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                    Integrated Marketing Campaign

   Focusing The Power Within
              YOUTH & FAMILY

  Small room : Big ideaS
  NovemBer 3, 2008

Focusing The Power Within
executive summary
For more than 35 years,               growth. By creating a more focused,
      Focusing the Power Within

Southeastern Youth and Family has     consistent brand image, and
provided structure and stability      incorporating the new image into
for at-risk youth in the Milwaukee    a strategic marketing plan, we plan
area. This long heritage is a         to increase awareness and positive
testament to the hard work and        perception of Southeastern within
dedication of its staff and donors.   and outside of the organization. It
By those who are familiar with it,    is our contention that this change
Southeastern is highly respected      in perception will increase donors
for both its educational system and   both in number and in quantity
its group home program. Despite       donated as well as numbers in terms
Southeastern’s long and respected     of volunteers.
heritage, its current brand image
offers enormous opportunity for

Through primary research gathered       positive outcomes. This message        In the coming pages, you’ll be taken
from Southeastern staff and             will be communicated publicly as       through our research, rational,
current donors we’ve determined         “Focusing the Power Within.” In        updated brand identity, and plan
that Southeastern’s current             order to maximize Southeastern’s       for execution. We’ve included
brand is lacking in both focus and      return on investment, we’ve            a timeline and budget to assist
awareness. Based on recurring           performed secondary research to        Southeastern in this exciting
comments made in staff focus            determine which individuals and        transition, as well as supplemental
groups and donor surveys, we’ve         corporations are the most efficient    material to support the information
devised a new brand identity that       targets in terms of donations, as      contained in this book. It has been
addresses these issues utilizing        well as which individuals are most     our distinct pleasure to be a part of
an updated look and message             likely to volunteer time. We’ve then   Southeastern’s ongoing dedication
focus. In addition, we’ve devised       taken these targets and devised a      to improving the lives of at-risk
a marketing plan that implements        number of strategies and tactics to    youth, and it is our sincerest hope
this new identity with the goal         most effectively reach them.           that the information contained in
of increased positive awareness.                                               these pages will assist in taking this
The new identity is based on the                                               outstanding organization to new
notion that Southeastern provides                                              levels of success.
structure and stability that channels
the energy of its students toward

                   2                                                                                                    3
situation analysis
      Milwaukee area agencies continue to choose Southeastern
       because of its positive, long-term dedication to improving
      the lives of Milwaukee’s at-risk youth.
                                        Southeastern Youth and Family
According to Education Week             responds to this growing need for
iNduStry/market aNalySiS

magazine, Wisconsin’s overall           specialized care and frequently finds
high school graduation rate is 85       both its school and group treatment
percent, the third highest in the       homes at maximum capacity.
country. In Milwaukee, however,         However, as the need continues to
the graduation rate is 53 percent.      grow, Southeastern has the ability
Many of Milwaukee’s at-risk youth       to expand its services and facilities
come from difficult home situations,    to meet the needs of Milwaukee’s
including divorced or single parents,   population of at-risk youth. With
parents in prison, or homes where       additional financial resources,
there is emotional or physical          government sponsored aid and
abuse. Other youth have alcohol and     in-kind donations, Southeastern
drug addictions or require special      can increase its school and group
physical or mental health care.         home numbers.

Youth and Family depends on a core       offered by the organization are the
Southeastern Youth and Family’s        group of volunteers to help maintain     mentoring/tutoring program and           Three major competitors in
ClieNt aNalySiS                                                                                                          Competitive aNalySiS

mission focuses on providing           the buildings and assist with            family counseling. The educational       southeastern Wisconsin are Lad
structure and stability that           programs. Predominantly, African-        center is offered to middle school       Lake, St. Charles Youth and Family
channels the energy of its youth       American residents of the local          students, sixth to eighth grade who      Services, and Walker’s Point Youth
toward positive outcomes.              community near Southeastern are          are referred to Southeastern by          and Family. Lad Lake is the largest
Southeastern assists young             most likely to volunteer their time      the Milwaukee Public Schools for         of the overall competitors, assisting
children, at-risk adolescents and      with this organization.                  behavioral problems in integrated        over 1700 students and troubled
their families develop the life                                                 classrooms. For this service,            youth each year. They operate on
skills necessary for becoming                                                   curriculums are slightly modified to     about $11 million dollars annually.
                                       Since 1973, over 5,000 children          fit individual student needs. There
mature and productive members                                                                                            There is a large gap between this
                                       CoNSumer aNalySiS

                                       have been referred to Southeastern       are assessments to decide how
of Milwaukee’s community.                                                                                                organization and its number two
                                       Youth and Family’s alternative           each student learns best, and what
Southeastern is currently running                                                                                        competitor. St. Charles works with
                                       middle school and group treatment        personal barriers (behavioral and
three primary programs including                                                                                         42 students and youths every year
                                       homes. They are referred through         psychological) they may have in the
the Southeastern Education Center,                                                                                       and operates on a much smaller,
                                       a variety of different avenues           academic settings.
which can teach up to 85 middle                                                                                          tighter budget. Walker’s Point
                                       including social services, the justice
school students, three group                                                    The other main service offered by        works with over 650 students a
                                       system, and the Milwaukee Public
treatment homes for adolescents                                                 Southeastern is the group home           year in several different programs.
                                       School system. Although there are
age 12-17, and the Circle of Friends                                            program. These group homes are for       It is complicated to understand
                                       many similar organizations in the
daycare, which provides state                                                   troubled boys ages 12 thru 17 that       the competition among all of
                                       Milwaukee area agencies continue
licensed quality child care and                                                 need stable living environments.         these programs due to the way
                                       to choose Southeastern because of
preschool programming                                                           These boys work towards gaining          in which clients arrive at each
                                       its positive, long-term dedication to
for children.                                                                   responsible lifestyle skills that will   service center. Southeastern uses
                                       improving the lives of Milwaukee’s
Southeastern excels at providing                                                move them towards positive futures.      referrals from MPS. St. Charles is
                                       at-risk youth.
high-quality care and support for                                               Having the financial support and         centrally located in Waukesha and
hundreds of at-risk youth each                                                  volunteer coordination to tweak and      works with that school district for
year. However, it currently lacks a    There are three main types of            better equip the programs would          referrals. Lad Lake takes in youths
                                       ServiCe aNalySiS

cohesive marketing strategy with       services offered by Southeastern         greatly enhance the overall success      based on recommendations from
which to distinguish itself from       Youth and Family. Their two primary      of each individual service.              community outreach organizations.
the dozens of other organizations      services include an education                                                     A more detailed comparison of
with similar missions that currently   center and residential group                                                      these individual institutions can be
operate in the area. Southeastern      homes. Other smaller services                                                     found in the Appendix under the
                                                                                                                         Secondary Research Report.

                   6                                                                                                                     7
      There is a sense of excitement, pride, and achievement
      for the work that Southeastern does.

