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Northwest Missouri State University
Intro to Web Publishing
Nick Calandra
SEO Analysis & Recommendations for
I. Keyword Research (Cr)
1. The 3 keywords / phrases I think will drive the most traffic
1. Grass Seed
2. Types of Grass Seed
3. Lawn Grass
2. Current rankings of my 3 keywords
Ranking of Recommended Keywords on
Keyword Google Bing Yahoo!
Grass Seed 19 No No
Types of Grass
20 No No
Lawn Grass 71 No No
Ranking of Recommended Keywords on
Keyword Google Bing Yahoo!
Grass Seed 2 No No
Types of Grass
1 1 No
Lawn Grass 22 No No
3. Explanation of my choices
1. Grass Seed – This is an obvious choice for a keyword, but a very competitive
one for a smaller website like Nature’s Finest Seed. With other companies
ahead of it in rankings like Home Depot and Tractor Supply, it would take
some very heavy optimization for Nature’s Finest Seed to reach even the first
page of search results for Grass Seed. A better option here for getting to the
front page of Grass Seed would be to purchase an Ad spot, but with the
competitiveness of Grass Seed is a search term, it would be quite costly for
Nature’s Finest Seed.
2. Types of Grass Seed – I chose this term for Nature’s Finest Seed to focus
on due to their category pages distinguishing the many different types of
grass seed available for consumers. Each product page includes a different
type of grass seed along with some extra information about each type of
grass. They even have a specific page for Types of Grass Seed which could
be optimized to rank much higher in the search results on Google and other
search engines.
3. Lawn Seed – This term was chosen for its high search count and word
combination. The word “lawn” is found on many of Nature’s Finest Seed’s
category and product-level pages as all of their grass seed products are
targeted at lawns so it only makes sense to make this a keyphrase that
Nature’s Finest Seed focuses on. This is also Nature’s Finest Seed’s and
Home Depot’s lowest ranking search term and leaves room for lots of room
for improvement and indicates this is not a term that Home Depot is really
focusing on.
Calandra4 Monthly Unique Visitors: >2.5K Monthly Unique Visitors: 118.3M
Both Home Depot and Nature’s Finest Seed see higher traffic numbers during the
summer months and see significant drops heading into the fall. This makes sense due
to most people working on home improvement or landscaping projects in late spring
through the summer. This is especially apparent for Nature’s Finest Seed as you
obviously won’t plant new grass seed in the fall or winter.
Home Depot’s traffic tends to stay pretty consistent year round, however, due to the
high variety of products they sell and, of course, being a house hold name brand. They
also have very high counts of followers on their social media pages which undoubtedly
boosts their traffic numbers by quite a bit. Nature’s Finest Seed in contrast, has almost
no notable social media footprint.
III. CONTENT ANALYSIS (Cq, Cw, Vt) Score – 6 / 10 Score – 10 / 10
Nature’s Finest Seed’s content is quite a bit more in-depth in terms of information when
compared to Home Depot. Natures Finest Seed does more than just sell their product to
customers, it also goes into quite a bit of detail about each type of blend / seed that they
sell. It gives the website more of an information / product based website feel over just a
product based website like Home Depot. If there’s one thing that’s unique about
Nature’s Finest Seed, it would be the amount of depth they go into for each of their
In addition to providing basic information about each of their products, some of their
product pages also include some interesting information about specific seeds and how
they were introduced to the United States. Not all of their product pages has this type of
information, which is disappointing as it really makes Nature’s Finest Seed sound more
like an authoritative figure on the subject when compared to a generic product website
like Home Depot.
Nature’sFinestSeed’s uniqueproductdescription
Home Depot’s pages include basic information about the grass seeds they are selling,
but it’s not as in-depth and provides only the information one would need to know to
purchase the seed along with some extra information like germination times, how much
sunlight the grass should receive etc. This information is all laid out in an easy to read
format via bullet points near the bottom of the product page, also identifiable by
subheaders (very good for SEO) that categorize the content on the page.
Nature’s Finest Seed outlines much of the same information, in what should be an even
easier to read format, but unfortunately they do not provide a key for what all the
information means. The sunlight/shade icons for example don’t tell me enough
information to make it clear exactly how much sunlight/shade that the grass needs and
the same could be said about the water icon on their chart. Home Depot’s product
pages tells me specifically how much sunlight the grass seed needs in their product
overview section of the page, but doesn’t specify how much water is needed either.
Overall both websites present good information about each of their products, though
Home Depot definitely has the edge in providing more detailed information through the
use of specification charts, frequently asked questions and even user reviews – all of
which Nature’s Finest Seed is missing. The frequently asked questions and user
reviews sections allows Home Depot to inadvertently keep their product pages up to
date as new reviews come in about their products and new questions are answered.
Nature’s Finest Seed does, in my opinion, do a better job of giving you a visualization of
the product you’re getting. Instead of just providing generic pictures of the seed bags
like Home Depot does, you get to see actual pictures of what the grass looks like when
it has been planted and grown. However, Home Depot counteracts this with the use of
customer images showing what the product looks like on any regular person’s yard and
not some generic photoshopped image.
Nature’s Finest Seed is, for the most part, error free. I did notice a little typo on the very
first page I visited (screenshot below), however, but went through probably 5-10 more
pages without noticing any errors. When I initially visited the site in class, I also spotted
another typo on the site, but was unable to remember which page I had originally visited
where I spotted the error. I used the SEOChat’s spell checker tools on 100 pages of the
website and hardly found any errors.
Productspecificationson Nature’sFinestSeed
Productspecificationson HomeDepot
Recommendation for Improvements
For Nature’s Finest Seed to even have a chance of competing with Home Depot content
wise, they need to add quite a bit more information to their product-level pages. While
they do include extra information that other product based websites may or may not
include, they are lacking on a lot of information people buying grass seed might be
looking for, along with providing an easy to read format to digest that information.
The use of images for vital information like how much sunlight and water is required for
the grass to grow correctly is nice in theory, but isn’t applied well here and should be
broken down on the page via subheaders and easy to read bullet points like Home
Depot has done on their own product pages. This will also help increase Nature’s Finest
Seed’s search engine optimization via the use of H2 tags (subheaders).
User Reviews and Frequently Asked Questions sections would greatly benefit Nature’s
Finest Seed’s product pages by providing users with extra information about their
product as well as being able to see what other people experienced with the product. In
today’s day and age, having user reviews available for product based websites is pretty
essential. This will also help the website’s SEO as having reviews on a product can
show up in Google via their 5 star rating system.
