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ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd                        22/6/12                  14:41     Page 1

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                                                                                                                      Our World
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                               rt                                                                                                     Thursday, July 5, 2012
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      Celebrating 50 Years of Independence
      This supplement to USA TODAY was produced by United World Ltd., Suite 179, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RH – Tel: 44 20 7409 3106 – –

           Huge support saw
           Abdelaziz Bouteflika,
           President of Algeria since
           1999, elected to a third
           term in office in 2009

      An oasis of stability and progress in North Africa
                     stable political sit-                            Algeria’s business framework              Over the past five decades,        nounced subsidies designed to         President of Algeria in 1999,        tion of women in the Algerian

      A              uation has con-
                     tributed to a robust
                     economic expan-
                     sion over the past
      decade. Today, Algeria’s biggest
      challenges include tackling un-
      employment, addressing hous-
                                                                      has evolved substantially in re-
                                                                      cent years. Overhauled legisla-
                                                                      tion and new investment
                                                                      incentives are making their mark
                                                                      on the nation’s financial envi-
                                                                      ronment, adding weight to the
                                                                      government’s affirmations that
                                                                                                             Algeria has endured some tur-
                                                                                                             bulent times, including a civil
                                                                                                             war that dominated the 1990s.
                                                                                                             It has since become an oasis of
                                                                                                             relative peace and security in
                                                                                                             what is viewed as a fairly volatile
                                                                                                                                                   reduce prices by 41% for staples
                                                                                                                                                   such as sugar and cooking oil.
                                                                                                                                                      Further measures followed in
                                                                                                                                                   February last year, when
                                                                                                                                                   President Bouteflika promised
                                                                                                                                                   to rescind Algeria’s state-of-emer-
                                                                                                                                                   gency legislation, which had been
                                                                                                                                                                                         and was re-elected in 2004 for
                                                                                                                                                                                         a second five-year presidential
                                                                                                                                                                                         term. A change to Algeria’s con-
                                                                                                                                                                                         stitution, which removed the
                                                                                                                                                                                         previous limit of two presiden-
                                                                                                                                                                                         tial terms, enabled a third elec-
                                                                                                                                                                                         toral victory in 2009 when he
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              parliament increase from 7% to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              31%. President Bouteflika be-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              lieves the relatively high turnout
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for May’s legislative polls, of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              around 43% compared to 35% in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              2007, should mark the rise of a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              new generation.
      ing shortages, abating                                          the formerly socialist Algeria no         The Arab Spring uprisings in       in place since 1992, and pledged      was reported to have won more           Quelling the tide of Arab
      corruption, and further devel-                                  longer differentiates between          large parts of North Africa and       to open up access to audio-visual     than 90% of the vote, carrying       Spring revolt with ongoing pro-
      oping the private sector.                                       public and private enterprises         the Middle East that toppled          media, an area that had been a        his leadership through to the        gressive reforms and opening up
      Increased economic diversifi-                                                                                                                state monopoly up to that point.      next presidential elections          the electoral process to interna-
      cation and foreign partnerships                                                                                                              Responding to widespread con-         scheduled for April 2014.            tional supervision have helped
      also head the government’s pri-                                   “AFTER OVERCOMING THE HARDEST OF                                           cern over unemployment in                Peaceful parliamentary elec-      burnish Algeria’s reputation with
      ority shortlist.                                                  TRIALS, OUR COUNTRY IS NOW HEADED ON                                       Algeria, the President also vowed     tions in May 2012 produced an-       Western allies who rely on the
         Algeria is the largest country                                 A PATH OF DYNAMIC PROGRESS, TAKING                                         to promote job creation, partic-      other win for the ruling National    North African nation’s supplies
      in Africa and the 10th largest in                                 INTO ACCOUNT THE REALITIES AND                                             ularly for the country’s massive      Liberation Front (Front de           of natural gas and contributions
      the world. More than 80% of its                                   ASPIRATIONS OF OUR YOUTH, TO                                               youth population, to further as-      Liberation Nationale, FLN) par-      to tackling terrorism. The elec-
      territory is covered by the Sahara                                STRENGTHEN THE FOUNDATIONS, EXPAND                                         suage discontent.                     ty. Past elections have been         tions, which dashed Islamist op-
      Desert. Consequently, over 90%                                    THE SCOPE, AND ENSURE THE CONTINUITY                                          Reforms continued through-         marred by accusations of fraud,      position hopes of gaining power,
      of its 37 million people live along                               OF PEACE, INDEPENDENCE AND UNITY OF                                        out 2011. In mid-April,               so at Algeria’s request these lat-   garnered praise internationally,
      the country’s fertile 620-mile                                    THE NATION.”                                                               President Bouteflika promised         est polls were held under inter-     with U.S. Secretary of State
      Mediterranean coastline. The                                                                                                                 to amend the constitution and         national observation by the EU,      Hillary Clinton calling them a
      country is also one of the con-                                   ABDELAZIZ BOUTEFLIKA, President of Algeria                                 invited other political parties       the African Union and the Arab       “welcome step,” and a statement
      tinent’s top five economies, fu-                                                                                                             to submit proposals for               League. EU observers reported        from the EU referring to them as
      elled by massive reserves of oil                                                                                                             changes to a parliamentary            on how the elections were han-       a “step forward in the reform
      and natural gas which have giv-                                 or national and foreign entities.      autocratic regimes to the east of     committee. Proposed reforms           dled in “generally satisfactory”     process” that would consolidate
      en it a hefty cushion of $205.2                                    In May 2010, President              Algeria – in Tunisia, Egypt and       to the laws governing political       conditions, auguring well for        democracy.
      billion in foreign currency re-                                 Abdelaziz Bouteflika an-               Libya – did not ignite an             parties, the electoral process,       the continued development
      serves, and a large hydrocarbon                                 nounced Algeria’s $286 billion         ‘Algerian Spring’ last year, thanks   and nongovernmental organi-           of Algeria’s political system
      stabilization fund.                                             investment plan for 2010-14,           in no small part to a populace        zations were announced in             in the future.
         Wary of over-reliance on fill-                               aimed not only at diversifying         reluctant to return to times of       August. The following month,             Following the elec-
      ing its coffers from hydrocar-                                  Algeria’s economy away from            conflict, as well as swift action     after the annual meeting be-          tions, new legislation and
      bons, the government has been                                   hydrocarbons revenue, but al-          by President Bouteflika to ad-        tween the government and the          co-operation between
      taking action to create a diver-                                so improving infrastructure,           dress popular demands. For ex-        trade union confederation, a          Algerian authorities and
      sified and competitive econo-                                   increasing the overall skills          ample, riots in January 2011 in       $40 increase in the monthly           UN Women regarding
      my, with the ultimate aim of                                    base in the country, and sup-          reaction to escalating food prices    minimum wage to $240 was              female representation in
      becoming the biggest industri-                                  porting small and medium-              subsided in less than two days        also announced.                       the country’s political
      al base in North Africa. As such,                               sized enterprises (SMEs).              after the government an-                 Mr. Bouteflika became              sphere saw the propor-

      A turbulent past, a peaceful present and a bright future
      Scarcely a century has gone by                                  nization period, those who             with the 350,000 to 1 million         Salvation Front (FIS). When the       Bouteflika’s main aims
      over the last several millennia                                 ruled in politics and business         Algerian casualties in the war,       FIS emerged victorious in the         are to diversify the econ-
      when Algeria wasn’t being in-                                   were colonists (called pieds           left the country’s society and        first round of 1991 district elec-    omy using the country’s
      vaded, occupied or used as a                                    noirs, or black feet, by the lo-       economy in upheaval.                  tions, the government cancelled       massive oil and gas
      route of transit. The native in-                                cals). It wasn’t until the 1950s          Independent Algeria’s first        the second round of elections,        wealth, and strength-
      habitants, dubbed Berbers by                                    that the Algerians organized           president, Ahmed Ben Bella,           resulting in demonstrations           en its foreign rela-
      the Romans, have withstood                                      themselves into a formalized           nationalized all agricultural, in-    across the country. Things fi-        tions, particularly
      waves of Phoenicians, Romans,                                   resistance group, called the           dustrial and commercial busi-         nally began settling in 1999          those with the
      Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs,                                     National Liberation Front              nesses previously owned and           when Abdelaziz Bouteflika             U.S., U.K. and
      Turks and finally, French visi-                                 (FLN). Between 1957 and 1962           operated (and then left vacant)       was elected president with            Germany.
      tors and invaders.                                              the FLN’s army was successful          by colonists. In 1979, the more       70% of the votes. In his en-
         Modern history began in                                      at hit-and-run guerrilla war-          moderate President Colonel            deavor to restore security and
      the 16th century with the ar-                                   fare tactics. A cease-fire was         Bendjedid attempted to liber-         stability, his administration
      rival of the Ottoman Empire,                                    signed in 1962 and in a refer-         alize the economy, but his re-        granted amnesty to thousands
      which chose Algiers as the                                      endum on independence held             forms were met with a backlash        of members of the banned
      principal center of Ottoman                                     in July of that year, 92% of           and the riots of Black October.       FIS. Having brought
      power for the Maghreb. In                                       Algerians voted in favor.                 A decade later, a new con-         Algeria into the                                                                  The Martyrs Memorial in
      1830, France invaded the re-                                       As the privileged pieds noirs       stitution guaranteed freedoms         modern world,                                                                   Algiers commemorates the
      gion in response to the                                         now faced an uncertain future,         of expression, association and        President                                                                                  Algerian War of
      Algerian Dey’s supposedly in-                                   the vast majority fled the coun-       meeting, thus giving way to the                                                                                                    Independence
      sulting of the French consul.                                   try, leaving huge gaps in lead-        creation of many new political
         During the French colo-                                      ership positions. This, coupled        parties, including the Islamic

                                           Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd            22/6/12        17:50       Page 2

            Thursday, July 5, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                        Distributed by USA TODAY
      Algeria and the U.S. forge a
      healthy, supportive relationship

