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Perhaps start with some of the players. Rwanda, Styles,
Tricks and Gaola.
This is Rwanda, he has two kids by his on time only love
back home in the Batswana part the republic of South
Africa. A large family of unemployed brothers and
cousins sisters uncles. Rwanda is not his real name, it so
because of the hardships faced by all. The problem here
is unemployment. He could only manageon piece jobs.
He was one of the top ten students at school, most of the
times he has to live with people who could not get a
decent symbol back at school even if their lives
depended on it. Most of them are doing well, because
they have been able to provide favours. These favours
for others like them, turns out there could be a
conspiracy against him for his being smarter than some
of them at school. Opportunities are not so much for
him, he basically hates a world of favours. Rwanda
means trouble, like the genocide, machine gun fire,
machettes, slashing people out of life.
This is Styles, not his real name, known so because of his
life style. He usually has something fancy around him. He
was good football player in his time, created a lot of style
in his play. Style has lost count of the number of his
children. He tries to be a good daddy to all of them but a
life of groveling is never enough. He comes from a well to
do family , but the children compel him to look for extra
cash. He is a basic township boy loves shiny things a
clean to boot life. He loves hanging out with the gang
more than be at home. He has a grudge against the
world for not giving him the opportunity to be playing in
one of the top football teams, he berates the teams for
having what he thinks are ‘cows’. At a time when he was
playing nobody was smart enough to scout deeper. He
would have brought hordes of people ,’crowds to the
game’. Even the president would invite his president
Tricks, a small but closed book, he has three girl -friends
each with a child back home in the Pedi districts, those
visit him at planned intervals. He loves them a lot, and
his children. He did not go beyond standard five at
school. He has been living a life of delivery trucks, and
that kind of odd jobs. His family is large, with a certain
amount of dependency on him. He did nothing much in
his life except left school early to be his own man. Most
of the people he was supposed to learn from ended up
near alchohol, and could not provide the support he
needed to further himself. He is not in the alchohol
group of people. In fact he works with people that take it
because there is a good deal in the end.
Gaola Gaola Gaola. How he managedto grow up to this
height and age is amazing. Daddy died when he was an
infant, mummydied when he was two. The mother came
from families with serious issues. Nobody could take care
of him. His father’s family, do not even know about him.
His mother’s side of things is the bad vibe among that
family. The only person, that knows about him, being an
aunt that never cared where he disappeared to, at ten.
He has been living a life of slavery in the township. Doing
this, and that for other people to scrub up a meal. He
never went to school, so no reason for it, the world is
‘mos onbeskoffed’. Very real when you consider the
treatment from the general public that had to
accommodate him. He does not care about relationships.
For him sex is group sex when him and his buddies are
gang raping some persons daughter. He will never fall in
love, there is no meaning in it ‘ kak, nonsense net’.
Life brought all these socially angry individuals together,
by chance. Whatever it was, they were bound together,
trying a life at car jerking. That never turned right
because the bosses made more money than them. They
tried several other things, drugs and stuff. There was
nothing to it, they merely ended up with a murder or two
in their hands. They have never been suspected for any
of those, now they are ‘gatvol’ with everything else, they
want to connect for themselves. They are now at ages
between the ages thirty and thirty two. Very old to be in
this position.
They have come to the old mine shafts, derelict
abandoned and lost to the world that benefited from it.
The guys are here scouting the possibilities of earning a
decent keep. Armed with and old spade, that has done
service blading grass back in the townships of Soweto, a
chisel recently bought, a big four pound hammer, a sieve
and a twenty liter drum of water they got into the mine.
This is when young people start to take responsibility. To
make money.
Rwanda took the now finished short spade scrape the
uneven, jagged, spiked ground. Taking of the debri and
collecting it on to a box. It was a bit rough at first, he got
the hang of it.
Styles took up the seive, and started to collect whatever
Rwanda had pup up. Seivinf it to try bring up some gold
pieces. The men got busy, very busy, no chit chats.
Gaula picked the hammer and chisel, he worked on all
the gold like stones, chipping them off the rock. Veryh
exhausting work for his wrists. He gave in when nobody
was talking.
ever he could find them. He worked mercilessly like
evcery tom, dick jack and harry about. What was there to
For the first few days worked on the mine shaft, picking
up, scooping up, tracing things and working as if dear life,
for them depended on it. A week or so later they had
brought up some nuggets. They were doing well in the
mine, it caused them to do their favoured chant’gat in
the hole, mess in the hole’ all at once, one big chorus.
