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Rare Historical Never
Before Seen WWII
World War II changed the world as we knew it. There were
news outlets that displayed as much of the war as they
could to show the world what was going on. However, not
all things were shown and there were lots of things left out
of the media. Here are some photos that you may not have
seen from the war.
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There are a lot of famous post World War 2 kissing photographs. Of course the most famous is the
one of V-J Day in Times Square. But there were probably hundreds, and the number of women kissed
by soldiers after the war ranges in the millions. This one is unique though; it is not sloppy or
impulsive. The kiss here is classy and dignified.
This photograph we find a huge crater and with the context we know, it could only be from a bomb. The
photograph is most likely taken in England. Despite the crater and the fact there is bus right in the middle
of it everyone seems to carry on. That is how life was during World War Two.
This photograph was taken after
the D-Day invasion. The D-day
invasion was when the United
States attacked the German
forces through France. The
invasion, which started as an
invasion on the beach, was
bloody but successful. Here we
see a man buried and forgotten
in the sand as the battle goes on,
but the bravery of these men will
be honored until the end of
The Statue Of Liberty at night puts it all in perspective. World War 2 was never fought on U.S. soil
America’s purpose was known, she was needed. The Statue Of Liberty was a gift from the France. It was
World War Two when U.S. repaid France for the statue.
Is this an album cover? Or perhaps a scene from Pink Floyd’s The Wall? No, this was a reality and shows
the horrors of war a chemical warfare. Brave men and women had to take part in this. It could be said the
imagery here did inspire a lot of art later on.
Adolf Hitler was such an evil and interesting character it is hard to believe he is real. He is a complex
villain and would be a great character in a film. But unfortunately he turned nightmares into our reality.
Here he is in his prime, when his followers would fight for him until the very end. Most of them would
up doing so. Hitler would end up committing suicide at the end of the war.
Here we see another Nazi rally. This must be early on in the war when the forces had time for such
extravagant affairs. They would soon go on to try to take over the world. Before they did that, they had to
raise the morale of the followers to dangerous levels. From that point Adolf Hitler molded his army and his
The Nazis rose to power quickly and brought Germany to prosperity. Although all the way it was interlaced with
evil from the start. Hitler’s unique and powerful charisma allowed him to control people to mold his plans. It was
not just young soldiers who followed him. One has to remember Hitler had all sorts of supporters; young, old,
All kinds of horrors were seen in the war. This is just one of many. What we see in the background looks
to be a weathered American soldier that has seen it all. But nothing could prepare for what he see there
in the foreground.
While most of the world stopped during the war, not all of it did. Here we see a game of baseball, the
great American Sport. Many peoples thoughts and prayers and overseas of course but sometimes a
good distraction was needed. It is actually true that many MLB players did fight in the war.
The war was in the 40's and racism was far from dead in America. Segregation would go on for a
couple decades and the peak of racial tension would happen not far after the war ended, but a lot of
barriers were broken because of the brotherhood established in war. Here a group of African
American group of pilots sings for a white officer.
Now this should be a poster in garages all over America. A true American women; tough, talented, gritty,
and cute as a button. Just look at this baby doll eyes. You can take be for a flight any old day darling. While
men were fighting in the war, many women had to step in at home with some of the work.
There were many casualties during the war. Many people died although not every casualty was a death.
During the war many died, but many also went on the rest of their lives suffering mental inflections and
were permanently disabled. This man is treated for after battle and it can be seen in his face that he is in
It was gritty there on the battlefield. In this photo we see a soldier. This could be a soldier from any side
of the battle and with any name; he resonates with the common man caught in the middle. He probably
has little to no influence or interest in the politics of the war but there he is caught right in the middle,
doing the dirtiest work. The composition is very interesting in the photograph.
Another beach, and more wreckage. With the scene in the background, this could be from D-day. The
wreckage piled high, especially in Europe. There can still be pieces of debris and bombs found to this
day. From time to time an area will have to be evacuated due to an old bomb found left intact from the
World War Two happen at an interesting time. There was a healthy gap between the war and the
industrial revolution. There were a lot of new guns and weapons to try out. Here we have a few men
operating a long cannon type turret.
Another casualty of war. Another man dead. Here we see a man who looks to be a victim of a landmine. He
is already sucked into what looks to be a grave. You never knew how death would hit out there in the
We see brave American soldiers off to war. By the way they are dressed it looks like they are in Europe
fighting the Germans. Or perhaps they are training at home. Either way they are brave and are ready for
We think of soldiers and the casualties of just numbers and statistics. It is always interesting to see
them as individuals. That is because they were; they were sons and husbands and students and
friends. In this photo the light shines on the subjects face in such a beautiful way, revealing his soul.
We can not help but hope and pray he made it out alive to become an old man.
Say hello to the boys! It was not all blood shed. Some men were able to discover true brotherhood. Here
we see soldiers fighting from the pacific most likely. They are either going home, just one a battle, or just
started. Either way the look happier than one would think would be usual given the conditions.
Here are two lovers, either new lovers or reunited. With all the fighting there was probably only one thing
on most the boys minds, a loving girl. Here this man gets to embrace a girl. He is either recently relieved of
duty or got lucky enough to wrap his arm around a gal in the middle of his tour.
Here we soldiers fighting in Europe. It could be argued that some of the most brutal fighting was done
there, depending on exactly you were stationed. A big factor in the fighting was the poor weather. Here we
see some tough soldiers dug into a snow trench.
It is hard to say exactly what is happening here. There is snow, that is certain, and a large machine gun.
This could be men building defense for the battles to come. What is intriguing about the photo is that the
men look like civilians.
There were not any hotel beds or even proper bathrooms for these brave men. Men had to do what they
had to do and it was never ideal conditions. Here we see a man shaving, doing his morning ritual.
Unfortunately he has to spend his morning crouched down in the snow before another day of possibly
This photograph is beautiful in composition. We two soldier in the foreground looking out yonder. The
trench is a beautiful use of leading lines to the subjects. There is something about this photograph that
makes it looks like a painting, perhaps it is the perfect lighting. The contrast of green against the white
Campfire time! Here four soldiers get a break from the chaos and possible death to share a fire. Here they
can talk about girls they miss, their homes, who they are, etc. Anything that distracts them from the
Everything is different from this perspective. From way up high it is just little ant people, killing each other
for reasons that cannot be understood from way up high. During all this fighting they are hurting this pretty
earth. From this perspective, the earth seems to be all that matters.
