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Boenjamin Setiawan
    10 januari 2013
1.   Pada jaman Jepang thn 1944 saya dan Adik saya karmila duduk dikelas 2 SD, sekolah
     Tionghoa. Sewaktu ujian Tinghsieh saya mendapatkan angka 5 dan karmila 8. Saya
     dipanggil depan kelas dan dbikin malu sama gurunya. Sejak itu saya selalu ingin
     menjadi nomer satu.
2.   Sewaktu di FKUI saya menjadi asisten di Bgn Farmakologi dan thn 1958 dpt beasiswa
     utk belajar di UCSF dan berhasil mendapatkan gelar PhD pada tahun 1961. Suasana
     demokrasi di USA sangat mempengaruhi hidup saya.
3.   Sekembali saya pd 1961 maka saya ingin terus melakukan penelitian tetapi keadaan
     TIDAK kondusif karena tidak ada dananya. Saya pd waktu itu tahun 1962 datang pada
     Pak Wim Kalona (pemilik dan direktur DUPA) minta dana R&D untuk skrin tanaman obat.
     Yang mengesankan saya adalah bahwa dia TIDAK banyak tanya dan langsung
     memberikan dana yang diminta (sekitar 30 juta Rp uang sekarang). Hal ini yang
     kemudian MEMICU SAYA untuk juga ingin mendirikan PABRIK FARMASI. Saya
     bersama teman dokter muda Bgn Biologi thn 1963 berusaha mendirikan pabrik farmasi
     ttpi gagal. Kmdn thn 1964 sekali lagi bersama dr Yan Tan dan Kwa pemilik apotik Usada
     sekali lagi berusaha ttpi juga gagal.
4.   Sewaktu saya mewakili rapat Kpl Bgn di FKUI thn 1963, ditawarkan untuk kunjungan
     ilmiah ke RRC saya menerima dan berangkat ke Beijing dan Pyongyang. Karena
     keberangkatan ini maka saya pd Oktober tahun 1965 sewaktu Gestok disekors selama 1
     tahun. Karena banyak waktu maka saya bikin bermacam obat bersama adik saya
5.   Karena disekors maka dr Kho Tjok Khing menawarkan kpd saya untuk bekerja di
     Enzypharm Holland. Sewaktu sdh mau berangkat Kakak saya drg Setiady
     KEBETULAN mampir dan menanyakan mau kemana? Kmdn dia usulkan untuk
     bersama mendirikan usaha Farmasi.
     Dgn demikina maka pada achirnya karena LIMA KEBETULALN INI kalbe farma
     didirikan pada 10 September 1966.
1.   The Trigger that started Kalbe Farma,
2.   Key Success Factors, 1966-1977
3.   Diversification period, 1977-1994
4.   Consolidation and Pre-crisis, 1995-
5.   Crisis and Survival, 2001-2007
6.   Act Local, Go Regional and Think
     Global, 2007-2015

            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               3
   A meeting with Drs Wim Kalona in 1962 (Owner-
    Director of P.T.DUPA) to apply for a Research Grant
    amounting to about 30 million Rp. todays worth,
    triggered the idea to start a pharmaceutical company
   In 1963, first trial to start a company called
    FARMINDO, with colleagues from the BIOLOGY Dept.
    but survived only for 3 months
   In 1964, tried a second time with dr.Jan Tan
    (Pharmacologist) and Kwa (business man), but
    survived only a few months
   In 1966 with the help of my brothers and sisters, at
    last, we succeeded to form Kalbe Farma

                Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                    2010, UMN                               4
 Founded   at September 10th, 1966.
 Started its operation in a modest garage at
  Jalan Simpang I No. 1, Tanjung Priok.

            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               5
 The  Founders were driven by a keen desire
  to take part in the national development,
  particularly in promoting the welfare of
  people through medical care.
 Motto : “The Scientific Pursuit of Health
  for a Better Life”.
 Within a short time the Company was able
  to win a fair market share and opened two
  representatives offices in Bandung and
  Surabaya in 1969.

            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               6
 Distribution
             Network developed so fast that by
  1974 the whole Country was practically covered.
 The Company moved from the old premises to
  Jalan Jendral A. Yani (Pulomas) and later on to

                 Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                     2010, UMN                               7
 In 1977 within 11 years, the Company was able
 to become the largest pharmaceutical company
 in Indonesia (IMS report).

 In
   1991 the Company became a public company
 and was listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange
 and Surabaya Stock Exchange.

