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POTOMAC                            Buyer and Seller Beware: The Assignability
                                        of Contracts in the Context of M&A
    December 28, 2009           It’s the morning of closing and excitement is           VP of HR reviewed the key employees’
                                in the air. You are a few hours away from               employment, non-solicitation and non-
                                acquiring your first pest control company               competition agreements prior to the closing
KEY POINTS                      which will add a nice chunk of sales and                and advised you that they are standard and
                                technical expertise to your current                     enforceable in the state.
• Buyers can destroy their      operations. So far, you’ve done everything
  investment by not             by the book. You and your advisors have                 Can you enjoin these employees from
  scrutinizing contracts        negotiated a fantastic price for the target,            competing against you and soliciting your
  properly                      you’ve completed extensive due diligence                recently acquired customers? Do you have
                                and your attorney has advised that all you              any recourse under the agreements that these
• Sellers who institute non-    need to do now is show up at the closing,               employees        signed with their former
  competition and non-          sign a few documents and fund the deal.                 employer, and that you believed would be
  solicitation agreements                                                               transferrable to you?
  with transferability          A week after the trouble-free closing you
  provisions prior to the       receive a desperate call from your manager              The situation above, while hypothetical for
  sale, can preserve wealth     who informs you that three of the key                   the purposes of this article, is based on an
  and decrease anxiety          employees from the target (the company you              actual incident that I just learned about from
  throughout the sell-side      just acquired) have tendered their                      an attorney here in Philadelphia. Although
  process                       resignations. While on your way back to the             the acquirer was not a pest control company,
                                office you get an email on your Blackberry              it was a residential services company that
• Proper contracts in place     from an old friend in the industry who tells            operates in a very similar fashion to a pest
                                you that your three former employees are                control company and therefore it is very
  prior to the sale may allow
                                now working for your biggest rival, and will            relevant to all acquirers and sellers in the
  sellers to tell employees
                                most likely be stealing the same customers              pest control industry.
  about the sale much later
                                that you just wrote a check for the week
  in the process
                                before.                                                 In order to answer the questions raised
                                                                                        above, we need to delve a little deeper into
                                When you hear that, the pit in your stomach             the fact pattern of the case. Needless to say,
 Q&A: When Should You           grows, but then it hits you, as you say to              however, these are all questions that should
 Tell Your Employees            yourself, “well, thank God they are all under           have been asked prior to closing the deal, not
 About the Sale of Your         non-competition, non-solicitation and                   a week later when the acquirer has a million
                                confidentiality agreements…. At least they              dollars on the line.
                                won’t be able to steal business from me.”
 (see page 4)                                                                           In the US, the question of enforcement of
                                Many an inexperienced acquirer have uttered             assigned contracts depends entirely on state
                                those very same words, only to find out that            law (or provincial, cantonal, etc, depending
                                the agreements that were in place at the time           on what country you are in).           In this
                                of the acquisition are not worth the paper              situation, under PA state law, the acquirer
                                they are printed on. In this situation, when            seems to have absolutely no recourse
                                you made the acquisition, your attorney                 whatsoever and will be losing a lot of money.