A wide variety of secondary             The primary research for
SeCoNdary reSearCH                      primary reSearCH

research examined funding               Southeastern Youth and Family
issues such as corporate giving,        compiled opinion surveys and
fundraising strategies, and             focus groups from donors, faculty,
philanthropic foundations as well       board members and students. The
as preliminary market research          inquiries analyzed the current
including competing organizations,      perceptions of the organization
volunteer and donor profiles.           from both within and without.
Since Southeastern is both an           Research revealed that, while those
educational organization as well        associated with Southeastern
as an organization that works with      do not necessarily have a feeing
at-risk youth, our research shows       of unity or excitement about the
that it is eligible to take advantage   brand image, there is a sense of
of many different types of funding      excitement, pride, and achievement
opportunities. Southeastern is          for the work that Southeastern does.
uniquely qualified to apply for         Suggestions for improvement from

a wide variety of federal grants,       the faculty focus groups showed a
private grants, and corporate           need for a reenergized brand that
philanthropy programs that offer        invigorates and excites everyone
thousands of dollars of funding each    that participates with Southeastern.
year to non-profit organizations.       The donors showed that though
                                        the economy has taken a hit in the
                                        past few months, their willingness
                                        to donate is heavily based on what
                                        the organization does for the
consumer profiles
      Larry is attracted to emotional and compelling material.
                                       himself. Larry decides to make
Larry is our target Southeastern       subsequent donations based on

donor, a 40 year-old Caucasian man     his experiences with the charity/
from Brookfield who is married         non-profit. Larry is attracted to
with kids. He works in finance,        emotional and compelling material
makes $90,000 a year, and likes to     that combines raw real-life imagery
donate to organizations he feels       with inspiring and poignant success
a connection to and has previous       stories. In his free time, Larry is
experience with. Larry has had         involved with his church and enjoys
limited exposure to inner-city         coaching his kid’s athletic teams.
life but understands the need for      He watches Sports Center, Jim
social improvements within these       Cramer’s Mad Money, The Office,
communities. Larry typically           and Sopranos. He reads the sports
finds out about charities and non-     and financial sections of the daily
profits through friends and family     paper, Newsweek, and Men’s Heath.
and decides to donate based on         He listens to talk and sports radio.
additional internet research he does

and poignant success stories. In                                                 moderate to upscale neighborhoods
Willie is our target Southeastern       his free time, Wille is involved with   Thompson Publishing is our target        and average a family income of
voluNteer                                                                       Corporate profile

volunteer, a 35 year-old African-       his church and enjoys following         corporate donor. Thompson                $100,000 per year. The atmosphere
American man from north-central         local athletic teams. He watches        Publishing is a 10 year-old company      at Thompson Publishing is business
Milwaukee who is married with           primetime television sitcoms, the       with 80 employees. Employees             casual. The company is led by CEO
kids. He works as a security officer    news, and sporting events. He reads     are college-educated and work in         John Jacob. Jacob wants Thompson
at Miller Brewing, makes $35,000 a      the local community newspaper.          a variety of entry level to upper        Publishing to be an active member
year, and likes to volunteer his time   He listens to urban news-talk radio     management positions. Thompson           in the community. Jacob is willing
to organizations he feels improve       and WJMR.                               Publishing prides itself on paying       to donate to organizations that he
his community. Willie typically finds                                           wages and offering benefits that         feels are worthy of funding and
out about volunteer opportunities                                               surpass the national average for         provide unique services to the
through word-of-mouth and his                                                   other organizations in the field. Last   community. Thompson Publishing
church. Willie decides to donate                                                year, net income was $120 million.       also encourages their employees to
his time based on both his comfort                                              Thompson Publishing donated              volunteer in the community. In fact,
level and the impact he feels he                                                $500,000 to local non-profits. Most      Jacob has considered offering 10
is making with the organization.                                                employees at Thompson Publishing         hours of paid volunteering time per
Willie is attracted to emotional and                                            drive to work from the surrounding       year per employee.
compelling material that combines                                               suburbs. The average commute time
raw real-life imagery with inspiring                                            is 27 minutes each way. They live in

                  12                                                                                                                    13
campaign objective
                                             and strategies
                                                        Create a compelling, mission-driven
                                                        brand image that encourages
                                            oBjeCtive   increased charitable support and
                                                        Unify the Southeastern Youth and
                                            Strategy1   Family brand to reflect the positive
                                                        characteristics of the kids.
                                            Strategy2   Increase brand awareness and recall.
                                                            GOAL: 25 percent increase
                                                                    in donations
                                                            GOAL: Double the amount
                                                                    of volunteers

      Something inspirational goes here
brand identity
                        Brand Focus

                          A Product: Offers both an educational center and group homes
                    BraNd aS:

                          A Person: An Energetic, goal-oriented guide

                          An Organization: Professional and well-established

southeastern              A Symbol: Sun, Power, Bright Colors

                      ¶ Demographic: Caucasian, homeowners, over 25 years
                    Core uSer:

   YOUTH & FAMILY       of age with a household income of $75,000 or more
                      ¶ Desire: To feel personally connected to positive change;
                        to be recognized for their contributions

                    Core valueS






                          Quality Service/Staff
                    fuNCtioNal BeNefitS

                          Range of Services


                          Structure (curriculum/program)

                          Accessibility (referrals/connections)

emotioNal BeNefitS
                                                                  creative campaign

                                                                                Connect brand identity to the energy
   ¶                                                                oBjeCtive
                                                                                of the kids.
   ¶                                                                Strategy1   Create consistent visual identity

“Channeling energy into positive outcomes”.
Core ideNtity
                                                                    Strategy2   Create consistent brand voice

Southeastern provides structure and stability that channels the
value propoSitioN

energy of its students toward positive outcomes.

“Focusing the Power Within”
BraNd poSitioN


                                                                                                                                                                                                                          weB page

March 10, 2009                                                                                                                                               YOUTH & FAMILY

Ryan Hartman
Rock Bottom Brewery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          contact us | site map

740 N. Plankinton Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53203
                                                                                                                                                          home | about us | our kids | our programs | support us | news & events
Dear Ryan,

Southeastern Youth & Family will host Painting a Bright Future at the Milwaukee Public Market’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                Focusing the Power Within
Palm Garden on March 26. To introduce our new look, guests will enjoy cocktails, appetizers                                                                                                               When Kyle enrolled in Southeastern Education Center at age 13, he struggled with disciplin-
and artwork by Southeastern students and local artists. We will also feature an elaborate silent                                                                                                          ary issues and had a dif�icult time controlling his anger. A short time later, he’s begun transi-
auction made possible by generous supporters throughout the community.                                                                                                                                    tioning to Milwaukee Public School and has already set his sights on receiving a higher
                                                                                                                                                                                                          education – with a very speci�ic college in mind.
Each year, Southeastern Youth & Family continues to provide structure and stability that
channels the energy of its students toward positive outcomes.                                                                                                                                             “I want to go to Harvard,” Kyle says earnestly, speaking with enthusiasm about his eagerness
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to study law and learn Japanese – an interest he’s had since discovering an af�inity for the
Please help make our event a success by donating an item or gift certificate for our raffle.                                                                                                              culture’s heritage and honor. And thanks to Southeastern, Kyle understands the responsibil-
The item can be sent to my attention at the address below. All contributions to Southeastern                                                                                                              ity required of him if he’s going to achieve his goals.
Youth and Family Services, Inc. are deductible for income tax purposes to the maximum extent
by law. Southeastern Youth and Family Services, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.                                                                                                             “Ever since I’ve been at Southeastern, I’ve had to take on a lot of responsibility,” Kyle says.
Financial statements of Southeastern Youth and Family Services, Inc. are available to prospective
                                                                                                            BuSiNeSS Card
                                                                                                                                                                                                          His mother – who commutes 150 miles to and from work each day – feels comfortable
contributors upon request. Should you have any questions or require additional information                                                                                                                leaving it up to Kyle to get up and ready for school every morning, taking care of the family
regarding this event or Southeastern Youth & Family, please contact me.                                                                                                                                   dogs, and watching over the house while she’s away. “I guess by testing me with responsibili-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          ties, the staff at Southeastern really helped prepare me for the real life responsibilities I deal
Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.                                                                                      “I want to go to                      with now.”