 Now in 2012 we have over 16,000 employees
 and a marketing and sales force of 6,000
 covering 80% of the Indonesian consumer health
 and 100% of the Indonesian prescription
 pharmaceutical market.
            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               8
1. The RIGHT time, because in 1966 the
   Suharto Gov. opened the doors for foreign
2. The RIGHT products and RIGHT pricing,
   because as a pharmacologist and practising
   physican I knew the needs of doctors
3. The RIGHT marketing strategy, following the
   footsteps of the foreign companies by
   promotion through Medical Reps.
4. The RIGHT company strategy by
   Professionalizing our team from the beginning
5. The RIGHT and BRIGHT people to run the
           Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                               2010, UMN                               9
Falsafah perusahaan merupakan dasar existensi dan sudah
mencakup visi dan misi perusahaan
Falsafah Kalbe Farma adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Tujuan perusahaan adalah “Survival through
   Continuous , Sustainable Growth and Adaptation”
2. Perusahaan harus mampu terus “survive” untuk para
3. Perusahaan mampu “survive” karena
   Kwalitas SDM nya harus DJITU, C10, PBFWUSI
4. Terus mampu mengembangkan dan me-
    manfaatkan IPTEK
5. Menganut strategi “Participative Innovative
            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               10
 Provide   a wide range of innovative
  pharmaceutical and health food products.
 Large network of marketing, promotion
  and distribution teams.
 Cover segments from lowest to upper
  class level of society.
 Develop strategic alliances with world-
 wide partners.
Profesionalization                             since the early

            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               11
1. KWALITAS Pimpinan dan Karyawan
2. Yang paling penting IQ, EQ, SQ, SQ, LQ,
3. Manusia DJITU
4. Manusia     5A
5. Manusia 10 C
6. Manusia PBFWUSSI
7. Strategi    5C
8. Strategi    5S
Contoh: ASTRA, Microsoft, Roche, Ford ,
   Pfizer, Wallmart, Toyota, Apple, etc.
            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               12

2.   J = JUJUR dan JELI


           Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
5.   U = ULET dan UNGGUL                       2010, UMN                               13
1. ADAPT, adaptasi dgn lingkungan
2. ADOPT, menyesuaikan dan mengambil
 alih kebiasaan lingkungan dan budaya
3. ALIGN, membentuk barisan yang solid
4. AGREE, menyetujui secara mendalam
5. ACTION, semuanya harus menjurus
 kesuatu TUJUAN yang harus dicapai
 secara terintegrasi.
1.   4 C = CARE, CAPABLE,



           Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                               2010, UMN                               15
2.   Begin With the END in MIND
3.   First Things First (Prioritize)
4.   WIN-WIN
5.   Understand to be Understood
7.   Sharpen the Saw
8.   Inspire your Workers and Customers

            Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                2010, UMN                               16
1.   Company: SWOT your company
2.   Customer: know and define your
3.   Competitors: identify and know your
4.   Country: understand the political and
     social conditions of your country
5.   Currency: always borrow in your
     country’s currency

             Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                 2010, UMN                               17
To achieve SPEED
1. You must be SMART
2. You must SIMPLIFY
3. Create a SYSTEM
4. Create a SUITABLE
5. SOLID Team

     Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                         2010, UMN                               18
Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                    2010, UMN                               19
Kalbe was established in 1966 and has a long track record of
           sustainable growth
                     Inception and Entrepreneurial
                                                                        Enhanced Focus and Consolidation                       Globalization
                           Driven Expansion
                                                                                      1996–2005                                   2006–2015

             1966 1977 1981 1985 1989             1991 1993 1994        1996         1997         2005         62006            2007                 2009
                                1985:    1989:    1991:     1994:                                 2005:                         2007:
     1966:   1977:
                                Acquir            Kalbe
                                                                                                                                  Launch of new corporate logo as part
                                         Igar                 Entered                             Consolidation of                 of transformation process
     Company Dankos             ed       Jaya     Farma       energy 1996:                        Kalbe Group                     Products enter every ASEAN countries
     founded Lab                Bintan   and      IPO         drink
                                                                                      1997:                                       (except Laos)
                                                                       Disposed                                                   Opening of the Stem Cell and Cancer
                                g                             business of 50% of       Disposed of
                                         Danko                                         Kalbe’s
                                Toedjo                        EPM IPO                                                             Implementation of end-to-end supply
                                         s IPOs      1993:               food          remaining 50%                              chain management
                                e&                                                                                                Integrate information technology
                                                      Acquired           business      ownership in PT                            systems
                                arm                   Sanghiang          (PT Bukit     Bukit Manikam      2006:
                       1981:                          Perkasa            Manikam                            Expand regional footprint
                       Spin-off the                                                    Sakti to Arnotts     Build global brands and
                                                      and                Sakti) to     Disposed glass       infrastructure
                       distribution                   consolidat         Arnotts                            Scale through mergers and
                       business to                                                     packaging            acquisitions
                                                      ed                               division to          Proprietary drug development            10000
                       PT Enseval                     nutritional                                           Global partnerships and networks
                       due to                                                          Schott
                                                      business                         Acquired Woods
            800        governmen                      to                                                                                            8000
                       t regulation                                                    Peppermint
(USD mm)


                                                                                                                                                             (IDR bn)
            600                                       Perkasa                                                                                       6000
                                                                                       Acquired 80% of
            400                                                                        Saka Farma                                                   4000

            200                                                                                                                                     2000

              0                                                                                                                                     0
                  1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

