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How did you use media
technologies in the
construction and research
planning and evaluation
Question 4
When doing the research for my film I found the Google search engine very useful. I
used this engine to find the codes and conventions of short films and look into my
horror and surrealist
genres. I was very
easy and quick to use
as whatever I wanted
to find out I found
easily. For example
when trying to find
the history of the
horror genre I typed in ‘the history of horror’ and I found a timeline telling me
everything that has happened with the horror genre. This was a very important part of
my planning and research as it abled me to find links easily which enhanced my work.
This was done because I was able to gain specific knowledge that I needed to know how
to make a good film. This included understanding the conventions of genre and short
films. This is important as I was then able to make a successful film sticking to
conventions of horror films and short films. However, trying to look for the right
information was quite time consuming as there was so many websites to look through.
Included in these websites were often websites which included work from other media
students, meaning that not all the information I found was reliable.
Planning and Research
Another website on the internet that I found key when doing my research was YouTube.
This was very helpful as it allowed me to watch other short films that have already been
made and pick out key elements, which
draw an audience member in. This was
helpful because I was able to gain influence.
For example after watching ‘The
Awakening’ trailer I gained influence, such
as the lighting used. This is because it was
dark, which suggested mystery. The website
also helped me when I needed to evidence
my codes and conventions as I could embed
a link which led straight towards a YouTube
clip. This also helped my with my analysis because I could easily access films that had
already been made, where I could then use it for inspiration for my storyline. For
example when I analysed ‘Last Farm’ I gained inspiration form the music used and the
connection it had to the protagonist’s emotions.
When collecting audience feedback about what they wanted in my film I
constructed a questionnaire on Survey Monkey. This is found extremely helpful
as it was an easy way for my audience to be able to answer questions without
being given a bit of paper to write on. This is because my audience, who are
young adults and older, use the Internet a lot, therefore allowing them to easily
access the questionnaire. When constructing my questionnaire it was also very
simple and easy to use, this meant that it did not take up much time for me to
create my questionnaire. This website was useful further because I was given a
link for my questionnaire meaning I could post it onto social media websites
such as Facebook. This made collecting audience feedback very easy because
people from Facebook could easily access it and answer the questionnaire. This
was my audience, because it involved a wide audience, including people of
different ages, therefore allowing me to narrow down my target audience after
people had answered it. By using this website it also meant collecting my
results was also not time consuming. This is because the website collected them
all together for me meaning I did not have to count how many people had
answered the questionnaire. Another thing I found useful is that Survey Monkey
produced graphs for the answers of each question, meaning I did not have to
make my own graphs to show my results. The answers I gained did influence my
initial ideas. This is because I expected them to want an original idea, however
they preferred an idea that they could relate to. Answers didn’t influence my
initial idea regarding the genre and the victim within my film.
I put the research for the analyses onto a Wix using This
meant I was able to put my work into an organised and interesting
format, making my work aesthetically pleasing. I found this helpful
because I was able to place the text and imagery easily and effortlessly.
By doing this it helped me to cement my ideas as I could differ between
the different media texts I had looked at. This meant I was able to pick
out elements from my analysis, which matched what my audience in
the questionnaire asked to be in my film. However some problems did
occur as the website did not always do what I wanted it to do and put
images in places I didn’t want them to be. There were also many
technical choices which looked confusing and difficult to use. However I
have had experience with this website because I used it for my AS
Considering the planning of my film I found the scanner very
useful to use. This is because I was easily able to transfer the
storyboards and shooting scripts I had drawn onto the
computer. This was much less time consuming than it would
have been to draw my storyboards on the computer. Being able
to draw my storyboards and scan them into the computer
helped my production because I was able to easily transport
the storyboards I had drawn to the location in which I was
filming. This also meant that if I lost any pages of my
storyboards they were on the computer, therefore could be
All of the research and planning that I had carried out I
uploaded onto the WordPress media blog. This was useful to
have because it meant that all my work was in the same place
and I was easily able to change things around and upload
images. However it was difficult to use at times because the
website wanted to fill all empty space with text meaning my
text was moved around when I updated the page. Because of
this I had to keep editing the page and move the text around
into the right places. I also had a problem when uploading my
revised storyboards as I had an amount of image to upload and
not all of them appear to have worked.
