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Self Storage
A Pattern Book

Jessie Carroll
Pooneh Fassihi
Nealia Giarratani
Chris Giblin

Mike Griffin
Jamie Pirperis
Self Storage   Self Storage
Sources                                                                                                                                            Table of Contents
Most Influential

             The American Institute of Architectural Graphic Standards, 11th Edition. Hoboken:
                           Architects Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007.

               ISS Inside Self-Storage
                                       Using Site Security as a Marketing Tool-Luz. A Ber
                                       Self-Storage Construction-Heath Mulkey and Joe Trepke

                     Kiwi II Construction                                                                   4   Introduction
                                                                                                                                     6   Evolution
              Libery Building Systems                                                                      16   Site
                                      2009 BlueScope Buildings North America, Inc.
                                                                                                                                    28   Organization
         Massachusetts Building Code Commonwealth of Massachusetts                                                                  44   Structure
                                     William F. Galvin                                                                              66   Units
                                                                                                                                    76   Systems
                      Mini Storage Outlet                                                              88   Access
                                                                                                                                    98   Economy
                   Providing Self-Storage
                               Solutions                                                                                           120   Matrix

              Self Storage Association

                      Self Storage Deals
                                         Five Top Reasons Why People Use Self Storage-Daniel Myers

                              The Onion
                                        Local Self Storage Facility A Museum of Personal Failure

        TBS Trachte Building Systems

        Texas Self Storage Association

                              Wise Geek
                                        What Size Storage Unit Do I Need?-Cathy Rogers

2                                                                                                                                                                  3
Self Storage
                                                                                                                   Self Storage As Typology

                                                                                      The United States currently has 2.3 billion square feet of self
                                                                                      storage space...more than seven square feet for every man,
                                                                                      woman and child. It’s now “physically possible that every
                                                                                      American could stand - all at the same time- under the total
                                                                                      canopy of self storage roofing.

Introduction                                                                          The erecting of self-storage facilities, and the evolution
                                                                                      of self storage as a building typology, is one specific to
                                                                                      the last half century. The initiation of the movement was
                                                                                      based on a human need.
                                               ns                            y        This need transpired from issues including;
                                                     um                  ilit
                                                       er             ob
                                                          ism        M                consumerism, mobility and life crisis. Post WWII the
                                                                                      price of goods plummeted 50% while American wages
                                                                                      increased. The result was vast consumerism, that is
                                                                                      people buying more than ever before and needing a
                                         Life Cris
                                                                                      place to store their items.
                                                                                      American mobility also sponsored a need for temporary
                                                                                      storage. The average American moves eleven times in
                                                                                      one’s lifetime. In the US alone 40 million people move
                                                                                      each year. Therefore there is an immense need for
               $$        $$                          -$$                 +$$          temporary self-storage.
                                               Efficienc                         ty
                                                            y        Profitabili
                                                                                      Lastly life crisis also added to the growing need for
                                                                                      storage. Many connect this to the “no fault” divorce
                                                                                      laws and the subsequent need for storage. Other
                                                                                      life milestones include; college students, empty
                                                                                      nesters, dramatic downsizing, and home or business

                    SS                                          SS

                                                                                      As the need for storage evolved real-estate developers
                                                                                      realized the economic profits available in the industry of
                                                                                      storage. Therefore the most economic efficient means
                                                                                      were utilized in the formation of facilities to cut upfront
                                                                                      costs and increase profitability. It is the economics that
                                                                                      shape the form of this typology.
Self Storage


                           8    Timelines                     The evolution of Self Storage has strong ties to American
                           10   Domestic Storage              culture. Topics of culture such as economy, family,
                                                              geography, ideals, etc have all shaped the industry of
                           12   Disembodiment from the Home   Self Storage.
                           14   Analysis
                                                              Both fixed and portable Self Storage types have been

                                                              influenced by specific cultural trends over the past

Self Storage   Self Storage
                 Timeline                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Timeline

                                                                                                                                                             GDP $14,441.4 B



                                                                                                                                    t or

                                                                                                                         f   se
                                                                                           1984:               nu
                                                                                           GDP $3,930.9 B

                                                  GDP $663.6 B

                gros   s domestic prod
                                                                                           1984:                                                                                          1780s                                                   1900s                                 1951   1952                             1998
                                             1964:                                         6,601 Self Storage Facilities
                         First Self Storage Facility                                                                                                                                                                 Railroad                                             Container Ships                 Truck Based

               1940s        1950s                      1960s            1970s              1980s                               1990s                                 2000s

