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                                                                          SAN	ANTONIO	BUSINESS	JOURNAL	                                                            mARch	3,	2010	   

Women of Influence
         here is something magical about grade school                                                                                   Influential Educators in San Antonio,”
         history books. In the hands of the right teacher,                                                                           by Scene in San Antonio Magazine. She is a
         students virtually can hear Paul Revere’s cries                                                                       popular speaker at San Antonio events, and is the
as he winds his way through the cobblestone streets of                                                                        annual Ms. of Ceremonies at the Cancer Therapy
Boston or they can smell the roasting corn on the early                                                                       and Research Center’s Book  Author Luncheon.
settler’s crackling campfire. For years, though, the his-                                                                  In addition, Grissom has kept good literary company
tory books reflected primarily the accomplishments of                                                                   over the years: Author Joyce Carol Oates wrote a poem
white men, leaving out — or downplaying — the roles                                                                     for her; among her guests for dinner when she lived in
of women and minorities from the chapters. Today,                                                                       a university residence were the late John Updike and
progress has been made on the national scene, but lo-                                                                   Kurt Vonnegut, and Margaret Atwood is one of her
cally — especially here in San Antonio — the stories of                                                                 dear friends. In October 2008, the Trinity University
women leaders who impacted our city mostly are hid-                                                                     Press published “A Novel Approach to Life,” a collec-
den away in a few books.                                                                                                tion of speeches Grissom has written and delivered
  As part of National Women’s History Month, the San                                                                    over the past five decades. Grissom, who lives in the
Antonio Business Journal, Oppenheimer Blend                                                                             Texas Hill Country with her four toy poodles, three cats
Harrison + Tate Inc., Frost Bank and Regnier Val-                                                                       and five saltwater fish, abides by John Hoyt’s famous
dez champion the accomplishments of local women.                                                                        quote: “Figure out what you care about and live a life
This year’s national theme is “Writing Women Back                                                                       that shows it.”
into History,” and the committee researched and chose                                                                      With this publication, we hope to start mapping out
14 women — 10 deceased and four living — who cou-                                                                       the leadership footprints that strong women have left
rageously have stood up for education, preservation,                                                                    on the Alamo City’s history. Many thanks to freelance
discovery and civil rights in San Antonio. On Thursday,                                                                 writer Dawn E. Cole for her profiles of our modern
March 4th, these women were honored at the San Anto-                                                                    heroines and to staff photographer Catherine Domin-
nio Country Club at a “Beyond the Glass Ceiling” event.                                                                 guez for her wonderful photographs of Lila Cockrell
Each women received a special piece of art glass from                                                                   and Joci Straus. Kudos to our Assistant Creative Direc-
another local icon, artist Gini Garcia.                      the torch for women’s rights, fighting for equality in     tor Cathy Monroy for her exquisite design skills on the
  To act as Ms. of Ceremonies for the event, the com-        professional ranks and mentoring women students to         layout of this publication. And a special thank you to the
mittee could think of no better woman than Coleen            achieve their dreams. In addition to college courses on    talented staff at Regnier Valdez for creating the event
Grissom, Ph.D. Grissom is a Trinity University pro-          reading and writing, Grissom leads community literary      logo, invitations and advertisements.
fessor and former vice president of student affairs. She     workshops, where women of all ages (and a few brave           In addition, we are appreciative of historical photos
has — almost singlehandedly — opened the minds and           men) meet weekly to discuss and debate the writing         provided by the University of Texas at San Antonio’s
hearts of San Antonio to the joy of reading and the ap-      styles and themes from her rigorous reading list.          the Institute of Texan Cultures and those photos from
preciation of quality literature. During the more than 50       This role, and her fierce loyalty to her students and   the San Antonio Light Collection, UTSA’s Institute of
years she has worked at Trinity, Grissom has carried         friends, earned her a nomination as one of the “50 Most    Texan Cultures, Courtesy of the Hearst Corp.
  march 3, 2010                                                             Women of Influence
                                                                              SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL                        

                                                                                                              By Dawn E. ColE

                                                                                                                      heir fingerprints are evident in city hall, the arts,
                                                                                                                      the state capitol, and indeed, in how business
                                                                                                                      is done in San Antonio. Without them, San
                                                                                                              Antonio’s history would lack some of its most beauti-
                                                                                                              ful facets, and their work continues to shape the city’s
                                                                                                                Lila Cockrell, Joci Straus, Sheryl Sculley and Esper-
                                                                                                              anza “Hope” Andrade’s unique stories have not only im-
                                                                                                              pacted their community and states, but have also blazed
                                                                                                              new paths for women in their respective arenas.

Lila Cockrell
   Lila Cockrell started blazing trails right after graduating from Southern
Methodist University, when she enlisted in the U.S. Navy WAVES program,
and served during World War II. She and her husband, Sid, made San Antonio
home in 1956, and in the half-century since, you’d be hard-pressed to name an
arena in which Cockrell hasn’t been a part.
   She turned her attention to politics early on, and had served two terms as
president of San Antonio’s League of Women voters when the business-friend-
ly “Good Government League” came calling in 1963.
   Cockrell told the “San Antonio Light” that the GGL contingent pulled up in
two cars, “and four or five gentlemen got out of each car,” to talk her into being
the first woman to run for San Antonio City Council under the GGL banner. After being
reassured that they wouldn’t try to tell her what to do, Cockrell says she agreed.
   She was elected to the council five times in all, and then in 1975, became the first woman
elected mayor of a major United States city. Although she would joke on the campaign trail
when introducing her husband: “This is my husband Sid, he tells me what to do,” Cockrell
always clearly has made her own decisions.
   Cockrell served three terms as mayor, then stepped down from the mayor’s seat in 1981
when her husband fell ill. But after his death, she returned to politics, and voters elected
her for a fourth term.
   Reporters during Cockrell’s early terms were prone to describing her as a “prim school-
teacher type” with a passion for Roget’s Rules of Order, but she grew into her own convic-
tions, and her own style.
   As she told a crowd at the San Antonio Women’s Chamber of Commerce in Texas as
she began her final term as mayor “At first, I would vote with the crowd. Then, I started
finding my own way, forging my own path.”
   Her opponents would learn Cockrell was no pushover, as well. When she crossed
swords with Homeowner-Taxpayer Association president C.A. Stubbs in 1990, Cockrell
faced television cameras and reporters and threw down the gauntlet.
   “I’m a person who likes to work with people,” she said. “But there’s a point when you
can’t be conciliatory any more.”
   After her final term as mayor, Cockrell continued that fighting spirit, turning her atten-
tions to the city’s cultural legacy. At the Convention Center Complex she lobbied to bring
to San Antonio, the theater on the River Walk bears her name.
   Cockrell today continues to serve the city as president of the San Antonio Parks Founda-
tion, a perfect fit for a woman who has spent a lifetime cultivating growth in San Antonio.                                           Women of Influence
                                                                              SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL                                                                march 3, 2010    

