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the first user-generated fashion magazine

i like
stYle           Quarterly

   Jaroly Asilis (username: jaroly)
                                            oflectured by luis Venegas
and Angel Abramson (username: iAAngel)
           from New York
                                            The Social
                                            Network us
                                            What it’s done to

                                            Users of
Fr/De/Au: € 12,- UK: £ 9.50
Be/Es/Gr/It/Lu/NL/Port.Cont.: € 10,-        review the SS/11 collections
Mash                                                                                 BeauTy

                Proud and rEbelliouS
       kalan BriGgs / username: itskalan from New York on his photographic
       work and being comfortable in your own skin.

In these photos, the expression is proud and rebellious. Once you’re comfortable
in your own skin, it’s like a natural high. You can take on the world and that same
world revolves around you. Each model is wearing high-tops as a reference the
name of the project: Natural Highs. My primary interest in photography is people
and a mentor of mine suggested that I try mixing up my formula a bit to let the
location play a bigger role than the people. This is what came of it. (The Natural
Highs were taken in a public park in Mesquite, Texas.)

                                                                                                                                                               Nea McMillan (second
                                                                                                                                                               from left) with friends

                                                                                                      Boil 2 cups of water
                                                                                      NEa mcmillan / username: 5Star from Newark on biochemically proven beauty tips.

                                                                                             Beauty is a MAJOR factor in fashion. In my eyes, anything that is fashionable is
                                                                                             beautiful. My favorite factoids acquired in science class would have to be about skin,
                                                                                             because clothes can never disguise natural beauty. When people ask, “What’s your se-
                                                                                             cret to having such clear skin?” I simply reply, “Nothing!” Personally, I do not use any
                                                                                             soap on my face at all, only hot water. Any type of steam opens the pores and cleanses
                                                                                             them thoroughly. Washing my face with hot water twice daily has done me extreme
                                                                                             amounts of justice. For sensitive skin, I would recommend a small amount of alco-
                                                                                             hol – the goal is to keep your pores clean. But as we all know, water and alcohol can
                                                                                             make skin ridiculously dry. To avoid that, I use unscented lotion. Want to know what’s
                                                                                             even better? Making lotion is super fun and super easy! I learned my secret recipe
                                                                                             for moisturizer two years ago in my high school chemistry class (my favorite class).
                                                                                             All you need is 1/3 cup of your favorite essential oils, 1 ¼ cup of water, and ¼ cup
                                                                                             of emulsifying wax (found at your local craft stores). First, heat the water in a small
                                                                                             saucepan and gradually melt the oil(s) and wax into it the mixture. Next, boil 2 cups
                                                                                             of water in a small pot. Pour the initial mixture into the boiling water and stir. Last but
                                                                                             certainly not least, let the mixture cool and then pour the entire mixture into a bottle of
                                                                                             your choice (good presentation is always a plus). Give it a few shakes and voilà! There
                                                                                             you have it: a soothing lotion with no additives to clog your pores.


                                                             Maria Eilersen (username:
                                                             urbanviking) wears Brunello
                                                             Cucinelli shirt and hat.
                                                             Opposite page: Maria wears
                                                             her own vest and Brunello
                                                             Cucinelli dress and hat.

Room Piracy
Part 3
Do Alexander McQueen, Chanel,
Brunello Cucinelli, Diesel, and
Anna Sui really work on me?
Users of went
to some of the fanciest stores in
New York, Beirut, and Berlin
and checked out the collections
for Fall/Winter 2010.
(To be continued in the next issue. Feel free to send your
pictures to

Dressing Room

Top left: Akansha Kumar
(username: aqui) wears
Chanel 105-mm-heeled
metallic suede goatskin san-
dals with organza camellia.
Top: Akansha wears a Chanel
wool tweed fringed dress.
Left: Akansha wears a Chanel
cashmere and silk bi-color
fringed dress.

Maria wears Miu Miu                     Top: Maria wears an Alexander
leopard print heels.                    McQueen black lace dress
                                        and shoes.
                                        Left: Maria wears Miu Miu
                                        flower shoes.


       the Boy
       BRAzil Eduardo JosE BErtholini
              (username: dudu) is one of Brazil’s
              most colorful designers and
              the darling of sao Paolo’s fashion,
              art and party world. his label
              nEon breathes the spirit of his
              vibrant nation like few others.
              dive into his amazing imagery
              on the following pages and read
              his interview on page 240 in
              “the Words” section.

He’s got more than 100 caftans
with Neon prints. One of Dudu’s
all-time idols is Madonna and he
too knows how to strike a pose.


          Dudu at home. The wallpaper
          was created by artist Rafa Dejonta

Fashion                                 the Boy

          Does fashion have to be
          sexy? Dudu: “Not at all.
          But sexy fashion is great.”
          Left: another outrageous
          caftan, this page: bathing
          suit from the first Neon

chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present

StylE gAMes
                  A chilly day in November, a
                  handful of accessories, and an
                  electric clique. Photographer
                  Alex johN beck (username:
                  scaredycat) and stylist jAmes
                  VAleri (username: jamesvaleri) join
                  forces with students of New
                  York’s high school of Fashion to
                  explore a new way of dressing up.

All sunglasses and handbags by Chanel
clockwise from bottom: Jaroly Asilis (username:
jaroly): blue chiffon cropped shirt by Nomia; Angel
Abramson (username: iAAngel): black sweater with
rhinestones by Acne; Michelle Marizan (username:
michellexoxl): white shirt with rhinestones by Marzia
Aloisi, chiffon skirt by Tess Gibson; Lucy Gabriel
(username: lucywaslike): top with fringed military
padded shoulders by Marzia Aloisi

chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present   style gAmes

                                             Michelle: denim salopette mini dress and denim hand-
                                                bag by Gerlan Jeans, boots by Opening Ceremony,
                                                sunglasses by Linda Farrow; Lucy: mini jumpsuit,
                                                 bracelet, and backpack by Gerlan Jeans, her own
                                                                        shoes, stylist’s leather hat
                                                 opposite page: Jaroly: top by Opening Ceremony,
                                                        exclamation mark earring by Gerlan Jeans

chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present   thE Girl who
                                                                      style gAmes
                                                                     fEll to Earth

Michelle and Jaroly: long skirts and tops by Hexa by Kuho
opposite page: Angel: hooded wind jacket and sunglasses
by Chanel, maxi pearl necklace by Gerlan Jeans


With a bag full of his favorite
label, Bless, photographer
Daniel JoSeFSohn
(username: dj) explored europe’s
most archaic landscape, his
model’s flexibility, and his car’s
durability. a volcanic fairtyale.
Outfits: Bless
Model: Goldie
Thanks to: Saskia Nadi and Fred Schmidt
Daniel works with a Leica S2

Stories   xxxxxxxxxx

Driving across the absolutely horrendous


They keep you warm or they
infuriate you, they are the ultimate
luxury purchase or a family hand-
me-down. Users of
show and discuss their love/hate
relationship with hairy, fluffy stuff.

Don’t knockusername: milk from Madison it
  Jacqueline kUrsel /
                      it till yoU Try
This photo was taken by E. Temte in January 2010. We were just mess-
ing around taking photographs wearing our new Christmas gifts in my
hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. The hat is fake rabbit fur, not that
I’m opposed to wearing real fur – it’s just expensive. I am a serious
meat eater but also a supporter of the fair treatment of animals. As far
as wearing fur and leather goes, don’t knock it till you try it. If you like
how it looks and know it came from a good place that utilizes the whole
animal, then go for it. I love (and need) to bundle up during the long
Wisconsin winters and plan on wearing my faux fur hat nonstop for the
next five months.


Do not Fake anythinG ever from berlin
    Manuel aLmeida Vergara / username: quintela

   Although at 17 I gave up the teenage dream that anarchy is a comfortable life
   and a desirable social and political system, there is still a rebellious part of me
   that keeps up the fantasy of living the life of an outlaw. It’s the part of me that,
   when I’m standing in front of my closet each morning deciding what to wear,
   does not think about whether it’s appropriate to wear glittery makeup to church
   or if the 80s are dead or alive or dead again. So in general, I don’t believe in
   rules of style. But if there is one rule I abide by it’s this: when it comes to your
   wardrobe, do not fake anything ever. No labels, no cup size (except if you’ve
   had plastic surgery, I love breast implants) and especially not animal products.
   I have to admit this – although common sense tells me that it’s cruel and maybe
   disgusting to wear dead animals. There`s no excuse but I have a genuine passion
   and insatiable lust for real leather, fur, and feathers. Call it dreadful, but I’ve
   chosen this hedonistic lifestyle that allows me my amusement and satisfaction
   regardless of the consequences.
           Photographer and dear friend Adrian Knuppertz shot this picture of me
   wearing a piece from my small collection of six exquisite furs. Fox, mink, rab-
   bit, goat… I have them all. My closet is like a little petting zoo for adults. This
   vintage piece is made of red fox with fur pompoms and black calfskin inserts
   on the arms. I bought it in my favorite shop, which sells dead people’s estates
   in Berlin Neukölln. The shop is run by a rude old lady who determines prices
   according to whether or not she likes you. Fortunately she seems to have a thing
   for scatterbrained faggots, so I got the coat for a laughable price.

                                ponyplay enthusiasts
         SerpiL SUzan burkhard / username: bellaserp from pirmasend

   These were exhibited at Scoop (the little sister of the famous Art Basel) in June
   2010. I love to imagine all the ponyplay enthusiasts drooling as they walk by
   this piece by Iris Schieferstein.

                                You are what you drink, even
                                if you don’t. And what if Miuccia
                                Prada was reborn as a cocktail?
                                Robin KRAnz (username: robin)
DrieS van noten                 and VolKeR Hobl (username:
                                vlkr) invented smashing drinks
                                inspired by the habits and styles
  crushed ice
  2 lime slices

                                of six fashion designers.
  1 slice of ginger
  4 cl Tanqueray gin
  some ginger juice
  some sugar syrup
  stir with a spoon
  glass: Kimora/stylist’s own   Most of the tableware was kindly provided by Kuball & Kempe, Hamburg.

mercedes-benz & ilikemystyle Quarterly present

the Girl who
fell to earth
 Photographer Peter Langer
 (username: peterlanger) followed
 Simone SebaStian and the
 new mercedes-benz SLS amg
 from the desert into the city of
 Dubai. an encounter somewhere
 between fairytale and futurism.

 Production: Saadia Zahid (username: saadia)                 Simone wears dresses by Essa.

mercedes-benz & ilikemystyle Quarterly present   the Girl who
                                                                       fell to earth

Maidje wears
top: Topshop
jacket: Zara
shorts: COS
shoes: Buffalo
mascara: Max Factor


           Las Vegas
                 AliSAlei KOSminA
                 (username: alisalei) met her
                 husband in a mcDonald’s
                 in Tokyo’s redlight district
                 when they were 16.
                 They soon got married
                 and moved to nevada.
                 A story about happyness
                 in Steve Wynn’s backyard,
                 the perfect engagement
                 ring, and messy roommates.

Why my husband and I ended up in
Las Vegas? I don’t really know.
Even getting married was one of
those spur-of-the-moment activities.

Las Vegas

            I wanted to wake up every day
            next to his cherubic angel face
            and naturally bright lips.
StOries                                                Learning
                                                                                                   Las Vegas

married life is ridiculous.                                    Imagine walking into your living
room to find your husband nonchalantly watching septuagenarians have extremely graphic
shower sex on the television. The porn stars are not only old but also morbidly fat. My husband
explains, “I don’t like our new roommate. He has a gypsy vibe and he fucking refuses to use
doors. We’re gonna get fucking kicked out of this complex if he continues to climb in and out of
our windows. I’m trying to weird him out so that he chooses to leave on his own accord.” I don’t
want any part of this old-people-porn situation, so I peace out and find sanctuary at a nearby
bubble tea joint to play mancala by myself. Because we are a young couple who are trying to
put ourselves through school, we’ve had a number of roommates who we never really took the
time to screen. As it turns out, half our former roommates have been institutionalized at some
point in their lives.
        I love being married almost as much as I love my husband. I am one of those annoying
needy people that constantly want people around me to validate my existence. I hate crying
alone and if I feel any urge to emote, I will immediately log on to Skype and video chat someone
just so they will ‘witness the occasion.’ In addition to the constant companionship, being mar-
ried means you can ditch stilettos on a Friday night, put on a mangy oversized tee, and watch
stupid shit on the Bravo network without feeling the need to go out and meet your generation in
strobe lighting. The wedding band has also proven to be a great douche repellent. Some lewd old
guys are completely unrelenting until I flash my cute heart-cut diamond in their face – wink –
and skip on home to my hubby. The whole brandishing-my-wedding-ring maneuver was pretty
foolproof. That is, until I moved to Las Vegas.