Usually towards month end they would be scouring their
heads about who they were going to rob, where they
would hi-jack cars to make ends meet. Some times things
did not go right, especially when there was a fatal
shooting of a victim, there usually was, should they need
They were at home, their new found hobby was
promising, at least it took their activities out of stealing,
robbing, and ohi-jacking cars. Lazying obout with nothing
much to do. A young girl came froim school very early,
that is when the streets look empty and people are not
expecting anyone fron anywhere. She being sighteen and
worth looking at. Styles went out to chat her up.
‘Ma bee queen, ma bebeza, ma yellow bone’ he said ‘
how about you come in and rest your beautiful self
yellow bone’
She did not like this but happened to be standing next to
the fence, too close, Styles could even pick her growing
young woman scent, this became a big incentive, a
strong call to get to her, he grew long fingers. He got
hold of her hand and squeesed it. Pain and more pain, he
put more pressure on her. She got into the yard and
finally into the house, to find a bunch of oither men
looking like hyenas waiting for the kill. He took her past
the bunch, mimicking snake movements and doing that
sssssssssssssssound into one of the rooms, undressed
her at gun point.
Got his own clothes off and started to rape her, the sobs,
cries,soft hushed screams were heard from the other
bunch. Once done with her, he came out walking
boastfull. He did a drum roll on the coffee table as in who
is next kind of thing, Rwanda sprang up, he did the army
march to which the guys responded on the coffee table
by hitting na tune. Tricks was drinking some water from a
mug and began to beat his bit to the marching drums of
the coffee table.
There were more cies and sobs from the other end, guys
talking on and giving encouragement for him to ‘pierce
the witch’, ‘damn bitch’ they chanted as one.
He did the same boastfull walk and did the ‘tantadaaaaa’
sound, followed by a table top drum roll.
Tricks short up, ‘ yaa sir’, galloped like a horse that was
followed by a table top drumming of horse hooves.
When he was done, Gaula took up. He was dragging his
left leg as if it had a permanent limp. They all took a
lough at, expecting the worst kind of treatment. They
chanted ‘ gat in the hole, mess in the hole’ a usual thing
on their part.
Then there were piggy squeals in the bed room, short
and eerie, and sobs accompanied by obscene chants
from the guys, ‘ Gaola Gaola Gaola Gaola Gaola’. He was
a big boy by all means, never kind to females. They took
turns on her, the whole bloody day. There was nothing
she could do, hopeless, helpless, worthless, meaningless,
lost in a world of absolute savagery. Sob, cry, squeal.
Expecting somebody to drop by was nothing to consoul
anyone in such distress.
When they were done, they took her, and her books, her
clothes, naked drove her from the South-West Rand to
the other end of the East Rand.
She watched them go, stories of gang rape came to her
head. She knows, she is lucky to still be alive. Such
incidents happened to young girls all over. The whole
time they were driving her. All they could do was play
with their guns. Comparing who had the most bullets,
who could dismantle and put together the gun quicker.
They hurled abuse at her.’ Go tell your mother to take
better care of you next time, bloody dog’ Gaola.
‘ tell yor alchholic father to buy you better clothes’ Tricks
‘I will shoot you through that bitch whole of yours if the
Police came after me’ Styles
‘stupid bitch, I want more sex when you get home’
Rwanda. Then there was their happy chant. All
together.’gat, in the hole mess in the hole’.
Unemployment can treat people bad. This is gross.
They had good run at the mine dump for two years, still
bitter about life. Their troubles began, an old friend had
been following them and watching them. He was not
happy at all. He was their soul protector from their illegal
‘Here you are at last, my favoured villains. Always up
against the law right’ the policeman said.
He is now Captain Somlandela of Saps. He had found
themn nearing the mine dump in an obscured part of the
woods. Hands behimd him, together with his other
‘ This is where you hide and make money, you forget me.
You forget me, Captain Somlandela of SAPS’.
‘You must pay, for all the time you have been making
gold and money’. He got and angry more, whipped out
his gun and started shooting at their feet, delirious of
himself, and the world around him. When he came to,
every one including the other police captain were on the
police double cab. Villains in the back of it the policeman
in front of it.