1. Authority (Ta) Score: 4 / 10 Score: 9 / 10
Nature’s Finest Seed has a pretty low authority rating on both its category page for
Grass Seed and its domain in general. The category page rating makes sense due to
the lack of content on the page as it’s essentially a link hub to more specific categories
of grass seed and provides no actual content to give it a higher authority ranking. The
domain itself also has a pretty low authority ranking and does not have very many
backlinks to the site, according to
It also doesn’t help that none of their content includes any source links to the
information they have on their product pages. This could indicate they are experts on
the subject, but it’s always better to at least have an idea of where the information came
from. An author link to an accredited expert who provided the information for the product
pages would go a long way to prove Nature’s Finest Seed’s authority on their subject.
The website’s about page does help their score quite a bit though by providing
information about the company, how it was founded and even some testimonials at the
bottom of the page. There is also a page that’s strictly dedicated to testimonials from
customers on the top navigation bar of the site. The link is a bit hard to spot and should
be placed somewhere more prominently on the site as it’s a big indicator for authority
and trust worthiness. They also include some logos from news channels and other
websites of authority that they have been featured-on on their About page.
These same testimonials and logos can also be on the Home page of Nature’s Finest
Seed, but you have to scroll down pretty far to see them and could easily be ignored
when you’re probably just looking for a product.
2. Engaging Content (Te) Score: 5 / 10 Score: 10 / 10
Site Bounce
Views /
Reviews 34.20 4.30 5:28 No No No 30.90 4.93 5:50 Yes Yes Yes
Data via
Home Depotproduct-levelsharetools
Home Depotproduct-levelratingsand reviews
Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 52
Whois Server:
Referral URL:
Status: ok
Updated Date: 30-sep-2014
Creation Date: 29-jan-2011
Expiration Date: 29-jan-2017
Nature’s Finest Seed is severely lacking in engagement tools that are essential to a
website’s success in today’s internet environment. None of their pages offer share tools,
product ratings or user reviews which is pretty significant and definitely hurts the
website’s search engine optimization. The only social tools available on Nature’s Finest
Seed are links to their own social pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and
There’s very little for users to do on the site other than to browse through product pages
which reflects the website’s low bounce rate and time spent on site statistics. Both of
these statistics are good, but are expected for a product based website where users
spend more time researching things they might potentially spend money on.
However, I do think Nature’s Finest Seed’s pages per visitor count is probably a bit
skewed due to the amount of pages you have to go through to find the product you’re
looking for. At the very least, if you don’t go through a Google search directly to the
product you’re looking for, you’ll have to go through the Home Page > Product Category
Page > Product, which is a total of 3 pages.
Recommendation for Improvements to Trust
I think Nature’s Finest Seed has the ground work to be an authoritative site on grass
seed, but their lack of any source links to creditable authors or people with experience
on the subject of grass seed hurts their trust score.
It’s good that the site has testimonials and a page dedicated to showing those off
alongside their About page, but the testimonials, and even some of the names of news
outlets or other websites they have been featured on should be shown off more
prominently on the site.
Nature’s Finest Seed needs to implement many of the features that are available on
most modern retail sites to improve their trust factor. Home Depot absolutely destroys
Nature’s Finest Seed in this department and it shows via their Google search rankings,
regardless of their traffic numbers and overall authority.
Nature’s Finest Seed, at the very least, need to allow users to rate and review their
products to lend credibility to their promise about delivering quality products. This
promise is featured on all of their product-level pages, so having user verification on this
would be extremely helpful. Not to mention having review scores on product pages is
especially helpful for SEO as Google can place review scores on your search results.
They need to also implement share tools for their product pages which will not only help
their sales in the long run, but will also generate more backlinks to their website as
people share their products through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.
V. Architecture (As, Au, Am)
1. Speed (As) Score: 4.6s -
seed Score: 7.145s -
Info via
Nature’s Finest Seed loads relatively quickly at around 4 seconds, but it could be faster.
The site is running a lot of Javascript, which seems to be slowing the site down quite a
bit. Even looking into the source code doesn’t reveal a lot of Javascript code, so I’m not
entirely sure where it’s coming from. It could be the backend of the website if they’re
using a content management system that’s loading up a lot of Javascript and causing
the increase in load times. If they have a lot of plugins installed on the site, this could
also be a factor for the increase, but that would be more in the realm of PHP loaded
Surprisingly, Nature’s Finest Seed’s images aren’t the main source of the website’s
slower load times, but they’re not helping to make the site faster either. Looking at the
chart above, Nature’s Finest Seed is not optimizing their images by compressing them.
Compressing an image makes the image’s overall file size smaller while keeping the
quality of the photo. Having to load smaller images will reduce the load times of the site
The website is also not using a caching system for their content, which would also help
decrease load times quite a bit. Caching serves users with a static HTML file instead of
loading the actual file itself which heavily reduces load times.
Home Depot also doesn’t use caching according to the charts above, so Nature’s Finest
Seed could see a significant boost in their search rankings by optimizing their website’s
speed. With the small amount of content on Nature’s Finest Seed’s product category
pages, their speeds should be much faster than they already are.
Recommendation for Improvements
Much like most product based websites, Nature’s Finest Seed is inundated with a lot of
images. The fact that they are not compressing these images is significantly hurting
their load times and could easily be fixed via the use of a backend plugin. This should
be a top priority issue for the website to fix as they do have a lot of images on their
Some images on the site could also be removed entirely or left only on certain pages.
Their Instagram feed, while nice, is relatively unnecessary and doesn’t need to be on
every page of the website. They have already linked it in their top nav section and on
the bottom of their website in the footer where they have their other social links. It’s
redundant and increases the load time unnecessarily.
This could also be said about the large background image found on every single page
related to grass seed below the main nav bar. Again, this image is redundant, and it’s a
fairly large image that undoubtedly increases the load time on the site. If they had it on
the main product-category page, that would be acceptable, but it does not need to be on
every single page related to grass. They do the same thing on all their other categories
as well.
Nature’s Finest Seed should also find out why their site is loading a lot of Javascript and
see if they can reduce the amount being loaded each time a page is viewed. Again, a
backend caching system could help this out quite a bit and reduce the site’s load times.
To provide feedback on how to set a caching system up, I’d need to know what type of
backend service Nature’s Finest Seed is using, if any.