 Joci Straus
    In the academic building of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San
 Antonio, a portrait of Jocelyn “Joci” Levi Straus hangs in recognition of her 20-plus
 years of service on the Health Science Center’s Development Board.
    In it, she is the picture of a genteel Southern lady, dressed in a shell-pink suit ac-
 cessorized with perfect pearl earrings, flawless all the way down to her manicure.
 But the soft image belies a woman who’s commitment to her political convictions,
 and the arts in San Antonio, are tough as nails.
    Joci Straus cut her political teeth as one of the “Nixon Girls,” and her determina-
 tion was one of the driving forces for making the Republican Party viable in Texas. Soon,
 she was rolling up her sleeves to work on George Bush Sr.’s run for the U.S. Senate in
    “Competition in free enterprise makes it successful,” she said in 1982, when the Junior
 League of San Antonio named her its Volunteer Extraordinaire. “Government is the big-
 gest business in the country, and a two-party system stimulates healthy competition.”
                                                                                               Esperanza “Hope” Andrade
    Although the elder Bush wouldn’t win that campaign, he and Barbara Bush became               Esperanza “Hope” Andrade had the odds stacked against her. The child of cotton farmers,
 close friends of Straus. Indeed, in 1980, when First Lady Barbara Bush needed a luncheon      her father a Mexican national, she didn’t begin speaking English until she was school-age.
 hosted for herself and 17 other economic summit spouses, she called on Straus, who the        But her parents instilled early the value of hard work, giving the young Andrade chores on
 “Wall Street Journal” called “indisputably the most influential woman in San Antonio.”        the farm.
    And when the Health Science Center honored her for her work in 2007, it would be             And as she grew independent, she applied that work ethic to education and business,
 President George W. and First Lady Laura Bush who taped a special message of thanks.          paying her way through college with a job at IBM, and then starting her own child-care
    But Straus has hardly limited her influence and fundraising prowess to the GOP. The        business with a friend.
 Majestic Theatre downtown stands in tribute to her commitment to the arts. When it              “Two Latinas started with just an idea and a newspaper ad,” Andrade told the “Austin-
 was threatened in the late 1980s, Straus spearheaded an effort to raise $4.4 million in       American Statesman.”
 11 months. About the same time, she founded the Las Casas Foundation, a nonprofit               But that idea and ad weren’t the end of Andrade’s entrepreneurial spirit. In the decades
 dedicated to the preserving and restoring buildings for cultural use, and went on to reno-    to come, she would get into the home health-care business, an enterprise that employed
 vate the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre in 1998. More recently, she helped found             hundreds and earned annual profits in the millions.
 the Women’s Leadership Council, a powerful group of San Antonio women leading the               The “Latina with an idea” also put her drive and determination into public service, work-
 charge against poverty, violence and abuse and advocating for women and children in           ing with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Greater San Antonio Chamber of
 Bexar County.                                                                                 Commerce. In the 1980s, she was selected for “Leadership San Antonio,” a training pro-
    Although she never sought elected office, Straus has a intensely personal interest in      gram that fine-tuned her skills.
 Austin these days, with her son Joe serving as the first Speaker of the Texas House from        She focused her attentions on improving U.S.-Mexico business relations, expertise that
 San Antonio.                                                                                  served her well when she was appointed to the Texas Transportation Commission, where
    He doesn’t hesitate to give credit where it’s due.                                         she served as chair.
    “I first learned about politics from my mom,” Straus says. “I was the youngest of three      Then, in 2008, she made history when she was sworn in as Texas’ Secretary of State,
 children and too young to stay home alone, so I grew up attending Republican women’s          becoming the first Mexican-American woman in that role in the state’s history. Gov. Rick
 club meetings. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her example.”                           Perry, who appointed her, said “Hope’s dedicated public service and business savvy have
                                                                                               made her an indispensable asset to the state of Texas.”
                                                                                                 Andrade, a proud grandmother, noted she grew an inch at her physical last year. Her doc-
                                                                                               tor might have been startled, but the 5-foot-tall Andrade wasn’t phased. She says
 Sheryl Sculley                                                                                representing Texas has her standing taller these days.

    Sheryl Sculley is the trailblazer who almost wasn’t.                                       DaWN E. cOLE is a San antonio freelance writer.
    San Antonio courted her to serve as city manager, with then-Mayor Ed Garza putting
 an offer on the table. But when her proposed salary became fodder for political showman-
 ship, she said “Thanks, but no thanks.”
    Then Council-Member Julian Castro held a news conference to say he wouldn’t vote for
 it. And Sculley said if the council wasn’t unanimous in its support, she’d stay in Phoenix,
 where she’d served in the number-two slot for 16 years. At least one business leader
 there reacted with a “Hallelujah!”
    But after election season came and went, San Antonio came calling again. This
 time, Sculley said yes. The determination to get what she wanted, on her own
 terms, has been a hallmark of Sculley’s tenure.
    A nine-time marathon finisher, Sculley’s trademark in public service has been
 a steady, dependable, results-oriented approach. She served 15 years in Kalama-
 zoo, Mich.; 16 in Phoenix, and after signing a new three-year-contract in late 2008,
 doesn’t appear to be planning an exit from San Antonio anytime soon.
    The council and business leaders were effusive in their praise of Sculley’s ac-
 complishments, which have included increasing the city’s bond rating to AAA,
 and adding 284 police officers and 160 fire and EMS workers.
    And when it came time for that contract renewal, Mayor Julian Castro was
 among the loudest voices of support, won over at last.
    “My greatest challenge is resistance to change. Most folks embrace improve-
 ment until change directly affects them,” Sculley says. “Convincing others that
 to improve, change is often necessary requires extensive communication, perse-
 verance, and courage to say and do what needs to be done.”
    But like her “no-I-won’t, yes-I-will” entrance into San Antonio’s top job showed,
 Sculley isn’t too staid for surprises. She donned a shiny Supergirl jumpsuit and
 jet-black wig for Cornyation festivities, stepping out in a shiny blue cape and
 platform boots to the delight of the Fiesta crowd.
    Proving sometimes, trailblazers set their own terms.
  march 3, 2010                                                           Women of Influence
                                                                            SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL                                     