When making the film during my project I used an AVCHD camera, this
filmed in high definition, which meant the image turned out much better
than it would with any other camera. I found that this camera was quite
easy to use because I was able to adjust the setting on it easily. This
came as an advantage because it was not time consuming when filming,
as I knew how to work the camera. This influenced my production
because I was easily able to use different camera movement when
filming, such as tracking. This meant than when I wanted to watch back
footage I had filmed I was could effortlessly accomplish this because I
knew what button to press. However a couple of times I had a problem as
I accidentally pressed the recording button when I didn’t want to film,
meaning when I wanted to record the camera was not filming. This did
not create a problem but was however time consuming because it meant
that I had to re-film the shot I had thought I filmed.
When editing my film I used software called Final Cut Pro. This I
found very helpful because I was able to include many different
effects onto my film, such as different filters. This included a filter
called negative which is used in my original storyline. This gave the
effect of a blurred vision and a lack of sight, which is what I was
aiming for in the shot. Within Final Cut Pro I was also able to used
different transitions, such as a dissolve. This helped me within my
film as it gave the effect of a change in day, which is what I was
wanted to achieve in my film. This meant that I was not restricted
with what I wanted to do as I could change the look of any shot. I
found it extremely easy to use because I have previously used it for
my AS coursework. A tool I found extremely useful was the ‘Blade
Tool,’ which allowed me to split shots. Therefore I could easily
rearrange shots and repeat certain bits in a
shot. This was useful because towards the
end of my film my shots get faster, an
example of this is towards the end when
the sister is revealed. The blade tool
allowed to precisely cut the shots so that
not too much was given away. I also found
it useful because I was easily able to cut
shots that were too long in length.
Another element I found useful in Final Cut Pro was
the wide range of choice in titles. I included many titles in
my film, and it was very useful to be able to change
the font that best matched the title on my magazine
and poster. This therefore gave the same effect as the
magazine and poster. This included an immediate
realisation of horror and the suggestion of something
becoming damaged, shown through the distortion of
the font. I was also easily able to change the colour of the title,
meaning I could have a red title at the beginning of my film. This was
significant because it gave connotations of danger to the audience,
linking to my poster and magazine. These titles were also very easily
able to move around by dragging it to where I wanted it. This was
helpful because I could place my title where it best suited, shown by the
title not covering any object in the shot. This was done because the
establishing shot was still visible and noticeable but with the title also
included, adding information to the shot.
One last element I found helpful was the lighting tool. As
my filming was not all done in one day there were shots
that had been filmed on a different day and at a different
time. This meant that the lighting was different which
affected the continuity of my film. However I could make
the lighting brighter with the tools meaning that the
lighting of the shots looked similar and continuity was no
longer a problem. This is shown by the change in
brightness on the shot with the bag
at the end. This gave the effect that
the action took place on the same
day and at the same time.
When carrying out research for film
posters I found Google images useful as
I was able to gain inspiration from real
film posters for my idea. It was also
useful because all of the images were in
the same place meaning I could easily
compare the poster and see which ones best suited my genre. I was
also easily able to find conventions of a film poster which this search
engine as images appeared with arrows stating important elements of
a film poster. This was important because I could therefore create a
successful film poster, which followed the right
conventions. I found this by typing in ‘conventions
of a film poster’. However some of these were
made by the public, meaning I had to type in the
name of a certain film, such as ‘Identity’ to make
sure all the film posters included the same
elements. From Google I was easily able to save the
images, which I could then print off and annotate.
This was significant because I was able to gain
knowledge about why elements were included.
Research and planning
I again used to create a questionnaire for my
audience to answer, and posted the link onto Facebook for easy
accessibility. This is because most of society use Facebook and the
internet nowadays, meaning my questionnaire was extremely
accessible. Answers I gained from this questionnaire influenced my
initial idea. This is because I was able to identify certain areas that
my audience wanted me to include. For example I was not going to
focus on specifically the main themes through my poster, however
my audience said that they found this would be helpful when trying
to decode the poster. Therefore this is what I included in my poster,
shown by the tag line ‘recipe for disaster and the colour of it which
is red.
I again found the scanner useful, as I was able to re-upload the
images onto the computer with my annotations on them. This
meant I could then easily upload them to the blog. However the
scanner is only connected to one computer in the media room,
meaning I had to wait for other media students before I could
scan my images onto the computer. This also meant that memory
sticks were used to transfer the images from this computer to my
When collecting together the information I found for the
conventions of a film poster I used Microsoft Word and created a
spider diagram with the different elements used in a film poster.