      U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci at the White House, January 2012

      High-level meetings between               ner in diplomacy and defense,             a thriving civil society and in-         leaders will point out, there is          its people in just a short amount    international arenas, along
      Algeria’s Foreign Minister                as well as in trade.                      stitutions that give the                 still much to do.                         of time. As Algerian                 with our constructive and sta-
      Mourad Medelci, U.S.                         President Obama has clear-             Algerian people the future                  Minister Medelci also notes            Ambassador to the United             bilizing role regionally, has
      President Obama and                       ly stated his support for the             they so deserve.”                        that the path has not been                States Abdallah Baali stresses,      made our country a privileged
      Secretary of State Clinton                country. “The United States is               Though separated by thou-             without difficulties over the             “In 50 years, thanks to free ed-     partner of the United States.”
      emphasize the importance                  committed to continuing our               sands of miles and entirely dif-         past half century, but that the           ucation and healthcare for all,         As close as the countries
      the American administration               co-operation with the govern-             ferent in make-up, Algeria and           struggles endured can help                the sector of higher education       have grown, the Foreign
      places on maintaining good                ment of Algeria as it works to            the United States do have one            Algerians move forward. “The              increased from a mere 600 to         Minister expresses his inter-
      relations with Algeria                    represent and meet the needs              bonding aspect in common:                freedom, stability, progress and          more than 2 million students,        est in developing new hori-
                                                of all Algerians.”                        they are both former colonies.           democracy that we now enjoy               and life expectancy has jumped       zons since there is so much to
      The United States has long                   In January Secretary of                                                                                                   from 47 years to 76 years.”          be taken advantage of: “We
      counted on Algeria as an ally             State Hillary Clinton wel-                                                                                                      Algeria and the U.S. highly       think there is a promising po-
      in North Africa. In fact, their           comed Algerian Foreign                       “NOT ONLY IS ALGERIA A KEY U.S. ALLY                                            value each other as partners,        tential to expand this rela-
      relations can be traced as far            Minister Mourad Medelci to                   AGAINST GLOBAL TERRORISM, BUT ALSO                                              as witnessed by the many vis-        tionship and grant it a more
      back as 1783, when Algeria                Washington D.C., and one                     AN UNDENIABLE ECONOMIC PARTNER.”                                                its between high-ranking of-         strategic dimension. This en-
      recognized the independence               month later Secretary                                                                                                        ficials and business leaders.        tails growing political collab-
                                                                                             MOURAD MEDELCI, Algeria’s Foreign Minister
      of the young American re-                 Clinton accepted the invita-                                                                                                 Mr. Medelci says that there          oration among the high
      public. A dozen years later,              tion to visit Algiers. In the                                                                                                has been “significant progress       representatives of both coun-
      the two signed a Treaty of                White House Treaty Room,                  John F. Kennedy, while still a           in Algeria 50 years after its in-         in our relations with the U.S.       tries to increase consensus
      Amity and Peace – one of the              Mrs. Clinton observed that,               senator, spoke passionately in           dependence are the outcome                for the last few years. Not on-      and dialogue between our for-
      Barbary Treaties – during the             “Our two nations have                     support of Algeria’s indepen-            of huge sacrifices and impor-             ly is Algeria a key U.S. ally        eign affairs ministries.
      presidency of John Adams.                 worked closely on security                dence while the country strug-           tant efforts that we need to val-         against global terrorism, but           “Also, our economic part-
      While the treaties ultimately             and economic issues, partic-              gled for freedom in the 1950s.           ue today, in order to better              also an undeniable economic          nership, now almost entirely
      fell through, and privateering            ularly counter-terrorism, for             While independence came to               preserve them for the future,”            partner – our country has re-        confined to the hydrocarbon
      once again disrupted U.S.                 more than a decade.”                      the North African state near-            he says.                                  cently become the second U.S.        sector, should be extended and
      shipping in the region lead-                 She added that the U.S. is             ly 200 years after the U.S. sep-            Algeria’s stability has under-         trade partner in Africa and in       diversified. It is very important
      ing to war, modern-day                    “committed to working with                arated from Great Britain,               lined the success of its demo-            the Arab world. Plus, the long       to multiply our scientific and
      Algeria has proved to be a                Algeria to support an open,               Algeria has already made great           cratic      government         in         standing action undertaken           cultural exchanges to enhance
      much more dependable part-                free, democratic nation with              gains – though as all Algerian           improving living conditions for           by Algeria on the regional and       mutual understanding.”

      Education and scientific research
      central to future relations
      Algerian Ambassador                                                                                                                                                                                            Mr. Ensher knows there is
      Abdallah Baali celebrates                                                                                                                                                                                   still much work to be done,
      U.S.-Algeria relations and                                                                                                                                                                                  as the Algerian government’s
      welcomes further                                                                                                                                                                                            policies are vital when it
      strengthening in all areas                                                                                                                                                                                  comes to consolidating long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  lasting business relationships,
      Since 2008, Abdallah Baali                                                                                                                                                                                  and some foreign investors
      has been the Algerian                                                                                                                                                                                       have been unimpressed by
      Ambassador to the U.S. and                                                                                                                                                                                  measures such as the 51/49
      can vouch for the ever-                                                                                                                                                                                     rule in joint ventures.
      strengthening relations be-                                                                                                                                                                                    He says: “That is why the
      tween the two countries.                                                                                                                                                                                    major challenge for us and
         “In the political field, over                                                                                                                                                                            Algerians is to work togeth-
      the last four years, we’ve been                                                                                                                                                                             er to address the concerns
      able to put into place a robust                                                                                                                                                                             that caused the Algerian gov-
      and comprehensive dialogue                                                                                                                                                                                  ernment to have this kind of
      on most regional and interna-                                                                                                                                                                               restriction and to work with
      tional issues of common in-                                                                                                                                                                                 them to address those con-
      terest,” he says. “In trade and                                                                                                                                                                             cerns and eliminate the ob-
      investment, the U.S. has been                                                                                                                                                                               stacles.”
      for several years our first trade                                                                                                                                                                              But the Ambassador also
      partner with a global volume                                                                                                                                                                                believes the responsibility for
      of exchange oscillating be-                                                                                                                                                                                 fortifying bonds does not lie
      tween $17 and $21 billion, thus                                                                                                                                                                             solely with governments:
      making the U.S. Algeria’s first                                                                                                                                                                             “The most important element
      customer as well as one of the                                                                                                      “I AM VERY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT                                             of the relationship is not be-
      top investors in the Algerian               “THERE IS A GROWING INTEREST IN                                                                                                                                 tween the governments, but
                                                  ALGERIA AND THE U.S. TO CREATE MORE                                                     CONTINUING GROWTH IN ECONOMIC
      hydrocarbon sector.”                                                                                                                TIES AND IN SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATION                                       rather between societies, be-
         He points out that in addi-
                                                  BRIDGES, EXCHANGES AND LINKS BETWEEN                                                                                                                            tween the peoples, and that is
                                                  UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS                                                       AND CULTURAL CO-OPERATION.”
      tion, agro-business, pharma-                                                                                                                                                                                the solid base that we’re try-
                                                  IN BOTH COUNTRIES.”
      ceuticals, alternative energies,                                                                                                    HENRY S. ENSHER,                                                        ing to build now.”
      construction and tourism are                                                                                                        Ambassador of the United States of America to Algeria                      He says that the embassy
                                                  ABDALLAH BAALI,
      sectors that hold great po-                 Ambassador of Algeria to the United States of America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  is working towards this tar-
      tential and that investors                                                                                                                                                                                  get and “when there is inter-
      should be encouraged by                                                                                                                                                                                     action by Algerians going to
      Algeria’s “unique political and           progress we can make in the               North Americans a peek in-               that prospects for strength-              Civilian Representative-South        the U.S. or Americans com-
      social stability,” which stand            coming years in this particu-             to modern-day Algeria.                   ening relations in all areas are          in Afghanistan, Chairman of          ing here, we always make sure
      out nowadays in a region bat-             lar area,” says Mr. Baali.                Ambassador Baali invites                 excellent. He says, “I am very            the Department of Near East          they talk to the societies
      tered by uprisings.                         The Algerian Embassy in                 “Americans from all walks of             optimistic about continuing               and North Africa Area                rather than to the govern-
         Algeria-U.S. relations go              Washington is sharing its cel-            life to come to Algeria and              growth in economic ties and               Studies at the Foreign Service       ments, thus greater under-
      beyond business, however,                 ebrations of the country’s 50th           discover a country where                 in scientific, education and              Institute, and Deputy Political      standing will come and this
      extending into cultural ar-               anniversary of independence               people have successfully                 cultural co-operation.                    Counselor in Baghdad, among          is the basis for a long-term
      eas, especially in terms of ed-           with the American public                  blended ancestral values such               Mr. Ensher is no stranger              other positions.                     strong partnership.”
      ucation. “There is a growing              throughout 2012, with a series            as hospitality into the re-              to Middle Eastern and North
      interest in Algeria and the               of cultural programs and                  quirements of modern life.”              African affairs: before his ap-
      U.S. to create more bridges,              events including Algerian film               Mr. Baali’s counterpart, U.S.         pointment to the Embassy in                                    A UNITED WORLD SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED BY:
      exchanges and links between               festivals, concerts, fashion              Ambassador to Algeria Henry              Algiers in the summer of                                       Christophe Laurent (Editorial Director);
      universities and research cen-            shows and art exhibitions,                Ensher, also plays a key role            2011, he had served as a                                       Paloma Garralda (Project Director);
      ters in both countries and I              held in the largest cities.               in maintaining the two na-               Senior Advisor in the Office                                   Alain Caignard, Jose Ignacio Alegre and
      am very optimistic about the                These events will give                  tions’ healthy ties, believing           of Afghanistan Affairs, Senior                                 Brianne Bystedt (Project Co-ordinators)

