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Background of the Study
• These fundamental changes in the markets and products of
hospitality and tourism might be tied to future industry competence
training, including work-integrated learning. Four factors are
especially crucial when creating training and internship programs in a
sector that largely depends on its service product and image.
• Therefore, efficient internships in hospitality and tourism must teach
personnel not only how to carry out operational tasks but also how to
constantly provide top-notch services to a variety of consumer
segments from various cultural backgrounds.
• this paper will examine the difficulties in providing effective
hospitality and tourism internships. The potential benefits
and drawbacks of online internships are examined, and their
landscapes are described.
Research Question
1. Do online internship programs give tourism students the chance to
get real-world, location-independent experience, increase their
digital literacy, and improve their self-management abilities in the
absence of genuine, on- site placement experiences?
2. What standards would educational institutions have for the
development of skills and a service mindset during online internships?
3. Is there a perceived demand for interns who are more computer
savvy in the tourism sector as more digital technology is incorporated
into these sectors' operations (such as hotels)?
4. How can internships, especially those that are conducted online,
fulfill this additional training requirement?
5. Can online internships properly equip students to deal with the
variety of real-life circumstances that emerge in challenging hospitality
and tourist contexts?
Significance of the Study
This study is beneficial to the following:
• School Administrators
• Students
• Future Researchers
• Respondents
Scope and Limitation
• The researcher conducted this study to assess the Difficulties of
Online Internship encountered by BS Tourism Students of STI College
Novaliches. The assessment is focused on the fourth year BS Tourism
Students of STI College Novaliches.
• Another focus of the study is the impact of the difficulties of online
internship to the fourth year BS Tourism students. The respondents of
this research are the fourth year BS Tourism Students of STI College
Novaliches which will be the basis of success in achieving the study's
main objective.
Theoretical/Conceptual Framework
• This study explains the framework that was employed in this study in
light of the empirical data from the papers and articles that were
covered in the chapter before. Additionally, this will discuss how
these concepts relate to one another under this analysis.
• To ascertain whether, in the absence of true, on-site placement
experiences, online internship programs provide tourism students
with the opportunity to gain practical, location-independent
experience, develop their digital literacy, and strengthen their self-
management skills.
• When conducting virtual internships, educational institutions should
adhere to certain norms for the development of skills and a service-
oriented mindset.
• To determine whether the tourist industry perceives a need for
interns with better computer proficiency as operations in these
sectors increasingly employ digital technology? How can internships,
particularly those that take place online, satisfy this additional
training requirement.
Theoretical Framework
• This study is anchored to the Constructivist Learning Theory. Students
are constantly encouraged to evaluate how the activity is advancing
their understanding by constructivist teachers. Students in the
constructivist classroom become "expert learners" by challenging
themselves and their learning strategies, which gives them a wide
range of tools to keep learning.
• According to constructivist learning theory, people are more active
learners than passive. Meaning, they learn best when they experience
or discover things on their own, rather than simply being lectured.
The idea of constructivism also argues that learning is a collaborative
learning process and individuals are much more willing to take in new
information or revise their existing knowledge from a meaningful and
relevant interaction from another learner.
• This study provides a summary of the judgments and results derived
from the information studied in the previous chapters. The results
were formed based on the study's goal, research questions, and
findings about the difficulties of online internship encountered by the
tourism students of STI Novaliches.
1. What did you felt when you found out that u will do an online internship? 1. Sad and irritated
2. nalungkot ako, kase ng namin ma eexperience magkakaibaigan un pag
harap sa mga tao
3. it excites me but at the same time it bored me
4. nagka roon ng relief sa'kin, kase malayo ako sa mga opportunity
5. I felt somehow relieved that i was able to work and apply for an internship
while still in my house considering that transportations are one of the
problems here in our country.
6. excited since I can almost smell the victory
7. I feel anxious but excited
8. Felt nervous and overthinks a lot
9. Disappointed, with the reason that internships are commonly done with a
goal to enhance the social skill of the students.
10. I felt that my work would be comfortable because of the work experience
placement that I can execute from home.
11. I felt bad but I have no choice because there is a pandemic.
12. I find it unfair for the most part. And undearing because of the challenges
it offered.
13. I was a little bit devastated since my course requires interaction with
14. Interesting but a little disappointed since I am aiming for the face to face
15. for me i felt sad.
16. sad and lonely
17. it excites me
18. I was disappointed, but I was also expecting it because of the pandemic.
Still, I would have liked an f2f internship.
