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Ontario Division Impact Report
2008 | 2009
Over his 38-year career with Canadian
                                                                                                        Press, Ottawa-based photojournalist
                                                                                                        Fred Chartrand shot everything from
                                             Ev e r y p i c t u r e t e l l s a c a n c e r s t o r y   foreign wars to Olympic games, election
                                                                                                        campaigns to sports championships.
                                                                                                        But one of his most meaningful projects
                                                                                                        occurred last February, when he shot a

       Connecting with the Chair and CEO
                                                 All of us have stories about how cancer has            photo for PhotoSensitive’s Cancer
                                                                                                        Connections exhibition, produced in
       Prevention and Advocacy
                                              touched our lives. And while everyone’s story is          partnership with the Canadian Cancer
                                                                                                        Society, featuring black and white photos
16-23 Information and Support
24-27 Fundraising
                                             different, together we represent a powerful force          that illustrate how cancer affects the
                                                                                                        lives of countless Canadians.
       Planned Giving
       Corporate Development
                                               that can make cancer history. Each and every             “I immediately felt like getting involved
                                                                                                        and thought of my friend Dominique
       Planned Giving Gifts Received
       Corporate Recognition
                                                day, in communities across the province, the            Hebert, a breast cancer survivor,”
                                                                                                        Fred explains. “Her horse, Calypso,
  36   Report from the Chair,
       Audit & Finance Committee                  Canadian Cancer Society connects with                 was great therapy for her and I thought
                                                                                                        a shot of her and Calypso would make a
  37   Financials
  38   Provincial Board and Committees         individuals who have been touched by cancer              great photo. It was Dominique’s idea that
                                                                                                        they both appear bareback.”

                                              in some way. For those who need information               “The photo demonstrates hope,” Fred says.
                                                                                                        “It shows that life still has some beauty

                                             or support, or who are ready to celebrate or fight         and drama to it, even after cancer.”
                                                                                                        “Cancer Connections took the stranger out
                                               back – we’re here to help Ontarians engage in            of cancer; people can see themselves in
                                                                                                        it,” says Fred. “Photography brings cancer

                                                  meaningful conversations about cancer.                right to the viewer’s heart, soul and mind.
                                                                                                        Seeing it makes people a lot more

                                                    We are the voice that connects us all.              sensitive to wanting to help fight cancer.”

OuR mIssIOn
the Canadian Cancer society is a national,                                                                      PhotoSensitive
community-based organization of volunteers
whose mission is the eradication of cancer                                                              This Cancer Connections photo by
and the enhancement of the quality of life                                                              Fred Chartrand shows his friend,
of people living with cancer.                                                                           Dominique Hebert, a breast cancer
                                                                                                        survivor, with her horse Calypso.
“Photography brings cancer right to the
      viewer’s heart, soul and mind.
    Seeing it makes people a lot more
sensitive to wanting to help fight cancer.”
                Fred Chartrand

                                              to view the hundreds of moving black and
                                              white photos, or to submit your own, visit

                                                             Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 | 2009   3
Connecting with the Chair and CEO

It has been said a picture is worth a            We’re actively engaging people in                 under-funding of lung cancer research by        community fundraising events, hundreds of
thousand words. Now imagine hundreds             conversations about cancer and this report        investing in seven new projects, thanks to a    planned gifts from individuals and families and
of Canadians, of all ages, from coast to         highlights more than a dozen Ontarians            special $1.3 million infusion made possible     generous contributions from corporations and
coast, captured in beautiful black and white     with a personal connection to cancer,             by the generosity of Ontario donors to help     organizations across the province, we made
photography – sharing their very personal        sharing their stories and describing how          tackle the biggest cancer killer.               important progress in fulfilling our mission.
and very touching cancer stories – saying so     the Society has played a role in their lives.
                                                                                                   Thanks to numerous advances in research,        None of these accomplishments would have
much more than words ever could.
                                                 We know that at least half of all cancers can     62 per cent of people diagnosed with            been possible without the generous support
In Ontario, we more than imagined it.            be prevented through healthy living and           cancer today will survive the disease.          of our countless donors, the passionate
We helped make it happen as you’ve just          we’ve been working tirelessly to ensure the       To better understand their needs and to         commitment of the 65,000 Ontarians who
experienced on page 2 of this report through     best healthy public policies are established in   disseminate the latest information and          volunteered their time and the professional
Fred Chartrand’s story. By connecting with       this province. In October, we held a unique       resources, we hosted our first-ever             dedication of our staff. We thank each of you
PhotoSensitive, a non-profit collective of       gathering on the front lawn of Queen’s Park       province-wide Survivors’ Conference in          for making such impact possible.
photographers, we were able to launch a          to thank the government for its recent            November. We continue to provide                Yet there is still so much more to do. It’s
two-year nationwide photo exhibit called         accomplishments in cancer prevention –            support to those battling cancer, including     too early to know what effect the present
Cancer Connections in Toronto in May.            such as the bans on the cosmetic use of           rides to treatment, peer support and trusted    economic situation will have on us, but just
The exhibit’s goal: to make meaningful           pesticides and on smoking in cars when            information about cancer. And once again,       as cancer doesn’t stop during tough times,
connections and to ensure no one feels           children are present – and to urge elected        we hosted The Driven to Quit Challenge          neither will we. The Society is aware, well
alone in their cancer experience.                officials to continue making cancer history.      that inspired over 26,000 smokers to            prepared and strongly positioned to continue
                                                 We await the implementation of legislation        make an attempt at butting out.                 fulfilling our mission. We are accountable in
And it’s these experiences and the very          governing the marketing of cigarillos and
                                                                                                   Through Relay For Life – which celebrated its   our financial management, with reserves
real stories that continue to motivate the       we continue advocating for regulation of
                                                                                                   10th year last year and raised $17.9 million    available if needed. We promise to continue
Society’s volunteers and staff to eradicate      the artificial tanning industry.
                                                                                                   – we enabled Ontarians touched by cancer        making the best use of the financial and
cancer and enhance lives of people living
                                                 For more than 70 years the Society has            to connect with one another, celebrate,         human resources entrusted to us.
with cancer. Making a positive ‘impact’ on
                                                 funded leading-edge research that has             remember and fight back. In addition, many
people’s lives is central to everything we do.                                                                                                     Thank you once again for your generous
                                                 improved cancer prevention, produced              supporters chose a range of ways to honour
The Society focuses on building relationships                                                                                                      support. We look forward to continuing to
                                                 better treatments, boosted survival rates,        their personal connection to cancer. As a
and demonstrates leadership in order to                                                                                                            connect with you and together, we will
                                                 and enhanced the quality of life for those        result of more than 1,400 independent
deliver results to make cancer history (which                                                                                                      make cancer history.
                                                 living with cancer. In 2008-09, the Society
explains why we changed the name of this
                                                 contributed $27.2 million in the most
year’s Annual Report to ‘Impact Report’).
                                                 promising cancer research initiatives in
During 2008-09, we especially focused on         Canada. In Ontario, 126 cancer research
our values of being courageous and               projects were funded, including 39 new
progressive to lessen the burden of cancer.      projects. In May, we addressed the
                                                                                                   Marion Kirsh,                                   Peter Goodhand,
                                                                                                   Chair                                           CEO
COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                         Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   5
• Although considerable progress has been

                       made in provincial legislation supporting
                       cancer prevention, there is still more work
                       to do. Throughout the year, the issue of
                       cancer prevention needs to be kept ‘top
                       of mind’ with Members of Provincial
                       Parliament (MPPs) so that new policies
                       are implemented which will help prevent
                       cancer and build a healthier tomorrow
                       for all Ontarians.

                     • On October 6, 2008 – as the kick-off to

                       Cancer Prevention Week – the Society
                       organized a unique advocacy event called
                       Celebration at Queen’s Park, with Olympic
                       medal-winner Adam Van Koeverden as
                       master of ceremonies.
                     • Some 200 Society volunteers and staff
                       from across the province travelled to Toronto,
                       joining together with their MPPs in an
                       event that incorporated key elements of the
                       Society’s signature fundraiser, Relay For Life:
                       a Survivors’ Victory Lap that celebrated
                       cancer survivorship, and a luminary
                       ceremony that remembered those who lost
                       their battle with cancer and honoured those
                       who have survived.
                     • Speakers at the event thanked elected
                       officials for their past legislative
                       accomplishments and encouraged them
                       to continue being courageous and proactive
                       in the fight against cancer.

                     • The fact that 40 MPPs took part in the

                       event demonstrates that the Society is a
                       valued partner and key player in the fight
                       to make cancer history. Less than two
                       months after the event, the government
                       passed a new law banning the marketing
                       of cigarillos to youth.
                     • The event raised awareness about the                     For ty Members of Provincial Parliame n t we re j o i n e d by 2 0 0 So c i e t y vo l u n t e e r s a n d
                       Society’s advocacy priorities, built new
                       connections among those touched by cancer         staff on October 6 at Queen’s Park to celeb r a t e l e g i s l a t i ve s u c c e s s e s a n d p u s h f o r f u r t h e r
                       and served as a reminder that no one has
                       to face cancer alone.                             progress in ca ncer prevent ion.
Celebrating progress on cancer prevention

The air was crisp and the sun shone brightly
last October 6 when 200 cancer survivors,
                                                was certainly horrible, and I tried then, as I
                                                did throughout my teaching career, to
                                                                                                 “hale and hearty grandfather – who used to
                                                                                                 take me fishing – lying in the hospital with
                                                                                                                                                 The Society continues
caregivers, Society volunteers and staff from   encourage my students not to take up             brain cancer, unable to speak.” He told of
all parts of Ontario gathered on the front      smoking.” Commenting on the Celebration          his own experience “getting zapped in              to lead the way
lawn of Queen’s Park to thank the provincial    event, Elizabeth said she was “filled with       several spots” as treatment for basal cell
government for its recent accomplishments       hope and optimism and encouragement to           skin cancer. “Really, cancer has come to           in encouraging
in cancer prevention and to urge members        see so many people here from different parts     affect all of us. I thank the Canadian Cancer
of provincial parliament to continue making
cancer history.
                                                of the province, all committed to the same
                                                cause. I want to thank the Canadian Cancer
                                                                                                 Society and all the others who continually
                                                                                                 remind us [what needs to be done].”
                                                                                                                                                  governments to pass
Advocacy is a vital activity of the Society.
Thanks to our geographic reach and broad
                                                Society for the tremendous work that you
                                                do in raising awareness of what needs to
                                                                                                 He named the ban on retail cigarette
                                                                                                 displays as one legislative success, urging
                                                                                                                                                  public policies that
                                                happen in the province. You are a leader.”       further action on such issues as artificial
mandate in fighting all cancers, we continue
to lead the way in encouraging governments      The Honourable Ted McMeekin is the Liberal       tanning, contraband tobacco and toxic use        help prevent cancer
to pass public policies that help prevent       member for the riding of Ancaster-Dundas-        reduction. The Society continues to lead the
cancer and assist those living with cancer.     Flamborough-Westdale, the Minister of            way in encouraging governments to pass          and assist those living
                                                Government Services – and a prostate cancer      public policies that help prevent cancer and
The October 6 Celebration at Queen’s
Park event provided an opportunity for          survivor. He recounted how his family doctor     assist those living with cancer.
                                                                                                                                                      with cancer.
Ontarians touched by cancer to connect          called him on a Friday afternoon at his
with one another and advocate for further       constituency office, reminding him he’d
legislative action. During the event, MPPs      missed several appointments for his PSA test.
from each of the three parties shared stories   After getting the test done that afternoon,
about their personal connection with cancer.    he learned four days later his PSA score had
                                                tripled. The biopsy came back soon after,
Elizabeth Witmer, Progressive Conservative
                                                confirming early-stage prostate cancer, and
MPP for Kitchener-Waterloo and a former
                                                he was subsequently treated successfully.
health minister, first got involved in the
                                                “Thankfully, there are people out there like
fight against cancer when she was a
                                                you and I who care deeply and are prepared
secondary school teacher in London.
                                                to do everything we can to be proactive and
“I remember sharing stories with my
                                                get rid of this awful series of diseases.”
students about people who had lung cancer
or some kind of oral cancer yet continued to    NDP member for Beaches–East York Michael
smoke. What happened to these smokers           Prue spoke movingly about seeing his once

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                  Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   7
• The Society believes that Ontarians should not
                       be exposed to cancer-causing substances at
                       home, at work or in their environment.
                       Wherever possible, exposure to substances
                       that are known, or believed, to cause
                       cancer should be identified and eliminated
                       by substituting safer alternatives. When
                       elimination is not possible, exposure should
                       be reduced to the lowest possible levels.
                     • Evidence from occupational studies suggests
                       a positive association between exposure to
                       certain pesticides and some types of cancer,
                       including non-Hodgkin lymphoma and
                       leukemia, brain cancer, kidney cancer,
                                                                              Ann McGoey
                       pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and
                       lung cancer.                                     played a key role in
                     • Strong evidence also exists indicating that
                       children may be more at risk than other
                       population groups due to their rapidly
                                                                        advoca t ing for
                       developing bodies and their more direct
                       means of contact.                                T hunder Ba y’s
                     • A 2007 Oracle Poll of 1,000 Ontario residents
                       shows 71 per cent of Ontario citizens            ban on cosmetic
                       supported province-wide restrictions on
                                                                        pest icides.
                     • Since 2002, Society volunteers and staff

                       worked tirelessly with governments and
                       community partners across Ontario to
                       prohibit the use of cosmetic pesticides.
                     • At the municipal level, this involved meeting
                       with and sending letters to local councillors
                       and mayors, attending city council meetings
                       and delivering deputations, writing letters to
                       the editor and calling community members
                       and other volunteers asking for support.
                     • Provincially, Society volunteer and staff
                       advocacy efforts included responding to
                       public consultations through the Environment
                       Bill of Rights (EBR) consultation periods,
                       meeting with MPPs and Ministers, sending
                       letters to MPPs, the Premier and Minister
                       of the Environment and writing letters
                       to the editor.