                                Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd           22/6/12    15:14      Page 3

      Distributed by USA TODAY                                                                                                                                                                                     Thursday, July 5, 2012
                                                                                                       ALGERIA                                                                                                                                3

      Unique challenges require unique solutions                                                                                                                                                                Opportunities
      Algeria’s varied topography presents significant physical challenges for balanced land management and equitable economic development

      The largest country on the           Amongst others aims, it outlines     moderate its energy consump-            “We cannot have harmonious,                ($4.86 billion) of public resources
      African continent, covering an       the need for wider access to ICT,    tion and Hassi Messaoud is fo-       balanced growth without good                  to be distributed via direct fund-           Foreign investors and
      area almost 3.5 times the size       the creation of economic zones       cused on renewable energies,         human resource management,”                   ing and reduced bank loan in-                local entrepreneurs can
      of Texas , Algeria has a unique      with appropriate infrastructure,     while Algeria’s Sahara region is,    says Mr. Rahmani. “That is why                terest rates for SMEs to improve             find the perfect match at
      geographical diversity spanning      modernizing transport net-           naturally, based around the so-      we are placing the citizen at the             their access to finance.           
      fertile lands, mountain peaks        works, and the development of        lar power industry.                  heart of our sustainable devel-                  “The Algerian market has a
      and steppe plains buffering          logistic platforms                      Last December, Algeria be-        opment and land management.”                  size that is not found anywhere                                If ever there
      desert spread.                                                            came the third country to sign          The European Commission                    else on the continent,” says                                   was a country
         “We are facing some serious                                            up to the Desertec Industrial        made €45 million ($57 million)                Abderrahmane Benkhalfa,                                        with limitless
      challenges in the next few                                                Initiative – a German-led vision     available in 2009 through its ME-             President of the Banks and                                     investment
      decades,” says Cherif Rahmani,                                            of a network of renewable ener-      DA II program to help Algerian                Financial Establishments                                       opportuni-
      the former Minister of Land                                               gy plants across North Africa,       SMEs sharpen their international              Association, ABEF. “People talk              ties, it is Algeria. The largest
      Management            and      the                                        harnessing both solar and wind       edge. In 2010 the government                  of Nigeria, but it is not the same.          country on the African con-
      Environment. “First we have the                                           sources and exporting electric-      introduced an SME competi-                    Algeria holds something unique:              tinent (since the recent divi-
      demographic challenge of a new                                            ity to Europe. By 2050, Desertec     tiveness plan targeting the cre-              there are few countries that can             sion of Sudan) with a long
      generation needing more jobs,                                             aims to be supplying 15% of all      ation of 20,000 SMEs with a                   present both great potential and             coastline, thousands of hours
      services and rights. Second is the                                        the EU’s electricity demands         budget of 380 billion dinars                  opportunities at the same time.”             of sunshine, rich mineral and
      economic challenge: we want to                                            from projects in the Sahara.                                                                                                    hydrocarbon deposits, well-
      be open to globalization whilst                                              In May, the National Council                                                                                                 preserved Roman ruins and
      avoiding its negative impact,                                             of Investment (NCI) assigned                                                                                                    a very young population,
      turning it to our advantage. Third                                        the National Agency of                                                                                                          Algeria represents one of the
      there is an ongoing depletion                                             Intermediation and Land                                                                                                         greatest untapped potentials
      of natural resources, not only       CHERIF RAHMANI, former Minister of   Regulation (ANIREF) to set up                                                                                                   in the world.
      energy resources, but also soil      Land Management and Environment      42 new industrial zones nation-                                                                                                    Foreign investors have tra-
      and water. Plus there is the                                              wide that will be fully ready by                                                                                                ditionally shied away from
      worldwide political challenge of        The government has estab-         2017 and be to international stan-                                                                                              the northern African state
      global warming.”                     lished various regional hubs that    dards of infrastructure.                                                                                                        whose public sector still dom-
         In 2010, the government re-       will focus on specific sectors.         The creation of regional fo-                                                                                                 inates the economy, thereby
      leased the National Scheme for       The new town of Sidi Abdallah        cus points and industrial zones                                                                                                 leaving the field wide open
      Land Management (SNAT) to            will concentrate on ICT, biotech,    is also part of the government’s                                                                                                for today’s entrepreneurs.
      confront those challenges with       health, medicine and pharma-         drive to encourage the creation                                                                                                 Those who do enter do not
      a policy framework for nation-       ceuticals, as well as nanotech-      of more small and medium-sized                                                                                                  do so blindly – on the con-
      wide sustainable development         nologies, robotics and laser         enterprises (SMEs) and spur                                                                                                     trary, foreigners find a valu-
      that is socially inclusive and en-   development. Boughezoul, in          widespread socioeconomic                                                                                                        able ally in the National
      vironmentally           sensitive.   the steppe, has been designed to     growth for Algerians.                Basic resources such as water and fertile soil are particularly precious in North Africa   Agency of Investment
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Development, or ANDI.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ANDI welcomes partner-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ships in both private and

      Solid policies turn economy around                                                                                                                                                                        public sectors, and boasts a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                trilingual online meeting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                platform where investors can
      Substantial currency reserves and a large hydrocarbon stabilization fund have helped buffer Algeria against the latest global economic crises                                                             post their intention or offer.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Interested parties can con-
      The positive turnaround in           counting for around 60% of           verse investments in different       ing schools want to start a                   rise, helped by new branch-                  tact ANDI, which then puts
      Algeria’s economic position          budget revenues, 30% of GDP,         currencies, ensuring liquidity       small business, they need to                  es, banking education initia-                the two parties into contact.
      was evidenced earlier this year      and more than 95% of export          in the financial system to           have immediate capital avail-                 tives and the modernization                  Currently, there are 175 of-
      when the IMF asked the North         earnings. The country’s exter-       strengthen and raise Algerian        able. These funds may be used                 of payment methods.                          fers of partnership listed in
      African nation for $500 billion      nal debt is also extremely low,      banks’ capital levels and in-        to create a multitude of small                   “We implemented an elec-                  its database.
      in financial support to help the     at about 2% of GDP. In 2011 the      crease their capacity for com-       entities with a quick turnover,”              tronic mass payment system                      One of the advantages of
      organization fund loans for          Algerian economy grew by             mitment, and also enforced           says Mr. Djoudi.                              in a few areas of the territory              this online system is that the
      emerging markets and devel-          2.6% and inflation was 3.9%.         limitations on the short-term          In addition, the government                 a few years ago, but at the mo-              foreign investor can do this
      oping countries. The request                                              borrowing of banks on the for-       has set up a national invest-                 ment there is still a need to                all remotely from his or her
      highlights Algeria’s transition                                           eign market.                         ment fund that is working on                  learn how to use this tech-                  home country. Recently, AN-
      from an emerging to an upper-                                                “Although it is not over, we      various major projects and is                 nology. People have a strong                 DI also set up a one-stop shop
      middle-income economy,                                                    can say we have navigated safe-      involved in public-private                    attraction for cash money, but               to further facilitate and ex-
      turning the country from an                                               ly through the reefs of this cri-    partnerships.                                 the mentality is gradually                   pedite investment, reducing
      IMF borrower in the 1990s to                                              sis and we have brought                Bank penetration is on the                  evolving,” says Mr. Djoudi.                  the number of steps.
      it now being a net lender.                                                growth to the domestic mar-                                                                                                        According to Abdelkrim
         With currency reserves of                                              ket. Through our strong do-                                                                                                     Mansouri, ANDI’s General
      around $205.2 billion, ac-                                                mestic demand, in 2011 almost                                                                                                   Manager, the agency not on-
      cording to the latest IMF re-                                             $46 billion were spent on im-                                                                                                   ly promotes investment, it al-
      port, Algeria has gone from                                               ported goods,” says Mr. Djoudi.                                                                                                 so assists investors in their
      being a bankrupt country to                                                  “We have also created en-                                                                                                    projects, putting them in
      having enough in reserve to                                               trepreneurs who, in my opin-                                                                                                    touch with the relevant au-
      cover its operating costs for                                             ion, have the capacity to both                                                                                                  thorities and raising aware-
      five years. This is in stark con-                                         meet domestic demand and                                                                                                        ness about tax exemptions
      trast to the 1984-94 period,                                              also to position themselves in                                                                                                  and other incentives.
      when the country had to get          KARIM DJOUDI, Minister of Finance    external markets.”                                                                                                                 ANDI aims to help diver-
      by with less than a month’s                                                  In banking, capital invest-                                                                                                  sify Algeria’s economy away
      emergency reserves in hand.            According to the Minister          ment has also seen a boom.                                                                                                      from hydrocarbons, by grow-
         Algeria has the 10th-largest      of Finance Karim Djoudi,             “We created 48 regional in-                                                                                                     ing local industry and at-
      stocks of natural gas in the         Algeria has been relatively un-      vestment funds that each have                                                                                                   tracting foreign expertise.
      world and is the sixth-largest       scathed by the recent global         an amount designated for                                                                                                        “The Algerian authorities
      gas exporter. Hydrocarbon rev-       economic downturn due to the         small businesses. Often, if                                                                                                     seek technology transfer
      enues have long formed the           secure management of the             young people from univer-            Algeria now boasts a sophisticated economy, with low external debt, a lively stock         through foreign investment,”
      backbone of the economy, ac-         country’s foreign reserves, di-      sities or professional train-        exchange, and enough currency reserves to cover its operating costs for five years         says Mr. Mansouri. “They
                                                                                                                                                                                                                look for activities that will re-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                duce the import bill, that is to

