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ue                                               issue no. 4
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Biz in Biz o u t

                                                       Welcome to Bizin-Bizout
                                                       Bizin-Bizout is a new kind of advertising service
                                                       to new and existing businesses.

                                                       It is designed to assist new businesses to
                                                       advertise their products and services through
                                                       the media and the internet.

Featured Companies
Busy Lizzie

                •   Busy Lizzie Lifestyle management run by mumtrepreneur Tara Dalrymple helps small
                    businesses build their foundations by providing Pay As You Go secretarial services. Pg5
                • is an interesting and exciting new concept in Ireland. Pg7
MagicMundo Driver
     Theory Test
Introduction                                              • Entertainment

The C4ward                                                • Games
applicationservice is                                    • Applications
available to any one
                                                          • Games & Apps
preparing to take the
Drivers Theory Test in                                    Once the download is completed you will given
the following countries;                                  the option on if you would like to 'Start  Open'
                                                          the C4ward application.
Republic of Ireland
                                                          You can choose to open it then or wait until a
Text PDTT1 or PDTT2 or PDTT3 or PDTT4                     later time to open the C4ward application and
To 57800                                                  complete the test.

The cost per download is €5.00                            On opening the C4ward application you will be
                                                          presented with a screen showing a logo.
You will receive two messages.
                                                          Select the 'Proceed' option and you will be
The first few messages are acknowledgements               presented with the first question of the questions
that your request has been logged and is been             that you will need to complete.
dealt with plus other information. The last
message will contain the link (url) required to           You will be presented on your screen with:
download the C4ward application on to your                • A question (at the top of the screen)
mobile phone. All you need to do is execute the
                                                          • An image if required for the question (this
link (url) and follow the instructions.
                                                            shown just under the question)
The average length of time taken to download the          • Using your navigation button on your mobile
test should be around 20 seconds.                           phone scroll down to the multiple choice
Also available for the UK                                   answers. These can range from minimum of 4                           answers to a maximum of 6 answers.

                                                          • To select the correct answer(s) for the question
                                                            all one has to do is depress the navigation
Opening the C4ward application                              button on you mobile phone (this is standard
                                                            for all mobile phones tested on)
On completion of the download of the C4ward
application (Driver Theory Tests questions) will be       • Once you have completed that question you
held (dependent on the mobile phone) in any of              simply take the option 'next' command or
the following places:                                       select any of the following: 'options' or 'more'

or 'menu' (this is dependent on
   the make of mobile phone) to see
   the 'next' command.

• This will move you on to the next

• On completing all questions you
   will have displayed on the
   screen an option 'Finish'.

• The next screen will give you
  the 'Good' news or the 'Bad'
  news on if you have passed or
  failed your practice driver's
  theory test.

If you have failed your test and
wish to see the questions you have failed on. You       simply
can simply select from one of the following:            select from one of the following: 'options' or
'options' or 'more' or 'menu' then select the           'more' or 'menu' then select the 'Reset' option.
'Check Answers' option                                  This will remove all your answers, and will allow
This will display a screen showing you all the          you to retake the test with the same questions.
questions as you scroll down, with either: or           At any time while working your way through the
(indicating right or wrong)                             questions you can stop by simply selecting from
• The question number                                   one of the following 'options' or 'more' or 'menu'
                                                        then select the 'Exit' option. All work completed up
• The 'Correct Answer'
                                                        till that point will be saved.
• The 'Answer you supplied'
                                                        See our advertisement Phone Driver Theory Test
If you wish to take the same test again, you can

       ube are a Search Engine Optimisation
       company based in Dublin. Search Engine
       Optimisation is the process of helping
websites to rank better in Google - I must say we
do concentrate on Google as that is where 95% of
the searchers on the internet are.

So How do we do Optimise Your
The starting point is your business, what do you
sell, what service do you offer. From this we
decide what are the best keyterms for you to rank        A
for. This is based on how competitive the niche is       link is a hyperlink on another website that points to
and how much traffic there is in the niche. From         your site. Link building is where SEO consultants
there we can go away and complete a website              really earn their money - once the rest of the work
audit.                                                   is done this is the most important factor in ranking
                                                         on Google.
This will highlight any problems with the current
website and how they can be resolved. Once the           Call or email me Leslie Gilmour 014434900 to find
on-site work is completed we will build links to         out more about promoting your business.
your website.                                  


         hy would somebody register
         their products online and store
         their receipts?