                     • On June 18, 2008, Queen’s Park passed the

                       Cosmetic Pesticide Act, which banned the
                       sale and use of cosmetic pesticides across
                       Ontario. This regulation matched the
                       toughest existing municipal bylaw in
                       Ontario, and will protect the health of
                       Ontarians with the strongest cosmetic
                       pesticide legislation in North America.

Mission accomplished on cosmetic pesticides

“I’ve always been somewhat of an                 sponsored a local survey of Thunder Bay             The Society is currently advocating through its
environmentalist,” says 55-year-old Thunder      residents and helped with media relations.”         Take Charge on Toxics campaign for legislation
Bay resident Ann McGoey. In 2001 at age 47,      Eventually, Thunder Bay passed its local            to reduce environmental carcinogens.
she was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic       pesticides ban on November 17, 2008.                Learn more at
leukemia, a rare cancer affecting the immune
                                                 Thanks to the Society’s advocacy work and
system that leaves her open to frequent
                                                 support from other health and environmental
respiratory infections and serious fatigue.
                                                 groups, like the one Ann was involved in, this
Four years later, her illness forced her to
                                                 bylaw added to the 33 municipal bans that
give up her work as a nurse practitioner.
                                                 were already in place. These bylaws paved
“At my retirement party, I mentioned that I
wanted to help reduce the use of cosmetic
                                                 the way for strong provincial pesticide
                                                 legislation, passed in the spring of 2008.
                                                                                                               “People are starting to question the use
pesticides in Thunder Bay,” Ann recounts. She
made a presentation on the issue to her city’s
                                                 “When I started, I hoped my goal was small                       of chemicals in our environment…
                                                 and achievable enough that I could help bring
chapter of the Registered Nurses Association
of Ontario, and in July 2006 held a meeting
                                                 it to fruition,” she says. “So, I was exhilarated
                                                 when the bylaw was passed!”
                                                                                                                    The pesticides ban may open that
around her dining room table of a dozen
representatives from environmental and
healthcare agencies in the city.
                                                 In Ann’s view, the immediate impact of the                            up a little bit and help us look
                                                 ban will be that parents can feel relieved
Ann’s group – which included staff from
                                                 their kids or pets can safely play in the park
                                                 or on a neighbour’s lawn. “Within 10 years,
                                                                                                                                     at other issues.”
the Canadian Cancer Society – led public
                                                 I think having a dandelion-free lawn will no
education sessions, mounted displays at                                                                                                     Ann McGoey
                                                 longer be a goal; people will think instead
community events, created ‘pesticide-free’
                                                 about having a healthy lawn.”
lawn signs and wrote letters to the editor.
“We also held many, many meetings with           Overall, she believes that “people are
city councillors to educate them on the issue    starting to question the use of chemicals in
and joined other stakeholders in working out     our environment, such as cleaning products
the details of the bylaw,” says Ann.             and personal-care products. The pesticides
                                                 ban may open that up a little bit and help
“The support and encouragement we
                                                 us look at other issues.”
received from the Society was wonderful,”
Ann explains. “They did printing for us,

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                      Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   9
• Children travelling in motor vehicles don’t

                       have a choice when it comes to exposure               “ Yout h like us look upon t he Ca na dia n Canc e r So c ie t y as le ad e r s and innovat o r s.
                       to second-hand smoke. The health risk is
                       serious because of the confined space, and     It ena bles us t o be more influent ia l.” –   Sal An an ia, pic t u re d w it h fe l l ow s t u d e n t , Er ic S c u ra
                       because they breathe more air than adults
                       relative to their body weight.
                     • Even with the vehicle’s windows open,
                       concentrations of breathable, second-hand
                       particles from smoking are at least 13 times
                       higher than outdoor levels.

                     • Through intense work with tobacco control

                       advocates, meeting with MPPs and writing
                       letters to the editor in local newspapers,
                       Society volunteers and staff put this vital
                       health issue on the map.
                     • An Ipsos Reid poll, released in December
                       2007, showed that 86 per cent of Ontario’s
                       non-smokers supported this type of
                       legislation and that 66 per cent of
                       smokers in Ontario supported it.

                     • In June 2008, the Government of Ontario

                       passed legislation – first introduced as a
                       private member’s bill in December 2007 –
                       banning smoking in vehicles with children
                       under 16 present. The law, which imposes
                       fines of up to $250, took effect
                       January 21, 2009.
                     • By reducing youth exposure to second-hand
                       smoke, the Society is helping to reduce the
                       incidence of lung cancer, the biggest
                       cancer killer.
                     • The legislation also supports educational
                       efforts around the risks of smoking, and
                       further de-normalizes tobacco use, since
                       children now see their parents avoid
                       smoking while in a vehicle.

Pr o t e c t i n g k i d s i n c a r s f r o m s e c o n d - h a n d s m o ke

In the words of Eric Scura, a high school        Eric and Sal also collected about 800                   LeARn mORe AbOut the sOCIety’s
student at Chaminade College School in           signatures on a petition that was delivered               effORts In tObACCO COntROL
Toronto, “no child should be unwillingly         to their MPP for presentation in the
exposed to second-hand smoke.”                   legislature. “Our goal was to help get the bill
                                                 passed, but also to empower the students
For last year’s Grade 11 leadership course,
                                                 and let everyone know that people at a
Eric, then age 17, and his classmate Sal
                                                 young age can make a difference,” says Eric.
Anania, then 16, were looking for a cause
that would benefit the community and             The youth’s efforts paralleled the advocacy
help stop smoking, which claims the lives        work of Society volunteers and staff, such
of 13,000 Canadians every year. “We heard        as meeting with MPPs and writing letters
about the private member’s bill in the Ontario   to the editor about the issue. Society
legislature to ban smoking in vehicles with      representatives were proud to be present
children under 16 present, and we took up        at Queen’s Park on June 16, 2008 when
that cause,” says Eric.                          the legislation was passed.

Sal’s cancer connection is very personal.        On January 21, 2009, Eric and Sal briefly
“Both my grandfathers passed away from           described their efforts at the Government
lung cancer, and smoking is quite prevalent      of Ontario’s press conference marking the
in my family.”                                   enactment of the legislation, attended by
                                                 Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best.
The youths created promotional materials
                                                 “It felt good to have all our hard work from
                                                                                                     Last year, through the society’s work and through the
and presentations to raise awareness in their
                                                 over the last year finally being recognized,”
                                                                                                       support of volunteers like 32-year-old Asifa sheikh,
school and in local elementary schools about
                                                 says Eric.
                                                                                                   legislation was passed banning candy-flavoured cigarillos,
the negative effects of second-hand smoke                                                                which will help prevent children from smoking.
and smoking in cars.                             “Youth like us look upon the Canadian
                                                 Cancer Society as leaders and innovators,
The Canadian Cancer Society was a “great
                                                 enabling us to be more influential,” says Sal.
resource base” in the pair’s efforts. “We went
                                                 “Together, we can help stop people from
to the Society’s website a lot to gather facts
                                                 smoking and reduce the harm caused by
for our presentations and for our own
                                                 second-hand smoke.”
reference,” Sal explains.
                                                                                                                        Read Asifa’s story at

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                        Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   11
• Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, emitted from

                       artificial tanning equipment can cause skin               K atie Armstrong,
                       cancer and emit rays that are five times
                       stronger than the mid-day summer sun.
                                                                          a medical student and
                     • Skin cancer – which accounts for one in three
                       cancer diagnoses – is mostly preventable.
                     • Melanoma – the deadliest form of skin
                                                                          former tanning bed user,
                       cancer – is the second most common cancer
                       in Ontarians aged 15 to 34.                        int ends t o a dvoca t e for
                     • In 2005, the World Health Organization
                       issued a statement calling for countries to        the Society on the issue
                       place restrictions on the use of artificial
                       tanning equipment by children under 18.            o f a r t ificia l t a nning.
                     • For more than two years, Society volunteers

                       and staff have advocated for a ban on the
                       use of artificial tanning equipment by youth;
                       a provincial government registry of artificial
                       tanning equipment; provincial standards for
                       salon-staff training; and an end to the
                       marketing of artificial tanning targeting
                     • In October, the Society released a research
                       study showing that artificial tanning facilities
                       in Toronto are not following Health Canada’s
                       voluntary safety guidelines, reaffirming the
                       need for provincial legislation. The study
                        • 60 per cent of tanning facilities did not ask
                          the age of under-age researchers.
                        • 99 per cent of facilities did not recommend
                          against tanning for patrons who had type
                          1 skin - a skin type that always burns and
                          never tans.
                        • 83 per cent of tanning facilities visited
                          did not provide any type of information
                          or warnings about the risks of tanning to
                          their customers.

                     • Public awareness about the dangers of sun

                       exposure and artificial tanning continues
                       to grow.
                     • A commitment was made from the Minister
                       of Health and Long-Term Care to explore the
                       issue further with the Society.

Tu r n i n g o f f t h e t a n n i n g l i g h t s t o h e l p p r e v e n t s k i n c a n c e r

Second-year University of Toronto medical       younger population and is the most lethal
student Katie Armstrong admits that, back       form of skin cancer. When you’re young and
in high school, she and her mom used to         may not know the harms of UV exposure,
visit a tanning salon “to get a good base tan   you’re putting yourself at an increased risk
before we’d go away on vacation. Most of        that you can’t reverse later on.”
my friends did it too; we called it ‘fake and
                                                Late last year, Katie saw some newspaper
bake.’ It was in style… everyone’s tanned in
                                                articles about the Society’s campaign against
Hollywood, right? At a younger age, you’re
                                                artificial tanning and got in touch, asking if
more impressionable and think you’re
                                                she could help. “I can relate a lot to tanning
invincible,” she says.
                                                beds and sun exposure, and I think young
Now, through her involvement with the
dermatology clinic at Toronto Western
                                                people are not being given enough
                                                information to make an informed
                                                                                                 “When you’re young and may not know
Hospital, she has seen first-hand the           decision about artificial tanning. I believe
effects of sun-related skin damage, such        it’s important for physicians – which I will     the harms of UV exposure, you’re putting
as pre-cancer skin changes and actual skin      be in the future – to get involved in
cancers. “Many people associate these           advocating for their patients’ well-being          yourself at an increased risk that you
changes with aging, but they’re actually        on multiple levels, including legislation.”
related to sun damage,” she explains.
                                                Katie intends to get involved in advocating               can’t reverse later on.”
Several members of Katie’s family have been     with the Society by sending letters to MPPs,
diagnosed with cancer, but she says the         and talking to friends – especially her                          Katie Armstrong
experience that touched her most involved       med-school colleagues – about the issue.
her grandfather; he was diagnosed with lung
cancer at age 67 and died two years later,
despite having stopped smoking a decade
earlier. “My papa’s fate was already sealed
because so much damage had already been
done by the time he quit,” she explains.
“That connection makes me passionate about
preventable cancers in general, and
                                                                                                               Learn more about Katie’s reason for getting
especially melanoma, which can touch a                                                                         involved in advocacy at

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                  Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   13
• Research is essential in helping to eradicate

                       the more than 200 different types of cancer
                       and enhancing the lives of those living
                       with cancer.
                     • The Society supports research into all
                       types of cancer, but it has become
                       increasingly apparent over the last several
                       years that lung cancer research is seriously
                       under-funded relative to the burden of this
                       disease in our population. Lung cancer is the
                       leading cause of cancer deaths in Ontario and
                       about 10 to 15 per cent of lung cancers are
                       attributable to causes other than tobacco use
                       – it’s not just a smoker’s disease.

                     • Last year, on behalf of our donors, the

                       Society, invested $27.2 million in the
                       most promising cancer research initiatives
                       in Canada; spanning cancer prevention,
                       early detection, new treatment options
                       and support.
                     • In Ontario, 126 research projects were funded,
                       including 39 new projects and 55 clinical trials
                       were enrolling new patients.
                     • In May 2008, the Society addressed the
                       under-funding of lung cancer research by
                       announcing $1.3 million to support seven
                       new lung cancer research projects, providing
                       either full or supplemental support.

