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Charlie, in her Halloween costume, standing by her Tree. She
has a hand on the trunk. At the base of the trunk there's a
lantern, a granola bar, and a sketchbook. Footsteps. Sarah
enters into frame, also in costume.
Hey. You comin back to the party?
Yeah, I'll be back in a minute.
...Whattttt're you doing to that
It's my favorite tree on campus. I
haven't been visiting it a lot
lately. I want to while I still
have time.
Sometimes I forget you're a senior.
Me too.
What's it like?
Mmm. It's kinda like money. You
don't really think much about a
single dollar until it's your only
dollar. And then you think really
hard about how to spend it.
That's a lot less depressing than
what other people here say. Someone
compared it to dying the other day.
We do have a cemetery.
We, as in the school?
Charlie and Sarah slowly weave through the cemetery,
conversing. It's not as creepy as one would think.
This isn't as creepy as I thought
it'd be.
It's more creepy when you're alone.
Still, I can't believe this is your
first time here. I can't even
remember the first time I was here.
Wait, Charlie, this is it.
Yes, this is it. It's now.
Beat. Then a moment of recognition.
In a cemetery? I don't think that's
a good idea.
But like, I wanna see ghosts.
That's not how it works...alright,
fine, but we're leaving the second
you get bad vibes. First time can
be rough.
I trust you.
Charlie takes out her wallet--she retrieves two tabs, and
gives one to Sarah. Sarah watches Charlie unwrap the tab and
put it on her tongue. She swallows it, then sticks her tongue
out, showing that it's gone. Sarah follows suit.
How long until it hits me?
Charlie sketching in her sketchbook. Sarah sits across from
her, staring. Charlie notices
What?...Is it hitting you?
We see from Sarah's perspective--oh yeah it's hitting her.
Charlie looks divine. Sarah nods wordlessly. Charlie laughs.
Do this.
Charlie slowly waves her hand across her face. Sarah copies--
she sees trails of her hand. Sarah's in awe. Charlie hands
Sarah a water bottle and gets herself a granola bar, munching
on it.
Here, drink this. It's easy to
(watching Sarah)
Crossing a lot off your Firsts
Can I see that? It looks pretty.
Charlie hands her her sketchbook. Sarah flips through.
Oh, and they're all dated. You also
draw this same figure a lot.
Yep. I call her Moongirl.
Beat. Returns sketchbook.
Can I borrow your phone?
Please, it's really important.
You're not gonna text anyone, are
No I swear. I just really gotta.
Beat. Charlie hands Sarah her phone. Charlie waits to see
what she does. We see the glow on Sarah's face. Then--a song
plays. Sarah closes her eyes. Charlie smiles and closes her
eyes. The screen goes black. As the song plays, we see a
visual dance that flows in tandem with the song. It's
colorful, fluid, mesmerizing, gentle.
Oh, you have a voicemail from your
Charlie opens her eyes and we see Sarah on Charlie's phone.
She's handing it back.
I didn't mean to--it just popped up
on the screen. It's from a few
hours ago.
Are you gonna take it?
It's fine. I'll listen to it
...You should probably listen to it
It could be important. I, I don't
know. I really feel like you
Sarah's hand is still outstretched.
I don't really..
Moms are very important.
Charlie takes the phone, puts it to her ear.
Charlotte. Hi. We're getting ready
to move everything out for the
showings. You gotta let me know
what you don't want thrown out.
As Charlie listens, she looks at a tree, and the tree slowly
morphs into having characteristics of her mom as the
voicemail continues.
I already saved your prayer beads
and all your clothes. Anything
else, let me know this week or we
gotta dump it out. And please let
me know soon if you figure out what
you're doing after graduation. Do
you still wanna try and live with
Macy in New York? It would just be
nice to know. What're you thinking?
For this summer? Let me know. Love
Voicemail ends. Tree returns to normal. Charlie pockets her
Do you have any plans after you
graduate?...Sorry, I could hear it
from here.
Charlie returns to sketching. Beat.
I dont know. Maybe. Let's not talk
about it right now.
Oh. Okay...I think I'm gonna move
to End of the World so I can see
the stars better. Wanna come?
I'll join you later. Text me if you
need me.
Sarah goes off. Charlie sits, sketching. She closes her eyes.
She hears someone sneeze, and it creates a mystical visual
outburst, similar to when they were listening to the song.
Charlie opens her eyes and sees, in the distance, Lionguy.
He's writing something down in his journal. Charlie squints.
Sarah, on her back, staring at the sky.
Lionguy closes the book, pockets it, and walks off. It falls
out--he doesn't notice. Charlie gets up, walks over to it.