                                                                                                                                                                                                          Having come so far, Kyle is still able to look back on his time at Southeastern and pinpoint
                                                                                                                                                                                                          that watershed moment in his improvement. “It was when the teachers started trusting me
                                                                                                                                                                                                          and the students started respecting me. All because I started controlling my anger. Right at
                                                                                                                                                                                                          that moment, I felt the best I have in 15 years.”
                                                                                                                                 YOUTH & FAMILY

Carol McLain
Development Director
                                                                                                                                                                 Southeastern provides structure and stability that channels
                                                                                                                                                                    the energy of its students toward positive outcomes.

                                                                                                                                                                 Southeastern strives to accomplish to assist young children,
                                                                                                          carol mclain, cfre
                                                                                                                                                                 at-risk adolescents and their families to develop life skills that enable them
                                                                                                                    DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR

                                                                                                                                                                 to mature and become productive members of our community by:

                                                                                                                                                                 Employing quality, professional staff;
                                                                                                                                                                 Providing a caring and safe environment;
                                                                                                                                                                 Promoting physical, emotional and social stability;
                          Focusing The Power Within
                                                                                                                                                                 Tailoring programs to meet individual needs;
                                                                                                                                                                 Maximizing effectiveness through successful collaborations.
  8008 West Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53222 • P 414.464.1800 ext. 22 • F 414.464.1804 •

                                                                                                          Focusing The Power Within
                                                                                                           8008 West Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53222
                                                                                                              P 414.464.1800 ext. 22 • F 414.464.1804

                                                                              20                                                                                                                                                  21

The objective is to revitalize Southeastern Youth & Family’s brand image in   We want current, past and potential donors to be aware of and excited
wHat do we waNt to aCCompliSH?                                                wHat do we waNt tHem to tHiNk?

order to increase charitable support and volunteerism.                        about the Southeastern brand, and to view Southeastern as a positive,
                                                                              well-structured organization. We want them to feel the energy of the
                                                                              students who attend Southeastern and to understand that Southeastern
In order to increase charitable support, we are speaking to individuals       is the catalyst for that energy. We want them to see how powerful their
wHo are we talkiNg to?

with a high propensity to donate money to charitable organizations,           contributions to Southeastern can be in improving the lives of its students.
specifically individuals within our target markets: Caucasian, non-Hispanic   We want volunteers to see how Southeastern can positively channel
homeowners, over 25 years of age with a household income of $75,000 or        the energy of these kids, and to feel secure within the confines of
more. In regards to increasing volunteerism, we are speaking to primarily     the organization.
African-American community members who are more likely to donate their
time than their money.
                                                                              Southeastern is able to transform youths and place them on a path to
                                                                              wHy SHould tHey tHiNk tHiS?

                                                                              personal and career success. Southeastern provides quality services
Based on the primary research, current and past donors of Southeastern        that have proven successful in the past. We will use raw and real-life
wHat do tHey tHiNk Now?

are typically either unaware of or confused about the overarching image       personalized imagery to show the often heart-wrenching reality that these
of Southeastern. They recognize Southeastern as doing good in the             kids face in their everyday lives. We will also use inspiring personal success
community, but are apprehensive about Southeastern’s clientele. They          stories to show the power that Southeastern has to transform these
see Southeastern as just another dumping ground for troubled youth.           kids’ lives.
They have little faith that these types of organizations can truly make a
lasting difference in the community.
                                                                              Southeastern kids have an incredible energy that, when channeled properly,
                                                                              wHat iS our meSSage?

                                                                              can help change their lives and their community for the better.

                  22                                                                                                                 23

The objective is to introduce Southeastern Youth & Family to prospective     We want to instill an image that will serve two purposes. The first is to
wHat do we waNt to aCCompliSH?                                               wHat do we waNt tHem to tHiNk?

corporate donors and reintroduce the organization to previous donors to      immediately recognize Southeastern as a necessary organization worthy
increase donor support.                                                      of donations. The second being to educate corporations about what
                                                                             Southeastern does for the youth in the community. Given this image, we
                                                                             then want them to think of Southeastern when the topic of troubled youth
We are speaking to corporations with the financial resources to donate       is discussed, and to funnel dollars to Southeastern when donation decisions
wHo are we talkiNg to?

money to non-profit organizations. This includes companies that have a       are made.
strong history of donating as well as others that offer goods or services
closely related to education, leadership and/or empowering youth. The
primary focus will be on companies in Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties        Southeastern is able to transform youths and place them on a path to
                                                                             wHy SHould tHey tHiNk tHiS?

and the metro Milwaukee area.                                                personal and career success. Southeastern provides quality services
                                                                             that have proven successful in the past. We will use raw and real-life
                                                                             personalized imagery to show the often heart-wrenching reality that these
The majority of potential corporate donors fall into two groups. The first   kids face in their everyday lives. We will also use inspiring personal success
wHat do tHey tHiNk Now?

group is corporations that are unaware of Southeastern. Based on the         stories to show the power that Southeastern has to transform these kids’
primary research, current and past donors of Southeastern are typically      lives.
either unaware of or confused about the overarching image of
Southeastern. They recognize Southeastern as doing good in the
community, but are apprehensive about Southeastern’s clientele. They         Southeastern kids have an incredible energy that, when channeled properly,
                                                                             wHat iS our meSSage?

see Southeastern as just another dumping ground for troubled youth.          can help change their lives and their community for the better.
They have little faith that these types of organizations can truly make a
lasting difference in the community. The second group is corporations
that are aware of Southeastern but are not familiar with their services.

                  24                                                                                                                25
internal campaign
  oBjeCtive   Make staff brand champions

  Strategy1   Energize staff around brand
  Strategy2   Reinforce and sustain brand identity
              among staff

Throughout the year:

  ¶ Date: February 13, 2009                                                    ¶ Dates: Once a quarter
One Day-Fun Day                                                             wHat’S New aNd exCitiNg at SoutHeaSterN!

  ¶ Description: Southeastern Education Center will host a one-day             ¶ Description: This is an internal newsletter sent to all employees
    event for all employees in the organization. This event will                 that details Employee of the Quarter, events that are coming
    introduce the new branding efforts to the entire organization and            up at the individual sites, and other exciting internal discussions.
    allow for a smooth integration of the brand for the New Year. This         ¶ Budget $0
    event includes guest speakers, icebreaker activities, and discussions
    that engage different communities of employees (e.g. house
    employees and teaching faculty).                                           ¶ Description: The department heads of each site will meet
                                                                            State of SoutHeaSterN

  ¶ Budget: $450                                                                 once a quarter and then email once a month to discuss
                                                                                 three topics:
                                                                                   1. What’s new at the site? (Principal
                                                                                      talks about past month’s art show)
                                                                                   2. New Brand tactic for the quarter (Remember
                                                                                      to where your organization polo shirt on Friday)
                                                                                   3. What’s coming up? (House coordinator
                                                                                      mentions Unity Open House next week)
                                                                               ¶ Budget $0
                                                                                    • This entire event is conducted by email and brief
                                                                                      twenty-minute meetings every 3 months.