                                                                 sales USD     Sales IDR

                                             Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship                                      20
                                                                                               dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                                                               2010, UMN                                                          20
Business strategy is ...
  • the group of dynamic, integrated
    decisions that position the business in
    its competitive environment
                                          R&D Strategy
Marketing Strategy (5P)                   • Basic and applied
• Product/market definition
• Pricing
                                          • Product/process
• Distribution/Placement                    innovation                              1. Growth
• Promotion                               • Lead or follow                          2. Profitability
• Customer support/People
                              Production                                            3. Diversification
                               Strategy              Financial                      4. Innovation
 Legal Strategy                                       Strategy
 • Intellectual property      • Facilities                                          5. Market share
                              • Integration          • Capital structure
                                                     • Cash flow                    6. Working
 • Corporate                  • Capacity
                              • Quality
                              • Production                                          7. Corporate
                                technology                                             citizenship
                              • Operations control
                              • People management
                               Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship     dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                                                     2010, UMN                               21
Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,   22
S   = SIGAP
        Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14,
                                            2010, UMN                               23
Green                 On the go
             Environmen            lifestyle    Prevention
             t                                  & Natural


                                   Value for   ”
Growth in                          money
                our most
                potential market
Nano Capsules for
  DNA Testpack                 Nano Medicines Endoscopies                   Stem Cell   Proteomic

    Healthcare                       Nano Technology                              Biotechnology

Blood Glucose
                 Medicine Intake

                                                       Stem Cell Technology for
Remote Diagnostic                  Molecular           Regeneration andBeauty        Genomic Scan to
and Wellness Support               Technology                                        Improve Baby Quality
Income Shift

                     2004                         2030

Source: Berita Resmi Statistik No. 45/07/Th. XIII, 1 Juli 2010, BPS
Total Expenditure on Health as % of GDP

                                                                 Indonesia                    2.5
                                                                Philippines                         3.2
                                                                  Malaysia                                4.2
                                                                      China                                 4.7
                                                                      India                                   5.0
 1.0                                                              Vietnam                                             6.0
       1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
                                                                              -   1.0   2.0   3.0   4.0   5.0   6.0    7.0
                                                                Source: WHO National Health Accounts database, September
Source: The World Bank                                          2008

                         5% from Indonesia
                         APBN for Health Budget                                   SJSN
 BSG Strategic Intent
     WBAWI      We are an Innovative Health Care Business
                providing Health Care Products & Its Related
     Mission    To improve health for a better life

                To be the best Indonesian Health Care company
                driven by innovation, strong brands and excellent

                1.Sustainable Growth
                3.World Class Competence & Organization

     Values     We believe in :
                Trust, Mindfulness, Innovation, Strive to be the
                best, Interconnectedness
Strategic Initiatives

Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury

 Financial assumption for budget 2013
 • Inflation                                       6.5%
 • GDP Growth                                      6%
 • Exchange Rate (End Dec2010: 9,000)              9,000
 • Interest rate for Time Deposit Gross (IDR) 7%
 • Interest rate for Time Deposit Gross (USD) 2%
 • Interest rate for Bank Loans (IDR)              10%
 • Interest rate for Bank Loans (USD)              7%
 • RM Price Index                                  1.02
Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury
   a) Reporting & Analysis. Ensure
      clarity, simplicity, transparency, accountability and
      compliance to standard / policies.

      • Financial Report & Analysis in accordance with standard
        format and time schedule defined by Corp FA. Reports
        consist of :
         • Standard Financial Reports (BS, PL, CF)
         • Executive Summary, highlight & analysis of financial
            KPI and key aspects to support
            “business/management” performance
         • Other financial information to support decision

      • Comply with Relevant Generally Accepted Accounting
        Standard, IFRS 2012 and other regulation issued by other
        regulatory bodies such as BAPEPAM, Directorate General
Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury

      • Audited Financial Report
         • Financial reports should be audited by external
           auditors appointed by Corp FA and completed in
           accordance with the agreed audit time table.

         • Submit original audited Year-End Financial Reports for
           documentation purpose and copy of Management
           Letter issued by External Auditor to get insight where
           Corp FA could assist in area of improvement
Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury
   b) System & Procedure
     To improve efficiency in administration process and
     effectiveness in finance administration control, Companies
     should :

      • Have Finance and Accounting SOP Manual which sets out
        all implemented Finance and Accounting system &
      • Comply with general guidance provided by Corp FA
        (example: COA).
      • Implement proper documentation and filing system in
        each SBU/company (refer to Tax Regulation)

Sumbu Kiri      Sumbu Kanan
  12      % yoy              Left Hand Scale   Right Hand Scale            % yoy
                                    India                                            13
                  Indonesia                             Vietnam                      9

                                                   Malaysia                          5
    3                       Korea

                                                                   Japan             -3

                           Thailand                                                  -7

   -9                                                             Singapore          -11
        2005 Source:Bloomberg
                   2006    2007    2008        2006      2007     2008     2009
  -12                                                                                -15
        Bloomberg 2006      2007      2008 35 2005         2006     2008      2009

Penguatan daya saing terletak pada pembangunan infrastruktur:
1. Pembangunan infrastruktur fisik, terutama yang dapat menurunkan biaya
   transport dan biaya logistik di dalam negeri.
2. Pembangunan infrastruktur lunak:
    •   Aturan Main : Agar kegiatan ekonomi baik dari sisi produksi maupun pergerakan
        barang dan jasa dapat berlangsung dengan biaya transaksi minimum.
    •   Birokrasi : Reformasi untuk mengurangi hambatan dan ekonomi biaya tinggi.

