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Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others.
1. A. mathematics           B. language             C. algebra                    D. major
2. A. house                 B. mould                C. brochure                   D. focus
3. A. cause                 B. naughty              C. drought                    D. bought
4. A. shut                  B. shirt                C. luck                       D. hurry
5. A. thought               B. these                C. though                     D. them
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others.
6.    A. patient            B. ashamed              C. trouble                    D. alter
7.    A. explore            B. exceed               C. holiday                    D. attraction
8.    A. responsibility     B. documentary          C. trigonometry               D. conservation
9.    A. summary            B. existence            C. inherit                    D. delighted
10.   A. clement            B. mention              C. emphasise                  D. historical
Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence
11. Accuracy is……………to the skill of typewriting.
      A. inherent                   B. elemental              C. fundamental             D. elementary
12. The old castle has been……………and it is now a luxury hotel.
      A. transformed                B. undone                 C. remade                  D. constructed
13 ………..each school year all the children were given copies of the school rules.
      A. At first                   B. At the beginning of     C. Immediately            D. To start with
14. Don't put James in charge of arranging the trip; he's too……………
      A. unorganized                B. inorganized            C. organised               D. disorganized
15. She is far too ………… to be put in charge of all those children.
      A. disresponsible             B. unresponsible          C. irresponsible           D. inresponsible
16. They have arranged special insurance to cover medical ……… in the event of an accident.
      A. prices                     B. expenses               C. money                   D. amounts
17. She didn't................. staying at home as she had some sewing she wanted to do.
      A. mind                       B. care                   C. object                  D. matter
18. The car needs a complete …………
      A. haul up                    B. mending                C. check-up                D. overhaul
19. In some countries the cinema industry receives a ………….... from the State.
      A. mortgage                   B. donation               C. credit                  D. subsidy
20. When I applied for my passport, I had to send my birth ………….with the application.
      A. proof                      B. certificate            C. paper                   D. document
21. I've put the papers in your file ………… is on your desk.
      A. that                       B. ----                   C. whose                   D. which
22. I suppose Helen must be in her ……….. teens.
      A. earlier                    B. central                C. late                    D. later
23. Remember to let us know as soon as possible so that we start ……… arrangements.
      A. doing. . .                 B. having                 C. making                  D. fixing
24. It's a great ……………. the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work.
      A. pity                       B. sorrow                 C. complaint               D. sadness
25. It tasted so ………… of lemon that the other flavours were lost.
      A. hardly                     B. forcefully             C. strongly                D. fully
26. The old man wishes he …………..time when he was young.
      A. wouldn't waste             B. didn't waste           C. hasn't waste            D. hadn't wasted
27. Why ……….. come in and take a seat?
      A. you not                    B. don't you              C. haven't you             D. aren't you
28. The furniture was ……….. that I couldn't buy it.
      A. too expensive              B. very expensive         C. so expensive            D. such expensive
29. He failed………… the gold medal in the competition.
      A. to winning                 B. win                    C. and won                 D. to win
30. He prefers watching documentary films ………. to the news on the radio.
         A. than listening   B. to listening          C. to listen                      D. than to listen
31. He says he ………. the draft by 5 o'clock this afternoon.
     A. has finished         B. is finishing          C. will finish                    D. will have finished
32. If he could speak English well enough, he ………. to study abroad.
     A. would be able        B. will be able          C. could                          D. would have been able
33. It's not easy ………… for a job at your age.
     A. starting looking     B. to start looking      C. starting to look               D. start to look
34. Please shut the gate …….. the dog won't get out.
     A. so as so             B. so that               C. in order for                   D. in order to
35. English seems easier but I ……….. Japanese.
     A. had rather study     B. would study                  C. would rather study      D. rather study
36. My uncle's grandchildren,…………
     A. neither of whom      B. all of whom                  C. all of whom             D. had waited
37. The girl showed up after we........... for her for nearly an hour.
     A. waited               B. were waiting                 C. have been waiting       D. had waited
38. I don’t think he.........; let’s start without him.
     A. would come            B. is going to come       C. will come                    D. was coming
39. English and French ,.......... do you think is easier to learn?
     A. what language         B. which                  C. which one                    D. Both B and C
40. It's strange that you ................ such a thing.
     A. would say                 B. should say                C. will say              D. said

Read the text below and decide which answer- a, b, c or d - best fits each space
     A. A dinner party is a formal social gathering at (41) ________ people eat dinner (42) _________,
usually in the host's own home. At the least formal dinner parties, a buffet of food is (43)_________ on a table
or counter, and the(44) _________ choose items from the buffet and eat standing up (45)_________they are
talking and mingling. At (46) __________ most formal dinner parties, dinner is (47) ________ at a (48)
__________ table with place settings. Dinner parties are sometimes preceded by a cocktail party, a social
gathering in a living room or bar (49) __________ guests drink alcoholic cocktails as they mingle. Women
guests may wear cocktail dresses. Cocktail parties are often (50) _________ as a prelude to a dinner party.