A    nswer: This is a question many
     people often ask me when I am
discussing my business and trying to
explain what we are doing. Well for a
start registering online has the effect of
prooving when you bought a product as
it provides a digital trail of the purchase.
Our website also allows the upload and
storage of receipts. This is helpful when
going to the person you bought the
product off, or liasing with the
manufacturer as they will always look for a
copy of this, so they can check the purchase date.
                                                             , and review. This is very helpful as you have
Many a time I have had people say to me , I had a
                                                             continuous access to them, but also
problem with my product and I could not find the
                                                    is trying to help with the
receipt, or I moved house and the receipt went
                                                             saving of paper printing for both the consumers
missing!!! One of the other benefits of using our
                                                             and manufacturers.
website is that you will be able to online to check if
any guarantees that are offered by the              is currently working on
manufacturer are still within date.                          finalising its website, but we also have some
                                                             exciting functionality that we are looking into,
One of the many problems faced by consumers is
                                                             which will make users of the website have a much
that while they can go back to the seller of the
                                                             more fulfilling experience.
product to get it fixed, if it is not within the
guarantee period it may be much harder to get a              Why not follow us on twitter
resolution, but the stautory rights afforded to    
people can help help someway here. Finally getting
                                                             or facebook
your product manuals with your purchase is nice,
but I feel they always get mislaid, especially when
a problem occurs at the most inopportune time.

Our website will cater for this as we are looking to
incorporate product manuals for users to

Busy Lizzie
     Micro and Small Businesses
     Often Miss Out On A Vital

      mart businesses, especially small and
      micro businesses are outsourcing to one
      of our VPAs freeing up their time to
concentrate on their income generating part of
the business. This is a vital resource out there
available to micro and small business owners in
particular, but most are overlooking it. Why?
Because they don't know it exists and if they
have heard of it, they don't really realise how it
benefits them.

I am talking about virtual assistants. A virtual
assistant offers administrative services such
as secretarial work, transcription, book keeping,
                                                             modern technology so much work can be
marketing, phone answering, website design, and
                                                             performed virtually. This is great for a business
the list goes on and on and on.
                                                             owner who is on the road a lot too, let the virtual
Small business owners are burdened with hours                assistant take care of all administration from their
and hours of unpaid administrative work, when                office.
they should in fact be outsourcing such work to a
                                                             Too many micro and small business owners try to
virtual assistant. This gives the business owner
                                                             do it all themselves and this is not the smart way to
more time to concentrate on income generating
                                                             grow your business. VPAs care about your
work instead of doing non income generating
                                                             business, because the more successful you are,
work. By outsourcing to a virtual assistant the
                                                             the more successful they are. It's a win win
business owner actually grows his business and
works smarter.

There are no hassles of employing staff and all the
administrative burdens associated with that. Also            About Busy Lizzie Lifestyle
most micro and small business owners don't really            Management
require onsite staff or full time staff, or don't have
                                                             Busy Lizzie Lifestyle management run by
the resources for this anyway, but need
                                                             mumtrepreneur Tara Dalrymple helps small
administrative work performed for a few hours a
                                                             businesses build their foundations by providing
week or a few days a week.

Pay As You Go secretarial services; where
businesses only pay for the time they need, Virtual
Personal Assistance; to manage daily
appointments and Emarketing; a capability that
helps clients reach potential customers.

Busy Lizzie at
phone 091 565 353
Busy Lizzie has offices in Dublin, Limerick, Galway,
Cork and Wicklow.

We strive to improve our clients lives with our time
saving services.

Busy Lizzie Awards
                                                           • Listed in Top 40 Irish Female Entrepreneurs:
• BPW Innovative Business Woman of the Year                  Image Business 2006
  2005                                                     • Finalist in two categories: Network Galway
• Finalist in Midlands & West of Ireland Regional            Business Women of the Year Award 2006
  LiveWIRE Young Entrepreneur of the Year                  • Listed in Top 100 Women in Business by
  Award 2005                                                 Entrepreneur Magazine 2006 & 2007
• Finalist in JCI Galway Entrepreneur Award 2005           • Finalist in The Image Magazine Young
  & 2006                                                     Businesswoman of the Year 2008