3. Pembangunan infrastruktur sosial
    •   Perekonomian akan lebih tahan krisis jika terdapat sistem jaring pengaman sosial
        yang memproteksi keluarga miskin sekaligus menciptakan kohesi sosial.

4. Pentingnya kreativitas
More Connected World
                                                                      Smarter and More
               Cheaper transportation                              Demanding Consumer
                        cost                                     Feel “cool” if spend cheaply

      Technology Revolution                                                 Real Time Media

Cheaper communication

                                                                         Productivity Increase


                  Merger and Acquisition                       Internet Based Pricing


     Globalization and cheap revolution has been speed up by the economic
                                      crisis                            43
Indonesia Demographic
Indonesia most ACTIVE age group (20-39) will continue to grow and will be a dominant
  age group with 31% of total population (almost 90 million people) within the next 10


14,000   12,000   10,000   8,000   6,000   4,000   2,000    -            -     2,000   4,000   6,000    8,000   10,000   12,000  14,000
                                                   Thousands                                                              Thousands

                       Male-2000   Male 2020                                              Female-2000   Female 2020

                                               Indonesia SEC (Nielsen 2006)

                                                           A             9%
                                                           B             10%
                                                           C&D           65%
                                                           E             16%                                             44
 Three   Generic Strategy
  1. Operational Excellence or Cost Leadership
   Provide middle-of-the market products at the best price with
    the least inconvenience  low price and hassle-free service.
   Standardized assets and efficient operating procedures.
   Strong team player.
   Highly automated systems, including related databases and
   Deliver superior basic service by:
    o Making hassle-free basic service as a key part of their value.
    o Support efficient, zero-defect service.
    o Effectively exploited information technology to redesign basic
      service tasks.
   The goal is to achieve growth.
   Airlines
   Telecommunication
   Electronics

 Three  Generic Strategy
  • 2. Product Leadership
   Concentrate on offering products that push performance
    boundaries  continue to innovate year after year, product cycle
    after product cycle
   Driven by the talents of key individuals who developed and
    marketed breakthrough.
   Manage a portfolio of development activities  concentrate
    resources on the opportunities with the greatest potential to hit
   Employ structure and process:
    o Keep people on track by organizing the work in a series of well-
      paced challenges, each with a clearly defined outcome and tight
    o Create business structures that don’t oppress.
    o Stress procedure where it pays the biggest dividend.

 ThreeGeneric Strategy
  3. Customer Intimacy
   Focus on delivering not what the market wants but
    what specific consumers want.

          As a service company, we need to focus on
     “Customer Service & Customer Relation”  PROVIDE

   Focus on delivering what specific consumers want, not
    what the market wants
   Do not pursue one-time transactions, but cultivate
   Specialize in satisfying unique needs, which can only be
    recognized by virtue of close relationship and intimate
    knowledge of the customer
   Proposition to the customer:
      We have the best solution for you

      We provide all the support you need to achieve optimum
        results and/or value from whatever products you buy

         We have to do better and better for our          49
 The operating model of customer intimacy:
   –   Deep customer knowledge and insights about the client’s
       understanding process.
   –   Produce unmatched value for clients who don’t necessarily want
       the very latest product, but just the best result and help in
       obtaining it.
   –   The business depends on a stream of products that represent
       evolutionary improvement, not evolutionary change.
 The management of people:
   – The employees are adaptable, flexible and multitalented, allowing
     them to delivery reasonable responses; a mixture of seasoned and
     inventive people.
 Hollow delivery system:
   – The strength lies not in what we own, but in what we know and
     how we coordinate expertise to deliver solutions.           50
 Creating deep relationships:
   – A steady client is a lasting assets; a one-time client is a poor
   – Deepen and broaden areas of client support to deepen the
 Exploiting the value leadership advantage:
   – Search for new areas of mutual cooperation, new untapped potential
     within the client organization.
 Solution
   – To offer clients:
      o Expertise that drives client performance.
      o A willingness to share in clients’ risks.
      o Real, meaningful tailoring and customization of products
        and services, not useless “value-added” service.
Performance PT. Aquasolve Sanaria 2006 - 2008











                         2006                                        2007                     2008
      Penjualan      4,331,585,588                              8,561,938,000             12,550,952,000
      Gross Margin   2,280,492,629                              5,349,178,000             7,342,957,000
      PBT            (3,732,250,033)                             548,843,000               804,406,000

                                                         Penjualan   Gross Margin   PBT
Take Home Points
• Innovation is Key to Growing and Maintaining a
  Country’s Competitive Position in the Global Economy
  and to address Global Challenges
• Collaboration is Essential for Innovation as Small
  and Large Businesses, Universities, and Research
  Institutes Contribute to Regional Growth and Job
• New Institutions and New Incentives, are
  increasingly important to foster innovation and
• Create more ENTREPRENEURS, with high
 IQ, EQ, SQ, SQ, PQ and LQ
• FUNDS for R&D must be INCREASED

          Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July
                                              14, 2010, UMN                       53
1.   Indonesia must move from a Resource Based to a
     KNOWLEDGE Based Economy
2.   Innovation, New Ideas, New Products, New
     Markets, and New Strategies are the Growth Drivers of
3.   Investment in R&D increases share value of
     companies, especially Pharmaceutical Companies
4.   People with Entrepreneurial talent, Smart, high
     Integrity and Creativity is the Key to Improved Prosperity
5. Only Companies and community based
   active organizations can Create Wealth.
     Governments must create a conducive environment for
6. A close Collaboration between
   Industries, Academic Institutions and the
   Government (ABCG) is essential to improve
                  Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship   dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July
                                                      14, 2010, UMN                       54
5.-   Live with the 3 E’s:
      Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.