Another unique perspective from the sky. The shadows and destruction against the soft snow creates an
interesting contract. Despite the fact that it is tire trucks and destruction, it seems natural. It all looks like
flowers growing and blooming in the snow.
More men preparing to kill their enemy. Another miserable day in the frozen tundra. These men seem to
have been stationed here in the cold for some time as the snow is collecting on the tank. An interesting
detail about this photo is the cow that nonchalantly stands behind the tank, adding balance to the
In the photograph we see four men carrying another man out on a stretcher. The snow is thick in this
photograph and the sky is cloudy. You can feel the cold air just looking at this photograph. Having to
fight the war in the winter made it a true hell.
Another icy grave. Unfortunately for those who died in war, those who died in this climate had to be
forgotten for a time. This mans frozen body lay covered until it could be picked up. It must be
remembered that that frozen body was once warm and knew love and had memories.
More destruction on the frozen tundra. Here the dull colors create for a painterly type photograph. The yellow
is a subtle but nice touch. There is something about these photos from the war that feel so lonely.
Here we see a man, possibly dead or at least close to it. He is staring down his maker. With this tough
soldier, I think he wins the staring contest. The maker can make no excuses for this horror. The side
lighting creates nice contrast that helps shape the mood in this photograph.
Here we see the men on patrol. Looks like in this desolate part of the country the fighting was not thick,
but the killings did happen. With a death here, and one there, it feels more like cold murders than war.
This man looks down at a man he just shot. If you look at the subjects face you can see a slight smirk.
If one was to Photoshop the corpses out of the photo you would have a nice simple photograph of a
farm in the winter. With the bodies, it is suddenly carnage! This juxtaposition makes the photograph
quite eerie. The many bodies in the middle look like debris but with the photographer framing the
corpse in the foreground, we understand.
In these little farms and villages where the war rolled out, many people were caught in the middle.
They did not ask for this and these people; some elderly, some children, suffered. Some were
blown up; sometimes soldiers raped the women. It was mostly near the Russian front where this
happened. In this photograph soldiers try to help the locals but the bad that outweighed the good
was not photographed as much.
Tank trouble! Here we have beautiful photograph of a tank heading into the frozen abyss. The only
problem is that their buddy slid off the road. With all the stresses in war, this one seems on unnecessary.
I like how you see the backs of the soldiers, especially the man in the bottom right who balances the
Civilians came second here in war. I am sure some callused generals were ready to let them rot. They had
to be dealt with somehow. Here we see some local villagers being escorted by truck but probably not until
after being questioned.
This here is definitely a seasoned soldier. You can see his face was made slender by war. You can also
see the pain in his eyes, which have seen some things. But the fighting must go on and he hardly takes
time to take a photograph.
Here we see men bundled up and ready for war on the frozen fields. They say the most miserable part of
the war was the Russian front which is where I imagine these photos were taken. They say it was the
brutal winter that helped Russia win. Here we see four men doing their best given the conditions but not all
Here we have what looks like a family portrait at a family reunion except it is all soldiers and
children. Another photograph from the Russian front, we see men who look almost too happy. It
must have been a nice break in the chaos. During this battle the Russians and Germans were so
desperate they would have anyone fight for them, I do not think these children fought in the war but
the fact they are even in such close proximity to fighting soldiers is interesting.
This man’s face says it all. The composition is interesting with mans face in the lower third of the photo.
The shallow depth of field works too. With everything out of focus it really brings the expression in the
man’s face. He has definitely been in combat.
Here we are witness to a confrontation. Men stand in long coats with their hands behind their heads. Another
man is dead on the floor. Many confrontations happened like this during the war.
Here we see two stern Eastern European faces. They have faces that look like they are hardened by cold
winters and farm life. Already toughened up before the war it is just unnecessary for them, they have pride
in what they only know as home and do not want to relocate. Where do the hardened farmers go?
Here we have more prisoners of war. The cold weather led to it being easier to surrender. But will these men
be kept captive? The dark silhouettes holding guns tell me the soldiers were killed.
And here we see an execution about to be carried out. The gray sky is kind of ominous. You can imagine
the horrible silence. They tie these men and they know what is coming, but they do not fight much. These
men are already so tired from war.
Here we see a photograph of an executed man. The fact that it is out of focus adds to the eeriness. The
soldier on the right looks comfortable while the other soldier looks scared. The scared soldier looks like he
is only a kid and is in way over his head.
More scenes from the firing squad. There were a lot of executions carried out this way. While these men
may have surrendered the decision to kill them may have been made easy. With the way the war was
moving keeping captives was not worth the trouble.
Here is another dead man. This victim was tied up like an animal and shot. It is interesting to see how is
body contorts when it is tied up and goes limp. With him being alone, blind folded against a concrete wall
it paints a dark picture.
Another victim from execution. This victim does not look like a soldier. Who knows what he did, he is one in
millions. The way he was tied allowed his body to slump completely over, exposing his exit wound.
Here is yet another body. Roughly 60 million people died during the war. Here we see a man closing the
eyes of man who died in battle. Bodies were constantly being carried off, especially at the Russian front.
The light through the shrubs is fantastic here. The light snow and the weeds contrast nicely against the
dark church and the soldiers. Aesthetically, it is a nice picture. But the viewer wonders what chaos looms
ahead of the soldiers, and what chaos they left behind.
Another colored photo. It is hard to tell what kind of soldiers they are. One thing is sure, one soldier is on his
way out and the other is giving comfort. I imagine the wounded is making peace with God.
Here we see a large machine guy turret. There are also mortars in the foreground. There is not a person in
site. While there was much chaos there was also a lot of waiting and silence. The tension with waiting
must have driven some soldiers mad.
A strange photo, one might not to know what to make of it. Everything is out of focus. What we can tell is
that there is debris and destruction from the war. In the center we see a woman’s face on a page staring
blankly towards the sky.
The boys! Ironically war brings out the greatest of friendship and brotherhood. This is one group of many.
This seems to be down time as they found time to smile. It is unpleasant to think about which friends they
lost, or which friends pictured here was killed after the photograph.
Beautiful composed photograph. The photographer understands color well. They use the muted colors in
the destruction to bring out the bright red in the subject. It is ironic how the wars destruction can bring out
some interesting opportunities for beautiful photographs.
If that flag is any indicator than this photograph takes place in France. France was ravaged badly by
war. Some say they surrendered too soon. They probably never thought it all could happen and were
caught off guard. The citizens stayed proud and would fight the Nazis, even after being occupied. In
fact many in the French Resistance gave their lives.
