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简 历
姓 名: 高彩云 性别: 男
出生日期: 1979 年 12 月 18 日 居住地: 北京-朝阳区
工作年限: 十年以上 电子邮件:
手 机: 13581651218
1、熟悉存储+VMware 的虚拟化架构和 HP 云计算项目的方案咨询、设计、实施,有实施项目经验
VMwareVCP 认证(VI3、VI4、VI5)和惠普的云计算认证
2、熟悉 SAN 存储架构光纤环境和 IP 网络环境的 FC 存储、iSCSI 存储、NAS 存储方案咨询、设计,有
实施项目经验,有网络 CCNA 认证
3、熟悉基于分布式文件系统、Scale Out 架构的分布式云存储产品,熟悉分布式存储相关的云计算平
4、熟悉 Windows,linux 环境(系统安装、驱动、服务配置、双机配置),有 RedHat Linux RHCE
和 Suse Linux NCLA 认证
8、熟悉客户支持流程,有多年的客户支持经验和 ITIL Foundation V3 认证
10、了解 OpenStack、CloudStack 开源云计算平台
所属行业: 通信/电信运营、增值服务
网络技术部 云平台运维管理经理
所属行业: 计算机软件
产品部 解决方案经理
所属行业: 计算机服务(系统、数据服务、维修)
TSG TC(Technical Consutant)
4、Linux、Windows、VMware 系统配置和技术支持,VMware CP 虚拟化评估
5、产品线包括惠普的服务器、磁盘存储盘柜、SAN Switch、磁带机、磁带库以及相关的软件;项目
所属行业: 通信/电信/网络设备
售前 售前工程师
所属行业: 计算机硬件
ISSG(服务器部门) 服务器技术工程师
3、处理惠普刀片、NAS、iSCSI、SAN 等专业服务器、存储方面的技术问题
所属行业: 通信/电信/网络设备
系统集成 项目经理
2013/8 -- 2013/9 :光大银行虚拟化项目
软件环境: VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Linux
硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server
项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境
责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
2013/6 -- 2013/8 :东方资产云计算项目
软件环境: HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012
硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 搭建云计算软件环境
责任描述: 1、提供云计算技术方案和实施方案
2013/3 -- 2013/5 :航天 5 院云计算项目
软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012
硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 搭建云计算软件环境
3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及
IT 自动管理、计费
责任描述: 1、云计算平台的前期咨询、项目规划、技术方案
2012/6 -- 2012/9 :ABB(China)数据迁移项目
软件环境: Win2003+Win2008+Linux+Notes+SQL
硬件环境: HP EVA6400+HP EVA8400+HP 3Par+SAN Switch+多厂家 Server
项目描述: 1、将原 HP EVA6400 和 HP EVA8400+多厂家 server 搭建的邮件服务平台和数据库平台
等应用平台,迁移到 HP 3Par+多厂家 server 搭建的硬件环境
2、将原有的 SAN 网络迁移到新的 80 口 SAN Switch 网络
责任描述: 1、提供数据迁移的方案,实施细节等
2、完成数据和系统的迁移(EVA4400 and EVA 8400 to 3Par)
3、完成新的 SAN 环境规划、设计、配置
2012/2 -- 2012/5 :广电总局云计算项目
软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008
硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境
3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及
IT 自动管理、计费
责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案
2011/6 -- 2011/9 :铁科院系统和数据迁移项目
软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
硬件环境: HP EVA4400+HP EVA8400+HP blade server
项目描述: 1、将原 HP EVA4400+HP blade server 搭建的虚拟化平台,迁移到 HP EVA8400+HP
blade server 搭建的虚拟化平台
责任描述: 1、提供数据迁移的实施方案
2、完成数据和系统的迁移(EVA4400 to EVA 8400)
3、完成系统割接,实现 VMware 虚拟化环境在新的硬件平台正常运行
2011/3 -- 2011/5 :徐州地税云计算项目
软件环境: HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV 搭建云计算软件环境
3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及
IT 自动管理、计费等
责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案
2010/12 -- 2011/1 :首都之窗云计算
软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境
责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案
2010/10 -- 2010/11 :国家统计局云计算
软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台
2、HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境
责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案
2010/3 -- 2010/4 :中国人保虚拟化平台构建
软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server,VC 4.0 Server
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境
责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
2009/12 -- 2010/2 :铁道部 IDVSE 项目实施
软件环境: Windows 2003,Linux AS 5 ,VMware ESX Vsphere
硬件环境: HP Blade server
项目描述: 通过惠普的监控软件(ICE)实现对用户环境内的服务器、虚拟机的故障监控、性能监
责任描述: 1、方案设计及讲解
2009/9 -- 2009/11 :中国体育彩票虚拟化平台构建
软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server,VC 4.0 Server
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境
责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
2009/6 -- 2009/7 :河南移动虚拟化评估
软件环境: VMware Capacity Planner tool
硬件环境: HP Server
项目描述: 1、评估用户现有的环境是否适合实现虚拟化
责任描述: 1、虚拟化评估工具的安装、配置
2009/3 -- 2009/4 :天津铁三院虚拟化评估
软件环境: VMware Capacity Planner tool
硬件环境: HP and Dll Server
项目描述: 用户现有的环境是否适合实现虚拟化
责任描述: 1、虚拟化评估工具的安装、配置
2008/11 -- 2009/1 :佳能虚拟化平台构建
软件环境: VMware ESX 3.5 Server,VC 2.5 Server
硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage
项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,提供构建新虚拟化环境的方案
责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
2008/8 -- 2008/9 :山西移动虚拟化项目
软件环境: VMware ESX Server 3.5、VC Server 2.5
硬件环境: HP Blade Server, Dell Storage
项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境
责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
2007/5 -- 2007/6 :BYD 汽车模具有限公司
软件环境: Windows
硬件环境: HP DL380G5, EVA 4000 Disk Array,MSL6030 Tape Library
项目描述: 用户要实现数据共享,数据的定时备份
责任描述: 1、负责方案的设计、报价
2004/12 -- 2005/1 :北京市 179 中学网络实习实训室
软件环境: Win 2000 server
硬件环境: HP350 服务器,浪潮 NE180 服务器,Cisco 3550,华为 3026 交换机,华为 2621 路由器
项目描述: 1、提供网络组建及学生实习、实践环境
2、搭建学生学习各种 Internet 接入方式的环境
责任描述: 1、方案的编写及具体功能实现
2004/5 -- 2004/12 :湖北省咸宁市鄂南高级中学校园网
软件环境: Win 2000 server
硬件环境: IBM 235、255 服务器 ,Cisco6509 交换机,联想网御防火墙等
项目描述: 以便于教学,实现教学数字化为目的,实现有线电视系统,校园广播系统,校园网络系
责任描述: 1、方案的编写,具体施工
2000/9 -- 2003/8 黄河水利学院 计算机科学与技术 大专
2、linux 应用
2013/5 -- 2013/6 东方瑞通 CCNA CCNA
2011/3 -- 2011/4 Novell Suse Novell Suse 3101、3102 NCLA
1、学习 Suse Linux 系统的命令和使用
2、学习 Suse Linux 系统的安装、配置、调试
3、学习 Suse Linux 系统 HA 的配置
2010/12-- 2013/1 HP HP blade matrix blade matrix master
2009/10--2009/10 HP VMware VI 4 VCP
1、学习 VMware 的虚拟化结构、构成、配置
2、学习 Vsphere Server、VC Server 的安装配置
2009/9--2009/10 RedHat RedHat 133、253 RHCE
1、学习 Linux 系统的命令和实用
2、学习 Linux 系统的安装、配置、调试
3、学习 Linux 系统各种服务器的配置(FTP、Email、Samba、Http、NFS、NIS)
2008/7 -- 2008/9 HP VMware VI 3 VCP
1、学习 VMware 的虚拟化结构、构成、配置
2、学习 ESX Server、VC Server 的安装配置
2013/11 项目管理高级工程师
2013/6 CCNA
2013/5 项目管理中级工程师
2013/2 ITIL Foundation
2012/2 VMware VCP (VI5)
2011/5 HP Blade Matrix Master
2011/4 Novell Suse Linuxe NCLA
2010/4 VMware VCP (VI4)
2009/11 RedHat Linux RHCE
2008/11 CompTIA Network+ N10-003
2008/11 CompTIA Linux+ XK0-002
2008/11 CompTIA Security+ SY0-101
2008/10 CompTIA Server+ SK0-002
2008/9 VMware VCP (VI3)
2002/6 全国计算机应用技术证书
2001/1 大学英语四级
