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One Better Malaysia Tribute to  TeohBeng Hock & Yasmin Ahmad
MAY HE BE THE LAST A Memorial for Teoh Beng Hock…. and Beyond
Why Are We Here? Why are we here tonight? Why can’t we forget about Teoh Beng Hock?     We saw the tears. We heard the tributes.  We were at the funeral.  We were watching from a distance.
“You left me…”     “You left me without saying any last words. You said we still have a lot of things to accomplish together, that we have not been to many places before. You said you will always walk this life together with me.” - Beng Hock’s Fiancée, Cher Wei
The Pain… The Anger… Our hearts broke.  Beng Hock is gone.  The pain is real.  The anger cannot  be ignored.
Let Us Not Forget… 	Most of us never knew him when he was alive. 	Some were fortunate to be friends.   	Others were fellow colleagues.   	A few might have remembered his articles in the papers.  	Let us not forget the loved ones he left behind. 	Especially the one who is yet to be born.
The Sadness Will Stay Now, we all know him in his death.   Our hearts are aching.   Beng Hock’s life was cut short.   The sadness will stay for a while – a long while.
All The Talk. The Promises. A lot has been said.   Some promises made.  MACC. DAP. Royal Commission.  Inquest. Politicians. Police. Papers. Blogs.
Nothing Has Changed We may sit comfortably and compare theories on what could have happened.  And then, we move on to another topic.  Nothing has changed.  We might even say nothing will.
But There Must Be Change But there must be change.   Because Teoh Beng Hock is about  “us”.  All of us. Chinese, Malay,  Indian,  OrangAsli, OrangAsal - “dan lain  lain” -  All of “Us” - Malaysians.
He Was One Of Us More than that – “Beng Hock” was  a son,  a husband,  a father … one of us – a young man  with dreams and aspirations.
First Political Death He was the first “political death”.   But he was not the first to die in custody.  1,805 died in custody from 2003 to July 2009.   It’s not just a number.   These numbers have names.  Here are some:
Custodial Deaths §  A Kugan §  SamiyatiIndrayaniZulkarnain Putra §  Francis Udayappan §  Dr Tai Eng Teck §  V Vikines
Custodial Deaths §  TharmaRajan §  M Ragupathy §  SyedFadzilSyed Ibrahim §  HasrizalHamzah §  Prakash Moses
Custodial Deaths §  KannanKanthan §  Ahmad Salleh §  UlaganathanMuniandy But we don’t have all the names too.  God knows who they are!   The families sure know …
He Wasn’t The Last We entitled tonight “May He be the last”, hoping Beng Hock was indeed the last one to die in the custody of the authorities. But he wasn’t.   R. Gunasegaran, 31, was next. It was reported he was a drug addict.  Drug Addicts are still human.  A human who could have had second chance. We will never know.
This Must Stop All these deaths in custody must  STOP.  Someone is responsible for all these deaths in custody.   Who will take responsibility?  Who must be accountable?  Who will at least tell us the truth?
It Could Be You Today it is Teoh Beng Hock.   Tomorrow, it could be you . . . me . . .  my son … your daughter … anyone.
We Need To Speak Less Tonight A lot has been said thus far.  There is so much more to be done.   Before the next step, we need to speak less tonight.   In fact, we need to get away from the noise for a short while.  For tonight’s memorial to have meaning, the choice is ours to go deeper.
A Silence As we enter quiet moments together to pause, to remember, to pray and to ponder on what all this means for us.  We enter a silence where we the people can find strength and guidance to do what is right.  A silence where we can decide to take up our responsibility as a human being with a conscience and conviction for the good of ALL.
Speak Out So friends, when we leave this place. We will choose to speak out.  Not just speak out against the abuse of authority and power, but speak for the victims those whose voices can not be heard.   After tonight, if we mean  what we say –  “May He be the Last”  -  we can no longer be silent.