19. irritated
20. Disappointed
• This table shows that most of the respondents are sad, disappointed
and irritated due to lack of face to face internship and some are
interested and at the same time excited.
2. What are the challenges that you encountered during online internship? 1. It's hard to understand the terms and to communicate
2. naging mahirap sa'kin specially is un pakikipag communicate, kase un
ibang tao eh iba un way ng pag basa or magkaka intindi ng mga message
3. the only challenges is the opportunity that I could get since its more on
virtual I expect it to be face to face
4. wala naman sa'kin, nagkaka roon lang ng conflict sa time. minsan kase
hindi nag notify kung kailan ako mag time in sa ojt ko .
5. Poor internet connection, power interruptions
6. bit hard due to lack of experience
7. lack of experience in real life and hands on
8. The challenges that I had face was I cant bearly keep up with the proctor
or the one that is guiding us since they also new to this kind of system that
is why
9. Common hindrance like environmental noise, temperature of area that
affects how I focus on my online intership.
10. I thought online would be more convenient but I realized it's more difficult
to be formally trained in the online setting. For example, Interning from
home sounds very comfortable as you are in your familiar surroundings,
however, it might be full of distractions like roommates, loud siblings, TV,
and social media.
11. The only challenges I think off is the lack of experience in doing that kind
of job.
12. Unstable internet, no available gadget to use, lost of passion.
13. Miscommunication; i do have lots of distractions so i wasn't able to really
focus with my given tasks, disorganization of works.
14. challenges are I cannot sense the value of the online internship since I
prefer hands on it makes my self esteem down
15. Hard to focus since its only an online
16. overthinking my performance if i deploy on field.
17. i encountered great pressure.
18. Slow internet connection, the blurring of lines between my home life and
internship, noisy neighbors
19. nervous because im unexperienced
20. Hard to learn[Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]
• This table shows that the respondents experiencing anxiety due to
lack of experience and at the same time the background noises that
they encounter in their surroundings, slow internet connection is
also a cause of their problem when performing their online
3. How do you cope up with these challenges? 1. Self study and work harder until you learn
2. ginagawa kong malinaw and concise un mga words ko, para pag babasahin
na eh makuha agad
3. this is for me to cope up the strategy on how could I use this to enchance
and make this beneficial to me on my career
4. nag alarm ako ng marami, para in case na hindi mag notify sa'kin at least
maka time in ako.
5. There's no way to cope with them but to hope that they wont happen
during my internship hours.
6. tried to apply it on my daily life basis for me to have a real life experience
7. I applied it with my daily life and also do part time jobs as well
8. I tried my best to listen and also I have my friends to lean on with.
9. I try my best to lessen this hindrance by adjusting and reinforcing.
10. If you work, focus on it If you feel tired during performing some task, take
a break.
11. For me, I enrolled myself in TESDA in Paradise, Tungko to help to
experience the real thing and to get NCII.
12. Whenever I felt like I am distracted, I take short breaks and clear my mind
it actually helps me be more productive. I organize my work by listing the
things i should accomplish right on time. Miscommunication is my major
problem when it comes to online internship. Instead of getting mad, I just
speak more clearer and make sure that the other person understands
what i just said.
13. I just try to listen carefully so that I could apply it on to my daily basis and
also I have friends to cope up with
14. tried to apply in real life basis such as part timing at restaurants
15. by attracting positive energies that i can handle it.
16. by fully listening to my instructor.
17. by studying every lesson
18. I usually tell my family what I am doing and always have prepaid load
ready to consume in case that I will need to use data
19. i study hard because i have no other choice
20. I pushed myself to study hard and accept that this is the only internship I
can have
• This table shows that the majority of the respondents are studying
at their fullest to cope up with the challenges they encounter,some
of the respondents adapts to the changes, and some of the
respondents took a part time job to experience real life occupation.
4. What are the different trainings and seminars that you encountered aside
from your internship that you have done online?
1. Character development
2. nagka roon ng training online, kung papano mag handle ng mga rebooking
or mag c-cancell ng flight nila
3. It also feels like work since the pressure is present but this is still a good
practice and other seminars like character developments and training
session on the aircrafts.
4. nagka training kame na kung papano mag handle ng mga rebook at
5. Online presentations, online thesis defence, online revalida.
6. personality development seminars
7. personality development and the challenges between the hospitality
industry seminars
8. the personality development is the one that I remembered the most
9. Webinars and orientations
10. Networking Opportunities and Ecommerce
11. doing TESDA and attending free seminars in different engineering schools
so I can also get a certificate.
