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I’m sure many people emphasize their passion to travel, but
for me one thing is sure, I don’t just enjoy traveling, I love
immersing myself in different cultures and adapting to the
environment as a local.

Getting into the minds and habits of locals gives me a grand
appreciation of how diverse the world can be. Understanding
the flow of life through another’s eyes is not only rewarding,
but gratifying.

That’s probably what got me into planning.

The more I learned about what makes a great planner, the
more I became interested. I realized that my natural tendency
to observe and attempt to understand cultures and people
can be easily transitioned into strategic planning.

Understanding how different parts of the world react with
the inevitable progress of technology, communications, and
ideas, creates a changing playground for me to explore.

I guess you can say this new frontier tickles my fancy.
           Here are a few    Hamburg Daily Observations:
        observations I’ve
                             - Majority of dogs in Hamburg don’t have leashes and
         jotted down and     are quite obedient
       pictures I’ve taken   - Locals don’t tend to cross the street unless the light is
        during my time in    - There’s always some event going on at St. Pauli
      Hamburg, Germany.      - Creative personalities have so much more to share
                             - Everyone in MASE has their own style
                             - When purchasing fruit or vegetables at large markets,
                             be sure to weigh in and print out sticker before check-
                             ing out, locals don’t like tourists making them wait
                             - It doesn’t just drizzle here, it pours
                             - Around 85% of the Europeans I’ve met smoke cigarettes
                             - Account planning has no clear description
                             - MACs are by far the dominant choice of laptops for
                             - Hamburg is quite a biker friendly community, every
                             sidewalk has a specific bike path
                             - Drinking alcohol in public is quite prevalent
                             - Public transport employees don’t cut you slack, even if
                             you’re a tourist
                             - Restaurants don’t have grading scales for quality
                             - When you ask for water, most assume you mean with gas
                             - Doner kabobs are the best when you’re poor, drunk, or
                             just want something delicious
                             - Burping and spitting are cultural taboos, it is ex-
                             tremely rude
                             - Hamburg has the most annoying bees in the world
                             - Lady bugs are prevalent during the summer
                             - The forecast is not predictable, therefore don’t trust
                             the weather man
                             - Locals know when a storm is coming because they start
                             running for cover while its still sunny, 2 minutes later
                             it begins to hail
                             - People don’t dance, they just vibrate to the beat of
                             electronic music
                             - It’s difficult for Germans to pronounce the "th" sound
                             in english words
                             - Eggs here are brown where as they’re mostly white in
                             the states
                             - It’s taboo to use the toilet for number 1 usage while
                             standing up, even in public toilets
                             - Mullets are considered acceptable and somewhat a
                             trend for youth here

2   Scrap Book
                                                                                 We went out to McDonald’s chains and asked consumers what type
                                                                                 of promotions were memorable. A majority referred to the Monopoly
                                                                                 promotion awhile back. When asked why this promotion stuck out,
                                                                                 the consensus was the fun factor and the perceived ability to control
                                                                                 your involvement and winnings. This led to the idea that promotions
                                                                                 which interact with consumers have a lasting impression.
                                                                                 The more the consumer feels they have a chance to control their
                                                                                 fate, whether it be collecting Monopoly pieces for a shot at a million
                                                                                 dollars or just for a free meal, their natural instinct of determination
                                                                                 and competition kicks in. It’s a natural tendency for people to want to
                                                                                 be part of a winning team.
                                                                                 We will aim to create a promotion that intrigues and lures the
                                                                                 consumer to participate with McDonald’s while focusing it around
                                                                                 the core products.

       OBJECTIVE                                                                 COMMUNICATION STRATEGY
       McDonald’s has become an international household name that has been       Instead of having the consumers play among themselves or against
       around for decades. They lead the fast food chain category and have       McDonald’s, it would fit hand-in-hand with the brand personality if they
       been consistently offering a welcoming ambience, reasonably priced        were invited to participate with McDonald’s. They have always been
       tasty products, and exciting promotions. Promotions have been the main    perceived as a welcoming and fun brand, so by integrating friendly
       component of the McDonald’s engine and is what keeps people coming        competition through mini-challenges located in and around McDonald’s
       back for new products to satisfy their cravings.                          chains, the consumer can feel involved and part of a team.
       Time after time, promotions came and went, but only the classics          We’ll devise a campaign which hinges on the idea of incorporating
       have survived the test of time. 70 years later and the McDonald’s line    the consumer through interactive games while promoting the “proven
       up has not faltered.                                                      winners.” By giving McDonald’s consumers a chance to be on a team
       McDonald’s would like to start a new promotion that repeats the “proven   to compete together and support each other for a common goal, while
       winners.” A new concept that surrounds the core products (Big Mac,        being rewarded for their participation, will create a strong sense of
       McNuggets, Hamburger Royal, McRib, McChicken, Filet-o-Fish).              motivation and teamwork.