个人素质: 1、性格开朗,善于交际,善于与人沟通
Basic Info.
Name: CaiyunGao Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1979/12/18 Residency: Beijing-Chaoyang
Yrs.of Experience: > 10 years Email:
Mobile Phone: 13581651218
Self Assessment
1、Proficient at Storage+VMware Virtual architecture and HP cloud computing projects
such as construction、design、configuration, have project experiences have
VCP(VI3,VI4,VI5) and HP cloud computing certification
2、Familiar with FC and IP Ethernet environment's FC SAN storage、iSCSI storage、NAS
storage solutions, such as consulting、design, have project experiences and network CCNA
3、Familiarity cloud storage products that based on distributed file system and Scale
Out Architecture,familiar with distributed storage related solutions such as cloud
computing project platform、cloud storage platform,have the relevant pre-sale project
4、Familiar with Windows, linux OS(system and drivers installation、services
configuration、HA), have RedHat Linux RHCE and Suse Linux NCLA certification
5、Familiar with server、storage products selection and disaster tolerance、cluster
integrated, have pre-sales consulting,technical support experiences
6、Skilled using present authoring tools (PPT、Word、Excel),familiar with the project's
design、writing proposal、and proposals explain
7、Good at server、storage、backup product's features introduced、function demonstrate
and settings
8、Familiar with customer support processes, have many years of customer support
experience and ITIL Foundation V3 certify
9、Familiar with projects management operate process,have project management experience
and Project Management Intermediate and Advanced certify
10、Have knowledge about OpenStack and CloudStack open source cloud computing platform
Work Experience
2015/6—till now: China Broadband Communications Co., Ltd (CBCcom)
Industry: Telecom Operators/Service Providers
Network tenical department Cloud computing platform operating and maintenance manager
1、Public cloud computing platform planning and architecture designing
2、Public cloud computing platform building,management, operating and maintenance
3、Cloud computing platform and public cloud computing products technical support
incluing both pre-sale and after-sale
2014/3—2015/4: Bei Jing InitDream Technical Co.Ltd
Industry: Computers software
Product Product solution manager
1、Technical consulting, program design, proposal writing and proposal explain of the
cloud storage projects
2、Cloud storage and cloud storage integrated machine products planning and packaging,
provide product technical white papers, descriptions, parameters
3、Customer's solutions consulting, pre-sales technical supporting on cloud computing
and virtualization projects
4、Deliver training to both internal and external training about cloud storage products
Industry: Computers, Hardware
TSG TC(Technical Consultant)
1、Provide technical consulting、proposal design、proposal writing、proposal explain and
project implementation on HP cloud computing and virtualization project's
2、Major accounts management、technical support and technical consulting on HP servers、
storage and other products
3、HP internal engineers technical training and major accounts products training
4、Linux, Windows, VMware system configuration and technical support, VMware CP
Virtualization Assessment
5、The product line are mainly HP servers, disk storage enclosure, SAN Switch, tape
drives, tape libraries and related software;The projects including HP Cloud solution,
VMware virtualization projects, VMware CP virtualization assessment, Linux and Windows
2007/4--2008/3:BeiJing IT Resources (ITR) Technical Co.
Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment
Pre Sale PS Engineer
1、Servers、storage products and interconnection equipment type selection
2、Servers、storage solutions design and technical support
3、Quoting and providing proposal for the corresponding projects, support sales to give
proposal explain and demonstrate to customers
Industry: Computers, Hardware
ISSG(Server department) Server technical engineer
1、Help customer deal with all their hardware and software problems when they use hp
2、Provide advice to customer and give them best ways to handle their problem
2003/9--2005/8:Zhong Ji Wang Tong Technology CO
Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment
System Integration Department Project Manager
1、The network solutions design and provide document for the network projects
2、Equipment debugging,equipment selection and equipment purchase
3、The operator of the projects and the management of the projects
Project Experience
2013/8 -- 2013/9: Everbright Bank virtual Virtualization project
VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Linux
HP 3Par+HP blade server
Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan
2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine
3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan
2、Virtual environment installation, configuration, P2V
3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
2013/6 -- 2013/8: Orient Asset cloud computing project
HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012
HP 3Par+HP blade server
1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 buildup cloud
software environment
3、Build up cloud computing environment platform, integration of the
user's existing resources and migrate user applications to the cloud
Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing technical proposal and buildup plan
2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer
3、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining
2013/3 -- 2013/5 :Aerospace 5 Academy cloud computing project
HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012
HP 3Par+HP blade server
1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 buildup cloud
software environment
3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver.
Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、
automatic use and IT management、billing、etc.
Responsibility: 1、Providing pre-consultation,project planning, technical proposal on
cloud computing platform
2、Provide cloud computing buildup plan
3、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer
4、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining
2012/6 -- 2012/9 :ABB(China) data migration projects
HP EVA6400+HP EVA8400+HP 3Par+SAN Switch+multi-vendor Server
1、Migrate the original HP EVA6400 and HP EVA8400+ multi-vendor Server
mail service platform, database platforms and other applications
platform to new HP 3Par + multi-vendor server hardware environment
2、Migration original the SAN network to the new 80 SAN Switch Network
3、Ensure data consistency, integrity and online data migration, does
not affect the normal use
Responsibility: 1、Provide data migration proposal and details of the implementation
2、Complete data and system migration (EVA6400 and EVA 8400 to 3Par)
3、Completion of the new SAN environment planning、design、
4、Complete system cutover, ensure e-mail、database and other
applications run normally in the new hardware platform
2012/2 -- 2012/5 :The SARFT cloud computing projects
HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008
HP 3Par+HP blade server
1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 buildup cloud
software environment
3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver.
Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、
automatic use and IT management、billing、etc.
Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan
2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer
3、Cloud environment computing demo and functionality explaining
2011/6 -- 2011/9 :The iron of ASTRI system and data migration projects
VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
HP EVA4400+HP EVA8400+HP blade server
1、Migrate the original HP EVA4400 + HP blade server virtualization
platform to HP EVA8400 + HP blade server virtualization platform
2、Ensure data consistency, integrity and virtualization software can
run properly on a new hardware platform
Responsibility: 1、Provide data migration proposal
2、Complete data and system migration (EVA4400 to EVA 8400)
3、Complete system cutover, ensure VMware virtualization environment
running normally in the new hardware platform
2011/3 -- 2011/5 :Xuzhou Crown rent cloud computing project
HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV buildup cloud software environment
3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver.
Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、
automatic use and IT management、billing、etc.
Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan
2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer
3、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining
2010/12-- 2011/1 :BJ online cloud
HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 buildup cloud software
3、Target for physical or virtual machine creating、moving、using
Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan
2、Buildup cloud computing environment use for customer
3、Cloud computing environment demo and explaining
2010/10--2010/11 :Nation Statistics Department cloud
HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware
2、Use HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 buildup cloud software
3、Target for physical or virtual machine creating、moving、using
Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan
2、Buildup cloud computing environment use for customer
3、Cloud computing environment demo and explaining
2010/3 -- 2010/4 :China PICC
VMware ESX 4.0 Server,VC 4.0 Server
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan
2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine
3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan
2、Virtual environment installation, configuration, P2V
3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
2009/12--2010/2 : Train Office IDVSE project
Windows 2003,Linux AS 5 ,VMware ESX Vsphere
HP Blade server
Monitor, manage, servers and VMs of the customer environment by HP ICE
Responsibility: 1、Provide propose to customer
2、Project implementation、commissioning、configuration
3、The monitoring platform features presentations and use to explain
2009/9--2009/11 : China Gym lottery Virtual architecture construction
VMware ESX 4.0 Server,VC 4.0 Server
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan
2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine
3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan
2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts
to virtualization environment migration
3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
2009/6 -- 2009/7 :HeNan Mobile Virtual environment assessment
VMware Capacity Planner tool
HP Server
1、Assess the user's existing environment is suitable for
2、Provide virtualization-building proposal and description proposal
to customer
Responsibility: 1、VMware capacity planner tool installation and configuration
2、Data collection, VMware virtual environment assessment report
3、Provide Virtualization proposal and explain proposal to customer
2009/3 -- 2009/4 :TianjinTSDI Virtual environment assessment
VMware Capacity Planner tool
HP and Dll Server
Customer physical machine transfer to VMware virtual environment
Responsibility: 1、VMware capacity planner tool installation and configuration
2、Data collection, VMware virtual environment assessment report
3、Providing VMware virtualization proposal
2008/11--2009/1 : Canon Virtual architecture construction
VMware ESX 3.5 Server,VC 2.5 Server
HP blade server + HP EVA storage
1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan
2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine
3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan
2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts
to virtualization environment migration
3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
2008/8--2008/9 : Shanxi Mobile VMware project
VMware ESX Server 3.5、VC Server 2.5
HP Blade Server, Dell Storage
1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan
2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine
3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
Responsibility: 1、According to the user's environment and CP data, provide specific
virtualization solution built plan
2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts
to virtualization environment migration
3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
2007/5 -- 2007/6 :BYD
HP DL380G5, EVA 4000 Disk Array,MSL6030 Tape Library
1、Share data and disks
2、Backup data as request time
Responsibility: 1、Project design and quotation
2、Manufacturer and device choosing
2004/12--2005/1 : Network Practice Room Of Beijing 179 High School
Win 2000 server
Server of HP350,the wave tide NE180 server, Cisco 3550,Quidway
3026(switch),Quidway 2621(router) etc.
1、Set up middle or small networks 2、Let students study various ways
connecting to internet 3、Let students study can use various network
Responsibility: The manager and the real technical support,real operator of the
2004/5--2004/12 : Network Of School Of HuBei Province E Nan High School
Win 2000 server
IBM 235 and 255 server, Cisco 6509 switch Legend Firewall etc.