                 The history of self storage as we know          In 1964 the first self storage facility was
                 it in America begins with the growth of         built in Odessa, Texas. Most items in
                 suburbia in the 1950s. As Americans             the original Self Storage facility were
                 became wealthier they were acquiring            household products.
                 more possessions than they needed on

                 a regular basis. This lead to the need          In the graph above notice the similarity
                 for storage outside of the home.                between the rate of change of the                                                                                             Loose Boxes                 Closed Container           Purpose-Built                  CONEX                PODS
                                                                 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the                                                                                          Open top containers         Rail containers            Vessel                         US Army “Container   Portable On Demand
                                                                 number of Self Storage facilities.                                                                                            used to ship raw            with covered roof          Ships designed to              Express”             Storage system
                                                                                                                                                                                               materials via rail          to protect materials       transport cargo,               standardized steel   which moves and/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                           within                     converted tankers              containers           or stores personal/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      until this point                                    office items
                 8                                                       portable         fixed                                                                                                                                                       fixed         portable                                                      9
Self Storage   Self Storage
                    Domestic Storage

                    Percentage of Storage within the Home



                                                                                                                                            The relationship between Self Storage and the American
                                                                                                                                            house is complicated. As the size of the home has
                                                                                                                                            grown, the percentage of storage within the home has
                                                                                                                                            also increased. Also, family size has decreased over
                                                                                                                                            the past century, essentially the home is getting larger
                                                                                                                                            with more storage within it and less people living there.

                                                                                                                                            However, the need for Self Storage has grown rapidly.
                                       storage                                                                                              In the graph on the previous page the shaded section
                                                                                                   house size: 2,400 sq ft
                                                                                                                                            shows the square footage of the home that is not taken
                                                                                                storage size: 128.64 sq ft
                                                                                                                                            up by storage. From right to left there is a decrease in
                                                                                                                                            the margin between what is living space and what is

                                                                                                                                            storage space.

                                                                                                                                            Early to mid-century typical house plans show small
                                                                                                                                            deposits of storage (in green) compared to the later

                                                                                                                                            plan showing dispersed storage through out the house,
                                                                                                                                            especially around bedrooms and bathrooms. None of
                                                                    house size: 983 sq ft                                                   these diagrams account for basement, attic, or garage
                                                                 storage size: 21.43 sq ft
                                       house size: 700 sq ft                                                                                storage; the focus is on the historically living spaces and
                                       storage size: 0.7 sq ft                                                                              the encroachment of storage into that.

                   house size-sq ft

               storage amount-sq ft
                                      1900                                               1950                         2000

                    10                                             portable            fixed                                                                                                           11
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Disembodiment from the Home                                                                                                                                                             Disembodiment of from the Home





                Historically Americans provided   As Americans became more    Finally, Americans were able                      During the 1990s portable          The user could also have the              Or alternatively the user could
                their own storage within the      “house proud” storage was   to store their overflow of                        storage containers became          container shipped to a new                choose to have the contain
                home, clustered in areas such     ejected from the home and   possessions in storage facilities.                a popular alternative to self      location, generally for moving to         stored at a facility owned by the
                as closets, basements, and        forced into the garage.     These facilities are away from                    storage facilities. Portable       a new home.                               container company. The facility
                attics.                                                       the home, but usually within                      containers are dropped at the                                                is generally not accessed by the

                                                                              the same town to allow for easy                   user’s home and packed by the                                                user, and the container has to
                                                                              access.                                           user. The user has the option to                                             be brought to the user’s home
                                                                                                                                keep the container on their own                                              to retrieve items from within.
                                                                                                                                property.                                                                    Essentially the user has lost a
                                                                                                                                                                                                             geographic connection to their

                                                                                                                                                                                                             items being stored.

               12                                      portable      fixed                                                                                                fixed        portable                                              13
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Analyisis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Analysis

               “Who” Stores                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Store “What”
                                                                                                                                                                          Sentimental Items              Academic Documents                     Furniture
               One in ten U.S. households                                                                                                                                People often store items        Students store their
               now rent a self-storage unit.                                                                                                                                                                                               50% of people store
                                                                                                                                                                         from deceased loved             academic documents and            furniture. It is the most
               The use of self-storage and its                                                                                                                           ones or items from failed       small household items

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           commonly stored item.
               demographic has increased                                                                                                                                 relationships or marriages.     between semesters.                This is a result of what is
               dramatically in recent years.                                                                                              Appliances                     Storing is used as a way of     Adults often store these          referred to as the IKEA
               With the US facing an economic                                                                                                                            preserving one’s history.       dated documents for later         effect - furniture costs less
                                                                                                                                         People moving, downsizing,                                      reference.
               recession a record number                                                                                                 or experiencing home/                                                                             so people buy more.

               of homes and businesses                                                                                                   buisness forclosures
               are finding themselves in                                                                                                 may need to store large
               foreclosure. Therefore the                                                                                                household items.
               demand for larger units has
               skyrocketed in comparison to       Families in Transition                Home/ Buisness Foreclosures
               the smaller unit utilized in the
               consumerism/ economic boom.