12. During my internship, there was a career hub for tourism and hospitality
students that happened online. It is for those students who just finished
college. But I wasn't able to attend.
13. the only seminar that I feel is the personality development seminars
14. the training that I had is that we have a business and it is all about
hospitality also that is why I applied it on my daily basis and the seminar I
had was for personality development
15. i encountered online trainings that teach us how to handle our passengers
inside the aircraft
16. character development training.
17. Character development seminar
18. developing myself
19. Raising my self esteem and confidence they taught that to us.
20. I had a hotel immersion before, AMADEUS learning, and OPERA software
• This table shows that the majority of the respondents have take
character development training while the other respondents take
Amadeus learning, OPERA software and diong TESDA.
5. What do you think would be the difference of doing an online internship
versus a face to face internship?
1. The difference of online internship it is very difficult to communicate that
you need to self study and face to face internship is much better if we
experience it because we can more learn some skills and to improve
ourselves. Because if you experience it personally to other people it's
more understandable.
2. malaki un matutunan namin, lalo na sa course na kinukuha namin. mas
madaling makaka adapt sa environment kung aa face to face kami nag ojt,
sa online naman, mahirap ang communication
3. the opportunity and also the experience
4. sa'kin naman eh wala siyang magiging pagkakaiba, maliban lang sa araw
araw na commute at sa environment. feel ko naman same lang ang
gagawin kung sa online man or sa fate to face.
5. The environment, and ease of accesibility.
6. the main difference is the experience itself
7. the first thing that comes up on my mind is the experience itself
8. The experience and also the opportunity of the one that experience a
hands on OJT
9. They are differ on a way that in face to face you can do what the
internship need by using your physical body compare to online you can
only do is sit and face your screen and try to focus listening.
10. For my opinion the biggest difference of online internship is that you are
on your more comfortable surroundings that can help increase you
productivity but there might be a lack of structure and support
11. It's a lot of difference. Because by doing a face to face internship I can feel
more like working instead of just like studying like in online internship. I
can also feel the pressure and the surroundings of my workplace in face to
face internship that can help me to be able to get ready for my job.
12. Experience
13. I think the interaction with your co-workers and the culture.
14. the opportunity
15. Face to face internships offer more opportunities for social interaction
with coworkers and industry professionals. Online internships may not
have as many opportunities for in-person socialization.
16. doing online would make me unsatisfied with my work, while doing face
to face would bring out my best potential in this course.
17. in online i can do it anywhere i want as long as i have stable internet
connection while the ftf internship is on site
• The table shows that most of the respondents would like to conduct
a face to face internship than taking online, they stated that in
online its hard to communicate and some are adapting to changes.
6. Have you learned anything during this phase?
1. Yes
2. para sa'kin, sa totoo lang po eh, konti lang. kase nga online. un mga gusto
mong maitanong or mailinaw na gawain or tasks eh hindi agad
nabibigyang pansin.
3. I do learn a lot about this since this is will be a long term challenge but still
thankful I got to experience this type of on the job training
4. natutunan ko na hindi pala madali ang ganitong line of job, you always
need to carry a bright smile. 'wag mong papakita na pagod kana sa
ginagawa mo, kase mag re-reflect 'yon sa output ng job.
5. That you can still do office work while in your own doorstep.
6. yes and it makes me want to have a remote job since its reliable
7. yes and actually I do have a remote job and it polishes my career
8. yes I do and not only for the workplace but for myself also I discovered
that I really need to have the experience outside
9. Of course.
10. I learned a lot of things but just like I said sometimes you lose your focus
because of this hindrance only the motivation to learn helps.
11. yes
12. Less than i would learn from a face to face internship
13. I think the one one thing that stood out for me is integrity. Since it is
online, majority of the time my manager wasn't monitoring my works
since we are about 10 interns that time. Doing your work even though no
one is looking is really important and that will leaves a good impression.
14. yes and there are also benefits when it comes to online ojt, its reliability
and a remote job opportunities
15. yes and that is an opportunity as well on a remote jobs
16. i learned some but not many that's why i overthink a lot
17. i learned how to communicate with people through online.
18. of course i am
19. Yes, especially textbook knowledge
20. somehow yes.
• The Table shows that all of the respondents stated that they learn
something from online internship but still face to face internship is
still better when it comes to internship experience.
7. What do you think is your edge from those students who have done a face to
face internship?
1. For me it's nothing, because I think they have learn more and improve
more their self while face to face internship than to online internship.
Because for me the more you experience something you like is the more
you learn faster and improve yourself and skills.
