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1. Project Identification
     Call for proposals                Second call for ordinary project proposals
     1.1. Project Title                Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer
     1.2. Project Acronym              NEXT
     1.3. Project Code                 2°ord./0023/0
     1.4. Date of approval
     1.5. Priority / Measure           Priority                 1 Economic, Social and Institutional Cooperation
                                       Measure                  1.1 Research and Innovation
     1.6. Lead Beneficiary (official   Off. name                Marche Regional Authority – Innovation, Research and Competitivness
     name in English, Country, level                            of productive sectors Unit
     of Nuts II - III or equivalent)   Country                  ITALY
                                       Nuts II-III eq.          Marche - Ancona
     1.7. Project length               Start                    09/2012
                                       End                      04/2015
                                       Total months             32
     1.8. Total budget                 2.999.180,00 €
                                         Number of Beneficiaries per Country

                                                  ALBANIA                                       2
                                                  BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA                            2
                                                  CROATIA                                       2
                                                  GREECE                                        0
                                                  ITALY                                         2
                                                  MONTENEGRO                                    2
                                                  Other [art. 97 reg (EC) 718/2007]             0
                                                  SERBIA                                        1
                                                  SLOVENIA                                      0
                                         Total Number of Beneficiaries                         11
                                         Total Number of Associates                             2

  1.10. Project Summary
     NEXT intends to create a collaborative platform to support innovation and technology transfer in the Countries of the
     Adriatic area. The project is promoted by 11 partners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina,
     Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities,
     Regional Development Agencies, Chamber of Economy and Local Authorities. The project stems from some
     - The borders of these Countries, known for years as places of exacerbation of national differences, represent nowadays
     concrete grounds for overcoming the restrictions and contrasts, and offer new opportunities in the field of research,
     innovation and technology transfer. The cross-border areas lie at the forefront of the main challenge that will increasingly
     be posed to the larger Europe: managing diversity and competitiveness while at the same time maintaining cohesion.
     - Innovation and technology transfer, widely re-called in national and EU research programs, are in recent years facing new
     challenges due to factors such as: the impact of globalization; the emergence of new pervasive products and technologies;
     the difficulty in finding financial resources for R&I in particular in an atomized and undercapitalized industrial context; the
     consciousness that innovation takes place in "systems" or open networks, through the interaction of actors which are
     different in competences, skills, objectives.

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These challenges and complexity factors require therefore to act over vast areas that go beyond individual regions or
     Countries and on the connections among systems significantly different from each other (research, education, industry,
     finance, public administration). Unlike other similar initiatives, the distinctive and effective innovation that distinguishes
     NEXT is an original mix of virtual services (online platform for information sharing, access to common services, etc.) and
     material services/products provided directly to partners, SMEs, research and technology transfer centers, institutions. The
     services/products offered by the NEXT project - the following are the main ones – take into account these considerations.
     Based on a context analysis and through an effective involvement of the "actors of innovation" in the areas represented,
     "NEXT open book" will be created, a Repository which can be constantly updated by research and technology transfer
     centers (both public and private). A summary report ("NEXT trend") will also be produced to give details, for each of the
     territories involved, of the level of technological intensity, the results of excellence in the field of research and innovation,
     investment opportunities, public policies support. Both of the tools will be functional to identify and give visibility to
     excellence competences, thereby facilitating the interaction between the different research actors. The implementation of
     an online platform will simplify and speed up the opportunities for collaboration, contributing to the
     establishment/strengthening of supply chains and clusters as well as to the attraction of investments and the resulting
     capitalization of the leading innovation sectors. In order to consolidate the reaction system, together with a series of
     platform-based online services ("NEXT Box"), specific initiatives will be implemented for the promotion of investment
     opportunities (e.g. Promotion of patents and supporting actions for spin-offs and research groups for submission to
     potential investors) ("NEXT Investment booster"). Following an analysis of the experimentation conducted and partnerships
     developed within the project, suggestions will be provided to the Programme Authority, and indications for the development
     of the policies to support innovation in the reference area ("NEXT Outlook "); a feasibility study (" NEXT Suite ") will also be
     conducted to verify the future sustainability of the initiative.

3. Project Description
  3.1. Project background and the problems and/or challenges to be addressed
     The NEXT project arises from the considerations on the role of innovation, transnational networks and cooperation as
     levers of national economic development and, more generally, of the increase in competitive capacity of enterprises
     through better connections with the innovation circuits. The challenges that the project intends to address are significant
     and they are based on some issues/perspectives/conditions/opportunities such as:

     Regarding research and technology transfer:

     - Research and technology transfer development at the level of individual regions/ Countries often leads to too high
     investments that need to be done on a large scale for determining significant results;
     - In order to maximize the "value for money" of these activities, synergies and networks can be developed to promote joint
     researches and the connections with the business community in the cooperation area;
     - Sharing the risks with the EU and the capitalization of the benefits at the local level represent a great opportunity to
     enhance the competitiveness of the area through research and technology transfer;
     - The creation/ availability of a sufficient "critical mass" (skills, resources, actors, etc.) in relevant scientific-technological
     areas is fundamental to address and support the great challenges in the cooperation area, today and in the future;
     - Cooperation and networking projects such as NEXT can support the adoption of new cultural and operational approaches
     in the field of research and innovation and consequently the development of new skills and professional opportunities in the
     regional contexts of the beneficiary Countries.

     Regarding cross-border cooperation and the characteristics of the area:
     - In the Balkan Countries and in particular in those of the former Yugoslavia, due to a number of factors (the economic
     crisis, few investments in the scientific sector in recent years and the absence of a defined and coherent institutional
     framework) there is a distinct lack of an institutional and well-defined relationship between the scientific and the business
     world. At the same time there is the difficulty of accessing wider financial resources, especially for those Countries that

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cannot count on the support provided by the Structural Funds.
     - For these Countries to exit the cultural and financial isolation is a priority. As to create precise operational models, to
     identify scientific and technological partners and to build up a framework for the exchange of R&I information and services,
     to facilitate the access to existing resources and skills at the international level, possibly by means of EU funds provided for
     such synergistic activities as well;
     - To promote the excellence in the area and increase the institutional capacity in the sector of research and technology
     transfer, it’s a clear need, aiming at the implementation of local development models more oriented to the "Territorial
     knowledge management."
  3.2. Project Objectives (general and specific)
     Consistent with the objective of Measure 1.1 Research and Innovation to "encourage innovation and technology transfer
     through the creation of networks between the business, institutional and academic community", the project aims to create a
     collaborative platform among Research centers, enterprises and researchers; this platform will work as the "aggregation
     element" to stimulate and support an innovation path that will enable to increase the competitiveness of the area.

     General Objectives: Through the collaborative platform, the NEXT project aims:

     A. To promote, expand and consolidate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the cooperation among Research institutes,
     enterprises and researchers.
     B. To test mechanisms to support the research and technology transfer system in the area.
     C. To represent a qualified interlocutor with institutional stakeholders in view of an enlarged R&I governance
     D. To embody a competitive partner in research and technology transfer at the area level and internationally

     The specific objectives are:
     • To define the map of activities and actors of scientific research in each territory involved;
     • To implement an interactive online platform to facilitate and multiply the exchanges among the actors of innovation;
     • To provide a range of services to support the relationships among the actors involved;
     • To promote investment opportunities in favor of research and technology transfer;
     • To provide guidelines for the development of coordinated policies to support innovation;
     • To give visibility to excellence in the field of research and innovation;
     • To capitalize the experience and the results gained to give continuity to the collaborative platform.
  3.3. Coherence of the project
     3.3.1. Coherence of the project with the Programme's strategy

        The aims and objectives of the NEXT project are consistent and in close connection with Priority 1 of the Programme:
        “Economic, social and institutional cooperation” that aims at strengthening research and innovation to facilitate the
        development of the Adriatic area through economic, social and institutional cooperation.

        Furthermore, the NEXT project aims at the practical implementation of policy objectives of Measure 1.1 “Research and
        innovation”: improving research capacity by increasing competence levels, encouraging transfer of innovation through
        the creation of networks among the entrepreneurial, institutional, academic, training and research sectors, and principally
        by promoting joint activities.

        Behind the innovation development there are not only the investments in research and development of individual
        enterprises. The innovation policy shall aim to produce new forms of collaboration between small and medium-sized
        enterprises especially, in the technology field rather than in the productive and commercial ones. The Next project
        intends to promote the development of an activity of territorial knowledge management, aimed to make more explicit and
        formal the organization of the relations through which enterprises, universities, research centres, exchange informations
        in the traditional productive systems. The aim of the project falls exactly within Measure 1.1. i.e. the organization of an
        innovation system of the "involved regions" by creating a "place of integration and cooperation" (the NEXT platform)
        between different public and private actors.

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The dimension of the 'cross border' cooperation amplifies and facilitates the development of innovation policies based on
        processes of knowledge capitalisation and accumulation:
        • innovation processes and policies at the local/regional level normally produce "spillover" effects towards neighbouring
        territories. On the other hand, joining a transnational technological cooperation platform produces immediate multiplier
        effects of the outcomes of local / regional innovation policies;
        • the physical and geographical dimension of the Adriatic regions can often prevent or limit major economic investments
        in the field of technology transfer, which instead require a critical mass of projects, initiatives, enterprises and capitals.
        From this point of view, cross-border cooperation, through the access to international networks, creates the appropriate
        economic conditions;
        • the international and global nature of many innovative entrepreneurial initiatives (e.g. renewable energy, sustainable
        transports) make cross-border network a more interesting and attractive subject compared to individual regional
        administrative units.
     3.3.2.Coherence of the project with the relevant EU policies and horizontal issues

        The project proves to be consistent with the contents of the main strategic and operational Documents of the European
        Commission in the field of innovation and competitiveness of European Regions.

        In particular:

        with the "Recommendations of the European Council on the recent Commission proposals on the Multiannual Financial
        Framework 2014-2020 (29/06/2011)", which:
        - recognises the importance that research and innovation play in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable
        - promotes the establishment of stronger links between basic research and industrial innovation, as well as between
        innovation and the productive process, recalling that one of the main difficulties in the EU research and innovation
        programmes lies in the fact that their results are not effectively marketed.

        with the "Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative - Innovation Union SEC (2010) 1161" that:
        - contributes to the achievement of the expenditure objective in R&D sector corresponding to 3% of the gross domestic
        product (GDP), and to the implementation of the Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union”, through a strategic approach that
        integrates both the instruments and the actors involved in research and innovation;
        - aims to increase the transfer of knowledge between research institutes and enterprises in an open innovation
        framework, enhancing and stimulating in particular the "non-commercial" activities such as research collaborations,
        mobility of researchers, creation of spin-off , publications, etc.;
        - promotes the creation of European partnerships for innovation in order to accelerate the research activities as well as
        the development and commercialization of innovations with the aim to address issues relevant for the society, to share
        experiences and resources and to boost the competitiveness of European industry, according to the principle of “aging in
        good health”.

        with the recent Communication on "An Integrated Industrial Policy for the globalisation era. Putting competitiveness and
        sustainability at Centre Stage" {SEC (2010) 1272}, which states that:
        - Clusters and networks improve industrial competitiveness and innovation, bringing together resources and skills and
        improving cooperation between public authorities and universities. The EU Regional Policy and the framework
        programme in the field of research assists regions to adopt "smart specialization strategies" to increase their
        competitiveness by developing innovation niches.
        The project is also consistent with the European and national policies on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
        Equal opportunities will be taken into consideration and enhanced in all the phases of project implementation. Providers
        will be chosen for all contracts according to the principles of cost efficiency and transparency.

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3.3.3. Coherence of the project with public national and subnational strategies

