripe. the ripe fruit has a strong aromatic odor as the ripening progresses. the
fruit is eaten fresh or preserved in syrup.
14. Ladu oranges- This fruit should be mature, it has reached the stage of development which will ensure proper completion
of the ripening process. this is shown by a glossy appearance of the skin and a change from the dark green color often tinged
with yellow. it should be firm , not soft , and flabby.
15. Lanzones- should be mature , not soft and overripe as may be shown by a brownish discoloration and strong fermented
flavor and odor and odor. It should be sweet, firm, well formed and free from bruises and signs of decay.
16.Mangoes – This fruit is eaten fresh green or ripe . The green ones are used for making chutney. Buy mangoes that are
plump , firm and clear in color; it should not overripe with soft flesh and past commercial utility; it should be clean and free
from dirt, spray residue and staining; fiber should be clean and free from dirt , spray residue and staining ; fiber should be
found only in areas adjacent to the seed.
17. Mangosteen- The fruit resembles an orange in shape in shape and similarly partitioned into segments. The rind is thick
and dark- reddish – violet to purple in color. The pulp of the seed is white, juicy, with a sweet taste, tart flavor and cottony
flesh. The mangosteen ships well because of its tough rind and may be stored from one to wo weeks without any change in
eating quality.
18. Papaya-This fruit is spherical to oblong in shape with a large central cavity filled with plenty of deep gray seeds. Select
papayas that are mature, ripe, turning yellow – green in color, plump, and well formed. Avoid dark green papayas that may not
ripen properly, though it may be used in stews as vegetables.
19. Persimmons –should be firm , plump , smooth with a good red , sweet, slightly acid and rich in aroma. The juice is the
20. Pomegranates- This fruit has a thin leathery skin, is about size of an orange. The pulp is red,
sweet , slightly acid and rich in aroma. The juice is the base for grenadine. Select medium to large fruits,
colored pink to light red, with a thin and tough rind.
21. Pineapples - Choose pineapple with the proper color, a fragrant pineapple aroma , a very slight
separation of the eye of pips and "spikes" or leaves which can be easily pulled out from the top. If the
pineapple ripens, the green color fades turning to orange and yellow. When the fruit is fully ripe , the
pineapple turns golden yellow or reddish-brown depending on the variety. Avoid those with soft spots
or bruises.
22. Rambutan - The color of the rambutan is a deep crimson. Avoid those with softness - the fruit
should be plump with fleshy spines. They should be tumbled rather than spiky, gentle on the finger
rather than dry.
A. 1. Review and discuss notes on
selecting fruits.
2. What is surface blemish?
3. Review the meaning of "in
season" fruits . How does this
affect the prices?
Methods of cooking Fruits
Fruits are cooked by stewing, baking, and cooked in sugar such as jams , jellies and candied fruits. The goal in
Fruits are cooked by stewing, baking, and cooked in sugar such as jams , jellies and candied fruits. The goal in
cooking them is to improve its digestability while retaining as much as possible its flavor
cooking them is to improve its digestability while retaining as much as possible its flavor and color.
and color. In stewing
In stewing
fruits ( a compote), the usual procedure is to cook in water
fruits ( a compote), the usual procedure is to cook in water or thin syrup. The fruit should be fresh and not
or thin syrup. The fruit should be fresh and not
overripe. Do not pare off too much of the skin as this would remove its nutritive value. Fruit are also made into
overripe. Do not pare off too much of the skin as this would remove its nutritive value. Fruit are also made into
jams, jellies or candies
jams, jellies or candies as in the case of pineapple, mangoes and guavas. This is one way of preserving
as in the case of pineapple, mangoes and guavas. This is one way of preserving the fruit
the fruit
made possible by its high sugar content.
made possible by its high sugar content.
Dried Fruits
The preservation of food by drying is one of the most ancient
The preservation of food by drying is one of the most ancient ways of processing food.
ways of processing food. By removing
By removing a large
a large
amount of the water content of fruits,
of the water content of fruits, their keeping quality has longer duration. Although dried or dehydrated
their keeping quality has longer duration. Although dried or dehydrated
fruit is not necessarily accepted on equal terms with fresh fruits, there is an appreciable consumer demand
fruit is not necessarily accepted on equal terms with fresh fruits, there is an appreciable consumer demand for
certain dried fruits
dried fruits as prunes, raisins dates and figs. These dried fruits
as prunes, raisins dates and figs. These dried fruits as prunes, raisins, dates
as prunes, raisins, dates and figs.
and figs.
These dried fruits are valued for their sweet flavor markedly different from that of the fresh fruit.
These dried fruits are valued for their sweet flavor markedly different from that of the fresh fruit.
Canned and fruits, fruit Juices and
Fruit Drinks
Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and
Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and
Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and
cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or
cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or
cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or fresh fruit juice can be
fresh fruit juice can be
fresh fruit juice can be
used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches.
used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches.
used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches. The combination should
The combination should
The combination should
should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices
should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices
should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices are pineapple - orange
are pineapple - orange
are pineapple - orange
juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice.
juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice.
juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice.
A Guide to storage of fruits
Fruits differ on how they should be stored and in the lenght of time they will be kept. Fully ripe fruits should be
refrigerated , except with bananas which blacken when chilled. Fruits that should be opened must be stored in a
warm place 20℉- 60 ℉ and in a dark place.
Canned and fruits, fruit Juices and Fruit
Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life.
Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life.
Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life.
Test Fruits
Test Fruits
Test Fruits for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem
for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem
for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem end when ripe it will be soft.
end when ripe it will be soft.
end when ripe it will be soft.
Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil.
Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil.
Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil.
Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread
Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread
Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread the berries in
the berries in
the berries in
a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth.
a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth.
a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth.
It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers.
It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers.
It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers.
Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following:
Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following:
Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following:

Apples - September to May, depending on variety
Apples - September to May, depending on variety
Apples - September to May, depending on variety
Apricots- June to July
Apricots- June to July
Apricots- June to July
Avocados- June to August
Avocados- June to August
Avocados- June to August
Atis- August to September
Atis- August to September
Atis- August to September
Bananas- All year round
Bananas- All year round
Bananas- All year round
Berries - Strawberries- May to August
Berries - Strawberries- May to August
Berries - Strawberries- May to August
Caimito- February to March
Caimito- February to March
Caimito- February to March
Calamansi - All year round
Calamansi - All year round
Calamansi - All year round
Chico- November
Chico- November
Chico- November
When Fruits Are in Season
When Fruits Are in Season
When Fruits Are in Season
10. Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits
Citrus Fruits
Orange- December to March
Orange- December to March
Orange- December to March
Tangerines - November to February
Tangerines - November to February
Tangerines - November to February
Ladu Orange - November to February
Ladu Orange - November to February
Ladu Orange - November to February
Lemons- All year round
Lemons- All year round
Lemons- All year round
Limes - All year round
Limes - All year round
Limes - All year round
11. Coconuts- June to August
11. Coconuts- June to August
11. Coconuts- June to August
12. Duhat- April to May
12. Duhat- April to May
12. Duhat- April to May
13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on
13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on
13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on
the variety
the variety
the variety
14. Guayabano- September to October
14. Guayabano- September to October
14. Guayabano- September to October
15. Guavas- June to August
15. Guavas- June to August
15. Guavas- June to August
16. Figs- June to October
16. Figs- June to October
16. Figs- June to October
17. Langka- June to August
17. Langka- June to August
17. Langka- June to August
18. Lanzones - August to October
18. Lanzones - August to October
18. Lanzones - August to October
19. Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round
Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round
Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round
20. Melons- January to May
20. Melons- January to May
20. Melons- January to May
21. Mangosteen- June to August
21. Mangosteen- June to August
21. Mangosteen- June to August
22. Papaya- All year round
22. Papaya- All year round
22. Papaya- All year round
23. Pineapple- March to May
23. Pineapple- March to May
23. Pineapple- March to May
24. Persimons- May to September
24. Persimons- May to September
24. Persimons- May to September
25. Pomegrenates- September to December
25. Pomegrenates- September to December
25. Pomegrenates- September to December
26. Rambutans- June to August
26. Rambutans- June to August
26. Rambutans- June to August
Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots ,
Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots ,
Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots ,
potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi.
potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi.
potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi.
Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote
Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote
Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote
Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber,
Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber,
Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber,
broccoli, cauli flower.
broccoli, cauli flower.
broccoli, cauli flower.
Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima
Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima
Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima
beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and
beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and
beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and
Shopping for Vegetables
Shopping for Vegetables
Shopping for Vegetables
Most vegetables are available all year
Most vegetables are available all year
Most vegetables are available all year round
and with good modern transportation are easily
and with good modern transportation are easily
and with good modern transportation are easily
brought to distant markets. In general,
brought to distant markets. In general,
brought to distant markets. In general,
vegetables are classified as follows:
vegetables are classified as follows:
vegetables are classified as follows:
Shopping for Vegetables
Ampalaya ( Bitter melon)
Ampalaya ( Bitter melon)
Ampalaya ( Bitter melon)- It should be firm , free
- It should be firm , free
- It should be firm , free
from bruises and insect bites, possess good color,
from bruises and insect bites, possess good color,
from bruises and insect bites, possess good color,
and free from yellowish portions which is a
and free from yellowish portions which is a
and free from yellowish portions which is a sign of
sign of
sign of
Asparagus- Should
Should have closed, compact
have closed, compact
have closed, compact tips,
smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good
smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good
smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good
green color should cover most of the speakers;
green color should cover most of the speakers;
green color should cover most of the speakers;
stalks should be wider.
should be wider.
should be wider.
Beans , Lima -
Beans , Lima -
Beans , Lima - This should be well filled, clean
This should be well filled, clean
This should be well filled, clean
,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot.
,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot.
,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot.
Beans , Green-
Beans , Green-
Beans , Green- Green
Green beans or habichuelas
beans or habichuelas
beans or habichuelas
should have bright, fresh appearance and with a
should have bright, fresh appearance and with a
should have bright, fresh appearance and with a
good green color. Beans should be young and
good green color. Beans should be young and
good green color. Beans should be young and
tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans
tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans
tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans
should snap when broken.
should snap when broken.
should snap when broken.
Beets -
Beets -
Beets - Should
Should have a rich, deep red color, firm,
have a rich, deep red color, firm,
have a rich, deep red color, firm,
round and smooth over most of the surface.
round and smooth over most of the surface.
round and smooth over most of the surface.
General Directions
General Directions
General Directions for Selecting Vegetables
for Selecting Vegetables
for Selecting Vegetables
6. Broccoli-
6. Broccoli-
6. Broccoli- Should have
Should have
Should have a firm, compact
a firm, compact
a firm, compact
cluster of small flower buds.
cluster of small flower buds.
cluster of small flower buds.
7. Cabbage-
7. Cabbage-
7. Cabbage- The cabbage should have
The cabbage should have
The cabbage should have a firm
a firm
a firm head and
head and
head and
should be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green
be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green
be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green
color and free
color and free
color and free from insect bites.
from insect bites.
from insect bites.