3   McDonald’s
The start of the campaign is sparked
                                                       from a comment Stephan Raab casually
                                                       said on his talk show, claiming no
                                                       McDonald’s consumer would be able
                                                       to beat him on his own game. Publicity
                                                       is created thus leading McDonald’s
                                                       to make a public announcement
                                                       welcoming this challenge and confident
                                                       that they will find the one who is able to
                Mc Champ                               prove him wrong.
                  ’cause i’m Lovin’ it

      Our     approach   was                                                     Through the campaign, McDonald’s will arrange a series of competitions
      to think with depth,                                                       to put consumer’s luck, knowledge, and strength to the test.
      interaction, and appeal
      the masses, so we
      tailored our campaign
      around the German hit
      show, Schlag den Raab*

      *In a quick summary, this show allows one
      challenger to compete 1v1 against Stephen
      Raab, who is the show master, in a series of
      mini-games. These mini-games involve luck,
      knowledge, and skill, which creates an even
      playing field. If the challenger wins majority
      of the games, they are then rewarded with
      at least 500,000 euros. However if Raab
      prevails, then the reward carries over to the
      next show.

4   McDonald’s
McDonald’s will re-name their core products and
       promote with a motivational tonality to rally together the
       McDonald’s family.

                                                                    This is the ticket given to consumers
                                                                    to enter weekly drawings for
                                                                    upcoming competitions. This will
                                                                    also allow McDonald’s to distribute
                                                                    promotions, coupons, and other
                                                                    type of channels via email.

5   McDonald’s
Few sample mini-challenges located around town to engage the
     public and spread awareness.

                                                                    On a weekly basis, chosen contestants will undergo different stages
                                                                    of competitions to move towards the final show-down.

     Our      microsite   will
     have mini-games and
     allow consumer’s to
     track likely candidates
     through the weeks and
     eventually vote for their
     favorite      competitor
     who will then proceed
     to Schlag den Raab
     to regain McDonald’s

6   McDonald’s
                                                                                          Having dived into the center of Bremen on multiple occasions, we were able
                                                                                          to get into the minds of Bremers. Due to the unique personality of GAK, we’ve

                                                                                          decided if we were aiming for a target group that could potentially understand
                                                                                          GAK and support their cause, we would have to focus on those in Bremen that
                                                                                          have an active appreciation for art.
                                                                                          These art students, members of other art organizations, and art-related business
                                                                                          owners add up to approximately 15,000 locals. Only 2% of this target group
                                                                                          are currently members of GAK, which leaves a lot of opportunity to increase the
           GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST BREMEN                                         members.
                                                                                          We began conducting numerous interviews, searching for any related factors
                                                                                          that may add to our solution for GAK’s predicament. However, most of the
                                                                                          people in this group have never even heard of GAK. If they have heard of it, they
                                                                                          probably don’t understand what it is. And even if they have been to it, they really
                                                                                          don’t understand it.
      OBJECTIVE                                                                           To put it simply, people just don’t understand GAK. Instead of thinking of this
                                                                                          truth as a bad thing, we decided to use it to our advantage!
      Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, which stands for “society for contemporary
      art,” is an organization that has brought emerging international art to its
      exhibition space in Bremen, Germany since 1980. They have an established            COMMUNICATION STRATEGY
      3 month routine rotation period to exhibit new unseen contemporary art.             Instead of attempting to just spread GAK’s name throughout Bremen, we
      GAK represents questionable ideas through provocative pieces of art. They           wanted to spark interest and get in the faces of locals. This idea led us to our
      are a safe haven for risky international artists. The art is not there for the      concept which revolves around the message of “Don’t come. You wouldn’t get
      world to accept, but there to share a piece of mind and welcome their               it anyway.”
      audience to engage and create their own interpretations. Although it has a          This concept heightens curiosity and issues an indirect challenge to the viewer,
      good reputation among international art circles, it has struggled to awaken         making them want to visit so they can prove it wrong. The reverse psychology
      interest in its home city, and is suffering financially because of its difficulty   technique that this concept uses is based on the phenomenon of reactance,
      in attracting new members.                                                          which has proven that people have opposing emotional responses when told
      GAK is a non-profit organization that relies on governmental funding, public        to do something.
      visits, and membership fees to stay afloat. The problem is they have a small        By connecting with the risky, challenging, and unconventional brand personality
      following of around 300 members and has been on a decline.                          of GAK, this concept brings the organization’s positioning of free thinking to
      With this brief in mind, it was up to us to come up with a big idea for a tiny      life, and reinforces its belief that the world would be a better place if people
      budget.                                                                             thought for themselves.

