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An acronym for search engine optimization, SEO is
more about Link building and use of keywords. It is an
art that ranks websites very well with search engines
for better profitable opportunities. Web sites get to
enjoy increased visibility through its relevance, trust
of its domain, connecting to search engines, links of
very high quality, popularity in the online social media
and ultimately attraction of relevant traffic.
Your website should have relevant keywords in the
appropriate niche that are regularly searched by
various people over the internet and it must be
trustworthy for the search engines to rank them well
in their search result pages.
In general, search engine optimization is a type of
internet marketing that is the easiest and most
effective in terms of cost among other forms. The
outcome is more people or traffic generated and
driven to your websites.
The guidelines and rules of search engines must be
adhered to for successful rankings. You do not have
to pay a dime for the search engine rankings but
optimize your website for SEO which assists search
engines in ranking websites.

Among the various services offered by SEO Singapore
consultants are mainly the development of website
content, research of keywords, website structure or
content review, training on SEO, geographical and
specific market expertise, development and management
of online campaigns for businesses or even advice on
technical development of websites.
There are several tips and tricks that will help you
optimize your websites for them to rank well with search
engines. The search engines that are most commonly
used by internet users for keyword-based search
purposes are Google, Yahoo and even Bing.

You can either optimize your website on your
own or hire a professional Singapore SEO
Consultant to assist you. These are affordable
SEO services.
 The latter is recommended because you get
time to focus and put more emphasis on the
core elements of the business that needs more
attention. These various tips and tricks are
discussed deeply in this eBook to help you turn
your e-Business into a successful venture with
increased sales and ultimately regular cash flow

 Copyright
 Introduction
 Powerful Singapore SEO tips & tricks for
  website owners
 Conclusion and Recommendation
 About the Author

These are things that either you should do or not do in
  attempt to optimize your website. There are things
  that you must give first priority as compared to others.
Tip# 1: High Quality Website Content
  The first thing that you must consider when writing
  your website content is quality. You must ensure that
  the content you write for your website is great enough
  to let visitors stick around. A great content will also
  render your website very valuable thus highly ranked
  by search engines.

Tip# 2: Unique Website Content
  The content of your website must all be unique. It must
  never contain similar content to any other websites
  available over the internet. When you create unique
  content for your site, it will be ranked well by search
Tip#: 3 Frequent Update to Website Content
  You should also make your websites reliable by frequently
  updating its content. You can do this by creating and
  adding new content every now and then to your website.
  This will not only get your site to rank well but also ensure
  that it always has relevant content in the right quantity.

Tip# 4: Use the Best Keyword Phrases
  Another important tip to put into consideration is to ensure
  that you use a variety of keyword phrases on different
  website pages. It is not recommended to use only one
  keyword phrase on all your site pages. You must research
  for the best keywords in your niche that users frequently
  search for in search engines and create high quality
  content for your sites based on them.
Tip# 5: Use of Popular Keyword Phrases
  You should also ensure that the keywords that you select
  are popular among internet users though, they should not
  be too popular.

This is due to the fact that keyword phrases that are
over popular tend to be very competitive and most
desired by website owners. Hence, once you have
determined the right keywords that can help rank your
website highly, it is best to optimize for them.
As an example, very popular keywords can land your
website to the 60th page of search engines such as
Google whereas a less popular one either in the
second or the first page. Clearly, the latter is the best
option; the less popular keyword or phrase. Go for the
keyword that will enable your site to rank higher.
Tip# 6: High Website Accessibility
  An SEO web design Singapore that is well
  developed and easily accessible is critical to
  receiving high traffic. This means that both the
  search engine crawlers and internet users can
  easily access your website. When your site has
  great content and is easily accessible, then it
  means it will be ranked well by whichever search
  engine it is optimized for.

Tip# 7: Incorporate Keywords in the Website Title
  One the most critical element of websites is the title
  tags. In fact, title tags are the most important tags of a
  website. You must ensure to place your keyword or
  phrase in the title tag. If possible, you can place it at
  the start of the title tag. This will ensure that it is
  accessed by the search engine crawlers. In addition
  to that, it will also be used by indexes of search
  engines as links.

Tip# 8: Incorporate Keywords in the
 Website Domain
 Among the best ways to optimize for
 keywords is by incorporating the keyword or
 phrases in your website domain name as
 these are the first places to be scanned by
 the search engine crawlers.

Tip# 9: Incorporate Keywords in the Website URL
  If you are not able to place your keywords in your
  website domain name, then there is no need to worry.
  This is because you can place them in your URLs.
  This is important due to the fact that search engine
  crawlers assign some value to the URL text hence
  you should not miss out on this as it will contribute to
  your website’s rankings.
Tip# 10: Use the Right Keyword Density
  On every web page of your site, you should attain a
  certain keyword density in relation to the overall text
  on the page.

For primary keywords, the percentage density
  should be between 3 and 7 whereas for secondary
  keywords it should be 1 and 2 percentages.
Tip# 11: Incorporate the Keyword in Your Website
  Whether it is the primary keywords or secondary
  keywords for local SEO, you should incorporate
  them in your website headline tags. Headlines are
  usually assigned higher value by search engines
  because they can recognize that they are more
  important than any other text in the page.

Thus ensure that you place your keywords in the
  headlines to gain from this.
Tip# 12: Incorporate Keywords in Link Anchor Texts
  Since link anchor texts are unique and easily
  recognized in any given page, you can also
  incorporate keywords in them. Search engines
  normally give more priority to these anchor texts than
  any other available texts on the website pages.
  Hence, your keywords will have the same value to
  ensure that your website ranks highly.

Tip# 13: Cross-Link Your Page to Other Website Pages
  Using Link Building Services
  You can ask other website owners to link their web pages
  to yours. You should be very careful on the number of
  inbound links you got on your website. The right number
  is perfect because having too many links can result in
  search engines flagging your website as spam which is
  not good at all.
Tip# 14: Incorporate Keyword in Inbound Links
  Apart from requesting other website owners to link their
  pages to yours, you should utilize the opportunity to
  incorporate your keywords in the inbound links.

You can talk to these website owners about it to
consider adding your keyword phrases but you
have to be very careful because you might end up
losing the inbound link. Search engine crawlers
use these links to determine your website
popularity hence is given higher priority. This is an
excellent way to optimize your site for higher

Tip# 15: Incorporate Keywords in Inbound
  Links from Websites with Similar Niche
  Do not just link your website to any other but
  ensure that they are of similar niche to yours.
  This will make search engines categorize
  your website as credible.

Tip# 16: Link to Known Credible Websites
  A website that is linked to credible sites is
  categorized by search engines as credible. Among
  the credible websites are those with domain
  extensions such as .edu or even .gov because
  they have domain names found at a higher
  domain level. These websites are also very
  reputable and will make yours the same. Linking
  to such websites will only ensure that your
  websites are given more value by search engines
  thus highly ranked.
Tip# 17: Creation of so Much Website content
  Website content is paramount and the more
  content created, the more available information
  to be indexed leading to higher rankings in
  search engines. The content must be optimized
  for SEO by SEO consultants.