2. URLs (Au) Score: 9 / 10 Score: 6 / 10
Current URLS
Nature’s Seed URL for Category Page:
Nature’s Seed URL for Product-Level Page of Perennial Ryegrass:
Home Depot URL for Category Page:
Home Depot URL for Product-Level Page of Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed:
Recommend New URLS
Nature’s Seed URL for Category Page:
Nature’s Seed URL for Product-Level Page of Perennial Ryegrass:
Nature’s Finest Seed’s URL structure is spot on for the most part. Their URLs follow
Google’s guidelines very well, only including relevant words in their page URLs. If you
visit the Grass Seed category page, the URL only includes the domain name, the top
level domain (.com) and the page directory which has the url slug, grass-seed. The only
change I would make to that page is to include “lawn” in the URL to increase search
results for the keyword phrase, lawn grass, that I identified at the start of this report.
In comparison to Home Depot’s URLs for their pages and product pages, Nature’s
Finest Seed blows them out of the water. Home Depot includes a lot of extra figures in
their URLs that make them unnecessarily long. Unfortunately for Nature’s Finest Seed,
URL structure doesn’t really help to increase their search engine optimization all that
much, but based on their other areas it’s good that they at least have their URLs
3. Mobile (Am) Score: 8 / 10 Score: 10 / 10
Both Nature’s Finest Seed and Home Depot are mobile compatible sites. Only Nature’s
Finest Seed is a responsive site though in terms of design. The biggest difference
between the two websites on mobile is that Home Depot significantly reduces the
amount of content on the page, while Nature’s Finest Seed simply lays all the content
out in a vertical format.
All of the content you’d see on the desktop version
of Nature’s Finest Seed is present, including the
same annoying header image below the main
navigation bar, and the unnecessary Instagram
widget at the bottom of every page. The mobile
version of the site works just fine, but it could take a
few ideas from Home Depot, specifically reducing
all the unnecessary fluff.
Home Depot’s product pages are simplified to
provide users with small pages that include all of the same content as the desktop
version of the site, but to see each section you can click on a tabbed section of the page
to expand it and see things like the User Reviews and Frequently Asked Questions
sections. I actually prefer the mobile version of Home Depot’s website to its desktop
version specifically for this reason.
The URLs on both sites stay relatively the same, with Home Depot’s switching to a URL instead of the regular Though,
everything after the .com remains the same as what was listed above in the URL
Recommendation for Improvements
Nature’s Finest Seed should get rid of all the unnecessary content from the desktop
version of their site on the mobile version of their site. Since the site uses a responsive
web design this would prove to be a challenge without removing things from the entire
site altogether.
Again, looking back at past recommendations, Nature’s Finest Seed should remove the
Instagram section from all of their pages outside of maybe the Home page and a few
other select pages where it might be deemed necessary.
If possible, Nature’s Finest Seed should also find a way to make the content on their
product pages more mobile friendly instead of just laying everything out vertically.
Finding a way to make the information tabbed on their product pages like Home Depot
has done on theirs would be very beneficial for load times and overall usability on the
VI. HTML: Current Keyword Location Analysis (Ht, Hd)
1. Title Tags
Current Tags
Nature’s Seed Product-Category Page: <title>Grass Seeds | Best Grass &amp; Lawn
Seed | Nature's Seed</title>
Nature’s Seed Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend:
<title>Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend | Nature's Seed</title> Product-Category Page: <title>Grass Seed - Lawn Care - Garden
Center - &nbsp;The Home Depot</title> Product-Level Page for Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed:
<title>Pennington 50 lb. Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed-100333280 - The Home
Recommended New Title Tags
Nature’s Seed Product-Category Page: <title> Lawn Grass Seed | Nature’s Seed
Nature’s Seed Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend: <title>
Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend | Nature’s Seed </title>
Nature’s Finest Seed’s title tags for both their product-category page and product-level
pages were pretty good and needed some basic restructuring to look a little cleaner for
search results. The title tags for pages are what show up in Google when you do a
search. The image below shows what the Lawn Grass Seed page currently looks like in
To update this to better reflect the website’s focus on the keyword “Lawn Grass Seed”, I
removed the unnecessary fluff from the title tag and simplified it to just Lawn Grass
Seed. Putting Lawn Grass Seed at the front of the title should yield higher search
Having “Best Grass and Lawn Seed” in the title won’t do much to increase search
results and added unnecessary words to their title tag when the product category page
is completely focused on Lawn Grass Seed.
2. Description Meta Tags
Current Meta Tags Product Category Page: <meta name="description"
content="America's favorite seed company has grown to become one of the leading
suppliers of agricultural, reclamation, grass seed, &amp;amp; lawn seed in North
America. In addition to our own production fields, we use an extensive network of
trusted wildland seed collectors and growers. Learn More!"/> Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend:
<meta name="description" content="Nature's Finest Seed provides quality perennial
ryegrass seed blends for a quickly-established and lush rye grass lawn."/> Product Category Page: <meta name="description" content="Shop
our selection of Grass Seed in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot."/> Product-Level Page for Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed:
<meta name="description" content="Pennington Seed Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed is
designed for temporary or seasonal lawns. Convenient to maintain and long lasting
usage." />
Recommended New Meta Tags Product Category Page: <meta name=”description”
content=”Nature’s Finest Seed offers a wide variety of different affordable lawn grass
seed blends.”> Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend:
<meta name=”description” content =” Grow a beautiful lawn in only a fraction of the time
with Perennial Ryegrass seed blend.”
Description meta tags are used to summarize the content of the page in Google’s
search rankings and as of right now, they aren’t being used very well by Nature’s Finest
Seed. Currently the website’s summaries are pretty generic, long-winded and don’t
make use of relevant keywords.
Just like the title tags for the website, the description should tell the user what they’re
going to find the page in the quickest way possible. Right now, their descriptions are
way too wordy and don’t describe what’s on the page, but more general information
about the company that a person searching for a certain type of lawn grass seed don’t
need to see.
I’ve updated the tags to be shorter and less wordy so that all they do is describe what’s
on the page and use relevant keywords to increase optimization on search engines.
3. IMG Names and ALT Text
Current Image Tag Details:
Image File Name = Untitled-4.jpg
Alt text = “None”
Recommendations for Improvements to This Image
Image File Name = types_of_grass_seed.jpg
Alt text = “Category page for different types of grass
Current Image Tag Details
Image File Name = ornamenetal_grass_2.jpg
Alt text=”None”
Recommendations for Improvements to This Image
Image File Name = ornamental_grass.jpg
Alt text= “Category Page for Ornamental Grasses”
Current Image Tag Details
Image File Name = byregion_1_1.jpg
Alt text=”None”
Recommendations for Improvements to This Image
Image File Name = grass_by_region.jpg
Alt text= “Category Page for Grasses by Region”
For the images and alternate text section the Lawn Grass Seed category was used as
that’s the category link I’ve stuck with for the majority of this paper. On that page,
there’s only four total images that each lead to another sub-category, so I chose the
three that I thought most people would click on most.
