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2    GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012

GLAAD at a Glance                      2   GLAAD Media Awards:
GLAAD on the Ground                    3      Celebrating 25 years                10
Amplify Your Voice                     4   Commentator Accountability Project     12
A Nation in Purple:                        Missing Voices: A Study of Religious
   #Spiritday 2011                     5      Voices in Mainstream Media
Working ProBono: Chaz Takes on                Reports About LGBT Equality         13
   Dancing with the Stars              6   Miss Universe: Transforming Images
Sharing Stories:                              of Beauty                           14
   Tiffany and Meredith                7   #StandUpForEllen                       15
Equality En Español: Growing               Scouts for All                         16
   Acceptance Through                      @GLAAD                                 17
   Spanish-Language Media              8   Support                                18
Transforming Entertainment:                Financial Statement                    20
   Diversifying LGBT Images on TV      9   Join the Movement                      21
                                                                                                                IMAGES OF EQUALITY             1

                         We’re getting closer.
                                                                        When the anti-gay hate group One Million Moms – a project of
                         One story at a time, lesbian, gay,             the American Family Association – called on J.C. Penney to fire
                         bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people         Ellen DeGeneres as the company’s spokesperson simply because
                         are getting closer to equality.                she’s gay, GLAAD helped tens of thousands of Americans speak
                                                                        out in support of Ellen and condemn employment discrimination
                         And for more than 25 years, GLAAD              that still casts a shadow over LGBT workers in a majority of states
                         has worked through news, entertainment         today.
                         and online media to share those stories
that make a difference. Stories that don’t just make headlines, but     The Miss Universe Organization later reversed course and opened
which move Americans toward full acceptance.                            the competition to transgender contestants after GLAAD worked
                                                                        with the group to ensure the world’s most renowned beauty
It’s an extraordinary honor to now be at the helm of that work.         competition continues to be a celebration of all women.
Since coming to GLAAD, I have had the privilege of both
witnessing and taking part in this organization’s incredible power      And anti-gay commentators, whose only qualification seems to
to generate change.                                                     be the badge of hate they carry for their LGBT neighbors and
                                                                        colleagues, are today finding it more difficult to spew their hate
Today, I speak to you on the heels of some great victories in the       on national airwaves in the wake of GLAAD’s Commentator
pursuit of equality.                                                    Accountability Project, a tool distributed to the country’s top news
                                                                        outlets that exposes these so-called “spokespeople” for who they
After Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell was ousted as leader of her son’s       really are: anti-LGBT demagogues.
Boy Scouts troop because she’s gay, GLAAD helped bring her
story to outlets including The New York Times, The Los Angeles          It’s stories like these that are leading us closer to equality. And it’s
Times, CNN, MSNBC and The Associated Press -- introducing               stories like these that GLAAD needs your support to share.
millions of Americans to a loving gay mom, cast out her son’s life
simply because of who she is. Today, over 300,000 people have           Herndon Graddick, President
joined Jennifer and GLAAD to call on the Boy Scouts to end its          GLAAD
discriminatory policies, and we’re now closer than ever before to
seeing that change become a reality.

FROM THE BOARD         Six and counting.                                When networks or newspapers miss the mark in fair and accurate
                                                                        representation, it’s GLAAD that holds them accountable, helping
                       That’s six states and the District of Columbia   media better understand the concrete harms that stem from
                       which have now put into law what most            misinformation and stereotypes.
                       Americans already know in their hearts:
                       every committed couple should be able to         GLAAD is at work in states across the nation, on the ground in
                       marry the person they love.                      places where LGBT equality is being debated, assisting grassroots
                                                                        advocates and organizations with media strategy which keeps
                       And when elected officials take to the           thoughtful stories from the LGBT community above the fold.
                       legislature floor to explain their support,
                       they say time and time again that it’s the       It’s those stories and images we are pleased to share with you
                       stories of loving couples – their gay and        here, because it’s those stories and images that continue to change
                       lesbian constituents, neighbors and friends      hearts and minds.
                       – which move them to embrace equality.
                       It’s those stories that are casting the final    On behalf of GLAAD’s National Board of Directors, we thank you
                       vote, and it’s GLAAD that’s working to share     for your ongoing support and commitment to helping us share the
                       them.                                            stories that matter most – those that build support for equality.

You see, for some people, the only gay or transgender people they       Sheri Fults
know are those they meet on their favorite TV shows, while at the       Co-Chair, National Board of Directors
movies, or when sitting down to read the Sunday paper. And for
some people, it’s those images they bring with them to the ballot       John F. Stephens
box come voting time.                                                   Co-Chair, National Board of Directors

That’s why GLAAD works through news, entertainment, and online
media to build support from the ground up. GLAAD brings images
of LGBT people and allies to America’s living rooms, dining tables,
and water coolers – helping people understand that LGBT people
are just like them and want the same opportunities to love and
protect their families.

       glaad AT A
                 2011                 JAN
                                            GLAAD works with
                                            to remove an offensive poll asking
                                            readers whether it’s appropriate to
                                            call gay people “fa**ots.”

                                            Facebook works with GLAAD to
                                            add ‘In a Civil Union’ and ‘In a
                                            Domestic Partnership’ options to

                 IN 2011 GLAAD              user profiles, making the site more
                                            inclusive for tens of millions of
                                            LGBT people across the globe.
                 TRAINED 794

                                                                                   alongside Basic
                                            World Wrestling Entertainment          Rights Oregon
                                            (WWE) partners with GLAAD to           to unveil a

                 PEOPLE AT 155
                                            stand up against bullying and          new statewide
                                            help put an end to homophobia in       series to increase
                                            sports.                                understanding about
                                                                                   gay and lesbian

                                            Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe
                 MEDIA TRAININGS.           Bryant speaks out against the
                                            harms of anti-gay language after       CA        GLAAD
                                                                                   the “Talking About
                                            GLAAD calls on the basketball          LGBT Equality with
                                            icon to address his use of a           Latinos & Hispanics”
                                                                                   guide to build
                                            homophobic slur. NBA joins             support for equality
                                            GLAAD to combat homophobia on          in the Spanish-
                                                                                   speaking community.
                                            the court.

            GLAAD HAD
                                      MAY                                            JUN
                                             GLAAD convenes its first-ever
                                             People of Color Media Training
              933 MEETINGS                   Institute to elevate diverse LGBT
                                             voices in mainstream media.

                                       SEPT                                          OCT
                                                      Bloomberg Businessweek
     INDIVIDUAL MEDIA OUTLETS.                        partners with GLAAD
                                                      to publish a multi-page
                                                      spread about equality
                                                      in the workplace,
                                                      spotlighting hurdles still
                                                      facing LGBT employees.
IMAGES OF EQUALITY               3

      glaad ON THE
                                                                                           GLAAD WORKS IN STATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY
                                                                                           to train local LGBT people and allies how to speak
                                                                                           out in their communities – whether at church, in a PTA
                                                                                           meeting, at community gatherings or in local media.

                                                                                                  PA       GLAAD helps share the story of Brian
                                                                                                           Andersen and Anton Tanumihardja,          MA          Boston

                                                                        TN      GLAAD
                                                                        advocates from across
                                                                                                  a bi-national couple facing deportation under
                                                                                                  DOMA. In historic move, immigration officials
                                                                                                  later grant the couple a stay.
                                                                                                                                                     station KISS 108 airs
                                                                                                                                                     PSAs underscoring
                                                                                                                                                     the importance of

                                                                        Tennessee for a                                                              transgender-inclusive
                                                                                                               The                                   anti-discrimination

                                                                        statewide training on
                                                                                                               Charlotte              GLAAD          protections after
                                                                        how to build support
                                                                                                  Observer publishes                  joins          working with GLAAD.
                                                                        for equality through
                                                                                                  its first-ever wedding   Equality Ohio and

                                                                        the media.

                                                        GLAAD works                               announcements for        GLSEN to take a stand

                                                                                                  same-sex couples                                              GLAAD
                                                        with the El                GLAAD                                   against bullying after
                                                                                                  after GLAAD                                                   shares the
                                                Paso Times to publish              works with                              video surfaces of a

                                                                                                  challenges outdated,                               stories of dozens of
                                                an op-ed featuring      the Atlanta Journal-                               local teen being beaten
                                                                                                  anti-gay practices.                                couples and LGBT-
                                   Arizona      11 LGBT-affirming       Constitution to correct                            because of his sexual
                                                                                                                                                     affirming faith leaders
                         Superintendent of      voices of faith after   coverage about a                                   orientation.
                                                                                                                                                     in both English and
                                                the paper runs anti-    local transgender boy
                         Public Instruction                                                                                                          Spanish-language as
                                                gay ads from a local

                                                                        facing discrimination                                                        marriage equality

       GLAAD helps       John Huppenthal        priest.                 from his elementary                                         GLAAD            finally becomes a

       share the         apologizes for anti-                           school.
                                                       Local high                                                                   teams up         reality in the Empire
stories of loving        gay remarks after             school                                                              with the Michigan         State.
couples as the Aloha

                         GLAAD and Equality     overturns ban on a                                                         Department of Civil
State readies to begin                                                           GLAAD works with a local TV station
                         Arizona speak out.     Gay-Straight Alliance                                                      Rights to train local
Civil Unions for gay                                                             to correct and improve coverage
                                                (GSA) after GLAAD                                                          advocates and allies
and lesbian couples.                                                    about the tragic death of a local transgender
                                                shares the story of                                                        on how to voice
                                                student and GSA                                                            support for equality in
                                                founder Nikki Peet in                                                      local media.
                                                national media.

GLAAD ALSO SERVES AS A COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT to many local LGBT organizations, which lack the
resources necessary to focus on this important work when equality is being debated on the local level.

                                         JUL                                                                 AUG
Comedian Tracy Morgan                                     GLAAD elevates the stories of                                             GLAAD works with Christian
meets with homeless LGBT                                  LGBT and allied Presbyterians as                                          magazine Sojourners to print
youth in New York City                                    the Presbyterian Church (USA)                                             a full-page ad highlighting
after GLAAD works with the                                ratifies its constitution to allow for                                    the dispropotrtionate rates of
‘30 Rock’ star to underline                               the ordination of LGBT clergy.                                            homelessness facing LGBT
the importance of family                                                                                                            youth.

                                      NOV                                                                    DEC
From Times Square to local                                 Film director Brett Ratner partners                                      GLAAD takes a stand against
schools and all the way to                                 with GLAAD to combat anti-LGBT                                           ABC’s transphobic series Work
the White House, millions                                  images in Hollywood. GLAAD                                               It, publishing a full-page ad with
‘go purple’ in support of                                  and Ratner later announce a new                                          HRC in Daily Variety about the
LGBT youth for GLAAD’s                                     PSA series featuring celebrities                                         tremendous hurdles transgender
second annual Spirit Day.                                  coming out in support of LGBT                                            Americans still face in the
                                                           equality.                                                                workplace. ABC cancels the
                                                                                                                                    series after just two episodes.

YOUR                                  VOICE                                  glaad takes a stand
                                                                             against bullying

No one should be bullied or called          Building on the success of GLAAD’s           including GLAAD, AFT, GLSEN, PFLAG
names simply for being who they are.        2009 “Be an Ally” PSA series, the            and The Trevor Project, among several
Still, millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual   new nationally televised spots – which       others.
and transgender (LGBT) youth are made       feature the stories of LGBT youth who
to feel like they don’t fit in every day;   were bullied because of who they             Launched in conjunction with Spirit
some even feel unsafe.                      are – encourage support from equality        Day 2011, the PSAs served to remind
                                            allies and direct viewers to anti-bullying   millions of young people that “no matter
In 2011, GLAAD and the American             resource kits on There,           who you are, you have the power to
Federation of Teachers (AFT) teamed up      parents, teachers and students can find      make a difference.”
to take a stand against bullying.           invaluable tools from organizations

With the help of celebrities like Russell
Simmons, Kristin Chenoweth, Amy

                                                      “NO MATTER
Poehler, Rashida Jones, Shaquille
O’Neal, Chaz Bono, Mario Lopez,
Naya Rivera, Vinny Guadagnino,                                                                    WHO YOU ARE,
                                            YOU HAVE THE POWER
Tori Spelling, stars of the WWE and
more, GLAAD brought messages of

empowerment to over 20 million homes
in its new PSA series, “Amplify Your        TO MAKE A

    A NATION IN                                                          EQUALITWEETS: #SPIRITDAY

                                                                                  JESSE TYLER-FERGUSON

                                                                         I’M WEARING PURPLE TONIGHT ON @CONANOBRIEN TO
                                                                         SUPPORT LGBT TEENS ON #SPRITDAY. ARE YOU WEARING
                                                                         PURPLE TODAY TOO? GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY

From Times Square, to LAX and
all the way to the White House,
                                    Lambert, Ricky Martin, Kylie
                                    Minogue, Julianne Moore, Rosie
                                                                                   SANDRA BERNHARD

