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- Abdallah Abdelnabi Aref
- Huda Mohamed Hashem
- Musaab Mohammed Hassan
- Omar Essam Eldin Elsayed Shehab
- Ahmed Shaker Ahmed Taha
- Zeyad Khaled
• Clinical and basic science research over the past several decades has led to an
improved understanding of and appreciation for the complexity and pathogenesis of
periodontal diseases.
(Page RC, 1998)
• Many systemic diseases, disorders, and conditions have been implicated as risk
indicators or risk factors in periodontal disease.
• The individual host immune response to periodontal pathogens is very important
and likely explains many of the differences in disease severity observed from one
individual to the next.
A. Endocrine System and Periodontal diseases:
- Diabetes Mellites
- Female sex hormones
- Hyperparathyroidism
- Cortisol and Priodontitis
Diabetes Mellites (DM):
It is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia.
Type I Type II
• Complications of Diabetes:
- Neuropathy.
- Nephropathy
- Retinopathy
- Macrovascular diseases
- Altered wound healing
- Periodontitis (Loe H, 1993)
Effect of DM on Periodontium:
- Periodontal abscesses
- Gingival polyps
- Deep pockets
- Teeth Mobility
• the majority of well-controlled studies show a higher prevalence and severity of
periodontal disease in individuals with diabetes compared with nondiabetic persons
with similar local factors. (Campbell MJ, 1972) (Bernick SM,
• They show a greater loss of attachment, increased bleeding on probing, and increased
tooth mobility.
• Adults who are 45 years of age or older with poorly controlled diabetes (i.e., with a
glycated hemoglobin level >9%) were 2.9 times more likely to have severe
periodontitis than those without diabetes. The likelihood was even greater (4.6 times)
among smokers with poorly controlled diabetes.
(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National diabetes fact sheet: national
estimates and general information on diabetes and prediabetes in the United States, 2011,
Atlanta, GA, 2011, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention.)
Diabetes mellitus does not cause gingivitis or periodontitis, but
evidence indicates that it alters the response of the periodontal
tissues to local factors, thereby hastening bone loss and
delaying postsurgical healing.
• Mechanism of Diabetic influence on Periodontium:
• 1. Bacterial Pathogens
• 2. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Function :
• 3. Altered Collagen Metabolism
(Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th edition)
1. Bacterial pathogens
• The increased glucose in the gingival fluid and blood of patients with diabetes could
change the environment of the microflora, thereby inducing qualitative changes in
bacteria that may contribute to the severity of periodontal disease observed in those
with poorly controlled diabetes.
• Periodontally healthy individuals but, with diabetes mellitus, are at risk for
periodontitis due to a decrease in the relative abundance and prevalence of species
compatible with health (such as Atopobium and Corynebacterium) and an increase
in the pathogenic content of the hyperglycemic microbiota
(including Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Campylobacter, and Fusobacterium)
(Ganesan SM et al., 2017) ( Long J et al., 2017)
• Some authors report evidence that type 2 diabetes mellitus reduces the diversity
and richness of the subgingival microbiome, and this decrease is even associated
with inadequate glycemic controls. (Longo PL et al., 2018) (Saeb ATM et al., 2019)
(Demmer RT et al., 2017)
• A consensus report from the American Academy of Periodontology and
the European Federation of Periodontology stated that there was no
compelling evidence that diabetes mellitus significantly impacted the
oral microbiota. This conclusion was based on several human studies
that reported inconsistent and contradictory findings on whether
diabetes mellitus altered the bacterial composition in the oral cavity.
(Chapple IL Genco R working working group 2 of the joint EFPAAPw. Diabetes
and periodontal diseases: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on
Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases. J Periodontol. (2013) 84(4 Suppl):S106–12.
doi: 10.1902/jop.2013.1340011)
2. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte (PML) Function :
Neutrophils act as first-line-of-defense cells and the reduction of their functional
activity contributes to the high susceptibility to and severity of infections in diabetes
• Studies show that the chemotactic activity of neutrophils from
diabetic patients is significantly lower than in cells from healthy
• Studies of the phagocytic and microbicidal activities of diabetic
patients reveal, with few exceptions, an impairment of these
functions. (Mowat A, Baum J, 1971) Decreased bactericidal activity (Tan JS
et al., 1975), impairment of phagocytosis and decreased release of
lysosomal enzymes (Bagdade JD et al., 1972), and reduced production of
reactive oxygen species (Nielson CP et al., 1989) by neutrophils of diabetic
patients have been described.