She hesitantly picks it up. She flips through it--once she
settles on a random page, two people suddenly appear in the
background, walking and chatting. Charlie also shivers for
the first time. There's alsothe "flip/shutter" effect (will
explain later). It's too dark to read the book. Then she
closes the book and the people disappear, and she's no longer
Charlie tosses the journal onto her desk and her bag onto her
bed. She goes digging for a granola bar in her stash--box is
empty. She looks around, patting around, before picking up a
pair of pants and finding a granola bar in the pockets. She
unwraps and places it in her mouth--then she picks up the
journal. Now in better lighting, we can see colored tabs
protruding from the journal--yellow, pink, blue, purple,
green, red. She opens to the pink section and sees various
sketches of the same person with minute differences. Flips to
purple, sees sketches of hands. Flips, flips. She reaches the
green section. There's a bookmark--she goes to it, which is
the most recent page in the green section. Charlie is
confused--it's the sketch she was doing at the cemetery,
dated too. It shows MOONGIRL, a figure Charlie sketches
She flips to a previous sketch--also with MOONGIRL--and the
"shutter" effect occurs. It's a visual/audio cue signalling
that Charlie's moving between memories. Imagine a page
turning. Charlie does it again, turning to a previous sketch-
-this time, along with the effect, a few objects in the room
rearrange and MOONGIRL appears, sitting on the bed, sketching
the drawing Charlie is currently turned to in the journal.
She appears as the same style she's drawn in. Charlie,
bewildered, overwhelmed, sees her phone on the desk--she
places the bookmark in the current page, closes it, and grabs
her phone, composing a text.
To SARAH: Can you come to my room? I think I'm freaking out
The text sends. Then Charlie notices the date on her phone--
same as the sketch. She opens the journal again, to the
bookmarked page. She flips to a previous sketch--shutter
effect again, objects move again. MOONGIRL is now sitting at
the desk, typing at a laptop, the open sketchbook next to
Stupid thesis...
Charlie flips to a previous sketch--objects move, but no
MOONGIRL in sight. She looks around. She looks at the date
again--9/2/2017-- thinks for a moment, then realizes. She
bookmarks the page and leaves with book in hand.
Gathered outside of Commons is JAMIE, THEA, OZ, DELILAH, and
MOONGIRL. They've all had a few drinks. They're laughing,
joking around. Sub: 9/2/17. Charlie walks upon the scene,
mesmerized. Moongirl steps onto a bench.
Attention, attention. We are
beginning the ceremony. Jamie, the
actor, if you would.
Of course, of course.
(clears throat)
Tonight is a special night. As
requested, we are here to celebrate
Charlie's...LAST. FIRST. DAY.
Cheering from the crew.
Last time moving in after summer!
Last time seeing new freshmen on
campus for the first time! Last
time...I dunno...
Last time we gotta hear one of
Jamie's speeches!
Oh haha, Oz. But anyway. The woman
of the hour. Charlie!!!
Moongirl addresses them from her bench.
Friends. You talented people.
Coworkers. Would be lovers. I chose
this spot because I like it. Here.
Commons. Being renovated. It feels
right to be here.
Everyone but Charlie freezes. Charlie's confused--she tries
interacting with them, to no avail. She tries flipping the
pages, but nothing changes. She looks up, and Moongirl is
gone. She hesitantly walks up to where Moongirl was, and
stands there. Time resumes.
(sober, recalling)
...It feels right to be here. I,
uh..hmmm....right, right. Just like
that building I'm getting too old
for this place. It's gonna be time
to move on soon. And I need you to
be my construction workers. Because
you work hard. And I can't renovate
all by myself. I love you all...I
can't wait for my shiny new
Charlie steps down and they flood her with hugs. When they
pull away, Moongirl is back. They're all chatting.
Moongirl, alone, same night, sketching in the sketchbook.
Charlie goes ahead and opens LG's journal, flipping to a
previous page. Shutter effect, Moongirl disappears. Charlie
bookmarks the page and checks the date: "5/20/17".
Charlie enters her room to see Moongirl in her bed, wrapped
in blankets, moaning, coughing often. She's sick. The room is
untidy. Beat. Sub: 5/20/17. Door swings open--Oz enters with
a bag.
Charlie? You up?
Yeah sure. What's up?
I saw your message in group chat. I
brought some things. Is it okay if
I come in?
Yeah. You brought things? Oh my
god, thank you.
Oz sits and takes out a thermos, an orange, and some cough
Want some tea?
I would love some tea.
Moongirl drinks.
What're you still doing up?
I was working on a final. I'm
trying to be better about my work.
But I saw you were still up, so I
figured your coughing was keeping
you up.
