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ా   త:
     త:                              గ మ మను ద          నట

                                     గ ంటర సుమ !
కక      ాట           ెప       ెబ

 ె   పదం:                             త ర ం:
 ల గ పదం:

తల - Head                               ఇంప ా ప ౮ప             ర,

                                     అమ అ       ి       అన ం
అల - Wave
                                     అడగ      ర , తమ డూ అ
 డ ప కధ:
                                      ిలవ      ర కమ          ాడ
ఇంటల         గ            ల పవ       మను త      న

పద ం:                                సమ నం సుమ !

ఇమ గఁ జదువ                    ర ను        ట:
                                     మం మ ట:

అమ య             ి                   శమల ఉన ఆనం

యన మడ గ                   ర          గ ం న ార           తంల

                                     అనుక న         ా   ార
దమ లఁ ల వ                     ర ను
Proverb: Birds of a feather     STORY:
flock together                  TEENY-TINY

                                     ONCE UPON A TIME
RHYME:                          there was a teeny-tiny woman
                                lived in a teeny-tiny house in
Jack and Jill went up to hill
                                a teeny-tiny village. Now,
Jack and Jill went up to hill   one day this teeny-tiny
                                woman put on her teeny-tiny
To fetch a pail of water;
                                bonnet, and went out of her
Jack fell down, and broke his
                                teeny-tiny house to take a
                                teeny-tiny walk. And when
And Jill came tumbling after.
                                this teeny-tiny woman had
                                gone a teeny-tiny way she
                                came to a teeny-tiny gate; so
                                the teeny-tiny woman opened
Some virtues are only seen in   the teeny-tiny gate, and went
affliction and others only in   into a teeny-tiny churchyard.
prosperity                           And when this teeny-
TOUNGE TWISTER:                 tiny woman had got into the
                                teeny tiny churchyard, she
    Toy phone, Toy phone,       saw a teeny-tiny bone on a
Toy phone                       teeny-tiny grave, and the
                                teeny-tiny woman said to her
                                teeny-tiny self, “This teeny-
                                tiny bone will make me some
teeny-tiny soup for my teeny-    again a teeny-tiny time, the
tiny supper.” So the teeny-      teeny-tiny voice again cried
tiny woman put the teeny-        out from the teeny-tiny
tiny bone into her teeny-tiny    cupboard a teeny-tiny louder,
pocket, and went home to her          “Give me my bone!”
teeny-tiny house.                     This made the teeny-tiny
     Now when the teeny-         woman a teeny-tiny more
tiny woman got home to her       frightened, so she hid her
teeny tiny house she was a       teeny-tiny head a teeny-tiny
teeny-tiny bit tired; so she     further under the teeny-tiny
went up her teeny-tiny stairs    clothes. And when the teeny-
to her teeny-tiny bed, and put   tiny woman had been to sleep
the teeny tiny bone into a       again a teeny-tiny time, the
teeny-tiny cupboard.             teeny tiny voice from the
     And when this teeny         teeny-tiny cupboard said
tiny woman had been to sleep     again a teeny tiny louder,
a teeny-tiny time, she was            “Give me my bone!”
awakened by a teeny-tiny              And this teeny-tiny
voice from the teeny-tiny        woman was a teeny-tiny bit
cupboard, which said:            more frightened, but she put
     “Give me my bone!”          her teeny-tiny head out of the
And this teeny-tiny woman        teeny-tiny clothes, and said in
was a teeny-tiny frightened,     her loudest teeny-tiny voice,
so she hid her teeny-tiny head   “TAKE IT!”
under the teeny-tiny clothes
and went to sleep again. And
when she had been to sleep

• Never reject a day in Ur life, because Good day gives us
  happiness and bad day gives us experience. Both are essential in
• As the sky breaks into a beautiful Sunrise ...may GOD open the
  window of heaven to shower U lots of blessings...Good
  HAND…Good Morning
• The happiest people in the world are not those who have no
  problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less
  than perfect. Gd mrng
• Cockacoladuuuuuu, Refreshed and newwwwwwwwwwww, skies
  are bluuuuuuuuuuuu, Goodmorning to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu
• Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you
  try and know someone else and expect them to know you. Gd
• Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that
  you may keep. May all of your dreams and wishes come true.
  Coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you
• Simple Bye makes us cry, Simple joke makes us Laugh, Simple
  care makes us fall in Luv, Simple Touch makes us feel better, But
  i hope my simple MSG makes u smile!gd mrng
• U can close Ur eyes to things u dont want to see. But u can’t
  close ur heart to things u do not want to mrng
• Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits - LOVE +
  HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with
  PPL Dear 2 me. I’m sharing all with U… Good Morning

   1. One of Mr. Horton, his wife,           of apples. Further, if the third
      their son, and Mr. Horton's            farmer gives one apple to the
      mother is a doctor and another         first, and the fifth gives three to
      is a lawyer.
                                             each of the second and the
          a. a)if the doctor is younger
             than the lawyer, then the       fourth, they would all have
             doctor and the lawyer are       exactly the same number of
             not blood relatives.            apples. What were the yields
          b. b)if the doctor is a            per tree in the orchards of the
             woman, then the doctor          third and fourth farmers?
             and the lawyer are blood     5. By trial and error method, we
                                             get the value for x and y as 11
          c. c)If the lawyer is a man,
             then the doctor is a man.       and 9
             Whose occupation you                a. There are 3 persons
             know?                                   Sudhir, Arvind, and
   2. If point P is on line segment                  Gauri. Sudhir lent cars to
      AB, then which of the                          Arvind and Gauri as
      following is always true?                      many as they had
                 i. AP = PB (2) AP >
                                                     already. After some time
                    PB (3) PB > AP
                    (4) AB > AP (5)                  Arvind gave as many
                    AB > AP + PB                     cars to Sudhir and Gauri
                                                     as many as they have.
   3. A student divided a number by                  After sometime Gauri
      2/3     when     he    required                did the same thing. At
      multiplying by 3/2. Calculate                  the     end     of     this
      the percentage of error in his                 transaction each one of
      result.                                        them had 24. Find the
   4. Five farmers have 7, 9, 11, 13                 cars each originally had.
      & 14 apple trees, respectively
      in their orchards. Last year,
      each of them discovered that
      every tree in their own orchard
      bore exactly the same number
6. What is the missing number
   in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14   11.The two colors seen at the
   6 18 12                               extreme ends of the pH chart
   16                                    are:
   9                                     Red and Blue
   15                                    Red and Green
   6                                     Green and Blue
                                         Orange and Green
7. In the given figure, PA and
   PB are tangents to the circle      12.A train which travels at a
   at A and B respectively and           uniform speed due to some
   the chord BC is parallel to           mechanical       fault     after
   tangent PA. If AC = 6 cm,             traveling for an hour goes at
   and length of the tangent AP          3/5th of the original speed
   is 9 cm, then what is the             and reaches the destination 2
   length of the chord BC?               hrs late. If the fault had
   4 cm                                  occurred     after     traveling
   8 cm                                  another 50 miles the train
   6 cm                                  would have reached 40 min
   5 cm                                  earlier. What is distance
                                         between the two stations.
8. x% of y is y% of ?                    310
   x/y                                   320
   2y                                    305
   can’t be determined                13.Which number is the odd one
                                         out? 9678 4572 5261 3527
9. 20% of a 6 liter solution and         7768
   60% of 4 liter solution are           7768
   mixed. What percentage of the         3527
   mixture of solution                   4572
10.If the radius of a circle is          5261
   diminished by 10%, then its
   area is diminished by:             14.The tutor of Alexander the
   10%                                   great was
   19%                                   Darius
   20%                                   Cyrus
   36%                                   Socrates
Aristotle                             performed by train. What
                                         was the distance travelled by
15.Goitre    caused  by        the       train?
   deficiency of ………                     600Km
   Vitamin D                             700Km
   Iron                                  800Km
   Vitamin A                             900Km
                                      19.The average between a two
16.A boat travels 20 kms                 digit number and the number
   upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms          obtained by interchanging the
   downstream in 4 hrs. Find the         digits is 9. What is the
   speed of the boat in still water      difference between the two
   and the speed of the water            digits of the number?
   current?                              8
   1/2 kmph                              2
   7/12 kmph                             5
   5 kmph                                Cannot be determined
   none of these                      20.The population of a town was
                                         1,60,000 three years ago. If it
17.2 hours after a freight train         increased by 3%, 2.5% and
   leaves Delhi a passenger train        5% respectively in the last
   leaves the same station               three years, then the present
   travelling in the same                population of the town is :
   direction at an average speed         1,77,000
   of 16 km/hr. After travelling         1,77,366
   4 hrs the passenger train             1,77,461
   overtakes the freight train.          1,77,596
   The average speed of the
   freight train was?

