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North America                                              38 Turkey: Istanbul to the                75   Tibet and Nepal: Journey to the
                                                              Turquoise Coast                             Highest Himalaya
14 Alaska’s Inside Passage
                                                           40 Land of the Polar Bears                75   Mongolia: Land of the Nomad
16 Alaska Wildlife Adventure
                                                           42 Norway’s Fjords and Arctic Svalbard
17 Grand Canyon, Bryce, and
   Zion National Parks
                                                           74 Under Sail: From Greece to the         Africa
                                                              Dalmatian Coast NEW                    52   On Safari: Tanzania’s Great
18 Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks
                                                           74 Exploring the Baltic’s Historic             Migration NEW
19 Winter Wildlife in Yellowstone
                                                              Waterways                              54   On Safari in Southern Africa by
20 Baja California and the Sea of Cortez
                                                           74 Spain’s Northern Coast by                   Private Air
22 Costa Rica and the Panama Canal
                                                              Private Rail                           56   Moroccan Odyssey
23 Many Faces of Panama and Costa Rica
74 Wildlife of Yellowstone and the Tetons                                                            58   Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
                                                           Eurasia                                   76   Human Origins: South Africa
South America                                              44 Trans-Siberian Rail Journey: Beijing        to Tanzania
                                                              to Moscow                              76   Gorilla Tracking in Rwanda
24   Galápagos
                                                           76 Russian River Journey: The Caspian
26   Peru: Land of the Inca
28   Amazon River
                                                              Sea to Moscow                          Oceania
30   Exploring Patagonia                                                                             60 Cruising New Zealand’s North and
                                                           Asia                                         South Islands
                                                           46 Inside China
Europe                                                                                               76 New Zealand Adventure
                                                           48 Bhutan: Kingdom in the Clouds
32   Inside Italy                                          50 Vietnam and Cambodia: Along the
34   Sailing the Greek Isles NEW
                                                              Mekong River NEW
36   Turkey and Greece: A Sailing                          75 Journey Through India                  62   Journey to Antarctica
     Odyssey NEW                                                                                     63   Antarctica, South Georgia, and
                                                                                                          the Falklands
2          Cover: Clutching its prized catch, an Alaskan grizzly makes for shore.
Dear Traveler,
                                                                                                                             There is nothing quite like taking to the seas on a square-
                                                                                                                             rigger…hearing the billow and snap of sails unfurling above,
                                                                                                                             the creak of the ropes as the wind changes, and experiencing
                                                                                                                             the sense of strolling back in time along the hardwood decks.
                                                                                                                             The beautiful, four-masted Sea Cloud—possibly the most
                                                                                                                             celebrated tall ship on the water these days—exemplifies
                                                                                                                             this timeless sailing experience. Commissioned in 1931 by E. F.
                                                                                                                             Hutton for his wife, Marjorie Merriweather Post, the Sea Cloud
                                                                                                                             has entertained royalty, served in a world war, and plied the
                                                                                                                             seas from Panama to St. Petersburg.
                                                                                                                             Next year, this magnificent ship will be our home on three
                                                                                                                             extraordinary adventures to the sites of ancient Mediterranean
                                                                                                                             empires. Under its sails, we’ll discover the whitewashed villages
                                                                                                                             of Greece’s Cyclades islands, venture into the marble cities of
                                                                                                                             Ephesus and Delos, and explore the medieval towns that dot
                                                                                                                             Croatia’s splendid coast. On our June 4 voyage to Turkey and
                                                                                                                             Greece and our September 7 voyage to the Dalmatian Coast,
                                                                                                                             National Geographic Chairman Emeritus of the Board Gilbert
                                                                                                                             M. Grosvenor will accompany our signature team of experts.
                                                                                                                             On the other side of the globe, we’ll glide along the waterways
                                                                                                                             of Vietnam and Cambodia on a ship of an entirely different
                                                                                                                             nature: the elegant riverboat Jahan. Built in the style of a British
                                                                                                                             colonial vessel, the Jahan will bring us up close to floating
                                                                                                                             villages, temples, and vibrant cities along the Mekong.

Private Jet                                                    Photography Expeditions                                       This year we introduced a new line of trips designed for those
                                                                                                                             who seek more active exploration: National Geographic
64 Around the World                                            72       Bhutan                                               Adventures. Our opening lineup included a journey across
66 Journey of Man NEW                                          72       Galápagos                                            England on foot; hiking with the Maasai in Tanzania; and a
74 Places of a Lifetime                                        72       Morocco                                              kayak expedition deep into Glacier Bay, Alaska. We’re thrilled by
                                                               73       Costa Rica and the Panama                            the response! With a number of departures already sold out,
Family Adventures                                                       Canal                                                we’re busy adding more dates and designing new adventures
                                                               73       Alaska, British Columbia, and                        to get you into the field with us. Read more about these adven-
68      Alaska
                                                                        the San Juan Islands                                 tures on page 78.
69      Galápagos
77      Tuscany                                                                                                              Whether you’re considering an in-depth exploration of one
77      Switzerland                                            National Geographic                                           of America’s glorious national parks or an epic voyage to
77      Peru                                                   Adventures                                                    Antarctica, you’ll find plenty of incredible travel opportunities
                                                                                                                             in the pages that follow.
77      Tanzania                                               78       A New Series of Active
77      Egypt                                                           Adventure Trips                                      Turn to the calendar on page 82 for a full listing of our trips.
                                                                                                                             To reserve your space, call toll-free 1-888-966-8687 or visit our
Photography Workshops                                          Resources                                                     website,

70      New York City                                          4        About Our Trips                                                       Sincerely,
70      New Orleans                                            8        Meet Our Experts
70      Chicago                                                11       Special Offers
70      San Francisco                                          13       Photography Contest                                                   John Fahey
71      Tucson                                                 80       Deck Plans                                                            Chairman and CEO
71      Washington, D.C.                                       81       Terms and Conditions                                                  National Geographic Society
71      Santa Fe                                               82       Expedition Calendar

                                                                                                                                       Your participation in a National Geographic Expedition
                                                                                                                                       provides support to National Geographic’s mission of
Copyright © 2011 National Geographic Society w Recycled paper                                                                          increasing global understanding through exploration,     3
National Geographic Expeditions and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society.             geography education, and research.
Discover the
                                        National Geographic Difference

When conservationist Stephen Mather put together an expedition into the Sierra Nevada
Mountains in 1915 to highlight the need for a national park service, National Geographic
Editor Gilbert H. Grosvenor—grandfather of our current Chairman Emeritus of the Board of
Trustees—was among the invitees. So inspired was Grosvenor by Mather’s vision to protect and manage
America’s natural treasures that he dedicated the entire April 1916 issue of National Geographic to our national parks.
Mather went on to become the first director of the new National Park Service in 1917, and the Society has been deeply
involved in our national parks ever since: sending out research teams; publishing articles; and donating funds to
protect, understand, and promote incomparable places like Sequoia and Denali National Parks.

Nearly a century later, our passion for the parks is as strong as ever.               Range was documented in National Geographic’s May 1997 issue.
In order to share it with you, we’ve put together a selection of                      These experts are not only brimming with knowledge about our
expeditions into these historic parks led by experts who have                         national parks, but they are also extremely inspiring people.
devoted much of their lives to exploring the American West.
                                                                                      Exploring the American West with National Geographic, you’ll have
Take Jeremy Schmidt, a naturalist and writer who knows Yellowstone                    access to local research projects and meet with historians, artists,
like the back of his hand, and delights in leading our travelers to                   and Native American leaders. But seeing these beautiful places
its snowy secrets in the quiet of winter. Wildlife biologist Betsy                    through the eyes of our experts is what makes these expeditions
Robinson has conducted important research on grizzlies and birds,                     such meaningful experiences.
and mountaineer Roman Dial’s 775-mile bike trek across the Alaska

                                            Above: Russet rock pinnacles dwarf hikers in Bryce Canyon National Park.
                                            Right, clockwise from top left: Snowy peaks rise behind a caribou in Alaska’s Denali National Park; sequoias tower over a traveler in
4                                           Sequoia National Park; the depths of Yellowstone’s Morning Glory Pool emit an ethereal blue.
                                            Far right: The gray wolf was reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995.
Travel that’s tailored                                Travel in good company
to your interests                                     Lasting friendships often begin on a National
Our trips span the gamut: whether you’re a            Geographic Expedition. Your traveling com-
budding photographer, a classic-train buff, an        panions are Society members like you—active,
avid birder, or a parent looking for a great family   engaged, and curious about the world.
adventure, you’ll find an array of opportunities
that fit your passions and interests.                 An expert touch
                                                      Our experts’ fingerprints are all over our ex-
The beauty of happenstance                            peditions. We consult them when crafting our
Some of the best moments in travel occur when         itineraries. We visit them in the field. And—best of
you least expect them. So that you can savor          all—they travel with us. The result: you experience
these instants and enjoy a place in a way that’s      a place through the eyes of someone who knows
meaningful to you, we offer options and build         it intimately.
free time into our itineraries wherever we can.
                                                      Exceptional resources at
Explore the world comfortably                         your fingertips
Our accommodations are selected for their             To help you prepare for your trip, we’ll send you
excellent quality, location, and character. We        National Geographic books, articles, or maps
take care of the logistics and the details so that    about your destination. You’ll also receive a 20
you can immerse yourself in the places you are        percent discount on any purchase from our gift            Our Loyalty Program
exploring.                                            catalog or online store——and a free
                                                                                                                Once you’ve traveled on three
                                                      one-year subscription to a National Geographic
                                                                                                              National Geographic Expeditions,
                                                      magazine of your choice.                                you’ll qualify for enrollment in our
                                                                                                             Lifelong Explorer program. Lifelong
  “The trip, the learning, the leadership, the unbelievable                                                   Explorers are entitled to a host of
       scenery and geothermal activity, the lodges...                                                                       benefits:
          it was wonderful! I am still on a high from this trip!”
                                                                                   —Pat Siggs, traveler           • Discounts on all future
                                                                         Winter Yellowstone expedition        National Geographic Expeditions

                                                                                                                    • Advance notice of
                                                                                                                    upcoming new trips

                                                                                                                   • Invitations to special
                                                                                                                  expeditions not available
                                                                                                                        to the public

                                                                                                                       • Special offers
                                                                                                                    on select expeditions

                                                                                                                   • Invitations to select
                                                                                                                National Geographic events
                                                                                                                   and lectures around
                                                                                                                        the country

                                                                                                                 • Special email newsletters
                                                                                                                       exclusively for
                                                                                                                     Lifelong Explorers

                                                                                                                  To learn more about the
                                                                                                                 Lifelong Explorer program,
                                                                                                                   visit nationalgeographic

Authentic experiences
                                  around the world
Our earliest explorers set an excellent precedent for us: they were never content with
just scratching the surface. They delved into a place, meeting its people, eating its
culinary specialties, learning its culture and heritage. They traveled by means that matched their
environment: by narrow-gauge train, or square-rigger, or even dogsled. At the same time, they made sure
they were comfortable. Explorer Joseph Rock lugged a gramophone and a rubber bathtub to the farthest
reaches of western China. They knew how to make travel a rich, multifaceted experience.

In the same spirit, our trips are crafted to draw out the        and meet with magazine staff to learn how the
authenticity and uniqueness of each destination—and              photographic process works at the Society.
to make the most of the journey itself. Next year we’ll
                                                                 As cuisine is an integral part of local culture, you’ll
be plying the waters of the Adriatic and the Aegean
                                                                 sip Rioja wines and sample tapas on our rail
on three voyages aboard the legendary Sea Cloud, a
                                                                 journey through Spain, and try your hand
splendid four-masted tall ship that has carried queens,
                                                                 at Vietnamese cuisine during a cooking
dictators, soldiers, and business tycoons across oceans
                                                                 class with our chef as we sail down the
since her maiden voyage in the early 1930s. Under her
glorious white sails, we’ll glide into Santoríni’s caldera,
drop anchor in the harbors at Bodrum and Hvar, and               And whether it’s a private thatched bun-
dine al fresco on the sapphire seas.                             galow at our safari lodge in South Africa or
                                                                 the stunning Explora Lodge nestled amid
The people you meet along the way will bring depth
                                                                 the peaks of Patagonia, our accommoda-
and insight to your experience. In Bhutan, soak up the
                                                                 tions reflect the character and atmosphere
colors and rhythms of a local festival, and later learn
                                                                 of the place we’re visiting. At the Three
about the country’s contemporary issues at a banquet
                                                                 Camel Lodge, an elegant ecolodge in
dinner with local dignitaries and professionals. On
                                                                 Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, you’ll sleep in
our new Journey of Man expedition with National
                                                                 traditional ger tents set in the shadow of
Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells,
                                                                 a volcanic outcrop, and congregate at
spend a fascinating day with Huli wigmen in Papua
                                                                 the main lodge—built by local artisans
New Guinea, and examine rock art with Aboriginal
                                                                 without a single nail, in keeping with
guides in Australia. On our weekend photography
                                                                 Buddhist principles.
workshop in Washington, D.C., take a behind-the-
scenes tour of National Geographic headquarters

“To me, travel means being able to experience a new
      environment and to interact with and learn about
the local people and customs. This National Geographic
      Expedition provided all of that, and more!”
                                                                            —Linda Hermansen, traveler
                                                                                   Tanzania expedition

        Clockwise from top right: The four-masted sailing ship Sea Cloud takes to the seas; two monks walk
        between colorful prayer wheels in Bhutan; the interior of a traditional ger at Mongolia’s Three Camel
        Lodge; colorful feathers adorn a Huli wigman of Papua New Guinea; a whitewashed church on the island
        of Santoríni.
The National Geographic Mission

Inspiring People to Care About the Planet
The National Geographic Society supports research
and exploration around the globe through a vast
range of grants and mission programs. When
you travel with us, you are directly supporting
our grantees and explorers, who are working to
preserve species and ecosystems, protect cultures,
and advance understanding of our planet and its
Proceeds from our expeditions have recently helped
fund the Society’s Big Cats Initiative, which sponsors a broad spectrum of
programs to halt the decline of lion and cheetah populations, as well as the
documentation of a previously unknown language in India by the Enduring
Voices team.
National Geographic Expeditions is committed to sustaining the character
and integrity of each place we visit—its environment, culture, and heritage,
and the well-being of its residents. In providing authentic travel experiences,
we strive to support local economies in our choice of services. At the same
time, we believe that the powerful positive effects of sustainable travel go
beyond the long-term economic benefits, inspiring passionate stewards
committed to protecting the places we visit.