Oz starts peeling the orange.
My dad always gave me tea and an
orange when I was sick. And he
stayed up with me until I fell
You don't have to do that.
I want to. Wanna play a game?
Sure. What game?
What am I thinking?
Yes. Okay, I've got something.
3, 2, 1--
Ready? 3, 2, 1--
Oh, morbid, haha.
We got this. 3, 2, 1--
We are too good!
Yes please.
Oz hands her a slice of orange.
Are you really okay being here?
Your finals are really important.
And I don't know when I'm gonna
fall asleep.
Everyone gets sick. Doesn't mean
you should be miserable alone. I
really don't mind, Charlie. You'd
do the same for me.
Time freezes, and Moongirl is gone. Charlie tries flipping
pages again--no shutter--and easily accepts the situation,
taking Moongirl's place in bed. Time resumes. Charlie smiles
really wide.
I feel the love. It's nice to know
no matter how sick I get, there's
someone there. Life doesn't happen
without me.
Of course. Just, y'know. Don't be
I can't just not be contagious.
Oh then the deal's off.
Oz starts to get up, Charlie laughs.
Oz is asleep in the chair. Moongirl, asleep in bed,
sketchbook open on the sketch she was drawing. Charlie
stands, overlooking them. Charlie leaves, going to a
different hallway. She flips the page to a previous sketch
dated "12/5/2015" and bookmarks it. Shutter. A different door
now has a picture of Charlie taped to the front, with some
doodles over it. We see Delilah burst out. She knocks
furiously on the door next door. TYLER opens it, wary.
Can you please stop making those gun noises?
The what?
The gunshot noises. All night. It's
kinda annoying, and loud.
You know?
Blank stare from Tyler.
You know.
(imitates gunshot noises)
Brrrrrrah. Brah brah brah. doo doo
doo. Buh buh. Brrrah.
That. Could you please stop doing
that? It's really distracting, and-
The gunshot noises very clearly come from the room next door.
The whole package: Brrrah, brah brah brah. Doo doo doo. Buh
buh. Brrrah.
Okay, seeya.
Tyler closes the door. Delilah walks next door. Right when
she's about to knock:
Moongirl lying on her bed, playing Jenga with Thea, when
Delilah reenters, a force of energy. Thea has a glass of
wine, Moongirl has a juicebox and is sketching when it isn't
her turn. Music is playing in the background. Sub: 12/5/15.
Charlie watches all this.
How'd it go?
I feel like I can punch a window
right now.
Oh, please don't.
(looks up)
Woah, you're like really sweating.
I am?
(looks at self)
I am! Wow I'm like a fountain. My
pits! Wow, my pits.
Do you want a towel?
No I'm okay, I kinda like it. Thea
can I have some of your wine?
Are you sure?
(to Charlie)
Is that safe?
Delilah why don't you sit down for
a minute, and if you still want
wine later, I'll give you some.
Mmmmm okay. Can I play Jenga with
you guys? I love Jenga.
Sure, you can be on my team.
You are going DOWN Charlie.
Thea gets a text.
Ohhh, a text! Who's it from?
Jamie. Wants to know if I wanna
meet his parents, what!
(reads more)
Apparently they're in town this
Are you gonna do it? That's crazy!
Oh man if they're anything like
Jamie, that'd be a lot! Not that I
mean anything bad by that. Jamie's
just, you know. A lot!
You gonna say yes?
Mmmm I think so. I like meeting new
people. Plus I bet Jamie will make
a lot more sense after I meet his
That boy is a lot!!!
His parents are probably fun.
You know who has fun parents? Oz.
They visited last term. They're so
funny! He was embarrassed the whole
You ever gonna get on that, D?
You know. Oz.
Ohh. I don't know. He's kinda. I
don't know. He's cool but I don't
know if I'm looking for that. Plus
term's almost over so what, would
we just, like, wait for each other
over summer? And also--
Ohh, slow down honey.
Yeah, I don't know. I've been
thinking about it a lot lately. I
haven't dated a lot.
You haven't?
Like, one person in high school. My
mom said she didn't like him and I
kinda realized I didn't like him
that much either.
Let's hope she likes Oz, then.
Oh, yeah. My mom passed away last
October, so that won't be a
The tower falls.
I'm so sorry to hear that, Delilah.
Delilah realizes what she's said--she was caught up in the
No. No, it's okay. I'm okay.
Really. It was a lot, but now I'm
It's okay if you aren't.
I'm fine.
She starts restacking the Jenga tower.
I'm fine, I'm fine. Really.
Thea gets down and sits next to Delilah, leaning against
her. Moongirl seems at a loss what to say or do.
