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P – In the name of the Father, and of the
Son, and of the Holy Spirit!
All – Amen!
P –Grace and peace from God our Father,
the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit be
with you!
All – And with your spirit!
Penitential Act
P- We are gathered here in this house of
prayer as one body and one big family to
celebrate God’s blessing and love. But before
we can partake in this celebration effectively,
we must be ready as children of God to
acknowledge our sins, humbly to accept for
mercy and to accept His pardon.
P –May almighty God have mercy on us,
forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting
All – Amen!
Kyrie Eleison
Lord, have mercy!
Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!
Collect (Opening Prayer)
P - O God…..
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.
All - Amen!
Reading James 5: 13-20
A reading from the Letter of Saint James
Is anyone among you suffering? He
should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He
should sing a song of praise.
Is anyone among you sick? He should
summon the presbyters of the Church, and
they should pray over him and anoint him
with oil in the name of the Lord.
The prayer of faith will save the sick
person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he
has committed any sins, he will be forgiven.
Therefore, confess your sins to one
another and pray for one another, that you
may be healed. The fervent prayer of a
righteous person is very powerful.
Elijah was a man like us; yet he prayed
earnestly that it might not rain, and for three
years and six months it did not rain upon the
land. Then Elijah prayed again, and the sky
gave rain and the earth produced its fruit.
My brothers and sisters, if anyone
among you should stray from the truth and
someone bring him back, he should know
that whoever brings back a sinner from the
error of his way will save his soul from death
and will cover a multitude of sins.
The Word of the Lord!
All – Thanks be to God!
Responsorial Psalm
PS 141:1-2, 3 and 8
Response: Let my prayer come like incense
before you.
O LORD, to you I call; hasten to me;
hearken to my voice when I call upon you.
Let my prayer come like incense before you;
the lifting up of my hands, like the evening
O LORD, set a watch before my mouth, a
guard at the door of my lips. For toward you,
O God, my LORD, my eyes are turned; in
you I take refuge; strip me not of life.
Gospel Acclamation
Gospel Mark 10: 13-16
P –The Lord be with you!
All –And with your spirit!
P –A proclamation from the holy Gospel
according to Mark
All – Glory to you, O Lord!
And they brought to him young
children, that he might touch them. And the
disciples rebuked them that brought them.
Whom when Jesus saw, he was much
displeased, and saith to them: Suffer the little
children to come unto me, and forbid them
not; for of such is the kingdom of God.
Amen I say to you, whosoever shall not
receive the kingdom of God as a little child,
shall not enter into it.
And embracing them, and laying his
hands upon them, he blessed them.
The Gospel of the Lord!
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!
Courage to Embrace th
e Unknown: Trusting God's Guidance with Childlike Faith
25 May 2024 Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Baccalaureate Mass
In this passage from Mark's Gospel, we
witness a tender moment where Jesus invites
children to come to Him. The scene unfolds
with people bringing children to Jesus, hoping
for His touch, His blessing. Yet, the disciples,
perhaps with good intentions, rebuke them,
seeing the children as an inconvenience, as
distractions from what they perceive as more
important matters.
But Jesus, in His infinite wisdom and
compassion, responds differently. He becomes
indignant, not at the children, but at the
disciples' dismissal of them. He sees the pure
hearts of these little ones and understands that
they possess a unique openness and receptivity
to the Kingdom of God.
"Let the children come to me," Jesus
declares, "do not prevent them, for the
Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." His
words echo through the ages, calling us to
embrace childlike faith, humility, and trust. He
challenges us to shed our pretenses, our pride
and our self-sufficiency, and to approach God
with the same openness and vulnerability as a
As we gather for this Baccalaureate Mass,
let us heed Jesus' words. Let us embrace the
childlike qualities of faith, hope, and love as we
embark on the next chapter of our lives. We
encourage our Completers and Graduates to
put the knowledge they have gained and the
ideals they have accepted into practice today.
They are starting a new chapter in their life,
one in which they must make choices based on
justice, righteousness, and compassion.
May this Baccalaureate Mass inspire our
Completers and Graduates to live a life of
purpose, compassion, and integrity. May these
Batch Analysts and Researchers of 2024 find
strength and courage to make choices that
align with the pink values, even when they
require sacrifice.