8. Cabbage , Chinese -
8. Cabbage , Chinese -
8. Cabbage , Chinese -Should be whitish green in color;
Should be whitish green in color;
Should be whitish green in color;
leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites.
leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites.
leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites.
9. Camias -
9. Camias -
9. Camias - Should be free of soft spots and bruises and
Should be free of soft spots and bruises and
Should be free of soft spots and bruises and
should be firm and plump.
should be firm and plump.
should be firm and plump.
10. Carrots-
10. Carrots-
10. Carrots- Should be well- formed, smooth, well
Should be well- formed, smooth, well
Should be well- formed, smooth, well
colored and firm.
colored and firm.
colored and firm.
11. Chayote-
11. Chayote-
11. Chayote- Should be large, firm, free from bruises and
Should be large, firm, free from bruises and
Should be large, firm, free from bruises and
external thorns.
external thorns.
external thorns.
12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)-
12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)-
12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)- Should be clean,
Should be clean,
Should be clean,
mature, but not pitty or woody.
mature, but not pitty or woody.
mature, but not pitty or woody.
13. Cauliflower- S
13. Cauliflower- S
13. Cauliflower- Should have hard, clean , firm heads;
hould have hard, clean , firm heads;
hould have hard, clean , firm heads;
compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads
compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads
compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads
should be free of black fungus.
should be free of black fungus.
should be free of black fungus.
14. Celery-
14. Celery-
14. Celery- Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk
Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk
Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk
should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and
should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and
should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and
not wilted or yellowish.
not wilted or yellowish.
not wilted or yellowish.
15. Corn-
15. Corn-
15. Corn- Should have bright yellow or white kernels
Should have bright yellow or white kernels
Should have bright yellow or white kernels
depending on the variety. The kernels should be
depending on the variety. The kernels should be
depending on the variety. The kernels should be
plump with
plump with
plump with a little resistance to pressure.
a little resistance to pressure.
a little resistance to pressure.
16. Cucumber-
16. Cucumber-
16. Cucumber- Should have a good green color or
Should have a good green color or
Should have a good green color or
white , depending on the variety. They should be well
white , depending on the variety. They should be well
white , depending on the variety. They should be well
shaped and well developed.
shaped and well developed.
shaped and well developed.
17. Eggplant-
17. Eggplant-
17. Eggplant- Should have plump and firm, of a
Should have plump and firm, of a
Should have plump and firm, of a
uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or
uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or
uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or
18. Gabi ( Taro )-
18. Gabi ( Taro )-
18. Gabi ( Taro )- Should be clean, firm, and free
Should be clean, firm, and free
Should be clean, firm, and free
from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are
from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are
from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are
usually used for sinigang and
usually used for sinigang and
usually used for sinigang and the larger ones will do
the larger ones will do
the larger ones will do
for guinataan.
for guinataan.
for guinataan.
19. Garlic Bulbs-
19. Garlic Bulbs-
19. Garlic Bulbs- Should be fairly plump and in a
Should be fairly plump and in a
Should be fairly plump and in a
solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and
solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and
solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and
free of decay and dryness.
free of decay and dryness.
free of decay and dryness.
20. Greens
20. Greens
20. Greens-(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce ,
-(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce ,
-(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce ,
mustard leaves, mustard
mustard leaves, mustard
mustard leaves, mustard leaves, spinach
leaves, spinach
leaves, spinach etc.) leaves
etc.) leaves
etc.) leaves
should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted
should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted
should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted
and free from blemishes and insect bites.
and free from blemishes and insect bites.
and free from blemishes and insect bites.
21. Labong ( Bamboo shoots)-
Labong ( Bamboo shoots)-
Labong ( Bamboo shoots)- Should be clean,
Should be clean,
Should be clean,
sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any
sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any
sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any
offensive odor and yellow in color.
offensive odor and yellow in color.
offensive odor and yellow in color.
22. Mushrooms-
Mushrooms- Should be small to medium size.
Should be small to medium size.
Should be small to medium size.
Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly
Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly
Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly
open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap
open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap
open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap
should be creamy or light brown in color.
should be creamy or light brown in color.
should be creamy or light brown in color.
23. Okra-
23. Okra-
23. Okra- Should be young , tender, fresh and
Should be young , tender, fresh and
Should be young , tender, fresh and
processes a good , green color and should be free
processes a good , green color and should be free
processes a good , green color and should be free
from blemishes.
from blemishes.
from blemishes.
24. Onions, Bulb-
24. Onions, Bulb-
24. Onions, Bulb- Choose those
Choose those
Choose those that are hard, firm
that are hard, firm
that are hard, firm
with small necks. They should be covered with papery
with small necks. They should be covered with papery
with small necks. They should be covered with papery
outer skins
outer skins
outer skins and free from blemishes or or sprouting
and free from blemishes or or sprouting
and free from blemishes or or sprouting
25. Onions, Green-
25. Onions, Green-
25. Onions, Green-Should have crisp, tender green tops.
Should have crisp, tender green tops.
Should have crisp, tender green tops.
26. Onions, Leek -
26. Onions, Leek -
26. Onions, Leek - Leeks should have fresh, green tops and
Leeks should have fresh, green tops and
Leeks should have fresh, green tops and
young tender bulbs.
young tender bulbs.
young tender bulbs.
27.Patola( Sponge gourd)-
27.Patola( Sponge gourd)-
27.Patola( Sponge gourd)- should be young and not
should be young and not
should be young and not
fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and
fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and
fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and
28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) -
28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) -
28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) -Should be dark purple
Should be dark purple
Should be dark purple
in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded
in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded
in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded and the inner
and the inner
and the inner
leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan
leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan
leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan
29. Pepper, Bell-
29. Pepper, Bell-
29. Pepper, Bell- Green or red pepper should have a good
Green or red pepper should have a good
Green or red pepper should have a good
color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides.
color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides.
color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides.
30. Potatoes -
30. Potatoes -
30. Potatoes - Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and
Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and
Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and
free from
from cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay.
cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay.
cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay.
31. Potatoes , Sweet-
31. Potatoes , Sweet-
31. Potatoes , Sweet- Select well shaped , firm sweet
Select well shaped , firm sweet
Select well shaped , firm sweet
potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free
potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free
potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free
from signs of decay.
from signs of decay.
from signs of decay.
32.Raddish- Select those which are firm, smooth and free
Select those which are firm, smooth and free
Select those which are firm, smooth and free
from cuts or bruises.
from cuts or bruises.
from cuts or bruises.
33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)-
33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)-
33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)- should be young and
should be young and
should be young and
tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from
tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from
tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from
insect bites.
insect bites.
insect bites.
34. Sitao( String beans) -
34. Sitao( String beans) -
34. Sitao( String beans) - It should be free from
It should be free from
It should be free from
bruises and should snap when broken.
and should snap when broken.
and should snap when broken.
35. Squash-
35. Squash-
35. Squash- Look for squash that is well- developed
Look for squash that is well- developed
Look for squash that is well- developed
and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and
and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and
and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and
neither hard nor tough.
neither hard nor tough.
neither hard nor tough.
36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)-
36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)-
36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)- Buy that which
Buy that which
Buy that which
newly sprouted , clean, with the roots
newly sprouted , clean, with the roots
newly sprouted , clean, with the roots and peelings of
and peelings of
and peelings of
the sprouts removed.
the sprouts removed.
the sprouts removed.
37. Tomatoes -
37. Tomatoes -
37. Tomatoes - Look well formed , plump and firm
Look well formed , plump and firm
Look well formed , plump and firm
tomatoes with a uniform red color.
tomatoes with a uniform red color.
tomatoes with a uniform red color.
38.Turnips- Select those which are round, flat top and
Select those which are round, flat top and
Select those which are round, flat top and
uniformly tender , white skin.
uniformly tender , white skin.
uniformly tender , white skin.
39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color
39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color
39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color
should be deep violetor purple.
should be deep violetor purple.
should be deep violetor purple.
40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored
40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored
40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored
and free from inedible or woody portion.
and free from inedible or woody portion.
and free from inedible or woody portion.
41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd)
41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd)
41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd) should be firm , well- formed
should be firm , well- formed
should be firm , well- formed
with a light green color. It should be free from skin
with a light green color. It should be free from skin
with a light green color. It should be free from skin
breaks , bruises or worm holes.
breaks , bruises or worm holes.
breaks , bruises or worm holes.
Do not let vegetables stand in water before cooking; flavor and nutrients
Do not let vegetables stand in water before cooking; flavor and nutrients leach out.
leach out.
Prepare vegetables just before cooking; this include peeling, slicing and dicing. This prevents loss of vitamins through oxidation.
Prepare vegetables just before cooking; this include peeling, slicing and dicing. This prevents loss of vitamins through oxidation.
Never add
Never add baking soda when cooking green vegetables. This may produce an attractive green color, but destroys vitamin content
baking soda when cooking green vegetables. This may produce an attractive green color, but destroys vitamin content
Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible. Nutrients are present just under the skin
Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible. Nutrients are present just under the skin
The stage of doness
The stage of doness in vegetables
in vegetables in vary. A vegetable is said to be done when it has reached the desired degree of tenderness. Most
in vary. A vegetable is said to be done when it has reached the desired degree of tenderness. Most
vegetables are best cooked briefly until they are crisp and tender. At this point, the vegetables is the most pleasing in texture and
vegetables are best cooked briefly until they are crisp and tender. At this point, the vegetables is the most pleasing in texture and
there is
there is maximum retention of flavor, color and nutrient.
maximum retention of flavor, color and nutrient.
Fresh is the most desirable quality of vegetables and since vegetables are so perishable, one of the most careful to preserve this quality
Fresh is the most desirable quality of vegetables and since vegetables are so perishable, one of the most careful to preserve this quality
from the time it is purchased to its service on the table. The goals of proper vegetable cookery are to preserve and to improve their fresh
from the time it is purchased to its service on the table. The goals of proper vegetable cookery are to preserve and to improve their fresh
flavor , texture, color and nutritive content. To achieve these goals, the following pointers may be kept in mind:
flavor , texture, color and nutritive content. To achieve these goals, the following pointers may be kept in mind:
6.Don't overcook and cook as close to serving time as possible.
6.Don't overcook and cook as close to serving time as possible.
7. In cooking vegetables, use only enough water to cover to minimize leaching.
7. In cooking vegetables, use only enough water to cover to minimize leaching.
8. Cook green vegetables and strong - flavored vegetables uncovered. This preserves the green color of vegetables and helps eliminate
8. Cook green vegetables and strong - flavored vegetables uncovered. This preserves the green color of vegetables and helps eliminate
undesirable strong flavors.
undesirable strong flavors.
9.If vegetables must be cooked early , undercook slightly and then cool. Reheat at service time.
9.If vegetables must be cooked early , undercook slightly and then cool. Reheat at service time.
10.Start with boiling, salted water when boiling vegetables. This shortens cooking time and the addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss.
10.Start with boiling, salted water when boiling vegetables. This shortens cooking time and the addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss.