The above tips and tricks are highly prioritized by search
  engines thus will produce the best ranked websites.
  Implementing them is a good way to optimize websites
  and ensure that they are well positioned in search engine
  results. The best SEO company can help you achieve
Tip# 18: One General Content Theme
  When creating your website content, you must ensure
  that it all relates to one topic or theme. For example, if
  your topic is in the health niche, all the website page
  contents must relate to that. This will ensure that your site
  and all its pages are credible.

Tip# 19: Lifespan of Websites
  Websites that have been in use for a long time rank
  better than those that have just been put up. Thus,
  ensure that your website remains in use as long as
  you can for better rankings.
Tip# 20: Utilization of Sitemaps
  You should also ensure that your website has a
  sitemap as search engine crawlers use them to locate
  links on web pages. It does not matter whether it is an
  HTML, Google or even XML sitemap.

Tip# 20: Utilization of Http 301 Server
  For permanent redirects, do not use just any
  redirects but 301 as spammers normally use
  them. When you use 301 redirects, search
  engines will be able to determine that it is of a
  permanent nature and will prompt them to alter
  their indexes in use at that time in order for
  them to use that URL the page is redirected to.

Tip# 21: Utilization of Http 302 Server Redirects
  In case of temporary redirects, use 302 redirects
  especially on URLs that are either ugly or even long to
  those that are friendlier to the internet users thus making
  unpleasant URL more palatable. Due to the fact that
  these redirects are used by several spammers to trick
  search engines, you must use them genuinely for your
  website to stand out. Professional SEO services can
  guide you on the use of these redirects or even
  implement them for you.

Tip# 22: High Number of Quality Inbound Links
  A high number of inbound links from reputable and
  credible websites are very important for your website
  to rank well. Even though, keep in mind that several
  link farms connected to your site is not comparable to
  a few inbound links with very high reputation. Choose
  the latter if you want your website to rank well in
  search engine results. If you are not sure of how to go
  about it, seek help from a Singapore SEO company
  for quality services.

Tip# 23: Incorporate your Keyword in the 1st Paragraph
  of your Website Content
  The first few words of website contents are usually among
  the first to be scanned by search engine crawlers hence it
  is important to place your keywords or even phrases in
  the first paragraph of the content created. If possible you
  can repeat it at most once in the same paragraph.
Tip# 24: Incorporate your Keyword at the Top of your
  Website HTML
  Apart from placing keywords in the first paragraph of your
  website content, you should also do the same at the top
  of the web HTML and even moving the website content to
  it would also rank your website well.

Tip# 25: Incorporate your Keyword in Alternative
  Images are the best alternatives to text where you
  can place your keywords. One major benefit is that it
  makes recognition of repetitive keywords a bit difficult
  although you must ensure to avoid stuffing of your
  keywords in any way. With the best SEO services,
  your keywords will be placed in the right places.

Tip# 26: Put Emphasis on your Keywords
  You must also put more emphasis on your
  keywords by either using larger or different
  fonts of text on the keywords or even
  highlighting them. This can be applied on
  font tags, CSS or even headline tags and will
  show search engines that these words are
  more important than any other.

Tip# 26: Uniquely Format your Keywords
  The only way to make your keywords stand out is
  by formatting them uniquely. This will put
  emphasis on them to tell search engines that they
  are more important than any other words in the
  website content. You can use tags such as <em>
  and <strong> to accomplish this.

Tip# 27: Use of Well Described Meta Tags
  Whichever description you write and use for your
  website Meta tags is what search engines utilize
  in their search indexes. An accurate description is
  thereby required for easy indexing by search
  engines as well as easy access by potential
  customers who are searching using specific
  keywords or phrases.

Tip# 28: Utilization of Links between Web
  Another easy way to get the links you seek for
  your website is by linking your web pages to
  one another using hyperlinks. Even though they
  are not as important as inbound links to your
  website in terms of search engine rankings,
  they help search engine crawlers to span all
  web pages within your website. This happens
  as long as the SEO on page of your site is
  done as required.

Tip# 29: Incorporate Links within the Website
  Unlike artificial links, incorporating links within the
  created website content text will rank your website
  very well. This link should be flowing and relevant
  to the context of the site. Relevant links as well as
  high quality content or text that is sensible will
  ensure that your website ranks really well as they
  are more valued by search engines.

Tip# 30: Add Inbound Links One at a Time
  Inbound links to your site that have been into
  use for quite some time will be more valued
  than newer ones. Make sure that several links
  are not added to your website all at ago. Doing
  otherwise will make search engines flag it as
  spam by thinking that you are only purchasing
  link placements for your websites.

Tip# 31: Get Listed in Directories
  You should get your website listed in relevant
  sections of various directories and websites such as
  Yahoo and even DMOZ. This will only show that your
  website has similar niche to the relevant directory
  section. This is also an important part of SEO
Tip# 32: Check Outbound Links Regularly
  Outbound or external links connect your website to
  others. It is essential that you only link to credible and
  reputable websites but this can always change with
  time hence it is significant for you to check the ranks
  of these websites on a regular basis.
If you find any farm links to bad sites, then you ought to
  remove them so that your site can maintain its credibility.
  If you find any farm links to bad sites, then you ought to
  remove them so that your site can maintain its credibility.
Tip# 33: Link Alternative Text
  Since links are critical to search engines, you can also
  incorporate them in all the main images in your web
  pages because images are normally frequently clicked by
  users. A good Singapore search engine optimization
  will ensure that all the images in your main pages are
  linked to other pages.

Tip# 34: Frequently Update your Web Pages
  Search engines give a higher priority to websites that
  are updated frequently than those with old contents.
  Your updates should be very extensive and thorough
  and not just minor alterations such as correcting
  typing errors.
Tip# 35: Avoid Using Frames in your Website
  Search engine crawlers find it very difficult to span
  through web pages with frames because they find
  them to be heavy. In fact, if you really have to use
  frames then the no-frames version is the best option
  for your site.
Tip# 36: Avoid Using Flash on your Web Pages
  Just like frames, search engine crawlers find it hard to
  span flash pages because they are seen as images.
  For creating your website content and to enable
  easier navigation through it by search engines, you
  should use HTML. If you really have to use flash in
  your pages, then use it on smaller parts of the
  websites that are not very important so that the
  search engine crawlers can navigate through the
  important portions of your website.

Note that all the tips of SEO discussed
above are given medium priority when
located by search engines in any given
website content. Hence, SEO consultants
should also give more priority to SEO
factors that are given more priority by
search engines.

The tips below are given low priority by search
  engines when found in any page but are still very
  important for any successful search engine
Tip# 37: Website Pages at the Root Level Directory
  Web pages that are closer to the root directory are
  ranked highly by search engines unlike those that are
  a bit far from it at lower levels. This means that you
  should strive to ensure that your website pages are
  much closer to the level of root directory so that
  search engines can be able to optimize them well.