7   GAK
          Before diving into the executions, we wanted to test our
          concept to reassure that this unconventional method
          will work. We made two posters and placed 30 of each
          in the artistic areas of Hamburg. These posters drew
          traffic to two different websites we registered, where
          we counted the number of visitors that they received
          over a period of four days.

           GEHEN SIE                      GEHEN SIE
           AUF DIESE                      NICHT AUF
           SEITE                          DIESE SEITE
           SIE WERDEN ES                  SIE WÜRDEN SOWIESO
           MÖGEN                          NICHTS VERSTEHEN

                  CONTROL                           TEST
              “Click on this site.        “Do not click on this site.
                You will like it”       You wouldn’t get it anyways”

           20 Visitors after 4 Days       100 Visitors after 4 Days
                                                 5x Better!

8   GAK
EXECUTIONS                     ADVERTISING
      Due to the small budget, we decided
      to focus on three different verticals:
      advertising, merchandise, and rewards.                   Since GAK is located on an
                                                               island in the center of a bridge,
                                                               we designed progressive and
                                                               playful messages that start
                                                               from the bridge and leads to
                                                               the entrance of GAK.

      Our core concept would be the main
      focus for our print ideas, but could be
      used in many creative methods.

                                                        Across from GAK is a more popular and
                                                        established art gallery. Once the visitor
                                                        steps into GAK, they are greeted with
                                                        Free Thinking.

9   GAK
When entering GAK’s website, randomly generated messages     A banner will be hung outside GAK, easily viewable by the
           would question the visitor if they really wanted to enter    hundreds of locals at cafes and bars across the river

                                                                       Maps located at tourist locations or city lights would have a
               Direct mailing envelopes would inform the recipient
                                                                       clear sticker informing the viewer to “Not to come to GAK,”
               of upcoming exhibits, but warn them before opening
                                                                       but always show them where GAK is located

10   GAK
MERCHANDISE                                                                                                                                                    REWARDS
       Since GAK already sells personalized umbrellas, we want to              Since increasing our member base is our goal, we devised rewards
       add a few more items to help generate more profit. By focusing          for those who do “get it.” New members would receive exclusive “I
       on the “I don’t get it” messages, we want to generate a trend           get it” merchandise that would not be available to the public.
       among the target group.
                                                                                      TAKE THIS TEST
                                                                                      TO PROVE YOU
                                                                                      GET IT                                                                                                                         GETS IT
                                                                                      NAME, VORNAME
                                                                                      BERUF, GEBURTSDATUM                                                                                  BY SUPPORTING EMERGING ART
                                                                                      STRASSE, PLZ, ORT

                                                                                      TELEFON, FAX, E-MAIL                                                                                 AT GAK, YOU CAN ALSO
                                                                                      JAHRESBEITRAG                                          BEITRAGSZAHLUNG
                                                                                                                                                                                           GET INTO ALL OTHER
                                                                                             ORDENTLICHES MITGLIED - 46 €                          ÜBERWEISUNG AUF DAS KONTO
                                                                                                                                                   GAK E.V. / BREMER LANDESBANK
                                                                                             ERMÄSSIGTER BEITRAG - 20 €                            BLZ 290 500 00 / KONTO 100 780 0005