                                                                         SPIRIT DAY, WEAR YOUR PURPLE! EVERYONE JOIN ME
                                                                         IN SUPPORT OF LGBT YOUTH, AND IN OPPOSITION OF
                                                                         BULLYING: GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY
millions of people went purple in   O’Donnell, Joan Rivers, Paulina
2011 for Spirit Day in support      Rubio, Scissor Sisters, Tori                   @CHAZBONO
of lesbian, gay, bisexual and       Spelling, Jesse Tyler Ferguson,                CHAZ BONO
transgender (LGBT) youth.           stars of the WWE and dozens of
                                    others.                              HELP @GLAAD END ANTI-LGBT BULLYING - MAKE YOUR
Created in 2010 by high school
                                                                         PROFILE PIC PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY AT
student Brittany McMillan, Spirit   For just the second time in the
Day encourages people to wear       network’s history, MTV turned its
                                                                         GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY #LGBT
purple in a stand against anti-     on-air logo purple for Spirit Day,
LGBT bullying and as a visible      as well as sister channels MTV2,               @TYRABANKS
show of support for equality.       mtvU, MTV Hits, and MTV Jams.                  TYRA BANKS
What began as an idea posted        Through GLAAD’s online tool,         JOIN ME 2SHOW UR SUPPORT 4 THE LGBT COMMUNITY
to Brittany’s Tumblr has, with      hundreds of thousands of             ON #SPIRITDAY - OCT 20! CHANGE UR PROFILE PIC 2 ONE
GLAAD’s help, become an             Facebook and Twitter users           W/FIERCE PURPLE! GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY
international phenomenon,           also turned their profile pictures
attracting the participation of     purple in an overwhelming
celebrities, news programs,         display of support for LGBT
media outlets, websites,            young people.                                  RICKY MARTIN
corporations, universities,
churches, local communities, and    Spirit Day touches the lives         END ANTI-LGBT BULLYING - WEAR PURPLE & MAKE YOUR
even national landmarks.            of millions of Americans,            PROFILE PIC PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY 10/20 AT
                                    with messages of hope and            GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY #LGBT
Among those who ‘went purple’       encouragement. This year,
and spoke out in support of         Spirit Day will continue with                  @GOLDIEHAWN
LGBT youth on Spirit Day 2011:      GLAAD once again working with
the White House; Facebook;          entertainers, media, entire cities
                                                                                   GOLDIE HAWN
hosts of the Today Show, Good       and everyday people to take a
Morning America, The View,          stand against bullying and show      JOIN ME! WEAR PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY TO SUPPORT
The Talk, Live! with Regis &        our support for LGBT young           GAY YOUTH & STAND AGAINST BULLYING: GLAAD.ORG/
Kelly, Anderson Cooper 360,         people.                              SPIRITDAY NO CHILD SHOULD BE BULLIED!
NBC Nightly News, ABC World
News, Access Hollywood,             For more information on how
Conan, The Late Late Show;          you can participate, visit                     @WHITEHOUSE
celebrities including Chaz Bono,                            THE WHITE HOUSE
Cher, Fran Drescher, Nancy
Grace, Kathy Griffin, Goldie                                             .@WHITEHOUSE GOES PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY!
Hawn, Sean Hayes, Adam
6    GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012


Transgender visibility on television got quite a boost in 2011,        media outlets – including The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly
following the announcement that author and advocate Chaz Bono          and The Hollywood Reporter -- to speak out in support of Chaz and
would join the cast of ABC’s hit series Dancing With the Stars.        highlight the tremendous hurdles still facing transgender Americans
Beginning in September, Chaz joined 11 other celebs – including        today.
openly gay fashion guru Carson Kressley -- in putting his fancy
footwork to the test on the ballroom floor.                            GLAAD also assembled a panel of five prominent transgender
                                                                       advocates for a feature segment on the entertainment news show
While most media outlets and personalities celebrated Chaz’s           The Insider. The first-of-its-kind panel underlined the impact of Chaz’s
inclusion on the show, offering strong words of support, anti-LGBT     inclusion on the show, as well as the growing acceptance of
activists reacted with hateful messages and dangerous misinformation   transgender equality.
about the transgender community, encouraging viewers not to vote
for Chaz simply for having the courage to be who he is.                In 2012, Chaz was honored with the Stephen F. Kolzak Award at
                                                                       the 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards, where he spoke about
In response, GLAAD galvanized the support of tens of thousands,        GLAAD’s work and impact:
encouraging people to go #ProBono on Twitter and Facebook in a
stand against transphobia. GLAAD also worked through national                       “WE REALLY, REALLY HAVE COME A LONG WAY […]
                                                                                         AND I BELIEVE THAT CHANGE HAPPENS
                                                                                    FIRS T CULTUR A L LY,
                                                                                    AND THAT’S WHERE GLAAD HAS THE
                                                                                    GREATEST IMPACT ON OUR SOCIETY
                                                                                      […] FOR MY PERSONAL JOURNEY, SINCE I TRANSITIONED,
                                                                                                GLAAD HAS BEEN THERE FOR ME

                                                                                         EVERY STEP OF THE WAY.
                                                                                    FROM WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT THAT I WAS TRANSITIONING,
                                                                                    GLAAD              WAS           RIGHT            THERE,
                                                                                    OUT FRONT IN THE MEDIA. AND REALLY,
                                                                                    EVERYTHING THAT I’VE DONE SINCE THEN,
                                                                                    THEY’VE BEEN A PARTNER FOR ME TO GO TO -- WHEN ONE
                                                                                    MILLION MOMS IS COMING OUT AGAINST ME OR WHEN KEITH
                                                                                    ABLOW IS TELLING PEOPLE THAT ME BEING ON DANCING
                                                                                    WITH THE STARS IS SOMEHOW DAMAGING TO CHILDREN --
                                                                                    THEY’VE     REALLY      BEEN     A    PARTNER       FOR       ME

                                                                                                     ALL THE WAY.”


After spending four inseparable years            all over the world descended on City Hall
together, and while snacking at their            to capture the momentous occasion.
favorite taco shop, Brooklyn-based couple
Tiffany Peckosh and Meredith Soffrin             Equipping couples with key talking points
promised to spend the rest of their lives        about the vital protections that only
together.                                        marriage can afford, training couples on
                                                 interview techniques and best-practices,
Months later, the pair joined 823                and offering journalists a wide variety of
other loving and committed couples in            spokespeople – including faith leaders,
exchanging ‘I dos’ in New York City on July      Spanish-speaking couples, and couples
24, 2011, the first day it became legal for      of color – GLAAD brought diverse stories
gay and lesbian couples to marry in the          of love and commitment to statest across
Empire State.                                    the nation through outlets such as The
                                                 Associated Press, The New York Times,
“It feels amazing -- it was such a touching      USA Today, NBC Nightly News, The
moment,” Meredith told the BBC after tying       Today Show, CNN, and the BBC, among
the knot. “We’re hoping for this visibility to   hundreds of others.
create more understanding about the love
that we share and about our relationship.”       By introducing Americans to couples like
                                                 Tiffany and Meredith – couples who simply
GLAAD worked tirelessly in the weeks             want to take care of and be responsible for
leading up to the historic day, connecting       each other – GLAAD continues to change
brides-and-grooms-to-be with media outlets       hearts and minds in living rooms, at water
and shining light on stories of love and         coolers and around dining tables across the
commitment. That day, GLAAD was on the           country, moving more and more people to
ground in New York City as journalists from      support equality for all.
8    GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012

                       EQUALITY                                         EN ESPAÑOL

Growing acceptance through
Spanish-language media
The Spanish-speaking population remains    This year, as the campaign continued,
one of our nation’s fastest growing        GLAAD President Herndon Graddick
communities, with the U.S. Census          joined NHMC President & CEO Alex
Bureau reporting Spanish as the primary    Nogales to deliver thousands of petition
language of nearly 37 million Americans.   signatures to the show’s distributor,
                                           Liberman Broadcasting, Inc. (LBI),
Reaching Spanish-speaking voters           demanding an end to its inflammatory
with messages of acceptance is now         anti-LGBT content. There, GLAAD and
more important than ever. That’s why       NHMC also held a press conference
GLAAD’s Spanish-Language Media             announcing a new call for advertisers
Program works to share stories of LGBT     to re-evaluate their support of the show.
people across Spanish-language news
and entertainment outlets, building        Finally, after 18 months of sustained
support for equality and challenging       effort from GLAAD and NHMC,
defamatory representations.                José Luis Sin Censura was taken off
                                           the air. In a letter addressed to the
In 2011, GLAAD and the National            organizations, the show’s distributor
Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC)            wrote, “We are confident that we can
teamed up to take a stand against          build upon this experience and work
the anti-LGBT talk show José Luis          together to create positive experiences     Now in its second year, GLAAD’s People of Color
Sin Censura, filing a joint complaint      for the LGBT, Latino and Spanish-           Media Institute brings together advocates of color
with the Federal Communications            speaking communities.”                      for a multi-day advanced spokesperson-training
Commission (FCC) calling on the                                                        program. GLAAD staff, leading journalists and key
body to take action against the show’s     Through GLAAD’s Spanish-Language            media professionals help participants cultivate skills
repeated use of anti-gay slurs and anti-   Media Program, positive images and          vital to speaking about equality in both English and
LGBT violence.                             stories of LGBT people are also standing    Spanish-language news outlets. To date, more than
                                           in the face of shows like José Luis Sin     100 stories have featured or have been authored by
More than 30 organizations joined          Censura -- reaching people across           a GLAAD People of Color Media Institute graduate.
GLAAD’s call, and advertisers including    communities and helping to build
AT&T, Dish Latino, McDonald’s, and         support and understanding in Spanish-
Time Warner Cable even pulled their        speaking homes across the nation.
support from the program.
                                                                                       ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012


                                    In its tenth season, TeenNick’s hit       young audiences to important
                                    series Degrassi introduced Adam –         resources and support while also
                                    the first transgender teen character      encouraging viewers to be allies to
                                    to appear as a series regular on a        their LGBT peers.
                                    scripted TV show.
                                                                              In 2011, the George Foster
                                    GLAAD and TeenNick worked                 Peabody Awards recognized
                                    together in 2010 to craft Adam’s          Degrassi for the trailblazing
                                    storyline and ensure that his             plotline. Among the most
                                    representation was authentic              prestigious of honors in the media,
                                    and sensitive to the transgender          the Peabodys extoled the program
                                    experience. GLAAD worked                  for its inclusion and authenticity,
                                    side by side with scriptwriters           saying “True to its history, the
                                    and producers, equipping them             durable high-school serial’s
                                    with vital resources like style and       two-parter about a transgender
                                    terminology guides – helping to           teen neither trivializes nor
                                    reshape the way television depicts        overdramatizes its subject.”
                                    not just trans people, but trans
                                    youth.                                    Adam’s enrollment at Degrassi
                                                                              Community School not only
                                    Together, GLAAD and TeenNick              helped his fellow students better
                                    also created a public service             understand what it means to be
                                    announcement (PSA) to                     transgender, but brought positive
                                    accompany Adam’s debut                    messages to countless teens across
                                    episodes, which directed                  the globe, who – perhaps for the
                                                                              very first time – got to know a
                                                                              transgender person.
                                                                              That’s GLAAD at work.
            ON TRYING TO TELL
     REALLY                   TRUTHFUL STORIES.”
                                           - DEGRASSI STAR STEFAN BROGREN ON THE SHOW’S
                                               2012 GLAAD MEDIA AWARD NOMINATION

                                          media awards

VITO RUSSO AWARD                           “Klaus & Greta” 30 Rock (NBC)
Ricky Martin
                                           OUTSTANDING DOCUMENTARY
EXCELLENCE IN MEDIA AWARD                  8: The Mormon Proposition (Red Flag
Russell Simmons                            Releasing)

Kristin Chenoweth                          Project Runway (Lifetime)

NBC Entertainment Chairman                 “Ricky Martin Coming Out as a Gay Man
Robert Greenblatt                          and a New Dad” The Oprah Winfrey Show
Kim Cattrall                               OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM
                                           Newsmagazine: “Gay Teen Suicides”
                                           (series) Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN)
                                           OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM SEGMENT
                                           “Fort Worth Speech” The Last Word with
                                           Lawrence O’Donnell (MSNBC)
Kara Swisher

                                           “Rutgers Student Tyler Clementi’s Suicide
Bianca “Nikki” Peet
                                           Spurs Action Across U.S.” by Judy Peet (The
                                           Star-Ledger [Newark, N.J.])
The Kids Are All Right (Focus Features)
                                           OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER COLUMNIST
                                           Frank Rich (The New York Times)
I Love You Phillip Morris (Roadside
                                           OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER OVERALL
                                           Denver Post
True Blood (HBO)
                                           OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE ARTICLE
                                           “What Happens When You Find the One...
                                           And He’s Nothing – Nothing – Like You
TIE: Glee (Fox) and Modern Family (ABC)
                                           Expected?” by Allison Cooper (O, The
                                           Oprah Magazine)

      The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair,
      accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and
      transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives. The
      GLAAD Media Awards also fund GLAAD’s work to share stories from the
      LGBT community that build support for equality.