Our Experts: Your Inspiring Travel Companions
National Geographic researchers, explorers, writers, and photographers have brought the world to our members
for more than a hundred years. Now, they bring you to the planet’s most intriguing places to share their passion
and their insider perspectives. We’d like to introduce you to a few of them.

Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson              Amy Dickman has worked in Africa                 Photographer Jim Richardson has
is best known as the man who discovered the      for more than 13 years. After six years at the   produced more than 40 stories for National
3.2-million-year-old skeleton known as “Lucy.”   Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia,            Geographic magazine, including the cover
An accomplished scientist, scholar, and          Amy moved to Tanzania to conduct research        stories “The End of Night” (November 2008)
National Geographic grantee, Donald’s work       on human-carnivore conflict. She holds the       and “The Good Earth: Soil” (September
has been covered in National Geographic’s        Kaplan Senior Research Fellowship in Wild Cat    2008). A contributing editor at National
books, magazines, and films. He has re-          Conservation at Oxford University, and has       Geographic Traveler, Jim’s photography has
searched early scientific expeditions in Latin   received support from National Geographic’s      also been published in Time, Newsweek, Life,
America, the anthropology of Easter Island       Big Cats Initiative for her current project in   and Sports Illustrated; and featured on CBS
and Australia, and the history of early humans   southern Tanzania, which seeks to mitigate       News Sunday Morning and ABC’s Nightline. Jim
in Asia. Donald helped develop our Human         conflicts between local communities and          will accompany the January 5, 2012 departure
Origins expedition and will accompany all        predator populations near Ruaha National         of Journey to Antarctica to provide tips for
departures. He will also join the February       Park. Amy will accompany the January             capturing images of the White Continent.
20, 2012 Around the World by Private             and February 2012 departures of On Safari:
Jet expedition.                                  Tanzania’s Great Migration.

                                                                                        Geneticist, anthropologist, and National Geographic
                                                                                        Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells has analyzed
                                                                                        the DNA of thousands of people living in isolated tribes
                                                                                        around the world. He leads the Society’s Genographic
                                                                                        Project, a multi-year endeavor to chart the journey of
                                                                                        our early ancestors as they populated the planet.
                                                                                        Spencer has written three books, including The Journey
                                                                                        of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, an award-winning book and
                                                                                        documentary film that aired on PBS and the National
                                                                                        Geographic Channel. Spencer helped craft our new
                                                                                        expedition, Journey of Man by Private Jet, and will
                                                                                        accompany the trip in March 2012.

                     “The National Geographic expert transforms the
                        experience from a ‘tour’ to a journey into a culture.”
                                                                                              —Leslie Jameson, traveler
                                                                                                      Turkey expedition
Featured Expert:
   Q&A With Tierney Thys

                                                                                                   Tierney Thys follows a Mola mola off the coast of California.

                      National Geographic Emerging Explorer              go tide-pooling. You might even get sneezed on by a marine iguana—
                      Tierney Thys is a marine biologist and             an experience not to be missed! The only drawback is that you don’t
                      documentary filmmaker whose work explores          want to sleep—you could be missing something!
animal diversity and global environmental change. Tierney will
join our expedition to the Galápagos on September 30, 2011 and           Q. What makes the family programs unique?
our Galápagos Family Odyssey on June 15, 2012. Here’s what she
had to say about these remarkable islands.
                                                                         A. We have treasure hunts and scavenger hunts for the kids, journals
                                                                         and notebooks, stories, and games. There’s lots of music and dancing,
                                                                         special desserts—it’s the perfect place to celebrate your birthday! Also,
Q. What makes the Galápagos Islands so                                   if kids are uncomfortable in the water, there’s always someone there to
    extraordinary?                                                       help them. I tend to seek out the kids who are a little tenuous and put
A. It’s incredible to be in an environment where the animals have no     them on my back and snorkel them around to keep them feeling secure.
fear of humans. You literally have to step over them, because they’re
not going to get out of your way. In so many other parts of the world,   Q. Is there anything else you’d like people to
our actions have caused the animal kingdom to cower. But in the              know about our Galápagos expedition?
Galápagos, the animals just do what they want to do regardless of
your presence. It’s a model for how we might coexist with animals
                                                                         A. I’m particularly excited about getting to the Galápagos this year
                                                                         because I have a National Geographic grant to put tags on the sunfish
and nature.
                                                                         (Mola mola) population. I’ll be doing that right before I get on the ship
                                                                         in September, and installing an acoustic listening station off Isabela
Q. What’s it like to explore the Galápagos                               Island. I’m hoping our travelers will be able to track sunfish right from
   with National Geographic?                                             the ship.
A. They don’t call these “the enchanted islands” for nothing. Every      If you’re a biologist or just interested in life on Earth, Galápagos is
single minute of our Galápagos trip is jam-packed with amazing           the ultimate pilgrimage site. It’s a lifelong highlight destination.
experiences. You spend a lot of time in the water, snorkeling with sea   The Galápagos should be on everyone’s bucket list!
lions, iguanas, penguins, and all manner of different fish. You get to
Partners in Exploration,
                                          Conservation, and Education
As pioneers in exploration and travel, National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions share a
passion for adventure, discovery, and conservation. We work together to bring you to the planet’s
most incredible places on board the National Geographic fleet of expedition ships.
There’s a distinct difference between an ordinary cruise and an expedition     explore. With the help of our guests, we have funded research on
aboard one of our ships. Our expeditions are immersive and interac-            humpback whale behavior in Alaska; supported numerous wildlife-
tive—you won’t just see a site, you’ll experience it, hands-on. We dive into   monitoring projects; and provided much-needed educational materi-
a destination and get to know it well, and set out in small groups with        als to local teachers and students in the Galápagos.
our on-board experts to learn about the local culture and ecology. We          On board a National Geographic/Lindblad Expeditions ship, you’ll
give our guests the freedom to get out and explore, get in the water, go       find yourself kayaking in pristine wildernesses from the Galápagos to
hiking and kayaking, and see wildlife up close. On our fleet of ships, we      Baja California, slipping into narrow fjords and small harbors in Alaska
value sunrise photo shoots on deck over lounge acts, and will gladly veer      or Norway, examining fascinating creatures with naturalists, and
off course just to follow a pod of orcas or explore a hidden cove.             discovering underwater wonders with our cutting-edge on-board
Through our alliance with Lindblad Expeditions, we support inspiring           technology. We look forward to seeing you on deck!
initiatives around the globe, with a special focus on the regions we

                                                                 Doug and Lenore Perry (pictured below) are National Geographic Expeditions Lifelong
Special offers                                                   Explorers, having traveled on five of our expeditions. They recently returned from their
       on some of our                                            latest—a voyage to Antarctica—and were thrilled to share their experience.
       small-ship expeditions                                    “We’ve subscribed to National Geographic for years and we always got the travel
                                                                 catalog. We’d flip through it, thinking the trips looked like fun. Then, in the fall
Book one of the expeditions listed below by                      of 2008 we finally took our first expedition—to China—and we were sold from
June 30, 2011 and receive savings ranging from                   then on. Over the past three years we’ve traveled to six different continents with
complimentary airfare* to $500 per person off                    National Geographic. Our friends always asked which place was our favorite
the expedition cost. Offers are for new book-                    and we could never decide...but then we went to Antarctica on the National
ings, vary based on destination and departure                    Geographic Explorer.
date, and are subject to availability. Please refer
                                                                 Wow. Wow. It’s beyond explanation. It’s not of this world—not even close to any
to the indicated itinerary pages for details.
                                                                 other place that you could go. Antarctica hit us right between the eyes. It was the
   • Alaska’s Inside Passage—see page 14
                                                                 starkness of it, the colors, the bright snow and the brilliant blue sky, the water that
   • Costa Rica and the                                          changed from gray to beautiful blue. We’ve seen mountains, but these mountains
       Panama Canal—see page 22
                                                                 were spectacular, completely covered in ice and snow, like icing on a cake or
   • Galápagos—see page 24
                                                                 meringue. And those glaciers! They were white, of course, but then you also see
   • Also see our special offer on Mysteries                     this magnificent, indescribable blue. Is it sky blue? Turquoise? Royal blue? Yes!
     of Ancient Egypt on page 58.
                                                                 Yes! Yes! It’s all of them, all at once!
* Complimentary airfare is subject to availability and must be
booked through Lindblad Expeditions.                             Every day was a sensory overload. We hiked to the top of a hill and could see the
                                                                 Explorer far below and the little red dots of our fellow passengers—everything
                                                                 looked tiny amid the vast expanse of the ice. We’d be out in Zodiacs, sliding
                                                                 silently past seals lying on the ice floes, or get up on land and walk among
                                                                 penguins, who didn’t mind at all that we were there.
                                                                 Being on the National Geographic Explorer was a wonderful experience. We had
                                                                 whale experts, penguin experts, underwater experts, all types of experts! We
                                                                 were novices, and to have that kind of guidance as we were seeing someplace so
                                                                 spectacular was phenomenal—the best experience we could possibly have had.
                                                                 We would do it over again in a heartbeat.”

                                                                 See page 62 for the Journey to Antarctica itinerary.


                                                                                                                 NEW ORLEANS WEEKEND
                                                                                                                 PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP

Focus On Photography                                                                                             IN THE WORDS OF
      With National Geographic                                                                                   National Geographic photographer
                                                                                                                 Tyrone Turner

Whether you’re wandering the bustling streets of New York City or capturing dramatic
Moroccan desert landscapes, your camera can be a powerful tool for exploration. We invite
you into the field with our top photographers to hone your skills and discover fresh perspec-
tives. Join a photography workshop, head out on the road on a photography expedition, or
climb aboard our ships, and you’ll improve your photography technique as you experience
extraordinary places in the company of a National Geographic photographer.

Photography Workshops                                Photography Expeditions
Our workshops offer in-depth photography             On our photography expeditions, you’ll take your
instruction with guidance, critique sessions, and    camera on the road, experiencing fantastic spots
photo assignments in the field built into each       through your viewfinder alongside a National
day’s schedule. Our weekend workshops are            Geographic photographer. We’ve designed these
based in photogenic places such as New York          trips for photographers of all levels, adapting each
City; San Francisco; New Orleans; Tucson; and        itinerary to make the most of photographic op-             “History drips off of the wrought iron balconies of
Washington, D.C.; and are led by renowned pho-       portunities in the places we visit. As you travel, our      the French Quarter like bougainvillea. You meet
tographers such as Tyrone Turner and Catherine       photographers will share tips and techniques to             characters on the street that call you ‘sugar’ and
Karnow. For a listing of all of our workshops, see   help you improve your skills. For a listing of all of       ‘baby’—they would be disappointed if you didn’t
pages 70–71.                                         our photo expeditions, see pages 72–73.                     ask to photograph them. New Orleans is my

                                                     Photo Experts on Our Small-Ship                             hometown and I have been photographing the
                                                     Expeditions                                                 city since my days as a staff photographer with
                                                                                                                 the local newspaper. In recent years, unfortunate
                                                     Beginning this year, on all journeys aboard the
                                                                                                                 events like Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill
                                                     National Geographic fleet, you’ll be joined by a
                                                     photo instructor who has completed a training               have brought me back to New Orleans often to
                                                     program developed by National Geographic and                shoot on assignment for National Geographic.
                                                     Lindblad Expeditions. The instructor will be on             I am continually discovering something new
                                                     hand to help you improve your photography skills,           about the city and the people, and I love sharing
                                                     and to provide assistance in using your camera              that with the students.
                                                     equipment. In addition to the photo instructor, a
                                                                                                                 My favorite part of the workshop is when we start
                                                     veteran National Geographic photographer
                                                                                                                 editing the students’ photos. The gems pop out,
                                                           accompanies every departure on the
                                                                                                                 and the students start to learn about their vision
                                                             National Geographic Explorer.
                                                                                                                 and their own process of seeing and making
                                                                                                                 photographs. The magic happens when they
                                                                                                                 take this knowledge and go out and make better
                                                                                                                 pictures the next day.”