                                                          I hate crying alone and if I feel any
                                                          urge to emote, I will immediately log
                                                          on to Skype and videochat someome so
                                                          they will ‘witness the occasion.’


                 There are few
                 things as scary
                 and exciting as
                 leaving your
                 family, your
                 friends, and your
                 favorite grocery
                 store behind and
                 starting a new life
                 somewhere else.
                 Users of ilikemystyle.
                 net talk about their
                 lives as expats.
     liliphah                                   zoelitta

StOries                                           Satellite

 “i’ve seen nude mags         “The Germans will
in magazine stores.                just stare at you
    So there must be porn.”    to ‘shame’ you.”
                yiGuo                   apollinaris


Spanish photographer
CoCo Capitán (username:
cocoladas) recently moved
to London to go to school and
sharpen her eye. Her friend
nika SCHeidemandeL
(username: nikabianca) wrote the
story for a short film based
on Coco’s recent images.

Stories                                        home

       London Street EXTERIOR/DAY
       London, 8 a.m.
       Buildings. Grayish skies.
       The alarm rings.

       Melissa’s Bedroom INTERIOR/DAY
       Melissa, a 23-year-old English architecture student, is skinny and elegantly
       pale. She gets out of bed, washes her face, and throws on her work uniform:
       an apron dress made for cleaning staff. She’s in a hurry. She drinks milk from
       a glass while she ties her shoes. Her brother lights a cigarette and sits down on
       her bed, watching her.

       London Street EXT/INT/DAY
       Melissa rushes to the tube station, brushing past the city’s morning commuters.
       Everything is in motion and everybody is in a hurry.

       Hotel EXT/DAY
       Melissa, out of breath, arrives at the brick stone building.

       Hotel Reception INT/DAY
       The receptionist – an unfinished face – hands Melissa a bunch of keys. Melissa
       opens up the broom room to get the cleaning cart. It’s stocked with clean sheets,
       stiff towels, and jasmine hand soap.

       Hotel Rooms INT/DAY
       Melissa gets busy cleaning and tidying up the rooms. Hotel guests have left
       their breakfast dishes on the floor. Clothing is thrown over the beds; computers
       are plugged in, playing music; cigarettes in ashtrays are still smoldering.

       Hotel Garden EXT/DAY
       Through the window, we observe an impatient couple. Two insurance brokers
       from Manchester with matching luggage, waiting to check into their rooms.


xxx / username: viv from Rt

boards            You don’t have to be a curator to
                  plaster your wall with images
                  that turn you on, confuse you, or
                  help you define who you want to
                  be. Users of present
                  their private picture shows.

Drawn to cloThing Reutlingen, is Unique
  ViVienne Thai / username: viv from
                                     that Germany
I started making the picture montages about two years ago. I thought my wall was kind of
boring, so I looked for fashion magazines that I didn’t need anymore and started cutting out
photos of clothes, models on catwalks, and all kinds of beauty products that appealed to me. I’m
drawn to clothing that is really unique and that not everybody would wear. The same goes for
the images on my wall. I’m really into the period between the 17th and 19th centuries. The way
the people lived and dressed back then interests me a lot. Contemporary people who are great
inspirations for me are celebrities like Shenae Grimes, Ashley Tisdale, and Alexa Chung. In this
picture, I’ve got postcards from various places, movie theater tickets, flyers from Hard Rock Cafés
and other places, some movie posters, and much more. It’s my memory wall.

shirt: selfmade, skirt: H&M

KUltur                                                                                               mood
                                              kriTik                                                                                               boards

marie ANtoinetTe/ username:her RiVal San Francisco
   BranDon & Elza Burkart
                          and ThelingerNots from
We’re The LingerNots, a young artistic couple, and this is one of the walls in our bedroom
                                                                                                                           ArT kePt me out of JAil
                                                                                                     Gospava Todorovic / username: gospavaya from Florence/Belgrade
comprised of images both found and made. Most of the images came from a gem of a flea mar-
ket find, this book called Enchanters of Men by Ethel Colburn Mayne. It was a dusty, beaten-         I’m addicted to images that remind me of nice moments. I constantly use them to cheer myself
down book from 1909 that had about two dozen, black-and-white plates of notable courtesans           up and feed my inspiration. I also love to see something that is cute and ugly at the same time.
throughout history. We liked the idea of collage but wanted something a little cleaner, so we        All the images on my wall have something different to say. On the left, there are three photocop-
settled on black frames of various sizes laid out asymmetrically. The rest of the room is primar-    ies of T-shirts that I ‘stole’ at a party hosted by some friends (you can see it here: http://west-
ily black and white with occasional sepia tones. When we found this book, it lent itself perfectly There’s a Sonic Youth’s Goo T-shirt, which is
to completing a theme that wasn’t quite intentional but at the same time was totally welcome.        the most important one. They are my favorite group! There is also a Misfits T-shirt (who I saw
Aside from the courtesan images, there are four prints of insects from a horticulture book from      in concert on my 22nd birthday). Finally, there’s a Sex Pistols t-shirt that reminds me of when
the 30s that are collaged with old keys, old wallpaper, and twine. The largest frame contains a      I was a teenager. To my right, you can see three vertical pictures of two model friends and me.
print of Claudette Colbert from a vintage French film magazine we found at an antique store in       Jin Ho Kim, a Korean photographer that I met when I lived in Seoul, took the photos. Further
Southern California. The two images furthest to the right are Marie Antoinette and her rival in      to the right is a picture taken by one of my best friends, Vanni Bassetti (http://igeace.blogspot.
court, the Comtesse du Barry. We may have put the images adjacent to each other but the women        com/2010/01/cold-guns.html). The signs that scream “CUT!” remind me that sometimes it is
face opposite directions, as they might have in life.                                                important to realize when it’s time to stop doing something. The last image on the far right is a
          Aside from sleeping here, we use this room as a workshop where Elza designs jewelry        poster that I took this past spring in Antwerp from a show of Marina Abramović and Jean Fabre.
and Brandon designs lamps. Eventually we’d love to apply our accidental passion to designing         I love reading the sentence, “Art kept me out of jail.” I think it is a really deep thought, thinking
boutiques, restaurants, and bars. You find more of our work at            about jail as an allegory. I’m not so good at expressing things by talking. I prefer images!
                                                                                                     shirt: Diva Shop, hot pants: Vintage, shoes: Comme des Garcons for Heschung,
vest: Levi’s, shirt: American Apparel, jeans: Chip & Pepper, feather earring: Fauve & Hunter         glasses: Ray Ban Folding Wayfarer, socks: Calzedonia


                                                                                     He was the Soviet Union’s Mickey
                                                                                      Mouse – small in size but big in
                                                                                     charisma. AlexA KArolinSKi
                                                                                       (username: alexak) and nAtASHA
                                                                                        GoldStein (username: trikant)
                                                                                     went to new York City’s Brighton
                                                                                        Beach to interrogate russian
                                                                                      immigrants about this legendary
                                                                                             stop-motion character.
elAine from russia
I came here in 2008. I go back every couple of months but I like it better here.
Here people have a unique style. In Russia, it's overdone. Cheburashka is a very
famous cartoon character from Russia. It has been a long time since I was a child.
But he taught me that friendship is really important. That’s the main message from
the cartoon. Be nice to people and always smile like Cheburashka. I think it’s
always about the smile.

KUltur                                                                                               I
                               kritik                                                                                              ❤

Alexandra from Ukraine                                                               niKolai from russia
Everybody knows Cheburashka. It seems to me that there is no one person in           I am from Moscow. I arrived here directly in New York, in Brighton Beach,
Russia who doesn't know. There is no way that he is political, he’s just a cute      two minutes from the beach. I came here seeking adventure. I love everything
cartoon character! By watching, a child learns to be happy, maybe. It’s cute; it’s   here. I met my wife right here at this spot. I love the United States. Che-
a little bit sad, maybe. All my friends show it to their grandchildren. All the      burashka is a Russian character from a cartoon. Every kid likes him because
children already know him, even the ones who are born in America.                    he is sweet and he looks funny. He is like a little boy who learns how to act in
                                                                                     his life and he is really sweet. He is such a goof and everybody who sees him
                                                                                     wants to do good things.


                             upS                  Fashion is only as good
                                                  as the people who look
                                                  at it. Experts from the visual
                                                  arts on some of the finest
                                                  photos from .

                      A bOok-reading
                          kind of rEserve
                               by   Cathy HOryn
                 Reading a woman’s description of her style, which is almost inevitably related to her character,
                 is a little like going backstage after a fashion show and asking a designer, “What were your
                 thoughts?” It always feels like cheating to me, and of course it denies all the senses. So I regret a
                 little that I read that Barkatt thinks of herself in twos; also, that she tends to run late. These char-
                 acteristics are quite visible in her clothes. What made me pick this particular woman to write
                 about? The trim leather shorts worn with tights and platform heels? The tights and the choice of
                 shoe reflect a desire to be sexy and noticed, with the added value of superiority easily attained
                 in a platform. But the shorts, however smart looking, reflect a book-reading sense of reserve and
                 comfort. It’s a disparity, a chink in the modern armor, that most of us not merely live with but
                 secretly desire, like a house in the country.

   from Norway        Cathy Horyn is the fashion critic of the New York Times and writes the blog OnTheRunway.


                              Vol. luiS Venegas
                                What to read, watch,
                                listen to, and know about
                                to become a bullet-proof
                                style expert. SUleman
                                anaya (username: vertiz136)
                                talked to the Spanish
                                magazine mastermind
                                lUiS VenegaS about
                                his list of references.

coat, jacket, and pants:
Lanvin Homme, waistcoat:
Polo Ralph Lauren, shirt:
Dior Homme, bow tie: Marc
Jacobs, shoes: Pierre Hardy
photo: Chus Antón,
styling: Ana Murillas

KUltur                                                      School
                                                   kriTik                                                      of Fashion

At 31, Luis Venegas is already a one-man editorial powerhouse. He produces and publishes
three magazines that, though they have small print runs, have a near-religious following: the
six-year-old Fanzine 137 – a compendium of everything Venegas cares about, Electric Youth
(EY!) Magateen – an oversized cornucopia of adolescent boyflesh started in 2008, and the high-
ly lauded Candy – the first truly queer fashion magazine on the planet, which was launched last
year. His all-encompassing, erudite view of the fashion universe is the foundation for Venegas’
next big project: the fashion academy he plans to start in 2011. It will be a place where people,
as he says, “who are interested in fashion learn about certain key moments from history, film
and pop culture.” To get a preview of the curriculum at Professor Venegas’ School of Fashion,
Suleman Anaya paid Venegas a visit at his apartment in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña,
a wonderful space that overflows with the collected objects of his boundless curiosity.

● Dynasty ● Dallas

What are you watching these days in your scarce spare time?
        I am in the middle of a Dynasty marathon. I have the entire series on DVD, so I am re-
        watching it. It’s so entertaining and educational.
That’s true. I grew up with Dynasty. My parents used to send me to bed before it came on, so I would watch
through the keyhole. It’s a seminal show. Is there a character you identify with?
        Oh, I completely adore Alexis Colby – everything about her – from her bitchy English
        to her wonderfully crazy outfits.
That’s funny, I think I used to like Crystal more than I liked Alexis. In fact, I wanted to be her. You were
way ahead of me for liking the cooler of the two rivals. What are your favorite fashion moments in Dynasty?
        There are two looks in this series that I particularly love. One is when the Alexis charac-
        ter, played by Joan Collins, is introduced for the first time. I don’t know if you remem-
        ber that in the first season Blake Carrington accidentally killed [his homosexual son]
        Steven’s boyfriend, so there is a trial. The season ends with a new character appearing
        at the trial. It’s Alexis, and she’s wearing a Thierry Mugler-style white skirt-suit. The
        jacket has black insets on the sides that make her look even thinner than she already is.
        She wears this with a veiled hat and sunglasses. It’s very dramatic and absolutely crazy.
        And there’s another great fashion moment, also in the first season, when Fallon wears
        a red dress with white sleeves – it’s really great. Dynasty is my favorite TV series ever.
What about Dallas? That one was also hugely formative for me.
        Yeah, Dallas is great. But it’s different because in Dallas they live on a ranch, you
        know? I mean come on, it’s not the same thing. In Dynasty they have this palatial place
        with an amazing library and that insane staircase – how many times did a character fall
        down those stairs?! And you know, in Dynasty, when they wore furs it was real fur. Same
        thing with the diamonds. Nothing was ever fake on that show. Especially Joan Collins’
        character. What she wears is real Valentino and Chanel from that time. And I love the
        fact that the evil woman is from Europe – it’s such an American idea of casting. And
        Crystal is this blond, healthy, homemaking ideal of American femininity. It’s funny.