An epic photograph here. Even if out of focus, we get an idea of it. Here we see heroism, bravery. These men
have seen it all and are about to see some more to get done what they believe is right.
1. War is hell is a cliché heard and said and million times. Yet that cliché could be the title of this photo
and everyone would nod approvingly. Here a man has suffered a horrible death. You can almost hear the
corpse screaming.
Another moment in between fights. Soldiers adapted to war. Eventually they could relax during the
downtime and would be ready to fight in a moments notice. Here all three soldiers looked relaxed, like they
could be anywhere. One man even takes time to roll a cigarette.
It was tough going, even when the bullets were not flying. This soldier makes his way, dealing with thick
forest along the way. Who knows how long he must march through the shrubbery. The hike must be
especially tense when you don’t know if there is someone trying to kill you behind the next tree.
Here we see more “brotherhood.” Although in this photograph, the morale is low. These men must have
suffered some hardships. The man in the center seems to barely be able to stand.
Another man from the last photograph. He seems to be in great ships but looks to be more malnourished
than usual. We see now what the men were observing, a human skull. They do not seem too phased by it.
Long marches in unknown lands. It was tough getting through from meeting point to meeting point. Not
only did the Pacific islands bring hot sun and brutal heat, but land minds and other men trying to kill you.
Most of the men spent must of the time marching on, not knowing what to expect next.
In this photograph the subject is blurry but there is something about the graininess that makes it real. The
grain freezes the man’s face. It is almost like he is looking right through the viewer. It like a sharp dream
from many nights ago.
Here we see some boys setting up camp. A soldier’s work is never done, as they say. I imagine these men
are fighting in the pacific. The islands were uninhibited so they were constantly setting up camps for shelter.
Another casualty, another body to carry. This man here is not necessarily dead but if he is this badly
wounded, then his chances are not good. Soldiers did not have quick access to health care while in the
field. Many in the pacific were consumed by infection and disease.
Is this a joy ride or are these men going off for duty? From the look at the men in the back it looks like more of
a ride for fun. It looks like camps set up, so they earned it. It is not known if they made it across the mud.
More mud trouble for the soldiers! Dealing in the jungle was a new thing for some of these soldiers. Many
grew up as farm boys. When they went to the pacific to fight the Japanese they had to adjust to the muddy
jungle. Although the big bugs and heat were nothing new for the boys from the South!
Here we see more soldiers fighting in the Pacific. They are occupying some island there, probably one that
did not even have a name. They had to explore the islands when they occupied it. These soldiers must
have had the most surreal experience.
Here we see a man dug into a hole. He seems comfortable, right at home. It is like he is sitting on his
favorite couch back home. There is not television but he has a pair of binoculars. Probably wishes there
were pretty girls to spy on but there was probably just other dirty soldiers and palm trees.
Kaboom! You can almost hear it. These men do not seem too phased by the blast. One is only wearing
shorts, which makes me think the blast is part of preparations and not one of combat. They seem to be
creating a lookout spot there.
Another lookout spot for the soldiers is seen here. The set up is simple; a stick, a blanket, a box to sit on
and a scope. Sometimes things had to be simplified while out on the move. The soldier does not seem
impressed by what he sees.
With all the marching, fighting and constructing those canteens were always being emptied. The light and
shadows play nicely here, with the soldier dark against a wide-open bay. With the vertical dip of the
canteen you can imagine the thirst he has. It is a beautiful sea, covered in guns and soldiers helmets.
Here we a see a great portrait of a soldier. You cannot tell if his face says worry or fatigue or how long he
has been fighting. His expression does say he is not comfortable while in his deep thought. It is a glorious
photo though, with the sunlight showing his face perfectly while his body rests in the shadow.
Here is another soldier ready for duty. He has the look of a fresh kid. He does not look like he is
seasoned by war, but he looks ready for the call. In this photograph he appears to climbing down to
smaller boat to be taken to where he is ordered to be.
Here we see soldiers, 30 or so, ready to fight. They pack them into these sea crafts and they are taken
into battle. They bravely comply not knowing where they are going. This scene here is reminiscent of the
Normandy invasion.
In this photograph you might first notice the white luscious clouds over the pacific. The sea is placid and
welcoming given that it is probably a warm day. But these men must keep working, they must keep
moving. The postcard looking background did little to ease the soldiers.
This photograph could be a continuation from the last, where the soldiers continue to carry cargo onto the
island. The ant trail of soldiers had to set up camps at various islands. When they moved on, they had to do
it all over again. The workload here seems heavy and that is one steep hill. I just hope the man with the
And here the cargo stacks up. This pile looks mostly like ammunition, something needed, as they do
not know when supplies could be brought again. The days were spent like long camping days from
childhood, except everyone has to do the work all day, not just dad. They setup and end up having
downtime. But they never know when the enemy will hit.
And here we see the young rugged Americans. They did the days work, now they all relax in a pile. Some
read, some write, and some just lay and sleep. For some, it is a time to relax, and for others it is a time to
flop on the ground and hydrate before they lose their mind.
After a long day at sea the soldiers found their companies island to occupy. They load their cargo and set
up camp. After this long day they get to relax a little. Like this soldier here who has himself a sweet set up.
With his back supported, reading material, and hat rested on the knee you would swear he was at Lake
The war created many new males bakers. Here we see several shirtless men carefully cutting away at the
food, which is either lasagna or some kind of pie. They all look hungry and that they could each take a
whole pan of that thing. I am sure all the soldiers had their share before getting back to work.
Here we see more soldiers making the most of their time on the islands. It may not look like Christmas time.
There might not be any snow and their loved ones are miles away but they will have fun. Here we see a
skinny Santa soldier ready to spread joy, although no one looks amused.
Now the Santa reached camp and everyone is filled with joy. These men are tired of palm trees, coconuts,
and fish, and the sun. They are willing to embrace anything that reminds them of back home. They all go
after Santa as if they all are 5 again. Here we see the brotherhoods sentiment in the sign, “To Hell With
Here Mr. Santa Clause brings more gifts along the island. He brings a man lounging in a chair a book.
Reading material is very important for the downtown and the man had to have been very thankful. It is
sweet to see the other young men look on at the exchange with such excitement.
Oh if only you could hear the band play here. These men all play and sing together, strengthening the
brotherhood that was already established by simply being soldiers together. What makes this photograph
extra superb is the man on the accordion. He seems to be trying to seduce the photographer.