“Our National Geographic photographer was
outstanding. She gave me exactly what I was hoping for                                                           National Geographic photographer Tyrone Turner (pictured
by focusing on ‘how to see’ and giving us challenging                                                            above, reflected in the sphere of a Mardi Gras reveler) leads
                                                                                                                 all of our weekend photography workshops in New Orleans.
assignments in various lights and situations.”                                                                   See page 70 for details.
                                                              —Elizabeth Atmore, participant
                                              Tucson photography workshop with Nevada Wier

Hunkered down among wildflowers, photographer Kim Heacox gives travelers pointers for capturing their shot.

                                                TO THE WINNERS OF OUR LATEST PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST!

                                                                               The grand-prize winner (photo at left) received a trip for two on our Antarctica
                                                                               expedition, while two honorable mention winners each received a $500 credit toward a
                                                                               future National Geographic Expedition. Take a look at all the finalists on our website.

Grand Prize                                                                    Honorable Mention                                 Honorable Mention
Philip Dien, Eden Prarie, Minnesota                                            Marlana Wheeland, Washington, D.C.                Eric Kruszewski, Richland, Washington
Hanging Out After a Swim                                                       Little Dancer, Big Heart                          Tranquility at Twilight
“As we watched from our Zodiac, this polar bear gave her cub a lift as she     “This enthusiastic dancer was the youngest        “At twilight aboard the National Geographic
swam across the bay, shaking herself dry after emerging from the water         member on his Rwandan dance team,                 Sea Bird, one passenger relishes a peaceful
with her cub hanging on.”                                                      performing with the most energy and the           and solitary moment without the bustles
Land of the Polar Bears expedition                                             biggest heart.”                                   of life.”
                                                                               Tanzania and Rwanda expedition                    Alaska’s Inside Passage expedition

                    2011 Photography Contest
                    Grand Prize: A trip for two on our Bhutan Photography Expedition
                    Send us your favorite shots from a National Geographic Expedition or a National Geographic/Lindblad Expedition you have registered for or
                    traveled on before December 31, 2010. All entries must be received by July 1, 2011. For contest rules and more information, or to enter, visit
 Call for Entries

                      Alaska’s Inside Passage
                                                                                                                                     Experience the remarkable beauty of
                                                                                                                                     southeastern Alaska on a voyage aboard the
                                                                                                                                     National Geographic Sea Bird or National
                                                                                                                                     Geographic Sea Lion into a land of mist-
                                                                                                                                     shrouded fjords, tidewater glaciers, and
                                                                                                                                     islands teeming with wildlife. Search for
                                                                                                                                     orcas and humpback whales, kayak around
                                                                                                                                     dramatic icebergs, spend a full day in Glacier
                                                                                                                                     Bay National Park, and learn about Alaska’s
                                                                                                                                     rich Native American heritage.

                                                                                                                                     EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS

                                                                                                                                     • Kayak into protected coves and look for sea
                                                                                                                                       otters, seabirds, and whales.
                                                                                                                                     • Hike through lush forest trails to cascading wa-
                                                                                                                                       terfalls, and take a Zodiac into sheltered coves
                                                                                                                                       where brown bears feed.
                                                                                                                                     • Watch for calving ice in the iceberg-laden waters
                                                                                                                                       of Glacier Bay National Park.
                                                                                                                                     • Meet members of the Alaska Whale Foundation
                                                                                                                                       to learn about the local whale population.

                                                                     ITINERARY (8 days)                                           keeping an eye out for feeding bears on the
                                         EXPEDITION                                                                               shoreline and mountain goats on the cliffs above.
                                                                     Our approach during this voyage is one of discovery.
                                         TEAM                        We take time to stop and explore this beautiful and          (B, L, D)

                                                                     intriguing land up close, in the company of expert
                                     A diverse team of natural-      naturalists who have an intimate knowledge of the            Day 3 Petersburg
                                     ists and Alaska specialists     region. Our small ship has the flexibility to take you       Discover the small town of Petersburg on Mitkof
                                     joins each voyage. On our       ashore to places that few others see. The long days          Island, founded more than 100 years ago by
                                     August 14 and 21, 2011          of summer allow for wildlife viewing well into the           Norwegian fishermen. A visit to Petersburg
                                     departures, we will also        evening hours.                                               provides a glimpse of a true Alaskan town. There
                                     be joined by National                                                                        is an opportunity for an optional flight seeing via
                Geographic photographer and marine biolo-            Day 1 Seattle/Juneau, Alaska                                 floatplane over nearby LeConte Glacier (weather
                gist Flip Nicklin. Flip is widely regarded as        Fly from Seattle to Juneau, the capital of Alaska.           permitting) and for hikes on forest trails. Later,
                one of the world’s leading photographers of          Visit the imposing Mendenhall Glacier and the                cruise out to spot whales in the southern part of
                whales and has been named NANPA’s 2012               Alaska State Museum, an excellent introduction               Frederick Sound; or explore LeConte Bay, a virtual
                Outstanding Nature Photographer of the Year.         to Alaska’s natural history and cultures. There              sculpture garden of grounded icebergs. (B, L, D)
                His majestic photos and amazing audio tracks         is time to explore Juneau on your own in the
                of humpbacks and orcas have been featured            evening.                                                     Day 4 Exploring Frederick Sound and
                in numerous National Geographic magazines            NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SEA BIRD OR
                                                                                                                                  Chatham Strait
                and television specials. Flip migrates with the      NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SEA LION (D)                             These waters often make for great whale watch-
                humpbacks, spending summers in the Pacific                                                                        ing. Look for Steller sea lions stretched out on the
                Northwest and the Gulf of Alaska, and winters        Day 2 Tracy Arm Fjord—Fords Terror Wilderness                rocky islands that dot the channels. Take a walk
                off Maui in Hawaii.                                  Enter Tracy Arm, a spectacular 22-mile-long fjord            with naturalists along a quiet forest trail or kayak
                This trip is operated in association with Lindblad   where waterfalls cascade from towering, glacially            in the tiny coves in this area. Meet members of
                Expeditions.                                         carved walls. We maneuver among large icebergs,              the Alaska Whale Foundation—whose work is

                14                                                   Above: Humpback whales in Alaska display bubble-net feeding behavior.
share stories passed down through oral tradition
     Watch a short video about this expedition at     and art. Later, walk along trails among towering         spruce trees. (B, L, D)

                                                      Day 7 Exploring Alaska’s Islands, Bays,
                                                      and Fjords
                                                      Beachcomb, hike forest trails, explore by kayak, or
                                                      cruise along Admiralty Island, where the mas-
                                                      sive brown bear is found, along with perhaps the
                                                      world’s highest density of nesting bald eagles. If
                                                      conditions permit, explore the coastlines of some
                                                      remote islands by kayak. Enjoy a farewell dinner
                                                      this evening. (B, L, D)
A brown bear catches a salmon in an icy stream.
                                                      Day 8 Sitka/Seattle
supported by a grant from the National                After breakfast, disembark in Sitka, a unique town
Geographic/Lindblad Fund—and discuss some             with a strong Russian heritage. Visit St. Michael’s
of their recent discoveries about the region’s        Russian Orthodox Cathedral, a testament to
                                                      Alaska’s roots prior to the U.S. purchase of the           Dates:
marine mammal population. (B, L, D)                                                                              2011 & 2012: From May through August,
                                                      territory from Russia. Then explore Sitka National
                                                                                                                      expeditions depart every Saturday on the
Day 5 Point Adolphus/Chichagof Island                 Historical Park, where totem poles line serene                  National Geographic Sea Lion and every
Look for humpback whales at Point Adolphus, a         wooded trails. In the early afternoon, transfer to              Sunday on the National Geographic Sea
favored feeding area. Then cruise along the north-    the airport for the flight to Seattle. (B)                      Bird.*
                                                                                                                 * See calendar on page 82 for specific departure dates
ern coastline of Chichagof Island and find playful                                                               through June 2012. Certain departures follow the itinerary
sea otters. Keep an eye out for eagles, which            See our Alaska Family Voyage on page 68 and our
                                                                                                                 shown but in the reverse order.
                                                         Alaska, British Columbia, and the San Juan Islands
are commonplace in the surrounding Tongass               Photography Expedition on page 73.
                                                                                                                 Expedition Cost–2011 & 2012:
National Forest, the largest national forest in the
United States. (B, L, D)                                                                                          CATEGORY 1                                    $5,990
                                                                                                                 Located on Main Deck
                                                                                                                  CATEGORY 2                                    $6,790
Day 6 Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve
                                                                                                                 Located on Upper and Bridge Decks
Spend the day exploring magnificent Glacier Bay,                                                                  CATEGORY 3                                    $7,890
where enormous glaciers flow from the ice fields                                                                 Located on Upper and Bridge Decks
far above. Watch and hear glaciers calving as tons
                                                                                                                 See deck plan on page 80. Prices are per person,
of ice crash into the sea. Venture near islets that                                                              double occupancy. For a single cabin, add $3,000 in
are home to seabirds such as puffins and                                                                         Category 1 and $3,400 in Category 2. Airfare is not
guillemots, and look for humpback whales and                                                                     included in the expedition cost. Economy airfare
                                                                                                                 from Seattle to Juneau and return from Sitka is $600
orcas. Get a firsthand perspective on Alaska’s                                                                   (subject to change).
indigenous people from a Tlingit cultural inter-
preter, who will be on board with us today to         An example of colorful native Alaskan Tlingit art.          SPECIAL OFFER
                                                                                                                 Book by June 30, 2011 and receive complimentary
                                                      About the National Geographic Sea Bird/Sea Lion            round-trip airfare between Seattle and Alaska on the
                                                      Accommodating just 62 guests in 31 outside cabins,         May 12, 19, or 26, 2012 departures.
                                                      the National Geographic Sea Bird (pictured left) and
                                                      National Geographic Sea Lion are large enough to            OPTIONAL EXTENSION
                                                      operate in remote environments in comfort, yet small
                                                      enough to enter ports and narrow inlets inaccessible       Denali National Park (7 Days)
                                                      to bigger ships. They carry sea kayaks and a fleet of      Add a pre- or post-trip extension to Alaska’s Denali
                                                      Zodiacs, providing easy access to coastlines and other     National Park. From verdant forests harboring moose,
                                                      places of interest. Each cabin faces outside. All cabins   caribou, and bears to soaring snowcapped crests
                                                      have windows and are attractively and comfortably          dwarfed by Mount McKinley, Denali is one of the
                                                      furnished with lower berths, private bathrooms, reading    country’s great treasures. Hike, bike, and canoe in this
                                                      lights, and individual climate control. The ships are      remarkable wilderness. Visit our website or call for
                                                      authorized to operate in the Tongass National Forest       details.
                                                      under a Forest Service Special Use Permit.

                                                      RESERVE ONLINE AT NATIONALGEOGRAPHICEXPEDITIONS.COM                                                             15
Alaska Wildlife Adventure

                                                                                                        EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                        • Explore Alaska’s sweeping tundra and lush forests on a variety of hikes,
                                                                                                          spotting caribou, moose, wolves, and Dall sheep.
                                                                                                        • Ride to Denali National Park aboard the historic Alaska Railroad, enjoying
                                                                                                          magnificent views of the Alaska Range along the way.
                                                                                                        • Take a scenic flight to remote Redoubt Bay to watch bears in their natural
                                                                                                          habitat, and float past massive Spencer Glacier on a leisurely rafting trip.
                                                                                                        • Stay in cozy private cabins in the heart of Denali, and at a luxury resort
                                                                                                          surrounded by peaks and glaciers.