                                advised you to structure the transaction as an          Depending on your state (or country), non-
                                asset purchase, as opposed to a stock                   competition and non-solicitation agreements
                                purchase.     He reasoned that not only will            might be entirely unenforceable as a matter
 The Potomac Company
                                you be able to write-up the acquired assets             of public policy (such as California),         and get better tax treatment, you will also be          however the gene ra l theme of the
 +1-215-268-7586                able to avoid any hidden liabilities that might         assignability of contracts, whatever those
                                not have been uncovered in diligence. Your

                                © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
2                                                                                        THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY
    contracts may be, in the context of an          31667316 (Ohio Ct. App. November 27,                2. If the seller does have agreements in
    M&A transaction might still apply to            2002). See also, Reynolds & Reynolds v.                place, are they presently enforceable
    you.                                            Hardee, 932 F. Supp. 149 (E.D. Va. 1996)               by the current employer? If they are
                                                    (employment agreement is based on                      not enforceable by the seller, they are
    In the example above, the acquirer              mutual trust and confidence; non-                      certainly not going to be enforceable
    purchased the target’s assets, which is the     compete is not assignable).                            by you the acquirer. Some questions
    same way that the extreme majority of                                                                  your legal counsel will need to answer
    pest control acquisitions are structured.       The PA Supreme Court offers further                    are:
    Under an asset purchase, contracts need         guidance, “.... it is the employer that
    to be assigned to the acquirer, whereas         drafts an employment agreement that is                     a. W a s t h e r e a d e q u a t e
    under a stock purchase, the acquirer is         executed by both parties for the benefit                      consideration to induce the
    buying the target’s stock and therefore         and protection of the employer. It is a                       employees to enter into the
    most, if not all (unless there is a change      simple matter for the employer to insert                      contracts in the first place? If
    of control provision), of the target’s          an assignment clause into the agreement                       not, you may need new
    contracts stay in force.                        at the time that the agreement is drafted                     agreements.
                                                    to cover future contingencies, such as
    In a 2002 case, the PA Supreme Court            those that occurred here. The failure of                   b. Are the covenants overly broad,
    opined, “We hold that a restrictive             an employer to include specific                               which will allow the courts to
    covenant not to compete, contained in an        provisions in an employment contract                          strike down the whole
    employment agreement, is not assignable         will not be judicially forgiven or                            agreement or “blue pencil” the
    to the purchasing entity, in the absence of     corrected at the expense of the                               documents thereby limiting
    a specific assignability provision, where       employee.” Hess v. Gebhard & Co., 808                         their effectiveness? Again, your
    the covenant is included in a sale of           A.2d 912 (Pa. 2002).                                          attorney may advise you that
    assets” This view however, should not be                                                                      brand new agreements are
    surprising, as most courts tend to view         Lessons for the Acquirer                                      necessary.
    covenants not to compete as contrary to         Most sellers do not want acquirers talking
    public policy in that they act in “restraint    to their employees until the acquisition            3. Was the target consistent in the
    of trade.”                                                                                             matter in which it obtained
                                                    proceeds have cleared their bank
                                                    accounts.     However, when I advise on                restrictive covenants?        If the
    So by taking the cautious approach and          the buy-side, under no circumstances                   employees can argue that the selling
    acquiring assets and not stock, the                                                                    company was not consistent in
                                                    would I allow my client to fund an
    acquirer needs to make sure that there is       acquisition without determining which                  obtaining restrictive covenants, this
    valid assignability language in the             employees are staying, which employees                 may weaken your ability to enforce
    original agreements executed by and                                                                    them.
                                                    are going, and what the employment
    between the employees of the selling            relationship between the employees (of
    company and the selling company. In an          the seller) and the new employer (the               4. Did the selling company enforce its
    asset purchase, you are not buying the                                                                 restrictive covenants? If the seller
                                                    acquirer) will be going forward. There
    employment relationship, per se, you            are some very basic due diligence items                did not enforce its agreements, you
    must hire the employees of the selling          in regard to the target’s employees that               shouldn’t expect the court to allow you
    company upon consummation of the sale.                                                                 to enforce them either.
                                                    should be handled during the diligence or
    Therefore, if any employment contracts          legal documentation stages of the
    do not have an assignment clause, the                                                               5. Is the geographic scope of the
                                                    transaction, these include:
    courts will often view those to be                                                                     target’s business different than that
    unenforceable. In late 2002 the Ohio            1. D o t h e e m p l o y e e s h a v e a n y           of the acquirer? Did the employees
    Court of Appeals opined that, "the                                                                     execute the agreements in Maryland,
                                                       employment, non-solicitation, or
    employment relationship is a personal                                                                  b u t a r e n o w w o r k i n g i n PA ?
