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RED ALERT: National Terror Warning for
February 1, 2015—9/11-Style Attacks,
Chinese Surprise Attack, Cyber-Hijack of
NBC, Live Nuke Attacks, & Obama Coup
Top Super Bowl XLIX Terror Scenarios
David Chase Taylor
February 1, 2015
SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that the Obama
administration (at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland) will attempt to stage a wave of unprecedented
terror attacks in the United States on February 1, 2015, the day of Super Bowl XLIX.
Super Bowl XLIX, which features the New England Patriots versus the Seattle Seahawks, will be held at
University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The football game, which will be aired live on NBC,
will likely be the highest rated television show of all-time, making it a coveted state-sponsored terror
Top February 1, 2015 Terror Plots:
A. Live Chinese or Islamic Nuclear Terror Attacks (New York, Washington, DC, West Coast)
B. 9/11-Style Attacks (Arizona, Chicago, New York, Washington, DC)
C. Cyber-Hijack of Super Bowl XLIX Telecast (China, ISIS)
D. Surprise Chinese Attack (West Coast)
E. Obama Coup D'état (Washington, DC)
Exactly which terror plots are now in play for February 1, 2015, and the Super Bowl XLIX are not known,
but they will likely include a redux of the following: one or more live Chinese or Islamic nuclear terror
attacks, live 9/11-sytle attacks (possibly via Flight MH370), a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl XLIX telecast
on NBC, a surprise Chinese attack/invasion of America, and/or a staged coup d'état of the Obama White
House or U.S. Capitol Building.
Attacking the NFL has been the primary focus of the Obama administration and the CIA in Switzerland
who have been caught red-handed twice (i.e., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and 2014 Super
Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot) trying to execute a nuclear terror attack on the Super Bowl. Therefore, the
notion that the CIA will try to terrorize the Super Bowl this year is a given.
U.S. Border Security Compromised
In order to sell the notion that the U.S./Mexico border is porous and vulnerable to attack prior to an
unprecedented security breach, a number of propaganda reports have been disseminated by the CIA as
of late. For example, back on December 26, 2014, it was reported that a drug cartel claimed to have
kidnapped a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Predictably, this agent and/or his identification will be used by
Islamic terrorists to sneak an Islamic nuclear bomb into the United States, possibly into Arizona. The
notion that illegal immigrants will resort to violence and/or aiding terrorists was revealed on December 29,
2014, when the U.S. Border Patrol stated that illegal immigrants are now becoming more “aggressive”.
Less than a week later on January 3, 2015, a U.S. Congressional report stated that 700 miles of U.S.-
Mexico border are still insecure, making the notion of a security breach by Islamic terrorists seem all the
more plausible. Three weeks late on January 27, 2015, it was reported that U.S. Border Patrol is lending a
hand in Super Bowl security, suggesting that an attack by way of Mexico may be planned. Two days later
on January 29, 2015, traitorous Infowars published a report entitled “Obama Just Picked a Fight with
Border Agents”, further suggesting that a security breach on the US/Mexico border is imminent.
1.1: Live Nuke Attack
Due to the hundreds of millions of people who will be watching Super Bowl XLIX, it’s highly likely that the
game itself or another location in America may suffer a nuclear terror attack, most likely by China or
Islamic terrorists (e.g., Al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran, Khorasan Group, etc.). In the event that a location outside of
Arizona is targeted, a so-called “cyber-hijack” (see below) of NBC will occur just prior to the attack so that
the audience can witness the nuclear detonation live on television. After all, seeing is believing.
Top Nuclear Terror Targets:
1. University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, Arizona)
2. One World Trade Center (New York, New York)
3. United States Capitol Building (Washington, D.C)
4. West Coast Cities (e.g., Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Portland, OR; San Diego, CA; San
Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA, etc.)
1.2: ISIS Nuclear Attack
In order to create the necessary media narrative that ISIS is capable of executing a nuclear terror attack, a
number of CIA-spawned propaganda reports have been published within the last 6-months. For example,
on May 2, 2014, it was reported by Veterans Today that 1.05 tons of stolen Pakistani nuclear material is
now headed to the United States, ultimately connecting Pakistan to a future nuclear terror strike on
America. The notion of an ISIS nuclear terrorist attack was witnessed on June 23, 2014, when ISIS
terrorists reportedly threatened a nuke attack on Israel, a laughable notion to be sure. A few weeks later
on July 9, 2014, it was reported that ISIS seized 88 pounds of Uranium in Northern Iraq, ultimately
providing them will enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb. This report was corroborated a day later on
July 10, 2014, by Russia Today who reported that Sunni insurgents have taken over nuclear materials in
northern Iraq. These preliminary reports were ultimately confirmed by Fox News on July 10, 2014, in a
report entitled “ISIS Seizes Uranium from Lab; Experts Downplay ‘Dirty Bomb’ Threat”. Roughly 6-weeks
later on August 28, 2014, it was reported that a black Dell laptop was found in an ISIS safe house in Syria
which contained instructions on how to weaponize the bubonic plague as well as “missives on using
WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)”. Needless to say, the ISIS endgame is a biological and/or nuclear
terror attack. Anything less would be unsatisfactory to the CIA which is in command and control of ISIS. In
order to raise the specter of an ISIS-related nuclear terror attack just prior to it transpiring in reality,
Obama reportedly stated that he will send US troops to fight ISIS if they get nukes on November 18, 2014.
Needless to say, the publicity stunt was orchestrated by the CIA is order foreshadow an ISIS-related
nuclear attack.
1.3: Chinese Nuclear Attack
The notion of a Chinese nuclear attack on the U.S. was openly flaunted back on October 31, 2013, when
the Chinese government released nuclear blast map projections for the U.S. cities of Seattle and Los
Angeles after they were struck by Chinese nuclear warheads. A few weeks later on December 17, 2013, a
Chinese space rover advert showed Europe being nuked, another ominous sign that a Chinese nuclear
strike against the West is imminent. According to a report published on February 6, 2014, new Chinese-
based submarine patrols have put Hawaii and Alaska within nuclear attack range, further foreshadowing a
West Coast nuclear attack by China. Four days later on February 10, 2014, China reportedly showed off
its new mobile ICBM on the internet, suggesting that China will soon be using her nuclear weapons in a
mobile and offensive manner.
2.1: Super Bowl XLIX (Glendale, Arizona)
Aside from the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot of February 6, 2011, nuclear-related headlines are
now trending which suggests that a nuclear terror attack may be imminent. The particular narrative was
identified on December 8, 2014, when it was reported that ISIS claims to have smuggled a “radioactive
device” into Europe. A day later on December 9, 2014, it was reported that police in Moldova detained
seven people suspected of smuggling radioactive Uranium-238 on a train from Russia, a substance which
could allegedly be used to make a “dirty bomb”. Therefore, a future terror scenario in which nuclear
material is shipped into America via train in order to construct a dirty bomb or nuclear bomb is now
theoretically possible. Whether or not it will happen in Arizona is not known, but it’s possible.
2.2: One World Trade Center (New York, New York)
One potential Flight MH370 target is the Freedom Tower which has previously been rigged for a nuclear
detonation. The plot to stage a nuclear terror attack on the Freedom Tower was a direct result of foiling two previous nuclear terror plots targeting Dallas, Texas and New York City (i.e., the
2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). Therefore, a third
prospective nuclear terror target had to be chosen—One World Trade Center. In order to foreshadow the
notion that the Freedom Tower will suffer a nuclear terror attack, it was reported back on September 6,
2014, that a “prank caller” called 911 on September 5, 2014, claiming to have planted a nuclear bomb
next to One World Trade Center. Port Authority police and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force
predictably raced over but found nothing. Most recently, on November 12, 2014, New York workers
allegedly go stuck on scaffolding outside 69th floor of World Trade Center. The literal publicity stunt was
designed to draw international attention to the newly finished Freedom Tower just prior to a nuclear terror
attack by Flight MH 370.