‘I aught to kill someone, get off of that vehicle all of you
and come here’, they all did so in a hurry, the other
police captain and the villains in a hurry. He was
uncontrolable, irritated, furious.
Tricks picked it up right there, men like this can do the
unthinkable. When a man arrives with gun in hand that is
no good, somebody has to do something and fast.
‘ Look Kapitaaan Sir, we can sort something out. We do
not keep our money around, and what we owe you’
Tricks intervened.
‘You got three days’ the Kapitaan at SAPS said.
Arrangements were made to meet. Spome place outside
Gauteng. Some place suitable, this was a lot of money.
Tricks had indicated it was a lot of money. The Captain
bent on keeping them indebted to him, agreed.
It was time to take a long hard look at life.
Rwanda thought, ‘the Kapitaaan must die on the day’
‘ Like the rat he is, Iam not wasting a bullet on that rat’
Styles added.
‘ Ye right, he must die like a rat. We struggle alone
getting the stone out. I cannot jhold beautiful people
anymore without them complaining about my hands. Kill
the rat like a rat’ Tricks said
‘Agreed, kill him like a rat. He must die when we meet
the shit’ Gaola said
He got his standing ovation from the others, ‘Gaola Gaola
Gaola Gaola’.
They there they were as arranged, a farm house on the
way to Witbank. He was alone, Rwanda standing next to
the car late in the night for Kapitaaaan Somlandela of
SAPS. He too did not dis-appoint. Funny he brought a
gang of three officers with him. As soon as he saw the
car, he stopped. Got out of the police van they were
using and got to Rwanda. Behind him mayhem irrupted,
gun shots. The three officers stood no chance,
‘Somlandela was not expecting and ambush. He went
down on his knees, promising not to ‘harm them again’.
They took him at gun point, where they tied him to a
chair for the night and the following day. Far from sight,
believing the dead officers have been spotted by now
they prepared to deal with a rat. He was hungry, very
hungry. Rwanda got in the room Kapitaaan Somlandela
was in drinking mageu, sipping it. He had another carton
of a litre mageu with him. The sun had gone down,
Somlandela was hungry, he was happy to see something
to put in his stomach. He went at it like a hungry lion,
rumbling fuyriously at it. The boys had put rattex in it.
The problem started an hour later, vormiting, pain the
agony of it. He started vormiting blood, and more blood.
He was writhing terribly, from beginning to end there
was movement of pain. He stated to do spasms in death.
He died, they left him there to be found by some people
two weeks later.
The dander sometimes with policework is collusion with
criminals. Most cops that die never knew what hit them.
Some knew why they died. ‘ cops die all the time’ the
boys chanted. ‘gat in the hole, mess in the hole’. They
were gone to more crime.
Thought he business of mining gold was not so bad, they
lived a live that was not spo normal. The job was itself
illegal, bringing them to exploiters, turning them into
exploiters of situations.
Gaola loved soccer, he had this football club full of under
priviledged boys. Some were like him, he took some of
the money to sponsor tournaments of up to ten
thousand rand take home. He would keep half the
winnings and the boys saw how to sort out the rest. With
the help from Styles and his soccer no how, the team did
win a lot. There was a boy who did not play soccer, he
sold sweets to the spectators. He had been doing this
augment the earnings at home. His father used to sell
wares, in the trains after work to put up some of sense to
his meager salary. The old boy worked as a labourer in a
construction firm, building houses in the sub-urbs of Jozi.
‘ qosh! Sweets, chocolettes, marble sweets, tomatoes’
qosh! The kids are waititng at home’ qosh! Take them
something to remember you by for today’. He sold his
wares. ‘ qosh! Come guys, the Mrs is waiting for the
chocolettes at home’. He sold his wares for so many
years. He was found dead in one of the train stations one
day. The work of unknown assailants.
Three years late his son took up the old boys talents and
started working on business. Life was really not the same
at home, mummyworking the kitchens with no help,
meant that some things went short. The boy took up
daddy’s business and did his bit at football grounds.
He had been managing fine for a year and a half, when
he got noticed at a local tournament.
The vilains never missed a match like this one. Besides
they were always together.
‘Qosh!!, sweets, chocolette, sweets, hey guys sweets,
qosh! Sweets, buy some today’ he went on. And then he
went past Gaola and his gang.
‘ Hey laaitie, over here’ he called the young man.