                                                                                             FAMILIEN - 76 €                                       EINZUGSERMÄCHTIGUNG
                                                                                             FIRMEN - 302 €

                                                                                             FÖRDERMITGLIED AB - 150 €                                                                               GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST
                                                                                             DER MITGLIEDSBEITRAG IST STEUERLICH ABSETZBAR
                                                                                                                                                                                                     TEERHOF 21  D-28199 BREMEN  +49 421. 500897
                                                                                      KREDITINSTITUT                                                         BLZ
                                                                                                                                                                                                     OFFICE@GAK-BREMEN.DE  WWW.GAK-BREMEN.DE
                                                                                                                                                                                                     DI BIS SO 11 - 18 UHR  DO BIS 21 UHR
                                                                                      DATUM, UNTERSCHRIFT

                                                                                                                    GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST
                                                                                                                    TEERHOF 21  D-28199 BREMEN  +49 421. 500897
                                                                                                                    OFFICE@GAK-BREMEN.DE  WWW.GAK-BREMEN.DE

                                                                                                                                                                                          New member forms and membership card.
                                                                                                                    DI BIS SO 11 - 18 UHR  DO BIS 21 UHR

                                                  “I Don’t Get It” T-shirts,                                                                                                                                     “I Get It” T-shirts
                                                  hand bags, umbrellas,                                                                                                                                          and stickers to help
                                                  and stickers.                                                                                                                                                  spread awareness.

11   GAK
Permanent Address:                                                             Jonathan Chu
      7706 Melrose Ave                                                             
      Rosemead, CA 91770
      Objective   Junior strategist position.
                                                                                                                     Business Management Intern                                  August 2007 – August 2008
      Experience Junior Strategic Planner                                      January 2010 – July 2010              UBS Investment Bank, London, UK
                 180 Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands                                                               • Experienced, observed, and adapted to an English professional corporate environment.
                 • adidas:                                                                                           • Measured and increased the efficiency of cost spending within the Legal and Compliance
                        o Managed, updated, developed, and tracked the adidas Running Facebook                       (L&C) department.
                 Fanpage, adidas Football Youtube Channel, adidas Outdoor Youtube Channel, & adidas                  • Assisted in the development of ad hoc projects to help maximize department savings.
                 Mens/Womens Training Youtube Channel.                                                               • Audited legal invoices and generated weekly updates. Used the numbers to draw conclu-
                        o Assisted in the development of comprehensive consumer profiling research for               sions of where to improve the auditing process.
                 adidas Running and adidas Football leading up and through the World Cup campaign.                   • Created presentations and manuals for future new hires.
                        o Lead the Facebook Community Analytics project for the adidas Running                       • Responsible for the creation of the lay out and production of the monthly L&C newslet-
                 category, generating actionable insights and recommendations for their global content               ter.
                 strategy                                                                                            • Designed new share point and intranet pages for the Business Management Function,
                        o Worked alongside account, creative, production, digital, retail, & marketing               Legal Online Services, and Outside Counsel Management.
                 science departments.
                 • Other business and new pitches:                                                                   Environmental Marketing Intern                                      April 2007 – June 2007
                        o Supported in the development of global campaigns for blue chip brands:                     Ecomotion, Irvine, California
                 adidas performance (brand, football, running, Olympics, World Cup), Tommy Hilfiger,                 • Assisted in environmental marketing projects by researching, writing articles, preparing
                 Diesel, Schweppes, DHL, Western Union, Omega Watches, & Emirates Airline                            packets, web site design, and creating Excel spreadsheets.
                        o Thoroughly researched and created a digital and competitive analysis across                • Contributed to community outreach strategies to promote energy conservation.
                 leading direct competitors to Emirates, DHL, Western Union, and Omega watches.                      • Used programs such as Dreamweaver 4 to update company’s website, Constant Contact
                        o Assisted in the development of comprehensive consumer profiling research for               to create and publish electronic newsletters, and Microsoft Publisher to prepare and final-
                 Emirates, DHL, Western Union, and Tommy Hilfiger.                                                   ize newsletters.
                        o Co-organized the creative concept process for the development of the Tommy
                 Hilfiger Club and Schweppes campaign.                                                       Education
                                                                                                                     B.S., Social Ecology, June 2007
                  Account Planner Boot Camp Student                             July 2009 – September 2009           University of California, Irvine
                  Miami Ad School Europe, Hamburg, Germany                                                           Miami Ad School Europe, Boot Camp for Account Planners
                  • Researched and created concept work for brands such as DMAX television, T-Mobile,                Hamburg, Germany, July 2009 - September 2009.
                  McDonald’s, Burger King, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst (GAK art exhibition), and                 Awarded the Top Dog Best of Show Trophy for Boot Camp quarter
                  Old El Paso.
                  • Researched, strategized, briefed, and assisted in the execution for McDonald’s core              University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom.
                  products and GAK campaigns (our GAK idea was adopted and went live in May                          Social Psychology, Management, and Advertising Courses Abroad, Autumn 2006
                  • Engaged in weekly lectures about account planning techniques, developing, writing                Mountbatten Internship Program, London, United Kingdom, August 2007-2008.
                  and presenting a creative brief, using qualitative/quantitative research, discovering              Certificate of International Business Practice, Mountbatten Internship Program, August
                  insights, using media planning, developing and managing a brand, using surveys and                 2008.
                  other research, idea development and developing ideas of others, presentation tech-                Cambridge International Diploma in Management, University of Cambridge International
                  niques and judging advertising effectiveness.                                                      Examinations, August 2008.