                    College Students in Transition                                                       Divorcee’s

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Exercise Equipment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     In an interview published
                                                                                                                                              Office Equipment

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     by The Onion, one storage
                                                                                                                                              Failed businesses store                                                                facility claimed to store
                                                                                                                                              their equipment in hopes                                                               the largest collection of
                                                                                                                                              of utilizing it someday.                                                               Nordic Tracks, and the
                                                                                                                                              Households store dated                                                                 owner foresaw an eventual
                                                                                                                                              electronic devices.                                                                    increase in Bow Flexes.

                                                                  Empty Nester’s Downsizing

               14                                                  portable    fixed                                                                                                             fixed      portable                                                       15
Self Storage


                      19   Site Location          Self-storage facilities are built on different sites. They
                      20   Urban Compact          are divided into four different sites: Urban Compact,
                                                  Highway/Edge-City, Industrial/ Suburban, and Private
                      22   Highway/ Edge-City     Property.
                      24   Industrial/ Suburban
                      26   Private Property       There are many important factors that are taken into

                                                  consideration for the different sites, but the four most
                                                  important factors are: demographics, land values, speed/
                                                  visibility and parking space. Demographics studies of a
                                                  specific site indicate the population that live in the area
                                                  and help to understand the need for self-storage facility
                                                  in the area. Land values are the most important factor. In

                                                  Urban compact and highway/edge-city sites, because of
                                                  dense population land value is higher compared to the
                                                  Industrial/Suburban sites. Self-storage facilities should
                                                  be built on a site with high visibility to drivers, therefore,

                                                  looking at the vehicle speeds of the neighborhood is also

Self Storage


                              Site Location

        Urban     Highway                       Industrial   Private Property
       Compact   (edge-city                     Suburban        (Portable)

                                 fixed        portable                            19
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Site                                                                                                                                                                        Site

               Urban Compact                                                                                                                                                      Urban Compact

                    Demographics                                                                                                       Speed/ Visibility

                    Self-storage facilities located in urban compact sites are                                                         The self-storage facilities in urban compact sites are
                    designed in dense residential areas. The population is                                                             located on a main road, where the speed limit is 30 mph.

                    usually consisted of single male and female, young                                                                 This allows the drivers to see the self-storage facility
                    married couples usually with one child, and college                                                                while driving.

                    Land Values                                                                                                        Parking

                    Due to high property values and dense population, urban                                                            Due to high land value parking space is minimized for
                    sites create an ideal site for building a multi-story self-                                                        multi-story self storage facilities in the urban compact
                    storage facility.                                                                                                  sites, because these facilities try to provide more storage
                                                                                                                                       space than parking.



               20                                              portable           fixed                                        fixed      portable                                                   21
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Site                                                                                                                                                                           Site

               Highway - Edge City                                                                                                                                             Highway - Edge City

                     Demographics                                                                                                       Speed/ Visibility

                     Some self-storage facilities are located by local highways                                                         The average speed limit on a highway is 60 mph. A self-
                     for high visibility to the drivers. They are on zones                                                              storage facility that is built on a highway is visible to all

                     between residential and commercial areas or edge of the                                                            people who drive by daily.
                     city. The population is consisted of families with children
                     where the need for storage space is a must.

                     Land Values                                                                                                        Parking

                     Sites located at highway/ edge city are expensive but the                                                          Due to high land value parking space is minimized for
                     land value is considered to be cheaper than urban/                                                                 multi-story self storage facilities that are built by a
                     compact sites.                                                                                                     highway. Since parking space is always an issue in a city,
                     Therefore, this type of site is an ideal site for building a                                                       self-storage facilities try to provide parking space to the

                     multi-story self-storage facility.                                                                                 customers for easy access.



               22                                                portable           fixed                                       fixed       portable                                                    23
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Site                                                                                                                                                                         Site

               Industrial/ Suburban                                                                                                                                        Industrial/ Suburban

                     Demographics                                                                                                    Speed/ Visibility

                     The Industrial/ Suburban sites house multiple of single                                                         Self-storage facilities in an Industrial/ Suburban site are
                     story buildings, and the portable storage facilities. Since                                                     located on a main road, with high visibility to drivers.

                     these sites are at the edge of industrial and suburban                                                          The average speed limit is 40 mph, where the driver can
                     housing, the population is consisted of families with                                                           easily see the storage units while driving by.
                     children living in single family houses.