1、Carrying out the teaching numeral school
2、Carrying out the cabled T.V system, the campus broadcast system,
the campus network system use freely
Responsibility: The manager and the real technical support,real operator of the
2000/9 -- 2003/8 Yellow River Conservancy
Technical Institute
Computer Science And
1、Build up and maintain computer network
2、Computer application
3、Computer technical support
4、Linux application
2013/5 -- 2013/6 Easthome CCNA CCNA
1、Ability to use various cisco network equipment
2、Basic network knowledge
2011/3 -- 2011/4 Novell Suse Novell Suse 3101、
1、Study Suse Linux OS's commands and how to use them
2、Ability to install、configuration、debug Suse linux OS
3、Study Suse Linux HA configuration
2010/12 -- 2011/1 HP HP blade matrix blade matrix
1、The introducing about cloud computing concept、architecture and solutions
2、HP cloud computing system introduction、installation、configuration
3、HP cloud computing solution implementation and technical support
2009/10 -- 2009/10HP VMware VI4 VCP
1、Study VMware's virtual architecture structure, creation and configuration
2、Study Vsphere Server and VC server's installation and configuration
2009/9 -- 2009/10 RedHat RedHat 133,253 RHCE
1、Study Linux OS's commands and how to use them
2、Ability to install、configuration、debug linux OS
3、Familiar with Linux OS service configurations (FTP、Email、Samba、Http、NFS、NIS)
2008/7 -- 2008/9 HP VMware VI 3 VCP
1、Study VMware's virtual architecture structure, creation and configuration
2、Study ESX Server and VC server's installation and configuration
2013/11 Project management
Advanced Engineer
2013/6 CCNA
2013/5 Project management
Intermediate Engineer
2013/2 ITIL Foundation
2012/2 VMware VCP (VI5)
2011/5 HP Blade Matrix Master
2011/4 Novell Suse Linux NCLA
2010/4 VMware VCP(VI4)
2009/11 RedHat Linux RHCE
2008/11 CompTIA Network+ N10-003
2008/11 CompTIA Linux+ XK0-002
2008/11 CompTIA Security+ SY0-101
2008/10 CompTIA Server+ SK0-002
2008/9 VMware VCP(VI3)
2002/6 National Computer
Application Technology
2001/1 CET4
Miscellaneous Info.
Personal character: 1、Pleasant personality, good at the social intercourse, strong
ability of the self-educated
2、Good ability at organization, coordination and a good teamwork
3、Good physical and mental qualities that can adapt to the
environment, integration into the community
4、Learn to have special and the technical skill is excellent
5、Good communication skills in English and Chinese, informal in
time and forever in innovation

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  • 1. 简 历 个人信息 姓 名: 高彩云 性别: 男 出生日期: 1979 年 12 月 18 日 居住地: 北京-朝阳区 工作年限: 十年以上 电子邮件: 手 机: 13581651218 自我评价 1、熟悉存储+VMware 的虚拟化架构和 HP 云计算项目的方案咨询、设计、实施,有实施项目经验 VMwareVCP 认证(VI3、VI4、VI5)和惠普的云计算认证 2、熟悉 SAN 存储架构光纤环境和 IP 网络环境的 FC 存储、iSCSI 存储、NAS 存储方案咨询、设计,有 实施项目经验,有网络 CCNA 认证 3、熟悉基于分布式文件系统、Scale Out 架构的分布式云存储产品,熟悉分布式存储相关的云计算平 台、存储云平台项目,有相关的售前项目经验 4、熟悉 Windows,linux 环境(系统安装、驱动、服务配置、双机配置),有 RedHat Linux RHCE 和 Suse Linux NCLA 认证 5、熟悉服务器及相关的存储产品选型及容灾、双机方案设计,有售前咨询、技术支持经验 6、熟练使用文稿制作工具(PPT、Word、Excel),熟悉项目方案的设计、制作和讲解 7、熟悉惠普服务器、存储、备份产品的功能介绍、功能演示和软硬件设置 8、熟悉客户支持流程,有多年的客户支持经验和 ITIL Foundation V3 认证 9、熟悉项目管理和实施流程,有项目管理经验,有国家工信部项目管理中、高级认证 10、了解 OpenStack、CloudStack 开源云计算平台 工作经验 2015/6—至今:天维信通 所属行业: 通信/电信运营、增值服务 网络技术部 云平台运维管理经理 1、公有云平台的规划、架构设计 2、公有云平台的搭建、运行维护、管理 3、云计算平台、公有云产品的售前、售后支持 2014/3—2015/4:北京初志科技 所属行业: 计算机软件 产品部 解决方案经理 1、云存储项目的咨询、方案设计、方案制作、方案讲解、产品选型、技术咨询 2、云存储产品和云存储一体机产品的产品策划、包装,编写产品技术白皮书、产品介绍、产品技术 参数等
  • 2. 3、云计算、虚拟化相关的客户解决方案咨询,售前技术支持 4、公司云存储产品内部及外部培训 2008/4—2014/1:惠普 所属行业: 计算机服务(系统、数据服务、维修) TSG TC(Technical Consutant) 1、惠普云计算项目、虚拟化项目的方案设计、方案制作、方案讲解和项目实施、技术咨询 2、惠普服务器、存储等产品的技术咨询,大客户技术支持、客户管理以及相关项目的方案设计、技 术支持等 3、惠普内部工程师的技术培训和大客户的产品培训 4、Linux、Windows、VMware 系统配置和技术支持,VMware CP 虚拟化评估 5、产品线包括惠普的服务器、磁盘存储盘柜、SAN Switch、磁带机、磁带库以及相关的软件;项目 类型主要包括,惠普云计算项目、虚拟化项目以及存储相关项目的咨询、方案设计、项目实施、技术 支持等工作 2007/4--2008/3:北京艾提科信 所属行业: 通信/电信/网络设备 售前 售前工程师 1、服务器、存储产品和互连设备的选型 2、服务器、存储方案的设计、技术支持 3、为相应的项目作出报价和方案书,配合销售给客户讲解演示 2005/9--2007/4:惠普(中国有限公司) 所属行业: 计算机硬件 ISSG(服务器部门) 服务器技术工程师 1、负责处理用户在使用惠普服务器过程中遇到的各种软硬件问题,给用户提供最佳解决问题的方法 2、给用户提供惠普磁盘柜、磁带机、磁带库等存储产品的技术方面的指导和建议 3、处理惠普刀片、NAS、iSCSI、SAN 等专业服务器、存储方面的技术问题 2003/9--2005/8:北京中技网通科技有限公司 所属行业: 通信/电信/网络设备 系统集成 项目经理 1、网络方案的设计,网络方案文档的编写 2、设备的选型,设备的选购,设备的调试 3、项目的具体施工作,项目管理工作 项目经验 2013/8 -- 2013/9 :光大银行虚拟化项目 软件环境: VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Linux 硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server 项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境 2、用虚拟机代替原来的物理主机 3、完成物理主机到虚拟机的迁移 责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案
  • 3. 2、虚拟化环境的安装配置、物理主机迁移 3、虚拟化平台功能演示和使用讲解 2013/6 -- 2013/8 :东方资产云计算项目 软件环境: HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 搭建云计算软件环境 3、完成云计算环境平台的建设,整合用户的现有资源,迁移用户的应用到云平台 责任描述: 1、提供云计算技术方案和实施方案 2、完成云计算平台的搭建 3、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解 2013/3 -- 2013/5 :航天 5 院云计算项目 软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 搭建云计算软件环境 3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及 IT 自动管理、计费 责任描述: 1、云计算平台的前期咨询、项目规划、技术方案 2、提供云计算实施方案 3、完成云计算平台的搭建 4、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解 2012/6 -- 2012/9 :ABB(China)数据迁移项目 软件环境: Win2003+Win2008+Linux+Notes+SQL 硬件环境: HP EVA6400+HP EVA8400+HP 3Par+SAN Switch+多厂家 Server 项目描述: 1、将原 HP EVA6400 和 HP EVA8400+多厂家 server 搭建的邮件服务平台和数据库平台 等应用平台,迁移到 HP 3Par+多厂家 server 搭建的硬件环境 2、将原有的 SAN 网络迁移到新的 80 口 SAN Switch 网络 3、保证数据的一致性、完整性,实现在线数据迁移,不影响正常使用 责任描述: 1、提供数据迁移的方案,实施细节等 2、完成数据和系统的迁移(EVA4400 and EVA 8400 to 3Par) 3、完成新的 SAN 环境规划、设计、配置 4、完成系统割接,实现邮件、数据库等应用平台在新的硬件平台正常运行 2012/2 -- 2012/5 :广电总局云计算项目 软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 硬件环境: HP 3Par+HP blade server 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP 3Par storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境 3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及 IT 自动管理、计费