     – Don't spend a cent Online un
      you see what you can sav

B have developed Ireland's first
      Cashback community. They have been in
      operation since March 2009 and have
                                                             save you
                                                             money on
                                                             all of it,
thousands of happy members who are saving                    probably
money on their online shopping.                              hundreds
                                                             of euro".
BeThrifty operate by featuring links to stores such as
Vodafone, O2, Expedia, Tesco, Next, and             "This is a
many more. When a member visits             great
and clicks on a link to the store they wish to visit,        service
and makes a purchase there, they are paid a                  for
commission of the purchase by that store. Most               anyone shopping online. We can save you money
websites do this and are happy to pocket the                 on your essentials and your personal treats, taking
commission, but is different.                   some of sting out of the price which is especially
                                                             helpful as we become more conscious of our
They collect this commission and pass it back to the
member who has made the purchase, as cash
(CashBack). The commissions earned vary from                 The main draw of may be the undoubted
store to store. They can be a percentage or a fixed          savings on offer, but the fact that it is completely
amount per sale. For example, members of BeThrifty           free with no fees, ever, should also have savvy
earn 10% CashBack on hotel bookings with Expedia             shoppers signing up. Then there is the site itself. It
and €40 CashBack when they take a phone                      has been designed with simplicity in mind. All of the
package with Vodafone.                                       stores are categorised and easy to find. Registering
                                                             is easy, all you have to do is provide an email
Taking the Expedia example above, a member who
                                                             address then you can begin saving money the easy
books a two week hotel break for say, €500, will
                                                             way. They also have handy features such as the Top
actually save €50 just by using BeThrifty. If that
                                                             Deals section, where the latest and greatest deals
member also uses BeThrifty to shop for the more
                                                             are listed and regular free to enter competitions. You
everyday items such as books, CD's, clothes and
                                                             can also read about their many media features on
even groceries, they could find themselves a lot
                                                             RTE and The Irish Times etc where they have been
better off.
                                                             championed by consumer crusaders Conor Pope,
Founding member Glenn Gillespie is enthusiastic              Tina Leonard et al.
about BeThrifty's goals. "The aim of our site is to
                                                             In summary, is an interesting and exciting
save Irish consumers money. If you take the average
                                                             new concept in Ireland, it may revolutionise the way
person's annual spending, they will buy a mobile
                                                             we shop online, giving more benefits to the people
phone or renew a contract, book a holiday,
                                                             who need them most, the end consumer. As it says
subscribe to a TV and broadband package. Then
                                                             on their logo; " - Shopping Online Makes
they will buy clothes, electrical goods, books and so
on. All of this can be done online, and BeThrifty will

Well thought out and
written business plan

      ou would think that anyone starting a
      business would have a well thought out
      and written business plan – wouldn’t you?

How about someone who has been in business
for years – maybe?

But the truth is that many CEOs of growing firms
do not have a well done business plan. Some
don’t even have a good budget. Case in point:
Arnie Miller, CEO of Matrix Essentials. When I
met Arnie he was running a $220 million
business with about 800 employees and no              think
business plan. He was running alright, running        clearly. Many CEOs of growing firms that I have
just to keep up.                                      met spend more time planning their vacations
                                                      day-by-day, and sometimes hour-by-hour, than
I wrote a seminal article for Inc. Magazine a while
                                                      planning for the future growth and profitability of
ago about one of their Inc. 500 firms entitled
                                                      their business.
“Stop the treadmill – I want to get off.” It was
about another CEO of a rapidly growing firm who       Planning is anticipating the inevitable, but if you
was in danger of losing his business and his          do not know what the inevitable will be you
family because what he set out to achieve – fast      certainly can’t plan for it.
growth – was strangling the life out of him and
                                                      Business is a numbers game pure and simple.
leaving him no time for his family.
                                                      It’s about customers, competitors and your
In both these cases, and many more, I was able        unique selling proposition. Many CEOs I have
to get these CEOs to step out of the combat           met cannot clearly articulate what their unique
zone and put away their fire extinguishers long       selling proposition is, or in other words what is
enough to focus on the age old questions facing       really different about their product or service
any CEO:                                              than those of their competitors? The
                                                      fundamental rule of the marketplace is that if you
• Where are we now?
                                                      are not offering anything different, even if it's just
• Where do we want to be?                             better customer service, why should customers
• How are we going to get there?                      select your product or service over those of your
                                                      competitors? For that matter why should they
• Without a plan every day is a crisis. What else
                                                      even seek you out?
  can it be?