41.    a. that                  b. where                   c. which           d. when
42.   a. one another            b. each other              c. the other       d. together
43.   a. provided               b. supported               c. consisted       d. given
44.   a. guests                 h. visitors                c. customers       d. clients
45.   a. as soon as             b. as                      c. so that         d. until
46.   a. a                      b. an                      c. the             d. 0
47.   a. serve                  b. served                  c. service         d. serving
48.   a. dine                   b. dinner                  c. dinning         d. diner
49.   a. which                  b. that                    c. in where        d. where
50.   a. held                   b: worked                  c. done            d. celebrated

       B. (51) _________ Anglo-American culture, a tea party is typically a formal, ritualized gathering,
traditionally of women, for afternoon tea, (52)__________men may be invited to (53) ________ . Tea time
according to English tradition (54) _________ around 4 pm and is of two types: high tea (55)__________ low
tea. In spite of its name, "high" tea is (56) __________informal family meal where savory food is served,
similar (57)__________ an American left-over supper. Low tea is (58)_________ formal, its name perhaps
derived from the low drawing room tea tables on. (59)________ it was sometimes served. In England as (60)
_______ as in America, the latter ritual has almost disappeared outside of tourist hotels and specialty tea
51. a. On                   b. For                 c. At                 d. In
52. a. although             b. due to              c. so                 d. because
53. a. provide              b. celebrate           c. participate        d. enter
54. a. passes               b. goes                c. occurs             d. takes in
55. a. with                 b. and                 c. along              d. or
56. a. a                    b. an                  c. the                d. 0
57. a. for                  b. with                c. at                 d. to
58. a. more                b. most                   c. the more            d. the most
59. a. that                b. where                  c. which               d. whose
60. a. well                b. good                   c.- possible           d. far
Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers

      Several hundred million years ago, plant similar to modem ferns covered vast stretcher of the
land. Some were as large as trees, with giant fronds bunched at the top of trunks as straight as pillars.
Others were the size of bushes and formed thickets of undergrowth. Still other lived in the shade of
giant club mosses and horsetails along the edges of swampy lagoons where giant amphibians swam.
      A great number of these plant were true ferns, reproducing themselves without fruits or seeds.
Other ha only the appearance of ferns. Their leave had organs of sexual reproduction and produced
seeds. Although their "flower" did not have corollas, these false ferns (today completely extinct)
ushered in the era of flowering plants. Traces of these flora of the earliest time have been preserve in
the form of fossils. Such traces are most commonly found in shale and sandstone rocks wedged
between coal beds.
      Today only tropical forest bear living proof of the ancient greatness of ferns. The species that
grow there are no longer those of those of the Carboniferous period, but their variety and vast numbers,
and the great size of son-remind us of the time when ferns ruled the plant kingdom.

61. What does the passage mainly discuss?
      A. Plant reproduction                     B. How to locate fossils
      C. An ancient form of plant life          D. Tropical plant life
62. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the plants described in the passage?
      A. They once spread over large areas of land.
      B. They varied greatly in size.
      C. They coexisted with amphibians, mosses, and horsetails.
      D. They clung to tree trunks and bushes for support.
63. The word "true" in line 6 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
      A. accurate             B. genuine        C. straight           D. dependable
64. The author states that fossils of early plant life are usually found in rocks located between deposits
      of .............
      A. coal                B. shale           C. sandstone          D. corollas
65. The word "bear" in line 13 could best be replaced by which of the following?
      A. call for             A. provide        C. tolerate           D. suffer

Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting
66. You can (A)apply for a better job (B)when you (C)will have had (D)more experience
67. (A)He is the (B)best-known author I have (C)never (D)heard of.
68. (A)Could you (B)tell the how (C)I get to the (D)arts gallery, please?
69. I'm (A)having someone (B)to fix your (C)car at the (D)moment.
70. Some of the (A)most useful resistor (B)material are carbon, (C)metals, and(D)metallic alloys
71. (A)If you take (B)a train, it (C)would be much more (D)comfortable.
72. 1 (A)consider the (B)poor boy (C)being my (D)little brother.