3. Altered Collagen Metabolism:
• Chronic hyperglycemia impairs collagen structure and function, which may directly
impact the integrity of the periodontium.
• Chronic hyperglycemia adversely affects the synthesis, maturation, and
maintenance of collagen and extracellular matrix.
• In the hyperglycemic state, numerous proteins and matrix molecules undergo a
nonenzymatic glycosylation, thereby resulting in accumulated glycation end-
products (AGEs).
• The formation of AGEs occurs at normal glucose levels as well; however, in
hyperglycemic environments, AGE formation is excessive. Many types of molecules are
affected, including proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates.
• Collagen is cross-linked by AGE formation, which makes the collagen less soluble and
less likely to be normally repaired or replaced. Cellular migration through cross-linked
collagen is impeded, and, perhaps more importantly, tissue integrity is impaired as a
result of damaged collagen that remains in the tissues for longer periods (i.e., collagen
is not renewed at a normal rate)
• As a result, collagen in the tissues of patients with poorly controlled diabetes is older
and more susceptible to pathogenic breakdown (i.e., less resistant to destruction by
periodontal infections).
• AGEs and receptors for AGEs (RAGEs) play a central role in the
classic complications of diabetes,34 and they may play a signiicant
role in the progression of periodontal disease as well. Poor glycemic
control, with the associated increase in AGEs, renders the periodontal
tissues more susceptible to destruction.
Parathyroid gland
• consists of four small glands, are paired and located
behind the thyroid gland in the neck.
• They produce and release parathyroid hormone
(PTH), which is involved in regulating the
metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
• It plays an important role in tooth and bone
• Increases the bone resorption,
• Stimulates formation of active metabolite of
Vitamin D in the kidneys,
• promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium and
decreases renal reabsorption of phosphate.
• Hyperparathyroidism
• is characterized by hypersecretion of PTH.
• HPT occurs in three categories:
• primary secondary tertiary
• Primary Usually caused by a tumor (adenoma in 85% of
all cases) or hyperplasia of the gland that produces an
increase in PTH secretion resulting in hypercalcemia and
In primary HPT, about 50% of patients
have no symptoms and the problem is
picked up as an incidental finding (via
raised calcium or characteristic X-ray
appearances )
• Secondary
• Glands are stimulated to produce increased
amounts of hormones to
• correct abnormally low serum calcium levels
in different physiologic or pathologic
conditions like
 Renal failure,
 Intestinal malabsorption syndrome,
 Decrease of Vitamin D production, lead to
parathyroid hyperplasia.
When long-standing secondary hyperplasia becomes autonomous in spite of correction of
the underlying stimulant (renal transplant).
• Main clinical manifestations of HPT
 bone disease( The ribs, clavicles, pelvic girdle
and mandible )are the bones most involved.
 A pathologic fracture may be the first symptom of
the disease.
 Bone pain and joint stiffness may be present.
 Renal calculi are a common finding in this
 Almost all patients with HPT have skeletal
lesions in the advanced stages.
 The loss of calcium in this condition results in
generalized osteoporosis
There is radiographic evidence of alveolar
osteoporosis with closely meshed trabeculae,
widening of the periodontal ligament space, absence
of the lamina dura, and radiolucent cyst like spaces .
The most common intraoral manifestations of
pHPT have been described as
loss of bone density in the maxillomandibular area
and brown tumor.
radiograph of a
brown tumor in a
patient with
Bone cysts become filled with fibrous
tissue with abundant hemosiderin
laden macrophages and giant cells.
These cysts have been called brown
tumors. More accurately, they are
reparative giant cell granulomas.
In some cases, these lesions appear in
the periapical region of teeth, and they
can lead to a misdiagnosis of a lesion of
endodontic origin
Occlusal radiographic
view of the brown
tumor. Note the
expansion of the
lingual cortical plate
and the movement of
the premolar
 Increased osteoclasis with proliferation
of the connective tissue in the enlarged
marrow spaces, and the formation of
bone cysts and giant cell tumors.
 The disease is called osteitis fibrosa
cystica or von Recklinghausen bone
 Loss of the lamina dura and giant cell
tumors in the jaws are late signs of
hyper parathyroid bone disease.