Time freezes. Moongirl disappears. Charlie takes Moongirl's
place and time resumes.
Delilah, I know I didn't know your
mom, but I know she's in a better
place. You'll see her again
eventually. Until then, I'm here
for you if you need it.
Delilah gets up and hugs Charlie. Charlie hugs back. A quiet
moment of tenderness. Then: BRAH BRAH BRA, BRRRRRR. BUH BUH.
(angrily getting up, the
other two laughing)
Oh my GO--
Charlie walks up to her tree. Then she flips to a previous
page and bookmarks it. It's dated 3/8/15. Shutter. Moongirl
and CHERRY--senior, wild, fun--sit at the tree's base.
Moongirl is looking at the first few pages of the sketchbook
while Cherry smokes.
These are really good.
Thanks! I just doodle in my free
Cherry offers the joint to Moongirl. Moongirl hesitates.
I haven't smoked weed before.
Oh shit, you haven't? This is not
me pressuring you. Just offering.
...I'll try it.
Moongirl takes the joint and inhales, sputtering out smoke
and coughing after. She hands it back.
You get used to the coughing.
I kinda like it.
Wow, I guess I really popped your
weed cherry huh.
Haha, very funny Cherry. Why do
people call you that anyway?
My last name's Maraschino. Too good
to pass up. Remember that last
name--it's the last name of the
person who introduced the
beauty that is pot.
Do you mind if I draw something?
No, go ahead.
Moongirl starts drawing. Beat.
I love this tree. It's my favorite
tree on campus. I don't visit it
...Can I ask you something?
Go ahead, Charlie.
Are you nervous about graduating?
Ah, it's kinda dumb. I'm only a
freshman after all. But...I had
such a good first year here so far.
I'm worried about what comes after
all this.
Time freezes. Charlie looks to Moongirl, waiting for her to
disappear. But then she sees that Cherry's disappeared
instead. She looks at Moongirl for a few moments, wistfully.
Then she steps into Cherry's place and time resumes.
What happens here belongs to a
version of you that eventually, you
won't be anymore. I'm kind of
scared of that, honestly. But that
won't change that it happened. And
you'll remember it all--trust me.
The smallest things will bring you
back. A cologne your friend wore
all the time. The song you and your
friends would sing whenever you're
drunk. Your favorite tree. I'm
kinda all over the place, but I
guess the thing you should hear is
that change always comes, but it
doesn't erase.
Charlie steps aside, and Cherry reappears.
Wow, thanks. That's really...
Cherry stands up.
I really gotta piss. Wanna walk
Moongirl gets up and tries to hand the sketchbook back.
You wanna keep it? I haven't drawn
much lately.
Oh. If you're sure. I'd love to.
Charlie walking into the cemetery. She opens the journal and
flips it to the first sketch, bookmarking it. Sarah appears
in her original position, frozen. Charlie sits down in her
original position. She closes the book. Time resumes.
Do you have any plans after you
graduate?...sorry, I could hear it
from here.
I do, actually.
Charlie sleeping, in her bed. The journal is on her desk. In
the darkness, we see a hand reach for it.

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Script (3)

  • 2. EXT. TREE Charlie, in her Halloween costume, standing by her Tree. She has a hand on the trunk. At the base of the trunk there's a lantern, a granola bar, and a sketchbook. Footsteps. Sarah enters into frame, also in costume. SARAH Hey. You comin back to the party? CHARLIE Yeah, I'll be back in a minute. SARAH ...Whattttt're you doing to that tree? CHARLIE It's my favorite tree on campus. I haven't been visiting it a lot lately. I want to while I still have time. SARAH Sometimes I forget you're a senior. CHARLIE Me too. SARAH (Beat) What's it like? CHARLIE Mmm. It's kinda like money. You don't really think much about a single dollar until it's your only dollar. And then you think really hard about how to spend it. SARAH That's a lot less depressing than what other people here say. Someone compared it to dying the other day. CHARLIE We do have a cemetery. SARAH We, as in the school? CUT TO:
  • 3. 2. EXT. CEMETERY Charlie and Sarah slowly weave through the cemetery, conversing. It's not as creepy as one would think. SARAH This isn't as creepy as I thought it'd be. CHARLIE It's more creepy when you're alone. Still, I can't believe this is your first time here. I can't even remember the first time I was here. SARAH Wait, Charlie, this is it. (beat) Yes, this is it. It's now. Beat. Then a moment of recognition. CHARLIE In a cemetery? I don't think that's a good idea. SARAH But like, I wanna see ghosts. CHARLIE That's not how it works...alright, fine, but we're leaving the second you get bad vibes. First time can be rough. SARAH I trust you. Charlie takes out her wallet--she retrieves two tabs, and gives one to Sarah. Sarah watches Charlie unwrap the tab and put it on her tongue. She swallows it, then sticks her tongue out, showing that it's gone. Sarah follows suit. SARAH (CONT.) (CONT’D) How long until it hits me? SUB: EARLY HOURS, WASHES AWAY TO TITLE: "FOURSIGHT" EXT. CEMETERY Charlie sketching in her sketchbook. Sarah sits across from her, staring. Charlie notices