The Advocate/Out
                                              OUTSTANDING NOVELA
OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM ARTICLE        ¿Dónde está Elisa? (Telemundo)
“View From Washington” (series) by Kerry
Eleveld (                        OUTSTANDING DAYTIME TALK SHOW EPISODE
                                              TIE: “Mamá vístete de hombre” Casos de
OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM -              Familia (Univision) and “La Proposición 8”
MULTIMEDIA                                    Caso Cerrado (Telemundo)
“Bridal Bliss: Aisha and Danielle” by Bobbi
Misick (                          OUTSTANDING TALK SHOW INTERVIEW
                                              “Saliendo del closet después de los 30” El
OUTSTANDING BLOG                              Show de Cristina (Univision)
Joe. My. God. (http://joemygod.blogspot.
com/)                                         OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM –
OUTSTANDING MUSIC ARTIST                      “En nombre del amor” Primer Impacto
Scissor Sisters, Night Work (Downtown         (Univision)
                                              OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM SEGMENT
OUTSTANDING COMIC BOOK                        “Aumenta el hostigamiento” Despierta
X-Factor by Peter David (Marvel Comics)       América (Univision)

Something Happened by L. Trey Wilson          “Acosados hasta el punto del suicidio” by
                                              Rubén Moreno (La Opinión)
Broadway & Off–Broadway: The Pride by         OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE ARTICLE
Alexi Kaye Campbell                           “Estoy feliz de ser quien soy” by María
                                              Morales (People en Español)
Off–Off Broadway: When Last We Flew by        OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM ARTICLE:
Harrison David Rivers                         “Fedro llegó para quedarse” by Amy
                                              Linares (

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                                                                                                                                            2 0 1 2
                     Time and time again, media outlets turn to anti-gay activists in                CAP has since made waves across mainstream media, disrupting
                     an effort to provide so-called “balance” to news stories. What                  extreme anti-LGBT talking heads’ ability to spew misinformation
                     journalists may not realize, however, is that these sources often               on the air, and attracting responses from the nation’s leading
                     espouse extreme, anti-LGBT animus – sometimes even advocating                   journalists, including Hardball host Chris Matthews, whopublicly
                     violence.                                                                       stated that he and his producers are now reevaluating the way the
                                                                                                     show deals with anti-gay guests.
                     Launched in March 2012, GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability
                     Project (CAP) provides a comprehensive set of online resources                  GLAAD also works with local news outlets – in states like North
                     detailing the homophobic, racist, and misogynistic sentiments of                Carolina, Washington, Maine and Minnesota, where equality
                     nearly three-dozen of the nation’s most vitriolic anti-LGBT activists.          hinges on the ballot box – to ensure that reporters know about the
                                                                                                     gross misinformation spread by anti-gay activists in their area.
                     The Commentator Accountability Project contains facts with which
                     every journalist who covers LGBT issues should be familiar, but                 CAP provides journalists, producers, show bookers and network
                     usually is not. GLAAD has already made the resource available to                executives with an invaluable tool by which to hold commentators
                     the nation’s leading newsrooms, meeting with producers to discuss               accountable, in turn helping audiences better understand and
                     the importance of fairness and accuracy when talking about                      accept their LGBT brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends.
                     equality for every American.

                     PAT ROBERTSON                                        TONY PERKINS                                     MAGGIE GALLAGHER
                     FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN, THE CHRISTIAN                  PRESIDENT OF                                     FOUNDER AND FORMER PRESIDENT AND
                     CENTER FOR LAW & JUSTICE (ACLJ), AND                 •	Says that gay young people “have a higher
                                                                                                                           ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE
                     REGENT UNIVERSITY (AMONG OTHERS)                       propensity to depression or suicide because
                                                                            of that internal conflict; homosexuals may      •	Internal memos obtained by the Human Rights
                     •	Said: “I don’t really believe homosexuals want       recognize intuitively that their same-sex         Campaign reveal that Gallagher’s organization,
                       to get marriage, what they want to do is destroy     attractions are abnormal.”                        the National Organization for Marriage, was
                       marriage and some of the other things we have                                                          actively attempting to—in its own words—
                                                                          •	The Family Research Council has distributed       ”drive a wedge between gays and blacks”
                       in our society.”
                                                                            a pamphlet that erroneously depicts gay men       and “provoke the gay marriage base into
                     •	Of LGBT advocacy groups: “Some of these              and lesbians as physically and mentally ill       responding by denouncing (black) spokesmen
                       radical gay groups are willing to do anything        pedophiles who can be cured.                      and women as bigots.” A 2008–2009 Board
                       in the world to have their way of doing sex                                                            Update also revealed that one of NOM’s goals
                                                                          •	The Family Research Council has distributed
                       legitimized by this country. They’ll tear down                                                         was “fanning the hostility” between the LGBT
                                                                            a pamphlet that begins by likening the logic
                       any institution, the church -- the Episcopal                                                           community and the black community.
                                                                            behind same-sex marriage to the logic behind
                       Church, for example -- in order to have their
                                                                            man-horse marriage (complete with horse         •	Referred to being gay as “a sexual disability
                       way, and it’s basically wrong.”
                                                                            graphic).                                         preventing certain individuals from participating
                     •	Robertson compared gay people with Satanists                                                           in the normal reproductive patterns of the human
                                                                          •	Paid $82,500 to use the phone bank of former
                       and tried to link gay people to Adolf Hitler:                                                          species.”
                                                                            Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke for an
                       “Many of those people involved with Adolph
                                                                            election run-off.                               •	Compared winning the fight to ban marriage
                       Hitler were Satanists, many of them were
                       homosexuals. The two things seem to go             •	Claims “blood of young marines” is on hands       for gay couples with the fall of communism and
                       together.”                                           of legislators who voted to repeal Don’t Ask      believes that if it is made legal, it will mean
                                                                            Don’t Tell.                                       “losing American civilization.”

                                                                                                             FOR FULL LIST OF PROFILES, VISIT GLAAD.ORG/CAP
                                                                                                                                    IMAGES REPORT 2011-201213

MISSING                                                                                                                                  2 0 1 2

                                                                                                                          a study of religious voices in
                                                                                                                          mainstream media reports
                                                                                                                          about LGBT equality


                                                                                                                        3out of 4
Time and time again, anti-gay activists cite
faith traditions when speaking out against                       The research, a three-year analysis of 316
equality, casting a gulf between God and                         news stories about LGBT issues, using
His LGBT sons and daughters that seems                           1,387 different religious sources on
unbridgeable.                                                    national television and print news media,
                                                                 showed a disproportionate reliance on               of the messages with some
Support for equality continues to grow,                          anti-LGBT religious voices commenting               religious identification were
however -- not just among the secular                            on LGBT people and issues. Three out                communicated by people affiliated
public, but across faith communities and                         of four religious messages came from                with faith groups that have formal
congregations. The myth that people of faith                     people whose religions have formal
do not accept their LGBT brothers, sisters,                      policies opposing LGBT equality, despite
                                                                                                                     church policy, religious decrees or
neighbors and friends is simply untrue.                          the fact that acceptance of LGBT people is          traditions opposing equality for
                                                                 growing across faith traditions.                             LGBT people.
That’s why GLAAD and the University of
Missouri Center on Religion & the Professions
                                         GLAAD found that news media is largely
teamed up to publish “Missing Voices,”   omitting a pro-LGBT religious perspective
a study that analyzes religious messages and ignoring individuals who identify as
presented in national news outlets about both LGBT and religious, particularly those                                 The study also inspired a feature segment
LGBT people and the issues that affect their
                                         who identify as Christian. As a result of                                   on MSNBC’s Last Word with Lawrence
lives.                                   this framing, it is likely that audiences have                              O’Donnell, which profiled two prominent
                                                    distorted views of the relationship                              Catholic equality advocates and highlighted
                                                    between LGBT people and religion                                 the growing disconnect between the Roman
                                                    and follow a false ‘gay vs.                                      Catholic hierarchy and everyday Catholics in
Messages Presented by Religious Spokespeople        religion’ frame.                                                 America who support LGBT people.

                                                                           GLAAD’s efforts did not go                GLAAD continues to urge mainstream
                                                                           unnoticed. Quickly after releasing        media to make more consistent use of LGBT-
                                                                           the new study, GLAAD’s Director           affirming religious sources, instead of turning
                                                                           of Religion, Faith & Values Ross          to more negative or non-affirming religious
                                                                           Murray appeared in various                voices. By overlooking LGBT-affirming
                                                                           media outlets, including The              spokespeople, journalists can contribute to
     evangelical christian                roman catholic                   Washington Post and The                   – and even perpetuate – the idea that those
     total messages: 125               total messages: 108
                                                                           Huffington Post. Murray was               who are religious are, by definition, opposed
                                                                           quoted, “Today’s media has a              to equality.
                                                                           responsibility to reflect the diversity
                                                                           of religious voices, rather than just     Media have a responsibility to report fairly
                                                                           those who choose not to support           and accurately. ‘Missing Voices’ allows them
                                                                           LGBT people [.] By elevating              to do just that, equipping journalists with the
      mainline protestant
      total messages: 63
                                          black church
                                       total messages: 41
                                                                           select anti-LGBT voices who are           resources they need in order to realize that
                                                                           out of touch with so many in their        communities of faith are largely in support of
                                                                           own churches, media is falsely            equality for all.
                                                                           representing views of entire
                                                             negative      religious groups and contributing
       total messages: 20
                                        total messages: 9
                                                                           to a climate that isolates LGBT
                                                                           youth and adults from their faith, a
                                                                           false dichotomy that no one should
                                                                           have to make.”
                        total messages: 4                    positive

                                                                                                  2 0 1 2

IMAGES BEAUTY                        OF

Pageant contestant Jenna Talackova attracted      a long history of supporting equality for all
international headlines in early 2012 after she   women, and this was something we took very
was booted from the Miss Universe Canada          seriously.”
competition because she’s transgender.
                                                  Following work on Jenna’s case, GLAAD
GLAAD immediately got in contact with the         worked with media oulets such as CNN
Miss Universe Organization and urged officials    and The Huffington Post to profile leading
there to reshape the competition’s policies to    transgender advocates like Janet Mock
accept and celebrate all women. Just days         and Laverne Cox, as well as highlight the
later, the Miss Universe Organization released    tremendous hurdles still faced by the
a statement announcing that Jenna would be        transgender community.
allowed to compete and that the world’s most
prestigious beauty competition would work with    Jenna went on in the Miss
GLAAD to make the pageant more inclusive.         Universe Canada pageant
                                                  to finish in the top twelve
After weeks of consultations, the Miss Universe   and to win the Miss
Organization lived up to that promise,            Congeniality award. And
reinstating Jenna and vowing to end its rules     with GLAAD’s help, Miss
barring transgender contestants.                  Universe has reshaped
                                                  what it means to be
In announcing the news, President of the Miss     beautiful – not just at home,
Universe Organization, Paula Shugart said,        but in countries all across the
“We want to give credit where credit is due,      globe.
and the decision to include transgender women
in our beauty competitions is a result of our
ongoing discussions with GLAAD [...] We have
15 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-201215
                                                                                                IMAGES OF EQUALITY

2 0 1 2


                                         Retail giant J.C. Penney tapped               of the company’s new spokesperson.
                                         America’s favorite talk show host,            “Importantly, we share the same
                                         Ellen DeGeneres, as the company’s             fundamental values as Ellen,” he said.
                                         new spokesperson in 2012, drawing             “We’ll be focused on being in sync
                                           the ire of anti-gay fringe group One        with the rhythm of our customers’ lives
                                              Million Moms, a project of the           and operating in a ‘Fair and Square’
                                               American Family Association.            manner that is rooted in integrity.”

                                                In an open letter, OMM wrote           OMM later abandoned its call for
                                                that DeGeneres “is not a true          Ellen’s removal, announcing that the
                                               representation of the type of           group would be “moving on.”
                                            families that shop” at J.C. Penney
                                             and that “by jumping on the pro-          GLAAD President Herndon
                                              gay bandwagon,” the company              Graddick spoke of the effect that
                                              would “lose customers with               #StandUpForEllen had: “Turns out
                                             traditional values.”                      ‘one million’ anti-gay activists just
                                                                                       can’t compare to the millions more
                                             In response, GLAAD launched               – moms, dads, sons and daughters
                                         the #StandUpForEllen campaign                 alike – who agree with J.C. Penney
                                         to expose OMM’s anti-gay witch-               that no person should be fired simply
                                         hunt, garnering support from tens of          for being gay. As a result of this
                                         thousands of Americans who spoke              failed attempt to oust Ellen, more
                                         out against the group’s anti-gay vitriol.     people than ever are now speaking
                                         Through sweeping media coverage,              out against the injustices faced by
                                         GLAAD also shed light on the gross            hardworking LGBT Americans in the
                                         discrimination LGBT people still face         workplace.”
                                         in the workplace, where in 29 states
                                         a person can be fired simply for being        Since joining GLAAD to take a stand
                                         gay, while in 34 states, a person             for Ellen, J.C. Penney has continued
                                         can be fired simply because they’re           its commitment to inclusion, releasing
YOU CAN BE FIRED JUST FOR BEING GAY IN   transgender.                                  ads throughout 2012 that feature gay
                                                                                       and lesbian couples and their families
THESE 29 STATES. IN 34 STATES, YOU CAN   After nearly 50,000 people joined             – helping to show America that
                                         GLAAD to take a stand for Ellen               families take many forms, all of which
BE FIRED JUST FOR BEING TRANSGENDER.     and show their support, J.C. Penney           deserve to be celebrated, to be seen,
                                         re-affirmed that the company                  to be employed, and to look good in
                                         “stands behind its partnership                affordable clothing.
                                         with Ellen DeGeneres,” with J.C.
                                         Penney President Michael Francis
                                         announcing his unwavering support
  16 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012
  16 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012

      2 0 1 2

When the Boy Scouts of America
told Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell that
she could no longer be the leader of
her seven year-old son’s Tiger Scouts
pack because she’s gay, Jennifer
                                          of Americans to a loving gay mom
                                          and her family.