  • 4. 责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案 2、完成云计算平台的搭建 3、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解 2011/6 -- 2011/9 :铁科院系统和数据迁移项目 软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 硬件环境: HP EVA4400+HP EVA8400+HP blade server 项目描述: 1、将原 HP EVA4400+HP blade server 搭建的虚拟化平台,迁移到 HP EVA8400+HP blade server 搭建的虚拟化平台 2、保证数据的一致性、完整性,实现虚拟化软件在新的硬件平台上正常运行 责任描述: 1、提供数据迁移的实施方案 2、完成数据和系统的迁移(EVA4400 to EVA 8400) 3、完成系统割接,实现 VMware 虚拟化环境在新的硬件平台正常运行 2011/3 -- 2011/5 :徐州地税云计算项目 软件环境: HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV 搭建云计算软件环境 3、完成云计算环境 IAAS 平台的交付使用,实现物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用及 IT 自动管理、计费等 责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案 2、完成云计算平台的搭建 3、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解 2010/12 -- 2011/1 :首都之窗云计算 软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境 3、实现云计算环境物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用 责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案 2、完成云计算平台的搭建 3、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解 2010/10 -- 2010/11 :国家统计局云计算 软件环境: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、HP blade server+HP EVA storage 搭建云计算硬件平台 2、HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 搭建云计算软件环境 3、实现云计算环境物理机和虚拟机的创建、迁移、使用 责任描述: 1、提供云计算实施方案 2、完成云计算平台的搭建 3、云计算平台功能演示和使用讲解
  • 5. 2010/3 -- 2010/4 :中国人保虚拟化平台构建 软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server,VC 4.0 Server 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境 2、用虚拟机代替原来的物理主机 3、完成物理主机到虚拟机的迁移 责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案 2、虚拟化环境的安装配置、物理主机迁移 3、虚拟化平台功能演示和使用讲解 2009/12 -- 2010/2 :铁道部 IDVSE 项目实施 软件环境: Windows 2003,Linux AS 5 ,VMware ESX Vsphere 硬件环境: HP Blade server 项目描述: 通过惠普的监控软件(ICE)实现对用户环境内的服务器、虚拟机的故障监控、性能监 控、电源管理 责任描述: 1、方案设计及讲解 2、项目实施、调试、配置 3、监控平台功能演示和使用讲解 2009/9 -- 2009/11 :中国体育彩票虚拟化平台构建 软件环境: VMware ESX 4.0Server,VC 4.0 Server 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境 2、用虚拟机代替原来的物理主机 3、完成物理主机到虚拟机的迁移 责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案 2、虚拟化环境的安装配置、物理主机迁移 3、虚拟化平台功能演示和使用讲解 2009/6 -- 2009/7 :河南移动虚拟化评估 软件环境: VMware Capacity Planner tool 硬件环境: HP Server 项目描述: 1、评估用户现有的环境是否适合实现虚拟化 2、提供虚拟化建设方案和方案介绍 责任描述: 1、虚拟化评估工具的安装、配置 2、提供虚拟化评估报告 3、提供虚拟化方案和方案介绍 2009/3 -- 2009/4 :天津铁三院虚拟化评估 软件环境: VMware Capacity Planner tool 硬件环境: HP and Dll Server 项目描述: 用户现有的环境是否适合实现虚拟化 责任描述: 1、虚拟化评估工具的安装、配置 2、虚拟化评估报告
  • 6. 3、提供虚拟化方案 2008/11 -- 2009/1 :佳能虚拟化平台构建 软件环境: VMware ESX 3.5 Server,VC 2.5 Server 硬件环境: HP blade server + HP EVA storage 项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,提供构建新虚拟化环境的方案 2、用虚拟机代替原来的物理主机 3、完成物理主机到虚拟机的迁移 责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案 2、虚拟化环境的安装配置、物理主机迁移 3、虚拟化平台功能演示和使用讲解 2008/8 -- 2008/9 :山西移动虚拟化项目 软件环境: VMware ESX Server 3.5、VC Server 2.5 硬件环境: HP Blade Server, Dell Storage 项目描述: 1、根据用户现有的硬件环境和硬件使用率,构建虚拟化环境 2、用虚拟机代替原来的物理主机 3、完成物理主机到虚拟机的迁移 责任描述: 1、根据用户的环境和 CP 数据,提供具体的虚拟化构建方案 2、虚拟化环境的安装配置、物理主机迁移 3、虚拟化平台功能演示和使用讲解 2007/5 -- 2007/6 :BYD 汽车模具有限公司 软件环境: Windows 硬件环境: HP DL380G5, EVA 4000 Disk Array,MSL6030 Tape Library 项目描述: 用户要实现数据共享,数据的定时备份 责任描述: 1、负责方案的设计、报价 2、厂商及设备的选型 2004/12 -- 2005/1 :北京市 179 中学网络实习实训室 软件环境: Win 2000 server 硬件环境: HP350 服务器,浪潮 NE180 服务器,Cisco 3550,华为 3026 交换机,华为 2621 路由器 项目描述: 1、提供网络组建及学生实习、实践环境 2、搭建学生学习各种 Internet 接入方式的环境 3、搭建学生学习各种设备的安装调试方案的编写及具体功能实现的环境 责任描述: 1、方案的编写及具体功能实现 2、项目的具体施工,各种设备的安装调试 3、设备的选型、选购 4、与校方及供货商的协调 2004/5 -- 2004/12 :湖北省咸宁市鄂南高级中学校园网 软件环境: Win 2000 server 硬件环境: IBM 235、255 服务器 ,Cisco6509 交换机,联想网御防火墙等 项目描述: 以便于教学,实现教学数字化为目的,实现有线电视系统,校园广播系统,校园网络系 统功能
  • 7. 责任描述: 1、方案的编写,具体施工 2、设备的选型,设备的采购 3、设备的安装调试及具体功能实现 4、项目管理,项目的资源调配 教育经历 2000/9 -- 2003/8 黄河水利学院 计算机科学与技术 大专 1、计算机网络组建及维护 2、linux 应用 3、计算机应用维护 4、计算机技术支持 培训经历 2013/5 -- 2013/6 东方瑞通 CCNA CCNA 1、网络基础知识 2、思科交换机、路由器的配置方法 2011/3 -- 2011/4 Novell Suse Novell Suse 3101、3102 NCLA 1、学习 Suse Linux 系统的命令和使用 2、学习 Suse Linux 系统的安装、配置、调试 3、学习 Suse Linux 系统 HA 的配置 2010/12-- 2013/1 HP HP blade matrix blade matrix master 1、云计算概念、架构、解决方案介绍 2、惠普云计算系统的介绍、安装、配置 3、惠普云计算方案的实施、技术支持 2009/10--2009/10 HP VMware VI 4 VCP 1、学习 VMware 的虚拟化结构、构成、配置 2、学习 Vsphere Server、VC Server 的安装配置 2009/9--2009/10 RedHat RedHat 133、253 RHCE 1、学习 Linux 系统的命令和实用 2、学习 Linux 系统的安装、配置、调试 3、学习 Linux 系统各种服务器的配置(FTP、Email、Samba、Http、NFS、NIS) 2008/7 -- 2008/9 HP VMware VI 3 VCP 1、学习 VMware 的虚拟化结构、构成、配置 2、学习 ESX Server、VC Server 的安装配置 证书 2013/11 项目管理高级工程师 2013/6 CCNA 2013/5 项目管理中级工程师 2013/2 ITIL Foundation
  • 8. 2012/2 VMware VCP (VI5) 2011/5 HP Blade Matrix Master 2011/4 Novell Suse Linuxe NCLA 2010/4 VMware VCP (VI4) 2009/11 RedHat Linux RHCE 2008/11 CompTIA Network+ N10-003 2008/11 CompTIA Linux+ XK0-002 2008/11 CompTIA Security+ SY0-101 2008/10 CompTIA Server+ SK0-002 2008/9 VMware VCP (VI3) 2002/6 全国计算机应用技术证书 2001/1 大学英语四级 其他信息 个人素质: 1、性格开朗,善于交际,善于与人沟通 2、有很好的组织、协调能力和团队精神 3、善良诚恳,吃苦耐劳,不拘于时,永于创新 4、学有所长,技有专长,有创新意识,自学能力强 5、良好的中英文交际能力,易与人交往,有丰富的实际经验 6、良好的身体素质和心理素质,能适应各种环境,融入团体 Resume Basic Info. Name: CaiyunGao Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1979/12/18 Residency: Beijing-Chaoyang Yrs.of Experience: > 10 years Email: Mobile Phone: 13581651218 Self Assessment 1、Proficient at Storage+VMware Virtual architecture and HP cloud computing projects such as construction、design、configuration, have project experiences have VCP(VI3,VI4,VI5) and HP cloud computing certification 2、Familiar with FC and IP Ethernet environment's FC SAN storage、iSCSI storage、NAS storage solutions, such as consulting、design, have project experiences and network CCNA certification