  • 4. 3. CHARLIE What?...Is it hitting you? We see from Sarah's perspective--oh yeah it's hitting her. Charlie looks divine. Sarah nods wordlessly. Charlie laughs. CHARLIE (CONT’D) Do this. Charlie slowly waves her hand across her face. Sarah copies-- she sees trails of her hand. Sarah's in awe. Charlie hands Sarah a water bottle and gets herself a granola bar, munching on it. CHARLIE (CONT’D) Here, drink this. It's easy to forget. (watching Sarah) Crossing a lot off your Firsts list. SARAH Can I see that? It looks pretty. CHARLIE Sure. Charlie hands her her sketchbook. Sarah flips through. SARAH Oh, and they're all dated. You also draw this same figure a lot. CHARLIE Yep. I call her Moongirl. SARAH Pretty. Beat. Returns sketchbook. SARAH (CONT’D) Can I borrow your phone? CHARLIE Why? SARAH Please, it's really important. CHARLIE You're not gonna text anyone, are you?
  • 5. 4. SARAH No I swear. I just really gotta. Beat. Charlie hands Sarah her phone. Charlie waits to see what she does. We see the glow on Sarah's face. Then--a song plays. Sarah closes her eyes. Charlie smiles and closes her eyes. The screen goes black. As the song plays, we see a visual dance that flows in tandem with the song. It's colorful, fluid, mesmerizing, gentle. SARAH (O.S.) (CONT’D) Oh, you have a voicemail from your mom. Charlie opens her eyes and we see Sarah on Charlie's phone. She's handing it back. SARAH (CONT’D) I didn't mean to--it just popped up on the screen. It's from a few hours ago. Beat. SARAH (CONT’D) Are you gonna take it? CHARLIE It's fine. I'll listen to it eventually. SARAH ...You should probably listen to it now. CHARLIE Why? SARAH It could be important. I, I don't know. I really feel like you should. Sarah's hand is still outstretched. CHARLIE (hesitant) I don't really.. SARAH Moms are very important. Charlie takes the phone, puts it to her ear.
  • 6. 5. CHARLIE'S MOM (O.S.) Charlotte. Hi. We're getting ready to move everything out for the showings. You gotta let me know what you don't want thrown out. As Charlie listens, she looks at a tree, and the tree slowly morphs into having characteristics of her mom as the voicemail continues. CHARLIE'S MOM (O.S.) (CONT’D) I already saved your prayer beads and all your clothes. Anything else, let me know this week or we gotta dump it out. And please let me know soon if you figure out what you're doing after graduation. Do you still wanna try and live with Macy in New York? It would just be nice to know. What're you thinking? For this summer? Let me know. Love you. Voicemail ends. Tree returns to normal. Charlie pockets her phone. SARAH Do you have any plans after you graduate?...Sorry, I could hear it from here. CHARLIE I... Charlie returns to sketching. Beat. CHARLIE (CONT’D) I dont know. Maybe. Let's not talk about it right now. SARAH Oh. Okay...I think I'm gonna move to End of the World so I can see the stars better. Wanna come? CHARLIE I'll join you later. Text me if you need me. SARAH Okay.
  • 7. 6. Sarah goes off. Charlie sits, sketching. She closes her eyes. She hears someone sneeze, and it creates a mystical visual outburst, similar to when they were listening to the song. Charlie opens her eyes and sees, in the distance, Lionguy. He's writing something down in his journal. Charlie squints. CHARLIE S-Sarah? CUT TO: EXT. FIELD Sarah, on her back, staring at the sky. SARAH Wow. CUT TO: EXT. CEMETERY Lionguy closes the book, pockets it, and walks off. It falls out--he doesn't notice. Charlie gets up, walks over to it. She hesitantly picks it up. She flips through it--once she settles on a random page, two people suddenly appear in the background, walking and chatting. Charlie also shivers for the first time. There's alsothe "flip/shutter" effect (will explain later). It's too dark to read the book. Then she closes the book and the people disappear, and she's no longer cold--strange. CUT TO: INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM Charlie tosses the journal onto her desk and her bag onto her bed. She goes digging for a granola bar in her stash--box is empty. She looks around, patting around, before picking up a pair of pants and finding a granola bar in the pockets. She unwraps and places it in her mouth--then she picks up the journal. Now in better lighting, we can see colored tabs protruding from the journal--yellow, pink, blue, purple, green, red. She opens to the pink section and sees various sketches of the same person with minute differences. Flips to purple, sees sketches of hands. Flips, flips. She reaches the green section. There's a bookmark--she goes to it, which is the most recent page in the green section. Charlie is confused--it's the sketch she was doing at the cemetery, dated too. It shows MOONGIRL, a figure Charlie sketches often.