      Over two million new homes to be built by 2017                                                                                                                                                            say to produce locally some-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                thing we generally import. If
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you look at our list of imports,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                you’ll see we import things
      A huge construction program is under way as the government attempts to improve the lives of thousands of families living in poor accommodation                                                            that we could easily make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                here. Secondly, we want to
      Despite living in one of the         conduct seminars on new              renovation and rehabilita-           for example, we got to work                   izens. But there is also an eco-             diversify our exports – we
      wealthiest countries in Africa,      housing techniques at vari-          tion, we also have a substan-        on virtually the entire city                  nomic dimension, because                     don’t want to export only hy-
      affordable housing is still          ous locations over the com-          tial program to upgrade              center. These are very large-                 when we see trucks all over                  drocarbons, which are sub-
      beyond the reach of some             ing year.                            sustainable infrastructure in        scale programs that cost the                  the place, servicing the needs               ject to changes in the
      low-income and even middle-            Noureddine       Moussa,           cities. This operation has cost      state a lot of money.”                        of the housing market, this has              international market.”
      income earners in Algeria. It        Minister of Housing and              us something like $5 billion            The Minister points out                    created a lot of synergy and                    Foreigners in Algeria need
      is a pressing problem for the        Town Planning, is confident          over five years, and for the         that in addition to improving                 stimulation in the economy.                  not worry about their in-
      government, and one it is            the current shortfall of 1.2         next phase of the program            the lives of citizens, the gov-                  “Experts say that a housing               vestments, says Mr.
      seeking to address with a na-        million housing units will be        we are looking at something          ernment’s home-building pro-                  unit creates an additional 1.5               Mansouri. Algeria has signed
      tional housing program that                                               like $4 billion.”                    grams have other benefits in                  to two jobs for every worker                 48 bilateral agreements on
      aims to build 2.4 million                                                    Demand for social and sub-        terms of the creation of jobs                 directly employed during the                 mutual protection and has
      homes by 2017.                                                            sidized housing in Algeria has       and contribution to GDP.                      construction period. So if a                 agreements to avoid double
         However, much progress                                                 risen with the size of the pop-         “Housing has a social di-                  program is creating 2 million                taxation. It has also ratified all
      has been made: more than 2                                                ulation and an exodus from           mension that has the potential                homes the sector is employing                international conventions on
      million homes have been con-                                              the rural areas to the cities.       to improve the lives of our cit-              a lot of people.”                            protection of foreign in-
      structed during the past                                                  The public housing schemes                                                                                                      vestors. Given Algeria’s
      decade, and thousands of                                                  introduced since President                                                                                                      healthy fiscal situation, for-
      families have been relocated                                              Abdelaziz Bouteflika came                                                                                                       eign investors are encouraged
      to better accommodation.                                                  to power in 1999 followed                                                                                                       to finance their projects
      Citizens whose monthly in-                                                decades of under-investment.                                                                                                    through local banks – Algeria
      come is less than 24,000 di-                                                 “After 15 years with almost                                                                                                  is more interested in know-
      nars (about $320) are entitled                                            no building activity there was                                                                                                  how transfer and than for-
      to free state-provided homes.                                             a huge shortage to address,”                                                                                                    eign funding.
         The Ministry of Housing                                                says Mr. Moussa. In addition                                                                                                       While foreign investors are
      will be represented at the           NOUREDDINE MOUSSA, Minister of       to building new homes the                                                                                                       limited to owning a 49%
      fair celebrating the nation’s        Housing and Town Planning            government is spending                                                                                                          share in any company, the
      50 th anniversary celebra-                                                money on rehabilitating and                                                                                                     government encourages them
      tions, which runs from July          met by 2014, with 674,000            renovating old buildings, par-                                                                                                  to link up with more thanone
      5-20 in Algiers. A special doc-      homes of all types to be de-         ticularly in Algiers.                                                                                                           Algerian partner, thereby per-
      umentary and magazine have           livered this year, to be fol-           “Some of the buildings are                                                                                                   mitting the foreign party to
      been produced describing             lowed by a further 265,000           in a dismal state, and we have                                                                                                  keep a larger stake in the com-
      how the sector has moved for-        units in each of the coming          had to allocate a lot of mon-                                                                                                   pany and allowing a more
      ward during the past five            two years.                           ey to their rehabilitation,”                                                                                                    evenly-distributed share of
      decades, and the Ministry will          “Alongside construction,          says the Minister. “In Oran,         Vast sums are being spent to address overcrowding in Algiers                               the risk.

                             Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
ARGELIA USAT pp4-5.qxd          22/6/12       14:46     Page 4

           Thursday, July 5, 2012                                                                                                                                                                                  Distributed by USA TODAY
      Business climate warms up
      A fully open free market has yet to emerge, but private                                                                                                                                             gan to take notice.
      sector initiatives and organizations are clearing past hurdles                                                                                                                                         Today, although the private
                                                                                                                                                                                                          sector still faces many bureau-
      It is often said that numbers do       tration of former president Ben                                                                                                                              cratic challenges, it has no short-
      not lie, but in the case of Algeria,   Bella had opted for a socialist                                                                                                                              age of willpower. As Mr. Hamiani
      numbers do not fully represent         regime, “a kind of regime that                                                                                                                               puts it: “Algerian businesses are
      the reality. For instance, the         did not allow private initiative                                                                                                                             driven by dynamic, extremely
      Heritage Foundation’s Index of         to be realized. Because at that                                                                                                                              ambitious business leaders.”
      Economic Freedom has ranked            time, this was a third world coun-                                                                                                                              The best reform, he says,
      the country 14th among the 17          try and the people thought that                                                                                                                              would be one that would spur
      countries in the Middle East           the engine of development and                                                                                                                                the growth of private-sector
      and North African region, and          growth was not to be carried by                                                                                                                              small and medium-sized enter-
      140th globally. Similarly, the         the private sector… In my opin-                                                                                                                              prises and industries (SMEs and
      World Bank’s Doing Business            ion it was a mistake,” he says.                                                                                                                              SMIs), which he considers to be
      survey puts Algeria at 148th place     “The state was chief, regulator,                                                                                                                             key engines of growth, creators
      out of 183 countries. While            sponsor and protector, and there-                                                                                                                            of employment, and enablers of
      these figures present a bleak          fore although the private sector                                                                                                                             economic diversification.
                                                                                     “IN LESS THAN 30                       “OF THE VALUE WE                            “ALGERIAN
      outlook on Algeria’s business          was tolerated, it was in fact mar-                                                                                                                              A clear example of how the
                                                                                     YEARS, ALGERIA                         CREATE, 59% GOES                            BUSINESSES ARE
      climate, what they do not do is        ginalized. Banks didn’t lend mon-                                                                                          DRIVEN BY                         private sector can benefit the
      take into consideration the            ey to the private sector. It was        CAN BECOME A                           TO THE STATE                                                                  country is the Cevital Group.
                                                                                     PIVOTAL, WEALTHY                       BUDGET, 40% IS                              DYNAMIC,
      country’s recent history, hur-         very difficult to obtain land.”                                                                                            EXTREMELY                         The second largest company in
      dles and developments.                    This system lasted for nearly        COUNTRY, WHICH                         REINVESTED AND                                                                the country and the first in the
                                                                                     COULD MAYBE JOIN                       WE DISTRIBUTE 1%                            AMBITIOUS
          Ahmed Tibaoui, General             30 years, which is in Mr.                                                                                                  BUSINESS                          private sector, Cevital is active
      Manager of the World Trade             Hamiani’s words, “why it is dif-        THE BRICS IN THE                       TO THE ALGERIAN                                                               in electronics, household ap-
                                                                                     NEXT 20 YEARS.”                        PEOPLE.”                                    LEADERS.”
      Center Algeria, is blunt yet op-       ficult to turn 180 degrees now.”                                                                                                                             pliances, construction, super-
      timistic: “I think that [the rat-         In addition, once the econo-                                                                                            REDA HAMIANI,                     markets, agriculture, shipping,
      ings are] a bit exaggerated. We        my was opened up in the late            AHMED TIBAOUI,                         ISSAD REBRAB,                                                                 logistics, real estate, automo-
                                                                                     General Manager of the World           President of the                            President of the Business
      should be classed better than          1990s, a series of unfortunate                                                                                             Leaders Forum (FCE)               biles and glass among others.
                                                                                     Trade Center, Algeria                  Cevital Group
      that, because we are coming            events overshadowed this vital                                                                                                                                  According to its President
      back from far behind: our              move and posed ever more chal-                                                                                                                               Issad Rebrab, Cevital is a huge
      economy was an administered            lenges. The civil war (1991-2002)    local production was com-              market. Public companies then              the employees and eventually to       contributor to state coffers as
      economy, managed by the gov-           was detrimental not only to the      pounded by new regulation.             accumulated huge stocks of mer-            investors. Foreigners were not        well as to Algeria’s overall de-
      ernment until the end of the           economy, but to the country’s        “Due to the agreement we had           chandise that they could not sell.”        yet interested, given the recent      velopment. He says, “We have
      1980s. It started to open up in        reputation as well. Algeria’s di-    with the IMF, we opened our               In the mid to late 1990s, pri-          turbulence; however, as more          done the math regarding the
      1998 with new laws and access          nar began to devalue and, be-        foreign trade, which had been          vate enterprises that had                  reputable local investors – such      value that we create: 59% goes
      to the private sector and mar-         cause almost all raw materials       under the governance of the state      launched projects struggled to             as SIM and the Cevital Group –        to the state budget, 40% is rein-
      ket economy.”                          used in local factories were im-     in the past. We were obliged to        pay their loans to the banks.              bought shares of public compa-        vested and we distribute 1% to
          Reda Hamiani, President of         ported, production became            open up, and foreign producers            By 1998, the government ini-            nies, a growing sign of confi-        the Algerian people. And this
      the Business Leaders Forum             more expensive.                      with cheaper products of very          tiated a privatization plan and            dence was being sent out and          is after having paid our em-
      (FCE), recalls how the adminis-           Mr. Tibaoui says that a lag in    good quality started to enter the      began selling its companies to             eventually foreign investors be-      ployees and all our costs.”