                                                       non-competition agreements in place
    matter between an employee and the                 with the selling company? If they                   Restrictive covenants and employment
    company who hired him and for whom                                                                     agreements are state law issues, so
                                                       don’t, the solution is very simple, have
    he chose to work. Unless an employee               them sign these agreements prior to                 make sure that the scope of the
    explicitly agreed to an assignability              the closing of the sale. The acquirer               agreements are appropriate. Discuss
    provision, an employer may not treat him                                                               your operational plans with your
                                                       should work with the seller to make
    as some chattel to be conveyed, like a             sure all employees sign these                       attorney and make sure that you are
    filing cabinet, to a successor firm." Cary         agreements.                                         covered.       This is important when
    Corp. v. Linder, No. 80589, 2002 WL                                                                    operations cross state lines.

                                            © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
3                                                                                        THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY
    This is clearly legal diligence and should     now and provide adequate consideration
    be conducted by a competent attorney in        to them for entering into the agreements.             Author
    that specific jurisdiction.     When you       Remember, this is something that should               Paul Giannamore
    acquire a pest control company, you are        be done solely through the advice of an
    “acquiring” an employee base, and if you       attorney who can advise you on such
    don’t pay very close attention to these        issues as adequate consideration and                  About The Potomac Company
                                                                                                         The Potomac Company is a Philadelphia-
    issues, you might as well just give the        enforceability.
                                                                                                         based mergers & acquisitions and
    money away.
                                                                                                         valuation advisory firm with a transaction
                                                   Final Thoughts                                        group dedicated exclusively to the pest
    If you are contemplating an asset              Buyers will want to talk to the target’s              control industry.          The Potomac
    purchase and are uncomfortable with the        employees at the very early stages of the             Company advises pest control companies
    seller’s agreements, or through your due       acquisition process and sellers will not              in North America, South America,
    diligence, you’ve uncovered issues, such       want the acquirer talking to their                    Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East.
    as no assignability clause, you need to        employees at all until the acquirer owns
    enter into new agreements with the             the target.   Buyers and sellers need to              Our Services & Consultations
    employees prior to the close of the            find a common ground, usually in the late             The Potomac Company provides world-
    acquisition. If the seller won’t cooperate                                                           class M&A, valuation, and exit planning
                                                   stages of diligence, where the buyer is
    with this, you might need to establish a       able to meet with, at minimum, the key                advice to pest control companies. If you
    sizable holdback or escrow to protect          employees of the target. Seller’s need to             are interested in a free, no-obligation
    your interests, or even revise the purchase                                                          consultation, call Paul Giannamore at
                                                   feel confident that the deal is all but done
    price downward to compensate for the           before allowing the buyer access to                   215-268-7586 or fill out and fax back the
    increased risks in doing the deal.                                                                   convenient form located at the back of
                                                   employees and the buyer will not want to
                                                                                                         this article.
                                                   invest a lot of time and money into the
    Finally, if the employees won’t sign up        deal process if the seller’s employees
    with you prior to the closing, this should                                                           Disclaimer
                                                   may walk out the door upon the sale.
    be a big red flag.      If they won’t do it                                                          This report is published by The Potomac
    before the closing, you have no assurance                                                            C o m p a n y.   All content is for
                                                   Through careful planning, a seller can
    that they will do it after, and you need to                                                          informational purposes only and is not to
                                                   greatly decrease the risks that both sides
    proceed with extreme caution. At this                                                                be construed as legal, financial or tax
                                                   will face in dealing with employees on
    point, you need to ask yourself whether                                                              advice. You are strongly advised to
                                                   the potentially life-changing topic of the            consult a competent attorney when
    or not it makes sense to proceed with the      sale of their employer. By working with               contemplating the purchase or sale of a
    acquisition… and at what price?                competent advisors before the sale                    business.