•Fibrous replacement of
marrow, cysts in trabecular
bone that looks like “brown
tumors” (fibrosis and
organized hemorrage)
 High levels of PTH cause a reduction of the
mandibular cortical bone, and its anabolic
effect, combined with biomechanical forces
of the oral cavity, allows the expansion of
the trabecular bone.
 HPT could also be involved in the
development of periodontal disease.
Considering that poor oral hygiene and
insufficient professional dental care can
contribute to the development of periodontal
 The presence of hyposalivation and
high calcium concentrations can
contribute to dental plaque
accumulation and gingival calculus
formation which lead to
 There is an association between
osteoporosis/osteopenia and risk of
periodontal attachment loss.
Secondary hyperparathyroidism in
a 35- year-old woman with
advanced kidney disease. This
periapical radiograph shows the
ground-glass appearance of the
bone and the loss of lamina dura
 A possible association between
osteoporosis/osteopenia and periodontal disease
has been suggested.
 Bone loss is a common feature of osteoporosis
and periodontal disease.
 Both diseases share common etiologic factors,
such as smoking, nutritional deficiencies,
increasing age, corticosteroid use, and immune
 several studies that evaluated this association
used differing periodontal measures, including
clinical attachment loss (AL), loss of alveolar
crestal height (ACH), and tooth loss.
 Studies have shown low BMD to be
independently and consistently associated with
loss of ACH and tooth loss.
So, if we dealing with
hyperparathyroidism, we are deal with
hyper calcemia
Classic sign and symptoms
 Kidney stones, painful bones,
abdominal groans and psychiatric
 Brown tumors
 genialized loss of lamina dura
 Salt and pepper appearance
 Elevated alkaline phosphate level
 The clinical management of these patients
does not require any special consideration.
 We should know that there is a higher risk
of bone fracture.
 It is important to recognize the presence of
the brown tumor and to perform a correct
differential diagnosis so as not to conduct
an inadequate treatment.
 The dentist plays important role in the
detection of HPT. Occasionally, the first sign
of the disease may be a cyst in the jaw.
1) Puberty
3) Pregnancy
4) Hormonal
5) Menopause
• Puberty gingivitis is characterized by
exaggerated response of the marginal and the
interdental papillae to plaque
• Clinically, Pronounced
inflammation, edema, and
gingival enlargement
• A peak prevalence of gingivitis has been determined at 12 years, 10 months in
• And 13 years, and 7 months in males
• sex hormones alter microenvironment
along with the ability of certain species of
bacteria to capitalize on the higher
concentration of the hormones
A study showed that the severity of puberty
gingivitis was related more closely to plaque
build-up than to hormones. Tiainen et al.
The removal of local factors by oral hygiene
techniques was the key to the management
of hormone-related gingivitis, as it was
pointed. Oh et al.
• The menstrual cycle is characterized by the
onset of increased production and secretion of
estrogen and progesterone in a cyclic pattern
coincident with the onset of puberty.
• Significant gingival inflammatory changes have
been documented and exaggarated by an
imbalance in sex hormones
• Women may complain of bleeding gums during
the days preceding menstrual flow, which
suggests that pre-existing gingivitis is
aggravated by menstruation.
• Inflammatory cytokines like (IL1β) levels were
also reported to have significant changes and
IL6 and TNF alpha may also contribute to the
inflammatory changes
• Klein (1934) reported a “gingivitis menstrualis”
• Mühlemann (1948) presented a “gingivitis inter-menstsrualis” which was
characterized by bright red hemorrhagic lesions of the interdental papilla
developed prior to the menstrual period.
• Pregnant women are more prone to gingival inflammation due to:
• 1) significant endocrine alterations where both progesterone and
estrogen are remarkably elevated.
• 2) Alterations in the immune system so become more susceptible to
infections (e.g. periodontal infection)
• Pregnancy itself does not cause gingivitis.
• dental plaque is the primary cause of gingivitis, just similar to non
pregnant women.
• In absence of local factors, No changes occur in the gingiva
• The hormonal changes lead to changes in vascular permeability, which
leads to gingival edema and exaggerated inflammatory response.
Pregnancy gingivitis is extremely common
occurring in a range between 50 and 100%
of pregnant women.
Gingival inflammatory changes in
pregnancy usually begin during the 2nd
month and the severity of the disease
increases through the eight months
After which there is an abrupt decrease
related to a concomitant reduction in sex
steroid hormone secretion and generally
resolves following parturition.