                     • Our ongoing research investment continues

                       to yield new discoveries in cancer prevention,
                       diagnosis, treatment and support that help
                       reduce the toll that cancer takes on Ontario
                       families and communities. To read about
                       some of the 2008 breakthroughs and
                       innovative research the Society is funding,
                     • Our lung cancer research investment will
                       leverage new scientific knowledge in such
                       areas as cancer detection, identifying those at
                       risk, and improving treatment, thus helping              Lung cancer sur vivor Sue B othwell say s h e r re l a t i o n s h i p w i t h g r a n d s o n Da v i d
                       lessen the burden of this form of cancer.
                                                                          helped her keep fight ing during her six mont h s o f c h e mo t h e r ap y.
D i s c o v e r i n g t o m o r r o w ’s l u n g c a n c e r b r e a kt h r o u g h s

In September 2004, as she lay in bed taking
antibiotics for yet another cold, 30-year
                                                her cancer most of all by her oldest grandchild,
                                                David, then age 6. “He and I have a very close
                                                                                                     “We must keep
                                                                                                                              “Progress towards effective lung
smoker Sue Bothwell, then 56, decided,          relationship. I just wanted to live!”
“this is ridiculous. I have a wonderful life                                                          fighting until             cancer treatments has been
                                                                                                                                   frustratingly slow, but by
                                                Sue was enrolled in a clinical trial, which was
and a beautiful family. It just seemed like
                                                                                                                               working on unexplored aspects
my time to quit smoking, and I did.”
                                                funded in part by the Society. After her first
                                                chemo, the main tumour in her lung began
                                                                                                     everyone who is                of lung cancer it is easy
After quitting, she and her husband Peter       to shrink and she was declared cancer-free                                         to remain hopeful that a
remained busy with leisure and community        by August. She continues to be monitored            touched by cancer           breakthrough is still possible.
activities. Sue expected to feel better after   monthly by the lung cancer specialist, has                                     It is highly motivating to work
quitting, but continued to experience a         CT scans every two months and takes an              is a survivor. After          on a disease so in need of
shortness of breath and lack of energy. On a    experimental drug to prevent a recurrence                                               breakthroughs.”
regular basis, she saw her family doctor, who
prescribed puffers, antibiotics and cough
                                                of her cancer.                                      all, where would                Dr. Doug Gray, Grant Recipient,
                                                As part of her commitment to giving back,                                          Ottawa Health Research Institute
suppressants, and also ordered chest x-rays,
which all came back fine.
                                                Sue supports others on their cancer journey            I be without
                                                through the Society’s Peer Support program,                                     “Lung cancer is the leading
She asked for a referral to an Ottawa lung      and is on the steering committee for her            cancer research?”          cause of cancer death among
                                                                                                                              Canadian men and women, but
specialist, who ordered a CT scan. In May of    local Relay For Life. (You can read more about
2007, she received the dreaded news: she        the Peer Support program on                                                     it receives only about three
                                                                                                         Sue Bothwell
had a one-centimetre tumour in her lung         page 20 and Relay For Life on page 24.)                                         per cent of cancer research
(behind her heart and thus not detectable                                                                                         funding. this investment
                                                Recognizing that lung cancer research is
by x-ray). “I was devastated,” Sue remembers.                                                                                 by the Canadian Cancer society
                                                seriously underfunded, the Society recently
“I thought I had escaped the c-word, but I                                                                                       is an opportunity to make
                                                announced a strategic investment in this area.
hadn’t. You really look your own mortality in                                                                                          new advances.”
                                                “I’m absolutely thrilled the Society is doing
the face. What about my family, especially
                                                more about lung cancer,” Sue says. “We must                                           Dr. Ming-Sound Tsao, Grant
my three grandchildren. I had so many plans
                                                keep fighting until everyone who is touched by                                   Recipient, Princess Margaret Hospital
for the future.”
                                                cancer is a survivor. After all, where would I be
Shortly after, she began “six long rounds of    without cancer research?”
chemo treatments, which I chose to view as                                                                                 Read more about how the society
a social thing… I chatted up the nurses and                                                                                is funding innovative cancer research
other patients.” She was motivated to fight                                                                                at

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                 Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   15
• The great news is that 62 per cent of people
                       diagnosed with cancer today will survive the          Nusra t Fa t ima a nd her da ught er Zeba Tayabe e – w h o suc c e ssf ully bat t le d
                       disease. In fact, there are now more than
                       800,000 cancer survivors in Canada – a           Hodgkin lymphoma in 2006 – a t t ended t he So c ie t y’s ‘ Sur viving Canc e r and L iving
                       number that will surely increase as the
                       population ages and as research uncovers         Well Conference’ la st November.
                       new cancer treatments.
                     • As the number of survivors grows, the
                       Society needs to understand how it can
                       best serve and support these individuals
                       and their families.

                     • In November 2008, the Society held

                       the ‘Surviving Cancer and Living Well
                       Conference’ – its first-ever, province-wide
                       event for cancer survivors and caregivers
                       to support them on their cancer journey
                       and beyond.
                     • In one location, the two-day conference
                       brought together a wide range of speakers
                       and topics of interest, ranging from nutrition
                       to fitness, workplace issues to relationships.

                     • The conference enhanced the lives of the

                       more than 200 participants, who shared
                       their stories and connected with one
                       another in a caring and open environment,
                       while gaining new techniques and tools for
                       living with cancer.
                     • Attendee surveys indicated high levels of
                       satisfaction with the conference sessions
                       and formats and post conference follow-up
                       indicated that a strong sense of engagement
                       was achieved between participants and the
                       Society as a result of attending.
                     • The Society gained valuable insights into
                       the needs of survivors and caregivers that
                       will help enhance our services and support
                       in the future.

Conference connected and empowered patients,
sur vivors and careg ivers
Zeba Tayabee had just started Grade 9 in          Based on Zeba’s experience receiving rides     Nusrat explains that the conference
October 2005 in Markham when she began            to treatments arranged by the Society,         empowered her “in a big way. They made
experiencing neck pain. Thinking it was just      and her own use of other Society support       us feel that survivors and caregivers have
muscle strain from carrying a heavy school        services, Nusrat became a Society volunteer    so much to share with the world, and that
knapsack, her mother Nusrat Fatima,               in 2006, which is how she first heard about    we are not alone.”
suggested Zeba use a hot-water bottle             the Society’s ‘Surviving Cancer and Living
to ease the discomfort.                           Well Conference’. “This is something I have
                                                  to attend with Zeba! It will be a wealth of
By the end of November, Zeba could feel a
                                                  knowledge for both of us,” she remembers,
bump in her neck, so Nusrat took her to the
                                                  immediately enrolling Zeba as a survivor
family doctor. Various tests found nothing
                                                  and herself as a caregiver.
wrong, but within a couple of weeks the
bump had grown, so her doctor ordered a           Nusrat hoped to learn about the latest
                                                                                                           “[At the conference], they made us feel
biopsy.                                           advancements in cancer treatment, and to
                                                  enable Zeba to connect with other survivors.         that survivors and caregivers have so much
The pediatric surgeon at North York General
                                                  “I believed hearing their stories would give
Hospital in Toronto called Nusrat five days
later, asking her to come with someone
                                                  her more confidence and strength,”                            to share with the world, and that
                                                  she says.
else and with Zeba to get the results of the
biopsy. Says Nusrat: “All I heard the doctor      Walking in the door at the conference,                                      we are not alone.”
say was, ‘it’s cancer.’ I didn’t even hear what   Nusrat says she and Zeba felt right at home.
type of cancer it was. I just started crying.”    “We knew we were in the right place.                                                 Nusrat Fatima
The surgeon explained Zeba had stage 2            The atmosphere was very welcoming and
Hodgkin lymphoma, then called Zeba into           accepting. Everyone there knew they had
the room. “She didn’t really understand the       something in common,” she says, adding
significance of the news until she saw my         that the conference’s keynote speakers
face,” Nusrat recounts.                           gave so much hope to the audience, and
                                                  that it was very hard choosing which
After two cycles of chemotherapy and a
                                                  workshops to attend.
month of radiation, Zeba’s cancer thankfully
disappeared by early July. In September 2006,
nearly a year after the first symptoms, her
cancer was in remission.

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                    Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   17
• In addition to the profound emotional issues

                       of facing cancer, patients often have to deal
                       with practical logistical challenges, such
                       as getting to and from their treatment

                     • Through our roster of dedicated volunteers,

                       coordinated by the Society’s province-wide
                       network of 35 community offices, we make
                       life a bit easier for cancer patients by
                       providing rides to and from their treatment
                     • In 2008, the Society commissioned the
                       Centre for Behavioural Research and Program
                       Evaluation (CBRPE), located at the University
                       of Waterloo, to identify improvements to our
                       transportation service that will enable it to
                       meet the growing demand caused by our
                       aging and growing population.

                     • In 2008-09, 2,800 volunteer drivers drove

                       close to 17,000 patients to more than
                       130,000 treatment appointments.
                     • About 20 per cent of transportation clients
                       said they would be forced to miss their
                       treatment appointments if the service was
                       not available, according to the CBRPE study.
                       Ninety-three per cent of clients said the
                       program made them feel supported.
                     • Thanks to Society volunteer drivers who
                       make this vital service possible, client
                       satisfaction with the transportation program
                       is extremely high, scoring 11.8 out of 12.

                                                                             Da v id Greenbla t t frequent ly relied on t h e

                                                                       Societ y’s t ra nspor t a t ion ser v ice during his t re at me nt .
D r i v e s t h a t m a ke a d i f f e r e n c e

At his annual physical in the spring of 2008,    Before learning about the service, he often
69-year-old David Greenblatt of Toronto          took taxis to his appointments. “The cost can
reported to his family doctor that he was        really add up when you’re not earning any
having difficulty swallowing food. Soon          income,” he says.
after seeing a specialist, a thoracic surgeon
                                                 “Since my partner Suzan was working six
performed a visual inspection and biopsy that
                                                 days a week and my youngest daughter
confirmed David had a malignant tumour
                                                 was at university in another city, it was
at the base of his esophagus and top of his
                                                 wonderful to know I could rely on the
stomach. At the end of April, he began
                                                 Society for assistance. It meant one less
chemotherapy and later, radiation treatment.

After some complications along the way, he
                                                 thing for me to worry about,” says David.
                                                                                                 “It was wonderful to know I could rely
                                                 “The drivers are just amazing!” David says,
underwent major surgery on October 15 that
extensively shortened the esophagus and
                                                 noting that many of them are retirees.          on the Society for assistance [in getting
                                                 “I am very grateful to people who donate
removed half the stomach. Thankfully, a CT
scan in December showed that there were
                                                 to the Society and thus make this service
                                                 possible, and to the drivers themselves for
                                                                                                   to my treatments]. [The volunteer]
no traces of the cancer left.

Driving cars has been a recurring theme in
                                                 volunteering their time.”
                                                                                                       drivers are just amazing!”
                                                 David continues to steadily recover from his
David’s varied career: he raced sports-cars
                                                 treatment and has even resumed driving                        David Greenblatt
during the 1960s, ran an independent
                                                 his car close to home. David is just one
car leasing business in Montreal in the 1970s,
                                                 of the 17,000 patients in Ontario that the
and more recently spent a decade driving
                                                 Society helped get to and from treatment
and coordinating ‘picture cars’ used in movie
                                                 appointments last year.
shoots. So it’s somehow fitting that he began
using the Society’s transportation service in
early summer to help him get to his cancer

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                               Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   19
• Those battling cancer frequently have

                       concerns and questions and benefit                  Cal Patterson –
                       from talking with others who have
                       ‘been there before.’                          a colon ca ncer sur v ivor
                     • Those caring for cancer patients need
                       someone to listen who can normalize           a nd caregiver during his
                       the way they feel and provide practical
                       suggestions for coping and staying strong.    daughter’s battle with

                     • The Society’s Peer Support program connects   Hodgkin lymphoma –

                       recently diagnosed cancer patients and/or
                       their caregivers with specially trained       regula rly sha res his
                       volunteers who have had a similar
                       cancer experience.                            e x periences wit h ot hers.
                     • After conducting research on caregiver
                       information and support needs, the Society
                       developed and delivered role-specific
                       caregiver training materials. The goal of
                       the research is program enhancement,
                       promotion, awareness and recruitment.

                     • On a daily basis, the Peer Support program

                       brings understanding, comfort and hope to
                       those dealing with cancer.
                     • In 2008-09, the Society arranged 2,876
                       one-to-one matches for its 650 peer
                       support volunteers in Ontario, while its
                       50 active support groups held more than
                       250 group Peer Support sessions across
                       the province.
                     • A recent Society survey showed that over
                       90 per cent of clients say that the program
                       lessened their anxiety, helped them
                       understand their cancer experience
                       and increased their ability to cope.

Supporting those who g ive support

Cancer has been part of Cal Patterson’s life    Besides offering informal support within his
for even longer than his 18-year career in      local community, Cal began providing peer
politics in the Town of Wasaga Beach.           support through the Society in 2005,
Presently the town’s mayor, Cal, 61, lost his   talking with patients and caregivers alike.
44-year-old sister to colon cancer in 1992      Like other caregiver peer support volunteers,
and his mother, 69, to the same cancer five     Cal understands the challenges that caregivers
years later. He himself fought colon cancer     face in having to be strong and supportive of
for three years, beginning in early 2000.       their loved ones while still taking care of
                                                their own needs. “My conversations with
But Cal’s cancer story began further back
                                                caregivers enable them to connect with
in 1989, when his daughter Carly, 15, was
                                                someone who understands what they’re
diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma.
                                                going through. Peer support gives them
“She battled it for eight years, including
going into remission for about a year,
                                                a way to talk openly about their feelings
                                                and their fears, which I know can be very
                                                                                                 “Peer Support gives [caregivers] a way to talk
before passing away in April 1998,” he says.