‘Eitha grotmaan’ the youngman replied.
‘Hey come here laaitie’ he ampasized.’ How do you take
home a day, yeah’ Gaola wanted to know.
‘ About three hundred on a good day, more in other
areas though, people are stingy here, they only ask petty
questions’ the youngman said.
Late after work as he was going home with his wares or
what was left of it, he met up with them, Gaola and co. it
was dark, Gaola and Tricks got out of the car, there were
giggles from behind them in the car. They held him at
gun point, took his days work of cash. Before he could
make of Tricks shot him behind the ear, Gaola opened up
straight in the face of the boy. Like clockwork, the two in
the car came out, found him writhing in death, they
added their shooting skills in the lifeless boy. Took his
remaining stock and left him to the family to sort out the
Modise went to the garage to fuel his car. This day, his
long time school friend finds himself at the same
garage.tricks had gone in to buy the nights dinner, a loaf
of bread and a tin of fish. They met at the door of the self
service garage store.
‘Hey hommie, long time no see, … how is life in Jozzi’
Modise said, excited to see Tricks, they were both at
school. Modise stuck it out, and went on to get a bursary.
Tricks wanted to work and be rich. Now, here he was,
murdering people like it was getting out of fashion not to
do it.
‘hey, hommie, how are you doing’ Tricks said. Once the
pleasantaries were done, Modise explained where he
worked and stayed.
Back in the car. It was time to put his pals in the picture.
People do not get stopped by people for nothing.
‘who is it?’ Rwanda quizzed.
‘oh him. That is Modise from home, an old friend. He has
been around Jozi for five years. He lives in Sandton, it is
two years now’ he said. ‘oh, he is loaded, we can knock a
hundred thousand or two or three from him’ tricks
‘wow, how about we stake him out first, see where he
lives, wife, children, size of his establishment’ Styles said.
‘love it , when’ Gaola said.
‘follow the man now, no time to waste’ Tricks declared
‘ I like the way your mind works eh Tricks, Trriiiicksa,
Triiiiickso, Tricks’ Rwanda was excited.
‘sure Tricks, sure, boss’ Styles heaped it.
All the way through the ‘chaila’ traffic they followed the
unsuspecting Modise. All the way to his house. All the
way to see his house by themselves.
He was knoking off the following day when he got guys
get into his car with him. He got surprised, and rushed
the cell phone, but then he felt hard steel againsthis ear
drum by Gaola. He was sitting behind, ‘drive please, we
going where you going, almostnear there’ Gaola
instructed. He drove outside the city life, one of those
small esta bishmentd with an ATM.
They reminded him they knew his house and that his
wife stayed there. Speachless……
‘speachless, sure boss. Get all your money out’ Styles did
not look like he was a living thing, there was pure stone
in him. They hung around him for three days and no
Tricks near Modise. They took hundred thousand or so.
Took him to a secluded place, and shot him dead, all four
of them.
Rwanda went home for the holidays. He did not stay
long, his friends were making business. He could not
afford to miss business. On his way back home, he
brought some important information.
It was about a home girl of his, Tshidi. His father had
cows and a shop. The little girl lived and worked in Jozi.
He had the location. Styles got the assignmenttoengage
A bump, smallone, something fell from her. She was
going to pick it up when Styles offered to pick it up for
A day or two later they became friends. And Styles was
aloud to visit her flat. One night he stayed for two long
‘ oh Styles, you love so understanding’ Tshidi said, they
were in bed.
‘ sure darling, you make love so easy to understand’
Styles said.
A month later, love was so understnading for both of
them, life so easy to look at. Tshidi began to have ATM
related problems. Her card was always with her, but how
this was possible, was beyond her. Styles would come in
at awkward times towards her, open the purse, take the
right card and replace it with a fake one. When he was
done, he would return it. That is how love was
understanding to both of them.
An argument flared up when Tshidi decided Styles should
not touch his purse again. That night, he kept it cool, at
gun point.
‘ how can you say I stole your money, I am going to
punish you for this’. He promised to shoot her if she did
not hang for a bit of time. He was scary and there was
nothing understanding about him. He did not want to
beat her up. He put her up the stool, put her kneck round
the noose of the plastic wire he had. He watched her
hang her life out of her body. Took the card to draw out
of it fro the last time. He waliked out of the flat and
disappeared into nmothing for ever.