Interestingly some of Nature’s Finest Seed’s images have file names, and others don’t.
The images that did have file names often included numbers, which is unnecessary.
However, none of the images used alternative text, which obviously doesn’t do much to
help their SEO rankings.
When you place a picture on your website, you want the file name to be associated with
the picture so when people do a Google Search for something like grass seed, your
images show up in the search for grass seed which will bring you more traffic. Google
will see the file name and the keywords you put in the file name so instead of Untitled-
4.jpg, it’d be better to use grass-seed.jpg.
The alternative text for the image is what appears on the site if your images aren’t able
to load, so it should describe the image using a couple of relevant keywords or, if you’re
linking to another page and the image is all that you would normally see for the link, you
could provide text to tell the user where they’re going if they click on that image/text link.
It is not recommended to use images for links to other pages of a website, according to
Google’s SEO guide.
My improvements to the images removed all the unnecessary characters from their file
names and added relevant alternative text to the images. Removing the numbers from
the file names and only using keywords should help with SEO and general organization
of the site by making it easier for Google to read. Since none of the images even had alt
text, adding that in will of course help with optimization and provide a fix for when
images don’t show up on the website.
VII. Links (Ln, Lq)
a. Link Number (Ln) No. of Referring Domains: 841 No. of Referring Domains: 80,701
Home Depot
b. Link Quality (Lq) Link Quality: 2 / 10 Link Quality: 9 / 10
Nature’s Finest Seed link quality is very low. There’s no comparison between them and
Home Depot has a very high number of Government and Educational backlinks (chart
below) compared to Nature’s Finest Seed’s one recorded back link from a .edu backlink.
Due to their low traffic numbers and complete lack of social share capabilitites, it’s not
surprising to see that not very many sites have linked back to Nature’s Finest Seed.
Noted in the authority section, Nature’s Finest Seed doesn’t have very many, if any,
outbound or source links on their site which makes it hard to call them a credible
source. Having very little to back the website as a credible source doesn’t help with
acquiring notable backlinks from other reputable sources.
In Nature’s Finest Seed’s list of recent backlinks, the highest rated, Gardening
Launchpad, had a TrustFlow rating of 37 which is quite low, alongside a very, very high
Alexa rank of over 8 million which means the site gets very little traffic. So if that’s the
benchmark for sites linking back to Nature’s Finest Seed then the bar obviously isn’t
very high. At least the site that linked back wasn’t a spam site and had a similar subject
Educational Ref. Backlinks 1,479
Governmental Ref. Backlinks 1,145
Educational Ref. Domains 367
Governmental Ref. Domains 123
Info via MagesticSEO
Educational Ref. Backlinks 1
Educational Ref. Domains 1
Info via MagesticSEO
VIII. Social Analysis
Social Signals: Sharing (Ss):
Calandra30 Score: 2 / 10 Score: 7 / 10
Current Share Tools
NaturesFinestSeed’sTop Navigation
Recommended Improved Share Tools
Nature’sFinestSeed product-levelpage
Current Tools on Nature’s Finest Seed only allows users to go to the social pages
associated with the website. There are currently no share tools on the website to share
Nature’s Finest Seed’s content on popular social media outlets like Facebook and
Twitter. This is detrimential to the site as it already doesn’t receive a whole lot of traffic,
and by not utilizing social media they are losing out on a big source of referral traffic.
Nature’s Finest Seed also doesn’t utilize their social pages very well either. Their
Facebook page currently only has 248 likes which is very low. Their Twitter page, which
utilizes the same posts as the Facebook page has a much higher follower count at
5,195. Adding the recommended social sharing buttons (seen above) would benefit
Nature’s Finest Seed by hopefully increasing backlinks to their site and increasing their
social media viewership.
Though, the website will have to do more than just add social share buttons to increase
their social media presence. They should be looking into recent trends, like the rise of
tutorial videos, to increase their social media footprint. Not that it’s really part of this
paper, but If Nature’s Finest Seed were to do something creative on their social media
pages, per say, time lapse videos of different types of their grass seed growing, there’s
a chance those videos could go viral and highly increase their social media counts,
sales and visitors to their website.
Home Depot has social tools available on their website and as you can probably
imagine, being a household name has garnered them a large following on their social
media pages. Their Twitter account currently has 342K followers, with the Facebook
page boasting a whopping 2.6 million follwers.
The main issue I see with Home Depot’s social media share tools on their website is
their placement and color. They’re placed in a spot that’s not super easy to spot and are
greyed out making them even harder to spot if you’re really not paying that close
IX. Priority Recommendations
Social (Ps + 2) – I tink Nature’s Finest Seed, being the small website that they are,
absolutley have to focus on their social media footprint. Being a product-based website,
they won’t be posting new content on a daily basis. If you’re not a household name like
Home Depot or Lowe’s, you need to be creative with how you drive traffic to your
website and as of right now, Nature’s Finest Seed is not utilizing social media to their
This wil linvolve more than just posting on their social media channels though. They
need to come up with a creative social media plan to get their website and content out
into the world, along with adding social share tools to their product pages so when
people see a product they like, or have bought a product and want to share it with their
friends / family, they can easily do that.
Engage (Te +2) – Nature’s Finest Seed is pretty outdated when it comes to modern day
product-based websites. They currently offer very little for their customers to engage
with by not offering the ability for customers to review the products they’ve bought, or
ask questions about them for other users to see.
This is something that I believe also hurts a website’s authority when they aren’t able to
show that they can answer a customer’s direct question about a product. When
answering a question one or many customers might have, sometimes a simple link back
to an answer provided to someone can provide the website with very valuable
Speed (As + 1) – While not a huge issue with Nature’s Finest Seed, there’s some minor
fixes they could make on their website that would help speed up their website and in
turn, their SEO. Finding the source of the heavy loading Javascript files and making
sure to compress their images will decrease load times. Installing a back-end caching
system for the website would also help decrease load times.