18.Dinesh travelled 1200 km by
   air which formed 2/5 of his
   trip. One third of the whole
   trip, he travelled by car and
   the rest of the journey he
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       û.Ä.Îâ°°Ö          ´×ᬠ         ¿õªZrÈÒ     Z¹å¿õûªgÒ

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    ROM              PROM            FLASH

                 MAIN MEMORY ROM

                        CACHE MEMORY                                    I/O

          DECODER                                Accumulator
                                                 Register               E

          Program Control                                               V
                                                 General Purpose
          Instruction                                                   I
          Register                               General                C
          Memory Address                         Purpose Register
          Memory Buffer

           Input / Output

           General Purpose                      General Purpose
           Register                             Register

      Control Unit                              Arithmetic Logic Unit

                             Central Processing Unit
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ందరవందర ా లక ం                                  ట క ల . (D’s)

INBOX ఉంచ                             ఆర

1. (Delete)                  ల ంచు:        ర

చ            ప           ా        ావల ిన           3. (Delegate) ప              : ండ

 ా           అ                ఆల ంచం ,                   ాలల            అవ క         ే ఆ

అవసరం                లదంట             ంట           ప       ే       ంచుక          ి    ల

    ల ం ేయం .                                      మనం ఉ                మ , అందుక

                                                   ఆ      ప                 ప         ల
2. (Do) ేయం : మన నుం
                                                   ఇం కళ        అప          ంచం .
EMAIL                ావ ిన            వలం

 ండ                          ాల    మత          ,
                                                   4. (Defer)           ా      : మనం
 ందు                          ాల       ాట
                                                   ఒక          ప                     ంట
 ట           ం , అక                ,ే అప       ే
                                                    ేయలక           ,ే                ండ
చ        ,           ఆ        ప       ప
                                                         ాల        కంట          ఎక వ
    ేయ           .
పటల ా           ఉంట,       ల     చదువ                   ఒకట,

చూసుక             ేయం ,     ఈ             త ల          టడ

ప             ేయవల ిన పనుల       ఒకట        అల          ాల ా

జ         ల       టం .(To-Do       ేయం .

                                 6.(Daily) ై :   ప

                                 చదవం , చదవ           EMAILS
5. (Diminish) తగ త ం : ఇ
                                 సంఖ       సు     ఉండ    ప
బ       బర వ త ంచం ,
                 ాల ా(Folders
                                 ఇల       ేసుంట   ఇంబ       ల
lo) ే ి       ట సంబం ం న
                                   ెత ర     దు.
    ాటల         టం .      అంట,

Ascend D2, 5 Inch
Quad Core Android
Smartphone          From    Windows Phone 7.8
Huawei                      Update Coming in
                            January 2013

Huawei 2013 ల        డ దల
 ేయ       ఒక    త వ హ       Microsoft Windows         7

రచన     ే ం .   ఒక     త    మ య Windows               8

android Smartphone          ఒక న కరణను        ంద
 డ దల      ేసుం .    with    ాద   Windows            7.5
quad-core     processors
and      uses     5-inch          గ రల       అసంతృ ి
called Ascend D2.           చూ ల      ఉం .      ాబ

                            జనవ       ల,     Microsoft

ప క ాల       సం Windows       మ య        అ క        ఇతర ల

       న కరణ       ర    7.8   న కరణ toWindows

 డ దల ేసుం .                  7.8       ందు ర

                              Windows                     7.5

ఈ పదం             ణల    తం    ప క ాల .

Microsoft        క అ   ా క        క   4, క     7 3G
పకటన నుం           ందవచు .    మత         ాదు    క     10
జనవ         ల      వసుంద      క       అమ డ          ం :
అ     ా క        న కరణలను

 డ దల క           Windows

      7.5 నడ సున

Windows            ప క ాల

 సం         సు    ర . Nokia

Lumia 900, Lumia 800,
Lumia 710, Lumia 510
సమ న         ష        ల        ోస ాయ        అరట మ య         ాల      క
రసం మ య                   పచ       ాయ                   ేయం ,     15-20
రసం         కలపం .             మ ఖం                ాల            చర ం ౖ
మ య                   డ                ద        ాయం .     చలట      ట
 ాయం .            క సం                 20   క     యం .      మ ఖ చర ం
        ాల       త ా త             చలట      సు     త             మ య
    ట   క        యం                             ాం వంతం అవ త ం .

ప       ా        చల           ాల
మ ఖం కడగం . ఇ
చర ం         క            చ            న
చ ా               ల సుం ,చల
 ాల              మ ఖం కడగడం
వల      చర ం              సు       త
మ య                       ాం వంతం
అవ త ం
బ           ాయ నుం తయ ర                     తల మ డ       ా ి గంట
    ే       బ             ాల వల        ట      ఆరగంట     తర ాత
    ాలడం తగ త ం . ఇ                   ఒక       ళ             కడ ా . ట
పకృ                  ిద       న       త .      రగ            ఇ     ఎం
        బ            మక ల               ే ి   ఉపక సుం
ర           ే             బ           ాల
తయ రవ త                       .    మడ
    ాయడం                  వల           ట
    రగత ం .