                                                                               where you
                                                                               lost it
                                                                               Brief encounters, boozy
                                                                               farewells, and temporary
                                                                               shape-shifting. Snapshots
                                                                               from the beautiful trap
no money                                                                       called nightlife.
                                                                               Plus, fact sheets about the
  for Sex
       by   Paul Putzier / username: paul1990 from Stuttgart                   hours between the first shot
                                                                               and the last cigarette.
Where?   At a friends place. This picture was an Easter gift for my parents,
       for my mother because she always complained about how bad I looked
       and for my father because he was afraid I would get a tattoo.
What were you wearin g ? Thick black marker and my friend’s makeup.
       Purple suede pants from a secondhand store.
What was special? The exciting feeling of the marker tickling my upper body.
Soundtrack? Rio Reiser’s “Der Traum ist aus.”
Drink/Stimulation? A lot of beer, a lot of cigarettes.
Sex? Unfortunately not. I didn’t have enough money left.

KUlturkriTik                                    Remember
                                                                                                 you loSt it

            Between a
         Scary dream and
           a video Shoot  by   ece ismen / username: skinny from istanbul

When?   May 29th, 2010.
Where?   There was a festival called Freshtival in Istanbul. This picture was
        taken in the art corner while I was trying on the fox mask.
Who were the most im p o r t a n t p e o p l e t h a t e v e n i n g ? My best friend who came
        from Newcastle to see me.
Topic s? Chanel, Hole’s new album, how amazing it was to get VIP access. (“It
        was so VIP they didn’t serve anything but champagne!”)
What were you wearin g ? A kind of sailor dress (Topshop), my all-time
        favorite fragrance (Boss Intense), and the fox mask (credit: Imge Su).
        Brown lipstick and black eyeliner with loads of mascara.
What was special? When you go out all the time, the concept of ‘special
        event’ slowly loses its meaning. You just go out to get out. I was out
        there, that’s all that matters to me.
Soundtrack? Mika’s “Grace Kelly” (Mika was the headliner).
Other people? Friends, hipster youth of Istanbul, media, everyone but my
        crush. Now I see what was special about the night.
Transportation? Took a cab to get to Taksim Square, then went by foot. Away?
        I took another cab to nowhere.
Drink/Stimulation? Champagne only.
Highlight? We actually got lost in a funfair at night, which was an interesting
        experience. Something between a scary dream and a video shoot.

KUlturkriTik                                    Remember
                                                                                 you loSt it

       like a
        beautifUl flower
       by   mikaela JohansSon / username: melaa from Stockholm

Where?   I had just moved to Barcelona, so it was on the metro somewhere
       between Maragall and Parallel. My best friend Linda and I were on our
       way to a party.
What were you w e a r i n g ? Purple tights from Gina Tricot, a black top from
       TopShop, and a golden bra from American Apparel. I hope I smelled
       like a beautiful flower!
Sex? Unfortunately not. I had to wait four months for something to happen.
Sleep? Linda and I shared a room at the time. I got 12 hours of sleep and I
       loved it!
THe WoRds                                                                                            Ping Pong Review I

      Ping Pong Review I:                                                                            As I said, I only watched the first 10 minutes of I’m Still Here but I’m interested in discussing

The sTupid blue,                                                                                     both films with you. One is a ‘true story’ about a society of avatars and the other is a ‘true story’
                                                                                                     about a man trying to shed his celebrity avatar and show the world who he ‘really’ is.

the non-design
                                                                                                             Hope everything is going well with your productions,

An e-mail conversation about the movies The                                                          On Nov 6, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Eva Munz wrote:

social network and I’m still Here. Fighting points:                                                          Hey Michael,
Joaquin Phoenix, the art of James Franco, self-                                                              Yes, The Social Network was great to watch. Yes, the programming scene with the fall
deprecating performances by everybody, and truisms                                                   of the Harvard empire was fab and yes, the crew race parallel cut was lame. I still can’t believe
about the real, the fake, and everything in between.                                                 you nodded off to I’m Still Here. I watched it on the big screen in the East Village the day it
                                                                                                     came out. Nobody knew yet that it was a spoof. I laughed hard and loud through a lot of the
             by   eva Munz / username: evvaa                                                         very embarrassing scenes. I laughed because I thought it was so very well scripted. And I think
             and  Michael Ladner / username: apollinaris                                             Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix did a better job than Aaron Sorkin with The Social Network.
                                                                                                             Both films are extremely important to understanding our generation, which clearly is not
On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Michael Ladner wrote:
                                                                                                     the same in terms of age, but then again clearly is in this context. I’m Still Here is kind of an
        Dear Eva,                                                                                    appropriation of a documentary about celebrity culture using the exact tools of said culture. In
        It looks like this round of Ping Pong Review will be a bit of a Ping Pong Film Review.       the end, you have a hard time distinguishing who you’re laughing at or who you’re supposed to
You said you’re interested in both The Social Network and I’m Still Here as recent films that        laugh with. You don’t know who is who, what is spoof and what isn’t. Which of these perfor-
define a generation. I obtained a pirated copy of I’m Still Here from a friend yesterday and I saw   mances is the ‘real’ them? Which one is their celebrity avatar? Good questions.
The Social Network in theaters last week. I started watching I’m Still Here last night but didn’t            Taking drugs, vomiting, feeling sorry for oneself, making the wrong career choices,
get too far into it before I dozed off. But I saw enough to start discussing the films.              fucking ugly whores... for some time, it seemed like these things existed only in a world that
        I loved The Social Network. I thought David Fincher did a good job of toning down some       was long gone or seen only in the blueish light on daytime TV for jobless people in Eastern
of his more self-congratulatory cinematographic flare. (I’m talking about the skyscrapers crum-      Europe. Then came Britney, Lindsay, and Tiger, who showed us the consequences of missteps.
bling at the end of Fight Club to “Where Is My Mind” by The Pixies and the entire sequence           In hindsight, I’d say that post-I’m Still Here, all this seems as if it was skillfully staged by some
in Seven where Gwyneth Paltrow’s head gets delivered to Brad Pitt in a box while helicopters         squeaky-clean Republican government as propaganda; it’s a supremacist dogma for healthy,
circle overhead. Both are amazing, beautiful, suspenseful moments in film, but I like my direc-      conformist, toned, well-flossed, taxpaying citizens. The Lindsays, Britneys, and Tigers are just
tors to use restraint too.) He did hold his wad in The Social Network and only brought out his old   thrown in as a warning to anyone who dares to jeopardize this idea.
tricks at two points: First, the sequence where Zuckerberg is programming the pre-Facebook site              I have a feeling the propaganda is overdone. The scary thing is though, I think it works.
which Fincher interlaces with scenes of Harvard’s elite partying – anticipating the synthesis of             What’s your take on that?
the two. Fabulous scene. The second, the crew race, I thought was unnecessary.                               Love from room #1111 (seriously),
        I think the definitive hero behind the scenes of The Social Network was Aaron Sorkin.                Eva
He pulled out all the stops. I was a fan of The West Wing and although his snappy snappy catchy
                                                                                                     On Nov 6, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Michael Ladner wrote:
catchy rapid dialogue can be obnoxious (as it was in the opening scene, where Zuckerberg gets
dumped in the bar), I think it really triumphed at certain moments. For instance, when Zucker-               Eva, dear,
berg shuts down the lawyers, explaining his lack of attention. And when the ex-girlfriend, who               I tried to watch I’m Still Here again last night and I got a little further, but fell asleep again.
Zuckerberg humiliated in his blog, puts the whole perception of digital media into place, “THE       Interesting that you saw it the day it came out. I thought though that it had been exposed as a
INTERNET IS WRITTEN IN INK!” Soooooo true!!                                                          hoax even before its release. Am I wrong? Either way, I find it hardly believable as ‘reality,’
        I read in The New Yorker that Sorkin wasn’t acquainted with social media before join-        and that’s exactly why it’s interesting at all. What is reality? Does it exist anymore? And if the
ing the project. I guess Facebook on shrooms could lead one into dark existential territory. But     opposite of real is fake, then what is fake, fakeness, forgery, etc.?
Sorkin definitely did his homework and ‘got it’ in the end. The Social Network succeeds at                   I think the dissolution of strict boundaries between real and fake is accentuated and ex-
simultaneously being a parable for generation Facebook and at being a documentation of Zuck-         aggerated in celebrity culture (as is celebrity style, diets, adoptions, etc.). But the point of The
erberg’s experience.                                                                                 Social Network is that what is really dissolving is the boundary between celebs and laypeople .

THe WoRds                                                                                             THe WoRds

slash-still-promoted-as-straight. Who says that actors have to have a degree in literature? Does
that mean Zuckerberg has to learn how to act or start wearing Yves Saint Laurent suits? I totally
agree, though, that Franco is more pleasant to the eyes than Phoenix.
                                                                                                     4 LiFe Changers
                                                                                                     encounters with, impressions of,
        Love,                                                                                        performances by...
                                                                                                     ... TerRy RiChardson
On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:40 AM, Michael Ladner wrote:
                                                                                                              by   AkansHA KuMar / username: aqui from new York
        Hmmmm. I actually never thought about the aesthetics of Facebook and those of Zuck-
erberg. Interesting. I wonder who chose that Facebook blue originally? I’m pretty sure it has        “When you least expect it” is a phrase that has been drilled deep, deep down into my tender
always been that same Pantone.                                                                       cranium.
        I do think though that the non-place aesthetics of Facebook were absolutely crucial to its            Love – when you least expect it.
success, especially once it was opened up to the non-private university public. The problem with              Luck – when you least expect it.
MySpace and Friendster was that you could always customize the design of your profile with                    Pain – when you least expect it.
Hello Kitty wallpaper and bright green fraktur text, which made it impossible to communicate                  It’s remarkably true.
information in a pleasing way. The fact that one has limited capability to individualize with                 I’d taken time off for the evening. Actually, I’d made a long and tedious journey to work
Facebook means that it’s universally comprehensive. Plus, the extra kick is that it forces one to    only to find out that I wasn’t actually working. Pissed, I came home in disgust and disgrace, real-
be cleverer if they want to be individual.                                                           izing that the only thing this night now had to offer was a pack of cigs and the internet. A lot of
        I’m sorry. I dumped you on Facebook this afternoon. I think most of the congratulatory       people would argue that this seems like the perfect night in, but I sincerely hate to waste my time.
comments were meant in jest. Although I went to Ingo’s film presentation last night, where DJ                 So I decided to go for a walk. At least ‘just walking’ offers the chance for spontaneity.
Joachim Bessing was spinning the most amazing rape gaze music that he’s produced with a              I strolled to the East River, sat on a log precariously positioned in the river itself, and smoked
program that’s actually called “Amazing Slow Downer” (such a great title!!!), and some folks         my little lungs out. Sometimes the act of concentrating on something so small and insignificant
there asked me if the relationship status was for real or not. So I don’t know what to make of it.   gives your brain the opportunity to relax. Loosened up and calmed, I walked home.
Whether real or fake, I like to pick and choose. Although I think the phrases “stranger than fic-             About two blocks away from home, with my stomach crying out for food, I did an
tion” or “you can’t make this shit up” are losing meaning more and more this century.                about-face and headed toward a lovely little Chinese takeaway I know, hidden away just off of
        Love,                                                                                        Broadway. Finally heading for home, just when I was least expecting it, he arrived.
        -m                                                                                                    This is my LOVE moment: Those big brown glasses. That receding hairline. The unmis-
                                                                                                     takable, disorganized efficiency of the team that works around him. Yep, Terry was just standing
On Nov 11, 2010 at 8:54 PM Eva Munz wrote:
                                                                                                     there, casually using a point and shoot in Jared Leto’s face, flashing away on a back street of
        Dear,                                                                                        Chinatown. As an aspiring professional photographer, I couldn’t allow myself to just walk on by.
        How can you NOT think about aesthetics? I agree that the customizing shit on MySpace                  My LUCK moment: As Terry Richardson steps back, I pounce like a tiger. I introduce
was just wrong. That’s where Zuckerberg’s forte lies, in a way: the stupid blue, the non-de-         myself, I compliment him, and then I sink my teeth in.
sign. Yet every time I go on Facebook, I’m a little embarrassed. I always feel like I am staring              Me: “Terry, I’m actually looking to assist and would love to just come and help you guys
at the classifieds board at HomePro. I still believe if the Apple guys had created Facebook, I’d     out, for free, obviously.”
be using it more often.                                                                                       Terry: “Yeah, of course. We’re always open to free help. Look, e-mail Seth in my studio
        Kisses,                                                                                      and tell him we met and he’ll help you out.”
        E                                                                                                     We shake hands, smile, look lustfully into each other’s eyes, and then I leave him to his
                                                                                                     business. In my mind, ‘lustfully’ is the correct adjective. In his, I’m sure it was the complete
        P.S. My neighbor in room #1112 freaks me out. He is Japanese and heads off to play golf      opposite. Anyway, I leave with a spring in my step but not before Jared Leto (topless) looks at
at the crack of dawn. I know because I ride the elevator 11 floors down with him on my way to        me like I’d just farted at his grandmother’s funeral as I offer to hold his jacket while he shoots a
the studio at the crack of dawn. He lets me share his playlist. Now that IS SCARY!                   look. Instead, he finds a distant car and places his jacket on top of it.
                                                                                                              And the PAIN: I sleep with a Cheshire-cat smile, planning my next move on the Terry
                                                                                                     Richardson chessboard. I’m not aiming for his King but instead for his Queen: Seth. The next