2. magiging edge ko sa mga nag face to face eh, mas kabisado ko un front
and back ng mga pagpapa book ng mga flights and iba pa
3. the real life experience since this is only virtual
4. ang edge ko sa mga mag face to face eh, ako ay mas may experience na sa
ganitong line or work. alam ko na ang loon at labas, at un mga gagawin
5. Comfort of home.
6. as I mentioned the edge is the experience
7. the experience and the opportunity itself
8. The capabilities of materials that was use on the OJT and also the
9. Equipment and space advantage. We get less cost by online internship
compare to face to face only internet and device is needed.
10. In my opinion, those who have done face-to-face have better experienced
reinforcing their invaluable skills like time management, communication,
working with others, problem-solving
11. I feel like I don't have an edge because in my course it is more hands on so
by doing face to face internship I can see that I will be more competent in
my job after graduating.
12. When I was working at this one company, i do have lots of co-workers that
even though they experienced face to face internship, they are not really
good at using various productivity tools, like emails, spreadsheets,
presentations, and forms that i learned during my virtual internship.
13. the opportunities
14. opporutunities
15. i think my only advantage to those students is im capable of working
through online and at the same time i can work on field if get the chance
to experience it.
16. i think my edge is im flexible in terms of working hours.
17. i can do online interaction
18. Given the amount of seminar, I think I have more theoretical knowledge
that others may have missed
19. i know how to interact with people with the use of technologies
20. They have the experience we lack
• The table shows that the respondent’s edge to those students who
take face to face internship is nothing since it is better to take on
field experiences, while the other respondents says that they have
the edge of having experience through office works.
8. Can online internships properly equip students to deal with the variety of
real-life circumstances that emerge in challenging hospitality and tourist
context? Why or why not?
1. No, because hospitality is a experience type that you need to learn and
improve yourself. You need to experience the difficulty in the industry,
especially guest that you will be serving someday because that is
hospitality, you will serve customer, guest and also you will accommodate.
You will encounter a different people in the hospitality industry or tourism
2. sa tingin ko eh hindi, kase nga sa harap lang kami ng among computer nag
ojt. un experience na humarap sa ibang tao eh, wala po. kaya, hindi po.
3. yes because it will always depend on the student on how they will face the
challenges they have on their career.
4. yes, in my capabilities eh, kayang kaya ng mga nag online internship. ang
magiging problem lang ay 'yung work environment, kase haharap na sa
mga tao at mag sasalita ka sakanila.
5. No because, hospitality and tourism related interships required
interpersonal relationships and exposure from different environments that
might vary in every places, with different people that consists different
cultures, norms that cant be replicated by online setting. Because on field
trainings hones a person's ability to create split decisions and ability to
react to pressure that cannot be fully optimized in a virtual setting.
6. it will always depend on the person on how can they change their career
because they are the one who is capable of handling it
7. yes but this will be depending on how did you take this and as the saying
told us if you really want it you there are many ways but if you do not
want it you have many reasons not to.
8. yes but for me this will also depend on how the student can change their
career because they are the one that could manage it at the end.
9. It depends on how the internship is done. If it is well executed yes it will
help student with this context. It is a matter of willingness of the
10. Yes because the virtual environment is very different from the face-to-face
environment. So, you will have to master the art of conversation and can
prepare the student for telecommuting and other flexible working
arrangements in the future
11. For me, If you seriously take the online internship it can help you to
properly equip but not totally in the best form because you have a
• This table shows that the half of the respondents stated that it
depends on the students if they take online internship seriously
while the others disagree, because it is still better to conduct a face
to face internship on the other hand least of them agreed.
• This study displays the overall findings and outcomes that emphasize
the recommendations that may be useful while conducting an online
• In this study the researchers recommends that the students whose
currently taking online internship is to participate in any tasks that
their schools or company management give them that are linked to
their course of study, for them to gain any information regarding their
course by listening and coping up to the lessons that the school
administrator/company instruct, it is important because their primary
goal is adapt to the changes and make the students fully equipped to
deal with real life experience in tourism industry.
• We also recommend to the students whose currently taking an online
internship to have their own character development, to not be lazy
and perform to their fullest, it is also important to improve their self
• The students must be responsive during their online internship by
being proactive, taking initiative, and having time management.
• The students should communicate effectively with their supervisors
and team members, as this is essential for success in any internship.
• The students must be flexible and adaptable, as online internships
they may come with some unique challenges that they may not
encounter in an in-person setting.