73. (A)Our supervisor advised (B)to take a (C)course in (D)research methods.
74. Tom (A)remembered (B)switching off the oven when he (C)left, so there was (D)nothing wrong this
75. Harry, (A)alike his colleagues, (B)is trying (C)hard to finish his work (D)early.
Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the original one
76. You're not to blame for what happened.
      A. You're not accused of what happened. C. You're responsible for what happened.
      B. What happened is not your fault.        D. We blame you for what happened
77. He can hardly see at all without glasses.
       A. He can see without glasses if he tries hard.
       B. He can see even if he doesn't wear glasses.
       C. He can't see everything without glasses.
D. He is practically blind without glasses.
78. The concert wasn't as good as we had expected.
       A. The concert wasn't so good as we had seen.
       B. We expected the concert to be worse.
       C. We thought the concert would be much better.
       D. The concert was thought to be as good.
79. Please don't ask her to the party.
        A. I'd rather you didn't invite her to the party.
        B. I'd rather not ask her to the party.
        C. Please don't ask her about the party.
        D. You ask her to the party, don't you?
80. She broke down the moment she heard the news.
       A. She was broken for a moment when she heard the news.
       B. On hearing the news; she broke down.
       C. She broke her leg when hearing the news.
       D. When she heard the news, she was sick.
81. Strong as he is, he still can't lift that box.
       A. The box was too heavy for him to lift.
       B. He's very strong, but he still can't lift that box.
       C. He still can't lift that box because he's not as strong.
       D. However he is strong, he still can't lift that box.
82. I wish we had gone somewhere else for the holiday.
       A. If only we went somewhere else for the holiday.
       B. It's a pity we didn't go there for the holiday.
       C. If we had gone for a holiday, I would have gone somewhere else.
       D. I regret not having gone somewhere else for the holiday.
83. You should have had your eyes tested a long time ago.
       A. You haven't had your eyes tested though it's necessary.
       B. Your eyes should be tested a long time ago.
       C. You had your eyes tested a long time ago.
       D. It's a long time ago since you have had your eyes tested.
84. A child is influenced as much by his schooling as by his parents.
       A. Schooling doesn't influence a child as much as his parents do.
       B. A child's parents have greater influence on him than his schooling
       C. A child can influence his parents as much as his schooling.
       D. A child's schooling influences him as much as his parents do.
85. Rarely has a 15-year-old earned so much money.
       A. 15-year-olds rarely earn money.
       B. A 15-year-old rarely earns lots of money.
       C. A 15-year-old has seldom earned that much money.
       D. A 15-year-old has never earned that much money.
                                                      tHE eND

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Anhvan thay hai trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - de thi thu tsdh 2013 ...
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Anhvan thay hai trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - de thi thu tsdh 2013 ...
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Anhvan thay hai trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - de thi thu tsdh 2013 ...
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Anhvan thay hai trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - de thi thu tsdh 2013 ...
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Practice test 4

  • 1. PRACTICE TEST 4 Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the others. 1. A. mathematics B. language C. algebra D. major 2. A. house B. mould C. brochure D. focus 3. A. cause B. naughty C. drought D. bought 4. A. shut B. shirt C. luck D. hurry 5. A. thought B. these C. though D. them Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from the others. 6. A. patient B. ashamed C. trouble D. alter 7. A. explore B. exceed C. holiday D. attraction 8. A. responsibility B. documentary C. trigonometry D. conservation 9. A. summary B. existence C. inherit D. delighted 10. A. clement B. mention C. emphasise D. historical Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that best completes the sentence 11. Accuracy is……………to the skill of typewriting. A. inherent B. elemental C. fundamental D. elementary 12. The old castle has been……………and it is now a luxury hotel. A. transformed B. undone C. remade D. constructed 13 ………..each school year all the children were given copies of the school rules. A. At first B. At the beginning of C. Immediately D. To start with 14. Don't put James in charge of arranging the trip; he's too…………… A. unorganized B. inorganized C. organised D. disorganized 15. She is far too ………… to be put in charge of all those children. A. disresponsible B. unresponsible C. irresponsible D. inresponsible 16. They have arranged special insurance to cover medical ……… in the event of an accident. A. prices B. expenses C. money D. amounts 17. She didn't................. staying