        The project aims to be consistent with the main policy orientations in the field of innovation and research for the
        beneficiary countries. Regarding the Italian situation, the project shows coherence with the objectives and instruments
        defined by the National E-Government Strategy and with a specific project "Support for research and innovation
        policies of the Regions" financed within the National Operating Plan 2007-2013 funded by Structural funds. Regarding
        the Marche Region, the project is coherent with the Single Programming Document 2008 (matching demand and supply
        of innovation, etc.), with the Regional Strategic Plan’s objective (to improve competitiveness and strengthen capacities in
        research and development) and with ERDF ROP 2007-2013, as for the priority axis innovation and economy of
        knowledge. Moreover, it is closely relevant to the most recent Regional Programme Strategy “MARCHE 2020” launched
        in February 2011 and focused on the strategic vision of Marche up to 2020 and to the recent Marche Region
        Employment and Productive Activity Plan for 2011-2013. The project is also consistent with the objectives of innovation
        and revitalization of research in the beneficiary countries of the Balkans. In these countries the impact of public support
        for innovation is positive, but still limited. The implementation of policy measures is effective in identifying and supporting
        the most promising projects, research units and knowledge-based enterprises, as well as in spreading good practices
        related to a knowledge-based economy. The main policy documents with which the project expresses coherence of
        objectives and goals are: Croatia- the Strategic Framework for Development 2006-2013, Central State Office for
        Strategic Development for Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina- Subprogram - "Support to science programmes and projects of
        significance to the FBiH", developed and implemented by the Ministry for education and science of FBiH, Basic, Sub
        program "Applied and development research in RS", developed by the Ministry for Science and Technology of RS -
        Science Department, "Excellence in Innovation", funded by USAID and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Norway -
        Montenegro -Strategy for scientific research activities 2008-2016 adopted by the Government, - Serbia - Innovation Law
        (March 2010) by the Serbian Government- Albania -Strategic Programme for innovation and technology development of
        SME 2011-2016, the National Strategy for development and integration (NSDI) 2007-2013, the Business and Investment
        Development Strategy (BIDS) 2007-2013.
  3.4. Added value of the cross-border coooperation in this project
     Beyond the immediate effects that cooperation can lead to- which are numerous – a more qualitative effect concerns the
     change of mentality: the regions and the actors involved (economic, institutional and social) exit the isolation caused by the
     borders and natural boundaries and start to cooperate in a less hostile environment. This also results in the achievement of
     a critical mass that allows, on its turn, to gain enough weight on the international market and to acquire a greater standing
     in the relation with central, national or European authorities. With specific reference to innovation and technology transfer,
     which are the core of NEXT, it should be recalled that the majority of the partners and targets of the project (in particular
     Research centers and SMEs) is already part of one or more networks, has its own "niche" activities and has developed
     skills specialized to various extents. The problem is that most of the times this niche is limited to the local level,
     investments in intangible assets (knowledge and relationships) are still limited and, finally, the modalities of knowledge
     organization do not allow to take advantage of “reuse” to a great extent nor to extend the circuit of potential users and
     customers. The challenge – which is also NEXT’s main one - is now to move from “short” to extended networks: the single
     network component can remain small, but its strategy shall be more and more oriented to building a global niche within
     larger networks. In this way, its specialized expertise is enhanced and enlarged, reaching customers that short networks do
     not allow to reach; the sharing of networks, the collaboration and exchange of knowledge are widened. The added value
     identified concerns both sides of the Adriatic, each territory will have specific benefits in relation to its features.
  3.5. Methodology approach
     Rationale for the composition of the partnership: with their closeness to the territory and their location at the juncture
     between global and local, the project beneficiaries represent adequate subjects to meet the demand for R&I, to manage
     the connections between the actors and to convey requests and proposals in a systemic framework, facilitating the
     connection with the regional/national and EU level. The involvement of the key areas of innovation is also ensured:
     research, education and public administration, industry.
     Capitalization: data and informations collected in other projects (e.g. IKTIMED and Marche Innovation portal) will be
     retrieved and standardized to be used on the collaborative platform.
     Innovation: the NEXT project is innovative both for the issues and challenges that it responds to, both for the action

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modalities proposed. Architecture of the NEXT project combines the virtual and physical dimension of services, based on
     the assumption that the relations on the collaborative platform cannot have only an intangible dimension but, alongside
     online services, they require a physical/material dimension which gives concreteness and solidity to the groups that will be
     formed. A system of relations among different actors is therefore proposed, in which value creation is not the exclusive
     result of an internal transformation of inputs into outputs - as in the traditional innovation model- nor of a technology
     transfer limited to a single territory (in a Country or a Region) or to a sector, but it is rather the smart and effective
     combination of internal and external resources, on a supranational scale.
     Target groups/stakeholders: target groups: University departments, university technology transfer offices, private and
     public Research centers, Public agencies and private research and technology transfer centers (from now on RTTCs),
     researchers, enterprises. Stakeholders: Public Authorities and financial institutions.
  3.6. Expected results and outputs
     In line with the description provided in the project background and with the general and specific objectives, the following
     main results and outputs of the NEXT project have been elaborated.
     Detailed results and ouputs are indicated for each WP, the following are the most significant ones at project level.
     - development of a collaborative platform characterized by virtual and material services that allows to integrate and convert
     the knowledge of Research institutes, enterprises and researchers in the Adriatic area, into organized and structured
     knowledge, encouraging the innovation transfer between producers and users. (See Objective A)
     - improvement of the positioning of local research centers on the international market, both in terms of visibility and access
     to knowledge and skills for the presentation and interaction with the financial community and the stakeholders. (See
     objective B)
     - acceleration of the processes of exchange and accumulation of skills and knowledge and qualification of the collaborative
     platform as a service and reference structure for the enlarged R&I governance in the Adriatic area. (See Objective C)
     - development of the competitive capacity of the actors of innovation in the Adriatic area through the participation in the
     platform as the central and acknowledged core of a global net of knowledge production. (See Objective D)
     - capacity building and enhancement of the cooperation culture of partners and dissemination of the acquis communautaire
     in the Countries of the Adriatic area.

     NEXT open book: Repository of RTTCs;
     NEXT Trends: reports on local contexts;
     NEXT IS: online platform to support the relationships between the actors of innovation;
     NEXT box: basic services and advanced services to support research and technology transfer;
     NEXT investment booster: investment opportunities;
     NEXT suite: business plan for the sustainability of the collaborative platform;
     NEXT Evaluation: Analysis of the relations and results produced by the collaborative platform and indications for policy
     Communication plan and tools for the promotion and dissemination of results.
  3.7. Sustainability and long last effects of the project
     Among the objectives of the project there is the one of consolidating and rooting the project results within three key areas:
     Financial sustainability:through its actions, the project tends to generate a qualified demand of services. The 32 months of
     its development should be sufficient to demonstrate to stakeholders that the endurance of the platform operations beyond
     the temporal boundaries of the project is possible not only in theory, but also in practice. Adopting the model of the
     software promotion which proved successful in recent years on the web, the project aims to offer free services with the idea
     of gathering a progressively increasing number of innovation actors. This would become the basis on which to build a self-
     sustainable initiative from a financial point of view (eg registration fees, promotional sales, pay services, etc)
     Institutional sustainability: through the elaboration of a business plan (WP7), the partners will identify the optimal
     configuration for the project sustainability (eg. multilateral agreements, EGTC creation), considering also the participation
     of private entities.

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Political sustainability: the project will contribute to provide guidance for policy development on research, innovation and
     higher education both within the IPA Prog and the national Operational Prog financed by the Structural Funds, and by
     improving the alignment capacity to EU policies and targets in the field of research and innovation also behalf the
     contribution of the Associates
     The sustainability actions will be implemented through two modalities: horizontal mainstreaming, namely verifying the
     conditions of transferability of the collaborative platform to other sectors and supply chains of the regional economies of the
     Countries involved; vertical and cross-border mainstreaming through the development of the project results in relation with
     the national and international successful experiences in the field of innovation and technology transfer networks.
  3.8. Level of cross-border cooperation
                                Joint Development                                             Joint Implementation
                                Joint Staffing                                                Joint Financing

     3.8.1. How the project will realize one/more of the previous joint cooperation system

        Joint development
        The initial project idea has been conceived by the Lead Partner,moving from its previous experiences in the field.
        Anyway,it has been fully developed with all partners; each of them gave its own contribution in terms of both analysis
        concerning the geographical area and technical advices on methodology/content of the action plan. So,the final proposal
        is the result of an actual joint approach.
        Joint staffing
        One of the expected results of the project concern the effectiveness of the “innovation” network that has to be built. For
        this reason, the overall project management aims at stimulating cooperation and exchanges among partners trough
        dedicated tools and specific meetings (up to 3 per years for the SC and even more frequent technical meetings).
        Moreover,the coordination tasks are carried out by a real integrated structure thanks to day by day cooperation between
        the PMO (program management office) and the POT (partner operation teams)
        Joint implementation
        NEXT is based on a shared project management system aiming at stimulating active participation by all participants.
        Tasks and responsibilities have been distributed among partners according to their sectorial know-how and previous
        expertise (functional approach), thus providing a real added value to project implementation. However,certain activities
        requires a more “geographical” scope (i.e. each partner has to provide analysis based on territorial data and information)
        Joint financing
        The project has a joint budget with funding allocated to partners in accordance to the planned activities. Some partners
        (especially the LP) manage an higher portion of the project budget only because that they are responsible for
        implementing activities whose results will concern all the other partners (communication, online platform, providing
        service to the target groups, etc). The Financial Manager is responsible for the sound management of the IPA funds
        according to the program financial rules.
  3.9. Project management
     The NEXT project management methodology is a "systemic project management approach". Under this perspective the
     project management will focus on the:
     • management structure;
     • project team;
     • information flow among the partners.

     Through an intensive coordination within the partnership, the LP will be responsible for the following management
     A) Creating the Operative Project Schedule: elaboration of the Activity Plan that will be shared with and approved by the
     Steering Committee
     B) Building up the monitoring and evaluation system: providing the specific monitoring and internal evaluation system
     described and formalized in the MEP (Monitoring and Evaluation Plan).
     C) Establishing the audit trail system: an instrument aimed to ensure the “self-control” during the implementation, that
     describes how the funding of the project has been spent.
     The project management process will be carried out by three organizational structures connected with each other by an

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effective system of formal and informal communications.
     (1) Steering Committee, (SC) will ensure the achievement of the project objectives in terms of:
     • approval of acts and "key documents" of the project: Action Plan (AP), Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (MEP),
     Communication and Dissemination Plan (CDP)
     • contribution to ensure motivation and team spirit in the project;
     • observance of several formal procedures, concerning the administrative resources management and the relationship with
     the MA;
     • ensure efficiency in relation to the internal communication and decision-making process;
     • ensure uniformity of external messages and communication;
     • efficacy of the dissemination and mainstreaming actions;
     • coherence of the planned actions in the Activity Plan compared to the development strategies and to the policy elaborated
     in the territories.
     The Steering Committee will be composed by two representatives for each partner. They meet at least 3 times during the
     year, in each partner Country in turn.
     (2) Program Manager Office (PMO) will report to the Project Manager (PM). The team will be composed by a professional
     staff provided by the Lead Partner. One of the members will be the Financial Manager, responsible for the project budget
     management and the activity of financial reporting.
     The PMO will be responsible for the activity plan management and will run the project daily operations. The PMO will carry
     out all required tasks and will ensure that all problems or issues will be solved. S/He will also set out the team operating
     rules and procedure (OP), and Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures.
     (3) Partner Operations Teams (POT) will be composed by professional staff provided by partner organizations in each
     territory involved in the NEXT project. POT will be responsible for the proper implementation of project activities in the
     national contexts, according to the AP authorized by the Steering Committee and to the Operative Procedures established
     by the PM.

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Beneficiaries list
     Beneficiary role                    Lead Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Regione Marche - PF Innovazione, Ricerca e Competitività dei settori
                                         national original
                                         language                    produttivi
                                         Institution name in         Marche Regional Authority – Innovation, Research and Competitivness
                                         English language
                                                                     of productive sectors Unit
                                         Legal status                Public Body
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Via Tiziano 44, 60125
                                         City                        Ancona
                                         Country                     ITALY
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Marche - Ancona
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                patrizia sopranzi
     Person                              Function                    Head of Innovation, Research and competitiveness of productive sectors
     Contact person                      Name/surname                patrizia sopranzi
                                         Function                    Head of Innovation, Research and competitiveness of productive sectors
                                         Street, Number              Via Tiziano,44
                                         Postal code                 60125
                                         City                        Ancona
                                         Ph. Num.                    071. 8063337
                                         Fax                         071. 8063337
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   IT12 N060 5502 6000 0000 0003
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                1.019.000,00
                                         EU co-financing             866.150,00
                                         National co-financing       152.850,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     Innovation, Research and Competitiveness of productive sectors Unit (I&R Unit) is one of the 6 units of the Industry and
     Craftsman Department of the Marche Region. It is composed of 7 internal staff members. Regarding the drafting and
     implementing of CB projects, the Unit can be supported by the regional development agency “SVIM”. This is a company
     (100% share owned by Marche Region) with a total staff structure of about 25 members covering all phases of project
     cycle. Both the Unit and SVIM headquarters are well equipped with all the office and web tools necessary for the
     successful CB projects implementation and joint partnership coordination. In the last 3 years, the I&R Unit has injected in
     the regional economic tissue about 100 ml Euro from EU and State funds stimulating private investments (for about 300 ml
     Euro) in research, technological transfer, innovative practice, creation of spin-off, etc. to increase regional enterprises
     international competiveness.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     Previous CBC actions: TISAF (Interreg IIIA-NPPA, submitted in 2006 and refunded in 2009 and 2011 as “best practice”)
     focusing on technological . tools for the competitive growing of industrial Adriatic system, while ITAC (Interreg IIIA- NPPA)
     involved 16 members of the Forum of Adriatic-Ionian Chambers of Commerce to improve the competitiveness of SMEs.
     Regarding the specific sector of NEXT, it’s to be mentioned the ongoing IKTIMED (MED 2007-2013) aimed to foster the
     competitiveness of SMEs through a new PPP to support innovation based on a more open approach to knowledge and
     tech. transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. Then, Marche region is the coordinator of the JADE project (7°F.P.-
     Capacity/Regions of Knowledge) with French, English, Finnish and Turkish partners aiming at launching at transnational
     level the emergent regional research driven cluster (i-LIVE RDC) specialized in ambient intelligent technologies for
     independent living and eco-sustainability.
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

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Leadership played by the I&R Unit originates from its institutional mission to increase the territorial competitiveness and the
     significant role played within I&R contexts, such as: the coordination of the Italian Observatory on Regional Policies and
     Innovation to improve the strategy for promoting and funding research, knowledge transfer and innovation of SMEs and to
     find out common tools to support and evaluate research and innovation projects. The Unit is also beneficiary of the national
     project (funded by the Italian Dept. for Economic Development) aiming at stimulating new methodologies and sharing best
     practices on R&I policies, technological foresight and pre-commercial procurement. A best practice is also the Regional
     Platform on Innovation with the aim of sustaining research and tech. innovation in the region by facilitating the access to
     tech. competences, patents, R&D project databases. These competences will guarantee both project’s management and
  Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     Thanks to the above-mentioned wide and successful experience gained in the past and on-going CBC and transnational
     activities and the within the ERDF funds managements, thanks to the past and current Regional Operative Programme, the
     I&R Unit will be in charge of coordinating the project activities implementation, guaranteeing the well-timed and effective
     realization of the proposed activities. LP, supported by SVIM experienced project/financial managers, will be able to
     proficiently implement the process of monitoring, reporting, media events and organizational meetings. In addition, the high
     level know-how and competences acquired within the above-mentioned research and innovation contexts and the closed
     relationships and networking built with regional, national and international research, technological and academic actors, will
     allow the I&R Unit to play and effective role of scientific supervision of all the technical activities foreseen by the NEXT