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  • 2. Background of the Study • These fundamental changes in the markets and products of hospitality and tourism might be tied to future industry competence training, including work-integrated learning. Four factors are especially crucial when creating training and internship programs in a sector that largely depends on its service product and image. • Therefore, efficient internships in hospitality and tourism must teach personnel not only how to carry out operational tasks but also how to constantly provide top-notch services to a variety of consumer segments from various cultural backgrounds.
  • 3. • this paper will examine the difficulties in providing effective hospitality and tourism internships. The potential benefits and drawbacks of online internships are examined, and their landscapes are described.
  • 4. Research Question 1. Do online internship programs give tourism students the chance to get real-world, location-independent experience, increase their digital literacy, and improve their self-management abilities in the absence of genuine, on- site placement experiences? 2. What standards would educational institutions have for the development of skills and a service mindset during online internships?
  • 5. 3. Is there a perceived demand for interns who are more computer savvy in the tourism sector as more digital technology is incorporated into these sectors' operations (such as hotels)? 4. How can internships, especially those that are conducted online, fulfill this additional training requirement? 5. Can online internships properly equip students to deal with the variety of real-life circumstances that emerge in challenging hospitality and tourist contexts?
  • 6. Significance of the Study This study is beneficial to the following: • School Administrators • Students • Future Researchers • Respondents
  • 7. Scope and Limitation • The researcher conducted this study to assess the Difficulties of Online Internship encountered by BS Tourism Students of STI College Novaliches. The assessment is focused on the fourth year BS Tourism Students of STI College Novaliches. • Another focus of the study is the impact of the difficulties of online internship to the fourth year BS Tourism students. The respondents of this research are the fourth year BS Tourism Students of STI College Novaliches which will be the basis of success in achieving the study's main objective.
  • 8. Theoretical/Conceptual Framework • This study explains the framework that was employed in this study in light of the empirical data from the papers and articles that were covered in the chapter before. Additionally, this will discuss how these concepts relate to one another under this analysis.
  • 9. • To ascertain whether, in the absence of true, on-site placement experiences, online internship programs provide tourism students with the opportunity to gain practical, location-independent experience, develop their digital literacy, and strengthen their self- management skills. • When conducting virtual internships, educational institutions should adhere to certain norms for the development of skills and a service- oriented mindset.
  • 10. • To determine whether the tourist industry perceives a need for interns with better computer proficiency as operations in these sectors increasingly employ digital technology? How can internships, particularly those that take place online, satisfy this additional training requirement.
  • 11. Theoretical Framework • This study is anchored to the Constructivist Learning Theory. Students are constantly encouraged to evaluate how the activity is advancing their understanding by constructivist teachers. Students in the constructivist classroom become "expert learners" by challenging themselves and their learning strategies, which gives them a wide range of tools to keep learning.
  • 12. • According to constructivist learning theory, people are more active learners than passive. Meaning, they learn best when they experience or discover things on their own, rather than simply being lectured. The idea of constructivism also argues that learning is a collaborative learning process and individuals are much more willing to take in new information or revise their existing knowledge from a meaningful and relevant interaction from another learner.
  • 13. PRESENTATION AND DISCUSSION OF FINDINGS • This study provides a summary of the judgments and results derived from the information studied in the previous chapters. The results were formed based on the study's goal, research questions, and findings about the difficulties of online internship encountered by the tourism students of STI Novaliches.
  • 14. 1. What did you felt when you found out that u will do an online internship? 1. Sad and irritated 2. nalungkot ako, kase ng namin ma eexperience magkakaibaigan un pag harap sa mga tao 3. it excites me but at the same time it bored me 4. nagka roon ng relief sa'kin, kase malayo ako sa mga opportunity 5. I felt somehow relieved that i was able to work and apply for an internship while still in my house considering that transportations are one of the problems here in our country. 6. excited since I can almost smell the victory 7. I feel anxious but excited 8. Felt nervous and overthinks a lot 9. Disappointed, with the reason that internships are commonly done with a goal to enhance the social skill of the students. 10. I felt that my work would be comfortable because of the work experience placement that I can execute from home. 11. I felt bad but I have no choice because there is a pandemic. 12. I find it unfair for the most part. And undearing because of the challenges it offered. 13. I was a little bit devastated since my course requires interaction with people. 14. Interesting but a little disappointed since I am aiming for the face to face ojt 15. for me i felt sad. 16. sad and lonely 17. it excites me 18. I was disappointed, but I was also expecting it because of the pandemic. Still, I would have liked an f2f internship. 19. irritated 20. Disappointed
  • 15. • This table shows that most of the respondents are sad, disappointed and irritated due to lack of face to face internship and some are interested and at the same time excited.