     New opportunities on a plate
      Private-sector entrepreneurism is reflected in Algeria’s leading producer of foodstuffs that is also looking to enter its hotel and tourism sectors while boosting opportunities for Algerians

      Earlier this year, a trade delega-     Improvement Network, the                                                                                                                                     African one, which also comes
      tion from the U.S. that                February meeting helped to                                                                                                                                   from Algeria and Tunisia.”
      included seven wheat produc-           open discussions on “serious                                                                                                                                    Beyond agriculture, the
      ers visited El Fedjoudj                prospects for Algerian-                                                                                                                                      company has also invested in
      Commune in Guelma Province.            American relations in the area                                                                                                                               Algeria’s real estate business
      Its mission was to exchange ideas      of wheat production and mar-                                                                                                                                 and is representative of
      and experiences with Algerian          keting for the great benefit of                                                                                                                              Algeria’s private-sector entre-
      producers and seek out oppor-          such an important sector of                                                                                                                                  preneurism that is beginning
      tunities for partnerships be-          food production in Algeria.”                                                                                                                                 to gain a higher profile.
      tween the two countries.                  The Benamor Group was                                                                                                                                        Mr. Benamor is one of sev-
         During the visit, the U.S.          founded in 1984 and is a lead-                                                                                                                               eral prominent Algerian busi-
      wheat growers delegation held          ing producer of a variety of                                                                                                                                 nessmen increasing their
      talks with representatives of the      foodstuffs, such as tomato paste,                                                                                                                            involvement in the country’s
      Benamor Group, a leader in             jams and preserves, durum                                                                                                                                    long-overlooked hotel and
      Algerian agro-industry and part        wheat pastas and couscous. It                                                                                                                                tourism sectors. With a view to
      of an association that is driving      is also involved in food canning.                                                                                                                            diversifying the company’s in-
      forward improvements in wheat          It has an annual turnover ap-                                                                                                                                terests, he is on the lookout for
      quality. The visit came just a few     proaching 20 billion dinar ($260                                                                                                                             specialists in the construction,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          interior design and hotel fur-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          nishing trades to help him de-
      “WE WANT TO HELP CITIZENS. THE FIRST STEP                                                                                                                                                           velop a 2,000-bed resort near El
      IS TO CREATE EMPLOYMENT; WE FOCUS ON                                                                                                                                                                Tarf on the Tunisian border.
      THIS ABOVE DOUBLING OUR REVENUE. IT IS                                                                                                                                                                 The Benamor Group also re-
      OUR PRIORITY. BY DOUBLING EMPLOYMENT                                        LAID BENAMOR,                                                                                                           flects an increasing trend in
                                                                                                                                               A new mill currently under construction will enable the
      WE ARE AT THE SAME TIME TRYING TO                                           General Manager of the Benamor Group                                                                                    Algeria’s private sector to im-
                                                                                                                                               Benamor Group to triple production and enter new markets
      MAINTAIN A SOLID PURCHASING POWER.”                                                                                                                                                                 prove corporate social respon-
                                                                                  couscous, due to the astro-            different from what you can                ple, Algerian and North               sibility. “We have a lot of projects
                                                                                  nomical storage capacity com-          find on the market. The only               African migrants are the fore-        and want to help citizens. The
      months after U.S. Ambassador           million) and employs more than       pared to what we have now.             sector we have not yet explored            most couscous consumers.              first step is to create more and
      to Algeria Henry Ensher had al-        1,000 people.                          “Still sticking to the agri-food     is livestock agriculture.”                 Today, and since we started ex-       more employment; we focus
      so visited the Benamor Group              “We have a project to build       sector, we want to expand into            In Europe and the U.S., the             porting two years ago, they are       on this above doubling our rev-
      at the same location.                  a large mill that will allow us to   new areas like producing bis-          company’s products are ex-                 proud to have high quality            enue. It is our priority,” says Mr.
         According to Laid Benamor,          triple what we presently pro-        cuits – which is something we          tremely popular with the                   Algerian products. Although           Benamor. “By doubling em-
      General Manager of the                 duce,” says Mr. Benamor.             have never done before. We will        Diaspora looking for a taste of            people always believe that            ployment we are at the same
      Benamor Group and President            “Likewise, we will be expand-        try to keep the same line,             home. Mr. Benamor says, “In                couscous is a Moroccan prod-          time trying to maintain a solid
      of the Wheat Quality                   ing our production of pasta and      process and product quality,           the case of France, for exam-              uct, it is actually a North           purchasing power.”

                              Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
Algeria PR1 2012
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Algeria PR1 2012