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  • 1. Boenjamin Setiawan 10 januari 2013
  • 2. 1. Pada jaman Jepang thn 1944 saya dan Adik saya karmila duduk dikelas 2 SD, sekolah Tionghoa. Sewaktu ujian Tinghsieh saya mendapatkan angka 5 dan karmila 8. Saya dipanggil depan kelas dan dbikin malu sama gurunya. Sejak itu saya selalu ingin menjadi nomer satu. 2. Sewaktu di FKUI saya menjadi asisten di Bgn Farmakologi dan thn 1958 dpt beasiswa utk belajar di UCSF dan berhasil mendapatkan gelar PhD pada tahun 1961. Suasana demokrasi di USA sangat mempengaruhi hidup saya. 3. Sekembali saya pd 1961 maka saya ingin terus melakukan penelitian tetapi keadaan TIDAK kondusif karena tidak ada dananya. Saya pd waktu itu tahun 1962 datang pada Pak Wim Kalona (pemilik dan direktur DUPA) minta dana R&D untuk skrin tanaman obat. Yang mengesankan saya adalah bahwa dia TIDAK banyak tanya dan langsung memberikan dana yang diminta (sekitar 30 juta Rp uang sekarang). Hal ini yang kemudian MEMICU SAYA untuk juga ingin mendirikan PABRIK FARMASI. Saya bersama teman dokter muda Bgn Biologi thn 1963 berusaha mendirikan pabrik farmasi ttpi gagal. Kmdn thn 1964 sekali lagi bersama dr Yan Tan dan Kwa pemilik apotik Usada sekali lagi berusaha ttpi juga gagal. 4. Sewaktu saya mewakili rapat Kpl Bgn di FKUI thn 1963, ditawarkan untuk kunjungan ilmiah ke RRC saya menerima dan berangkat ke Beijing dan Pyongyang. Karena keberangkatan ini maka saya pd Oktober tahun 1965 sewaktu Gestok disekors selama 1 tahun. Karena banyak waktu maka saya bikin bermacam obat bersama adik saya FBA. 5. Karena disekors maka dr Kho Tjok Khing menawarkan kpd saya untuk bekerja di Enzypharm Holland. Sewaktu sdh mau berangkat Kakak saya drg Setiady KEBETULAN mampir dan menanyakan mau kemana? Kmdn dia usulkan untuk bersama mendirikan usaha Farmasi. Dgn demikina maka pada achirnya karena LIMA KEBETULALN INI kalbe farma didirikan pada 10 September 1966.
  • 3. 1. The Trigger that started Kalbe Farma, 1963-1966 2. Key Success Factors, 1966-1977 3. Diversification period, 1977-1994 4. Consolidation and Pre-crisis, 1995- 2000 5. Crisis and Survival, 2001-2007 6. Act Local, Go Regional and Think Global, 2007-2015 Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 3
  • 4. A meeting with Drs Wim Kalona in 1962 (Owner- Director of P.T.DUPA) to apply for a Research Grant amounting to about 30 million Rp. todays worth, triggered the idea to start a pharmaceutical company  In 1963, first trial to start a company called FARMINDO, with colleagues from the BIOLOGY Dept. but survived only for 3 months  In 1964, tried a second time with dr.Jan Tan (Pharmacologist) and Kwa (business man), but survived only a few months  In 1966 with the help of my brothers and sisters, at last, we succeeded to form Kalbe Farma Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 4
  • 5.  Founded at September 10th, 1966.  Started its operation in a modest garage at Jalan Simpang I No. 1, Tanjung Priok. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 5
  • 6.  The Founders were driven by a keen desire to take part in the national development, particularly in promoting the welfare of people through medical care.  Motto : “The Scientific Pursuit of Health for a Better Life”.  Within a short time the Company was able to win a fair market share and opened two representatives offices in Bandung and Surabaya in 1969. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 6
  • 7.  Distribution Network developed so fast that by 1974 the whole Country was practically covered.  The Company moved from the old premises to Jalan Jendral A. Yani (Pulomas) and later on to Cikarang. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 7
  • 8.  In 1977 within 11 years, the Company was able to become the largest pharmaceutical company in Indonesia (IMS report).  In 1991 the Company became a public company and was listed on the Jakarta Stock Exchange and Surabaya Stock Exchange.  Now in 2012 we have over 16,000 employees and a marketing and sales force of 6,000 covering 80% of the Indonesian consumer health and 100% of the Indonesian prescription pharmaceutical market. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 8
  • 9. 1. The RIGHT time, because in 1966 the Suharto Gov. opened the doors for foreign investment. 2. The RIGHT products and RIGHT pricing, because as a pharmacologist and practising physican I knew the needs of doctors 3. The RIGHT marketing strategy, following the footsteps of the foreign companies by promotion through Medical Reps. 4. The RIGHT company strategy by Professionalizing our team from the beginning 5. The RIGHT and BRIGHT people to run the company Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 9
  • 10. Falsafah perusahaan merupakan dasar existensi dan sudah mencakup visi dan misi perusahaan Falsafah Kalbe Farma adalah sebagai berikut: 1. Tujuan perusahaan adalah “Survival through Continuous , Sustainable Growth and Adaptation” 2. Perusahaan harus mampu terus “survive” untuk para “stakeholders” 3. Perusahaan mampu “survive” karena Kwalitas SDM nya harus DJITU, C10, PBFWUSI 4. Terus mampu mengembangkan dan me- manfaatkan IPTEK 5. Menganut strategi “Participative Innovative Management” Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 10