THe WoRds                                                                                            PeoPLe
                                                                                                                                                 of the Year

PeoPLe                                                                                              my mental illness, baked a lot of pies and
                                                                                                    cookies, and began to see things from a differ-
                                                                                                                                                       sentiment repeated by other women if they’re
                                                                                                                                                       truly honest with themselves? We want to be

of the Year
                                                                                                    ent, brighter angle!                               seen through our expressions, but at least for
                                                                                                                                                       me – with lashes this heavy – it’s hard to see
                                                                                                    Joss stone                                         myself clearly.
An upcoming German poet, Chinese artists,                                                           by Nicoleta Mena
fashion bloggers, Tilda swinton. Users                                                              She helped me to find my way back to my            Ai Weiwei
of nominate and explain the                                                        music and gave me a positive attitude to-          by Jean Ana
women and men who inspired them in 2010.*                                                           wards life. Hearing her music makes me feel        The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is a top play-
                                                                                                    alive and taught me not to give a sh*t ’bout       er in any field.
                                                                                                    everything unexpected. Live life to the full-
Lady Gaga                                          more. He made me the strong personality I        est, don’t regret anything, and don’t expect       Mlle. Agnes
by Brian Gallardo / username: whiteboy176          am today. With this nomination I would like      anything, because in the end it’s the surprise     by Gian Cruz
Because she doesn’t care what people think         to say, “Thank you!”                             that makes you smile. That’s the message she       Mlle. Agnes, the most popular French fash-
of her. Growing up as a child with ADHD, I                                                          gives to me, and my friends think the same.        ion TV host, gives fashion reportage a very
felt very different and out of touch with the      Myself                                           We love her.                                       humorous twist. Sarcastic, mindlessly funny,
world. Even though I was given medication,         by Maishion K.                                                                                      and extremely sensible, she gives audiences
there was still something off. I didn’t like the   Of course there are many people that inspire     Frida Kahlo                                        a fine balance of how fashion can be fun and
fact that I was different but I finally came to    me, but most of the time I’m inspired by         by Louise Clara Hess                               ridiculous at the same time.
terms with it. After the 2009 VMAs, Gaga had       myself.                                          Walking trough her exhibition at Martin-Gro-
a big impact on me. Her songs and music vid-                                                        pius-Bau in Berlin, lost in time and space, her    Hannah MacGibbon
eos were a way of life. As always, I began to      Jasmin Rodriguez                                 paintings opened me up to new perspectives.        by Jhosiah Huerta / username: jhosiah
lose my obsession over time. But at the 2010       by                           All the little details are so obvious and yet      Design aesthetic, purity of style, a fresh
VMAs, when she released the title of her new       Also known as Vintage Vandalizm, she is not      they also keep secrets. I admire her self-con-     intro to effortless chic, amazing runway
album “Born This Way,” it all came back again.     afraid to be herself and does not dress how      ciousness and power. She was a woman with          soundtracks, and a demure persona! Hannah
                                                   others want her to dress! She’s Hispanic like    a story to tell.                                   worked under Pheobe Philo, one of the most
Lady Gaga                                          me and you really don’t see a lot of Hispan-                                                        dynamic designers, who famously combined
by Leslie Genao / username: lesliegenao            ics dress like we do because other things are    edie sedgwick                                      simple and chic. Hannah works in the same
I liked her Alexander McQueen shoes in the         expected of us. It hurts to see how the Span-    by Lee Anne Finfinger / username: laartist         niche. I cannot afford the price tag but her de-
video “Bad Romance.” People may call her           ish community treats people with a different     Most influential person ever on my style?          signs inspire my everyday wardrobe. I imag-
weird but that’s her style. She’s also my per-     style. Everytime I feel insecure or am scared    Edie Sedgwick! She had style in her back           ine myself walking in the Chloé show to the
son of the year because she shows gay pride.       someone is gonna judge me, I watch one of        pocket. Or she would if she ever wore real         MP3 playlist on my Blackberry on a daily ba-
                                                   Vintage Vandalizm’s videos and then I’m not      pants. This past year, I stopped trying to be      sis. I dream of the day I am chatting with Han-
Ron Morisson                                       scared of being myself anymore and I am able     someone I was not. I embraced my penchant          nah over hot rose tea, talking textiles, aromas,
by Katja Moser / username: katem                   to embrace my uniqueness.                        for opaque black tights and slouchy T-shirts,      and everything Chloé.
My very favorite person ever is Ron Moris-                                                          short blonde hair, and penciled-on moles
son, an Austrian photographer, designer, art-      Myself                                           whenever I went out (and sometimes when I          AA Branson
ist, and and and.... He’s an all-around talent,    by Miriam Assai / username: wedgeheel            stayed in). It began as an easy costume. My        by Mark Jan Krayenhoff van de Leur /
very spiritual, and open-minded. Thanks to         I’ll be selfish and nominate myself. It’s been   best friend and I decided to go as Andy War-       username: MKNYC
Mr. Morisson, I know that I can be everything      a tough year for me, but I kept the spirit up    hol and Edie Sedgwick on Halloween. Edie           AA is a man of many accomplishments. A
I want to be. I’m not afraid of anything any-      anyways! I bought a gym card, struggled with     was Warhol’s beautiful, fragile superstar. I’m     brilliant artist, a gifted administrator, a heal-
                                                                                                    not proud of the fact that I often see myself      er, and a mentor. He sees what could be and
*Note: The order is random and the nominations were creatively interpreted.                         through the eyes of others, but is this not a      what should be, and is not constrained by

THe WoRds                                                                                 PeoPLe
                                                                                                                                    of the Year

she was easily mistaken for the mother of all     lecting Academy Awards. Her movie The
religious teachers. In fact, she was a natural    Hurt Locker came out the year before and is
born romantic (68 years of love) but also a       certainly one of the least watched movies in
lady with steel lungs. Disciplined both as a      the history of the Best Movie category. But
smoker and a wife.                                it took my breath away for two-and-a-half
                                                  hours. It is possible to show war with com-
Alexander Wang                                    passion and ruthlessness at the same time. I’m
by Paula Hess / username: paula                   a little afraid of her biceps but I love her work
When I moved to NYC, everybody was talk-          as a moviemaker and stealth feminist.
ing about Alexander Wang. For me, he was
at first just one of the new generation of de-    Claude Chabrol
signers. But after seeing the amazing way he      by etienne descloux / username: etienne
works with materials, I got obsessed. I bought    Because he will probably never be man of the
the bags, the shirts, the jackets, the prints.    year again.
About everything I could find. And it really
fits with everything – vintage or new. I guess    oma and Bella
Alexander Wang changed my personal style          by Alexa Karolinski / username: alexak
a lot.                                            For being who they are and collaborating on
                                                  my movie during a nasty Berlin heat wave.
Zooey deschanel
by Isabell Hellemann / username: izzy
And Cookie Typhaine from Lookbook!

Tom Jenkinson
by Leo Tardin / username: pianoramax
For his recently released new musical project
Shobaleader One (
shobaleader-one/). An example of an uncom-
promising artist who has always been able to
gracefully blend great craft, pure talent, and
current trends.

Titus dittmann
by Harald Rossbach / username: harry
Some days ago, I saw a report about him on
TV. It’s just great what the founding father of
the German skater scene does in Afghanistan
and elsewhere with his NGO, Skate-Aid.

Kathryn Bigelow
by Adriano Sack / username: adriano
In February 2010, she beat her ex-husband
James Cameron at his very own game – col-                                                             illustration by   Paul KoPkau / username: pAulyk from New York
   Amazing outfits and awesome
     moments from the Spring/
Summer 2011 shows. A fashion love
 story by Australian photographer
    Sonny VAnderVelde.
  reviewed by some in-the-know
      users of .

      *Backstage is a new section in Ilikemystyle Quarterly.
      It looks behind the scenes – where life really takes off.


The Fashion Critics Become one of the Ilikemystyle
Any thoughts about the global style circuit?
Quarterly’s critics and write shamelessly biased, pinpoignantly precise,
and radically entertaining reviews for the next issue’s Backstage section.

                        Valerie Steele,
                        palomaa from Graz
                        is a 16-year-old
                        coffee addict and
                        Camel Blue smoker
                        that loves yellow
                        bruises, My little
                        Pony, trees, over-
                        sized hoodies, and
Anne Phillipi,          getting lost in         Celeste Galanda,        Sofija Gujina,
username:               daydreams.              username:               username: debaser
annevanity from                                 julienboy718 from       from Manchester is
los Angeles is a                                Udine. As a ragazza     the girl behind the
journalist, a part-                             italiana, Celeste       style blog jean-sol-
time dJ, and a style                            Galanda is kind of
junkie. Anne writes                             a natural fashion       She publishes in-
for German GQ,                                  expert. She adores      spiring photographs
rolling Stone, and                              the look of the lon-    and illustrations
the new york-                                   don indie scene and     featuring pieces
based architecture                              the time of Andy        from current fashion
magazine PIn-UP.                                Warhol’s Factory        collections. Her
                                                and enjoys hand-        mantra: style is the
                                                rolled cigarettes.      answer to everything.

                                                Frida Wanner-
                                                berger, username:
                                                featurette from
                                                lausanne started
                                                her BA degree in
                                                graphic design at
                                                Central Saint Martins
                                                in london this fall.
Manuel Almeida          Marcus luft,            She also runs her
Vergara,                username:               blog Pigeophysics in
username: quintela      tooposhtopush           which she shares her Matheus                             He lost his Wunderkind status some time ago, but Jeremy
from Berlin is an       from Hamburg is         passion for drawing   Barbian,                           Scott is still fucking here! you can see him in a very
educated couturier’s    fashion editor for      and photography       username: thepoulpe                cute Fred Flintstone costume at Jeffrey deitch’s Hollywood
assistant. He also      Gala Germany and        with the world.       from Sorocaba is                   parties. These glasses are lady Gaga for beginners.
worked as a prop        creator of the blog                           the founder of the                       username: annevanity
man in a theater.       Tooposhtopush (the                            amazing blog
Currently he studies    name refers
fashion journalism
and media commu-
                        to rich ladies pre-
                        ference for giving
                                                                      named after the           I want melted liquorice wings
nications. And he
has ‘dior’ tattooed
                        birth by c-section)
                        and contributing
                                                                      French word for
                                                                      octopus. The              on my eyes too. Holly
on his fingers.         editor of style-
                                                                      journalism student
                                                                      likes the idea that
                                                                      his arms can reach
                                                                                                Golightly meetsfeaturette
                                                                      multiple places at
                                                                      the same time.            Jeremy Scott, September 15, 2010 – New York


   Joseph, who? The new crown prince of Paris proves that average
   white can look extraordinarily different and sexy.
           username: tooposhtopush

Again, old Helmut lang memories
in my mind, and some early
Balenciaga (under Mr. Ghesquière,
of course). But this perfect white
dress is what I have to have next
week. Who doesn’t want to look like
a very youngusername: annevanity
              roman nymph?
                For a newcomer, Altuzarra surprised us. He worked with
                a defined color palette and awesome marine looks.
                             username: thepoulpe

       Two blonde supermodels wearing dangerously short
       outfits, slapping each other, and enjoying it?
       Straight men’s fantasies never looked so fashionable.
                    username: quintela                                   Altuzarra, September 11, 2010 – New York