Tip# 38: Use a Combination of Keyword Phrases as well
  as Meta Tags
  In optimization of your website for search engine results,
  Meta tags play a very critical role in ensuring that
  websites rank well. It does not matter whether you use
  secondary or even primary keywords in the Meta tags.
Tip# 39: Use Only A few Optimization Secondary
  As you write your website content, do not overdo it and
  ensure that you do not stuff your keywords in any way.
  For the secondary keywords, just ensure that the
  percentage ranges from 1 to 2 percent.

Tip# 40: Stemming of Keywords
  Another good way of optimizing your web pages for
  search engines is by using various forms of keywords or
  phrases in the context of the website content. Apart from
  optimizing your pages, it will also make your content very
  interesting to your site visitors who will be reading it. As
  an example, a word like read can take a different form
  such as reading. The search engines are in a position to
  tell that these various keyword forms are similar and refer
  to the same thing. This is what is commonly referred to as
  stemming of keywords. A good Singapore SEO
  company will ensure that your website implements this
  important factor.

Tip# 41: Use of Keyword Synonyms
  Just like stemming of keywords, use of synonyms
  of keywords is also essential in ensuring that use
  of various keyword forms is achieved. This will
  also ensure that your content is not stuffed with
  the keyword or phrases. As an example, if your
  keyword is the word enemy you could replace it
  with the word foe.

Tip# 42: Keep Related Keywords Close to Each Other
   Search engines are in a position to recognize related
   keywords that are used close to each other. Due to the
   fact that search engines recognize keywords
   irrespective of position, this is only important if you are
   trying to optimize your web page to rank well for a
   particular keyword. Tip# 43: Incorporate Keyword in
   your Description of Meta
   The kind of description that search engines display in
   their result pages of various searches is the description
   of Meta. This makes it a good place to incorporate your
   keywords and thus must have an excellent description
   in the Meta tags.
The company that you select to offer you Singapore SEO
  services must have experience in coming up with very
  unique and descriptive information for your site.
Tip# 44: Determine and Set Keyword Meta Language
  Meta tags are usually set in English language and thus if
  your web pages are not in English, you must set it in the
  tags so that the search engines can be able to determine
  what language it really is in. When a user makes a search
  in the language of your website, search engines will rank
  your site better for it.

Tip# 45: Incorporate Keywords in Bookmarks
  Incorporating your keywords in bookmarks or named
  anchors, indicates that they are very significant and
  the search engines can be able to tell that. It will
  make your site rank well in search engine pages as it
  will be given a higher value by the search engines.
Tip# 46: Use Enough External Links
  You should just have enough links to external
  websites. Even though your site can be ranked well,
  too many of these links can portray a negative image
  of your website and render it less effective and thus
  penalized in a worst case scenario. If you have

too many external links it will mean that you have to check
  on them regularly to ensure that your website rank is not
  compromised in any way. If you do not have time, you can
  hire a professional SEO consultant to manage the tasks
  for you at an affordable rate.
Tip# 47: Register Sub-domains as Domains
  Domain names are easily recognized by internet users as
  compared to sub-domains due to the fact that people
  believe that they should begin with a www unlike the
  names of sub-domains. Search engines also do not
  recognize sub-domains as they do with domain names
  hence for your website to rank well, you should register all
  your websites with domain names.
Tip# 48: Register your Website at the Top Level Domain
  If you want your website to get instant credibility then top
  level domains are the way to go. A .Com and .Edu domain
  is much better than lower level domains such as .Au and
  .Biz. Domain names with the domain extensions such as
  .Com and .Edu are highly ranked by search engines
  hence your website will enjoy the same and appear in
  either the first or second pages. Domains with .Org
  extensions are also ranked well currently but this might
  change in the future because they are easier to get and
  thus are becoming very common.

Tip# 49: Separate Keywords in Domain names
  with Hyphens
  Search engine crawlers can recognize that
  hyphens indicate the beginning and end of any
  given word. Therefore, use hyphens to indicate
  the start and end of your keywords in your
  name. In case of URLs, you can use either
  hyphens or underscores to determine the
  beginning and end of your keywords but the
  latter is much better.

Tip# 50: Maintain Web Pages Less than 30KB
It is important for your web pages being very short in
order for them to load faster. Short web pages will
also assist you to maintain the right keyword density
without having to use the keywords several times. If
you got pages that are very long, you can separate
them into different pages then optimize them for local
SEO so that they can rank well with search engines.

Tip# 51: Avoid Using JavaScript
  Since most search engines are known to ignore content
  running JavaScript, it is best not to use them if you want
  your website to rank well. Though, if you really have to,
  then you should ensure that it breaks your HTML pages.
Tip# 52: Incorporate Text Transcripts in your Content
  If your website contains sound files as well as podcasts,
  you should incorporate text transcripts in them in order for
  search engine crawlers to be able to index them. This is
  because video files and also podcasts are ignored by
  search engines just like flash and images as they are
  heavy and difficult to navigate.
Tip# 53: Avoid Hosts with Spammers and High
  Your host should not condone malicious activities as
  that can lead to your IP address being blacklisted by
  search engines and thus your website irrespective of
  its status: genuine or not. Your host should also have
  high uptime so that your website is always available
  whenever search engines try to reach it. If your
  website is always unavailable, the search engines
  can flag it as a completely gone website.

Tip# 54: Do not replace Text Links with
  Search engine crawlers are only good with
  texts and not images hence ensure that you
  do not replace them. If you want search
  engines to rank your site highly, use text
  links because they are easier for engine
  crawlers to navigate through fast.

Tip# 55: Use Correct Keyword Spellings
  Despite the fact that search engine crawlers can
  highly rank web pages that are optimized for
  misspelled keywords, your site can lose credibility
  with your potential clients.

  And since the search engines are nowadays are
  inbuilt with spelling checkers, this will become
  outdated hence ensure that all your keywords are
  correctly spelt.

Tip# 56: Avoid Dilution of Keywords
  This is the use of several different keywords on
  one page of a website. It is not good as it will
  confuse both your potential clients and search
  engines. It will also show that you are not sure of
  what you really want on your website page. If you
  must use a lot of different keywords then you
  should use them on different web pages. A
  maximum of two or three keywords is enough for
  your web pages.

Tip# 57: Avoid Stuffing of Keywords
  This is the use of too many keywords in a
  particular page. The density of your website
  pages will determine whether it is stuffed or
  not. Your general keyword density should be
  less than 10% of the total text available on
  your web pages.

Tip#58: Do not rely on Domain Links that Use
  the Same Internet protocol
  Unlike other types of search engines, Google
  does not care about your source of inbound
  domain links: whether they are from the same
  IP or host provider. It is therefore important to
  seek inbound links from domains with different
  IP addresses or those that are hosted by
  different providers.
If you own any other domains, do not use
them to create inbound links to your website
as other search engines other than Google
might penalize it for that.
This can lead to all search engines banning your
  websites if they can realize what you are doing and
  trust me that you will not like it when the website you
  have invested so much in has to be banned. A
  company that offers excellent link building services
  will make this a reality.
Tip# 59: Avoid Very Long Domain Names and URLs
  As much as it is ok to have long domain names as
  well as URLs of up to ten words or even more, it
  make your website appear as spam not just to search
  engines but also your potential customers. It is fine to
  have long URLs and domains but ensure that it is not
  something you do every day but once in a while.
Tip# 60: Avoid Using URL Parameters
  URL parameters are mainly used on dynamic pages
  but not static one. Since these parameters are bound
  to confuse search engines, it means that static pages
  are highly ranked as compared to the dynamic ones.
  This is because web dynamic pages use URL
  parameters to show the web pages that are
  appropriate. Due to the fact that you are looking to
  optimize your pages for higher search engine
  rankings, consider using static pages for your website
  when using SEO in Singapore.