These men may be far away from home but never too far from God. It was common to have church
services, even way out in the jungles of the pacific islands. These men probably needed a service
more than over out there, too keep their sanity and to stay balanced. It could be assumed with that full
crowd some men who never had faith before obtained it out on tour.
Here we see men in formation. Although they were out at sea they still had standards and routines that
must be taken. This looks more relaxed than what might be usual though, as you can see by the soldiers
who some of which do not bother to grab their helmet. This could be a roll call or new instructions for the
Another way to entertain the boy while on duty. With all the downtown and potential for shell shock, they
had to occupy their minds. The soldiers look intently at the two men who show us their backs. One man
sits at the organ. This could be a continuation of the church service.
This surreal picture really says where they are. We see men along a fence, about a 100 or so. On the
other side, where they all look, are the graves. We see the wooden crosses which stand above the large
palm leafs. The palm leaf is used to cover the corpse. The men here are paying their respect.
Another photograph from the palm leaf gravesite. There seems to be a ceremony taking place. The
photograph is framed nicely, with the trumpet player in the far left corner and the officers in a row in the
middle leading through the graves to the crowd on the other side. One can almost hear the song “Taps”
Here is another gave, one of many, that occupy the islands. Here the man is left with just his helmet, all
that there is to identify him. It is unfortunate that he is nameless to us, but I suppose it is appropriate.
Who knows if his family ever got to see his final resting place.
A beautiful architectural achievement destroyed by war. Who knows how old this structure is, and just like
that, it is gone. It could have been a landmark. This happened to many structures in Europe and Japan, in
some places whole cities had to be reconstructed.
It looks to be more wreckage from the war. Here the photographer took advantage to take a great photo.
With the cross displaced they could use it to create unique composition. The lens used here is very wide,
bringing out the backdrop.
Here we see more destruction due to war. This is most likely in Japan after the Atomic Bomb. This city looks
ravaged but this street car moves on. You can even see people inside, going about their lives.
A whole city completely floored. It is amazing what man could create only to destroy. It is like a child
building something with toy blocks and then with a sudden angry impulse knocking it all over. With the
amount of destruction here this could only be after the A-bomb.
From a distance it is just wreckage. The wreckage becomes unfamiliar. It almost just looks like a junkyard.
When one gets closer, you see. You se the little pieces that remind you of all the people who were
affected. Here you can see the ghosts.
This photograph of post war destruction is like someone’s nightmare. Everything seems so familiar, but it is
all gone. The streets are deserted and nothing will be exactly how it was. It is sad to think of the whole world
Here we see the first signs of life in the destruction. We see scavengers gather up wood. These look like
people who were always scavengers. It is hard to make of what they think of all the destruction. Truth is,
they do not have time to make sense of it, their lives continue as it always has; they must survive.
This photograph has a wide lens with a high depth of field. This shows us the magnitude of the
destruction. An interesting touch to the photo is the large spine in the foreground belonging to some
animal. Death of all forms are here.
Another photograph that could inspire a million post apocalyptic stories. The truth is for anyone who lived
in this area, it was an apocalyptic story. The black trees against the grey sky are extra haunting. If the
dead could rise they would rise here.
Any human that was near this town when it was blasted will never be found. No piece of them would be
able to be identified. Here we have only a statue of a man. Although it is an inanimate object you can
almost see the expression has changed since he and his town was blown up.
Piles of rubble seem to be the new normal. At least for some people in the post war world. Here we can see
some people perhaps returning home. Maybe they are trying to remember where their house used to be.
Step no further, we have reached an Atomic Field. After the atomic bombs went off it changed everything.
War was always hell. But now for the first time, people believed the world could end in the blink of an eye.
It was a new kind of fear.
Another blurry photograph. Yet again, the blurriness adds to the eeriness. We see two women prey; prey
for their loved ones, their dead husbands, their destroyed towns, who knows. Lot’s of prayers were made
during and after the war. A lot of the prayers asked God if he was really there.
A rainy day in the rubble town. The rain will not clear up all the destruction here, it only adds to the
melancholy. People wander the streets not knowing where to go. Where does one go when all they have is
lost? I suppose they just wander around what they once knew.
More destruction in this photograph. Here the fires keep burning inside large buildings. It is not enough to
alter the path of these two men. It is almost surreal, as they march towards the flame. Only in such chaos
does this become normal.
A great portrait of three soldiers. These men have seen war and they have seen destruction. You can see it in
their eyes. It is the craziness, and it looks like they will never find completely calm again.
Here more soldiers march on in the cold. Who knows how long they have marched and much they
marched after this. On the Russian front, some men were marching for certain death. Some of these
men even knew this and accepted it, carrying on like they were already ghosts. With the snow being
blown out and the blurriness, it is almost like we are witnessing ghosts here.
Here are more soldiers working. The greatest enemy for some of the soldiers was the extreme cold. It was a
harsh winter. When Germany went after Russia the soldiers who fought that front cursed the cold above all
Aesthetically, another beautiful photograph. We see the snowy roads lead into the city before the city rolls
out into the fog. Destruction tickles the structures just slightly, letting war be known. The man in the
foreground looks like stature, perhaps petrified by all he has seen.
With all the shots of destruction and marching soldiers, it is good to see the soldier as an individual. In this
photograph you do not care whose side this man is on. He is so young, and does not deserve to die. You
can see it in his face, death is certain and he is not ready.
More chaos in the Russian winter. How this tank managed to get flipped over is anyone’s guess. It
definitely is not getting flipped back the other way. It is almost comical to see the man looking on at it like
“Welp, who do I call about this?”
The End ! ! !
All rights to the photographs belong to the original authors

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Rare historical never before seen WWII photos

  • 1. 1 Rare Historical Never Before Seen WWII Photos  World War II changed the world as we knew it. There were news outlets that displayed as much of the war as they could to show the world what was going on. However, not all things were shown and there were lots of things left out of the media. Here are some photos that you may not have seen from the war. Click to advance slides
  • 2. 2 There are a lot of famous post World War 2 kissing photographs. Of course the most famous is the one of V-J Day in Times Square. But there were probably hundreds, and the number of women kissed by soldiers after the war ranges in the millions. This one is unique though; it is not sloppy or impulsive. The kiss here is classy and dignified.
  • 3. 3 This photograph we find a huge crater and with the context we know, it could only be from a bomb. The photograph is most likely taken in England. Despite the crater and the fact there is bus right in the middle of it everyone seems to carry on. That is how life was during World War Two.