Cal explains that on a couple of occasions,
                                                                                                  openly about their feelings and their fears,
                                                Cal describes one match where he talked
he took advantage of peer support services
at the hospitals where Carly was being
                                                with the wife, while the husband with               which I know can be very reassuring.”
                                                colon cancer listened in on another phone.
treated. “I needed to keep things in
                                                “I explained what he was going through with
perspective. Quite frankly, I didn’t really                                                                        Cal Patterson
                                                the chemo, and reassured her that my wife
prepare myself that Carly might die.”
                                                faced the very same challenges she was
When caring for Carly, and during his own       dealing with about the treatment process.
treatment journey, Cal spent a lot of time      I know she gained some useful information,
sitting in hospital waiting rooms, talking      and felt more at ease hearing that others
with others who were feeling down and           have been in the same boat.”
trying to cheer them up. He vowed: “Once I
get through this thing, I’m going to pass on
those positive thoughts to other people.”

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   21
• Patients facing cancer, as well as caregivers

                       and healthcare professionals, often have
                       questions about cancer, its treatment and
                       local support services, but often feel
                       overwhelmed by the amount of information
                       that’s out there. They’re looking for an easy
                       way to get reliable answers to their questions.

                     • The Society continues to use various means

                       of delivering trustworthy information about
                       all types of cancer: by telephone in English
                       and French and in 100 other languages
                       through live interpreters; by e-mail; through
                       our online encyclopedia,; and
                       through printed brochures and other
                       publications produced in a number of
                       languages beyond English and French.

                     • Last year, the Cancer Information Service

                       made life a little bit easier for Ontarians
                       who wanted information about cancer
                       by answering 26,000 inquiries by phone
                       and e-mail.
                     • By providing the very latest and most
                       reliable information about prevention,
                       treatment and support, the Society helped
                       patients, caregivers and healthcare
                       professionals make the best decisions
                       regarding cancer treatment and care.

                                                                              Susan Oliver is one of the Society’s cancer information specialists who answers questions

                                                                         about all types of cancer and can connect callers to a live interpreter in their language.
The trusted source for cancer answers

Last fall, 56-year-old Annette Ferrante of
Brantford was experiencing a mild cough
                                                 they need online at On the
                                                 Society’s website, people can source
                                                                                                         “The Society was the first place I turned to in
that didn’t respond to antibiotics or other      information about many types of cancers.
medication. Finally, a chest X-ray and then      Its online encyclopedia contains up-to-date,             order to get credible information [about my
a CT scan in early December revealed the         detailed information, available in English and
unexpected and devastating news: Annette
– a lifetime non-smoker – had stage 4 lung
                                                 French and selected material is offered in a
                                                 number of additional languages including
                                                                                                          mother’s lung cancer] and to help guide our
cancer. “It was like a bomb fell over our
family,” remembers her son Peter, 37,
                                                 Chinese, Persian, Punjabi and Italian. As well,
                                                 the Community Services Locator is an in-depth
                                                                                                                family in making the right decisions.”
a commercial banker living in Toronto.           database that is easily searched to find help
                                                 with cancer-related needs. Like all the Society’s                                           Peter Ferrante
Immediately, Peter set out to learn
                                                 activities, its information services would not be
everything he could about lung cancer.
                                                 possible without the generous contributions
He quickly found the Canadian Cancer
                                                 of our donors.
Society’s website, and after spending a few
hours browsing, he also called the Society’s     “The material I found on the Society’s website
toll-free Cancer Information Service.            was very, very informative, and I had 100 per
                                                 cent confidence in its accuracy compared to
The Service is one of the Society’s key
                                                 other online sources,” Peter explains. “When
means of providing Ontarians with reliable
                                                 I called the toll-free number, I spent more
information about cancer prevention,
                                                 than a half-hour talking with an information
diagnosis and treatment. By calling the
                                                 specialist named Sue who was extremely
toll-free number or through e-mail,
                                                 compassionate and understanding. She                          In addition to providing information about cancer, the society
cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare
                                                 helped me think through the various issues                     helps people in their attempts to quit smoking by providing
professionals can obtain confidential answers
                                                 we needed to consider regarding my                               free information and support through Smokers’ Helpline,
to their questions – in English and French –
                                                 mother’s care.”
five days a week. The Service is accessible to                                                                   1 877 513-5333 or, and through
callers who are deaf, deafened or hard of        Annette is currently nearing the end of her                  the Driven to Quit Challenge. One hundred per cent of the 2008
hearing and provides an interpreter service,     chemotherapy, and is determined to recover                         Driven to Quit Challenge winners remain smoke-free.
giving callers near-instant access to live       so she can spend time with her young
translation in more than 100 other languages.    grandchildren. Says Peter: “The Society was
                                                 the first place I turned to in order to get
Callers can also receive printed information                                                         Learn how the society’s Driven to Quit Challenge inspired grand-prize winner, Dianna
                                                 credible information and to help guide
about cancer or help with accessing what                                                             Watson, to make a pledge to be smoke-free last march at
                                                 our family in making the right decisions.”

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                              Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   23
• Everyone has a different experience of

                       cancer, but we often don’t know how to
                       talk about it.
                     • Cancer patients, their families and friends
                       are looking for a way to get together to
                       share their stories, celebrate those who have
                       survived cancer, remember those who have
                       lost their cancer battle and fight back against
                       the disease.

                     • Back in 1999, the Society held its first

                       Relay For Life – a 12-hour, non-competitive,
                       team-based overnight fundraiser
                       ( Relay celebrated its
                       10th year in 2008 and has grown to become
                       the Society’s signature fundraising event.
                     • Relay also provides an opportunity for
                       participants to learn how to fight back
                       against cancer, whether that involves joining
                       the Society’s advocacy efforts, becoming a
                       volunteer or helping to raise money. While at
                       Relay, participants also learn how to reduce
                       their risk of cancer through the Cancer Smart
                       Shop and have the opportunity to interact
                       with Society-funded researchers to learn
                       about the latest projects.
                     • In the spring and summer of 2008, more
                       than 100 communities in Ontario held Relay
                       events, involving 81,000 participants and
                       12,000 volunteers.
                     • The Society continues to expand the scope
                       of Relay to include elementary schools, high
                       schools, universities and colleges; in 2008,
                       the Society held 99 youth events that
                       attracted 25,000 participants.

                                                                                                                  Photo courtesy J. Peter hvidsten/focus on scugog
                     • Relay raised $17.9 million in 2008 that

                       helped the Society fund leading-edge
                       research, provide information and
                       support, advocate for healthy public policy
                                                                                 Tammy Mac Isaac -Ho r vat h ,
                       and educate Ontarians on how to reduce
                       their cancer risk.
                     • Relay enabled 11,500 cancer survivors,
                                                                         a ut e r ine c anc e r sur vivo r,
                       families and friends across Ontario to join the
                       biggest cancer event in the world and make        p ar t ic ip at e d in h e r f ir st
                       the biggest difference in the fight to make
                       cancer history.                                   Re l a y Fo r Li f e in June 2 0 0 5 .
R e l a y Fo r L i f e b r i n g s O n t a r i a n s t o g e t h e r t o c e l e b r a t e ,
remember and fig ht back
Having lost her mother to metastatic
breast cancer nine years ago, Tammy
                                                  feel completely isolated and need a good
                                                  support system. Part of that support system
                                                                                                   Today, Tammy is actively involved on the
                                                                                                   steering committee for the North Durham
                                                                                                                                                         “I Relay because
MacIsaac-Horvath of Greenbank was familiar        for me was Relay For Life.”                      Relay event, and helped initiate a Relay For
with the devastation that cancer brings. Still,                                                    Life event at her son’s elementary school in      I’m here and because
                                                  In June 2005, she participated in her first
she was shocked when, on March 10, 2004                                                            2008. “I wanted to show my kids and others
at age 34 – nearing the end of the mater-
                                                  Relay, having heard about it on TV and
                                                  online. “When my family and I arrived at
                                                                                                   that it’s okay to have a parent with cancer.        I can, and I Relay
nity leave from her job as a medical social-                                                       It’s also important to educate them to make
                                                  Relay, we were in awe at the number of
worker – she was diagnosed with stage
4 uterine sarcoma, a very rare and very
                                                  survivors, participants and volunteers.
                                                                                                   healthy lifestyle choices, and to tear down
                                                                                                   cancer-related fear and uncertainty. It’s a
                                                                                                                                                      for those that can’t.
                                                  Seeing all those people and all the
deadly form of cancer. Her doctor was not
hopeful, informing her husband Chuck that
                                                  luminaries filled me with mixed emotions:
                                                                                                   privilege to touch their lives with hope,
                                                                                                   something I hope they will remember on
                                                                                                                                                    I Relay to give hope.”
                                                  pride, a sense of belonging, and a profound
she had only two or three weeks to live.                                                           the day they might hear the words ‘you
                                                  sadness. Look at how many of us have                                                                   Tammy MacIsaac-Horvath
                                                                                                   have cancer.’” Tammy says Relay is such a
“I begged and pleaded for surgery,” Tammy         battled this disease and won, but also
                                                                                                   powerful experience that she wants to get
says. “I told him to cut off my arms and legs     many have battled and did not.”
                                                                                                   the event started in other schools as well.
if he had to; I needed to be here for my
                                                  Overall, Tammy says she felt alive. “The
5-year-old son Hayden and 11-month-old                                                             “I Relay because I’m here and because I
                                                  hair on my arms – it was nice to have hair
son Hunter.”                                                                                       can, and I Relay for those that can’t,” says
                                                  on my arms again! – was standing on end,
                                                                                                   Tammy. “I Relay to give hope.”
Following surgery, her doctor recommended         and it felt like a party, a celebration. While
chemotherapy. Tammy says she felt like            cancer may have touched each of our lives,
she was “the walking dead; I felt diseased,       it wasn’t going to beat us down!”
infectious and alone.” She explains that her
                                                  She explains she didn’t know what to expect
chemo routine meant being hospitalized
                                                  when the Survivors’ Victory Lap began.
for one week every three weeks for six
                                                  “When I saw all the teams and volunteers
months. “I got to see my kids for one hour
                                                  along the sidelines, clapping and cheering
every Wednesday at lunch. I felt like I was
                                                  us on, all I could do was cry. It was magical.
in prison!”
                                                  I felt like we were all celebrating together
The period following treatment was a highly       that we were alive. It is one of the most
emotional, extremely anxious and scary            special and vivid memories of my life.”                                                         Learn more about tammy’s cancer
time, Tammy explains. “You feel like chemo                                                                                                        journey and reason for fighting back
is your security blanket; more than ever you                                                                                                      at

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                                        Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   25
• People often want to join the fight against

                       cancer and raise money in a way that’s
                       especially meaningful to them because of
                       their personal connection to cancer.

                     • The Society offers a Community Partnerships
                       program that provides individuals and groups
                       with all the tools and advice needed to
                       create fun and effective fundraising events
                       on their own.
                     • Last year, the Society enhanced the resources
                       provided to event organizers by developing
                       a customizable pledge-based website, plus
                       links to Facebook, Flickr and other social
                       networking services.

                     • In 2008-09, 1,434 Community Partnerships

                       events were held in Ontario, raising more
                       than $3.8 million.
                     • The funds generated by these events
                       played an important role in helping the
                       Society achieve its mission of eradicating
                       cancer and enhancing the lives of those
                       living with cancer.

                                                                                                                               Photo courtesy yianni tong/yianni tong Photography
                                                                            Tim Au-Yeung put his long hair on t h e

                                                                       a uct ion block in his own fundra ising even t t h at

                                                                       ra ised over $20,000 for t he Societ y.
T h e ‘p o w e r o f o n e ’ i n m a k i n g c a n c e r h i s t o r y

For the past 15 years, Toronto-based interior      in several rounds of a live auction for the
designer Tim Au-Yeung, 35, has been easily         scissors and clippers used to perform the
recognizable within the design community           haircuts. “People really got into it and began
for his long dark hair, which falls halfway        pooling their money rather than bidding
down his back.                                     against one another,” Tim says. “When the
                                                   MC announced we’d hit $20,000, some
In late 2008, he decided to donate his hair
                                                   hair-salon folks tied my hair into smaller
to a charity that creates wigs for kids from
                                                   ponytails to make sure it could be used
disadvantaged families who are being
                                                   properly for the wigs. Then, about 15
treated for diseases such as cancer. Tim says
                                                   people got to cut off my hair!” A Society
it was an easy decision to partner with the
                                                   representative spoke at the end of the
Society when creating the fundraising event
                                                   event, thanking people for their
around the actual haircutting. “I learned
about the Community Partnerships program
                                                   generous support.                                 “It felt great that I could organize
on the Society’s website,” he explains.            “It started out as a little thing that I just
“It was very simple to set up my own web           wanted to do, but it escalated as more           something like this and bring people
page on the Society’s site, then use the           people heard about it,” Tim explains.
links to Facebook and other places to reach        “It felt great that I could organize something    together to make a big difference.”
out to lots of people.” Through his web            like this and bring people together to make
page alone, Tim collected nearly $8,000 in         a big difference – helping people like my
                                                                                                                  Tim Au-Yeung
pledges.                                           aunt who’s a breast cancer survivor, or my
                                                   friend’s mom who’s currently battling cancer.
Tim persuaded five of his friends and
                                                   It’s a great example of what the power of
colleagues to put their hair up for auction
                                                   one can accomplish.”
as well. Three volunteered to shave their
heads, while Tim and two others agreed to
cut off at least 10 inches of hair. If the event
reached its total goal of $20,000, then Tim
would get his head fully shaved.