  • 11.  Provide a wide range of innovative pharmaceutical and health food products.  Large network of marketing, promotion and distribution teams.  Cover segments from lowest to upper class level of society.  Develop strategic alliances with world- wide partners. Profesionalization since the early stages Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 11
  • 12. 1. KWALITAS Pimpinan dan Karyawan 2. Yang paling penting IQ, EQ, SQ, SQ, LQ, PQ 3. Manusia DJITU 4. Manusia 5A 5. Manusia 10 C 6. Manusia PBFWUSSI 7. Strategi 5C 8. Strategi 5S Contoh: ASTRA, Microsoft, Roche, Ford , Pfizer, Wallmart, Toyota, Apple, etc. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 12
  • 13. 1. D = DISIPLIN dan DEDIKASI 2. J = JUJUR dan JELI 3. I = INOVATIF dan INISIATIF 4. T = TULUS dan TANGGUNG JAWAB Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 5. U = ULET dan UNGGUL 2010, UMN 13
  • 14. 1. ADAPT, adaptasi dgn lingkungan 2. ADOPT, menyesuaikan dan mengambil alih kebiasaan lingkungan dan budaya 3. ALIGN, membentuk barisan yang solid 4. AGREE, menyetujui secara mendalam 5. ACTION, semuanya harus menjurus kesuatu TUJUAN yang harus dicapai secara terintegrasi.
  • 15. 1. 4 C = CARE, CAPABLE, COURAGEOUS and CREATIVE 2. 3 COM= COMMITTED, COMMON- SENSE and COMMUNICATIVE, 3. 3 CON= CONNECTIVITY, CONFIDENT and CONSISTENT Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 15
  • 16. 1. PROACTIVE 2. Begin With the END in MIND 3. First Things First (Prioritize) 4. WIN-WIN 5. Understand to be Understood 6. SYNERGIZE 7. Sharpen the Saw 8. Inspire your Workers and Customers Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 16
  • 17. 1. Company: SWOT your company 2. Customer: know and define your customers 3. Competitors: identify and know your competitors 4. Country: understand the political and social conditions of your country 5. Currency: always borrow in your country’s currency Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 17
  • 18. To achieve SPEED 1. You must be SMART 2. You must SIMPLIFY 3. Create a SYSTEM 4. Create a SUITABLE 5. SOLID Team Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 18
  • 19. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 19
  • 20. Kalbe was established in 1966 and has a long track record of sustainable growth Inception and Entrepreneurial Enhanced Focus and Consolidation Globalization Driven Expansion 1996–2005 2006–2015 1966–1995 1966 1977 1981 1985 1989 1991 1993 1994 1996 1997 2005 62006 2007 2009 1985: 1989: 1991: 1994: 2005: 2007: 1966: 1977: Acquir Kalbe Launch of new corporate logo as part Igar Entered Consolidation of of transformation process Company Dankos ed Jaya Farma energy 1996: Kalbe Group Products enter every ASEAN countries founded Lab Bintan and IPO drink 1997: (except Laos) Disposed Opening of the Stem Cell and Cancer g business of 50% of Disposed of Danko Kalbe’s Institute Toedjo EPM IPO Implementation of end-to-end supply s IPOs 1993: food remaining 50% chain management e& Integrate information technology Hexph Acquired business ownership in PT systems arm Sanghiang (PT Bukit Bukit Manikam 2006: 1981: Perkasa Manikam Expand regional footprint Spin-off the Sakti to Arnotts Build global brands and and Sakti) to Disposed glass infrastructure distribution consolidat Arnotts Scale through mergers and business to packaging acquisitions 1000 ed division to Proprietary drug development 10000 PT Enseval nutritional Global partnerships and networks due to Schott business Acquired Woods 800 governmen to 8000 t regulation Peppermint Sanghiang (USD mm) brand (IDR bn) 600 Perkasa 6000 Acquired 80% of 400 Saka Farma 4000 200 2000 0 0 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 sales USD Sales IDR Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship 20 dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 20
  • 21. Business strategy is ... • the group of dynamic, integrated decisions that position the business in its competitive environment R&D Strategy Marketing Strategy (5P) • Basic and applied • Product/market definition • Pricing research • Product/process Objectives • Distribution/Placement innovation 1. Growth • Promotion • Lead or follow 2. Profitability • Customer support/People Production 3. Diversification Strategy Financial 4. Innovation Legal Strategy Strategy • Intellectual property • Facilities 5. Market share • Integration • Capital structure protection • Cash flow 6. Working • Corporate • Capacity • Quality environment • Production 7. Corporate technology citizenship • Operations control • People management Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 21
  • 22. Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 22
  • 23. D = DEDIKASI dan DISIPLIN I = INTEGRITY P = PELUANG E = EXCELLENCE R = RISIKO I = INNOVATIF K = KERJA KERAS S = SIGAP A = ACTION Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 23
  • 24. Green On the go Environmen lifestyle Prevention t & Natural Aging Managemen t “Theranostics Value for ” Growth in money Social Networking Young population our most potential market