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SEO Paper

  • 1. Calandra0 Northwest Missouri State University Intro to Web Publishing SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION ASSIGNMENT Nick Calandra
  • 2. Calandra1 SEO Analysis & Recommendations for I. Keyword Research (Cr) 1. The 3 keywords / phrases I think will drive the most traffic 1. Grass Seed 2. Types of Grass Seed 3. Lawn Grass 2. Current rankings of my 3 keywords Ranking of Recommended Keywords on Keyword Google Bing Yahoo! Grass Seed 19 No No Types of Grass Seed 20 No No Lawn Grass 71 No No Ranking of Recommended Keywords on Keyword Google Bing Yahoo! Grass Seed 2 No No
  • 3. Calandra2 Types of Grass Seed 1 1 No Lawn Grass 22 No No 3. Explanation of my choices 1. Grass Seed – This is an obvious choice for a keyword, but a very competitive one for a smaller website like Nature’s Finest Seed. With other companies ahead of it in rankings like Home Depot and Tractor Supply, it would take some very heavy optimization for Nature’s Finest Seed to reach even the first page of search results for Grass Seed. A better option here for getting to the front page of Grass Seed would be to purchase an Ad spot, but with the competitiveness of Grass Seed is a search term, it would be quite costly for Nature’s Finest Seed. 2. Types of Grass Seed – I chose this term for Nature’s Finest Seed to focus on due to their category pages distinguishing the many different types of grass seed available for consumers. Each product page includes a different type of grass seed along with some extra information about each type of grass. They even have a specific page for Types of Grass Seed which could be optimized to rank much higher in the search results on Google and other search engines. 3. Lawn Seed – This term was chosen for its high search count and word combination. The word “lawn” is found on many of Nature’s Finest Seed’s category and product-level pages as all of their grass seed products are
  • 4. Calandra3 targeted at lawns so it only makes sense to make this a keyphrase that Nature’s Finest Seed focuses on. This is also Nature’s Finest Seed’s and Home Depot’s lowest ranking search term and leaves room for lots of room for improvement and indicates this is not a term that Home Depot is really focusing on. II. CURRENT TRAFFIC
  • 5. Calandra4 Monthly Unique Visitors: >2.5K Monthly Unique Visitors: 118.3M Analysis Both Home Depot and Nature’s Finest Seed see higher traffic numbers during the summer months and see significant drops heading into the fall. This makes sense due to most people working on home improvement or landscaping projects in late spring through the summer. This is especially apparent for Nature’s Finest Seed as you obviously won’t plant new grass seed in the fall or winter. Home Depot’s traffic tends to stay pretty consistent year round, however, due to the high variety of products they sell and, of course, being a house hold name brand. They also have very high counts of followers on their social media pages which undoubtedly boosts their traffic numbers by quite a bit. Nature’s Finest Seed in contrast, has almost no notable social media footprint. III. CONTENT ANALYSIS (Cq, Cw, Vt) Score – 6 / 10 Score – 10 / 10 Analysis Nature’s Finest Seed’s content is quite a bit more in-depth in terms of information when compared to Home Depot. Natures Finest Seed does more than just sell their product to customers, it also goes into quite a bit of detail about each type of blend / seed that they sell. It gives the website more of an information / product based website feel over just a
  • 6. Calandra5 product based website like Home Depot. If there’s one thing that’s unique about Nature’s Finest Seed, it would be the amount of depth they go into for each of their products. In addition to providing basic information about each of their products, some of their product pages also include some interesting information about specific seeds and how they were introduced to the United States. Not all of their product pages has this type of information, which is disappointing as it really makes Nature’s Finest Seed sound more like an authoritative figure on the subject when compared to a generic product website like Home Depot. Nature’sFinestSeed’s uniqueproductdescription Home Depot’s pages include basic information about the grass seeds they are selling, but it’s not as in-depth and provides only the information one would need to know to purchase the seed along with some extra information like germination times, how much sunlight the grass should receive etc. This information is all laid out in an easy to read format via bullet points near the bottom of the product page, also identifiable by subheaders (very good for SEO) that categorize the content on the page. Nature’s Finest Seed outlines much of the same information, in what should be an even easier to read format, but unfortunately they do not provide a key for what all the information means. The sunlight/shade icons for example don’t tell me enough
  • 7. Calandra6 information to make it clear exactly how much sunlight/shade that the grass needs and the same could be said about the water icon on their chart. Home Depot’s product pages tells me specifically how much sunlight the grass seed needs in their product overview section of the page, but doesn’t specify how much water is needed either. Overall both websites present good information about each of their products, though Home Depot definitely has the edge in providing more detailed information through the use of specification charts, frequently asked questions and even user reviews – all of which Nature’s Finest Seed is missing. The frequently asked questions and user reviews sections allows Home Depot to inadvertently keep their product pages up to date as new reviews come in about their products and new questions are answered.
  • 8. Calandra7 Nature’s Finest Seed does, in my opinion, do a better job of giving you a visualization of the product you’re getting. Instead of just providing generic pictures of the seed bags like Home Depot does, you get to see actual pictures of what the grass looks like when it has been planted and grown. However, Home Depot counteracts this with the use of customer images showing what the product looks like on any regular person’s yard and not some generic photoshopped image.
  • 9. Calandra8 Nature’s Finest Seed is, for the most part, error free. I did notice a little typo on the very first page I visited (screenshot below), however, but went through probably 5-10 more pages without noticing any errors. When I initially visited the site in class, I also spotted another typo on the site, but was unable to remember which page I had originally visited where I spotted the error. I used the SEOChat’s spell checker tools on 100 pages of the website and hardly found any errors.