మ డ                  బం ా దుంపల ,
గడ              పచ        న        మ య
                ే    నుం           క ం న
బం ా దుంప రసం జ ం
    ాయడం వల                       ట త ర ా
    రగ                .
ట       రసం:
            రసం:                           క ర ాయల సల :
    ావల న ప
        ి                 ాల :             బం ా దుంపల (ఒ             న)–4
            ట             -       చక   ా    ా ట (మ క ల ) – 3
క       ం       ఒ     న 1 ల            2   ఆక పచ           య ల -1
మక ల,                                      మధ తర          ఉ    ాయ
            ర -2 ా                         (త    న) - 1
        చ       ర-ర           ప ారం         ాబ          - 1/4 తల ( న
            మ             రసం          -   మ క ల ాక            ం )
    ావల ినంత                               ఆక క రల - 1-2 ాడల
తయ                  నం:
                    నం                     (1/4-1/2 మ క ల )
            ర మ య చ                ర       ఎర ప ర         కర   నఆ ి
    ట               శమం ర బ ం .            (ఒ     న)-1
ర           ప ారం             మ    రసం          క జ న - 1 - 14
కలపం .                                     ప      బట ల - 1 - 14
                                               ర - 10
                                           ఎం న త ల ి - 1 tsp
ఉప త నంత                       ెల            గ - 1క
తయ         నం:
           నం                     ర - 1/2 కప
ఉప తప అ          ంట       ళ   చ     ర - 3/4 కప
     ి అరగంట ఉ    ం ఉప        ఉప త నంత
కల ప క            .           ఆ ే ాల :
                              ఒక ా ల ఉప , పంచ ర,
                                    గ         ి          ేయం .
                                              ణల       తర ాత
                               ోస ాయ                  మక ల,
                              ఉ         ాయ        మక ల          ి
                              బ ాక           ి అరగంట సన     గ
 ోస ాయ సల :
                                  ద ఉం            ం ేయం .
 ావల న :
 ోస ాయల - సన          ా
మక ల
 ెల ప ఉ     ాయ - 1 న ,
సన    ామ క ల
ద             మ ందు                  జ ి
    క        ా ి     న        ి ి ప   "ఏమ .... నువ          జ ి
మందుల              ాప     ా      ఇ     ౌద     ా అమ
"ఇందుల             ా న మందు
                     ి                కదూ?!"
 ీ ాల         ం వ ం "అ
                                      " ాదం .... జ ి        చకవ
అ       ాడ         ాసు.
                                       ా అమ            "
" ం ెందుకం ?"
                                      "మ ం ఫ ా లదమ ...
అమ యకం ా అ                     ాడ
                                       ామ ా ౖ ే       ంట
 ాప      ాడ .
                                            శ ర ావ అ        ే ంట,
"ఈ      ీ ాల            మందు
                                      ఇదర      ే ిం   జ ి
 ద            మ ందు
                                      క !?"
    గమ             ర . ఒకట
ఇంట , ం ో
ఆ ీసుల .."
వంశ ారంపర ం                     నూ ట         - బల
" ంకయ ార ... ఈ జబ               "నూ టన తల           దఆ ి
         ాలదు.                  ప     భ మ కరణ శ
వంశ ారంపర ం ా వ           ం .   కను     వడం వల మనం
ఆప ష        ే         త ం "     బ       య ం కదమ "
 ె ా డ          క .             సూ ల         ాఠం     వ     క
"అమ య ... బ             ం ర.    త           ెప డ బంట.
అ      ే ఆ అప ష          ోమ
                                "అ ేంట ? " అ         ం   త .
    తయ క         ెయ ం "
 ె ా డ     ంకయ .
                                " న          బల ల
                                క . మ భ మ కరణ
                                లక      ే    ాట వర
                                    ంట ర "    వ ం డ
మ డవ                అ     యం-కర
                          యం కర                 బ ధకల ఎ          ట,       ే    క
    గమ                                          ల భల       ట, ఎ ప              వల
                                                ఇర క ంట          , ఎ ప         వల
                                                మ    వసుం ోÉÉ ఇల కర
      కర                  గమ                -
                                                సంబం ం న                      అ
ల కమ న కర                     ేయక ఏ
                                                 షయల                  చ       ంచడం
      ఉండలడ .             ా         ా
                                                జ   ం .          అందు              ఈ
 య            ం న                 పనుల
                                                అ   య            కర           గమ
(కర లను)        ార            ే         ా
                                                అ      ర    టర.
అ     క              ా మ బ                  .
 ాళ                       యవల ిన
పనులను ఫల                     లక ం ,                దట     కం:
ఈశ ర                అ     సు        మ
                                                జయ ీ       ేత ర ణ         మ
అ     ఉ శమ
        ే                          ేయ .
                                                బ   జ రన!
ఆయ పనుల ( ార మ లను)
                                                త   ం కర ణ            మం
మ         ి   ఎందుక               ేయల ,
                                                     జయ ి శవ!!
 ేయక                ే క             ాధక
    త రం
     అర నుడ     ె    ను:- ఓ
    ా! జ నమ         కర       కంట
ష      నద       అ మతమ
అ    న , మ      ఈ (య ద)
భయంకర       న            కర మ
నందు                     న    ల
పవ ంపజయ చు               వ?
All the strength and succor you
21 Effective Quotation         of    want is within you. Therefore
Swami Vivekananda                    make           your           own
                                     future. 6. There is no help for
1. If the mind is intensely          you outside of yourself; you are
eager, everything    can   be        the creator of the universe. Like
accomplished—mountains can be        the silkworm you have built a
crumbled into atoms.                 cocoon around yourself…. Burst
                                     your own cocoon and come out
2. Take up one idea. Make that       aw the beautiful butterfly, as the
one idea your life – think of it,    free soul. Then alone you will
dream of it, and live on idea. Let   see Truth.
the brain, muscles, nerves, every
part of your body, be full of that   7. It is our own mental attitude
idea, and just leave every other     which makes the world what it is
idea alone. This is the way to       for us. Our thought make things
success.                             beautiful, our thoughts make
                                     things ugly. The whole world is
3. Come out into the universe        in our own minds. Learn to see
of Light. Everything in the          things in the proper light. First,
universe is yours, stretch out       believe in this world, that there is
your arms and embrace it with        meaning behind everything.
love. If you every felt you          Everything in the world is good,
wanted to do that, you have felt     is holy and beautiful. If you see
God.                                 something evil, think that you do
                                     not understand it in the right
4. All knowledge that the world
                                     light. Throw the burden on
has ever received comes from the
mind; the infinite library of the
universe is in our own mind.         8. Hold to the idea, “I am not
                                     the mind, I see that I am
5. Stand up, be bold, and be
                                     thinking, I am watching my mind
strong.    Take     the   whole
                                     act,” and each day the
responsibility on your own
                                     identification of yourself with
shoulders, and know that you are
                                     thoughts and feelings will grow
the creator of your own destiny.
less, until at last you can entirely   Those who think ahead of their
separate yourself from the mind        time   are     sure  to    be
and actually know it to be apart       misunderstood.
from yourself.
                                       14. If you think that you are
9. All love is expansion, all          bound, you remain bound; you
selfishness is contraction. Love is    make your own bondage. If you
therefore the only law of life. He     know that you are free, you are
who loves lives, he who is selfish     free this moment. This is
is dying. Therefore love for           knowledge,    knowledge      of
love’s sake, because it is law of      freedom. Freedom is the goal of
life, just as you breathe to live.     all nature.

10. Our duty is to encourage           15. As long as we believe
everyone in his struggle to live       ourselves to be even the least
up to his own highest idea, and        different from God, fear remains
strive at the same time to make        with us; but when we know
the ideal as near as possible to       ourselves to be the One, fear
the Truth.                             goes; of what can we be afraid?

11. Even the greatest fool can         16. Your Atman is the support
accomplish a task if it were after     of the universe—whose support
his or her heart. But the              do you stand in need of? Wait
intelligent ones are those who         with patience and love and
can convert every work into one        strength. If helpers are not ready
that suits their taste.                now, they will come in time.
                                       Why should we be in a hurry?
12. Condemn none: if you can           The real working force of all
stretch out a helping hand, do so.     great work is in its almost
If you cannot, fold your hands,        unperceived beginnings.
bless your brothers and let them
go their own way.                      17. Learning and wisdom are
                                       superfluities, the surface glitter
13. Each work has to pass              merely, but it is the heart that is
through these stages—ridicule,         the seat of all power. It is not in
opposition, and then acceptance.       the brain but in the heart that the
Atman, possessed of knowledge,
power, and activity, has its seat.

18. Understanding         human
nature is the highest knowledge,
and only by knowing it can we
know God? It is also a fact that
the knowledge of God is the
highest knowledge, and only by
knowing God can we understand
human nature

19. Purity,      patience,   and
perseverance are the three
essentials to success and, above
all, love.

20. If you want to have life,
you have to die every moment
for it. Life and death are only
different expressions of the same
thing looked at from different
standpoints; they are the falling
and the rising of the same wave,
and the two form one whole.

