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The workplace
how to safely
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return to the
At a pivotal juncture for the future of
work, effectively reimagining facilities
management strategies for the hybrid
or in-office model can help businesses
and their employees thrive.
of employers
want to keep
working in an office
Some workers may have returned to the
office last week, following the removal of
Plan B Covid measures in England, but the
business/corporate world’s response has
been decisively divided.
In the nation’s capital, industry traditionalists
such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and
HSBC were among the firms determined
to see their employees return to the office
environment. And the 8% increase in journeys
recorded on the London underground
network, after work-from-home Covid
guidance ending in January, would suggest
The City’s population followed suit.
Yet other leading organisations from Intel to
Google and Microsoft remain firmly rooted
in the hybrid working corner, and look set to
embrace flexibility in the way they work and
the environment in which employees are
asked to perform their daily duties.
At the outset of the pandemic – when
its scale and impact was still to be truly
determined – the prospect of a return to the
traditional office environment seems almost
inevitable. Now, some three years down the
line, it seems increasingly implausible.
In the wake of numerous lockdowns,
flexibility and remote work have become so
deeply engrained in the mindset of leading
organisations and their staff that re-imposing
conventional working models appears a
distant prospect.
With research showing that the majority
want a hybrid setup, has the working world
changed for good? And what impact will the
new peaks and troughs of shifting working
patterns have on facilities management?
The SBFM Hybrid Work Report explores
those very questions, offering some unique
insights into the future of managing corporate
premises in the era of hybrid working.
of employees
want more
flexible working
Flexible cleaning strategies for
fluctuating building occupancy
With the UK’s vaccination roll-out in full
flow, and COVID-19 restrictions largely lifted,
offices are slowly getting populated again,
with the IWG expecting occupancy rates
to get back to pre-pandemic levels by the
middle of 2022. SBFM explores what the
post-pandemic office may look like and the
impact on cleaning and hygiene practices.
Following prolonged periods of working from
home, and hybrid operations, the nation’s
corporations are expected to ramp-up the
return to the workplace. But with shifting
worker attitudes, and against a backdrop
of shifting COVID-19 constraints, economic
changes, and technological development,
the traditional office is unlikely to operate the
way it did before.
As a result, when businesses search for their
next commercial cleaning partner, they’ll
have a new set of demands.
Varying occupancy
The global pandemic has established new
ways of working. Research has found that,
globally, 40% of employees want more
flexible working practices, including options
for working from home and part-time
working. Similarly the CIPD’s Embedding
new ways of working post-pandemic report
revealed, while 65% of employers either did
not offer regular working from home at all
before the pandemic – or offered it to 10%
or less of their workforce – that figure is
expected to fall dramatically to 37% after the
For most organisations, the introduction
of hybrid or flexible working will result in
fluctuating occupancies in their buildings.
This will require a significant shift in ways of
working, but also the need to establish new,
more flexible cleaning practices.
SBFM will use its extensive experience of
corporate cleaning to bring greater control
of services in critical areas. By creating a
detailed profile of office activity against
cleaning needs, we can deliver a highly
tailored solution for cleaning resource and
activity, closely mapped to the nuances
of your operational requirements at each
This means that cleaning practices will be
shaped to your needs, and delivered based
upon need and level of use, occupancy rates,
and areas identified as requiring cleaning
due to high usage or levels of footfall, rather
than by simply following standard, routine
cleaning schedules.
To better optimise staff scheduling and
cleaning operations, we use leading edge
footfall analytics and data insights to
determine building occupancy levels at
all times. With insight into your business’s
foot traffic trends, our cleaning teams can
be better equipped to match staff and
resource supply with customer and operation
Highly accurate footfall technologies count
people entering or exiting your office building
and track occupant behaviour while in work,
providing critical insights into how to improve
cleaning operations and schedules. Data
collected can be used to predict traffic flow,
the busiest periods, as well as high footfall
hotspots to establish effective cleaning
schedules at the most appropriate times.
Whether you require cleaning outside
opening hours, daytime cleaning and support
options, or specialised COVID-19 services, we
have you covered.
Safety first
Unsurprisingly given recent events, employee
safety will be a top priority for organisations
moving forward. Some 74% of UK businesses
said they would be placing a greater focus
on health and safety in the workplace.
Government regulations are going some way
to ensuring enterprises adopt caution when
it comes to employee wellbeing, but with
75% of UK businesses having implemented
their own procedures and controls beyond
government guidance, it seems many
organisations are going above and beyond to
protect staff.
Considering office cleanliness was listed as
a top concern for employees returning to
the office by a Bupa Health Clinics study,
effective cleaning regimes are imperative.
With a range of specialist cleaning and
disinfectant services available, SBFM are
here to ensure your premises meet the
cleanliness and hygiene standards required.