                                                                               ¶ Description: Signs to replace the current signs at the school
                                                                            i Saw tHe SigN!

                                                                                 location and the corporate office to promote the new branding
                                                                                 efforts and make the brand visible to the public.
                                                                               ¶ Budget $500

                28                                                                                                                29
direct marketing campaign
              Increase response rates against
  oBjeCtive   target audiences
              Manage and maintain database of
  Strategy1   current and past donors and volunteers
              Develop guidelines and schedule of
  Strategy2   distribution of marketing materials

¶ Update current donor information and contribution history
direCt marketiNg CampaigN
                                                                          public relations campaign
  ¶ Obtain lists of potential donors and corporate grant opportunities
  ¶ Create templates; Solicitation letters, thank you letters,
    volunteer communications, newsletters, contribution envelopes, etc.
                                                                            oBjeCtive1   Create positive local media interest

  ¶ Develop list of appropriate direct market outputs:
                                                                                         Create community involvement to
      • Media kit – To be enclosed in a Southeastern folder; to be
                                                                                         increase awareness and support

        sent to businesses/individuals with a high potential to donate,
        media and anyone who inquires about Southeastern Youth
                                                                                         Develop relationship with local
        & Family; to include: cover letter, one-sheeter, current press
                                                                            Strategy1    media outlets
        release, company profile, annual report, DVD with photos/
        artwork/video; visual representation of donation dollars at
                                                                                         Execute relevant community
        work, business card
                                                                                         outreach events

      • Self-mailer – Information brochure/donation solicitation
      • Monthly e-newsletter – To be distributed to staff, volunteers,
                                                                            Strategy3    Create newsworthy story pitches

        donors, parents/guardians (when available); monthly profile
        of an exceptional student or staff member; discuss on-going
        and upcoming events;“Refer a friend” program will advocate
        Southeastern community to forward the newsletters to friends
        and family with the propensity to donate and/or volunteer
  ¶ Create distribution schedule based on both Southeastern events
    and calendar events/holidays; include periodic mailings of misc.

    euphemra items in distribution schedule (magnets, Southeastern
    post-it notes, artwork calendars, caps, etc.)

¶ Establish a Southeastern Youth & Family spokesperson               ¶ Date: August 29 or 30, 2009
puBliC relatioNS CampaigN                                            auguSt: fieldiNg tHe dreamS of SoutHeaSterN

    for all media inquires                                             ¶ Description: Donors, group home kids, and staff members will
  ¶ Research appropriate media contacts and establish interaction        gather at Miller Park to have a fun-filled afternoon of tailgating
  ¶ Develop local community partnerships                                 and baseball. This event allows donors to build relationships
                                                                         with each other and Southeastern kids, further strengthening
  ¶ Reach out to community for event donations
                                                                         the connection with Southeastern Youth & Family. Dave Sobelman
  ¶ Execute relevant community outreach events;                          will man the grill and provide a tangible example of
    Alert media of events as detailed in supplement                      Southeastern’s success.
                                                                       ¶ Budget $1750
  ¶ Date: March 26, 2009
marCH: paiNtiNg a BrigHt future

  ¶ Description: Southeastern Youth & Family will host a happy         ¶ Date: November 6, 2009
                                                                      NovemBer: faCeS of our future BreakfaSt

    hour event to introduce the new brand identity to new and
                                                                       ¶ Budget $2000
    existing donors. Held in the Milwaukee Public Market’s
    Palm Garden, donors will bid on artwork by Southeastern
    students and local artists.
  ¶ Budget: $2000

  ¶ Date: June 13, 2009
juNe: BikeS for a Better Summer

  ¶ Description: One day bike give-away event that allows for bike
    recipients, donors, and community members to gather to kickoff
    the summer. Held at the Southeastern Education Center,
    participants can tour the school and learn about what
    Southeastern has to offer.
  ¶ Budget: $900

               34                                                                                                       35
Throughout the year:

  ¶ Dates: TBD
foCuSiNg your future Career
                                                                         media campaign
  ¶ Description: Board and community members will speak to
    Southeastern kids about his/her career. Speakers will enlighten
    the students about the multitude of career opportunities available
                                                                                                 Increase recall and frequency of
    if they channel their energy and strive for excellence in their
                                                                                                 message among target audience

    school work. Tips for success will be offered and students
    can seek advice from speakers.
                                                                                                 Utilize locally relevant media sources to

  ¶ Budget $600
                                                                           Strategy              increase coverage of potential
                                                                                                 donor base

  ¶ Description: Community members and corporations will “adopt”          ¶ Work with local ad agency to secure placement in the Milwaukee
adopt a ClaSSroom or group Home

    a classroom/group home for the year. Donors will have a                 Journal-Sentinel’s “Partners for Humanity” program. Program
    personal connection to the organization and build a relationship        involves sponsor ad agency providing free ad design to
    with the kids in their adopted location.                                Southeastern Youth & Family and securing a one-time (1x) free ad
  ¶ Budget $710                                                             placement with the Journal-Sentinel.
                                                                          ¶ Solicit local TV and radio stations for complimentary Public Service
                                                                            Announcement’s promoting the Southeastern Youth & Family cause
                                                                               • Preferred radio station formats: News/Talk, Contemporary Hit
                                                                                 Radio, Classic Rock, Public Radio
                                                                          ¶ Secure paid sponsorships on public radio stations in Milwaukee
                                                                            (WHAD 90.7, WUWM 89.7)

                                                                               • Utilize morning and afternoon drive time sponsorships to
                                                                                 capture largest audience around promotion of key fundraising
                                                                                 events (Painting a Bright Future, Bikes for a Better Summer,
                                                                                 Faces of Our Future Breakfast)
                                                                               • May also consider sponsorships in eclectic programming on
                                                                                 Saturday and Sunday mornings
                                                                               • 10-15 spots at $1,500-2,000 per week ($4,500-$6,000 total)

event timeline
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small room : big ideas
Andrea Voves
Kyle Krueger
Garth Cramer
Jennifer Meness
Nikki Rogan
Brianne Schwantes
Alyssa Wilson
Kristen Buettner
Kevin Myszewski

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Nonprofit Plans Book / Proposal