                                                                                            Women of

   Artemisia Bowden                            Katherine Stinson                              Emma Tenayuca                                 Marion Koogler
   (1879 - 1969)                               (1891-1977) – Aviator                          (1916-1999)                                   McNay – Art patron

   School administrator                        Marjorie Stinson                               Social justice  labor activist                      he daughter of a wealthy physi-
   and civic leader
                                               (1896-1975)         –   Aviator                                                                     cian, Ohio-born art teacher and

                                                                                                        s a young girl, Emma Tenayuca

            rtemisia Bowden was the                                                                                                       patorn Marion Koogler used her fortune
                                                                                                        visited La Plaza de Zacate, now
            daughter of a former slave and                atherine and Marjorie Stinson                                                   to feed and nurture her love for the arts.
                                                                                             Milam Square in front of Santa Rosa
  newly minted college graduate when                      were born into a world where                                                    And lucky for San Antonio, that passion
                                                                                             Hospital, with her father and grandfa-
  she traveled to San Antonio from North       women were expected to be homemak-                                                         was fueled while Koogler McNay lived
                                                                                             ther and watched as “contractors came
  Carolina in 1902. At the height of this      ers and weren’t allowed to vote.                                                           in the Alamo City.
                                                                                             to make arrangements with the families
  country’s fierce struggle with minor-            Being respectable young ladies, the                                                       In 1917, Koogler married Don Den-
                                                Stinson sisters took one look at the or-     who wanted to go to the beet fields.”
  ity and women civil rights, a 23-year-old                                                                                               ton McNay and moved to San Antonio
                                                dinary life of their peers, strapped on         It was there, according to an oral his-
  Bowden took on the world of academia                                                                                                    before her husband’s Army posting to
                                                aviator goggles and became two of the        tory stored in the library of the Insti-
  and never looked back.                                                                                                                  Laredo. Ten months later, he died from
                                                first 10 women in the United States to       tute of Texan Cultures, that Tenayuca
     Bowden’s first job in the Alamo City                                                                                                 influenza.
                                                earn pilots’ licenses.                       learned firsthand about plight of San
  was as the principal of St. Philip’s Nor-                                                                                                  Koogler McNay married four more
                                                   You go, girls.                            Antonio’s working class Mexican popu-
  mal and Industrial School, an Episcopal                                                                                                 times, but during her third marriage,
                                                   Older sister Katherine led the way,       lation.
  day school for African-American girls.                                                                                                  she and her ophthalmologist husband
                                                earning her pilot’s license at age 21 in        As Tenayuca grew into a teenager,
  For the next 52 years, she led the trans-                                                                                               Donald T. Atkinson, commissioned ar-
                                                1912 with the intent to perform exhi-        the struggle of her people to earn a
  formation of the small private school to a                                                                                              chitects Atlee and Robert Ayres to de-
                                                bition flights and raise money for her       fair wage, safe and sanitary workplace
  fully-accredited, two-year public college,                                                                                              sign a 24-room Spanish Colonial-Revival
                                                planned music education. But there           standards and equal privileges lit a fire
  where she served as president and dean                                                                                                  house that would one day become the
                                                was something rather anticlimactic           in her young soul. “She had a magnetic
  until 1954.                                                                                                                             core of the McNay Art Museum.
                                                about teaching piano after flying a          personality an possessed extraordinary
     It took courageous leadership — es-                                                                                                     Part of the inspiration was Koogler
                                                Wright B in the wide open sky. And so,       organizing abilities,” author Zaragosa
  pecially during the Great Depression,                                                                                                   McNay’s purchase of her first modern
                                                Katherine became a full-fledged avia-        Vargas writes in his essay on Teneyuca
  when the Episcopal Church and the Dio-                                                                                                  oil painting, Diego Rivera’s “Delfina
                                                tor and pioneer known as “The Fly-           for “The Pacific Historical Review.”
  cese of West Texas decided they would                                                                                                   Flores.” She later went on to collect
                                                ing Schoolgirl” — setting a series of           At 16, Tenayuca joined a strike of
  no longer underwrite the institution.                                                                                                   American watercolors, French Impres-
                                                distance records and firsts in the field,    women cigar makers in San Antonio
  Bowden “refused to let the school die”                                                                                                  sionist paintings and pieces by artists in
                                                including: the first woman authorized        and later went on to organize sit-down
  and “began a campaign to have the San                                                                                                   the New Mexico area.
                                                to carry U.S. mail, the first woman to       strikes and protests at City Hall. She
  Antonio Independent School District                                                                                                        Upon her death at age 67 in 1950,
                                                perform a loop, the first night flight,      is best known for leading the 1938 pe-
  take over the institution,” according to                                                                                                Koogler McNay’s will created the Mar-
                                                inventor of skywriting and more.             can shellers’ strike. With more than
  the Handbook of Texas Online.                                                                                                           ion Koogler McNay Art Museum as the
                                                   Katherine’s success inspired her          10,000 participants, the strike was one
     Bowden took on the board of educa-                                                                                                   “first modern art museum in Texas,” a
                                                whole family, including younger sister       of the largest community organized,
  tion, arguing that “as long as it contin-                                                                                               campus that includes her house, the sur-
                                                Marjorie, who became the ninth U.S.          race-based wage fights in the coun-
  ued to operate a white junior college out                                                                                               rounding 23 acres, more than 700 works
                                                woman to earn her pilot’s license in         try— seeking equal pay for Mexican
  of public funds,” the board had an obli-                                                                                                of art, and an endowment. The museum
                                                1914 at the age of 18. Marjorie also         shellers, who were being paid less than
  gation to fund a black junior college as                                                                                                opened in 1954, has grown to include
                                                became an air mail carrier and in 1915       their white colleagues and facing a fur-
  well, the Handbook reports.                                                                                                             more than 20,000 works and attracts
                                                was inducted into the U.S. Aviation Re-      ther wage cut. Tenayuca, like many of
     In 1942, Bowden won her fight when                                                                                                   more than 100,000 visitors per year. In
                                                serve Corps as its only woman.               her fellow strikers, was arrested and
  the board incorporated St. Philip’s into                                                                                                June 2008, the addition of the $33 mil-
                                                   One year later, the sisters, along        thrown in jail for her efforts.
  the municipal junior college system. In                                                                                                 lion Jane and Arthur          Stieren
                                                with their brother Eddie, opened up             In her attempt to rally groups against
  addition to serving as the school’s dean                                                                                                Center doubled                 the muse-
                                                Stinson School of Flying on about 500        oppression, Tenayuca joined the Com-
  for another decade, Bowden was an ac-                                                                                                   um’s space.
                                                acres in San Antonio, which they rent-       munist Party and was, consequently,
  tive civic leader, serving as president of                                                 run out of San Antonio by death threats.
  several of the city’s African American        ed for $5 per year. It was there that the
                                                Stinson sisters taught many men to fly       She later quit the party, moved back to
  women and business groups. The Na-                                                         the Alamo City with a teaching cer-
  tional Council of Negro Women cited           for the military, and Marjorie earned
                                                the title “The Flying Schoolmarm.”           tificate, earned a master’s degree and
  Bowden as one of the 10 most outstand-                                                     taught reading in the Harlandale school
  ing women educators in the country.           Katherine volunteered several times
                                                to fly combat during World War I, but        district until her death in 1999.
  Today, San Antonio’s Bowden Elemen-
  tary School and St. Philip’s Bowden Ad-       was rejected. The family aviation busi-
  ministration Building are named for her       ness thrived until civilian flying was
  legacy.                                       banned in World War I, and the City of
                                                San Antonio took over the airfield and                                      Women of Influence
                                                                        SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL                                                               march 3, 2010    