                                                   process to make sure that consistently-
    Lessons for the Seller                         obtained, enforceable non-solicitation                Copyright & Reprint Rights
    Many of you might not be contemplating         and non-competition agreements with                   No reproduction of this article, in whole
    an acquisition whatsoever and find             transfer provisions are in place, the seller          or in part, is authorized without explicit
    yourself solely on the sell-side of the        will generally have more leverage in                  permission from The Potomac Company.
    equation, so what’s this got to do with        holding the acquirer off until much later             If you would like to reprint this article,
    you?                                           stages in the acquisition process before              please contact Rewaa Alhasani at
                                                   getting his or her employees involved.                215-268-7586.
    First off, any sophisticated acquirer is
    going to ask the very same questions that      Waiting until you are on the verge of                 Subscriptions
    I’ve highlighted in the section above          selling your company, your life’s work, to            To subscribe to this and future
    upon the acquisition of your business. If      deal with these issues is inexcusable.                publications, call 215-268-7586 or send
    you are in a jurisdiction that recognizes      Getting competent M&A and legal                       an email to
    and enforces these covenants and               advisors involved in the planning stages
    agreements, you might want to consider         is your best weapon against sophisticated             The Potomac Company
    getting them in place now, before you          acquirers, against whom sellers are at a              1650 Market Street, 36th FL
    commence a sell-side process.                  natural disadvantage from the very                    Philadelphia, PA 19103
    Furthermore, If you don’t have non-            beginning of the process.                             215-268-7586
    compete agreements with assignment                                                         
    provisions, you might want to negotiate
    new agreements with your employees

                                            © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
4                                                                                    THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY

    Ask the Advisor: When to Tell Employees You Are Selling
    Q: I’ve decided to sell my business, when should I                     Get Your Story Straight
    tell my employees? I don’t want to lie to them,                        I think it’s important to be honest with your employees,
    but I don’t want them to quit on me either.                            because they will come to know the truth in the end and
        Jeff (from Florida)                            you’ll lose face. That doesn’t mean, however, you should
                                                                           give them the straight scoop. Instead of mentioning an
    A: When selling your business, there will come a time                  outright sale, you might let them know that you are
    when you will need to tell your employees, the people that             exploring strategic alternatives, such as seeking financing
    you’ve relied on for years, if not decades, that you are               or an equity infusion, and when the day of the sale comes,
    selling your business. This is certainly one of the aspects of         you’ve ultimately decided that a sale is the best way to
    the sell-side process that causes a tremendous amount of               maximize firm value.
    anxiety for sellers, but through proper preparation, you’ll
    be able to tell your employees on or immediately before                Set Up an Offsite Data Room / War Room
    the closing, which is the best time to tell them.                      Your advisor should be on this one from the word go. By
                                                                           setting up a room in a local hotel or offsite office, you’ll be
    Some owners decide to tell employees at the beginning of               able to hold all meetings offsite, and avoid prospective
    the process and most of the time, this is a big mistake.               buyers from showing up at the office during business
    Once the employees know, they will do one of the                       hours and drawing unwanted attention.
    following: 1) take a wait-and-see attitude and react to
    every single hiccup in the deal (and believe me, there will            Bring a Few Insiders into the Tent
    be many hiccups); or 2) prepare their resumes and                      It’s a lot of work selling a business and you’ll probably need
    preemptively jump ship. The sale of a company is an                    the help of a key person or two. Bring these individuals in
    emotionally taxing event for the seller in and of itself, so           up-front and have them sign a confidentiality agreement
    think very hard before you invite the additional stress of             (and if they breach it, they’re history… no more job and
    having your employees scrutinize every buyer and ride                  no more stay bonus).
    along with you on the emotional roller coaster.
                                                                           Be Prepared for the Worst
    Although it is very easy to stay quiet during the initial              Although you may do everything possible to stay tight-
    stages of a deal, once the suits start showing up to the               lipped, be prepared for a leak. When someone confronts
    office, anyone there with an IQ above 20 will start piecing             you with the news, the worst thing you can do is go hide
    things together. Successful sellers do the following:                  in your car while you figure out how to deal with it.