2.3: US Capitol (Washington, DC)
Back on June 14, 2012, it was reported that the U.S. Capitol dome will undergo its first major face-lift in
more than 50 years, costing $19 million in repairs. Despite the repairs, the United States Capitol was
slated for a second facelift on October 22, 2013, when it was reported that the Capitol Dome will undergo
another $60 million facelift. As of November 18, 2014, work on the second facelift began, resulting
scaffolding around the dome (see photo). Whether or not the timely “facelifts” have provided the
necessary cover for the installation of a so-called nuclear bomb inside the U.S. Capitol Building is not
known, but it’s highly likely. Said bomb could be detonated at the exact moment that Flight MH 370
crashed into the building 9/11-sytle, making the world believe that the plane had a nuclear bomb onboard.
The unprecedented nuclear terror attack would end America as we know, bringing about the naked
dictatorship of Obama.
3.1: 9/11-Style Attacks
Although the impending 9/11-style attacks could theoretically target any number of skyscrapers within the
United States, the Empire State Building (New York City), One World Trade Center (New York City), and
the White House (Washington, D.C.) are the top terror targets. One of the 9/11-sytle attacks may come
courtesy of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 which was explicitly disappeared by CIA on
March 8, 2014, in order to execute a surprise WMD attack on America. Because New York City and
Washington, D.C. are located just off the Atlantic Ocean, Flight MH 370 could theoretically fly in off the
water from an undisclosed location (e.g., Cuba) at full speed, attacking the aforementioned targets prior to
a retaliatory response from the U.S. Air Force. Back on December 24, 2014, it was reported that a
Jordanian war plane was shot down and its pilot captured by ISIS. Therefore, state-sponsored Islamic
terrorists will predictably have an official pilot at the helm of Flight MH370 when it is used in a 9/11-style
terror attack. In order to sell the notion to the public that Flight MH 370 could avoid radar detection while
flying from Pakistan en route to the United States, it was reported back on November 2, 2014, that a
German minister’s plane disappears from radar “for hours”. Roughly 6-weeks later on December 12, 2014,
a so-called computer glitch closed London airspace for hours. In the event of a Flight MH 370 attack, there
will predictably be a cyber-attack, glitch or malfunction in the airlines or military’s computers/radar which
will enable the attack to take place.
Top 9/11-Style Attack Targets:
1. University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, Arizona)
2. Empire State Building (New York, New York)
3. One World Trade Center (New York, New York)
4. Willis Tower (Chicago, Illinois)
5. White House (Washington, D.C.)
3.2: Domestic 9/11 Attack
In order to create the necessary terror narrative in the media prior to a 9/11-sytle terror attack on Super
Bowl XLIX, a number of staged incidents regarding aviation have taken place at Phoenix Sky International
Airport over the last 18-months. For example, back on December 27, 2013, it was reported that Robert
Bump, 49, climbed over a barbed wire fence roughly nine feet high at Phoenix Sky International Airport
before heading onto the tarmac towards an arriving plane. He reportedly ran away before being arrested.
Roughly 6-months later on July 15, 2014, it was reported that a man was sent to the hospital after he
opened a secure door at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. According to a Sky Harbor
spokesperson Julie Rodriguez, a passenger in Terminal 4 opened a security door near gate C-12 in what
was construed as an attempt to circumvent security, possibly to hijack an airliner for a 9/11-sytle attack.
Roughly a month later on August 7, 2014, it was reported that authorities in Connecticut used a stun gun
to stop an Arizona man they say was trying to breach a security checkpoint at Bradley International
Airport. These three security breaches, whether related or not, have created a media narrative for a so-
called “domestic” terrorist hijacking in Arizona which is construed in the media as being home to numerous
anti-government militias. Since University of Phoenix Stadium has a massive window, a plane could fly
unabated into the stadium on live television, blowing up and killing tens of thousands of people.
3.3: 9/11-Style Attack by ISIS
In order to set up ISIS for a 9/11-style attack, the CIA has repeatedly had their intelligence operatives
state that this type of attack is now being planned. For example, on June 15, 2014, U.S. Senator Lindsay
Graham stated that ISIS held territory in Iraq will be the next 9/11 “staging area”. Less than 24-hours later
on June 16, 2014, CBS News published a report entitled “Will ISIS Plan a 9/11-Style Terror Plot Against
the U.S.?”, further foreshadowing the notion if a 9/11-style attack by ISIS. Roughly a week later on June
23, 2014, former Vice President Dick Cheney stated that another 9/11 is coming, only “far deadlier”. Two
days later on June 25, 2014, it was reported that ISIS is trying to grab its own air force, foreshadowing the
notion that ISIS is planning an aerial-related terror attack. Lastly, on August 22, 2014, the White House
stated that ISIS could “pivot” to a 9/11-style attack, ultimately confirming that a 9/11-style attack by ISIS is
now in play. How U.S. politicians and the White House in Washington, D.C. know the secret plans of
terrorists hiding in the deserts of Iraq is unknown unless of course both the U.S. government and ISIS are
being controlled by the same entity—the CIA. To further psychologically prepare the world for an ISIS-
related aerial attack, it was reported on October 17, 2014, that ISIS militants are training to fly warplanes
in Syria. Needless to say, the timely report was designed to foreshadow an ISIS-related attack using Flight
4.1: Super Bowl XLIX (Greendale, Arizona)
Since University of Phoenix Stadium has a massive window, a plane could fly unabated into the stadium
on live television before blowing up and killing tens of thousands of people. In order to create the
necessary terror narrative in the media prior to an unprecedented aviation disaster, a number of staged
incidents have taken place over the last week. For example, on January 25, 2015: two planes in Arizona
and California were suspiciously evacuated. A day later on January 26, 2015, 2 small planes reportedly
ditch into sea off Hawaii. A day later on January 27, 2015, an F-18 fighter jet reportedly buzzed the
University of Berkeley in California. Also on January 27, 2015, a small plane reportedly landed safely in
Pacific, using massive parachute. Two days later on January 29, 2015: Russian bombers allegedly flew
over the English Channel. Also on January 29, 2015, a pilot was allegedly locked out of the cockpit in a
fight from Minnesota to Las Vegas. Needless to say, the rash of airline crashes and scares have set the
precedent for an upcoming terror attack using a commercial airplane.
4.2: Empire State Building (New York, New York)
The latest Flight MH370 target has been identified as the Empire State Building in New York City. Aside
from the super-hyped television show “Empire” (2015), breaking news in respect to the building suggests
that an attack on the iconic skyscraper may be is imminent. For example, on January 15, 2015, the
Express published a report entitled “Asteroid Bigger than the Empire State Building set for Near Miss with
Earth”, foreshadowing that something may crash into the Empire State Building. A day later on January
16, 2015, a guardrail reportedly fell from the 81st floor of New York’s tallest residential building. Lastly, on
January 9, 2015, it was reported that the FBI informant in the plot to blow up the Sear Tower is now
operating a store in New Rochelle, New York. Needless to say, the report was published to show that
Islamic terrorists who want to attack skyscrapers are currently operating in New York.
4.3: One World Trade Center (New York, New York)
One potential Flight MH370 target is the Freedom Tower which has previously been rigged for a nuclear
detonation. The plot to stage a nuclear terror attack on the Freedom Tower was a direct result of foiling two previous nuclear terror plots targeting Dallas, Texas and New York City (i.e., the
2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). Therefore, a third
prospective nuclear terror target had to be chosen—One World Trade Center. In order to foreshadow the
notion that the Freedom Tower will suffer a nuclear terror attack, it was reported back on September 6,
2014, that a “prank caller” called 911 on September 5, 2014, claiming to have planted a nuclear bomb
next to One World Trade Center. Port Authority police and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force
predictably raced over but found nothing. Most recently, on November 12, 2014, New York workers
allegedly go stuck on scaffolding outside 69th floor of World Trade Center. The literal publicity stunt was
designed to draw international attention to the newly finished Freedom Tower just prior to a nuclear terror
attack by Flight MH 370.
4.4: Willis “Sears” Tower (Chicago, Illinois)
In order to rehash the 9/11 Attacks, it’s possible that a small plane or hijacked airliner may be used to
attack Willis Tower (i.e., the Sears Tower). The skyscraper was the target of a 2006 Sears Tower Terror
Plot, and therefore it’s just a matter of time before it’s targeted again. As previously mentioned, on January
9, 2015, it was reported that the FBI informant in the plot to blow up the Sear Tower is now operating a
store in New Rochelle, New York. Needless to say, the report was published to show that Islamic terrorists
who want tried to take down the Sears Tower are out and about just waiting to attack.