• The subgingival microbiota may also
undergo changes, including an increase in
Prevotella intermedia
• Kornman and Loesche reported that 55-fold
of an increase in the proportion of P.
intermedia has been reported in pregnant
women compared to nonpregnant controls.
This increase appears to be associated with
elevations in systemic levels of estradiol and
• There may also be a link between
periodontitis and adverse pregnancy
outcomes, including preterm delivery and
low birth weight babies
• Marginal gingival enlargement
• The enlargement is usually generalized
• more prominent inter-proximally than on the
facial and lingual surfaces.
• The enlarged gingiva is bright red or magenta,
soft, and friable, and it has a smooth, shiny
• Spontaneous Bleeding or on slight
• Pinard first described this situation in 1877
• It is a localized gingival inflammatory condition in response to bacterial
plaque, It usually appears at the 2nd or 3rd month of pregnancy.
• It is hyperplastic, smooth surfaced mass that is either sessile or
pedunculated base extending from the gingival margin or, from the
interproximal tissues in the maxillary anterior region predominantly
• Clinically, it is painless, easily bleeding and may range in color from
purplish red to deep blue, although most commonly is red in color with
small fibrin spot.
• It is a superficial lesion that usually does not invade the underlying bone.
• Hormonal contraceptives show the exaggerated gingival response to local
factors (Plaque) similar to that seen during pregnancy.
• Women using contraceptives have poor periodontal and gingival health.
• The long-term use of oral contraceptives for more than 1.5 years may
cause gingivitis, gingival enlargement, attachment loss
• Currently, there are new combination
of oral contraceptive formulations,
• if low plaque levels are established and
maintained during the period of
hormonal contraceptive usage, the
effects on the periodontium can be
• Menopause usually begins between 45 and 55 years of age
• It is characterized by drop in estrogen levels
• Katz and Epstein suggested that conversion of androgens to estrogens might be
the main factor for protecting bone since estrogens have inhibitory effects on
osteoclastic functions.
• So, the most significant problem that develops during menopause is
• Oral manifestations are uncommon but,
• Menopause may be associated with important systemic and oral changes:
• 1)Osteoporosis affects jawbones, Reduction in bone density lead to
alveolar bone loss and progression of periodontal disease leading to tooth
• 2) Reduction in epithelial keratinization and collagen formation in
connective tissue results in thinning of oral mucosa
• 3) Reduction in salivary flow and dryness of oral tissues
• If xerostomia is present, dental plaque may accumulate secondary to
reduced salivary function/flow, leading to caries and gingivitis
• Women may demonstrate menopausal gingivostomatitis
• clinical signs are:
1) drying of the oral tissues
2) abnormal paleness of the gingival tissues
3) bleeding on probing and brushing
4) Oral discomfort is also commonly reported by postmenopausal women with
burning sensation, xerostomia and bad taste
The signs and symptoms of postmenopausal gingivostomatitis are somewhat
comparable to those of chronic desquamative gingivitis.
• Glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol).
• Mineralocorticoids (e.g.,
• Adrenal androgen precursor
prohormones that are
converted in peripheral target
cells to become the sex
Regulation of cortisol production is under the control
of the HPA axis
• Increased cortisol suppresses the immune response through
 The suppression of neutrophil activity.
 Decrease the production of lymphocytes.
 Decrease immunoglobulin G production.
 Decrease salivary IgA secretion.
Increased cortisol levels
• Periodontal examination (bleeding index, plaque index, probing depth and clinical
attachment loss)
• To assess stress in all patients, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 items (DASS-21)
was used.
• Salivary cortisol levels measured using ELISA kit.
• Within the limits of the study, cortisol was associated with both periodontitis and
psychological stress. The levels of cortisol are higher in case of CP associated with stress
than in periodontitis or stress alone.