  • 9. 3、Familiarity cloud storage products that based on distributed file system and Scale Out Architecture,familiar with distributed storage related solutions such as cloud computing project platform、cloud storage platform,have the relevant pre-sale project experience 4、Familiar with Windows, linux OS(system and drivers installation、services configuration、HA), have RedHat Linux RHCE and Suse Linux NCLA certification 5、Familiar with server、storage products selection and disaster tolerance、cluster integrated, have pre-sales consulting,technical support experiences 6、Skilled using present authoring tools (PPT、Word、Excel),familiar with the project's design、writing proposal、and proposals explain 7、Good at server、storage、backup product's features introduced、function demonstrate and settings 8、Familiar with customer support processes, have many years of customer support experience and ITIL Foundation V3 certify 9、Familiar with projects management operate process,have project management experience and Project Management Intermediate and Advanced certify 10、Have knowledge about OpenStack and CloudStack open source cloud computing platform Work Experience 2015/6—till now: China Broadband Communications Co., Ltd (CBCcom) Industry: Telecom Operators/Service Providers Network tenical department Cloud computing platform operating and maintenance manager 1、Public cloud computing platform planning and architecture designing 2、Public cloud computing platform building,management, operating and maintenance 3、Cloud computing platform and public cloud computing products technical support incluing both pre-sale and after-sale 2014/3—2015/4: Bei Jing InitDream Technical Co.Ltd Industry: Computers software Product Product solution manager 1、Technical consulting, program design, proposal writing and proposal explain of the cloud storage projects 2、Cloud storage and cloud storage integrated machine products planning and packaging, provide product technical white papers, descriptions, parameters 3、Customer's solutions consulting, pre-sales technical supporting on cloud computing and virtualization projects 4、Deliver training to both internal and external training about cloud storage products 2008/4—2014/1:HP Industry: Computers, Hardware TSG TC(Technical Consultant) 1、Provide technical consulting、proposal design、proposal writing、proposal explain and
  • 10. project implementation on HP cloud computing and virtualization project's 2、Major accounts management、technical support and technical consulting on HP servers、 storage and other products 3、HP internal engineers technical training and major accounts products training 4、Linux, Windows, VMware system configuration and technical support, VMware CP Virtualization Assessment 5、The product line are mainly HP servers, disk storage enclosure, SAN Switch, tape drives, tape libraries and related software;The projects including HP Cloud solution, VMware virtualization projects, VMware CP virtualization assessment, Linux and Windows systems 2007/4--2008/3:BeiJing IT Resources (ITR) Technical Co. Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment Pre Sale PS Engineer 1、Servers、storage products and interconnection equipment type selection 2、Servers、storage solutions design and technical support 3、Quoting and providing proposal for the corresponding projects, support sales to give proposal explain and demonstrate to customers 2005/9--2007/4:HP(China) Industry: Computers, Hardware ISSG(Server department) Server technical engineer 1、Help customer deal with all their hardware and software problems when they use hp servers、storages、tapes 2、Provide advice to customer and give them best ways to handle their problem 2003/9--2005/8:Zhong Ji Wang Tong Technology CO Industry: Telecom & Network Equipment System Integration Department Project Manager 1、The network solutions design and provide document for the network projects 2、Equipment debugging,equipment selection and equipment purchase 3、The operator of the projects and the management of the projects Project Experience 2013/8 -- 2013/9: Everbright Bank virtual Virtualization project Software Environment: VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Linux Hardware Environment: HP 3Par+HP blade server Project Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan 2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine 3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V)
  • 11. Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan 2、Virtual environment installation, configuration, P2V 3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using 2013/6 -- 2013/8: Orient Asset cloud computing project Software Environment: HP Cloud System+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 Hardware Environment: HP 3Par+HP blade server Project Description: 1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 buildup cloud software environment 3、Build up cloud computing environment platform, integration of the user's existing resources and migrate user applications to the cloud platform Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing technical proposal and buildup plan 2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer 3、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining 2013/3 -- 2013/5 :Aerospace 5 Academy cloud computing project Software Environment: HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 Hardware Environment: HP 3Par+HP blade server Project Description: 1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.1 Server+VC 5.1 Server+Win2012 buildup cloud software environment 3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver. Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、 automatic use and IT management、billing、etc. Responsibility: 1、Providing pre-consultation,project planning, technical proposal on cloud computing platform 2、Provide cloud computing buildup plan 3、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer 4、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining 2012/6 -- 2012/9 :ABB(China) data migration projects Software Environment: Win2003+Win2008+Linux+Notes+SQL Hardware Environment: HP EVA6400+HP EVA8400+HP 3Par+SAN Switch+multi-vendor Server