P- Reminded by Jesus’ special love for the
young, let us turn our attention to our children
and youth by responding to it with gratitude and
renewed commitment to put into practice the
teaching of the Lord, let us ask for the Lord’s
help in our endeavor to live up to these
demands. In all humility, we implore:
All – Lord, listen to our prayers!
C - For the Universal Church, may she show to
the world, fruits of holiness and generous
solidarity with the weak and the needy. Let us
pray the Lord! (R)
C - For all those in position of authority and
leadership, that they may not become arrogant
or dishonest or merely seek their own interest,
that they may love the people entrusted to them,
we pray to the Lord! (R)
C - For the sick, that they may experience God’s
healing power in body, mind, and spirit, and be
surrounded by the love and support of others,
we pray to the Lord! (R)
C - For all who face financial hardship, that they
not lose hope, but that all people be willing to
work together and support one another, and find
ways to for others in this time of need. (R)
C - For our families, friends, and mentors: We
ask God’s blessing on each of them and thank
them for their love, support, guidance and
encouragement throughout our years of
education. Let us pray the Lord! (R)
C - For the Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial-
Dumaguete Science High School family headed
by our School Principal, Chinky May F.
Paculanang, and Assistant School Principal,
Melchor E. Amorin that they may continue to
dedicate their lives in sharing their time, talent,
and treasure for the common good of the
students. Let us pray to the Lord! (R)
C - For our beloved Ferolina Agir, Dionisio
Dioquino, Jennie Banagua- Oira, Harold
Patricio Lamostre, Florencio Ruiz and our
deceased students, who in baptism was given
the pledge of eternal life, that they now be
admitted to the company of the saints in heaven.
Let us pray to the Lord! (R)
C – For our slain alumnus, Former Pamplona
Vice Mayor Kent Divinagracia and all the
victims of injustices and killings in our
province, that God will change hearts of the
perpetuators, protect the innocents, and bring
forth a new awareness of the dignity of every
human life, we pray (R)
C - We pray for the needs of the community, that
the most marginalized people in our
communities may be supported by the actions of
people who are willing to stand up for what they
believe, and who are willing to serve you in
creating a culture of peace, holiness and justice.
Let us pray to the Lord! (R)
C - For the children yet unborn: May they be
accepted by their parents as precious gifts and
signs of trust from the Creator. Let us pray to the
Lord! (R)
C- For the Moving-Up and Graduating students
of 2024; May we have the courage to share our
gifts with those in need. May we be free to shape
a future of peace and justice for all.
C - For all of us, that God will give us the grace
to know his presence in our everyday lives, and
to know him as our constant companion in times
of loneliness, our gladness in times of suffering,
and our sure hope in times of uncertainty, we
pray to the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord! (R)
C - Let us pray in silence for our personal
intentions. Let us pray to the Lord! (R)
P– Loving Father, we trust in Your infinite
wisdom and mercy. Grant us the grace to
embrace the challenges and sacrifices that come
with discipleship, and guide us always on the
path that leads to true peace and eternal life, hear
the prayers we offer for our Completers and
Graduates, for all people and for your Church
throughout the world. We make this prayer
through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen!
Preparation of the Gifts
P –Pray, brethren . . .
All–May the Lord accept the sacrifice at
your hands, for the praise and glory of his
name, for our good and the good of all
his holy Church.
Prayer Over the Offerings
P - Accept, O Lord, we pray, the offerings which
we bring from the abundance of your gifts….
Through Christ our Lord.
All – Amen!
Eucharistic Prayer
P - The Lord be with you.
All - And with your spirit.
P - Lift up your hearts.
All - We lift them up to the Lord.
P - Let us give thanks to the Lord our God.
All - It is right and just.
P - It is truly right and just, our duty and our
And so, with the company of Angels and Saints,
we sing the hymn of your praise, as without end
we acclaim:
All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts.
Heaven and earth are full of your glory.
Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna
in the highest!
Consecration of Bread and Wine
Memorial Acclamation
P –The mystery of faith!
All –When we eat this bread and drink this
cup, we proclaim your death O Lord until
you come again.
Communion Rite
All – Our Father . . .
P –Deliver us, Lord . . .
All –For the kingdom, the power, and the
glory are yours, now and forever.