Our high-quality cleaning services are
designed to mitigate risk and safeguard
the welfare of building occupants. By
equipping our experienced cleaning teams
with the latest in specialist cleaning products
and technology, we effectively protect
against microbial infection and maintain a
heightened level of hygiene in your buildings.
Such an elevated level of protection is
delivered via anti-microbial disinfectant
fogging to disinfect large areas and rapidly
clean multiple surfaces, proven infection
control techniques that provide a 30-day
protective shield against COVID-19 and other
pathogens, and much more.
As an added layer of protection, we also
provide a full premise deep clean to BICSc
standards, with an increased focus on
touchpoints and areas with high volumes of
footfall and interaction.
Early-Mid 20th Century
Open office floorplans
As more labour moved indoors,
systematic open plan layouts
became a polular strategy for
productivity and large scale
The 2000’s
The Coworking boom
As digital and automation technology
became more robust, the workforce
began to embrace a more mobile culture,
and a trend towards Coworking Spaces
The 1990’s
Optimised desk and offices
With computers becoming smaller,
more powerful and commercially
available, office design shifted to
incorporate more spacious, creative
and empowering environments.
The 2010’s
Flexible workspace industry flourishes
With the rise of social media,
globalisation and commercialism,
consumer and executive lifestyle attitudes
towards work shifted towards favouring
choice in workplace environment.
Early 19th Century
The start of dedicated
Paperwork, logistics and the
start of globalisation introduced
the need for dedicated
Late 19th Century
The office is born
The introduction of
commercial telephones and
typewriters and, created a
shift from manual labour to
more desk based jobs.
of UK
said they would
be placing a
greater focus
on health and
safety in the
Consider collaboration
In what CBRE call the ‘hotelisation of office
space’, open plan, glass-walled offices
with social areas are already establishing
themselves as the norm. But as workers
and employers call for greater collaborative
space within offices – as individuals return
following prolonged periods of isolated home
working – places where colleagues can
interact and work closely together in teams
will likely grow in prominence.
As traditional desk layouts are replaced by
hot-desking, larger coworking activity-based
working spaces and more relaxed breakout
areas, cleaning practices must adapt
too. In the new collaborative landscape
organisations will need to be more diligent
with respect to the cleaning of high-touch
surfaces, the frequent sanitising of shared
work areas and centralised waste diversion.
This may require changes in cleaning
frequency including daytime shift patterns
and the adoption of high-tech equipment to
improve the hygiene, safety and appearance
of collaborative offices.
All of this can be achieved with the support of
an experienced commercial cleaning partner,
such as SBFM. To reduce your costs, improve
standards and offer greater transparency
we grade buildings and areas within them,
delivering appropriate standards and
targeted cleaning for critical areas. The result
is a seamless balance of quality, reliability,
cost-effectiveness and transparency.
To find out how SBFM can support and
guide you on your journey to reoccupying
your office space, contact our expert team
or visit our Corporate Cleaning page.
of employees
Want to keep
working in an
Cleaning strategies for the
new hybrid office
To increase productivity and meet calls from
employees for greater flexibility, businesses
are expected to transition away from the
traditional way of working — necessitating a
fundamental rethink of cleaning strategies
and schedules to reflect the new hybrid
working model.
As lockdown restrictions slowly diminish,
modern enterprises across the UK are now
focused on a challenge never previously
experienced – bringing employees back
into the office after prolonged periods of
remote working.
It has become clear that initial predictions
that working from home would become the
new norm have been deeply overstated, as
many organisations seek to adopt a hybrid
working model or full return to the office in
the coming months.
A recent survey revealed that despite 75%
of organisations saying they have some
employees who are reluctant to return to
the office, almost all (97%) organisations
are implementing or planning to implement
hybrid working . While 78 per cent of
businesses and 81 per cent of employees
want to keep working in an office .
Despite such a drive for a return to the
physical workspace, employee fears and
concerns around the impact of Covid-19 on
their workplace welfare persist. Indeed, three
quarters of staff (78 percent) are worried
about the environment awaiting them, and
just 16 percent of those set to return are fully
confident about their health and safety back
at the office .
Given such reluctance, supporting
employees, alleviating fears around their
health and wellbeing, and ensuring they feel
comfortable returning to the office will remain
a major challenge for many enterprises.
Fundamental to this will be planning and
implementing tailored and effective cleaning
strategies throughout the corporate estate.
of workers
are worried
about the
awaiting them
Addressing hygiene fears –
key considerations
As organisations move beyond the
constraints of the traditional working model,
so too much the cleaning strategies that
safeguard employees in the physical working
space. Flexibility, therefore, has become a
critical facet in any cleaning strategy, be that
for a single office space or across an entire
corporate estate.