  • 8. 7. She flips to a previous sketch--also with MOONGIRL--and the "shutter" effect occurs. It's a visual/audio cue signalling that Charlie's moving between memories. Imagine a page turning. Charlie does it again, turning to a previous sketch- -this time, along with the effect, a few objects in the room rearrange and MOONGIRL appears, sitting on the bed, sketching the drawing Charlie is currently turned to in the journal. She appears as the same style she's drawn in. Charlie, bewildered, overwhelmed, sees her phone on the desk--she places the bookmark in the current page, closes it, and grabs her phone, composing a text. To SARAH: Can you come to my room? I think I'm freaking out The text sends. Then Charlie notices the date on her phone-- same as the sketch. She opens the journal again, to the bookmarked page. She flips to a previous sketch--shutter effect again, objects move again. MOONGIRL is now sitting at the desk, typing at a laptop, the open sketchbook next to her. MOONGIRL Stupid thesis... Charlie flips to a previous sketch--objects move, but no MOONGIRL in sight. She looks around. She looks at the date again--9/2/2017-- thinks for a moment, then realizes. She bookmarks the page and leaves with book in hand. CUT TO: EXT. COMMONS Gathered outside of Commons is JAMIE, THEA, OZ, DELILAH, and MOONGIRL. They've all had a few drinks. They're laughing, joking around. Sub: 9/2/17. Charlie walks upon the scene, mesmerized. Moongirl steps onto a bench. MOONGIRL Attention, attention. We are beginning the ceremony. Jamie, the actor, if you would. JAMIE Of course, of course. (clears throat) Tonight is a special night. As requested, we are here to celebrate Charlie's...LAST. FIRST. DAY. Cheering from the crew.
  • 9. 8. JAMIE (CONT.) (CONT’D) Last time moving in after summer! Last time seeing new freshmen on campus for the first time! Last time...I dunno... OZ Last time we gotta hear one of Jamie's speeches! JAMIE Oh haha, Oz. But anyway. The woman of the hour. Charlie!!! Moongirl addresses them from her bench. MOONGIRL (drunk) Friends. You talented people. Coworkers. Would be lovers. I chose this spot because I like it. Here. Commons. Being renovated. It feels right to be here. Everyone but Charlie freezes. Charlie's confused--she tries interacting with them, to no avail. She tries flipping the pages, but nothing changes. She looks up, and Moongirl is gone. She hesitantly walks up to where Moongirl was, and stands there. Time resumes. CHARLIE (sober, recalling) ...It feels right to be here. I, uh..hmmm....right, right. Just like that building I'm getting too old for this place. It's gonna be time to move on soon. And I need you to be my construction workers. Because you work hard. And I can't renovate all by myself. I love you all...I can't wait for my shiny new kitchens. Charlie steps down and they flood her with hugs. When they pull away, Moongirl is back. They're all chatting. CUT TO:
  • 10. 9. EXT. COMMONS Moongirl, alone, same night, sketching in the sketchbook. Charlie goes ahead and opens LG's journal, flipping to a previous page. Shutter effect, Moongirl disappears. Charlie bookmarks the page and checks the date: "5/20/17". CUT TO: INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM Charlie enters her room to see Moongirl in her bed, wrapped in blankets, moaning, coughing often. She's sick. The room is untidy. Beat. Sub: 5/20/17. Door swings open--Oz enters with a bag. OZ Charlie? You up? MOONGIRL Yeah sure. What's up? OZ I saw your message in group chat. I brought some things. Is it okay if I come in? MOONGIRL Yeah. You brought things? Oh my god, thank you. Oz sits and takes out a thermos, an orange, and some cough drops. OZ Want some tea? MOONGIRL I would love some tea. Moongirl drinks. MOONGIRL (CONT’D) What're you still doing up? OZ I was working on a final. I'm trying to be better about my work. But I saw you were still up, so I figured your coughing was keeping you up. Oz starts peeling the orange.