When the only plan you have is to sell more           Isn’t that the fundamental problem that American
today than yesterday, and when that doesn’t           car manufacturers have gotten into? Except for a
happen panic sets in, there is no way you can         few niche models there really is nothing unique

or different about their cars when compared to            One of the first questions I ask when I meet the
their foreign competitors, notably Toyota.                CEO on a new planning assignment is “who is
Toyota has achieved excellence in the three               your most profitable customer?” Typically, the
basic components of perceived customer                    response is “you mean who we sell the most
value: quality, service and price.                        to?”

Did that happen by chance? No – it was                    Or, “our most profitable products are?” No, I
planned.                                                  am interested in which customers buying what
                                                          mix of products represent your most profitable
Planning is the process by which an
organization can become what it wants to be.
Planning is the identification of what we as a            Business is about solving problems for
company can do to satisfy the specific                    customers. The goal should be to delight the
requirements of a defined collection of                   customers with solutions to problems before
customers better than our competitors. It is our          they know they have them. Isn’t that what any
core technology converted into our unique                 well managed company does? It is part of their
selling proposition for those customer types.             planning process. They are constantly looking
                                                          for ways to deliver excellent customer
Planning is the identification of a problem that
                                                          satisfaction by modifying their products to
a distinct number of customers have and the
                                                          keep up with their constantly changing
packaging of your solution in such a way that it
makes it difficult, if not impossible, for your
competitors to duplicate for those customers. It          Isn’t that what Toyota has done with the
is the work required to identify these types of           Camry? And now with the Avalon and Lexus?
opportunities and the allocation of resources in          Are you planning for the changing requirements
the form of a strategy to exploit them.                   of your customers?

These strategies need to be clearly laid out in a         My next column will be on the need for an
narrative describing in detail who is going to do         Advice Squad for CEOs of growing firms like
what with what resources in a specific time               you.
frame, and what are the expected profitable
outcomes; and how are we going to control                 An entrepreneur himself, Bob has spent most
and measure progress along the way quarter-               of his career involved with starting, growing
by-quarter?                                               and selling businesses. Having held managerial
                                                          positions with IBM, Pfizer and Exxon, he draws
The real purpose and value of planning is to              upon extensive organizational experience with
determine what we must accomplish this week,              large and small companies in advising CEOs of
or this month, or this year so that our business          growing firms. He is available online to answer
will continue to grow profitably over the next            questions from Chief Executive readers, as well
years.                                                    as offer workshops, tips, books to read and a
                                                          monthly online column about common issues
Success at planning requires information –
                                                          facing CEOs of growing firms. Bob has been
information about customers and their
                                                          featured in USA TODAY for his work with Inc
changing requirements. If the customer gets to
                                                          500 firms and is associated with NYU's Stern
the future before you do, they will leave you
                                                          Graduate School of business in their Center for
behind. I have met many CEOs of growing
                                                          Entrepreneurial Studies where he is a Venture
firms who really do not know their customers
                                                          Mentor, Marketing Strategist and Business
as well as they need to. In reality, you are in the
                                                          Plan Reviewer.
customer business.

Actualise testing
Technology start-ups are essential to the recovery      Offering an evaluation of your testing needs at no
of the Irish economy. Fresh ideas and the               charge, Actualise can provide a number of activities
innovative new products and services are at the         that can add to the overall quality of your product:
heart of what start-ups are all about. A key            • Testing at various depths, from code-level
component in the life cycle of a start-up                 through functional to usability testing
development project is ensuring that the product is
                                                        • Cross-platform and cross-browser testing as
of good enough quality to be launched in the
market. Equally as important are the demands of
time and cost. A start-up may not be able to justify    • Clear and concise bug tracking either through
employing a full-time tester; this is where Actualise     an online tracking tool or other format
can help.                                               • Knowledge transfer of best-practice test
Evan Phelan is a highly experienced software test         techniques and tips
engineer, with a proven record of delivering            • Regression-test framework setup for future test
software products on time and with quality. As an         case re-execution
independent tester, his services can be tailored to
meet your specific project demands, from a day’s         For a free no-obligation evaluation of your testing
testing to a number of weeks. The key is that           needs and how Actualise can help, please contact
testing is done only when you require it, and in a      Evan at 087 140 9232 or
timely, efficient manner.                                Web:

               Graphic Design Services
               All flyers, posters, brochures,
               stationery, branding, web design
               Tel: 087 2515026

  Actualise                                   Busy Lizzie at
  Evan at 087 140 9232                        Tel: 091 565 353
  email:                    email                            Busy Lizzie has offices in Dublin, Limerick,
                                              Galway, Cork and Wicklow.
  Leslie Gilmour                              jdldigital Photography
  Tel: 014434900                              John Lowes                  Tel: 087 9456446
                                              Helen Phelan
                                              Tel: 087 2515026

Biz in Biz o u t
  To advertise in the next issue please contact                  Advertising Rates:
  John @                                         website €25
                                                                 e-zine magazine
  Designed by Helen Phelan                                       half page €50
                                                                 full page €100

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November E Zine

  • 1. ue issue no. 4 i ss 0 09 r2 be m o ve N Biz in Biz o u t Welcome to Bizin-Bizout Bizin-Bizout is a new kind of advertising service to new and existing businesses. It is designed to assist new businesses to advertise their products and services through the media and the internet. Featured Companies MagicMundo Cubeonlinemarketing ProductFul Busy Lizzie Be Actualise Inside: • Busy Lizzie Lifestyle management run by mumtrepreneur Tara Dalrymple helps small businesses build their foundations by providing Pay As You Go secretarial services. Pg5 • is an interesting and exciting new concept in Ireland. Pg7
  • 2. MagicMundo Driver Theory Test Introduction • Entertainment The C4ward • Games applicationservice is • Applications available to any one • Games & Apps preparing to take the Drivers Theory Test in Once the download is completed you will given c4ward the following countries; the option on if you would like to 'Start Open' the C4ward application. Republic of Ireland You can choose to open it then or wait until a Text PDTT1 or PDTT2 or PDTT3 or PDTT4 later time to open the C4ward application and To 57800 complete the test. The cost per download is €5.00 On opening the C4ward application you will be presented with a screen showing a logo. You will receive two messages. Select the 'Proceed' option and you will be The first few messages are acknowledgements presented with the first question of the questions that your request has been logged and is been that you will need to complete. dealt with plus other information. The last message will contain the link (url) required to You will be presented on your screen with: download the C4ward application on to your • A question (at the top of the screen) mobile phone. All you need to do is execute the • An image if required for the question (this link (url) and follow the instructions. shown just under the question) The average length of time taken to download the • Using your navigation button on your mobile test should be around 20 seconds. phone scroll down to the multiple choice Also available for the UK answers. These can range from minimum of 4 answers to a maximum of 6 answers. • To select the correct answer(s) for the question all one has to do is depress the navigation Opening the C4ward application button on you mobile phone (this is standard for all mobile phones tested on) On completion of the download of the C4ward application (Driver Theory Tests questions) will be • Once you have completed that question you held (dependent on the mobile phone) in any of simply take the option 'next' command or the following places: select any of the following: 'options' or 'more' 1
  • 3. or 'menu' (this is dependent on the make of mobile phone) to see the 'next' command. • This will move you on to the next question. • On completing all questions you will have displayed on the screen an option 'Finish'. • The next screen will give you the 'Good' news or the 'Bad' news on if you have passed or failed your practice driver's theory test. If you have failed your test and wish to see the questions you have failed on. You simply can simply select from one of the following: select from one of the following: 'options' or 'options' or 'more' or 'menu' then select the 'more' or 'menu' then select the 'Reset' option. 'Check Answers' option This will remove all your answers, and will allow This will display a screen showing you all the you to retake the test with the same questions. questions as you scroll down, with either: or At any time while working your way through the (indicating right or wrong) questions you can stop by simply selecting from • The question number one of the following 'options' or 'more' or 'menu' then select the 'Exit' option. All work completed up • The 'Correct Answer' till that point will be saved. • The 'Answer you supplied' See our advertisement Phone Driver Theory Test If you wish to take the same test again, you can 2