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perio seminar endo disease and health.pptx

  • 1. INFLUENCE OF SYSTEMATIC DISEASES ON PERIODONTIUM By: - Abdallah Abdelnabi Aref - Huda Mohamed Hashem - Musaab Mohammed Hassan - Omar Essam Eldin Elsayed Shehab - Ahmed Shaker Ahmed Taha - Zeyad Khaled
  • 2. • Clinical and basic science research over the past several decades has led to an improved understanding of and appreciation for the complexity and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases. (Page RC, 1998) • Many systemic diseases, disorders, and conditions have been implicated as risk indicators or risk factors in periodontal disease. • The individual host immune response to periodontal pathogens is very important and likely explains many of the differences in disease severity observed from one individual to the next.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. A. Endocrine System and Periodontal diseases: - Diabetes Mellites - Female sex hormones - Hyperparathyroidism - Cortisol and Priodontitis
  • 7. Diabetes Mellites (DM): It is a complex metabolic disorder characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Type I Type II DM
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. • Complications of Diabetes: - Neuropathy. - Nephropathy - Retinopathy - Macrovascular diseases - Altered wound healing - Periodontitis (Loe H, 1993)
  • 11. Effect of DM on Periodontium: - Periodontal abscesses - Gingival polyps
  • 12. - Deep pockets - Teeth Mobility
  • 13.
  • 14. • the majority of well-controlled studies show a higher prevalence and severity of periodontal disease in individuals with diabetes compared with nondiabetic persons with similar local factors. (Campbell MJ, 1972) (Bernick SM, 1975) • They show a greater loss of attachment, increased bleeding on probing, and increased tooth mobility. • Adults who are 45 years of age or older with poorly controlled diabetes (i.e., with a glycated hemoglobin level >9%) were 2.9 times more likely to have severe periodontitis than those without diabetes. The likelihood was even greater (4.6 times) among smokers with poorly controlled diabetes. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: National diabetes fact sheet: national estimates and general information on diabetes and prediabetes in the United States, 2011, Atlanta, GA, 2011, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.)
  • 15.
  • 16. Diabetes mellitus does not cause gingivitis or periodontitis, but evidence indicates that it alters the response of the periodontal tissues to local factors, thereby hastening bone loss and delaying postsurgical healing.
  • 17. • Mechanism of Diabetic influence on Periodontium: • 1. Bacterial Pathogens • 2. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte Function : • 3. Altered Collagen Metabolism (Newman and Carranza’s Clinical Periodontology 13th edition)
  • 18. 1. Bacterial pathogens • The increased glucose in the gingival fluid and blood of patients with diabetes could change the environment of the microflora, thereby inducing qualitative changes in bacteria that may contribute to the severity of periodontal disease observed in those with poorly controlled diabetes.
  • 19. • Periodontally healthy individuals but, with diabetes mellitus, are at risk for periodontitis due to a decrease in the relative abundance and prevalence of species compatible with health (such as Atopobium and Corynebacterium) and an increase in the pathogenic content of the hyperglycemic microbiota (including Porphyromonas, Prevotella, Campylobacter, and Fusobacterium) (Ganesan SM et al., 2017) ( Long J et al., 2017) • Some authors report evidence that type 2 diabetes mellitus reduces the diversity and richness of the subgingival microbiome, and this decrease is even associated with inadequate glycemic controls. (Longo PL et al., 2018) (Saeb ATM et al., 2019) (Demmer RT et al., 2017)
  • 20. • A consensus report from the American Academy of Periodontology and the European Federation of Periodontology stated that there was no compelling evidence that diabetes mellitus significantly impacted the oral microbiota. This conclusion was based on several human studies that reported inconsistent and contradictory findings on whether diabetes mellitus altered the bacterial composition in the oral cavity. (Chapple IL Genco R working working group 2 of the joint EFPAAPw. Diabetes and periodontal diseases: consensus report of the Joint EFP/AAP Workshop on Periodontitis and Systemic Diseases. J Periodontol. (2013) 84(4 Suppl):S106–12. doi: 10.1902/jop.2013.1340011)
  • 21.
  • 22. 2. Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte (PML) Function : Neutrophils act as first-line-of-defense cells and the reduction of their functional activity contributes to the high susceptibility to and severity of infections in diabetes mellitus.
  • 23. • Studies show that the chemotactic activity of neutrophils from diabetic patients is significantly lower than in cells from healthy controls. • Studies of the phagocytic and microbicidal activities of diabetic patients reveal, with few exceptions, an impairment of these functions. (Mowat A, Baum J, 1971) Decreased bactericidal activity (Tan JS et al., 1975), impairment of phagocytosis and decreased release of lysosomal enzymes (Bagdade JD et al., 1972), and reduced production of reactive oxygen species (Nielson CP et al., 1989) by neutrophils of diabetic patients have been described.