21. Each soul is potentially
divine. The goal is to manifest
this divinity within by controlling
nature, external and internal. Do
this either by work, or worship or
psychic control or philosophy –
by one or more or all of these and
be free.
                                     ఆ     య ర , మ య భర
 ం         అం ల            ఒకట
                                     ార      నుం       వ    ం .
తర ంచడం                         ా,
                                     అతను          వ   నప డ ,
స       కరణం   స          ేయం .
                                     తన     ర చ        ంద ,
62 - 63 = 1
                                     మ య         ార ల ఒక   ంజ
SUDOKO:                              ఉం .    వ ంచం ?

                                     ాదు     త ర ా         న ం
                                     కంట మ ట . ఇ
                                             ే         ఏ    ట?

                                     ఇందుల 3*3 ఉంట          .
                                          దట వర సల A,B,C
                                     ండవ వర సల F,G,H
                                     ఉంట     ,   వ మ డవ
ఒక వ           మ య         అత
                                     వర సల L.M,N ఉంట            .
    ర     ధుల గ ం          ప
 గం        న       ార .     ార       ఈ ంద        ఒక ఉదహరణ
X < 1G, అంట , G     ఒక 1
                     ఎడమ మ ందు వర సల X

పక న     ా ఉన        X < > 1G, అంట , G    ఒక
 టకల.                1 ఎడమ ల     క       మం
                     వర సల X ఉం
X=G, అంట X,G, ఒక
 ంట    ఉంట

X≠G, అంట ఒక     ంట
తం ారం సమ                   ల:

8     5       4     9       1    7    6

      10      3     2       0

      సంఖ ల అ ర కమంల
                                          గం లయం
ఉంట           .

     (Eight, five, four, nine, one,
seven, six, ten, three, two, zero)

క          ే ల     ాక ం         ఎడమ

    ే ల మత

పట        గ       న ?

      ఎడమ               ే
Zû©K                  Æ{âX
dâ×â°È° yêpðn×â ãâǪ ×â°ªn    Æ{âX e Àâpâª
      ±ª|⪠d¨¿xª             Uª{âîd¨ ÊËÀâ×Ö|Öpâª
      ÅÖ|âXyâ d¨¿xª           yêÐ×â ÊËÆyÖÈÑ A|Öpâª
     ær°ª±ª d¨¿xª             Æ{âX e úfpâª
 ´ª{âîQ dâ×â°¹Ö~ßÈé yâÈn      ´ª{âîd¡ ´ª{â×âªyâ {â°Öpâª
A»¥WÎâ°yâ¾ ~ߪn               ´ª¬yá ´ªyâ g³~ßR
yâ×â ÀÖî d¨¿xª                ¿xyÖýpâª
´ÝßéîQµâÈÃé d⸦ªn            Æ{âX e ÅÖ¿ßýpâª
ÀÖî dâÔâ¶Q ¹è¸ªn                  ApÖºªkÖ¶ ´ª{âpâª
                                  ´ÅâXûªkÖ¶ ¾pâªyâpâª
´ÀâÀâÃé×Ö¶Q ¿xþéªn
                              Æ{âX e gñpâÀâª
ÀÖî ÅâÆÍßXyâK° gâ°îªn
                                  mC Ö×Ö¾Ñ ÊËÀâª
yâ×â Eªs×ð ×âª{â×âÀâ×âª
ká¿ö Zû KÑ ¹Ö{Ö« Àâª{â×⪠        ¿xÀâÃémé¾Ñ {êôÀâª
A Zû©K ÆÈ°Àâ¾ gâ°îKªn yâ×âÑ   Æ{âX e IÍß¿ß°b
Àâ°×â ´ª{âî ´« Àâª{â×⪠          ~õªkâ°×â° yám¿ß°b
                                  y³ÈЪkâ°×â° yâÀâ°¿ß°b
EªZ¬Îâ° ~ß×â°È°
´ª{âÀê°ô×â o Z~ß~ߪkÖ¾Q kâ°Ö¿öÆ pêªvâ° dâÔâ°
´ª{âÀê°ô×â o Z~ß~ߪkÖ¾Q gâ°îªn AȨnªkâvÖ¾Ñ n×âQ
Àê°{âvâ° kÖÈ°
×âvâÀÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâ {â°Öp⪠×âvâÀâÖ¾dêô×Ö pêªvâ°
dÖÔâ° kÖÈ°
pÖÎâÃéȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR U¾Q dâÆyâÈ×êô×Ö pÖÎâ°vÖ¾Ñ adâ
káΰ kÖÈ°
Æ×ÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR U¾Q ¹ÖrÈêô×Ö, ÀâÃérÈêô×Ö Æ×âvÖ¾Ñ
pêªvâ° kêÀâóÈ° kÖÈ°
yâr¦°d¨ÀÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR ±Ö|â×êô×Ö, ¿xªy¨¤Ö×êô×Ö
yâr¦°d¨ÀâvÖ¾Ñ gâ°~õRvâ° gâ°ªvê kÖÈ°
¿ßRª¬ªkÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâs {Ö¾dêô×Ö
¿ßRª¬ªkâvÖ¾Ñ n×âQ Àâ°×â¿x° kÖÈ°
ÉÖºªkÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâ I×âQyâ dÖpÖX×êô×Ö
ÉÖºªkâvÖ¾Ñ dâÚÀêÚ |êôpâXª kÖÈ°
పపంచం ల         ంత         ాల

 • మగ ా కంట టంప                  ార ఆడ ాళ         ప   ార

 •   ీ    క ల కల            ా ల    ర       చూ ా

 •        ల          జ     ఆక పచ రంగ

 • గత 4000 సంవత రల ా మ                 ి    త ంప డ జంత వ

     అ   న జంత వ ఏ లదు

 • ఎవ            ె          ార    కడం అ ాధ ం

 • మ      ి ,        ా ీ    డల ఉం ే ఎమ కల సంఖ ఒకట

 • మ      ి రకం ల 83 ాతం ర ఉంట ం

 • 11 ాతం మనుష ల ఎడమ ే                     ాటం ార

 • ప     ల      ంగ          గర      కరణ శ అవసరం
• క ం ేల         అ మధురమ అంట ఎం                 ఇషం

ఆస కర       న జల :

 • ఒక                  ంగలం           క      ల క ఒక ఏనుగ    వల

       డవ ా ఉంట ం .

 • పపంచంల              అ    ద ప        మగ ఉషప (Ostrich), సగట

     మగ ఉషప 345                ండ వరక బర వ ఉంట ం .

 •          మగ         ం        (Sing birds) ప         2000 కంట

     ఎక వ ార           ాడ         .

 • ఫ    ి        (Puffins) ట అడ గ న ఎగరగలవ .

 • భ            4.56       య     సంవత ాల ... చందుడ మ య

     సూర డ అ ే వయసు                   ార .