                                                                           Prepare an internal memo for employees and an external
    Get Stay Bonuses and Contracts Negotiated in Advance                   memo for key customers early on in the sale process.
    Get all employees under non-competition agreements                     Prepare fact sheets and rehearse talking points with your
    with assignability provisions in place prior to the sale               advisors at the early stage of the sale process. When the
    process. Negotiate stay bonuses with your key employees                rumors start flying, poor communication and delay creates
    before you even mention the word “sale.”                               anxiety among employees… be prepared.

                                        © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
5                                                                             THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY

    I Would Like More Information on….

    If you would like to submit a question for future editions of Ask the Advisor, subscribe to the
    Potomac Pest Control Weekly, or schedule a consultation regarding valuation or M&A in the
    pest control industry, please complete this form and fax it to 1-215-359-1793 or email Please check all that apply.

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PPCW - Buyer and Seller Beware

  • 1. THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY THE POTOMAC Buyer and Seller Beware: The Assignability COMPANY of Contracts in the Context of M&A December 28, 2009 It’s the morning of closing and excitement is VP of HR reviewed the key employees’ in the air. You are a few hours away from employment, non-solicitation and non- acquiring your first pest control company competition agreements prior to the closing KEY POINTS which will add a nice chunk of sales and and advised you that they are standard and technical expertise to your current enforceable in the state. • Buyers can destroy their operations. So far, you’ve done everything investment by not by the book. You and your advisors have Can you enjoin these employees from scrutinizing contracts negotiated a fantastic price for the target, competing against you and soliciting your properly you’ve completed extensive due diligence recently acquired customers? Do you have and your attorney has advised that all you any recourse under the agreements that these • Sellers who institute non- need to do now is show up at the closing, employees signed with their former competition and non- sign a few documents and fund the deal. employer, and that you believed would be solicitation agreements transferrable to you? with transferability A week after the trouble-free closing you provisions prior to the receive a desperate call from your manager The situation above, while hypothetical for sale, can preserve wealth who informs you that three of the key the purposes of this article, is based on an and decrease anxiety employees from the target (the company you actual incident that I just learned about from throughout the sell-side just acquired) have tendered their an attorney here in Philadelphia. Although process resignations. While on your way back to the the acquirer was not a pest control company, office you get an email on your Blackberry it was a residential services company that • Proper contracts in place from an old friend in the industry who tells operates in a very similar fashion to a pest you that your three former employees are control company and therefore it is very prior to the sale may allow now working for your biggest rival, and will relevant to all acquirers and sellers in the sellers to tell employees most likely be stealing the same customers pest control industry. about the sale much later that you just wrote a check for the week in the process before. In order to answer the questions raised above, we need to delve a little deeper into When you hear that, the pit in your stomach the fact pattern of the case. Needless to say, Q&A: When Should You grows, but then it hits you, as you say to however, these are all questions that should Tell Your Employees yourself, “well, thank God they are all under have been asked prior to closing the deal, not About the Sale of Your non-competition, non-solicitation and a week later when the acquirer has a million confidentiality agreements…. At least they dollars on the line. Business? won’t be able to steal business from me.” (see page 4) In the US, the question of enforcement of Many an inexperienced acquirer have uttered assigned contracts depends entirely on state those very same words, only to find out that law (or provincial, cantonal, etc, depending the agreements that were in place at the time on what country you are in). In this of the acquisition are not worth the paper situation, under PA state law, the acquirer they are printed on. In this situation, when seems to have absolutely no recourse you made the acquisition, your attorney whatsoever and will be losing a lot of money. advised you to structure the transaction as an Depending on your state (or country), non- asset purchase, as opposed to a stock competition and non-solicitation agreements purchase. He reasoned that not only will might be entirely unenforceable as a matter The Potomac Company you be able to write-up the acquired assets of public policy (such as California), and get better tax treatment, you will also be however the gene ra l theme of the +1-215-268-7586 able to avoid any hidden liabilities that might assignability of contracts, whatever those not have been uncovered in diligence. Your © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 2. 