  • 4. 4 This photograph was taken after the D-Day invasion. The D-day invasion was when the United States attacked the German forces through France. The invasion, which started as an invasion on the beach, was bloody but successful. Here we see a man buried and forgotten in the sand as the battle goes on, but the bravery of these men will be honored until the end of mankind.
  • 5. 5 The Statue Of Liberty at night puts it all in perspective. World War 2 was never fought on U.S. soil America’s purpose was known, she was needed. The Statue Of Liberty was a gift from the France. It was World War Two when U.S. repaid France for the statue.
  • 6. 6 Is this an album cover? Or perhaps a scene from Pink Floyd’s The Wall? No, this was a reality and shows the horrors of war a chemical warfare. Brave men and women had to take part in this. It could be said the imagery here did inspire a lot of art later on.
  • 7. 7 Adolf Hitler was such an evil and interesting character it is hard to believe he is real. He is a complex villain and would be a great character in a film. But unfortunately he turned nightmares into our reality. Here he is in his prime, when his followers would fight for him until the very end. Most of them would up doing so. Hitler would end up committing suicide at the end of the war.
  • 8. 8 Here we see another Nazi rally. This must be early on in the war when the forces had time for such extravagant affairs. They would soon go on to try to take over the world. Before they did that, they had to raise the morale of the followers to dangerous levels. From that point Adolf Hitler molded his army and his
  • 9. 9 The Nazis rose to power quickly and brought Germany to prosperity. Although all the way it was interlaced with evil from the start. Hitler’s unique and powerful charisma allowed him to control people to mold his plans. It was not just young soldiers who followed him. One has to remember Hitler had all sorts of supporters; young, old,
  • 10. 10 All kinds of horrors were seen in the war. This is just one of many. What we see in the background looks to be a weathered American soldier that has seen it all. But nothing could prepare for what he see there in the foreground.
  • 11. 11 While most of the world stopped during the war, not all of it did. Here we see a game of baseball, the great American Sport. Many peoples thoughts and prayers and overseas of course but sometimes a good distraction was needed. It is actually true that many MLB players did fight in the war.
  • 12. 12 The war was in the 40's and racism was far from dead in America. Segregation would go on for a couple decades and the peak of racial tension would happen not far after the war ended, but a lot of barriers were broken because of the brotherhood established in war. Here a group of African American group of pilots sings for a white officer.
  • 13. 13 Now this should be a poster in garages all over America. A true American women; tough, talented, gritty, and cute as a button. Just look at this baby doll eyes. You can take be for a flight any old day darling. While men were fighting in the war, many women had to step in at home with some of the work.
  • 14. 14 There were many casualties during the war. Many people died although not every casualty was a death. During the war many died, but many also went on the rest of their lives suffering mental inflections and were permanently disabled. This man is treated for after battle and it can be seen in his face that he is in
  • 15. 15 It was gritty there on the battlefield. In this photo we see a soldier. This could be a soldier from any side of the battle and with any name; he resonates with the common man caught in the middle. He probably has little to no influence or interest in the politics of the war but there he is caught right in the middle, doing the dirtiest work. The composition is very interesting in the photograph.
  • 16. 16 Another beach, and more wreckage. With the scene in the background, this could be from D-day. The wreckage piled high, especially in Europe. There can still be pieces of debris and bombs found to this day. From time to time an area will have to be evacuated due to an old bomb found left intact from the
  • 17. 17 World War Two happen at an interesting time. There was a healthy gap between the war and the industrial revolution. There were a lot of new guns and weapons to try out. Here we have a few men operating a long cannon type turret.
  • 18. 18 Another casualty of war. Another man dead. Here we see a man who looks to be a victim of a landmine. He is already sucked into what looks to be a grave. You never knew how death would hit out there in the
  • 19. 19 We see brave American soldiers off to war. By the way they are dressed it looks like they are in Europe fighting the Germans. Or perhaps they are training at home. Either way they are brave and are ready for
  • 20. 20 We think of soldiers and the casualties of just numbers and statistics. It is always interesting to see them as individuals. That is because they were; they were sons and husbands and students and friends. In this photo the light shines on the subjects face in such a beautiful way, revealing his soul. We can not help but hope and pray he made it out alive to become an old man.
  • 21. 21 Say hello to the boys! It was not all blood shed. Some men were able to discover true brotherhood. Here we see soldiers fighting from the pacific most likely. They are either going home, just one a battle, or just started. Either way the look happier than one would think would be usual given the conditions.
  • 22. 22 Here are two lovers, either new lovers or reunited. With all the fighting there was probably only one thing on most the boys minds, a loving girl. Here this man gets to embrace a girl. He is either recently relieved of duty or got lucky enough to wrap his arm around a gal in the middle of his tour.
  • 23. 23 Here we soldiers fighting in Europe. It could be argued that some of the most brutal fighting was done there, depending on exactly you were stationed. A big factor in the fighting was the poor weather. Here we see some tough soldiers dug into a snow trench.
  • 24. 24 It is hard to say exactly what is happening here. There is snow, that is certain, and a large machine gun. This could be men building defense for the battles to come. What is intriguing about the photo is that the men look like civilians.
  • 25. 25 There were not any hotel beds or even proper bathrooms for these brave men. Men had to do what they had to do and it was never ideal conditions. Here we see a man shaving, doing his morning ritual. Unfortunately he has to spend his morning crouched down in the snow before another day of possibly
  • 26. 26 This photograph is beautiful in composition. We two soldier in the foreground looking out yonder. The trench is a beautiful use of leading lines to the subjects. There is something about this photograph that makes it looks like a painting, perhaps it is the perfect lighting. The contrast of green against the white
  • 27. 27 Campfire time! Here four soldiers get a break from the chaos and possible death to share a fire. Here they can talk about girls they miss, their homes, who they are, etc. Anything that distracts them from the
  • 28. 28 Everything is different from this perspective. From way up high it is just little ant people, killing each other for reasons that cannot be understood from way up high. During all this fighting they are hurting this pretty earth. From this perspective, the earth seems to be all that matters.
  • 29. 29 Another unique perspective from the sky. The shadows and destruction against the soft snow creates an interesting contract. Despite the fact that it is tire trucks and destruction, it seems natural. It all looks like flowers growing and blooming in the snow.
  • 30. 30 More men preparing to kill their enemy. Another miserable day in the frozen tundra. These men seem to have been stationed here in the cold for some time as the snow is collecting on the tank. An interesting detail about this photo is the cow that nonchalantly stands behind the tank, adding balance to the
  • 31. 31 In the photograph we see four men carrying another man out on a stretcher. The snow is thick in this photograph and the sky is cloudy. You can feel the cold air just looking at this photograph. Having to fight the war in the winter made it a true hell.