Cleaning schedules need to align to the
new working practices being adopted –
whether that is a hybrid approach or one in
which employees are in the office full-
time. Depending on operational hours, this
could mean early morning cleaning before
your premises opens, evening cleans after
operational hours, or even increasing the
visibility of cleaners during working hours to
provide great reassurance to employees.
To better optimise staff scheduling and
cleaning operations today’s leading facilities
management providers are using advanced
footfall analytics and data insights to
determine building occupancy levels at all
times. With insight into a business’s foot traffic
trends, the cleaning team can be better
equipped to match staff and resource supply
with customer and operation demands.
Highly accurate footfall technologies count
people entering or exiting an office building
and track occupant behaviour while in work,
providing critical insights into how to improve
cleaning operations and schedules. Data
collected can be used to predict traffic flow,
the busiest periods, as well as high footfall
hotspots to establish effective cleaning
schedules at the most appropriate times.
For businesses that face an increasingly
economically challenging landscape,
this ability to find innovative and cost-
effective solutions to minimise spending
while maximising the efficiency of cleaning
schedules is invaluable.
Such agility must also extend to the services
being delivered. Businesses should seek a
cleaning specialist that is able to respond
to changing expectations. For instance,
increasingly the frequency of cleaning to
manage increased occupancy levels, or even
responding promptly to unexpected events,
such as secondary localised outbreaks within
working premises.
An optimised and dynamic strategy
combining traditional contract cleaning,
deep cleaning, specialist Covid-19 cleaning
& sanitisation and washroom services will
deliver a consistently high level of hygiene
across all areas of any building, while at
the same time effectively mitigating risk by
ensuring businesses are prepared for all
When a knowledgeable partner underpins
such a strategy, with unparalleled industry
experience, corporations can also be assured
of a balance of quality, reliability, cost-
effectiveness and transparency.
of surveyed
claim that seeing
cleaners in public
spaces makes
them feel that
safety measures
are being taken
Should cleaning operatives be
more visible in a post-lockdown
built environment?
Research suggests that for 75 per cent of
people the ability to check the hygiene
protocols of public and commercial
premises online and actively see stringent
hygiene and cleaning procedures taking
place, would make them more likely to visit .
SBFM asks; should cleaners be more visible
in a post-pandemic working environment?
Cleaning operatives have for some time
played an essential, yet largely unseen role
in maintaining cleanliness in a variety of
workplaces. Be that performing out-of-hours
routine cleaning or springing into action to
perform deep cleans and disinfecting
areas closed due to reported COVID-19
cases.The pandemic has served to highlight
not only the need for high quality cleaning
processes, and rigorous health protocols for
consistent cleaning and disinfecting, but also
greater visibility and frequency of cleaning.
And it would seem pandemic-induced
changes in public attitudes towards hygiene
have forever altered cleaning practices as
the world re-opens.
Cleaning for instilling confidence
With some 61% of surveyed individuals
claiming that seeing cleaners in public
spaces makes them feel that safety
measures are being taken seriously, a
quarter of people saying that visible cleaning
instilled a sense of trust in the environment,
and 27% agreeing it made them feel safe, it is
perhaps of little surprise that customers are
demanding higher frequency of cleans and
highly visible schedules.
The implication is that organisations that fail
to provide greater visibility of cleaning in their
buildings run the very real risk of damaging
consumer or employee confidence and will
likely be presented with more far-reaching
consequences. Failure to instil confidence
in retail customers, for instance, could result
in reduced footfall and, ultimately, revenue
for retailers.
of employees
want more
flexible working
We are seeing that, in populated built
environments — corporate offices and
retail outlets, for example — the mindset
shift towards cleaning for confidence has
accelerated the frequency of cleans and the
desire for highly visible schedules.
From an FM and cleaning perspective the
place to start is to understand the operational
parameters of the building or buildings
themselves – including levels of occupancy,
activities being undertaken within and
general layout.
Having such a high-level knowledge can
be vital to proficiently planning, executing
and monitoring cleaning activities across
corporate estates. Even more so in the
era where cleaners must be visible, but
still adhere to strict and necessary social
distancing guidelines.
SBFM’s ability to deploy 3D scanning
technology to capture spatial data and
images from corporate offices, and create
fully immersive panoramas of indoor
spaces, can help our cleaning operatives
to safely navigate premises during daytime
By combining such visual data with our
innate capability to understand our clients
and deliver what they want, rather than
telling them what we offer, we can shape our
service around their needs.
Clearly each environment is unique,
particularly when it comes to cleaning
requirement. However, that said, in many
of the corporate environments in which
we operate, to reassure people of safety,
our operatives are now performing greater
volumes of daytime cleaning and periodic
programmes of sanitisation fogging cleans to
high footfall/high touch areas.