our Past

 Clara Driscoll                           Mary Nan West                                 The Chili Queens                              Mary Maverick
 (1881-1945)                              (1925-2001)                                   of San Antonio                                Green  Emily
 Savior of the Alamo                      South Texas Rancher                           Street chefs  chili inventors                Edwards

                                          Stock Show  Rodeo Leader

        he only child of multimillion                                                                                                 Founders San Antonio

                                                                                                oday’s mom-and-pop entrepre-          Conservation Society
        dollar ranching and bank-                   ever mind any of that fancy of-             neurs have sleek tools like mi-

ing couple Robert and Julia Driscoll,               fice business.                     cro-financing and iPhones to help boost                 he best teachers know that
Clara Driscoll was a “a restless little      For Mary Nan West, a woman did her        business. But 200 years ago, all a group                showing students is much more
redhead of 22 when she came home          best work on the wide open ranch land        of women known as the Chili Queens             effective than telling them. That’s why
from a costly education and a trip        of South Texas.                              needed, was money for red chiles and           when Mary Maverick Green and Em-
abroad,” according to a 1945 TIME            West grew up on her family’s 36,000-      beef and little elbow grease. And with         ily Edwards fought to preserve San
magazine obituary.                        acre Rafter S Ranch near Batesville in       that, the American staple known as chili       Antonio’s historic places, they used two
  In San Antonio, Driscoll found the      Zavala County in the late 1920s and          was born.                                      tried-and-true weapons: A puppet show
three-acre Alamo wallowing in state of    early 1930s. Although she was sent to           According to Linda Stradley of “What’s      and a field trip.
disrepair and in danger of being con-     St. Mary’s Hall all-girls school in San      Cooking America,” these Latino women              In 1924, after founding the San Anto-
verted to a hotel. Driscoll joined the    Antonio and traveled to California for       prepared the chili at home and then            nio Conservation Society (SACS)with
Daughters of the Republic of Texas        college, West’s true love was the ranch      “loaded it onto colorful chili wagons,         13 women, Green and Edwards created
in a fight to save the Alamo and ap-      where she cared for the cattle and prac-     and transported the wagons and chili to        puppet characters to look like the city
peared “before the startled legislature   ticed roping. At the age of 18, West         the plaza. They build mesquite fires on        commissioners and staged a play about
at Austin, vainly heckled its members,    moved back to her grandparents’ ranch        the square to keep the chili warm, light-      the conflict between the city’s preserva-
and finally rescued Texas’ shrine with    and began to manage its Hereford cat-        ed their wagons with colored lanterns,         tionists and commercial development.
her own $65,000 check,” TIME’s obit-      tle operation. There she also raised two     and squatted on the ground beside the          Later, when the city was considering
uary reported.                            daughters, who worked side-by-side           cart, dishing out chili to customers who       paving over a portion of the river, Green
  Dubbed the “Savior of the Alamo,”       with their mother cultivating the Texas      sat on wooden stools to eat their fiery        and Edwards took the commissioners
Driscoll went on to become a novelist     land.                                        stew.”                                         “on a canoe ride on the bend just to
and author. She married and moved            In the 1960s, when her children were         Jeffrey Pilcher, history professor at       show the men how beautiful it was,” ac-
away from Texas several times, be-        grown, West volunteered for the San          The Citadel in South Carolina, has re-         cording to Sally Anne Buchanan’s story
fore settling back down in Corpus         Antonio Livestock Association and            searched the story of the chili queens,        on the SACS Web site.
Christi after her divorce. She spent      soon became the first woman chair of         using photographs from the University             Today the River Walk is San Antonio’s
the next decade passionately involved     the board for the San Antonio Livestock      of Texas Institute for Texan Cultures,         pride and joy, and
with historic preservation through the    Show and Rodeo.                              to show that San Antonio’s military               SACS is one of the oldest and most ac-
Daughters of the Republic of Texas,          West was instrumental in expanding        plaza came alive at night with makeshift       tive community preservation society’s
and served as Democratic National         the San Antonio Livestock Exposition         tables, chili vendors, musicians and           in the country.
Committeewoman between 1928 and           (SALE) in 1984 to include the first          more.                                             The work of Green and Edwards
1944. Upon her death in 1945, Driscoll    college scholarship fund for students           These women entrepreneurs im-               hardly was all fun and games, though.
bequeathed her family fortune to es-      studying agriculture and science at          proved their recipes over time and             Both women, who met on a San Antonio
tablish the Driscoll Foundation Chil-     Texas colleges. Fifteen four-year schol-        The Chili Queens remained a high-           street, bemoaning the state of a land-
dren’s Hospital in Corpus Christi. She    arships were given out that first year.      light in San Antonio for many years,           mark in disrepair, were artists, preser-
is buried here in San Antonio.            Today, more $96 million in scholarships      according to the International Chili           vation advocates, women’s rights fight-
                                          has aided more than 4,600 students.          Society. “There was even a “San Anto-
                                             West’s ranching prowess once earned                                                      ers and supporters of the public school
                                                                                       nio Chili Stand” at the Chicago World’s        system. Green was the first woman
                                          her the Texas County Agricultural            Fair in 1893, until the late 1930s, in fact,
                                          Agents Association’s Man of the Year                                                        on the San Antonio School board and
                                                                                       when the health department put an end          founded this city’s first legal aid office.
                                          Award in 1988.                               to their time-honored profession,” the
                                             She went on to break down plenty                                                         Edwards was an art teacher at Brack-
                                                                                       society reports.                               enridge High School, where she taught
                                          other male-dominated barriers, includ-          Indeed a 1937 “San Antonio Light”
                                          ing being appointed the first woman to                                                      students like Robert Harvey Harry
                                                                                       article reports that health department         Hugman, who later would become one
                                          serve as the Chairman of the Board of        shut down the Military Plaza chili mak-
                                          Regents of Texas AM University by                                                          of the River Walk architects.
                                                                                       ing for sanitation violations.                    Green’s and Edward’s passion and
                                          former Texas Governor Ann Richards
                                          — proving that even cowgirls get their                                                      fortitude is evident amid the curving
                                          due.                                                                                        archways of the River Walk bridges and
                                                                                                                                      the architectural integrity of historic
                                                                                                                                      landmarks — providing a show and tell
                                                                                                                                      that will last for generations to come.