 • ప        వ     అత       ల     ఆ           త ాలంల చర ం 40lbs

     ాల త ం .
• మ         ి         ె ,మక                 తంతం ర గ త ంట

CURRENT AFFAIR:                                       ధ ం ాల జర గ త
సృ ి ల ఆల చన ఉన ఎ క                               .
       మ            .ి    వల         వలం
                                                  అందుక           ఒక    ఉ హరణ,
మ      ి    మత                    ఆ వరం
                                                  అ            ాల జ     ం .
ఉం . మ                   ిఆ       ధసు
                                                  ఇటవల ఒక క ాడ                    ఒక
ఎ               ా ం డ,               ఎం
                                                      ాఠ ాల             త       , ఇంక
అ వ                 ెం డ . ా             ాల
                                                      ంత మం            అమ యకప ,
గమనన                               మర
                                                  ప ి       ిలల         ా న మ ా,
దుహ ంచ                        వల ిన         ా
                                                      ిటల                   ా    నట
అ               ం . సృ ి                ప
                                                      ాల       ాడ . తర ాత తన
సృ ి                          ే సు       ర.
                                                  తను                       ాచుక
ప          ాల                 ట      ఎ
                                                  చ         య డ . ఈ ఘటనల

                                                           ప       17           మం
చ     య ర , 22               మం               మన      ేశం క డ ఆ ఆగ

 ాయల అయ                   ........            రగ ంల       బంధల               లక ం ,

                                               వల                    మర

                                              తయ రవ             .    ఆ                   మన
ఎట           ం       మన              నవ
                                              భ షత          మనం                  ప            ి
య వ సమ జం???????????
                                              అంత     దూరం                       ాక ం

                                              చూసు        ా .                            మనం
ఎక    ో అ            ాల        జ          ే    ేయ     న         మన తర ా
ఇక డ         ఎ       ట               అ        త ాల        అల             అవక ం
అడగచు . అంట,              ానుభ                చూసు వడం.
 ెబ    మ         మనుష ల ా
                                              మనం     కన                 ా                సం,
అంట ా?           అ             ఒక ట
                                              మనల         కన                 ా            సం
స     త ం ........????
                                               ాస సమయ                            ట        ం