  • 11. 10. OZ (CONT’D) My dad always gave me tea and an orange when I was sick. And he stayed up with me until I fell asleep. MOONGIRL You don't have to do that. OZ I want to. Wanna play a game? MOONGIRL Sure. What game? OZ What am I thinking? MOONGIRL Yes. Okay, I've got something. OZ 3, 2, 1-- MOONGIRL Ghost. OZ (CONT’D) Fish. OZ (CONT’D) Ready? 3, 2, 1-- OZ (CONT’D) Sushi! MOONGIRL Mermaid! MOONGIRL (CONT’D) Oh, morbid, haha. OZ We got this. 3, 2, 1-- MOONGIRL Flounder! OZ (CONT’D) Flounder! OZ (CONT’D) Yes! MOONGIRL We are too good! OZ Orange?
  • 12. 11. MOONGIRL Yes please. Oz hands her a slice of orange. MOONGIRL (CONT’D) Are you really okay being here? Your finals are really important. And I don't know when I'm gonna fall asleep. OZ Everyone gets sick. Doesn't mean you should be miserable alone. I really don't mind, Charlie. You'd do the same for me. Time freezes, and Moongirl is gone. Charlie tries flipping pages again--no shutter--and easily accepts the situation, taking Moongirl's place in bed. Time resumes. Charlie smiles really wide. OZ (CONT’D) What? CHARLIE I feel the love. It's nice to know no matter how sick I get, there's someone there. Life doesn't happen without me. OZ Of course. Just, y'know. Don't be contagious. CHARLIE I can't just not be contagious. OZ Oh then the deal's off. Oz starts to get up, Charlie laughs. INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM Oz is asleep in the chair. Moongirl, asleep in bed, sketchbook open on the sketch she was drawing. Charlie stands, overlooking them. Charlie leaves, going to a different hallway. She flips the page to a previous sketch dated "12/5/2015" and bookmarks it. Shutter. A different door now has a picture of Charlie taped to the front, with some doodles over it. We see Delilah burst out. She knocks furiously on the door next door. TYLER opens it, wary.
  • 13. 12. TYLER Yeah? DELILAH Can you please stop making those gun noises? TYLER The what? DELILAH (sniffs) The gunshot noises. All night. It's kinda annoying, and loud. (Beat) You know? Blank stare from Tyler. DELILAH(CONT.) (CONT’D) You know. (imitates gunshot noises) Brrrrrrah. Brah brah brah. doo doo doo. Buh buh. Brrrah. (Beat) That. Could you please stop doing that? It's really distracting, and- - The gunshot noises very clearly come from the room next door. The whole package: Brrrah, brah brah brah. Doo doo doo. Buh buh. Brrrah. TYLER Okay, seeya. Tyler closes the door. Delilah walks next door. Right when she's about to knock: CUT TO: INT. CHARLIE'S ROOM Moongirl lying on her bed, playing Jenga with Thea, when Delilah reenters, a force of energy. Thea has a glass of wine, Moongirl has a juicebox and is sketching when it isn't her turn. Music is playing in the background. Sub: 12/5/15. Charlie watches all this. MOONGIRL How'd it go?
  • 14. 13. DELILAH I feel like I can punch a window right now. THEA Oh, please don't. MOONGIRL (looks up) Woah, you're like really sweating. DELILAH I am? (looks at self) I am! Wow I'm like a fountain. My pits! Wow, my pits. MOONGIRL Do you want a towel? DELILAH No I'm okay, I kinda like it. Thea can I have some of your wine? THEA Are you sure? (to Charlie) Is that safe? MOONGIRL Delilah why don't you sit down for a minute, and if you still want wine later, I'll give you some. DELILAH Mmmmm okay. Can I play Jenga with you guys? I love Jenga. THEA Sure, you can be on my team. DELILAH You are going DOWN Charlie. Thea gets a text. DELILAH (CONT’D) Ohhh, a text! Who's it from? THEA (checks) Jamie. Wants to know if I wanna meet his parents, what! (MORE)
  • 15. 14. THEA (CONT’D) (reads more) Apparently they're in town this weekend. DELILAH Are you gonna do it? That's crazy! Oh man if they're anything like Jamie, that'd be a lot! Not that I mean anything bad by that. Jamie's just, you know. A lot! MOONGIRL You gonna say yes? THEA Mmmm I think so. I like meeting new people. Plus I bet Jamie will make a lot more sense after I meet his parents. DELILAH That boy is a lot!!! THEA His parents are probably fun. DELILAH You know who has fun parents? Oz. They visited last term. They're so funny! He was embarrassed the whole time. CHARLIE You ever gonna get on that, D? DELILAH What? MOONGIRL You know. Oz. DELILAH Ohh. I don't know. He's kinda. I don't know. He's cool but I don't know if I'm looking for that. Plus term's almost over so what, would we just, like, wait for each other over summer? And also-- THEA Ohh, slow down honey.