This meant they were easily identifiable in the way I set them
out, meaning when going back to them I could easily understand
each convention. I found this easier to do on word than in the
blog because the blog often moves text and images around when
coming off the page meaning it may not have made sense.
During my different edits as part
of my questionnaire I also gave
my audience a choice of different
fonts, which I downloaded from This was significant
because it meant I could use
fonts, which imply certain
things, such as a distorted font
implies a disruption or that
something has gone wrong.
For the first edits of my film poster I used an iPhone to
take the image for my poster, this meant that the image
was not in high quality and was a bit blurred. This was a
disadvantage because it meant the image was not clear
enough and therefore didn’t come across as eye-catching
to the audience. To improve this image I decided to use
a more professional camera meaning the quality of the
image was much clearer and looked more professional,
meaning my poster had a better finish. This was an
advantage to my film poster because it therefore
became more eye-catching, and certain elements on the
photo could be depicted, such as her facial expression.
During the editing process of my
poster I used Adobe Photoshop to
manipulate the photos I had taken. A
useful tool I found on this software
was the rubber tool as I was able to
fade the sides of my photo meaning
that it would blend into the hand.
This gave a positive effect to my
poster because I was able to make my
image creative and interesting.
I also found the used of image layers very helpful as I was
able to duplicate layers if something I had done on one
photo didn’t go how I wanted it to. For example if I had
faded a part of the image too much, meaning the effect of
the image would not work because you wouldn’t be able
to see the protagonists face clear enough. This was an
advantage within the manipulation process because it was
not a disaster when I made a mistake. This also meant I
did not have to have all layers showing at one time, which
was useful because I could just manipulate one
layer without any of the other being visible. This
was useful when manipulating the image of the
face because I did not have to have the hand visible
when editing it. This was an advantage because I
did not have the extra colour in the way, meaning I
could see the face much clearer.
Once I had manipulated my image I transferred it into
Adobe InDesign. This software meant I was easily able
to create the layout for my film poster and include
different types of text. I found this difficult to use at
time because I did not know how to use it. This was a
disadvantage and created problem when trying to
change the colour of my text as it was quite time
consuming trying to get the right colour. However it
was very easy to use when making the layout for my
poster. This was an advantage because I was quickly
able to make a layout and change it due to my
audiences’ desires.
To collect together the conventions of a magazine
review page I used the google search engine. This
was an advantage within my research because I
could easily find reviews without having to look
through different magazines. I then created a table of the main elements that
should be included in a magazine review page and scanned it in to the
computer and uploaded on the media blog. This allowed me to
easily point out the different conventions and see if I had
included them. I also went onto the websites of film magazines
such as As well as looking at different film
magazines, which were available to all media students in my
class, helped me to get inspiration for my own magazine spread.
This included reviews such as ‘Sex and the City’ where I gained
inspiration for my layout. I was easily able to access film reviews on the Total
Film website, meaning I could easily gain knowledge of their writing style. The
effect of this meant I could reflect the writing style of a real
film magazine, meaning my review comes across as
professional. However on some of the reviews the writing
was difficult to read, therefore I used it as inspiration for
my layout, such as ‘Avatar.’
Research and Planning
I again used Survey Monkey to create my
questionnaire because it was easily accessible for my
audience. The answered that I collected from this
questionnaire influenced my initial ideas. This is
because the audience told me specific things that
they would prefer to be included within the magazine
spread. This included quite a few pictures. Therefore
I had to alter my initial idea to fit these pictures in.
This is because the audience find it easier to read
pictures than they do texts so they wanted more
pictures on the spread, creating a better
For my planning I again found the
scanner useful as I was able to scan my
idea for the layout of my magazine onto
the computer, which I then uploaded to
the blog. This was an advantage as when
creating my magazine I could easily go
back to my ideas and follow the layout I
had designed. This meant I could clearly
see each of my ideas next to each other
in order to choose the best one.
When creating my magazine article I mainly used Adobe
InDesign as it was very easy and simple to use when
constructing the layout for my magazine spread, which is
the most important element within it. This was a big
advantage during the making process of my magazine
because it was not time consuming and I was easily able
to change the layout. A tool, which I found very useful at
this point, was the image tool and also the fill holder text
tool. The effect of this is that my audience were able to
treat it as a finished review page because there were no
blank spaces from where the text should be. I was able to
fill the text boxes with text without putting in my review
at this stage. This was very helpful because it was
therefore clear to my audience where I would place my
I also found helpful an option that shows where a
picture should go without putting in a picture. This
meant that I was able to incorporate a box with a
cross inside to represent where I would out an
image. This was helpful because it prevented blank
spaces on my spread. This meant that I did not have
to place an image in the box before my audience
had stated whether they like the layout or not. The
effect from doing this meant that it was not time
consuming to swap pictures around because I had
not added them in the first place.