  • 24. 3. Altered Collagen Metabolism: • Chronic hyperglycemia impairs collagen structure and function, which may directly impact the integrity of the periodontium. • Chronic hyperglycemia adversely affects the synthesis, maturation, and maintenance of collagen and extracellular matrix. • In the hyperglycemic state, numerous proteins and matrix molecules undergo a nonenzymatic glycosylation, thereby resulting in accumulated glycation end- products (AGEs).
  • 25. • The formation of AGEs occurs at normal glucose levels as well; however, in hyperglycemic environments, AGE formation is excessive. Many types of molecules are affected, including proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. • Collagen is cross-linked by AGE formation, which makes the collagen less soluble and less likely to be normally repaired or replaced. Cellular migration through cross-linked collagen is impeded, and, perhaps more importantly, tissue integrity is impaired as a result of damaged collagen that remains in the tissues for longer periods (i.e., collagen is not renewed at a normal rate) • As a result, collagen in the tissues of patients with poorly controlled diabetes is older and more susceptible to pathogenic breakdown (i.e., less resistant to destruction by periodontal infections).
  • 26.
  • 27. • AGEs and receptors for AGEs (RAGEs) play a central role in the classic complications of diabetes,34 and they may play a signiicant role in the progression of periodontal disease as well. Poor glycemic control, with the associated increase in AGEs, renders the periodontal tissues more susceptible to destruction.
  • 28.
  • 29.
  • 31. Parathyroid gland • consists of four small glands, are paired and located behind the thyroid gland in the neck. • They produce and release parathyroid hormone (PTH), which is involved in regulating the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
  • 32. • It plays an important role in tooth and bone mineralization. • Increases the bone resorption, • Stimulates formation of active metabolite of Vitamin D in the kidneys, • promotes the intestinal absorption of calcium and decreases renal reabsorption of phosphate.
  • 33. • Hyperparathyroidism • is characterized by hypersecretion of PTH. • HPT occurs in three categories: • primary secondary tertiary • Primary Usually caused by a tumor (adenoma in 85% of all cases) or hyperplasia of the gland that produces an increase in PTH secretion resulting in hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. In primary HPT, about 50% of patients have no symptoms and the problem is picked up as an incidental finding (via raised calcium or characteristic X-ray appearances )
  • 34. • Secondary • Glands are stimulated to produce increased amounts of hormones to • correct abnormally low serum calcium levels in different physiologic or pathologic conditions like  Renal failure,  Intestinal malabsorption syndrome,  Decrease of Vitamin D production, lead to parathyroid hyperplasia. Tertiary When long-standing secondary hyperplasia becomes autonomous in spite of correction of the underlying stimulant (renal transplant).
  • 35. • Main clinical manifestations of HPT  bone disease( The ribs, clavicles, pelvic girdle and mandible )are the bones most involved.  A pathologic fracture may be the first symptom of the disease.  Bone pain and joint stiffness may be present.  Renal calculi are a common finding in this condition.  Almost all patients with HPT have skeletal lesions in the advanced stages.  The loss of calcium in this condition results in generalized osteoporosis
  • 36. There is radiographic evidence of alveolar osteoporosis with closely meshed trabeculae, widening of the periodontal ligament space, absence of the lamina dura, and radiolucent cyst like spaces . The most common intraoral manifestations of pHPT have been described as loss of bone density in the maxillomandibular area and brown tumor. Periapical radiograph of a brown tumor in a patient with hyperparathyroidis m
  • 37. Bone cysts become filled with fibrous tissue with abundant hemosiderin laden macrophages and giant cells. These cysts have been called brown tumors. More accurately, they are reparative giant cell granulomas. In some cases, these lesions appear in the periapical region of teeth, and they can lead to a misdiagnosis of a lesion of endodontic origin Occlusal radiographic view of the brown tumor. Note the expansion of the lingual cortical plate and the movement of the premolar
  • 38. IN HPT:  Increased osteoclasis with proliferation of the connective tissue in the enlarged marrow spaces, and the formation of bone cysts and giant cell tumors.  The disease is called osteitis fibrosa cystica or von Recklinghausen bone disease.  Loss of the lamina dura and giant cell tumors in the jaws are late signs of hyper parathyroid bone disease. •Fibrous replacement of marrow, cysts in trabecular bone that looks like “brown tumors” (fibrosis and organized hemorrage)
  • 39. NOTE:  High levels of PTH cause a reduction of the mandibular cortical bone, and its anabolic effect, combined with biomechanical forces of the oral cavity, allows the expansion of the trabecular bone.  HPT could also be involved in the development of periodontal disease. Considering that poor oral hygiene and insufficient professional dental care can contribute to the development of periodontal disease.