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Fondacioni “Partneritet per Zhvillim”
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Foundation “Partnership for Development”
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Non profit private organization
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Str Shinasi Dishnica, nr. 100, 1000
                                         City                        Tirana
                                         Country                     ALBANIA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Tiranë
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Tome Preku
     Person                              Function                    Executive Director of PfD
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Aferdita Sadiku
                                         Function                    Project Coordinator
                                         Street, Number              Str. Gjike Kuqali, P.8, Shk.2, Ap.24
                                         Postal code                 1000
                                         City                        Tirana
                                         Ph. Num.                    +355 4 2227309
                                         Fax                         +355 4 2227309
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   AL 26202110370000004305985412
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                210.000,00
                                         EU co-financing             178.500,00
                                         National co-financing       31.500,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     The main goal of PfD is to contribute in the social-economic and institutional sustainable development of Albania. It aims to
     simulate, support and disseminate opportunities of democratic, social, economical, cultural, environmental and human
     development of Albanian population in cooperation with the other nations of the Region and wider.
     PfD engages in its activities an interdisciplinary team made of 12 full time and associated senior and junior professionals,
     consultants and trainers. It has a consolidated partnership and cooperates with a large number of local/grass root level
     NGOs and organizations at the national and regional levels as well as with different international partners and donors
     funded projects.
     The PfD Office Structure is settled in Tirana and owns all necessary office equipments, facilities and tools, assuring a well
     endeavor of the engagements undertaken. PfD has developed focal points in different regions of the country and region.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     A brief list of the main activities implemented during last years:
     2011-2013 Main Implementing Partner of Municipality of Bushat (Lead Partner) for the realization of the Project “BWS –
     Build Waste Sustainability: New Capacities for Sustainable Waste Management” financed under IPA Adriatic CBC
     Programme (European Commission Program).
     Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2010 Capacity Building Project for the Local Authorities in Kelmend and Shkrel, Shkoder Region – funded
     by the Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Tirana
     Dec 07 – Dec 2008 Capacity Building for the Local Authorities in Commune of Bushat (Shkoder – Albania) – funded by the
     Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Tirana.
     These experiences have allowed the development of the capacity to manage complex projects, to evaluate public policies
     and to manage partnerships and cross-border networks
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     PfD will participate to the project’s joint implementation by identifying bodies and contact persons (Steering Committee and
     Partner Operations Team), sharing and validating procedures and tools for project management.
     PfD competences and skills will contribute to achieve the project’s objective through:

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organization and management of local communication actions;
     data collection aimed at context analysis, meetings organization, and public consultations on the territory, relations with the
     identification of the characteristics, needs and expectations of the territory with reference to the contents and IT application;
     participation of referees for the animation activities of the platform with reference to the actors of the territory and for the
     information and contacts / relationships with local actors;
     support for the identification of ideas/projects/patents and organization of business speed date.

  Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     • Preparation, organization, implementation and management of projects, studies and analyses on economic, social,
     environmental and cultural development;
     • Technical and financial assistance, consultancies and capacity building to public and private administration at central,
     regional and local level;
     • Promote the establishment of links, cooperation, twining and sustainable partnership relations for development between
     institutions and various private and public subjects also with other Countries or regions;
     • Support and realization of lobbing activities for the stimulation of Albanians development;
     • Combination of the technical aspects with that of advocacy offering to decision makers alternative policies but in the same
     time promoting the participation of stakeholders and larger public in discussion, preparation, implementation and
     monitoring the envisaged policies.
     PfD services, opinions and recommendations are highly demanded in the country.

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Agronomski I prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, Sveucilište u Mostaru
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Mostar
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Public Body
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Biskupa Cule bb, 88000
                                         City                        Mostar
                                         Country                     BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Mostar
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Stanko Ivankovic
     Person                              Function                    Dean
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Stanko Ivankovic
                                         Function                    Dean
                                         Street, Number              Biskupa Cule bb
                                         Postal code                 88000
                                         City                        Mostar
                                         Ph. Num.                    +387/63-372-724
                                         Fax                         +387/36-337-105
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   BA393380604811081508
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                191.500,00
                                         EU co-financing             162.775,00
                                         National co-financing       28.725,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results: the faculty of
     Agriculture is developing its activities of research. The research staff is composed by 6 professors with a PhD, 7 with the
     title Masters of Science and an increasing number of young researchers. Among the faculty associates we have 67 people
     with a PhD and 5 with the title Masters of Science. The intensive activity of research has produced important results at the
     international level which are evident in published scientific papers, in creating a development strategy for agriculture in
     some cantons, organizing symposia for farmers and businesses (for example the standardization in the production of
     autochthonous cheeses), the conservation of plant genetic resources, cooperation with agricultural associations.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     - “Plant Health and Genetic Resources in South East Europe”, Norwegian – South Eastern Europe Program. 2006-2009
     - “Reorientation of academic education in agriculture of south-east Europe – development of teaching programs in animal
     science and animal farming“(Project 7.)”. Program: „Institutional cooperation between Agriculture, Forestry and Medicine
     Faculties in Norway, B&H, Croatia and Montenegro“, 2006-2009.
     - “Mineral improved crop production for human and animal health in Balkan Countries”, 2010-2013 Balkan-HERD program.
     Cooperation between Norwegian, B&H, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia
     - Tempus project “Structural Preparation of B&H Universities for Academic European Integration through Modular
     Structure” in 2006. (SM SCM-CO17A06-2006)
     - “Building the European Food Science Education”; Tempus (JEP_40035_2005) 2007 – 2009
     The experiences contribute to ensure a sound capacity in cooperation and knowledge management in the field of research.

  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     Researchers and University departments will be among the main users of the services of the platform. The contribution of
     teachers and researchers will therefore be crucial for the optimal definition of the requirements and specifications of the
     platform and services to be provided. In addition, the contribution of the University will be essential for dissemination of
     NEXT within the scientific community and professional of Bosnia Herzegovina.

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Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     The Faculty of Agriculture is characterized by the abilities and skills mentioned above gained through the management of
     research projects at the international level. Facilities and human resources of the university, therefore, are the best asset
     for ensure a wide and contribution to the specific tasks which provide the involvement of Universities and Researcher

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Beneficiary role                     Final Beneficiary
     Institution                          Institution name in         Grad Šibenik
                                          national original
                                          Institution name in         City of Šibenik
                                          English language
                                          Legal status                Public Body
                                          "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                              Street, Number, Postal      Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata 1, 22000
                                          City                        Šibenik
                                          Country                     CROATIA
                                          NUTS II - III o equiv.      Šibenik -Knin
     Legal representative / Authorized    Name/surname                Ante Županovic
     Person                               Function                    Major
     Contact person                       Name/surname                Peter Misura
                                          Function                    Head of the Department of Economy, Enterprises and Development
                                          Street, Number              Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata 1
                                          Postal code                 22000
                                          City                        Šibenik
                                          Ph. Num.                    +385 22 431 069; +385 91 3663 022
                                          Fax                         +385 22 431 099
     Beneficiary financial details        IBAN Code                   ME25520420000000081119
                                          Swift Code
                                          CUP Code
                                          Total budget                381.500,00
                                          EU co-financing             324.275,00
                                          National co-financing       57.225,00
                                          Additional public/private   0,00
                                          funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     The City of Šibenik has 80 employes,annual budget is 25,3 million EUR. Department of Economics, Enterprise and
     Development will be responsible for the project, Dep.has competence and experience with all technical conditions for the
     NEXT project. Business Zone PODI Šibenik Infrastructure (2007-2008), largest commercial zone in Dalmatia in the plan for
     first large solar power plant in Croatia, Regional waste Management centre Bikarac (2008-2009)ISPA fund, first and only
     Croatia waste center according EU standards. In the City there is a college for Tourism, as well as the maritime innovation
     center INAVIS that will soon become technology park. Foundation of the university is planned, with study programs for
     ecology and energetics. Šibenik is also the leading croatian city for electricity production from renewable sources. Science
     institutions in the city area together with the entrepreneurs and the protected natural enviroment, to be preserved, is the
     city contribution in this project.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     The City of Šibenik doesn't have a specific experience in CBC projects, but has managed several international projects to
     create a complex system of infrastructures for economic and technological development of the area. The implementation
     of these ambicious investment programs has increased capabilities and in the Department of Economics, Enterprise and
     Development of Municipality of Šibenik The realization of the "Business Incubator" inside the "Business Zone Podi" and
     specially of "iNavis" the maritime innovation center in Šibenik resulted in the achievement of high level managerial skills
     necessary to manage complex systems of relationship between stakeholders and private and publi institutions at national
     and international level.
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     The City of Šibenik represents, for the quantity and quality of results in the field of innovation and economic development a
     real "best practice" for the beneficiary partners involved in the Next project. The experience in the field of innovation and
     related services can add a real value to the Next project both in designing the advanced services for innovation and
     technology transfer and also creating the basis for the immediate availability of the Next collaborative platform through the
     integration of its services and tools within the initiatives already in place in Šibenik 's territory.

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Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     The Department of Economics, Enterprise and Development of Municipality of Šibenik. will provide project expertise,
     products and results of its previous and current activity regarding the business development, the internalization of
     business and the implementation of consulting and marketing services for the Croatian SME's . Therefore the contribution
     of City of Šibenik will be very effective in concept and design of the platform architecture for taking into account the
     different needs of the potential users: 1) research Centres, technology transfer Centres and universities, 2) researchers, 3)
     enterprises and other stakeholders (e.g. Chambers of Commerce, Development Agencies, professional associations) with
     the aim to promote at all levels the connection between research and industry. Moreover Šibenik will play a very important
     role to involve local, regional and national stakeholders in the project deployment activities.

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Keshilli i Qarkut Shkoder
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Regional Council of Shkodra
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Public Body
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Rruga “28 Nentori”, 4001-4007
                                         City                        Shkoder
                                         Country                     ALBANIA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Shkodër
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Maxhid Cungu
     Person                              Function                    President
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Etleva Papleka
                                         Function                    Director
                                         Street, Number              Rruga “28 Nentori”
                                         Postal code                 4001-4007
                                         City                        Shkoder
                                         Ph. Num.                    00355673114352
                                         Fax                         0035522242741
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   AL81206510170000600820000009
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                210.000,00
                                         EU co-financing             178.500,00
                                         National co-financing       31.500,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     Regional Council of Shkodra is a second level unit of local government. Its functions are based on law 8652, date
     31.07.2000. The institution is composed of a political decision making level- Regional Council - and a technical level -
     Administration of Regional Council. The Regional Council is divided into the following operative structures:
     - Office of External Relations
     - Directorate of Public Procurement
     - Programming & Development
     - Department of Finance and Budget
     - Department of Urban Planning
     - Director of the human resources and legal bureau
     - Directory of services
     - Department of drafting and project monitoring
     - Land Protection Inspectorate
     The total human resources involved in administrative and technical activities is about 100 persons.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     The goal of the project is promotion of the creation of a network of key players in local development, promotion of
     innovation and trade fair events in order to establish an integrated operative model of skills and know-how for the
     promotion of innovative new enterprises, supporting them from the pre-seed stage through to consolidation on the market.
     The model, known as “Fiera dell’Adriatico”, hinges upon trade fair facilities viewed as multipurpose centres in which events
     are integrated with services for enterprise such as the “Cittadella dell’Economia” (Citadel of the Economy) in Campobasso
     and the “Cittadella delle imprese” (Citadel of Enterprise) in Taranto. This innovative formula is intended to attract the
     involvement of entrepreneurs in all participating towns and provide a landmark for exchanging skills and know-how for
     businesspeople in the participating towns.

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Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     The main contribution of the Region in the project framework is related in activities of supporting in reaching the project
     goals on following topics:
     - Technology Transfer actions: support for partnerships between SMEs, investors and researchers to facilitate the
     innovation process and spin-off creation.
     - Actions for identification of potential spin-offs, evaluation and selection for financial and technical support in the regional
     - Defining the methodology for the technology transfer actions and setting up of network tools
     - Matchmaking of technology needs and research results.
  Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     The region gained local experience working with institutional academy bodies building local networks among organizations
     that support business development and spin-off creation to facilitate an interactive technology transfer as well as the
     dissemination of innovative practices and know-how.
     Next challenge is related to the new and innovative tools able to put into action transfer technology actions such as:
     - web-site software interactive–portal
     - Strengthening of public-private cooperation (economic operators, chambers of commerce, clusters, Technology Transfer
     Center, Industrial Network, Venture Capitalist, ecc) by creating a new technology transfer system-brokerage model to
     increase the critical mass for the SMEs in terms of innovation and productivity growth and by creating mechanisms for
     crossborder match-making
     The regional Know-how will contribute to strengthen the dissemination processes of innovative technologies and improving
     links between businesses and research.