                                          Under mounting pressure, the Boy
                                          Scouts revealed that a resolution was
was devastated. But she also              introduced to possibly end the ban
wasn’t willing let the discrimination     in 2013.
                                          But that simply wasn’t enough.
After getting in touch with GLAAD,        Jennifer worked with GLAAD to
Jennifer launched a            start another petition,
petition, calling on the Boy Scouts       calling on leaders within the Scouts
of America to end its ban on gay          to take a stand. In response, Boy
scouts and LGBT leaders. In a matter      Scouts Board member and Global
of weeks, the petition garnered           Chairman & CEO of Ernst &
over a quarter million signatures, as     Young, James Turley, announced
well as support from celebrities like     that he would work from within the
Ricky Martin, Julianne Moore, Josh        organization to end the anti-gay
Hutcherson, Dianna Agron, Perez           policies.
Hilton, Fran Drescher, Benicio Del
Toro, and more.                           The Girl Scouts of the USA, the
                                          4H Club, the Boys & Girls Club,
GLAAD helped share Jennifer’s story       and even the United States military
across mainstream news media,             accept and welcome gay members
including The Associated Press, The       – it’s time the Boy Scouts follow
New York Times, The Los Angeles           their lead and end its long history of
Times, MSNBC, and CNN among               discrimination.
several others -- introducing millions

  For Mother’s Day, GLAAD launched a digital
  campaign to draw support for Jennifer and
  share her story. GLAAD asked followers to
  send e-cards and Mother’s Day messages to
  the Boy Scouts of America asking them to
  support all moms and #SCOUTSFORALL.

              @RICKY_MARTIN                          @_JULIANNEMOORE                          @PEREZHILTON                      @FRANDRESCHER
              RICKY MARTIN                           JULIANNE MOORE                           PEREZ HILTON                      FRAN DRESCHER

  #SCOUTSFORALL                           #SCOUTSFORALL                            #SCOUTSFORALL                     #SCOUTSFORALL @BOYSCOUTS
   CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS                      CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS                        CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS                 CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS

Sheri Fults (Co-chair)
John F. Stephens (Co-chair & Treasurer)
Thom Reilly (Secretary)

Chad Boettcher
Marci Bowers, M.D.
Professor Jennifer Finney Boylan
George Cheeks                                                                     GLAAD STAFF
Leslie Donovan
Michele H. Edelman                                                                Herndon Graddick President
Dean Hansell
David Hedley,III                                                                  Seth Adam Senior Manager of Communications
Lori M. James                                                                     Nick Adams Associate Director of Communications
Alan Keith                                                                        Juan Barajas Deputy Director of Development
Scott E. Miller                                                                   Marcus Brock Media Field Strategist
Kevin Oldis                                                                       Chris Carlon Design & Multimedia Coordinator
Mike Schaefer                                                                     Nick Contino Director of Information Technology
Anthony E. Varona                                                                 Brendan Davis Digital Content Manager
Steve Warren                                                                      April Domino Office Administrator
Craig Zodikoff                                                                    Eric Douglas Vice President of Development
                                                                                  Rich Ferraro Vice President of Communications
                                                                                  Michael Fountas Senior Events Manager
FELLOWSHIPS                                                                       Johnny Gonzales Senior Events Manager
                                                                                  Max Gouttebroze Entertainment Media Strategist
Daniel Alvarenga Spanish-Language Media Fellow                                    Daryl Hannah Director of Media & Community Partnerships
Hariqbal Basai Media & Law Fellow                                                 Dani Heffernan Media Research Associate
Marcus Brock Administrative Media Programs Fellow                                 Kevin Huynh Events Coordinator
Angela Dallara National News & Transgender Advocacy Fellow                        Shikha Jain Cruz Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations
Max Gouttebroze Digital Initiatives Fellow                                        Matt Kane Associate Director of Entertainment Media
Dani Heffernan Advertising & Campaigns Fellow                                     Aaron McQuade Director of News & Field Media
Miriam Lazewatsky Religion, Faith & Values Fellow                                 Ross Murray Director of Religion, Faith & Values
Brian Pacheco Spanish Language Media Fellow                                       Arnaldo Ochoa Senior Bookkeeper
Sean Piazza Administrative Media Programs Fellow                                  Matt Oxley Director of Finance/Controller
Nicole Pirshafiey Entertainment Media Fellow                                      Brian Pacheco Spanish Language Media Strategist
Amita Swadhin People of Color Media Initiatives Fellow                            Allison Palmer Vice President of Campaigns & Programs
Tanya Tsikanovsky Entertainment Media Fellow                                      Andy Sheng Database Administrator
Noli Ann Vega Administrative Media Programs Fellow                                Melanie Simangan Corporate & Foundation Relations Manager
Jonathan Yantz Digital Initiatives Fellow                                         Shae Smith Senior Manager of Online Production
                                                                                  Monica Trasandes Director of Spanish Language Media
                                                                                  Roman Valdez Donor Services Manager
ATLANTA                            BOSTON                      Kevin Lewis                       LOS ANGELES                      Rick Hamer
Rebecca Bowden (Co-Chair)          Joshua Reed (Co-Chair)      Grant McCorkhill                  Cody Lassen (Co-Chair)           Jim Laufenberg
Mark Howard (Co-Chair)             Jared Worful (Co-Chair)     Hadley Rue                        Christopher Westley (Co-Chair)   John Marez
Adam Ballenger                     Ryan Andaluz                Doug Sanborn                      Charlie Gu                       Lindsay Romig
Jeff Carrico                       Phillip Andrews             Brooke Skinner                    James Holchin                    Saldy Suriben
Melissa Carter                     Steven Bithell              Ricardo Torres                    Eric Kugler
Anne Clarke                        Mike Dyer                   Jonathan Turtiz                                                    WASHINGTON D.C.
Colby Conner                       Rich Gardner                Nick Urig                         NEW YORK                         Jonathan Howard (Chair)
Tina Crittenden                    Jim Killian                                                   Ron D’angelo (Co-Chair)          Sean Carlson
Jodi Duncan                        John LaRoche                DALLAS-FORT WORTH                 Will Janensch (Co-Chair)         Jay Carmona
Kat Graham                         Christopher Loney           Eric Tschetter (Co-Chair)         Jason Abrams                     Greg Jones
Brian Kaufman                      Matt Lucerto                Danny Simpson (Co-chair)          Barry Garbarino                  Michael Marangell
Angela King                        Jaime Mills                 Thomas Anable                     Patrick Mills                    Jamie McGonnigal
Frank Mendez                       Justin Nyborn               David Cavazos                     Archley Prudent                  Michael Woestehoff
Mimi McCain                        Mary Timmons                Sarah Francis
John Ouderkirk                     Stacy VanDeveer             Craig Green                       SAN FRANCISCO
Sally Ringo                                                    Greg Hurt                         Adam Sandel (Co-Chair)
Hollis Smith                       CHICAGO                     Vance Kirksey                     Michael Wagner (Co-Chair)
Dino Thompson-Sarmiento            Kevin Boyer (Co-Chair)      Jodye Newton                      Cathy Brooks
Josh Williams                      Nina Fernandez (Co-Chair)   Barry Robertson                   Alejandro Franceschi
David Wilson                       Angela Barnes               James Shackelford                 Gary Gansle
Nathan Woodard-Persily             Sue Fisher                  Scott Whitall                     Rowena Gargalicana
Frank Wrenn                        Byron Hoover                                                  Alex Goldsmith


THE VISIONARY CIRCLE                 Craig H. Lindhurst Trust
                                     Karen Magee &
                                                                               Ramon Torres
                                                                             Anonymous                            THE MEDIA CIRCLE
the visionary circle recognizes         Aimee Levine                                                              members of the media circle
donors whose generous                Byron Mason                                                                  are major donors providing the
                                     Susan Mcdonald
                                                                             PRODUCER $25,000 - $49,999
support and culmulative                                                      Bruce W.	 Bastian	                   critical unrestricted funding
giving to glaad exceeds $1           Michael McShane                                                              to carry out glaad’s work as
                                                                             Dana Chaiken & Susan Roll
                                     Frank Miller
million.                                                                     Michael Wagner & Joseph H. Lima      a watchdog, advocate, &
                                     Alan L. Mittelsdorf &
                                        Jeannette Mittelsdorf                                                     storyteller. We thank the
Absolut Vodka                        David Mizener &                         EDITOR-IN-CHIEF $10,000 - $24,999    following individuals who made
Anheuser-Busch                          Arturo Carrillo                      John August & Mike August            gifts of $1,500 to $4,999
Arcus Foundation                     Karen A. Moschetto                      John French & Craig M. Norton        between January 1, 2011 to June 15,
David Bohnett Foundation             Estate of Phillip Michael Newman        Sheri Fults	                         2012
Gill Foundation                      Michael J. Nutt                         Kevin D. Gonzalez	
IBM                                  C. Gary Ogden                           Robert Greenblatt	
The Michael Palm Foundation          Peter Padvaiskas                        David V. Hedley, III		               ANALYST $3,500 - $4,999
MillerCoors                          Andrew Palese                           Lori James & Mark James              Jennifer F. Boylan
MTV Networks                         Jess Perlmuth                           Carl Johnson & Gordon Sze            Cody Lassen & Nitzan Mekel
Terry K. Watanabe Charitable Trust   Walter J. Phillips                      Joseph B. Kittredge &                Bruce D. Marcus
The Estate of Ric Weiland            Ed Ragsdale & Leo Corzo                    Winand Van Eeghen
                                     Janice A. Raspen                        Marc Levine	
Wells Fargo                                                                                                       REPORTER ($2,500 - $3,499)
                                     Daniel K. Raymond                       Barbara Manocherian	
                                                                             Kenneth B.	Mehlman	                  Juan Barajas	
                                     Patrice Reid
                                                                             Jonathan Murray & Harvey Reese       Alvin H. Baum	
                                     Sally Ringo & Juli Buchanan
THE LEGACY CIRCLE                    Charles Robbins &                       Joseph Northington & Timothy Tew     Peter C. Bickford & Gregory McCarthy
                                                                                                                  Siggi Bjarnason	
the following glaad                     Damon Romine                         Michael J.	 Nutt	
                                                                             Mark G. Reisbaum	                    Luigi Caiola & Sean McGill
supporteds have made                 The Estate of Catherine Roland
                                                                             Rich S. Ross & Adam Sanderson        Colby Conner	
planned gifts to glaad,              Benjamin Scheie
                                                                             Blaine Templeman                     Ronald D’Angelo & Scott Newman
                                     Robert L. Schwartz
designating us as a                                                          Toyota Financial Services	           Michael P.	Dillon	
                                     Angel Silva & Ray Espino
beneficiary of their estate                                                  Michael Trythall & Matthew Walker    Eric Douglas	
                                     Karen A. Simonsen &
and ensuring glaad’s success                                                 Stephen Warren & George Harangody    Robert M. 	Eichler	
                                        Linda J. Sherline
                                                                                                                  Nelsan Ellis	
and vitality into the future.        Jeffrey Skorneck
                                                                                                                  Don Frey & Jim Pretlow
                                     Wally Smith                             EDITOR $5000 - $9,999                Richard W. Garnett & Ross Murray
David I. Abramson                    Carmichael Smith-Low                    Ian A. Andrusyk	                     Patricia Hallstein & Axel Kramer	
Ward Auerbach &                      Jeremy Stanford &                       Randy Barbato & Fenton Bailey        Richard Hamer & Adam Sandel
   Andy Baker                           Paul McCullough                      Jarrett T. Barrios	                  Kelli Herd	
Herbert Baker                        John W. Stewart &                       Chad Boettcher	                      James C. Hormel & Michael Nguyen
Trust of Charles Edwin Baker            Ramon Torres                         George A.	Cheeks	                    Daniel S. Kaufman	
Allen Barnett                        David G. Stinson                        Frank Ching & Charley Kearns         Tom Keyes & Keith Fox
Keith Boman                          Cora Ann Styles Living Trust            Patrick A. Correnty	                 Michael Lammons & Taylor Yarbrough
Jon Borset                           Lee Sylvester                           Robert P. Denny	                     Walter Leiss	
Donnie Bourisaw &                    David Taylor                            James D. Fielding & Edison Briones   Robert D. Lemon	
   Steven R. Gales-Bourisaw          Stephen Te                              Dean Hansell	                        Christine McGinn	
Thomas Boyd                          Margaret A. Traub &                     Todd Holland & Scotch E. Loring      Thomas J. McGough		
Kelley L. Buchanan                      Phyllis Dicker                       Mark A. Howard	                      Gary Meade, M.D.	
Rosemary Bybee                       Heather Trumbower                       Susan R. Jerich	                     Peter H. Nee	
Bradford M. Clarke                   Warren J. Warren                        Barbara Jobes & Rhonda Drake         Kevin Oldis & Susan Oldis
John D. Claypoole &                  Estate of Richard W. Weiland &          Milla Jovovich	                      Robert O’Leary	
   Frank Vasquez                        Michael Schaefer                     Alan Keith	& Richard Brand           Stosh Ostrow & Allen Walterman
Robert M. Cohn                       Christian F. Winkle                     Rachel Lehman & Laurie Lehman        Jack Sansolo & Dean Waller
Rick Davis                           Lori J. Wolf & Carol Leifer             Michael W. Levine & Kim Lemon        Shannon S. Scoville & Sheri Knesek
Dana Douglas &                       Estate of James B. Wozniak              Bryan Lourd & Bruce Bozzi            Joel E. Simkins	
   Doug Inman                        Mark B. Wyn                             Gwen Marcus & Nancy Alpert           Richard W. Smith	
John P. Fludas                       Richard Yorkey                          Paul Mareski & Sean Moher            James Spiegelhoff	
David W. Gill                                                                Matthew Marks & Jack Bankowsky       John F. Stephens & Razmik Ekmekdjian
Neil G. Giuliano                                                             Jane Marquardt & Tami Marquardt      Michael Streefland & Darryl Carbonaro
Ken Glass
Dean Hansell                         THE ALLIANCE CIRCLE                     Anil Mohin, M.D. & John Scholz
                                                                             Joseph James Mulcahy	
                                                                                                                  William M. Tomai & John E. Sebesta
                                                                                                                  Joseph F. Tringali	
Charlie Harrison                     members of the alliance                 Robert Murray & Bruce N. Davis
Dan Hess                             circle are major donors who             John P. Ouderkirk, M.D.	
Todd Holland &
                                                                                                                  CORRESPONDENT $1,500 - $2,499
                                     have made significant                   Karl A. Pettijohn	
                                                                                                                  Thomas R.	Anable	
   Scotch E. Loring                  commitments to invest in                J. Douglas	Piper & Scott E. Miller
                                                                                                                  Yann Antonioli	
Margot I. Irish                                                              Annette Pizzo & Andrew Pizzo
David Jarrett
                                     glaad’s vision of full euality.                                              Tess Ayers & Jane Anderson
                                                                             Mark E. Pollack	
                                     we thank the following                                                       Andrew Bagnall	
Michael B. Keegan                                                            Rosie’s Bar & Grill	
                                     individuals who made gifts of                                                Jana Belot	
Estate of Robert L. Kehoe                                                    Russell Simmons	
                                     $5,000 or more between                                                       Thomas W. Bindert	
Peter King                                                                   Greg Swalwell & Terry Connor
                                                                                                                  Jonathan Boyles & James Robert Adams
Gary A. Knight &                     January 1, 2011 to June 15, 2012        Michael V.	Thompson	
                                                                                                                  Robert M.	 Browne	
   Keith Austin                                                              Joseph F.	 Tringali	
                                                                                                                  Jeff Brustrom & Todd Fisher
Leonard Kraisel                      DIRECTOR $100,000 - $249,000            Roman Valdez & Wayne J. Zahner
                                                                                                                  Dan Carucci	
Robert W. Kuhn &                     Esmond V. Harmsworth &                  James Wagner	
                                                                                                                  Richard Clair & David Hubbard
   Steven E. Geyer                   	 James Richardson                      Nathan Woodard-Persily &
                                                                                                                  Keith Clinkscales	
Marilyn Lamkay                                                                  Seth Woodard
                                                                                                                  Tony Coelho	
Jeffrey G. Leeds                                                             Craig Zodikoff & Jay Grant
                                     PUBLISHER $50,000 - $99,000                                                  Nick Contino & Nicholas Hass
Dane Levens & Drew Desky
                                     Judith Gluckstern & Steven Gluckstern                                        DeAndre J.	 evane	
William C. Lewis & Rick Underwood
Billy Lewis                          John W.Stewart III &
Performancereport 2012
Performancereport 2012
Performancereport 2012
Performancereport 2012