  • 40.  The presence of hyposalivation and high calcium concentrations can contribute to dental plaque accumulation and gingival calculus formation which lead to periodontitis.  There is an association between osteoporosis/osteopenia and risk of periodontal attachment loss. Secondary hyperparathyroidism in a 35- year-old woman with advanced kidney disease. This periapical radiograph shows the ground-glass appearance of the bone and the loss of lamina dura
  • 41.  A possible association between osteoporosis/osteopenia and periodontal disease has been suggested.  Bone loss is a common feature of osteoporosis and periodontal disease.  Both diseases share common etiologic factors, such as smoking, nutritional deficiencies, increasing age, corticosteroid use, and immune dysfunction.  several studies that evaluated this association used differing periodontal measures, including clinical attachment loss (AL), loss of alveolar crestal height (ACH), and tooth loss.  Studies have shown low BMD to be independently and consistently associated with loss of ACH and tooth loss.
  • 42. So, if we dealing with hyperparathyroidism, we are deal with hyper calcemia Classic sign and symptoms  Kidney stones, painful bones, abdominal groans and psychiatric moans  Brown tumors  genialized loss of lamina dura  Salt and pepper appearance  Elevated alkaline phosphate level
  • 43.  The clinical management of these patients does not require any special consideration.  We should know that there is a higher risk of bone fracture.  It is important to recognize the presence of the brown tumor and to perform a correct differential diagnosis so as not to conduct an inadequate treatment.  The dentist plays important role in the detection of HPT. Occasionally, the first sign of the disease may be a cyst in the jaw.
  • 44. 1) Puberty 2) Menstruation 3) Pregnancy 4) Hormonal contraceptives 5) Menopause FEMALE SEX HORMONES
  • 45.
  • 47. • Puberty gingivitis is characterized by exaggerated response of the marginal and the interdental papillae to plaque • Clinically, Pronounced inflammation, edema, and gingival enlargement
  • 48. • A peak prevalence of gingivitis has been determined at 12 years, 10 months in females • And 13 years, and 7 months in males
  • 49.
  • 50. • sex hormones alter microenvironment along with the ability of certain species of bacteria to capitalize on the higher concentration of the hormones A study showed that the severity of puberty gingivitis was related more closely to plaque build-up than to hormones. Tiainen et al. The removal of local factors by oral hygiene techniques was the key to the management of hormone-related gingivitis, as it was pointed. Oh et al.
  • 51.
  • 52. THE MENSTRUAL CYCLE AND PERIODONTIUM • The menstrual cycle is characterized by the onset of increased production and secretion of estrogen and progesterone in a cyclic pattern coincident with the onset of puberty.
  • 53. • Significant gingival inflammatory changes have been documented and exaggarated by an imbalance in sex hormones • Women may complain of bleeding gums during the days preceding menstrual flow, which suggests that pre-existing gingivitis is aggravated by menstruation. • Inflammatory cytokines like (IL1β) levels were also reported to have significant changes and IL6 and TNF alpha may also contribute to the inflammatory changes
  • 54. • Klein (1934) reported a “gingivitis menstrualis” • Mühlemann (1948) presented a “gingivitis inter-menstsrualis” which was characterized by bright red hemorrhagic lesions of the interdental papilla developed prior to the menstrual period.
  • 55.
  • 56. PREGNANCY • Pregnant women are more prone to gingival inflammation due to: • 1) significant endocrine alterations where both progesterone and estrogen are remarkably elevated. • 2) Alterations in the immune system so become more susceptible to infections (e.g. periodontal infection)
  • 57. PREGNANCY • Pregnancy itself does not cause gingivitis. • dental plaque is the primary cause of gingivitis, just similar to non pregnant women. • In absence of local factors, No changes occur in the gingiva • The hormonal changes lead to changes in vascular permeability, which leads to gingival edema and exaggerated inflammatory response.
  • 58. Pregnancy gingivitis is extremely common occurring in a range between 50 and 100% of pregnant women. Gingival inflammatory changes in pregnancy usually begin during the 2nd month and the severity of the disease increases through the eight months After which there is an abrupt decrease related to a concomitant reduction in sex steroid hormone secretion and generally resolves following parturition.