Stunning outfits exclusively in black and white – of course.
They recall a sunny afternoon in the ghetto. Skirts worn over shorts,
asymmetrically cut undershirts, and plain-colored bandanas. Sick!
                   username: quintela

                 A perfect combination of glamour
                 and independent style. I love the
                 cool, long username: julienboy718 Be skinny!
                             blonde hair.
    “Monastic Couture” is how rick owens labels his own collection.
    Idealistic and heavy clothes.
          username: thepoulpe

                         Who knew that the long-forgotten Kevin Federline
                         served as rick owen’s inspiration for the next season?
                                           username: debaser
Rick Owens, June 24, 2010 – Paris

                                                                                  Damir Doma, September 29, 2010 – Paris

                                                                                  I hate the color orange. There have
                                                                                  only been three orange fashion
                                                                                  moments that are acceptable: lacroix’s
                                                                                  pieces in the early 90s, Chanel’s 2009
                                                                                  it-nailpolish orange Fizz, and now
                                                                                  damir doma. His collection is
                                                                                  old-school chic, and that is refreshing.
                                                                                         username: quintela

                                                                                                                           I’ll just call this “makeup artwork.”
                                                                                                                                username: palomaa


  Marc Jacobs has taken the
  French sophistication out
  of louis Vuitton and replaced
  it with ‘roberto Cavalli.’
             username: debaser

          A clash of references on the louis Vuitton runway.
          Sexy and funny shapes. Among the prints, the floral prevails.
                      username: thepoulpe

Since seeing the movie Spun for the
first time, where the lovely Brittany
Murphy wears cute white-trashhooker
outfits, I have become addicted to
colorful animal prints. Using them
on long, shiny dresses rather than on
shirts or hot pants or Fran drescher,
makes them unexpectedly elegant!
          username: quintela

    Marc Jacobs does not care anymore if his ideas make sense for
    louis Vuitton. That’s good. This collection was so over the top that
    you had to stare speechlessly at the mixture of donna Summer,
    colonial style, and whatever else on the runway. The best!
                            username: tooposhtopush                        Louis Vuitton, October 6, 2010 – Paris


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Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 3 short
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Wall of fame
Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 2 short
Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 2 short    Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 2 short
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Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 1 shortIlikemystyle quarterly issue 1 short
Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 1 short

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Ilikemystyle quarterly issue 4 short