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SABJ WOI Editorial Design

  • 1.
  • 2. Women of Influence SAN ANTONIO BUSINESS JOURNAL mARch 3, 2010 Women of Influence T here is something magical about grade school Influential Educators in San Antonio,” history books. In the hands of the right teacher, by Scene in San Antonio Magazine. She is a students virtually can hear Paul Revere’s cries popular speaker at San Antonio events, and is the as he winds his way through the cobblestone streets of annual Ms. of Ceremonies at the Cancer Therapy Boston or they can smell the roasting corn on the early and Research Center’s Book Author Luncheon. settler’s crackling campfire. For years, though, the his- In addition, Grissom has kept good literary company tory books reflected primarily the accomplishments of over the years: Author Joyce Carol Oates wrote a poem white men, leaving out — or downplaying — the roles for her; among her guests for dinner when she lived in of women and minorities from the chapters. Today, a university residence were the late John Updike and progress has been made on the national scene, but lo- Kurt Vonnegut, and Margaret Atwood is one of her cally — especially here in San Antonio — the stories of dear friends. In October 2008, the Trinity University women leaders who impacted our city mostly are hid- Press published “A Novel Approach to Life,” a collec- den away in a few books. tion of speeches Grissom has written and delivered As part of National Women’s History Month, the San over the past five decades. Grissom, who lives in the Antonio Business Journal, Oppenheimer Blend Texas Hill Country with her four toy poodles, three cats Harrison + Tate Inc., Frost Bank and Regnier Val- and five saltwater fish, abides by John Hoyt’s famous dez champion the accomplishments of local women. quote: “Figure out what you care about and live a life This year’s national theme is “Writing Women Back that shows it.” into History,” and the committee researched and chose With this publication, we hope to start mapping out 14 women — 10 deceased and four living — who cou- the leadership footprints that strong women have left rageously have stood up for education, preservation, on the Alamo City’s history. Many thanks to freelance discovery and civil rights in San Antonio. On Thursday, writer Dawn E. Cole for her profiles of our modern March 4th, these women were honored at the San Anto- heroines and to staff photographer Catherine Domin- nio Country Club at a “Beyond the Glass Ceiling” event. guez for her wonderful photographs of Lila Cockrell Each women received a special piece of art glass from and Joci Straus. Kudos to our Assistant Creative Direc- another local icon, artist Gini Garcia. the torch for women’s rights, fighting for equality in tor Cathy Monroy for her exquisite design skills on the To act as Ms. of Ceremonies for the event, the com- professional ranks and mentoring women students to layout of this publication. And a special thank you to the mittee could think of no better woman than Coleen achieve their dreams. In addition to college courses on talented staff at Regnier Valdez for creating the event Grissom, Ph.D. Grissom is a Trinity University pro- reading and writing, Grissom leads community literary logo, invitations and advertisements. fessor and former vice president of student affairs. She workshops, where women of all ages (and a few brave In addition, we are appreciative of historical photos has — almost singlehandedly — opened the minds and men) meet weekly to discuss and debate the writing provided by the University of Texas at San Antonio’s hearts of San Antonio to the joy of reading and the ap- styles and themes from her rigorous reading list. the Institute of Texan Cultures and those photos from preciation of quality literature. During the more than 50 This role, and her fierce loyalty to her students and the San Antonio Light Collection, UTSA’s Institute of years she has worked at Trinity, Grissom has carried friends, earned her a nomination as one of the “50 Most Texan Cultures, Courtesy of the Hearst Corp.
  • 3.   march 3, 2010  Women of Influence SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL Modern By Dawn E. ColE T heir fingerprints are evident in city hall, the arts, the state capitol, and indeed, in how business is done in San Antonio. Without them, San Antonio’s history would lack some of its most beauti- ful facets, and their work continues to shape the city’s future. Lila Cockrell, Joci Straus, Sheryl Sculley and Esper- anza “Hope” Andrade’s unique stories have not only im- pacted their community and states, but have also blazed new paths for women in their respective arenas. Lila Cockrell Lila Cockrell started blazing trails right after graduating from Southern Methodist University, when she enlisted in the U.S. Navy WAVES program, and served during World War II. She and her husband, Sid, made San Antonio home in 1956, and in the half-century since, you’d be hard-pressed to name an arena in which Cockrell hasn’t been a part. She turned her attention to politics early on, and had served two terms as president of San Antonio’s League of Women voters when the business-friend- ly “Good Government League” came calling in 1963. Cockrell told the “San Antonio Light” that the GGL contingent pulled up in two cars, “and four or five gentlemen got out of each car,” to talk her into being the first woman to run for San Antonio City Council under the GGL banner. After being reassured that they wouldn’t try to tell her what to do, Cockrell says she agreed. She was elected to the council five times in all, and then in 1975, became the first woman elected mayor of a major United States city. Although she would joke on the campaign trail when introducing her husband: “This is my husband Sid, he tells me what to do,” Cockrell always clearly has made her own decisions. Cockrell served three terms as mayor, then stepped down from the mayor’s seat in 1981 when her husband fell ill. But after his death, she returned to politics, and voters elected her for a fourth term. Reporters during Cockrell’s early terms were prone to describing her as a “prim school- teacher type” with a passion for Roget’s Rules of Order, but she grew into her own convic- tions, and her own style. As she told a crowd at the San Antonio Women’s Chamber of Commerce in Texas as she began her final term as mayor “At first, I would vote with the crowd. Then, I started finding my own way, forging my own path.” Her opponents would learn Cockrell was no pushover, as well. When she crossed swords with Homeowner-Taxpayer Association president C.A. Stubbs in 1990, Cockrell faced television cameras and reporters and threw down the gauntlet. “I’m a person who likes to work with people,” she said. “But there’s a point when you can’t be conciliatory any more.” After her final term as mayor, Cockrell continued that fighting spirit, turning her atten- tions to the city’s cultural legacy. At the Convention Center Complex she lobbied to bring to San Antonio, the theater on the River Walk bears her name. Cockrell today continues to serve the city as president of the San Antonio Parks Founda- tion, a perfect fit for a woman who has spent a lifetime cultivating growth in San Antonio.