11. In cooking vegetable combinations, make allowance for different cooking times. Otherwise, one vegetable may be overcooked and
11. In cooking vegetable combinations, make allowance for different cooking times. Otherwise, one vegetable may be overcooked and
mushy and the other tough and woody.
mushy and the other tough and woody.
Boiling -
Boiling -
Boiling - For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and
For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and
For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and
texture , all vegetables
texture , all vegetables
texture , all vegetables should be cooked in a moderate
should be cooked in a moderate
should be cooked in a moderate
amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil,
amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil,
amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil,
the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a
the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a
the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a
full boil. The
full boil. The
full boil. The heat is then turned down to permit gentle
heat is then turned down to permit gentle
heat is then turned down to permit gentle
rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should
rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should
rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should
be drained and serve immediately.
be drained and serve immediately.
be drained and serve immediately.
Steaming -
Steaming -
Steaming - Steaming is usually done
Steaming is usually done
Steaming is usually done by placing the
by placing the
by placing the
vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so
vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so
vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so
the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of
the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of
the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of
cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved.
cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved.
cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved.
Braising- In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly
In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly
In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly
sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a
sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a
sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a
little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a
little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a
little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a
boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the
boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the
boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the
vegetables . Shake
vegetables . Shake
vegetables . Shake the pan at regular intervals while the fire
the pan at regular intervals while the fire
the pan at regular intervals while the fire
is on to prevent sticking of vegetables.
is on to prevent sticking of vegetables.
is on to prevent sticking of vegetables.
Methods of cooking Vegetables
Methods of cooking Vegetables
Methods of cooking Vegetables
4. Baking-
Baking- Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes,
Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes,
Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes,
tomatoes and onions have sufficient
and onions have sufficient
and onions have sufficient water
content to form steam and keep moist when
content to form steam and keep moist when
content to form steam and keep moist when
exposed to dry heat. Hence these vegetables
to dry heat. Hence these vegetables
to dry heat. Hence these vegetables are
often baked. Baking
often baked. Baking
often baked. Baking a vegetable in its skin prevents
a vegetable in its skin prevents
a vegetable in its skin prevents
nutrients loss through solution.
nutrients loss through solution.
nutrients loss through solution.
Frying- Hard vegetables like potatoes may be
Hard vegetables like potatoes may be
Hard vegetables like potatoes may be
deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf
deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf
deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf
water, coated with batter and left
water, coated with batter and left
water, coated with batter and left to dry for around
to dry for around
to dry for around
10 minutes.
10 minutes.
10 minutes.
6. Stir Frying-
Stir Frying-
Stir Frying- This is an oriental method of
This is an oriental method of
This is an oriental method of
cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced
cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced
cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced
vegetables added. These are stirred and turn
vegetables added. These are stirred and turn
vegetables added. These are stirred and turn
continuously with the use of basting spoon. With
continuously with the use of basting spoon. With
continuously with the use of basting spoon. With
mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added
mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added
mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added
first, shorter cooking one later. When the
first, shorter cooking one later. When the
first, shorter cooking one later. When the
vegetables are barely
vegetables are barely
vegetables are barely tender, a little water is
tender, a little water is
tender, a little water is
added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by
added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by
added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by
steam for
steam for
steam for a few minutes.
a few minutes.
a few minutes.
Stir Frying
Salad is prepared with a variety of ingredients or a mixture of
Salad is prepared with a variety of ingredients or a mixture of
garnished foods and seasoned with a salad dressing. With a
garnished foods and seasoned with a salad dressing. With a
few exceptions, the salad is serve raw. It may be a mixture of
few exceptions, the salad is serve raw. It may be a mixture of
greens or it can be composed of raw, cooked or canned
greens or it can be composed of raw, cooked or canned
fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry or fish. Lettuce , cabbage ,
fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry or fish. Lettuce , cabbage ,
celery , tomatoes, cucumber and onions are vegetables that
celery , tomatoes, cucumber and onions are vegetables that
are often make up the content of raw salads. Any number of
are often make up the content of raw salads. Any number of
vegetable combination is considered suitable as long as it is
vegetable combination is considered suitable as long as it is
attractive in color and palatable in flavor.
attractive in color and palatable in flavor.
Salad Preparation
Salad Preparation
Salad should have all moisture clinging to their surface
Salad should have all moisture clinging to their surface
carefully removed . This may be done by wiping the leaves
removed . This may be done by wiping the leaves
with a paper napkin. This is done to keep the leaves crisp
with a paper napkin. This is done to keep the leaves crisp
and to enable the salad dressing to cling to their surface. For
and to enable the salad dressing to cling to their surface. For
the best results, the dressing should be added to the salad
the best results, the dressing should be added to the salad
dressing just before it is served because the salad dressing
dressing just before it is served because the salad dressing
tends to draw out the juices causing the
tends to draw out the juices causing the vegetable to lose its
vegetable to lose its
crispness and to wilt.
crispness and to wilt.
Whole shrimps , quarted eggs , anchovy
Whole shrimps , quarted eggs , anchovy
fillets and capers.
fillets and capers.
Asparagus tips, strips of ham and cheese ,
Asparagus tips, strips of ham and cheese ,
carrot curl and ripe olives.
carrot curl and ripe olives.
Roast beef strips , green pepper - rings and
Roast beef strips , green pepper - rings and
sliced red onions.
sliced red onions.
Julienne ham, chicken and Swiss cheese.
Julienne ham, chicken and Swiss cheese.
Julienne tongue, sliced eggs , Swiss cheese ,
Julienne tongue, sliced eggs , Swiss cheese ,
Tomato wedges.
Tomato wedges.
Lobster chunks, sliced chopped fresh dill and
Lobster chunks, sliced chopped fresh dill and
ripe olives.
ripe olives.
Salads are a mixture of a variety of vegetables
Salads are a mixture of a variety of vegetables
and fruits which are either cooked or fresh.
and fruits which are either cooked or fresh.
Since there are a variety of
Since there are a variety of salad mixtures; the
salad mixtures; the
manner of preparation also varies. The variety
manner of preparation also varies. The variety
may contain cold meats , fish , seafood , eggs ,
may contain cold meats , fish , seafood , eggs ,
cheese and etc.
cheese and etc.
Examples of these combinations are the
Examples of these combinations are the
Gelatin salads may be prepared with vegetables, fruits or heartier ingredients ( such as meat , cheese ,
Gelatin salads may be prepared with vegetables, fruits or heartier ingredients ( such as meat , cheese ,
fish and eggs ). These may be served as an appetizer or as" side
fish and eggs ). These may be served as an appetizer or as" side salads" to accompany the main
salads" to accompany the main
Raw and/ or cooked vegetables may also used in the ingredients of salads. Tomato and cucumber
Raw and/ or cooked vegetables may also used in the ingredients of salads. Tomato and cucumber
salads and cabbage slaw are quite popular. Cauli flower, spinach leaves and shredded carrots and
salads and cabbage slaw are quite popular. Cauli flower, spinach leaves and shredded carrots and
potatoes are also possibilities. They may be marinated with other salad materials such as cottage
potatoes are also possibilities. They may be marinated with other salad materials such as cottage
cheese and sliced hard- cooked eggs. Choose vegetables for their colors, flavor and texture. They may
cheese and sliced hard- cooked eggs. Choose vegetables for their colors, flavor and texture. They may
be marinated
be marinated briefly in well- seasoned oil and vinegar
briefly in well- seasoned oil and vinegar dressing for flavor. Serve as a entree salads
dressing for flavor. Serve as a entree salads or
as accompaniments to cold seafood, poultry or meats.
as accompaniments to cold seafood, poultry or meats.
Macaroni salads are welcome addition to the salad list. They may be featured as a hearty salad or in a
Macaroni salads are welcome addition to the salad list. They may be featured as a hearty salad or in a
cold plate accompanied by cold meats, deviled eggs or sliced cheese.
cold plate accompanied by cold meats, deviled eggs or sliced cheese. The noodles must be cooked till
The noodles must be cooked till
just tender and thoroughly drained. Add the salad dressing while the macaroni is still warm. After
just tender and thoroughly drained. Add the salad dressing while the macaroni is still warm. After
adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing the salad, allow enough time to permit the flavors to
adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing the salad, allow enough time to permit the flavors to
mingle before serving .
before serving .
Tempting salads can be made
Tempting salads can be made fruits , both fresh and canned. One of the most popular fruit salad
fruits , both fresh and canned. One of the most popular fruit salad
mixtures is the fruit cocktail salad with whipped cream and custard sauce. Diced apples and mangoes
mixtures is the fruit cocktail salad with whipped cream and custard sauce. Diced apples and mangoes
or bananas may be mixed in too. Whole fruits or sizable pieces may be arrange in an attractive pattern
or bananas may be mixed in too. Whole fruits or sizable pieces may be arrange in an attractive pattern
to form
to form a fruit plate. For the greatest salad success, use only top quality fruits.
a fruit plate. For the greatest salad success, use only top quality fruits.
Select those that
Select those that are frim and ripe while canned fruit contents are firm and well shaped. To prevent cut
are frim and ripe while canned fruit contents are firm and well shaped. To prevent cut
surface of fresh fruits from turning dark, dip at once into pineapple or calamansi juice. Some fruits such as
surface of fresh fruits from turning dark, dip at once into pineapple or calamansi juice. Some fruits such as
prunes and preaches may be served stuff with cheese. Or several fruits arranged on a salad plate, may be
and preaches may be served stuff with cheese. Or several fruits arranged on a salad plate, may be
combined with a cottage
combined with a cottage cheese or cream
cheese or cream cheese balls rolled in chopped nuts.
cheese balls rolled in chopped nuts.

Salad Dressings
Salad Dressings
The established stands by- French
The established stands by- French dressing and mayonnaise are the foundations for many dressings. Other
dressing and mayonnaise are the foundations for many dressings. Other
dressings may be prepared by blending or more dressings together. For example, you may combine
dressings may be prepared by blending or more dressings together. For example, you may combine
mayonnaise to toss with a salad mixtures. Salads mixed with this blend hold their fresh appearance longer.
mayonnaise to toss with a salad mixtures. Salads mixed with this blend hold their fresh appearance longer.
There are also other kinds of salad dressings - as the cooked dressings, the cottage or cream cheese dressing
There are also other kinds of salad dressings - as the cooked dressings, the cottage or cream cheese dressing
used for hot potato salad and other Hot salads. There are also salad dressings mixes, such as the Dressing for
used for hot potato salad and other Hot salads. There are also salad dressings mixes, such as the Dressing for
Cole Slaw, Salad
Cole Slaw, Salad Dressing Mix, Blue Cheese and Herb Dressing, Italian Cheese Dressing, Red Wine , Vinegar
Dressing Mix, Blue Cheese and Herb Dressing, Italian Cheese Dressing, Red Wine , Vinegar
and Oil Dressing , Sour Cream with Chives and Potato Salad Dressing.
and Oil Dressing , Sour Cream with Chives and Potato Salad Dressing.
These packaged blends and seasonings are prepared to give a
These packaged blends and seasonings are prepared to give a specific flavor.
specific flavor.