Over 100 people gathered for the event in
a downtown furniture showroom, where                                                                                      see tim’s ‘after’ shot
they bid on silent auction items and joined

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                              Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   27
• Individuals wishing to have the greatest
                       impact in the fight against cancer can
                       contribute a sizeable financial gift to the
                       Society, while taking care of their loved               W h e n Ke n Tr u e m a n
                       ones, through strategic financial and
                       estate planning.                                 p asse d aw ay f ro m no n-Ho d gkin
                                                                        lymphoma at the age of 34, his
                     • The Society offers an extensive range of gift

                                                                        w if e c h o se t o c e le br at e h is
                       planning options for individuals and families,
                       including the donation of securities, the        lif e and h o no ur h is bat t le by
                       purchase of an insurance policy or annuity,
                       the creation of an endowment fund and the        c re at ing a gif t o f lif e insur anc e
                       naming of the Society as a beneficiary in a
                       will or trust.                                   be ne f it ing t h e So c ie t y.

                     • In 2008-09, the Society gratefully received

                       422 bequests and a number of new
                       endowment funds and charitable life
                       insurance policies.
                     • The thoughtfulness and generosity of
                       these many supporters made a significant
                       contribution to our ability to fulfill our
                       mission and help the Society plan for a
                       strong future free from the fear of cancer.

Cr e a t i n g t o m o r r o w ’s l e g a c i e s t o d a y

About nine months after beginning their         committed to a cause, and wish to make a
lives together in March of 2004, Kiersten       gift that speaks to how they want to make
Eyes, then 27, and her partner Ken Trueman,     an impact on the world, the purchase of a life
31, were dealt a horrible blow: Ken was         insurance policy is a phenomenal way to give
diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma.            a gift far beyond your wildest dreams.”

Following a year of chemo and radiation         She says she chose the Society as the
treatment, Ken’s cancer was declared in         recipient of her gift for various reasons.
remission and the couple announced their        “Ken believed in the Society and did so much
engagement in December 2005. But worse          to fight cancer by participating in clinical trials
news came four months later when it was         and by raising money through Relay For Life
discovered that Ken’s cancer had spread.        as a team captain. I believe the cancer battle
Determined not to let cancer stop them          will be won by a large, national organization
from living their life, Kiersten and Ken        with plenty of resources and a progressive            “The purchase of a life insurance policy is
married in August 2006 and fulfilled Ken’s      vision. I know first-hand the Society has that
lifelong dream of seeing Raphael’s School
of Athens while honeymooning in Italy.
                                                kind of impact and will use my dollars to the
                                                greatest effect.”
                                                                                                          a phenomenal way to give a gift
Tragically, Ken passed away on
December 5, 2007.                               “Cancer will always be a reality in my life,              far beyond your wildest dreams.”
                                                but by celebrating Ken’s life through this gift,
Kiersten, a passionate supporter of the         I know there will be a positive impact from
                                                                                                                       Kiersten Eyes
Canadian Cancer Society, chose to celebrate     his journey and my experience, instead of
Ken’s life by purchasing a new life insurance   just suffering. The idea that other lives can
policy and naming the Society as owner          be saved in memory of Ken’s life is a pretty
and beneficiary. “The financial benefit to      powerful thing.”
the Society from purchasing this policy is
unbelievably greater than if I were to          Today, as a volunteer, supporter and employee
simply donate the same fixed amount             of the Society, Kiersten continues to inspire
of my monthly premiums through regular          others to reach beyond their ‘wildest dreams’
contributions,” she explains, adding that       and give back in ways that are special and
she receives a tax receipt each year for        meaningful to them.
the value of her premium payments.              For a complete list of our Planned Giving
“For average income earners who are             donors, turn to page 32.

COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society                                                                                                    Ontario Division Impact Report   |   2008 - 2009   29
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09
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Ontario Division Impact Report 08-09