Rwanda, Styles, Gaola and Tricks.

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  • 1. RWANDA Perhaps start with some of the players. Rwanda, Styles, Tricks and Gaola.
  • 2. This is Rwanda, he has two kids by his on time only love back home in the Batswana part the republic of South Africa. A large family of unemployed brothers and cousins sisters uncles. Rwanda is not his real name, it so because of the hardships faced by all. The problem here is unemployment. He could only manageon piece jobs. He was one of the top ten students at school, most of the times he has to live with people who could not get a decent symbol back at school even if their lives depended on it. Most of them are doing well, because they have been able to provide favours. These favours for others like them, turns out there could be a conspiracy against him for his being smarter than some of them at school. Opportunities are not so much for him, he basically hates a world of favours. Rwanda means trouble, like the genocide, machine gun fire, machettes, slashing people out of life.
  • 3. This is Styles, not his real name, known so because of his life style. He usually has something fancy around him. He was good football player in his time, created a lot of style in his play. Style has lost count of the number of his children. He tries to be a good daddy to all of them but a
  • 4. life of groveling is never enough. He comes from a well to do family , but the children compel him to look for extra cash. He is a basic township boy loves shiny things a clean to boot life. He loves hanging out with the gang more than be at home. He has a grudge against the world for not giving him the opportunity to be playing in one of the top football teams, he berates the teams for having what he thinks are ‘cows’. At a time when he was playing nobody was smart enough to scout deeper. He would have brought hordes of people ,’crowds to the game’. Even the president would invite his president friends’.
  • 5. Tricks, a small but closed book, he has three girl -friends each with a child back home in the Pedi districts, those visit him at planned intervals. He loves them a lot, and his children. He did not go beyond standard five at school. He has been living a life of delivery trucks, and that kind of odd jobs. His family is large, with a certain
  • 6. amount of dependency on him. He did nothing much in his life except left school early to be his own man. Most of the people he was supposed to learn from ended up near alchohol, and could not provide the support he needed to further himself. He is not in the alchohol group of people. In fact he works with people that take it because there is a good deal in the end.
  • 7. Gaola Gaola Gaola. How he managedto grow up to this height and age is amazing. Daddy died when he was an infant, mummydied when he was two. The mother came from families with serious issues. Nobody could take care of him. His father’s family, do not even know about him. His mother’s side of things is the bad vibe among that
  • 8. family. The only person, that knows about him, being an aunt that never cared where he disappeared to, at ten. He has been living a life of slavery in the township. Doing this, and that for other people to scrub up a meal. He never went to school, so no reason for it, the world is ‘mos onbeskoffed’. Very real when you consider the treatment from the general public that had to accommodate him. He does not care about relationships. For him sex is group sex when him and his buddies are gang raping some persons daughter. He will never fall in love, there is no meaning in it ‘ kak, nonsense net’. Life brought all these socially angry individuals together, by chance. Whatever it was, they were bound together, trying a life at car jerking. That never turned right because the bosses made more money than them. They tried several other things, drugs and stuff. There was nothing to it, they merely ended up with a murder or two in their hands. They have never been suspected for any of those, now they are ‘gatvol’ with everything else, they want to connect for themselves. They are now at ages between the ages thirty and thirty two. Very old to be in this position.
  • 9. They have come to the old mine shafts, derelict abandoned and lost to the world that benefited from it. The guys are here scouting the possibilities of earning a decent keep. Armed with and old spade, that has done service blading grass back in the townships of Soweto, a chisel recently bought, a big four pound hammer, a sieve and a twenty liter drum of water they got into the mine. This is when young people start to take responsibility. To make money.
  • 10. Rwanda took the now finished short spade scrape the uneven, jagged, spiked ground. Taking of the debri and collecting it on to a box. It was a bit rough at first, he got the hang of it.
  • 11. Styles took up the seive, and started to collect whatever Rwanda had pup up. Seivinf it to try bring up some gold pieces. The men got busy, very busy, no chit chats.
  • 12. Gaula picked the hammer and chisel, he worked on all the gold like stones, chipping them off the rock. Veryh exhausting work for his wrists. He gave in when nobody was talking.