  • 4.  Women of Influence SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL  march 3, 2010  Heroines Joci Straus In the academic building of the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, a portrait of Jocelyn “Joci” Levi Straus hangs in recognition of her 20-plus years of service on the Health Science Center’s Development Board. In it, she is the picture of a genteel Southern lady, dressed in a shell-pink suit ac- cessorized with perfect pearl earrings, flawless all the way down to her manicure. But the soft image belies a woman who’s commitment to her political convictions, and the arts in San Antonio, are tough as nails. Joci Straus cut her political teeth as one of the “Nixon Girls,” and her determina- tion was one of the driving forces for making the Republican Party viable in Texas. Soon, she was rolling up her sleeves to work on George Bush Sr.’s run for the U.S. Senate in 1964. “Competition in free enterprise makes it successful,” she said in 1982, when the Junior League of San Antonio named her its Volunteer Extraordinaire. “Government is the big- gest business in the country, and a two-party system stimulates healthy competition.” Esperanza “Hope” Andrade Although the elder Bush wouldn’t win that campaign, he and Barbara Bush became Esperanza “Hope” Andrade had the odds stacked against her. The child of cotton farmers, close friends of Straus. Indeed, in 1980, when First Lady Barbara Bush needed a luncheon her father a Mexican national, she didn’t begin speaking English until she was school-age. hosted for herself and 17 other economic summit spouses, she called on Straus, who the But her parents instilled early the value of hard work, giving the young Andrade chores on “Wall Street Journal” called “indisputably the most influential woman in San Antonio.” the farm. And when the Health Science Center honored her for her work in 2007, it would be And as she grew independent, she applied that work ethic to education and business, President George W. and First Lady Laura Bush who taped a special message of thanks. paying her way through college with a job at IBM, and then starting her own child-care But Straus has hardly limited her influence and fundraising prowess to the GOP. The business with a friend. Majestic Theatre downtown stands in tribute to her commitment to the arts. When it “Two Latinas started with just an idea and a newspaper ad,” Andrade told the “Austin- was threatened in the late 1980s, Straus spearheaded an effort to raise $4.4 million in American Statesman.” 11 months. About the same time, she founded the Las Casas Foundation, a nonprofit But that idea and ad weren’t the end of Andrade’s entrepreneurial spirit. In the decades dedicated to the preserving and restoring buildings for cultural use, and went on to reno- to come, she would get into the home health-care business, an enterprise that employed vate the Charline McCombs Empire Theatre in 1998. More recently, she helped found hundreds and earned annual profits in the millions. the Women’s Leadership Council, a powerful group of San Antonio women leading the The “Latina with an idea” also put her drive and determination into public service, work- charge against poverty, violence and abuse and advocating for women and children in ing with the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Bexar County. Commerce. In the 1980s, she was selected for “Leadership San Antonio,” a training pro- Although she never sought elected office, Straus has a intensely personal interest in gram that fine-tuned her skills. Austin these days, with her son Joe serving as the first Speaker of the Texas House from She focused her attentions on improving U.S.-Mexico business relations, expertise that San Antonio. served her well when she was appointed to the Texas Transportation Commission, where He doesn’t hesitate to give credit where it’s due. she served as chair. “I first learned about politics from my mom,” Straus says. “I was the youngest of three Then, in 2008, she made history when she was sworn in as Texas’ Secretary of State, children and too young to stay home alone, so I grew up attending Republican women’s becoming the first Mexican-American woman in that role in the state’s history. Gov. Rick club meetings. I wouldn’t be where I am today without her example.” Perry, who appointed her, said “Hope’s dedicated public service and business savvy have made her an indispensable asset to the state of Texas.” Andrade, a proud grandmother, noted she grew an inch at her physical last year. Her doc- tor might have been startled, but the 5-foot-tall Andrade wasn’t phased. She says Sheryl Sculley representing Texas has her standing taller these days. Sheryl Sculley is the trailblazer who almost wasn’t. DaWN E. cOLE is a San antonio freelance writer. San Antonio courted her to serve as city manager, with then-Mayor Ed Garza putting an offer on the table. But when her proposed salary became fodder for political showman- ship, she said “Thanks, but no thanks.” Then Council-Member Julian Castro held a news conference to say he wouldn’t vote for it. And Sculley said if the council wasn’t unanimous in its support, she’d stay in Phoenix, where she’d served in the number-two slot for 16 years. At least one business leader there reacted with a “Hallelujah!” But after election season came and went, San Antonio came calling again. This time, Sculley said yes. The determination to get what she wanted, on her own terms, has been a hallmark of Sculley’s tenure. A nine-time marathon finisher, Sculley’s trademark in public service has been a steady, dependable, results-oriented approach. She served 15 years in Kalama- zoo, Mich.; 16 in Phoenix, and after signing a new three-year-contract in late 2008, doesn’t appear to be planning an exit from San Antonio anytime soon. The council and business leaders were effusive in their praise of Sculley’s ac- complishments, which have included increasing the city’s bond rating to AAA, and adding 284 police officers and 160 fire and EMS workers. And when it came time for that contract renewal, Mayor Julian Castro was among the loudest voices of support, won over at last. “My greatest challenge is resistance to change. Most folks embrace improve- ment until change directly affects them,” Sculley says. “Convincing others that to improve, change is often necessary requires extensive communication, perse- verance, and courage to say and do what needs to be done.” But like her “no-I-won’t, yes-I-will” entrance into San Antonio’s top job showed, Sculley isn’t too staid for surprises. She donned a shiny Supergirl jumpsuit and jet-black wig for Cornyation festivities, stepping out in a shiny blue cape and platform boots to the delight of the Fiesta crowd. Proving sometimes, trailblazers set their own terms.