  • 16. 2. What are the challenges that you encountered during online internship? 1. It's hard to understand the terms and to communicate 2. naging mahirap sa'kin specially is un pakikipag communicate, kase un ibang tao eh iba un way ng pag basa or magkaka intindi ng mga message 3. the only challenges is the opportunity that I could get since its more on virtual I expect it to be face to face 4. wala naman sa'kin, nagkaka roon lang ng conflict sa time. minsan kase hindi nag notify kung kailan ako mag time in sa ojt ko . 5. Poor internet connection, power interruptions 6. bit hard due to lack of experience 7. lack of experience in real life and hands on 8. The challenges that I had face was I cant bearly keep up with the proctor or the one that is guiding us since they also new to this kind of system that is why 9. Common hindrance like environmental noise, temperature of area that affects how I focus on my online intership. 10. I thought online would be more convenient but I realized it's more difficult to be formally trained in the online setting. For example, Interning from home sounds very comfortable as you are in your familiar surroundings, however, it might be full of distractions like roommates, loud siblings, TV, and social media. 11. The only challenges I think off is the lack of experience in doing that kind of job. 12. Unstable internet, no available gadget to use, lost of passion. 13. Miscommunication; i do have lots of distractions so i wasn't able to really focus with my given tasks, disorganization of works. 14. challenges are I cannot sense the value of the online internship since I prefer hands on it makes my self esteem down 15. Hard to focus since its only an online 16. overthinking my performance if i deploy on field. 17. i encountered great pressure. 18. Slow internet connection, the blurring of lines between my home life and internship, noisy neighbors 19. nervous because im unexperienced 20. Hard to learn[Text Wrapping Break][Text Wrapping Break]
  • 17. • This table shows that the respondents experiencing anxiety due to lack of experience and at the same time the background noises that they encounter in their surroundings, slow internet connection is also a cause of their problem when performing their online internship.
  • 18. 3. How do you cope up with these challenges? 1. Self study and work harder until you learn 2. ginagawa kong malinaw and concise un mga words ko, para pag babasahin na eh makuha agad 3. this is for me to cope up the strategy on how could I use this to enchance and make this beneficial to me on my career 4. nag alarm ako ng marami, para in case na hindi mag notify sa'kin at least maka time in ako. 5. There's no way to cope with them but to hope that they wont happen during my internship hours. 6. tried to apply it on my daily life basis for me to have a real life experience also 7. I applied it with my daily life and also do part time jobs as well 8. I tried my best to listen and also I have my friends to lean on with. 9. I try my best to lessen this hindrance by adjusting and reinforcing. 10. If you work, focus on it If you feel tired during performing some task, take a break. 11. For me, I enrolled myself in TESDA in Paradise, Tungko to help to experience the real thing and to get NCII. 12. Whenever I felt like I am distracted, I take short breaks and clear my mind it actually helps me be more productive. I organize my work by listing the things i should accomplish right on time. Miscommunication is my major problem when it comes to online internship. Instead of getting mad, I just speak more clearer and make sure that the other person understands what i just said. 13. I just try to listen carefully so that I could apply it on to my daily basis and also I have friends to cope up with 14. tried to apply in real life basis such as part timing at restaurants 15. by attracting positive energies that i can handle it. 16. by fully listening to my instructor. 17. by studying every lesson 18. I usually tell my family what I am doing and always have prepaid load ready to consume in case that I will need to use data 19. i study hard because i have no other choice 20. I pushed myself to study hard and accept that this is the only internship I can have
  • 19. • This table shows that the majority of the respondents are studying at their fullest to cope up with the challenges they encounter,some of the respondents adapts to the changes, and some of the respondents took a part time job to experience real life occupation.