Salad dressing are easy to make as French
Salad dressing are easy to make as French
Salad dressing
Salad dressing is easy to make as French dressing may be prepared by combining seasoning, vinegar and salad
is easy to make as French dressing may be prepared by combining seasoning, vinegar and salad
oil ( 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar) and then giving the mixture a vigorous shake. The dressing is then ready to use.
oil ( 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar) and then giving the mixture a vigorous shake. The dressing is then ready to use.
However, it is a "temporary emulsion" that separates quickly. The mixture should be shaken again before each use.
However, it is a "temporary emulsion" that separates quickly. The mixture should be shaken again before each use.
Besides being used as a dressing for salads, it may also be used for meat, seafood, and poultry to be used for
Besides being used as a dressing for salads, it may also be used for meat, seafood, and poultry to be used for
salad making. Mayonnaise takes longer to prepare than French dressing. It is should store tightly covered to avoid
salad making. Mayonnaise takes longer to prepare than French dressing. It is should store tightly covered to avoid
surface evaporation and darkening. keep refrigerated and avoid near-freezing temperatures as it may break the
surface evaporation and darkening. keep refrigerated and avoid near-freezing temperatures as it may break the
emulsion. Mayonnaise is used for mixed salads such as potato, tuna, and chicken and it is the base for Thousand
emulsion. Mayonnaise is used for mixed salads such as potato, tuna, and chicken and it is the base for Thousand
Island, Tartar Sauce, and other dressings.
Island, Tartar Sauce, and other dressings.
Processed Vegetables
Processed Vegetables
Vegetables may be frozen single or in combination with other vegetables. In our country, we do not use much
Vegetables may be frozen single or in combination with other vegetables. In our country, we do not use much of
frozen vegetables, since, with the exception of a few seasonal vegetables, most are available fresh all year round.
frozen vegetables, since, with the exception of a few seasonal vegetables, most are available fresh all year round.
We may find a few frozen vegetables in our supermarkets, offering frozen products such as mixed vegetables,
We may find a few frozen vegetables in our supermarkets, offering frozen products such as mixed vegetables,
sweet corn, and peas. A few canned vegetables
sweet corn, and peas. A few canned vegetables are used such as niblets, cream-style corn, tomatoes, tomato
are used such as niblets, cream-style corn, tomatoes, tomato
sauce, beets, pees and others. When
sauce, beets, pees and others. When the canned vegetables have considerable liquid accompanying it, the liquid
the canned vegetables have considerable liquid accompanying it, the liquid
maybe drained and added to
maybe drained and added to the sauce of a meat dish or to soup stock. The liquid should not be discarded
the sauce of a meat dish or to soup stock. The liquid should not be discarded
because of its nutritive content.
because of its nutritive content.
Dried Legumes
Dried Legumes
Dried legumes are the dried seeds of plants. These are
Dried legumes are the dried seeds of plants. These are peanuts , navy beans , kidney
peanuts , navy beans , kidney
beans, soy beans, lentils, mongo beans , chick peas and peas. With the exception of
beans, soy beans, lentils, mongo beans , chick peas and peas. With the exception of
peanuts and soy beans, legumes are low
peanuts and soy beans, legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of
in fats, but contain moderately high amount of
proteins and carbohydrates. The ash
proteins and carbohydrates. The ash content is fairly high . However, the proteins
content is fairly high . However, the proteins in
legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of proteins and
legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of proteins and

Dried soybeans
Dried soybeans are treated commercially in many ways to produce soy milk , soy sauce,
are treated commercially in many ways to produce soy milk , soy sauce,
soy protein concentrate ( which is used in the preparation
soy protein concentrate ( which is used in the preparation of simulated meats as a
of simulated meats as a meat
extender) tofu , miso and tempeh. Soy beans milk is used in infant feeding when the child
extender) tofu , miso and tempeh. Soy beans milk is used in infant feeding when the child
is allergic
is allergic to cow's milk. Tofu is the curd from soybean milk
to cow's milk. Tofu is the curd from soybean milk and is used in dishes such as
and is used in dishes such as
soups,salads and in combination with other vegetables.
soups,salads and in combination with other vegetables.
Miso is fermented paste of cooked soybeans and rice . It is served with fish pesa , giving a
Miso is fermented paste of cooked soybeans and rice . It is served with fish pesa , giving a
distinct flavor
distinct flavor to the dish.
to the dish.
Store the following vegetables in the vegetable crisper or in a plastic bag in the
Store the following vegetables in the vegetable crisper or in a plastic bag in the
refrigerator - cabbage, cauliflower , cucumber, lettuce, green onions, mustard greens,
refrigerator - cabbage, cauliflower , cucumber, lettuce, green onions, mustard greens,
pepper and spinach.
pepper and spinach.
Store ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator , unripe ones at room temperature but away from
Store ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator , unripe ones at room temperature but away from
direct sunlight until they ar ripe.
direct sunlight until they ar ripe.
Store onions at room temperature ; potatoes in the dark, well ventilated place at
Store onions at room temperature ; potatoes in the dark, well ventilated place at
temperature between 45 ℉ - 50 ℉ . Potatoes should be consumed within a week to
temperature between 45 ℉ - 50 ℉ . Potatoes should be consumed within a week to
prevent greening , sprouting or shriviling.
prevent greening , sprouting or shriviling.
Storage of Vegetables
Storage of Vegetables
The process of ripening
The process of ripening in most vegetables includes complete physical and chemical
in most vegetables includes complete physical and chemical
changes. The immature or ripe vegetable continues to respire. This includes the consumption
changes. The immature or ripe vegetable continues to respire. This includes the consumption
of oxygen, the metabolism
of oxygen, the metabolism of cell food materials and the liberation of carbon dioxide , water
of cell food materials and the liberation of carbon dioxide , water
energy or heat. The process of respiration can be slowed down by low temperature , hence
energy or heat. The process of respiration can be slowed down by low temperature , hence
good storage facilities should provide optimum refrigeration for the vegetables. For proper
storage facilities should provide optimum refrigeration for the vegetables. For proper
storage of vegetables, the following pointers
storage of vegetables, the following pointers can be kept in mind.
can be kept in mind.
4. Store squash, eggplants, sweet potatoes at 60℉. Do not refrigerate . Temperature
4. Store squash, eggplants, sweet potatoes at 60℉. Do not refrigerate . Temperature
below 50℉ may cause chilling injury.
below 50℉ may cause chilling injury.
5. Store frozen vegetables at 0℉ or colder, in original containers until ready for use.
5. Store frozen vegetables at 0℉ or colder, in original containers until ready for use.
6. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced.
6. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced.
7.Store canned vegetable in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
7.Store canned vegetable in a cool, dry place away from sunlight.
8. Store dried vegetables in a cool ( less than 75 ℉.), dry and well ventilated.
8. Store dried vegetables in a cool ( less than 75 ℉.), dry and well ventilated.
Thank you!

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Shopping for fruits and Vegetables

  • 1. Shopping for fruits and Vegetables by:Gako, Reyna Casumpang , Jezza Mae
  • 2. Berries - Those commonly used are the strawberries , blueberries , raspherries and blackberries. Citrus- These are the oranges, tangerines, calamansi, lemons, and limes. Drupes- Examples are the peaches , prunes, plums, apricots, cherries and nectarines. Fruits play an important role in our diet. They contain vitamins and mineral , and except for a few, are low in calories and enough bulk to assuage hunger and provide energy. They are enjoyed at the end of a meal or in luncheon salads. Fruits are at there best when ripened in trees or vines and when freshly picked. Then they are excellent when eaten raw. The following is a classification of fruits: 1. 2. 3.
  • 3. 4. Melons – These are the vine grown fruits and include the cantaloupe, honeydew melons, Persian melons and watermelons. 5. Pommes- We have apples and pears. 6.Tropical Fruits- These are avocados, papayas, bananas , dates, figs, guavas , mangoes, pineapple , persimmons , etc.
  • 4. In purchasing fruits, no rules will fruits , no rules will fit every instance. We will therefore consider quality guides for buying each fruit. 1.) Apple – should be firmed and well colored . They have to be mature when harvested to have good flavor, crisp texture and storing ability. Avoid those with bruises , blemishes, decay, or mealy texture. 2. ) Grapes -This should be well colored an plump and firmly. Attached to the stem ends. 3.) Lemons- The fruits should have a yellow rich color , reasonably smooth – textured with a little glow. A pale or greenish yellow color means very fresh fruit with a higher acidity. 4.) Limes- glossy skin and heavy weight for the sizes are preferable. Do not buy those with dull dry skin as this means aging and loss of acidity. Avoid those showing signs of decay- soft spots and skin punctures
  • 5. 5. Cantaloupe and Persian melons – The signs of full maturity are as follows: a.) The stem end should be gone, leaving a smooth, symmetrical, shallow basin called a full slip. If all or part of the stem scar is jogged or torn, the melon is not fully matured; b.) The netting or veining should be thick , coarse and corky and should stand out in bold relief over some parts of the surfaces. c.) The skin color between the netting should be greenish, yellowish, gray or a pale yellow.
  • 6.
  • 7. 6.) Honey dew- melons – A soft, velvety feel is a sign of maturity . Ripeness will be indicated by a slight softening at the blossom end, a faint fruity aroma or a yellowish – white color. Avoid melons with a greenish –white color and hard smooth feel which are signs of immaturity ; large water soaked bruised area , cuts or punctures are signs of decay. 7.) Watermelons – In cut melons , flesh should be firm , juicy , and have a good red color ; free of white streaks and seeds should be dark brown or black. 8.) Orange- Choose firm and heavy with bright looking skin oranges . Avoid light – weight oranges which are likely to lack content and juice. A rough skin means an abnormally thick skin and less flesh. 9.) Strawberries – Choose those with a full red color , firm flesh and the cap stem still attached. The berries should be dry , clean and free of mold. Small berries have a better eating quality than the larger one. 10.) Tangerines – A deep yellow orange color and a bright luster are signs of fresh, mature and good flavored tangerines
  • 8.
  • 9. Tropical Fruits 1. Avocados- there are two kinds of avocados, one with a rough skin which turns dark purple when ripe and the other with a smooth skin that stays green. this fruit ripens after being picked . left at room temperature the flesh softens and becomes yellow in color. 2.Atis ( sugar apple)- this fruit should be regular in shape and possess good symmetry. it should not be overripe which means it should not be too soft with an appreciable change in the flavor of the fruit. 3. Bananas-should be firm and free from bruises . the stage of ripeness is shown by the skin color- best eating quality has been reached when the solid yellow color is specked with brown. at this stage, the flesh is yellow and the flavor fully developed. unripe bananas should be allowed to ripen at room temperature. chilling discolors the fruit. 4. Caimito( star apple )- are of two varieties – the green and the purple kind. the fruit should be well colored, the skin glossy. it should be free from cuts , bruises and decay. the fruit is ready to be eaten when it yields to gentle pressure. 5. Calamansi- shouldbe firm and not soft with a good texture and a good green color. it should be juicy and not show signs of dryness, mushiness , woodiness. 6. Chico –the fruit should be mature as indicated by a light brown or reddish brown color, the skin smooth and the fruit not over ripe becoming excessively soft and discolored and often with afermented odor. it should be free from hard lumps or hardened areas in the flesh resulting from pressure, bruises or hardened sap.