To facilitate the touchpoint cleaning we
deploy a suite of advanced COVID-19
fogging equipment to high-touch areas in
each of our clients’ sites and train a core
team of people, negating any need for call
outs and additional costs for any reactive
infection cleans. This allows our teams to
react responsively at a local level.
Total transparency
Of course, such visibility is not solely limited
to the built environment. At SBFM we are
working closely with clients to increase
transparency of our day-to-day operations,
including overall contract performance and
financial detail.
By delivering such data via a real time
client dashboard, we can provide increased
visibility of everything from attendance, audit
results, compliance reports, period work
schedules, management communication and
much more.
To find out more, visit:
of those set to
return are fully
confident about
their health and
safety back in
the office.
Is cleaning more important now
Plan B restrictions are lifted?
As England relaxes Plan B restrictions –
including ‘work from home’ guidance
and the mandatory use of masks in public
spaces – SBFM asks does the cleaning
industry need a strategy in place to ease
public fears? And could effective cleaning
regimes be fundamental to living with
the virus?
Despite a high proportion of the public
remaining sceptical, community perception
of the health risks of easing restrictions still
high, and backlash from high profile bodies
including the NHS Confederation and
teachers and nurses’ unions, the nation is
now returning to some sort of pre-pandemic
The latest changes will see large swathes
of workers ditch the spare room and head
back into the office on a full-time basis.
While nightclubs will reopen their doors, the
requirement for table service in hospitality is
to end and attendance limits on indoor events
are to be lifted.
Two years into the pandemic, any hope
of eradicating the virus seems out of the
question. If the Health Secretary Sajid Javid
is to be believed, despite the relaxation of
measures marking a “major milestone” for
England, it is not the end of the road, and we
must instead “learn to live with COVID in the
same way we have to live with flu.”
Although Government curbs have been
removed, this is certainly not the time for
complacency about the virus. The priority
now is to manage the reality that Covid-19
is here to stay. A whole new level of
preparedness is therefore crucial, particularly
as new waves of coronavirus (and indeed
other pathogens) arrive on our shores; we
need a system of effective hygiene protocols
in place to ensure everyone is protected to
the utmost.
The business community in particular – be
that retail stores encountering growing
footfall, corporates welcoming back high
volumes of employees, or schools, colleges
and universities inviting students back onto
campus – need to establish the best lines of
defence to give themselves the greatest level
of protection.
Even more so given growing public anxiety
around the return to normality. Some three
quarters of staff (78 percent) are worried
about the office environment awaiting them.
While 82% of UK shoppers said they won’t
spend money in a store if it doesn’t look clean
or hygienic.
of UK shoppers
said they won’t
spend money in a
store if it doesn’t
look clean or
Vaccines undoubtedly will be central to our
fight against COVID, yet effective cleaning
practices provide one of our greatest
chances of slowing the spread. After
performing a largely unnoticed but essential
service in the background for many years,
the pandemic has only served to bring our
industry’s value into the spotlight. Since the
onset of the virus, but especially in 2021,
cleaning services have been recognised as
an essential strategy in the fight against the
virus in many industries.
The fact that the cleaning industry has
remained at the forefront of the fight against
the pandemic and played a pivotal role in
helping the UK and Europe’s businesses
re-open, and most crucially remain
open amidst lockdowns and nationwide
restrictions, speaks volumes for the
contribution it has made.
It is such adaptation that will undoubtedly
continue to prove central to ensuring business
continuity and protecting employee welfare.
We’ve already seen the advantages that
routine and thorough cleaning can have in
varying working environments, but it is the
initiative-taking approach to effective virus
sanitation practices that will aid businesses in
alleviating public concerns and anxieties.
Incorporating supplementary virus and
bacteria sanitisation programmes of this
nature into daily cleaning regimes will not
only provide an additional level of protection,
but also further reassurances to guarantee
businesses will be prepared should the
worse happen.
Such agility must also extend to the services
delivered. Commercial cleaning businesses
need to include in-built flexibility in all
contracts if they are to survive in a world
continuously reshaped by the virus.
Businesses will seek a cleaning partner that
is able to respond to changing expectations.
For instance, increasingly the frequency of
cleaning to manage increased occupancy
levels, or indeed reducing the number of days
on-site to accommodate the newly trialled
four day working week. While the capability
to respond promptly to unexpected events,
such as secondary localised outbreaks
within working premises will remain a key
In today’s market, optimised and dynamic
strategies must combine traditional core
contract cleaning with deep cleaning, and
specialist Covid-19 cleaning & sanitisation if
they are to deliver a consistently high level of
hygiene across all areas of any building. Such
an approach will effectively be mitigating risk
by ensuring businesses are prepared for all
Your trusted partner
for corporate spaces
SBFM has been delivering outstandingly clean and safe
environments in the corporate space since 2013.