                                               ాళ     మ             పం               .
Second edition

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Second edition

  • 1.
  • 2. త: త: గ మ మను ద నట గ ంటర సుమ ! కక ాట ెప ెబ ె పదం: త ర ం: ల గ పదం: తల - Head ఇంప ా ప ౮ప ర, అమ అ ి అన ం అల - Wave అడగ ర , తమ డూ అ కధ: డ ప కధ: ిలవ ర కమ ాడ ఇంటల గ ల పవ మను త న ం: పద ం: సమ నం సుమ ! ఇమ గఁ జదువ ర ను ట: మం మ ట: అమ య ి శమల ఉన ఆనం యన మడ గ ర గ ం న ార తంల అనుక న ా ార దమ లఁ ల వ ర ను
  • 3. Proverb: Birds of a feather STORY: flock together TEENY-TINY ONCE UPON A TIME RHYME: there was a teeny-tiny woman lived in a teeny-tiny house in Jack and Jill went up to hill a teeny-tiny village. Now, Jack and Jill went up to hill one day this teeny-tiny woman put on her teeny-tiny To fetch a pail of water; bonnet, and went out of her Jack fell down, and broke his teeny-tiny house to take a crown, teeny-tiny walk. And when And Jill came tumbling after. this teeny-tiny woman had gone a teeny-tiny way she came to a teeny-tiny gate; so GOOD WORD: the teeny-tiny woman opened Some virtues are only seen in the teeny-tiny gate, and went affliction and others only in into a teeny-tiny churchyard. prosperity And when this teeny- TOUNGE TWISTER: tiny woman had got into the teeny tiny churchyard, she Toy phone, Toy phone, saw a teeny-tiny bone on a Toy phone teeny-tiny grave, and the teeny-tiny woman said to her teeny-tiny self, “This teeny- tiny bone will make me some
  • 4. teeny-tiny soup for my teeny- again a teeny-tiny time, the tiny supper.” So the teeny- teeny-tiny voice again cried tiny woman put the teeny- out from the teeny-tiny tiny bone into her teeny-tiny cupboard a teeny-tiny louder, pocket, and went home to her “Give me my bone!” teeny-tiny house. This made the teeny-tiny Now when the teeny- woman a teeny-tiny more tiny woman got home to her frightened, so she hid her teeny tiny house she was a teeny-tiny head a teeny-tiny teeny-tiny bit tired; so she further under the teeny-tiny went up her teeny-tiny stairs clothes. And when the teeny- to her teeny-tiny bed, and put tiny woman had been to sleep the teeny tiny bone into a again a teeny-tiny time, the teeny-tiny cupboard. teeny tiny voice from the And when this teeny teeny-tiny cupboard said tiny woman had been to sleep again a teeny tiny louder, a teeny-tiny time, she was “Give me my bone!” awakened by a teeny-tiny And this teeny-tiny voice from the teeny-tiny woman was a teeny-tiny bit cupboard, which said: more frightened, but she put “Give me my bone!” her teeny-tiny head out of the And this teeny-tiny woman teeny-tiny clothes, and said in was a teeny-tiny frightened, her loudest teeny-tiny voice, so she hid her teeny-tiny head “TAKE IT!” under the teeny-tiny clothes and went to sleep again. And when she had been to sleep
  • 5. GOOD MRNG SMS • Never reject a day in Ur life, because Good day gives us happiness and bad day gives us experience. Both are essential in Life. • As the sky breaks into a beautiful Sunrise ...may GOD open the window of heaven to shower U lots of blessings...Good Morning... • LIFE IS LIKE A GAME OF CARDS; IT DOES NOT DEPEND HOW GOOD CARDS U HOLD IN UR HAND, BUT HOW GOOD U PLAY WITH THE CARDS U HOLD IN UR HAND…Good Morning • The happiest people in the world are not those who have no problems, but those who learn to live with things that are less than perfect. Gd mrng • Cockacoladuuuuuu, Refreshed and newwwwwwwwwwww, skies are bluuuuuuuuuuuu, Goodmorning to youuuuuuuuuuuuuu • Make yourself a better person and know who you are before you try and know someone else and expect them to know you. Gd mrng • Dream a dream tonight as you sleep. Smile a smile tomorrow that you may keep. May all of your dreams and wishes come true. Coz I couldn’t find a better friend like you • Simple Bye makes us cry, Simple joke makes us Laugh, Simple care makes us fall in Luv, Simple Touch makes us feel better, But i hope my simple MSG makes u smile!gd mrng • U can close Ur eyes to things u dont want to see. But u can’t close ur heart to things u do not want to mrng • Early this morning God gave me 3 baskets of fruits - LOVE + HAPPINESS + PEACE OF MIND and told me 2 share them with PPL Dear 2 me. I’m sharing all with U… Good Morning
  • 6. REASONING QUESTIONS: 1. One of Mr. Horton, his wife, of apples. Further, if the third their son, and Mr. Horton's farmer gives one apple to the mother is a doctor and another first, and the fifth gives three to is a lawyer. each of the second and the a. a)if the doctor is younger than the lawyer, then the fourth, they would all have doctor and the lawyer are exactly the same number of not blood relatives. apples. What were the yields b. b)if the doctor is a per tree in the orchards of the woman, then the doctor third and fourth farmers? and the lawyer are blood 5. By trial and error method, we relatives. get the value for x and y as 11 c. c)If the lawyer is a man, then the doctor is a man. and 9 Whose occupation you a. There are 3 persons know? Sudhir, Arvind, and 2. If point P is on line segment Gauri. Sudhir lent cars to AB, then which of the Arvind and Gauri as following is always true? many as they had i. AP = PB (2) AP > already. After some time PB (3) PB > AP (4) AB > AP (5) Arvind gave as many AB > AP + PB cars to Sudhir and Gauri as many as they have. 3. A student divided a number by After sometime Gauri 2/3 when he required did the same thing. At multiplying by 3/2. Calculate the end of this the percentage of error in his transaction each one of result. them had 24. Find the 4. Five farmers have 7, 9, 11, 13 cars each originally had. & 14 apple trees, respectively in their orchards. Last year, each of them discovered that every tree in their own orchard bore exactly the same number
  • 7. 6. What is the missing number in this series? 8 2 14 6 11 ? 14 11.The two colors seen at the 6 18 12 extreme ends of the pH chart 16 are: 9 Red and Blue 15 Red and Green 6 Green and Blue Orange and Green 7. In the given figure, PA and PB are tangents to the circle 12.A train which travels at a at A and B respectively and uniform speed due to some the chord BC is parallel to mechanical fault after tangent PA. If AC = 6 cm, traveling for an hour goes at and length of the tangent AP 3/5th of the original speed is 9 cm, then what is the and reaches the destination 2 length of the chord BC? hrs late. If the fault had 4 cm occurred after traveling 8 cm another 50 miles the train 6 cm would have reached 40 min 5 cm earlier. What is distance between the two stations. 300 8. x% of y is y% of ? 310 x/y 320 2y 305 x can’t be determined 13.Which number is the odd one out? 9678 4572 5261 3527 9. 20% of a 6 liter solution and 7768 60% of 4 liter solution are 7768 mixed. What percentage of the 3527 mixture of solution 4572 9678 10.If the radius of a circle is 5261 diminished by 10%, then its area is diminished by: 14.The tutor of Alexander the 10% great was 19% Darius 20% Cyrus 36% Socrates