  • 10.
  • 11. 7.Coconut- are available all year round. It must be checked for heaviness, size and a good shape. Shake to hear the fluid inside. Coconuts that are dry inside are to be moldy. The coconut is encased in a large, thick and fibrous material of greenish color. 8.Dates- The date is long berry , brown and with a some what wrinkled surface . They are three varieties: the soft, dry , and semi-dry. The soft dates are excellent for flavor but ship badly. They are used chiefly in date confections. The other varieties are used extensively as a dessert fruit and as ingredient in baked products. 9. Duhat( Blackplum)- The fruit should be ripe which means that the fruit has changed from the green color of the immature to full dark violet and the pulps has considerably swelled. The fruit should be firm , yielding to slight pressure. 10. Figs- is a pear- shaped fruit that has a very sweet flavor . they are fresh in areas where they are grown. but they ship badly and handle poorly and must therefore be dried or preserved to be sent to distant markets. 11. Guayabano ( soursop)- The fruit should be firm, free from bruises and insect bites . it is soft and perishable when ripe and ferments rapidly. the fruit is ovoid , heart - shaped or oblong in form, green with short fleshy spines on the surface. the flesh is white , cottony in texture , juicy and highly aromatic . it is extensively used in the preparation of sherbets and other refreshing drinks. 12. Guavas- This fruit comes in varying shapes – pear- shaped, round or a blunted oval. flesh may be white , yellowish or pinkish. seeds are plentiful- they are small , hard stones. select guavas that are firm, free form bruises or soft spots and insect bites. this fruit is useful in many ways, is often used as a fruit for jelly- making.
  • 12.
  • 13. 13.Langka(jackfruit)- The langka is oval or oblong. the surface is studded with short hard points ;pale green in the immature fruit becoming greenish yellow in the ripe. the ripe fruit has a strong aromatic odor as the ripening progresses. the fruit is eaten fresh or preserved in syrup. 14. Ladu oranges- This fruit should be mature, it has reached the stage of development which will ensure proper completion of the ripening process. this is shown by a glossy appearance of the skin and a change from the dark green color often tinged with yellow. it should be firm , not soft , and flabby. 15. Lanzones- should be mature , not soft and overripe as may be shown by a brownish discoloration and strong fermented flavor and odor and odor. It should be sweet, firm, well formed and free from bruises and signs of decay. 16.Mangoes – This fruit is eaten fresh green or ripe . The green ones are used for making chutney. Buy mangoes that are plump , firm and clear in color; it should not overripe with soft flesh and past commercial utility; it should be clean and free from dirt, spray residue and staining; fiber should be clean and free from dirt , spray residue and staining ; fiber should be found only in areas adjacent to the seed. 17. Mangosteen- The fruit resembles an orange in shape in shape and similarly partitioned into segments. The rind is thick and dark- reddish – violet to purple in color. The pulp of the seed is white, juicy, with a sweet taste, tart flavor and cottony flesh. The mangosteen ships well because of its tough rind and may be stored from one to wo weeks without any change in eating quality. 18. Papaya-This fruit is spherical to oblong in shape with a large central cavity filled with plenty of deep gray seeds. Select papayas that are mature, ripe, turning yellow – green in color, plump, and well formed. Avoid dark green papayas that may not ripen properly, though it may be used in stews as vegetables. 19. Persimmons –should be firm , plump , smooth with a good red , sweet, slightly acid and rich in aroma. The juice is the base
  • 14.
  • 15. 20. Pomegranates- This fruit has a thin leathery skin, is about size of an orange. The pulp is red, sweet , slightly acid and rich in aroma. The juice is the base for grenadine. Select medium to large fruits, colored pink to light red, with a thin and tough rind. 21. Pineapples - Choose pineapple with the proper color, a fragrant pineapple aroma , a very slight separation of the eye of pips and "spikes" or leaves which can be easily pulled out from the top. If the pineapple ripens, the green color fades turning to orange and yellow. When the fruit is fully ripe , the pineapple turns golden yellow or reddish-brown depending on the variety. Avoid those with soft spots or bruises. 22. Rambutan - The color of the rambutan is a deep crimson. Avoid those with softness - the fruit should be plump with fleshy spines. They should be tumbled rather than spiky, gentle on the finger rather than dry.
  • 16. KEYPOINTS: A. 1. Review and discuss notes on selecting fruits. 2. What is surface blemish? 3. Review the meaning of "in season" fruits . How does this affect the prices?
  • 17. Methods of cooking Fruits Fruits are cooked by stewing, baking, and cooked in sugar such as jams , jellies and candied fruits. The goal in Fruits are cooked by stewing, baking, and cooked in sugar such as jams , jellies and candied fruits. The goal in cooking them is to improve its digestability while retaining as much as possible its flavor cooking them is to improve its digestability while retaining as much as possible its flavor and color. and color. In stewing In stewing fruits ( a compote), the usual procedure is to cook in water fruits ( a compote), the usual procedure is to cook in water or thin syrup. The fruit should be fresh and not or thin syrup. The fruit should be fresh and not overripe. Do not pare off too much of the skin as this would remove its nutritive value. Fruit are also made into overripe. Do not pare off too much of the skin as this would remove its nutritive value. Fruit are also made into jams, jellies or candies jams, jellies or candies as in the case of pineapple, mangoes and guavas. This is one way of preserving as in the case of pineapple, mangoes and guavas. This is one way of preserving the fruit the fruit made possible by its high sugar content. made possible by its high sugar content. Dried Fruits The preservation of food by drying is one of the most ancient The preservation of food by drying is one of the most ancient ways of processing food. ways of processing food. By removing By removing a large a large amount amount of the water content of fruits, of the water content of fruits, their keeping quality has longer duration. Although dried or dehydrated their keeping quality has longer duration. Although dried or dehydrated fruit is not necessarily accepted on equal terms with fresh fruits, there is an appreciable consumer demand fruit is not necessarily accepted on equal terms with fresh fruits, there is an appreciable consumer demand for for certain certain dried fruits dried fruits as prunes, raisins dates and figs. These dried fruits as prunes, raisins dates and figs. These dried fruits as prunes, raisins, dates as prunes, raisins, dates and figs. and figs. These dried fruits are valued for their sweet flavor markedly different from that of the fresh fruit. These dried fruits are valued for their sweet flavor markedly different from that of the fresh fruit.
  • 18. Canned and fruits, fruit Juices and Fruit Drinks Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and Have many excellent uses and must be given priority as convenience foods. Canned apple slices, blueberries and cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or cherries are examples of processed fruits widely used in baked desserts. Canned juice or fresh fruit juice can be fresh fruit juice can be fresh fruit juice can be used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches. used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches. used and combined to make fruit juice punches. The combined to make fruit punches. The combination should The combination should The combination should should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices should be carefully planned to produce flavor and color. Some examples of these fruit juices are pineapple - orange are pineapple - orange are pineapple - orange juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice. juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice. juice, pineapple - grapefruit juice , guayabano juice, mango and guava juice. A Guide to storage of fruits Fruits differ on how they should be stored and in the lenght of time they will be kept. Fully ripe fruits should be refrigerated , except with bananas which blacken when chilled. Fruits that should be opened must be stored in a warm place 20℉- 60 ℉ and in a dark place.
  • 19. Canned and fruits, fruit Juices and Fruit Drinks
  • 20. Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life. Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life. Store citrus fruits in a cool place. Refrigerate to extend storage life. Test Fruits Test Fruits Test Fruits for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem for ripeness- Gently press the flesh of the stem end when ripe it will be soft. end when ripe it will be soft. end when ripe it will be soft. Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil. Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil. Handle Fruits with care because bruised areas will spoil. Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread Berries and other small fruits spoil easily- Refrigerate and consume within tow days. Spread the berries in the berries in the berries in a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth. a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth. a single layer on a tray to retard mold growth. It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers. It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers. It would be good for flavor to place canned fruits and fruit juices in glass, ceramic or plastic containers. Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following: Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following: Some of the pointers in storing fruits are the following: 1 1 1. . . 2 2 2. . . 3 3 3. . . 4 4 4. . . 5 5 5. . . Apples - September to May, depending on variety Apples - September to May, depending on variety Apples - September to May, depending on variety Apricots- June to July Apricots- June to July Apricots- June to July Avocados- June to August Avocados- June to August Avocados- June to August Atis- August to September Atis- August to September Atis- August to September Bananas- All year round Bananas- All year round Bananas- All year round Berries - Strawberries- May to August Berries - Strawberries- May to August Berries - Strawberries- May to August Caimito- February to March Caimito- February to March Caimito- February to March Calamansi - All year round Calamansi - All year round Calamansi - All year round Chico- November Chico- November Chico- November When Fruits Are in Season When Fruits Are in Season When Fruits Are in Season 1 1 1. . . 2 2 2. . . 3 3 3. . . 4 4 4. . . 5 5 5. . . 6 6 6. . . 7 7 7. . . 8 8 8. . . 9 9 9. . . 10. 10. 10. Citrus Fruits Citrus Fruits Citrus Fruits Orange- December to March Orange- December to March Orange- December to March Tangerines - November to February Tangerines - November to February Tangerines - November to February Ladu Orange - November to February Ladu Orange - November to February Ladu Orange - November to February Lemons- All year round Lemons- All year round Lemons- All year round Limes - All year round Limes - All year round Limes - All year round 11. Coconuts- June to August 11. Coconuts- June to August 11. Coconuts- June to August 12. Duhat- April to May 12. Duhat- April to May 12. Duhat- April to May 13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on 13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on 13. Grapes- October to January; June to August depending on the variety the variety the variety 14. Guayabano- September to October 14. Guayabano- September to October 14. Guayabano- September to October
  • 21. 15. Guavas- June to August 15. Guavas- June to August 15. Guavas- June to August 16. Figs- June to October 16. Figs- June to October 16. Figs- June to October 17. Langka- June to August 17. Langka- June to August 17. Langka- June to August 18. Lanzones - August to October 18. Lanzones - August to October 18. Lanzones - August to October 19. 19. 19. Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round Mangoes- March to June; Cebu Mangoes - All year round 20. Melons- January to May 20. Melons- January to May 20. Melons- January to May 21. Mangosteen- June to August 21. Mangosteen- June to August 21. Mangosteen- June to August 22. Papaya- All year round 22. Papaya- All year round 22. Papaya- All year round 23. Pineapple- March to May 23. Pineapple- March to May 23. Pineapple- March to May 24. Persimons- May to September 24. Persimons- May to September 24. Persimons- May to September 25. Pomegrenates- September to December 25. Pomegrenates- September to December 25. Pomegrenates- September to December 26. Rambutans- June to August 26. Rambutans- June to August 26. Rambutans- June to August Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots , Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots , Roots, tubers , bulbs and stem - carrots , potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi. potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi. potatoes , onions , garlic, celery, gabi, ubi. Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote Leaves- lettuce, spinach, cabbage, camote tops. tops. tops. Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber, Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber, Vegetables fruits and flowers- cucumber, broccoli, cauli flower. broccoli, cauli flower. broccoli, cauli flower. Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima Pods and Seeds - green beans, sitaw , lima beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and beans, peas, black beans , mongo, and bataw. bataw. bataw. Shopping for Vegetables Shopping for Vegetables Shopping for Vegetables Most vegetables are available all year Most vegetables are available all year Most vegetables are available all year round round round and with good modern transportation are easily and with good modern transportation are easily and with good modern transportation are easily brought to distant markets. In general, brought to distant markets. In general, brought to distant markets. In general, vegetables are classified as follows: vegetables are classified as follows: vegetables are classified as follows: 1 1 1. . . 2 2 2. . . 3 3 3. . . 4 4 4. . .