                ITINERARY (8 days)                                              Days 3 and 4 Denali National Park
                Day 1 Fairbanks, Alaska                                         The next two days are devoted to exploring Denali.
                Arrive in Fairbanks and gather for a welcome                    The lodge offers guided hikes of varying degrees
                reception and dinner.                                           of difficulty, as well as mountain biking, fly-
                SPRINGHILL SUITES (D)
                                                                                fishing, and gold-panning. While in the park, keep
                                                                                your eye out for the many migrating birds that
                Day 2 Fairbanks/Denali National Park                            congregate in Denali for summer breeding. You
                Step aboard the celebrated Alaska Railroad and                  may spot golden plovers, arctic loons, jaegers,
                travel through rolling taiga forests to Denali                  and eagles. An optional flight-seeing trip around
                National Park; then drive into the heart of the                 Mount McKinley is available, weather permitting,
                park in search of caribou, Dall sheep, grizzly                  and you may also choose to attend an optional
                bears, and moose. En route to our remote lodge                  dogsledding talk and demonstration.
                                                                                (B, L, D DAILY)
                in the historic mining settlement of Kantishna,
                witness Alaska’s stunning scenery, from glacier-
                fed braided rivers to the peaks of the Alaska                   Day 5 Denali/Anchorage
                                                                                                                                          lakeshore, enjoy a scenic rafting trip on Spencer
                Range.                                                          Take advantage of an early morning drive out
                                                                                                                                          Lake, floating within arm’s reach of icebergs. Or
                DENALI BACKCOUNTRY LODGE (B, L, D)
                                                                                of the park to catch wildlife during one of their
                                                                                                                                          you may choose to embark on a day cruise on
                                                                                most active periods. Then board the Alaska
                                                                                                                                          Prince William Sound, watching for marine birds,
                                                                                Railroad for the scenic ride through the Alaska
                                                                                                                                          seals, whales, and calving glaciers. Celebrate your
                                                                                Range to Anchorage.
                                                                                                                                          Alaska adventure at tonight’s farewell dinner.
                                                                                HILTON ANCHORAGE (B, L, D)
                                                                                                                                          (B, L, D)

                                                                                Day 6 Redoubt Bay/Girdwood
                      EXPERT                                                    Each summer, thousands of salmon swim up-
                                                                                                                                          Day 8 Anchorage
                                                                                                                                          After breakfast, return to Anchorage to connect
                                                                                stream into the lakes and rivers of Redoubt Bay,
                            ROMAN DIAL                                                                                                    with your flight home. (B)
                                                                                providing food for one of the most concentrated
                                                                                bear populations in Alaska. A floatplane takes
                                    A professor at Alaska Pacific
                                                                                you right into Redoubt Bay—located near the
                                    University, Roman Dial
                                                                                Lake Clark National Park and Preserve—to watch                INFORMATION
                                    teaches courses in ecology,
                                                                                for brown bears frolicking at the water’s edge or
                                    outdoor skills, and math. He                                                                              Dates:
                                                                                feeding on spawning salmon. Early this evening,               2011:     July 8–15 • August 5–12
                                    has climbed, hiked, and skied
                                                                                fly back to Anchorage and transfer to our stunning
                                    across the major mountain                                                                                 Expedition Cost:                         $6,595
                                                                                hotel in Girdwood.
                ranges of Alaska. Roman’s 800-mile mountain                                                                                   Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single
                                                                                HOTEL ALYESKA (B, L, D)                                       room, add $1,000. The charter flight between
                bike traverse of the Alaska Range was featured                                                                                Anchorage and Redoubt Bay is included in the
                in the May 1997 issue of National Geographic                                                                                  expedition cost. Airfare from/to your home city is
                                                                                Day 7 Spencer Glacier
                magazine, and his “canopy trek” through                                                                                       not included.
                                                                                Board the Alaska Railroad for the short journey
                Australia appeared in the March 2003 issue.
                                                                                to Spencer Glacier. After a picnic lunch on the
                Roman will accompany the August departure. Carl Tobin
                will join the July departure. See our website for Carl’s bio.
                                                                                Above: A bull moose pauses among the wildflowers of
                                                                                Denali’s tundra.
Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion National Parks
                                                                                       EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                       • Hike three of the country’s most celebrated national parks with an expert
                                                                                         naturalist and learn about the unique flora, fauna, and geology of the region.
                                                                                       • Meander through a gallery of colorful pinnacles and spires in Bryce, and
                                                                                         climb to a lookout for a panoramic view of Zion’s fascinating sandstone
                                                                                       • Watch the sun set over the Grand Canyon from the comfort of our lodgings
                                                                                         on the less crowded North Rim.
                                                                                       • Take in spectacular scenery on a rafting trip on the Colorado River just
                                                                                         before it drops into Grand Canyon National Park.

ITINERARY (8 days)                                     walk between Inspiration and Sunset Points for a
Day 1 Las Vegas, Nevada                                memorable view of Bryce Amphitheater.
                                                       BRYCE CANYON LODGE (B, L, D DAILY)
Arrive in Las Vegas and gather for a welcome
reception and dinner.
                                                       Day 4 Colorado River/Grand Canyon
                                                       Sweeping vistas of spectacular mesas and
Days 2 and 3 Kolob Canyons/Bryce Canyon                mountains surround you on today’s journey to the
Our journey into canyon country begins with            Grand Canyon. Float down the Colorado River on
a stop in Kolob Canyons, a spectacular, lesser         a leisurely rafting trip, starting at the head of the
known area of Zion National Park. From here,           Grand Canyon. After lunch, look for reintroduced
beautiful landscapes unfold as we continue to          condors along the Vermilion Cliffs en route to our
Bryce Canyon National Park. Stop for breathtaking      lodge, the only accommodations on the North
views at Fairyland Point. Later, settle into com-      Rim. Settle into simple cabins for the next two
fortable accommodations at the historic Bryce          nights, and enjoy fabulous views of the sunset
Canyon Lodge. The next day, you may choose to          over the canyon.
                                                       GRAND CANYON LODGE (B, L, D)                                thrive here and which birds are attracted by the
drive along the rim or hike into the heart of Bryce,
a maze of richly colored rock spires and eroded                                                                    canyon’s oasis. The next day, explore the narrows
formations known as hoodoos. Take an evening           Day 5 Grand Canyon                                          of the Virgin River, and climb to Scout Lookout for
                                                       From overlooks at Point Imperial and Cape Royal,            a panoramic view of the stunning rock sculptures
                                                       take in impressive vistas of the canyon, where              in Zion Canyon.
                                                       vivid, colored layers tell stories of ancient seas and      FLANIGAN’S INN (B, L, D DAILY)
                                                       life-forms. Experience the vastness of the chasm
                                                       as you walk an easy trail along the canyon rim.
         EXPERT                                        Look for wildlife and learn about the wildflowers
                                                                                                                   Day 8 Zion/Las Vegas
                                                                                                                   Following breakfast, return to Las Vegas for your
                                                       and trees that grow in this stunning landscape.             flight home. (B)
             KIRT KEMPTER                              Return to the lodge at day’s end for a stroll to
                                                       Bright Angel Point. (B, L, D)
                    Kirt Kempter is a field geolo-
                    gist and teacher based in                                                                         INFORMATION
                                                       Days 6 and 7 Zion
                    Santa Fe, New Mexico. A            Head north to Zion National Park this morning.                 Dates:
                    Fulbright Fellow, Kirt has led     Lush hanging gardens, waterfalls, and massive                  2011:     September 3–10 • September 17–24
                    many geologic expeditions          Navajo sandstone walls distinguish this park from
                    to Bryce, Zion, and Grand                                                                         Expedition Cost:                         $3,495
                                                       all others. Hike the Emerald Pools Trail, listening            Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single
Canyon National Parks, and has published               to the call of a canyon wren and passing under the             room, add $820. Airfare from/to your home city is
numerous geologic maps and articles on the             cool spray of a waterfall. Learn which wildflowers             not included in the expedition cost.
geology of the American Southwest. He has
conducted fieldwork on a National Geographic–          Above: Russet rock pinnacles dwarf hikers in Bryce Canyon
funded project, as well as studies of plate tecton-    National Park.
ics and volcanism around the world.
Kirt will accompany both departures.

                                                       CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-966-8687                                                                                        17
                      Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks
                                                                                                   EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                                  • Walk through towering stands of giant sequoias, some of the largest living
                                                                                                    trees in the world.
                                                                                                  • Hike the lesser known Panorama Trail and encounter Yosemite’s legendary
                                                                                                    sights from a unique perspective.
                                                                                                  • Climb to Moro Rock to take in majestic views of the canyons, peaks, and
                                                                                                    cliffs of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.
                                                                                                  • Meet a Miwok Indian elder, and learn how Yosemite’s history intersects with
                                                                                                    the lives of conservationist John Muir and photographer Ansel Adams.

                ITINERARY (8 days)                                        of towering granite cliffs and dramatic waterfalls,
                Day 1 Fresno, California/Sequoia National Park            and an inspiration for photographer Ansel Adams
                Meet at the Fresno airport and drive to Sequoia           and conservationist John Muir. Enter the park
                National Park. Along with its neighboring park,           from the south, pausing for a breathtaking pan-
                Kings Canyon, the park is home to nearly half             orama of these iconic landscapes. Our afternoon
                of the world’s known sequoia groves. Settle into          walk brings us to the famed Lower Yosemite Falls.
                                                                          YOSEMITE LODGE AT THE FALLS (B, L, D)
                our mountain lodge and gather this evening for a
                welcome reception. WUKSACHI LODGE (D)
                                                                          Day 4 Glacier Point and Yosemite Valley
                Day 2 Sequoia National Park                               Drive to Glacier Point for a sweeping view of
                This morning, visit the largest tree (by volume) in       Yosemite Valley. Then set out on the Panorama
                the world, General Sherman. Then explore Giant            Trail through lesser known areas of the park.
                Forest on a variety of walks and hikes with our nat-      Stand on the precipice of Nevada Falls, and enjoy
                uralists. Learn about forest ecology as you wander        a unique perspective on El Capitan, Half Dome,
                between the massive trunks of ancient sequoias,           and Sentinel Rock. (B, L, D)
                and enjoy a picnic among “the giants.” (B, L, D)                                                                  view from Wawona Point. Tonight, celebrate your
                                                                          Day 5 Tuolumne Meadows                                  adventure at a farewell dinner at the hotel. (B, L, D)
                Day 3 Yosemite National Park                              Head into the high mountain meadows and hike
                Journey to the magnificent Yosemite Valley, a land        across the Tuolumne River, crossing over a large        Day 8 Fresno
                                                                          mound of glacier-polished granite. If you wish,         After breakfast, depart for the Fresno airport,
                                                                          climb up this granite dome and enjoy a fabulous         arriving around noon. (B)
                                                                          panorama of the entire park from the top. After
                                                                          dinner, gather for an intimate discussion with a
                         EXPERT                                           Miwok Indian elder around a campfire. (B, L, D)            INFORMATION

                          BETSY ROBINSON                                                                                             Dates:
                                                                          Day 6 Southern Yosemite National Park                      2011:     August 20–27 • September 17–24
                                                                          Travel to the south end of Yosemite and take a                       September 24–October 1
                                   Wildlife biologist Betsy
                                                                          nature walk. This afternoon, a historian from the
                                   Robinson is a naturalist
                                                                          Pioneer Yosemite History Center joins us for a talk        Expedition Cost:                         $3,995
                                   guide, a teacher, and an avid                                                                     Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single
                                                                          about the fascinating history of the park.
                                   outdoorswoman who has                                                                             room, add $1,130. Airfare from/to your home city is
                                                                          WAWONA HOTEL (B, L, D)
                                   hiked, camped, and explored                                                                       not included in the expedition cost.
                                   Yosemite extensively. She                                                                         What to Expect:
                                                                          Day 7 Mariposa Grove
                has researched grizzly bears on Kodiak Island                                                                        This is an active exploration with numerous hiking
                                                                          Immerse yourself in a sea of colossal trees in
                and conducted bird surveys in Prince William                                                                         options on well-maintained trails that may include
                                                                          Mariposa Grove, the largest of Yosemite’s three            stairs and/or uneven footing. Elevations range from
                Sound. Betsy has taught courses at the
                                                                          sequoia groves. Then, if you wish, continue along          4,000 to 8,000 feet. Participants should be physi-
                National Audubon Society and San Francisco                                                                           cally fit. This trip is not suitable for those who suffer
                                                                          the less traveled outer loop trail to take in the
                State University’s Wildland Studies program.                                                                         from cardiac, respiratory, or circulatory disorders or
                Betsy will accompany the September departures. Larry                                                                 a disability that limits mobility.
                                                                          Above: The stunning form of Yosemite’s Mount Watkins
                Prussin will join the August departure. See our website   rises above Mirror Lake.
                for his bio.
Winter Wildlife in Yellowstone
                                                                                          EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS
                                                                                          • Watch for elk, bison, bighorn sheep, golden eagles, foxes, coyotes, otters,
                                                                                            and the elusive gray wolf. Yellowstone’s wildlife spend the winter in low
                                                                                            elevation valleys, where they are easier to spot against the sparkling snow.
                                                                                          • See famous sites like Old Faithful geyser without the crowds and discover
                                                                                            some of the park’s lesser known areas, exploring in the comfort of heated
                                                                                            snow coaches.
                                                                                          • Learn about the reintroduction of Yellowstone’s wolves and a study, partially
                                                                                            funded by the National Geographic Society, on their impact on the park.
                                                                                          • Ride a horse-drawn sleigh through the quiet, snowy landscape.