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Fakultet za informacione sisteme i tenologije
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         University of Donja Gorica, Faculty of Information Systems and
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Non profit private organization
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Donja Gorica bb, 81000
                                         City                        Podgorica
                                         Country                     MONTENEGRO
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Podgorica
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Veselin Vukotic
     Person                              Function                    rector
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Sandra Tinaj
                                         Function                    manager
                                         Street, Number              Donja Gorica bb
                                         Postal code                 81100
                                         City                        Podgorica
                                         Ph. Num.                    +38220410777
                                         Fax                         +38220410766
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   ME25520420000000081119
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                191.500,00
                                         EU co-financing             162.775,00
                                         National co-financing       28.725,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     University of Donja Gorica has the total of 75 employees, consisting of 35 professors, 28 associates, and 12 administrative
     staff. In terms of technical conditions UDG has a new integral building with area of 16000 m2, five large amphitheaters that
     can seat up to 300 people each with all the accompanying equipment (projectors, monitors, computers, speakers,
     microphones), several smaller classrooms, large computer rooms and in addition a mobile computer lab (Apple Lab),
     library, cafeteria, gallery, offices, and areas suitable for large and small meetings and conferences. Faculty of International
     Economics, Finance and Business, has extensive international cooperation experience with other universities and with
     numerous partners in the industry sector through either education or implementation of several international projects.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     The University of Donja Gorica doesn't have a specific experience in CBC projects, but has managed several international
     projects in the TEMPUS programme which supports the modernization of higher education in the EU's surrounding area.
     Through these projects the University has established a sustainable Montenegro University-Enterprise partnerships
     targeting competency based training and business development (developing the relationship between university and
     enterprises in the context of lifelong learning). With an other recent project "Strategic piloting with South East Europan
     Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, the University has improved skills and knowledge in the management of networks
     between universities and enterprises. Capacity, expertise, and skills achieved in implementing the above projects are
     hallmarks of the University contribution to a project that focuses on knowledge management.
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     The contribution of teachers and researchers of University of Donja Gorica will therefore be crucial for the project
     development and sustainibility. At operational level the Beneficiary will ensure the optimal definition of the requirements
     and specifications of the platform and services to be provided. At a strategic level the University will contribute to create a
     research community
     integrated and advanced in the territory, in order to develop more dynamic processes of generation of innovation and to
     establish networks of innovators in open

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multiple stakeholders, at local and international level.
  Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     The University of Donja Gorica will provide project expertise, products and results of previous projects carried out in the
     field of international exploitation of knowledge networks to enhance the awareness of university-enterprise partnership in
     society at large. Moreover the contribution of management of the University will be very important to involve local, regional
     and national stakeholders in the project deployment activities and also to build a sustainable network with enterprises,
     professional associations, financial institutions as well as Business Incubators, other universities and the Network of
     Regional and Local business Center.

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Asocijacijaza ekonomski razvoj REDAH
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Association for Economic Development REDAH
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Body governed by public law
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Bulevar narodne revolucije 17, 88000
                                         City                        Mostar
                                         Country                     BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Mostar
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Ivan Jurilj
     Person                              Function                    Executive Director
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Ivan Jurilj
                                         Function                    Executive Director
                                         Street, Number              Bulevar narodne revolucije 17
                                         Postal code                 88000
                                         City                        Mostar
                                         Ph. Num.                    ++387 36 557 210
                                         Fax                         ++387 36 557 211
                                         E-mail            ;
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   BA 4910903033
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                142.000,00
                                         EU co-financing             120.700,00
                                         National co-financing       21.300,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     The Regional Economic Development Association for Herzegovina REDAH is a non-government, non- profit and
     independent agency founded by the regional economic development entities for the purpose of promoting, coordinating,
     planning and implementing development activities in the region. The work of the Agency is based on the partnership
     between public, private and non-government sector.
     The organizational structure of REDAH is hierarchically structured in General Assembly (34 members), Management Board
     (9 members) and executive professional staff divided into 5 departments: Director Administration and finance; Strategy,
     policy, planning; Operations; SME-Investment promotion; Centre for rural and agriculture. REDAH has 13 employees with
     university degree and fluent in English and/or German/Italian language.
     REDAH has 3 offices located in Mostar with all necessary equipment as computers, laptops, printers, photocopies, video
     projector, cars etc.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     REDAH has implemented a number of activities among which the those most important ones are:
     - Partner in the project 'Promotion of Rural Tourism in Cross Border Area between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina'
     - Partner in TEMPUS Project 'Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform'
     - Partner to UCODEP in the project 'Protection and Valorisation of Traditional Agricultural Product in Herzegovina'
     - Implementation of the Creation of Trebižat Heritage Trails: HEART OF HERZEGOVINA', the project under Call VI EU
     Support to Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (LOT 2: TOURISM DEVELOPMENT);
     - Implementation of 'CREDO Herzegovina (Competitive Regional Economic Development in Herzegovina)'
     These experiences allow REDAH to support the implementation of NEXT project and strongly contribute to a qualitative
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     REDAH is constantly committed to achieve open dialogue with local stakeholders and a participatory work methods,
     enabling local stakeholders and clients/beneficiaries to express their real needs and demands in order to shape them in
     accordance with EU standards and development principles. REDAH has been active in creating systemic support

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throughout the Region and extensively analysed the types of measures needed for regional growth.
     REDAH has already established instruments based on the needs related to information, skills and knowledge, business
     and infrastructure.
     REDAH is committed to a strategic approach to economic development in Herzegovina: each action has been designed as
     a response to a specific need identified in the Region. Such working policy, that is embedded in REDAH's organizational
     structure, creates solid grounds for the implementation of NEXT in Herzegovina, which is also driven by solutions that
     derive from public consensus and aims to solve concrete issues.
  Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     From the very beginning, REDAH put emphasis on continuous education of its employees. In this way human resources
     enhance their capacity to solve problems.
     REDAH has 13 employees and all of them are highly educated with long-time working experience in projects
     implementation and management. Among other, REDAH staff has the following certificates:
     • International Certificate on Project Cycle Management,
     • Certificate on Strategic Project Planning and Marketing Strategy, on EU Integration Processes and Access to Funds, on
     Public Advocacy-lobbying, on Interactive Communication, on Negotiation Skills, on Voucher Scheme at national and
     Regional Level, on Developing Feasibility Study and Cost Benefit Analysis for Investment Projects, on Training, on Cost
     Benefit Analysis on Financial Operation and Analysis, on Enterprises Diagnosis, on Internal Auditor for Quality System
     Manager, etc.

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Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Privredna komora Crne Gore
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Chamber of Economy of Montenegro
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Body governed by public law
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Novaka Miloseva 29/II, 81000
                                         City                        Podgorica
                                         Country                     MONTENEGRO
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Podgorica
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Pavle D.Radovanovic
     Person                              Function                    Secretary General
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Pavle D.Radovanovic
                                         Function                    Secretary General
                                         Street, Number              Novaka Miloseva 29/II
                                         Postal code                 81000
                                         City                        Podgorica
                                         Ph. Num.                    +382 20 230 545
                                         Fax                         +382 20 230 493
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   ME25520420000020740082
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                191.500,00
                                         EU co-financing             162.775,00
                                         National co-financing       28.725,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information): Chamber of Economy of
     Montenegro is business association with rich tradition, independent, professional, creative, inventive and above all
     authoritative, and represents interests of all businessmen for the economic and overall development of Montenegro. It has
     62 employees, out of which is more than 70% with faculty education. The Chamber acts in accordance with the Law on the
     Chamber of Economy of Montenegro that has been introduced in 1998. Membership in Chamber is obligatory and all
     companies registered with Commercial Court are members of the Chamber. The Chamber is financed from membership
     fees, revenues from services and other sources according to the law.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     Chamber has successfully performed numerous projects that present common themes and aims with the project Next with
     international partners, such as: Implementation of QMS and EMS in Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina
     with partners from those countries and Slovakia; Acquis Transfer Montenegro with East Flanders Chamber of Commerce
     VOKA; AdrIon Tour project that is initiated by Adriatic Ionian Chambers Forum with partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia,
     Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. In July 2011 Chamber of Economy of Montenegro has applied
     as a partner in 4 project proposals within 2nd Call for proposals IPA CBC Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro so our
     institutions has developed a sound experience and competence in the joint implementation and management of IPA CBC
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro will contribute actively to the achievement of the Next project's goals trying to
     raise the innovation potentials of the area, focusing on the identification of clients’ needs/potentials for the innovation. The
     istitutional role of the Chamber will permit to the "Next" platform and to its services to become a focal point both to
     dissemination of information regarding innovation-related policies, legislation, the support programs both for the provision
     of brokerage services for technology and knowledge transfer, as well as stimulation of the capacity of companies to

31/10/2011 17:33:54                                                   2°ord./0023/0                                        Page 23 of 89
Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     Chamber has more than 80 years of experience in connecting national and international economies. Some of the basic
     activities of the Chamber that represents it’s competences and capacities are: achievement and improvement of the shared
     interests of its members; participating in drafting corporate and system laws and measures and economic policy measures;
     representing the shared interests of its members, before state authorities and the Trade Unions; delivering professional
     support to the Chamber’s members, especially in linking the economy with the science through introducing new
     technologies; arranging seminars and specialized courses; organizing the activities in the area of economic relations with
     foreign countries that relate to the promotion of goods and services, economic advertisements, fairs arrangements, foreign
     trade network development, realization of foreign trade transactions, it cooperates with chambers, companies and
     corresponding institutions abroad.

31/10/2011 17:33:54                                         2°ord./0023/0                                              Page 24 of 89
Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Istarska razvojna agencija
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Istrian Development Agency
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Body governed by public law
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Mletacka 12/IV, 52100
                                         City                        Pula
                                         Country                     CROATIA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Istra
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Darko Lorencin
     Person                              Function                    CEO
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Darko Lorencin
                                         Function                    CEO
                                         Street, Number              Mletacka 12/IV
                                         Postal code                 52100
                                         City                        Pula
                                         Ph. Num.                    00385(52)381900
                                         Fax                         00385(52)381905
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   HR9324070001118013783
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                221.500,00
                                         EU co-financing             188.275,00
                                         National co-financing       33.225,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     The Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd. was founded by the Istrian Region and its 9 towns on December 14th 1999 as
     an operational body entrusted with the implementation of development programmes in the Istrian Region. It is a self-
     sustainable agency (project financed). IDA has equity of 2.300.000 EUR and total assets in the value of 4.616.159 EUR. Its
     head office is located in the centre of Pula and all the offices are equipped with standard equipment such as computers,
     printers, faxes, etc. IDA has 12 full-time employees- 1 with PhD degree, 2 with degree and 9 with degree of
     university education. The work is organised in departments covering: credit guarantee scheme (in cooperation with EIB),
     coordination of 26 business zones in the region, international cooperation and implementation of EU funded projects,
     research and innovation activities within Metris research centre. The staff is continuously trained for generation and
     implementation of IDA` activities.
  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     IDA was involved in many projects: such as: INTERREG III B CADSES: GO NETWORK (2003 – 2006), I-log (2004 –
     2005), REDECON (CARDS 2004) - (2006 – 2008); INTERREG III A: LO.DE (2004-2005), GALILEO (2004-2005);
     INTERREG III A Neighborhood Programme Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia: SLO-HR-RA (2005 – 2006), SLOHRA ZONET
     (PHARE 2005) – (2007 – 2008)); INTERREG ADRIATICO: AsviLoc (CARDS 2004) – (2007 - 2008); INTERREG III A,
     PHARE 2006: MET.R.IS. (2008 –2009);
     Currently IDA is involved in 8 projects: SOUTH EAST EUROPE: AsviLoc Plus (2009 – 2012), CitySEC (IEE); IPA
     CBC Croatia-Slovenia: INTERINO, MLADIEKOIN, SLOHRA GLOBALNET (2011-2014). These experiences made IDA in
     condition to implement the activities and project obligations.
  Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project

     The IDA's experience with the establishment and operation of the research center METRIS, will allow the Istrian Agency to
     transfer and amplify the scope of the results obtained in the field of innovation, research and technological development,
     adding value and quality to the project, contributing at a better designing of of the collaboration platform and its services.

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Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results

     IDA is an operational body entrusted with the implementation of development programmes of the Region of Istria. Its
     primary role lies in the stimulation of the development of small and medium-sized trade in the Region of Istria through
     securing financial support, holding educational courses, developing entrepreneurial infrastructure, providing information
     and consultations services to entrepreneurs, offering services to prospective foreign investors, and implementing different
     interregional and international projects aimed at creating favourable entrepreneurial conditions. In one of the latest biggest
     EU projects IDA constructed and equipped Research Centre for Metal - METRIS. The establishment of the new Centre for
     technological and innovation development boosted the cooperation between clusters, scientific and academic institutions
     and private companies. Therefore IDA has great competence in implementing the proposed project activities.

31/10/2011 17:33:54                                         2°ord./0023/0                                                Page 26 of 89
Beneficiary role                    Final Beneficiary
     Institution                         Institution name in         Regionalna agencija za ekonomski razvoj Šumadije i Pomoravlja
                                         national original
                                         Institution name in         Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje
                                         English language
                                         Legal status                Body governed by public law
                                         "de minimis" condition      No
     Address                             Street, Number, Postal      Kralja Petra I 22, 34000
                                         City                        Kragujevac
                                         Country                     SERBIA
                                         NUTS II - III o equiv.      Serbia
     Legal representative / Authorized   Name/surname                Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic
     Person                              Function                    Director
     Contact person                      Name/surname                Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic
                                         Function                    Director
                                         Street, Number              Kralja Petra I 22
                                         Postal code                 34000
                                         City                        Kragujevac
                                         Ph. Num.                    +381 34 302 702
                                         Fax                         +381 302 706
     Beneficiary financial details       IBAN Code                   RS35165000202440590263
                                         Swift Code
                                         CUP Code
                                         Total budget                100.000,00
                                         EU co-financing             85.000,00
                                         National co-financing       15.000,00
                                         Additional public/private   0,00
                                         funding (where required)

  Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information)

     REDASP has 15 permanent staff, out of which 13 have a VII grade university degree.
     The Agency has modern computer equipment and 3 cars.
     The annual budget for 2011 is 320.000 EUR.
     Year of establishment/status changes:
     - 15.05.2002. Regional Agency for SME development
     - 16.09.2004. Regional Agency for economic development of Sumadija and Pomoravlje
     Founders: Eleven municipalities form the Šumadija and Pomoravlje region, Regional Chamber of Commerce, 1 bank, 2
     entrepreneurs’ associations and two NGOs
     Mission: Stimulation of economic and social development of Sumadija and Pomoravlje
     REDASP is certified by ISO 9001 quality standard.
     REDASP has significant experience in implementation of projects financed by national and international institutions. It
     implemented more than 30 projects, with a total value close to 9.000.000 EUR.

  Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects

     REDASP has implemented projects in the following development priorities: rural development 5; Tourism development 2;
     Territorial development 3; SME development 15; Human resource development 9; Institutional capacity building 3 ;
     Strategic planning 2.
     The projects were financed by a great number of international institutions active in Serbia :Delegation of the European
     Union to the Republic of Serbia, Italian Government, South-Moravian region, Czech Republic, Government of
     Netherlands,OSCE,E.A.R.,UNDP, USAID, Germany Embassy, British Embassy.
     In CBC 2 programmes can be pointed out on national and international level:
     PRICES - The integrated project to support regional cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries and SeeNet 2 - trans-
     local network for the cooperation between Italy and South-Eastern Europe

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Prj 2°ord. 0023-0-Next

  • 1. 1. Project Identification Call for proposals Second call for ordinary project proposals 1.1. Project Title Collaborative platform to support research and technology transfer 1.2. Project Acronym NEXT 1.3. Project Code 2°ord./0023/0 1.4. Date of approval 1.5. Priority / Measure Priority 1 Economic, Social and Institutional Cooperation Measure 1.1 Research and Innovation 1.6. Lead Beneficiary (official Off. name Marche Regional Authority – Innovation, Research and Competitivness name in English, Country, level of productive sectors Unit of Nuts II - III or equivalent) Country ITALY Nuts II-III eq. Marche - Ancona 1.7. Project length Start 09/2012 End 04/2015 Total months 32 1.8. Total budget 2.999.180,00 € 1.9.Partnership Number of Beneficiaries per Country ALBANIA 2 BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA 2 CROATIA 2 GREECE 0 ITALY 2 MONTENEGRO 2 Other [art. 97 reg (EC) 718/2007] 0 SERBIA 1 SLOVENIA 0 Total Number of Beneficiaries 11 Total Number of Associates 2 1.10. Project Summary NEXT intends to create a collaborative platform to support innovation and technology transfer in the Countries of the Adriatic area. The project is promoted by 11 partners from six Countries: Italy, Croatia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro and the representatives of different interests and positions of the actors of innovation: Universities, Regional Development Agencies, Chamber of Economy and Local Authorities. The project stems from some considerations: - The borders of these Countries, known for years as places of exacerbation of national differences, represent nowadays concrete grounds for overcoming the restrictions and contrasts, and offer new opportunities in the field of research, innovation and technology transfer. The cross-border areas lie at the forefront of the main challenge that will increasingly be posed to the larger Europe: managing diversity and competitiveness while at the same time maintaining cohesion. - Innovation and technology transfer, widely re-called in national and EU research programs, are in recent years facing new challenges due to factors such as: the impact of globalization; the emergence of new pervasive products and technologies; the difficulty in finding financial resources for R&I in particular in an atomized and undercapitalized industrial context; the consciousness that innovation takes place in "systems" or open networks, through the interaction of actors which are different in competences, skills, objectives. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 1 of 89
  • 2. These challenges and complexity factors require therefore to act over vast areas that go beyond individual regions or Countries and on the connections among systems significantly different from each other (research, education, industry, finance, public administration). Unlike other similar initiatives, the distinctive and effective innovation that distinguishes NEXT is an original mix of virtual services (online platform for information sharing, access to common services, etc.) and material services/products provided directly to partners, SMEs, research and technology transfer centers, institutions. The services/products offered by the NEXT project - the following are the main ones – take into account these considerations. Based on a context analysis and through an effective involvement of the "actors of innovation" in the areas represented, "NEXT open book" will be created, a Repository which can be constantly updated by research and technology transfer centers (both public and private). A summary report ("NEXT trend") will also be produced to give details, for each of the territories involved, of the level of technological intensity, the results of excellence in the field of research and innovation, investment opportunities, public policies support. Both of the tools will be functional to identify and give visibility to excellence competences, thereby facilitating the interaction between the different research actors. The implementation of an online platform will simplify and speed up the opportunities for collaboration, contributing to the establishment/strengthening of supply chains and clusters as well as to the attraction of investments and the resulting capitalization of the leading innovation sectors. In order to consolidate the reaction system, together with a series of platform-based online services ("NEXT Box"), specific initiatives will be implemented for the promotion of investment opportunities (e.g. Promotion of patents and supporting actions for spin-offs and research groups for submission to potential investors) ("NEXT Investment booster"). Following an analysis of the experimentation conducted and partnerships developed within the project, suggestions will be provided to the Programme Authority, and indications for the development of the policies to support innovation in the reference area ("NEXT Outlook "); a feasibility study (" NEXT Suite ") will also be conducted to verify the future sustainability of the initiative. 3. Project Description 3.1. Project background and the problems and/or challenges to be addressed The NEXT project arises from the considerations on the role of innovation, transnational networks and cooperation as levers of national economic development and, more generally, of the increase in competitive capacity of enterprises through better connections with the innovation circuits. The challenges that the project intends to address are significant and they are based on some issues/perspectives/conditions/opportunities such as: Regarding research and technology transfer: - Research and technology transfer development at the level of individual regions/ Countries often leads to too high investments that need to be done on a large scale for determining significant results; - In order to maximize the "value for money" of these activities, synergies and networks can be developed to promote joint researches and the connections with the business community in the cooperation area; - Sharing the risks with the EU and the capitalization of the benefits at the local level represent a great opportunity to enhance the competitiveness of the area through research and technology transfer; - The creation/ availability of a sufficient "critical mass" (skills, resources, actors, etc.) in relevant scientific-technological areas is fundamental to address and support the great challenges in the cooperation area, today and in the future; - Cooperation and networking projects such as NEXT can support the adoption of new cultural and operational approaches in the field of research and innovation and consequently the development of new skills and professional opportunities in the regional contexts of the beneficiary Countries. Regarding cross-border cooperation and the characteristics of the area: - In the Balkan Countries and in particular in those of the former Yugoslavia, due to a number of factors (the economic crisis, few investments in the scientific sector in recent years and the absence of a defined and coherent institutional framework) there is a distinct lack of an institutional and well-defined relationship between the scientific and the business world. At the same time there is the difficulty of accessing wider financial resources, especially for those Countries that 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 2 of 89
  • 3. cannot count on the support provided by the Structural Funds. - For these Countries to exit the cultural and financial isolation is a priority. As to create precise operational models, to identify scientific and technological partners and to build up a framework for the exchange of R&I information and services, to facilitate the access to existing resources and skills at the international level, possibly by means of EU funds provided for such synergistic activities as well; - To promote the excellence in the area and increase the institutional capacity in the sector of research and technology transfer, it’s a clear need, aiming at the implementation of local development models more oriented to the "Territorial knowledge management." 3.2. Project Objectives (general and specific) Consistent with the objective of Measure 1.1 Research and Innovation to "encourage innovation and technology transfer through the creation of networks between the business, institutional and academic community", the project aims to create a collaborative platform among Research centers, enterprises and researchers; this platform will work as the "aggregation element" to stimulate and support an innovation path that will enable to increase the competitiveness of the area. General Objectives: Through the collaborative platform, the NEXT project aims: A. To promote, expand and consolidate, in qualitative and quantitative terms, the cooperation among Research institutes, enterprises and researchers. B. To test mechanisms to support the research and technology transfer system in the area. C. To represent a qualified interlocutor with institutional stakeholders in view of an enlarged R&I governance D. To embody a competitive partner in research and technology transfer at the area level and internationally The specific objectives are: • To define the map of activities and actors of scientific research in each territory involved; • To implement an interactive online platform to facilitate and multiply the exchanges among the actors of innovation; • To provide a range of services to support the relationships among the actors involved; • To promote investment opportunities in favor of research and technology transfer; • To provide guidelines for the development of coordinated policies to support innovation; • To give visibility to excellence in the field of research and innovation; • To capitalize the experience and the results gained to give continuity to the collaborative platform. 3.3. Coherence of the project 3.3.1. Coherence of the project with the Programme's strategy The aims and objectives of the NEXT project are consistent and in close connection with Priority 1 of the Programme: “Economic, social and institutional cooperation” that aims at strengthening research and innovation to facilitate the development of the Adriatic area through economic, social and institutional cooperation. Furthermore, the NEXT project aims at the practical implementation of policy objectives of Measure 1.1 “Research and innovation”: improving research capacity by increasing competence levels, encouraging transfer of innovation through the creation of networks among the entrepreneurial, institutional, academic, training and research sectors, and principally by promoting joint activities. Behind the innovation development there are not only the investments in research and development of individual enterprises. The innovation policy shall aim to produce new forms of collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises especially, in the technology field rather than in the productive and commercial ones. The Next project intends to promote the development of an activity of territorial knowledge management, aimed to make more explicit and formal the organization of the relations through which enterprises, universities, research centres, exchange informations in the traditional productive systems. The aim of the project falls exactly within Measure 1.1. i.e. the organization of an innovation system of the "involved regions" by creating a "place of integration and cooperation" (the NEXT platform) between different public and private actors. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 3 of 89
  • 4. The dimension of the 'cross border' cooperation amplifies and facilitates the development of innovation policies based on processes of knowledge capitalisation and accumulation: • innovation processes and policies at the local/regional level normally produce "spillover" effects towards neighbouring territories. On the other hand, joining a transnational technological cooperation platform produces immediate multiplier effects of the outcomes of local / regional innovation policies; • the physical and geographical dimension of the Adriatic regions can often prevent or limit major economic investments in the field of technology transfer, which instead require a critical mass of projects, initiatives, enterprises and capitals. From this point of view, cross-border cooperation, through the access to international networks, creates the appropriate economic conditions; • the international and global nature of many innovative entrepreneurial initiatives (e.g. renewable energy, sustainable transports) make cross-border network a more interesting and attractive subject compared to individual regional administrative units. 3.3.2.Coherence of the project with the relevant EU policies and horizontal issues The project proves to be consistent with the contents of the main strategic and operational Documents of the European Commission in the field of innovation and competitiveness of European Regions. In particular: with the "Recommendations of the European Council on the recent Commission proposals on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014-2020 (29/06/2011)", which: - recognises the importance that research and innovation play in accelerating the transition towards a sustainable economy; - promotes the establishment of stronger links between basic research and industrial innovation, as well as between innovation and the productive process, recalling that one of the main difficulties in the EU research and innovation programmes lies in the fact that their results are not effectively marketed. with the "Lisbon Strategy and the Europe 2020 Flagship Initiative - Innovation Union SEC (2010) 1161" that: - contributes to the achievement of the expenditure objective in R&D sector corresponding to 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP), and to the implementation of the Flagship Initiative “Innovation Union”, through a strategic approach that integrates both the instruments and the actors involved in research and innovation; - aims to increase the transfer of knowledge between research institutes and enterprises in an open innovation framework, enhancing and stimulating in particular the "non-commercial" activities such as research collaborations, mobility of researchers, creation of spin-off , publications, etc.; - promotes the creation of European partnerships for innovation in order to accelerate the research activities as well as the development and commercialization of innovations with the aim to address issues relevant for the society, to share experiences and resources and to boost the competitiveness of European industry, according to the principle of “aging in good health”. with the recent Communication on "An Integrated Industrial Policy for the globalisation era. Putting competitiveness and sustainability at Centre Stage" {SEC (2010) 1272}, which states that: - Clusters and networks improve industrial competitiveness and innovation, bringing together resources and skills and improving cooperation between public authorities and universities. The EU Regional Policy and the framework programme in the field of research assists regions to adopt "smart specialization strategies" to increase their competitiveness by developing innovation niches. The project is also consistent with the European and national policies on equal opportunities and non-discrimination. Equal opportunities will be taken into consideration and enhanced in all the phases of project implementation. Providers will be chosen for all contracts according to the principles of cost efficiency and transparency. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 4 of 89