  • 1. the first user-generated fashion magazine i like my stYle Quarterly School Jaroly Asilis (username: jaroly) oflectured by luis Venegas Get Fashion and Angel Abramson (username: iAAngel) from New York The Social Network us What it’s done to The Users of Stuff Fr/De/Au: € 12,- UK: £ 9.50 Be/Es/Gr/It/Lu/NL/Port.Cont.: € 10,- review the SS/11 collections 1
  • 2. Mash BeauTy up Proud and rEbelliouS kalan BriGgs / username: itskalan from New York on his photographic work and being comfortable in your own skin. In these photos, the expression is proud and rebellious. Once you’re comfortable in your own skin, it’s like a natural high. You can take on the world and that same world revolves around you. Each model is wearing high-tops as a reference the name of the project: Natural Highs. My primary interest in photography is people and a mentor of mine suggested that I try mixing up my formula a bit to let the location play a bigger role than the people. This is what came of it. (The Natural Highs were taken in a public park in Mesquite, Texas.) Nea McMillan (second from left) with friends Boil 2 cups of water NEa mcmillan / username: 5Star from Newark on biochemically proven beauty tips. Beauty is a MAJOR factor in fashion. In my eyes, anything that is fashionable is beautiful. My favorite factoids acquired in science class would have to be about skin, because clothes can never disguise natural beauty. When people ask, “What’s your se- cret to having such clear skin?” I simply reply, “Nothing!” Personally, I do not use any soap on my face at all, only hot water. Any type of steam opens the pores and cleanses them thoroughly. Washing my face with hot water twice daily has done me extreme amounts of justice. For sensitive skin, I would recommend a small amount of alco- hol – the goal is to keep your pores clean. But as we all know, water and alcohol can make skin ridiculously dry. To avoid that, I use unscented lotion. Want to know what’s even better? Making lotion is super fun and super easy! I learned my secret recipe for moisturizer two years ago in my high school chemistry class (my favorite class). All you need is 1/3 cup of your favorite essential oils, 1 ¼ cup of water, and ¼ cup of emulsifying wax (found at your local craft stores). First, heat the water in a small saucepan and gradually melt the oil(s) and wax into it the mixture. Next, boil 2 cups of water in a small pot. Pour the initial mixture into the boiling water and stir. Last but certainly not least, let the mixture cool and then pour the entire mixture into a bottle of your choice (good presentation is always a plus). Give it a few shakes and voilà! There you have it: a soothing lotion with no additives to clog your pores. 23
  • 3. Mash up Maria Eilersen (username: urbanviking) wears Brunello Cucinelli shirt and hat. Opposite page: Maria wears her own vest and Brunello Cucinelli dress and hat. Dressing Room Piracy Part 3 Do Alexander McQueen, Chanel, Brunello Cucinelli, Diesel, and Anna Sui really work on me? Users of went to some of the fanciest stores in New York, Beirut, and Berlin and checked out the collections for Fall/Winter 2010. (To be continued in the next issue. Feel free to send your pictures to 25
  • 4. Dressing Room Piracy Top left: Akansha Kumar (username: aqui) wears Chanel 105-mm-heeled metallic suede goatskin san- dals with organza camellia. Top: Akansha wears a Chanel wool tweed fringed dress. Left: Akansha wears a Chanel cashmere and silk bi-color fringed dress. Maria wears Miu Miu Top: Maria wears an Alexander leopard print heels. McQueen black lace dress and shoes. Left: Maria wears Miu Miu flower shoes. 27
  • 5. Fashion the Boy from BRAzil Eduardo JosE BErtholini (username: dudu) is one of Brazil’s most colorful designers and the darling of sao Paolo’s fashion, art and party world. his label nEon breathes the spirit of his vibrant nation like few others. dive into his amazing imagery on the following pages and read his interview on page 240 in “the Words” section. He’s got more than 100 caftans with Neon prints. One of Dudu’s all-time idols is Madonna and he too knows how to strike a pose. 33
  • 6. Fashion Dudu at home. The wallpaper was created by artist Rafa Dejonta 3 55
  • 7. Fashion the Boy from BRAzil Does fashion have to be sexy? Dudu: “Not at all. But sexy fashion is great.” Left: another outrageous caftan, this page: bathing suit from the first Neon collection 41
  • 8. chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present StylE gAMes A chilly day in November, a handful of accessories, and an electric clique. Photographer Alex johN beck (username: scaredycat) and stylist jAmes VAleri (username: jamesvaleri) join forces with students of New York’s high school of Fashion to explore a new way of dressing up. All sunglasses and handbags by Chanel clockwise from bottom: Jaroly Asilis (username: jaroly): blue chiffon cropped shirt by Nomia; Angel Abramson (username: iAAngel): black sweater with rhinestones by Acne; Michelle Marizan (username: michellexoxl): white shirt with rhinestones by Marzia Aloisi, chiffon skirt by Tess Gibson; Lucy Gabriel (username: lucywaslike): top with fringed military padded shoulders by Marzia Aloisi 45
  • 9. chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present style gAmes Michelle: denim salopette mini dress and denim hand- bag by Gerlan Jeans, boots by Opening Ceremony, sunglasses by Linda Farrow; Lucy: mini jumpsuit, bracelet, and backpack by Gerlan Jeans, her own shoes, stylist’s leather hat opposite page: Jaroly: top by Opening Ceremony, exclamation mark earring by Gerlan Jeans 53
  • 10. chanel & ilikemystyle Quarterly present thE Girl who style gAmes fEll to Earth Michelle and Jaroly: long skirts and tops by Hexa by Kuho opposite page: Angel: hooded wind jacket and sunglasses by Chanel, maxi pearl necklace by Gerlan Jeans 55 101
  • 11. FaShion Bless Iceland! With a bag full of his favorite label, Bless, photographer Daniel JoSeFSohn (username: dj) explored europe’s most archaic landscape, his model’s flexibility, and his car’s durability. a volcanic fairtyale. Outfits: Bless Model: Goldie Thanks to: Saskia Nadi and Fred Schmidt Daniel works with a Leica S2 59
  • 12. Stories xxxxxxxxxx Driving across the absolutely horrendous 63
  • 13. FaShion On Fur They keep you warm or they infuriate you, they are the ultimate luxury purchase or a family hand- me-down. Users of show and discuss their love/hate relationship with hairy, fluffy stuff. Don’t knockusername: milk from Madison it Jacqueline kUrsel / it till yoU Try This photo was taken by E. Temte in January 2010. We were just mess- ing around taking photographs wearing our new Christmas gifts in my hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. The hat is fake rabbit fur, not that I’m opposed to wearing real fur – it’s just expensive. I am a serious meat eater but also a supporter of the fair treatment of animals. As far as wearing fur and leather goes, don’t knock it till you try it. If you like how it looks and know it came from a good place that utilizes the whole animal, then go for it. I love (and need) to bundle up during the long Wisconsin winters and plan on wearing my faux fur hat nonstop for the next five months. 71
  • 14. On Fur Do not Fake anythinG ever from berlin Manuel aLmeida Vergara / username: quintela Although at 17 I gave up the teenage dream that anarchy is a comfortable life and a desirable social and political system, there is still a rebellious part of me that keeps up the fantasy of living the life of an outlaw. It’s the part of me that, when I’m standing in front of my closet each morning deciding what to wear, does not think about whether it’s appropriate to wear glittery makeup to church or if the 80s are dead or alive or dead again. So in general, I don’t believe in rules of style. But if there is one rule I abide by it’s this: when it comes to your wardrobe, do not fake anything ever. No labels, no cup size (except if you’ve had plastic surgery, I love breast implants) and especially not animal products. I have to admit this – although common sense tells me that it’s cruel and maybe disgusting to wear dead animals. There`s no excuse but I have a genuine passion and insatiable lust for real leather, fur, and feathers. Call it dreadful, but I’ve chosen this hedonistic lifestyle that allows me my amusement and satisfaction regardless of the consequences. Photographer and dear friend Adrian Knuppertz shot this picture of me wearing a piece from my small collection of six exquisite furs. Fox, mink, rab- bit, goat… I have them all. My closet is like a little petting zoo for adults. This vintage piece is made of red fox with fur pompoms and black calfskin inserts on the arms. I bought it in my favorite shop, which sells dead people’s estates in Berlin Neukölln. The shop is run by a rude old lady who determines prices according to whether or not she likes you. Fortunately she seems to have a thing for scatterbrained faggots, so I got the coat for a laughable price. ponyplay enthusiasts SerpiL SUzan burkhard / username: bellaserp from pirmasend These were exhibited at Scoop (the little sister of the famous Art Basel) in June 2010. I love to imagine all the ponyplay enthusiasts drooling as they walk by this piece by Iris Schieferstein.
  • 15. FaShion Designer Drinks You are what you drink, even if you don’t. And what if Miuccia Prada was reborn as a cocktail? Robin KRAnz (username: robin) DrieS van noten and VolKeR Hobl (username: vlkr) invented smashing drinks inspired by the habits and styles crushed ice 2 lime slices of six fashion designers. 1 slice of ginger 4 cl Tanqueray gin some ginger juice some sugar syrup stir with a spoon glass: Kimora/stylist’s own Most of the tableware was kindly provided by Kuball & Kempe, Hamburg. 87
  • 16. mercedes-benz & ilikemystyle Quarterly present the Girl who fell to earth Photographer Peter Langer (username: peterlanger) followed Simone SebaStian and the new mercedes-benz SLS amg from the desert into the city of Dubai. an encounter somewhere between fairytale and futurism. Production: Saadia Zahid (username: saadia) Simone wears dresses by Essa. 95
  • 17. mercedes-benz & ilikemystyle Quarterly present the Girl who fell to earth Maidje wears top: Topshop jacket: Zara shorts: COS shoes: Buffalo mascara: Max Factor 97
  • 18. StOries Learning from Las Vegas AliSAlei KOSminA (username: alisalei) met her husband in a mcDonald’s in Tokyo’s redlight district when they were 16. They soon got married and moved to nevada. A story about happyness in Steve Wynn’s backyard, the perfect engagement ring, and messy roommates. Why my husband and I ended up in Las Vegas? I don’t really know. Even getting married was one of those spur-of-the-moment activities. 111
  • 19. Learning from Las Vegas I wanted to wake up every day next to his cherubic angel face and naturally bright lips.
  • 20. StOries Learning from Las Vegas married life is ridiculous. Imagine walking into your living room to find your husband nonchalantly watching septuagenarians have extremely graphic shower sex on the television. The porn stars are not only old but also morbidly fat. My husband explains, “I don’t like our new roommate. He has a gypsy vibe and he fucking refuses to use doors. We’re gonna get fucking kicked out of this complex if he continues to climb in and out of our windows. I’m trying to weird him out so that he chooses to leave on his own accord.” I don’t want any part of this old-people-porn situation, so I peace out and find sanctuary at a nearby bubble tea joint to play mancala by myself. Because we are a young couple who are trying to put ourselves through school, we’ve had a number of roommates who we never really took the time to screen. As it turns out, half our former roommates have been institutionalized at some point in their lives. I love being married almost as much as I love my husband. I am one of those annoying needy people that constantly want people around me to validate my existence. I hate crying alone and if I feel any urge to emote, I will immediately log on to Skype and video chat someone just so they will ‘witness the occasion.’ In addition to the constant companionship, being mar- ried means you can ditch stilettos on a Friday night, put on a mangy oversized tee, and watch stupid shit on the Bravo network without feeling the need to go out and meet your generation in strobe lighting. The wedding band has also proven to be a great douche repellent. Some lewd old guys are completely unrelenting until I flash my cute heart-cut diamond in their face – wink – and skip on home to my hubby. The whole brandishing-my-wedding-ring maneuver was pretty foolproof. That is, until I moved to Las Vegas. I hate crying alone and if I feel any urge to emote, I will immediately log on to Skype and videochat someome so they will ‘witness the occasion.’ 119
  • 21. StOries Satellite Kids There are few things as scary and exciting as leaving your family, your friends, and your favorite grocery store behind and starting a new life somewhere else. Users of ilikemystyle. net talk about their lives as expats. LiLy username: Zoë username: liliphah zoelitta 125
  • 22. StOries Satellite Kids “i’ve seen nude mags “The Germans will in magazine stores. just stare at you So there must be porn.” to ‘shame’ you.” yi username: miChael username: yiGuo apollinaris 137
  • 23. Stories home sick Spanish photographer CoCo Capitán (username: cocoladas) recently moved to London to go to school and sharpen her eye. Her friend nika SCHeidemandeL (username: nikabianca) wrote the story for a short film based on Coco’s recent images. 149
  • 24. Stories home sick London Street EXTERIOR/DAY London, 8 a.m. Buildings. Grayish skies. The alarm rings. Melissa’s Bedroom INTERIOR/DAY Melissa, a 23-year-old English architecture student, is skinny and elegantly pale. She gets out of bed, washes her face, and throws on her work uniform: an apron dress made for cleaning staff. She’s in a hurry. She drinks milk from a glass while she ties her shoes. Her brother lights a cigarette and sits down on her bed, watching her. London Street EXT/INT/DAY Melissa rushes to the tube station, brushing past the city’s morning commuters. Everything is in motion and everybody is in a hurry. Hotel EXT/DAY Melissa, out of breath, arrives at the brick stone building. Hotel Reception INT/DAY The receptionist – an unfinished face – hands Melissa a bunch of keys. Melissa opens up the broom room to get the cleaning cart. It’s stocked with clean sheets, stiff towels, and jasmine hand soap. Hotel Rooms INT/DAY Melissa gets busy cleaning and tidying up the rooms. Hotel guests have left their breakfast dishes on the floor. Clothing is thrown over the beds; computers are plugged in, playing music; cigarettes in ashtrays are still smoldering. Hotel Garden EXT/DAY Through the window, we observe an impatient couple. Two insurance brokers from Manchester with matching luggage, waiting to check into their rooms. TITLES ON BLACK Homesick. xxx / username: viv from Rt 151
  • 25. KUltur kriTik mood boards You don’t have to be a curator to plaster your wall with images that turn you on, confuse you, or help you define who you want to be. Users of present their private picture shows. Drawn to cloThing Reutlingen, is Unique ViVienne Thai / username: viv from that Germany I started making the picture montages about two years ago. I thought my wall was kind of boring, so I looked for fashion magazines that I didn’t need anymore and started cutting out photos of clothes, models on catwalks, and all kinds of beauty products that appealed to me. I’m drawn to clothing that is really unique and that not everybody would wear. The same goes for the images on my wall. I’m really into the period between the 17th and 19th centuries. The way the people lived and dressed back then interests me a lot. Contemporary people who are great inspirations for me are celebrities like Shenae Grimes, Ashley Tisdale, and Alexa Chung. In this picture, I’ve got postcards from various places, movie theater tickets, flyers from Hard Rock Cafés and other places, some movie posters, and much more. It’s my memory wall. shirt: selfmade, skirt: H&M 163