Sign of Peace
Breaking of the Bread
All – Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga
kasalanan ng mundo, Maawa ka sa amin,
Kordero ng Diyos, Maawa Ka
Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga
kasalanan ng mundo, Maawa ka sa amin,
Kordero ng Diyos, Maawa Ka
Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga
kasalanan ng mundo. Ipagkaloob mo sa amin
ang kapayapaan
P –Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who
takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are
those called to the Supper of the Lamb.
All –Lord, I am not worthy that you should
enter under my roof, but only say the word
and my soul shall be healed.
Prayer after Communion
P – O God….
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who
lives and reigns with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. All –
Baccalaureate CEremonies
Blessing of Medals,
Certificates, and Diplomas
P - Our help is in the name of the Lord.
All- Who made heaven and earth
P - The Lord be with you.
All- And with your spirit.
P- O Lord, as we gather before you in this sacred
moment, we bring before you these medals,
certificates, and diplomas, which represent the
culmination of dedication, hard work, and
perseverance. They stand as tangible symbols of
the knowledge acquired, the skills honed, and
the milestones achieved by these Completers
and Graduates.
But beyond their material form, we recognize
these awards as vessels of the intangible: the
friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the
character shaped throughout their educational
journey. As we invoke your blessing upon them,
we ask for your grace to accompany these
Completers and Graduates as they embark on
the next chapter of their lives. Graciously help
these Completers and Graduates to put into
practice what they have learned for your greater
glory and the for the service of their fellow
human beings. This we ask through Christ our
All - Amen.
[The priest sprinkles the diplomas with holy
Commentator: We will now witness the Send-
Off Ceremony, the commissioning of our
Completers and Graduates.
Prayer of Completers and Graduates
Heavenly Father, as we gather on this
momentous occasion of our completion and
graduation from RTPM-Dumaguete Science
High School, our hearts overflow with gratitude
and praise. We come before you,
acknowledging the countless blessings you
have bestowed upon us throughout our
academic journey.
Thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of
wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and
fortitude that have guided us through the
challenges and triumphs of our high school
years. Your constant presence has been our
beacon, lighting our path even in the darkest
In times of distress and difficulties, you
have been our source of solace and strength,
comforting us with your boundless love and
compassion. We are grateful for the assurance
that we are never alone, knowing that you are
always beside us, ready to listen to our prayers
and ease our burdens.
We are also grateful to the dedication and
support of our teachers, administrators, and all
those who have shared their knowledge,
wisdom, and love with us. Their works have
helped shape us into the individuals we are
today, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.
Above all, we give thanks for the love,
care, and sacrifices of our parents, who have
been our pillars of strength and our greatest
champions. Their unconditional love has been
the bedrock of our success, and we pray for your
continued blessings upon them.
Lord, as we embark on new beginnings, we
lift up in prayer all those who have contributed
to our joy and accomplishment today. Bless
them abundantly, Lord, and guide them in all
their endeavors, that they may continue to serve
you and others with humility and love.
May our achievements bring glory to your
name, and may we always strive to walk in your
ways, spreading your light and love to all we
encounter. We ask this in the name of your Son,
Jesus Christ, our Lord.
Thanksgiving Song of Students to Parents
Prayer of Parents
Gracious God, with hearts overflowing with
gratitude, we come before you on this
momentous day, the culmination of our
children's journey. We thank you for the
precious gift of life, which has enabled them to
reach this significant milestone. Your boundless
love and care have been evident throughout
their lives, guiding and nurturing them every
step of the way.
As parents, we rejoice in witnessing today's
celebration, a testament to your faithfulness and
goodness. You have been our constant source of
encouragement in times of trial and tribulation,
lifting us up when we faltered and inspiring us
to persevere. We are humbled by your presence
and protection, which have sustained us through
every challenge.
Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we fell
short in our responsibilities as parents. Yet, even
in our failures, you remained steadfast, urging
us to rise and continue forward.
As we gather to honor this milestone, we
pray that your ever-loving presence will
continue to strengthen and deepen our
commitment as stewards of your love. May we
be faithful instruments of your grace, nurturing
and shaping our children according to your will.
We entrust our prayers to you, O Lord,
through our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and
reigns with you forever and ever.
The assigned representatives come before the altar.