If you must use dynamic pages on your website,
  then ensure that the critical pages that have their
  dynamic URLs with parameters are re-written to
  web pages with static URLs that are shorter in
  nature for better search engine rankings.
Tip# 61: Do not Use Session IDs on URLs
  Session IDs are claimed to be worse than dynamic
  URL web pages. As much it is ok to use session
  IDs, not all search engines can work with them thus
  it is very important to avoid them.

Search engine crawlers usually identify a common URL
  with Session ID as a new one every time it comes across
  it but since it can recognize that the website content is
  always the same, this can be very devastating. Your
  website can be flagged as spam or even banned
  completely from search engine result pages.
Tip# 62: Do not Use Google’s AdSense and AdWords for
  Website Rankings
  There is a misconception on what AdSense can do and
  what it cannot. Whereas it can enable you to earn some
  extra money using your site,

it is totally impossible to boost your search engine
rankings using AdSense hence do not be fooled or
fool yourself. It actually has no effect on your website
whether improving or deteriorating your rankings.
Google’s AdWords is mainly used for marketing
purposes. As much as it can drive traffic to your site, it
has no effect on its search engine rankings. Hence,
you cannot use it to improve the rankings of your site
in any search engine result. A company promising to
use these to drive traffic to your site as one of their
SEO packages should raise an eye brow.

Tip# 63: Do not associate your Site to Link
  By no means should you link your website to link
  farms. Search engines use links to determine
  what kind of neighbors you have and how popular
  your site is. If you really want your site to rank well
  with search engines, then you must ensure that
  they do not connect to any link farms.

Tip# 64: Avoid Using a List of Links in Web
  Even though listing several links on your web
  pages has no harm, it is not search engine
  friendly. If you own an e-commerce website and
  need it optimized for better rankings, then it is
  wise to make your pages friendly to search
  engines. Avoiding lists of links on your web
  pages is just the beginning to higher site
  rankings on search engines.

Ensure that Singapore SEO company that is
designing your site or optimizing it does not
implement this on your site unless it is

Tip# 65: Avoid Spamming of Links
  This is when your website connects to another
  website more than once over and over again.
  Search engines can determine this trend and flag
  your website as spam thus you must not practice
  this in any way. You must also avoid cross-linking
  at whatever cost as it can make your site not
  appear genuine. Only links that are genuine and
  honest are rewarded by search engines
  accordingly for better rankings.

Tip# 66: Ensure that your Links are not broken
  Broken links are not appealing to search
  engines hence must not be contained in web
  pages. Several broken links can also lead to
  your site getting banned. You can also get a
  bad image as a person as a terrible effect of
  using broken links. A link checker can assist you
  to determine the state of your links for better
  rankings. Any bad links found must be gotten rid

Tip# 67: Avoid Redirecting Users Using Meta Tags
  meant for Refreshing purposes
  Since spammers use Meta tag refreshing redirects, it
  is not good for your site as it can be flagged for what
  it is not. Instead, use http 301 redirects for permanent
  redirecting of users to other URLs.
Tip# 68: Avoid Regular Minor Alterations to
  The content of your website should be regularly
  changed for higher rankings through the best SEO

But, if you only make a few changes to your content,
  search engines might try to think that what you are
  doing is trying to fool them that your content is
  updated as required. It is best to avoid this and
  ensure that your site content is updated regularly as
  required and not just minor changes.
Tip# 69: Adhere to All Copyright Laws and avoid
  using Duplicate Content
  All websites are required to have unique content that
  stands out among several other websites available

Infringement of various laws is not allowed and
  a site with copied content risks being banned by
  search engines because this is not allowed.
  Your website content must not match any other
  contents available over the Internet.
Tip# 70 Use Good html Codes
  Websites designed for good HTML codes are
  easier for search engine crawlers to navigate
  through unlike their counterparts that are very

Hence, this means that if you want to ensure that your
  site is well ranked in the search engine positions, then
  you must use good html codes when necessary. Seek
  only quality services from search engine optimization
Tip# 71: Avoid connecting Images that are Invisible to
  Each Other
  If your images cannot be seen by your potential clients
  then it means that they are invisible. Your pages must be
  well optimized both for search engine crawlers as well as
  potential customers for higher rankings. It can also get
  your website banned.

Tip# 72: Do not utilize Doorway Pages in your
  Doorway pages are website pages optimized for
  higher search engine ranking for your website.
  They are known to try and trick several search
  engines to so they can believe that they are
  relevant. A reputable Singapore SEO consultant
  does not use such backdoor methods that are
  bound to fail eventually.

Tip# 73: Avoid Website Cloaking
  This is when you use several themes on a
  single page of your website for marketing
  purposes. When you avoid using them, your
  site can then be reached by search engines
  for better rankings.

Tip# 74: Incorporate Keywords in All Website Links
  You can also improve your site rankings by ensuring
  that all the links within the site have your keywords
  incorporated into them.
Tip# 75: Use keyword Phrases Instead of Just
  You should also ensure that you use only keyword
  phrases and not just single word keywords in your
  website content. It is also wise to include your
  location in your website content so that it can be
  accessed in case of local searches from your area.
Tip# 76: Avoid using Ajax
  Just like flash, images and even JavaScript,
  Ajax cannot be navigated easily by search
  engine crawlers because it is very heavy.

As long as your pages are easy to navigate, search
  engines will rank your site well.
Tip# 77: High Quality and Authoritative Links
  When link building, you must ensure that your links
  are of very high quality. Quantity is good but not as
  much as the quality of these links. Bad links can even
  cause your e-business to have a bad image thus go
  for quality services.
Tip# 78: Easy to Use and Access Site
  An SEO web design Singapore should ensure that
  your website is easy to use, access and build links on
  thus easy for search engine crawlers to navigate
through. This will make your site easy to rank.
Tip# 79: Be a little Generous to Link Out
  Being stingy will not help you in any way. If you
  have to get inbound links to your site then you
  must be willing to link out to other sites as well.
  Other site owners will be motivated and link back
  to you. But remember to check the credibility and
  ranking of the websites you link to because you
  cannot compromise the credibility of your site
Tip# 80: Do Not Dwell In Paid Links
  In the event of trying to get traffic to your site, it is
  very tempting to buy links. As much as it works, it can
  be daunting if a search engine like Google realizes
  that your links are purchased because it can cause
  your website to be banned. Search engines look to
  reward genuine and honest sites hence you should
  try as much as possible to avoid being flagged as
  sperm when in real sense you are not. Seek aid from
  a genuine and experienced SEO company that offers
  link building services.