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  • 2. 2 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 CONTENTS GLAAD at a Glance 2 GLAAD Media Awards: GLAAD on the Ground 3 Celebrating 25 years 10 Amplify Your Voice 4 Commentator Accountability Project 12 A Nation in Purple: Missing Voices: A Study of Religious #Spiritday 2011 5 Voices in Mainstream Media Working ProBono: Chaz Takes on Reports About LGBT Equality 13 Dancing with the Stars 6 Miss Universe: Transforming Images Sharing Stories: of Beauty 14 Tiffany and Meredith 7 #StandUpForEllen 15 Equality En Español: Growing Scouts for All 16 Acceptance Through @GLAAD 17 Spanish-Language Media 8 Support 18 Transforming Entertainment: Financial Statement 20 Diversifying LGBT Images on TV 9 Join the Movement 21
  • 3. IMAGES OF EQUALITY IMAGES OF EQUALITY 1 1 FROM THE PRESIDENT We’re getting closer. When the anti-gay hate group One Million Moms – a project of One story at a time, lesbian, gay, the American Family Association – called on J.C. Penney to fire bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people Ellen DeGeneres as the company’s spokesperson simply because are getting closer to equality. she’s gay, GLAAD helped tens of thousands of Americans speak out in support of Ellen and condemn employment discrimination And for more than 25 years, GLAAD that still casts a shadow over LGBT workers in a majority of states has worked through news, entertainment today. and online media to share those stories that make a difference. Stories that don’t just make headlines, but The Miss Universe Organization later reversed course and opened which move Americans toward full acceptance. the competition to transgender contestants after GLAAD worked with the group to ensure the world’s most renowned beauty It’s an extraordinary honor to now be at the helm of that work. competition continues to be a celebration of all women. Since coming to GLAAD, I have had the privilege of both witnessing and taking part in this organization’s incredible power And anti-gay commentators, whose only qualification seems to to generate change. be the badge of hate they carry for their LGBT neighbors and colleagues, are today finding it more difficult to spew their hate Today, I speak to you on the heels of some great victories in the on national airwaves in the wake of GLAAD’s Commentator pursuit of equality. Accountability Project, a tool distributed to the country’s top news outlets that exposes these so-called “spokespeople” for who they After Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell was ousted as leader of her son’s really are: anti-LGBT demagogues. Boy Scouts troop because she’s gay, GLAAD helped bring her story to outlets including The New York Times, The Los Angeles It’s stories like these that are leading us closer to equality. And it’s Times, CNN, MSNBC and The Associated Press -- introducing stories like these that GLAAD needs your support to share. millions of Americans to a loving gay mom, cast out her son’s life simply because of who she is. Today, over 300,000 people have Herndon Graddick, President joined Jennifer and GLAAD to call on the Boy Scouts to end its GLAAD discriminatory policies, and we’re now closer than ever before to seeing that change become a reality. FROM THE BOARD Six and counting. When networks or newspapers miss the mark in fair and accurate representation, it’s GLAAD that holds them accountable, helping That’s six states and the District of Columbia media better understand the concrete harms that stem from which have now put into law what most misinformation and stereotypes. Americans already know in their hearts: every committed couple should be able to GLAAD is at work in states across the nation, on the ground in marry the person they love. places where LGBT equality is being debated, assisting grassroots advocates and organizations with media strategy which keeps And when elected officials take to the thoughtful stories from the LGBT community above the fold. legislature floor to explain their support, they say time and time again that it’s the It’s those stories and images we are pleased to share with you stories of loving couples – their gay and here, because it’s those stories and images that continue to change lesbian constituents, neighbors and friends hearts and minds. – which move them to embrace equality. It’s those stories that are casting the final On behalf of GLAAD’s National Board of Directors, we thank you vote, and it’s GLAAD that’s working to share for your ongoing support and commitment to helping us share the them. stories that matter most – those that build support for equality. You see, for some people, the only gay or transgender people they Sheri Fults know are those they meet on their favorite TV shows, while at the Co-Chair, National Board of Directors movies, or when sitting down to read the Sunday paper. And for some people, it’s those images they bring with them to the ballot John F. Stephens box come voting time. Co-Chair, National Board of Directors That’s why GLAAD works through news, entertainment, and online media to build support from the ground up. GLAAD brings images of LGBT people and allies to America’s living rooms, dining tables, and water coolers – helping people understand that LGBT people are just like them and want the same opportunities to love and protect their families.
  • 4. 2 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 glaad AT A GLANCE 2011 JAN FEB GLAAD works with to remove an offensive poll asking readers whether it’s appropriate to call gay people “fa**ots.” Facebook works with GLAAD to add ‘In a Civil Union’ and ‘In a Domestic Partnership’ options to IN 2011 GLAAD user profiles, making the site more inclusive for tens of millions of LGBT people across the globe. OR TRAINED 794 GLAAD works MAR alongside Basic World Wrestling Entertainment Rights Oregon (WWE) partners with GLAAD to to unveil a PEOPLE AT 155 stand up against bullying and new statewide commercial help put an end to homophobia in series to increase sports. understanding about gay and lesbian APR couples. Los Angeles Lakers player Kobe MEDIA TRAININGS. Bryant speaks out against the harms of anti-gay language after CA GLAAD releases the “Talking About GLAAD calls on the basketball LGBT Equality with icon to address his use of a Latinos & Hispanics” guide to build homophobic slur. NBA joins support for equality GLAAD to combat homophobia on in the Spanish- speaking community. the court. GLAAD HAD MAY JUN GLAAD convenes its first-ever People of Color Media Training 933 MEETINGS Institute to elevate diverse LGBT voices in mainstream media. WITH 605 SEPT OCT Bloomberg Businessweek INDIVIDUAL MEDIA OUTLETS. partners with GLAAD to publish a multi-page spread about equality in the workplace, spotlighting hurdles still facing LGBT employees.
  • 5. IMAGES OF EQUALITY 3 glaad ON THE GROUND GLAAD WORKS IN STATES ACROSS THE COUNTRY to train local LGBT people and allies how to speak out in their communities – whether at church, in a PTA meeting, at community gatherings or in local media. PA GLAAD helps share the story of Brian Andersen and Anton Tanumihardja, MA Boston radio TN GLAAD convenes advocates from across a bi-national couple facing deportation under DOMA. In historic move, immigration officials later grant the couple a stay. station KISS 108 airs PSAs underscoring the importance of NC Tennessee for a transgender-inclusive The anti-discrimination OH statewide training on Charlotte GLAAD protections after how to build support Observer publishes joins working with GLAAD. for equality through its first-ever wedding Equality Ohio and TX the media. NY GLAAD works announcements for GLSEN to take a stand GA same-sex couples GLAAD with the El GLAAD against bullying after after GLAAD shares the Paso Times to publish works with video surfaces of a AZ challenges outdated, stories of dozens of an op-ed featuring the Atlanta Journal- local teen being beaten anti-gay practices. couples and LGBT- Arizona 11 LGBT-affirming Constitution to correct because of his sexual affirming faith leaders Superintendent of voices of faith after coverage about a orientation. in both English and the paper runs anti- local transgender boy Public Instruction Spanish-language as gay ads from a local HI facing discrimination marriage equality MI GLAAD helps John Huppenthal priest. from his elementary GLAAD finally becomes a TX share the apologizes for anti- school. Local high teams up reality in the Empire stories of loving gay remarks after school with the Michigan State. couples as the Aloha NE GLAAD and Equality overturns ban on a Department of Civil State readies to begin GLAAD works with a local TV station Arizona speak out. Gay-Straight Alliance Rights to train local Civil Unions for gay to correct and improve coverage (GSA) after GLAAD advocates and allies and lesbian couples. about the tragic death of a local transgender shares the story of on how to voice woman. student and GSA support for equality in founder Nikki Peet in local media. national media. GLAAD ALSO SERVES AS A COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT to many local LGBT organizations, which lack the resources necessary to focus on this important work when equality is being debated on the local level. JUL AUG Comedian Tracy Morgan GLAAD elevates the stories of GLAAD works with Christian meets with homeless LGBT LGBT and allied Presbyterians as magazine Sojourners to print youth in New York City the Presbyterian Church (USA) a full-page ad highlighting after GLAAD works with the ratifies its constitution to allow for the dispropotrtionate rates of ‘30 Rock’ star to underline the ordination of LGBT clergy. homelessness facing LGBT the importance of family youth. acceptance. NOV DEC From Times Square to local Film director Brett Ratner partners GLAAD takes a stand against schools and all the way to with GLAAD to combat anti-LGBT ABC’s transphobic series Work the White House, millions images in Hollywood. GLAAD It, publishing a full-page ad with ‘go purple’ in support of and Ratner later announce a new HRC in Daily Variety about the LGBT youth for GLAAD’s PSA series featuring celebrities tremendous hurdles transgender second annual Spirit Day. coming out in support of LGBT Americans still face in the equality. workplace. ABC cancels the series after just two episodes.
  • 6. 4 4 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 AMPLIFY YOUR VOICE glaad takes a stand against bullying No one should be bullied or called Building on the success of GLAAD’s including GLAAD, AFT, GLSEN, PFLAG names simply for being who they are. 2009 “Be an Ally” PSA series, the and The Trevor Project, among several Still, millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual new nationally televised spots – which others. and transgender (LGBT) youth are made feature the stories of LGBT youth who to feel like they don’t fit in every day; were bullied because of who they Launched in conjunction with Spirit some even feel unsafe. are – encourage support from equality Day 2011, the PSAs served to remind allies and direct viewers to anti-bullying millions of young people that “no matter In 2011, GLAAD and the American resource kits on There, who you are, you have the power to Federation of Teachers (AFT) teamed up parents, teachers and students can find make a difference.” to take a stand against bullying. invaluable tools from organizations With the help of celebrities like Russell Simmons, Kristin Chenoweth, Amy “NO MATTER Poehler, Rashida Jones, Shaquille O’Neal, Chaz Bono, Mario Lopez, Naya Rivera, Vinny Guadagnino, WHO YOU ARE, YOU HAVE THE POWER Tori Spelling, stars of the WWE and more, GLAAD brought messages of DIFFERENCE.” empowerment to over 20 million homes in its new PSA series, “Amplify Your TO MAKE A Voice.”