  • 10. Calandra9 Productspecificationson Nature’sFinestSeed Productspecificationson HomeDepot Recommendation for Improvements For Nature’s Finest Seed to even have a chance of competing with Home Depot content wise, they need to add quite a bit more information to their product-level pages. While
  • 11. Calandra10 they do include extra information that other product based websites may or may not include, they are lacking on a lot of information people buying grass seed might be looking for, along with providing an easy to read format to digest that information. The use of images for vital information like how much sunlight and water is required for the grass to grow correctly is nice in theory, but isn’t applied well here and should be broken down on the page via subheaders and easy to read bullet points like Home Depot has done on their own product pages. This will also help increase Nature’s Finest Seed’s search engine optimization via the use of H2 tags (subheaders). User Reviews and Frequently Asked Questions sections would greatly benefit Nature’s Finest Seed’s product pages by providing users with extra information about their product as well as being able to see what other people experienced with the product. In today’s day and age, having user reviews available for product based websites is pretty essential. This will also help the website’s SEO as having reviews on a product can show up in Google via their 5 star rating system. IV. TRUST 1. Authority (Ta) Score: 4 / 10 Score: 9 / 10 Analysis Nature’s Finest Seed has a pretty low authority rating on both its category page for Grass Seed and its domain in general. The category page rating makes sense due to
  • 12. Calandra11 the lack of content on the page as it’s essentially a link hub to more specific categories of grass seed and provides no actual content to give it a higher authority ranking. The domain itself also has a pretty low authority ranking and does not have very many backlinks to the site, according to It also doesn’t help that none of their content includes any source links to the information they have on their product pages. This could indicate they are experts on the subject, but it’s always better to at least have an idea of where the information came from. An author link to an accredited expert who provided the information for the product pages would go a long way to prove Nature’s Finest Seed’s authority on their subject. The website’s about page does help their score quite a bit though by providing information about the company, how it was founded and even some testimonials at the bottom of the page. There is also a page that’s strictly dedicated to testimonials from customers on the top navigation bar of the site. The link is a bit hard to spot and should be placed somewhere more prominently on the site as it’s a big indicator for authority and trust worthiness. They also include some logos from news channels and other websites of authority that they have been featured-on on their About page. These same testimonials and logos can also be on the Home page of Nature’s Finest Seed, but you have to scroll down pretty far to see them and could easily be ignored when you’re probably just looking for a product. 2. Engaging Content (Te) Score: 5 / 10 Score: 10 / 10
  • 13. Calandra12 Site Bounce Rate Page Views / Visitor Daily Time on Site Product- level share tools Product- level ratings Product- level Reviews 34.20 4.30 5:28 No No No 30.90 4.93 5:50 Yes Yes Yes Data via Home Depotproduct-levelsharetools Home Depotproduct-levelratingsand reviews WHO IS INFORMATION FOR NATURE’S FINEST SEED Domain Name: NATURESFINESTSEED.COM Registrar: DELUXE SMALL BUSINESS SALES, INC. D/B/A APLUS.NET Sponsoring Registrar IANA ID: 52 Whois Server: Referral URL: Name Server: NS0.LIGHTCREST.COM Name Server: NS1.LIGHTCREST.COM Status: ok Updated Date: 30-sep-2014 Creation Date: 29-jan-2011 Expiration Date: 29-jan-2017
  • 14. Calandra13 Analysis Nature’s Finest Seed is severely lacking in engagement tools that are essential to a website’s success in today’s internet environment. None of their pages offer share tools, product ratings or user reviews which is pretty significant and definitely hurts the website’s search engine optimization. The only social tools available on Nature’s Finest Seed are links to their own social pages such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Youtube. There’s very little for users to do on the site other than to browse through product pages which reflects the website’s low bounce rate and time spent on site statistics. Both of these statistics are good, but are expected for a product based website where users spend more time researching things they might potentially spend money on. However, I do think Nature’s Finest Seed’s pages per visitor count is probably a bit skewed due to the amount of pages you have to go through to find the product you’re looking for. At the very least, if you don’t go through a Google search directly to the product you’re looking for, you’ll have to go through the Home Page > Product Category Page > Product, which is a total of 3 pages. Recommendation for Improvements to Trust I think Nature’s Finest Seed has the ground work to be an authoritative site on grass seed, but their lack of any source links to creditable authors or people with experience on the subject of grass seed hurts their trust score. It’s good that the site has testimonials and a page dedicated to showing those off alongside their About page, but the testimonials, and even some of the names of news
  • 15. Calandra14 outlets or other websites they have been featured on should be shown off more prominently on the site. Nature’s Finest Seed needs to implement many of the features that are available on most modern retail sites to improve their trust factor. Home Depot absolutely destroys Nature’s Finest Seed in this department and it shows via their Google search rankings, regardless of their traffic numbers and overall authority. Nature’s Finest Seed, at the very least, need to allow users to rate and review their products to lend credibility to their promise about delivering quality products. This promise is featured on all of their product-level pages, so having user verification on this would be extremely helpful. Not to mention having review scores on product pages is especially helpful for SEO as Google can place review scores on your search results. They need to also implement share tools for their product pages which will not only help their sales in the long run, but will also generate more backlinks to their website as people share their products through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter. V. Architecture (As, Au, Am) 1. Speed (As) Score: 4.6s - seed Score: 7.145s - Center-Lawn-Care-Grass-Seed/N-5yc1vZbx62
  • 16. Calandra15 Info via Explanation Nature’s Finest Seed loads relatively quickly at around 4 seconds, but it could be faster. The site is running a lot of Javascript, which seems to be slowing the site down quite a bit. Even looking into the source code doesn’t reveal a lot of Javascript code, so I’m not
  • 17. Calandra16 entirely sure where it’s coming from. It could be the backend of the website if they’re using a content management system that’s loading up a lot of Javascript and causing the increase in load times. If they have a lot of plugins installed on the site, this could also be a factor for the increase, but that would be more in the realm of PHP loaded files. Surprisingly, Nature’s Finest Seed’s images aren’t the main source of the website’s slower load times, but they’re not helping to make the site faster either. Looking at the chart above, Nature’s Finest Seed is not optimizing their images by compressing them. Compressing an image makes the image’s overall file size smaller while keeping the quality of the photo. Having to load smaller images will reduce the load times of the site significant. The website is also not using a caching system for their content, which would also help decrease load times quite a bit. Caching serves users with a static HTML file instead of loading the actual file itself which heavily reduces load times. Home Depot also doesn’t use caching according to the charts above, so Nature’s Finest Seed could see a significant boost in their search rankings by optimizing their website’s speed. With the small amount of content on Nature’s Finest Seed’s product category pages, their speeds should be much faster than they already are. Recommendation for Improvements Much like most product based websites, Nature’s Finest Seed is inundated with a lot of images. The fact that they are not compressing these images is significantly hurting their load times and could easily be fixed via the use of a backend plugin. This should
  • 18. Calandra17 be a top priority issue for the website to fix as they do have a lot of images on their website. Some images on the site could also be removed entirely or left only on certain pages. Their Instagram feed, while nice, is relatively unnecessary and doesn’t need to be on every page of the website. They have already linked it in their top nav section and on the bottom of their website in the footer where they have their other social links. It’s redundant and increases the load time unnecessarily. This could also be said about the large background image found on every single page related to grass seed below the main nav bar. Again, this image is redundant, and it’s a fairly large image that undoubtedly increases the load time on the site. If they had it on the main product-category page, that would be acceptable, but it does not need to be on every single page related to grass. They do the same thing on all their other categories as well. Nature’s Finest Seed should also find out why their site is loading a lot of Javascript and see if they can reduce the amount being loaded each time a page is viewed. Again, a backend caching system could help this out quite a bit and reduce the site’s load times. To provide feedback on how to set a caching system up, I’d need to know what type of backend service Nature’s Finest Seed is using, if any.