ITINERARY (6 days)                                     about wolves and other wildlife for the National
Day 1 Bozeman, Montana/Mammoth                         Geographic Society. (B, L, D)
Hot Springs, Wyoming
Travel from Bozeman to Yellowstone National            Days 3 and 4 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone/
Park, on the lookout for bald eagles, mule deer,       Old Faithful
antelope, and bighorn sheep. At Mammoth Hot            Travel by private snow coach to the Grand Canyon
Springs, settle into a historic national park lodge,   of the Yellowstone. Walk to the rim of the spec-
and stroll the steaming, colorful mineral-spring       tacular gorge to see its thundering waterfall and
terraces outlined in pure white snow.                  the ice arch that forms from the spray. Wander
MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS HOTEL (D)                          amid the bubbling mud pots and fumaroles of
                                                       the Upper Geyser Basin. Then continue to Old
Day 2 Lamar Valley                                     Faithful to explore on foot or by snowshoe a
Head to the open, rolling meadows and wide             dramatic landscape of erupting geysers, frozen
vistas of the Lamar Valley, where wolves were first    waterfalls, and gem-colored mineral pools. Keep
restored to Yellowstone in 1995. Using a spotting      an eye out for wildlife—bison, encrusted in ice,
scope, search among herds of elk and bison for         often stand among the pools for warmth. After
coyotes, eagles, and the elusive wolf. An Emmy®        dark, step outside to admire the incredible canopy
award–winning wildlife cinematographer joins us        of stars in one of the world’s best constellation-                Dates:
                                                       viewing spots.                                                    2011:     Dec. 20–26*
this evening to discuss his career shooting films
                                                       OLD FAITHFUL SNOW LODGE (B, L, D DAILY)                                     Dec. 26, 2011–Jan. 1, 2012*
                                                                                                                                   Dec. 28, 2011–Jan. 2, 2012
                                                       Day 5 Yellowstone/Big Sky, Montana                                2012:     Jan. 15–20 • Jan. 22–27 • Feb. 19–24
                                                       After visiting the whimsical Fountain Paint Pots,
         EXPERT                                        leave the park via the West Yellowstone gate.
                                                                                                                         * The December 20 and 26 departures are one day
                                                                                                                         longer and include an additional night at the 320 Guest
                                                       Travel to the Gallatin Canyon—near Big Sky,                       Ranch, with more time to explore the Geyser Basin and
          JEREMY SCHMIDT                               Montana—and settle into a comfortable log                         opportunities for activities such as snowshoeing or cross-
                                                       cabin lodge. Relax or enjoy a sleigh ride through                 country skiing. Visit our website for a detailed itinerary.
                   Few people know Yellow-
                                                       the countryside. Then celebrate your winter                       Expedition Cost:                              $2,995
                   stone country better than
                                                       adventure in Yellowstone at a farewell dinner.                    Price is per person, double occupancy. For the
                   wildlife biologist Jeremy
                                                       320 GUEST RANCH (B, L, D)                                         December 20 and 26 departures (which are one
                   Schmidt. He has worked                                                                                day longer) add $500. For a single room, add $620
                   in and around the park                                                                                on the December 28, January, and February departures;
                                                       Day 6 Bozeman                                                     and add $750 on the December 20 and 26 departures.
                   for more than 20 years,
                                                       Return to Bozeman for your flight home. (B)                       The cost per child 16 years old or younger sharing a
including stints as a park ranger; a naturalist;                                                                         room with at least one adult is $2,350 on the December
a photographer; and an author, writing several                                                                           28 departure and $2,850 on the December 20 and
articles for National Geographic Traveler                                                                                26 departures. Airfare from/to your home city is not
                                                       Above: Insulated by thick skin, fur, and layers of fat, a bison   included in the expedition cost.
magazine. On daily walks, he will interpret
                                                       wades through an icy stream.
the flora and fauna, and give you a new
appreciation of the magnificent scenery.
Jeremy will accompany all departures except for
December 28. See our website for the expert on this
departure.                                             RESERVE ONLINE AT NATIONALGEOGRAPHICEXPEDITIONS.COM                                                                     19
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Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
Ng expeditions catalog
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Ng expeditions catalog