  • 7. IMAGES OF EQUALITY 5 A NATION IN EQUALITWEETS: #SPIRITDAY PURPLE @JESSETYLER JESSE TYLER-FERGUSON I’M WEARING PURPLE TONIGHT ON @CONANOBRIEN TO SUPPORT LGBT TEENS ON #SPRITDAY. ARE YOU WEARING PURPLE TODAY TOO? GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY #SPIRITDAY From Times Square, to LAX and all the way to the White House, Lambert, Ricky Martin, Kylie Minogue, Julianne Moore, Rosie @SANDRABERNHARD SANDRA BERNHARD SPIRIT DAY, WEAR YOUR PURPLE! EVERYONE JOIN ME IN SUPPORT OF LGBT YOUTH, AND IN OPPOSITION OF BULLYING: GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY millions of people went purple in O’Donnell, Joan Rivers, Paulina 2011 for Spirit Day in support Rubio, Scissor Sisters, Tori @CHAZBONO of lesbian, gay, bisexual and Spelling, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, CHAZ BONO transgender (LGBT) youth. stars of the WWE and dozens of others. HELP @GLAAD END ANTI-LGBT BULLYING - MAKE YOUR Created in 2010 by high school PROFILE PIC PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY AT student Brittany McMillan, Spirit For just the second time in the Day encourages people to wear network’s history, MTV turned its GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY #LGBT purple in a stand against anti- on-air logo purple for Spirit Day, LGBT bullying and as a visible as well as sister channels MTV2, @TYRABANKS show of support for equality. mtvU, MTV Hits, and MTV Jams. TYRA BANKS What began as an idea posted Through GLAAD’s online tool, JOIN ME 2SHOW UR SUPPORT 4 THE LGBT COMMUNITY to Brittany’s Tumblr has, with hundreds of thousands of ON #SPIRITDAY - OCT 20! CHANGE UR PROFILE PIC 2 ONE GLAAD’s help, become an Facebook and Twitter users W/FIERCE PURPLE! GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY international phenomenon, also turned their profile pictures attracting the participation of purple in an overwhelming @RICKY_MARTIN celebrities, news programs, display of support for LGBT media outlets, websites, young people. RICKY MARTIN corporations, universities, churches, local communities, and Spirit Day touches the lives END ANTI-LGBT BULLYING - WEAR PURPLE & MAKE YOUR even national landmarks. of millions of Americans, PROFILE PIC PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY 10/20 AT with messages of hope and GLAAD.ORG/SPIRITDAY #LGBT Among those who ‘went purple’ encouragement. This year, and spoke out in support of Spirit Day will continue with @GOLDIEHAWN LGBT youth on Spirit Day 2011: GLAAD once again working with the White House; Facebook; entertainers, media, entire cities GOLDIE HAWN hosts of the Today Show, Good and everyday people to take a Morning America, The View, stand against bullying and show JOIN ME! WEAR PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY TO SUPPORT The Talk, Live! with Regis & our support for LGBT young GAY YOUTH & STAND AGAINST BULLYING: GLAAD.ORG/ Kelly, Anderson Cooper 360, people. SPIRITDAY NO CHILD SHOULD BE BULLIED! NBC Nightly News, ABC World News, Access Hollywood, For more information on how Conan, The Late Late Show; you can participate, visit @WHITEHOUSE celebrities including Chaz Bono, THE WHITE HOUSE Cher, Fran Drescher, Nancy Grace, Kathy Griffin, Goldie .@WHITEHOUSE GOES PURPLE FOR #SPIRITDAY! Hawn, Sean Hayes, Adam
  • 8. 6 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 WORKING PROBONO CHAZ TAKES ON DANCING WITH THE STARS Transgender visibility on television got quite a boost in 2011, media outlets – including The New York Times, Entertainment Weekly following the announcement that author and advocate Chaz Bono and The Hollywood Reporter -- to speak out in support of Chaz and would join the cast of ABC’s hit series Dancing With the Stars. highlight the tremendous hurdles still facing transgender Americans Beginning in September, Chaz joined 11 other celebs – including today. openly gay fashion guru Carson Kressley -- in putting his fancy footwork to the test on the ballroom floor. GLAAD also assembled a panel of five prominent transgender advocates for a feature segment on the entertainment news show While most media outlets and personalities celebrated Chaz’s The Insider. The first-of-its-kind panel underlined the impact of Chaz’s inclusion on the show, offering strong words of support, anti-LGBT inclusion on the show, as well as the growing acceptance of activists reacted with hateful messages and dangerous misinformation transgender equality. about the transgender community, encouraging viewers not to vote for Chaz simply for having the courage to be who he is. In 2012, Chaz was honored with the Stephen F. Kolzak Award at the 23rd Annual GLAAD Media Awards, where he spoke about In response, GLAAD galvanized the support of tens of thousands, GLAAD’s work and impact: encouraging people to go #ProBono on Twitter and Facebook in a stand against transphobia. GLAAD also worked through national “WE REALLY, REALLY HAVE COME A LONG WAY […] AND I BELIEVE THAT CHANGE HAPPENS FIRS T CULTUR A L LY, AND THAT’S WHERE GLAAD HAS THE GREATEST IMPACT ON OUR SOCIETY […] FOR MY PERSONAL JOURNEY, SINCE I TRANSITIONED, GLAAD HAS BEEN THERE FOR ME EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. FROM WHEN IT FIRST CAME OUT THAT I WAS TRANSITIONING, GLAAD WAS RIGHT THERE, OUT FRONT IN THE MEDIA. AND REALLY, EVERYTHING THAT I’VE DONE SINCE THEN, THEY’VE BEEN A PARTNER FOR ME TO GO TO -- WHEN ONE MILLION MOMS IS COMING OUT AGAINST ME OR WHEN KEITH ABLOW IS TELLING PEOPLE THAT ME BEING ON DANCING WITH THE STARS IS SOMEHOW DAMAGING TO CHILDREN -- THEY’VE REALLY BEEN A PARTNER FOR ME ALL THE WAY.”
  • 9. IMAGES OF EQUALITY 7 SHARING STORIES TIFFANY AND MEREDITH After spending four inseparable years all over the world descended on City Hall together, and while snacking at their to capture the momentous occasion. favorite taco shop, Brooklyn-based couple Tiffany Peckosh and Meredith Soffrin Equipping couples with key talking points promised to spend the rest of their lives about the vital protections that only together. marriage can afford, training couples on interview techniques and best-practices, Months later, the pair joined 823 and offering journalists a wide variety of other loving and committed couples in spokespeople – including faith leaders, exchanging ‘I dos’ in New York City on July Spanish-speaking couples, and couples 24, 2011, the first day it became legal for of color – GLAAD brought diverse stories gay and lesbian couples to marry in the of love and commitment to statest across Empire State. the nation through outlets such as The Associated Press, The New York Times, “It feels amazing -- it was such a touching USA Today, NBC Nightly News, The moment,” Meredith told the BBC after tying Today Show, CNN, and the BBC, among the knot. “We’re hoping for this visibility to hundreds of others. create more understanding about the love that we share and about our relationship.” By introducing Americans to couples like Tiffany and Meredith – couples who simply GLAAD worked tirelessly in the weeks want to take care of and be responsible for leading up to the historic day, connecting each other – GLAAD continues to change brides-and-grooms-to-be with media outlets hearts and minds in living rooms, at water and shining light on stories of love and coolers and around dining tables across the commitment. That day, GLAAD was on the country, moving more and more people to ground in New York City as journalists from support equality for all.
  • 10. 8 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 EQUALITY EN ESPAÑOL Growing acceptance through Spanish-language media The Spanish-speaking population remains This year, as the campaign continued, one of our nation’s fastest growing GLAAD President Herndon Graddick communities, with the U.S. Census joined NHMC President & CEO Alex Bureau reporting Spanish as the primary Nogales to deliver thousands of petition language of nearly 37 million Americans. signatures to the show’s distributor, Liberman Broadcasting, Inc. (LBI), Reaching Spanish-speaking voters demanding an end to its inflammatory with messages of acceptance is now anti-LGBT content. There, GLAAD and more important than ever. That’s why NHMC also held a press conference GLAAD’s Spanish-Language Media announcing a new call for advertisers Program works to share stories of LGBT to re-evaluate their support of the show. people across Spanish-language news and entertainment outlets, building Finally, after 18 months of sustained support for equality and challenging effort from GLAAD and NHMC, defamatory representations. José Luis Sin Censura was taken off the air. In a letter addressed to the In 2011, GLAAD and the National organizations, the show’s distributor Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) wrote, “We are confident that we can teamed up to take a stand against build upon this experience and work the anti-LGBT talk show José Luis together to create positive experiences Now in its second year, GLAAD’s People of Color Sin Censura, filing a joint complaint for the LGBT, Latino and Spanish- Media Institute brings together advocates of color with the Federal Communications speaking communities.” for a multi-day advanced spokesperson-training Commission (FCC) calling on the program. GLAAD staff, leading journalists and key body to take action against the show’s Through GLAAD’s Spanish-Language media professionals help participants cultivate skills repeated use of anti-gay slurs and anti- Media Program, positive images and vital to speaking about equality in both English and LGBT violence. stories of LGBT people are also standing Spanish-language news outlets. To date, more than in the face of shows like José Luis Sin 100 stories have featured or have been authored by More than 30 organizations joined Censura -- reaching people across a GLAAD People of Color Media Institute graduate. GLAAD’s call, and advertisers including communities and helping to build AT&T, Dish Latino, McDonald’s, and support and understanding in Spanish- Time Warner Cable even pulled their speaking homes across the nation. support from the program.
  • 11. 9 GLAAD’S IMAGES OF EQUALITY ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 TRANSFORMING 9 ENTERTAINMENT DIVERSIFYING LGBT IMAGES ON TV In its tenth season, TeenNick’s hit young audiences to important series Degrassi introduced Adam – resources and support while also the first transgender teen character encouraging viewers to be allies to to appear as a series regular on a their LGBT peers. scripted TV show. In 2011, the George Foster GLAAD and TeenNick worked Peabody Awards recognized together in 2010 to craft Adam’s Degrassi for the trailblazing storyline and ensure that his plotline. Among the most representation was authentic prestigious of honors in the media, and sensitive to the transgender the Peabodys extoled the program experience. GLAAD worked for its inclusion and authenticity, side by side with scriptwriters saying “True to its history, the and producers, equipping them durable high-school serial’s with vital resources like style and two-parter about a transgender terminology guides – helping to teen neither trivializes nor reshape the way television depicts overdramatizes its subject.” not just trans people, but trans youth. Adam’s enrollment at Degrassi Community School not only Together, GLAAD and TeenNick helped his fellow students better also created a public service understand what it means to be announcement (PSA) to transgender, but brought positive accompany Adam’s debut messages to countless teens across episodes, which directed the globe, who – perhaps for the very first time – got to know a transgender person. “FOR THE PEOPLE IN THIS BUILDING, That’s GLAAD at work. IT’S ALMOST LIKE GETTING NOMINATED FOR AN EMMY OR AN OSCAR. IT’S BIG NEWS AROUND HERE. WE DO PRIDE OURSELVES ON TRYING TO TELL REALLY TRUTHFUL STORIES.” - DEGRASSI STAR STEFAN BROGREN ON THE SHOW’S 2012 GLAAD MEDIA AWARD NOMINATION
  • 12. 10 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 media awards HELD IN 2011 FOR OUTSTANDING INDIVIDUAL EPISODE IMAGES PRESENTED IN 2010 (IN A SERIOUS WITHOUT A REGULAR LGBT CHARACTER): VITO RUSSO AWARD “Klaus & Greta” 30 Rock (NBC) Ricky Martin OUTSTANDING DOCUMENTARY EXCELLENCE IN MEDIA AWARD 8: The Mormon Proposition (Red Flag Russell Simmons Releasing) VANGUARD AWARD OUTSTANDING REALITY PROGRAM Kristin Chenoweth Project Runway (Lifetime) STEPHEN F. KOLZAK AWARD OUTSTANDING TALK SHOW EPISODE NBC Entertainment Chairman “Ricky Martin Coming Out as a Gay Man Robert Greenblatt and a New Dad” The Oprah Winfrey Show (syndicated) GOLDEN GATE AWARD Kim Cattrall OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM Newsmagazine: “Gay Teen Suicides” (series) Anderson Cooper 360 (CNN) CORPORATE LEADER AWARD AT&T OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM SEGMENT “Fort Worth Speech” The Last Word with LOCAL HERO AWARD Lawrence O’Donnell (MSNBC) Kara Swisher SPECIAL RECOGNITION OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER ARTICLE “Rutgers Student Tyler Clementi’s Suicide Bianca “Nikki” Peet Spurs Action Across U.S.” by Judy Peet (The Star-Ledger [Newark, N.J.]) OUTSTANDING FILM – WIDE RELEASE The Kids Are All Right (Focus Features) OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER COLUMNIST Frank Rich (The New York Times) OUTSTANDING FILM-LIMITED RELEASE I Love You Phillip Morris (Roadside Attractions) OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER OVERALL COVERAGE Denver Post OUTSTANDING DRAMA SERIES True Blood (HBO) OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE ARTICLE “What Happens When You Find the One... OUTSTANDING COMEDY SERIES And He’s Nothing – Nothing – Like You TIE: Glee (Fox) and Modern Family (ABC) Expected?” by Allison Cooper (O, The Oprah Magazine)