  • 2. Over his 38-year career with Canadian Press, Ottawa-based photojournalist Fred Chartrand shot everything from Ev e r y p i c t u r e t e l l s a c a n c e r s t o r y foreign wars to Olympic games, election campaigns to sports championships. But one of his most meaningful projects occurred last February, when he shot a 4 COntents Connecting with the Chair and CEO All of us have stories about how cancer has photo for PhotoSensitive’s Cancer Connections exhibition, produced in 6-13 14 Prevention and Advocacy Research touched our lives. And while everyone’s story is partnership with the Canadian Cancer Society, featuring black and white photos 16-23 Information and Support 24-27 Fundraising different, together we represent a powerful force that illustrate how cancer affects the lives of countless Canadians. 28 30 Planned Giving Corporate Development that can make cancer history. Each and every “I immediately felt like getting involved and thought of my friend Dominique 32 34 Planned Giving Gifts Received Corporate Recognition day, in communities across the province, the Hebert, a breast cancer survivor,” Fred explains. “Her horse, Calypso, 36 Report from the Chair, Audit & Finance Committee Canadian Cancer Society connects with was great therapy for her and I thought a shot of her and Calypso would make a 37 Financials 38 Provincial Board and Committees individuals who have been touched by cancer great photo. It was Dominique’s idea that they both appear bareback.” in some way. For those who need information “The photo demonstrates hope,” Fred says. “It shows that life still has some beauty or support, or who are ready to celebrate or fight and drama to it, even after cancer.” “Cancer Connections took the stranger out back – we’re here to help Ontarians engage in of cancer; people can see themselves in it,” says Fred. “Photography brings cancer meaningful conversations about cancer. right to the viewer’s heart, soul and mind. Seeing it makes people a lot more We are the voice that connects us all. sensitive to wanting to help fight cancer.” PhotoSensitive OuR mIssIOn the Canadian Cancer society is a national, PhotoSensitive community-based organization of volunteers whose mission is the eradication of cancer This Cancer Connections photo by and the enhancement of the quality of life Fred Chartrand shows his friend, of people living with cancer. Dominique Hebert, a breast cancer survivor, with her horse Calypso.
  • 3. “Photography brings cancer right to the viewer’s heart, soul and mind. Seeing it makes people a lot more sensitive to wanting to help fight cancer.” Fred Chartrand to view the hundreds of moving black and white photos, or to submit your own, visit Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 | 2009 3
  • 4. 4
  • 5. Connecting with the Chair and CEO It has been said a picture is worth a We’re actively engaging people in under-funding of lung cancer research by community fundraising events, hundreds of thousand words. Now imagine hundreds conversations about cancer and this report investing in seven new projects, thanks to a planned gifts from individuals and families and of Canadians, of all ages, from coast to highlights more than a dozen Ontarians special $1.3 million infusion made possible generous contributions from corporations and coast, captured in beautiful black and white with a personal connection to cancer, by the generosity of Ontario donors to help organizations across the province, we made photography – sharing their very personal sharing their stories and describing how tackle the biggest cancer killer. important progress in fulfilling our mission. and very touching cancer stories – saying so the Society has played a role in their lives. Thanks to numerous advances in research, None of these accomplishments would have much more than words ever could. We know that at least half of all cancers can 62 per cent of people diagnosed with been possible without the generous support In Ontario, we more than imagined it. be prevented through healthy living and cancer today will survive the disease. of our countless donors, the passionate We helped make it happen as you’ve just we’ve been working tirelessly to ensure the To better understand their needs and to commitment of the 65,000 Ontarians who experienced on page 2 of this report through best healthy public policies are established in disseminate the latest information and volunteered their time and the professional Fred Chartrand’s story. By connecting with this province. In October, we held a unique resources, we hosted our first-ever dedication of our staff. We thank each of you PhotoSensitive, a non-profit collective of gathering on the front lawn of Queen’s Park province-wide Survivors’ Conference in for making such impact possible. photographers, we were able to launch a to thank the government for its recent November. We continue to provide Yet there is still so much more to do. It’s two-year nationwide photo exhibit called accomplishments in cancer prevention – support to those battling cancer, including too early to know what effect the present Cancer Connections in Toronto in May. such as the bans on the cosmetic use of rides to treatment, peer support and trusted economic situation will have on us, but just The exhibit’s goal: to make meaningful pesticides and on smoking in cars when information about cancer. And once again, as cancer doesn’t stop during tough times, connections and to ensure no one feels children are present – and to urge elected we hosted The Driven to Quit Challenge neither will we. The Society is aware, well alone in their cancer experience. officials to continue making cancer history. that inspired over 26,000 smokers to prepared and strongly positioned to continue We await the implementation of legislation make an attempt at butting out. fulfilling our mission. We are accountable in And it’s these experiences and the very governing the marketing of cigarillos and Through Relay For Life – which celebrated its our financial management, with reserves real stories that continue to motivate the we continue advocating for regulation of 10th year last year and raised $17.9 million available if needed. We promise to continue Society’s volunteers and staff to eradicate the artificial tanning industry. – we enabled Ontarians touched by cancer making the best use of the financial and cancer and enhance lives of people living For more than 70 years the Society has to connect with one another, celebrate, human resources entrusted to us. with cancer. Making a positive ‘impact’ on funded leading-edge research that has remember and fight back. In addition, many people’s lives is central to everything we do. Thank you once again for your generous improved cancer prevention, produced supporters chose a range of ways to honour The Society focuses on building relationships support. We look forward to continuing to better treatments, boosted survival rates, their personal connection to cancer. As a and demonstrates leadership in order to connect with you and together, we will and enhanced the quality of life for those result of more than 1,400 independent deliver results to make cancer history (which make cancer history. living with cancer. In 2008-09, the Society explains why we changed the name of this contributed $27.2 million in the most year’s Annual Report to ‘Impact Report’). promising cancer research initiatives in During 2008-09, we especially focused on Canada. In Ontario, 126 cancer research our values of being courageous and projects were funded, including 39 new progressive to lessen the burden of cancer. projects. In May, we addressed the Marion Kirsh, Peter Goodhand, Chair CEO COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 5
  • 6. • Although considerable progress has been THE NEED made in provincial legislation supporting cancer prevention, there is still more work to do. Throughout the year, the issue of cancer prevention needs to be kept ‘top of mind’ with Members of Provincial Parliament (MPPs) so that new policies are implemented which will help prevent cancer and build a healthier tomorrow for all Ontarians. • On October 6, 2008 – as the kick-off to O U R AC T I O N S Cancer Prevention Week – the Society organized a unique advocacy event called Celebration at Queen’s Park, with Olympic medal-winner Adam Van Koeverden as master of ceremonies. • Some 200 Society volunteers and staff from across the province travelled to Toronto, joining together with their MPPs in an event that incorporated key elements of the Society’s signature fundraiser, Relay For Life: a Survivors’ Victory Lap that celebrated cancer survivorship, and a luminary ceremony that remembered those who lost their battle with cancer and honoured those who have survived. • Speakers at the event thanked elected officials for their past legislative accomplishments and encouraged them to continue being courageous and proactive in the fight against cancer. • The fact that 40 MPPs took part in the T H E I M PAC T event demonstrates that the Society is a valued partner and key player in the fight to make cancer history. Less than two months after the event, the government passed a new law banning the marketing of cigarillos to youth. • The event raised awareness about the For ty Members of Provincial Parliame n t we re j o i n e d by 2 0 0 So c i e t y vo l u n t e e r s a n d Society’s advocacy priorities, built new connections among those touched by cancer staff on October 6 at Queen’s Park to celeb r a t e l e g i s l a t i ve s u c c e s s e s a n d p u s h f o r f u r t h e r and served as a reminder that no one has to face cancer alone. progress in ca ncer prevent ion. 6
  • 7. Celebrating progress on cancer prevention The air was crisp and the sun shone brightly last October 6 when 200 cancer survivors, was certainly horrible, and I tried then, as I did throughout my teaching career, to “hale and hearty grandfather – who used to take me fishing – lying in the hospital with The Society continues caregivers, Society volunteers and staff from encourage my students not to take up brain cancer, unable to speak.” He told of all parts of Ontario gathered on the front smoking.” Commenting on the Celebration his own experience “getting zapped in to lead the way lawn of Queen’s Park to thank the provincial event, Elizabeth said she was “filled with several spots” as treatment for basal cell government for its recent accomplishments hope and optimism and encouragement to skin cancer. “Really, cancer has come to in encouraging in cancer prevention and to urge members see so many people here from different parts affect all of us. I thank the Canadian Cancer of provincial parliament to continue making cancer history. of the province, all committed to the same cause. I want to thank the Canadian Cancer Society and all the others who continually remind us [what needs to be done].” governments to pass Advocacy is a vital activity of the Society. Thanks to our geographic reach and broad Society for the tremendous work that you do in raising awareness of what needs to He named the ban on retail cigarette displays as one legislative success, urging public policies that happen in the province. You are a leader.” further action on such issues as artificial mandate in fighting all cancers, we continue to lead the way in encouraging governments The Honourable Ted McMeekin is the Liberal tanning, contraband tobacco and toxic use help prevent cancer to pass public policies that help prevent member for the riding of Ancaster-Dundas- reduction. The Society continues to lead the cancer and assist those living with cancer. Flamborough-Westdale, the Minister of way in encouraging governments to pass and assist those living Government Services – and a prostate cancer public policies that help prevent cancer and The October 6 Celebration at Queen’s Park event provided an opportunity for survivor. He recounted how his family doctor assist those living with cancer. with cancer. Ontarians touched by cancer to connect called him on a Friday afternoon at his with one another and advocate for further constituency office, reminding him he’d legislative action. During the event, MPPs missed several appointments for his PSA test. from each of the three parties shared stories After getting the test done that afternoon, about their personal connection with cancer. he learned four days later his PSA score had tripled. The biopsy came back soon after, Elizabeth Witmer, Progressive Conservative confirming early-stage prostate cancer, and MPP for Kitchener-Waterloo and a former he was subsequently treated successfully. health minister, first got involved in the “Thankfully, there are people out there like fight against cancer when she was a you and I who care deeply and are prepared secondary school teacher in London. to do everything we can to be proactive and “I remember sharing stories with my get rid of this awful series of diseases.” students about people who had lung cancer or some kind of oral cancer yet continued to NDP member for Beaches–East York Michael smoke. What happened to these smokers Prue spoke movingly about seeing his once COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 7
  • 8. • The Society believes that Ontarians should not THE NEED be exposed to cancer-causing substances at home, at work or in their environment. Wherever possible, exposure to substances that are known, or believed, to cause cancer should be identified and eliminated by substituting safer alternatives. When elimination is not possible, exposure should be reduced to the lowest possible levels. • Evidence from occupational studies suggests a positive association between exposure to certain pesticides and some types of cancer, including non-Hodgkin lymphoma and leukemia, brain cancer, kidney cancer, Ann McGoey pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. played a key role in • Strong evidence also exists indicating that children may be more at risk than other population groups due to their rapidly advoca t ing for developing bodies and their more direct means of contact. T hunder Ba y’s • A 2007 Oracle Poll of 1,000 Ontario residents shows 71 per cent of Ontario citizens ban on cosmetic supported province-wide restrictions on pesticides. pest icides. • Since 2002, Society volunteers and staff O U R AC T I O N S worked tirelessly with governments and community partners across Ontario to prohibit the use of cosmetic pesticides. • At the municipal level, this involved meeting with and sending letters to local councillors and mayors, attending city council meetings and delivering deputations, writing letters to the editor and calling community members and other volunteers asking for support. • Provincially, Society volunteer and staff advocacy efforts included responding to public consultations through the Environment Bill of Rights (EBR) consultation periods, meeting with MPPs and Ministers, sending letters to MPPs, the Premier and Minister of the Environment and writing letters to the editor. • On June 18, 2008, Queen’s Park passed the T H E I M PAC T Cosmetic Pesticide Act, which banned the sale and use of cosmetic pesticides across Ontario. This regulation matched the toughest existing municipal bylaw in Ontario, and will protect the health of Ontarians with the strongest cosmetic pesticide legislation in North America. 8
  • 9. Mission accomplished on cosmetic pesticides “I’ve always been somewhat of an sponsored a local survey of Thunder Bay The Society is currently advocating through its environmentalist,” says 55-year-old Thunder residents and helped with media relations.” Take Charge on Toxics campaign for legislation Bay resident Ann McGoey. In 2001 at age 47, Eventually, Thunder Bay passed its local to reduce environmental carcinogens. she was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic pesticides ban on November 17, 2008. Learn more at leukemia, a rare cancer affecting the immune Thanks to the Society’s advocacy work and system that leaves her open to frequent support from other health and environmental respiratory infections and serious fatigue. groups, like the one Ann was involved in, this Four years later, her illness forced her to bylaw added to the 33 municipal bans that give up her work as a nurse practitioner. were already in place. These bylaws paved “At my retirement party, I mentioned that I wanted to help reduce the use of cosmetic the way for strong provincial pesticide legislation, passed in the spring of 2008. “People are starting to question the use pesticides in Thunder Bay,” Ann recounts. She made a presentation on the issue to her city’s “When I started, I hoped my goal was small of chemicals in our environment… and achievable enough that I could help bring chapter of the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, and in July 2006 held a meeting it to fruition,” she says. “So, I was exhilarated when the bylaw was passed!” The pesticides ban may open that around her dining room table of a dozen representatives from environmental and healthcare agencies in the city. In Ann’s view, the immediate impact of the up a little bit and help us look ban will be that parents can feel relieved Ann’s group – which included staff from their kids or pets can safely play in the park or on a neighbour’s lawn. “Within 10 years, at other issues.” the Canadian Cancer Society – led public I think having a dandelion-free lawn will no education sessions, mounted displays at Ann McGoey longer be a goal; people will think instead community events, created ‘pesticide-free’ about having a healthy lawn.” lawn signs and wrote letters to the editor. “We also held many, many meetings with Overall, she believes that “people are city councillors to educate them on the issue starting to question the use of chemicals in and joined other stakeholders in working out our environment, such as cleaning products the details of the bylaw,” says Ann. and personal-care products. The pesticides ban may open that up a little bit and help “The support and encouragement we us look at other issues.” received from the Society was wonderful,” Ann explains. “They did printing for us, COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 9
  • 10. • Children travelling in motor vehicles don’t THE NEED have a choice when it comes to exposure “ Yout h like us look upon t he Ca na dia n Canc e r So c ie t y as le ad e r s and innovat o r s. to second-hand smoke. The health risk is serious because of the confined space, and It ena bles us t o be more influent ia l.” – Sal An an ia, pic t u re d w it h fe l l ow s t u d e n t , Er ic S c u ra because they breathe more air than adults relative to their body weight. • Even with the vehicle’s windows open, concentrations of breathable, second-hand particles from smoking are at least 13 times higher than outdoor levels. • Through intense work with tobacco control O U R AC T I O N S advocates, meeting with MPPs and writing letters to the editor in local newspapers, Society volunteers and staff put this vital health issue on the map. • An Ipsos Reid poll, released in December 2007, showed that 86 per cent of Ontario’s non-smokers supported this type of legislation and that 66 per cent of smokers in Ontario supported it. • In June 2008, the Government of Ontario T H E I M PAC T passed legislation – first introduced as a private member’s bill in December 2007 – banning smoking in vehicles with children under 16 present. The law, which imposes fines of up to $250, took effect January 21, 2009. • By reducing youth exposure to second-hand smoke, the Society is helping to reduce the incidence of lung cancer, the biggest cancer killer. • The legislation also supports educational efforts around the risks of smoking, and further de-normalizes tobacco use, since children now see their parents avoid smoking while in a vehicle. 10