SEO is all about marketing and you must be equipped with all
the necessary tools, skills as well as knowledge. SEO is not a
one-time thing that you do and sit back with your hands
crossed against your chest. It is a continuous process that
must be done regularly.
Ensure that you optimize your website on a daily basis for
higher rankings. Though, remember that search engine
rankings are not the only way to drive traffic to your site. There
are several other algorithms that you can look into but
remember that the most important SEO factors are good
content, great website reputation as well as popularity and
ultimately building of links.
The author of this eBook is a leading SEO
Singapore consultant with several years
experience optimizing websites for search
engines rankings. His expertise in this field is
unmatched and he offers consultation
services to local clients in Singapore and
those based in other parts around the globe.


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SEO Tips & Tricks By A Leading SEO Singapore Consultant

  • 2. This SEO eBook is solely owned by a leading SEO Singapore Consultant. You are allowed to share or distribute it either partly or the whole of it without alteration of its contents in any way. Even though this eBook is for free access by the general internet users (public), you are prohibited from altering its contents Failure to abide by this can lead to penalization or fines. Otherwise, feel free to use this eBook and share it with your friends.
  • 3. An acronym for search engine optimization, SEO is more about Link building and use of keywords. It is an art that ranks websites very well with search engines for better profitable opportunities. Web sites get to enjoy increased visibility through its relevance, trust of its domain, connecting to search engines, links of very high quality, popularity in the online social media and ultimately attraction of relevant traffic. Your website should have relevant keywords in the appropriate niche that are regularly searched by various people over the internet and it must be trustworthy for the search engines to rank them well in their search result pages.
  • 4. In general, search engine optimization is a type of internet marketing that is the easiest and most effective in terms of cost among other forms. The outcome is more people or traffic generated and driven to your websites. The guidelines and rules of search engines must be adhered to for successful rankings. You do not have to pay a dime for the search engine rankings but optimize your website for SEO which assists search engines in ranking websites.
  • 5. Among the various services offered by SEO Singapore consultants are mainly the development of website content, research of keywords, website structure or content review, training on SEO, geographical and specific market expertise, development and management of online campaigns for businesses or even advice on technical development of websites. There are several tips and tricks that will help you optimize your websites for them to rank well with search engines. The search engines that are most commonly used by internet users for keyword-based search purposes are Google, Yahoo and even Bing.
  • 6. You can either optimize your website on your own or hire a professional Singapore SEO Consultant to assist you. These are affordable SEO services. The latter is recommended because you get time to focus and put more emphasis on the core elements of the business that needs more attention. These various tips and tricks are discussed deeply in this eBook to help you turn your e-Business into a successful venture with increased sales and ultimately regular cash flow
  • 7.  Copyright  Introduction  Powerful Singapore SEO tips & tricks for website owners  Conclusion and Recommendation  About the Author
  • 8. These are things that either you should do or not do in attempt to optimize your website. There are things that you must give first priority as compared to others. Tip# 1: High Quality Website Content The first thing that you must consider when writing your website content is quality. You must ensure that the content you write for your website is great enough to let visitors stick around. A great content will also render your website very valuable thus highly ranked by search engines.
  • 9. Tip# 2: Unique Website Content The content of your website must all be unique. It must never contain similar content to any other websites available over the internet. When you create unique content for your site, it will be ranked well by search engines. Tip#: 3 Frequent Update to Website Content You should also make your websites reliable by frequently updating its content. You can do this by creating and adding new content every now and then to your website. This will not only get your site to rank well but also ensure that it always has relevant content in the right quantity.
  • 10. Tip# 4: Use the Best Keyword Phrases Another important tip to put into consideration is to ensure that you use a variety of keyword phrases on different website pages. It is not recommended to use only one keyword phrase on all your site pages. You must research for the best keywords in your niche that users frequently search for in search engines and create high quality content for your sites based on them. Tip# 5: Use of Popular Keyword Phrases You should also ensure that the keywords that you select are popular among internet users though, they should not be too popular.
  • 11. This is due to the fact that keyword phrases that are over popular tend to be very competitive and most desired by website owners. Hence, once you have determined the right keywords that can help rank your website highly, it is best to optimize for them. As an example, very popular keywords can land your website to the 60th page of search engines such as Google whereas a less popular one either in the second or the first page. Clearly, the latter is the best option; the less popular keyword or phrase. Go for the keyword that will enable your site to rank higher.
  • 12. Tip# 6: High Website Accessibility An SEO web design Singapore that is well developed and easily accessible is critical to receiving high traffic. This means that both the search engine crawlers and internet users can easily access your website. When your site has great content and is easily accessible, then it means it will be ranked well by whichever search engine it is optimized for.
  • 13. Tip# 7: Incorporate Keywords in the Website Title Tags One the most critical element of websites is the title tags. In fact, title tags are the most important tags of a website. You must ensure to place your keyword or phrase in the title tag. If possible, you can place it at the start of the title tag. This will ensure that it is accessed by the search engine crawlers. In addition to that, it will also be used by indexes of search engines as links.
  • 14. Tip# 8: Incorporate Keywords in the Website Domain Among the best ways to optimize for keywords is by incorporating the keyword or phrases in your website domain name as these are the first places to be scanned by the search engine crawlers.
  • 15. Tip# 9: Incorporate Keywords in the Website URL If you are not able to place your keywords in your website domain name, then there is no need to worry. This is because you can place them in your URLs. This is important due to the fact that search engine crawlers assign some value to the URL text hence you should not miss out on this as it will contribute to your website’s rankings. Tip# 10: Use the Right Keyword Density On every web page of your site, you should attain a certain keyword density in relation to the overall text on the page.
  • 16. For primary keywords, the percentage density should be between 3 and 7 whereas for secondary keywords it should be 1 and 2 percentages. Tip# 11: Incorporate the Keyword in Your Website Headlines Whether it is the primary keywords or secondary keywords for local SEO, you should incorporate them in your website headline tags. Headlines are usually assigned higher value by search engines because they can recognize that they are more important than any other text in the page.
  • 17. Thus ensure that you place your keywords in the headlines to gain from this. Tip# 12: Incorporate Keywords in Link Anchor Texts Since link anchor texts are unique and easily recognized in any given page, you can also incorporate keywords in them. Search engines normally give more priority to these anchor texts than any other available texts on the website pages. Hence, your keywords will have the same value to ensure that your website ranks highly.
  • 18. Tip# 13: Cross-Link Your Page to Other Website Pages Using Link Building Services You can ask other website owners to link their web pages to yours. You should be very careful on the number of inbound links you got on your website. The right number is perfect because having too many links can result in search engines flagging your website as spam which is not good at all. Tip# 14: Incorporate Keyword in Inbound Links Apart from requesting other website owners to link their pages to yours, you should utilize the opportunity to incorporate your keywords in the inbound links.