  • 2. North America 38 Turkey: Istanbul to the 75 Tibet and Nepal: Journey to the Turquoise Coast Highest Himalaya 14 Alaska’s Inside Passage 40 Land of the Polar Bears 75 Mongolia: Land of the Nomad 16 Alaska Wildlife Adventure 42 Norway’s Fjords and Arctic Svalbard 17 Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion National Parks 74 Under Sail: From Greece to the Africa Dalmatian Coast NEW 52 On Safari: Tanzania’s Great 18 Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks 74 Exploring the Baltic’s Historic Migration NEW 19 Winter Wildlife in Yellowstone Waterways 54 On Safari in Southern Africa by 20 Baja California and the Sea of Cortez 74 Spain’s Northern Coast by Private Air 22 Costa Rica and the Panama Canal Private Rail 56 Moroccan Odyssey 23 Many Faces of Panama and Costa Rica 74 Wildlife of Yellowstone and the Tetons 58 Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Eurasia 76 Human Origins: South Africa South America 44 Trans-Siberian Rail Journey: Beijing to Tanzania to Moscow 76 Gorilla Tracking in Rwanda 24 Galápagos 76 Russian River Journey: The Caspian 26 Peru: Land of the Inca 28 Amazon River Sea to Moscow Oceania 30 Exploring Patagonia 60 Cruising New Zealand’s North and Asia South Islands 46 Inside China Europe 76 New Zealand Adventure 48 Bhutan: Kingdom in the Clouds 32 Inside Italy 50 Vietnam and Cambodia: Along the 34 Sailing the Greek Isles NEW Antarctica Mekong River NEW 36 Turkey and Greece: A Sailing 75 Journey Through India 62 Journey to Antarctica Odyssey NEW 63 Antarctica, South Georgia, and the Falklands 2 Cover: Clutching its prized catch, an Alaskan grizzly makes for shore.
  • 3. Dear Traveler, There is nothing quite like taking to the seas on a square- rigger…hearing the billow and snap of sails unfurling above, the creak of the ropes as the wind changes, and experiencing the sense of strolling back in time along the hardwood decks. The beautiful, four-masted Sea Cloud—possibly the most celebrated tall ship on the water these days—exemplifies this timeless sailing experience. Commissioned in 1931 by E. F. Hutton for his wife, Marjorie Merriweather Post, the Sea Cloud has entertained royalty, served in a world war, and plied the seas from Panama to St. Petersburg. Next year, this magnificent ship will be our home on three extraordinary adventures to the sites of ancient Mediterranean empires. Under its sails, we’ll discover the whitewashed villages of Greece’s Cyclades islands, venture into the marble cities of Ephesus and Delos, and explore the medieval towns that dot Croatia’s splendid coast. On our June 4 voyage to Turkey and Greece and our September 7 voyage to the Dalmatian Coast, National Geographic Chairman Emeritus of the Board Gilbert M. Grosvenor will accompany our signature team of experts. On the other side of the globe, we’ll glide along the waterways of Vietnam and Cambodia on a ship of an entirely different nature: the elegant riverboat Jahan. Built in the style of a British colonial vessel, the Jahan will bring us up close to floating villages, temples, and vibrant cities along the Mekong. Private Jet Photography Expeditions This year we introduced a new line of trips designed for those who seek more active exploration: National Geographic 64 Around the World 72 Bhutan Adventures. Our opening lineup included a journey across 66 Journey of Man NEW 72 Galápagos England on foot; hiking with the Maasai in Tanzania; and a 74 Places of a Lifetime 72 Morocco kayak expedition deep into Glacier Bay, Alaska. We’re thrilled by 73 Costa Rica and the Panama the response! With a number of departures already sold out, Family Adventures Canal we’re busy adding more dates and designing new adventures 73 Alaska, British Columbia, and to get you into the field with us. Read more about these adven- 68 Alaska the San Juan Islands tures on page 78. 69 Galápagos 77 Tuscany Whether you’re considering an in-depth exploration of one 77 Switzerland National Geographic of America’s glorious national parks or an epic voyage to 77 Peru Adventures Antarctica, you’ll find plenty of incredible travel opportunities in the pages that follow. 77 Tanzania 78 A New Series of Active 77 Egypt Adventure Trips Turn to the calendar on page 82 for a full listing of our trips. To reserve your space, call toll-free 1-888-966-8687 or visit our Photography Workshops Resources website, 70 New York City 4 About Our Trips Sincerely, 70 New Orleans 8 Meet Our Experts 70 Chicago 11 Special Offers 70 San Francisco 13 Photography Contest John Fahey 71 Tucson 80 Deck Plans Chairman and CEO 71 Washington, D.C. 81 Terms and Conditions National Geographic Society 71 Santa Fe 82 Expedition Calendar Your participation in a National Geographic Expedition provides support to National Geographic’s mission of Copyright © 2011 National Geographic Society w Recycled paper increasing global understanding through exploration, 3 National Geographic Expeditions and the Yellow Border Design are registered trademarks of the National Geographic Society. geography education, and research.
  • 4. Discover the National Geographic Difference When conservationist Stephen Mather put together an expedition into the Sierra Nevada Mountains in 1915 to highlight the need for a national park service, National Geographic Editor Gilbert H. Grosvenor—grandfather of our current Chairman Emeritus of the Board of Trustees—was among the invitees. So inspired was Grosvenor by Mather’s vision to protect and manage America’s natural treasures that he dedicated the entire April 1916 issue of National Geographic to our national parks. Mather went on to become the first director of the new National Park Service in 1917, and the Society has been deeply involved in our national parks ever since: sending out research teams; publishing articles; and donating funds to protect, understand, and promote incomparable places like Sequoia and Denali National Parks. Nearly a century later, our passion for the parks is as strong as ever. Range was documented in National Geographic’s May 1997 issue. In order to share it with you, we’ve put together a selection of These experts are not only brimming with knowledge about our expeditions into these historic parks led by experts who have national parks, but they are also extremely inspiring people. devoted much of their lives to exploring the American West. Exploring the American West with National Geographic, you’ll have Take Jeremy Schmidt, a naturalist and writer who knows Yellowstone access to local research projects and meet with historians, artists, like the back of his hand, and delights in leading our travelers to and Native American leaders. But seeing these beautiful places its snowy secrets in the quiet of winter. Wildlife biologist Betsy through the eyes of our experts is what makes these expeditions Robinson has conducted important research on grizzlies and birds, such meaningful experiences. and mountaineer Roman Dial’s 775-mile bike trek across the Alaska Above: Russet rock pinnacles dwarf hikers in Bryce Canyon National Park. Right, clockwise from top left: Snowy peaks rise behind a caribou in Alaska’s Denali National Park; sequoias tower over a traveler in 4 Sequoia National Park; the depths of Yellowstone’s Morning Glory Pool emit an ethereal blue. Far right: The gray wolf was reintroduced to Yellowstone National Park in 1995.
  • 5. Travel that’s tailored Travel in good company to your interests Lasting friendships often begin on a National Our trips span the gamut: whether you’re a Geographic Expedition. Your traveling com- budding photographer, a classic-train buff, an panions are Society members like you—active, avid birder, or a parent looking for a great family engaged, and curious about the world. adventure, you’ll find an array of opportunities that fit your passions and interests. An expert touch Our experts’ fingerprints are all over our ex- The beauty of happenstance peditions. We consult them when crafting our Some of the best moments in travel occur when itineraries. We visit them in the field. And—best of you least expect them. So that you can savor all—they travel with us. The result: you experience these instants and enjoy a place in a way that’s a place through the eyes of someone who knows meaningful to you, we offer options and build it intimately. free time into our itineraries wherever we can. Exceptional resources at Explore the world comfortably your fingertips Our accommodations are selected for their To help you prepare for your trip, we’ll send you excellent quality, location, and character. We National Geographic books, articles, or maps take care of the logistics and the details so that about your destination. You’ll also receive a 20 you can immerse yourself in the places you are percent discount on any purchase from our gift Our Loyalty Program exploring. catalog or online store——and a free Once you’ve traveled on three one-year subscription to a National Geographic National Geographic Expeditions, magazine of your choice. you’ll qualify for enrollment in our Lifelong Explorer program. Lifelong “The trip, the learning, the leadership, the unbelievable Explorers are entitled to a host of scenery and geothermal activity, the lodges... benefits: it was wonderful! I am still on a high from this trip!” —Pat Siggs, traveler • Discounts on all future Winter Yellowstone expedition National Geographic Expeditions • Advance notice of upcoming new trips • Invitations to special expeditions not available to the public • Special offers on select expeditions • Invitations to select National Geographic events and lectures around the country • Special email newsletters exclusively for Lifelong Explorers To learn more about the Lifelong Explorer program, visit nationalgeographic 5
  • 6. Authentic experiences around the world Our earliest explorers set an excellent precedent for us: they were never content with just scratching the surface. They delved into a place, meeting its people, eating its culinary specialties, learning its culture and heritage. They traveled by means that matched their environment: by narrow-gauge train, or square-rigger, or even dogsled. At the same time, they made sure they were comfortable. Explorer Joseph Rock lugged a gramophone and a rubber bathtub to the farthest reaches of western China. They knew how to make travel a rich, multifaceted experience. In the same spirit, our trips are crafted to draw out the and meet with magazine staff to learn how the authenticity and uniqueness of each destination—and photographic process works at the Society. to make the most of the journey itself. Next year we’ll As cuisine is an integral part of local culture, you’ll be plying the waters of the Adriatic and the Aegean sip Rioja wines and sample tapas on our rail on three voyages aboard the legendary Sea Cloud, a journey through Spain, and try your hand splendid four-masted tall ship that has carried queens, at Vietnamese cuisine during a cooking dictators, soldiers, and business tycoons across oceans class with our chef as we sail down the since her maiden voyage in the early 1930s. Under her Mekong. glorious white sails, we’ll glide into Santoríni’s caldera, drop anchor in the harbors at Bodrum and Hvar, and And whether it’s a private thatched bun- dine al fresco on the sapphire seas. galow at our safari lodge in South Africa or the stunning Explora Lodge nestled amid The people you meet along the way will bring depth the peaks of Patagonia, our accommoda- and insight to your experience. In Bhutan, soak up the tions reflect the character and atmosphere colors and rhythms of a local festival, and later learn of the place we’re visiting. At the Three about the country’s contemporary issues at a banquet Camel Lodge, an elegant ecolodge in dinner with local dignitaries and professionals. On Mongolia’s Gobi Desert, you’ll sleep in our new Journey of Man expedition with National traditional ger tents set in the shadow of Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells, a volcanic outcrop, and congregate at spend a fascinating day with Huli wigmen in Papua the main lodge—built by local artisans New Guinea, and examine rock art with Aboriginal without a single nail, in keeping with guides in Australia. On our weekend photography Buddhist principles. workshop in Washington, D.C., take a behind-the- scenes tour of National Geographic headquarters “To me, travel means being able to experience a new environment and to interact with and learn about the local people and customs. This National Geographic Expedition provided all of that, and more!” —Linda Hermansen, traveler Tanzania expedition Clockwise from top right: The four-masted sailing ship Sea Cloud takes to the seas; two monks walk between colorful prayer wheels in Bhutan; the interior of a traditional ger at Mongolia’s Three Camel Lodge; colorful feathers adorn a Huli wigman of Papua New Guinea; a whitewashed church on the island of Santoríni. 6
  • 7. The National Geographic Mission Inspiring People to Care About the Planet The National Geographic Society supports research and exploration around the globe through a vast range of grants and mission programs. When you travel with us, you are directly supporting our grantees and explorers, who are working to preserve species and ecosystems, protect cultures, and advance understanding of our planet and its inhabitants. Proceeds from our expeditions have recently helped fund the Society’s Big Cats Initiative, which sponsors a broad spectrum of programs to halt the decline of lion and cheetah populations, as well as the documentation of a previously unknown language in India by the Enduring Voices team. National Geographic Expeditions is committed to sustaining the character and integrity of each place we visit—its environment, culture, and heritage, and the well-being of its residents. In providing authentic travel experiences, we strive to support local economies in our choice of services. At the same time, we believe that the powerful positive effects of sustainable travel go beyond the long-term economic benefits, inspiring passionate stewards committed to protecting the places we visit. 7
  • 8. Our Experts: Your Inspiring Travel Companions National Geographic researchers, explorers, writers, and photographers have brought the world to our members for more than a hundred years. Now, they bring you to the planet’s most intriguing places to share their passion and their insider perspectives. We’d like to introduce you to a few of them. Paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson Amy Dickman has worked in Africa Photographer Jim Richardson has is best known as the man who discovered the for more than 13 years. After six years at the produced more than 40 stories for National 3.2-million-year-old skeleton known as “Lucy.” Cheetah Conservation Fund in Namibia, Geographic magazine, including the cover An accomplished scientist, scholar, and Amy moved to Tanzania to conduct research stories “The End of Night” (November 2008) National Geographic grantee, Donald’s work on human-carnivore conflict. She holds the and “The Good Earth: Soil” (September has been covered in National Geographic’s Kaplan Senior Research Fellowship in Wild Cat 2008). A contributing editor at National books, magazines, and films. He has re- Conservation at Oxford University, and has Geographic Traveler, Jim’s photography has searched early scientific expeditions in Latin received support from National Geographic’s also been published in Time, Newsweek, Life, America, the anthropology of Easter Island Big Cats Initiative for her current project in and Sports Illustrated; and featured on CBS and Australia, and the history of early humans southern Tanzania, which seeks to mitigate News Sunday Morning and ABC’s Nightline. Jim in Asia. Donald helped develop our Human conflicts between local communities and will accompany the January 5, 2012 departure Origins expedition and will accompany all predator populations near Ruaha National of Journey to Antarctica to provide tips for departures. He will also join the February Park. Amy will accompany the January capturing images of the White Continent. 20, 2012 Around the World by Private and February 2012 departures of On Safari: Jet expedition. Tanzania’s Great Migration. Geneticist, anthropologist, and National Geographic Explorer-in-Residence Spencer Wells has analyzed the DNA of thousands of people living in isolated tribes around the world. He leads the Society’s Genographic Project, a multi-year endeavor to chart the journey of our early ancestors as they populated the planet. Spencer has written three books, including The Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey, an award-winning book and documentary film that aired on PBS and the National Geographic Channel. Spencer helped craft our new expedition, Journey of Man by Private Jet, and will accompany the trip in March 2012. “The National Geographic expert transforms the experience from a ‘tour’ to a journey into a culture.” —Leslie Jameson, traveler Turkey expedition 8