  • 8. Aristotle performed by train. What was the distance travelled by 15.Goitre caused by the train? deficiency of ……… 600Km Vitamin D 700Km Iron 800Km Vitamin A 900Km Iodine 19.The average between a two 16.A boat travels 20 kms digit number and the number upstream in 6 hrs and 18 kms obtained by interchanging the downstream in 4 hrs. Find the digits is 9. What is the speed of the boat in still water difference between the two and the speed of the water digits of the number? current? 8 1/2 kmph 2 7/12 kmph 5 5 kmph Cannot be determined none of these 20.The population of a town was 1,60,000 three years ago. If it 17.2 hours after a freight train increased by 3%, 2.5% and leaves Delhi a passenger train 5% respectively in the last leaves the same station three years, then the present travelling in the same population of the town is : direction at an average speed 1,77,000 of 16 km/hr. After travelling 1,77,366 4 hrs the passenger train 1,77,461 overtakes the freight train. 1,77,596 The average speed of the freight train was? 40 30 80 60 18.Dinesh travelled 1200 km by air which formed 2/5 of his trip. One third of the whole trip, he travelled by car and the rest of the journey he
  • 9. û.Ä.Îâ°°Ö û.Ä.Îâ°°Ö dâªrá O Eyâpâ ¿õªZrÈÒ Z¹å¿õûªgÒ dÖª¹å×áQrÒ =UæýÀâ ~ß¾ Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ: káÎâÃ{â°. û.Ä.Îâ°°Ö ´×ᬠ¿õªZrÈÒ Z¹å¿õûªgÒ dâª~ßóXÖrpÒ Îê°°dâý Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ Èádâ û.Ä.Îâ°°Ö Àê°{âvâ°Èéªs¬. dâª~ßóXÖrpÒ Àâ°×âÑ dâªZr¨ÈÒ Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ ká¿ö ´¾Q Àâ°°fXÀê°ô×â Àâ°îÎâ°°Ö ´pâPÀê°sdÒ ÈéÊdÒ æÖsdâÈ°Ö, ¹è¶dâÈ°Ö Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ ´×á pêªr° Àâ°×âÑ ¿õªZrÈÒ Z¹å¿õûªgÒ Àâ°°fXÀê°ô×â ÅÖgÖÈ° Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ È¨×á mpâ°gâ°yÖΰ. I×ÖQΰ. ưж×â dâª~ßóXÖrpÒ ´ÀâÎâ°ÀÖÈ° ~ß¾ »¥pâ°¾ dâªZr¨ÈÒ Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ: ¿xÆ¥°ãðªkâÀâÈû×â ±Ö|âXyâ û.Ä.Îâ°° Ȩ I×âQ æÖvÖ ¿õªZrÈÒ Z¹å¿õûªgÒ dâªZr¨ÈÒ Îâ°°Ö¾rÒ ´×ᬠÎâ°°Ö¾rÒ{á. ¬¥¾ ±r¡¦ Z¹èZgÖÀÒ° ¾ »¥¿x°æ¾,
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  • 11. ` ROM PROM FLASH MAIN MEMORY ROM CACHE MEMORY I/O D DECODER Accumulator Register E Program Control V General Purpose Register Register Instruction I Register General C Memory Address Purpose Register E Register S Memory Buffer Register Input / Output Register General Purpose General Purpose Register Register Control Unit Arithmetic Logic Unit Central Processing Unit
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  • 18. ందరవందర ా లక ం ట క ల . (D’s) INBOX ఉంచ ఆర 1. (Delete) ల ంచు: ర చ ప ా ావల ిన 3. (Delegate) ప : ండ ా అ ఆల ంచం , ాలల అవ క ే ఆ అవసరం లదంట ంట ప ే ంచుక ి ల ల ం ేయం . మనం ఉ మ , అందుక ఆ ప ప ల 2. (Do) ేయం : మన నుం ఇం కళ అప ంచం . EMAIL ావ ిన వలం ండ ాల మత , 4. (Defer) ా : మనం ందు ాల ాట ఒక ప ంట ట ం , అక ,ే అప ే ేయలక ,ే ండ చ , ఆ ప ప ాల కంట ఎక వ ేయ .
  • 19. పటల ా ఉంట, ల చదువ ఒకట, చూసుక ేయం , ఈ త ల టడ ప ేయవల ిన పనుల ఒకట అల ాల ా జ ల టం .(To-Do ేయం . list) 6.(Daily) ై : ప చదవం , చదవ EMAILS 5. (Diminish) తగ త ం : ఇ సంఖ సు ఉండ ప బ బర వ త ంచం , . ాల ా(Folders ఇల ేసుంట ఇంబ ల lo) ే ి ట సంబం ం న ెత ర దు. ాటల టం . అంట, Ascend D2, 5 Inch Quad Core Android
  • 20. Smartphone From Windows Phone 7.8 Huawei Update Coming in January 2013 Huawei 2013 ల డ దల ేయ ఒక త వ హ Microsoft Windows 7 రచన ే ం . ఒక త మ య Windows 8 android Smartphone ఒక న కరణను ంద డ దల ేసుం . with ాద Windows 7.5 quad-core processors and uses 5-inch గ రల అసంతృ ి widescreen called Ascend D2. చూ ల ఉం . ాబ జనవ ల, Microsoft Windows
  • 21. ప క ాల సం Windows మ య అ క ఇతర ల న కరణ ర 7.8 న కరణ toWindows డ దల ేసుం . 7.8 ందు ర Windows 7.5 ఈ పదం ణల తం ప క ాల . Microsoft క అ ా క క 4, క 7 3G పకటన నుం ందవచు . మత ాదు క 10 జనవ ల వసుంద క అమ డ ం : అ ా క న కరణలను డ దల క Windows 7.5 నడ సున Windows ప క ాల సం సు ర . Nokia Lumia 900, Lumia 800, Lumia 710, Lumia 510
  • 22. సమ న ష ల ోస ాయ అరట మ య ాల క రసం మ య పచ ాయ ేయం , 15-20 రసం కలపం . మ ఖం ాల చర ం ౖ మ య డ ద ాయం . చలట ట ాయం . క సం 20 క యం . మ ఖ చర ం ాల త ా త చలట సు త మ య ట క యం ాం వంతం అవ త ం . ప ా చల ాల మ ఖం కడగం . ఇ చర ం క చ న చ ా ల సుం ,చల ాల మ ఖం కడగడం వల చర ం సు త మ య ాం వంతం అవ త ం
  • 23. ాయ నుం తయ ర తల మ డ ా ి గంట ే బ ాల వల ట ఆరగంట తర ాత ాలడం తగ త ం . ఇ ఒక ళ కడ ా . ట పకృ ిద న త . రగ ఇ ఎం బ మక ల ే ి ఉపక సుం ర ే బ ాల తయ రవ త . మడ ాయడం వల ట రగత ం . మ డ బం ా దుంపల , గడ పచ న మ య ే నుం క ం న బం ా దుంప రసం జ ం ాయడం వల ట త ర ా రగ .
  • 24. రసం: రసం: క ర ాయల సల : ావల న ప ి ాల : బం ా దుంపల (ఒ న)–4 ట - చక ా ా ట (మ క ల ) – 3 క ం ఒ న 1 ల 2 ఆక పచ య ల -1 మక ల, మధ తర ఉ ాయ ర -2 ా (త న) - 1 చ ర-ర ప ారం ాబ - 1/4 తల ( న మ రసం - మ క ల ాక ం ) ావల ినంత ఆక క రల - 1-2 ాడల తయ నం: నం (1/4-1/2 మ క ల ) ర మ య చ ర ఎర ప ర కర నఆ ి ట శమం ర బ ం . (ఒ న)-1 ర ప ారం మ రసం క జ న - 1 - 14 కలపం . ప బట ల - 1 - 14 ర - 10 ఎం న త ల ి - 1 tsp
  • 25. ఉప త నంత ెల గ - 1క తయ నం: నం ర - 1/2 కప ఉప తప అ ంట ళ చ ర - 3/4 కప ి అరగంట ఉ ం ఉప ఉప త నంత కల ప క . ఆ ే ాల : ఒక ా ల ఉప , పంచ ర, గ ి ేయం . ణల తర ాత ోస ాయ మక ల, ఉ ాయ మక ల ి బ ాక ి అరగంట సన గ ోస ాయ సల : ద ఉం ం ేయం . ావల న : ి ోస ాయల - సన ా మక ల ెల ప ఉ ాయ - 1 న , సన ామ క ల
  • 26. మ ందు జ ి క ా ి న ి ి ప "ఏమ .... నువ జ ి మందుల ాప ా ఇ ౌద ా అమ "ఇందుల ా న మందు ి కదూ?!" ీ ాల ం వ ం "అ " ాదం .... జ ి చకవ అ ాడ ాసు. ా అమ " " ం ెందుకం ?" "మ ం ఫ ా లదమ ... అమ యకం ా అ ాడ ామ ా ౖ ే ంట ాప ాడ . శ ర ావ అ ే ంట, "ఈ ీ ాల మందు ఇదర ే ిం జ ి ద మ ందు క !?" గమ ర . ఒకట ఇంట , ం ో ఆ ీసుల .."
  • 27. వంశ ారంపర ం నూ ట - బల " ంకయ ార ... ఈ జబ "నూ టన తల దఆ ి ాలదు. ప భ మ కరణ శ వంశ ారంపర ం ా వ ం . కను వడం వల మనం ఆప ష ే త ం " బ య ం కదమ " ె ా డ క . సూ ల ాఠం వ క "అమ య ... బ ం ర. త ెప డ బంట. అ ే ఆ అప ష ోమ "అ ేంట ? " అ ం త . తయ క ెయ ం " ె ా డ ంకయ . " న బల ల క . మ భ మ కరణ లక ే ాట వర ంట ర " వ ం డ బంట.
  • 28. మ డవ అ యం-కర యం కర బ ధకల ఎ ట, ే క గమ ల భల ట, ఎ ప వల ఇర క ంట , ఎ ప వల మ వసుం ోÉÉ ఇల కర కర గమ - సంబం ం న అ ల కమ న కర ేయక ఏ షయల చ ంచడం ఉండలడ . ా ా జ ం . అందు ఈ య ం న పనుల అ య కర గమ (కర లను) ార ే ా అ ర టర. అ క ా మ బ . ాళ యవల ిన ే పనులను ఫల లక ం , దట కం: కం: ఈశ ర అ సు మ జయ ీ ేత ర ణ మ అ ఉ శమ ే ేయ . బ జ రన! ఆయ పనుల ( ార మ లను) త ం కర ణ మం మ ి ఎందుక ేయల , జయ ి శవ!! ేయక ే క ాధక
  • 29. ం: త రం అర నుడ ె ను:- ఓ ా! జ నమ కర కంట ష నద అ మతమ అ న , మ ఈ (య ద) భయంకర న కర మ నందు న ల పవ ంపజయ చు వ?