  • 1. ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd 22/6/12 14:41 Page 1 rld f olio .c o.u k Our World at wo rt Thursday, July 5, 2012 po thi s re See ALGERIA Celebrating 50 Years of Independence This supplement to USA TODAY was produced by United World Ltd., Suite 179, 34 Buckingham Palace Road, London SW1W 0RH – Tel: 44 20 7409 3106 – – Huge support saw Abdelaziz Bouteflika, President of Algeria since 1999, elected to a third term in office in 2009 An oasis of stability and progress in North Africa stable political sit- Algeria’s business framework Over the past five decades, nounced subsidies designed to President of Algeria in 1999, tion of women in the Algerian A uation has con- tributed to a robust economic expan- sion over the past decade. Today, Algeria’s biggest challenges include tackling un- employment, addressing hous- has evolved substantially in re- cent years. Overhauled legisla- tion and new investment incentives are making their mark on the nation’s financial envi- ronment, adding weight to the government’s affirmations that Algeria has endured some tur- bulent times, including a civil war that dominated the 1990s. It has since become an oasis of relative peace and security in what is viewed as a fairly volatile region. reduce prices by 41% for staples such as sugar and cooking oil. Further measures followed in February last year, when President Bouteflika promised to rescind Algeria’s state-of-emer- gency legislation, which had been and was re-elected in 2004 for a second five-year presidential term. A change to Algeria’s con- stitution, which removed the previous limit of two presiden- tial terms, enabled a third elec- toral victory in 2009 when he parliament increase from 7% to 31%. President Bouteflika be- lieves the relatively high turnout for May’s legislative polls, of around 43% compared to 35% in 2007, should mark the rise of a new generation. ing shortages, abating the formerly socialist Algeria no The Arab Spring uprisings in in place since 1992, and pledged was reported to have won more Quelling the tide of Arab corruption, and further devel- longer differentiates between large parts of North Africa and to open up access to audio-visual than 90% of the vote, carrying Spring revolt with ongoing pro- oping the private sector. public and private enterprises the Middle East that toppled media, an area that had been a his leadership through to the gressive reforms and opening up Increased economic diversifi- state monopoly up to that point. next presidential elections the electoral process to interna- cation and foreign partnerships Responding to widespread con- scheduled for April 2014. tional supervision have helped also head the government’s pri- “AFTER OVERCOMING THE HARDEST OF cern over unemployment in Peaceful parliamentary elec- burnish Algeria’s reputation with ority shortlist. TRIALS, OUR COUNTRY IS NOW HEADED ON Algeria, the President also vowed tions in May 2012 produced an- Western allies who rely on the Algeria is the largest country A PATH OF DYNAMIC PROGRESS, TAKING to promote job creation, partic- other win for the ruling National North African nation’s supplies in Africa and the 10th largest in INTO ACCOUNT THE REALITIES AND ularly for the country’s massive Liberation Front (Front de of natural gas and contributions the world. More than 80% of its ASPIRATIONS OF OUR YOUTH, TO youth population, to further as- Liberation Nationale, FLN) par- to tackling terrorism. The elec- territory is covered by the Sahara STRENGTHEN THE FOUNDATIONS, EXPAND suage discontent. ty. Past elections have been tions, which dashed Islamist op- Desert. Consequently, over 90% THE SCOPE, AND ENSURE THE CONTINUITY Reforms continued through- marred by accusations of fraud, position hopes of gaining power, of its 37 million people live along OF PEACE, INDEPENDENCE AND UNITY OF out 2011. In mid-April, so at Algeria’s request these lat- garnered praise internationally, the country’s fertile 620-mile THE NATION.” President Bouteflika promised est polls were held under inter- with U.S. Secretary of State Mediterranean coastline. The to amend the constitution and national observation by the EU, Hillary Clinton calling them a country is also one of the con- ABDELAZIZ BOUTEFLIKA, President of Algeria invited other political parties the African Union and the Arab “welcome step,” and a statement tinent’s top five economies, fu- to submit proposals for League. EU observers reported from the EU referring to them as elled by massive reserves of oil changes to a parliamentary on how the elections were han- a “step forward in the reform and natural gas which have giv- or national and foreign entities. autocratic regimes to the east of committee. Proposed reforms dled in “generally satisfactory” process” that would consolidate en it a hefty cushion of $205.2 In May 2010, President Algeria – in Tunisia, Egypt and to the laws governing political conditions, auguring well for democracy. billion in foreign currency re- Abdelaziz Bouteflika an- Libya – did not ignite an parties, the electoral process, the continued development serves, and a large hydrocarbon nounced Algeria’s $286 billion ‘Algerian Spring’ last year, thanks and nongovernmental organi- of Algeria’s political system stabilization fund. investment plan for 2010-14, in no small part to a populace zations were announced in in the future. Wary of over-reliance on fill- aimed not only at diversifying reluctant to return to times of August. The following month, Following the elec- ing its coffers from hydrocar- Algeria’s economy away from conflict, as well as swift action after the annual meeting be- tions, new legislation and bons, the government has been hydrocarbons revenue, but al- by President Bouteflika to ad- tween the government and the co-operation between taking action to create a diver- so improving infrastructure, dress popular demands. For ex- trade union confederation, a Algerian authorities and sified and competitive econo- increasing the overall skills ample, riots in January 2011 in $40 increase in the monthly UN Women regarding my, with the ultimate aim of base in the country, and sup- reaction to escalating food prices minimum wage to $240 was female representation in becoming the biggest industri- porting small and medium- subsided in less than two days also announced. the country’s political al base in North Africa. As such, sized enterprises (SMEs). after the government an- Mr. Bouteflika became sphere saw the propor- A turbulent past, a peaceful present and a bright future Scarcely a century has gone by nization period, those who with the 350,000 to 1 million Salvation Front (FIS). When the Bouteflika’s main aims over the last several millennia ruled in politics and business Algerian casualties in the war, FIS emerged victorious in the are to diversify the econ- when Algeria wasn’t being in- were colonists (called pieds left the country’s society and first round of 1991 district elec- omy using the country’s vaded, occupied or used as a noirs, or black feet, by the lo- economy in upheaval. tions, the government cancelled massive oil and gas route of transit. The native in- cals). It wasn’t until the 1950s Independent Algeria’s first the second round of elections, wealth, and strength- habitants, dubbed Berbers by that the Algerians organized president, Ahmed Ben Bella, resulting in demonstrations en its foreign rela- the Romans, have withstood themselves into a formalized nationalized all agricultural, in- across the country. Things fi- tions, particularly waves of Phoenicians, Romans, resistance group, called the dustrial and commercial busi- nally began settling in 1999 those with the Vandals, Byzantines, Arabs, National Liberation Front nesses previously owned and when Abdelaziz Bouteflika U.S., U.K. and Turks and finally, French visi- (FLN). Between 1957 and 1962 operated (and then left vacant) was elected president with Germany. tors and invaders. the FLN’s army was successful by colonists. In 1979, the more 70% of the votes. In his en- Modern history began in at hit-and-run guerrilla war- moderate President Colonel deavor to restore security and the 16th century with the ar- fare tactics. A cease-fire was Bendjedid attempted to liber- stability, his administration rival of the Ottoman Empire, signed in 1962 and in a refer- alize the economy, but his re- granted amnesty to thousands which chose Algiers as the endum on independence held forms were met with a backlash of members of the banned principal center of Ottoman in July of that year, 92% of and the riots of Black October. FIS. Having brought power for the Maghreb. In Algerians voted in favor. A decade later, a new con- Algeria into the The Martyrs Memorial in 1830, France invaded the re- As the privileged pieds noirs stitution guaranteed freedoms modern world, Algiers commemorates the gion in response to the now faced an uncertain future, of expression, association and President Algerian War of Algerian Dey’s supposedly in- the vast majority fled the coun- meeting, thus giving way to the Independence sulting of the French consul. try, leaving huge gaps in lead- creation of many new political During the French colo- ership positions. This, coupled parties, including the Islamic Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
  • 2. ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd 22/6/12 17:50 Page 2 Thursday, July 5, 2012 Distributed by USA TODAY 2 ALGERIA Algeria and the U.S. forge a healthy, supportive relationship U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton meets Algerian Foreign Minister Mourad Medelci at the White House, January 2012 High-level meetings between ner in diplomacy and defense, a thriving civil society and in- leaders will point out, there is its people in just a short amount international arenas, along Algeria’s Foreign Minister as well as in trade. stitutions that give the still much to do. of time. As Algerian with our constructive and sta- Mourad Medelci, U.S. President Obama has clear- Algerian people the future Minister Medelci also notes Ambassador to the United bilizing role regionally, has President Obama and ly stated his support for the they so deserve.” that the path has not been States Abdallah Baali stresses, made our country a privileged Secretary of State Clinton country. “The United States is Though separated by thou- without difficulties over the “In 50 years, thanks to free ed- partner of the United States.” emphasize the importance committed to continuing our sands of miles and entirely dif- past half century, but that the ucation and healthcare for all, As close as the countries the American administration co-operation with the govern- ferent in make-up, Algeria and struggles endured can help the sector of higher education have grown, the Foreign places on maintaining good ment of Algeria as it works to the United States do have one Algerians move forward. “The increased from a mere 600 to Minister expresses his inter- relations with Algeria represent and meet the needs bonding aspect in common: freedom, stability, progress and more than 2 million students, est in developing new hori- of all Algerians.” they are both former colonies. democracy that we now enjoy and life expectancy has jumped zons since there is so much to The United States has long In January Secretary of from 47 years to 76 years.” be taken advantage of: “We counted on Algeria as an ally State Hillary Clinton wel- Algeria and the U.S. highly think there is a promising po- in North Africa. In fact, their comed Algerian Foreign “NOT ONLY IS ALGERIA A KEY U.S. ALLY value each other as partners, tential to expand this rela- relations can be traced as far Minister Mourad Medelci to AGAINST GLOBAL TERRORISM, BUT ALSO as witnessed by the many vis- tionship and grant it a more back as 1783, when Algeria Washington D.C., and one AN UNDENIABLE ECONOMIC PARTNER.” its between high-ranking of- strategic dimension. This en- recognized the independence month later Secretary ficials and business leaders. tails growing political collab- MOURAD MEDELCI, Algeria’s Foreign Minister of the young American re- Clinton accepted the invita- Mr. Medelci says that there oration among the high public. A dozen years later, tion to visit Algiers. In the has been “significant progress representatives of both coun- the two signed a Treaty of White House Treaty Room, John F. Kennedy, while still a in Algeria 50 years after its in- in our relations with the U.S. tries to increase consensus Amity and Peace – one of the Mrs. Clinton observed that, senator, spoke passionately in dependence are the outcome for the last few years. Not on- and dialogue between our for- Barbary Treaties – during the “Our two nations have support of Algeria’s indepen- of huge sacrifices and impor- ly is Algeria a key U.S. ally eign affairs ministries. presidency of John Adams. worked closely on security dence while the country strug- tant efforts that we need to val- against global terrorism, but “Also, our economic part- While the treaties ultimately and economic issues, partic- gled for freedom in the 1950s. ue today, in order to better also an undeniable economic nership, now almost entirely fell through, and privateering ularly counter-terrorism, for While independence came to preserve them for the future,” partner – our country has re- confined to the hydrocarbon once again disrupted U.S. more than a decade.” the North African state near- he says. cently become the second U.S. sector, should be extended and shipping in the region lead- She added that the U.S. is ly 200 years after the U.S. sep- Algeria’s stability has under- trade partner in Africa and in diversified. It is very important ing to war, modern-day “committed to working with arated from Great Britain, lined the success of its demo- the Arab world. Plus, the long to multiply our scientific and Algeria has proved to be a Algeria to support an open, Algeria has already made great cratic government in standing action undertaken cultural exchanges to enhance much more dependable part- free, democratic nation with gains – though as all Algerian improving living conditions for by Algeria on the regional and mutual understanding.” Education and scientific research central to future relations Algerian Ambassador Mr. Ensher knows there is Abdallah Baali celebrates still much work to be done, U.S.