  • 13. ever he could find them. He worked mercilessly like evcery tom, dick jack and harry about. What was there to do. For the first few days worked on the mine shaft, picking up, scooping up, tracing things and working as if dear life, for them depended on it. A week or so later they had
  • 14. brought up some nuggets. They were doing well in the mine, it caused them to do their favoured chant’gat in the hole, mess in the hole’ all at once, one big chorus. Usually towards month end they would be scouring their heads about who they were going to rob, where they would hi-jack cars to make ends meet. Some times things did not go right, especially when there was a fatal shooting of a victim, there usually was, should they need They were at home, their new found hobby was promising, at least it took their activities out of stealing, robbing, and ohi-jacking cars. Lazying obout with nothing much to do. A young girl came froim school very early, that is when the streets look empty and people are not expecting anyone fron anywhere. She being sighteen and worth looking at. Styles went out to chat her up.
  • 15. ‘Ma bee queen, ma bebeza, ma yellow bone’ he said ‘ how about you come in and rest your beautiful self yellow bone’
  • 16. She did not like this but happened to be standing next to the fence, too close, Styles could even pick her growing young woman scent, this became a big incentive, a strong call to get to her, he grew long fingers. He got hold of her hand and squeesed it. Pain and more pain, he put more pressure on her. She got into the yard and finally into the house, to find a bunch of oither men looking like hyenas waiting for the kill. He took her past the bunch, mimicking snake movements and doing that sssssssssssssssound into one of the rooms, undressed her at gun point.
  • 17. Got his own clothes off and started to rape her, the sobs, cries,soft hushed screams were heard from the other bunch. Once done with her, he came out walking
  • 18. boastfull. He did a drum roll on the coffee table as in who is next kind of thing, Rwanda sprang up, he did the army march to which the guys responded on the coffee table by hitting na tune. Tricks was drinking some water from a mug and began to beat his bit to the marching drums of the coffee table. There were more cies and sobs from the other end, guys talking on and giving encouragement for him to ‘pierce the witch’, ‘damn bitch’ they chanted as one. He did the same boastfull walk and did the ‘tantadaaaaa’ sound, followed by a table top drum roll. Tricks short up, ‘ yaa sir’, galloped like a horse that was followed by a table top drumming of horse hooves. When he was done, Gaula took up. He was dragging his left leg as if it had a permanent limp. They all took a lough at, expecting the worst kind of treatment. They chanted ‘ gat in the hole, mess in the hole’ a usual thing on their part. Then there were piggy squeals in the bed room, short and eerie, and sobs accompanied by obscene chants from the guys, ‘ Gaola Gaola Gaola Gaola Gaola’. He was
  • 19. a big boy by all means, never kind to females. They took turns on her, the whole bloody day. There was nothing she could do, hopeless, helpless, worthless, meaningless, lost in a world of absolute savagery. Sob, cry, squeal. Expecting somebody to drop by was nothing to consoul anyone in such distress. When they were done, they took her, and her books, her clothes, naked drove her from the South-West Rand to the other end of the East Rand. She watched them go, stories of gang rape came to her head. She knows, she is lucky to still be alive. Such incidents happened to young girls all over. The whole time they were driving her. All they could do was play with their guns. Comparing who had the most bullets, who could dismantle and put together the gun quicker. They hurled abuse at her.’ Go tell your mother to take better care of you next time, bloody dog’ Gaola. ‘ tell yor alchholic father to buy you better clothes’ Tricks ‘I will shoot you through that bitch whole of yours if the Police came after me’ Styles
  • 20. ‘stupid bitch, I want more sex when you get home’ Rwanda. Then there was their happy chant. All together.’gat, in the hole mess in the hole’. Unemployment can treat people bad. This is gross. They had good run at the mine dump for two years, still bitter about life. Their troubles began, an old friend had been following them and watching them. He was not happy at all. He was their soul protector from their illegal activity.
  • 21. ‘Here you are at last, my favoured villains. Always up against the law right’ the policeman said. He is now Captain Somlandela of Saps. He had found themn nearing the mine dump in an obscured part of the
  • 22. woods. Hands behimd him, together with his other helper. ‘ This is where you hide and make money, you forget me. You forget me, Captain Somlandela of SAPS’. ‘You must pay, for all the time you have been making gold and money’. He got and angry more, whipped out his gun and started shooting at their feet, delirious of himself, and the world around him. When he came to, every one including the other police captain were on the police double cab. Villains in the back of it the policeman in front of it. ‘I aught to kill someone, get off of that vehicle all of you and come here’, they all did so in a hurry, the other police captain and the villains in a hurry. He was uncontrolable, irritated, furious. Tricks picked it up right there, men like this can do the unthinkable. When a man arrives with gun in hand that is no good, somebody has to do something and fast. ‘ Look Kapitaaan Sir, we can sort something out. We do not keep our money around, and what we owe you’ Tricks intervened.