We combine our extensive expertise, and UK-wide
coverage, to improve occupant satisfaction, foster enhanced
productivity, and help your business make a great first
impression as soon as people walk through the door.
Our experienced cleaning teams use specialist cleaning
products and leverage leading-edge technologies to
help protect against microbial infection and maintain a
consistently elevated level of hygiene in your buildings.
This offers greater reassurances for returning colleagues,
customers and visitors.
To find out how we can support your business,
contact us today.

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  • 1. The workplace reconnect: how to safely navigate the return to the office At a pivotal juncture for the future of work, effectively reimagining facilities management strategies for the hybrid or in-office model can help businesses and their employees thrive.
  • 2. 2 78% of employers want to keep working in an office Introduction Some workers may have returned to the office last week, following the removal of Plan B Covid measures in England, but the business/corporate world’s response has been decisively divided. In the nation’s capital, industry traditionalists such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and HSBC were among the firms determined to see their employees return to the office environment. And the 8% increase in journeys recorded on the London underground network, after work-from-home Covid guidance ending in January, would suggest The City’s population followed suit. Yet other leading organisations from Intel to Google and Microsoft remain firmly rooted in the hybrid working corner, and look set to embrace flexibility in the way they work and the environment in which employees are asked to perform their daily duties. At the outset of the pandemic – when its scale and impact was still to be truly determined – the prospect of a return to the traditional office environment seems almost inevitable. Now, some three years down the line, it seems increasingly implausible. In the wake of numerous lockdowns, flexibility and remote work have become so deeply engrained in the mindset of leading organisations and their staff that re-imposing conventional working models appears a distant prospect. With research showing that the majority want a hybrid setup, has the working world changed for good? And what impact will the new peaks and troughs of shifting working patterns have on facilities management? The SBFM Hybrid Work Report explores those very questions, offering some unique insights into the future of managing corporate premises in the era of hybrid working.
  • 3. 3 40% of employees want more flexible working practices Flexible cleaning strategies for fluctuating building occupancy With the UK’s vaccination roll-out in full flow, and COVID-19 restrictions largely lifted, offices are slowly getting populated again, with the IWG expecting occupancy rates to get back to pre-pandemic levels by the middle of 2022. SBFM explores what the post-pandemic office may look like and the impact on cleaning and hygiene practices. Following prolonged periods of working from home, and hybrid operations, the nation’s corporations are expected to ramp-up the return to the workplace. But with shifting worker attitudes, and against a backdrop of shifting COVID-19 constraints, economic changes, and technological development, the traditional office is unlikely to operate the way it did before. As a result, when businesses search for their next commercial cleaning partner, they’ll have a new set of demands. Varying occupancy The global pandemic has established new ways of working. Research has found that, globally, 40% of employees want more flexible working practices, including options for working from home and part-time working. Similarly the CIPD’s Embedding new ways of working post-pandemic report revealed, while 65% of employers either did not offer regular working from home at all before the pandemic – or offered it to 10% or less of their workforce – that figure is expected to fall dramatically to 37% after the crisis. For most organisations, the introduction of hybrid or flexible working will result in fluctuating occupancies in their buildings. This will require a significant shift in ways of working, but also the need to establish new, more flexible cleaning practices. SBFM will use its extensive experience of corporate cleaning to bring greater control of services in critical areas. By creating a detailed profile of office activity against cleaning needs, we can deliver a highly tailored solution for cleaning resource and activity, closely mapped to the nuances of your operational requirements at each building. This means that cleaning practices will be shaped to your needs, and delivered based upon need and level of use, occupancy rates, and areas identified as requiring cleaning due to high usage or levels of footfall, rather than by simply following standard, routine cleaning schedules.
  • 4. 4 To better optimise staff scheduling and cleaning operations, we use leading edge footfall analytics and data insights to determine building occupancy levels at all times. With insight into your business’s foot traffic trends, our cleaning teams can be better equipped to match staff and resource supply with customer and operation demands. Highly accurate footfall technologies count people entering or exiting your office building and track occupant behaviour while in work, providing critical insights into how to improve cleaning operations and schedules. Data collected can be used to predict traffic flow, the busiest periods, as well as high footfall hotspots to establish effective cleaning schedules at the most appropriate times. Whether you require cleaning outside opening hours, daytime cleaning and support options, or specialised COVID-19 services, we have you covered. Safety first Unsurprisingly given recent events, employee safety will be a top priority for organisations moving forward. Some 74% of UK businesses said they would be placing a greater focus on health and safety in the workplace. Government regulations are going some way to ensuring enterprises adopt caution when it comes to employee wellbeing, but with 75% of UK businesses having implemented their own procedures and controls beyond government guidance, it seems many organisations are going above and beyond to protect staff. Considering office cleanliness was listed as a top concern for employees returning to the office by a Bupa Health Clinics study, effective cleaning regimes are imperative. With a range of specialist cleaning and disinfectant services available, SBFM are here to ensure your premises meet the cleanliness and hygiene standards required. Our high-quality cleaning services are designed to mitigate risk and safeguard the welfare of building occupants. By equipping our experienced cleaning teams with the latest in specialist cleaning products and technology, we effectively protect against microbial infection and maintain a heightened level of hygiene in your buildings. Such an elevated level of protection is delivered via anti-microbial disinfectant fogging to disinfect large areas and rapidly clean multiple surfaces, proven infection control techniques that provide a 30-day protective shield against COVID-19 and other pathogens, and much more. As an added layer of protection, we also provide a full premise deep clean to BICSc standards, with an increased focus on touchpoints and areas with high volumes of footfall and interaction.