                     Land Values                                                                                                     Parking

                     The Industrial/ Suburban sites provide bigger and                                                               Since these sites house the single-story buildings with
                     cheaper land compared to the urban compact sites. This                                                          access to units from the exterior, parking space is
                     gives a flexibility of adding as many storage buildings as                                                      minimized, because people can drive their cars to their
                     possible.                                                                                                       units and access their goods, therefore there is no need

                                                                                                                                     for parking space. There is usually a few parking spots
                                                                                                                                     located by the entrance for customers who need to rent a


               24                                                portable          fixed                                     fixed       portable                                                  25
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Site                                                                                                                                                                 Site

               Private Property                                                                                                                                         Private Property

                     Home Garage                                                                                               Office

                     One of the sites for placing a portable storage container                                                 Portable containers are not only used by households, but
                     is on a home property/ parking garage. Therefore, the                                                     they are also used by offices to store supplies. These

                     container will become part of home and can stay on site                                                   containers can be stored in a basement level, storage
                     as long as the owner needs to access it.                                                                  room or parking garage of an office building. They can be
                                                                                                                               placed on site as long as needed.

                     Street                                                                                                    Facility

                     Sometimes these containers can be place on the street                                                     The portable storage containers can also be transported
                     by the house, but the amount of time where they can be                                                    to a self-storage facility and stored there as long as
                     placed there is limited.                                                                                  needed and they can be transported to a home or an
                                                                                                                               office when needed. These facilities are usually located

                                                                                                                               in Industrial/ Suburban sites.


               26                                               portable         fixed                                 fixed      portable                                                 27
Self Storage

Building Organization

                                       30   Introduction              Self Storage facilities can have many different building
                                       32   Single Story              types. These types are often dependant on the site
                                                                      where the building is located. These building types can
                                       34   Single StoryConditioned   be divided into two main building categories, fixed and
                                       36   Multi-Story               portable.
                                       38   Mechanized

                                       40   Warehouse                 The fixed type can be divided into several subcategories
                                                                      each with several different building types. The layout of
                                                                      these subcategories can vary depending on whether it is
                                                                      located in a single story or a multi story building. Single
                                                                      story buildings consist of both single story and single
                                                                      story conditioned buildings. These are typically located

                                                                      on industrial/suburban sites. Multi-story buildings have
                                                                      two types, multi-story and mechanized. Multi-story
                                                                      buildings are usually located on urban compact or edge-
                                                                      city sites. Mechanized storage is a high-end storage

                                                                      type where units are located on a rotating carousel so
                                                                      they can only be accessed by being lowered down to the
                                                                      entry level.

                                                                      Portable storage facilities are typically located on
                                                                      industrial/ suburban sites. The individual units can then

                                                                      be delivered to any home or business for the client and
                                                                      either moved to the facility for storage or to another

Self Storage   Self Storage
               Building Organization                                                                                                                                                                                                   Building Organization

               Introduction                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Introduction


                                                                                                                             Fixed Storage                                                   Portable Storage

                                                       Fixed Storage                              Portable Storage

                                        Single Story
                         Single Story                   Multi-Story      Mechanized


                                                                                                                             Fixed storage buildings are either multiple of one story        Portable self-storage is a portable alternative to the
                                                                                                                             buildings or a multi-story building. The single story           traditional or fixed storage. Instead of renting a storage
                                                                                                                             buildings are common in the suburban areas, where land          unit and having to take the belongings to the unit, the
                                                                                                                             is bigger and cheaper. The multi-story buildings are ones       portable unit is brought to the house or office. When the

                                                                                                                             that are located in urban areas, where land is smaller and      unit is filled with goods, it is then returned to the facility,
                                                                                                                             population is dense.                                            usually located in suburban areas.

               30                                        portable         fixed                                                                                                      fixed            portable                                                 31
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Fixed Storage                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Fixed Storage

               Single Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Single Story


                                                                                                                  to Fence



                                                                                                                  Vehicle Path



                    These buildings have units that are accessed
                    from the exterior. They have fencing around                  Vehicle Path

                    the building with a gate system and an office
                    on the front. The dimension between buildings                                                                                                               25
                    is 25’-0” for vehicular access to the drive-up                                                                                                                   ”


                    units. The common building width is 25’-0”
                    with a height ranging from 9’-0” to 12’-0”.                                                                                                                                                                        ft 2         square footage

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               See market chapter for more information

               32                                             portable   fixed                                                                                                                        fixed         portable                                             33
Self Storage              Self Storage
               Fixed Storage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fixed Storage

               Single Story - Conditioned                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Single Story - Conditioned

                                                                    Interior Units                                                                                                                                              End-Units