  • 5. 3.3.3. Coherence of the project with public national and subnational strategies The project aims to be consistent with the main policy orientations in the field of innovation and research for the beneficiary countries. Regarding the Italian situation, the project shows coherence with the objectives and instruments defined by the National E-Government Strategy and with a specific project "Support for research and innovation policies of the Regions" financed within the National Operating Plan 2007-2013 funded by Structural funds. Regarding the Marche Region, the project is coherent with the Single Programming Document 2008 (matching demand and supply of innovation, etc.), with the Regional Strategic Plan’s objective (to improve competitiveness and strengthen capacities in research and development) and with ERDF ROP 2007-2013, as for the priority axis innovation and economy of knowledge. Moreover, it is closely relevant to the most recent Regional Programme Strategy “MARCHE 2020” launched in February 2011 and focused on the strategic vision of Marche up to 2020 and to the recent Marche Region Employment and Productive Activity Plan for 2011-2013. The project is also consistent with the objectives of innovation and revitalization of research in the beneficiary countries of the Balkans. In these countries the impact of public support for innovation is positive, but still limited. The implementation of policy measures is effective in identifying and supporting the most promising projects, research units and knowledge-based enterprises, as well as in spreading good practices related to a knowledge-based economy. The main policy documents with which the project expresses coherence of objectives and goals are: Croatia- the Strategic Framework for Development 2006-2013, Central State Office for Strategic Development for Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina- Subprogram - "Support to science programmes and projects of significance to the FBiH", developed and implemented by the Ministry for education and science of FBiH, Basic, Sub program "Applied and development research in RS", developed by the Ministry for Science and Technology of RS - Science Department, "Excellence in Innovation", funded by USAID and Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Norway - Montenegro -Strategy for scientific research activities 2008-2016 adopted by the Government, - Serbia - Innovation Law (March 2010) by the Serbian Government- Albania -Strategic Programme for innovation and technology development of SME 2011-2016, the National Strategy for development and integration (NSDI) 2007-2013, the Business and Investment Development Strategy (BIDS) 2007-2013. 3.4. Added value of the cross-border coooperation in this project Beyond the immediate effects that cooperation can lead to- which are numerous – a more qualitative effect concerns the change of mentality: the regions and the actors involved (economic, institutional and social) exit the isolation caused by the borders and natural boundaries and start to cooperate in a less hostile environment. This also results in the achievement of a critical mass that allows, on its turn, to gain enough weight on the international market and to acquire a greater standing in the relation with central, national or European authorities. With specific reference to innovation and technology transfer, which are the core of NEXT, it should be recalled that the majority of the partners and targets of the project (in particular Research centers and SMEs) is already part of one or more networks, has its own "niche" activities and has developed skills specialized to various extents. The problem is that most of the times this niche is limited to the local level, investments in intangible assets (knowledge and relationships) are still limited and, finally, the modalities of knowledge organization do not allow to take advantage of “reuse” to a great extent nor to extend the circuit of potential users and customers. The challenge – which is also NEXT’s main one - is now to move from “short” to extended networks: the single network component can remain small, but its strategy shall be more and more oriented to building a global niche within larger networks. In this way, its specialized expertise is enhanced and enlarged, reaching customers that short networks do not allow to reach; the sharing of networks, the collaboration and exchange of knowledge are widened. The added value identified concerns both sides of the Adriatic, each territory will have specific benefits in relation to its features. 3.5. Methodology approach Rationale for the composition of the partnership: with their closeness to the territory and their location at the juncture between global and local, the project beneficiaries represent adequate subjects to meet the demand for R&I, to manage the connections between the actors and to convey requests and proposals in a systemic framework, facilitating the connection with the regional/national and EU level. The involvement of the key areas of innovation is also ensured: research, education and public administration, industry. Capitalization: data and informations collected in other projects (e.g. IKTIMED and Marche Innovation portal) will be retrieved and standardized to be used on the collaborative platform. Innovation: the NEXT project is innovative both for the issues and challenges that it responds to, both for the action 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 5 of 89
  • 6. modalities proposed. Architecture of the NEXT project combines the virtual and physical dimension of services, based on the assumption that the relations on the collaborative platform cannot have only an intangible dimension but, alongside online services, they require a physical/material dimension which gives concreteness and solidity to the groups that will be formed. A system of relations among different actors is therefore proposed, in which value creation is not the exclusive result of an internal transformation of inputs into outputs - as in the traditional innovation model- nor of a technology transfer limited to a single territory (in a Country or a Region) or to a sector, but it is rather the smart and effective combination of internal and external resources, on a supranational scale. Target groups/stakeholders: target groups: University departments, university technology transfer offices, private and public Research centers, Public agencies and private research and technology transfer centers (from now on RTTCs), researchers, enterprises. Stakeholders: Public Authorities and financial institutions. 3.6. Expected results and outputs In line with the description provided in the project background and with the general and specific objectives, the following main results and outputs of the NEXT project have been elaborated. Detailed results and ouputs are indicated for each WP, the following are the most significant ones at project level. Results: - development of a collaborative platform characterized by virtual and material services that allows to integrate and convert the knowledge of Research institutes, enterprises and researchers in the Adriatic area, into organized and structured knowledge, encouraging the innovation transfer between producers and users. (See Objective A) - improvement of the positioning of local research centers on the international market, both in terms of visibility and access to knowledge and skills for the presentation and interaction with the financial community and the stakeholders. (See objective B) - acceleration of the processes of exchange and accumulation of skills and knowledge and qualification of the collaborative platform as a service and reference structure for the enlarged R&I governance in the Adriatic area. (See Objective C) - development of the competitive capacity of the actors of innovation in the Adriatic area through the participation in the platform as the central and acknowledged core of a global net of knowledge production. (See Objective D) - capacity building and enhancement of the cooperation culture of partners and dissemination of the acquis communautaire in the Countries of the Adriatic area. Outputs: NEXT open book: Repository of RTTCs; NEXT Trends: reports on local contexts; NEXT IS: online platform to support the relationships between the actors of innovation; NEXT box: basic services and advanced services to support research and technology transfer; NEXT investment booster: investment opportunities; NEXT suite: business plan for the sustainability of the collaborative platform; NEXT Evaluation: Analysis of the relations and results produced by the collaborative platform and indications for policy makers; Communication plan and tools for the promotion and dissemination of results. 3.7. Sustainability and long last effects of the project Among the objectives of the project there is the one of consolidating and rooting the project results within three key areas: Financial sustainability:through its actions, the project tends to generate a qualified demand of services. The 32 months of its development should be sufficient to demonstrate to stakeholders that the endurance of the platform operations beyond the temporal boundaries of the project is possible not only in theory, but also in practice. Adopting the model of the software promotion which proved successful in recent years on the web, the project aims to offer free services with the idea of gathering a progressively increasing number of innovation actors. This would become the basis on which to build a self- sustainable initiative from a financial point of view (eg registration fees, promotional sales, pay services, etc) Institutional sustainability: through the elaboration of a business plan (WP7), the partners will identify the optimal configuration for the project sustainability (eg. multilateral agreements, EGTC creation), considering also the participation of private entities. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 6 of 89
  • 7. Political sustainability: the project will contribute to provide guidance for policy development on research, innovation and higher education both within the IPA Prog and the national Operational Prog financed by the Structural Funds, and by improving the alignment capacity to EU policies and targets in the field of research and innovation also behalf the contribution of the Associates The sustainability actions will be implemented through two modalities: horizontal mainstreaming, namely verifying the conditions of transferability of the collaborative platform to other sectors and supply chains of the regional economies of the Countries involved; vertical and cross-border mainstreaming through the development of the project results in relation with the national and international successful experiences in the field of innovation and technology transfer networks. 3.8. Level of cross-border cooperation Joint Development Joint Implementation Joint Staffing Joint Financing 3.8.1. How the project will realize one/more of the previous joint cooperation system Joint development The initial project idea has been conceived by the Lead Partner,moving from its previous experiences in the field. Anyway,it has been fully developed with all partners; each of them gave its own contribution in terms of both analysis concerning the geographical area and technical advices on methodology/content of the action plan. So,the final proposal is the result of an actual joint approach. Joint staffing One of the expected results of the project concern the effectiveness of the “innovation” network that has to be built. For this reason, the overall project management aims at stimulating cooperation and exchanges among partners trough dedicated tools and specific meetings (up to 3 per years for the SC and even more frequent technical meetings). Moreover,the coordination tasks are carried out by a real integrated structure thanks to day by day cooperation between the PMO (program management office) and the POT (partner operation teams) Joint implementation NEXT is based on a shared project management system aiming at stimulating active participation by all participants. Tasks and responsibilities have been distributed among partners according to their sectorial know-how and previous expertise (functional approach), thus providing a real added value to project implementation. However,certain activities requires a more “geographical” scope (i.e. each partner has to provide analysis based on territorial data and information) Joint financing The project has a joint budget with funding allocated to partners in accordance to the planned activities. Some partners (especially the LP) manage an higher portion of the project budget only because that they are responsible for implementing activities whose results will concern all the other partners (communication, online platform, providing service to the target groups, etc). The Financial Manager is responsible for the sound management of the IPA funds according to the program financial rules. 3.9. Project management The NEXT project management methodology is a "systemic project management approach". Under this perspective the project management will focus on the: • management structure; • project team; • information flow among the partners. Through an intensive coordination within the partnership, the LP will be responsible for the following management processes: A) Creating the Operative Project Schedule: elaboration of the Activity Plan that will be shared with and approved by the Steering Committee B) Building up the monitoring and evaluation system: providing the specific monitoring and internal evaluation system described and formalized in the MEP (Monitoring and Evaluation Plan). C) Establishing the audit trail system: an instrument aimed to ensure the “self-control” during the implementation, that describes how the funding of the project has been spent. The project management process will be carried out by three organizational structures connected with each other by an 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 7 of 89
  • 8. effective system of formal and informal communications. (1) Steering Committee, (SC) will ensure the achievement of the project objectives in terms of: • approval of acts and "key documents" of the project: Action Plan (AP), Monitoring and Evaluation Plan (MEP), Communication and Dissemination Plan (CDP) • contribution to ensure motivation and team spirit in the project; • observance of several formal procedures, concerning the administrative resources management and the relationship with the MA; • ensure efficiency in relation to the internal communication and decision-making process; • ensure uniformity of external messages and communication; • efficacy of the dissemination and mainstreaming actions; • coherence of the planned actions in the Activity Plan compared to the development strategies and to the policy elaborated in the territories. The Steering Committee will be composed by two representatives for each partner. They meet at least 3 times during the year, in each partner Country in turn. (2) Program Manager Office (PMO) will report to the Project Manager (PM). The team will be composed by a professional staff provided by the Lead Partner. One of the members will be the Financial Manager, responsible for the project budget management and the activity of financial reporting. The PMO will be responsible for the activity plan management and will run the project daily operations. The PMO will carry out all required tasks and will ensure that all problems or issues will be solved. S/He will also set out the team operating rules and procedure (OP), and Monitoring and Evaluation Procedures. (3) Partner Operations Teams (POT) will be composed by professional staff provided by partner organizations in each territory involved in the NEXT project. POT will be responsible for the proper implementation of project activities in the national contexts, according to the AP authorized by the Steering Committee and to the Operative Procedures established by the PM. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 8 of 89
  • 9. Beneficiaries list Beneficiary role Lead Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Regione Marche - PF Innovazione, Ricerca e Competitività dei settori national original language produttivi Institution name in Marche Regional Authority – Innovation, Research and Competitivness English language of productive sectors Unit Legal status Public Body "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Via Tiziano 44, 60125 code City Ancona Country ITALY NUTS II - III o equiv. Marche - Ancona Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname patrizia sopranzi Person Function Head of Innovation, Research and competitiveness of productive sectors Unit Contact person Name/surname patrizia sopranzi Function Head of Innovation, Research and competitiveness of productive sectors Unit Street, Number Via Tiziano,44 Postal code 60125 City Ancona Ph. Num. 071. 8063337 Fax 071. 8063337 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code IT12 N060 5502 6000 0000 0003 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 1.019.000,00 EU co-financing 866.150,00 National co-financing 152.850,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) Innovation, Research and Competitiveness of productive sectors Unit (I&R Unit) is one of the 6 units of the Industry and Craftsman Department of the Marche Region. It is composed of 7 internal staff members. Regarding the drafting and implementing of CB projects, the Unit can be supported by the regional development agency “SVIM”. This is a company (100% share owned by Marche Region) with a total staff structure of about 25 members covering all phases of project cycle. Both the Unit and SVIM headquarters are well equipped with all the office and web tools necessary for the successful CB projects implementation and joint partnership coordination. In the last 3 years, the I&R Unit has injected in the regional economic tissue about 100 ml Euro from EU and State funds stimulating private investments (for about 300 ml Euro) in research, technological transfer, innovative practice, creation of spin-off, etc. to increase regional enterprises international competiveness. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects Previous CBC actions: TISAF (Interreg IIIA-NPPA, submitted in 2006 and refunded in 2009 and 2011 as “best practice”) focusing on technological . tools for the competitive growing of industrial Adriatic system, while ITAC (Interreg IIIA- NPPA) involved 16 members of the Forum of Adriatic-Ionian Chambers of Commerce to improve the competitiveness of SMEs. Regarding the specific sector of NEXT, it’s to be mentioned the ongoing IKTIMED (MED 2007-2013) aimed to foster the competitiveness of SMEs through a new PPP to support innovation based on a more open approach to knowledge and tech. transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. Then, Marche region is the coordinator of the JADE project (7°F.P.- Capacity/Regions of Knowledge) with French, English, Finnish and Turkish partners aiming at launching at transnational level the emergent regional research driven cluster (i-LIVE RDC) specialized in ambient intelligent technologies for independent living and eco-sustainability. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 9 of 89
  • 10. Leadership played by the I&R Unit originates from its institutional mission to increase the territorial competitiveness and the significant role played within I&R contexts, such as: the coordination of the Italian Observatory on Regional Policies and Innovation to improve the strategy for promoting and funding research, knowledge transfer and innovation of SMEs and to find out common tools to support and evaluate research and innovation projects. The Unit is also beneficiary of the national project (funded by the Italian Dept. for Economic Development) aiming at stimulating new methodologies and sharing best practices on R&I policies, technological foresight and pre-commercial procurement. A best practice is also the Regional Platform on Innovation with the aim of sustaining research and tech. innovation in the region by facilitating the access to tech. competences, patents, R&D project databases. These competences will guarantee both project’s management and quality. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results Thanks to the above-mentioned wide and successful experience gained in the past and on-going CBC and transnational activities and the within the ERDF funds managements, thanks to the past and current Regional Operative Programme, the I&R Unit will be in charge of coordinating the project activities implementation, guaranteeing the well-timed and effective realization of the proposed activities. LP, supported by SVIM experienced project/financial managers, will be able to proficiently implement the process of monitoring, reporting, media events and organizational meetings. In addition, the high level know-how and competences acquired within the above-mentioned research and innovation contexts and the closed relationships and networking built with regional, national and international research, technological and academic actors, will allow the I&R Unit to play and effective role of scientific supervision of all the technical activities foreseen by the NEXT project. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 10 of 89