  • 5. 5 Early-Mid 20th Century Open office floorplans As more labour moved indoors, systematic open plan layouts became a polular strategy for productivity and large scale movement. The 2000’s The Coworking boom As digital and automation technology became more robust, the workforce began to embrace a more mobile culture, and a trend towards Coworking Spaces Blossomed The 1990’s Optimised desk and offices With computers becoming smaller, more powerful and commercially available, office design shifted to incorporate more spacious, creative and empowering environments. The 2010’s Flexible workspace industry flourishes With the rise of social media, globalisation and commercialism, consumer and executive lifestyle attitudes towards work shifted towards favouring choice in workplace environment. Early 19th Century The start of dedicated workspaces Paperwork, logistics and the start of globalisation introduced the need for dedicated workspaces. Late 19th Century The office is born The introduction of commercial telephones and typewriters and, created a shift from manual labour to more desk based jobs. HISTORY OF THE MODERN OFFICE of UK businesses said they would be placing a greater focus on health and safety in the workplace 74% Consider collaboration In what CBRE call the ‘hotelisation of office space’, open plan, glass-walled offices with social areas are already establishing themselves as the norm. But as workers and employers call for greater collaborative space within offices – as individuals return following prolonged periods of isolated home working – places where colleagues can interact and work closely together in teams will likely grow in prominence. As traditional desk layouts are replaced by hot-desking, larger coworking activity-based working spaces and more relaxed breakout areas, cleaning practices must adapt too. In the new collaborative landscape organisations will need to be more diligent with respect to the cleaning of high-touch surfaces, the frequent sanitising of shared work areas and centralised waste diversion. This may require changes in cleaning frequency including daytime shift patterns and the adoption of high-tech equipment to improve the hygiene, safety and appearance of collaborative offices. All of this can be achieved with the support of an experienced commercial cleaning partner, such as SBFM. To reduce your costs, improve standards and offer greater transparency we grade buildings and areas within them, delivering appropriate standards and targeted cleaning for critical areas. The result is a seamless balance of quality, reliability, cost-effectiveness and transparency. To find out how SBFM can support and guide you on your journey to reoccupying your office space, contact our expert team or visit our Corporate Cleaning page.  
  • 6. 6 81% of employees Want to keep working in an office. Cleaning strategies for the new hybrid office To increase productivity and meet calls from employees for greater flexibility, businesses are expected to transition away from the traditional way of working — necessitating a fundamental rethink of cleaning strategies and schedules to reflect the new hybrid working model. As lockdown restrictions slowly diminish, modern enterprises across the UK are now focused on a challenge never previously experienced – bringing employees back into the office after prolonged periods of remote working. It has become clear that initial predictions that working from home would become the new norm have been deeply overstated, as many organisations seek to adopt a hybrid working model or full return to the office in the coming months. A recent survey revealed that despite 75% of organisations saying they have some employees who are reluctant to return to the office, almost all (97%) organisations are implementing or planning to implement hybrid working . While 78 per cent of businesses and 81 per cent of employees want to keep working in an office . Despite such a drive for a return to the physical workspace, employee fears and concerns around the impact of Covid-19 on their workplace welfare persist. Indeed, three quarters of staff (78 percent) are worried about the environment awaiting them, and just 16 percent of those set to return are fully confident about their health and safety back at the office . Given such reluctance, supporting employees, alleviating fears around their health and wellbeing, and ensuring they feel comfortable returning to the office will remain a major challenge for many enterprises. Fundamental to this will be planning and implementing tailored and effective cleaning strategies throughout the corporate estate.