  • 23. ‘You got three days’ the Kapitaan at SAPS said. Arrangements were made to meet. Spome place outside Gauteng. Some place suitable, this was a lot of money. Tricks had indicated it was a lot of money. The Captain bent on keeping them indebted to him, agreed. It was time to take a long hard look at life.
  • 24. Rwanda thought, ‘the Kapitaaan must die on the day’
  • 25. ‘ Like the rat he is, Iam not wasting a bullet on that rat’ Styles added.
  • 26. ‘ Ye right, he must die like a rat. We struggle alone getting the stone out. I cannot jhold beautiful people anymore without them complaining about my hands. Kill the rat like a rat’ Tricks said
  • 27. ‘Agreed, kill him like a rat. He must die when we meet the shit’ Gaola said He got his standing ovation from the others, ‘Gaola Gaola Gaola Gaola’.
  • 28. They there they were as arranged, a farm house on the way to Witbank. He was alone, Rwanda standing next to the car late in the night for Kapitaaaan Somlandela of SAPS. He too did not dis-appoint. Funny he brought a gang of three officers with him. As soon as he saw the car, he stopped. Got out of the police van they were using and got to Rwanda. Behind him mayhem irrupted, gun shots. The three officers stood no chance, ‘Somlandela was not expecting and ambush. He went down on his knees, promising not to ‘harm them again’. They took him at gun point, where they tied him to a chair for the night and the following day. Far from sight, believing the dead officers have been spotted by now they prepared to deal with a rat. He was hungry, very hungry. Rwanda got in the room Kapitaaan Somlandela was in drinking mageu, sipping it. He had another carton of a litre mageu with him. The sun had gone down, Somlandela was hungry, he was happy to see something to put in his stomach. He went at it like a hungry lion, rumbling fuyriously at it. The boys had put rattex in it. The problem started an hour later, vormiting, pain the agony of it. He started vormiting blood, and more blood.
  • 29. He was writhing terribly, from beginning to end there was movement of pain. He stated to do spasms in death. He died, they left him there to be found by some people two weeks later. The dander sometimes with policework is collusion with criminals. Most cops that die never knew what hit them. Some knew why they died. ‘ cops die all the time’ the boys chanted. ‘gat in the hole, mess in the hole’. They were gone to more crime. Thought he business of mining gold was not so bad, they lived a live that was not spo normal. The job was itself illegal, bringing them to exploiters, turning them into exploiters of situations. Gaola loved soccer, he had this football club full of under priviledged boys. Some were like him, he took some of the money to sponsor tournaments of up to ten thousand rand take home. He would keep half the winnings and the boys saw how to sort out the rest. With the help from Styles and his soccer no how, the team did win a lot. There was a boy who did not play soccer, he sold sweets to the spectators. He had been doing this augment the earnings at home. His father used to sell
  • 30. wares, in the trains after work to put up some of sense to his meager salary. The old boy worked as a labourer in a construction firm, building houses in the sub-urbs of Jozi. ‘ qosh! Sweets, chocolettes, marble sweets, tomatoes’ qosh! The kids are waititng at home’ qosh! Take them something to remember you by for today’. He sold his wares. ‘ qosh! Come guys, the Mrs is waiting for the chocolettes at home’. He sold his wares for so many years. He was found dead in one of the train stations one day. The work of unknown assailants.
  • 31. Three years late his son took up the old boys talents and started working on business. Life was really not the same at home, mummyworking the kitchens with no help,
  • 32. meant that some things went short. The boy took up daddy’s business and did his bit at football grounds. He had been managing fine for a year and a half, when he got noticed at a local tournament.
  • 33. The vilains never missed a match like this one. Besides they were always together. ‘Qosh!!, sweets, chocolette, sweets, hey guys sweets, qosh! Sweets, buy some today’ he went on. And then he went past Gaola and his gang.