  • 20. 4. What are the different trainings and seminars that you encountered aside from your internship that you have done online? 1. Character development 2. nagka roon ng training online, kung papano mag handle ng mga rebooking or mag c-cancell ng flight nila 3. It also feels like work since the pressure is present but this is still a good practice and other seminars like character developments and training session on the aircrafts. 4. nagka training kame na kung papano mag handle ng mga rebook at cancellation 5. Online presentations, online thesis defence, online revalida. 6. personality development seminars 7. personality development and the challenges between the hospitality industry seminars 8. the personality development is the one that I remembered the most 9. Webinars and orientations 10. Networking Opportunities and Ecommerce 11. doing TESDA and attending free seminars in different engineering schools so I can also get a certificate. 12. During my internship, there was a career hub for tourism and hospitality students that happened online. It is for those students who just finished college. But I wasn't able to attend. 13. the only seminar that I feel is the personality development seminars 14. the training that I had is that we have a business and it is all about hospitality also that is why I applied it on my daily basis and the seminar I had was for personality development 15. i encountered online trainings that teach us how to handle our passengers inside the aircraft 16. character development training. 17. Character development seminar 18. developing myself 19. Raising my self esteem and confidence they taught that to us. 20. I had a hotel immersion before, AMADEUS learning, and OPERA software training
  • 21. • This table shows that the majority of the respondents have take character development training while the other respondents take Amadeus learning, OPERA software and diong TESDA.
  • 22. 5. What do you think would be the difference of doing an online internship versus a face to face internship? 1. The difference of online internship it is very difficult to communicate that you need to self study and face to face internship is much better if we experience it because we can more learn some skills and to improve ourselves. Because if you experience it personally to other people it's more understandable. 2. malaki un matutunan namin, lalo na sa course na kinukuha namin. mas madaling makaka adapt sa environment kung aa face to face kami nag ojt, sa online naman, mahirap ang communication 3. the opportunity and also the experience 4. sa'kin naman eh wala siyang magiging pagkakaiba, maliban lang sa araw araw na commute at sa environment. feel ko naman same lang ang gagawin kung sa online man or sa fate to face. 5. The environment, and ease of accesibility. 6. the main difference is the experience itself 7. the first thing that comes up on my mind is the experience itself 8. The experience and also the opportunity of the one that experience a hands on OJT 9. They are differ on a way that in face to face you can do what the internship need by using your physical body compare to online you can only do is sit and face your screen and try to focus listening. 10. For my opinion the biggest difference of online internship is that you are on your more comfortable surroundings that can help increase you productivity but there might be a lack of structure and support 11. It's a lot of difference. Because by doing a face to face internship I can feel more like working instead of just like studying like in online internship. I can also feel the pressure and the surroundings of my workplace in face to face internship that can help me to be able to get ready for my job. 12. Experience 13. I think the interaction with your co-workers and the culture. 14. the opportunity 15. Face to face internships offer more opportunities for social interaction with coworkers and industry professionals. Online internships may not have as many opportunities for in-person socialization. 16. doing online would make me unsatisfied with my work, while doing face to face would bring out my best potential in this course. 17. in online i can do it anywhere i want as long as i have stable internet connection while the ftf internship is on site
  • 23. • The table shows that most of the respondents would like to conduct a face to face internship than taking online, they stated that in online its hard to communicate and some are adapting to changes.
  • 24. 6. Have you learned anything during this phase? 1. Yes 2. para sa'kin, sa totoo lang po eh, konti lang. kase nga online. un mga gusto mong maitanong or mailinaw na gawain or tasks eh hindi agad nabibigyang pansin. 3. I do learn a lot about this since this is will be a long term challenge but still thankful I got to experience this type of on the job training 4. natutunan ko na hindi pala madali ang ganitong line of job, you always need to carry a bright smile. 'wag mong papakita na pagod kana sa ginagawa mo, kase mag re-reflect 'yon sa output ng job. 5. That you can still do office work while in your own doorstep. 6. yes and it makes me want to have a remote job since its reliable 7. yes and actually I do have a remote job and it polishes my career 8. yes I do and not only for the workplace but for myself also I discovered that I really need to have the experience outside 9. Of course. 10. I learned a lot of things but just like I said sometimes you lose your focus because of this hindrance only the motivation to learn helps. 11. yes 12. Less than i would learn from a face to face internship 13. I think the one one thing that stood out for me is integrity. Since it is online, majority of the time my manager wasn't monitoring my works since we are about 10 interns that time. Doing your work even though no one is looking is really important and that will leaves a good impression. 14. yes and there are also benefits when it comes to online ojt, its reliability and a remote job opportunities 15. yes and that is an opportunity as well on a remote jobs 16. i learned some but not many that's why i overthink a lot 17. i learned how to communicate with people through online. 18. of course i am 19. Yes, especially textbook knowledge 20. somehow yes.
  • 25. • The Table shows that all of the respondents stated that they learn something from online internship but still face to face internship is still better when it comes to internship experience.