  • 1. southeastern YOUTH & FAMILY Integrated Marketing Campaign Focusing The Power Within
  • 2. southeastern YOUTH & FAMILY Small room : Big ideaS NovemBer 3, 2008 Focusing The Power Within
  • 3. executive summary For more than 35 years, growth. By creating a more focused, Focusing the Power Within Southeastern Youth and Family has consistent brand image, and provided structure and stability incorporating the new image into for at-risk youth in the Milwaukee a strategic marketing plan, we plan area. This long heritage is a to increase awareness and positive testament to the hard work and perception of Southeastern within dedication of its staff and donors. and outside of the organization. It By those who are familiar with it, is our contention that this change Southeastern is highly respected in perception will increase donors for both its educational system and both in number and in quantity its group home program. Despite donated as well as numbers in terms Southeastern’s long and respected of volunteers. heritage, its current brand image offers enormous opportunity for SUCCESS
  • 4. Through primary research gathered positive outcomes. This message In the coming pages, you’ll be taken from Southeastern staff and will be communicated publicly as through our research, rational, current donors we’ve determined “Focusing the Power Within.” In updated brand identity, and plan that Southeastern’s current order to maximize Southeastern’s for execution. We’ve included brand is lacking in both focus and return on investment, we’ve a timeline and budget to assist awareness. Based on recurring performed secondary research to Southeastern in this exciting comments made in staff focus determine which individuals and transition, as well as supplemental groups and donor surveys, we’ve corporations are the most efficient material to support the information devised a new brand identity that targets in terms of donations, as contained in this book. It has been addresses these issues utilizing well as which individuals are most our distinct pleasure to be a part of an updated look and message likely to volunteer time. We’ve then Southeastern’s ongoing dedication focus. In addition, we’ve devised taken these targets and devised a to improving the lives of at-risk a marketing plan that implements number of strategies and tactics to youth, and it is our sincerest hope this new identity with the goal most effectively reach them. that the information contained in of increased positive awareness. these pages will assist in taking this The new identity is based on the outstanding organization to new notion that Southeastern provides levels of success. structure and stability that channels the energy of its students toward 2 3
  • 5. situation analysis Milwaukee area agencies continue to choose Southeastern because of its positive, long-term dedication to improving the lives of Milwaukee’s at-risk youth. Southeastern Youth and Family According to Education Week responds to this growing need for iNduStry/market aNalySiS magazine, Wisconsin’s overall specialized care and frequently finds high school graduation rate is 85 both its school and group treatment percent, the third highest in the homes at maximum capacity. country. In Milwaukee, however, However, as the need continues to the graduation rate is 53 percent. grow, Southeastern has the ability Many of Milwaukee’s at-risk youth to expand its services and facilities come from difficult home situations, to meet the needs of Milwaukee’s including divorced or single parents, population of at-risk youth. With parents in prison, or homes where additional financial resources, there is emotional or physical government sponsored aid and abuse. Other youth have alcohol and in-kind donations, Southeastern drug addictions or require special can increase its school and group physical or mental health care. home numbers. OPTIMISM
  • 6. Youth and Family depends on a core offered by the organization are the Southeastern Youth and Family’s group of volunteers to help maintain mentoring/tutoring program and Three major competitors in ClieNt aNalySiS Competitive aNalySiS mission focuses on providing the buildings and assist with family counseling. The educational southeastern Wisconsin are Lad structure and stability that programs. Predominantly, African- center is offered to middle school Lake, St. Charles Youth and Family channels the energy of its youth American residents of the local students, sixth to eighth grade who Services, and Walker’s Point Youth toward positive outcomes. community near Southeastern are are referred to Southeastern by and Family. Lad Lake is the largest Southeastern assists young most likely to volunteer their time the Milwaukee Public Schools for of the overall competitors, assisting children, at-risk adolescents and with this organization. behavioral problems in integrated over 1700 students and troubled their families develop the life classrooms. For this service, youth each year. They operate on skills necessary for becoming curriculums are slightly modified to about $11 million dollars annually. Since 1973, over 5,000 children fit individual student needs. There mature and productive members There is a large gap between this CoNSumer aNalySiS have been referred to Southeastern are assessments to decide how of Milwaukee’s community. organization and its number two Youth and Family’s alternative each student learns best, and what Southeastern is currently running competitor. St. Charles works with middle school and group treatment personal barriers (behavioral and three primary programs including 42 students and youths every year homes. They are referred through psychological) they may have in the the Southeastern Education Center, and operates on a much smaller, a variety of different avenues academic settings. which can teach up to 85 middle tighter budget. Walker’s Point including social services, the justice school students, three group The other main service offered by works with over 650 students a system, and the Milwaukee Public treatment homes for adolescents Southeastern is the group home year in several different programs. School system. Although there are age 12-17, and the Circle of Friends program. These group homes are for It is complicated to understand many similar organizations in the daycare, which provides state troubled boys ages 12 thru 17 that the competition among all of Milwaukee area agencies continue licensed quality child care and need stable living environments. these programs due to the way to choose Southeastern because of preschool programming These boys work towards gaining in which clients arrive at each its positive, long-term dedication to for children. responsible lifestyle skills that will service center. Southeastern uses improving the lives of Milwaukee’s Southeastern excels at providing move them towards positive futures. referrals from MPS. St. Charles is at-risk youth. high-quality care and support for Having the financial support and centrally located in Waukesha and hundreds of at-risk youth each volunteer coordination to tweak and works with that school district for year. However, it currently lacks a There are three main types of better equip the programs would referrals. Lad Lake takes in youths ServiCe aNalySiS cohesive marketing strategy with services offered by Southeastern greatly enhance the overall success based on recommendations from which to distinguish itself from Youth and Family. Their two primary of each individual service. community outreach organizations. the dozens of other organizations services include an education A more detailed comparison of with similar missions that currently center and residential group these individual institutions can be operate in the area. Southeastern homes. Other smaller services found in the Appendix under the Secondary Research Report. 6 7