  • 4. Cubeonlinemarketing C ube are a Search Engine Optimisation company based in Dublin. Search Engine Optimisation is the process of helping websites to rank better in Google - I must say we do concentrate on Google as that is where 95% of the searchers on the internet are. So How do we do Optimise Your Website? The starting point is your business, what do you sell, what service do you offer. From this we decide what are the best keyterms for you to rank A for. This is based on how competitive the niche is link is a hyperlink on another website that points to and how much traffic there is in the niche. From your site. Link building is where SEO consultants there we can go away and complete a website really earn their money - once the rest of the work audit. is done this is the most important factor in ranking on Google. This will highlight any problems with the current website and how they can be resolved. Once the Call or email me Leslie Gilmour 014434900 to find on-site work is completed we will build links to out more about promoting your business. your website. 3
  • 5. ProductFul W hy would somebody register their products online and store their receipts? A nswer: This is a question many people often ask me when I am discussing my business and trying to explain what we are doing. Well for a start registering online has the effect of prooving when you bought a product as it provides a digital trail of the purchase. Our website also allows the upload and storage of receipts. This is helpful when going to the person you bought the product off, or liasing with the manufacturer as they will always look for a download copy of this, so they can check the purchase date. , and review. This is very helpful as you have Many a time I have had people say to me , I had a continuous access to them, but also problem with my product and I could not find the is trying to help with the receipt, or I moved house and the receipt went saving of paper printing for both the consumers missing!!! One of the other benefits of using our and manufacturers. website is that you will be able to online to check if any guarantees that are offered by the is currently working on manufacturer are still within date. finalising its website, but we also have some exciting functionality that we are looking into, One of the many problems faced by consumers is which will make users of the website have a much that while they can go back to the seller of the more fulfilling experience. product to get it fixed, if it is not within the guarantee period it may be much harder to get a Why not follow us on twitter resolution, but the stautory rights afforded to people can help help someway here. Finally getting or facebook your product manuals with your purchase is nice, but I feel they always get mislaid, especially when ProductFulcom/135625479097 a problem occurs at the most inopportune time. Our website will cater for this as we are looking to incorporate product manuals for users to 4
  • 6. Busy Lizzie Micro and Small Businesses Often Miss Out On A Vital Resource S mart businesses, especially small and micro businesses are outsourcing to one of our VPAs freeing up their time to concentrate on their income generating part of the business. This is a vital resource out there available to micro and small business owners in particular, but most are overlooking it. Why? Because they don't know it exists and if they have heard of it, they don't really realise how it benefits them. I am talking about virtual assistants. A virtual assistant offers administrative services such With as secretarial work, transcription, book keeping, modern technology so much work can be marketing, phone answering, website design, and performed virtually. This is great for a business the list goes on and on and on. owner who is on the road a lot too, let the virtual Small business owners are burdened with hours assistant take care of all administration from their and hours of unpaid administrative work, when office. they should in fact be outsourcing such work to a Too many micro and small business owners try to virtual assistant. This gives the business owner do it all themselves and this is not the smart way to more time to concentrate on income generating grow your business. VPAs care about your work instead of doing non income generating business, because the more successful you are, work. By outsourcing to a virtual assistant the the more successful they are. It's a win win business owner actually grows his business and scenario. works smarter. There are no hassles of employing staff and all the administrative burdens associated with that. Also About Busy Lizzie Lifestyle most micro and small business owners don't really Management require onsite staff or full time staff, or don't have Busy Lizzie Lifestyle management run by the resources for this anyway, but need mumtrepreneur Tara Dalrymple helps small administrative work performed for a few hours a businesses build their foundations by providing week or a few days a week. 5
  • 7. Pay As You Go secretarial services; where businesses only pay for the time they need, Virtual Personal Assistance; to manage daily appointments and Emarketing; a capability that helps clients reach potential customers. Busy Lizzie at phone 091 565 353 e-mail Busy Lizzie has offices in Dublin, Limerick, Galway, Cork and Wicklow. We strive to improve our clients lives with our time saving services. Busy Lizzie Awards • Listed in Top 40 Irish Female Entrepreneurs: • BPW Innovative Business Woman of the Year Image Business 2006 2005 • Finalist in two categories: Network Galway • Finalist in Midlands & West of Ireland Regional Business Women of the Year Award 2006 LiveWIRE Young Entrepreneur of the Year • Listed in Top 100 Women in Business by Award 2005 Entrepreneur Magazine 2006 & 2007 • Finalist in JCI Galway Entrepreneur Award 2005 • Finalist in The Image Magazine Young & 2006 Businesswoman of the Year 2008 6