  • 19. Calandra18 2. URLs (Au) Score: 9 / 10 Score: 6 / 10 Current URLS Nature’s Seed URL for Category Page: seed Nature’s Seed URL for Product-Level Page of Perennial Ryegrass: Home Depot URL for Category Page: Garden-Center-Lawn-Care-Grass-Seed/N-5yc1vZbx62 Home Depot URL for Product-Level Page of Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed: 100333280/100333280 Recommend New URLS Nature’s Seed URL for Category Page: grass-seed Nature’s Seed URL for Product-Level Page of Perennial Ryegrass: Explanation
  • 20. Calandra19 Nature’s Finest Seed’s URL structure is spot on for the most part. Their URLs follow Google’s guidelines very well, only including relevant words in their page URLs. If you visit the Grass Seed category page, the URL only includes the domain name, the top level domain (.com) and the page directory which has the url slug, grass-seed. The only change I would make to that page is to include “lawn” in the URL to increase search results for the keyword phrase, lawn grass, that I identified at the start of this report. In comparison to Home Depot’s URLs for their pages and product pages, Nature’s Finest Seed blows them out of the water. Home Depot includes a lot of extra figures in their URLs that make them unnecessarily long. Unfortunately for Nature’s Finest Seed, URL structure doesn’t really help to increase their search engine optimization all that much, but based on their other areas it’s good that they at least have their URLs correct. 3. Mobile (Am) Score: 8 / 10 Score: 10 / 10 Explanation Both Nature’s Finest Seed and Home Depot are mobile compatible sites. Only Nature’s Finest Seed is a responsive site though in terms of design. The biggest difference between the two websites on mobile is that Home Depot significantly reduces the amount of content on the page, while Nature’s Finest Seed simply lays all the content out in a vertical format.
  • 21. Calandra20 All of the content you’d see on the desktop version of Nature’s Finest Seed is present, including the same annoying header image below the main navigation bar, and the unnecessary Instagram widget at the bottom of every page. The mobile version of the site works just fine, but it could take a few ideas from Home Depot, specifically reducing all the unnecessary fluff. Home Depot’s product pages are simplified to provide users with small pages that include all of the same content as the desktop version of the site, but to see each section you can click on a tabbed section of the page to expand it and see things like the User Reviews and Frequently Asked Questions sections. I actually prefer the mobile version of Home Depot’s website to its desktop version specifically for this reason. The URLs on both sites stay relatively the same, with Home Depot’s switching to a URL instead of the regular Though, everything after the .com remains the same as what was listed above in the URL section. Recommendation for Improvements Nature’s Finest Seed should get rid of all the unnecessary content from the desktop version of their site on the mobile version of their site. Since the site uses a responsive
  • 22. Calandra21 web design this would prove to be a challenge without removing things from the entire site altogether. Again, looking back at past recommendations, Nature’s Finest Seed should remove the Instagram section from all of their pages outside of maybe the Home page and a few other select pages where it might be deemed necessary. If possible, Nature’s Finest Seed should also find a way to make the content on their product pages more mobile friendly instead of just laying everything out vertically. Finding a way to make the information tabbed on their product pages like Home Depot has done on theirs would be very beneficial for load times and overall usability on the site. VI. HTML: Current Keyword Location Analysis (Ht, Hd) 1. Title Tags Current Tags Nature’s Seed Product-Category Page: <title>Grass Seeds | Best Grass &amp; Lawn Seed | Nature's Seed</title> Nature’s Seed Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend: <title>Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend | Nature's Seed</title> Product-Category Page: <title>Grass Seed - Lawn Care - Garden Center - &nbsp;The Home Depot</title> Product-Level Page for Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed: <title>Pennington 50 lb. Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed-100333280 - The Home Depot</title>
  • 23. Calandra22 Recommended New Title Tags Nature’s Seed Product-Category Page: <title> Lawn Grass Seed | Nature’s Seed </title> Nature’s Seed Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend: <title> Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend | Nature’s Seed </title> Explanation Nature’s Finest Seed’s title tags for both their product-category page and product-level pages were pretty good and needed some basic restructuring to look a little cleaner for search results. The title tags for pages are what show up in Google when you do a search. The image below shows what the Lawn Grass Seed page currently looks like in Google. To update this to better reflect the website’s focus on the keyword “Lawn Grass Seed”, I removed the unnecessary fluff from the title tag and simplified it to just Lawn Grass Seed. Putting Lawn Grass Seed at the front of the title should yield higher search results. Having “Best Grass and Lawn Seed” in the title won’t do much to increase search results and added unnecessary words to their title tag when the product category page is completely focused on Lawn Grass Seed. 2. Description Meta Tags
  • 24. Calandra23 Current Meta Tags Product Category Page: <meta name="description" content="America's favorite seed company has grown to become one of the leading suppliers of agricultural, reclamation, grass seed, &amp;amp; lawn seed in North America. In addition to our own production fields, we use an extensive network of trusted wildland seed collectors and growers. Learn More!"/> Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend: <meta name="description" content="Nature's Finest Seed provides quality perennial ryegrass seed blends for a quickly-established and lush rye grass lawn."/> Product Category Page: <meta name="description" content="Shop our selection of Grass Seed in the Outdoors Department at The Home Depot."/> Product-Level Page for Pennington Annual Ryegrass Seed: <meta name="description" content="Pennington Seed Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed is designed for temporary or seasonal lawns. Convenient to maintain and long lasting usage." /> Recommended New Meta Tags Product Category Page: <meta name=”description” content=”Nature’s Finest Seed offers a wide variety of different affordable lawn grass seed blends.”> Product-Level Page for Perennial Ryegrass Seed Blend: <meta name=”description” content =” Grow a beautiful lawn in only a fraction of the time with Perennial Ryegrass seed blend.”
  • 25. Calandra24 Explanation Description meta tags are used to summarize the content of the page in Google’s search rankings and as of right now, they aren’t being used very well by Nature’s Finest Seed. Currently the website’s summaries are pretty generic, long-winded and don’t make use of relevant keywords. Just like the title tags for the website, the description should tell the user what they’re going to find the page in the quickest way possible. Right now, their descriptions are way too wordy and don’t describe what’s on the page, but more general information about the company that a person searching for a certain type of lawn grass seed don’t need to see. I’ve updated the tags to be shorter and less wordy so that all they do is describe what’s on the page and use relevant keywords to increase optimization on search engines. 3. IMG Names and ALT Text Current Image Tag Details: Image File Name = Untitled-4.jpg Alt text = “None”
  • 26. Calandra25 Recommendations for Improvements to This Image Image File Name = types_of_grass_seed.jpg Alt text = “Category page for different types of grass seed” Current Image Tag Details Image File Name = ornamenetal_grass_2.jpg Alt text=”None” Recommendations for Improvements to This Image Image File Name = ornamental_grass.jpg Alt text= “Category Page for Ornamental Grasses” Current Image Tag Details
  • 27. Calandra26 Image File Name = byregion_1_1.jpg Alt text=”None” Recommendations for Improvements to This Image Image File Name = grass_by_region.jpg Alt text= “Category Page for Grasses by Region” Explanation For the images and alternate text section the Lawn Grass Seed category was used as that’s the category link I’ve stuck with for the majority of this paper. On that page, there’s only four total images that each lead to another sub-category, so I chose the three that I thought most people would click on most. Interestingly some of Nature’s Finest Seed’s images have file names, and others don’t. The images that did have file names often included numbers, which is unnecessary. However, none of the images used alternative text, which obviously doesn’t do much to help their SEO rankings.