  • 11. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Fondacioni “Partneritet per Zhvillim” national original language Institution name in Foundation “Partnership for Development” English language Legal status Non profit private organization "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Str Shinasi Dishnica, nr. 100, 1000 code City Tirana Country ALBANIA NUTS II - III o equiv. Tiranë Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Tome Preku Person Function Executive Director of PfD Contact person Name/surname Aferdita Sadiku Function Project Coordinator Street, Number Str. Gjike Kuqali, P.8, Shk.2, Ap.24 Postal code 1000 City Tirana Ph. Num. +355 4 2227309 Fax +355 4 2227309 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code AL 26202110370000004305985412 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 210.000,00 EU co-financing 178.500,00 National co-financing 31.500,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) The main goal of PfD is to contribute in the social-economic and institutional sustainable development of Albania. It aims to simulate, support and disseminate opportunities of democratic, social, economical, cultural, environmental and human development of Albanian population in cooperation with the other nations of the Region and wider. PfD engages in its activities an interdisciplinary team made of 12 full time and associated senior and junior professionals, consultants and trainers. It has a consolidated partnership and cooperates with a large number of local/grass root level NGOs and organizations at the national and regional levels as well as with different international partners and donors funded projects. The PfD Office Structure is settled in Tirana and owns all necessary office equipments, facilities and tools, assuring a well endeavor of the engagements undertaken. PfD has developed focal points in different regions of the country and region. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects A brief list of the main activities implemented during last years: 2011-2013 Main Implementing Partner of Municipality of Bushat (Lead Partner) for the realization of the Project “BWS – Build Waste Sustainability: New Capacities for Sustainable Waste Management” financed under IPA Adriatic CBC Programme (European Commission Program). Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2010 Capacity Building Project for the Local Authorities in Kelmend and Shkrel, Shkoder Region – funded by the Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Tirana Dec 07 – Dec 2008 Capacity Building for the Local Authorities in Commune of Bushat (Shkoder – Albania) – funded by the Royal Embassy of Netherlands in Tirana. These experiences have allowed the development of the capacity to manage complex projects, to evaluate public policies and to manage partnerships and cross-border networks Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project PfD will participate to the project’s joint implementation by identifying bodies and contact persons (Steering Committee and Partner Operations Team), sharing and validating procedures and tools for project management. PfD competences and skills will contribute to achieve the project’s objective through: 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 11 of 89
  • 12. organization and management of local communication actions; data collection aimed at context analysis, meetings organization, and public consultations on the territory, relations with the stakeholders; identification of the characteristics, needs and expectations of the territory with reference to the contents and IT application; participation of referees for the animation activities of the platform with reference to the actors of the territory and for the information and contacts / relationships with local actors; support for the identification of ideas/projects/patents and organization of business speed date. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results • Preparation, organization, implementation and management of projects, studies and analyses on economic, social, environmental and cultural development; • Technical and financial assistance, consultancies and capacity building to public and private administration at central, regional and local level; • Promote the establishment of links, cooperation, twining and sustainable partnership relations for development between institutions and various private and public subjects also with other Countries or regions; • Support and realization of lobbing activities for the stimulation of Albanians development; • Combination of the technical aspects with that of advocacy offering to decision makers alternative policies but in the same time promoting the participation of stakeholders and larger public in discussion, preparation, implementation and monitoring the envisaged policies. PfD services, opinions and recommendations are highly demanded in the country. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 12 of 89
  • 13. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Agronomski I prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet, Sveucilište u Mostaru national original language Institution name in Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology, University of Mostar English language Legal status Public Body "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Biskupa Cule bb, 88000 code City Mostar Country BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA NUTS II - III o equiv. Mostar Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Stanko Ivankovic Person Function Dean Contact person Name/surname Stanko Ivankovic Function Dean Street, Number Biskupa Cule bb Postal code 88000 City Mostar Ph. Num. +387/63-372-724 Fax +387/36-337-105 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code BA393380604811081508 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 191.500,00 EU co-financing 162.775,00 National co-financing 28.725,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results: the faculty of Agriculture is developing its activities of research. The research staff is composed by 6 professors with a PhD, 7 with the title Masters of Science and an increasing number of young researchers. Among the faculty associates we have 67 people with a PhD and 5 with the title Masters of Science. The intensive activity of research has produced important results at the international level which are evident in published scientific papers, in creating a development strategy for agriculture in some cantons, organizing symposia for farmers and businesses (for example the standardization in the production of autochthonous cheeses), the conservation of plant genetic resources, cooperation with agricultural associations. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects - “Plant Health and Genetic Resources in South East Europe”, Norwegian – South Eastern Europe Program. 2006-2009 - “Reorientation of academic education in agriculture of south-east Europe – development of teaching programs in animal science and animal farming“(Project 7.)”. Program: „Institutional cooperation between Agriculture, Forestry and Medicine Faculties in Norway, B&H, Croatia and Montenegro“, 2006-2009. - “Mineral improved crop production for human and animal health in Balkan Countries”, 2010-2013 Balkan-HERD program. Cooperation between Norwegian, B&H, Croatia, Kosovo and Serbia - Tempus project “Structural Preparation of B&H Universities for Academic European Integration through Modular Structure” in 2006. (SM SCM-CO17A06-2006) - “Building the European Food Science Education”; Tempus (JEP_40035_2005) 2007 – 2009 The experiences contribute to ensure a sound capacity in cooperation and knowledge management in the field of research. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project Researchers and University departments will be among the main users of the services of the platform. The contribution of teachers and researchers will therefore be crucial for the optimal definition of the requirements and specifications of the platform and services to be provided. In addition, the contribution of the University will be essential for dissemination of NEXT within the scientific community and professional of Bosnia Herzegovina. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 13 of 89
  • 14. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results The Faculty of Agriculture is characterized by the abilities and skills mentioned above gained through the management of research projects at the international level. Facilities and human resources of the university, therefore, are the best asset for ensure a wide and contribution to the specific tasks which provide the involvement of Universities and Researcher Communities. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 14 of 89
  • 15. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Grad Šibenik national original language Institution name in City of Šibenik English language Legal status Public Body "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata 1, 22000 code City Šibenik Country CROATIA NUTS II - III o equiv. Šibenik -Knin Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Ante Županovic Person Function Major Contact person Name/surname Peter Misura Function Head of the Department of Economy, Enterprises and Development Street, Number Trg palih branitelja Domovinskog rata 1 Postal code 22000 City Šibenik Ph. Num. +385 22 431 069; +385 91 3663 022 Fax +385 22 431 099 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code ME25520420000000081119 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 381.500,00 EU co-financing 324.275,00 National co-financing 57.225,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) The City of Šibenik has 80 employes,annual budget is 25,3 million EUR. Department of Economics, Enterprise and Development will be responsible for the project, Dep.has competence and experience with all technical conditions for the NEXT project. Business Zone PODI Šibenik Infrastructure (2007-2008), largest commercial zone in Dalmatia in the plan for first large solar power plant in Croatia, Regional waste Management centre Bikarac (2008-2009)ISPA fund, first and only Croatia waste center according EU standards. In the City there is a college for Tourism, as well as the maritime innovation center INAVIS that will soon become technology park. Foundation of the university is planned, with study programs for ecology and energetics. Šibenik is also the leading croatian city for electricity production from renewable sources. Science institutions in the city area together with the entrepreneurs and the protected natural enviroment, to be preserved, is the city contribution in this project. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects The City of Šibenik doesn't have a specific experience in CBC projects, but has managed several international projects to create a complex system of infrastructures for economic and technological development of the area. The implementation of these ambicious investment programs has increased capabilities and in the Department of Economics, Enterprise and Development of Municipality of Šibenik The realization of the "Business Incubator" inside the "Business Zone Podi" and specially of "iNavis" the maritime innovation center in Šibenik resulted in the achievement of high level managerial skills necessary to manage complex systems of relationship between stakeholders and private and publi institutions at national and international level. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project The City of Šibenik represents, for the quantity and quality of results in the field of innovation and economic development a real "best practice" for the beneficiary partners involved in the Next project. The experience in the field of innovation and related services can add a real value to the Next project both in designing the advanced services for innovation and technology transfer and also creating the basis for the immediate availability of the Next collaborative platform through the integration of its services and tools within the initiatives already in place in Šibenik 's territory. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 15 of 89
  • 16. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results The Department of Economics, Enterprise and Development of Municipality of Šibenik. will provide project expertise, products and results of its previous and current activity regarding the business development, the internalization of business and the implementation of consulting and marketing services for the Croatian SME's . Therefore the contribution of City of Šibenik will be very effective in concept and design of the platform architecture for taking into account the different needs of the potential users: 1) research Centres, technology transfer Centres and universities, 2) researchers, 3) enterprises and other stakeholders (e.g. Chambers of Commerce, Development Agencies, professional associations) with the aim to promote at all levels the connection between research and industry. Moreover Šibenik will play a very important role to involve local, regional and national stakeholders in the project deployment activities. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 16 of 89
  • 17. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Keshilli i Qarkut Shkoder national original language Institution name in Regional Council of Shkodra English language Legal status Public Body "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Rruga “28 Nentori”, 4001-4007 code City Shkoder Country ALBANIA NUTS II - III o equiv. Shkodër Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Maxhid Cungu Person Function President Contact person Name/surname Etleva Papleka Function Director Street, Number Rruga “28 Nentori” Postal code 4001-4007 City Shkoder Ph. Num. 00355673114352 Fax 0035522242741 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code AL81206510170000600820000009 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 210.000,00 EU co-financing 178.500,00 National co-financing 31.500,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) Regional Council of Shkodra is a second level unit of local government. Its functions are based on law 8652, date 31.07.2000. The institution is composed of a political decision making level- Regional Council - and a technical level - Administration of Regional Council. The Regional Council is divided into the following operative structures: - Office of External Relations - Directorate of Public Procurement - Programming & Development - Department of Finance and Budget - Department of Urban Planning - Director of the human resources and legal bureau - Directory of services - Department of drafting and project monitoring - Land Protection Inspectorate The total human resources involved in administrative and technical activities is about 100 persons. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects NPPA INTERREG-CARDS-PHARE: R.O.S.A. Project The goal of the project is promotion of the creation of a network of key players in local development, promotion of innovation and trade fair events in order to establish an integrated operative model of skills and know-how for the promotion of innovative new enterprises, supporting them from the pre-seed stage through to consolidation on the market. The model, known as “Fiera dell’Adriatico”, hinges upon trade fair facilities viewed as multipurpose centres in which events are integrated with services for enterprise such as the “Cittadella dell’Economia” (Citadel of the Economy) in Campobasso and the “Cittadella delle imprese” (Citadel of Enterprise) in Taranto. This innovative formula is intended to attract the involvement of entrepreneurs in all participating towns and provide a landmark for exchanging skills and know-how for businesspeople in the participating towns. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 17 of 89
  • 18. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project The main contribution of the Region in the project framework is related in activities of supporting in reaching the project goals on following topics: - Technology Transfer actions: support for partnerships between SMEs, investors and researchers to facilitate the innovation process and spin-off creation. - Actions for identification of potential spin-offs, evaluation and selection for financial and technical support in the regional area. - Defining the methodology for the technology transfer actions and setting up of network tools - Matchmaking of technology needs and research results. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results The region gained local experience working with institutional academy bodies building local networks among organizations that support business development and spin-off creation to facilitate an interactive technology transfer as well as the dissemination of innovative practices and know-how. Next challenge is related to the new and innovative tools able to put into action transfer technology actions such as: - web-site software interactive–portal - Strengthening of public-private cooperation (economic operators, chambers of commerce, clusters, Technology Transfer Center, Industrial Network, Venture Capitalist, ecc) by creating a new technology transfer system-brokerage model to increase the critical mass for the SMEs in terms of innovation and productivity growth and by creating mechanisms for crossborder match-making The regional Know-how will contribute to strengthen the dissemination processes of innovative technologies and improving links between businesses and research. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 18 of 89