                                                                                                                                                                                                   e sV

                                                                                                                                                     9’-0” - 12’-0”

                                                                                                                                 Interior Corridor

                                                                                                                                  Interior Units                      Varies

                                                                                                    5’-0”                                                                                                      ’d

                                                                                                                9’-0” - 12’-0”


                                                                  Office/ Parking


                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Building Wide Units
                                                                                                  to Building

                     The exterior and interior type in addition to
                     exterior drive-up units also has interior units.                                                                                                                                                           Interior Units - Climate Control Units
                     These units are called climate-control-units.
                     They are units that are temperature controlled
                     and protect the materials from humidity and                                                                       Office


                     severe weather. These units are connected
                     with an interior corridor. Similar to exterior
                     units, there is an office at the entrance for                                Parking
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  ft 2         square footage
                     customer service.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          See market chapter for more information

               34                                                portable        fixed                                                                                                                                                       fixed        portable                                                  35
Self Storage   Self Storage
               Fixed Storage                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Fixed Storage

               Multi-Story                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Multi-Story

                                                                       Interior Units                                                                                                                    Smaller Units
                                                                                                                     Interior Units

                                                                                                                                                                           Interior Corridor

                                                                                                                Interior Corridor

                                                                                                                                                                            Inside Units



                                                                                                                                                                               Interior Corridor

                                                                       Office/ Entry

                                                                                                                                                                                                         Larger Units

                    Multi-story buildings are ones that all of their                                                                                        Multi-story buildings have various sizes
                    units are located inside and access to them is                                                              Entrance                    of units that are connected to each other
                    only possible through the facility. They have a                                                             Lobby                       with a 5’ corridor, and in some areas 7’
                    loading dock where the goods are brought to                                                                                             corridors. These units are usually climate
                    the facility. They are taken to the elevator and


                                                                                                                                                            controlled since they are located inside
                    then to the upper floors. These buildings can
                    have many stories, but they are usually 3-4
                    stories tall.
                                                                                                                                                            the building. Larger units are usually
                                                                                                                                                            located on the perimeter of the building                                               ft 2         square footage
                                                                                                    Office                                 Office           and smaller units are dispersed                                                                     efficiency
                                                                                                                                                            throughout the building.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           See market chapter for more information

               36                                               portable            fixed                                                                                                                               fixed   portable                                             37
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book
Self Storage: A Pattern Book

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Self Storage: A Pattern Book