I found Microsoft Word very useful
when drafting my review. This was
because I was easily able to edit it
and change the structure of it
without changing what I originally
wanted to say and it having it still
makes sense. This came as an
advantage because it was no time
consuming when trying to edit my
For the image on my magazine review
page I also used Adobe Photoshop to
manipulate the image. The effect of
this meant the photo had a more
professional look to it because I was
able to air brush my actors face. This
came as an advantage because it was
not difficult or time consuming to
create this effect.
Within my evaluation I used a majority
of different websites in order to make
my work look aesthetically pleasing.
This included website such as:, and I have had experience
with these websites from my AS work
as I used these within my coursework.
When using I found it quite easy to use. This is
because it is easy to add things into it such as an image or
YouTube clips. It is also easy to move things around. This
allowed me to include screen grabs from my film, and also
from my influences. This also allowed me to include
YouTube videos to show my audience where I got my
influences. However there was a disadvantage when using
this website as I was unable to copy and paste my work I
had done.
Using was fairly simple and easy. This is because I
was easily able to do things because I knew how to work it.
This came as an advantage because I was able to manipulate
my Wix presentation to link to the themes and ideas from my
film. I did this by including similar colours to my poster, such
as red and black. I was easily able to include buttons, which
linked to my evaluation questions. The effect that this had on
someone viewing my presentation meant that it was very easy
to find certain questions as I had spread them out. However
during the process of linking the buttons to my question I
found it difficult to make sure it worked because I had
forgotten how to add in the link. However once I had figured
this out it did not become a problem.
When using I found I came across more
difficulties. This is because I have not experiencing using
this website as much as the other two websites. This came
as a disadvantage because it was time consuming trying to
figure out how it works. However when I worked this out
it was quite easy and simple to create my presentation.
Overall, when trying to make my evaluation look
aesthetically pleasing I came across with a few difficulties
but not as many as I did within my AS work. This was an
overall advantage because it was not time consuming
during the process of transferring my questions onto these

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Question 4

  • 1. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research planning and evaluation stages? Question 4
  • 2. When doing the research for my film I found the Google search engine very useful. I used this engine to find the codes and conventions of short films and look into my horror and surrealist genres. I was very easy and quick to use as whatever I wanted to find out I found easily. For example when trying to find the history of the horror genre I typed in ‘the history of horror’ and I found a timeline telling me everything that has happened with the horror genre. This was a very important part of my planning and research as it abled me to find links easily which enhanced my work. This was done because I was able to gain specific knowledge that I needed to know how to make a good film. This included understanding the conventions of genre and short films. This is important as I was then able to make a successful film sticking to conventions of horror films and short films. However, trying to look for the right information was quite time consuming as there was so many websites to look through. Included in these websites were often websites which included work from other media students, meaning that not all the information I found was reliable. FILM Planning and Research
  • 3. Another website on the internet that I found key when doing my research was YouTube. This was very helpful as it allowed me to watch other short films that have already been made and pick out key elements, which draw an audience member in. This was helpful because I was able to gain influence. For example after watching ‘The Awakening’ trailer I gained influence, such as the lighting used. This is because it was dark, which suggested mystery. The website also helped me when I needed to evidence my codes and conventions as I could embed a link which led straight towards a YouTube clip. This also helped my with my analysis because I could easily access films that had already been made, where I could then use it for inspiration for my storyline. For example when I analysed ‘Last Farm’ I gained inspiration form the music used and the connection it had to the protagonist’s emotions.