2 THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY contracts may be, in the context of an 31667316 (Ohio Ct. App. November 27, 2. If the seller does have agreements in M&A transaction might still apply to 2002). See also, Reynolds & Reynolds v. place, are they presently enforceable you. Hardee, 932 F. Supp. 149 (E.D. Va. 1996) by the current employer? If they are (employment agreement is based on not enforceable by the seller, they are In the example above, the acquirer mutual trust and confidence; non- certainly not going to be enforceable purchased the target’s assets, which is the compete is not assignable). by you the acquirer. Some questions same way that the extreme majority of your legal counsel will need to answer pest control acquisitions are structured. The PA Supreme Court offers further are: Under an asset purchase, contracts need guidance, “.... it is the employer that to be assigned to the acquirer, whereas drafts an employment agreement that is a. W a s t h e r e a d e q u a t e under a stock purchase, the acquirer is executed by both parties for the benefit consideration to induce the buying the target’s stock and therefore and protection of the employer. It is a employees to enter into the most, if not all (unless there is a change simple matter for the employer to insert contracts in the first place? If of control provision), of the target’s an assignment clause into the agreement not, you may need new contracts stay in force. at the time that the agreement is drafted agreements. to cover future contingencies, such as In a 2002 case, the PA Supreme Court those that occurred here. The failure of b. Are the covenants overly broad, opined, “We hold that a restrictive an employer to include specific which will allow the courts to covenant not to compete, contained in an provisions in an employment contract strike down the whole employment agreement, is not assignable will not be judicially forgiven or agreement or “blue pencil” the to the purchasing entity, in the absence of corrected at the expense of the documents thereby limiting a specific assignability provision, where employee.” Hess v. Gebhard & Co., 808 their effectiveness? Again, your the covenant is included in a sale of A.2d 912 (Pa. 2002). attorney may advise you that assets” This view however, should not be brand new agreements are surprising, as most courts tend to view Lessons for the Acquirer necessary. covenants not to compete as contrary to Most sellers do not want acquirers talking public policy in that they act in “restraint to their employees until the acquisition 3. Was the target consistent in the of trade.” matter in which it obtained proceeds have cleared their bank accounts. However, when I advise on restrictive covenants? If the So by taking the cautious approach and the buy-side, under no circumstances employees can argue that the selling acquiring assets and not stock, the company was not consistent in would I allow my client to fund an acquirer needs to make sure that there is acquisition without determining which obtaining restrictive covenants, this valid assignability language in the employees are staying, which employees may weaken your ability to enforce original agreements executed by and them. are going, and what the employment between the employees of the selling relationship between the employees (of company and the selling company. In an the seller) and the new employer (the 4. Did the selling company enforce its asset purchase, you are not buying the restrictive covenants? If the seller acquirer) will be going forward. There employment relationship, per se, you are some very basic due diligence items did not enforce its agreements, you must hire the employees of the selling in regard to the target’s employees that shouldn’t expect the court to allow you company upon consummation of the sale. to enforce them either. should be handled during the diligence or Therefore, if any employment contracts legal documentation stages of the do not have an assignment clause, the 5. Is the geographic scope of the transaction, these include: courts will often view those to be target’s business different than that unenforceable. In late 2002 the Ohio 1. D o t h e e m p l o y e e s h a v e a n y of the acquirer? Did the employees Court of Appeals opined that, "the execute the agreements in Maryland, employment, non-solicitation, or employment relationship is a personal b u t a r e n o w w o r k i n g i n PA ? non-competition agreements in place matter between an employee and the with the selling company? If they Restrictive covenants and employment company who hired him and for whom agreements are state law issues, so don’t, the solution is very simple, have he chose to work. Unless an employee them sign these agreements prior to make sure that the scope of the explicitly agreed to an assignability the closing of the sale. The acquirer agreements are appropriate. Discuss provision, an employer may not treat him your operational plans with your should work with the seller to make as some chattel to be conveyed, like a sure all employees sign these attorney and make sure that you are filing cabinet, to a successor firm." Cary agreements. covered. This is important when Corp. v. Linder, No. 80589, 2002 WL operations cross state lines. © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 3. 