  • 1. Self Storage A Pattern Book Jessie Carroll Pooneh Fassihi Nealia Giarratani Chris Giblin SS Mike Griffin Jamie Pirperis
  • 2. Self Storage Self Storage Sources Table of Contents Most Influential The American Institute of Architectural Graphic Standards, 11th Edition. Hoboken: Architects Wiley & Sons Inc., 2007. ISS Inside Self-Storage Using Site Security as a Marketing Tool-Luz. A Ber Self-Storage Construction-Heath Mulkey and Joe Trepke Kiwi II Construction 4 Introduction 6 Evolution Libery Building Systems 16 Site 2009 BlueScope Buildings North America, Inc. 28 Organization Massachusetts Building Code Commonwealth of Massachusetts 44 Structure William F. Galvin 66 Units 76 Systems Mini Storage Outlet 88 Access 98 Economy Providing Self-Storage Solutions 120 Matrix Self Storage Association Self Storage Deals Five Top Reasons Why People Use Self Storage-Daniel Myers The Onion Local Self Storage Facility A Museum of Personal Failure TBS Trachte Building Systems Texas Self Storage Association Wise Geek What Size Storage Unit Do I Need?-Cathy Rogers 2 3
  • 3. Self Storage Self Storage As Typology The United States currently has 2.3 billion square feet of self storage space...more than seven square feet for every man, woman and child. It’s now “physically possible that every American could stand - all at the same time- under the total canopy of self storage roofing. Introduction The erecting of self-storage facilities, and the evolution of self storage as a building typology, is one specific to the last half century. The initiation of the movement was based on a human need. Co ns y This need transpired from issues including; um ilit er ob ism M consumerism, mobility and life crisis. Post WWII the price of goods plummeted 50% while American wages increased. The result was vast consumerism, that is people buying more than ever before and needing a Life Cris place to store their items. is American mobility also sponsored a need for temporary storage. The average American moves eleven times in one’s lifetime. In the US alone 40 million people move each year. Therefore there is an immense need for $$ $$ -$$ +$$ temporary self-storage. Efficienc ty y Profitabili Lastly life crisis also added to the growing need for storage. Many connect this to the “no fault” divorce laws and the subsequent need for storage. Other life milestones include; college students, empty nesters, dramatic downsizing, and home or business SS SS foreclosures. As the need for storage evolved real-estate developers realized the economic profits available in the industry of storage. Therefore the most economic efficient means were utilized in the formation of facilities to cut upfront costs and increase profitability. It is the economics that shape the form of this typology. 5
  • 4. Self Storage evolution Evolution site organization 8 Timelines The evolution of Self Storage has strong ties to American 10 Domestic Storage culture. Topics of culture such as economy, family, geography, ideals, etc have all shaped the industry of 12 Disembodiment from the Home Self Storage. 14 Analysis Both fixed and portable Self Storage types have been structure influenced by specific cultural trends over the past century. units systems access economy 7
  • 5. Self Storage Self Storage Timeline Timeline evolution evolution 2008: GDP $14,441.4 B 2008: site site 51,251 Self Storage Facilities organization organization s ilitie fac age t or lfs structure structure f se ro be m 1984: nu GDP $3,930.9 B 1964: GDP $663.6 B units units uct gros s domestic prod 1984: 1780s 1900s 1951 1952 1998 1964: 6,601 Self Storage Facilities First Self Storage Facility Railroad Container Ships Truck Based 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s systems systems The history of self storage as we know In 1964 the first self storage facility was it in America begins with the growth of built in Odessa, Texas. Most items in suburbia in the 1950s. As Americans the original Self Storage facility were became wealthier they were acquiring household products. more possessions than they needed on access access a regular basis. This lead to the need In the graph above notice the similarity for storage outside of the home. between the rate of change of the Loose Boxes Closed Container Purpose-Built CONEX PODS Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and the Open top containers Rail containers Vessel US Army “Container Portable On Demand number of Self Storage facilities. used to ship raw with covered roof Ships designed to Express” Storage system materials via rail to protect materials transport cargo, standardized steel which moves and/ economy economy within converted tankers containers or stores personal/ until this point office items 8 portable fixed fixed portable 9
  • 6. Self Storage Self Storage Domestic Storage evolution evolution Percentage of Storage within the Home 5.36% storage site site organization organization The relationship between Self Storage and the American house is complicated. As the size of the home has grown, the percentage of storage within the home has also increased. Also, family size has decreased over the past century, essentially the home is getting larger with more storage within it and less people living there. structure structure 2.18% storage However, the need for Self Storage has grown rapidly. <0.1% storage In the graph on the previous page the shaded section house size: 2,400 sq ft shows the square footage of the home that is not taken storage size: 128.64 sq ft up by storage. From right to left there is a decrease in the margin between what is living space and what is units units storage space. Early to mid-century typical house plans show small deposits of storage (in green) compared to the later systems systems plan showing dispersed storage through out the house, especially around bedrooms and bathrooms. None of house size: 983 sq ft these diagrams account for basement, attic, or garage storage size: 21.43 sq ft house size: 700 sq ft storage; the focus is on the historically living spaces and storage size: 0.7 sq ft the encroachment of storage into that. access access house size-sq ft economy economy storage amount-sq ft 1900 1950 2000 10 portable fixed 11