  • 32. 32 Another icy grave. Unfortunately for those who died in war, those who died in this climate had to be forgotten for a time. This mans frozen body lay covered until it could be picked up. It must be remembered that that frozen body was once warm and knew love and had memories.
  • 33. 33 More destruction on the frozen tundra. Here the dull colors create for a painterly type photograph. The yellow is a subtle but nice touch. There is something about these photos from the war that feel so lonely.
  • 34. 34 Here we see a man, possibly dead or at least close to it. He is staring down his maker. With this tough soldier, I think he wins the staring contest. The maker can make no excuses for this horror. The side lighting creates nice contrast that helps shape the mood in this photograph.
  • 35. 35 Here we see the men on patrol. Looks like in this desolate part of the country the fighting was not thick, but the killings did happen. With a death here, and one there, it feels more like cold murders than war. This man looks down at a man he just shot. If you look at the subjects face you can see a slight smirk.
  • 36. 36 If one was to Photoshop the corpses out of the photo you would have a nice simple photograph of a farm in the winter. With the bodies, it is suddenly carnage! This juxtaposition makes the photograph quite eerie. The many bodies in the middle look like debris but with the photographer framing the corpse in the foreground, we understand.
  • 37. 37 In these little farms and villages where the war rolled out, many people were caught in the middle. They did not ask for this and these people; some elderly, some children, suffered. Some were blown up; sometimes soldiers raped the women. It was mostly near the Russian front where this happened. In this photograph soldiers try to help the locals but the bad that outweighed the good was not photographed as much.
  • 38. 38 Tank trouble! Here we have beautiful photograph of a tank heading into the frozen abyss. The only problem is that their buddy slid off the road. With all the stresses in war, this one seems on unnecessary. I like how you see the backs of the soldiers, especially the man in the bottom right who balances the
  • 39. 39 Civilians came second here in war. I am sure some callused generals were ready to let them rot. They had to be dealt with somehow. Here we see some local villagers being escorted by truck but probably not until after being questioned.
  • 40. 40 This here is definitely a seasoned soldier. You can see his face was made slender by war. You can also see the pain in his eyes, which have seen some things. But the fighting must go on and he hardly takes time to take a photograph.
  • 41. 41 Here we see men bundled up and ready for war on the frozen fields. They say the most miserable part of the war was the Russian front which is where I imagine these photos were taken. They say it was the brutal winter that helped Russia win. Here we see four men doing their best given the conditions but not all
  • 42. 42 Here we have what looks like a family portrait at a family reunion except it is all soldiers and children. Another photograph from the Russian front, we see men who look almost too happy. It must have been a nice break in the chaos. During this battle the Russians and Germans were so desperate they would have anyone fight for them, I do not think these children fought in the war but the fact they are even in such close proximity to fighting soldiers is interesting.
  • 43. 43 This man’s face says it all. The composition is interesting with mans face in the lower third of the photo. The shallow depth of field works too. With everything out of focus it really brings the expression in the man’s face. He has definitely been in combat.
  • 44. 44 Here we are witness to a confrontation. Men stand in long coats with their hands behind their heads. Another man is dead on the floor. Many confrontations happened like this during the war.
  • 45. 45 Here we see two stern Eastern European faces. They have faces that look like they are hardened by cold winters and farm life. Already toughened up before the war it is just unnecessary for them, they have pride in what they only know as home and do not want to relocate. Where do the hardened farmers go?
  • 46. 46 Here we have more prisoners of war. The cold weather led to it being easier to surrender. But will these men be kept captive? The dark silhouettes holding guns tell me the soldiers were killed.
  • 47. 47 And here we see an execution about to be carried out. The gray sky is kind of ominous. You can imagine the horrible silence. They tie these men and they know what is coming, but they do not fight much. These men are already so tired from war.
  • 48. 48 Here we see a photograph of an executed man. The fact that it is out of focus adds to the eeriness. The soldier on the right looks comfortable while the other soldier looks scared. The scared soldier looks like he is only a kid and is in way over his head.
  • 49. 49 More scenes from the firing squad. There were a lot of executions carried out this way. While these men may have surrendered the decision to kill them may have been made easy. With the way the war was moving keeping captives was not worth the trouble.
  • 50. 50 Here is another dead man. This victim was tied up like an animal and shot. It is interesting to see how is body contorts when it is tied up and goes limp. With him being alone, blind folded against a concrete wall it paints a dark picture.
  • 51. 51 Another victim from execution. This victim does not look like a soldier. Who knows what he did, he is one in millions. The way he was tied allowed his body to slump completely over, exposing his exit wound.
  • 52. 52 Here is yet another body. Roughly 60 million people died during the war. Here we see a man closing the eyes of man who died in battle. Bodies were constantly being carried off, especially at the Russian front.
  • 53. 53 The light through the shrubs is fantastic here. The light snow and the weeds contrast nicely against the dark church and the soldiers. Aesthetically, it is a nice picture. But the viewer wonders what chaos looms ahead of the soldiers, and what chaos they left behind.
  • 54. 54 Another colored photo. It is hard to tell what kind of soldiers they are. One thing is sure, one soldier is on his way out and the other is giving comfort. I imagine the wounded is making peace with God.
  • 55. 55 Here we see a large machine guy turret. There are also mortars in the foreground. There is not a person in site. While there was much chaos there was also a lot of waiting and silence. The tension with waiting must have driven some soldiers mad.
  • 56. 56 A strange photo, one might not to know what to make of it. Everything is out of focus. What we can tell is that there is debris and destruction from the war. In the center we see a woman’s face on a page staring blankly towards the sky.
  • 57. 57 The boys! Ironically war brings out the greatest of friendship and brotherhood. This is one group of many. This seems to be down time as they found time to smile. It is unpleasant to think about which friends they lost, or which friends pictured here was killed after the photograph.
  • 58. 58 Beautiful composed photograph. The photographer understands color well. They use the muted colors in the destruction to bring out the bright red in the subject. It is ironic how the wars destruction can bring out some interesting opportunities for beautiful photographs.
  • 59. 59 If that flag is any indicator than this photograph takes place in France. France was ravaged badly by war. Some say they surrendered too soon. They probably never thought it all could happen and were caught off guard. The citizens stayed proud and would fight the Nazis, even after being occupied. In fact many in the French Resistance gave their lives.