  • 19. You can talk to these website owners about it to consider adding your keyword phrases but you have to be very careful because you might end up losing the inbound link. Search engine crawlers use these links to determine your website popularity hence is given higher priority. This is an excellent way to optimize your site for higher rankings.
  • 20. Tip# 15: Incorporate Keywords in Inbound Links from Websites with Similar Niche Do not just link your website to any other but ensure that they are of similar niche to yours. This will make search engines categorize your website as credible.
  • 21. Tip# 16: Link to Known Credible Websites A website that is linked to credible sites is categorized by search engines as credible. Among the credible websites are those with domain extensions such as .edu or even .gov because they have domain names found at a higher domain level. These websites are also very reputable and will make yours the same. Linking to such websites will only ensure that your websites are given more value by search engines thus highly ranked.
  • 22. Tip# 17: Creation of so Much Website content Website content is paramount and the more content created, the more available information to be indexed leading to higher rankings in search engines. The content must be optimized for SEO by SEO consultants.
  • 23. The above tips and tricks are highly prioritized by search engines thus will produce the best ranked websites. Implementing them is a good way to optimize websites and ensure that they are well positioned in search engine results. The best SEO company can help you achieve this. Tip# 18: One General Content Theme When creating your website content, you must ensure that it all relates to one topic or theme. For example, if your topic is in the health niche, all the website page contents must relate to that. This will ensure that your site and all its pages are credible.
  • 24. Tip# 19: Lifespan of Websites Websites that have been in use for a long time rank better than those that have just been put up. Thus, ensure that your website remains in use as long as you can for better rankings. Tip# 20: Utilization of Sitemaps You should also ensure that your website has a sitemap as search engine crawlers use them to locate links on web pages. It does not matter whether it is an HTML, Google or even XML sitemap.
  • 25. Tip# 20: Utilization of Http 301 Server Redirects For permanent redirects, do not use just any redirects but 301 as spammers normally use them. When you use 301 redirects, search engines will be able to determine that it is of a permanent nature and will prompt them to alter their indexes in use at that time in order for them to use that URL the page is redirected to.
  • 26. Tip# 21: Utilization of Http 302 Server Redirects In case of temporary redirects, use 302 redirects especially on URLs that are either ugly or even long to those that are friendlier to the internet users thus making unpleasant URL more palatable. Due to the fact that these redirects are used by several spammers to trick search engines, you must use them genuinely for your website to stand out. Professional SEO services can guide you on the use of these redirects or even implement them for you.
  • 27. Tip# 22: High Number of Quality Inbound Links A high number of inbound links from reputable and credible websites are very important for your website to rank well. Even though, keep in mind that several link farms connected to your site is not comparable to a few inbound links with very high reputation. Choose the latter if you want your website to rank well in search engine results. If you are not sure of how to go about it, seek help from a Singapore SEO company for quality services.
  • 28. Tip# 23: Incorporate your Keyword in the 1st Paragraph of your Website Content The first few words of website contents are usually among the first to be scanned by search engine crawlers hence it is important to place your keywords or even phrases in the first paragraph of the content created. If possible you can repeat it at most once in the same paragraph. Tip# 24: Incorporate your Keyword at the Top of your Website HTML Apart from placing keywords in the first paragraph of your website content, you should also do the same at the top of the web HTML and even moving the website content to it would also rank your website well.
  • 29. Tip# 25: Incorporate your Keyword in Alternative Texts Images are the best alternatives to text where you can place your keywords. One major benefit is that it makes recognition of repetitive keywords a bit difficult although you must ensure to avoid stuffing of your keywords in any way. With the best SEO services, your keywords will be placed in the right places.
  • 30. Tip# 26: Put Emphasis on your Keywords You must also put more emphasis on your keywords by either using larger or different fonts of text on the keywords or even highlighting them. This can be applied on font tags, CSS or even headline tags and will show search engines that these words are more important than any other.
  • 31. Tip# 26: Uniquely Format your Keywords The only way to make your keywords stand out is by formatting them uniquely. This will put emphasis on them to tell search engines that they are more important than any other words in the website content. You can use tags such as <em> and <strong> to accomplish this.
  • 32. Tip# 27: Use of Well Described Meta Tags Whichever description you write and use for your website Meta tags is what search engines utilize in their search indexes. An accurate description is thereby required for easy indexing by search engines as well as easy access by potential customers who are searching using specific keywords or phrases.
  • 33. Tip# 28: Utilization of Links between Web Pages Another easy way to get the links you seek for your website is by linking your web pages to one another using hyperlinks. Even though they are not as important as inbound links to your website in terms of search engine rankings, they help search engine crawlers to span all web pages within your website. This happens as long as the SEO on page of your site is done as required.
  • 34. Tip# 29: Incorporate Links within the Website Content Unlike artificial links, incorporating links within the created website content text will rank your website very well. This link should be flowing and relevant to the context of the site. Relevant links as well as high quality content or text that is sensible will ensure that your website ranks really well as they are more valued by search engines.
  • 35. Tip# 30: Add Inbound Links One at a Time Inbound links to your site that have been into use for quite some time will be more valued than newer ones. Make sure that several links are not added to your website all at ago. Doing otherwise will make search engines flag it as spam by thinking that you are only purchasing link placements for your websites.
  • 36. Tip# 31: Get Listed in Directories You should get your website listed in relevant sections of various directories and websites such as Yahoo and even DMOZ. This will only show that your website has similar niche to the relevant directory section. This is also an important part of SEO services. Tip# 32: Check Outbound Links Regularly Outbound or external links connect your website to others. It is essential that you only link to credible and reputable websites but this can always change with time hence it is significant for you to check the ranks of these websites on a regular basis.
  • 37. If you find any farm links to bad sites, then you ought to remove them so that your site can maintain its credibility. If you find any farm links to bad sites, then you ought to remove them so that your site can maintain its credibility. Tip# 33: Link Alternative Text Since links are critical to search engines, you can also incorporate them in all the main images in your web pages because images are normally frequently clicked by users. A good Singapore search engine optimization will ensure that all the images in your main pages are linked to other pages.
  • 38. Tip# 34: Frequently Update your Web Pages Search engines give a higher priority to websites that are updated frequently than those with old contents. Your updates should be very extensive and thorough and not just minor alterations such as correcting typing errors. Tip# 35: Avoid Using Frames in your Website Search engine crawlers find it very difficult to span through web pages with frames because they find them to be heavy. In fact, if you really have to use frames then the no-frames version is the best option for your site.
  • 39. Tip# 36: Avoid Using Flash on your Web Pages Just like frames, search engine crawlers find it hard to span flash pages because they are seen as images. For creating your website content and to enable easier navigation through it by search engines, you should use HTML. If you really have to use flash in your pages, then use it on smaller parts of the websites that are not very important so that the search engine crawlers can navigate through the important portions of your website.
  • 40. Note that all the tips of SEO discussed above are given medium priority when located by search engines in any given website content. Hence, SEO consultants should also give more priority to SEO factors that are given more priority by search engines.