  • 7. research There is a sense of excitement, pride, and achievement for the work that Southeastern does. A wide variety of secondary The primary research for SeCoNdary reSearCH primary reSearCH research examined funding Southeastern Youth and Family issues such as corporate giving, compiled opinion surveys and fundraising strategies, and focus groups from donors, faculty, philanthropic foundations as well board members and students. The as preliminary market research inquiries analyzed the current including competing organizations, perceptions of the organization volunteer and donor profiles. from both within and without. Since Southeastern is both an Research revealed that, while those educational organization as well associated with Southeastern as an organization that works with do not necessarily have a feeing at-risk youth, our research shows of unity or excitement about the that it is eligible to take advantage brand image, there is a sense of of many different types of funding excitement, pride, and achievement opportunities. Southeastern is for the work that Southeastern does. uniquely qualified to apply for Suggestions for improvement from PASSION a wide variety of federal grants, the faculty focus groups showed a private grants, and corporate need for a reenergized brand that philanthropy programs that offer invigorates and excites everyone thousands of dollars of funding each that participates with Southeastern. year to non-profit organizations. The donors showed that though the economy has taken a hit in the past few months, their willingness to donate is heavily based on what the organization does for the community.
  • 8. consumer profiles Larry is attracted to emotional and compelling material. himself. Larry decides to make Larry is our target Southeastern subsequent donations based on doNor donor, a 40 year-old Caucasian man his experiences with the charity/ from Brookfield who is married non-profit. Larry is attracted to with kids. He works in finance, emotional and compelling material makes $90,000 a year, and likes to that combines raw real-life imagery donate to organizations he feels with inspiring and poignant success a connection to and has previous stories. In his free time, Larry is experience with. Larry has had involved with his church and enjoys limited exposure to inner-city coaching his kid’s athletic teams. life but understands the need for He watches Sports Center, Jim social improvements within these Cramer’s Mad Money, The Office, communities. Larry typically and Sopranos. He reads the sports finds out about charities and non- and financial sections of the daily profits through friends and family paper, Newsweek, and Men’s Heath. and decides to donate based on He listens to talk and sports radio. additional internet research he does DESIRE
  • 9. and poignant success stories. In moderate to upscale neighborhoods Willie is our target Southeastern his free time, Wille is involved with Thompson Publishing is our target and average a family income of voluNteer Corporate profile volunteer, a 35 year-old African- his church and enjoys following corporate donor. Thompson $100,000 per year. The atmosphere American man from north-central local athletic teams. He watches Publishing is a 10 year-old company at Thompson Publishing is business Milwaukee who is married with primetime television sitcoms, the with 80 employees. Employees casual. The company is led by CEO kids. He works as a security officer news, and sporting events. He reads are college-educated and work in John Jacob. Jacob wants Thompson at Miller Brewing, makes $35,000 a the local community newspaper. a variety of entry level to upper Publishing to be an active member year, and likes to volunteer his time He listens to urban news-talk radio management positions. Thompson in the community. Jacob is willing to organizations he feels improve and WJMR. Publishing prides itself on paying to donate to organizations that he his community. Willie typically finds wages and offering benefits that feels are worthy of funding and out about volunteer opportunities surpass the national average for provide unique services to the through word-of-mouth and his other organizations in the field. Last community. Thompson Publishing church. Willie decides to donate year, net income was $120 million. also encourages their employees to his time based on both his comfort Thompson Publishing donated volunteer in the community. In fact, level and the impact he feels he $500,000 to local non-profits. Most Jacob has considered offering 10 is making with the organization. employees at Thompson Publishing hours of paid volunteering time per Willie is attracted to emotional and drive to work from the surrounding year per employee. compelling material that combines suburbs. The average commute time raw real-life imagery with inspiring is 27 minutes each way. They live in 12 13
  • 10. campaign objective and strategies Create a compelling, mission-driven brand image that encourages oBjeCtive increased charitable support and volunteerism. Unify the Southeastern Youth and Strategy1 Family brand to reflect the positive characteristics of the kids. Strategy2 Increase brand awareness and recall. GOAL: 25 percent increase in donations GOAL: Double the amount of volunteers fpo SUCCESS Something inspirational goes here
  • 11. brand identity Brand Focus A Product: Offers both an educational center and group homes BraNd aS: A Person: An Energetic, goal-oriented guide ¶ An Organization: Professional and well-established ¶ southeastern A Symbol: Sun, Power, Bright Colors ¶ ¶ ¶ Demographic: Caucasian, homeowners, over 25 years Core uSer: YOUTH & FAMILY of age with a household income of $75,000 or more ¶ Desire: To feel personally connected to positive change; to be recognized for their contributions Empowerment Core valueS Optimism ¶ Passion ¶ Success ¶ STABILITY Dedication ¶ Strength ¶ ¶ Quality Service/Staff fuNCtioNal BeNefitS Range of Services ¶ Stability ¶ Structure (curriculum/program) ¶ Accessibility (referrals/connections) ¶ ¶ 16
  • 12. Excitement emotioNal BeNefitS creative campaign Accomplishment ¶ Desire ¶ Connect brand identity to the energy Hope ¶ oBjeCtive of the kids. Compassion ¶ ¶ Strategy1 Create consistent visual identity “Channeling energy into positive outcomes”. Core ideNtity Strategy2 Create consistent brand voice Southeastern provides structure and stability that channels the value propoSitioN energy of its students toward positive outcomes. “Focusing the Power Within” BraNd poSitioN 18 STRENGTH
  • 13. letterHead weB page southeastern YOUTH & FAMILY southeastern March 10, 2009 YOUTH & FAMILY Ryan Hartman Rock Bottom Brewery contact us | site map 740 N. Plankinton Ave Milwaukee, WI 53203 home | about us | our kids | our programs | support us | news & events Dear Ryan, Southeastern Youth & Family will host Painting a Bright Future at the Milwaukee Public Market’s Focusing the Power Within Palm Garden on March 26. To introduce our new look, guests will enjoy cocktails, appetizers When Kyle enrolled in Southeastern Education Center at age 13, he struggled with disciplin- and artwork by Southeastern students and local artists. We will also feature an elaborate silent ary issues and had a dif�icult time controlling his anger. A short time later, he’s begun transi- auction made possible by generous supporters throughout the community. tioning to Milwaukee Public School and has already set his sights on receiving a higher education – with a very speci�ic college in mind. Each year, Southeastern Youth & Family continues to provide structure and stability that channels the energy of its students toward positive outcomes. “I want to go to Harvard,” Kyle says earnestly, speaking with enthusiasm about his eagerness to study law and learn Japanese – an interest he’s had since discovering an af�inity for the Please help make our event a success by donating an item or gift certificate for our raffle. culture’s heritage and honor. And thanks to Southeastern, Kyle understands the responsibil- The item can be sent to my attention at the address below. All contributions to Southeastern ity required of him if he’s going to achieve his goals. Youth and Family Services, Inc. are deductible for income tax purposes to the maximum extent by law. Southeastern Youth and Family Services, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization. “Ever since I’ve been at Southeastern, I’ve had to take on a lot of responsibility,” Kyle says. Financial statements of Southeastern Youth and Family Services, Inc. are available to prospective BuSiNeSS Card His mother – who commutes 150 miles to and from work each day – feels comfortable contributors upon request. Should you have any questions or require additional information leaving it up to Kyle to get up and ready for school every morning, taking care of the family