4.5: White House (Washington, DC)
The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States,
located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C. Therefore, it’s possibly that it may be
attacked 9/11-style, possibly during Super Bowl XLIX. Back on January 26, 2015, it was reported that a
small drone was found on the White House grounds. The incident, which was no doubt spawned by the
CIA, was executed in order to program the masses for a 9/11-style attack on the White House. Back on
September 12, 2012, it was reported that after nearly two years and $86 million worth of construction, the
West Wing of the Obama White House has emerged from its visual seclusion “remarkably unchanged”.
According to the report, the construction project began in September of 2010 with the excavation of a
huge multistory pit in front of the West Wing. Whether or not the “construction” job will ultimately
undermine the structural integrity of America’s most famous residence is not known, but the timely
construction project could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in
and around the White House. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future
date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance of a “natural disaster” event or a coordinated terrorist
attack. Aside from its suspicious construction, the White House has been the target of a number of high-
profile terror plots and threats. On January 18, 2012, it was reported that an Occupy Wall Street protester
threw a smoke bomb over the fence of the White House. Two months later on March 8, 2012, it was
reported that a top hacker and committed anarchist who worked closely with the LulzSec, openly spoke of
burning down the White House. Six months later on September 30, 2012, it was reported that the White
House was attacked by hackers allegedly linked to China’s government. The unprecedented cyber-terror
attack targeted the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, ultimately breaching a system
used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands. A month later on October 21, 2012, it was
reported that a year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that
scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top
administration officials. Prior to a high-profile terror attack on the White House, the public must be
psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way
of showing that yes, it can happen. “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which the White
House is attacked by an ex-North Korean terrorist with military aircraft, suicide bombers and cyber
5.1: Live TV Cyber-Hijack
Back on December 31, 2014, the state-sponsored Sony Hackers threatened to attack U.S. news media
organizations, namely CNN. Although CNN could theoretically suffer a cyber-hijack of its airwaves, NBC,
which is airing and streaming Super Bowl XLIX live, appears the latest target. In order to help sell the
notion of a media-related attack to the public, a state-sponsored terror attack occurred on January 7,
2014, when gunmen attacked a Paris magazine, leaving 12 dead.
5.2: ISIS Cyber-Hijack Nuke Attack
Back on June 30, 2013, published a report entitled “Live TV” Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear
Detonation Now Trending”. The terror plot, which was to be scapegoated onto China, has since been
exposed ad nausea. Therefore, the CIA was forced to create a secondary terror narrative in order to
implicate ISIS in the wake of an unprecedented cyber-hijack and nuclear terror attack. This particular
narrative was first identified on January 7, 2015, when a Maryland TV station’s Twitter account and
website were allegedly hacked by ISIS supporters. Two days later on January 9, 2015, French municipal-
websites were reportedly hacked and replaced with an ISIS flag. Three days later on January 12, 2015, it
was reported that U.S. military social media accounts were hacked by ISIS sympathizers. Three days later
on January 15, 2015, ISIS hackers allegedly launched an 'unprecedented' wave of cyber-attacks on
19,000 French websites. Six days later on January 21, 2015, ISIS ‘lovers’ allegedly hacked websites in 40
Spanish towns. In order to associate hacking with hijacked aircraft just prior to a 9/11-style attack, it was
reported on January 26, 2015, that Malaysia Airlines’ website was hacked by group claiming to support
ISIS. Less than 24-hours later on January 27, 2015, hackers announced their intentions to target airline
flights. In the event that a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl telecast is executed prior to a live nuclear terror
attack by the state-sponsored terrorists known as ISIS, the country of Iran will likely be scapegoated for
supplying the terrorists with nuclear material. Coincidentally, on January 29, 2015, it was reported that a
U.S. Senate panel approved the controversial Iran sanctions bill, providing a timely motive for a revenge
attack on America.
5.3: Chinese Cyber-Hijack Nuke Attack
The notion of a surprise cyber-attack by an Asian country was ominously foreshadowed in the Washington
Times report from January 8, 2015, entitled “Preventing a ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’”. The report stated “we
have now reached a new era of cyberterrorism where threats cause just as much damage and fear as a
bomb threat”, ultimately linking a cyber-related attack to a real world bomb, most likely nuclear in nature. A
television-based cyber-hijack and nuke attack would be a redux of a previous Chinese attack plot depicted
in the June 30, 2013, report entitled “Live TV” Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear Detonation
Now Trending”. The notion of a Chinese nuclear attack on the U.S. was openly flaunted back on October
31, 2013, when the Chinese government released nuclear blast map projections for the U.S. cities of
Seattle and Los Angeles after they were struck by Chinese nuclear warheads. A few weeks later on
December 17, 2013, a Chinese space rover advert showed Europe being nuked, another ominous sign
that a Chinese nuclear strike against the West is imminent. According to a report published on February 6,
2014, new Chinese-based submarine patrols have put Hawaii and Alaska within nuclear attack range,
further foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. Four days later on February 10, 2014, China
reportedly showed off its new mobile ICBM on the internet, suggesting that China will soon be using her
nuclear weapons in a mobile and offensive manner.
5.4: Porn Cyber-Hijack
In the event that the live Chinese and ISIS cyber-hijack and nuke attacks are postponed, it’s highly likely
that the CIA will attempt to stage a porn-related cyber-hijack of NBC’s television and internet broadcast of
Super Bowl XLIX. This type of attack was first identified back on April 14th, 2013, when it was reported
that a Belarusian music TV channel was hijacked and pornography was broadcast. According to reports,
“BelMuzTV”, which is reportedly seen in public places like shopping malls and restaurants, began airing
explicit pornographic images featuring full nudity and sexual intercourse which lasted for approximately 10
to 20 minutes. Consequently, thousands of people throughout the Belarusian capital of Minsk watched the
broadcast and began to share their experience on various social networking sites. A rumor then was
circulated that a “subversive operation” was executed by the channel’s studio engineer, who entered the
control room, loaded the inappropriate content into rotation and then disappeared. Evidently, a redux of
the aforementioned porn-related cyber-hijack is now in play for Super Bowl XLIX. Coincidentally, on
January 30, 2015, it was reported that porn-based malware is now sweeping across Facebook. In the
wake of the impending cyber-hijack, it will predictably be stated that the aforementioned malware infected
the NBC studios which is also streaming the game live around the world. Also on January 30, 2015, it was
reported that 19-year-old Kendra Sunderland is now facing jail time after allegedly filming a solo porn
video in the Oregon State University library. The CIA spawned publicity stunt was designed to bring
unprecedented media publicity to porn just prior to a staged porn attack during the Super Bowl. Less than
24-hours later on January 31, 2015, it was reported that the Vatican is now investigating two high-ranking
priests in a child-porn case. Since the priests in question will never be prosecuted, it can be deduced that
the charges are part of a publicity stunt to raise the profile of porn just prior to an unprecedented cyber-
hijack. Lastly, in order to associate porn with sports prior to a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl telecast, it
was reported on January 31, 2015, that hockey fans heard mysterious sexual ecstasy-like moans during a
live NHL broadcast of the Nashville Predators vs. St. Louis Blues game.
6.1: Chinese Surprise Attack
Back on December 20, 2014, published a report entitled “Pearl Harbor-Like Surprise Attack by
China Imminent—Cyber, EMP, Drone or Nuclear Attack Most Likely”, the latest in a wave of sneak attacks
being orchestrated by the CIA in Switzerland. The notion that the CIA is actively trying to trigger World
War III between the U.S. and China has been exposed ad nauseam by To date, at least 8
different of Chinese “surprise” attack plots have been identified and exposed, resulting in the deaths of
over 60 Chinese officials who suddenly died due to unnatural causes. Although impossible to confirm, it
appears that these officials in China were executed due to their first-hand knowledge of the foiled war
plots. Whether or not a Chinese surprise attack is now in play for Super Bowl XLIX is not known, but it’s
highly likely.