  • 28. Calandra27 When you place a picture on your website, you want the file name to be associated with the picture so when people do a Google Search for something like grass seed, your images show up in the search for grass seed which will bring you more traffic. Google will see the file name and the keywords you put in the file name so instead of Untitled- 4.jpg, it’d be better to use grass-seed.jpg. The alternative text for the image is what appears on the site if your images aren’t able to load, so it should describe the image using a couple of relevant keywords or, if you’re linking to another page and the image is all that you would normally see for the link, you could provide text to tell the user where they’re going if they click on that image/text link. It is not recommended to use images for links to other pages of a website, according to Google’s SEO guide. My improvements to the images removed all the unnecessary characters from their file names and added relevant alternative text to the images. Removing the numbers from the file names and only using keywords should help with SEO and general organization of the site by making it easier for Google to read. Since none of the images even had alt text, adding that in will of course help with optimization and provide a fix for when images don’t show up on the website. VII. Links (Ln, Lq) a. Link Number (Ln) No. of Referring Domains: 841 No. of Referring Domains: 80,701
  • 29. Calandra28 Nature’sFinestSeed Home Depot b. Link Quality (Lq) Link Quality: 2 / 10 Link Quality: 9 / 10 Explanation Nature’s Finest Seed link quality is very low. There’s no comparison between them and Home Depot has a very high number of Government and Educational backlinks (chart below) compared to Nature’s Finest Seed’s one recorded back link from a .edu backlink. Due to their low traffic numbers and complete lack of social share capabilitites, it’s not surprising to see that not very many sites have linked back to Nature’s Finest Seed.
  • 30. Calandra29 Noted in the authority section, Nature’s Finest Seed doesn’t have very many, if any, outbound or source links on their site which makes it hard to call them a credible source. Having very little to back the website as a credible source doesn’t help with acquiring notable backlinks from other reputable sources. In Nature’s Finest Seed’s list of recent backlinks, the highest rated, Gardening Launchpad, had a TrustFlow rating of 37 which is quite low, alongside a very, very high Alexa rank of over 8 million which means the site gets very little traffic. So if that’s the benchmark for sites linking back to Nature’s Finest Seed then the bar obviously isn’t very high. At least the site that linked back wasn’t a spam site and had a similar subject focus. HOME DEPOT Educational Ref. Backlinks 1,479 Governmental Ref. Backlinks 1,145 Educational Ref. Domains 367 Governmental Ref. Domains 123 Info via MagesticSEO NATURE’S FINEST SEED Educational Ref. Backlinks 1 Educational Ref. Domains 1 Info via MagesticSEO VIII. Social Analysis Social Signals: Sharing (Ss):
  • 31. Calandra30 Score: 2 / 10 Score: 7 / 10 Current Share Tools NaturesFinestSeed’sTop Navigation NaturesFinestSeed’sFooter Recommended Improved Share Tools Nature’sFinestSeed product-levelpage Explanation
  • 32. Calandra31 Current Tools on Nature’s Finest Seed only allows users to go to the social pages associated with the website. There are currently no share tools on the website to share Nature’s Finest Seed’s content on popular social media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. This is detrimential to the site as it already doesn’t receive a whole lot of traffic, and by not utilizing social media they are losing out on a big source of referral traffic. Nature’s Finest Seed also doesn’t utilize their social pages very well either. Their Facebook page currently only has 248 likes which is very low. Their Twitter page, which utilizes the same posts as the Facebook page has a much higher follower count at 5,195. Adding the recommended social sharing buttons (seen above) would benefit Nature’s Finest Seed by hopefully increasing backlinks to their site and increasing their social media viewership. Though, the website will have to do more than just add social share buttons to increase their social media presence. They should be looking into recent trends, like the rise of tutorial videos, to increase their social media footprint. Not that it’s really part of this paper, but If Nature’s Finest Seed were to do something creative on their social media pages, per say, time lapse videos of different types of their grass seed growing, there’s a chance those videos could go viral and highly increase their social media counts, sales and visitors to their website. Home Depot has social tools available on their website and as you can probably imagine, being a household name has garnered them a large following on their social media pages. Their Twitter account currently has 342K followers, with the Facebook page boasting a whopping 2.6 million follwers.
  • 33. Calandra32 The main issue I see with Home Depot’s social media share tools on their website is their placement and color. They’re placed in a spot that’s not super easy to spot and are greyed out making them even harder to spot if you’re really not paying that close attention. IX. Priority Recommendations Social (Ps + 2) – I tink Nature’s Finest Seed, being the small website that they are, absolutley have to focus on their social media footprint. Being a product-based website, they won’t be posting new content on a daily basis. If you’re not a household name like Home Depot or Lowe’s, you need to be creative with how you drive traffic to your website and as of right now, Nature’s Finest Seed is not utilizing social media to their benefit. This wil linvolve more than just posting on their social media channels though. They need to come up with a creative social media plan to get their website and content out into the world, along with adding social share tools to their product pages so when
  • 34. Calandra33 people see a product they like, or have bought a product and want to share it with their friends / family, they can easily do that. Engage (Te +2) – Nature’s Finest Seed is pretty outdated when it comes to modern day product-based websites. They currently offer very little for their customers to engage with by not offering the ability for customers to review the products they’ve bought, or ask questions about them for other users to see. This is something that I believe also hurts a website’s authority when they aren’t able to show that they can answer a customer’s direct question about a product. When answering a question one or many customers might have, sometimes a simple link back to an answer provided to someone can provide the website with very valuable backlinks. Speed (As + 1) – While not a huge issue with Nature’s Finest Seed, there’s some minor fixes they could make on their website that would help speed up their website and in turn, their SEO. Finding the source of the heavy loading Javascript files and making sure to compress their images will decrease load times. Installing a back-end caching system for the website would also help decrease load times.