The Priest lights the candle of each representative
from the altar candle.
Send-Off Promises
Priest: My dear learners, this day signifies the
rewarding moment of your labor that had been
shared painstakingly with joy with your parents,
guardians, teachers, and friends. Your concerns
are also ours. We salute each one of you for
being optimistic. Your sacrifices really bore
fruit. We have to continue our struggles in order
to grow more and live a renewed life. In spirit
of joy and trust, in the spirit of peace and
reconciliation, I now invite you to publicly
proclaim your fidelity to your calling as bearers
of faith, hope, and love.
Priest: Do you promise to use the knowledge
and skills you have acquired for the betterment
of society?
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Do you promise to be lifelong learners,
seeking knowledge and wisdom in all aspects of
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Do you promise to embrace diversity
and promote inclusivity, respecting the dignity
and worth of every individual?
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Do you promise to demonstrate
integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all
your endeavors?
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Do you promise to use your talents and
abilities to contribute to the well-being of your
communities and the world at large?
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Do you promise to uphold the values of
compassion, empathy, and justice, advocating
for those who are marginalized and oppressed?
Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s
Priest: Completers and Graduates, as you make
these promises, may you be reminded of the
support and guidance you have received from
your families, teachers, and mentors. May the
education you have received empower you to
make a positive impact on the world around
you. As we stand proudly in the light of your
achievements, we pray that you may continue to
grow in mind and heart, in wisdom and
compassion, in faith and gentleness.
Blessing Over the Completers & Graduates
Priest: Almighty and ever-living God, we call
upon your name to bless these
We entrust these completers and graduates into
your loving care, O Lord, confident that you
will guide them, protect them, and empower
them for the journey ahead. We make this prayer
through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever
and ever.
All - Amen
[The priest sprinkles the Completers and
Graduates with holy water]
Concluding Prayer of
Completers and Graduates
You know us and call us by our names even
before we could know and love You. May we be
attentive to Your voice and responsive to Your
call as You send us forth to build a better world.
Make our spirit of love and service
contagious, Lord, so that it may inspire others
and draw them closer to You, our living and
loving Savior. Let Your life and message be our
guide as we speak truth and work towards
liberation for all, especially the marginalized in
our communities.
Lord, as we let our light shine, grant us the
courage to embrace true renewal. May we bring
the light and warmth of Your love to all those
around us. Give us the strength to proclaim Your
love boldly in the language of our time, as we
endeavor to be competent, creative, and
supportive members of our community.
Concluding Rite
P- The Lord be with you
All - And with your spirit!
P - May the Almighty God bless you all, in the
name of the Father, and of the Son and of the
Holy Spirit.
All - Amen!
P- The Mass is offered, go and be witnesses of
God’s love as you help build a better world.
All - Thanks be to God!

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RTPM - DSHS Class of 2024 - Baccalaureate Mass

  • 1. INTRODUCTORY RITES Greeting P – In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit! All – Amen! P –Grace and peace from God our Father, the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit be with you! All – And with your spirit! Penitential Act P- We are gathered here in this house of prayer as one body and one big family to celebrate God’s blessing and love. But before we can partake in this celebration effectively, we must be ready as children of God to acknowledge our sins, humbly to accept for mercy and to accept His pardon. P –May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. All – Amen! Kyrie Eleison Lord, have mercy! Christ, have mercy! Lord, have mercy! Collect (Opening Prayer) P - O God….. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. All - Amen! lITURGY OF THE WORD Reading James 5: 13-20 A reading from the Letter of Saint James Beloved: Is anyone among you suffering? He should pray. Is anyone in good spirits? He should sing a song of praise. Is anyone among you sick? He should summon the presbyters of the Church, and they should pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. The prayer of faith will save the sick person, and the Lord will raise him up. If he has committed any sins, he will be forgiven. Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The fervent prayer of a righteous person is very powerful. Elijah was a man like us; yet he prayed earnestly that it might not rain, and for three years and six months it did not rain upon the land. Then Elijah prayed again, and the sky gave rain and the earth produced its fruit. My brothers and sisters, if anyone among you should stray from the truth and someone bring him back, he should know that whoever brings back a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins. The Word of the Lord! All – Thanks be to God! Responsorial Psalm PS 141:1-2, 3 and 8 Response: Let my prayer come like incense before you. O LORD, to you I call; hasten to me; hearken to my voice when I call upon you. Let my prayer come like incense before you; the lifting up of my hands, like the evening sacrifice. O LORD, set a watch before my mouth, a guard at the door of my lips. For toward you, O God, my LORD, my eyes are turned; in you I take refuge; strip me not of life. Gospel Acclamation Gospel Mark 10: 13-16 P –The Lord be with you! All –And with your spirit! P –A proclamation from the holy Gospel according to Mark All – Glory to you, O Lord! And they brought to him young children, that he might touch them. And the disciples rebuked them that brought them. Whom when Jesus saw, he was much displeased, and saith to them: Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not; for of such is the kingdom of God. Amen I say to you, whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, shall not enter into it. And embracing them, and laying his hands upon them, he blessed them. The Gospel of the Lord! All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ! Courage to Embrace th e Unknown: Trusting God's Guidance with Childlike Faith 25 May 2024 Saturday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary Time Baccalaureate Mass In this passage from Mark's Gospel, we witness a tender moment where Jesus invites children to come to Him. The scene unfolds with people bringing children to Jesus, hoping for His touch, His blessing. Yet, the disciples, perhaps with good intentions, rebuke them, seeing the children as an inconvenience, as distractions from what they perceive as more important matters. But Jesus, in His infinite wisdom and compassion, responds differently. He becomes indignant, not at the children, but at the disciples' dismissal of them. He sees the pure hearts of these little ones and understands that they possess a unique openness and receptivity to the Kingdom of God. "Let the children come to me," Jesus declares, "do not prevent them, for the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these." His words echo through the ages, calling us to embrace childlike faith, humility, and trust. He challenges us to shed our pretenses, our pride and our self-sufficiency, and to approach God with the same openness and vulnerability as a child. As we gather for this Baccalaureate Mass, let us heed Jesus' words. Let us embrace the childlike qualities of faith, hope, and love as we embark on the next chapter of our lives. We encourage our Completers and Graduates to put the knowledge they have gained and the ideals they have accepted into practice today. They are starting a new chapter in their life, one in which they must make choices based on justice, righteousness, and compassion. May this Baccalaureate Mass inspire our Completers and Graduates to live a life of purpose, compassion, and integrity. May these Batch Analysts and Researchers of 2024 find strength and courage to make choices that align with the pink values, even when they require sacrifice.
  • 2. Homily PRAYERS OF THE FAITHFUL P- Reminded by Jesus’ special love for the young, let us turn our attention to our children and youth by responding to it with gratitude and renewed commitment to put into practice the teaching of the Lord, let us ask for the Lord’s help in our endeavor to live up to these demands. In all humility, we implore: All – Lord, listen to our prayers! C - For the Universal Church, may she show to the world, fruits of holiness and generous solidarity with the weak and the needy. Let us pray the Lord! (R) C - For all those in position of authority and leadership, that they may not become arrogant or dishonest or merely seek their own interest, that they may love the people entrusted to them, we pray to the Lord! (R) C - For the sick, that they may experience God’s healing power in body, mind, and spirit, and be surrounded by the love and support of others, we pray to the Lord! (R) C - For all who face financial hardship, that they not lose hope, but that all people be willing to work together and support one another, and find ways to for others in this time of need. (R) C - For our families, friends, and mentors: We ask God’s blessing on each of them and thank them for their love, support, guidance and encouragement throughout our years of education. Let us pray the Lord! (R) C - For the Ramon Teves Pastor Memorial- Dumaguete Science High School family headed by our School Principal, Chinky May F. Paculanang, and Assistant School Principal, Melchor E. Amorin that they may continue to dedicate their lives in sharing their time, talent, and treasure for the common good of the students. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) C - For our beloved Ferolina Agir, Dionisio Dioquino, Jennie Banagua- Oira, Harold Patricio Lamostre, Florencio Ruiz and our deceased students, who in baptism was given the pledge of eternal life, that they now be admitted to the company of the saints in heaven. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) C – For our slain alumnus, Former Pamplona Vice Mayor Kent Divinagracia and all the victims of injustices and killings in our province, that God will change hearts of the perpetuators, protect the innocents, and bring forth a new awareness of the dignity of every human life, we pray (R) C - We pray for the needs of the community, that the most marginalized people in our communities may be supported by the actions of people who are willing to stand up for what they believe, and who are willing to serve you in creating a culture of peace, holiness and justice. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) C - For the children yet unborn: May they be accepted by their parents as precious gifts and signs of trust from the Creator. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) C- For the Moving-Up and Graduating students of 2024; May we have the courage to share our gifts with those in need. May we be free to shape a future of peace and justice for all. C - For all of us, that God will give us the grace to know his presence in our everyday lives, and to know him as our constant companion in times of loneliness, our gladness in times of suffering, and our sure hope in times of uncertainty, we pray to the Lord. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) C - Let us pray in silence for our personal intentions. Let us pray to the Lord! (R) P– Loving Father, we trust in Your infinite wisdom and mercy. Grant us the grace to embrace the challenges and sacrifices that come with discipleship, and guide us always on the path that leads to true peace and eternal life, hear the prayers we offer for our Completers and Graduates, for all people and for your Church throughout the world. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. All – Amen! Liturgy OF THE EUCHARIST Preparation of the Gifts P –Pray, brethren . . . All–May the Lord accept the sacrifice at your hands, for the praise and glory of his name, for our good and the good of all his holy Church. Prayer Over the Offerings P - Accept, O Lord, we pray, the offerings which we bring from the abundance of your gifts…. Through Christ our Lord. All – Amen! Eucharistic Prayer P - The Lord be with you. All - And with your spirit. P - Lift up your hearts. All - We lift them up to the Lord. P - Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. All - It is right and just. P - It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation… And so, with the company of Angels and Saints, we sing the hymn of your praise, as without end we acclaim: All –Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of hosts. Heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest! Consecration of Bread and Wine Memorial Acclamation P –The mystery of faith! All –When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death O Lord until you come again. Communion Rite All – Our Father . . . P –Deliver us, Lord . . . All –For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are yours, now and forever. Sign of Peace Breaking of the Bread All – Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo, Maawa ka sa amin, Kordero ng Diyos, Maawa Ka Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo, Maawa ka sa amin, Kordero ng Diyos, Maawa Ka Kordero ng Diyos na nag-aalis ng mga kasalanan ng mundo. Ipagkaloob mo sa amin ang kapayapaan Communion P –Behold the Lamb of God, behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the Supper of the Lamb. All –Lord, I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed. Prayer after Communion P – O God…. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. All – Amen! Baccalaureate CEremonies Blessing of Medals, Certificates, and Diplomas P - Our help is in the name of the Lord. All- Who made heaven and earth P - The Lord be with you. All- And with your spirit. P- O Lord, as we gather before you in this sacred moment, we bring before you these medals, certificates, and diplomas, which represent the culmination of dedication, hard work, and perseverance. They stand as tangible symbols of the knowledge acquired, the skills honed, and the milestones achieved by these Completers and Graduates. But beyond their material form, we recognize these awards as vessels of the intangible: the friendships forged, the lessons learned, and the character shaped throughout their educational journey. As we invoke your blessing upon them, we ask for your grace to accompany these Completers and Graduates as they embark on the next chapter of their lives. Graciously help these Completers and Graduates to put into practice what they have learned for your greater
  • 3. glory and the for the service of their fellow human beings. This we ask through Christ our Lord. All - Amen. [The priest sprinkles the diplomas with holy water.] Commentator: We will now witness the Send- Off Ceremony, the commissioning of our Completers and Graduates. Prayer of Completers and Graduates Heavenly Father, as we gather on this momentous occasion of our completion and graduation from RTPM-Dumaguete Science High School, our hearts overflow with gratitude and praise. We come before you, acknowledging the countless blessings you have bestowed upon us throughout our academic journey. Thank you, Lord, for the precious gift of wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and fortitude that have guided us through the challenges and triumphs of our high school years. Your constant presence has been our beacon, lighting our path even in the darkest moments. In times of distress and difficulties, you have been our source of solace and strength, comforting us with your boundless love and compassion. We are grateful for the assurance that we are never alone, knowing that you are always beside us, ready to listen to our prayers and ease our burdens. We are also grateful to the dedication and support of our teachers, administrators, and all those who have shared their knowledge, wisdom, and love with us. Their works have helped shape us into the individuals we are today, and for that, we are profoundly grateful. Above all, we give thanks for the love, care, and sacrifices of our parents, who have been our pillars of strength and our greatest champions. Their