  • 4. When collecting audience feedback about what they wanted in my film I constructed a questionnaire on Survey Monkey. This is found extremely helpful as it was an easy way for my audience to be able to answer questions without being given a bit of paper to write on. This is because my audience, who are young adults and older, use the Internet a lot, therefore allowing them to easily access the questionnaire. When constructing my questionnaire it was also very simple and easy to use, this meant that it did not take up much time for me to create my questionnaire. This website was useful further because I was given a link for my questionnaire meaning I could post it onto social media websites such as Facebook. This made collecting audience feedback very easy because people from Facebook could easily access it and answer the questionnaire. This was my audience, because it involved a wide audience, including people of different ages, therefore allowing me to narrow down my target audience after people had answered it. By using this website it also meant collecting my results was also not time consuming. This is because the website collected them all together for me meaning I did not have to count how many people had answered the questionnaire. Another thing I found useful is that Survey Monkey produced graphs for the answers of each question, meaning I did not have to make my own graphs to show my results. The answers I gained did influence my initial ideas. This is because I expected them to want an original idea, however they preferred an idea that they could relate to. Answers didn’t influence my initial idea regarding the genre and the victim within my film.
  • 5. I put the research for the analyses onto a Wix using This meant I was able to put my work into an organised and interesting format, making my work aesthetically pleasing. I found this helpful because I was able to place the text and imagery easily and effortlessly. By doing this it helped me to cement my ideas as I could differ between the different media texts I had looked at. This meant I was able to pick out elements from my analysis, which matched what my audience in the questionnaire asked to be in my film. However some problems did occur as the website did not always do what I wanted it to do and put images in places I didn’t want them to be. There were also many technical choices which looked confusing and difficult to use. However I have had experience with this website because I used it for my AS coursework.
  • 6. Considering the planning of my film I found the scanner very useful to use. This is because I was easily able to transfer the storyboards and shooting scripts I had drawn onto the computer. This was much less time consuming than it would have been to draw my storyboards on the computer. Being able to draw my storyboards and scan them into the computer helped my production because I was able to easily transport the storyboards I had drawn to the location in which I was filming. This also meant that if I lost any pages of my storyboards they were on the computer, therefore could be retrieved.
  • 7. All of the research and planning that I had carried out I uploaded onto the WordPress media blog. This was useful to have because it meant that all my work was in the same place and I was easily able to change things around and upload images. However it was difficult to use at times because the website wanted to fill all empty space with text meaning my text was moved around when I updated the page. Because of this I had to keep editing the page and move the text around into the right places. I also had a problem when uploading my revised storyboards as I had an amount of image to upload and not all of them appear to have worked.
  • 8. Construction When making the film during my project I used an AVCHD camera, this filmed in high definition, which meant the image turned out much better than it would with any other camera. I found that this camera was quite easy to use because I was able to adjust the setting on it easily. This came as an advantage because it was not time consuming when filming, as I knew how to work the camera. This influenced my production because I was easily able to use different camera movement when filming, such as tracking. This meant than when I wanted to watch back footage I had filmed I was could effortlessly accomplish this because I knew what button to press. However a couple of times I had a problem as I accidentally pressed the recording button when I didn’t want to film, meaning when I wanted to record the camera was not filming. This did not create a problem but was however time consuming because it meant that I had to re-film the shot I had thought I filmed.
  • 9. When editing my film I used software called Final Cut Pro. This I found very helpful because I was able to include many different effects onto my film, such as different filters. This included a filter called negative which is used in my original storyline. This gave the effect of a blurred vision and a lack of sight, which is what I was aiming for in the shot. Within Final Cut Pro I was also able to used different transitions, such as a dissolve. This helped me within my film as it gave the effect of a change in day, which is what I was wanted to achieve in my film. This meant that I was not restricted with what I wanted to do as I could change the look of any shot. I found it extremely easy to use because I have previously used it for my AS coursework. A tool I found extremely useful was the ‘Blade Tool,’ which allowed me to split shots. Therefore I could easily rearrange shots and repeat certain bits in a shot. This was useful because towards the end of my film my shots get faster, an example of this is towards the end when the sister is revealed. The blade tool allowed to precisely cut the shots so that not too much was given away. I also found it useful because I was easily able to cut shots that were too long in length.
  • 10. Another element I found useful in Final Cut Pro was the wide range of choice in titles. I included many titles in my film, and it was very useful to be able to change the font that best matched the title on my magazine and poster. This therefore gave the same effect as the magazine and poster. This included an immediate realisation of horror and the suggestion of something becoming damaged, shown through the distortion of the font. I was also easily able to change the colour of the title, meaning I could have a red title at the beginning of my film. This was significant because it gave connotations of danger to the audience, linking to my poster and magazine. These titles were also very easily able to move around by dragging it to where I wanted it. This was helpful because I could place my title where it best suited, shown by the title not covering any object in the shot. This was done because the establishing shot was still visible and noticeable but with the title also included, adding information to the shot.