  • 59. • The subgingival microbiota may also undergo changes, including an increase in Prevotella intermedia • Kornman and Loesche reported that 55-fold of an increase in the proportion of P. intermedia has been reported in pregnant women compared to nonpregnant controls. This increase appears to be associated with elevations in systemic levels of estradiol and progesterone • There may also be a link between periodontitis and adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm delivery and low birth weight babies
  • 60. ORAL MANIFESTATIONS • Marginal gingival enlargement • The enlargement is usually generalized • more prominent inter-proximally than on the facial and lingual surfaces. • The enlarged gingiva is bright red or magenta, soft, and friable, and it has a smooth, shiny surface. • Spontaneous Bleeding or on slight provocation.
  • 61. PREGNANCY TUMOR “PREGNANCY-ASSOCIATED PYOGENIC GRANULOMA” • Pinard first described this situation in 1877 • It is a localized gingival inflammatory condition in response to bacterial plaque, It usually appears at the 2nd or 3rd month of pregnancy. • It is hyperplastic, smooth surfaced mass that is either sessile or pedunculated base extending from the gingival margin or, from the interproximal tissues in the maxillary anterior region predominantly • Clinically, it is painless, easily bleeding and may range in color from purplish red to deep blue, although most commonly is red in color with small fibrin spot. • It is a superficial lesion that usually does not invade the underlying bone.
  • 62.
  • 63.
  • 64. HORMONAL CONTRACEPTIVES • Hormonal contraceptives show the exaggerated gingival response to local factors (Plaque) similar to that seen during pregnancy. • Women using contraceptives have poor periodontal and gingival health. • The long-term use of oral contraceptives for more than 1.5 years may cause gingivitis, gingival enlargement, attachment loss
  • 65.
  • 66. • Currently, there are new combination of oral contraceptive formulations, • if low plaque levels are established and maintained during the period of hormonal contraceptive usage, the effects on the periodontium can be minimized.
  • 67.
  • 68. MENOPAUSE • Menopause usually begins between 45 and 55 years of age • It is characterized by drop in estrogen levels • Katz and Epstein suggested that conversion of androgens to estrogens might be the main factor for protecting bone since estrogens have inhibitory effects on osteoclastic functions. • So, the most significant problem that develops during menopause is osteoporosis.
  • 69. • Oral manifestations are uncommon but, • Menopause may be associated with important systemic and oral changes: • 1)Osteoporosis affects jawbones, Reduction in bone density lead to alveolar bone loss and progression of periodontal disease leading to tooth loss • 2) Reduction in epithelial keratinization and collagen formation in connective tissue results in thinning of oral mucosa • 3) Reduction in salivary flow and dryness of oral tissues • If xerostomia is present, dental plaque may accumulate secondary to reduced salivary function/flow, leading to caries and gingivitis
  • 70. • Women may demonstrate menopausal gingivostomatitis • clinical signs are: 1) drying of the oral tissues 2) abnormal paleness of the gingival tissues 3) bleeding on probing and brushing 4) Oral discomfort is also commonly reported by postmenopausal women with burning sensation, xerostomia and bad taste The signs and symptoms of postmenopausal gingivostomatitis are somewhat comparable to those of chronic desquamative gingivitis.
  • 72. ADRENAL GLAND HORMONES • Glucocorticoids (e.g., cortisol). • Mineralocorticoids (e.g., aldosterone). • Adrenal androgen precursor prohormones that are converted in peripheral target cells to become the sex steroids.
  • 73. CORTISOL Regulation of cortisol production is under the control of the HPA axis
  • 76. IMMUNOSUPPRESSIVE EFFECT OF CORTISOL • Increased cortisol suppresses the immune response through  The suppression of neutrophil activity.  Decrease the production of lymphocytes.  Decrease immunoglobulin G production.  Decrease salivary IgA secretion.
  • 80. • Periodontal examination (bleeding index, plaque index, probing depth and clinical attachment loss) • To assess stress in all patients, Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Scale-21 items (DASS-21) was used. • Salivary cortisol levels measured using ELISA kit.
  • 81.
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  • 83.
  • 84. Conclusion • Within the limits of the study, cortisol was associated with both periodontitis and psychological stress. The levels of cortisol are higher in case of CP associated with stress than in periodontitis or stress alone.