  • 26. KUltur mood kriTik boards marie ANtoinetTe/ username:her RiVal San Francisco BranDon & Elza Burkart and ThelingerNots from We’re The LingerNots, a young artistic couple, and this is one of the walls in our bedroom ArT kePt me out of JAil Gospava Todorovic / username: gospavaya from Florence/Belgrade comprised of images both found and made. Most of the images came from a gem of a flea mar- ket find, this book called Enchanters of Men by Ethel Colburn Mayne. It was a dusty, beaten- I’m addicted to images that remind me of nice moments. I constantly use them to cheer myself down book from 1909 that had about two dozen, black-and-white plates of notable courtesans up and feed my inspiration. I also love to see something that is cute and ugly at the same time. throughout history. We liked the idea of collage but wanted something a little cleaner, so we All the images on my wall have something different to say. On the left, there are three photocop- settled on black frames of various sizes laid out asymmetrically. The rest of the room is primar- ies of T-shirts that I ‘stole’ at a party hosted by some friends (you can see it here: http://west- ily black and white with occasional sepia tones. When we found this book, it lent itself perfectly There’s a Sonic Youth’s Goo T-shirt, which is to completing a theme that wasn’t quite intentional but at the same time was totally welcome. the most important one. They are my favorite group! There is also a Misfits T-shirt (who I saw Aside from the courtesan images, there are four prints of insects from a horticulture book from in concert on my 22nd birthday). Finally, there’s a Sex Pistols t-shirt that reminds me of when the 30s that are collaged with old keys, old wallpaper, and twine. The largest frame contains a I was a teenager. To my right, you can see three vertical pictures of two model friends and me. print of Claudette Colbert from a vintage French film magazine we found at an antique store in Jin Ho Kim, a Korean photographer that I met when I lived in Seoul, took the photos. Further Southern California. The two images furthest to the right are Marie Antoinette and her rival in to the right is a picture taken by one of my best friends, Vanni Bassetti (http://igeace.blogspot. court, the Comtesse du Barry. We may have put the images adjacent to each other but the women com/2010/01/cold-guns.html). The signs that scream “CUT!” remind me that sometimes it is face opposite directions, as they might have in life. important to realize when it’s time to stop doing something. The last image on the far right is a Aside from sleeping here, we use this room as a workshop where Elza designs jewelry poster that I took this past spring in Antwerp from a show of Marina Abramović and Jean Fabre. and Brandon designs lamps. Eventually we’d love to apply our accidental passion to designing I love reading the sentence, “Art kept me out of jail.” I think it is a really deep thought, thinking boutiques, restaurants, and bars. You find more of our work at about jail as an allegory. I’m not so good at expressing things by talking. I prefer images! shirt: Diva Shop, hot pants: Vintage, shoes: Comme des Garcons for Heschung, vest: Levi’s, shirt: American Apparel, jeans: Chip & Pepper, feather earring: Fauve & Hunter glasses: Ray Ban Folding Wayfarer, socks: Calzedonia 169
  • 27. KUltur kritik I ❤ Cheburashka He was the Soviet Union’s Mickey Mouse – small in size but big in charisma. AlexA KArolinSKi (username: alexak) and nAtASHA GoldStein (username: trikant) went to new York City’s Brighton Beach to interrogate russian immigrants about this legendary stop-motion character. elAine from russia I came here in 2008. I go back every couple of months but I like it better here. Here people have a unique style. In Russia, it's overdone. Cheburashka is a very famous cartoon character from Russia. It has been a long time since I was a child. But he taught me that friendship is really important. That’s the main message from the cartoon. Be nice to people and always smile like Cheburashka. I think it’s always about the smile. 179
  • 28. KUltur I kritik ❤ Cheburashka Alexandra from Ukraine niKolai from russia Everybody knows Cheburashka. It seems to me that there is no one person in I am from Moscow. I arrived here directly in New York, in Brighton Beach, Russia who doesn't know. There is no way that he is political, he’s just a cute two minutes from the beach. I came here seeking adventure. I love everything cartoon character! By watching, a child learns to be happy, maybe. It’s cute; it’s here. I met my wife right here at this spot. I love the United States. Che- a little bit sad, maybe. All my friends show it to their grandchildren. All the burashka is a Russian character from a cartoon. Every kid likes him because children already know him, even the ones who are born in America. he is sweet and he looks funny. He is like a little boy who learns how to act in his life and he is really sweet. He is such a goof and everybody who sees him wants to do good things. 181
  • 29. kulturkritik clOSe- upS Fashion is only as good as the people who look at it. Experts from the visual arts on some of the finest photos from . A bOok-reading kind of rEserve by Cathy HOryn Reading a woman’s description of her style, which is almost inevitably related to her character, is a little like going backstage after a fashion show and asking a designer, “What were your thoughts?” It always feels like cheating to me, and of course it denies all the senses. So I regret a little that I read that Barkatt thinks of herself in twos; also, that she tends to run late. These char- acteristics are quite visible in her clothes. What made me pick this particular woman to write about? The trim leather shorts worn with tights and platform heels? The tights and the choice of shoe reflect a desire to be sexy and noticed, with the added value of superiority easily attained in a platform. But the shorts, however smart looking, reflect a book-reading sense of reserve and comfort. It’s a disparity, a chink in the modern armor, that most of us not merely live with but secretly desire, like a house in the country. barkatt from Norway Cathy Horyn is the fashion critic of the New York Times and writes the blog OnTheRunway. 189
  • 30. KUltur kriTik School of1:Fashion Vol. luiS Venegas What to read, watch, listen to, and know about to become a bullet-proof style expert. SUleman anaya (username: vertiz136) talked to the Spanish magazine mastermind lUiS VenegaS about his list of references. coat, jacket, and pants: Lanvin Homme, waistcoat: Polo Ralph Lauren, shirt: Dior Homme, bow tie: Marc Jacobs, shoes: Pierre Hardy photo: Chus Antón, styling: Ana Murillas 195
  • 31. KUltur School kriTik of Fashion At 31, Luis Venegas is already a one-man editorial powerhouse. He produces and publishes three magazines that, though they have small print runs, have a near-religious following: the six-year-old Fanzine 137 – a compendium of everything Venegas cares about, Electric Youth (EY!) Magateen – an oversized cornucopia of adolescent boyflesh started in 2008, and the high- ly lauded Candy – the first truly queer fashion magazine on the planet, which was launched last year. His all-encompassing, erudite view of the fashion universe is the foundation for Venegas’ next big project: the fashion academy he plans to start in 2011. It will be a place where people, as he says, “who are interested in fashion learn about certain key moments from history, film and pop culture.” To get a preview of the curriculum at Professor Venegas’ School of Fashion, Suleman Anaya paid Venegas a visit at his apartment in the Madrid neighborhood of Malasaña, a wonderful space that overflows with the collected objects of his boundless curiosity. Television ● Dynasty ● Dallas What are you watching these days in your scarce spare time? I am in the middle of a Dynasty marathon. I have the entire series on DVD, so I am re- watching it. It’s so entertaining and educational. That’s true. I grew up with Dynasty. My parents used to send me to bed before it came on, so I would watch through the keyhole. It’s a seminal show. Is there a character you identify with? Oh, I completely adore Alexis Colby – everything about her – from her bitchy English to her wonderfully crazy outfits. That’s funny, I think I used to like Crystal more than I liked Alexis. In fact, I wanted to be her. You were way ahead of me for liking the cooler of the two rivals. What are your favorite fashion moments in Dynasty? There are two looks in this series that I particularly love. One is when the Alexis charac- ter, played by Joan Collins, is introduced for the first time. I don’t know if you remem- ber that in the first season Blake Carrington accidentally killed [his homosexual son] Steven’s boyfriend, so there is a trial. The season ends with a new character appearing at the trial. It’s Alexis, and she’s wearing a Thierry Mugler-style white skirt-suit. The jacket has black insets on the sides that make her look even thinner than she already is. She wears this with a veiled hat and sunglasses. It’s very dramatic and absolutely crazy. And there’s another great fashion moment, also in the first season, when Fallon wears a red dress with white sleeves – it’s really great. Dynasty is my favorite TV series ever. What about Dallas? That one was also hugely formative for me. Yeah, Dallas is great. But it’s different because in Dallas they live on a ranch, you know? I mean come on, it’s not the same thing. In Dynasty they have this palatial place with an amazing library and that insane staircase – how many times did a character fall down those stairs?! And you know, in Dynasty, when they wore furs it was real fur. Same thing with the diamonds. Nothing was ever fake on that show. Especially Joan Collins’ character. What she wears is real Valentino and Chanel from that time. And I love the fact that the evil woman is from Europe – it’s such an American idea of casting. And Crystal is this blond, healthy, homemaking ideal of American femininity. It’s funny. 197
  • 32. KUlturkriTik Remember where you lost it Brief encounters, boozy farewells, and temporary shape-shifting. Snapshots from the beautiful trap no money called nightlife. Plus, fact sheets about the for Sex by Paul Putzier / username: paul1990 from Stuttgart hours between the first shot and the last cigarette. Where? At a friends place. This picture was an Easter gift for my parents, for my mother because she always complained about how bad I looked and for my father because he was afraid I would get a tattoo. What were you wearin g ? Thick black marker and my friend’s makeup. Purple suede pants from a secondhand store. What was special? The exciting feeling of the marker tickling my upper body. Soundtrack? Rio Reiser’s “Der Traum ist aus.” Drink/Stimulation? A lot of beer, a lot of cigarettes. Sex? Unfortunately not. I didn’t have enough money left. 207
  • 33. KUlturkriTik Remember where you loSt it Between a Scary dream and a video Shoot by ece ismen / username: skinny from istanbul When? May 29th, 2010. Where? There was a festival called Freshtival in Istanbul. This picture was taken in the art corner while I was trying on the fox mask. Who were the most im p o r t a n t p e o p l e t h a t e v e n i n g ? My best friend who came from Newcastle to see me. Topic s? Chanel, Hole’s new album, how amazing it was to get VIP access. (“It was so VIP they didn’t serve anything but champagne!”) What were you wearin g ? A kind of sailor dress (Topshop), my all-time favorite fragrance (Boss Intense), and the fox mask (credit: Imge Su). Brown lipstick and black eyeliner with loads of mascara. What was special? When you go out all the time, the concept of ‘special event’ slowly loses its meaning. You just go out to get out. I was out there, that’s all that matters to me. Soundtrack? Mika’s “Grace Kelly” (Mika was the headliner). Other people? Friends, hipster youth of Istanbul, media, everyone but my crush. Now I see what was special about the night. Transportation? Took a cab to get to Taksim Square, then went by foot. Away? I took another cab to nowhere. Drink/Stimulation? Champagne only. Highlight? We actually got lost in a funfair at night, which was an interesting experience. Something between a scary dream and a video shoot. 209
  • 34. KUlturkriTik Remember where you loSt it like a beautifUl flower by mikaela JohansSon / username: melaa from Stockholm Where? I had just moved to Barcelona, so it was on the metro somewhere between Maragall and Parallel. My best friend Linda and I were on our way to a party. What were you w e a r i n g ? Purple tights from Gina Tricot, a black top from TopShop, and a golden bra from American Apparel. I hope I smelled like a beautiful flower! Sex? Unfortunately not. I had to wait four months for something to happen. Sleep? Linda and I shared a room at the time. I got 12 hours of sleep and I loved it!
  • 35. THe WoRds Ping Pong Review I Ping Pong Review I: As I said, I only watched the first 10 minutes of I’m Still Here but I’m interested in discussing The sTupid blue, both films with you. One is a ‘true story’ about a society of avatars and the other is a ‘true story’ about a man trying to shed his celebrity avatar and show the world who he ‘really’ is. the non-design Hope everything is going well with your productions, -Michael An e-mail conversation about the movies The On Nov 6, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Eva Munz wrote: social network and I’m still Here. Fighting points: Hey Michael, Joaquin Phoenix, the art of James Franco, self- Yes, The Social Network was great to watch. Yes, the programming scene with the fall deprecating performances by everybody, and truisms of the Harvard empire was fab and yes, the crew race parallel cut was lame. I still can’t believe about the real, the fake, and everything in between. you nodded off to I’m Still Here. I watched it on the big screen in the East Village the day it came out. Nobody knew yet that it was a spoof. I laughed hard and loud through a lot of the by eva Munz / username: evvaa very embarrassing scenes. I laughed because I thought it was so very well scripted. And I think and Michael Ladner / username: apollinaris Casey Affleck and Joaquin Phoenix did a better job than Aaron Sorkin with The Social Network. Both films are extremely important to understanding our generation, which clearly is not On Nov 5, 2010, at 11:52 PM, Michael Ladner wrote: the same in terms of age, but then again clearly is in this context. I’m Still Here is kind of an Dear Eva, appropriation of a documentary about celebrity culture using the exact tools of said culture. In It looks like this round of Ping Pong Review will be a bit of a Ping Pong Film Review. the end, you have a hard time distinguishing who you’re laughing at or who you’re supposed to You said you’re interested in both The Social Network and I’m Still Here as recent films that laugh with. You don’t know who is who, what is spoof and what isn’t. Which of these perfor- define a generation. I obtained a pirated copy of I’m Still Here from a friend yesterday and I saw mances is the ‘real’ them? Which one is their celebrity avatar? Good questions. The Social Network in theaters last week. I started watching I’m Still Here last night but didn’t Taking drugs, vomiting, feeling sorry for oneself, making the wrong career choices, get too far into it before I dozed off. But I saw enough to start discussing the films. fucking ugly whores... for some time, it seemed like these things existed only in a world that I loved The Social Network. I thought David Fincher did a good job of toning down some was long gone or seen only in the blueish light on daytime TV for jobless people in Eastern of his more self-congratulatory cinematographic flare. (I’m talking about the skyscrapers crum- Europe. Then came Britney, Lindsay, and Tiger, who showed us the consequences of missteps. bling at the end of Fight Club to “Where Is My Mind” by The Pixies and the entire sequence In hindsight, I’d say that post-I’m Still Here, all this seems as if it was skillfully staged by some in Seven where Gwyneth Paltrow’s head gets delivered to Brad Pitt in a box while helicopters squeaky-clean Republican government as propaganda; it’s a supremacist dogma for healthy, circle overhead. Both are amazing, beautiful, suspenseful moments in film, but I like my direc- conformist, toned, well-flossed, taxpaying citizens. The Lindsays, Britneys, and Tigers are just tors to use restraint too.) He did hold his wad in The Social Network and only brought out his old thrown in as a warning to anyone who dares to jeopardize this idea. tricks at two points: First, the sequence where Zuckerberg is programming the pre-Facebook site I have a feeling the propaganda is overdone. The scary thing is though, I think it works. which Fincher interlaces with scenes of Harvard’s elite partying – anticipating the synthesis of What’s your take on that? the two. Fabulous scene. The second, the crew race, I thought was unnecessary. Love from room #1111 (seriously), I think the definitive hero behind the scenes of The Social Network was Aaron Sorkin. Eva He pulled out all the stops. I was a fan of The West Wing and although his snappy snappy catchy On Nov 6, 2010, at 11:58 PM, Michael Ladner wrote: catchy rapid dialogue can be obnoxious (as it was in the opening scene, where Zuckerberg gets dumped in the bar), I think it really triumphed at certain moments. For instance, when Zucker- Eva, dear, berg shuts down the lawyers, explaining his lack of attention. And when the ex-girlfriend, who I tried to watch I’m Still Here again last night and I got a little further, but fell asleep again. Zuckerberg humiliated in his blog, puts the whole perception of digital media into place, “THE Interesting that you saw it the day it came out. I thought though that it had been exposed as a INTERNET IS WRITTEN IN INK!” Soooooo true!! hoax even before its release. Am I wrong? Either way, I find it hardly believable as ‘reality,’ I read in The New Yorker that Sorkin wasn’t acquainted with social media before join- and that’s exactly why it’s interesting at all. What is reality? Does it exist anymore? And if the ing the project. I guess Facebook on shrooms could lead one into dark existential territory. But opposite of real is fake, then what is fake, fakeness, forgery, etc.? Sorkin definitely did his homework and ‘got it’ in the end. The Social Network succeeds at I think the dissolution of strict boundaries between real and fake is accentuated and ex- simultaneously being a parable for generation Facebook and at being a documentation of Zuck- aggerated in celebrity culture (as is celebrity style, diets, adoptions, etc.). But the point of The erberg’s experience. Social Network is that what is really dissolving is the boundary between celebs and laypeople . 227