  • 19. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Univerzitet Donja Gorica, Fakultet za informacione sisteme i tenologije national original language Institution name in University of Donja Gorica, Faculty of Information Systems and English language Technologies Legal status Non profit private organization "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Donja Gorica bb, 81000 code City Podgorica Country MONTENEGRO NUTS II - III o equiv. Podgorica Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Veselin Vukotic Person Function rector Contact person Name/surname Sandra Tinaj Function manager Street, Number Donja Gorica bb Postal code 81100 City Podgorica Ph. Num. +38220410777 Fax +38220410766 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code ME25520420000000081119 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 191.500,00 EU co-financing 162.775,00 National co-financing 28.725,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) University of Donja Gorica has the total of 75 employees, consisting of 35 professors, 28 associates, and 12 administrative staff. In terms of technical conditions UDG has a new integral building with area of 16000 m2, five large amphitheaters that can seat up to 300 people each with all the accompanying equipment (projectors, monitors, computers, speakers, microphones), several smaller classrooms, large computer rooms and in addition a mobile computer lab (Apple Lab), library, cafeteria, gallery, offices, and areas suitable for large and small meetings and conferences. Faculty of International Economics, Finance and Business, has extensive international cooperation experience with other universities and with numerous partners in the industry sector through either education or implementation of several international projects. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects The University of Donja Gorica doesn't have a specific experience in CBC projects, but has managed several international projects in the TEMPUS programme which supports the modernization of higher education in the EU's surrounding area. Through these projects the University has established a sustainable Montenegro University-Enterprise partnerships targeting competency based training and business development (developing the relationship between university and enterprises in the context of lifelong learning). With an other recent project "Strategic piloting with South East Europan Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning, the University has improved skills and knowledge in the management of networks between universities and enterprises. Capacity, expertise, and skills achieved in implementing the above projects are hallmarks of the University contribution to a project that focuses on knowledge management. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project The contribution of teachers and researchers of University of Donja Gorica will therefore be crucial for the project development and sustainibility. At operational level the Beneficiary will ensure the optimal definition of the requirements and specifications of the platform and services to be provided. At a strategic level the University will contribute to create a research community integrated and advanced in the territory, in order to develop more dynamic processes of generation of innovation and to establish networks of innovators in open 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 19 of 89
  • 20. multiple stakeholders, at local and international level. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results The University of Donja Gorica will provide project expertise, products and results of previous projects carried out in the field of international exploitation of knowledge networks to enhance the awareness of university-enterprise partnership in society at large. Moreover the contribution of management of the University will be very important to involve local, regional and national stakeholders in the project deployment activities and also to build a sustainable network with enterprises, professional associations, financial institutions as well as Business Incubators, other universities and the Network of Regional and Local business Center. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 20 of 89
  • 21. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Asocijacijaza ekonomski razvoj REDAH national original language Institution name in Association for Economic Development REDAH English language Legal status Body governed by public law "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Bulevar narodne revolucije 17, 88000 code City Mostar Country BOSNIA-HERZEGOVINA NUTS II - III o equiv. Mostar Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Ivan Jurilj Person Function Executive Director Contact person Name/surname Ivan Jurilj Function Executive Director Street, Number Bulevar narodne revolucije 17 Postal code 88000 City Mostar Ph. Num. ++387 36 557 210 Fax ++387 36 557 211 E-mail; Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code BA 4910903033 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 142.000,00 EU co-financing 120.700,00 National co-financing 21.300,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) The Regional Economic Development Association for Herzegovina REDAH is a non-government, non- profit and independent agency founded by the regional economic development entities for the purpose of promoting, coordinating, planning and implementing development activities in the region. The work of the Agency is based on the partnership between public, private and non-government sector. The organizational structure of REDAH is hierarchically structured in General Assembly (34 members), Management Board (9 members) and executive professional staff divided into 5 departments: Director Administration and finance; Strategy, policy, planning; Operations; SME-Investment promotion; Centre for rural and agriculture. REDAH has 13 employees with university degree and fluent in English and/or German/Italian language. REDAH has 3 offices located in Mostar with all necessary equipment as computers, laptops, printers, photocopies, video projector, cars etc. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects REDAH has implemented a number of activities among which the those most important ones are: - Partner in the project 'Promotion of Rural Tourism in Cross Border Area between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina' - Partner in TEMPUS Project 'Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform' - Partner to UCODEP in the project 'Protection and Valorisation of Traditional Agricultural Product in Herzegovina' - Implementation of the Creation of Trebižat Heritage Trails: HEART OF HERZEGOVINA', the project under Call VI EU Support to Economic Development in Bosnia and Herzegovina (LOT 2: TOURISM DEVELOPMENT); - Implementation of 'CREDO Herzegovina (Competitive Regional Economic Development in Herzegovina)' These experiences allow REDAH to support the implementation of NEXT project and strongly contribute to a qualitative cooperation. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project REDAH is constantly committed to achieve open dialogue with local stakeholders and a participatory work methods, enabling local stakeholders and clients/beneficiaries to express their real needs and demands in order to shape them in accordance with EU standards and development principles. REDAH has been active in creating systemic support 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 21 of 89
  • 22. throughout the Region and extensively analysed the types of measures needed for regional growth. REDAH has already established instruments based on the needs related to information, skills and knowledge, business and infrastructure. REDAH is committed to a strategic approach to economic development in Herzegovina: each action has been designed as a response to a specific need identified in the Region. Such working policy, that is embedded in REDAH's organizational structure, creates solid grounds for the implementation of NEXT in Herzegovina, which is also driven by solutions that derive from public consensus and aims to solve concrete issues. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results From the very beginning, REDAH put emphasis on continuous education of its employees. In this way human resources enhance their capacity to solve problems. REDAH has 13 employees and all of them are highly educated with long-time working experience in projects implementation and management. Among other, REDAH staff has the following certificates: • International Certificate on Project Cycle Management, • Certificate on Strategic Project Planning and Marketing Strategy, on EU Integration Processes and Access to Funds, on Public Advocacy-lobbying, on Interactive Communication, on Negotiation Skills, on Voucher Scheme at national and Regional Level, on Developing Feasibility Study and Cost Benefit Analysis for Investment Projects, on Training, on Cost Benefit Analysis on Financial Operation and Analysis, on Enterprises Diagnosis, on Internal Auditor for Quality System Manager, etc. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 22 of 89
  • 23. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Privredna komora Crne Gore national original language Institution name in Chamber of Economy of Montenegro English language Legal status Body governed by public law "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Novaka Miloseva 29/II, 81000 code City Podgorica Country MONTENEGRO NUTS II - III o equiv. Podgorica Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Pavle D.Radovanovic Person Function Secretary General Contact person Name/surname Pavle D.Radovanovic Function Secretary General Street, Number Novaka Miloseva 29/II Postal code 81000 City Podgorica Ph. Num. +382 20 230 545 Fax +382 20 230 493 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code ME25520420000020740082 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 191.500,00 EU co-financing 162.775,00 National co-financing 28.725,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information): Chamber of Economy of Montenegro is business association with rich tradition, independent, professional, creative, inventive and above all authoritative, and represents interests of all businessmen for the economic and overall development of Montenegro. It has 62 employees, out of which is more than 70% with faculty education. The Chamber acts in accordance with the Law on the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro that has been introduced in 1998. Membership in Chamber is obligatory and all companies registered with Commercial Court are members of the Chamber. The Chamber is financed from membership fees, revenues from services and other sources according to the law. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects Chamber has successfully performed numerous projects that present common themes and aims with the project Next with international partners, such as: Implementation of QMS and EMS in Montenegro, Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina with partners from those countries and Slovakia; Acquis Transfer Montenegro with East Flanders Chamber of Commerce VOKA; AdrIon Tour project that is initiated by Adriatic Ionian Chambers Forum with partners from Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Albania and Greece. In July 2011 Chamber of Economy of Montenegro has applied as a partner in 4 project proposals within 2nd Call for proposals IPA CBC Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro so our institutions has developed a sound experience and competence in the joint implementation and management of IPA CBC Projects. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project The Chamber of Economy of Montenegro will contribute actively to the achievement of the Next project's goals trying to raise the innovation potentials of the area, focusing on the identification of clients’ needs/potentials for the innovation. The istitutional role of the Chamber will permit to the "Next" platform and to its services to become a focal point both to dissemination of information regarding innovation-related policies, legislation, the support programs both for the provision of brokerage services for technology and knowledge transfer, as well as stimulation of the capacity of companies to innovate. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 23 of 89
  • 24. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results Chamber has more than 80 years of experience in connecting national and international economies. Some of the basic activities of the Chamber that represents it’s competences and capacities are: achievement and improvement of the shared interests of its members; participating in drafting corporate and system laws and measures and economic policy measures; representing the shared interests of its members, before state authorities and the Trade Unions; delivering professional support to the Chamber’s members, especially in linking the economy with the science through introducing new technologies; arranging seminars and specialized courses; organizing the activities in the area of economic relations with foreign countries that relate to the promotion of goods and services, economic advertisements, fairs arrangements, foreign trade network development, realization of foreign trade transactions, it cooperates with chambers, companies and corresponding institutions abroad. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 24 of 89
  • 25. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Istarska razvojna agencija national original language Institution name in Istrian Development Agency English language Legal status Body governed by public law "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Mletacka 12/IV, 52100 code City Pula Country CROATIA NUTS II - III o equiv. Istra Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Darko Lorencin Person Function CEO Contact person Name/surname Darko Lorencin Function CEO Street, Number Mletacka 12/IV Postal code 52100 City Pula Ph. Num. 00385(52)381900 Fax 00385(52)381905 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code HR9324070001118013783 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 221.500,00 EU co-financing 188.275,00 National co-financing 33.225,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) The Istrian Development Agency (IDA) Ltd. was founded by the Istrian Region and its 9 towns on December 14th 1999 as an operational body entrusted with the implementation of development programmes in the Istrian Region. It is a self- sustainable agency (project financed). IDA has equity of 2.300.000 EUR and total assets in the value of 4.616.159 EUR. Its head office is located in the centre of Pula and all the offices are equipped with standard equipment such as computers, printers, faxes, etc. IDA has 12 full-time employees- 1 with PhD degree, 2 with degree and 9 with degree of university education. The work is organised in departments covering: credit guarantee scheme (in cooperation with EIB), coordination of 26 business zones in the region, international cooperation and implementation of EU funded projects, research and innovation activities within Metris research centre. The staff is continuously trained for generation and implementation of IDA` activities. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects IDA was involved in many projects: such as: INTERREG III B CADSES: GO NETWORK (2003 – 2006), I-log (2004 – 2005), REDECON (CARDS 2004) - (2006 – 2008); INTERREG III A: LO.DE (2004-2005), GALILEO (2004-2005); INTERREG III A Neighborhood Programme Slovenia-Hungary-Croatia: SLO-HR-RA (2005 – 2006), SLOHRA ZONET (PHARE 2005) – (2007 – 2008)); INTERREG ADRIATICO: AsviLoc (CARDS 2004) – (2007 - 2008); INTERREG III A, PHARE 2006: MET.R.IS. (2008 –2009); Currently IDA is involved in 8 projects: SOUTH EAST EUROPE: AsviLoc Plus (2009 – 2012), CitySEC (IEE); IPA ADRIATIC: METRIS PLUS and ADRIATIC ECONOMIC CLUSTER CLUB (2011-2014), IPA IV: ReSNet (2011-2012), IPA II CBC Croatia-Slovenia: INTERINO, MLADIEKOIN, SLOHRA GLOBALNET (2011-2014). These experiences made IDA in condition to implement the activities and project obligations. Contribution of the Beneficiary to the project The IDA's experience with the establishment and operation of the research center METRIS, will allow the Istrian Agency to transfer and amplify the scope of the results obtained in the field of innovation, research and technological development, adding value and quality to the project, contributing at a better designing of of the collaboration platform and its services. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 25 of 89
  • 26. Competences, capacity and know how of the Beneficiary in implementing project activities and results IDA is an operational body entrusted with the implementation of development programmes of the Region of Istria. Its primary role lies in the stimulation of the development of small and medium-sized trade in the Region of Istria through securing financial support, holding educational courses, developing entrepreneurial infrastructure, providing information and consultations services to entrepreneurs, offering services to prospective foreign investors, and implementing different interregional and international projects aimed at creating favourable entrepreneurial conditions. In one of the latest biggest EU projects IDA constructed and equipped Research Centre for Metal - METRIS. The establishment of the new Centre for technological and innovation development boosted the cooperation between clusters, scientific and academic institutions and private companies. Therefore IDA has great competence in implementing the proposed project activities. 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 26 of 89
  • 27. Beneficiary role Final Beneficiary Institution Institution name in Regionalna agencija za ekonomski razvoj Šumadije i Pomoravlja national original language Institution name in Regional Economic Development Agency for Sumadija and Pomoravlje English language Legal status Body governed by public law "de minimis" condition No Address Street, Number, Postal Kralja Petra I 22, 34000 code City Kragujevac Country SERBIA NUTS II - III o equiv. Serbia Legal representative / Authorized Name/surname Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic Person Function Director Contact person Name/surname Jasminka Lukovic Jaglicic Function Director Street, Number Kralja Petra I 22 Postal code 34000 City Kragujevac Ph. Num. +381 34 302 702 Fax +381 302 706 E-mail Beneficiary financial details IBAN Code RS35165000202440590263 Swift Code CUP Code Total budget 100.000,00 EU co-financing 85.000,00 National co-financing 15.000,00 Additional public/private 0,00 funding (where required) Beneficiary organization (human resources, equipment, budget, other important information) REDASP has 15 permanent staff, out of which 13 have a VII grade university degree. The Agency has modern computer equipment and 3 cars. The annual budget for 2011 is 320.000 EUR. Year of establishment/status changes: - 15.05.2002. Regional Agency for SME development - 16.09.2004. Regional Agency for economic development of Sumadija and Pomoravlje Founders: Eleven municipalities form the Šumadija and Pomoravlje region, Regional Chamber of Commerce, 1 bank, 2 entrepreneurs’ associations and two NGOs Mission: Stimulation of economic and social development of Sumadija and Pomoravlje REDASP is certified by ISO 9001 quality standard. REDASP has significant experience in implementation of projects financed by national and international institutions. It implemented more than 30 projects, with a total value close to 9.000.000 EUR. Description of previous (and current) experiences in CBC and international projects REDASP has implemented projects in the following development priorities: rural development 5; Tourism development 2; Territorial development 3; SME development 15; Human resource development 9; Institutional capacity building 3 ; Strategic planning 2. The projects were financed by a great number of international institutions active in Serbia :Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Serbia, Italian Government, South-Moravian region, Czech Republic, Government of Netherlands,OSCE,E.A.R.,UNDP, USAID, Germany Embassy, British Embassy. In CBC 2 programmes can be pointed out on national and international level: PRICES - The integrated project to support regional cooperation with the Western Balkan Countries and SeeNet 2 - trans- local network for the cooperation between Italy and South-Eastern Europe 31/10/2011 17:33:54 2°ord./0023/0 Page 27 of 89