  • 34. ‘ Hey laaitie, over here’ he called the young man. ‘Eitha grotmaan’ the youngman replied. ‘Hey come here laaitie’ he ampasized.’ How do you take home a day, yeah’ Gaola wanted to know. ‘ About three hundred on a good day, more in other areas though, people are stingy here, they only ask petty questions’ the youngman said.
  • 35. Late after work as he was going home with his wares or what was left of it, he met up with them, Gaola and co. it was dark, Gaola and Tricks got out of the car, there were giggles from behind them in the car. They held him at gun point, took his days work of cash. Before he could make of Tricks shot him behind the ear, Gaola opened up
  • 36. straight in the face of the boy. Like clockwork, the two in the car came out, found him writhing in death, they added their shooting skills in the lifeless boy. Took his remaining stock and left him to the family to sort out the mess. Modise went to the garage to fuel his car. This day, his long time school friend finds himself at the same garage.tricks had gone in to buy the nights dinner, a loaf of bread and a tin of fish. They met at the door of the self service garage store.
  • 37. ‘Hey hommie, long time no see, … how is life in Jozzi’ Modise said, excited to see Tricks, they were both at school. Modise stuck it out, and went on to get a bursary. Tricks wanted to work and be rich. Now, here he was, murdering people like it was getting out of fashion not to do it.
  • 38. ‘hey, hommie, how are you doing’ Tricks said. Once the pleasantaries were done, Modise explained where he worked and stayed.
  • 39. Back in the car. It was time to put his pals in the picture. People do not get stopped by people for nothing. ‘who is it?’ Rwanda quizzed. ‘oh him. That is Modise from home, an old friend. He has been around Jozi for five years. He lives in Sandton, it is two years now’ he said. ‘oh, he is loaded, we can knock a hundred thousand or two or three from him’ tricks added. ‘wow, how about we stake him out first, see where he lives, wife, children, size of his establishment’ Styles said. ‘love it , when’ Gaola said. ‘follow the man now, no time to waste’ Tricks declared ‘ I like the way your mind works eh Tricks, Trriiiicksa, Triiiiickso, Tricks’ Rwanda was excited. ‘sure Tricks, sure, boss’ Styles heaped it. All the way through the ‘chaila’ traffic they followed the unsuspecting Modise. All the way to his house. All the way to see his house by themselves.
  • 40. He was knoking off the following day when he got guys get into his car with him. He got surprised, and rushed the cell phone, but then he felt hard steel againsthis ear drum by Gaola. He was sitting behind, ‘drive please, we going where you going, almostnear there’ Gaola instructed. He drove outside the city life, one of those small esta bishmentd with an ATM. They reminded him they knew his house and that his wife stayed there. Speachless…… ‘speachless, sure boss. Get all your money out’ Styles did not look like he was a living thing, there was pure stone in him. They hung around him for three days and no Tricks near Modise. They took hundred thousand or so. Took him to a secluded place, and shot him dead, all four of them. Rwanda went home for the holidays. He did not stay long, his friends were making business. He could not afford to miss business. On his way back home, he brought some important information.
  • 41. It was about a home girl of his, Tshidi. His father had cows and a shop. The little girl lived and worked in Jozi. He had the location. Styles got the assignmenttoengage her.
  • 42.
  • 43. A bump, smallone, something fell from her. She was going to pick it up when Styles offered to pick it up for her.
  • 44. A day or two later they became friends. And Styles was aloud to visit her flat. One night he stayed for two long and…. ‘ oh Styles, you love so understanding’ Tshidi said, they were in bed. ‘ sure darling, you make love so easy to understand’ Styles said. A month later, love was so understnading for both of them, life so easy to look at. Tshidi began to have ATM related problems. Her card was always with her, but how this was possible, was beyond her. Styles would come in at awkward times towards her, open the purse, take the right card and replace it with a fake one. When he was done, he would return it. That is how love was understanding to both of them. An argument flared up when Tshidi decided Styles should not touch his purse again. That night, he kept it cool, at gun point. ‘ how can you say I stole your money, I am going to punish you for this’. He promised to shoot her if she did not hang for a bit of time. He was scary and there was
  • 45. nothing understanding about him. He did not want to beat her up. He put her up the stool, put her kneck round the noose of the plastic wire he had. He watched her hang her life out of her body. Took the card to draw out of it fro the last time. He waliked out of the flat and disappeared into nmothing for ever. Rwanda, Styles, Gaola and Tricks.