12   Résumé
Planning Portfolio

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Planning Portfolio

  • 1.
  • 2. I’m sure many people emphasize their passion to travel, but for me one thing is sure, I don’t just enjoy traveling, I love immersing myself in different cultures and adapting to the environment as a local. Getting into the minds and habits of locals gives me a grand appreciation of how diverse the world can be. Understanding the flow of life through another’s eyes is not only rewarding, but gratifying. That’s probably what got me into planning. The more I learned about what makes a great planner, the more I became interested. I realized that my natural tendency to observe and attempt to understand cultures and people can be easily transitioned into strategic planning. Understanding how different parts of the world react with the inevitable progress of technology, communications, and ideas, creates a changing playground for me to explore. I guess you can say this new frontier tickles my fancy.
  • 3. SCRAP BOOK Here are a few Hamburg Daily Observations: observations I’ve - Majority of dogs in Hamburg don’t have leashes and jotted down and are quite obedient pictures I’ve taken - Locals don’t tend to cross the street unless the light is green during my time in - There’s always some event going on at St. Pauli Hamburg, Germany. - Creative personalities have so much more to share - Everyone in MASE has their own style - When purchasing fruit or vegetables at large markets, be sure to weigh in and print out sticker before check- ing out, locals don’t like tourists making them wait - It doesn’t just drizzle here, it pours - Around 85% of the Europeans I’ve met smoke cigarettes - Account planning has no clear description - MACs are by far the dominant choice of laptops for creatives - Hamburg is quite a biker friendly community, every sidewalk has a specific bike path - Drinking alcohol in public is quite prevalent - Public transport employees don’t cut you slack, even if you’re a tourist - Restaurants don’t have grading scales for quality - When you ask for water, most assume you mean with gas - Doner kabobs are the best when you’re poor, drunk, or just want something delicious - Burping and spitting are cultural taboos, it is ex- tremely rude - Hamburg has the most annoying bees in the world - Lady bugs are prevalent during the summer - The forecast is not predictable, therefore don’t trust the weather man - Locals know when a storm is coming because they start running for cover while its still sunny, 2 minutes later it begins to hail - People don’t dance, they just vibrate to the beat of electronic music - It’s difficult for Germans to pronounce the "th" sound in english words - Eggs here are brown where as they’re mostly white in the states - It’s taboo to use the toilet for number 1 usage while standing up, even in public toilets - Mullets are considered acceptable and somewhat a trend for youth here 2 Scrap Book
  • 4. PLANNING TASK We went out to McDonald’s chains and asked consumers what type of promotions were memorable. A majority referred to the Monopoly promotion awhile back. When asked why this promotion stuck out, the consensus was the fun factor and the perceived ability to control your involvement and winnings. This led to the idea that promotions which interact with consumers have a lasting impression. The more the consumer feels they have a chance to control their fate, whether it be collecting Monopoly pieces for a shot at a million dollars or just for a free meal, their natural instinct of determination and competition kicks in. It’s a natural tendency for people to want to be part of a winning team. We will aim to create a promotion that intrigues and lures the consumer to participate with McDonald’s while focusing it around the core products. OBJECTIVE COMMUNICATION STRATEGY McDonald’s has become an international household name that has been Instead of having the consumers play among themselves or against around for decades. They lead the fast food chain category and have McDonald’s, it would fit hand-in-hand with the brand personality if they been consistently offering a welcoming ambience, reasonably priced were invited to participate with McDonald’s. They have always been tasty products, and exciting promotions. Promotions have been the main perceived as a welcoming and fun brand, so by integrating friendly component of the McDonald’s engine and is what keeps people coming competition