  • 23. Ampalaya ( Bitter melon) Ampalaya ( Bitter melon) Ampalaya ( Bitter melon)- It should be firm , free - It should be firm , free - It should be firm , free from bruises and insect bites, possess good color, from bruises and insect bites, possess good color, from bruises and insect bites, possess good color, and free from yellowish portions which is a and free from yellowish portions which is a and free from yellowish portions which is a sign of sign of sign of overipeness. overipeness. overipeness. Asparagus- Asparagus- Asparagus- Should Should Should have closed, compact have closed, compact have closed, compact tips, tips, tips, smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good smooth round spears of a fresh appearance. A good green color should cover most of the speakers; green color should cover most of the speakers; green color should cover most of the speakers; stalks stalks stalks should be wider. should be wider. should be wider. Beans , Lima - Beans , Lima - Beans , Lima - This should be well filled, clean This should be well filled, clean This should be well filled, clean ,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot. ,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot. ,shiny , dark green pods, free of mold or rot. Beans , Green- Beans , Green- Beans , Green- Green Green Green beans or habichuelas beans or habichuelas beans or habichuelas should have bright, fresh appearance and with a should have bright, fresh appearance and with a should have bright, fresh appearance and with a good green color. Beans should be young and good green color. Beans should be young and good green color. Beans should be young and tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans tender with pods in a fir, crisp condition; beans should snap when broken. should snap when broken. should snap when broken. Beets - Beets - Beets - Should Should Should have a rich, deep red color, firm, have a rich, deep red color, firm, have a rich, deep red color, firm, round and smooth over most of the surface. round and smooth over most of the surface. round and smooth over most of the surface. General Directions General Directions General Directions for Selecting Vegetables for Selecting Vegetables for Selecting Vegetables 1 1 1. . . 2 2 2. . . 3 3 3. . . 4 4 4. . . 5 5 5. . . 6. Broccoli- 6. Broccoli- 6. Broccoli- Should have Should have Should have a firm, compact a firm, compact a firm, compact cluster of small flower buds. cluster of small flower buds. cluster of small flower buds. 7. Cabbage- 7. Cabbage- 7. Cabbage- The cabbage should have The cabbage should have The cabbage should have a firm a firm a firm head and head and head and should should should be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green be heavy for size. Leaves should have a good green color and free color and free color and free from insect bites. from insect bites. from insect bites. 8. Cabbage , Chinese - 8. Cabbage , Chinese - 8. Cabbage , Chinese -Should be whitish green in color; Should be whitish green in color; Should be whitish green in color; leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites. leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites. leaves crisp and free of wilted portions and insect bites. 9. Camias - 9. Camias - 9. Camias - Should be free of soft spots and bruises and Should be free of soft spots and bruises and Should be free of soft spots and bruises and should be firm and plump. should be firm and plump. should be firm and plump. 10. Carrots- 10. Carrots- 10. Carrots- Should be well- formed, smooth, well Should be well- formed, smooth, well Should be well- formed, smooth, well colored and firm. colored and firm. colored and firm. 11. Chayote- 11. Chayote- 11. Chayote- Should be large, firm, free from bruises and Should be large, firm, free from bruises and Should be large, firm, free from bruises and external thorns. external thorns. external thorns. 12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)- 12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)- 12. Cassava Tuber( Kamoteng kahoy)- Should be clean, Should be clean, Should be clean, mature, but not pitty or woody. mature, but not pitty or woody. mature, but not pitty or woody. 13. Cauliflower- S 13. Cauliflower- S 13. Cauliflower- Should have hard, clean , firm heads; hould have hard, clean , firm heads; hould have hard, clean , firm heads; compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads compact, and encased in tender green leaves. The heads should be free of black fungus. should be free of black fungus. should be free of black fungus.
  • 24.
  • 25. 14. Celery- 14. Celery- 14. Celery- Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk Should be fresh and crisp. The stalk should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and should have a solid , rigid feel and leaves fresh and not wilted or yellowish. not wilted or yellowish. not wilted or yellowish. 15. Corn- 15. Corn- 15. Corn- Should have bright yellow or white kernels Should have bright yellow or white kernels Should have bright yellow or white kernels depending on the variety. The kernels should be depending on the variety. The kernels should be depending on the variety. The kernels should be plump with plump with plump with a little resistance to pressure. a little resistance to pressure. a little resistance to pressure. 16. Cucumber- 16. Cucumber- 16. Cucumber- Should have a good green color or Should have a good green color or Should have a good green color or white , depending on the variety. They should be well white , depending on the variety. They should be well white , depending on the variety. They should be well shaped and well developed. shaped and well developed. shaped and well developed. 17. Eggplant- 17. Eggplant- 17. Eggplant- Should have plump and firm, of a Should have plump and firm, of a Should have plump and firm, of a uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or uniform, dark rich purple color, free of scars or decay. decay. decay. 18. Gabi ( Taro )- 18. Gabi ( Taro )- 18. Gabi ( Taro )- Should be clean, firm, and free Should be clean, firm, and free Should be clean, firm, and free from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are from black spots and rot. The smaller ones are usually used for sinigang and usually used for sinigang and usually used for sinigang and the larger ones will do the larger ones will do the larger ones will do for guinataan. for guinataan. for guinataan. 19. Garlic Bulbs- 19. Garlic Bulbs- 19. Garlic Bulbs- Should be fairly plump and in a Should be fairly plump and in a Should be fairly plump and in a solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and solid cluster. Bulbs should be filled well filled and free of decay and dryness. free of decay and dryness. free of decay and dryness. 20. Greens 20. Greens 20. Greens-(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce , -(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce , -(Kangkong , camote tops , lettuce , mustard leaves, mustard mustard leaves, mustard mustard leaves, mustard leaves, spinach leaves, spinach leaves, spinach etc.) leaves etc.) leaves etc.) leaves should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted should be crisp fresh , young and tender, not wilted and free from blemishes and insect bites. and free from blemishes and insect bites. and free from blemishes and insect bites. 21. 21. 21. Labong ( Bamboo shoots)- Labong ( Bamboo shoots)- Labong ( Bamboo shoots)- Should be clean, Should be clean, Should be clean, sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any sliced into strips or shreds , freshly cooked , free of any offensive odor and yellow in color. offensive odor and yellow in color. offensive odor and yellow in color. 22. 22. 22. Mushrooms- Mushrooms- Mushrooms- Should be small to medium size. Should be small to medium size. Should be small to medium size. Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly Caps should be closed around the stem or slightly open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap open , showing light tan gills. The surface of the cap should be creamy or light brown in color. should be creamy or light brown in color. should be creamy or light brown in color. 23. Okra- 23. Okra- 23. Okra- Should be young , tender, fresh and Should be young , tender, fresh and Should be young , tender, fresh and processes a good , green color and should be free processes a good , green color and should be free processes a good , green color and should be free from blemishes. from blemishes. from blemishes. 24. Onions, Bulb- 24. Onions, Bulb- 24. Onions, Bulb- Choose those Choose those Choose those that are hard, firm that are hard, firm that are hard, firm with small necks. They should be covered with papery with small necks. They should be covered with papery with small necks. They should be covered with papery outer skins outer skins outer skins and free from blemishes or or sprouting and free from blemishes or or sprouting and free from blemishes or or sprouting tops. tops. tops.
  • 26.
  • 27. 25. Onions, Green- 25. Onions, Green- 25. Onions, Green-Should have crisp, tender green tops. Should have crisp, tender green tops. Should have crisp, tender green tops. 26. Onions, Leek - 26. Onions, Leek - 26. Onions, Leek - Leeks should have fresh, green tops and Leeks should have fresh, green tops and Leeks should have fresh, green tops and young tender bulbs. young tender bulbs. young tender bulbs. 27.Patola( Sponge gourd)- 27.Patola( Sponge gourd)- 27.Patola( Sponge gourd)- should be young and not should be young and not should be young and not fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and fibrous; firm, fairly well- formed and free from bruises and scars. scars. scars. 28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) - 28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) - 28. Puso ng Saging ( Banana heart) -Should be dark purple Should be dark purple Should be dark purple in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded in color. Outer leaves are usually discarded and the inner and the inner and the inner leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan leaves which are creamy in color are used. Ask for the Butuan variety. variety. variety. 29. Pepper, Bell- 29. Pepper, Bell- 29. Pepper, Bell- Green or red pepper should have a good Green or red pepper should have a good Green or red pepper should have a good color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides. color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides. color and possess a glossy sheen and firm walls and sides. 30. Potatoes - 30. Potatoes - 30. Potatoes - Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and Buy potatoes that are clean, well- shaped and free free free from from from cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay. cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay. cuts , bruises or spouting eyes and decay. 31. Potatoes , Sweet- 31. Potatoes , Sweet- 31. Potatoes , Sweet- Select well shaped , firm sweet Select well shaped , firm sweet Select well shaped , firm sweet potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free potatoes, with a smooth, bright, uniformly colored skin free from signs of decay. from signs of decay. from signs of decay. 32.Raddish- 32.Raddish- 32.Raddish- Select those which are firm, smooth and free Select those which are firm, smooth and free Select those which are firm, smooth and free from cuts or bruises. from cuts or bruises. from cuts or bruises. 33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)- 33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)- 33. Sigadillas ( Winged beans)- should be young and should be young and should be young and tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from tender, well formed with a nice green color and free from insect bites. insect bites. insect bites. 34. Sitao( String beans) - 34. Sitao( String beans) - 34. Sitao( String beans) - It should be free from It should be free from It should be free from bruises bruises bruises and should snap when broken. and should snap when broken. and should snap when broken. 35. Squash- 35. Squash- 35. Squash- Look for squash that is well- developed Look for squash that is well- developed Look for squash that is well- developed and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and and fairly heavy for size. Skin should be glossy and neither hard nor tough. neither hard nor tough. neither hard nor tough. 36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)- 36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)- 36. Togue ( Mongo beans sprout)- Buy that which Buy that which Buy that which newly sprouted , clean, with the roots newly sprouted , clean, with the roots newly sprouted , clean, with the roots and peelings of and peelings of and peelings of the sprouts removed. the sprouts removed. the sprouts removed. 37. Tomatoes - 37. Tomatoes - 37. Tomatoes - Look well formed , plump and firm Look well formed , plump and firm Look well formed , plump and firm tomatoes with a uniform red color. tomatoes with a uniform red color. tomatoes with a uniform red color. 38.Turnips- 38.Turnips- 38.Turnips- Select those which are round, flat top and Select those which are round, flat top and Select those which are round, flat top and uniformly tender , white skin. uniformly tender , white skin. uniformly tender , white skin. 39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color 39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color 39. Ube- Should be clean and free from black rot , color should be deep violetor purple. should be deep violetor purple. should be deep violetor purple. 40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored 40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored 40. Ubod- Should be well- trimmed and not discolored and free from inedible or woody portion. and free from inedible or woody portion. and free from inedible or woody portion. 41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd) 41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd) 41. Upo- ( Bottle gourd) should be firm , well- formed should be firm , well- formed should be firm , well- formed with a light green color. It should be free from skin with a light green color. It should be free from skin with a light green color. It should be free from skin breaks , bruises or worm holes. breaks , bruises or worm holes. breaks , bruises or worm holes.