  • 11. One last element I found helpful was the lighting tool. As my filming was not all done in one day there were shots that had been filmed on a different day and at a different time. This meant that the lighting was different which affected the continuity of my film. However I could make the lighting brighter with the tools meaning that the lighting of the shots looked similar and continuity was no longer a problem. This is shown by the change in brightness on the shot with the bag at the end. This gave the effect that the action took place on the same day and at the same time.
  • 12. When carrying out research for film posters I found Google images useful as I was able to gain inspiration from real film posters for my idea. It was also useful because all of the images were in the same place meaning I could easily compare the poster and see which ones best suited my genre. I was also easily able to find conventions of a film poster which this search engine as images appeared with arrows stating important elements of a film poster. This was important because I could therefore create a successful film poster, which followed the right conventions. I found this by typing in ‘conventions of a film poster’. However some of these were made by the public, meaning I had to type in the name of a certain film, such as ‘Identity’ to make sure all the film posters included the same elements. From Google I was easily able to save the images, which I could then print off and annotate. This was significant because I was able to gain knowledge about why elements were included. Poster Research and planning
  • 13. I again used to create a questionnaire for my audience to answer, and posted the link onto Facebook for easy accessibility. This is because most of society use Facebook and the internet nowadays, meaning my questionnaire was extremely accessible. Answers I gained from this questionnaire influenced my initial idea. This is because I was able to identify certain areas that my audience wanted me to include. For example I was not going to focus on specifically the main themes through my poster, however my audience said that they found this would be helpful when trying to decode the poster. Therefore this is what I included in my poster, shown by the tag line ‘recipe for disaster and the colour of it which is red.
  • 14. I again found the scanner useful, as I was able to re-upload the images onto the computer with my annotations on them. This meant I could then easily upload them to the blog. However the scanner is only connected to one computer in the media room, meaning I had to wait for other media students before I could scan my images onto the computer. This also meant that memory sticks were used to transfer the images from this computer to my own. When collecting together the information I found for the conventions of a film poster I used Microsoft Word and created a spider diagram with the different elements used in a film poster. This meant they were easily identifiable in the way I set them out, meaning when going back to them I could easily understand each convention. I found this easier to do on word than in the blog because the blog often moves text and images around when coming off the page meaning it may not have made sense.
  • 15. During my different edits as part of my questionnaire I also gave my audience a choice of different fonts, which I downloaded from This was significant because it meant I could use fonts, which imply certain things, such as a distorted font implies a disruption or that something has gone wrong.
  • 16. For the first edits of my film poster I used an iPhone to take the image for my poster, this meant that the image was not in high quality and was a bit blurred. This was a disadvantage because it meant the image was not clear enough and therefore didn’t come across as eye-catching to the audience. To improve this image I decided to use a more professional camera meaning the quality of the image was much clearer and looked more professional, meaning my poster had a better finish. This was an advantage to my film poster because it therefore became more eye-catching, and certain elements on the photo could be depicted, such as her facial expression. Construction
  • 17. During the editing process of my poster I used Adobe Photoshop to manipulate the photos I had taken. A useful tool I found on this software was the rubber tool as I was able to fade the sides of my photo meaning that it would blend into the hand. This gave a positive effect to my poster because I was able to make my image creative and interesting.
  • 18. I also found the used of image layers very helpful as I was able to duplicate layers if something I had done on one photo didn’t go how I wanted it to. For example if I had faded a part of the image too much, meaning the effect of the image would not work because you wouldn’t be able to see the protagonists face clear enough. This was an advantage within the manipulation process because it was not a disaster when I made a mistake. This also meant I did not have to have all layers showing at one time, which was useful because I could just manipulate one layer without any of the other being visible. This was useful when manipulating the image of the face because I did not have to have the hand visible when editing it. This was an advantage because I did not have the extra colour in the way, meaning I could see the face much clearer.
  • 19. Once I had manipulated my image I transferred it into Adobe InDesign. This software meant I was easily able to create the layout for my film poster and include different types of text. I found this difficult to use at time because I did not know how to use it. This was a disadvantage and created problem when trying to change the colour of my text as it was quite time consuming trying to get the right colour. However it was very easy to use when making the layout for my poster. This was an advantage because I was quickly able to make a layout and change it due to my audiences’ desires.