6.2: Chinese Attack on Seattle & USS Ranger
At some point during Super Bowl XLIX on Sunday, February 1, 2015, the CIA may stage a full-scale
Chinese attack on the United States. In the event that this scenario transpires, the attack will likely come
from drones launched by Chinese submarines in the Pacific Ocean. Since the entire city of Seattle has
been rigged for a man-made earthquake attack, a Chinese attack may result in the complete devastation
of the Emerald City, namely downtown Seattle and the area surrounding the Seahawks stadium. In other
words, the attack will look like a massive quake hit the city, although it will predictably blamed on the
Chinese aerial bombardment. In order to sell the Chinese attack to the American public watching on TV,
the drones will likely execute a made-for-TV attack on the USS Ranger (CV-61) which is currently
stationed in Seattle, Washington. Back on December 31, 2014, published a report in respect to
an attack on the USS Ranger which was supposed to leave Bremerton, Washington early in 2015.
However, in the aftermath of the aforementioned report, the ship has inexplicably remained docked an
hour outside of Seattle, evidently part of the impending surprise Chinese attack plot. On January 28, 2015,
it was reported that a mid-February departure is now likely for USS Ranger. Therefore, a Chinese attack
on the ship which is still docked in Bremerton, Washington, appears to still be in play. Based on previous
ship-related false-flag terror plots exposed by (e.g., the USS Bataan Terror Plot, the USS
Mesa Verde Terror Plot, the USS George H. W. Bush Terror Plot, the USS Harry S. Truman Terror Plot,
etc.), it’s highly likely that the USS Ranger will suffer a false-flag terror attack that will most likely lead to
nuclear war with China.
6.3: Chinese Carrier Attack
In what appears to pre-Chinese aircraft carrier attack propaganda, The Blaze published a report back on
December 24, 2014, entitled “If China Attacks, This Is the Ship Taiwan Will Use to Sink Chinese Aircraft
Carriers”. The headline consummated the terms “China”, “Attack”, and “Aircraft Carrier”, foreshadowing
the attack depicted herein. In the event that the USS Ranger (CV-61) is attacked by China, a nuclear
attack will likely follow via a nuclear missile launched by a Chinese submarine. Coincidentally, back on
December 9, 2014, the International Business Times published a report entitled “Long-Range Nuclear
Missiles Aboard China’s Stealth Submarines Can Reach US, Western Pacific And Beyond”,
foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. To date, at least 7 different of Chinese “surprise”
attack plots have been identified and exposed by, resulting in the deaths of over 60 Chinese
officials who suddenly died due to unnatural causes. Although impossible to confirm, it appears that these
officials in China were executed due to their first-hand knowledge of the foiled war plots.
7.1: Obama Coup
Based on the plethora of terror plots targeting the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building, it’s highly
likely that the CIA in Switzerland has authorized professional terrorists (i.e., Special Forces) to attack
Washington, D.C. during Super Bowl XLIX. In what appears to be pre-coup terror programming, it was
reported on December 30, 2014, that gunfire erupted in the capital city of Banjul as the President of
Gambia was away. Two days later on January 1, 2014, a man reportedly opened fire and threw a grenade
at the President of Turkey’s office. In an attempt to sell the notion of U.S. citizens would partake in a coup,
it was reported on January 6, 2014, that U.S. citizens were charged with aiding the aforementioned coup
in Gambia. Therefore, the precedent has been set in Gambia and Turkey for a state-sponsored coup in
America. A state-sponsored coup d’état in Washington, D.C. would give the world the impression that
American soldiers have forsaken democracy and embraced violence. According to a December 19, 2014,
Fox News poll, two-thirds of Americans says the government is broken, something a coup would attempt
to fix. The notion that a military coup is imminent was foreshadowed on December 22, 2014, when a
military-based report stated that only 15% of the U.S. military approves of Obama. Therefore, it appears
that a group of “soldiers” (i.e., Special Forces) will take matters into their own hands, attacking the White
House and/or the U.S. Capitol Building. Back on October 15, 2014, an official from Missouri called for
military coup against Obama. The timely and shocking statement was evidently made in order to
foreshadow a military-related attack against Obama.
Coup Terror Trending
Prior to a high-profile Obama White House coup, the American public must be psychologically prepared to
accept that this is in fact possible. Fraudulent headlines and fabricated events are a slick way of
convincing people that yes, it can happen. As evidenced coup-related terror is now at an all-time high
which suggests that a state-sponsored coup in Washington, D.C. is imminent.
Coup Terror Headlines:
1. October 22, 2014: Shooting at Canadian Parliament: Area in lockdown, manhunt underway
2. October 22, 2014: ISIS teen from Australia vows to fight US until black flags fly over White House
3. October 23, 2014: Man stopped after scaling White House fence
4. October 26, 2014: Man threatens to kill Obama.
5. November 4, 2014: Bulgarian woman sets herself ablaze outside president’s office
6. November 10, 2014: Secret Service discloses 40 barrier-jumping incidents
7. November 19, 2014: Four arrested after group of Hong Kong protesters storm city's legislature
8. November 20, 2014: Secret Service arrests armed woman outside White House
9. November 21, 2014: Israel charges 3 Palestinians in alleged plot to kill foreign minister
10. January 6, 2014: US citizens charged with aiding attempted Gambia coup
11. January 11, 2015: 2 protesters arrested outside of Dick Cheney’s home
12. January 14, 2015: House Speaker Boehner’s bartender planned to poison him
13. January 18, 2015: Shots fired outside Vice presidents Biden’s home
14. January 20, 2015: Terrorist rebels capture Yemen’s presidential palace in coup
15. January 28, 2015: ISIS threatens to behead Obama and turn the U.S. into a 'Muslim province'
16. January 29, 2015: Nigerian mobs stone president's convoy over Boko Haram
17. January 29, 2015: Iran Targets Netanyahu Children for Assassination
[Does not purport to be a complete list of coup-related headlines]
Resurrection of Obama
An elaborate White House coup will do the same for Barack Obamas as it did for one Adolf Hitler. Back on
July 20, 1944, Hitler was targeted in an unsuccessful bombing, resulting in 5,000 executions and 7,000
arrests. In the wake of an Obama assassination “event”, the attack will be used as an excuse to round up
“disloyal” Americans within the U.S. government, bringing about the naked dictatorship of Obama.
Considering Obama’s poll numbers are at an all-time low, an attack on Obama and/or the White House
would boost his popularity as well as the Democrats who suffered historic losses in November’s election.
An attack could also be used to institute some form of martial law, possibly to find the alleged terrorists,
making every American gun owner a suspect.
About the Author
David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored
whistle-blower website. Taylor lives in Zurich, Switzerland where he is currently in the process of applying
for political asylum since the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror
attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor recently authored Greenland
Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in
respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is home to the CIA. Taylor has also
published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for
2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012
Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and
the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex
Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing
was a hoax.