through mini-challenges located in and around McDonald’s back for new products to satisfy their cravings. chains, the consumer can feel involved and part of a team. Time after time, promotions came and went, but only the classics We’ll devise a campaign which hinges on the idea of incorporating have survived the test of time. 70 years later and the McDonald’s line the consumer through interactive games while promoting the “proven up has not faltered. winners.” By giving McDonald’s consumers a chance to be on a team McDonald’s would like to start a new promotion that repeats the “proven to compete together and support each other for a common goal, while winners.” A new concept that surrounds the core products (Big Mac, being rewarded for their participation, will create a strong sense of McNuggets, Hamburger Royal, McRib, McChicken, Filet-o-Fish). motivation and teamwork. 3 McDonald’s
  • 5. The start of the campaign is sparked from a comment Stephan Raab casually said on his talk show, claiming no McDonald’s consumer would be able to beat him on his own game. Publicity is created thus leading McDonald’s to make a public announcement welcoming this challenge and confident that they will find the one who is able to Mc Champ prove him wrong. ’cause i’m Lovin’ it Our approach was Through the campaign, McDonald’s will arrange a series of competitions to think with depth, to put consumer’s luck, knowledge, and strength to the test. interaction, and appeal the masses, so we tailored our campaign around the German hit show, Schlag den Raab* *In a quick summary, this show allows one challenger to compete 1v1 against Stephen Raab, who is the show master, in a series of mini-games. These mini-games involve luck, knowledge, and skill, which creates an even playing field. If the challenger wins majority of the games, they are then rewarded with at least 500,000 euros. However if Raab prevails, then the reward carries over to the next show. 4 McDonald’s
  • 6. McDonald’s will re-name their core products and promote with a motivational tonality to rally together the McDonald’s family. This is the ticket given to consumers to enter weekly drawings for upcoming competitions. This will also allow McDonald’s to distribute promotions, coupons, and other type of channels via email. 5 McDonald’s
  • 7. Few sample mini-challenges located around town to engage the public and spread awareness. On a weekly basis, chosen contestants will undergo different stages of competitions to move towards the final show-down. Our microsite will have mini-games and allow consumer’s to track likely candidates through the weeks and eventually vote for their favorite competitor who will then proceed to Schlag den Raab to regain McDonald’s honor. 6 McDonald’s
  • 8. PLANNING TASK Having dived into the center of Bremen on multiple occasions, we were able to get into the minds of Bremers. Due to the unique personality of GAK, we’ve GAK decided if we were aiming for a target group that could potentially understand GAK and support their cause, we would have to focus on those in Bremen that have an active appreciation for art. These art students, members of other art organizations, and art-related business owners add up to approximately 15,000 locals. Only 2% of this target group are currently members of GAK, which leaves a lot of opportunity to increase the GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST BREMEN members. We began conducting numerous interviews, searching for any related factors that may add to our solution for GAK’s predicament. However, most of the people in this group have never even heard of GAK. If they have heard of it, they probably don’t understand what it is. And even if they have been to it, they really don’t understand it. OBJECTIVE To put it simply, people just don’t understand GAK. Instead of thinking of this truth as a bad thing, we decided to use it to our advantage! Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst, which stands for “society for contemporary art,” is an organization that has brought emerging international art to its exhibition space in Bremen, Germany since 1980. They have an established COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 3 month routine rotation period to exhibit new unseen contemporary art. Instead of attempting to just spread GAK’s name throughout Bremen, we GAK represents questionable ideas through provocative pieces of art. They wanted to spark interest and get in the faces of locals. This idea led us to our are a safe haven for risky international artists. The art is not there for the concept which revolves around the message of “Don’t come. You wouldn’t get world to accept, but there to share a piece of mind and welcome their it anyway.” audience to engage and create their own interpretations. Although it has a This concept heightens curiosity and issues an indirect challenge to the viewer, good reputation among international art circles, it has struggled to awaken making them want to visit so they can prove it wrong. The reverse psychology interest in its home city, and is suffering financially because of its difficulty technique that this concept uses is based on the phenomenon of reactance, in attracting new members. which has proven that people have opposing emotional responses when told GAK is a non-profit organization that relies on governmental funding, public to do something. visits, and membership fees to stay afloat. The problem is they have a small By connecting with the risky, challenging, and unconventional brand personality following of around 300 members and has been on a decline. of GAK, this concept brings the organization’s positioning of free thinking to With this brief in mind, it was up to us to come up with a big idea for a tiny life, and reinforces its belief that the world would be a better place if people budget. thought for themselves. 7 GAK
  • 9. COPY TEST Before diving into the executions, we wanted to test our concept to reassure that this unconventional method will work. We made two posters and placed 30 of each in the artistic areas of Hamburg. These posters drew traffic to two different websites we registered, where we counted the number of visitors that they received over a period of four days. GEHEN SIE GEHEN SIE AUF DIESE NICHT AUF SEITE DIESE SEITE SIE WERDEN ES SIE WÜRDEN SOWIESO MÖGEN NICHTS VERSTEHEN WWW.KUNSTAKTUELLE.COM WWW.AKTUELLEKUNST.COM CONTROL TEST “Click on this site. “Do not click on this site. You will like it” You wouldn’t get it anyways” 20 Visitors after 4 Days 100 Visitors after 4 Days 5x Better! 8 GAK
  • 10. EXECUTIONS ADVERTISING Due to the small budget, we decided to focus on three different verticals: advertising, merchandise, and rewards. Since GAK is located on an island in the center of a bridge, we designed progressive and playful messages that start from the bridge and leads to the entrance of GAK. Our core concept would be the main focus for our print ideas, but could be used in many creative methods. Across from GAK is a more popular and established art gallery. Once the visitor steps into GAK, they are greeted with Free Thinking. 9 GAK
  • 11. When entering GAK’s website, randomly generated messages A banner will be hung outside GAK, easily viewable by the would question the visitor if they really wanted to enter hundreds of locals at cafes and bars across the river Maps located at tourist locations or city lights would have a Direct mailing envelopes would inform the recipient clear sticker informing the viewer to “Not to come to GAK,” of upcoming exhibits, but warn them before opening but always show them where GAK is located 10 GAK
  • 12. MERCHANDISE REWARDS Since GAK already sells personalized umbrellas, we want to Since increasing our member base is our goal, we devised rewards add a few more items to help generate more profit. By focusing for those who do “get it.” New members would receive exclusive “I on the “I don’t get it” messages, we want to generate a trend get it” merchandise that would not be available to the public. among the target group. TAKE THIS TEST TO PROVE YOU GET IT GETS IT NAME, VORNAME BERUF, GEBURTSDATUM BY SUPPORTING EMERGING ART STRASSE, PLZ, ORT TELEFON, FAX, E-MAIL AT GAK, YOU CAN ALSO JAHRESBEITRAG BEITRAGSZAHLUNG GET INTO ALL OTHER KUNSTVEREINE ORDENTLICHES MITGLIED - 46 € ÜBERWEISUNG AUF DAS KONTO GAK E.V. / BREMER LANDESBANK ERMÄSSIGTER BEITRAG - 20 € BLZ 290 500 00 / KONTO 100 780 0005 GAK FAMILIEN - 76 € EINZUGSERMÄCHTIGUNG FIRMEN - 302 € FÖRDERMITGLIED AB - 150 € GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST DER MITGLIEDSBEITRAG IST STEUERLICH ABSETZBAR TEERHOF 21 D-28199 BREMEN +49 421. 500897 KREDITINSTITUT BLZ OFFICE@GAK-BREMEN.DE WWW.GAK-BREMEN.DE KONTONUMMER DI BIS SO 11 - 18 UHR DO BIS 21 UHR DATUM, UNTERSCHRIFT GAK GESELLSCHAFT FÜR AKTUELLE KUNST TEERHOF 21 D-28199 BREMEN +49 421. 500897 OFFICE@GAK-BREMEN.DE WWW.GAK-BREMEN.DE New member forms and membership card. DI BIS SO 11 - 18 UHR DO BIS 21 UHR “I Don’t Get It” T-shirts, “I Get It” T-shirts hand bags, umbrellas, and stickers to help and stickers. spread awareness. 11 GAK