-Algeria relations and as the Algerian government’s welcomes further policies are vital when it strengthening in all areas comes to consolidating long- lasting business relationships, Since 2008, Abdallah Baali and some foreign investors has been the Algerian have been unimpressed by Ambassador to the U.S. and measures such as the 51/49 can vouch for the ever- rule in joint ventures. strengthening relations be- He says: “That is why the tween the two countries. major challenge for us and “In the political field, over Algerians is to work togeth- the last four years, we’ve been er to address the concerns able to put into place a robust that caused the Algerian gov- and comprehensive dialogue ernment to have this kind of on most regional and interna- restriction and to work with tional issues of common in- them to address those con- terest,” he says. “In trade and cerns and eliminate the ob- investment, the U.S. has been stacles.” for several years our first trade But the Ambassador also partner with a global volume believes the responsibility for of exchange oscillating be- fortifying bonds does not lie tween $17 and $21 billion, thus solely with governments: making the U.S. Algeria’s first “The most important element customer as well as one of the “I AM VERY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT of the relationship is not be- top investors in the Algerian “THERE IS A GROWING INTEREST IN tween the governments, but ALGERIA AND THE U.S. TO CREATE MORE CONTINUING GROWTH IN ECONOMIC hydrocarbon sector.” TIES AND IN SCIENTIFIC, EDUCATION rather between societies, be- He points out that in addi- BRIDGES, EXCHANGES AND LINKS BETWEEN tween the peoples, and that is UNIVERSITIES AND RESEARCH CENTERS AND CULTURAL CO-OPERATION.” tion, agro-business, pharma- the solid base that we’re try- IN BOTH COUNTRIES.” ceuticals, alternative energies, HENRY S. ENSHER, ing to build now.” construction and tourism are Ambassador of the United States of America to Algeria He says that the embassy ABDALLAH BAALI, sectors that hold great po- Ambassador of Algeria to the United States of America is working towards this tar- tential and that investors get and “when there is inter- should be encouraged by action by Algerians going to Algeria’s “unique political and progress we can make in the North Americans a peek in- that prospects for strength- Civilian Representative-South the U.S. or Americans com- social stability,” which stand coming years in this particu- to modern-day Algeria. ening relations in all areas are in Afghanistan, Chairman of ing here, we always make sure out nowadays in a region bat- lar area,” says Mr. Baali. Ambassador Baali invites excellent. He says, “I am very the Department of Near East they talk to the societies tered by uprisings. The Algerian Embassy in “Americans from all walks of optimistic about continuing and North Africa Area rather than to the govern- Algeria-U.S. relations go Washington is sharing its cel- life to come to Algeria and growth in economic ties and Studies at the Foreign Service ments, thus greater under- beyond business, however, ebrations of the country’s 50th discover a country where in scientific, education and Institute, and Deputy Political standing will come and this extending into cultural ar- anniversary of independence people have successfully cultural co-operation. Counselor in Baghdad, among is the basis for a long-term eas, especially in terms of ed- with the American public blended ancestral values such Mr. Ensher is no stranger other positions. strong partnership.” ucation. “There is a growing throughout 2012, with a series as hospitality into the re- to Middle Eastern and North interest in Algeria and the of cultural programs and quirements of modern life.” African affairs: before his ap- U.S. to create more bridges, events including Algerian film Mr. Baali’s counterpart, U.S. pointment to the Embassy in A UNITED WORLD SUPPLEMENT PRODUCED BY: exchanges and links between festivals, concerts, fashion Ambassador to Algeria Henry Algiers in the summer of Christophe Laurent (Editorial Director); universities and research cen- shows and art exhibitions, Ensher, also plays a key role 2011, he had served as a Paloma Garralda (Project Director); ters in both countries and I held in the largest cities. in maintaining the two na- Senior Advisor in the Office Alain Caignard, Jose Ignacio Alegre and am very optimistic about the These events will give tions’ healthy ties, believing of Afghanistan Affairs, Senior Brianne Bystedt (Project Co-ordinators) Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
  • 3. ARGELIA USAT pp1-3.qxd 22/6/12 15:14 Page 3 Distributed by USA TODAY Thursday, July 5, 2012 ALGERIA 3 Unique challenges require unique solutions Opportunities Algeria’s varied topography presents significant physical challenges for balanced land management and equitable economic development The largest country on the Amongst others aims, it outlines moderate its energy consump- “We cannot have harmonious, ($4.86 billion) of public resources online African continent, covering an the need for wider access to ICT, tion and Hassi Messaoud is fo- balanced growth without good to be distributed via direct fund- Foreign investors and area almost 3.5 times the size the creation of economic zones cused on renewable energies, human resource management,” ing and reduced bank loan in- local entrepreneurs can of Texas , Algeria has a unique with appropriate infrastructure, while Algeria’s Sahara region is, says Mr. Rahmani. “That is why terest rates for SMEs to improve find the perfect match at geographical diversity spanning modernizing transport net- naturally, based around the so- we are placing the citizen at the their access to finance. fertile lands, mountain peaks works, and the development of lar power industry. heart of our sustainable devel- “The Algerian market has a and steppe plains buffering logistic platforms Last December, Algeria be- opment and land management.” size that is not found anywhere If ever there desert spread. came the third country to sign The European Commission else on the continent,” says was a country “We are facing some serious up to the Desertec Industrial made €45 million ($57 million) Abderrahmane Benkhalfa, with limitless challenges in the next few Initiative – a German-led vision available in 2009 through its ME- President of the Banks and investment decades,” says Cherif Rahmani, of a network of renewable ener- DA II program to help Algerian Financial Establishments opportuni- the former Minister of Land gy plants across North Africa, SMEs sharpen their international Association, ABEF. “People talk ties, it is Algeria. The largest Management and the harnessing both solar and wind edge. In 2010 the government of Nigeria, but it is not the same. country on the African con- Environment. “First we have the sources and exporting electric- introduced an SME competi- Algeria holds something unique: tinent (since the recent divi- demographic challenge of a new ity to Europe. By 2050, Desertec tiveness plan targeting the cre- there are few countries that can sion of Sudan) with a long generation needing more jobs, aims to be supplying 15% of all ation of 20,000 SMEs with a present both great potential and coastline, thousands of hours services and rights. Second is the the EU’s electricity demands budget of 380 billion dinars opportunities at the same time.” of sunshine, rich mineral and economic challenge: we want to from projects in the Sahara. hydrocarbon deposits, well- be open to globalization whilst In May, the National Council preserved Roman ruins and avoiding its negative impact, of Investment (NCI) assigned a very young population, turning it to our advantage. Third the National Agency of Algeria represents one of the there is an ongoing depletion Intermediation and Land greatest untapped potentials of natural resources, not only CHERIF RAHMANI, former Minister of Regulation (ANIREF) to set up in the world. energy resources, but also soil Land Management and Environment 42 new industrial zones nation- Foreign investors have tra- and water. Plus there is the wide that will be fully ready by ditionally shied away from worldwide political challenge of The government has estab- 2017 and be to international stan- the northern African state global warming.” lished various regional hubs that dards of infrastructure. whose public sector still dom- In 2010, the government re- will focus on specific sectors. The creation of regional fo- inates the economy, thereby leased the National Scheme for The new town of Sidi Abdallah cus points and industrial zones leaving the field wide open Land Management (SNAT) to will concentrate on ICT, biotech, is also part of the government’s for today’s entrepreneurs. confront those challenges with health, medicine and pharma- drive to encourage the creation Those who do enter do not a policy framework for nation- ceuticals, as well as nanotech- of more small and medium-sized do so blindly – on the con- wide sustainable development nologies, robotics and laser enterprises (SMEs) and spur trary, foreigners find a valu- that is socially inclusive and en- development. Boughezoul, in widespread socioeconomic able ally in the National vironmentally sensitive. the steppe, has been designed to growth for Algerians. Basic resources such as water and fertile soil are particularly precious in North Africa Agency of Investment Development, or ANDI. ANDI welcomes partner- ships in both private and Solid policies turn economy around public sectors, and boasts a trilingual online meeting platform where investors can Substantial currency reserves and a large hydrocarbon stabilization fund have helped buffer Algeria against the latest global economic crises post their intention or offer. Interested parties can con- The positive turnaround in counting for around 60% of verse investments in different ing schools want to start a rise, helped by new branch- tact ANDI, which then puts Algeria’s economic position budget revenues, 30% of GDP, currencies, ensuring liquidity small business, they need to es, banking education initia- the two parties into contact. was evidenced earlier this year and more than 95% of export in the financial system to have immediate capital avail- tives and the modernization Currently, there are 175 of- when the IMF asked the North earnings. The country’s exter- strengthen and raise Algerian able. These funds may be used of payment methods. fers of partnership listed in African nation for $500 billion nal debt is also extremely low, banks’ capital levels and in- to create a multitude of small “We implemented an elec- its database. in financial support to help the at about 2% of GDP. In 2011 the crease their capacity for com- entities with a quick turnover,” tronic mass payment system One of the advantages of organization fund loans for Algerian economy grew by mitment, and also enforced says Mr. Djoudi. in a few areas of the territory this online system is that the emerging markets and devel- 2.6% and inflation was 3.9%. limitations on the short-term In addition, the government a few years ago, but at the mo- foreign investor can do this oping countries. The request borrowing of banks on the for- has set up a national invest- ment there is still a need to all remotely from his or her highlights Algeria’s transition eign market. ment fund that is working on learn how to use this tech- home country. Recently, AN- from an emerging to an upper- “Although it is not over, we various major projects and is nology. People have a strong DI also set up a one-stop shop middle-income economy, can say we have navigated safe- involved in public-private attraction for cash money, but to further facilitate and ex- turning the country from an ly through the reefs of this cri- partnerships. the mentality is gradually pedite investment, reducing IMF borrower in the 1990s to sis and we have brought Bank penetration is on the evolving,” says Mr. Djoudi. the number of steps. it now being a net lender. growth to the domestic mar- According to Abdelkrim With currency reserves of ket. Through our strong do- Mansouri, ANDI’s General around $205.2 billion, ac- mestic demand, in 2011 almost Manager, the agency not on- cording to the latest IMF re- $46 billion were spent on im- ly promotes investment, it al- port, Algeria has gone from ported goods,” says Mr. Djoudi. so assists investors in their being a bankrupt country to “We have also created en- projects, putting them in having enough in reserve to trepreneurs who, in my opin- touch with the relevant au- cover its operating costs for ion, have the capacity to both thorities and raising aware- five years. This is in stark con- meet domestic demand and ness about tax exemptions trast to the 1984-94 period, also to position themselves in and other incentives. when the country had to get KARIM DJOUDI, Minister of Finance external markets.” ANDI aims to help diver- by with less than a month’s In banking, capital invest- sify Algeria’s economy away emergency reserves in hand. According to the Minister ment has also seen a boom. from hydrocarbons, by grow- Algeria has the 10th-largest of Finance Karim Djoudi, “We created 48 regional in- ing local industry and at- stocks of natural gas in the Algeria has been relatively un- vestment funds that each have tracting foreign expertise. world and is the sixth-largest scathed by the recent global an amount designated for “The Algerian authorities gas exporter. Hydrocarbon rev- economic downturn due to the small businesses. Often, if seek technology transfer enues have long formed the secure management of the young people from univer- Algeria now boasts a sophisticated economy, with low external debt, a lively stock through foreign