unconditional love has been the bedrock of our success, and we pray for your continued blessings upon them. Lord, as we embark on new beginnings, we lift up in prayer all those who have contributed to our joy and accomplishment today. Bless them abundantly, Lord, and guide them in all their endeavors, that they may continue to serve you and others with humility and love. May our achievements bring glory to your name, and may we always strive to walk in your ways, spreading your light and love to all we encounter. We ask this in the name of your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Thanksgiving Song of Students to Parents Prayer of Parents Gracious God, with hearts overflowing with gratitude, we come before you on this momentous day, the culmination of our children's journey. We thank you for the precious gift of life, which has enabled them to reach this significant milestone. Your boundless love and care have been evident throughout their lives, guiding and nurturing them every step of the way. As parents, we rejoice in witnessing today's celebration, a testament to your faithfulness and goodness. You have been our constant source of encouragement in times of trial and tribulation, lifting us up when we faltered and inspiring us to persevere. We are humbled by your presence and protection, which have sustained us through every challenge. Forgive us, Lord, for the times when we fell short in our responsibilities as parents. Yet, even in our failures, you remained steadfast, urging us to rise and continue forward. As we gather to honor this milestone, we pray that your ever-loving presence will continue to strengthen and deepen our commitment as stewards of your love. May we be faithful instruments of your grace, nurturing and shaping our children according to your will. We entrust our prayers to you, O Lord, through our Savior Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you forever and ever. Amen. The assigned representatives come before the altar. The Priest lights the candle of each representative from the altar candle. Send-Off Promises Priest: My dear learners, this day signifies the rewarding moment of your labor that had been shared painstakingly with joy with your parents, guardians, teachers, and friends. Your concerns are also ours. We salute each one of you for being optimistic. Your sacrifices really bore fruit. We have to continue our struggles in order to grow more and live a renewed life. In spirit of joy and trust, in the spirit of peace and reconciliation, I now invite you to publicly proclaim your fidelity to your calling as bearers of faith, hope, and love. Priest: Do you promise to use the knowledge and skills you have acquired for the betterment of society? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Do you promise to be lifelong learners, seeking knowledge and wisdom in all aspects of life? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Do you promise to embrace diversity and promote inclusivity, respecting the dignity and worth of every individual? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Do you promise to demonstrate integrity, honesty, and ethical behavior in all your endeavors? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Do you promise to use your talents and abilities to contribute to the well-being of your communities and the world at large? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Do you promise to uphold the values of compassion, empathy, and justice, advocating for those who are marginalized and oppressed? Completers and Graduates: I do with God’s grace. Priest: Completers and Graduates, as you make these promises, may you be reminded of the support and guidance you have received from your families, teachers, and mentors. May the education you have received empower you to make a positive impact on the world around you. As we stand proudly in the light of your achievements, we pray that you may continue to grow in mind and heart, in wisdom and compassion, in faith and gentleness. Blessing Over the Completers & Graduates Priest: Almighty and ever-living God, we call upon your name to bless these students……………. We entrust these completers and graduates into your loving care, O Lord, confident that you will guide them, protect them, and empower them for the journey ahead. We make this prayer through Christ, our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. All - Amen [The priest sprinkles the Completers and Graduates with holy water] Concluding Prayer of Completers and Graduates You know us and call us by our names even before we could know and love You. May we be attentive to Your voice and responsive to Your call as You send us forth to build a better world. Make our spirit of love and service contagious, Lord, so that it may inspire others and draw them closer to You, our living and loving Savior. Let Your life and message be our guide as we speak truth and work towards liberation for all, especially the marginalized in our communities. Lord, as we let our light shine, grant us the courage to embrace true renewal. May we bring the light and warmth of Your love to all those around us. Give us the strength to proclaim Your love boldly in the language of our time, as we endeavor to be competent, creative, and supportive members of our community. Concluding Rite P- The Lord be with you All - And with your spirit! P - May the Almighty God bless you all, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. All - Amen! P- The Mass is offered, go and be witnesses of God’s love as you help build a better world. All - Thanks be to God!