  • 60. 60 An epic photograph here. Even if out of focus, we get an idea of it. Here we see heroism, bravery. These men have seen it all and are about to see some more to get done what they believe is right.
  • 61. 61 1. War is hell is a cliché heard and said and million times. Yet that cliché could be the title of this photo and everyone would nod approvingly. Here a man has suffered a horrible death. You can almost hear the corpse screaming.
  • 62. 62 Another moment in between fights. Soldiers adapted to war. Eventually they could relax during the downtime and would be ready to fight in a moments notice. Here all three soldiers looked relaxed, like they could be anywhere. One man even takes time to roll a cigarette.
  • 63. 63 It was tough going, even when the bullets were not flying. This soldier makes his way, dealing with thick forest along the way. Who knows how long he must march through the shrubbery. The hike must be especially tense when you don’t know if there is someone trying to kill you behind the next tree.
  • 64. 64 Here we see more “brotherhood.” Although in this photograph, the morale is low. These men must have suffered some hardships. The man in the center seems to barely be able to stand.
  • 65. 65 Another man from the last photograph. He seems to be in great ships but looks to be more malnourished than usual. We see now what the men were observing, a human skull. They do not seem too phased by it.
  • 66. 66 Long marches in unknown lands. It was tough getting through from meeting point to meeting point. Not only did the Pacific islands bring hot sun and brutal heat, but land minds and other men trying to kill you. Most of the men spent must of the time marching on, not knowing what to expect next.
  • 67. 67 In this photograph the subject is blurry but there is something about the graininess that makes it real. The grain freezes the man’s face. It is almost like he is looking right through the viewer. It like a sharp dream from many nights ago.
  • 68. 68 Here we see some boys setting up camp. A soldier’s work is never done, as they say. I imagine these men are fighting in the pacific. The islands were uninhibited so they were constantly setting up camps for shelter.
  • 69. 69 Another casualty, another body to carry. This man here is not necessarily dead but if he is this badly wounded, then his chances are not good. Soldiers did not have quick access to health care while in the field. Many in the pacific were consumed by infection and disease.
  • 70. 70 Is this a joy ride or are these men going off for duty? From the look at the men in the back it looks like more of a ride for fun. It looks like camps set up, so they earned it. It is not known if they made it across the mud.
  • 71. 71 More mud trouble for the soldiers! Dealing in the jungle was a new thing for some of these soldiers. Many grew up as farm boys. When they went to the pacific to fight the Japanese they had to adjust to the muddy jungle. Although the big bugs and heat were nothing new for the boys from the South!
  • 72. 72 Here we see more soldiers fighting in the Pacific. They are occupying some island there, probably one that did not even have a name. They had to explore the islands when they occupied it. These soldiers must have had the most surreal experience.
  • 73. 73 Here we see a man dug into a hole. He seems comfortable, right at home. It is like he is sitting on his favorite couch back home. There is not television but he has a pair of binoculars. Probably wishes there were pretty girls to spy on but there was probably just other dirty soldiers and palm trees.
  • 74. 74 Kaboom! You can almost hear it. These men do not seem too phased by the blast. One is only wearing shorts, which makes me think the blast is part of preparations and not one of combat. They seem to be creating a lookout spot there.
  • 75. 75 Another lookout spot for the soldiers is seen here. The set up is simple; a stick, a blanket, a box to sit on and a scope. Sometimes things had to be simplified while out on the move. The soldier does not seem impressed by what he sees.
  • 76. 76 With all the marching, fighting and constructing those canteens were always being emptied. The light and shadows play nicely here, with the soldier dark against a wide-open bay. With the vertical dip of the canteen you can imagine the thirst he has. It is a beautiful sea, covered in guns and soldiers helmets.
  • 77. 77 Here we a see a great portrait of a soldier. You cannot tell if his face says worry or fatigue or how long he has been fighting. His expression does say he is not comfortable while in his deep thought. It is a glorious photo though, with the sunlight showing his face perfectly while his body rests in the shadow.
  • 78. 78 Here is another soldier ready for duty. He has the look of a fresh kid. He does not look like he is seasoned by war, but he looks ready for the call. In this photograph he appears to climbing down to smaller boat to be taken to where he is ordered to be.
  • 79. 79 Here we see soldiers, 30 or so, ready to fight. They pack them into these sea crafts and they are taken into battle. They bravely comply not knowing where they are going. This scene here is reminiscent of the Normandy invasion.
  • 80. 80 In this photograph you might first notice the white luscious clouds over the pacific. The sea is placid and welcoming given that it is probably a warm day. But these men must keep working, they must keep moving. The postcard looking background did little to ease the soldiers.
  • 81. 81 This photograph could be a continuation from the last, where the soldiers continue to carry cargo onto the island. The ant trail of soldiers had to set up camps at various islands. When they moved on, they had to do it all over again. The workload here seems heavy and that is one steep hill. I just hope the man with the
  • 82. 82 And here the cargo stacks up. This pile looks mostly like ammunition, something needed, as they do not know when supplies could be brought again. The days were spent like long camping days from childhood, except everyone has to do the work all day, not just dad. They setup and end up having downtime. But they never know when the enemy will hit.
  • 83. 83 And here we see the young rugged Americans. They did the days work, now they all relax in a pile. Some read, some write, and some just lay and sleep. For some, it is a time to relax, and for others it is a time to flop on the ground and hydrate before they lose their mind.
  • 84. 84 After a long day at sea the soldiers found their companies island to occupy. They load their cargo and set up camp. After this long day they get to relax a little. Like this soldier here who has himself a sweet set up. With his back supported, reading material, and hat rested on the knee you would swear he was at Lake
  • 85. 85 The war created many new males bakers. Here we see several shirtless men carefully cutting away at the food, which is either lasagna or some kind of pie. They all look hungry and that they could each take a whole pan of that thing. I am sure all the soldiers had their share before getting back to work.
  • 86. 86 Here we see more soldiers making the most of their time on the islands. It may not look like Christmas time. There might not be any snow and their loved ones are miles away but they will have fun. Here we see a skinny Santa soldier ready to spread joy, although no one looks amused.
  • 87. 87 Now the Santa reached camp and everyone is filled with joy. These men are tired of palm trees, coconuts, and fish, and the sun. They are willing to embrace anything that reminds them of back home. They all go after Santa as if they all are 5 again. Here we see the brotherhoods sentiment in the sign, “To Hell With
  • 88. 88 Here Mr. Santa Clause brings more gifts along the island. He brings a man lounging in a chair a book. Reading material is very important for the downtown and the man had to have been very thankful. It is sweet to see the other young men look on at the exchange with such excitement.