  • 26. 7. What do you think is your edge from those students who have done a face to face internship? 1. For me it's nothing, because I think they have learn more and improve more their self while face to face internship than to online internship. Because for me the more you experience something you like is the more you learn faster and improve yourself and skills. 2. magiging edge ko sa mga nag face to face eh, mas kabisado ko un front and back ng mga pagpapa book ng mga flights and iba pa 3. the real life experience since this is only virtual 4. ang edge ko sa mga mag face to face eh, ako ay mas may experience na sa ganitong line or work. alam ko na ang loon at labas, at un mga gagawin rin. 5. Comfort of home. 6. as I mentioned the edge is the experience 7. the experience and the opportunity itself 8. The capabilities of materials that was use on the OJT and also the opportunities 9. Equipment and space advantage. We get less cost by online internship compare to face to face only internet and device is needed. 10. In my opinion, those who have done face-to-face have better experienced reinforcing their invaluable skills like time management, communication, working with others, problem-solving 11. I feel like I don't have an edge because in my course it is more hands on so by doing face to face internship I can see that I will be more competent in my job after graduating. 12. When I was working at this one company, i do have lots of co-workers that even though they experienced face to face internship, they are not really good at using various productivity tools, like emails, spreadsheets, presentations, and forms that i learned during my virtual internship. 13. the opportunities 14. opporutunities 15. i think my only advantage to those students is im capable of working through online and at the same time i can work on field if get the chance to experience it. 16. i think my edge is im flexible in terms of working hours. 17. i can do online interaction 18. Given the amount of seminar, I think I have more theoretical knowledge that others may have missed 19. i know how to interact with people with the use of technologies 20. They have the experience we lack
  • 27. • The table shows that the respondent’s edge to those students who take face to face internship is nothing since it is better to take on field experiences, while the other respondents says that they have the edge of having experience through office works.
  • 28. 8. Can online internships properly equip students to deal with the variety of real-life circumstances that emerge in challenging hospitality and tourist context? Why or why not? 1. No, because hospitality is a experience type that you need to learn and improve yourself. You need to experience the difficulty in the industry, especially guest that you will be serving someday because that is hospitality, you will serve customer, guest and also you will accommodate. You will encounter a different people in the hospitality industry or tourism industry. 2. sa tingin ko eh hindi, kase nga sa harap lang kami ng among computer nag ojt. un experience na humarap sa ibang tao eh, wala po. kaya, hindi po. 3. yes because it will always depend on the student on how they will face the challenges they have on their career. 4. yes, in my capabilities eh, kayang kaya ng mga nag online internship. ang magiging problem lang ay 'yung work environment, kase haharap na sa mga tao at mag sasalita ka sakanila. 5. No because, hospitality and tourism related interships required interpersonal relationships and exposure from different environments that might vary in every places, with different people that consists different cultures, norms that cant be replicated by online setting. Because on field trainings hones a person's ability to create split decisions and ability to react to pressure that cannot be fully optimized in a virtual setting. 6. it will always depend on the person on how can they change their career because they are the one who is capable of handling it 7. yes but this will be depending on how did you take this and as the saying told us if you really want it you there are many ways but if you do not want it you have many reasons not to. 8. yes but for me this will also depend on how the student can change their career because they are the one that could manage it at the end. 9. It depends on how the internship is done. If it is well executed yes it will help student with this context. It is a matter of willingness of the students. 10. Yes because the virtual environment is very different from the face-to-face environment. So, you will have to master the art of conversation and can prepare the student for telecommuting and other flexible working arrangements in the future 11. For me, If you seriously take the online internship it can help you to properly equip but not totally in the best form because you have a
  • 29. • This table shows that the half of the respondents stated that it depends on the students if they take online internship seriously while the others disagree, because it is still better to conduct a face to face internship on the other hand least of them agreed.
  • 30. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS • This study displays the overall findings and outcomes that emphasize the recommendations that may be useful while conducting an online internship.
  • 31. Recommendation • In this study the researchers recommends that the students whose currently taking online internship is to participate in any tasks that their schools or company management give them that are linked to their course of study, for them to gain any information regarding their course by listening and coping up to the lessons that the school administrator/company instruct, it is important because their primary goal is adapt to the changes and make the students fully equipped to deal with real life experience in tourism industry.
  • 32. • We also recommend to the students whose currently taking an online internship to have their own character development, to not be lazy and perform to their fullest, it is also important to improve their self confidence.
  • 33. Conclusion • The students must be responsive during their online internship by being proactive, taking initiative, and having time management. • The students should communicate effectively with their supervisors and team members, as this is essential for success in any internship. • The students must be flexible and adaptable, as online internships they may come with some unique challenges that they may not encounter in an in-person setting.