  • 13. Permanent Address: Jonathan Chu 7706 Melrose Ave Rosemead, CA 91770 Objective Junior strategist position. Business Management Intern August 2007 – August 2008 Experience Junior Strategic Planner January 2010 – July 2010 UBS Investment Bank, London, UK 180 Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands • Experienced, observed, and adapted to an English professional corporate environment. • adidas: • Measured and increased the efficiency of cost spending within the Legal and Compliance o Managed, updated, developed, and tracked the adidas Running Facebook (L&C) department. Fanpage, adidas Football Youtube Channel, adidas Outdoor Youtube Channel, & adidas • Assisted in the development of ad hoc projects to help maximize department savings. Mens/Womens Training Youtube Channel. • Audited legal invoices and generated weekly updates. Used the numbers to draw conclu- o Assisted in the development of comprehensive consumer profiling research for sions of where to improve the auditing process. adidas Running and adidas Football leading up and through the World Cup campaign. • Created presentations and manuals for future new hires. o Lead the Facebook Community Analytics project for the adidas Running • Responsible for the creation of the lay out and production of the monthly L&C newslet- category, generating actionable insights and recommendations for their global content ter. strategy • Designed new share point and intranet pages for the Business Management Function, o Worked alongside account, creative, production, digital, retail, & marketing Legal Online Services, and Outside Counsel Management. science departments. • Other business and new pitches: Environmental Marketing Intern April 2007 – June 2007 o Supported in the development of global campaigns for blue chip brands: Ecomotion, Irvine, California adidas performance (brand, football, running, Olympics, World Cup), Tommy Hilfiger, • Assisted in environmental marketing projects by researching, writing articles, preparing Diesel, Schweppes, DHL, Western Union, Omega Watches, & Emirates Airline packets, web site design, and creating Excel spreadsheets. o Thoroughly researched and created a digital and competitive analysis across • Contributed to community outreach strategies to promote energy conservation. leading direct competitors to Emirates, DHL, Western Union, and Omega watches. • Used programs such as Dreamweaver 4 to update company’s website, Constant Contact o Assisted in the development of comprehensive consumer profiling research for to create and publish electronic newsletters, and Microsoft Publisher to prepare and final- Emirates, DHL, Western Union, and Tommy Hilfiger. ize newsletters. o Co-organized the creative concept process for the development of the Tommy Hilfiger Club and Schweppes campaign. Education B.S., Social Ecology, June 2007 Account Planner Boot Camp Student July 2009 – September 2009 University of California, Irvine Miami Ad School Europe, Hamburg, Germany Miami Ad School Europe, Boot Camp for Account Planners • Researched and created concept work for brands such as DMAX television, T-Mobile, Hamburg, Germany, July 2009 - September 2009. McDonald’s, Burger King, Gesellschaft für Aktuelle Kunst (GAK art exhibition), and Awarded the Top Dog Best of Show Trophy for Boot Camp quarter Old El Paso. • Researched, strategized, briefed, and assisted in the execution for McDonald’s core University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom. products and GAK campaigns (our GAK idea was adopted and went live in May Social Psychology, Management, and Advertising Courses Abroad, Autumn 2006 2010). • Engaged in weekly lectures about account planning techniques, developing, writing Mountbatten Internship Program, London, United Kingdom, August 2007-2008. and presenting a creative brief, using qualitative/quantitative research, discovering Certificate of International Business Practice, Mountbatten Internship Program, August insights, using media planning, developing and managing a brand, using surveys and 2008. other research, idea development and developing ideas of others, presentation tech- Cambridge International Diploma in Management, University of Cambridge International niques and judging advertising effectiveness. Examinations, August 2008. 12 Résumé