  • 7. Self Storage Self Storage Disembodiment from the Home Disembodiment of from the Home evolution evolution site site organization organization structure structure units units Historically Americans provided As Americans became more Finally, Americans were able During the 1990s portable The user could also have the Or alternatively the user could their own storage within the “house proud” storage was to store their overflow of storage containers became container shipped to a new choose to have the contain home, clustered in areas such ejected from the home and possessions in storage facilities. a popular alternative to self location, generally for moving to stored at a facility owned by the as closets, basements, and forced into the garage. These facilities are away from storage facilities. Portable a new home. container company. The facility attics. the home, but usually within containers are dropped at the is generally not accessed by the systems systems the same town to allow for easy user’s home and packed by the user, and the container has to access. user. The user has the option to be brought to the user’s home keep the container on their own to retrieve items from within. property. Essentially the user has lost a geographic connection to their access access items being stored. economy economy 12 portable fixed fixed portable 13
  • 8. Self Storage Self Storage Analyisis Analysis evolution evolution “Who” Stores Store “What” Sentimental Items Academic Documents Furniture One in ten U.S. households People often store items Students store their now rent a self-storage unit. 50% of people store from deceased loved academic documents and furniture. It is the most The use of self-storage and its ones or items from failed small household items site site commonly stored item. demographic has increased relationships or marriages. between semesters. This is a result of what is dramatically in recent years. Appliances Storing is used as a way of Adults often store these referred to as the IKEA With the US facing an economic preserving one’s history. dated documents for later effect - furniture costs less People moving, downsizing, reference. recession a record number or experiencing home/ so people buy more. organization organization of homes and businesses buisness forclosures are finding themselves in may need to store large foreclosure. Therefore the household items. demand for larger units has skyrocketed in comparison to Families in Transition Home/ Buisness Foreclosures the smaller unit utilized in the consumerism/ economic boom. structure structure units units systems systems College Students in Transition Divorcee’s Exercise Equipment In an interview published Office Equipment access access by The Onion, one storage Failed businesses store facility claimed to store their equipment in hopes the largest collection of of utilizing it someday. Nordic Tracks, and the Households store dated owner foresaw an eventual electronic devices. increase in Bow Flexes. economy economy Empty Nester’s Downsizing 14 portable fixed fixed portable 15
  • 9. Self Storage evolution Site site organization 19 Site Location Self-storage facilities are built on different sites. They 20 Urban Compact are divided into four different sites: Urban Compact, Highway/Edge-City, Industrial/ Suburban, and Private 22 Highway/ Edge-City Property. 24 Industrial/ Suburban 26 Private Property There are many important factors that are taken into structure consideration for the different sites, but the four most important factors are: demographics, land values, speed/ visibility and parking space. Demographics studies of a specific site indicate the population that live in the area and help to understand the need for self-storage facility in the area. Land values are the most important factor. In units Urban compact and highway/edge-city sites, because of dense population land value is higher compared to the Industrial/Suburban sites. Self-storage facilities should be built on a site with high visibility to drivers, therefore, systems looking at the vehicle speeds of the neighborhood is also important. access economy 17
  • 10. Self Storage Site evolution Location site organization Site Location structure Urban Highway Industrial Private Property Compact (edge-city Suburban (Portable) units systems access economy fixed portable 19
  • 11. Self Storage Self Storage Site Site evolution evolution Urban Compact Urban Compact site site Demographics Speed/ Visibility Self-storage facilities located in urban compact sites are The self-storage facilities in urban compact sites are designed in dense residential areas. The population is located on a main road, where the speed limit is 30 mph. organization organization usually consisted of single male and female, young This allows the drivers to see the self-storage facility married couples usually with one child, and college while driving. students. structure structure Land Values Parking units units Due to high property values and dense population, urban Due to high land value parking space is minimized for sites create an ideal site for building a multi-story self- multi-story self storage facilities in the urban compact storage facility. sites, because these facilities try to provide more storage space than parking. systems systems $$$$ access access economy economy 20 portable fixed fixed portable 21
  • 12. Self Storage Self Storage Site Site evolution evolution Highway - Edge City Highway - Edge City site site Demographics Speed/ Visibility Some self-storage facilities are located by local highways The average speed limit on a highway is 60 mph. A self- for high visibility to the drivers. They are on zones storage facility that is built on a highway is visible to all organization organization between residential and commercial areas or edge of the people who drive by daily. city. The population is consisted of families with children where the need for storage space is a must. structure structure Land Values Parking units units Sites located at highway/ edge city are expensive but the Due to high land value parking space is minimized for land value is considered to be cheaper than urban/ multi-story self storage facilities that are built by a compact sites. highway. Since parking space is always an issue in a city, Therefore, this type of site is an ideal site for building a self-storage facilities try to provide parking space to the systems systems multi-story self-storage facility. customers for easy access. $$$ access access economy economy 22 portable fixed fixed portable 23
  • 13. Self Storage Self Storage Site Site evolution evolution Industrial/ Suburban Industrial/ Suburban site site Demographics Speed/ Visibility The Industrial/ Suburban sites house multiple of single Self-storage facilities in an Industrial/ Suburban site are story buildings, and the portable storage facilities. Since located on a main road, with high visibility to drivers. organization organization these sites are at the edge of industrial and suburban The average speed limit is 40 mph, where the driver can housing, the population is consisted of families with easily see the storage units while driving by. children living in single family houses. structure structure Land Values Parking units units The Industrial/ Suburban sites provide bigger and Since these sites house the single-story buildings with cheaper land compared to the urban compact sites. This access to units from the exterior, parking space is gives a flexibility of adding as many storage buildings as minimized, because people can drive their cars to their possible. units and access their goods, therefore there is no need systems systems for parking space. There is usually a few parking spots located by the entrance for customers who need to rent a unit. $ access access economy economy 24 portable fixed fixed portable 25