  • 5.   march 3, 2010  Women of Influence SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL Women of Artemisia Bowden Katherine Stinson Emma Tenayuca Marion Koogler (1879 - 1969) (1891-1977) – Aviator (1916-1999) McNay – Art patron T School administrator Marjorie Stinson Social justice labor activist he daughter of a wealthy physi- and civic leader A (1896-1975) – Aviator cian, Ohio-born art teacher and A s a young girl, Emma Tenayuca K rtemisia Bowden was the patorn Marion Koogler used her fortune visited La Plaza de Zacate, now daughter of a former slave and atherine and Marjorie Stinson to feed and nurture her love for the arts. Milam Square in front of Santa Rosa newly minted college graduate when were born into a world where And lucky for San Antonio, that passion Hospital, with her father and grandfa- she traveled to San Antonio from North women were expected to be homemak- was fueled while Koogler McNay lived ther and watched as “contractors came Carolina in 1902. At the height of this ers and weren’t allowed to vote. in the Alamo City. to make arrangements with the families country’s fierce struggle with minor- Being respectable young ladies, the In 1917, Koogler married Don Den- Stinson sisters took one look at the or- who wanted to go to the beet fields.” ity and women civil rights, a 23-year-old ton McNay and moved to San Antonio dinary life of their peers, strapped on It was there, according to an oral his- Bowden took on the world of academia before her husband’s Army posting to aviator goggles and became two of the tory stored in the library of the Insti- and never looked back. Laredo. Ten months later, he died from first 10 women in the United States to tute of Texan Cultures, that Tenayuca Bowden’s first job in the Alamo City influenza. earn pilots’ licenses. learned firsthand about plight of San was as the principal of St. Philip’s Nor- Koogler McNay married four more You go, girls. Antonio’s working class Mexican popu- mal and Industrial School, an Episcopal times, but during her third marriage, Older sister Katherine led the way, lation. day school for African-American girls. she and her ophthalmologist husband earning her pilot’s license at age 21 in As Tenayuca grew into a teenager, For the next 52 years, she led the trans- Donald T. Atkinson, commissioned ar- 1912 with the intent to perform exhi- the struggle of her people to earn a formation of the small private school to a chitects Atlee and Robert Ayres to de- bition flights and raise money for her fair wage, safe and sanitary workplace fully-accredited, two-year public college, sign a 24-room Spanish Colonial-Revival planned music education. But there standards and equal privileges lit a fire where she served as president and dean house that would one day become the was something rather anticlimactic in her young soul. “She had a magnetic until 1954. core of the McNay Art Museum. about teaching piano after flying a personality an possessed extraordinary It took courageous leadership — es- Part of the inspiration was Koogler Wright B in the wide open sky. And so, organizing abilities,” author Zaragosa pecially during the Great Depression, McNay’s purchase of her first modern Katherine became a full-fledged avia- Vargas writes in his essay on Teneyuca when the Episcopal Church and the Dio- oil painting, Diego Rivera’s “Delfina tor and pioneer known as “The Fly- for “The Pacific Historical Review.” cese of West Texas decided they would Flores.” She later went on to collect ing Schoolgirl” — setting a series of At 16, Tenayuca joined a strike of no longer underwrite the institution. American watercolors, French Impres- distance records and firsts in the field, women cigar makers in San Antonio Bowden “refused to let the school die” sionist paintings and pieces by artists in including: the first woman authorized and later went on to organize sit-down and “began a campaign to have the San the New Mexico area. to carry U.S. mail, the first woman to strikes and protests at City Hall. She Antonio Independent School District Upon her death at age 67 in 1950, perform a loop, the first night flight, is best known for leading the 1938 pe- take over the institution,” according to Koogler McNay’s will created the Mar- inventor of skywriting and more. can shellers’ strike. With more than the Handbook of Texas Online. ion Koogler McNay Art Museum as the Katherine’s success inspired her 10,000 participants, the strike was one Bowden took on the board of educa- “first modern art museum in Texas,” a whole family, including younger sister of the largest community organized, tion, arguing that “as long as it contin- campus that includes her house, the sur- Marjorie, who became the ninth U.S. race-based wage fights in the coun- ued to operate a white junior college out rounding 23 acres, more than 700 works woman to earn her pilot’s license in try— seeking equal pay for Mexican of public funds,” the board had an obli- of art, and an endowment. The museum 1914 at the age of 18. Marjorie also shellers, who were being paid less than gation to fund a black junior college as opened in 1954, has grown to include became an air mail carrier and in 1915 their white colleagues and facing a fur- well, the Handbook reports. more than 20,000 works and attracts was inducted into the U.S. Aviation Re- ther wage cut. Tenayuca, like many of In 1942, Bowden won her fight when more than 100,000 visitors per year. In serve Corps as its only woman. her fellow strikers, was arrested and the board incorporated St. Philip’s into June 2008, the addition of the $33 mil- One year later, the sisters, along thrown in jail for her efforts. the municipal junior college system. In lion Jane and Arthur Stieren with their brother Eddie, opened up In her attempt to rally groups against addition to serving as the school’s dean Center doubled the muse- Stinson School of Flying on about 500 oppression, Tenayuca joined the Com- for another decade, Bowden was an ac- um’s space. acres in San Antonio, which they rent- munist Party and was, consequently, tive civic leader, serving as president of run out of San Antonio by death threats. several of the city’s African American ed for $5 per year. It was there that the Stinson sisters taught many men to fly She later quit the party, moved back to women and business groups. The Na- the Alamo City with a teaching cer- tional Council of Negro Women cited for the military, and Marjorie earned the title “The Flying Schoolmarm.” tificate, earned a master’s degree and Bowden as one of the 10 most outstand- taught reading in the Harlandale school ing women educators in the country. Katherine volunteered several times to fly combat during World War I, but district until her death in 1999. Today, San Antonio’s Bowden Elemen- tary School and St. Philip’s Bowden Ad- was rejected. The family aviation busi- ministration Building are named for her ness thrived until civilian flying was legacy. banned in World War I, and the City of San Antonio took over the airfield and