  • 7. 7 of workers are worried about the environment awaiting them 78% Addressing hygiene fears – key considerations As organisations move beyond the constraints of the traditional working model, so too much the cleaning strategies that safeguard employees in the physical working space. Flexibility, therefore, has become a critical facet in any cleaning strategy, be that for a single office space or across an entire corporate estate. Cleaning schedules need to align to the new working practices being adopted – whether that is a hybrid approach or one in which employees are in the office full- time. Depending on operational hours, this could mean early morning cleaning before your premises opens, evening cleans after operational hours, or even increasing the visibility of cleaners during working hours to provide great reassurance to employees. To better optimise staff scheduling and cleaning operations today’s leading facilities management providers are using advanced footfall analytics and data insights to determine building occupancy levels at all times. With insight into a business’s foot traffic trends, the cleaning team can be better equipped to match staff and resource supply with customer and operation demands. Highly accurate footfall technologies count people entering or exiting an office building and track occupant behaviour while in work, providing critical insights into how to improve cleaning operations and schedules. Data collected can be used to predict traffic flow, the busiest periods, as well as high footfall hotspots to establish effective cleaning schedules at the most appropriate times. For businesses that face an increasingly economically challenging landscape, this ability to find innovative and cost- effective solutions to minimise spending while maximising the efficiency of cleaning schedules is invaluable. Such agility must also extend to the services being delivered. Businesses should seek a cleaning specialist that is able to respond to changing expectations. For instance, increasingly the frequency of cleaning to manage increased occupancy levels, or even responding promptly to unexpected events, such as secondary localised outbreaks within working premises. An optimised and dynamic strategy combining traditional contract cleaning, deep cleaning, specialist Covid-19 cleaning & sanitisation and washroom services will deliver a consistently high level of hygiene across all areas of any building, while at the same time effectively mitigating risk by ensuring businesses are prepared for all eventualities. When a knowledgeable partner underpins such a strategy, with unparalleled industry experience, corporations can also be assured of a balance of quality, reliability, cost- effectiveness and transparency.
  • 8. 8 61% of surveyed individuals claim that seeing cleaners in public spaces makes them feel that safety measures are being taken seriously Should cleaning operatives be more visible in a post-lockdown built environment? Research suggests that for 75 per cent of people the ability to check the hygiene protocols of public and commercial premises online and actively see stringent hygiene and cleaning procedures taking place, would make them more likely to visit . SBFM asks; should cleaners be more visible in a post-pandemic working environment? Cleaning operatives have for some time played an essential, yet largely unseen role in maintaining cleanliness in a variety of workplaces. Be that performing out-of-hours routine cleaning or springing into action to perform deep cleans and disinfecting areas closed due to reported COVID-19 cases.The pandemic has served to highlight not only the need for high quality cleaning processes, and rigorous health protocols for consistent cleaning and disinfecting, but also greater visibility and frequency of cleaning. And it would seem pandemic-induced changes in public attitudes towards hygiene have forever altered cleaning practices as the world re-opens. Cleaning for instilling confidence With some 61% of surveyed individuals claiming that seeing cleaners in public spaces makes them feel that safety measures are being taken seriously, a quarter of people saying that visible cleaning instilled a sense of trust in the environment, and 27% agreeing it made them feel safe, it is perhaps of little surprise that customers are demanding higher frequency of cleans and highly visible schedules. The implication is that organisations that fail to provide greater visibility of cleaning in their buildings run the very real risk of damaging consumer or employee confidence and will likely be presented with more far-reaching consequences. Failure to instil confidence in retail customers, for instance, could result in reduced footfall and, ultimately, revenue for retailers.