  • 8. Be til – Don't spend a cent Online un e! you see what you can sav B have developed Ireland's first Cashback community. They have been in operation since March 2009 and have save you money on all of it, thousands of happy members who are saving probably money on their online shopping. hundreds of euro". BeThrifty operate by featuring links to stores such as Vodafone, O2, Expedia, Tesco, Next, and "This is a many more. When a member visits great and clicks on a link to the store they wish to visit, service and makes a purchase there, they are paid a for commission of the purchase by that store. Most anyone shopping online. We can save you money websites do this and are happy to pocket the on your essentials and your personal treats, taking commission, but is different. some of sting out of the price which is especially helpful as we become more conscious of our They collect this commission and pass it back to the spending". member who has made the purchase, as cash (CashBack). The commissions earned vary from The main draw of may be the undoubted store to store. They can be a percentage or a fixed savings on offer, but the fact that it is completely amount per sale. For example, members of BeThrifty free with no fees, ever, should also have savvy earn 10% CashBack on hotel bookings with Expedia shoppers signing up. Then there is the site itself. It and €40 CashBack when they take a phone has been designed with simplicity in mind. All of the package with Vodafone. stores are categorised and easy to find. Registering is easy, all you have to do is provide an email Taking the Expedia example above, a member who address then you can begin saving money the easy books a two week hotel break for say, €500, will way. They also have handy features such as the Top actually save €50 just by using BeThrifty. If that Deals section, where the latest and greatest deals member also uses BeThrifty to shop for the more are listed and regular free to enter competitions. You everyday items such as books, CD's, clothes and can also read about their many media features on even groceries, they could find themselves a lot RTE and The Irish Times etc where they have been better off. championed by consumer crusaders Conor Pope, Founding member Glenn Gillespie is enthusiastic Tina Leonard et al. about BeThrifty's goals. "The aim of our site is to In summary, is an interesting and exciting save Irish consumers money. If you take the average new concept in Ireland, it may revolutionise the way person's annual spending, they will buy a mobile we shop online, giving more benefits to the people phone or renew a contract, book a holiday, who need them most, the end consumer. As it says subscribe to a TV and broadband package. Then on their logo; " - Shopping Online Makes they will buy clothes, electrical goods, books and so Cents!" on. All of this can be done online, and BeThrifty will 7
  • 9. Well thought out and written business plan Y ou would think that anyone starting a business would have a well thought out and written business plan – wouldn’t you? How about someone who has been in business for years – maybe? But the truth is that many CEOs of growing firms do not have a well done business plan. Some don’t even have a good budget. Case in point: Arnie Miller, CEO of Matrix Essentials. When I met Arnie he was running a $220 million business with about 800 employees and no think business plan. He was running alright, running clearly. Many CEOs of growing firms that I have just to keep up. met spend more time planning their vacations day-by-day, and sometimes hour-by-hour, than I wrote a seminal article for Inc. Magazine a while planning for the future growth and profitability of ago about one of their Inc. 500 firms entitled their business. “Stop the treadmill – I want to get off.” It was about another CEO of a rapidly growing firm who Planning is anticipating the inevitable, but if you was in danger of losing his business and his do not know what the inevitable will be you family because what he set out to achieve – fast certainly can’t plan for it. growth – was strangling the life out of him and Business is a numbers game pure and simple. leaving him no time for his family. It’s about customers, competitors and your In both these cases, and many more, I was able unique selling proposition. Many CEOs I have to get these CEOs to step out of the combat met cannot clearly articulate what their unique zone and put away their fire extinguishers long selling proposition is, or in other words what is enough to focus on the age old questions facing really different about their product or service any CEO: than those of their competitors? The fundamental rule of the marketplace is that if you • Where are we now? are not offering anything different, even if it's just • Where do we want to be? better customer service, why should customers • How are we going to get there? select your product or service over those of your competitors? For that matter why should they • Without a plan every day is a crisis. What else even seek you out? can it be? When the only plan you have is to sell more Isn’t that the fundamental problem that American today than yesterday, and when that doesn’t car manufacturers have gotten into? Except for a happen panic sets in, there is no way you can few niche models there really is nothing unique 8