  • 6.  Women of Influence SaN aNTONIO BUSINESS JOUrNaL  march 3, 2010  our Past Clara Driscoll Mary Nan West The Chili Queens Mary Maverick (1881-1945) (1925-2001) of San Antonio Green Emily Savior of the Alamo South Texas Rancher Street chefs chili inventors Edwards T Stock Show Rodeo Leader T he only child of multimillion Founders San Antonio N oday’s mom-and-pop entrepre- Conservation Society dollar ranching and bank- ever mind any of that fancy of- neurs have sleek tools like mi- T ing couple Robert and Julia Driscoll, fice business. cro-financing and iPhones to help boost he best teachers know that Clara Driscoll was a “a restless little For Mary Nan West, a woman did her business. But 200 years ago, all a group showing students is much more redhead of 22 when she came home best work on the wide open ranch land of women known as the Chili Queens effective than telling them. That’s why from a costly education and a trip of South Texas. needed, was money for red chiles and when Mary Maverick Green and Em- abroad,” according to a 1945 TIME West grew up on her family’s 36,000- beef and little elbow grease. And with ily Edwards fought to preserve San magazine obituary. acre Rafter S Ranch near Batesville in that, the American staple known as chili Antonio’s historic places, they used two In San Antonio, Driscoll found the Zavala County in the late 1920s and was born. tried-and-true weapons: A puppet show three-acre Alamo wallowing in state of early 1930s. Although she was sent to According to Linda Stradley of “What’s and a field trip. disrepair and in danger of being con- St. Mary’s Hall all-girls school in San Cooking America,” these Latino women In 1924, after founding the San Anto- verted to a hotel. Driscoll joined the Antonio and traveled to California for prepared the chili at home and then nio Conservation Society (SACS)with Daughters of the Republic of Texas college, West’s true love was the ranch “loaded it onto colorful chili wagons, 13 women, Green and Edwards created in a fight to save the Alamo and ap- where she cared for the cattle and prac- and transported the wagons and chili to puppet characters to look like the city peared “before the startled legislature ticed roping. At the age of 18, West the plaza. They build mesquite fires on commissioners and staged a play about at Austin, vainly heckled its members, moved back to her grandparents’ ranch the square to keep the chili warm, light- the conflict between the city’s preserva- and finally rescued Texas’ shrine with and began to manage its Hereford cat- ed their wagons with colored lanterns, tionists and commercial development. her own $65,000 check,” TIME’s obit- tle operation. There she also raised two and squatted on the ground beside the Later, when the city was considering uary reported. daughters, who worked side-by-side cart, dishing out chili to customers who paving over a portion of the river, Green Dubbed the “Savior of the Alamo,” with their mother cultivating the Texas sat on wooden stools to eat their fiery and Edwards took the commissioners Driscoll went on to become a novelist land. stew.” “on a canoe ride on the bend just to and author. She married and moved In the 1960s, when her children were Jeffrey Pilcher, history professor at show the men how beautiful it was,” ac- away from Texas several times, be- grown, West volunteered for the San The Citadel in South Carolina, has re- cording to Sally Anne Buchanan’s story fore settling back down in Corpus Antonio Livestock Association and searched the story of the chili queens, on the SACS Web site. Christi after her divorce. She spent soon became the first woman chair of using photographs from the University Today the River Walk is San Antonio’s the next decade passionately involved the board for the San Antonio Livestock of Texas Institute for Texan Cultures, pride and joy, and with historic preservation through the Show and Rodeo. to show that San Antonio’s military SACS is one of the oldest and most ac- Daughters of the Republic of Texas, West was instrumental in expanding plaza came alive at night with makeshift tive community preservation society’s and served as Democratic National the San Antonio Livestock Exposition tables, chili vendors, musicians and in the country. Committeewoman between 1928 and (SALE) in 1984 to include the first more. The work of Green and Edwards 1944. Upon her death in 1945, Driscoll college scholarship fund for students These women entrepreneurs im- hardly was all fun and games, though. bequeathed her family fortune to es- studying agriculture and science at proved their recipes over time and Both women, who met on a San Antonio tablish the Driscoll Foundation Chil- Texas colleges. Fifteen four-year schol- The Chili Queens remained a high- street, bemoaning the state of a land- dren’s Hospital in Corpus Christi. She arships were given out that first year. light in San Antonio for many years, mark in disrepair, were artists, preser- is buried here in San Antonio. Today, more $96 million in scholarships according to the International Chili vation advocates, women’s rights fight- has aided more than 4,600 students. Society. “There was even a “San Anto- West’s ranching prowess once earned ers and supporters of the public school nio Chili Stand” at the Chicago World’s system. Green was the first woman her the Texas County Agricultural Fair in 1893, until the late 1930s, in fact, Agents Association’s Man of the Year on the San Antonio School board and when the health department put an end founded this city’s first legal aid office. Award in 1988. to their time-honored profession,” the She went on to break down plenty Edwards was an art teacher at Brack- society reports. enridge High School, where she taught other male-dominated barriers, includ- Indeed a 1937 “San Antonio Light” ing being appointed the first woman to students like Robert Harvey Harry article reports that health department Hugman, who later would become one serve as the Chairman of the Board of shut down the Military Plaza chili mak- Regents of Texas AM University by of the River Walk architects. ing for sanitation violations. Green’s and Edward’s passion and former Texas Governor Ann Richards — proving that even cowgirls get their fortitude is evident amid the curving due. archways of the River Walk bridges and the architectural integrity of historic landmarks — providing a show and tell that will last for generations to come.