  • 13. IMAGES OF EQUALITY 11 CELEBRATING 25 YEARS The GLAAD Media Awards recognize and honor media for their fair, accurate and inclusive representations of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community and the issues that affect their lives. The GLAAD Media Awards also fund GLAAD’s work to share stories from the LGBT community that build support for equality. OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE OVERALL COVERAGE: SPANISH-LANGUAGE CATEGORIES The Advocate/Out OUTSTANDING NOVELA OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM ARTICLE ¿Dónde está Elisa? (Telemundo) “View From Washington” (series) by Kerry Eleveld ( OUTSTANDING DAYTIME TALK SHOW EPISODE TIE: “Mamá vístete de hombre” Casos de OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM - Familia (Univision) and “La Proposición 8” MULTIMEDIA Caso Cerrado (Telemundo) “Bridal Bliss: Aisha and Danielle” by Bobbi Misick ( OUTSTANDING TALK SHOW INTERVIEW “Saliendo del closet después de los 30” El OUTSTANDING BLOG Show de Cristina (Univision) Joe. My. God. (http://joemygod.blogspot. com/) OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM – NEWSMAGAZINE OUTSTANDING MUSIC ARTIST “En nombre del amor” Primer Impacto Scissor Sisters, Night Work (Downtown (Univision) Records) OUTSTANDING TV JOURNALISM SEGMENT OUTSTANDING COMIC BOOK “Aumenta el hostigamiento” Despierta X-Factor by Peter David (Marvel Comics) América (Univision) OUTSTANDING LOS ANGELES THEATER OUTSTANDING NEWSPAPER ARTICLE Something Happened by L. Trey Wilson “Acosados hasta el punto del suicidio” by Rubén Moreno (La Opinión) OUTSTANDING NEW YORK THEATER Broadway & Off–Broadway: The Pride by OUTSTANDING MAGAZINE ARTICLE Alexi Kaye Campbell “Estoy feliz de ser quien soy” by María Morales (People en Español) OUTSTANDING NEW YORK THEATER Off–Off Broadway: When Last We Flew by OUTSTANDING DIGITAL JOURNALISM ARTICLE: Harrison David Rivers “Fedro llegó para quedarse” by Amy Linares ( OUTSTANDING SPANISH-LANGUAGE MUSIC ARTIST Christian Chávez, Almas transparentes (EMI)
  • 14. 12 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 COMMENTATOR 2 0 1 2 Accountability PROJECT Time and time again, media outlets turn to anti-gay activists in CAP has since made waves across mainstream media, disrupting an effort to provide so-called “balance” to news stories. What extreme anti-LGBT talking heads’ ability to spew misinformation journalists may not realize, however, is that these sources often on the air, and attracting responses from the nation’s leading espouse extreme, anti-LGBT animus – sometimes even advocating journalists, including Hardball host Chris Matthews, whopublicly violence. stated that he and his producers are now reevaluating the way the show deals with anti-gay guests. Launched in March 2012, GLAAD’s Commentator Accountability Project (CAP) provides a comprehensive set of online resources GLAAD also works with local news outlets – in states like North detailing the homophobic, racist, and misogynistic sentiments of Carolina, Washington, Maine and Minnesota, where equality nearly three-dozen of the nation’s most vitriolic anti-LGBT activists. hinges on the ballot box – to ensure that reporters know about the gross misinformation spread by anti-gay activists in their area. The Commentator Accountability Project contains facts with which every journalist who covers LGBT issues should be familiar, but CAP provides journalists, producers, show bookers and network usually is not. GLAAD has already made the resource available to executives with an invaluable tool by which to hold commentators the nation’s leading newsrooms, meeting with producers to discuss accountable, in turn helping audiences better understand and the importance of fairness and accuracy when talking about accept their LGBT brothers, sisters, neighbors and friends. equality for every American. #GLAADCAP PROFILES PAT ROBERTSON TONY PERKINS MAGGIE GALLAGHER FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN, THE CHRISTIAN PRESIDENT OF FOUNDER AND FORMER PRESIDENT AND BROADCASTING NETWORK, THE AMERICAN THE FAMILY RESEARCH COUNCIL BOARD PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR LAW & JUSTICE (ACLJ), AND • Says that gay young people “have a higher ORGANIZATION FOR MARRIAGE REGENT UNIVERSITY (AMONG OTHERS) propensity to depression or suicide because of that internal conflict; homosexuals may • Internal memos obtained by the Human Rights • Said: “I don’t really believe homosexuals want recognize intuitively that their same-sex Campaign reveal that Gallagher’s organization, to get marriage, what they want to do is destroy attractions are abnormal.” the National Organization for Marriage, was marriage and some of the other things we have actively attempting to—in its own words— • The Family Research Council has distributed ”drive a wedge between gays and blacks” in our society.” a pamphlet that erroneously depicts gay men and “provoke the gay marriage base into • Of LGBT advocacy groups: “Some of these and lesbians as physically and mentally ill responding by denouncing (black) spokesmen radical gay groups are willing to do anything pedophiles who can be cured. and women as bigots.” A 2008–2009 Board in the world to have their way of doing sex Update also revealed that one of NOM’s goals • The Family Research Council has distributed legitimized by this country. They’ll tear down was “fanning the hostility” between the LGBT a pamphlet that begins by likening the logic any institution, the church -- the Episcopal community and the black community. behind same-sex marriage to the logic behind Church, for example -- in order to have their man-horse marriage (complete with horse • Referred to being gay as “a sexual disability way, and it’s basically wrong.” graphic). preventing certain individuals from participating • Robertson compared gay people with Satanists in the normal reproductive patterns of the human • Paid $82,500 to use the phone bank of former and tried to link gay people to Adolf Hitler: species.” Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke for an “Many of those people involved with Adolph election run-off. • Compared winning the fight to ban marriage Hitler were Satanists, many of them were homosexuals. The two things seem to go • Claims “blood of young marines” is on hands for gay couples with the fall of communism and together.” of legislators who voted to repeal Don’t Ask believes that if it is made legal, it will mean Don’t Tell. “losing American civilization.” FOR FULL LIST OF PROFILES, VISIT GLAAD.ORG/CAP
  • 15. 13 GLAAD’S ANNUAL OF EQUALITY IMAGES REPORT 2011-201213 MISSING 2 0 1 2 VOICES a study of religious voices in mainstream media reports about LGBT equality 3out of 4 Time and time again, anti-gay activists cite faith traditions when speaking out against The research, a three-year analysis of 316 equality, casting a gulf between God and news stories about LGBT issues, using His LGBT sons and daughters that seems 1,387 different religious sources on unbridgeable. national television and print news media, showed a disproportionate reliance on of the messages with some Support for equality continues to grow, anti-LGBT religious voices commenting religious identification were however -- not just among the secular on LGBT people and issues. Three out communicated by people affiliated public, but across faith communities and of four religious messages came from with faith groups that have formal congregations. The myth that people of faith people whose religions have formal do not accept their LGBT brothers, sisters, policies opposing LGBT equality, despite church policy, religious decrees or neighbors and friends is simply untrue. the fact that acceptance of LGBT people is traditions opposing equality for growing across faith traditions. LGBT people. That’s why GLAAD and the University of Missouri Center on Religion & the Professions GLAAD found that news media is largely teamed up to publish “Missing Voices,” omitting a pro-LGBT religious perspective a study that analyzes religious messages and ignoring individuals who identify as presented in national news outlets about both LGBT and religious, particularly those The study also inspired a feature segment LGBT people and the issues that affect their who identify as Christian. As a result of on MSNBC’s Last Word with Lawrence lives. this framing, it is likely that audiences have O’Donnell, which profiled two prominent distorted views of the relationship Catholic equality advocates and highlighted between LGBT people and religion the growing disconnect between the Roman and follow a false ‘gay vs. Catholic hierarchy and everyday Catholics in Messages Presented by Religious Spokespeople religion’ frame. America who support LGBT people. GLAAD’s efforts did not go GLAAD continues to urge mainstream unnoticed. Quickly after releasing media to make more consistent use of LGBT- the new study, GLAAD’s Director affirming religious sources, instead of turning of Religion, Faith & Values Ross to more negative or non-affirming religious Murray appeared in various voices. By overlooking LGBT-affirming media outlets, including The spokespeople, journalists can contribute to evangelical christian roman catholic Washington Post and The – and even perpetuate – the idea that those total messages: 125 total messages: 108 Huffington Post. Murray was who are religious are, by definition, opposed quoted, “Today’s media has a to equality. responsibility to reflect the diversity of religious voices, rather than just Media have a responsibility to report fairly those who choose not to support and accurately. ‘Missing Voices’ allows them LGBT people [.] By elevating to do just that, equipping journalists with the mainline protestant total messages: 63 black church total messages: 41 select anti-LGBT voices who are resources they need in order to realize that out of touch with so many in their communities of faith are largely in support of own churches, media is falsely equality for all. representing views of entire negative religious groups and contributing jewish total messages: 20 other total messages: 9 to a climate that isolates LGBT youth and adults from their faith, a neutral false dichotomy that no one should have to make.” muslim total messages: 4 positive
  • 16. 14 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 2 0 1 2 MISS UNIVERSE TRANSFORMING IMAGES BEAUTY OF Pageant contestant Jenna Talackova attracted a long history of supporting equality for all international headlines in early 2012 after she women, and this was something we took very was booted from the Miss Universe Canada seriously.” competition because she’s transgender. Following work on Jenna’s case, GLAAD GLAAD immediately got in contact with the worked with media oulets such as CNN Miss Universe Organization and urged officials and The Huffington Post to profile leading there to reshape the competition’s policies to transgender advocates like Janet Mock accept and celebrate all women. Just days and Laverne Cox, as well as highlight the later, the Miss Universe Organization released tremendous hurdles still faced by the a statement announcing that Jenna would be transgender community. allowed to compete and that the world’s most prestigious beauty competition would work with Jenna went on in the Miss GLAAD to make the pageant more inclusive. Universe Canada pageant to finish in the top twelve After weeks of consultations, the Miss Universe and to win the Miss Organization lived up to that promise, Congeniality award. And reinstating Jenna and vowing to end its rules with GLAAD’s help, Miss barring transgender contestants. Universe has reshaped what it means to be In announcing the news, President of the Miss beautiful – not just at home, Universe Organization, Paula Shugart said, but in countries all across the “We want to give credit where credit is due, globe. and the decision to include transgender women in our beauty competitions is a result of our ongoing discussions with GLAAD [...] We have
  • 17. 15 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-201215 IMAGES OF EQUALITY 2 0 1 2 #STANDUPFOR ELLEN Retail giant J.C. Penney tapped of the company’s new spokesperson. America’s favorite talk show host, “Importantly, we share the same Ellen DeGeneres, as the company’s fundamental values as Ellen,” he said. new spokesperson in 2012, drawing “We’ll be focused on being in sync the ire of anti-gay fringe group One with the rhythm of our customers’ lives Million Moms, a project of the and operating in a ‘Fair and Square’ American Family Association. manner that is rooted in integrity.” In an open letter, OMM wrote OMM later abandoned its call for that DeGeneres “is not a true Ellen’s removal, announcing that the representation of the type of group would be “moving on.” families that shop” at J.C. Penney and that “by jumping on the pro- GLAAD President Herndon gay bandwagon,” the company Graddick spoke of the effect that would “lose customers with #StandUpForEllen had: “Turns out traditional values.” ‘one million’ anti-gay activists just can’t compare to the millions more In response, GLAAD launched – moms, dads, sons and daughters the #StandUpForEllen campaign alike – who agree with J.C. Penney to expose OMM’s anti-gay witch- that no person should be fired simply hunt, garnering support from tens of for being gay. As a result of this thousands of Americans who spoke failed attempt to oust Ellen, more out against the group’s anti-gay vitriol. people than ever are now speaking Through sweeping media coverage, out against the injustices faced by GLAAD also shed light on the gross hardworking LGBT Americans in the discrimination LGBT people still face workplace.” in the workplace, where in 29 states a person can be fired simply for being Since joining GLAAD to take a stand gay, while in 34 states, a person for Ellen, J.C. Penney has continued can be fired simply because they’re its commitment to inclusion, releasing YOU CAN BE FIRED JUST FOR BEING GAY IN transgender. ads throughout 2012 that feature gay and lesbian couples and their families THESE 29 STATES. IN 34 STATES, YOU CAN After nearly 50,000 people joined – helping to show America that GLAAD to take a stand for Ellen families take many forms, all of which BE FIRED JUST FOR BEING TRANSGENDER. and show their support, J.C. Penney deserve to be celebrated, to be seen, re-affirmed that the company to be employed, and to look good in “stands behind its partnership affordable clothing. with Ellen DeGeneres,” with J.C. Penney President Michael Francis announcing his unwavering support