  • 36. THe WoRds THe WoRds model-slash-actual-artist-slash-transsexual-cover-girl-slash-boy-slash-Biesenbach-dating- slash-still-promoted-as-straight. Who says that actors have to have a degree in literature? Does that mean Zuckerberg has to learn how to act or start wearing Yves Saint Laurent suits? I totally agree, though, that Franco is more pleasant to the eyes than Phoenix. 4 LiFe Changers encounters with, impressions of, Love, performances by... E ... TerRy RiChardson On Nov 12, 2010, at 12:40 AM, Michael Ladner wrote: by AkansHA KuMar / username: aqui from new York Hmmmm. I actually never thought about the aesthetics of Facebook and those of Zuck- erberg. Interesting. I wonder who chose that Facebook blue originally? I’m pretty sure it has “When you least expect it” is a phrase that has been drilled deep, deep down into my tender always been that same Pantone. cranium. I do think though that the non-place aesthetics of Facebook were absolutely crucial to its Love – when you least expect it. success, especially once it was opened up to the non-private university public. The problem with Luck – when you least expect it. MySpace and Friendster was that you could always customize the design of your profile with Pain – when you least expect it. Hello Kitty wallpaper and bright green fraktur text, which made it impossible to communicate It’s remarkably true. information in a pleasing way. The fact that one has limited capability to individualize with I’d taken time off for the evening. Actually, I’d made a long and tedious journey to work Facebook means that it’s universally comprehensive. Plus, the extra kick is that it forces one to only to find out that I wasn’t actually working. Pissed, I came home in disgust and disgrace, real- be cleverer if they want to be individual. izing that the only thing this night now had to offer was a pack of cigs and the internet. A lot of I’m sorry. I dumped you on Facebook this afternoon. I think most of the congratulatory people would argue that this seems like the perfect night in, but I sincerely hate to waste my time. comments were meant in jest. Although I went to Ingo’s film presentation last night, where DJ So I decided to go for a walk. At least ‘just walking’ offers the chance for spontaneity. Joachim Bessing was spinning the most amazing rape gaze music that he’s produced with a I strolled to the East River, sat on a log precariously positioned in the river itself, and smoked program that’s actually called “Amazing Slow Downer” (such a great title!!!), and some folks my little lungs out. Sometimes the act of concentrating on something so small and insignificant there asked me if the relationship status was for real or not. So I don’t know what to make of it. gives your brain the opportunity to relax. Loosened up and calmed, I walked home. Whether real or fake, I like to pick and choose. Although I think the phrases “stranger than fic- About two blocks away from home, with my stomach crying out for food, I did an tion” or “you can’t make this shit up” are losing meaning more and more this century. about-face and headed toward a lovely little Chinese takeaway I know, hidden away just off of Love, Broadway. Finally heading for home, just when I was least expecting it, he arrived. -m This is my LOVE moment: Those big brown glasses. That receding hairline. The unmis- takable, disorganized efficiency of the team that works around him. Yep, Terry was just standing On Nov 11, 2010 at 8:54 PM Eva Munz wrote: there, casually using a point and shoot in Jared Leto’s face, flashing away on a back street of Dear, Chinatown. As an aspiring professional photographer, I couldn’t allow myself to just walk on by. How can you NOT think about aesthetics? I agree that the customizing shit on MySpace My LUCK moment: As Terry Richardson steps back, I pounce like a tiger. I introduce was just wrong. That’s where Zuckerberg’s forte lies, in a way: the stupid blue, the non-de- myself, I compliment him, and then I sink my teeth in. sign. Yet every time I go on Facebook, I’m a little embarrassed. I always feel like I am staring Me: “Terry, I’m actually looking to assist and would love to just come and help you guys at the classifieds board at HomePro. I still believe if the Apple guys had created Facebook, I’d out, for free, obviously.” be using it more often. Terry: “Yeah, of course. We’re always open to free help. Look, e-mail Seth in my studio Kisses, and tell him we met and he’ll help you out.” E We shake hands, smile, look lustfully into each other’s eyes, and then I leave him to his business. In my mind, ‘lustfully’ is the correct adjective. In his, I’m sure it was the complete P.S. My neighbor in room #1112 freaks me out. He is Japanese and heads off to play golf opposite. Anyway, I leave with a spring in my step but not before Jared Leto (topless) looks at at the crack of dawn. I know because I ride the elevator 11 floors down with him on my way to me like I’d just farted at his grandmother’s funeral as I offer to hold his jacket while he shoots a the studio at the crack of dawn. He lets me share his playlist. Now that IS SCARY! look. Instead, he finds a distant car and places his jacket on top of it. And the PAIN: I sleep with a Cheshire-cat smile, planning my next move on the Terry Richardson chessboard. I’m not aiming for his King but instead for his Queen: Seth. The next 231
  • 37. THe WoRds PeoPLe of the Year PeoPLe my mental illness, baked a lot of pies and cookies, and began to see things from a differ- sentiment repeated by other women if they’re truly honest with themselves? We want to be of the Year ent, brighter angle! seen through our expressions, but at least for me – with lashes this heavy – it’s hard to see Joss stone myself clearly. An upcoming German poet, Chinese artists, by Nicoleta Mena fashion bloggers, Tilda swinton. Users She helped me to find my way back to my Ai Weiwei of nominate and explain the music and gave me a positive attitude to- by Jean Ana women and men who inspired them in 2010.* wards life. Hearing her music makes me feel The Chinese artist Ai Weiwei is a top play- alive and taught me not to give a sh*t ’bout er in any field. everything unexpected. Live life to the full- Lady Gaga more. He made me the strong personality I est, don’t regret anything, and don’t expect Mlle. Agnes by Brian Gallardo / username: whiteboy176 am today. With this nomination I would like anything, because in the end it’s the surprise by Gian Cruz Because she doesn’t care what people think to say, “Thank you!” that makes you smile. That’s the message she Mlle. Agnes, the most popular French fash- of her. Growing up as a child with ADHD, I gives to me, and my friends think the same. ion TV host, gives fashion reportage a very felt very different and out of touch with the Myself We love her. humorous twist. Sarcastic, mindlessly funny, world. Even though I was given medication, by Maishion K. and extremely sensible, she gives audiences there was still something off. I didn’t like the Of course there are many people that inspire Frida Kahlo a fine balance of how fashion can be fun and fact that I was different but I finally came to me, but most of the time I’m inspired by by Louise Clara Hess ridiculous at the same time. terms with it. After the 2009 VMAs, Gaga had myself. Walking trough her exhibition at Martin-Gro- a big impact on me. Her songs and music vid- pius-Bau in Berlin, lost in time and space, her Hannah MacGibbon eos were a way of life. As always, I began to Jasmin Rodriguez paintings opened me up to new perspectives. by Jhosiah Huerta / username: jhosiah lose my obsession over time. But at the 2010 by All the little details are so obvious and yet Design aesthetic, purity of style, a fresh VMAs, when she released the title of her new Also known as Vintage Vandalizm, she is not they also keep secrets. I admire her self-con- intro to effortless chic, amazing runway album “Born This Way,” it all came back again. afraid to be herself and does not dress how ciousness and power. She was a woman with soundtracks, and a demure persona! Hannah others want her to dress! She’s Hispanic like a story to tell. worked under Pheobe Philo, one of the most Lady Gaga me and you really don’t see a lot of Hispan- dynamic designers, who famously combined by Leslie Genao / username: lesliegenao ics dress like we do because other things are edie sedgwick simple and chic. Hannah works in the same I liked her Alexander McQueen shoes in the expected of us. It hurts to see how the Span- by Lee Anne Finfinger / username: laartist niche. I cannot afford the price tag but her de- video “Bad Romance.” People may call her ish community treats people with a different Most influential person ever on my style? signs inspire my everyday wardrobe. I imag- weird but that’s her style. She’s also my per- style. Everytime I feel insecure or am scared Edie Sedgwick! She had style in her back ine myself walking in the Chloé show to the son of the year because she shows gay pride. someone is gonna judge me, I watch one of pocket. Or she would if she ever wore real MP3 playlist on my Blackberry on a daily ba- Vintage Vandalizm’s videos and then I’m not pants. This past year, I stopped trying to be sis. I dream of the day I am chatting with Han- Ron Morisson scared of being myself anymore and I am able someone I was not. I embraced my penchant nah over hot rose tea, talking textiles, aromas, by Katja Moser / username: katem to embrace my uniqueness. for opaque black tights and slouchy T-shirts, and everything Chloé. My very favorite person ever is Ron Moris- short blonde hair, and penciled-on moles son, an Austrian photographer, designer, art- Myself whenever I went out (and sometimes when I AA Branson ist, and and and.... He’s an all-around talent, by Miriam Assai / username: wedgeheel stayed in). It began as an easy costume. My by Mark Jan Krayenhoff van de Leur / very spiritual, and open-minded. Thanks to I’ll be selfish and nominate myself. It’s been best friend and I decided to go as Andy War- username: MKNYC Mr. Morisson, I know that I can be everything a tough year for me, but I kept the spirit up hol and Edie Sedgwick on Halloween. Edie AA is a man of many accomplishments. A I want to be. I’m not afraid of anything any- anyways! I bought a gym card, struggled with was Warhol’s beautiful, fragile superstar. I’m brilliant artist, a gifted administrator, a heal- not proud of the fact that I often see myself er, and a mentor. He sees what could be and *Note: The order is random and the nominations were creatively interpreted. through the eyes of others, but is this not a what should be, and is not constrained by 249
  • 38. THe WoRds PeoPLe of the Year she was easily mistaken for the mother of all lecting Academy Awards. Her movie The religious teachers. In fact, she was a natural Hurt Locker came out the year before and is born romantic (68 years of love) but also a certainly one of the least watched movies in lady with steel lungs. Disciplined both as a the history of the Best Movie category. But smoker and a wife. it took my breath away for two-and-a-half hours. It is possible to show war with com- Alexander Wang passion and ruthlessness at the same time. I’m by Paula Hess / username: paula a little afraid of her biceps but I love her work When I moved to NYC, everybody was talk- as a moviemaker and stealth feminist. ing about Alexander Wang. For me, he was at first just one of the new generation of de- Claude Chabrol signers. But after seeing the amazing way he by etienne descloux / username: etienne works with materials, I got obsessed. I bought Because he will probably never be man of the the bags, the shirts, the jackets, the prints. year again. About everything I could find. And it really fits with everything – vintage or new. I guess oma and Bella Alexander Wang changed my personal style by Alexa Karolinski / username: alexak a lot. For being who they are and collaborating on my movie during a nasty Berlin heat wave. Zooey deschanel by Isabell Hellemann / username: izzy And Cookie Typhaine from Lookbook! Tom Jenkinson by Leo Tardin / username: pianoramax For his recently released new musical project Shobaleader One ( shobaleader-one/). An example of an uncom- promising artist who has always been able to gracefully blend great craft, pure talent, and current trends. Titus dittmann by Harald Rossbach / username: harry Some days ago, I saw a report about him on TV. It’s just great what the founding father of the German skater scene does in Afghanistan and elsewhere with his NGO, Skate-Aid. Kathryn Bigelow by Adriano Sack / username: adriano In February 2010, she beat her ex-husband James Cameron at his very own game – col- illustration by Paul KoPkau / username: pAulyk from New York 255
  • 39. Back stage* Amazing outfits and awesome moments from the Spring/ Summer 2011 shows. A fashion love story by Australian photographer Sonny VAnderVelde. reviewed by some in-the-know users of . *Backstage is a new section in Ilikemystyle Quarterly. It looks behind the scenes – where life really takes off. 257
  • 40. Back Stage The Fashion Critics Become one of the Ilikemystyle Any thoughts about the global style circuit? Quarterly’s critics and write shamelessly biased, pinpoignantly precise, and radically entertaining reviews for the next issue’s Backstage section. Valerie Steele, username: palomaa from Graz is a 16-year-old coffee addict and Camel Blue smoker that loves yellow bruises, My little Pony, trees, over- sized hoodies, and Anne Phillipi, getting lost in Celeste Galanda, Sofija Gujina, username: daydreams. username: username: debaser annevanity from julienboy718 from from Manchester is los Angeles is a Udine. As a ragazza the girl behind the journalist, a part- italiana, Celeste style blog jean-sol- time dJ, and a style Galanda is kind of junkie. Anne writes a natural fashion She publishes in- for German GQ, expert. She adores spiring photographs rolling Stone, and the look of the lon- and illustrations the new york- don indie scene and featuring pieces based architecture the time of Andy from current fashion magazine PIn-UP. Warhol’s Factory collections. Her and enjoys hand- mantra: style is the rolled cigarettes. answer to everything. Frida Wanner- berger, username: featurette from lausanne started her BA degree in graphic design at Central Saint Martins in london this fall. Manuel Almeida Marcus luft, She also runs her Vergara, username: blog Pigeophysics in username: quintela tooposhtopush which she shares her Matheus He lost his Wunderkind status some time ago, but Jeremy from Berlin is an from Hamburg is passion for drawing Barbian, Scott is still fucking here! you can see him in a very educated couturier’s fashion editor for and photography username: thepoulpe cute Fred Flintstone costume at Jeffrey deitch’s Hollywood assistant. He also Gala Germany and with the world. from Sorocaba is parties. These glasses are lady Gaga for beginners. worked as a prop creator of the blog the founder of the username: annevanity man in a theater. Tooposhtopush (the amazing blog Currently he studies name refers fashion journalism and media commu- to rich ladies pre- ference for giving Thepoulpe, named after the I want melted liquorice wings nications. And he has ‘dior’ tattooed birth by c-section) and contributing French word for octopus. The on my eyes too. Holly on his fingers. editor of style- journalism student likes the idea that his arms can reach Golightly meetsfeaturette username: Morpheus. multiple places at the same time. Jeremy Scott, September 15, 2010 – New York 259
  • 41. Back Stage Joseph, who? The new crown prince of Paris proves that average white can look extraordinarily different and sexy. username: tooposhtopush Again, old Helmut lang memories in my mind, and some early Balenciaga (under Mr. Ghesquière, of course). But this perfect white dress is what I have to have next week. Who doesn’t want to look like a very youngusername: annevanity roman nymph? For a newcomer, Altuzarra surprised us. He worked with a defined color palette and awesome marine looks. username: thepoulpe Two blonde supermodels wearing dangerously short outfits, slapping each other, and enjoying it? Straight men’s fantasies never looked so fashionable. username: quintela Altuzarra, September 11, 2010 – New York 273
  • 42. Back Stage Stunning outfits exclusively in black and white – of course. They recall a sunny afternoon in the ghetto. Skirts worn over shorts, asymmetrically cut undershirts, and plain-colored bandanas. Sick! username: quintela A perfect combination of glamour and independent style. I love the cool, long username: julienboy718 Be skinny! blonde hair. “Monastic Couture” is how rick owens labels his own collection. Idealistic and heavy clothes. username: thepoulpe Who knew that the long-forgotten Kevin Federline served as rick owen’s inspiration for the next season? username: debaser Rick Owens, June 24, 2010 – Paris Damir Doma, September 29, 2010 – Paris I hate the color orange. There have only been three orange fashion moments that are acceptable: lacroix’s pieces in the early 90s, Chanel’s 2009 it-nailpolish orange Fizz, and now damir doma. His collection is old-school chic, and that is refreshing. username: quintela I’ll just call this “makeup artwork.” username: palomaa 271
  • 43. Back Stage Marc Jacobs has taken the French sophistication out of louis Vuitton and replaced it with ‘roberto Cavalli.’ username: debaser A clash of references on the louis Vuitton runway. Sexy and funny shapes. Among the prints, the floral prevails. username: thepoulpe Since seeing the movie Spun for the first time, where the lovely Brittany Murphy wears cute white-trashhooker outfits, I have become addicted to colorful animal prints. Using them on long, shiny dresses rather than on shirts or hot pants or Fran drescher, makes them unexpectedly elegant! username: quintela Marc Jacobs does not care anymore if his ideas make sense for louis Vuitton. That’s good. This collection was so over the top that you had to stare speechlessly at the mixture of donna Summer, colonial style, and whatever else on the runway. The best! username: tooposhtopush Louis Vuitton, October 6, 2010 – Paris 287