  • 20. To collect together the conventions of a magazine review page I used the google search engine. This was an advantage within my research because I could easily find reviews without having to look through different magazines. I then created a table of the main elements that should be included in a magazine review page and scanned it in to the computer and uploaded on the media blog. This allowed me to easily point out the different conventions and see if I had included them. I also went onto the websites of film magazines such as As well as looking at different film magazines, which were available to all media students in my class, helped me to get inspiration for my own magazine spread. This included reviews such as ‘Sex and the City’ where I gained inspiration for my layout. I was easily able to access film reviews on the Total Film website, meaning I could easily gain knowledge of their writing style. The effect of this meant I could reflect the writing style of a real film magazine, meaning my review comes across as professional. However on some of the reviews the writing was difficult to read, therefore I used it as inspiration for my layout, such as ‘Avatar.’ Magazine Research and Planning
  • 21. I again used Survey Monkey to create my questionnaire because it was easily accessible for my audience. The answered that I collected from this questionnaire influenced my initial ideas. This is because the audience told me specific things that they would prefer to be included within the magazine spread. This included quite a few pictures. Therefore I had to alter my initial idea to fit these pictures in. This is because the audience find it easier to read pictures than they do texts so they wanted more pictures on the spread, creating a better understanding.
  • 22. For my planning I again found the scanner useful as I was able to scan my idea for the layout of my magazine onto the computer, which I then uploaded to the blog. This was an advantage as when creating my magazine I could easily go back to my ideas and follow the layout I had designed. This meant I could clearly see each of my ideas next to each other in order to choose the best one.
  • 23. Construction When creating my magazine article I mainly used Adobe InDesign as it was very easy and simple to use when constructing the layout for my magazine spread, which is the most important element within it. This was a big advantage during the making process of my magazine because it was not time consuming and I was easily able to change the layout. A tool, which I found very useful at this point, was the image tool and also the fill holder text tool. The effect of this is that my audience were able to treat it as a finished review page because there were no blank spaces from where the text should be. I was able to fill the text boxes with text without putting in my review at this stage. This was very helpful because it was therefore clear to my audience where I would place my review.
  • 24. I also found helpful an option that shows where a picture should go without putting in a picture. This meant that I was able to incorporate a box with a cross inside to represent where I would out an image. This was helpful because it prevented blank spaces on my spread. This meant that I did not have to place an image in the box before my audience had stated whether they like the layout or not. The effect from doing this meant that it was not time consuming to swap pictures around because I had not added them in the first place.
  • 25. I found Microsoft Word very useful when drafting my review. This was because I was easily able to edit it and change the structure of it without changing what I originally wanted to say and it having it still makes sense. This came as an advantage because it was no time consuming when trying to edit my review.
  • 26. For the image on my magazine review page I also used Adobe Photoshop to manipulate the image. The effect of this meant the photo had a more professional look to it because I was able to air brush my actors face. This came as an advantage because it was not difficult or time consuming to create this effect.
  • 27. Evaluation Within my evaluation I used a majority of different websites in order to make my work look aesthetically pleasing. This included website such as:, and I have had experience with these websites from my AS work as I used these within my coursework.
  • 28. When using I found it quite easy to use. This is because it is easy to add things into it such as an image or YouTube clips. It is also easy to move things around. This allowed me to include screen grabs from my film, and also from my influences. This also allowed me to include YouTube videos to show my audience where I got my influences. However there was a disadvantage when using this website as I was unable to copy and paste my work I had done.
  • 29. Using was fairly simple and easy. This is because I was easily able to do things because I knew how to work it. This came as an advantage because I was able to manipulate my Wix presentation to link to the themes and ideas from my film. I did this by including similar colours to my poster, such as red and black. I was easily able to include buttons, which linked to my evaluation questions. The effect that this had on someone viewing my presentation meant that it was very easy to find certain questions as I had spread them out. However during the process of linking the buttons to my question I found it difficult to make sure it worked because I had forgotten how to add in the link. However once I had figured this out it did not become a problem.
  • 30. When using I found I came across more difficulties. This is because I have not experiencing using this website as much as the other two websites. This came as a disadvantage because it was time consuming trying to figure out how it works. However when I worked this out it was quite easy and simple to create my presentation. Overall, when trying to make my evaluation look aesthetically pleasing I came across with a few difficulties but not as many as I did within my AS work. This was an overall advantage because it was not time consuming during the process of transferring my questions onto these websites.