regarding this event or Southeastern Youth & Family, please contact me. dogs, and watching over the house while she’s away. “I guess by testing me with responsibili- ties, the staff at Southeastern really helped prepare me for the real life responsibilities I deal Thank you for your consideration, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. “I want to go to with now.” Having come so far, Kyle is still able to look back on his time at Southeastern and pinpoint Cordially, Harvard” that watershed moment in his improvement. “It was when the teachers started trusting me and the students started respecting me. All because I started controlling my anger. Right at southeastern that moment, I felt the best I have in 15 years.” YOUTH & FAMILY Carol McLain Development Director Southeastern provides structure and stability that channels the energy of its students toward positive outcomes. Southeastern strives to accomplish to assist young children, carol mclain, cfre at-risk adolescents and their families to develop life skills that enable them DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR to mature and become productive members of our community by: Employing quality, professional staff; Providing a caring and safe environment; Promoting physical, emotional and social stability; Focusing The Power Within Tailoring programs to meet individual needs; Maximizing effectiveness through successful collaborations. 8008 West Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53222 • P 414.464.1800 ext. 22 • F 414.464.1804 • Focusing The Power Within 8008 West Capitol Drive, Milwaukee, WI 53222 P 414.464.1800 ext. 22 • F 414.464.1804 20 21
  • 14. INDIVIDUAL BRIEF The objective is to revitalize Southeastern Youth & Family’s brand image in We want current, past and potential donors to be aware of and excited wHat do we waNt to aCCompliSH? wHat do we waNt tHem to tHiNk? order to increase charitable support and volunteerism. about the Southeastern brand, and to view Southeastern as a positive, well-structured organization. We want them to feel the energy of the students who attend Southeastern and to understand that Southeastern In order to increase charitable support, we are speaking to individuals is the catalyst for that energy. We want them to see how powerful their wHo are we talkiNg to? with a high propensity to donate money to charitable organizations, contributions to Southeastern can be in improving the lives of its students. specifically individuals within our target markets: Caucasian, non-Hispanic We want volunteers to see how Southeastern can positively channel homeowners, over 25 years of age with a household income of $75,000 or the energy of these kids, and to feel secure within the confines of more. In regards to increasing volunteerism, we are speaking to primarily the organization. African-American community members who are more likely to donate their time than their money. Southeastern is able to transform youths and place them on a path to wHy SHould tHey tHiNk tHiS? personal and career success. Southeastern provides quality services Based on the primary research, current and past donors of Southeastern that have proven successful in the past. We will use raw and real-life wHat do tHey tHiNk Now? are typically either unaware of or confused about the overarching image personalized imagery to show the often heart-wrenching reality that these of Southeastern. They recognize Southeastern as doing good in the kids face in their everyday lives. We will also use inspiring personal success community, but are apprehensive about Southeastern’s clientele. They stories to show the power that Southeastern has to transform these see Southeastern as just another dumping ground for troubled youth. kids’ lives. They have little faith that these types of organizations can truly make a lasting difference in the community. Southeastern kids have an incredible energy that, when channeled properly, wHat iS our meSSage? can help change their lives and their community for the better. 22 23
  • 15. CORPORATE BRIEF The objective is to introduce Southeastern Youth & Family to prospective We want to instill an image that will serve two purposes. The first is to wHat do we waNt to aCCompliSH? wHat do we waNt tHem to tHiNk? corporate donors and reintroduce the organization to previous donors to immediately recognize Southeastern as a necessary organization worthy increase donor support. of donations. The second being to educate corporations about what Southeastern does for the youth in the community. Given this image, we then want them to think of Southeastern when the topic of troubled youth We are speaking to corporations with the financial resources to donate is discussed, and to funnel dollars to Southeastern when donation decisions wHo are we talkiNg to? money to non-profit organizations. This includes companies that have a are made. strong history of donating as well as others that offer goods or services closely related to education, leadership and/or empowering youth. The primary focus will be on companies in Milwaukee and Waukesha Counties Southeastern is able to transform youths and place them on a path to wHy SHould tHey tHiNk tHiS? and the metro Milwaukee area. personal and career success. Southeastern provides quality services that have proven successful in the past. We will use raw and real-life personalized imagery to show the often heart-wrenching reality that these The majority of potential corporate donors fall into two groups. The first kids face in their everyday lives. We will also use inspiring personal success wHat do tHey tHiNk Now? group is corporations that are unaware of Southeastern. Based on the stories to show the power that Southeastern has to transform these kids’ primary research, current and past donors of Southeastern are typically lives. either unaware of or confused about the overarching image of Southeastern. They recognize Southeastern as doing good in the community, but are apprehensive about Southeastern’s clientele. They Southeastern kids have an incredible energy that, when channeled properly, wHat iS our meSSage? see Southeastern as just another dumping ground for troubled youth. can help change their lives and their community for the better. They have little faith that these types of organizations can truly make a lasting difference in the community. The second group is corporations that are aware of Southeastern but are not familiar with their services. 24 25
  • 16. internal campaign oBjeCtive Make staff brand champions Strategy1 Energize staff around brand Strategy2 Reinforce and sustain brand identity among staff DEDICATION
  • 17. Throughout the year: ¶ Date: February 13, 2009 ¶ Dates: Once a quarter One Day-Fun Day wHat’S New aNd exCitiNg at SoutHeaSterN! ¶ Description: Southeastern Education Center will host a one-day ¶ Description: This is an internal newsletter sent to all employees event for all employees in the organization. This event will that details Employee of the Quarter, events that are coming introduce the new branding efforts to the entire organization and up at the individual sites, and other exciting internal discussions. allow for a smooth integration of the brand for the New Year. This ¶ Budget $0 event includes guest speakers, icebreaker activities, and discussions that engage different communities of employees (e.g. house employees and teaching faculty). ¶ Description: The department heads of each site will meet State of SoutHeaSterN ¶ Budget: $450 once a quarter and then email once a month to discuss three topics: 1. What’s new at the site? (Principal talks about past month’s art show) 2. New Brand tactic for the quarter (Remember to where your organization polo shirt on Friday) 3. What’s coming up? (House coordinator mentions Unity Open House next week) ¶ Budget $0 • This entire event is conducted by email and brief twenty-minute meetings every 3 months. ¶ Description: Signs to replace the current signs at the school i Saw tHe SigN! location and the corporate office to promote the new branding efforts and make the brand visible to the public. ¶ Budget $500 28 29
  • 18. direct marketing campaign Increase response rates against oBjeCtive target audiences Manage and maintain database of Strategy1 current and past donors and volunteers Develop guidelines and schedule of Strategy2 distribution of marketing materials HOPE