  • 11. Pr o t e c t i n g k i d s i n c a r s f r o m s e c o n d - h a n d s m o ke In the words of Eric Scura, a high school Eric and Sal also collected about 800 LeARn mORe AbOut the sOCIety’s student at Chaminade College School in signatures on a petition that was delivered effORts In tObACCO COntROL Toronto, “no child should be unwillingly to their MPP for presentation in the exposed to second-hand smoke.” legislature. “Our goal was to help get the bill passed, but also to empower the students For last year’s Grade 11 leadership course, and let everyone know that people at a Eric, then age 17, and his classmate Sal young age can make a difference,” says Eric. Anania, then 16, were looking for a cause that would benefit the community and The youth’s efforts paralleled the advocacy help stop smoking, which claims the lives work of Society volunteers and staff, such of 13,000 Canadians every year. “We heard as meeting with MPPs and writing letters about the private member’s bill in the Ontario to the editor about the issue. Society legislature to ban smoking in vehicles with representatives were proud to be present children under 16 present, and we took up at Queen’s Park on June 16, 2008 when that cause,” says Eric. the legislation was passed. Sal’s cancer connection is very personal. On January 21, 2009, Eric and Sal briefly “Both my grandfathers passed away from described their efforts at the Government lung cancer, and smoking is quite prevalent of Ontario’s press conference marking the in my family.” enactment of the legislation, attended by Health Promotion Minister Margarett Best. The youths created promotional materials “It felt good to have all our hard work from Last year, through the society’s work and through the and presentations to raise awareness in their over the last year finally being recognized,” support of volunteers like 32-year-old Asifa sheikh, school and in local elementary schools about says Eric. legislation was passed banning candy-flavoured cigarillos, the negative effects of second-hand smoke which will help prevent children from smoking. and smoking in cars. “Youth like us look upon the Canadian Cancer Society as leaders and innovators, The Canadian Cancer Society was a “great enabling us to be more influential,” says Sal. resource base” in the pair’s efforts. “We went “Together, we can help stop people from to the Society’s website a lot to gather facts smoking and reduce the harm caused by for our presentations and for our own second-hand smoke.” reference,” Sal explains. Read Asifa’s story at COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 11
  • 12. • Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, emitted from THE NEED artificial tanning equipment can cause skin K atie Armstrong, cancer and emit rays that are five times stronger than the mid-day summer sun. a medical student and • Skin cancer – which accounts for one in three cancer diagnoses – is mostly preventable. • Melanoma – the deadliest form of skin former tanning bed user, cancer – is the second most common cancer in Ontarians aged 15 to 34. int ends t o a dvoca t e for • In 2005, the World Health Organization issued a statement calling for countries to the Society on the issue place restrictions on the use of artificial tanning equipment by children under 18. o f a r t ificia l t a nning. • For more than two years, Society volunteers O U R AC T I O N S and staff have advocated for a ban on the use of artificial tanning equipment by youth; a provincial government registry of artificial tanning equipment; provincial standards for salon-staff training; and an end to the marketing of artificial tanning targeting youth. • In October, the Society released a research study showing that artificial tanning facilities in Toronto are not following Health Canada’s voluntary safety guidelines, reaffirming the need for provincial legislation. The study revealed: • 60 per cent of tanning facilities did not ask the age of under-age researchers. • 99 per cent of facilities did not recommend against tanning for patrons who had type 1 skin - a skin type that always burns and never tans. • 83 per cent of tanning facilities visited did not provide any type of information or warnings about the risks of tanning to their customers. • Public awareness about the dangers of sun T H E I M PAC T exposure and artificial tanning continues to grow. • A commitment was made from the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care to explore the issue further with the Society. 12
  • 13. Tu r n i n g o f f t h e t a n n i n g l i g h t s t o h e l p p r e v e n t s k i n c a n c e r Second-year University of Toronto medical younger population and is the most lethal student Katie Armstrong admits that, back form of skin cancer. When you’re young and in high school, she and her mom used to may not know the harms of UV exposure, visit a tanning salon “to get a good base tan you’re putting yourself at an increased risk before we’d go away on vacation. Most of that you can’t reverse later on.” my friends did it too; we called it ‘fake and Late last year, Katie saw some newspaper bake.’ It was in style… everyone’s tanned in articles about the Society’s campaign against Hollywood, right? At a younger age, you’re artificial tanning and got in touch, asking if more impressionable and think you’re she could help. “I can relate a lot to tanning invincible,” she says. beds and sun exposure, and I think young Now, through her involvement with the dermatology clinic at Toronto Western people are not being given enough information to make an informed “When you’re young and may not know Hospital, she has seen first-hand the decision about artificial tanning. I believe effects of sun-related skin damage, such it’s important for physicians – which I will the harms of UV exposure, you’re putting as pre-cancer skin changes and actual skin be in the future – to get involved in cancers. “Many people associate these advocating for their patients’ well-being yourself at an increased risk that you changes with aging, but they’re actually on multiple levels, including legislation.” related to sun damage,” she explains. Katie intends to get involved in advocating can’t reverse later on.” Several members of Katie’s family have been with the Society by sending letters to MPPs, diagnosed with cancer, but she says the and talking to friends – especially her Katie Armstrong experience that touched her most involved med-school colleagues – about the issue. her grandfather; he was diagnosed with lung cancer at age 67 and died two years later, despite having stopped smoking a decade earlier. “My papa’s fate was already sealed because so much damage had already been done by the time he quit,” she explains. “That connection makes me passionate about preventable cancers in general, and Learn more about Katie’s reason for getting especially melanoma, which can touch a involved in advocacy at COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 13
  • 14. • Research is essential in helping to eradicate THE NEED the more than 200 different types of cancer and enhancing the lives of those living with cancer. • The Society supports research into all types of cancer, but it has become increasingly apparent over the last several years that lung cancer research is seriously under-funded relative to the burden of this disease in our population. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer deaths in Ontario and about 10 to 15 per cent of lung cancers are attributable to causes other than tobacco use – it’s not just a smoker’s disease. • Last year, on behalf of our donors, the O U R AC T I O N S Society, invested $27.2 million in the most promising cancer research initiatives in Canada; spanning cancer prevention, early detection, new treatment options and support. • In Ontario, 126 research projects were funded, including 39 new projects and 55 clinical trials were enrolling new patients. • In May 2008, the Society addressed the under-funding of lung cancer research by announcing $1.3 million to support seven new lung cancer research projects, providing either full or supplemental support. • Our ongoing research investment continues T H E I M PAC T to yield new discoveries in cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and support that help reduce the toll that cancer takes on Ontario families and communities. To read about some of the 2008 breakthroughs and innovative research the Society is funding, visit • Our lung cancer research investment will leverage new scientific knowledge in such areas as cancer detection, identifying those at risk, and improving treatment, thus helping Lung cancer sur vivor Sue B othwell say s h e r re l a t i o n s h i p w i t h g r a n d s o n Da v i d lessen the burden of this form of cancer. helped her keep fight ing during her six mont h s o f c h e mo t h e r ap y. 14
  • 15. D i s c o v e r i n g t o m o r r o w ’s l u n g c a n c e r b r e a kt h r o u g h s In September 2004, as she lay in bed taking antibiotics for yet another cold, 30-year her cancer most of all by her oldest grandchild, David, then age 6. “He and I have a very close “We must keep “Progress towards effective lung smoker Sue Bothwell, then 56, decided, relationship. I just wanted to live!” “this is ridiculous. I have a wonderful life fighting until cancer treatments has been frustratingly slow, but by Sue was enrolled in a clinical trial, which was and a beautiful family. It just seemed like working on unexplored aspects my time to quit smoking, and I did.” funded in part by the Society. After her first chemo, the main tumour in her lung began everyone who is of lung cancer it is easy After quitting, she and her husband Peter to shrink and she was declared cancer-free to remain hopeful that a remained busy with leisure and community by August. She continues to be monitored touched by cancer breakthrough is still possible. activities. Sue expected to feel better after monthly by the lung cancer specialist, has It is highly motivating to work quitting, but continued to experience a CT scans every two months and takes an is a survivor. After on a disease so in need of shortness of breath and lack of energy. On a experimental drug to prevent a recurrence breakthroughs.” regular basis, she saw her family doctor, who prescribed puffers, antibiotics and cough of her cancer. all, where would Dr. Doug Gray, Grant Recipient, As part of her commitment to giving back, Ottawa Health Research Institute suppressants, and also ordered chest x-rays, which all came back fine. Sue supports others on their cancer journey I be without through the Society’s Peer Support program, “Lung cancer is the leading She asked for a referral to an Ottawa lung and is on the steering committee for her cancer research?” cause of cancer death among Canadian men and women, but specialist, who ordered a CT scan. In May of local Relay For Life. (You can read more about 2007, she received the dreaded news: she the Peer Support program on it receives only about three Sue Bothwell had a one-centimetre tumour in her lung page 20 and Relay For Life on page 24.) per cent of cancer research (behind her heart and thus not detectable funding. this investment Recognizing that lung cancer research is by x-ray). “I was devastated,” Sue remembers. by the Canadian Cancer society seriously underfunded, the Society recently “I thought I had escaped the c-word, but I is an opportunity to make announced a strategic investment in this area. hadn’t. You really look your own mortality in new advances.” “I’m absolutely thrilled the Society is doing the face. What about my family, especially more about lung cancer,” Sue says. “We must Dr. Ming-Sound Tsao, Grant my three grandchildren. I had so many plans keep fighting until everyone who is touched by Recipient, Princess Margaret Hospital for the future.” cancer is a survivor. After all, where would I be Shortly after, she began “six long rounds of without cancer research?” chemo treatments, which I chose to view as Read more about how the society a social thing… I chatted up the nurses and is funding innovative cancer research other patients.” She was motivated to fight at COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 15
  • 16. • The great news is that 62 per cent of people THE NEED diagnosed with cancer today will survive the Nusra t Fa t ima a nd her da ught er Zeba Tayabe e – w h o suc c e ssf ully bat t le d disease. In fact, there are now more than 800,000 cancer survivors in Canada – a Hodgkin lymphoma in 2006 – a t t ended t he So c ie t y’s ‘ Sur viving Canc e r and L iving number that will surely increase as the population ages and as research uncovers Well Conference’ la st November. new cancer treatments. • As the number of survivors grows, the Society needs to understand how it can best serve and support these individuals and their families. • In November 2008, the Society held O U R AC T I O N S the ‘Surviving Cancer and Living Well Conference’ – its first-ever, province-wide event for cancer survivors and caregivers to support them on their cancer journey and beyond. • In one location, the two-day conference brought together a wide range of speakers and topics of interest, ranging from nutrition to fitness, workplace issues to relationships. • The conference enhanced the lives of the T H E I M PAC T more than 200 participants, who shared their stories and connected with one another in a caring and open environment, while gaining new techniques and tools for living with cancer. • Attendee surveys indicated high levels of satisfaction with the conference sessions and formats and post conference follow-up indicated that a strong sense of engagement was achieved between participants and the Society as a result of attending. • The Society gained valuable insights into the needs of survivors and caregivers that will help enhance our services and support in the future. 16
  • 17. Conference connected and empowered patients, sur vivors and careg ivers Zeba Tayabee had just started Grade 9 in Based on Zeba’s experience receiving rides Nusrat explains that the conference October 2005 in Markham when she began to treatments arranged by the Society, empowered her “in a big way. They made experiencing neck pain. Thinking it was just and her own use of other Society support us feel that survivors and caregivers have muscle strain from carrying a heavy school services, Nusrat became a Society volunteer so much to share with the world, and that knapsack, her mother Nusrat Fatima, in 2006, which is how she first heard about we are not alone.” suggested Zeba use a hot-water bottle the Society’s ‘Surviving Cancer and Living to ease the discomfort. Well Conference’. “This is something I have to attend with Zeba! It will be a wealth of By the end of November, Zeba could feel a knowledge for both of us,” she remembers, bump in her neck, so Nusrat took her to the immediately enrolling Zeba as a survivor family doctor. Various tests found nothing and herself as a caregiver. wrong, but within a couple of weeks the bump had grown, so her doctor ordered a Nusrat hoped to learn about the latest “[At the conference], they made us feel biopsy. advancements in cancer treatment, and to enable Zeba to connect with other survivors. that survivors and caregivers have so much The pediatric surgeon at North York General “I believed hearing their stories would give Hospital in Toronto called Nusrat five days later, asking her to come with someone her more confidence and strength,” to share with the world, and that she says. else and with Zeba to get the results of the biopsy. Says Nusrat: “All I heard the doctor Walking in the door at the conference, we are not alone.” say was, ‘it’s cancer.’ I didn’t even hear what Nusrat says she and Zeba felt right at home. type of cancer it was. I just started crying.” “We knew we were in the right place. Nusrat Fatima The surgeon explained Zeba had stage 2 The atmosphere was very welcoming and Hodgkin lymphoma, then called Zeba into accepting. Everyone there knew they had the room. “She didn’t really understand the something in common,” she says, adding significance of the news until she saw my that the conference’s keynote speakers face,” Nusrat recounts. gave so much hope to the audience, and that it was very hard choosing which After two cycles of chemotherapy and a workshops to attend. month of radiation, Zeba’s cancer thankfully disappeared by early July. In September 2006, nearly a year after the first symptoms, her cancer was in remission. COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 17
  • 18. • In addition to the profound emotional issues THE NEED of facing cancer, patients often have to deal with practical logistical challenges, such as getting to and from their treatment appointments. • Through our roster of dedicated volunteers, O U R AC T I O N S coordinated by the Society’s province-wide network of 35 community offices, we make life a bit easier for cancer patients by providing rides to and from their treatment appointments. • In 2008, the Society commissioned the Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation (CBRPE), located at the University of Waterloo, to identify improvements to our transportation service that will enable it to meet the growing demand caused by our aging and growing population. • In 2008-09, 2,800 volunteer drivers drove T H E I M PAC T close to 17,000 patients to more than 130,000 treatment appointments. • About 20 per cent of transportation clients said they would be forced to miss their treatment appointments if the service was not available, according to the CBRPE study. Ninety-three per cent of clients said the program made them feel supported. • Thanks to Society volunteer drivers who make this vital service possible, client satisfaction with the transportation program is extremely high, scoring 11.8 out of 12. Da v id Greenbla t t frequent ly relied on t h e Societ y’s t ra nspor t a t ion ser v ice during his t re at me nt . 18
  • 19. D r i v e s t h a t m a ke a d i f f e r e n c e At his annual physical in the spring of 2008, Before learning about the service, he often 69-year-old David Greenblatt of Toronto took taxis to his appointments. “The cost can reported to his family doctor that he was really add up when you’re not earning any having difficulty swallowing food. Soon income,” he says. after seeing a specialist, a thoracic surgeon “Since my partner Suzan was working six performed a visual inspection and biopsy that days a week and my youngest daughter confirmed David had a malignant tumour was at university in another city, it was at the base of his esophagus and top of his wonderful to know I could rely on the stomach. At the end of April, he began Society for assistance. It meant one less chemotherapy and later, radiation treatment. After some complications along the way, he thing for me to worry about,” says David. “It was wonderful to know I could rely “The drivers are just amazing!” David says, underwent major surgery on October 15 that extensively shortened the esophagus and noting that many of them are retirees. on the Society for assistance [in getting “I am very grateful to people who donate removed half the stomach. Thankfully, a CT scan in December showed that there were to the Society and thus make this service possible, and to the drivers themselves for to my treatments]. [The volunteer] no traces of the cancer left. Driving cars has been a recurring theme in volunteering their time.” drivers are just amazing!” David continues to steadily recover from his David’s varied career: he raced sports-cars treatment and has even resumed driving David Greenblatt during the 1960s, ran an independent his car close to home. David is just one car leasing business in Montreal in the 1970s, of the 17,000 patients in Ontario that the and more recently spent a decade driving Society helped get to and from treatment and coordinating ‘picture cars’ used in movie appointments last year. shoots. So it’s somehow fitting that he began using the Society’s transportation service in early summer to help him get to his cancer treatments. COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 19
  • 20. • Those battling cancer frequently have THE NEED concerns and questions and benefit Cal Patterson – from talking with others who have ‘been there before.’ a colon ca ncer sur v ivor • Those caring for cancer patients need someone to listen who can normalize a nd caregiver during his the way they feel and provide practical suggestions for coping and staying strong. daughter’s battle with • The Society’s Peer Support program connects Hodgkin lymphoma – O U R AC T I O N S recently diagnosed cancer patients and/or their caregivers with specially trained regula rly sha res his volunteers who have had a similar cancer experience. e x periences wit h ot hers. • After conducting research on caregiver information and support needs, the Society developed and delivered role-specific caregiver training materials. The goal of the research is program enhancement, promotion, awareness and recruitment. • On a daily basis, the Peer Support program T H E I M PAC T brings understanding, comfort and hope to those dealing with cancer. • In 2008-09, the Society arranged 2,876 one-to-one matches for its 650 peer support volunteers in Ontario, while its 50 active support groups held more than 250 group Peer Support sessions across the province. • A recent Society survey showed that over 90 per cent of clients say that the program lessened their anxiety, helped them understand their cancer experience and increased their ability to cope. 20