  • 9. Featured Expert: Q&A With Tierney Thys Tierney Thys follows a Mola mola off the coast of California. National Geographic Emerging Explorer go tide-pooling. You might even get sneezed on by a marine iguana— Tierney Thys is a marine biologist and an experience not to be missed! The only drawback is that you don’t documentary filmmaker whose work explores want to sleep—you could be missing something! animal diversity and global environmental change. Tierney will join our expedition to the Galápagos on September 30, 2011 and Q. What makes the family programs unique? our Galápagos Family Odyssey on June 15, 2012. Here’s what she had to say about these remarkable islands. A. We have treasure hunts and scavenger hunts for the kids, journals and notebooks, stories, and games. There’s lots of music and dancing, special desserts—it’s the perfect place to celebrate your birthday! Also, Q. What makes the Galápagos Islands so if kids are uncomfortable in the water, there’s always someone there to extraordinary? help them. I tend to seek out the kids who are a little tenuous and put A. It’s incredible to be in an environment where the animals have no them on my back and snorkel them around to keep them feeling secure. fear of humans. You literally have to step over them, because they’re not going to get out of your way. In so many other parts of the world, Q. Is there anything else you’d like people to our actions have caused the animal kingdom to cower. But in the know about our Galápagos expedition? Galápagos, the animals just do what they want to do regardless of your presence. It’s a model for how we might coexist with animals A. I’m particularly excited about getting to the Galápagos this year because I have a National Geographic grant to put tags on the sunfish and nature. (Mola mola) population. I’ll be doing that right before I get on the ship in September, and installing an acoustic listening station off Isabela Q. What’s it like to explore the Galápagos Island. I’m hoping our travelers will be able to track sunfish right from with National Geographic? the ship. A. They don’t call these “the enchanted islands” for nothing. Every If you’re a biologist or just interested in life on Earth, Galápagos is single minute of our Galápagos trip is jam-packed with amazing the ultimate pilgrimage site. It’s a lifelong highlight destination. experiences. You spend a lot of time in the water, snorkeling with sea The Galápagos should be on everyone’s bucket list! lions, iguanas, penguins, and all manner of different fish. You get to 9
  • 10. Partners in Exploration, Conservation, and Education As pioneers in exploration and travel, National Geographic and Lindblad Expeditions share a passion for adventure, discovery, and conservation. We work together to bring you to the planet’s most incredible places on board the National Geographic fleet of expedition ships. There’s a distinct difference between an ordinary cruise and an expedition explore. With the help of our guests, we have funded research on aboard one of our ships. Our expeditions are immersive and interac- humpback whale behavior in Alaska; supported numerous wildlife- tive—you won’t just see a site, you’ll experience it, hands-on. We dive into monitoring projects; and provided much-needed educational materi- a destination and get to know it well, and set out in small groups with als to local teachers and students in the Galápagos. our on-board experts to learn about the local culture and ecology. We On board a National Geographic/Lindblad Expeditions ship, you’ll give our guests the freedom to get out and explore, get in the water, go find yourself kayaking in pristine wildernesses from the Galápagos to hiking and kayaking, and see wildlife up close. On our fleet of ships, we Baja California, slipping into narrow fjords and small harbors in Alaska value sunrise photo shoots on deck over lounge acts, and will gladly veer or Norway, examining fascinating creatures with naturalists, and off course just to follow a pod of orcas or explore a hidden cove. discovering underwater wonders with our cutting-edge on-board Through our alliance with Lindblad Expeditions, we support inspiring technology. We look forward to seeing you on deck! initiatives around the globe, with a special focus on the regions we 10
  • 11. FIELD NOTES Doug and Lenore Perry (pictured below) are National Geographic Expeditions Lifelong Special offers Explorers, having traveled on five of our expeditions. They recently returned from their on some of our latest—a voyage to Antarctica—and were thrilled to share their experience. small-ship expeditions “We’ve subscribed to National Geographic for years and we always got the travel catalog. We’d flip through it, thinking the trips looked like fun. Then, in the fall Book one of the expeditions listed below by of 2008 we finally took our first expedition—to China—and we were sold from June 30, 2011 and receive savings ranging from then on. Over the past three years we’ve traveled to six different continents with complimentary airfare* to $500 per person off National Geographic. Our friends always asked which place was our favorite the expedition cost. Offers are for new book- and we could never decide...but then we went to Antarctica on the National ings, vary based on destination and departure Geographic Explorer. date, and are subject to availability. Please refer Wow. Wow. It’s beyond explanation. It’s not of this world—not even close to any to the indicated itinerary pages for details. other place that you could go. Antarctica hit us right between the eyes. It was the • Alaska’s Inside Passage—see page 14 starkness of it, the colors, the bright snow and the brilliant blue sky, the water that • Costa Rica and the changed from gray to beautiful blue. We’ve seen mountains, but these mountains Panama Canal—see page 22 were spectacular, completely covered in ice and snow, like icing on a cake or • Galápagos—see page 24 meringue. And those glaciers! They were white, of course, but then you also see • Also see our special offer on Mysteries this magnificent, indescribable blue. Is it sky blue? Turquoise? Royal blue? Yes! of Ancient Egypt on page 58. Yes! Yes! It’s all of them, all at once! * Complimentary airfare is subject to availability and must be booked through Lindblad Expeditions. Every day was a sensory overload. We hiked to the top of a hill and could see the Explorer far below and the little red dots of our fellow passengers—everything looked tiny amid the vast expanse of the ice. We’d be out in Zodiacs, sliding silently past seals lying on the ice floes, or get up on land and walk among penguins, who didn’t mind at all that we were there. Being on the National Geographic Explorer was a wonderful experience. We had whale experts, penguin experts, underwater experts, all types of experts! We were novices, and to have that kind of guidance as we were seeing someplace so spectacular was phenomenal—the best experience we could possibly have had. We would do it over again in a heartbeat.” See page 62 for the Journey to Antarctica itinerary. 11
  • 12. SPOTLIGHT NEW ORLEANS WEEKEND PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP Focus On Photography IN THE WORDS OF With National Geographic National Geographic photographer Tyrone Turner Whether you’re wandering the bustling streets of New York City or capturing dramatic Moroccan desert landscapes, your camera can be a powerful tool for exploration. We invite you into the field with our top photographers to hone your skills and discover fresh perspec- tives. Join a photography workshop, head out on the road on a photography expedition, or climb aboard our ships, and you’ll improve your photography technique as you experience extraordinary places in the company of a National Geographic photographer. Photography Workshops Photography Expeditions Our workshops offer in-depth photography On our photography expeditions, you’ll take your instruction with guidance, critique sessions, and camera on the road, experiencing fantastic spots photo assignments in the field built into each through your viewfinder alongside a National day’s schedule. Our weekend workshops are Geographic photographer. We’ve designed these based in photogenic places such as New York trips for photographers of all levels, adapting each City; San Francisco; New Orleans; Tucson; and itinerary to make the most of photographic op- “History drips off of the wrought iron balconies of Washington, D.C.; and are led by renowned pho- portunities in the places we visit. As you travel, our the French Quarter like bougainvillea. You meet tographers such as Tyrone Turner and Catherine photographers will share tips and techniques to characters on the street that call you ‘sugar’ and Karnow. For a listing of all of our workshops, see help you improve your skills. For a listing of all of ‘baby’—they would be disappointed if you didn’t pages 70–71. our photo expeditions, see pages 72–73. ask to photograph them. New Orleans is my Photo Experts on Our Small-Ship hometown and I have been photographing the Expeditions city since my days as a staff photographer with the local newspaper. In recent years, unfortunate Beginning this year, on all journeys aboard the events like Hurricane Katrina and the Gulf oil spill National Geographic fleet, you’ll be joined by a photo instructor who has completed a training have brought me back to New Orleans often to program developed by National Geographic and shoot on assignment for National Geographic. Lindblad Expeditions. The instructor will be on I am continually discovering something new hand to help you improve your photography skills, about the city and the people, and I love sharing and to provide assistance in using your camera that with the students. equipment. In addition to the photo instructor, a My favorite part of the workshop is when we start veteran National Geographic photographer editing the students’ photos. The gems pop out, accompanies every departure on the and the students start to learn about their vision National Geographic Explorer. and their own process of seeing and making photographs. The magic happens when they take this knowledge and go out and make better pictures the next day.” “Our National Geographic photographer was outstanding. She gave me exactly what I was hoping for National Geographic photographer Tyrone Turner (pictured by focusing on ‘how to see’ and giving us challenging above, reflected in the sphere of a Mardi Gras reveler) leads all of our weekend photography workshops in New Orleans. assignments in various lights and situations.” See page 70 for details. —Elizabeth Atmore, participant Tucson photography workshop with Nevada Wier 12
  • 13. Hunkered down among wildflowers, photographer Kim Heacox gives travelers pointers for capturing their shot. Congratulations TO THE WINNERS OF OUR LATEST PHOTOGRAPHY CONTEST! The grand-prize winner (photo at left) received a trip for two on our Antarctica expedition, while two honorable mention winners each received a $500 credit toward a future National Geographic Expedition. Take a look at all the finalists on our website. Grand Prize Honorable Mention Honorable Mention Philip Dien, Eden Prarie, Minnesota Marlana Wheeland, Washington, D.C. Eric Kruszewski, Richland, Washington Hanging Out After a Swim Little Dancer, Big Heart Tranquility at Twilight “As we watched from our Zodiac, this polar bear gave her cub a lift as she “This enthusiastic dancer was the youngest “At twilight aboard the National Geographic swam across the bay, shaking herself dry after emerging from the water member on his Rwandan dance team, Sea Bird, one passenger relishes a peaceful with her cub hanging on.” performing with the most energy and the and solitary moment without the bustles Land of the Polar Bears expedition biggest heart.” of life.” Tanzania and Rwanda expedition Alaska’s Inside Passage expedition 2011 Photography Contest Grand Prize: A trip for two on our Bhutan Photography Expedition Send us your favorite shots from a National Geographic Expedition or a National Geographic/Lindblad Expedition you have registered for or traveled on before December 31, 2010. All entries must be received by July 1, 2011. For contest rules and more information, or to enter, visit 2011 Call for Entries 13
  • 14. NORTH AMERICA Alaska’s Inside Passage Experience the remarkable beauty of southeastern Alaska on a voyage aboard the National Geographic Sea Bird or National Geographic Sea Lion into a land of mist- shrouded fjords, tidewater glaciers, and islands teeming with wildlife. Search for orcas and humpback whales, kayak around dramatic icebergs, spend a full day in Glacier Bay National Park, and learn about Alaska’s rich Native American heritage. EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS • Kayak into protected coves and look for sea otters, seabirds, and whales. • Hike through lush forest trails to cascading wa- terfalls, and take a Zodiac into sheltered coves where brown bears feed. • Watch for calving ice in the iceberg-laden waters of Glacier Bay National Park. • Meet members of the Alaska Whale Foundation to learn about the local whale population. ITINERARY (8 days) keeping an eye out for feeding bears on the EXPEDITION shoreline and mountain goats on the cliffs above. Our approach during this voyage is one of discovery. TEAM We take time to stop and explore this beautiful and (B, L, D) intriguing land up close, in the company of expert A diverse team of natural- naturalists who have an intimate knowledge of the Day 3 Petersburg ists and Alaska specialists region. Our small ship has the flexibility to take you Discover the small town of Petersburg on Mitkof joins each voyage. On our ashore to places that few others see. The long days Island, founded more than 100 years ago by August 14 and 21, 2011 of summer allow for wildlife viewing well into the Norwegian fishermen. A visit to Petersburg departures, we will also evening hours. provides a glimpse of a true Alaskan town. There be joined by National is an opportunity for an optional flight seeing via Geographic photographer and marine biolo- Day 1 Seattle/Juneau, Alaska floatplane over nearby LeConte Glacier (weather gist Flip Nicklin. Flip is widely regarded as Fly from Seattle to Juneau, the capital of Alaska. permitting) and for hikes on forest trails. Later, one of the world’s leading photographers of Visit the imposing Mendenhall Glacier and the cruise out to spot whales in the southern part of whales and has been named NANPA’s 2012 Alaska State Museum, an excellent introduction Frederick Sound; or explore LeConte Bay, a virtual Outstanding Nature Photographer of the Year. to Alaska’s natural history and cultures. There sculpture garden of grounded icebergs. (B, L, D) His majestic photos and amazing audio tracks is time to explore Juneau on your own in the of humpbacks and orcas have been featured evening. Day 4 Exploring Frederick Sound and in numerous National Geographic magazines NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SEA BIRD OR Chatham Strait and television specials. Flip migrates with the NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SEA LION (D) These waters often make for great whale watch- humpbacks, spending summers in the Pacific ing. Look for Steller sea lions stretched out on the Northwest and the Gulf of Alaska, and winters Day 2 Tracy Arm Fjord—Fords Terror Wilderness rocky islands that dot the channels. Take a walk off Maui in Hawaii. Enter Tracy Arm, a spectacular 22-mile-long fjord with naturalists along a quiet forest trail or kayak This trip is operated in association with Lindblad where waterfalls cascade from towering, glacially in the tiny coves in this area. Meet members of Expeditions. carved walls. We maneuver among large icebergs, the Alaska Whale Foundation—whose work is 14 Above: Humpback whales in Alaska display bubble-net feeding behavior.
  • 15. share stories passed down through oral tradition Watch a short video about this expedition at and art. Later, walk along trails among towering spruce trees. (B, L, D) Day 7 Exploring Alaska’s Islands, Bays, and Fjords Beachcomb, hike forest trails, explore by kayak, or cruise along Admiralty Island, where the mas- sive brown bear is found, along with perhaps the world’s highest density of nesting bald eagles. If conditions permit, explore the coastlines of some remote islands by kayak. Enjoy a farewell dinner this evening. (B, L, D) A brown bear catches a salmon in an icy stream. Day 8 Sitka/Seattle supported by a grant from the National After breakfast, disembark in Sitka, a unique town Geographic/Lindblad Fund—and discuss some with a strong Russian heritage. Visit St. Michael’s INFORMATION of their recent discoveries about the region’s Russian Orthodox Cathedral, a testament to Alaska’s roots prior to the U.S. purchase of the Dates: marine mammal population. (B, L, D) 2011 & 2012: From May through August, territory from Russia. Then explore Sitka National expeditions depart every Saturday on the Day 5 Point Adolphus/Chichagof Island Historical Park, where totem poles line serene National Geographic Sea Lion and every Look for humpback whales at Point Adolphus, a wooded trails. In the early afternoon, transfer to Sunday on the National Geographic Sea favored feeding area. Then cruise along the north- the airport for the flight to Seattle. (B) Bird.* * See calendar on page 82 for specific departure dates ern coastline of Chichagof Island and find playful through June 2012. Certain departures follow the itinerary sea otters. Keep an eye out for eagles, which See our Alaska Family Voyage on page 68 and our shown but in the reverse order. Alaska, British Columbia, and the San Juan Islands are commonplace in the surrounding Tongass Photography Expedition on page 73. Expedition Cost–2011 & 2012: National Forest, the largest national forest in the United States. (B, L, D) CATEGORY 1 $5,990 Located on Main Deck CATEGORY 2 $6,790 Day 6 Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve Located on Upper and Bridge Decks Spend the day exploring magnificent Glacier Bay, CATEGORY 3 $7,890 where enormous glaciers flow from the ice fields Located on Upper and Bridge Decks far above. Watch and hear glaciers calving as tons See deck plan on page 80. Prices are per person, of ice crash into the sea. Venture near islets that double occupancy. For a single cabin, add $3,000 in are home to seabirds such as puffins and Category 1 and $3,400 in Category 2. Airfare is not guillemots, and look for humpback whales and included in the expedition cost. Economy airfare from Seattle to Juneau and return from Sitka is $600 orcas. Get a firsthand perspective on Alaska’s (subject to change). indigenous people from a Tlingit cultural inter- preter, who will be on board with us today to An example of colorful native Alaskan Tlingit art. SPECIAL OFFER Book by June 30, 2011 and receive complimentary About the National Geographic Sea Bird/Sea Lion round-trip airfare between Seattle and Alaska on the Accommodating just 62 guests in 31 outside cabins, May 12, 19, or 26, 2012 departures. the National Geographic Sea Bird (pictured left) and National Geographic Sea Lion are large enough to OPTIONAL EXTENSION operate in remote environments in comfort, yet small enough to enter ports and narrow inlets inaccessible Denali National Park (7 Days) to bigger ships. They carry sea kayaks and a fleet of Add a pre- or post-trip extension to Alaska’s Denali Zodiacs, providing easy access to coastlines and other National Park. From verdant forests harboring moose, places of interest. Each cabin faces outside. All cabins caribou, and bears to soaring snowcapped crests have windows and are attractively and comfortably dwarfed by Mount McKinley, Denali is one of the furnished with lower berths, private bathrooms, reading country’s great treasures. Hike, bike, and canoe in this lights, and individual climate control. The ships are remarkable wilderness. Visit our website or call for authorized to operate in the Tongass National Forest details. under a Forest Service Special Use Permit. RESERVE ONLINE AT NATIONALGEOGRAPHICEXPEDITIONS.COM 15