First They Came… “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out  -- Because I was not a Socialist.   Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out -- Because I was not a Trade Unionist.   Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out  -- Because I was not a Jew.   Then they came for me  -- and there was no one left to speak for me”.   - Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)
In Memory In Memory of TeohBeng Hock And the 1804 others who died in custody from 2003 until now
We do not have the figure since the inception of Malaya or Malaysia 我们没有自大马成立以来的正确死亡数目
1805 custodial death victims since 2003 只知道自2003年起,已有1805个死亡个案
23deaths every month 3deaths every four days 每个月有23个死亡个案 每四天就有3人死亡
When we read out a name, kindly light-up the candle of the person standing on your left / right as per the sequence / flow (1 Candle represent 1 name) 当司仪读出受害人的名字后,请你传递并点燃你左或右邻的蜡烛。 (一支蜡烛代表一名受害者)
1805 R GUNASEGARAN (31) 16/7/09
1804 TEOH BENG HOCK 赵明福 (30) 16/7/09
1803 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1802 A Ghana Pragasam A/L Anthony  (53) 14/06/09
1801 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1800 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1799 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1798 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1797 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1796 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1795 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1794 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1793 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1792 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1791 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1790 Kugan Ananthan  (23) 20/01/2009
1789 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1788 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1787 Unknown 无名氏 2009
1786 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1785 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1784 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1783 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1782 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1781 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1780 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1779 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1778 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1777 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1776 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1775 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1774 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1773 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1772 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1771 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1770 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1769 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1768 Suria Ramesh  (29) 22/11/2008
1767 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1766 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1765 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1764 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1763 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1762 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1761 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1760 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1759 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1758 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1757 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1756 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1755 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1754 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1753 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1752 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1751 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1750 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1749 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1748 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1747 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1746 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1745 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1744 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1743 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1742 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1741 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1740 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1739 Burhanuddin Sulaiman  (57) 1/09/2008
1738-1650 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1649 Kamarul Ariffin  (24) 13/07/2008
1648-1632 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1631 Chai Hong Yik (35) 3/6/2008
1630-1617 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1618 Kee Lian Kok  (29) 19/05/2008
1617 Uthayachandran a/l Chandran (23) 18/05/2008
1616-1545 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1544 Ong Chee Leong  (29) 18/01/2008
1543-1534 Unknown 无名氏 2008
1533 Letchumanan Kathan (30) 18/12/2007
1532-1481 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1482 Fong Kok Seng  (32) 19/09/2007
1483-1476 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1474-1428 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1427 Lai Yick King  (31) 12/06/2007
1426-1406 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1405 Norazmi Azman 17/05/2007
1404-1361 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1360 Mohamad Arrifin 07/02/2007
1359-1331 Unknown 无名氏 2007
1330 Liziana binti Mohd Kamal 30/12/2006
1329-1299 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1298 Masri Omar 04/11/2006
1297-1275 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1274 Suresh Kunasekaran 27/10/2006
1273-1250 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1249 Unknown 无名氏 3 October 2006
1249-1238 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1237 Samiyati Indrayani Zulkarnain Putra 12/9/2006
1236-1129 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1128 M.Nadarajan 05/07/2006
1127-1049 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1048 Illias Othman 21/03/2006
1047 Sarawanan Meyalagan 20/03/2006
1046-1045 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1044 Mohamad Hafizal Hanafi 17/03/2006
1043-1021 Unknown 无名氏 2006
1020 Chua Ah Ming 07/02/2006
1019-981 Unknown 无名氏 2006
980-979 Unknown 无名氏 2005
978 Kasirajah A/L Rajoo 29/12/2005
977-943 Unknown 无名氏 2005
942 M. Ayadurai 25/11/2005
941-930 Unknown 无名氏 2005
929 Ravindran Alaigiry 19/11/2005
928 S.Hendry 19/11/2005
927-848 Unknown 无名氏 2005
847 Azhar Ahmad 28/07/2005
846 Roszaidi Othman July 2005
845-809 Unknown 无名氏 2005
808 Nor Haziman Mansor Jun 2005
807-782 Unknown 无名氏 2005
781 Jiwa Ramamorthy 18/05/2005
780 Ali Sudin 19/04/2005
779-756 Unknown 无名氏 2005
755 Rastam Bin Talib  (19) 06/03/2005
754 S.Manimaran  (33) 03/03/2005
753-672 Unknown 无名氏 2005
671 Unknown 无名氏  Jan 2005
670-566 Unknown 无名氏 2004
567 R.Mahesvaran 17/7/2004
566-499 Unknown 无名氏 2003
498 Francis Udayapan 24/05/2004
497 Subramanian Manikam 22/5/2004
496-490 Unknown 无名氏 2004
489 Tan Chor Liang / Philip Tan 13/5/2004
488-449 Unknown 无名氏 2004
448 Nadarajah A/L M.Krishnappan 8/4/2004
447-369 Unknown 无名氏 2003
368 Yoges Rao A/L Letchmiah 11/12/2003
367-344 Unknown 无名氏 2003
343 Ho Kwai See 28/11/2003
342 Veerasamy Gopal 28/11/2003
341-270 Unknown 无名氏 2003
269 Ho Kwai See 4/08/2003
268-219 Unknown 无名氏 2003
218 Ulagathan Muniandy 21/07/2003
217-163 Unknown 无名氏 2003
162 Ahmad Salled 6/6/2003
161-73 Unknown 无名氏 2003
72 Subramaniam A/L Arumugam 20/3/2003
71-53 Unknown 无名氏 2003
52 Kannan Kanthan 28/2/2003
51-40 Unknown 无名氏 2003
39 Prakash Moses 18/2/2003
38-29 Unknown 无名氏 2003
28 Hasrizal Hamzah 09/2/2003
27-7 Unknown 无名氏 2003
6 Syed Fadzil Syed Hamzah 09/01/2003
1-5 Unknown 无名氏 2003
Yasmin Ahmad
What is your dream for Malaysia? What is one thing you will do to make it happen?
Disturb us, Lord, whenWe are too well pleased with ourselves,When our dreams have come trueBecause we have dreamed too little,When we arrived safelyBecause we sailed too close to the shore
Disturb us, Lord, whenWith the abundance of things we possessWe have lost our thirstFor the waters of life;Having fallen in love with life,We have ceased to dream of eternityAnd in our efforts to build a new earth,We have allowed our visionOf the new Heaven to dim.
Disturb us, Lord, to dare more boldly,To venture on wider seasWhere storms will show your mastery;Where losing sight of land,We shall find the stars.
We ask You to push backThe horizons of our hopes;And to push into the futureIn strength, courage, hope, and love.

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