READ: If I Am Assassinated, Kidnapped, Held Hostage, Suicided or Murdered in Switzerland—An Open
Letter by Journalist David Chase Taylor Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior
to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these
terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based
on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot
is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror
Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State-
sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats,
create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the
behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of
the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste
Red alert national terror warning for february 1, 2015—911 style attacks, chinese surprise attack, cyber-hijack of nbc, live nuke attacks & obama coup top super bowl xlix terror scenarios

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Red alert national terror warning for february 1, 2015—911 style attacks, chinese surprise attack, cyber-hijack of nbc, live nuke attacks & obama coup top super bowl xlix terror scenarios

  • 1. RED ALERT: National Terror Warning for February 1, 2015—9/11-Style Attacks, Chinese Surprise Attack, Cyber-Hijack of NBC, Live Nuke Attacks, & Obama Coup Top Super Bowl XLIX Terror Scenarios David Chase Taylor February 1, 2015 SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Based on breaking news and events, it appears that the Obama administration (at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland) will attempt to stage a wave of unprecedented terror attacks in the United States on February 1, 2015, the day of Super Bowl XLIX. Super Bowl XLIX, which features the New England Patriots versus the Seattle Seahawks, will be held at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The football game, which will be aired live on NBC, will likely be the highest rated television show of all-time, making it a coveted state-sponsored terror target. Top February 1, 2015 Terror Plots: A. Live Chinese or Islamic Nuclear Terror Attacks (New York, Washington, DC, West Coast) B. 9/11-Style Attacks (Arizona, Chicago, New York, Washington, DC) C. Cyber-Hijack of Super Bowl XLIX Telecast (China, ISIS) D. Surprise Chinese Attack (West Coast) E. Obama Coup D'état (Washington, DC) Exactly which terror plots are now in play for February 1, 2015, and the Super Bowl XLIX are not known, but they will likely include a redux of the following: one or more live Chinese or Islamic nuclear terror
  • 2. attacks, live 9/11-sytle attacks (possibly via Flight MH370), a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl XLIX telecast on NBC, a surprise Chinese attack/invasion of America, and/or a staged coup d'état of the Obama White House or U.S. Capitol Building. Attacking the NFL has been the primary focus of the Obama administration and the CIA in Switzerland who have been caught red-handed twice (i.e., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot) trying to execute a nuclear terror attack on the Super Bowl. Therefore, the notion that the CIA will try to terrorize the Super Bowl this year is a given. U.S. Border Security Compromised In order to sell the notion that the U.S./Mexico border is porous and vulnerable to attack prior to an unprecedented security breach, a number of propaganda reports have been disseminated by the CIA as of late. For example, back on December 26, 2014, it was reported that a drug cartel claimed to have kidnapped a U.S. Border Patrol agent. Predictably, this agent and/or his identification will be used by Islamic terrorists to sneak an Islamic nuclear bomb into the United States, possibly into Arizona. The notion that illegal immigrants will resort to violence and/or aiding terrorists was revealed on December 29, 2014, when the U.S. Border Patrol stated that illegal immigrants are now becoming more “aggressive”. Less than a week later on January 3, 2015, a U.S. Congressional report stated that 700 miles of U.S.- Mexico border are still insecure, making the notion of a security breach by Islamic terrorists seem all the more plausible. Three weeks late on January 27, 2015, it was reported that U.S. Border Patrol is lending a hand in Super Bowl security, suggesting that an attack by way of Mexico may be planned. Two days later on January 29, 2015, traitorous Infowars published a report entitled “Obama Just Picked a Fight with Border Agents”, further suggesting that a security breach on the US/Mexico border is imminent. I. LIVE NUCLEAR TERROR ATTACKS: 1.1: Live Nuke Attack Due to the hundreds of millions of people who will be watching Super Bowl XLIX, it’s highly likely that the game itself or another location in America may suffer a nuclear terror attack, most likely by China or Islamic terrorists (e.g., Al Qaeda, ISIS, Iran, Khorasan Group, etc.). In the event that a location outside of Arizona is targeted, a so-called “cyber-hijack” (see below) of NBC will occur just prior to the attack so that the audience can witness the nuclear detonation live on television. After all, seeing is believing. Top Nuclear Terror Targets: 1. University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, Arizona) 2. One World Trade Center (New York, New York) 3. United States Capitol Building (Washington, D.C) 4. West Coast Cities (e.g., Las Vegas, NV; Los Angeles, CA; Portland, OR; San Diego, CA; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, WA, etc.) 1.2: ISIS Nuclear Attack In order to create the necessary media narrative that ISIS is capable of executing a nuclear terror attack, a number of CIA-spawned propaganda reports have been published within the last 6-months. For example, on May 2, 2014, it was reported by Veterans Today that 1.05 tons of stolen Pakistani nuclear material is now headed to the United States, ultimately connecting Pakistan to a future nuclear terror strike on America. The notion of an ISIS nuclear terrorist attack was witnessed on June 23, 2014, when ISIS terrorists reportedly threatened a nuke attack on Israel, a laughable notion to be sure. A few weeks later on July 9, 2014, it was reported that ISIS seized 88 pounds of Uranium in Northern Iraq, ultimately providing them will enough uranium to make a nuclear bomb. This report was corroborated a day later on July 10, 2014, by Russia Today who reported that Sunni insurgents have taken over nuclear materials in northern Iraq. These preliminary reports were ultimately confirmed by Fox News on July 10, 2014, in a report entitled “ISIS Seizes Uranium from Lab; Experts Downplay ‘Dirty Bomb’ Threat”. Roughly 6-weeks later on August 28, 2014, it was reported that a black Dell laptop was found in an ISIS safe house in Syria which contained instructions on how to weaponize the bubonic plague as well as “missives on using WMDs (Weapons of Mass Destruction)”. Needless to say, the ISIS endgame is a biological and/or nuclear terror attack. Anything less would be unsatisfactory to the CIA which is in command and control of ISIS. In
  • 3. order to raise the specter of an ISIS-related nuclear terror attack just prior to it transpiring in reality, Obama reportedly stated that he will send US troops to fight ISIS if they get nukes on November 18, 2014. Needless to say, the publicity stunt was orchestrated by the CIA is order foreshadow an ISIS-related nuclear attack. 1.3: Chinese Nuclear Attack The notion of a Chinese nuclear attack on the U.S. was openly flaunted back on October 31, 2013, when the Chinese government released nuclear blast map projections for the U.S. cities of Seattle and Los Angeles after they were struck by Chinese nuclear warheads. A few weeks later on December 17, 2013, a Chinese space rover advert showed Europe being nuked, another ominous sign that a Chinese nuclear strike against the West is imminent. According to a report published on February 6, 2014, new Chinese- based submarine patrols have put Hawaii and Alaska within nuclear attack range, further foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. Four days later on February 10, 2014, China reportedly showed off its new mobile ICBM on the internet, suggesting that China will soon be using her nuclear weapons in a mobile and offensive manner. II. NUCLEAR TERROR TARGETS: 2.1: Super Bowl XLIX (Glendale, Arizona) Aside from the Super Bowl XLV Nuclear Terror Plot of February 6, 2011, nuclear-related headlines are now trending which suggests that a nuclear terror attack may be imminent. The particular narrative was identified on December 8, 2014, when it was reported that ISIS claims to have smuggled a “radioactive device” into Europe. A day later on December 9, 2014, it was reported that police in Moldova detained seven people suspected of smuggling radioactive Uranium-238 on a train from Russia, a substance which could allegedly be used to make a “dirty bomb”. Therefore, a future terror scenario in which nuclear material is shipped into America via train in order to construct a dirty bomb or nuclear bomb is now theoretically possible. Whether or not it will happen in Arizona is not known, but it’s possible. 2.2: One World Trade Center (New York, New York) One potential Flight MH370 target is the Freedom Tower which has previously been rigged for a nuclear detonation. The plot to stage a nuclear terror attack on the Freedom Tower was a direct result of foiling two previous nuclear terror plots targeting Dallas, Texas and New York City (i.e., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). Therefore, a third prospective nuclear terror target had to be chosen—One World Trade Center. In order to foreshadow the notion that the Freedom Tower will suffer a nuclear terror attack, it was reported back on September 6, 2014, that a “prank caller” called 911 on September 5, 2014, claiming to have planted a nuclear bomb next to One World Trade Center. Port Authority police and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force predictably raced over but found nothing. Most recently, on November 12, 2014, New York workers allegedly go stuck on scaffolding outside 69th floor of World Trade Center. The literal publicity stunt was designed to draw international attention to the newly finished Freedom Tower just prior to a nuclear terror attack by Flight MH 370. 2.3: US Capitol (Washington, DC) Back on June 14, 2012, it was reported that the U.S. Capitol dome will undergo its first major face-lift in more than 50 years, costing $19 million in repairs. Despite the repairs, the United States Capitol was slated for a second facelift on October 22, 2013, when it was reported that the Capitol Dome will undergo another $60 million facelift. As of November 18, 2014, work on the second facelift began, resulting scaffolding around the dome (see photo). Whether or not the timely “facelifts” have provided the necessary cover for the installation of a so-called nuclear bomb inside the U.S. Capitol Building is not known, but it’s highly likely. Said bomb could be detonated at the exact moment that Flight MH 370 crashed into the building 9/11-sytle, making the world believe that the plane had a nuclear bomb onboard. The unprecedented nuclear terror attack would end America as we know, bringing about the naked dictatorship of Obama. III. 9/11-STYE TERROR ATTACKS: 3.1: 9/11-Style Attacks