  • 25. Nano Capsules for DNA Testpack Nano Medicines Endoscopies Stem Cell Proteomic Personalized Healthcare Nano Technology Biotechnology Blood Glucose Meter Medicine Intake Reminder WiMax Stem Cell Technology for Remote Diagnostic Molecular Regeneration andBeauty Genomic Scan to and Wellness Support Technology Improve Baby Quality
  • 26. Income Shift 2004 2030 Source: Berita Resmi Statistik No. 45/07/Th. XIII, 1 Juli 2010, BPS
  • 27. Total Expenditure on Health as % of GDP Indonesia 2.5 2.5 Philippines 3.2 2.0 Malaysia 4.2 China 4.7 1.5 India 5.0 1.0 Vietnam 6.0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 - 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 Source: WHO National Health Accounts database, September Source: The World Bank 2008 5% from Indonesia APBN for Health Budget SJSN
  • 28. 28 BSG Strategic Intent WBAWI We are an Innovative Health Care Business providing Health Care Products & Its Related Services Mission To improve health for a better life To be the best Indonesian Health Care company Vision driven by innovation, strong brands and excellent management 1.Sustainable Growth Strategy 2.Innovation 3.World Class Competence & Organization Values We believe in : Trust, Mindfulness, Innovation, Strive to be the best, Interconnectedness
  • 30. Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury Financial assumption for budget 2013 • Inflation 6.5% • GDP Growth 6% • Exchange Rate (End Dec2010: 9,000) 9,000 • Interest rate for Time Deposit Gross (IDR) 7% • Interest rate for Time Deposit Gross (USD) 2% • Interest rate for Bank Loans (IDR) 10% • Interest rate for Bank Loans (USD) 7% • RM Price Index 1.02
  • 31. Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury 1. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FUNCTION a) Reporting & Analysis. Ensure clarity, simplicity, transparency, accountability and compliance to standard / policies. • Financial Report & Analysis in accordance with standard format and time schedule defined by Corp FA. Reports consist of : • Standard Financial Reports (BS, PL, CF) • Executive Summary, highlight & analysis of financial KPI and key aspects to support “business/management” performance • Other financial information to support decision making. • Comply with Relevant Generally Accepted Accounting Standard, IFRS 2012 and other regulation issued by other regulatory bodies such as BAPEPAM, Directorate General
  • 32. Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury 1. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FUNCTION (Con’t) • Audited Financial Report • Financial reports should be audited by external auditors appointed by Corp FA and completed in accordance with the agreed audit time table. • Submit original audited Year-End Financial Reports for documentation purpose and copy of Management Letter issued by External Auditor to get insight where Corp FA could assist in area of improvement
  • 33. Corporate FA, Tax & Treasury 1. FINANCE & ACCOUNTING FUNCTION (Con’t) b) System & Procedure To improve efficiency in administration process and effectiveness in finance administration control, Companies should : • Have Finance and Accounting SOP Manual which sets out all implemented Finance and Accounting system & procedures. • Comply with general guidance provided by Corp FA (example: COA). • Implement proper documentation and filing system in each SBU/company (refer to Tax Regulation)
  • 35. Sumbu Kiri Sumbu Kanan 12 % yoy Left Hand Scale Right Hand Scale % yoy India 13 9 China Indonesia Vietnam 9 6 Malaysia 5 3 Korea 1 0 Japan -3 -3 Thailand -7 -6 -9 Singapore -11 Taiwan 2005 Source:Bloomberg 2006 2007 2008 2006 2007 2008 2009 -12 -15 Sumber:2005 Bloomberg 2006 2007 2008 35 2005 2006 2008 2009
  • 36. 36 Penguatan daya saing terletak pada pembangunan infrastruktur: 1. Pembangunan infrastruktur fisik, terutama yang dapat menurunkan biaya transport dan biaya logistik di dalam negeri. 2. Pembangunan infrastruktur lunak: • Aturan Main : Agar kegiatan ekonomi baik dari sisi produksi maupun pergerakan barang dan jasa dapat berlangsung dengan biaya transaksi minimum. • Birokrasi : Reformasi untuk mengurangi hambatan dan ekonomi biaya tinggi. 3. Pembangunan infrastruktur sosial • Perekonomian akan lebih tahan krisis jika terdapat sistem jaring pengaman sosial yang memproteksi keluarga miskin sekaligus menciptakan kohesi sosial. 4. Pentingnya kreativitas
  • 37.
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  • 43. More Connected World Smarter and More Cheaper transportation Demanding Consumer cost Feel “cool” if spend cheaply Technology Revolution Real Time Media Outsourcing Cheaper communication cost Productivity Increase Hypercompetition Merger and Acquisition Internet Based Pricing Massive Over-Capacity Globalization and cheap revolution has been speed up by the economic crisis 43
  • 44. Indonesia Demographic Indonesia most ACTIVE age group (20-39) will continue to grow and will be a dominant age group with 31% of total population (almost 90 million people) within the next 10 years. 80+ 75-79 70-74 65-69 60-64 55-59 50-54 45-49 40-44 35-39 30-34 25-29 20-24 15-19 10-14 5-9 0-4 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 - - 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 12,000 14,000 Thousands Thousands Male-2000 Male 2020 Female-2000 Female 2020 Indonesia SEC (Nielsen 2006) A 9% B 10% C&D 65% E 16% 44