  • 41. The tips below are given low priority by search engines when found in any page but are still very important for any successful search engine optimization. Tip# 37: Website Pages at the Root Level Directory Web pages that are closer to the root directory are ranked highly by search engines unlike those that are a bit far from it at lower levels. This means that you should strive to ensure that your website pages are much closer to the level of root directory so that search engines can be able to optimize them well.
  • 42. Tip# 38: Use a Combination of Keyword Phrases as well as Meta Tags In optimization of your website for search engine results, Meta tags play a very critical role in ensuring that websites rank well. It does not matter whether you use secondary or even primary keywords in the Meta tags. Tip# 39: Use Only A few Optimization Secondary Keywords As you write your website content, do not overdo it and ensure that you do not stuff your keywords in any way. For the secondary keywords, just ensure that the percentage ranges from 1 to 2 percent.
  • 43. Tip# 40: Stemming of Keywords Another good way of optimizing your web pages for search engines is by using various forms of keywords or phrases in the context of the website content. Apart from optimizing your pages, it will also make your content very interesting to your site visitors who will be reading it. As an example, a word like read can take a different form such as reading. The search engines are in a position to tell that these various keyword forms are similar and refer to the same thing. This is what is commonly referred to as stemming of keywords. A good Singapore SEO company will ensure that your website implements this important factor.
  • 44. Tip# 41: Use of Keyword Synonyms Just like stemming of keywords, use of synonyms of keywords is also essential in ensuring that use of various keyword forms is achieved. This will also ensure that your content is not stuffed with the keyword or phrases. As an example, if your keyword is the word enemy you could replace it with the word foe.
  • 45. Tip# 42: Keep Related Keywords Close to Each Other Search engines are in a position to recognize related keywords that are used close to each other. Due to the fact that search engines recognize keywords irrespective of position, this is only important if you are trying to optimize your web page to rank well for a particular keyword. Tip# 43: Incorporate Keyword in your Description of Meta The kind of description that search engines display in their result pages of various searches is the description of Meta. This makes it a good place to incorporate your keywords and thus must have an excellent description in the Meta tags.
  • 46. The company that you select to offer you Singapore SEO services must have experience in coming up with very unique and descriptive information for your site. Tip# 44: Determine and Set Keyword Meta Language Meta tags are usually set in English language and thus if your web pages are not in English, you must set it in the tags so that the search engines can be able to determine what language it really is in. When a user makes a search in the language of your website, search engines will rank your site better for it.
  • 47. Tip# 45: Incorporate Keywords in Bookmarks Incorporating your keywords in bookmarks or named anchors, indicates that they are very significant and the search engines can be able to tell that. It will make your site rank well in search engine pages as it will be given a higher value by the search engines. Tip# 46: Use Enough External Links You should just have enough links to external websites. Even though your site can be ranked well, too many of these links can portray a negative image of your website and render it less effective and thus penalized in a worst case scenario. If you have
  • 48. too many external links it will mean that you have to check on them regularly to ensure that your website rank is not compromised in any way. If you do not have time, you can hire a professional SEO consultant to manage the tasks for you at an affordable rate. Tip# 47: Register Sub-domains as Domains Domain names are easily recognized by internet users as compared to sub-domains due to the fact that people believe that they should begin with a www unlike the names of sub-domains. Search engines also do not recognize sub-domains as they do with domain names hence for your website to rank well, you should register all your websites with domain names.
  • 49. Tip# 48: Register your Website at the Top Level Domain If you want your website to get instant credibility then top level domains are the way to go. A .Com and .Edu domain is much better than lower level domains such as .Au and .Biz. Domain names with the domain extensions such as .Com and .Edu are highly ranked by search engines hence your website will enjoy the same and appear in either the first or second pages. Domains with .Org extensions are also ranked well currently but this might change in the future because they are easier to get and thus are becoming very common.
  • 50. Tip# 49: Separate Keywords in Domain names with Hyphens Search engine crawlers can recognize that hyphens indicate the beginning and end of any given word. Therefore, use hyphens to indicate the start and end of your keywords in your name. In case of URLs, you can use either hyphens or underscores to determine the beginning and end of your keywords but the latter is much better.
  • 51. Tip# 50: Maintain Web Pages Less than 30KB It is important for your web pages being very short in order for them to load faster. Short web pages will also assist you to maintain the right keyword density without having to use the keywords several times. If you got pages that are very long, you can separate them into different pages then optimize them for local SEO so that they can rank well with search engines.
  • 52. Tip# 51: Avoid Using JavaScript Since most search engines are known to ignore content running JavaScript, it is best not to use them if you want your website to rank well. Though, if you really have to, then you should ensure that it breaks your HTML pages. Tip# 52: Incorporate Text Transcripts in your Content If your website contains sound files as well as podcasts, you should incorporate text transcripts in them in order for search engine crawlers to be able to index them. This is because video files and also podcasts are ignored by search engines just like flash and images as they are heavy and difficult to navigate.
  • 53. Tip# 53: Avoid Hosts with Spammers and High Downtime Your host should not condone malicious activities as that can lead to your IP address being blacklisted by search engines and thus your website irrespective of its status: genuine or not. Your host should also have high uptime so that your website is always available whenever search engines try to reach it. If your website is always unavailable, the search engines can flag it as a completely gone website.
  • 54. Tip# 54: Do not replace Text Links with Images Search engine crawlers are only good with texts and not images hence ensure that you do not replace them. If you want search engines to rank your site highly, use text links because they are easier for engine crawlers to navigate through fast.
  • 55. Tip# 55: Use Correct Keyword Spellings Despite the fact that search engine crawlers can highly rank web pages that are optimized for misspelled keywords, your site can lose credibility with your potential clients. And since the search engines are nowadays are inbuilt with spelling checkers, this will become outdated hence ensure that all your keywords are correctly spelt.
  • 56. Tip# 56: Avoid Dilution of Keywords This is the use of several different keywords on one page of a website. It is not good as it will confuse both your potential clients and search engines. It will also show that you are not sure of what you really want on your website page. If you must use a lot of different keywords then you should use them on different web pages. A maximum of two or three keywords is enough for your web pages.
  • 57. Tip# 57: Avoid Stuffing of Keywords This is the use of too many keywords in a particular page. The density of your website pages will determine whether it is stuffed or not. Your general keyword density should be less than 10% of the total text available on your web pages.
  • 58. Tip#58: Do not rely on Domain Links that Use the Same Internet protocol Unlike other types of search engines, Google does not care about your source of inbound domain links: whether they are from the same IP or host provider. It is therefore important to seek inbound links from domains with different IP addresses or those that are hosted by different providers.
  • 59. If you own any other domains, do not use them to create inbound links to your website as other search engines other than Google might penalize it for that.
  • 60. This can lead to all search engines banning your websites if they can realize what you are doing and trust me that you will not like it when the website you have invested so much in has to be banned. A company that offers excellent link building services will make this a reality. Tip# 59: Avoid Very Long Domain Names and URLs As much as it is ok to have long domain names as well as URLs of up to ten words or even more, it make your website appear as spam not just to search engines but also your potential customers. It is fine to have long URLs and domains but ensure that it is not something you do every day but once in a while.