  • 10. or different about their cars when compared to One of the first questions I ask when I meet the their foreign competitors, notably Toyota. CEO on a new planning assignment is “who is Toyota has achieved excellence in the three your most profitable customer?” Typically, the basic components of perceived customer response is “you mean who we sell the most value: quality, service and price. to?” Did that happen by chance? No – it was Or, “our most profitable products are?” No, I planned. am interested in which customers buying what mix of products represent your most profitable Planning is the process by which an customers? organization can become what it wants to be. Planning is the identification of what we as a Business is about solving problems for company can do to satisfy the specific customers. The goal should be to delight the requirements of a defined collection of customers with solutions to problems before customers better than our competitors. It is our they know they have them. Isn’t that what any core technology converted into our unique well managed company does? It is part of their selling proposition for those customer types. planning process. They are constantly looking for ways to deliver excellent customer Planning is the identification of a problem that satisfaction by modifying their products to a distinct number of customers have and the keep up with their constantly changing packaging of your solution in such a way that it requirements makes it difficult, if not impossible, for your competitors to duplicate for those customers. It Isn’t that what Toyota has done with the is the work required to identify these types of Camry? And now with the Avalon and Lexus? opportunities and the allocation of resources in Are you planning for the changing requirements the form of a strategy to exploit them. of your customers? These strategies need to be clearly laid out in a My next column will be on the need for an narrative describing in detail who is going to do Advice Squad for CEOs of growing firms like what with what resources in a specific time you. frame, and what are the expected profitable outcomes; and how are we going to control An entrepreneur himself, Bob has spent most and measure progress along the way quarter- of his career involved with starting, growing by-quarter? and selling businesses. Having held managerial positions with IBM, Pfizer and Exxon, he draws The real purpose and value of planning is to upon extensive organizational experience with determine what we must accomplish this week, large and small companies in advising CEOs of or this month, or this year so that our business growing firms. He is available online to answer will continue to grow profitably over the next questions from Chief Executive readers, as well years. as offer workshops, tips, books to read and a monthly online column about common issues Success at planning requires information – facing CEOs of growing firms. Bob has been information about customers and their featured in USA TODAY for his work with Inc changing requirements. If the customer gets to 500 firms and is associated with NYU's Stern the future before you do, they will leave you Graduate School of business in their Center for behind. I have met many CEOs of growing Entrepreneurial Studies where he is a Venture firms who really do not know their customers Mentor, Marketing Strategist and Business as well as they need to. In reality, you are in the Plan Reviewer. customer business. 9
  • 11. Actualise testing Technology start-ups are essential to the recovery Offering an evaluation of your testing needs at no of the Irish economy. Fresh ideas and the charge, Actualise can provide a number of activities innovative new products and services are at the that can add to the overall quality of your product: heart of what start-ups are all about. A key • Testing at various depths, from code-level component in the life cycle of a start-up through functional to usability testing development project is ensuring that the product is • Cross-platform and cross-browser testing as of good enough quality to be launched in the required market. Equally as important are the demands of time and cost. A start-up may not be able to justify • Clear and concise bug tracking either through employing a full-time tester; this is where Actualise an online tracking tool or other format can help. • Knowledge transfer of best-practice test Evan Phelan is a highly experienced software test techniques and tips engineer, with a proven record of delivering • Regression-test framework setup for future test software products on time and with quality. As an case re-execution independent tester, his services can be tailored to meet your specific project demands, from a day’s For a free no-obligation evaluation of your testing testing to a number of weeks. The key is that needs and how Actualise can help, please contact testing is done only when you require it, and in a Evan at 087 140 9232 or timely, efficient manner. Web: Graphic Design Services All flyers, posters, brochures, stationery, branding, web design Tel: 087 2515026 email: 10
  • 12. Directory Actualise Busy Lizzie at Evan at 087 140 9232 Tel: 091 565 353 email: email Busy Lizzie has offices in Dublin, Limerick, Galway, Cork and Wicklow. Cubeonlinemarketing Leslie Gilmour jdldigital Photography Tel: 014434900 John Lowes Tel: 087 9456446 email: Productful Helen Phelan Tel: 087 2515026 BeThrifty email: Biz in Biz o u t To advertise in the next issue please contact Advertising Rates: John @ website €25 e-zine magazine Designed by Helen Phelan half page €50 full page €100