  • 12. Project Description: 1、Migrate the original HP EVA6400 and HP EVA8400+ multi-vendor Server mail service platform, database platforms and other applications platform to new HP 3Par + multi-vendor server hardware environment 2、Migration original the SAN network to the new 80 SAN Switch Network 3、Ensure data consistency, integrity and online data migration, does not affect the normal use Responsibility: 1、Provide data migration proposal and details of the implementation 2、Complete data and system migration (EVA6400 and EVA 8400 to 3Par) 3、Completion of the new SAN environment planning、design、 configuration 4、Complete system cutover, ensure e-mail、database and other applications run normally in the new hardware platform 2012/2 -- 2012/5 :The SARFT cloud computing projects Software Environment: HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 Hardware Environment: HP 3Par+HP blade server Project Description: 1、Use HP 3Par Storage+HP blade server buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+VMware 5.0 Server+VC 5.0 Server+Win2008 buildup cloud software environment 3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver. Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、 automatic use and IT management、billing、etc. Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan 2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer 3、Cloud environment computing demo and functionality explaining 2011/6 -- 2011/9 :The iron of ASTRI system and data migration projects Software Environment: VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 Hardware Environment: HP EVA4400+HP EVA8400+HP blade server Project Description: 1、Migrate the original HP EVA4400 + HP blade server virtualization platform to HP EVA8400 + HP blade server virtualization platform 2、Ensure data consistency, integrity and virtualization software can run properly on a new hardware platform Responsibility: 1、Provide data migration proposal 2、Complete data and system migration (EVA4400 to EVA 8400) 3、Complete system cutover, ensure VMware virtualization environment running normally in the new hardware platform
  • 13. 2011/3 -- 2011/5 :Xuzhou Crown rent cloud computing project Software Environment: HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+Win2008+HyperV buildup cloud software environment 3、Complete IAAS platform cloud computing environment deliver. Achieved the creation of physical and virtual machines、migrate、 automatic use and IT management、billing、etc. Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan 2、Buildup cloud computing environment using by customer 3、Cloud computing environment demo and functionality explaining 2010/12-- 2011/1 :BJ online cloud Software Environment: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 buildup cloud software environment 3、Target for physical or virtual machine creating、moving、using Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan 2、Buildup cloud computing environment use for customer 3、Cloud computing environment demo and explaining 2010/10--2010/11 :Nation Statistics Department cloud Software Environment: HP Matrix+VMware ESX 4.0Server+VC 4.0 Server+Win2008 Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Use HP blade server+HP EVA storage buildup cloud hardware environment 2、Use HP Matrix+VMware vSphere+Win2008 buildup cloud software environment 3、Target for physical or virtual machine creating、moving、using Responsibility: 1、Provide cloud computing buildup plan 2、Buildup cloud computing environment use for customer 3、Cloud computing environment demo and explaining
  • 14. 2010/3 -- 2010/4 :China PICC Software Environment: VMware ESX 4.0 Server,VC 4.0 Server Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan 2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine 3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V) Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan 2、Virtual environment installation, configuration, P2V 3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using 2009/12--2010/2 : Train Office IDVSE project Software Environment: Windows 2003,Linux AS 5 ,VMware ESX Vsphere Hardware Environment: HP Blade server Project Description: Monitor, manage, servers and VMs of the customer environment by HP ICE Responsibility: 1、Provide propose to customer 2、Project implementation、commissioning、configuration 3、The monitoring platform features presentations and use to explain 2009/9--2009/11 : China Gym lottery Virtual architecture construction Software Environment: VMware ESX 4.0 Server,VC 4.0 Server Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan 2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine 3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V) Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan 2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts to virtualization environment migration 3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using 2009/6 -- 2009/7 :HeNan Mobile Virtual environment assessment Software Environment: VMware Capacity Planner tool Hardware Environment: HP Server Project Description: 1、Assess the user's existing environment is suitable for virtualization