  • 89. 89 Oh if only you could hear the band play here. These men all play and sing together, strengthening the brotherhood that was already established by simply being soldiers together. What makes this photograph extra superb is the man on the accordion. He seems to be trying to seduce the photographer.
  • 90. 90 These men may be far away from home but never too far from God. It was common to have church services, even way out in the jungles of the pacific islands. These men probably needed a service more than over out there, too keep their sanity and to stay balanced. It could be assumed with that full crowd some men who never had faith before obtained it out on tour.
  • 91. 91 Here we see men in formation. Although they were out at sea they still had standards and routines that must be taken. This looks more relaxed than what might be usual though, as you can see by the soldiers who some of which do not bother to grab their helmet. This could be a roll call or new instructions for the
  • 92. 92 Another way to entertain the boy while on duty. With all the downtown and potential for shell shock, they had to occupy their minds. The soldiers look intently at the two men who show us their backs. One man sits at the organ. This could be a continuation of the church service.
  • 93. 93 This surreal picture really says where they are. We see men along a fence, about a 100 or so. On the other side, where they all look, are the graves. We see the wooden crosses which stand above the large palm leafs. The palm leaf is used to cover the corpse. The men here are paying their respect.
  • 94. 94 Another photograph from the palm leaf gravesite. There seems to be a ceremony taking place. The photograph is framed nicely, with the trumpet player in the far left corner and the officers in a row in the middle leading through the graves to the crowd on the other side. One can almost hear the song “Taps”
  • 95. 95 Here is another gave, one of many, that occupy the islands. Here the man is left with just his helmet, all that there is to identify him. It is unfortunate that he is nameless to us, but I suppose it is appropriate. Who knows if his family ever got to see his final resting place.
  • 96. 96 A beautiful architectural achievement destroyed by war. Who knows how old this structure is, and just like that, it is gone. It could have been a landmark. This happened to many structures in Europe and Japan, in some places whole cities had to be reconstructed.
  • 97. 97 It looks to be more wreckage from the war. Here the photographer took advantage to take a great photo. With the cross displaced they could use it to create unique composition. The lens used here is very wide, bringing out the backdrop.
  • 98. 98 Here we see more destruction due to war. This is most likely in Japan after the Atomic Bomb. This city looks ravaged but this street car moves on. You can even see people inside, going about their lives.
  • 99. 99 A whole city completely floored. It is amazing what man could create only to destroy. It is like a child building something with toy blocks and then with a sudden angry impulse knocking it all over. With the amount of destruction here this could only be after the A-bomb.
  • 100. 100 From a distance it is just wreckage. The wreckage becomes unfamiliar. It almost just looks like a junkyard. When one gets closer, you see. You se the little pieces that remind you of all the people who were affected. Here you can see the ghosts.
  • 101. 101 This photograph of post war destruction is like someone’s nightmare. Everything seems so familiar, but it is all gone. The streets are deserted and nothing will be exactly how it was. It is sad to think of the whole world
  • 102. 102 Here we see the first signs of life in the destruction. We see scavengers gather up wood. These look like people who were always scavengers. It is hard to make of what they think of all the destruction. Truth is, they do not have time to make sense of it, their lives continue as it always has; they must survive.
  • 103. 103 This photograph has a wide lens with a high depth of field. This shows us the magnitude of the destruction. An interesting touch to the photo is the large spine in the foreground belonging to some animal. Death of all forms are here.
  • 104. 104 Another photograph that could inspire a million post apocalyptic stories. The truth is for anyone who lived in this area, it was an apocalyptic story. The black trees against the grey sky are extra haunting. If the dead could rise they would rise here.
  • 105. 105 Any human that was near this town when it was blasted will never be found. No piece of them would be able to be identified. Here we have only a statue of a man. Although it is an inanimate object you can almost see the expression has changed since he and his town was blown up.
  • 106. 106 Piles of rubble seem to be the new normal. At least for some people in the post war world. Here we can see some people perhaps returning home. Maybe they are trying to remember where their house used to be.
  • 107. 107 Step no further, we have reached an Atomic Field. After the atomic bombs went off it changed everything. War was always hell. But now for the first time, people believed the world could end in the blink of an eye. It was a new kind of fear.
  • 108. 108 Another blurry photograph. Yet again, the blurriness adds to the eeriness. We see two women prey; prey for their loved ones, their dead husbands, their destroyed towns, who knows. Lot’s of prayers were made during and after the war. A lot of the prayers asked God if he was really there.
  • 109. 109 A rainy day in the rubble town. The rain will not clear up all the destruction here, it only adds to the melancholy. People wander the streets not knowing where to go. Where does one go when all they have is lost? I suppose they just wander around what they once knew.
  • 110. 110 More destruction in this photograph. Here the fires keep burning inside large buildings. It is not enough to alter the path of these two men. It is almost surreal, as they march towards the flame. Only in such chaos does this become normal.
  • 111. 111 A great portrait of three soldiers. These men have seen war and they have seen destruction. You can see it in their eyes. It is the craziness, and it looks like they will never find completely calm again.
  • 112. 112 Here more soldiers march on in the cold. Who knows how long they have marched and much they marched after this. On the Russian front, some men were marching for certain death. Some of these men even knew this and accepted it, carrying on like they were already ghosts. With the snow being blown out and the blurriness, it is almost like we are witnessing ghosts here.
  • 113. 113 Here are more soldiers working. The greatest enemy for some of the soldiers was the extreme cold. It was a harsh winter. When Germany went after Russia the soldiers who fought that front cursed the cold above all
  • 114. 114 Aesthetically, another beautiful photograph. We see the snowy roads lead into the city before the city rolls out into the fog. Destruction tickles the structures just slightly, letting war be known. The man in the foreground looks like stature, perhaps petrified by all he has seen.
  • 115. 115 With all the shots of destruction and marching soldiers, it is good to see the soldier as an individual. In this photograph you do not care whose side this man is on. He is so young, and does not deserve to die. You can see it in his face, death is certain and he is not ready.
  • 116. 116 More chaos in the Russian winter. How this tank managed to get flipped over is anyone’s guess. It definitely is not getting flipped back the other way. It is almost comical to see the man looking on at it like “Welp, who do I call about this?”
  • 117. 117 The End ! ! ! All rights to the photographs belong to the original authors