at home as she had some sewing she wanted to do. A. mind B. care C. object D. matter 18. The car needs a complete ………… A. haul up B. mending C. check-up D. overhaul 19. In some countries the cinema industry receives a ………….... from the State. A. mortgage B. donation C. credit D. subsidy 20. When I applied for my passport, I had to send my birth ………….with the application. A. proof B. certificate C. paper D. document 21. I've put the papers in your file ………… is on your desk. A. that B. ---- C. whose D. which 22. I suppose Helen must be in her ……….. teens. A. earlier B. central C. late D. later 23. Remember to let us know as soon as possible so that we start ……… arrangements. A. doing. . . B. having C. making D. fixing 24. It's a great ……………. the exhibition was cancelled at the last minute after all your work. A. pity B. sorrow C. complaint D. sadness 25. It tasted so ………… of lemon that the other flavours were lost. A. hardly B. forcefully C. strongly D. fully 26. The old man wishes he …………..time when he was young. A. wouldn't waste B. didn't waste C. hasn't waste D. hadn't wasted 27. Why ……….. come in and take a seat? A. you not B. don't you C. haven't you D. aren't you 28. The furniture was ……….. that I couldn't buy it. A. too expensive B. very expensive C. so expensive D. such expensive 29. He failed………… the gold medal in the competition. A. to winning B. win C. and won D. to win
  • 2. 30. He prefers watching documentary films ………. to the news on the radio. A. than listening B. to listening C. to listen D. than to listen 31. He says he ………. the draft by 5 o'clock this afternoon. A. has finished B. is finishing C. will finish D. will have finished 32. If he could speak English well enough, he ………. to study abroad. A. would be able B. will be able C. could D. would have been able 33. It's not easy ………… for a job at your age. A. starting looking B. to start looking C. starting to look D. start to look 34. Please shut the gate …….. the dog won't get out. A. so as so B. so that C. in order for D. in order to 35. English seems easier but I ……….. Japanese. A. had rather study B. would study C. would rather study D. rather study 36. My uncle's grandchildren,………… A. neither of whom B. all of whom C. all of whom D. had waited 37. The girl showed up after we........... for her for nearly an hour. A. waited B. were waiting C. have been waiting D. had waited 38. I don’t think he.........; let’s start without him. A. would come B. is going to come C. will come D. was coming 39. English and French ,.......... do you think is easier to learn? A. what language B. which C. which one D. Both B and C 40. It's strange that you ................ such a thing. A. would say B. should say C. will say D. said Read the text below and decide which answer- a, b, c or d - best fits each space A. A dinner party is a formal social gathering at (41) ________ people eat dinner (42) _________, usually in the host's own home. At the least formal dinner parties, a buffet of food is (43)_________ on a table or counter, and the(44) _________ choose items from the buffet and eat standing up (45)_________they are talking and mingling. At (46) __________ most formal dinner parties, dinner is (47) ________ at a (48) __________ table with place settings. Dinner parties are sometimes preceded by a cocktail party, a social gathering in a living room or bar (49) __________ guests drink alcoholic cocktails as they mingle. Women guests may wear cocktail dresses. Cocktail parties are often (50) _________ as a prelude to a dinner party. 41. a. that b. where c. which d. when 42. a. one another b. each other c. the other d. together 43. a. provided b. supported c. consisted d. given 44. a. guests h. visitors c. customers d. clients 45. a. as soon as b. as c. so that d. until 46. a. a b. an c. the d. 0 47. a. serve b. served c. service d. serving 48. a. dine b. dinner c. dinning d. diner 49. a. which b. that c. in where d. where 50. a. held b: worked c. done d. celebrated B. (51) _________ Anglo-American culture, a tea party is typically a formal, ritualized gathering, traditionally of women, for afternoon tea, (52)__________men may be invited to (53) ________ . Tea time according to English tradition (54) _________ around 4 pm and is of two types: high tea (55)__________ low tea. In spite of its name, "high" tea is (56) __________informal family meal where savory food is served, similar (57)__________ an American left-over supper. Low tea is (58)_________ formal, its name perhaps derived from the low drawing room tea tables on. (59)________ it was sometimes served. In England as (60) _______ as in America, the latter ritual has almost disappeared outside of tourist hotels and specialty tea rooms. 51. a. On b. For c. At d. In 52. a. although b. due to c. so d. because 53. a. provide b. celebrate c. participate d. enter 54. a. passes b. goes c. occurs d. takes in 55. a. with b. and c. along d. or 56. a. a b. an c. the d. 0 57. a. for b. with c. at d. to