  • 4. Although the impending 9/11-style attacks could theoretically target any number of skyscrapers within the United States, the Empire State Building (New York City), One World Trade Center (New York City), and the White House (Washington, D.C.) are the top terror targets. One of the 9/11-sytle attacks may come courtesy of the missing Malaysian Airlines Flight MH370 which was explicitly disappeared by CIA on March 8, 2014, in order to execute a surprise WMD attack on America. Because New York City and Washington, D.C. are located just off the Atlantic Ocean, Flight MH 370 could theoretically fly in off the water from an undisclosed location (e.g., Cuba) at full speed, attacking the aforementioned targets prior to a retaliatory response from the U.S. Air Force. Back on December 24, 2014, it was reported that a Jordanian war plane was shot down and its pilot captured by ISIS. Therefore, state-sponsored Islamic terrorists will predictably have an official pilot at the helm of Flight MH370 when it is used in a 9/11-style terror attack. In order to sell the notion to the public that Flight MH 370 could avoid radar detection while flying from Pakistan en route to the United States, it was reported back on November 2, 2014, that a German minister’s plane disappears from radar “for hours”. Roughly 6-weeks later on December 12, 2014, a so-called computer glitch closed London airspace for hours. In the event of a Flight MH 370 attack, there will predictably be a cyber-attack, glitch or malfunction in the airlines or military’s computers/radar which will enable the attack to take place. Top 9/11-Style Attack Targets: 1. University of Phoenix Stadium (Glendale, Arizona) 2. Empire State Building (New York, New York) 3. One World Trade Center (New York, New York) 4. Willis Tower (Chicago, Illinois) 5. White House (Washington, D.C.) 3.2: Domestic 9/11 Attack In order to create the necessary terror narrative in the media prior to a 9/11-sytle terror attack on Super Bowl XLIX, a number of staged incidents regarding aviation have taken place at Phoenix Sky International Airport over the last 18-months. For example, back on December 27, 2013, it was reported that Robert Bump, 49, climbed over a barbed wire fence roughly nine feet high at Phoenix Sky International Airport before heading onto the tarmac towards an arriving plane. He reportedly ran away before being arrested. Roughly 6-months later on July 15, 2014, it was reported that a man was sent to the hospital after he opened a secure door at Sky Harbor International Airport in Phoenix, Arizona. According to a Sky Harbor spokesperson Julie Rodriguez, a passenger in Terminal 4 opened a security door near gate C-12 in what was construed as an attempt to circumvent security, possibly to hijack an airliner for a 9/11-sytle attack. Roughly a month later on August 7, 2014, it was reported that authorities in Connecticut used a stun gun to stop an Arizona man they say was trying to breach a security checkpoint at Bradley International Airport. These three security breaches, whether related or not, have created a media narrative for a so- called “domestic” terrorist hijacking in Arizona which is construed in the media as being home to numerous anti-government militias. Since University of Phoenix Stadium has a massive window, a plane could fly unabated into the stadium on live television, blowing up and killing tens of thousands of people. 3.3: 9/11-Style Attack by ISIS In order to set up ISIS for a 9/11-style attack, the CIA has repeatedly had their intelligence operatives state that this type of attack is now being planned. For example, on June 15, 2014, U.S. Senator Lindsay Graham stated that ISIS held territory in Iraq will be the next 9/11 “staging area”. Less than 24-hours later on June 16, 2014, CBS News published a report entitled “Will ISIS Plan a 9/11-Style Terror Plot Against the U.S.?”, further foreshadowing the notion if a 9/11-style attack by ISIS. Roughly a week later on June 23, 2014, former Vice President Dick Cheney stated that another 9/11 is coming, only “far deadlier”. Two days later on June 25, 2014, it was reported that ISIS is trying to grab its own air force, foreshadowing the notion that ISIS is planning an aerial-related terror attack. Lastly, on August 22, 2014, the White House stated that ISIS could “pivot” to a 9/11-style attack, ultimately confirming that a 9/11-style attack by ISIS is now in play. How U.S. politicians and the White House in Washington, D.C. know the secret plans of terrorists hiding in the deserts of Iraq is unknown unless of course both the U.S. government and ISIS are being controlled by the same entity—the CIA. To further psychologically prepare the world for an ISIS- related aerial attack, it was reported on October 17, 2014, that ISIS militants are training to fly warplanes
  • 5. in Syria. Needless to say, the timely report was designed to foreshadow an ISIS-related attack using Flight MH370. IV. 9/11-STYLE TARGETS: 4.1: Super Bowl XLIX (Greendale, Arizona) Since University of Phoenix Stadium has a massive window, a plane could fly unabated into the stadium on live television before blowing up and killing tens of thousands of people. In order to create the necessary terror narrative in the media prior to an unprecedented aviation disaster, a number of staged incidents have taken place over the last week. For example, on January 25, 2015: two planes in Arizona and California were suspiciously evacuated. A day later on January 26, 2015, 2 small planes reportedly ditch into sea off Hawaii. A day later on January 27, 2015, an F-18 fighter jet reportedly buzzed the University of Berkeley in California. Also on January 27, 2015, a small plane reportedly landed safely in Pacific, using massive parachute. Two days later on January 29, 2015: Russian bombers allegedly flew over the English Channel. Also on January 29, 2015, a pilot was allegedly locked out of the cockpit in a fight from Minnesota to Las Vegas. Needless to say, the rash of airline crashes and scares have set the precedent for an upcoming terror attack using a commercial airplane. 4.2: Empire State Building (New York, New York) The latest Flight MH370 target has been identified as the Empire State Building in New York City. Aside from the super-hyped television show “Empire” (2015), breaking news in respect to the building suggests that an attack on the iconic skyscraper may be is imminent. For example, on January 15, 2015, the Express published a report entitled “Asteroid Bigger than the Empire State Building set for Near Miss with Earth”, foreshadowing that something may crash into the Empire State Building. A day later on January 16, 2015, a guardrail reportedly fell from the 81st floor of New York’s tallest residential building. Lastly, on January 9, 2015, it was reported that the FBI informant in the plot to blow up the Sear Tower is now operating a store in New Rochelle, New York. Needless to say, the report was published to show that Islamic terrorists who want to attack skyscrapers are currently operating in New York. 4.3: One World Trade Center (New York, New York) One potential Flight MH370 target is the Freedom Tower which has previously been rigged for a nuclear detonation. The plot to stage a nuclear terror attack on the Freedom Tower was a direct result of foiling two previous nuclear terror plots targeting Dallas, Texas and New York City (i.e., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot and the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot). Therefore, a third prospective nuclear terror target had to be chosen—One World Trade Center. In order to foreshadow the notion that the Freedom Tower will suffer a nuclear terror attack, it was reported back on September 6, 2014, that a “prank caller” called 911 on September 5, 2014, claiming to have planted a nuclear bomb next to One World Trade Center. Port Authority police and members of the Joint Terrorism Task Force predictably raced over but found nothing. Most recently, on November 12, 2014, New York workers allegedly go stuck on scaffolding outside 69th floor of World Trade Center. The literal publicity stunt was designed to draw international attention to the newly finished Freedom Tower just prior to a nuclear terror attack by Flight MH 370. 4.4: Willis “Sears” Tower (Chicago, Illinois) In order to rehash the 9/11 Attacks, it’s possible that a small plane or hijacked airliner may be used to attack Willis Tower (i.e., the Sears Tower). The skyscraper was the target of a 2006 Sears Tower Terror Plot, and therefore it’s just a matter of time before it’s targeted again. As previously mentioned, on January 9, 2015, it was reported that the FBI informant in the plot to blow up the Sear Tower is now operating a store in New Rochelle, New York. Needless to say, the report was published to show that Islamic terrorists who want tried to take down the Sears Tower are out and about just waiting to attack. 4.5: White House (Washington, DC) The White House is the official residence and principal workplace of the President of the United States, located at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, D.C. Therefore, it’s possibly that it may be attacked 9/11-style, possibly during Super Bowl XLIX. Back on January 26, 2015, it was reported that a small drone was found on the White House grounds. The incident, which was no doubt spawned by the CIA, was executed in order to program the masses for a 9/11-style attack on the White House. Back on