  • 14. Self Storage Self Storage Site Site evolution evolution Private Property Private Property site site Home Garage Office One of the sites for placing a portable storage container Portable containers are not only used by households, but is on a home property/ parking garage. Therefore, the they are also used by offices to store supplies. These organization organization container will become part of home and can stay on site containers can be stored in a basement level, storage as long as the owner needs to access it. room or parking garage of an office building. They can be placed on site as long as needed. structure structure Street Facility units units Sometimes these containers can be place on the street The portable storage containers can also be transported by the house, but the amount of time where they can be to a self-storage facility and stored there as long as placed there is limited. needed and they can be transported to a home or an office when needed. These facilities are usually located systems systems in Industrial/ Suburban sites. access access economy economy 26 portable fixed fixed portable 27
  • 15. Self Storage evolution Building Organization site organization 30 Introduction Self Storage facilities can have many different building 32 Single Story types. These types are often dependant on the site where the building is located. These building types can 34 Single StoryConditioned be divided into two main building categories, fixed and 36 Multi-Story portable. 38 Mechanized structure 40 Warehouse The fixed type can be divided into several subcategories each with several different building types. The layout of these subcategories can vary depending on whether it is located in a single story or a multi story building. Single story buildings consist of both single story and single story conditioned buildings. These are typically located units on industrial/suburban sites. Multi-story buildings have two types, multi-story and mechanized. Multi-story buildings are usually located on urban compact or edge- city sites. Mechanized storage is a high-end storage systems type where units are located on a rotating carousel so they can only be accessed by being lowered down to the entry level. Portable storage facilities are typically located on industrial/ suburban sites. The individual units can then access be delivered to any home or business for the client and either moved to the facility for storage or to another location. economy 29
  • 16. Self Storage Self Storage Building Organization Building Organization evolution evolution Introduction Introduction site site Building Organization organization organization Fixed Storage Portable Storage structure structure Fixed Storage Portable Storage units units Single Story Single Story Multi-Story Mechanized Conditioned Warehouse systems systems Fixed storage buildings are either multiple of one story Portable self-storage is a portable alternative to the buildings or a multi-story building. The single story traditional or fixed storage. Instead of renting a storage buildings are common in the suburban areas, where land unit and having to take the belongings to the unit, the is bigger and cheaper. The multi-story buildings are ones portable unit is brought to the house or office. When the access access that are located in urban areas, where land is smaller and unit is filled with goods, it is then returned to the facility, population is dense. usually located in suburban areas. economy economy 30 portable fixed fixed portable 31
  • 17. Self Storage Self Storage Fixed Storage Fixed Storage evolution evolution Single Story Single Story Dimensions site site 25’-0” Dimension to Fence 25’-0” organization organization 9’-12’-0” Varies structure structure Vehicle Path units units Building Width Parking Office systems systems These buildings have units that are accessed from the exterior. They have fencing around Vehicle Path 25’-0” the building with a gate system and an office on the front. The dimension between buildings 25 ’-0 is 25’-0” for vehicular access to the drive-up ” 38 access access units. The common building width is 25’-0” with a height ranging from 9’-0” to 12’-0”. ft 2 square footage % efficiency economy economy See market chapter for more information 32 portable fixed fixed portable 33
  • 18. Self Storage Self Storage Fixed Storage Fixed Storage evolution evolution Single Story - Conditioned Single Story - Conditioned Interior Units End-Units site site y ar e sV z Si 9’-0” - 12’-0” organization organization Interior Corridor Interior Units Varies structure structure 25 5’-0” ’d ee p 9’-0” - 12’-0” un its Varies units units Office/ Parking Dimension 25’-0” Building Wide Units to Building systems systems The exterior and interior type in addition to exterior drive-up units also has interior units. Interior Units - Climate Control Units These units are called climate-control-units. They are units that are temperature controlled and protect the materials from humidity and Office 63 access access severe weather. These units are connected with an interior corridor. Similar to exterior units, there is an office at the entrance for Parking ft 2 square footage % efficiency customer service. economy economy See market chapter for more information 34 portable fixed fixed portable 35
  • 19. Self Storage Self Storage Fixed Storage Fixed Storage evolution evolution Multi-Story Multi-Story Interior Units Smaller Units Interior Units site site Interior Corridor 7’-0” Interior Corridor Inside Units organization organization 5’-0” structure structure Perimeter Units Interior Corridor units units Office/ Entry Larger Units systems systems Elevator Multi-story buildings are ones that all of their Multi-story buildings have various sizes units are located inside and access to them is Entrance of units that are connected to each other only possible through the facility. They have a Lobby with a 5’ corridor, and in some areas 7’ loading dock where the goods are brought to corridors. These units are usually climate the facility. They are taken to the elevator and 68 access access controlled since they are located inside then to the upper floors. These buildings can have many stories, but they are usually 3-4 stories tall. the building. Larger units are usually located on the perimeter of the building ft 2 square footage % Office Office and smaller units are dispersed efficiency throughout the building. economy economy See market chapter for more information 36 portable fixed fixed portable 37