  • 3. 58. a. more b. most c. the more d. the most 59. a. that b. where c. which d. whose 60. a. well b. good c.- possible d. far Read the text carefully then choose the correct answers Several hundred million years ago, plant similar to modem ferns covered vast stretcher of the land. Some were as large as trees, with giant fronds bunched at the top of trunks as straight as pillars. Others were the size of bushes and formed thickets of undergrowth. Still other lived in the shade of giant club mosses and horsetails along the edges of swampy lagoons where giant amphibians swam. A great number of these plant were true ferns, reproducing themselves without fruits or seeds. Other ha only the appearance of ferns. Their leave had organs of sexual reproduction and produced seeds. Although their "flower" did not have corollas, these false ferns (today completely extinct) ushered in the era of flowering plants. Traces of these flora of the earliest time have been preserve in the form of fossils. Such traces are most commonly found in shale and sandstone rocks wedged between coal beds. Today only tropical forest bear living proof of the ancient greatness of ferns. The species that grow there are no longer those of those of the Carboniferous period, but their variety and vast numbers, and the great size of son-remind us of the time when ferns ruled the plant kingdom. 61. What does the passage mainly discuss? A. Plant reproduction B. How to locate fossils C. An ancient form of plant life D. Tropical plant life 62. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a characteristic of the plants described in the passage? A. They once spread over large areas of land. B. They varied greatly in size. C. They coexisted with amphibians, mosses, and horsetails. D. They clung to tree trunks and bushes for support. 63. The word "true" in line 6 is closest in meaning to which of the following? A. accurate B. genuine C. straight D. dependable 64. The author states that fossils of early plant life are usually found in rocks located between deposits of ............. A. coal B. shale C. sandstone D. corollas 65. The word "bear" in line 13 could best be replaced by which of the following? A. call for A. provide C. tolerate D. suffer Choose the word or phrase - a, b, c or d - that needs correcting 66. You can (A)apply for a better job (B)when you (C)will have had (D)more experience 67. (A)He is the (B)best-known author I have (C)never (D)heard of. 68. (A)Could you (B)tell the how (C)I get to the (D)arts gallery, please? 69. I'm (A)having someone (B)to fix your (C)car at the (D)moment. 70. Some of the (A)most useful resistor (B)material are carbon, (C)metals, and(D)metallic alloys 71. (A)If you take (B)a train, it (C)would be much more (D)comfortable. 72. 1 (A)consider the (B)poor boy (C)being my (D)little brother. 73. (A)Our supervisor advised (B)to take a (C)course in (D)research methods. 74. Tom (A)remembered (B)switching off the oven when he (C)left, so there was (D)nothing wrong this time 75. Harry, (A)alike his colleagues, (B)is trying (C)hard to finish his work (D)early. Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the original one 76. You're not to blame for what happened. A. You're not accused of what happened. C. You're responsible for what happened. B. What happened is not your fault. D. We blame you for what happened 77. He can hardly see at all without glasses. A. He can see without glasses if he tries hard. B. He can see even if he doesn't wear glasses. C. He can't see everything without glasses.
  • 4. D. He is practically blind without glasses. 78. The concert wasn't as good as we had expected. A. The concert wasn't so good as we had seen. B. We expected the concert to be worse. C. We thought the concert would be much better. D. The concert was thought to be as good. 79. Please don't ask her to the party. A. I'd rather you didn't invite her to the party. B. I'd rather not ask her to the party. C. Please don't ask her about the party. D. You ask her to the party, don't you? 80. She broke down the moment she heard the news. A. She was broken for a moment when she heard the news. B. On hearing the news; she broke down. C. She broke her leg when hearing the news. D. When she heard the news, she was sick. 81. Strong as he is, he still can't lift that box. A. The box was too heavy for him to lift. B. He's very strong, but he still can't lift that box. C. He still can't lift that box because he's not as strong. D. However he is strong, he still can't lift that box. 82. I wish we had gone somewhere else for the holiday. A. If only we went somewhere else for the holiday. B. It's a pity we didn't go there for the holiday. C. If we had gone for a holiday, I would have gone somewhere else. D. I regret not having gone somewhere else for the holiday. 83. You should have had your eyes tested a long time ago. A. You haven't had your eyes tested though it's necessary. B. Your eyes should be tested a long time ago. C. You had your eyes tested a long time ago. D. It's a long time ago since you have had your eyes tested. 84. A child is influenced as much by his schooling as by his parents. A. Schooling doesn't influence a child as much as his parents do. B. A child's parents have greater influence on him than his schooling C. A child can influence his parents as much as his schooling. D. A child's schooling influences him as much as his parents do. 85. Rarely has a 15-year-old earned so much money. A. 15-year-olds rarely earn money. B. A 15-year-old rarely earns lots of money. C. A 15-year-old has seldom earned that much money. D. A 15-year-old has never earned that much money. tHE eND