  • 6. September 12, 2012, it was reported that after nearly two years and $86 million worth of construction, the West Wing of the Obama White House has emerged from its visual seclusion “remarkably unchanged”. According to the report, the construction project began in September of 2010 with the excavation of a huge multistory pit in front of the West Wing. Whether or not the “construction” job will ultimately undermine the structural integrity of America’s most famous residence is not known, but the timely construction project could have theoretically provided cover for the installation of demolition explosives in and around the White House. These explosives could then be detonated via remote control at a future date in a calculated attempt to give the appearance of a “natural disaster” event or a coordinated terrorist attack. Aside from its suspicious construction, the White House has been the target of a number of high- profile terror plots and threats. On January 18, 2012, it was reported that an Occupy Wall Street protester threw a smoke bomb over the fence of the White House. Two months later on March 8, 2012, it was reported that a top hacker and committed anarchist who worked closely with the LulzSec, openly spoke of burning down the White House. Six months later on September 30, 2012, it was reported that the White House was attacked by hackers allegedly linked to China’s government. The unprecedented cyber-terror attack targeted the U.S. government’s most sensitive computer networks, ultimately breaching a system used by the White House Military Office for nuclear commands. A month later on October 21, 2012, it was reported that a year-long investigation by the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) has found that scores of known radical Islamists made hundreds of visits to the Obama White House, meeting with top administration officials. Prior to a high-profile terror attack on the White House, the public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Hollywood movie propaganda is a slick way of showing that yes, it can happen. “Olympus Has Fallen” (2013) is a film (see trailer) in which the White House is attacked by an ex-North Korean terrorist with military aircraft, suicide bombers and cyber warfare. V. LIVE CYBER-HIJACK: 5.1: Live TV Cyber-Hijack Back on December 31, 2014, the state-sponsored Sony Hackers threatened to attack U.S. news media organizations, namely CNN. Although CNN could theoretically suffer a cyber-hijack of its airwaves, NBC, which is airing and streaming Super Bowl XLIX live, appears the latest target. In order to help sell the notion of a media-related attack to the public, a state-sponsored terror attack occurred on January 7, 2014, when gunmen attacked a Paris magazine, leaving 12 dead. 5.2: ISIS Cyber-Hijack Nuke Attack Back on June 30, 2013, published a report entitled “Live TV” Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear Detonation Now Trending”. The terror plot, which was to be scapegoated onto China, has since been exposed ad nausea. Therefore, the CIA was forced to create a secondary terror narrative in order to implicate ISIS in the wake of an unprecedented cyber-hijack and nuclear terror attack. This particular narrative was first identified on January 7, 2015, when a Maryland TV station’s Twitter account and website were allegedly hacked by ISIS supporters. Two days later on January 9, 2015, French municipal- websites were reportedly hacked and replaced with an ISIS flag. Three days later on January 12, 2015, it was reported that U.S. military social media accounts were hacked by ISIS sympathizers. Three days later on January 15, 2015, ISIS hackers allegedly launched an 'unprecedented' wave of cyber-attacks on 19,000 French websites. Six days later on January 21, 2015, ISIS ‘lovers’ allegedly hacked websites in 40 Spanish towns. In order to associate hacking with hijacked aircraft just prior to a 9/11-style attack, it was reported on January 26, 2015, that Malaysia Airlines’ website was hacked by group claiming to support ISIS. Less than 24-hours later on January 27, 2015, hackers announced their intentions to target airline flights. In the event that a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl telecast is executed prior to a live nuclear terror attack by the state-sponsored terrorists known as ISIS, the country of Iran will likely be scapegoated for supplying the terrorists with nuclear material. Coincidentally, on January 29, 2015, it was reported that a U.S. Senate panel approved the controversial Iran sanctions bill, providing a timely motive for a revenge attack on America. 5.3: Chinese Cyber-Hijack Nuke Attack The notion of a surprise cyber-attack by an Asian country was ominously foreshadowed in the Washington Times report from January 8, 2015, entitled “Preventing a ‘Cyber Pearl Harbor’”. The report stated “we have now reached a new era of cyberterrorism where threats cause just as much damage and fear as a
  • 7. bomb threat”, ultimately linking a cyber-related attack to a real world bomb, most likely nuclear in nature. A television-based cyber-hijack and nuke attack would be a redux of a previous Chinese attack plot depicted in the June 30, 2013, report entitled “Live TV” Cyber-Hijack With “Live” Nuclear Detonation Now Trending”. The notion of a Chinese nuclear attack on the U.S. was openly flaunted back on October 31, 2013, when the Chinese government released nuclear blast map projections for the U.S. cities of Seattle and Los Angeles after they were struck by Chinese nuclear warheads. A few weeks later on December 17, 2013, a Chinese space rover advert showed Europe being nuked, another ominous sign that a Chinese nuclear strike against the West is imminent. According to a report published on February 6, 2014, new Chinese-based submarine patrols have put Hawaii and Alaska within nuclear attack range, further foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. Four days later on February 10, 2014, China reportedly showed off its new mobile ICBM on the internet, suggesting that China will soon be using her nuclear weapons in a mobile and offensive manner. 5.4: Porn Cyber-Hijack In the event that the live Chinese and ISIS cyber-hijack and nuke attacks are postponed, it’s highly likely that the CIA will attempt to stage a porn-related cyber-hijack of NBC’s television and internet broadcast of Super Bowl XLIX. This type of attack was first identified back on April 14th, 2013, when it was reported that a Belarusian music TV channel was hijacked and pornography was broadcast. According to reports, “BelMuzTV”, which is reportedly seen in public places like shopping malls and restaurants, began airing explicit pornographic images featuring full nudity and sexual intercourse which lasted for approximately 10 to 20 minutes. Consequently, thousands of people throughout the Belarusian capital of Minsk watched the broadcast and began to share their experience on various social networking sites. A rumor then was circulated that a “subversive operation” was executed by the channel’s studio engineer, who entered the control room, loaded the inappropriate content into rotation and then disappeared. Evidently, a redux of the aforementioned porn-related cyber-hijack is now in play for Super Bowl XLIX. Coincidentally, on January 30, 2015, it was reported that porn-based malware is now sweeping across Facebook. In the wake of the impending cyber-hijack, it will predictably be stated that the aforementioned malware infected the NBC studios which is also streaming the game live around the world. Also on January 30, 2015, it was reported that 19-year-old Kendra Sunderland is now facing jail time after allegedly filming a solo porn video in the Oregon State University library. The CIA spawned publicity stunt was designed to bring unprecedented media publicity to porn just prior to a staged porn attack during the Super Bowl. Less than 24-hours later on January 31, 2015, it was reported that the Vatican is now investigating two high-ranking priests in a child-porn case. Since the priests in question will never be prosecuted, it can be deduced that the charges are part of a publicity stunt to raise the profile of porn just prior to an unprecedented cyber- hijack. Lastly, in order to associate porn with sports prior to a cyber-hijack of the Super Bowl telecast, it was reported on January 31, 2015, that hockey fans heard mysterious sexual ecstasy-like moans during a live NHL broadcast of the Nashville Predators vs. St. Louis Blues game. VI. CHINESE SURPRISE ATTACK: 6.1: Chinese Surprise Attack Back on December 20, 2014, published a report entitled “Pearl Harbor-Like Surprise Attack by China Imminent—Cyber, EMP, Drone or Nuclear Attack Most Likely”, the latest in a wave of sneak attacks being orchestrated by the CIA in Switzerland. The notion that the CIA is actively trying to trigger World War III between the U.S. and China has been exposed ad nauseam by To date, at least 8 different of Chinese “surprise” attack plots have been identified and exposed, resulting in the deaths of over 60 Chinese officials who suddenly died due to unnatural causes. Although impossible to confirm, it appears that these officials in China were executed due to their first-hand knowledge of the foiled war plots. Whether or not a Chinese surprise attack is now in play for Super Bowl XLIX is not known, but it’s highly likely. 6.2: Chinese Attack on Seattle & USS Ranger At some point during Super Bowl XLIX on Sunday, February 1, 2015, the CIA may stage a full-scale Chinese attack on the United States. In the event that this scenario transpires, the attack will likely come from drones launched by Chinese submarines in the Pacific Ocean. Since the entire city of Seattle has been rigged for a man-made earthquake attack, a Chinese attack may result in the complete devastation of the Emerald City, namely downtown Seattle and the area surrounding the Seahawks stadium. In other