  • 21. Supporting those who g ive support Cancer has been part of Cal Patterson’s life Besides offering informal support within his for even longer than his 18-year career in local community, Cal began providing peer politics in the Town of Wasaga Beach. support through the Society in 2005, Presently the town’s mayor, Cal, 61, lost his talking with patients and caregivers alike. 44-year-old sister to colon cancer in 1992 Like other caregiver peer support volunteers, and his mother, 69, to the same cancer five Cal understands the challenges that caregivers years later. He himself fought colon cancer face in having to be strong and supportive of for three years, beginning in early 2000. their loved ones while still taking care of their own needs. “My conversations with But Cal’s cancer story began further back caregivers enable them to connect with in 1989, when his daughter Carly, 15, was someone who understands what they’re diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma. going through. Peer support gives them “She battled it for eight years, including going into remission for about a year, a way to talk openly about their feelings and their fears, which I know can be very “Peer Support gives [caregivers] a way to talk before passing away in April 1998,” he says. Cal explains that on a couple of occasions, reassuring.” openly about their feelings and their fears, Cal describes one match where he talked he took advantage of peer support services at the hospitals where Carly was being with the wife, while the husband with which I know can be very reassuring.” colon cancer listened in on another phone. treated. “I needed to keep things in “I explained what he was going through with perspective. Quite frankly, I didn’t really Cal Patterson the chemo, and reassured her that my wife prepare myself that Carly might die.” faced the very same challenges she was When caring for Carly, and during his own dealing with about the treatment process. treatment journey, Cal spent a lot of time I know she gained some useful information, sitting in hospital waiting rooms, talking and felt more at ease hearing that others with others who were feeling down and have been in the same boat.” trying to cheer them up. He vowed: “Once I get through this thing, I’m going to pass on those positive thoughts to other people.” COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 21
  • 22. • Patients facing cancer, as well as caregivers THE NEED and healthcare professionals, often have questions about cancer, its treatment and local support services, but often feel overwhelmed by the amount of information that’s out there. They’re looking for an easy way to get reliable answers to their questions. • The Society continues to use various means O U R AC T I O N S of delivering trustworthy information about all types of cancer: by telephone in English and French and in 100 other languages through live interpreters; by e-mail; through our online encyclopedia,; and through printed brochures and other publications produced in a number of languages beyond English and French. • Last year, the Cancer Information Service T H E I M PAC T made life a little bit easier for Ontarians who wanted information about cancer by answering 26,000 inquiries by phone and e-mail. • By providing the very latest and most reliable information about prevention, treatment and support, the Society helped patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals make the best decisions regarding cancer treatment and care. Susan Oliver is one of the Society’s cancer information specialists who answers questions about all types of cancer and can connect callers to a live interpreter in their language. 22
  • 23. The trusted source for cancer answers Last fall, 56-year-old Annette Ferrante of Brantford was experiencing a mild cough they need online at On the Society’s website, people can source “The Society was the first place I turned to in that didn’t respond to antibiotics or other information about many types of cancers. medication. Finally, a chest X-ray and then Its online encyclopedia contains up-to-date, order to get credible information [about my a CT scan in early December revealed the detailed information, available in English and unexpected and devastating news: Annette – a lifetime non-smoker – had stage 4 lung French and selected material is offered in a number of additional languages including mother’s lung cancer] and to help guide our cancer. “It was like a bomb fell over our family,” remembers her son Peter, 37, Chinese, Persian, Punjabi and Italian. As well, the Community Services Locator is an in-depth family in making the right decisions.” a commercial banker living in Toronto. database that is easily searched to find help with cancer-related needs. Like all the Society’s Peter Ferrante Immediately, Peter set out to learn activities, its information services would not be everything he could about lung cancer. possible without the generous contributions He quickly found the Canadian Cancer of our donors. Society’s website, and after spending a few hours browsing, he also called the Society’s “The material I found on the Society’s website toll-free Cancer Information Service. was very, very informative, and I had 100 per cent confidence in its accuracy compared to The Service is one of the Society’s key other online sources,” Peter explains. “When means of providing Ontarians with reliable I called the toll-free number, I spent more information about cancer prevention, than a half-hour talking with an information diagnosis and treatment. By calling the specialist named Sue who was extremely toll-free number or through e-mail, compassionate and understanding. She In addition to providing information about cancer, the society cancer patients, caregivers and healthcare helped me think through the various issues helps people in their attempts to quit smoking by providing professionals can obtain confidential answers we needed to consider regarding my free information and support through Smokers’ Helpline, to their questions – in English and French – mother’s care.” five days a week. The Service is accessible to 1 877 513-5333 or, and through callers who are deaf, deafened or hard of Annette is currently nearing the end of her the Driven to Quit Challenge. One hundred per cent of the 2008 hearing and provides an interpreter service, chemotherapy, and is determined to recover Driven to Quit Challenge winners remain smoke-free. giving callers near-instant access to live so she can spend time with her young translation in more than 100 other languages. grandchildren. Says Peter: “The Society was the first place I turned to in order to get Callers can also receive printed information Learn how the society’s Driven to Quit Challenge inspired grand-prize winner, Dianna credible information and to help guide about cancer or help with accessing what Watson, to make a pledge to be smoke-free last march at our family in making the right decisions.” COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 23
  • 24. • Everyone has a different experience of THE NEED cancer, but we often don’t know how to talk about it. • Cancer patients, their families and friends are looking for a way to get together to share their stories, celebrate those who have survived cancer, remember those who have lost their cancer battle and fight back against the disease. • Back in 1999, the Society held its first O U R AC T I O N S Relay For Life – a 12-hour, non-competitive, team-based overnight fundraiser ( Relay celebrated its 10th year in 2008 and has grown to become the Society’s signature fundraising event. • Relay also provides an opportunity for participants to learn how to fight back against cancer, whether that involves joining the Society’s advocacy efforts, becoming a volunteer or helping to raise money. While at Relay, participants also learn how to reduce their risk of cancer through the Cancer Smart Shop and have the opportunity to interact with Society-funded researchers to learn about the latest projects. • In the spring and summer of 2008, more than 100 communities in Ontario held Relay events, involving 81,000 participants and 12,000 volunteers. • The Society continues to expand the scope of Relay to include elementary schools, high schools, universities and colleges; in 2008, the Society held 99 youth events that attracted 25,000 participants. Photo courtesy J. Peter hvidsten/focus on scugog • Relay raised $17.9 million in 2008 that T H E I M PAC T helped the Society fund leading-edge research, provide information and support, advocate for healthy public policy Tammy Mac Isaac -Ho r vat h , and educate Ontarians on how to reduce their cancer risk. • Relay enabled 11,500 cancer survivors, a ut e r ine c anc e r sur vivo r, families and friends across Ontario to join the biggest cancer event in the world and make p ar t ic ip at e d in h e r f ir st the biggest difference in the fight to make cancer history. Re l a y Fo r Li f e in June 2 0 0 5 . 24
  • 25. R e l a y Fo r L i f e b r i n g s O n t a r i a n s t o g e t h e r t o c e l e b r a t e , remember and fig ht back Having lost her mother to metastatic breast cancer nine years ago, Tammy feel completely isolated and need a good support system. Part of that support system Today, Tammy is actively involved on the steering committee for the North Durham “I Relay because MacIsaac-Horvath of Greenbank was familiar for me was Relay For Life.” Relay event, and helped initiate a Relay For with the devastation that cancer brings. Still, Life event at her son’s elementary school in I’m here and because In June 2005, she participated in her first she was shocked when, on March 10, 2004 2008. “I wanted to show my kids and others at age 34 – nearing the end of the mater- Relay, having heard about it on TV and online. “When my family and I arrived at that it’s okay to have a parent with cancer. I can, and I Relay nity leave from her job as a medical social- It’s also important to educate them to make Relay, we were in awe at the number of worker – she was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine sarcoma, a very rare and very survivors, participants and volunteers. healthy lifestyle choices, and to tear down cancer-related fear and uncertainty. It’s a for those that can’t. Seeing all those people and all the deadly form of cancer. Her doctor was not hopeful, informing her husband Chuck that luminaries filled me with mixed emotions: privilege to touch their lives with hope, something I hope they will remember on I Relay to give hope.” pride, a sense of belonging, and a profound she had only two or three weeks to live. the day they might hear the words ‘you sadness. Look at how many of us have Tammy MacIsaac-Horvath have cancer.’” Tammy says Relay is such a “I begged and pleaded for surgery,” Tammy battled this disease and won, but also powerful experience that she wants to get says. “I told him to cut off my arms and legs many have battled and did not.” the event started in other schools as well. if he had to; I needed to be here for my Overall, Tammy says she felt alive. “The 5-year-old son Hayden and 11-month-old “I Relay because I’m here and because I hair on my arms – it was nice to have hair son Hunter.” can, and I Relay for those that can’t,” says on my arms again! – was standing on end, Tammy. “I Relay to give hope.” Following surgery, her doctor recommended and it felt like a party, a celebration. While chemotherapy. Tammy says she felt like cancer may have touched each of our lives, she was “the walking dead; I felt diseased, it wasn’t going to beat us down!” infectious and alone.” She explains that her She explains she didn’t know what to expect chemo routine meant being hospitalized when the Survivors’ Victory Lap began. for one week every three weeks for six “When I saw all the teams and volunteers months. “I got to see my kids for one hour along the sidelines, clapping and cheering every Wednesday at lunch. I felt like I was us on, all I could do was cry. It was magical. in prison!” I felt like we were all celebrating together The period following treatment was a highly that we were alive. It is one of the most emotional, extremely anxious and scary special and vivid memories of my life.” Learn more about tammy’s cancer time, Tammy explains. “You feel like chemo journey and reason for fighting back is your security blanket; more than ever you at COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 25
  • 26. • People often want to join the fight against THE NEED cancer and raise money in a way that’s especially meaningful to them because of their personal connection to cancer. O U R AC T I O N S • The Society offers a Community Partnerships program that provides individuals and groups with all the tools and advice needed to create fun and effective fundraising events on their own. • Last year, the Society enhanced the resources provided to event organizers by developing a customizable pledge-based website, plus links to Facebook, Flickr and other social networking services. • In 2008-09, 1,434 Community Partnerships T H E I M PAC T events were held in Ontario, raising more than $3.8 million. • The funds generated by these events played an important role in helping the Society achieve its mission of eradicating cancer and enhancing the lives of those living with cancer. Photo courtesy yianni tong/yianni tong Photography Tim Au-Yeung put his long hair on t h e a uct ion block in his own fundra ising even t t h at ra ised over $20,000 for t he Societ y. 26
  • 27. T h e ‘p o w e r o f o n e ’ i n m a k i n g c a n c e r h i s t o r y For the past 15 years, Toronto-based interior in several rounds of a live auction for the designer Tim Au-Yeung, 35, has been easily scissors and clippers used to perform the recognizable within the design community haircuts. “People really got into it and began for his long dark hair, which falls halfway pooling their money rather than bidding down his back. against one another,” Tim says. “When the MC announced we’d hit $20,000, some In late 2008, he decided to donate his hair hair-salon folks tied my hair into smaller to a charity that creates wigs for kids from ponytails to make sure it could be used disadvantaged families who are being properly for the wigs. Then, about 15 treated for diseases such as cancer. Tim says people got to cut off my hair!” A Society it was an easy decision to partner with the representative spoke at the end of the Society when creating the fundraising event event, thanking people for their around the actual haircutting. “I learned about the Community Partnerships program generous support. “It felt great that I could organize on the Society’s website,” he explains. “It started out as a little thing that I just “It was very simple to set up my own web wanted to do, but it escalated as more something like this and bring people page on the Society’s site, then use the people heard about it,” Tim explains. links to Facebook and other places to reach “It felt great that I could organize something together to make a big difference.” out to lots of people.” Through his web like this and bring people together to make page alone, Tim collected nearly $8,000 in a big difference – helping people like my Tim Au-Yeung pledges. aunt who’s a breast cancer survivor, or my friend’s mom who’s currently battling cancer. Tim persuaded five of his friends and It’s a great example of what the power of colleagues to put their hair up for auction one can accomplish.” as well. Three volunteered to shave their heads, while Tim and two others agreed to cut off at least 10 inches of hair. If the event reached its total goal of $20,000, then Tim would get his head fully shaved. Over 100 people gathered for the event in a downtown furniture showroom, where see tim’s ‘after’ shot at they bid on silent auction items and joined COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 27
  • 28. • Individuals wishing to have the greatest THE NEED impact in the fight against cancer can contribute a sizeable financial gift to the Society, while taking care of their loved W h e n Ke n Tr u e m a n ones, through strategic financial and estate planning. p asse d aw ay f ro m no n-Ho d gkin lymphoma at the age of 34, his • The Society offers an extensive range of gift O U R AC T I O N S w if e c h o se t o c e le br at e h is planning options for individuals and families, including the donation of securities, the lif e and h o no ur h is bat t le by purchase of an insurance policy or annuity, the creation of an endowment fund and the c re at ing a gif t o f lif e insur anc e naming of the Society as a beneficiary in a will or trust. be ne f it ing t h e So c ie t y. • In 2008-09, the Society gratefully received T H E I M PAC T 422 bequests and a number of new endowment funds and charitable life insurance policies. • The thoughtfulness and generosity of these many supporters made a significant contribution to our ability to fulfill our mission and help the Society plan for a strong future free from the fear of cancer. 28
  • 29. Cr e a t i n g t o m o r r o w ’s l e g a c i e s t o d a y About nine months after beginning their committed to a cause, and wish to make a lives together in March of 2004, Kiersten gift that speaks to how they want to make Eyes, then 27, and her partner Ken Trueman, an impact on the world, the purchase of a life 31, were dealt a horrible blow: Ken was insurance policy is a phenomenal way to give diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma. a gift far beyond your wildest dreams.” Following a year of chemo and radiation She says she chose the Society as the treatment, Ken’s cancer was declared in recipient of her gift for various reasons. remission and the couple announced their “Ken believed in the Society and did so much engagement in December 2005. But worse to fight cancer by participating in clinical trials news came four months later when it was and by raising money through Relay For Life discovered that Ken’s cancer had spread. as a team captain. I believe the cancer battle Determined not to let cancer stop them will be won by a large, national organization from living their life, Kiersten and Ken with plenty of resources and a progressive “The purchase of a life insurance policy is married in August 2006 and fulfilled Ken’s vision. I know first-hand the Society has that lifelong dream of seeing Raphael’s School of Athens while honeymooning in Italy. kind of impact and will use my dollars to the greatest effect.” a phenomenal way to give a gift Tragically, Ken passed away on December 5, 2007. “Cancer will always be a reality in my life, far beyond your wildest dreams.” but by celebrating Ken’s life through this gift, Kiersten, a passionate supporter of the I know there will be a positive impact from Kiersten Eyes Canadian Cancer Society, chose to celebrate his journey and my experience, instead of Ken’s life by purchasing a new life insurance just suffering. The idea that other lives can policy and naming the Society as owner be saved in memory of Ken’s life is a pretty and beneficiary. “The financial benefit to powerful thing.” the Society from purchasing this policy is unbelievably greater than if I were to Today, as a volunteer, supporter and employee simply donate the same fixed amount of the Society, Kiersten continues to inspire of my monthly premiums through regular others to reach beyond their ‘wildest dreams’ contributions,” she explains, adding that and give back in ways that are special and she receives a tax receipt each year for meaningful to them. the value of her premium payments. For a complete list of our Planned Giving “For average income earners who are donors, turn to page 32. COnneCteD...Canadian Cancer society Ontario Division Impact Report | 2008 - 2009 29