  • 18. SCOUTS ALL 16 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 16 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 2 0 1 2 When the Boy Scouts of America told Ohio mom Jennifer Tyrrell that she could no longer be the leader of her seven year-old son’s Tiger Scouts pack because she’s gay, Jennifer of Americans to a loving gay mom and her family. Under mounting pressure, the Boy Scouts revealed that a resolution was FOR was devastated. But she also introduced to possibly end the ban wasn’t willing let the discrimination in 2013. continue. But that simply wasn’t enough. After getting in touch with GLAAD, Jennifer worked with GLAAD to Jennifer launched a start another petition, petition, calling on the Boy Scouts calling on leaders within the Scouts of America to end its ban on gay to take a stand. In response, Boy scouts and LGBT leaders. In a matter Scouts Board member and Global of weeks, the petition garnered Chairman & CEO of Ernst & over a quarter million signatures, as Young, James Turley, announced well as support from celebrities like that he would work from within the Ricky Martin, Julianne Moore, Josh organization to end the anti-gay Hutcherson, Dianna Agron, Perez policies. Hilton, Fran Drescher, Benicio Del Toro, and more. The Girl Scouts of the USA, the 4H Club, the Boys & Girls Club, GLAAD helped share Jennifer’s story and even the United States military across mainstream news media, accept and welcome gay members including The Associated Press, The – it’s time the Boy Scouts follow New York Times, The Los Angeles their lead and end its long history of Times, MSNBC, and CNN among discrimination. several others -- introducing millions SUPPORT ALL MOMS For Mother’s Day, GLAAD launched a digital campaign to draw support for Jennifer and share her story. GLAAD asked followers to send e-cards and Mother’s Day messages to the Boy Scouts of America asking them to support all moms and #SCOUTSFORALL. EQUALITWEETS: #SCOUTSFORALL @RICKY_MARTIN @_JULIANNEMOORE @PEREZHILTON @FRANDRESCHER RICKY MARTIN JULIANNE MOORE PEREZ HILTON FRAN DRESCHER COME ON EVERY1 RT AND TELL DEAR @BOYSCOUTS, ON MOTHER’S RT & TELL @BOYSCOUTS: ON READ JENNIFER’S STORY & SIGN @BOYSCOUTS: ON MOTHER’S DAY TO DAY I SUPPORT JENNIFER & MOTHER’S DAY I SUPPORT JENNIFER THE PETITION. SUPPORT JENNIFER SUPPORT JENNIFER AND ALL MOMS, ALL MOMS, GAY & STRAIGHT! & ALL MOMS, GAY & STRAIGHT & ALL MOMS, GAY & STRAIGHT! #SCOUTSFORALL #SCOUTSFORALL #SCOUTSFORALL #SCOUTSFORALL @BOYSCOUTS CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS CHANGE.ORG/SCOUTS
  • 19. IMAGES OF EQUALITY 17 @GLAAD BOARD OF DIRECTORS Sheri Fults (Co-chair) John F. Stephens (Co-chair & Treasurer) Thom Reilly (Secretary) Chad Boettcher Marci Bowers, M.D. Professor Jennifer Finney Boylan George Cheeks GLAAD STAFF Leslie Donovan Michele H. Edelman Herndon Graddick President Dean Hansell David Hedley,III Seth Adam Senior Manager of Communications Lori M. James Nick Adams Associate Director of Communications Alan Keith Juan Barajas Deputy Director of Development Scott E. Miller Marcus Brock Media Field Strategist Kevin Oldis Chris Carlon Design & Multimedia Coordinator Mike Schaefer Nick Contino Director of Information Technology Anthony E. Varona Brendan Davis Digital Content Manager Steve Warren April Domino Office Administrator Craig Zodikoff Eric Douglas Vice President of Development Rich Ferraro Vice President of Communications Michael Fountas Senior Events Manager FELLOWSHIPS Johnny Gonzales Senior Events Manager Max Gouttebroze Entertainment Media Strategist Daniel Alvarenga Spanish-Language Media Fellow Daryl Hannah Director of Media & Community Partnerships Hariqbal Basai Media & Law Fellow Dani Heffernan Media Research Associate Marcus Brock Administrative Media Programs Fellow Kevin Huynh Events Coordinator Angela Dallara National News & Transgender Advocacy Fellow Shikha Jain Cruz Director of Corporate & Foundation Relations Max Gouttebroze Digital Initiatives Fellow Matt Kane Associate Director of Entertainment Media Dani Heffernan Advertising & Campaigns Fellow Aaron McQuade Director of News & Field Media Miriam Lazewatsky Religion, Faith & Values Fellow Ross Murray Director of Religion, Faith & Values Brian Pacheco Spanish Language Media Fellow Arnaldo Ochoa Senior Bookkeeper Sean Piazza Administrative Media Programs Fellow Matt Oxley Director of Finance/Controller Nicole Pirshafiey Entertainment Media Fellow Brian Pacheco Spanish Language Media Strategist Amita Swadhin People of Color Media Initiatives Fellow Allison Palmer Vice President of Campaigns & Programs Tanya Tsikanovsky Entertainment Media Fellow Andy Sheng Database Administrator Noli Ann Vega Administrative Media Programs Fellow Melanie Simangan Corporate & Foundation Relations Manager Jonathan Yantz Digital Initiatives Fellow Shae Smith Senior Manager of Online Production Monica Trasandes Director of Spanish Language Media Roman Valdez Donor Services Manager LEADERSHIP COUNCILS ATLANTA BOSTON Kevin Lewis LOS ANGELES Rick Hamer Rebecca Bowden (Co-Chair) Joshua Reed (Co-Chair) Grant McCorkhill Cody Lassen (Co-Chair) Jim Laufenberg Mark Howard (Co-Chair) Jared Worful (Co-Chair) Hadley Rue Christopher Westley (Co-Chair) John Marez Adam Ballenger Ryan Andaluz Doug Sanborn Charlie Gu Lindsay Romig Jeff Carrico Phillip Andrews Brooke Skinner James Holchin Saldy Suriben Melissa Carter Steven Bithell Ricardo Torres Eric Kugler Anne Clarke Mike Dyer Jonathan Turtiz WASHINGTON D.C. Colby Conner Rich Gardner Nick Urig NEW YORK Jonathan Howard (Chair) Tina Crittenden Jim Killian Ron D’angelo (Co-Chair) Sean Carlson Jodi Duncan John LaRoche DALLAS-FORT WORTH Will Janensch (Co-Chair) Jay Carmona Kat Graham Christopher Loney Eric Tschetter (Co-Chair) Jason Abrams Greg Jones Brian Kaufman Matt Lucerto Danny Simpson (Co-chair) Barry Garbarino Michael Marangell Angela King Jaime Mills Thomas Anable Patrick Mills Jamie McGonnigal Frank Mendez Justin Nyborn David Cavazos Archley Prudent Michael Woestehoff Mimi McCain Mary Timmons Sarah Francis John Ouderkirk Stacy VanDeveer Craig Green SAN FRANCISCO Sally Ringo Greg Hurt Adam Sandel (Co-Chair) Hollis Smith CHICAGO Vance Kirksey Michael Wagner (Co-Chair) Dino Thompson-Sarmiento Kevin Boyer (Co-Chair) Jodye Newton Cathy Brooks Josh Williams Nina Fernandez (Co-Chair) Barry Robertson Alejandro Franceschi David Wilson Angela Barnes James Shackelford Gary Gansle Nathan Woodard-Persily Sue Fisher Scott Whitall Rowena Gargalicana Frank Wrenn Byron Hoover Alex Goldsmith
  • 20. 18 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 SUPPORT 18 GLAAD’S ANNUAL REPORT 2011-2012 THE VISIONARY CIRCLE Craig H. Lindhurst Trust Karen Magee & Ramon Torres Anonymous THE MEDIA CIRCLE the visionary circle recognizes Aimee Levine members of the media circle donors whose generous Byron Mason are major donors providing the Susan Mcdonald PRODUCER $25,000 - $49,999 support and culmulative Bruce W. Bastian critical unrestricted funding giving to glaad exceeds $1 Michael McShane to carry out glaad’s work as Dana Chaiken & Susan Roll Frank Miller million. Michael Wagner & Joseph H. Lima a watchdog, advocate, & Alan L. Mittelsdorf & Jeannette Mittelsdorf storyteller. We thank the Absolut Vodka David Mizener & EDITOR-IN-CHIEF $10,000 - $24,999 following individuals who made Anheuser-Busch Arturo Carrillo John August & Mike August gifts of $1,500 to $4,999 Arcus Foundation Karen A. Moschetto John French & Craig M. Norton between January 1, 2011 to June 15, David Bohnett Foundation Estate of Phillip Michael Newman Sheri Fults 2012 Gill Foundation Michael J. Nutt Kevin D. Gonzalez IBM C. Gary Ogden Robert Greenblatt The Michael Palm Foundation Peter Padvaiskas David V. Hedley, III ANALYST $3,500 - $4,999 MillerCoors Andrew Palese Lori James & Mark James Jennifer F. Boylan MTV Networks Jess Perlmuth Carl Johnson & Gordon Sze Cody Lassen & Nitzan Mekel Terry K. Watanabe Charitable Trust Walter J. Phillips Joseph B. Kittredge & Bruce D. Marcus The Estate of Ric Weiland Ed Ragsdale & Leo Corzo Winand Van Eeghen Janice A. Raspen Marc Levine Wells Fargo REPORTER ($2,500 - $3,499) Daniel K. Raymond Barbara Manocherian Kenneth B. Mehlman Juan Barajas Patrice Reid Jonathan Murray & Harvey Reese Alvin H. Baum Sally Ringo & Juli Buchanan THE LEGACY CIRCLE Charles Robbins & Joseph Northington & Timothy Tew Peter C. Bickford & Gregory McCarthy Siggi Bjarnason the following glaad Damon Romine Michael J. Nutt Mark G. Reisbaum Luigi Caiola & Sean McGill supporteds have made The Estate of Catherine Roland Rich S. Ross & Adam Sanderson Colby Conner planned gifts to glaad, Benjamin Scheie Blaine Templeman Ronald D’Angelo & Scott Newman Robert L. Schwartz designating us as a Toyota Financial Services Michael P. Dillon Angel Silva & Ray Espino beneficiary of their estate Michael Trythall & Matthew Walker Eric Douglas Karen A. Simonsen & and ensuring glaad’s success Stephen Warren & George Harangody Robert M. Eichler Linda J. Sherline Nelsan Ellis and vitality into the future. Jeffrey Skorneck Don Frey & Jim Pretlow Wally Smith EDITOR $5000 - $9,999 Richard W. Garnett & Ross Murray David I. Abramson Carmichael Smith-Low Ian A. Andrusyk Patricia Hallstein & Axel Kramer Ward Auerbach & Jeremy Stanford & Randy Barbato & Fenton Bailey Richard Hamer & Adam Sandel Andy Baker Paul McCullough Jarrett T. Barrios Kelli Herd Herbert Baker John W. Stewart & Chad Boettcher James C. Hormel & Michael Nguyen Trust of Charles Edwin Baker Ramon Torres George A. Cheeks Daniel S. Kaufman Allen Barnett David G. Stinson Frank Ching & Charley Kearns Tom Keyes & Keith Fox Keith Boman Cora Ann Styles Living Trust Patrick A. Correnty Michael Lammons & Taylor Yarbrough Jon Borset Lee Sylvester Robert P. Denny Walter Leiss Donnie Bourisaw & David Taylor James D. Fielding & Edison Briones Robert D. Lemon Steven R. Gales-Bourisaw Stephen Te Dean Hansell Christine McGinn Thomas Boyd Margaret A. Traub & Todd Holland & Scotch E. Loring Thomas J. McGough Kelley L. Buchanan Phyllis Dicker Mark A. Howard Gary Meade, M.D. Rosemary Bybee Heather Trumbower Susan R. Jerich Peter H. Nee Bradford M. Clarke Warren J. Warren Barbara Jobes & Rhonda Drake Kevin Oldis & Susan Oldis John D. Claypoole & Estate of Richard W. Weiland & Milla Jovovich Robert O’Leary Frank Vasquez Michael Schaefer Alan Keith & Richard Brand Stosh Ostrow & Allen Walterman Robert M. Cohn Christian F. Winkle Rachel Lehman & Laurie Lehman Jack Sansolo & Dean Waller Rick Davis Lori J. Wolf & Carol Leifer Michael W. Levine & Kim Lemon Shannon S. Scoville & Sheri Knesek Dana Douglas & Estate of James B. Wozniak Bryan Lourd & Bruce Bozzi Joel E. Simkins Doug Inman Mark B. Wyn Gwen Marcus & Nancy Alpert Richard W. Smith John P. Fludas Richard Yorkey Paul Mareski & Sean Moher James Spiegelhoff David W. Gill Matthew Marks & Jack Bankowsky John F. Stephens & Razmik Ekmekdjian Neil G. Giuliano Jane Marquardt & Tami Marquardt Michael Streefland & Darryl Carbonaro Ken Glass Dean Hansell THE ALLIANCE CIRCLE Anil Mohin, M.D. & John Scholz Joseph James Mulcahy William M. Tomai & John E. Sebesta Joseph F. Tringali Charlie Harrison members of the alliance Robert Murray & Bruce N. Davis Dan Hess circle are major donors who John P. Ouderkirk, M.D. Todd Holland & CORRESPONDENT $1,500 - $2,499 have made significant Karl A. Pettijohn Thomas R. Anable Scotch E. Loring commitments to invest in J. Douglas Piper & Scott E. Miller Yann Antonioli Margot I. Irish Annette Pizzo & Andrew Pizzo David Jarrett glaad’s vision of full euality. Tess Ayers & Jane Anderson Mark E. Pollack we thank the following Andrew Bagnall Michael B. Keegan Rosie’s Bar & Grill individuals who made gifts of Jana Belot Estate of Robert L. Kehoe Russell Simmons $5,000 or more between Thomas W. Bindert Peter King Greg Swalwell & Terry Connor Jonathan Boyles & James Robert Adams Gary A. Knight & January 1, 2011 to June 15, 2012 Michael V. Thompson Robert M. Browne Keith Austin Joseph F. Tringali Jeff Brustrom & Todd Fisher Leonard Kraisel DIRECTOR $100,000 - $249,000 Roman Valdez & Wayne J. Zahner Dan Carucci Robert W. Kuhn & Esmond V. Harmsworth & James Wagner Richard Clair & David Hubbard Steven E. Geyer James Richardson Nathan Woodard-Persily & Keith Clinkscales Marilyn Lamkay Seth Woodard Tony Coelho Jeffrey G. Leeds Craig Zodikoff & Jay Grant PUBLISHER $50,000 - $99,000 Nick Contino & Nicholas Hass Dane Levens & Drew Desky Judith Gluckstern & Steven Gluckstern DeAndre J. evane D William C. Lewis & Rick Underwood Billy Lewis John W.Stewart III &