  • 30. All the strength and succor you 21 Effective Quotation of want is within you. Therefore Swami Vivekananda make your own future. 6. There is no help for 1. If the mind is intensely you outside of yourself; you are eager, everything can be the creator of the universe. Like accomplished—mountains can be the silkworm you have built a crumbled into atoms. cocoon around yourself…. Burst your own cocoon and come out 2. Take up one idea. Make that aw the beautiful butterfly, as the one idea your life – think of it, free soul. Then alone you will dream of it, and live on idea. Let see Truth. the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body, be full of that 7. It is our own mental attitude idea, and just leave every other which makes the world what it is idea alone. This is the way to for us. Our thought make things success. beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is 3. Come out into the universe in our own minds. Learn to see of Light. Everything in the things in the proper light. First, universe is yours, stretch out believe in this world, that there is your arms and embrace it with meaning behind everything. love. If you every felt you Everything in the world is good, wanted to do that, you have felt is holy and beautiful. If you see God. something evil, think that you do not understand it in the right 4. All knowledge that the world light. Throw the burden on has ever received comes from the yourselves! mind; the infinite library of the universe is in our own mind. 8. Hold to the idea, “I am not the mind, I see that I am 5. Stand up, be bold, and be thinking, I am watching my mind strong. Take the whole act,” and each day the responsibility on your own identification of yourself with shoulders, and know that you are thoughts and feelings will grow the creator of your own destiny.
  • 31. less, until at last you can entirely Those who think ahead of their separate yourself from the mind time are sure to be and actually know it to be apart misunderstood. from yourself. 14. If you think that you are 9. All love is expansion, all bound, you remain bound; you selfishness is contraction. Love is make your own bondage. If you therefore the only law of life. He know that you are free, you are who loves lives, he who is selfish free this moment. This is is dying. Therefore love for knowledge, knowledge of love’s sake, because it is law of freedom. Freedom is the goal of life, just as you breathe to live. all nature. 10. Our duty is to encourage 15. As long as we believe everyone in his struggle to live ourselves to be even the least up to his own highest idea, and different from God, fear remains strive at the same time to make with us; but when we know the ideal as near as possible to ourselves to be the One, fear the Truth. goes; of what can we be afraid? 11. Even the greatest fool can 16. Your Atman is the support accomplish a task if it were after of the universe—whose support his or her heart. But the do you stand in need of? Wait intelligent ones are those who with patience and love and can convert every work into one strength. If helpers are not ready that suits their taste. now, they will come in time. Why should we be in a hurry? 12. Condemn none: if you can The real working force of all stretch out a helping hand, do so. great work is in its almost If you cannot, fold your hands, unperceived beginnings. bless your brothers and let them go their own way. 17. Learning and wisdom are superfluities, the surface glitter 13. Each work has to pass merely, but it is the heart that is through these stages—ridicule, the seat of all power. It is not in opposition, and then acceptance. the brain but in the heart that the
  • 32. Atman, possessed of knowledge, power, and activity, has its seat. 18. Understanding human nature is the highest knowledge, and only by knowing it can we know God? It is also a fact that the knowledge of God is the highest knowledge, and only by knowing God can we understand human nature 19. Purity, patience, and perseverance are the three essentials to success and, above all, love. 20. If you want to have life, you have to die every moment for it. Life and death are only different expressions of the same thing looked at from different standpoints; they are the falling and the rising of the same wave, and the two form one whole. 21. Each soul is potentially divine. The goal is to manifest this divinity within by controlling nature, external and internal. Do this either by work, or worship or psychic control or philosophy – by one or more or all of these and be free.
  • 33. MATHS: ఆ య ర , మ య భర ం అం ల ఒకట ార నుం వ ం . తర ంచడం ా, అతను వ నప డ , స కరణం స ేయం . తన ర చ ంద , 62 - 63 = 1 మ య ార ల ఒక ంజ SUDOKO: ఉం . వ ంచం ? SIMPLE: ాదు త ర ా న ం కంట మ ట . ఇ ే ఏ ట? KARUJI: ఇందుల 3*3 ఉంట . దట వర సల A,B,C ండవ వర సల F,G,H LOGIC: ఉంట , వ మ డవ ఒక వ మ య అత వర సల L.M,N ఉంట . ర ధుల గ ం ప గం న ార . ార ఈ ంద ఒక ఉదహరణ
  • 34. X < 1G, అంట , G ఒక 1 ఎడమ మ ందు వర సల X ఉం పక న ా ఉన X < > 1G, అంట , G ఒక టకల. 1 ఎడమ ల క మం వర సల X ఉం X=G, అంట X,G, ఒక ంట ఉంట X≠G, అంట ఒక ంట ఉండవ
  • 35. తం ారం సమ ల: 8 5 4 9 1 7 6 10 3 2 0 సంఖ ల అ ర కమంల గం లయం ఉంట . (Eight, five, four, nine, one, seven, six, ten, three, two, zero) క ే ల ాక ం ఎడమ ే ల మత పట గ న ? ఎడమ ే
  • 36. Zû©K Æ{âX dâ×â°È° yêpðn×â ãâǪ ×â°ªn Æ{âX e Àâp⪠±ª|⪠d¨¿xª Uª{âîd¨ ÊËÀâ×Ö|Öp⪠ÅÖ|âXyâ d¨¿xª yêÐ×â ÊËÆyÖÈÑ A|Öp⪠ær°ª±ª d¨¿xª Æ{âX e úfp⪠´ª{âîQ dâ×â°¹Ö~ßÈé yâÈn ´ª{âîd¡ ´ª{â×âªyâ {â°Öp⪠A»¥WÎâ°yâ¾ ~ߪn ´ª¬yá ´ªyâ g³~ßR yâ×â ÀÖî d¨¿xª ¿xyÖýp⪠´ÝßéîQµâÈÃé d⸦ªn Æ{âX e ÅÖ¿ßýp⪠ÀÖî dâÔâ¶Q ¹è¸ªn ApÖºªkÖ¶ ´ª{âp⪠´ÅâXûªkÖ¶ ¾pâªyâp⪠´ÀâÀâÃé×Ö¶Q ¿xþéªn Æ{âX e gñpâÀ⪠ÀÖî ÅâÆÍßXyâK° gâ°îªn mC Ö×Ö¾Ñ ÊËÀ⪠yâ×â Eªs×ð ×âª{â×âÀâ×⪠ká¿ö Zû KÑ ¹Ö{Ö« Àâª{â×⪠¿xÀâÃémé¾Ñ {êôÀ⪠A Zû©K ÆÈ°Àâ¾ gâ°îKªn yâ×âÑ Æ{âX e IÍß¿ß°b Àâ°×â ´ª{âî ´« Àâª{â×⪠~õªkâ°×â° yám¿ß°b y³ÈЪkâ°×â° yâÀâ°¿ß°b
  • 37. EªZ¬Îâ° ~ß×â°È° ´ª{âÀê°ô×â o Z~ß~ߪkÖ¾Q kâ°Ö¿öÆ pêªvâ° dâÔâ° ´ª{âÀê°ô×â o Z~ß~ߪkÖ¾Q gâ°îªn AȨnªkâvÖ¾Ñ n×âQ Àê°{âvâ° kÖÈ° ×âvâÀÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâ {â°Öp⪠×âvâÀâÖ¾dêô×Ö pêªvâ° dÖÔâ° kÖÈ° pÖÎâÃéȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR U¾Q dâÆyâÈ×êô×Ö pÖÎâ°vÖ¾Ñ adâ káΰ kÖÈ° Æ×ÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR U¾Q ¹ÖrÈêô×Ö, ÀâÃérÈêô×Ö Æ×âvÖ¾Ñ pêªvâ° kêÀâóÈ° kÖÈ° yâr¦°d¨ÀÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR ±Ö|â×êô×Ö, ¿xªy¨¤Ö×êô×Ö yâr¦°d¨ÀâvÖ¾Ñ gâ°~õRvâ° gâ°ªvê kÖÈ° ¿ßRª¬ªkÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâs {Ö¾dêô×Ö ¿ßRª¬ªkâvÖ¾Ñ n×âQ Àâ°×â¿x° kÖÈ° ÉÖºªkÖȾ IªvÖÈá yâ~ßR Uªyâ I×âQyâ dÖpÖX×êô×Ö ÉÖºªkâvÖ¾Ñ dâÚÀêÚ |êôpâXª kÖÈ°
  • 38. పపంచం ల ంత ాల • మగ ా కంట టంప ార ఆడ ాళ ప ార • ీ క ల కల ా ల ర చూ ా • ల జ ఆక పచ రంగ • గత 4000 సంవత రల ా మ ి త ంప డ జంత వ అ న జంత వ ఏ లదు • ఎవ ె ార కడం అ ాధ ం • మ ి , ా ీ డల ఉం ే ఎమ కల సంఖ ఒకట • మ ి రకం ల 83 ాతం ర ఉంట ం • 11 ాతం మనుష ల ఎడమ ే ాటం ార • ప ల ంగ గర కరణ శ అవసరం
  • 39. • క ం ేల అ మధురమ అంట ఎం ఇషం ఆస కర న జల : • ఒక ంగలం క ల క ఒక ఏనుగ వల డవ ా ఉంట ం . • పపంచంల అ ద ప మగ ఉషప (Ostrich), సగట మగ ఉషప 345 ండ వరక బర వ ఉంట ం . • మగ ం (Sing birds) ప 2000 కంట ఎక వ ార ాడ . • ఫ ి (Puffins) ట అడ గ న ఎగరగలవ . • భ 4.56 య సంవత ాల ... చందుడ మ య సూర డ అ ే వయసు ార . • ప వ అత ల ఆ త ాలంల చర ం 40lbs ాల త ం .
  • 40. • మ ి ె ,మక తంతం ర గ త ంట CURRENT AFFAIR: ధ ం ాల జర గ త సృ ి ల ఆల చన ఉన ఎ క . మ .ి వల వలం అందుక ఒక ఉ హరణ, మ ి మత ఆ వరం అ ాల జ ం . ఉం . మ ిఆ ధసు ఇటవల ఒక క ాడ ఒక ఎ ా ం డ, ఎం ాఠ ాల త , ఇంక అ వ ెం డ . ా ాల ంత మం అమ యకప , గమనన మర ప ి ిలల ా న మ ా, దుహ ంచ వల ిన ా ిటల ా నట అ ం . సృ ి ప ాల ాడ . తర ాత తన సృ ి ే సు ర. తను ాచుక ప ాల ట ఎ చ య డ . ఈ ఘటనల ప 17 మం
  • 41. య ర , 22 మం మన ేశం క డ ఆ ఆగ ాయల అయ ........ రగ ంల బంధల లక ం , వల మర తయ రవ . ఆ మన ఎట ం మన నవ భ షత మనం ప ి య వ సమ జం??????????? అంత దూరం ాక ం చూసు ా . మనం ఎక ో అ ాల జ ే ేయ న మన తర ా ఇక డ ఎ ట అ త ాల అల అవక ం అడగచు . అంట, ానుభ చూసు వడం. ెబ మ మనుష ల ా మనం కన ా సం, అంట ా? అ ఒక ట మనల కన ా సం స త ం ........???? ాస సమయ ట ం ాళ మ పం .