  • 45.  Three Generic Strategy 1. Operational Excellence or Cost Leadership Provide middle-of-the market products at the best price with the least inconvenience  low price and hassle-free service. Standardized assets and efficient operating procedures. Strong team player. Highly automated systems, including related databases and applications. Deliver superior basic service by: o Making hassle-free basic service as a key part of their value. o Support efficient, zero-defect service. o Effectively exploited information technology to redesign basic service tasks. The goal is to achieve growth. 45
  • 46. Airlines  Telecommunication  Electronics 46
  • 47.  Three Generic Strategy • 2. Product Leadership Concentrate on offering products that push performance boundaries  continue to innovate year after year, product cycle after product cycle Driven by the talents of key individuals who developed and marketed breakthrough. Manage a portfolio of development activities  concentrate resources on the opportunities with the greatest potential to hit big. Employ structure and process: o Keep people on track by organizing the work in a series of well- paced challenges, each with a clearly defined outcome and tight deadline. o Create business structures that don’t oppress. o Stress procedure where it pays the biggest dividend. 47
  • 48.  ThreeGeneric Strategy 3. Customer Intimacy Focus on delivering not what the market wants but what specific consumers want. As a service company, we need to focus on “Customer Service & Customer Relation”  PROVIDE SOLUTIONS TO CUSTOMER NEEDS 48
  • 49. Focus on delivering what specific consumers want, not what the market wants  Do not pursue one-time transactions, but cultivate relationships  Specialize in satisfying unique needs, which can only be recognized by virtue of close relationship and intimate knowledge of the customer  Proposition to the customer:  We have the best solution for you  We provide all the support you need to achieve optimum results and/or value from whatever products you buy We have to do better and better for our 49
  • 50.  The operating model of customer intimacy: – Deep customer knowledge and insights about the client’s understanding process. – Produce unmatched value for clients who don’t necessarily want the very latest product, but just the best result and help in obtaining it. – The business depends on a stream of products that represent evolutionary improvement, not evolutionary change.  The management of people: – The employees are adaptable, flexible and multitalented, allowing them to delivery reasonable responses; a mixture of seasoned and inventive people.  Hollow delivery system: – The strength lies not in what we own, but in what we know and how we coordinate expertise to deliver solutions. 50
  • 51.  Creating deep relationships: – A steady client is a lasting assets; a one-time client is a poor investment. – Deepen and broaden areas of client support to deepen the relationship.  Exploiting the value leadership advantage: – Search for new areas of mutual cooperation, new untapped potential within the client organization.  Solution – To offer clients: o Expertise that drives client performance. o A willingness to share in clients’ risks. o Real, meaningful tailoring and customization of products and services, not useless “value-added” service. 51
  • 52. Performance PT. Aquasolve Sanaria 2006 - 2008 1.4E+10 1.2E+10 1.0E+10 8.0E+09 6.0E+09 Rp. 4.0E+09 2.0E+09 0.0E+00 -2.0E+09 -4.0E+09 -6.0E+09 2006 2007 2008 Penjualan 4,331,585,588 8,561,938,000 12,550,952,000 Gross Margin 2,280,492,629 5,349,178,000 7,342,957,000 PBT (3,732,250,033) 548,843,000 804,406,000 Tahun Penjualan Gross Margin PBT
  • 53. Take Home Points • Innovation is Key to Growing and Maintaining a Country’s Competitive Position in the Global Economy and to address Global Challenges • Collaboration is Essential for Innovation as Small and Large Businesses, Universities, and Research Institutes Contribute to Regional Growth and Job Creation • New Institutions and New Incentives, are increasingly important to foster innovation and collaboration • Create more ENTREPRENEURS, with high IQ, EQ, SQ, SQ, PQ and LQ • FUNDS for R&D must be INCREASED Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 53
  • 54. 1. Indonesia must move from a Resource Based to a KNOWLEDGE Based Economy 2. Innovation, New Ideas, New Products, New Markets, and New Strategies are the Growth Drivers of companies 3. Investment in R&D increases share value of companies, especially Pharmaceutical Companies 4. People with Entrepreneurial talent, Smart, high Integrity and Creativity is the Key to Improved Prosperity 5. Only Companies and community based active organizations can Create Wealth. Governments must create a conducive environment for business 6. A close Collaboration between Industries, Academic Institutions and the Government (ABCG) is essential to improve PROSPERITY Kalbe Farma dan Technopreneurship dr.Boenjamin Setiawan, PhD., July 14, 2010, UMN 54
  • 55.
  • 56. Thank You 5.- Live with the 3 E’s: Energy, Enthusiasm and Empathy.