  • 16. 15. DELILAH Yeah, I don't know. I've been thinking about it a lot lately. I haven't dated a lot. MOONGIRL You haven't? DELILAH Like, one person in high school. My mom said she didn't like him and I kinda realized I didn't like him that much either. THEA Let's hope she likes Oz, then. DELILAH Oh, yeah. My mom passed away last October, so that won't be a problem. MOONGIRL ...What? The tower falls. DELILAH JENGA! THEA I'm so sorry to hear that, Delilah. Delilah realizes what she's said--she was caught up in the moment. DELILAH No. No, it's okay. I'm okay. Really. It was a lot, but now I'm fine. THEA It's okay if you aren't. DELILAH I'm fine. She starts restacking the Jenga tower. DELILAH(CONT.) (CONT’D) I'm fine, I'm fine. Really. Thea gets down and sits next to Delilah, leaning against her. Moongirl seems at a loss what to say or do.
  • 17. 16. Time freezes. Moongirl disappears. Charlie takes Moongirl's place and time resumes. CHARLIE Delilah, I know I didn't know your mom, but I know she's in a better place. You'll see her again eventually. Until then, I'm here for you if you need it. Delilah gets up and hugs Charlie. Charlie hugs back. A quiet moment of tenderness. Then: BRAH BRAH BRA, BRRRRRR. BUH BUH. DOO DOO DOO. DELILAH (angrily getting up, the other two laughing) Oh my GO-- CUT TO: EXT. TREE Charlie walks up to her tree. Then she flips to a previous page and bookmarks it. It's dated 3/8/15. Shutter. Moongirl and CHERRY--senior, wild, fun--sit at the tree's base. Moongirl is looking at the first few pages of the sketchbook while Cherry smokes. MOONGIRL These are really good. CHERRY Thanks! I just doodle in my free time. Cherry offers the joint to Moongirl. Moongirl hesitates. MOONGIRL I haven't smoked weed before. CHERRY Oh shit, you haven't? This is not me pressuring you. Just offering. MOONGIRL ...I'll try it. Moongirl takes the joint and inhales, sputtering out smoke and coughing after. She hands it back. CHERRY You get used to the coughing.
  • 18. 17. MOONGIRL I kinda like it. CHERRY Wow, I guess I really popped your weed cherry huh. MOONGIRL Haha, very funny Cherry. Why do people call you that anyway? CHERRY My last name's Maraschino. Too good to pass up. Remember that last name--it's the last name of the person who introduced the beauty that is pot. MOONGIRL Do you mind if I draw something? CHERRY No, go ahead. Moongirl starts drawing. Beat. CHERRY (CONT.) (CONT’D) I love this tree. It's my favorite tree on campus. I don't visit it enough. MOONGIRL ...Can I ask you something? CHERRY Go ahead, Charlie. MOONGIRL Are you nervous about graduating? CHERRY Why? MOONGIRL Ah, it's kinda dumb. I'm only a freshman after all. But...I had such a good first year here so far. I'm worried about what comes after all this. Time freezes. Charlie looks to Moongirl, waiting for her to disappear. But then she sees that Cherry's disappeared instead. She looks at Moongirl for a few moments, wistfully. Then she steps into Cherry's place and time resumes.
  • 19. 18. CHARLIE What happens here belongs to a version of you that eventually, you won't be anymore. I'm kind of scared of that, honestly. But that won't change that it happened. And you'll remember it all--trust me. The smallest things will bring you back. A cologne your friend wore all the time. The song you and your friends would sing whenever you're drunk. Your favorite tree. I'm kinda all over the place, but I guess the thing you should hear is that change always comes, but it doesn't erase. Charlie steps aside, and Cherry reappears. MOONGIRL Wow, thanks. That's really... Cherry stands up. CHERRY I really gotta piss. Wanna walk back? MOONGIRL Sure. Moongirl gets up and tries to hand the sketchbook back. CHERRY You wanna keep it? I haven't drawn much lately. MOONGIRL Oh. If you're sure. I'd love to. CUT TO: EXT. CEMETERY Charlie walking into the cemetery. She opens the journal and flips it to the first sketch, bookmarking it. Sarah appears in her original position, frozen. Charlie sits down in her original position. She closes the book. Time resumes. SARAH Do you have any plans after you graduate?...sorry, I could hear it from here.
  • 20. 19. CHARLIE I do, actually. END POSTCREDIT Charlie sleeping, in her bed. The journal is on her desk. In the darkness, we see a hand reach for it.