3 THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY This is clearly legal diligence and should now and provide adequate consideration be conducted by a competent attorney in to them for entering into the agreements. Author that specific jurisdiction. When you Remember, this is something that should Paul Giannamore acquire a pest control company, you are be done solely through the advice of an “acquiring” an employee base, and if you attorney who can advise you on such don’t pay very close attention to these issues as adequate consideration and About The Potomac Company The Potomac Company is a Philadelphia- issues, you might as well just give the enforceability. based mergers & acquisitions and money away. valuation advisory firm with a transaction Final Thoughts group dedicated exclusively to the pest If you are contemplating an asset Buyers will want to talk to the target’s control industry. The Potomac purchase and are uncomfortable with the employees at the very early stages of the Company advises pest control companies seller’s agreements, or through your due acquisition process and sellers will not in North America, South America, diligence, you’ve uncovered issues, such want the acquirer talking to their Europe, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. as no assignability clause, you need to employees at all until the acquirer owns enter into new agreements with the the target. Buyers and sellers need to Our Services & Consultations employees prior to the close of the find a common ground, usually in the late The Potomac Company provides world- acquisition. If the seller won’t cooperate class M&A, valuation, and exit planning stages of diligence, where the buyer is with this, you might need to establish a able to meet with, at minimum, the key advice to pest control companies. If you sizable holdback or escrow to protect employees of the target. Seller’s need to are interested in a free, no-obligation your interests, or even revise the purchase consultation, call Paul Giannamore at feel confident that the deal is all but done price downward to compensate for the before allowing the buyer access to 215-268-7586 or fill out and fax back the increased risks in doing the deal. convenient form located at the back of employees and the buyer will not want to this article. invest a lot of time and money into the Finally, if the employees won’t sign up deal process if the seller’s employees with you prior to the closing, this should Disclaimer may walk out the door upon the sale. be a big red flag. If they won’t do it This report is published by The Potomac before the closing, you have no assurance C o m p a n y. All content is for Through careful planning, a seller can that they will do it after, and you need to informational purposes only and is not to greatly decrease the risks that both sides proceed with extreme caution. At this be construed as legal, financial or tax will face in dealing with employees on point, you need to ask yourself whether advice. You are strongly advised to the potentially life-changing topic of the consult a competent attorney when or not it makes sense to proceed with the sale of their employer. By working with contemplating the purchase or sale of a acquisition… and at what price? competent advisors before the sale business. process to make sure that consistently- Lessons for the Seller obtained, enforceable non-solicitation Copyright & Reprint Rights Many of you might not be contemplating and non-competition agreements with No reproduction of this article, in whole an acquisition whatsoever and find transfer provisions are in place, the seller or in part, is authorized without explicit yourself solely on the sell-side of the will generally have more leverage in permission from The Potomac Company. equation, so what’s this got to do with holding the acquirer off until much later If you would like to reprint this article, you? stages in the acquisition process before please contact Rewaa Alhasani at getting his or her employees involved. 215-268-7586. First off, any sophisticated acquirer is going to ask the very same questions that Waiting until you are on the verge of Subscriptions I’ve highlighted in the section above selling your company, your life’s work, to To subscribe to this and future upon the acquisition of your business. If deal with these issues is inexcusable. publications, call 215-268-7586 or send you are in a jurisdiction that recognizes Getting competent M&A and legal an email to and enforces these covenants and advisors involved in the planning stages agreements, you might want to consider is your best weapon against sophisticated The Potomac Company getting them in place now, before you acquirers, against whom sellers are at a 1650 Market Street, 36th FL commence a sell-side process. natural disadvantage from the very Philadelphia, PA 19103 Furthermore, If you don’t have non- beginning of the process. 