  • 16. Alaska Wildlife Adventure NORTH AMERICA EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS • Explore Alaska’s sweeping tundra and lush forests on a variety of hikes, spotting caribou, moose, wolves, and Dall sheep. • Ride to Denali National Park aboard the historic Alaska Railroad, enjoying magnificent views of the Alaska Range along the way. • Take a scenic flight to remote Redoubt Bay to watch bears in their natural habitat, and float past massive Spencer Glacier on a leisurely rafting trip. • Stay in cozy private cabins in the heart of Denali, and at a luxury resort surrounded by peaks and glaciers. ITINERARY (8 days) Days 3 and 4 Denali National Park Day 1 Fairbanks, Alaska The next two days are devoted to exploring Denali. Arrive in Fairbanks and gather for a welcome The lodge offers guided hikes of varying degrees reception and dinner. of difficulty, as well as mountain biking, fly- SPRINGHILL SUITES (D) fishing, and gold-panning. While in the park, keep your eye out for the many migrating birds that Day 2 Fairbanks/Denali National Park congregate in Denali for summer breeding. You Step aboard the celebrated Alaska Railroad and may spot golden plovers, arctic loons, jaegers, travel through rolling taiga forests to Denali and eagles. An optional flight-seeing trip around National Park; then drive into the heart of the Mount McKinley is available, weather permitting, park in search of caribou, Dall sheep, grizzly and you may also choose to attend an optional bears, and moose. En route to our remote lodge dogsledding talk and demonstration. (B, L, D DAILY) in the historic mining settlement of Kantishna, witness Alaska’s stunning scenery, from glacier- fed braided rivers to the peaks of the Alaska Day 5 Denali/Anchorage lakeshore, enjoy a scenic rafting trip on Spencer Range. Take advantage of an early morning drive out Lake, floating within arm’s reach of icebergs. Or DENALI BACKCOUNTRY LODGE (B, L, D) of the park to catch wildlife during one of their you may choose to embark on a day cruise on most active periods. Then board the Alaska Prince William Sound, watching for marine birds, Railroad for the scenic ride through the Alaska seals, whales, and calving glaciers. Celebrate your Range to Anchorage. Alaska adventure at tonight’s farewell dinner. HILTON ANCHORAGE (B, L, D) (B, L, D) Day 6 Redoubt Bay/Girdwood EXPERT Each summer, thousands of salmon swim up- Day 8 Anchorage After breakfast, return to Anchorage to connect stream into the lakes and rivers of Redoubt Bay, ROMAN DIAL with your flight home. (B) providing food for one of the most concentrated bear populations in Alaska. A floatplane takes A professor at Alaska Pacific you right into Redoubt Bay—located near the University, Roman Dial Lake Clark National Park and Preserve—to watch INFORMATION teaches courses in ecology, for brown bears frolicking at the water’s edge or outdoor skills, and math. He Dates: feeding on spawning salmon. Early this evening, 2011: July 8–15 • August 5–12 has climbed, hiked, and skied fly back to Anchorage and transfer to our stunning across the major mountain Expedition Cost: $6,595 hotel in Girdwood. ranges of Alaska. Roman’s 800-mile mountain Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single HOTEL ALYESKA (B, L, D) room, add $1,000. The charter flight between bike traverse of the Alaska Range was featured Anchorage and Redoubt Bay is included in the in the May 1997 issue of National Geographic expedition cost. Airfare from/to your home city is Day 7 Spencer Glacier magazine, and his “canopy trek” through not included. Board the Alaska Railroad for the short journey Australia appeared in the March 2003 issue. to Spencer Glacier. After a picnic lunch on the Roman will accompany the August departure. Carl Tobin will join the July departure. See our website for Carl’s bio. Above: A bull moose pauses among the wildflowers of Denali’s tundra. 16
  • 17. Grand Canyon, Bryce, and Zion National Parks EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS • Hike three of the country’s most celebrated national parks with an expert naturalist and learn about the unique flora, fauna, and geology of the region. • Meander through a gallery of colorful pinnacles and spires in Bryce, and climb to a lookout for a panoramic view of Zion’s fascinating sandstone formations. • Watch the sun set over the Grand Canyon from the comfort of our lodgings on the less crowded North Rim. • Take in spectacular scenery on a rafting trip on the Colorado River just before it drops into Grand Canyon National Park. ITINERARY (8 days) walk between Inspiration and Sunset Points for a Day 1 Las Vegas, Nevada memorable view of Bryce Amphitheater. BRYCE CANYON LODGE (B, L, D DAILY) Arrive in Las Vegas and gather for a welcome reception and dinner. GREEN VALLEY RANCH (D) Day 4 Colorado River/Grand Canyon Sweeping vistas of spectacular mesas and Days 2 and 3 Kolob Canyons/Bryce Canyon mountains surround you on today’s journey to the Our journey into canyon country begins with Grand Canyon. Float down the Colorado River on a stop in Kolob Canyons, a spectacular, lesser a leisurely rafting trip, starting at the head of the known area of Zion National Park. From here, Grand Canyon. After lunch, look for reintroduced beautiful landscapes unfold as we continue to condors along the Vermilion Cliffs en route to our Bryce Canyon National Park. Stop for breathtaking lodge, the only accommodations on the North views at Fairyland Point. Later, settle into com- Rim. Settle into simple cabins for the next two fortable accommodations at the historic Bryce nights, and enjoy fabulous views of the sunset Canyon Lodge. The next day, you may choose to over the canyon. GRAND CANYON LODGE (B, L, D) thrive here and which birds are attracted by the drive along the rim or hike into the heart of Bryce, a maze of richly colored rock spires and eroded canyon’s oasis. The next day, explore the narrows formations known as hoodoos. Take an evening Day 5 Grand Canyon of the Virgin River, and climb to Scout Lookout for From overlooks at Point Imperial and Cape Royal, a panoramic view of the stunning rock sculptures take in impressive vistas of the canyon, where in Zion Canyon. vivid, colored layers tell stories of ancient seas and FLANIGAN’S INN (B, L, D DAILY) life-forms. Experience the vastness of the chasm as you walk an easy trail along the canyon rim. EXPERT Look for wildlife and learn about the wildflowers Day 8 Zion/Las Vegas Following breakfast, return to Las Vegas for your and trees that grow in this stunning landscape. flight home. (B) KIRT KEMPTER Return to the lodge at day’s end for a stroll to Bright Angel Point. (B, L, D) Kirt Kempter is a field geolo- gist and teacher based in INFORMATION Days 6 and 7 Zion Santa Fe, New Mexico. A Head north to Zion National Park this morning. Dates: Fulbright Fellow, Kirt has led Lush hanging gardens, waterfalls, and massive 2011: September 3–10 • September 17–24 many geologic expeditions Navajo sandstone walls distinguish this park from to Bryce, Zion, and Grand Expedition Cost: $3,495 all others. Hike the Emerald Pools Trail, listening Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single Canyon National Parks, and has published to the call of a canyon wren and passing under the room, add $820. Airfare from/to your home city is numerous geologic maps and articles on the cool spray of a waterfall. Learn which wildflowers not included in the expedition cost. geology of the American Southwest. He has conducted fieldwork on a National Geographic– Above: Russet rock pinnacles dwarf hikers in Bryce Canyon funded project, as well as studies of plate tecton- National Park. ics and volcanism around the world. Kirt will accompany both departures. CALL TOLL-FREE 1-888-966-8687 17
  • 18. NORTH AMERICA Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS • Walk through towering stands of giant sequoias, some of the largest living trees in the world. • Hike the lesser known Panorama Trail and encounter Yosemite’s legendary sights from a unique perspective. • Climb to Moro Rock to take in majestic views of the canyons, peaks, and cliffs of Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks. • Meet a Miwok Indian elder, and learn how Yosemite’s history intersects with the lives of conservationist John Muir and photographer Ansel Adams. ITINERARY (8 days) of towering granite cliffs and dramatic waterfalls, Day 1 Fresno, California/Sequoia National Park and an inspiration for photographer Ansel Adams Meet at the Fresno airport and drive to Sequoia and conservationist John Muir. Enter the park National Park. Along with its neighboring park, from the south, pausing for a breathtaking pan- Kings Canyon, the park is home to nearly half orama of these iconic landscapes. Our afternoon of the world’s known sequoia groves. Settle into walk brings us to the famed Lower Yosemite Falls. YOSEMITE LODGE AT THE FALLS (B, L, D) our mountain lodge and gather this evening for a welcome reception. WUKSACHI LODGE (D) Day 4 Glacier Point and Yosemite Valley Day 2 Sequoia National Park Drive to Glacier Point for a sweeping view of This morning, visit the largest tree (by volume) in Yosemite Valley. Then set out on the Panorama the world, General Sherman. Then explore Giant Trail through lesser known areas of the park. Forest on a variety of walks and hikes with our nat- Stand on the precipice of Nevada Falls, and enjoy uralists. Learn about forest ecology as you wander a unique perspective on El Capitan, Half Dome, between the massive trunks of ancient sequoias, and Sentinel Rock. (B, L, D) and enjoy a picnic among “the giants.” (B, L, D) view from Wawona Point. Tonight, celebrate your Day 5 Tuolumne Meadows adventure at a farewell dinner at the hotel. (B, L, D) Day 3 Yosemite National Park Head into the high mountain meadows and hike Journey to the magnificent Yosemite Valley, a land across the Tuolumne River, crossing over a large Day 8 Fresno mound of glacier-polished granite. If you wish, After breakfast, depart for the Fresno airport, climb up this granite dome and enjoy a fabulous arriving around noon. (B) panorama of the entire park from the top. After dinner, gather for an intimate discussion with a EXPERT Miwok Indian elder around a campfire. (B, L, D) INFORMATION BETSY ROBINSON Dates: Day 6 Southern Yosemite National Park 2011: August 20–27 • September 17–24 Travel to the south end of Yosemite and take a September 24–October 1 Wildlife biologist Betsy nature walk. This afternoon, a historian from the Robinson is a naturalist Pioneer Yosemite History Center joins us for a talk Expedition Cost: $3,995 guide, a teacher, and an avid Price is per person, double occupancy. For a single about the fascinating history of the park. outdoorswoman who has room, add $1,130. Airfare from/to your home city is WAWONA HOTEL (B, L, D) hiked, camped, and explored not included in the expedition cost. Yosemite extensively. She What to Expect: Day 7 Mariposa Grove has researched grizzly bears on Kodiak Island This is an active exploration with numerous hiking Immerse yourself in a sea of colossal trees in and conducted bird surveys in Prince William options on well-maintained trails that may include Mariposa Grove, the largest of Yosemite’s three stairs and/or uneven footing. Elevations range from Sound. Betsy has taught courses at the sequoia groves. Then, if you wish, continue along 4,000 to 8,000 feet. Participants should be physi- National Audubon Society and San Francisco cally fit. This trip is not suitable for those who suffer the less traveled outer loop trail to take in the State University’s Wildland Studies program. from cardiac, respiratory, or circulatory disorders or Betsy will accompany the September departures. Larry a disability that limits mobility. Above: The stunning form of Yosemite’s Mount Watkins Prussin will join the August departure. See our website rises above Mirror Lake. for his bio. 18
  • 19. Winter Wildlife in Yellowstone EXPEDITION HIGHLIGHTS • Watch for elk, bison, bighorn sheep, golden eagles, foxes, coyotes, otters, and the elusive gray wolf. Yellowstone’s wildlife spend the winter in low elevation valleys, where they are easier to spot against the sparkling snow. • See famous sites like Old Faithful geyser without the crowds and discover some of the park’s lesser known areas, exploring in the comfort of heated snow coaches. • Learn about the reintroduction of Yellowstone’s wolves and a study, partially funded by the National Geographic Society, on their impact on the park. • Ride a horse-drawn sleigh through the quiet, snowy landscape. ITINERARY (6 days) about wolves and other wildlife for the National Day 1 Bozeman, Montana/Mammoth Geographic Society. (B, L, D) Hot Springs, Wyoming Travel from Bozeman to Yellowstone National Days 3 and 4 Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone/ Park, on the lookout for bald eagles, mule deer, Old Faithful antelope, and bighorn sheep. At Mammoth Hot Travel by private snow coach to the Grand Canyon Springs, settle into a historic national park lodge, of the Yellowstone. Walk to the rim of the spec- and stroll the steaming, colorful mineral-spring tacular gorge to see its thundering waterfall and terraces outlined in pure white snow. the ice arch that forms from the spray. Wander MAMMOTH HOT SPRINGS HOTEL (D) amid the bubbling mud pots and fumaroles of the Upper Geyser Basin. Then continue to Old Day 2 Lamar Valley Faithful to explore on foot or by snowshoe a Head to the open, rolling meadows and wide dramatic landscape of erupting geysers, frozen vistas of the Lamar Valley, where wolves were first waterfalls, and gem-colored mineral pools. Keep restored to Yellowstone in 1995. Using a spotting an eye out for wildlife—bison, encrusted in ice, scope, search among herds of elk and bison for often stand among the pools for warmth. After INFORMATION coyotes, eagles, and the elusive wolf. An Emmy® dark, step outside to admire the incredible canopy award–winning wildlife cinematographer joins us of stars in one of the world’s best constellation- Dates: viewing spots. 2011: Dec. 20–26* this evening to discuss his career shooting films OLD FAITHFUL SNOW LODGE (B, L, D DAILY) Dec. 26, 2011–Jan. 1, 2012* Dec. 28, 2011–Jan. 2, 2012 Day 5 Yellowstone/Big Sky, Montana 2012: Jan. 15–20 • Jan. 22–27 • Feb. 19–24 After visiting the whimsical Fountain Paint Pots, EXPERT leave the park via the West Yellowstone gate. * The December 20 and 26 departures are one day longer and include an additional night at the 320 Guest Travel to the Gallatin Canyon—near Big Sky, Ranch, with more time to explore the Geyser Basin and JEREMY SCHMIDT Montana—and settle into a comfortable log opportunities for activities such as snowshoeing or cross- cabin lodge. Relax or enjoy a sleigh ride through country skiing. Visit our website for a detailed itinerary. Few people know Yellow- the countryside. Then celebrate your winter Expedition Cost: $2,995 stone country better than adventure in Yellowstone at a farewell dinner. Price is per person, double occupancy. For the wildlife biologist Jeremy 320 GUEST RANCH (B, L, D) December 20 and 26 departures (which are one Schmidt. He has worked day longer) add $500. For a single room, add $620 in and around the park on the December 28, January, and February departures; Day 6 Bozeman and add $750 on the December 20 and 26 departures. for more than 20 years, Return to Bozeman for your flight home. (B) The cost per child 16 years old or younger sharing a including stints as a park ranger; a naturalist; room with at least one adult is $2,350 on the December a photographer; and an author, writing several 28 departure and $2,850 on the December 20 and articles for National Geographic Traveler 26 departures. Airfare from/to your home city is not Above: Insulated by thick skin, fur, and layers of fat, a bison included in the expedition cost. magazine. On daily walks, he will interpret wades through an icy stream. the flora and fauna, and give you a new appreciation of the magnificent scenery. Jeremy will accompany all departures except for December 28. See our website for the expert on this departure. RESERVE ONLINE AT NATIONALGEOGRAPHICEXPEDITIONS.COM 19