  • 28.
  • 29. Do not let vegetables stand in water before cooking; flavor and nutrients Do not let vegetables stand in water before cooking; flavor and nutrients leach out. leach out. Prepare vegetables just before cooking; this include peeling, slicing and dicing. This prevents loss of vitamins through oxidation. Prepare vegetables just before cooking; this include peeling, slicing and dicing. This prevents loss of vitamins through oxidation. Never add Never add baking soda when cooking green vegetables. This may produce an attractive green color, but destroys vitamin content baking soda when cooking green vegetables. This may produce an attractive green color, but destroys vitamin content vegetables. vegetables. Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible. Nutrients are present just under the skin Peel most vegetables as thinly as possible. Nutrients are present just under the skin The stage of doness The stage of doness in vegetables in vegetables in vary. A vegetable is said to be done when it has reached the desired degree of tenderness. Most in vary. A vegetable is said to be done when it has reached the desired degree of tenderness. Most vegetables are best cooked briefly until they are crisp and tender. At this point, the vegetables is the most pleasing in texture and vegetables are best cooked briefly until they are crisp and tender. At this point, the vegetables is the most pleasing in texture and there is there is maximum retention of flavor, color and nutrient. maximum retention of flavor, color and nutrient. Fresh is the most desirable quality of vegetables and since vegetables are so perishable, one of the most careful to preserve this quality Fresh is the most desirable quality of vegetables and since vegetables are so perishable, one of the most careful to preserve this quality from the time it is purchased to its service on the table. The goals of proper vegetable cookery are to preserve and to improve their fresh from the time it is purchased to its service on the table. The goals of proper vegetable cookery are to preserve and to improve their fresh flavor , texture, color and nutritive content. To achieve these goals, the following pointers may be kept in mind: flavor , texture, color and nutritive content. To achieve these goals, the following pointers may be kept in mind: 1 1. . 2 2. . 3 3. . 4 4. . 5 5. . 6.Don't overcook and cook as close to serving time as possible. 6.Don't overcook and cook as close to serving time as possible. 7. In cooking vegetables, use only enough water to cover to minimize leaching. 7. In cooking vegetables, use only enough water to cover to minimize leaching. 8. Cook green vegetables and strong - flavored vegetables uncovered. This preserves the green color of vegetables and helps eliminate 8. Cook green vegetables and strong - flavored vegetables uncovered. This preserves the green color of vegetables and helps eliminate undesirable strong flavors. undesirable strong flavors. 9.If vegetables must be cooked early , undercook slightly and then cool. Reheat at service time. 9.If vegetables must be cooked early , undercook slightly and then cool. Reheat at service time. 10.Start with boiling, salted water when boiling vegetables. This shortens cooking time and the addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss. 10.Start with boiling, salted water when boiling vegetables. This shortens cooking time and the addition of salt helps reduce flavor loss. 11. In cooking vegetable combinations, make allowance for different cooking times. Otherwise, one vegetable may be overcooked and 11. In cooking vegetable combinations, make allowance for different cooking times. Otherwise, one vegetable may be overcooked and mushy and the other tough and woody. mushy and the other tough and woody.
  • 30. Boiling - Boiling - Boiling - For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and For best result, in nutrients retention, taste and texture , all vegetables texture , all vegetables texture , all vegetables should be cooked in a moderate should be cooked in a moderate should be cooked in a moderate amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil, amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil, amount of water. The water should be brought to a full boil, the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a the vegetable , added and then the water brought back to a full boil. The full boil. The full boil. The heat is then turned down to permit gentle heat is then turned down to permit gentle heat is then turned down to permit gentle rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should rather than rapid boiling. When done , the vegetable should be drained and serve immediately. be drained and serve immediately. be drained and serve immediately. Steaming - Steaming - Steaming - Steaming is usually done Steaming is usually done Steaming is usually done by placing the by placing the by placing the vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so vegetable in perforated basket over a pan of boiling water so the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of the vegetable is cooked in live steam. This is a longer way of cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved. cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved. cooking vegetables but nutrients are conserved. Braising- Braising- Braising- In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly In this method of cooking, thinly and uniformly sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a sliced vegetables are coated with a small amount of fat, a little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a little liquid added, the pan covered and mixture brought to a boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the boil. The heat is lowered and steam is allowed to cook the vegetables . Shake vegetables . Shake vegetables . Shake the pan at regular intervals while the fire the pan at regular intervals while the fire the pan at regular intervals while the fire is on to prevent sticking of vegetables. is on to prevent sticking of vegetables. is on to prevent sticking of vegetables. Methods of cooking Vegetables Methods of cooking Vegetables Methods of cooking Vegetables 1 1 1. . . 2 2 2. . . 3 3 3. . . 4. 4. 4. Baking- Baking- Baking- Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes, Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes, Sweet potatoes, , white potatoes, tomatoes tomatoes tomatoes and onions have sufficient and onions have sufficient and onions have sufficient water water water content to form steam and keep moist when content to form steam and keep moist when content to form steam and keep moist when exposed exposed exposed to dry heat. Hence these vegetables to dry heat. Hence these vegetables to dry heat. Hence these vegetables are are are often baked. Baking often baked. Baking often baked. Baking a vegetable in its skin prevents a vegetable in its skin prevents a vegetable in its skin prevents nutrients loss through solution. nutrients loss through solution. nutrients loss through solution. 5. 5. 5.Frying- Frying- Frying- Hard vegetables like potatoes may be Hard vegetables like potatoes may be Hard vegetables like potatoes may be deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf deep- fat fried. Fat is heated, vegetables drained pf water, coated with batter and left water, coated with batter and left water, coated with batter and left to dry for around to dry for around to dry for around 10 minutes. 10 minutes. 10 minutes. 6. 6. 6. Stir Frying- Stir Frying- Stir Frying- This is an oriental method of This is an oriental method of This is an oriental method of cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced cooking . A little oil is heated, then thinly sliced vegetables added. These are stirred and turn vegetables added. These are stirred and turn vegetables added. These are stirred and turn continuously with the use of basting spoon. With continuously with the use of basting spoon. With continuously with the use of basting spoon. With mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added mixed vegetables, longer cooking once are added first, shorter cooking one later. When the first, shorter cooking one later. When the first, shorter cooking one later. When the vegetables are barely vegetables are barely vegetables are barely tender, a little water is tender, a little water is tender, a little water is added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by added, then the pan is covered to allow cooking by steam for steam for steam for a few minutes. a few minutes. a few minutes.
  • 32. Salads Salads Salad is prepared with a variety of ingredients or a mixture of Salad is prepared with a variety of ingredients or a mixture of garnished foods and seasoned with a salad dressing. With a garnished foods and seasoned with a salad dressing. With a few exceptions, the salad is serve raw. It may be a mixture of few exceptions, the salad is serve raw. It may be a mixture of greens or it can be composed of raw, cooked or canned greens or it can be composed of raw, cooked or canned fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry or fish. Lettuce , cabbage , fruits, vegetables, meat, poultry or fish. Lettuce , cabbage , celery , tomatoes, cucumber and onions are vegetables that celery , tomatoes, cucumber and onions are vegetables that are often make up the content of raw salads. Any number of are often make up the content of raw salads. Any number of vegetable combination is considered suitable as long as it is vegetable combination is considered suitable as long as it is attractive in color and palatable in flavor. attractive in color and palatable in flavor. Salad Preparation Salad Preparation Salad should have all moisture clinging to their surface Salad should have all moisture clinging to their surface carefully carefully removed . This may be done by wiping the leaves removed . This may be done by wiping the leaves with a paper napkin. This is done to keep the leaves crisp with a paper napkin. This is done to keep the leaves crisp and to enable the salad dressing to cling to their surface. For and to enable the salad dressing to cling to their surface. For the best results, the dressing should be added to the salad the best results, the dressing should be added to the salad dressing just before it is served because the salad dressing dressing just before it is served because the salad dressing tends to draw out the juices causing the tends to draw out the juices causing the vegetable to lose its vegetable to lose its crispness and to wilt. crispness and to wilt. Whole shrimps , quarted eggs , anchovy Whole shrimps , quarted eggs , anchovy fillets and capers. fillets and capers. Asparagus tips, strips of ham and cheese , Asparagus tips, strips of ham and cheese , carrot curl and ripe olives. carrot curl and ripe olives. Roast beef strips , green pepper - rings and Roast beef strips , green pepper - rings and sliced red onions. sliced red onions. Julienne ham, chicken and Swiss cheese. Julienne ham, chicken and Swiss cheese. Julienne tongue, sliced eggs , Swiss cheese , Julienne tongue, sliced eggs , Swiss cheese , Tomato wedges. Tomato wedges. Lobster chunks, sliced chopped fresh dill and Lobster chunks, sliced chopped fresh dill and ripe olives. ripe olives. Salads are a mixture of a variety of vegetables Salads are a mixture of a variety of vegetables and fruits which are either cooked or fresh. and fruits which are either cooked or fresh. Since there are a variety of Since there are a variety of salad mixtures; the salad mixtures; the manner of preparation also varies. The variety manner of preparation also varies. The variety may contain cold meats , fish , seafood , eggs , may contain cold meats , fish , seafood , eggs , cheese and etc. cheese and etc. Examples of these combinations are the Examples of these combinations are the following: following: 1 1. . 2 2. . 3 3. . 4 4. . 5 5. . 6 6. .