  • 61. Tip# 60: Avoid Using URL Parameters URL parameters are mainly used on dynamic pages but not static one. Since these parameters are bound to confuse search engines, it means that static pages are highly ranked as compared to the dynamic ones. This is because web dynamic pages use URL parameters to show the web pages that are appropriate. Due to the fact that you are looking to optimize your pages for higher search engine rankings, consider using static pages for your website when using SEO in Singapore.
  • 62. If you must use dynamic pages on your website, then ensure that the critical pages that have their dynamic URLs with parameters are re-written to web pages with static URLs that are shorter in nature for better search engine rankings. Tip# 61: Do not Use Session IDs on URLs Session IDs are claimed to be worse than dynamic URL web pages. As much it is ok to use session IDs, not all search engines can work with them thus it is very important to avoid them.
  • 63. Search engine crawlers usually identify a common URL with Session ID as a new one every time it comes across it but since it can recognize that the website content is always the same, this can be very devastating. Your website can be flagged as spam or even banned completely from search engine result pages. Tip# 62: Do not Use Google’s AdSense and AdWords for Website Rankings There is a misconception on what AdSense can do and what it cannot. Whereas it can enable you to earn some extra money using your site,
  • 64. it is totally impossible to boost your search engine rankings using AdSense hence do not be fooled or fool yourself. It actually has no effect on your website whether improving or deteriorating your rankings. Google’s AdWords is mainly used for marketing purposes. As much as it can drive traffic to your site, it has no effect on its search engine rankings. Hence, you cannot use it to improve the rankings of your site in any search engine result. A company promising to use these to drive traffic to your site as one of their SEO packages should raise an eye brow.
  • 65. Tip# 63: Do not associate your Site to Link Farms By no means should you link your website to link farms. Search engines use links to determine what kind of neighbors you have and how popular your site is. If you really want your site to rank well with search engines, then you must ensure that they do not connect to any link farms.
  • 66. Tip# 64: Avoid Using a List of Links in Web Pages Even though listing several links on your web pages has no harm, it is not search engine friendly. If you own an e-commerce website and need it optimized for better rankings, then it is wise to make your pages friendly to search engines. Avoiding lists of links on your web pages is just the beginning to higher site rankings on search engines.
  • 67. Ensure that Singapore SEO company that is designing your site or optimizing it does not implement this on your site unless it is necessary.
  • 68. Tip# 65: Avoid Spamming of Links This is when your website connects to another website more than once over and over again. Search engines can determine this trend and flag your website as spam thus you must not practice this in any way. You must also avoid cross-linking at whatever cost as it can make your site not appear genuine. Only links that are genuine and honest are rewarded by search engines accordingly for better rankings.
  • 69. Tip# 66: Ensure that your Links are not broken Broken links are not appealing to search engines hence must not be contained in web pages. Several broken links can also lead to your site getting banned. You can also get a bad image as a person as a terrible effect of using broken links. A link checker can assist you to determine the state of your links for better rankings. Any bad links found must be gotten rid off.
  • 70. Tip# 67: Avoid Redirecting Users Using Meta Tags meant for Refreshing purposes Since spammers use Meta tag refreshing redirects, it is not good for your site as it can be flagged for what it is not. Instead, use http 301 redirects for permanent redirecting of users to other URLs. Tip# 68: Avoid Regular Minor Alterations to Websites The content of your website should be regularly changed for higher rankings through the best SEO company.
  • 71. But, if you only make a few changes to your content, search engines might try to think that what you are doing is trying to fool them that your content is updated as required. It is best to avoid this and ensure that your site content is updated regularly as required and not just minor changes. Tip# 69: Adhere to All Copyright Laws and avoid using Duplicate Content All websites are required to have unique content that stands out among several other websites available online.
  • 72. Infringement of various laws is not allowed and a site with copied content risks being banned by search engines because this is not allowed. Your website content must not match any other contents available over the Internet. Tip# 70 Use Good html Codes Websites designed for good HTML codes are easier for search engine crawlers to navigate through unlike their counterparts that are very heavy.
  • 73. Hence, this means that if you want to ensure that your site is well ranked in the search engine positions, then you must use good html codes when necessary. Seek only quality services from search engine optimization companies. Tip# 71: Avoid connecting Images that are Invisible to Each Other If your images cannot be seen by your potential clients then it means that they are invisible. Your pages must be well optimized both for search engine crawlers as well as potential customers for higher rankings. It can also get your website banned.
  • 74. Tip# 72: Do not utilize Doorway Pages in your Site Doorway pages are website pages optimized for higher search engine ranking for your website. They are known to try and trick several search engines to so they can believe that they are relevant. A reputable Singapore SEO consultant does not use such backdoor methods that are bound to fail eventually.
  • 75. Tip# 73: Avoid Website Cloaking This is when you use several themes on a single page of your website for marketing purposes. When you avoid using them, your site can then be reached by search engines for better rankings.
  • 76. Tip# 74: Incorporate Keywords in All Website Links You can also improve your site rankings by ensuring that all the links within the site have your keywords incorporated into them. Tip# 75: Use keyword Phrases Instead of Just Keywords You should also ensure that you use only keyword phrases and not just single word keywords in your website content. It is also wise to include your location in your website content so that it can be accessed in case of local searches from your area.
  • 77. Tip# 76: Avoid using Ajax Just like flash, images and even JavaScript, Ajax cannot be navigated easily by search engine crawlers because it is very heavy.
  • 78. As long as your pages are easy to navigate, search engines will rank your site well. Tip# 77: High Quality and Authoritative Links When link building, you must ensure that your links are of very high quality. Quantity is good but not as much as the quality of these links. Bad links can even cause your e-business to have a bad image thus go for quality services. Tip# 78: Easy to Use and Access Site An SEO web design Singapore should ensure that your website is easy to use, access and build links on thus easy for search engine crawlers to navigate
  • 79. through. This will make your site easy to rank. Tip# 79: Be a little Generous to Link Out Being stingy will not help you in any way. If you have to get inbound links to your site then you must be willing to link out to other sites as well. Other site owners will be motivated and link back to you. But remember to check the credibility and ranking of the websites you link to because you cannot compromise the credibility of your site whatsoever.
  • 80. Tip# 80: Do Not Dwell In Paid Links In the event of trying to get traffic to your site, it is very tempting to buy links. As much as it works, it can be daunting if a search engine like Google realizes that your links are purchased because it can cause your website to be banned. Search engines look to reward genuine and honest sites hence you should try as much as possible to avoid being flagged as sperm when in real sense you are not. Seek aid from a genuine and experienced SEO company that offers link building services.
  • 81. SEO is all about marketing and you must be equipped with all the necessary tools, skills as well as knowledge. SEO is not a one-time thing that you do and sit back with your hands crossed against your chest. It is a continuous process that must be done regularly. Ensure that you optimize your website on a daily basis for higher rankings. Though, remember that search engine rankings are not the only way to drive traffic to your site. There are several other algorithms that you can look into but remember that the most important SEO factors are good content, great website reputation as well as popularity and ultimately building of links.
  • 82. The author of this eBook is a leading SEO Singapore consultant with several years experience optimizing websites for search engines rankings. His expertise in this field is unmatched and he offers consultation services to local clients in Singapore and those based in other parts around the globe.

Editor's Notes