215-268-7586 compete agreements with assignment provisions, you might want to negotiate new agreements with your employees © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 4. 4 THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY Q&A Ask the Advisor: When to Tell Employees You Are Selling Q: I’ve decided to sell my business, when should I Get Your Story Straight tell my employees? I don’t want to lie to them, I think it’s important to be honest with your employees, but I don’t want them to quit on me either. because they will come to know the truth in the end and Jeff (from Florida) you’ll lose face. That doesn’t mean, however, you should give them the straight scoop. Instead of mentioning an A: When selling your business, there will come a time outright sale, you might let them know that you are when you will need to tell your employees, the people that exploring strategic alternatives, such as seeking financing you’ve relied on for years, if not decades, that you are or an equity infusion, and when the day of the sale comes, selling your business. This is certainly one of the aspects of you’ve ultimately decided that a sale is the best way to the sell-side process that causes a tremendous amount of maximize firm value. anxiety for sellers, but through proper preparation, you’ll be able to tell your employees on or immediately before Set Up an Offsite Data Room / War Room the closing, which is the best time to tell them. Your advisor should be on this one from the word go. By setting up a room in a local hotel or offsite office, you’ll be Some owners decide to tell employees at the beginning of able to hold all meetings offsite, and avoid prospective the process and most of the time, this is a big mistake. buyers from showing up at the office during business Once the employees know, they will do one of the hours and drawing unwanted attention. following: 1) take a wait-and-see attitude and react to every single hiccup in the deal (and believe me, there will Bring a Few Insiders into the Tent be many hiccups); or 2) prepare their resumes and It’s a lot of work selling a business and you’ll probably need preemptively jump ship. The sale of a company is an the help of a key person or two. Bring these individuals in emotionally taxing event for the seller in and of itself, so up-front and have them sign a confidentiality agreement think very hard before you invite the additional stress of (and if they breach it, they’re history… no more job and having your employees scrutinize every buyer and ride no more stay bonus). along with you on the emotional roller coaster. Be Prepared for the Worst Although it is very easy to stay quiet during the initial Although you may do everything possible to stay tight- stages of a deal, once the suits start showing up to the lipped, be prepared for a leak. When someone confronts office, anyone there with an IQ above 20 will start piecing you with the news, the worst thing you can do is go hide things together. Successful sellers do the following: in your car while you figure out how to deal with it. Prepare an internal memo for employees and an external Get Stay Bonuses and Contracts Negotiated in Advance memo for key customers early on in the sale process. Get all employees under non-competition agreements Prepare fact sheets and rehearse talking points with your with assignability provisions in place prior to the sale advisors at the early stage of the sale process. When the process. Negotiate stay bonuses with your key employees rumors start flying, poor communication and delay creates before you even mention the word “sale.” anxiety among employees… be prepared. © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 5. 5 THE POTOMAC PEST CONTROL WEEKLY I Would Like More Information on…. If you would like to submit a question for future editions of Ask the Advisor, subscribe to the Potomac Pest Control Weekly, or schedule a consultation regarding valuation or M&A in the pest control industry, please complete this form and fax it to 1-215-359-1793 or email Please check all that apply. Company Name ____________________________ ! Subscribe to Potomac’s Publications First Name: _______________________________ ! Submit a Question to Ask the Advisor Last Name: ________________________________ ! Consultation on Buying a Business Address: __________________________________ ! Consultation on Selling a Business City: _____________ State: ______ Zip: ________ ! I would like Exit Planning Advice Phone: ____________________________________ ! I would like Business Valuation Advice Email: ____________________________________ ! Other _____________________ Best time to Contact: ________________________________ Questions or Comments: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Please fax this form to: 1-215-359-1793 Our professionals are members of: ! © Copyright 2009, The Potomac Company, LLC. All rights reserved.