  • 33. Gelatin salads may be prepared with vegetables, fruits or heartier ingredients ( such as meat , cheese , Gelatin salads may be prepared with vegetables, fruits or heartier ingredients ( such as meat , cheese , fish and eggs ). These may be served as an appetizer or as" side fish and eggs ). These may be served as an appetizer or as" side salads" to accompany the main salads" to accompany the main course. course. Raw and/ or cooked vegetables may also used in the ingredients of salads. Tomato and cucumber Raw and/ or cooked vegetables may also used in the ingredients of salads. Tomato and cucumber salads and cabbage slaw are quite popular. Cauli flower, spinach leaves and shredded carrots and salads and cabbage slaw are quite popular. Cauli flower, spinach leaves and shredded carrots and potatoes are also possibilities. They may be marinated with other salad materials such as cottage potatoes are also possibilities. They may be marinated with other salad materials such as cottage cheese and sliced hard- cooked eggs. Choose vegetables for their colors, flavor and texture. They may cheese and sliced hard- cooked eggs. Choose vegetables for their colors, flavor and texture. They may be marinated be marinated briefly in well- seasoned oil and vinegar briefly in well- seasoned oil and vinegar dressing for flavor. Serve as a entree salads dressing for flavor. Serve as a entree salads or or as accompaniments to cold seafood, poultry or meats. as accompaniments to cold seafood, poultry or meats. Macaroni salads are welcome addition to the salad list. They may be featured as a hearty salad or in a Macaroni salads are welcome addition to the salad list. They may be featured as a hearty salad or in a cold plate accompanied by cold meats, deviled eggs or sliced cheese. cold plate accompanied by cold meats, deviled eggs or sliced cheese. The noodles must be cooked till The noodles must be cooked till just tender and thoroughly drained. Add the salad dressing while the macaroni is still warm. After just tender and thoroughly drained. Add the salad dressing while the macaroni is still warm. After adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing the salad, allow enough time to permit the flavors to adding the rest of the ingredients and mixing the salad, allow enough time to permit the flavors to mingle mingle before serving . before serving . Tempting salads can be made Tempting salads can be made fruits , both fresh and canned. One of the most popular fruit salad fruits , both fresh and canned. One of the most popular fruit salad mixtures is the fruit cocktail salad with whipped cream and custard sauce. Diced apples and mangoes mixtures is the fruit cocktail salad with whipped cream and custard sauce. Diced apples and mangoes or bananas may be mixed in too. Whole fruits or sizable pieces may be arrange in an attractive pattern or bananas may be mixed in too. Whole fruits or sizable pieces may be arrange in an attractive pattern to form to form a fruit plate. For the greatest salad success, use only top quality fruits. a fruit plate. For the greatest salad success, use only top quality fruits.
  • 34. Select those that Select those that are frim and ripe while canned fruit contents are firm and well shaped. To prevent cut are frim and ripe while canned fruit contents are firm and well shaped. To prevent cut surface of fresh fruits from turning dark, dip at once into pineapple or calamansi juice. Some fruits such as surface of fresh fruits from turning dark, dip at once into pineapple or calamansi juice. Some fruits such as prunes prunes and preaches may be served stuff with cheese. Or several fruits arranged on a salad plate, may be and preaches may be served stuff with cheese. Or several fruits arranged on a salad plate, may be combined with a cottage combined with a cottage cheese or cream cheese or cream cheese balls rolled in chopped nuts. cheese balls rolled in chopped nuts. Salad Dressings Salad Dressings The established stands by- French The established stands by- French dressing and mayonnaise are the foundations for many dressings. Other dressing and mayonnaise are the foundations for many dressings. Other dressings may be prepared by blending or more dressings together. For example, you may combine dressings may be prepared by blending or more dressings together. For example, you may combine mayonnaise to toss with a salad mixtures. Salads mixed with this blend hold their fresh appearance longer. mayonnaise to toss with a salad mixtures. Salads mixed with this blend hold their fresh appearance longer. There are also other kinds of salad dressings - as the cooked dressings, the cottage or cream cheese dressing There are also other kinds of salad dressings - as the cooked dressings, the cottage or cream cheese dressing used for hot potato salad and other Hot salads. There are also salad dressings mixes, such as the Dressing for used for hot potato salad and other Hot salads. There are also salad dressings mixes, such as the Dressing for Cole Slaw, Salad Cole Slaw, Salad Dressing Mix, Blue Cheese and Herb Dressing, Italian Cheese Dressing, Red Wine , Vinegar Dressing Mix, Blue Cheese and Herb Dressing, Italian Cheese Dressing, Red Wine , Vinegar and Oil Dressing , Sour Cream with Chives and Potato Salad Dressing. and Oil Dressing , Sour Cream with Chives and Potato Salad Dressing. These packaged blends and seasonings are prepared to give a These packaged blends and seasonings are prepared to give a specific flavor. specific flavor. Salad dressing are easy to make as French Salad dressing are easy to make as French
  • 35. Salad dressing Salad dressing is easy to make as French dressing may be prepared by combining seasoning, vinegar and salad is easy to make as French dressing may be prepared by combining seasoning, vinegar and salad oil ( 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar) and then giving the mixture a vigorous shake. The dressing is then ready to use. oil ( 3 parts oil to 1 part vinegar) and then giving the mixture a vigorous shake. The dressing is then ready to use. However, it is a "temporary emulsion" that separates quickly. The mixture should be shaken again before each use. However, it is a "temporary emulsion" that separates quickly. The mixture should be shaken again before each use. Besides being used as a dressing for salads, it may also be used for meat, seafood, and poultry to be used for Besides being used as a dressing for salads, it may also be used for meat, seafood, and poultry to be used for salad making. Mayonnaise takes longer to prepare than French dressing. It is should store tightly covered to avoid salad making. Mayonnaise takes longer to prepare than French dressing. It is should store tightly covered to avoid surface evaporation and darkening. keep refrigerated and avoid near-freezing temperatures as it may break the surface evaporation and darkening. keep refrigerated and avoid near-freezing temperatures as it may break the emulsion. Mayonnaise is used for mixed salads such as potato, tuna, and chicken and it is the base for Thousand emulsion. Mayonnaise is used for mixed salads such as potato, tuna, and chicken and it is the base for Thousand Island, Tartar Sauce, and other dressings. Island, Tartar Sauce, and other dressings. Processed Vegetables Processed Vegetables Vegetables may be frozen single or in combination with other vegetables. In our country, we do not use much Vegetables may be frozen single or in combination with other vegetables. In our country, we do not use much of of frozen vegetables, since, with the exception of a few seasonal vegetables, most are available fresh all year round. frozen vegetables, since, with the exception of a few seasonal vegetables, most are available fresh all year round. We may find a few frozen vegetables in our supermarkets, offering frozen products such as mixed vegetables, We may find a few frozen vegetables in our supermarkets, offering frozen products such as mixed vegetables, sweet corn, and peas. A few canned vegetables sweet corn, and peas. A few canned vegetables are used such as niblets, cream-style corn, tomatoes, tomato are used such as niblets, cream-style corn, tomatoes, tomato sauce, beets, pees and others. When sauce, beets, pees and others. When the canned vegetables have considerable liquid accompanying it, the liquid the canned vegetables have considerable liquid accompanying it, the liquid maybe drained and added to maybe drained and added to the sauce of a meat dish or to soup stock. The liquid should not be discarded the sauce of a meat dish or to soup stock. The liquid should not be discarded because of its nutritive content. because of its nutritive content.
  • 36. Dried Legumes Dried Legumes Dried legumes are the dried seeds of plants. These are Dried legumes are the dried seeds of plants. These are peanuts , navy beans , kidney peanuts , navy beans , kidney beans, soy beans, lentils, mongo beans , chick peas and peas. With the exception of beans, soy beans, lentils, mongo beans , chick peas and peas. With the exception of peanuts and soy beans, legumes are low peanuts and soy beans, legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of in fats, but contain moderately high amount of proteins and carbohydrates. The ash proteins and carbohydrates. The ash content is fairly high . However, the proteins content is fairly high . However, the proteins in in legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of proteins and legumes are low in fats, but contain moderately high amount of proteins and carbohydrates. carbohydrates. Dried soybeans Dried soybeans are treated commercially in many ways to produce soy milk , soy sauce, are treated commercially in many ways to produce soy milk , soy sauce, soy protein concentrate ( which is used in the preparation soy protein concentrate ( which is used in the preparation of simulated meats as a of simulated meats as a meat meat extender) tofu , miso and tempeh. Soy beans milk is used in infant feeding when the child extender) tofu , miso and tempeh. Soy beans milk is used in infant feeding when the child is allergic is allergic to cow's milk. Tofu is the curd from soybean milk to cow's milk. Tofu is the curd from soybean milk and is used in dishes such as and is used in dishes such as soups,salads and in combination with other vegetables. soups,salads and in combination with other vegetables. Miso is fermented paste of cooked soybeans and rice . It is served with fish pesa , giving a Miso is fermented paste of cooked soybeans and rice . It is served with fish pesa , giving a distinct flavor distinct flavor to the dish. to the dish.
  • 37. Store the following vegetables in the vegetable crisper or in a plastic bag in the Store the following vegetables in the vegetable crisper or in a plastic bag in the refrigerator - cabbage, cauliflower , cucumber, lettuce, green onions, mustard greens, refrigerator - cabbage, cauliflower , cucumber, lettuce, green onions, mustard greens, pepper and spinach. pepper and spinach. Store ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator , unripe ones at room temperature but away from Store ripe tomatoes in the refrigerator , unripe ones at room temperature but away from direct sunlight until they ar ripe. direct sunlight until they ar ripe. Store onions at room temperature ; potatoes in the dark, well ventilated place at Store onions at room temperature ; potatoes in the dark, well ventilated place at temperature between 45 ℉ - 50 ℉ . Potatoes should be consumed within a week to temperature between 45 ℉ - 50 ℉ . Potatoes should be consumed within a week to prevent greening , sprouting or shriviling. prevent greening , sprouting or shriviling. Storage of Vegetables Storage of Vegetables The process of ripening The process of ripening in most vegetables includes complete physical and chemical in most vegetables includes complete physical and chemical changes. The immature or ripe vegetable continues to respire. This includes the consumption changes. The immature or ripe vegetable continues to respire. This includes the consumption of oxygen, the metabolism of oxygen, the metabolism of cell food materials and the liberation of carbon dioxide , water of cell food materials and the liberation of carbon dioxide , water energy or heat. The process of respiration can be slowed down by low temperature , hence energy or heat. The process of respiration can be slowed down by low temperature , hence good good storage facilities should provide optimum refrigeration for the vegetables. For proper storage facilities should provide optimum refrigeration for the vegetables. For proper storage of vegetables, the following pointers storage of vegetables, the following pointers can be kept in mind. can be kept in mind. 1 1. . 2 2. . 3 3. .
  • 38. 4. Store squash, eggplants, sweet potatoes at 60℉. Do not refrigerate . Temperature 4. Store squash, eggplants, sweet potatoes at 60℉. Do not refrigerate . Temperature below 50℉ may cause chilling injury. below 50℉ may cause chilling injury. 5. Store frozen vegetables at 0℉ or colder, in original containers until ready for use. 5. Store frozen vegetables at 0℉ or colder, in original containers until ready for use. 6. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced. 6. Do not refreeze thawed vegetables. Quality will be greatly reduced. 7.Store canned vegetable in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. 7.Store canned vegetable in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. 8. Store dried vegetables in a cool ( less than 75 ℉.), dry and well ventilated. 8. Store dried vegetables in a cool ( less than 75 ℉.), dry and well ventilated.