investment,” backbone of the economy, ac- country’s foreign reserves, di- sities or professional train- exchange, and enough currency reserves to cover its operating costs for five years says Mr. Mansouri. “They look for activities that will re- duce the import bill, that is to Over two million new homes to be built by 2017 say to produce locally some- thing we generally import. If you look at our list of imports, you’ll see we import things A huge construction program is under way as the government attempts to improve the lives of thousands of families living in poor accommodation that we could easily make here. Secondly, we want to Despite living in one of the conduct seminars on new renovation and rehabilita- for example, we got to work izens. But there is also an eco- diversify our exports – we wealthiest countries in Africa, housing techniques at vari- tion, we also have a substan- on virtually the entire city nomic dimension, because don’t want to export only hy- affordable housing is still ous locations over the com- tial program to upgrade center. These are very large- when we see trucks all over drocarbons, which are sub- beyond the reach of some ing year. sustainable infrastructure in scale programs that cost the the place, servicing the needs ject to changes in the low-income and even middle- Noureddine Moussa, cities. This operation has cost state a lot of money.” of the housing market, this has international market.” income earners in Algeria. It Minister of Housing and us something like $5 billion The Minister points out created a lot of synergy and Foreigners in Algeria need is a pressing problem for the Town Planning, is confident over five years, and for the that in addition to improving stimulation in the economy. not worry about their in- government, and one it is the current shortfall of 1.2 next phase of the program the lives of citizens, the gov- “Experts say that a housing vestments, says Mr. seeking to address with a na- million housing units will be we are looking at something ernment’s home-building pro- unit creates an additional 1.5 Mansouri. Algeria has signed tional housing program that like $4 billion.” grams have other benefits in to two jobs for every worker 48 bilateral agreements on aims to build 2.4 million Demand for social and sub- terms of the creation of jobs directly employed during the mutual protection and has homes by 2017. sidized housing in Algeria has and contribution to GDP. construction period. So if a agreements to avoid double However, much progress risen with the size of the pop- “Housing has a social di- program is creating 2 million taxation. It has also ratified all has been made: more than 2 ulation and an exodus from mension that has the potential homes the sector is employing international conventions on million homes have been con- the rural areas to the cities. to improve the lives of our cit- a lot of people.” protection of foreign in- structed during the past The public housing schemes vestors. Given Algeria’s decade, and thousands of introduced since President healthy fiscal situation, for- families have been relocated Abdelaziz Bouteflika came eign investors are encouraged to better accommodation. to power in 1999 followed to finance their projects Citizens whose monthly in- decades of under-investment. through local banks – Algeria come is less than 24,000 di- “After 15 years with almost is more interested in know- nars (about $320) are entitled no building activity there was how transfer and than for- to free state-provided homes. a huge shortage to address,” eign funding. The Ministry of Housing says Mr. Moussa. In addition While foreign investors are will be represented at the NOUREDDINE MOUSSA, Minister of to building new homes the limited to owning a 49% fair celebrating the nation’s Housing and Town Planning government is spending share in any company, the 50 th anniversary celebra- money on rehabilitating and government encourages them tions, which runs from July met by 2014, with 674,000 renovating old buildings, par- to link up with more thanone 5-20 in Algiers. A special doc- homes of all types to be de- ticularly in Algiers. Algerian partner, thereby per- umentary and magazine have livered this year, to be fol- “Some of the buildings are mitting the foreign party to been produced describing lowed by a further 265,000 in a dismal state, and we have keep a larger stake in the com- how the sector has moved for- units in each of the coming had to allocate a lot of mon- pany and allowing a more ward during the past five two years. ey to their rehabilitation,” evenly-distributed share of decades, and the Ministry will “Alongside construction, says the Minister. “In Oran, Vast sums are being spent to address overcrowding in Algiers the risk. Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content
  • 4. ARGELIA USAT pp4-5.qxd 22/6/12 14:46 Page 4 Thursday, July 5, 2012 Distributed by USA TODAY 4 ALGERIA Business climate warms up A fully open free market has yet to emerge, but private gan to take notice. sector initiatives and organizations are clearing past hurdles Today, although the private sector still faces many bureau- It is often said that numbers do tration of former president Ben cratic challenges, it has no short- not lie, but in the case of Algeria, Bella had opted for a socialist age of willpower. As Mr. Hamiani numbers do not fully represent regime, “a kind of regime that puts it: “Algerian businesses are the reality. For instance, the did not allow private initiative driven by dynamic, extremely Heritage Foundation’s Index of to be realized. Because at that ambitious business leaders.” Economic Freedom has ranked time, this was a third world coun- The best reform, he says, the country 14th among the 17 try and the people thought that would be one that would spur countries in the Middle East the engine of development and the growth of private-sector and North African region, and growth was not to be carried by small and medium-sized enter- 140th globally. Similarly, the the private sector… In my opin- prises and industries (SMEs and World Bank’s Doing Business ion it was a mistake,” he says. SMIs), which he considers to be survey puts Algeria at 148th place “The state was chief, regulator, key engines of growth, creators out of 183 countries. While sponsor and protector, and there- of employment, and enablers of these figures present a bleak fore although the private sector economic diversification. “IN LESS THAN 30 “OF THE VALUE WE “ALGERIAN outlook on Algeria’s business was tolerated, it was in fact mar- A clear example of how the YEARS, ALGERIA CREATE, 59% GOES BUSINESSES ARE climate, what they do not do is ginalized. Banks didn’t lend mon- DRIVEN BY private sector can benefit the take into consideration the ey to the private sector. It was CAN BECOME A TO THE STATE country is the Cevital Group. PIVOTAL, WEALTHY BUDGET, 40% IS DYNAMIC, country’s recent history, hur- very difficult to obtain land.” EXTREMELY The second largest company in dles and developments. This system lasted for nearly COUNTRY, WHICH REINVESTED AND the country and the first in the COULD MAYBE JOIN WE DISTRIBUTE 1% AMBITIOUS Ahmed Tibaoui, General 30 years, which is in Mr. BUSINESS private sector, Cevital is active Manager of the World Trade Hamiani’s words, “why it is dif- THE BRICS IN THE TO THE ALGERIAN in electronics, household ap- NEXT 20 YEARS.” PEOPLE.” LEADERS.” Center Algeria, is blunt yet op- ficult to turn 180 degrees now.” pliances, construction, super- timistic: “I think that [the rat- In addition, once the econo- REDA HAMIANI, markets, agriculture, shipping, ings are] a bit exaggerated. We my was opened up in the late AHMED TIBAOUI, ISSAD REBRAB, logistics, real estate, automo- General Manager of the World President of the President of the Business should be classed better than 1990s, a series of unfortunate Leaders Forum (FCE) biles and glass among others. Trade Center, Algeria Cevital Group that, because we are coming events overshadowed this vital According to its President back from far behind: our move and posed ever more chal- Issad Rebrab, Cevital is a huge economy was an administered lenges. The civil war (1991-2002) local production was com- market. Public companies then the employees and eventually to contributor to state coffers as economy, managed by the gov- was detrimental not only to the pounded by new regulation. accumulated huge stocks of mer- investors. Foreigners were not well as to Algeria’s overall de- ernment until the end of the economy, but to the country’s “Due to the agreement we had chandise that they could not sell.” yet interested, given the recent velopment. He says, “We have 1980s. It started to open up in reputation as well. Algeria’s di- with the IMF, we opened our In the mid to late 1990s, pri- turbulence; however, as more done the math regarding the 1998 with new laws and access nar began to devalue and, be- foreign trade, which had been vate enterprises that had reputable local investors – such value that we create: 59% goes to the private sector and mar- cause almost all raw materials under the governance of the state launched projects struggled to as SIM and the Cevital Group – to the state budget, 40% is rein- ket economy.” used in local factories were im- in the past. We were obliged to pay their loans to the banks. bought shares of public compa- vested and we distribute 1% to Reda Hamiani, President of ported, production became open up, and foreign producers By 1998, the government ini- nies, a growing sign of confi- the Algerian people. And this the Business Leaders Forum more expensive. with cheaper products of very tiated a privatization plan and dence was being sent out and is after having paid our em- (FCE), recalls how the adminis- Mr. Tibaoui says that a lag in good quality started to enter the began selling its companies to eventually foreign investors be- ployees and all our costs.” New opportunities on a plate Private-sector entrepreneurism is reflected in Algeria’s leading producer of foodstuffs that is also looking to enter its hotel and tourism sectors while boosting opportunities for Algerians Earlier this year, a trade delega- Improvement Network, the African one, which also comes tion from the U.S. that February meeting helped to from Algeria and Tunisia.” included seven wheat produc- open discussions on “serious Beyond agriculture, the ers visited El Fedjoudj prospects for Algerian- company has also invested in Commune in Guelma Province. American relations in the area Algeria’s real estate business Its mission was to exchange ideas of wheat production and mar- and is representative of and experiences with Algerian keting for the great benefit of Algeria’s private-sector entre- producers and seek out oppor- such an important sector of preneurism that is beginning tunities for partnerships be- food production in Algeria.” to gain a higher profile. tween the two countries. The Benamor Group was Mr. Benamor is one of sev- During the visit, the U.S. founded in 1984 and is a lead- eral prominent Algerian busi- wheat growers delegation held ing producer of a variety of nessmen increasing their talks with representatives of the foodstuffs, such as tomato paste, involvement in the country’s Benamor Group, a leader in jams and preserves, durum long-overlooked hotel and Algerian agro-industry and part wheat pastas and couscous. It tourism sectors. With a view to of an association that is driving is also involved in food canning. diversifying the company’s in- forward improvements in wheat It has an annual turnover ap- terests, he is on the lookout for quality. The visit came just a few proaching 20 billion dinar ($260 specialists in the construction, interior design and hotel fur- nishing trades to help him de- “WE WANT TO HELP CITIZENS. THE FIRST STEP velop a 2,000-bed resort near El IS TO CREATE EMPLOYMENT; WE FOCUS ON Tarf on the Tunisian border. THIS ABOVE DOUBLING OUR REVENUE. IT IS The Benamor Group also re- OUR PRIORITY. BY DOUBLING EMPLOYMENT LAID BENAMOR, flects an increasing trend in A new mill currently under construction will enable the WE ARE AT THE SAME TIME TRYING TO General Manager of the Benamor Group Algeria’s private sector to im- Benamor Group to triple production and enter new markets MAINTAIN A SOLID PURCHASING POWER.” prove corporate social respon- couscous, due to the astro- different from what you can ple, Algerian and North sibility. “We have a lot of projects nomical storage capacity com- find on the market. The only African migrants are the fore- and want to help citizens. The months after U.S. Ambassador million) and employs more than pared to what we have now. sector we have not yet explored most couscous consumers. first step is to create more and to Algeria Henry Ensher had al- 1,000 people. “Still sticking to the agri-food is livestock agriculture.” Today, and since we started ex- more employment; we focus so visited the Benamor Group “We have a project to build sector, we want to expand into In Europe and the U.S., the porting two years ago, they are on this above doubling our rev- at the same location. a large mill that will allow us to new areas like producing bis- company’s products are ex- proud to have high quality enue. It is our priority,” says Mr. According to Laid Benamor, triple what we presently pro- cuits – which is something we tremely popular with the Algerian products. Although Benamor. “By doubling em- General Manager of the duce,” says Mr. Benamor. have never done before. We will Diaspora looking for a taste of people always believe that ployment we are at the same Benamor Group and President “Likewise, we will be expand- try to keep the same line, home. Mr. Benamor says, “In couscous is a Moroccan prod- time trying to maintain a solid of the Wheat Quality ing our production of pasta and process and product quality, the case of France, for exam- uct, it is actually a North purchasing power.” Our World Insert is produced by United World. USA TODAY did not participate in its preparation and is not responsible for its content