  • 9. 9 40% of employees want more flexible working practices We are seeing that, in populated built environments — corporate offices and retail outlets, for example — the mindset shift towards cleaning for confidence has accelerated the frequency of cleans and the desire for highly visible schedules. From an FM and cleaning perspective the place to start is to understand the operational parameters of the building or buildings themselves – including levels of occupancy, activities being undertaken within and general layout. Having such a high-level knowledge can be vital to proficiently planning, executing and monitoring cleaning activities across corporate estates. Even more so in the era where cleaners must be visible, but still adhere to strict and necessary social distancing guidelines. SBFM’s ability to deploy 3D scanning technology to capture spatial data and images from corporate offices, and create fully immersive panoramas of indoor spaces, can help our cleaning operatives to safely navigate premises during daytime operations. By combining such visual data with our innate capability to understand our clients and deliver what they want, rather than telling them what we offer, we can shape our service around their needs. Clearly each environment is unique, particularly when it comes to cleaning requirement. However, that said, in many of the corporate environments in which we operate, to reassure people of safety, our operatives are now performing greater volumes of daytime cleaning and periodic programmes of sanitisation fogging cleans to high footfall/high touch areas. To facilitate the touchpoint cleaning we deploy a suite of advanced COVID-19 fogging equipment to high-touch areas in each of our clients’ sites and train a core team of people, negating any need for call outs and additional costs for any reactive infection cleans. This allows our teams to react responsively at a local level. Total transparency Of course, such visibility is not solely limited to the built environment. At SBFM we are working closely with clients to increase transparency of our day-to-day operations, including overall contract performance and financial detail. By delivering such data via a real time client dashboard, we can provide increased visibility of everything from attendance, audit results, compliance reports, period work schedules, management communication and much more. To find out more, visit:
  • 10. 10 only 16% of those set to return are fully confident about their health and safety back in the office. Is cleaning more important now Plan B restrictions are lifted? As England relaxes Plan B restrictions – including ‘work from home’ guidance and the mandatory use of masks in public spaces – SBFM asks does the cleaning industry need a strategy in place to ease public fears? And could effective cleaning regimes be fundamental to living with the virus? Despite a high proportion of the public remaining sceptical, community perception of the health risks of easing restrictions still high, and backlash from high profile bodies including the NHS Confederation and teachers and nurses’ unions, the nation is now returning to some sort of pre-pandemic normality. The latest changes will see large swathes of workers ditch the spare room and head back into the office on a full-time basis. While nightclubs will reopen their doors, the requirement for table service in hospitality is to end and attendance limits on indoor events are to be lifted. Two years into the pandemic, any hope of eradicating the virus seems out of the question. If the Health Secretary Sajid Javid is to be believed, despite the relaxation of measures marking a “major milestone” for England, it is not the end of the road, and we must instead “learn to live with COVID in the same way we have to live with flu.” Although Government curbs have been removed, this is certainly not the time for complacency about the virus. The priority now is to manage the reality that Covid-19 is here to stay. A whole new level of preparedness is therefore crucial, particularly as new waves of coronavirus (and indeed other pathogens) arrive on our shores; we need a system of effective hygiene protocols in place to ensure everyone is protected to the utmost. The business community in particular – be that retail stores encountering growing footfall, corporates welcoming back high volumes of employees, or schools, colleges and universities inviting students back onto campus – need to establish the best lines of defence to give themselves the greatest level of protection. Even more so given growing public anxiety around the return to normality. Some three quarters of staff (78 percent) are worried about the office environment awaiting them. While 82% of UK shoppers said they won’t spend money in a store if it doesn’t look clean or hygienic.
  • 11. 11 82% of UK shoppers said they won’t spend money in a store if it doesn’t look clean or hygienic Vaccines undoubtedly will be central to our fight against COVID, yet effective cleaning practices provide one of our greatest chances of slowing the spread. After performing a largely unnoticed but essential service in the background for many years, the pandemic has only served to bring our industry’s value into the spotlight. Since the onset of the virus, but especially in 2021, cleaning services have been recognised as an essential strategy in the fight against the virus in many industries. The fact that the cleaning industry has remained at the forefront of the fight against the pandemic and played a pivotal role in helping the UK and Europe’s businesses re-open, and most crucially remain open amidst lockdowns and nationwide restrictions, speaks volumes for the contribution it has made. It is such adaptation that will undoubtedly continue to prove central to ensuring business continuity and protecting employee welfare. We’ve already seen the advantages that routine and thorough cleaning can have in varying working environments, but it is the initiative-taking approach to effective virus sanitation practices that will aid businesses in alleviating public concerns and anxieties. Incorporating supplementary virus and bacteria sanitisation programmes of this nature into daily cleaning regimes will not only provide an additional level of protection, but also further reassurances to guarantee businesses will be prepared should the worse happen. Such agility must also extend to the services delivered. Commercial cleaning businesses need to include in-built flexibility in all contracts if they are to survive in a world continuously reshaped by the virus. Businesses will seek a cleaning partner that is able to respond to changing expectations. For instance, increasingly the frequency of cleaning to manage increased occupancy levels, or indeed reducing the number of days on-site to accommodate the newly trialled four day working week. While the capability to respond promptly to unexpected events, such as secondary localised outbreaks within working premises will remain a key requirement. In today’s market, optimised and dynamic strategies must combine traditional core contract cleaning with deep cleaning, and specialist Covid-19 cleaning & sanitisation if they are to deliver a consistently high level of hygiene across all areas of any building. Such an approach will effectively be mitigating risk by ensuring businesses are prepared for all eventualities.
  • 12. 12 Your trusted partner for corporate spaces SBFM has been delivering outstandingly clean and safe environments in the corporate space since 2013. We combine our extensive expertise, and UK-wide coverage, to improve occupant satisfaction, foster enhanced productivity, and help your business make a great first impression as soon as people walk through the door. Our experienced cleaning teams use specialist cleaning products and leverage leading-edge technologies to help protect against microbial infection and maintain a consistently elevated level of hygiene in your buildings. This offers greater reassurances for returning colleagues, customers and visitors. To find out how we can support your business, contact us today.