  • 8. words, the attack will look like a massive quake hit the city, although it will predictably blamed on the Chinese aerial bombardment. In order to sell the Chinese attack to the American public watching on TV, the drones will likely execute a made-for-TV attack on the USS Ranger (CV-61) which is currently stationed in Seattle, Washington. Back on December 31, 2014, published a report in respect to an attack on the USS Ranger which was supposed to leave Bremerton, Washington early in 2015. However, in the aftermath of the aforementioned report, the ship has inexplicably remained docked an hour outside of Seattle, evidently part of the impending surprise Chinese attack plot. On January 28, 2015, it was reported that a mid-February departure is now likely for USS Ranger. Therefore, a Chinese attack on the ship which is still docked in Bremerton, Washington, appears to still be in play. Based on previous ship-related false-flag terror plots exposed by (e.g., the USS Bataan Terror Plot, the USS Mesa Verde Terror Plot, the USS George H. W. Bush Terror Plot, the USS Harry S. Truman Terror Plot, etc.), it’s highly likely that the USS Ranger will suffer a false-flag terror attack that will most likely lead to nuclear war with China. 6.3: Chinese Carrier Attack In what appears to pre-Chinese aircraft carrier attack propaganda, The Blaze published a report back on December 24, 2014, entitled “If China Attacks, This Is the Ship Taiwan Will Use to Sink Chinese Aircraft Carriers”. The headline consummated the terms “China”, “Attack”, and “Aircraft Carrier”, foreshadowing the attack depicted herein. In the event that the USS Ranger (CV-61) is attacked by China, a nuclear attack will likely follow via a nuclear missile launched by a Chinese submarine. Coincidentally, back on December 9, 2014, the International Business Times published a report entitled “Long-Range Nuclear Missiles Aboard China’s Stealth Submarines Can Reach US, Western Pacific And Beyond”, foreshadowing a West Coast nuclear attack by China. To date, at least 7 different of Chinese “surprise” attack plots have been identified and exposed by, resulting in the deaths of over 60 Chinese officials who suddenly died due to unnatural causes. Although impossible to confirm, it appears that these officials in China were executed due to their first-hand knowledge of the foiled war plots. VII: OBAMA COUP DETAT: 7.1: Obama Coup Based on the plethora of terror plots targeting the White House and the U.S. Capitol Building, it’s highly likely that the CIA in Switzerland has authorized professional terrorists (i.e., Special Forces) to attack Washington, D.C. during Super Bowl XLIX. In what appears to be pre-coup terror programming, it was reported on December 30, 2014, that gunfire erupted in the capital city of Banjul as the President of Gambia was away. Two days later on January 1, 2014, a man reportedly opened fire and threw a grenade at the President of Turkey’s office. In an attempt to sell the notion of U.S. citizens would partake in a coup, it was reported on January 6, 2014, that U.S. citizens were charged with aiding the aforementioned coup in Gambia. Therefore, the precedent has been set in Gambia and Turkey for a state-sponsored coup in America. A state-sponsored coup d’état in Washington, D.C. would give the world the impression that American soldiers have forsaken democracy and embraced violence. According to a December 19, 2014, Fox News poll, two-thirds of Americans says the government is broken, something a coup would attempt to fix. The notion that a military coup is imminent was foreshadowed on December 22, 2014, when a military-based report stated that only 15% of the U.S. military approves of Obama. Therefore, it appears that a group of “soldiers” (i.e., Special Forces) will take matters into their own hands, attacking the White House and/or the U.S. Capitol Building. Back on October 15, 2014, an official from Missouri called for military coup against Obama. The timely and shocking statement was evidently made in order to foreshadow a military-related attack against Obama. Coup Terror Trending Prior to a high-profile Obama White House coup, the American public must be psychologically prepared to accept that this is in fact possible. Fraudulent headlines and fabricated events are a slick way of convincing people that yes, it can happen. As evidenced coup-related terror is now at an all-time high which suggests that a state-sponsored coup in Washington, D.C. is imminent. Coup Terror Headlines: 1. October 22, 2014: Shooting at Canadian Parliament: Area in lockdown, manhunt underway
  • 9. 2. October 22, 2014: ISIS teen from Australia vows to fight US until black flags fly over White House 3. October 23, 2014: Man stopped after scaling White House fence 4. October 26, 2014: Man threatens to kill Obama. 5. November 4, 2014: Bulgarian woman sets herself ablaze outside president’s office 6. November 10, 2014: Secret Service discloses 40 barrier-jumping incidents 7. November 19, 2014: Four arrested after group of Hong Kong protesters storm city's legislature 8. November 20, 2014: Secret Service arrests armed woman outside White House 9. November 21, 2014: Israel charges 3 Palestinians in alleged plot to kill foreign minister 10. January 6, 2014: US citizens charged with aiding attempted Gambia coup 11. January 11, 2015: 2 protesters arrested outside of Dick Cheney’s home 12. January 14, 2015: House Speaker Boehner’s bartender planned to poison him 13. January 18, 2015: Shots fired outside Vice presidents Biden’s home 14. January 20, 2015: Terrorist rebels capture Yemen’s presidential palace in coup 15. January 28, 2015: ISIS threatens to behead Obama and turn the U.S. into a 'Muslim province' 16. January 29, 2015: Nigerian mobs stone president's convoy over Boko Haram 17. January 29, 2015: Iran Targets Netanyahu Children for Assassination [Does not purport to be a complete list of coup-related headlines] Resurrection of Obama An elaborate White House coup will do the same for Barack Obamas as it did for one Adolf Hitler. Back on July 20, 1944, Hitler was targeted in an unsuccessful bombing, resulting in 5,000 executions and 7,000 arrests. In the wake of an Obama assassination “event”, the attack will be used as an excuse to round up “disloyal” Americans within the U.S. government, bringing about the naked dictatorship of Obama. Considering Obama’s poll numbers are at an all-time low, an attack on Obama and/or the White House would boost his popularity as well as the Democrats who suffered historic losses in November’s election. An attack could also be used to institute some form of martial law, possibly to find the alleged terrorists, making every American gun owner a suspect. About the Author David Chase Taylor is an American journalist and the editor-in-chief of, a state-sponsored whistle-blower website. Taylor lives in Zurich, Switzerland where he is currently in the process of applying for political asylum since the release of The Nuclear Bible, a book credited with foiling a nuclear terror attack upon Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011. Taylor recently authored Greenland Theory: Apocalypse Now, a book and website exposing the true power structure of the world, especially in respect to Greenland and its primary proxy state of Switzerland which is home to the CIA. Taylor has also published The Bio-Terror Bible, a book and website exposing the global bio-terror pandemic planned for 2015. To date, Taylor has blown the whistle on over 100 state-sponsored terror plots, including the 2012 Democratic National Convention Terror Plot, the man-made asteroid attack planned for 2014, and the drone strike which killed “Fast and Furious” star Paul Walker. Taylor was also the first to expose Alex Jones’ treacherous links to STRATFOR and is noted for the 10 reasons why the Rosetta Comet landing was a hoax. READ: If I Am Assassinated, Kidnapped, Held Hostage, Suicided or Murdered in Switzerland—An Open Letter by Journalist David Chase Taylor Legal Disclaimer’s stated purpose is to stop terrorism by drawing unwanted global attention to terror plots prior to their fruition. Terror alerts and warnings made by DO NOT necessarily imply that these terror events will transpire in reality but rather that there is a distinct possibility that they may occur based on breaking terror-related news, events and data. Historically speaking, once a major false-flag terror plot is exposed, it is immediately canceled, postponed, or reworked (e.g., the 2011 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Super Bowl Nuclear Terror Plot, the 2014 Freedom Tower Nuclear Terror Plot, etc.). State- sponsored acts of terror must have a prior paper trail in order to set-up patsies, prime scapegoats, create plausible deniability, and mislead the public from the usual suspects of terror which work at the behest of the CIA in Switzerland. Please support real citizen journalism and help make terrorism a thing of the past. Blessed are the Peacemakers. Namaste