  • 15. 2、Provide virtualization-building proposal and description proposal to customer Responsibility: 1、VMware capacity planner tool installation and configuration 2、Data collection, VMware virtual environment assessment report 3、Provide Virtualization proposal and explain proposal to customer 2009/3 -- 2009/4 :TianjinTSDI Virtual environment assessment Software Environment: VMware Capacity Planner tool Hardware Environment: HP and Dll Server Project Description: Customer physical machine transfer to VMware virtual environment assessment Responsibility: 1、VMware capacity planner tool installation and configuration 2、Data collection, VMware virtual environment assessment report 3、Providing VMware virtualization proposal 2008/11--2009/1 : Canon Virtual architecture construction Software Environment: VMware ESX 3.5 Server,VC 2.5 Server Hardware Environment: HP blade server + HP EVA storage Project Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan 2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine 3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V) Responsibility: 1、Based on CP report provide virtual architecture plan 2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts to virtualization environment migration 3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using 2008/8--2008/9 : Shanxi Mobile VMware project Software Environment: VMware ESX Server 3.5、VC Server 2.5 Hardware Environment: HP Blade Server, Dell Storage Project Description: 1、Provide VMware virtual architecture plan 2、Use virtual machine instead of physical machine 3、Transfer customer's physical machine to virtual machine(P2V) Responsibility: 1、According to the user's environment and CP data, provide specific virtualization solution built plan 2、Virtual platform building up and configuration, the physical hosts to virtualization environment migration 3、Virtualization platform features presentations and using
  • 16. 2007/5 -- 2007/6 :BYD Software Environment: Windows Hardware Environment: HP DL380G5, EVA 4000 Disk Array,MSL6030 Tape Library Project Description: 1、Share data and disks 2、Backup data as request time Responsibility: 1、Project design and quotation 2、Manufacturer and device choosing 2004/12--2005/1 : Network Practice Room Of Beijing 179 High School Software Environment: Win 2000 server Hardware Environment: Server of HP350,the wave tide NE180 server, Cisco 3550,Quidway 3026(switch),Quidway 2621(router) etc. Project Description: 1、Set up middle or small networks 2、Let students study various ways connecting to internet 3、Let students study can use various network equipment Responsibility: The manager and the real technical support,real operator of the project 2004/5--2004/12 : Network Of School Of HuBei Province E Nan High School Software Environment: Win 2000 server Hardware Environment: IBM 235 and 255 server, Cisco 6509 switch Legend Firewall etc. Project Description: 1、Carrying out the teaching numeral school 2、Carrying out the cabled T.V system, the campus broadcast system, the campus network system use freely Responsibility: The manager and the real technical support,real operator of the project Education 2000/9 -- 2003/8 Yellow River Conservancy Technical Institute Computer Science And Technology Associate 1、Build up and maintain computer network 2、Computer application 3、Computer technical support 4、Linux application
  • 17. Training 2013/5 -- 2013/6 Easthome CCNA CCNA 1、Ability to use various cisco network equipment 2、Basic network knowledge 2011/3 -- 2011/4 Novell Suse Novell Suse 3101、 3102、HA NCLA 1、Study Suse Linux OS's commands and how to use them 2、Ability to install、configuration、debug Suse linux OS 3、Study Suse Linux HA configuration 2010/12 -- 2011/1 HP HP blade matrix blade matrix master 1、The introducing about cloud computing concept、architecture and solutions 2、HP cloud computing system introduction、installation、configuration 3、HP cloud computing solution implementation and technical support 2009/10 -- 2009/10HP VMware VI4 VCP 1、Study VMware's virtual architecture structure, creation and configuration 2、Study Vsphere Server and VC server's installation and configuration 2009/9 -- 2009/10 RedHat RedHat 133,253 RHCE 1、Study Linux OS's commands and how to use them 2、Ability to install、configuration、debug linux OS 3、Familiar with Linux OS service configurations (FTP、Email、Samba、Http、NFS、NIS) 2008/7 -- 2008/9 HP VMware VI 3 VCP 1、Study VMware's virtual architecture structure, creation and configuration 2、Study ESX Server and VC server's installation and configuration Certifications 2013/11 Project management Advanced Engineer 2013/6 CCNA 2013/5 Project management Intermediate Engineer 2013/2 ITIL Foundation 2012/2 VMware VCP (VI5) 2011/5 HP Blade Matrix Master 2011/4 Novell Suse Linux NCLA 2010/4 VMware VCP(VI4) 2009/11 RedHat Linux RHCE 2008/11 CompTIA Network+ N10-003 2008/11 CompTIA Linux+ XK0-002
  • 18. 2008/11 CompTIA Security+ SY0-101 2008/10 CompTIA Server+ SK0-002 2008/9 VMware VCP(VI3) 2002/6 National Computer Application Technology Certificate 2001/1 CET4 Miscellaneous Info. Personal character: 1、Pleasant personality, good at the social intercourse, strong ability of the self-educated 2、Good ability at organization, coordination and a good teamwork people 3、Good physical and mental qualities that can adapt to the environment, integration into the community 4、Learn to have special and the technical skill is excellent 5、Good communication skills in English and Chinese, informal in time and forever in innovation