  • 19. ¶ Update current donor information and contribution history direCt marketiNg CampaigN public relations campaign ¶ Obtain lists of potential donors and corporate grant opportunities ¶ Create templates; Solicitation letters, thank you letters, volunteer communications, newsletters, contribution envelopes, etc. oBjeCtive1 Create positive local media interest ¶ Develop list of appropriate direct market outputs: Create community involvement to oBjeCtive2 • Media kit – To be enclosed in a Southeastern folder; to be increase awareness and support sent to businesses/individuals with a high potential to donate, media and anyone who inquires about Southeastern Youth Develop relationship with local & Family; to include: cover letter, one-sheeter, current press Strategy1 media outlets release, company profile, annual report, DVD with photos/ artwork/video; visual representation of donation dollars at Execute relevant community Strategy2 work, business card outreach events • Self-mailer – Information brochure/donation solicitation • Monthly e-newsletter – To be distributed to staff, volunteers, Strategy3 Create newsworthy story pitches donors, parents/guardians (when available); monthly profile of an exceptional student or staff member; discuss on-going and upcoming events;“Refer a friend” program will advocate Southeastern community to forward the newsletters to friends and family with the propensity to donate and/or volunteer ¶ Create distribution schedule based on both Southeastern events and calendar events/holidays; include periodic mailings of misc. POWER euphemra items in distribution schedule (magnets, Southeastern post-it notes, artwork calendars, caps, etc.) 32
  • 20. ¶ Establish a Southeastern Youth & Family spokesperson ¶ Date: August 29 or 30, 2009 puBliC relatioNS CampaigN auguSt: fieldiNg tHe dreamS of SoutHeaSterN for all media inquires ¶ Description: Donors, group home kids, and staff members will ¶ Research appropriate media contacts and establish interaction gather at Miller Park to have a fun-filled afternoon of tailgating ¶ Develop local community partnerships and baseball. This event allows donors to build relationships with each other and Southeastern kids, further strengthening ¶ Reach out to community for event donations the connection with Southeastern Youth & Family. Dave Sobelman ¶ Execute relevant community outreach events; will man the grill and provide a tangible example of Alert media of events as detailed in supplement Southeastern’s success. ¶ Budget $1750 ¶ Date: March 26, 2009 marCH: paiNtiNg a BrigHt future ¶ Description: Southeastern Youth & Family will host a happy ¶ Date: November 6, 2009 NovemBer: faCeS of our future BreakfaSt hour event to introduce the new brand identity to new and ¶ Budget $2000 existing donors. Held in the Milwaukee Public Market’s Palm Garden, donors will bid on artwork by Southeastern students and local artists. ¶ Budget: $2000 ¶ Date: June 13, 2009 juNe: BikeS for a Better Summer ¶ Description: One day bike give-away event that allows for bike recipients, donors, and community members to gather to kickoff the summer. Held at the Southeastern Education Center, participants can tour the school and learn about what Southeastern has to offer. ¶ Budget: $900 34 35
  • 21. Throughout the year: ¶ Dates: TBD foCuSiNg your future Career media campaign ¶ Description: Board and community members will speak to Southeastern kids about his/her career. Speakers will enlighten the students about the multitude of career opportunities available Increase recall and frequency of oBjeCtive if they channel their energy and strive for excellence in their message among target audience school work. Tips for success will be offered and students can seek advice from speakers. Utilize locally relevant media sources to ¶ Budget $600 Strategy increase coverage of potential donor base ¶ Description: Community members and corporations will “adopt” ¶ Work with local ad agency to secure placement in the Milwaukee adopt a ClaSSroom or group Home a classroom/group home for the year. Donors will have a Journal-Sentinel’s “Partners for Humanity” program. Program personal connection to the organization and build a relationship involves sponsor ad agency providing free ad design to with the kids in their adopted location. Southeastern Youth & Family and securing a one-time (1x) free ad ¶ Budget $710 placement with the Journal-Sentinel. ¶ Solicit local TV and radio stations for complimentary Public Service Announcement’s promoting the Southeastern Youth & Family cause • Preferred radio station formats: News/Talk, Contemporary Hit Radio, Classic Rock, Public Radio ¶ Secure paid sponsorships on public radio stations in Milwaukee (WHAD 90.7, WUWM 89.7) SUCCESS • Utilize morning and afternoon drive time sponsorships to capture largest audience around promotion of key fundraising events (Painting a Bright Future, Bikes for a Better Summer, Faces of Our Future Breakfast) • May also consider sponsorships in eclectic programming on Saturday and Sunday mornings • 10-15 spots at $1,500-2,000 per week ($4,500-$6,000 total) 36
  • 22. event timeline !"#$%& !"#$%& 'O,0$%0$@1%<#1C)%)+#' '()**' 'O,0$%0$@1%<#1C)%)+#' 'Q,07@,%#'1#"#$%1STUV '()**' '(+#,-.,&%' 'Q,07@,%#'1#"#$%1STUV '(+#,-.,&%' !"# $%& %'& $%( !"# )*+" $%&)*,( %'& %*- $%(."'/ )*+"01/ )*,( +02 %*- 3"1 ."'/ )456789 01/ +02 3"1 )456789 !"#$%&# !"#$%&# /$0%0,%#1)&#12.1$#314+,$5105#$%0%612$1,7718+0$%#519,%#+0,7& /$0%0,%#1)&#12.1$#314+,$5105#$%0%612$1,7718+0$%#519,%#+0,7& /$0%0,%#1)&#12.12.:0;#19,%#+0,7&130%<1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 /$0%0,%#1)&#12.12.:0;#19,%#+0,7&130%<1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 =,)$;<13#41&0%#130%<1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 =,)$;<13#41&0%#130%<1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 '()#"($* '()#"($* !"#$%"&'()%&"*('&+",- !"#$%"&'()%&"*('&+",- !>#;)%#12$#?5,61%#,914)0750$@1#"#$%1.2+1ABC1&%,.. !>#;)%#12$#?5,61%#,914)0750$@1#"#$%1.2+1ABC1&%,.. D#"#7281%09#70$#1.2+10$%#+$,71;299)$0;,%02$ D#"#7281%09#70$#1.2+10$%#+$,71;299)$0;,%02$ E),+%#+761&%,..1#?$#3&7#%%#+ E),+%#+761&%,..1#?$#3&7#%%#+ /$%#+$,71&0@$,@#1+#7,60$@1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 /$%#+$,71&0@$,@#1+#7,60$@1$#314+,$5105#$%0%6 FA%,%#12.1ABCG1#",7),%02$19##%0$@& FA%,%#12.1ABCG1#",7),%02$19##%0$@& +,"#-)./$"0#%(1 +,"#-)./$"0#%(1 H85,%#1;)++#$%152$2+10$.2+9,%02$1,$51;2$%+04)%02$1<0&%2+6 H85,%#1;)++#$%152$2+10$.2+9,%02$1,$51;2$%+04)%02$1<0&%2+6 I4%,0$170&%&12.182%#$%0,7152$2+&1,$51;2+82+,%#1@+,$%12882+%)$0%0#& I4%,0$170&%&12.182%#$%0,7152$2+&1,$51;2+82+,%#1@+,$%12882+%)$0%0#& J+#,%#1%#987,%#& J+#,%#1%#987,%#& J+#,%#150&%+04)%02$1&;<#5)7# J+#,%#150&%+04)%02$1&;<#5)7# 234*,-.5#*$%6(7 234*,-.5#*$%6(7 K#&#,+;<1,88+28+0,%#19#50,1;2$%,;%&L1!&%,470&<10$%#+,;%02$ K#&#,+;<1,88+28+0,%#19#50,1;2$%,;%&L1!&%,470&<10$%#+,;%02$ !&%,470&<1ABC1&82-#&8#+&2$1.2+1,7719#50,10$M)0+0#& !&%,470&<1ABC1&82-#&8#+&2$1.2+1,7719#50,10$M)0+0#& D#"#728172;,71;299)$0%618,+%$#+&<08&D#"#728172;,71;299)$0%618,+%$#+&<08& !>#;)%#1+#7#",$%1;299)$0%612)%+#,;<1#"#$%& !>#;)%#1+#7#",$%1;299)$0%612)%+#,;<1#"#$%& ./#$%"&'()%&"*('&+",- ./#$%"&'()%&"*('&+",- K#,;<12)%1%21;299)$0%61.2+1#"#$%152$,%02$& K#,;<12)%1%21;299)$0%61.2+1#"#$%152$,%02$& J+#,%#1$#3&32+%<61&%2+6180%;<#& J+#,%#1$#3&32+%<61&%2+6180%;<#& /#8,$ /#8,$ N88761.2+1!"#$%&'(()*+&,-%#).(-/"-(#)01%,/-(,2)3+,)4&5%-"/60)8+2@+,9 N88761.2+1!"#$%&'(()*+&,-%#).(-/"-(#)01%,/-(,2)3+,)4&5%-"/60)8+2@+,9 A#;)+#1;298709#$%,+61OANP&12$172;,71QR1,$51+,5021&%,%02$& A#;)+#1;298709#$%,+61OANP&12$172;,71QR1,$51+,5021&%,%02$& A#;)+#1&82$&2+&<08&12$172;,718)470;1+,5021&%,%02$& A#;)+#1&82$&2+&<08&12$172;,718)470;1+,5021&%,%02$& 38 39
  • 23. budget list of supplemental materials !"#$%"&'( )*+,-- copy style guide !"#$%#& !"## design style guide '%($)*+,-&$. !$"# internal manual !.%//+.01*"2.1 !%"# public relations/promotions manual 3"1)4+,56&$1&1 !&'(## ./%$0#(1&%2$#/"3 )4+,-- 3&7"%+8".9+3%":&29+;&<1:&..&2 !%'$## 3"1)4+,56&$1&1 !&'&## 567'/0(8$'&#/9": );<+--- =2&%>/%1. !)'### ;&<+,-&$.1 !%'*## 3"1)4+,56&$1&1 !*'+## 1$=/& )>+--- ?(@:")+A%7"B+!6B$1B21*"61 !%'### 1/:0$''&"$96: );;+--- ,5.&2$%:+?2"$."$# !,'### C$.&2$+ !*'### !"#$% &'()((( 40 41
  • 24. small room : big ideas Andrea Voves Kyle Krueger Garth Cramer Jennifer Meness Nikki Rogan Brianne Schwantes Alyssa Wilson Kristen Buettner Kevin Myszewski NovemBer 2008