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ALLOTMENTS                                                     BUSHY PARK GRAFFITI
                                                                                      An implementation group, with representatives from
                                                                                      Dublin City Council, the VEC and the Crumlin Allotment
                                                                                      Group, have developed an allotment at a site in the
                                                                                                                                                     Item 182. Councillor Ruairi McGinley
                                                                                                                                                     That the Area Manager report to this Committee on steps
                                                                                                                                                     to eradicate graffiti in Bushy Park, Terenure.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     SUMMER NEWSLETTER
                                                                                      grounds of Pearse College, Clogher Road. The initial
                                                                                      allocation of approximately 100 individual allotments          Order:
                                                                                      took place early in 2010 and all plots are now fully booked    I have now been informed by Bernard Brady, the South
                                                                                      with most under cultivation this summer.                       Central Area Senior Executive Parks Superintendent that
                                                                                                                                                     the “Graffiti in Bushy Park will be removed with the next

                                                                                      PEARSE PARK CHILDCARE FACILITY
                                                                                                                                                     6 weeks.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cllr RUAIRI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                MC GINLEY
                                                                                      Works to construct a childcare facility at the site formally
                                                                                      occupied by the caretaker’s bungalow in Pearse Park,
                                                                                      Crumlin commenced on 8th June and are expected to
                                                                                      be completed by the end of 2010. This childcare facility
                                                                                      which has been years in planning is finally taking shape

                                                                                      MAY DAY FESTIVAL
                                                                                      The Crumlin Area Office, the Parks and Landscape Division
                                                                                      and the Events Section assisted the Harold’s Cross Village
                                                                                      Community Council in organising an inaugural and
                                                                                      successful May Day Festival in Harold’s Cross Park on
                                                                                      Sunday, 2nd May.                                                  Gay Mitchell MEP, Dora Bracken & Cllr Ruairi McGinley at presentation                          THE REPORT OF THE LMCE MAKES PROPOSALS                   business planning and mentoring aids and other
                                                                                                                                                        of cheque to Irish Cancer Society in the KCR House.                                            ON HOW ECONOMIC RENEWAL AND                              aspects of start up assistance as appropriate to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       EMPLOYMENT GROWTH IN THE CITY CAN BE                     the individual business.
                                                                                                                                                        CLLR RUAIRI MCGINLEY IS A MEMBER                                                               BETTER PROMOTED BY A RANGE OF AGENCIES
                                                                                                                                                        OF THE FOLLOWING BODIES:                                                CONTENTS               INCLUDING DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL…                           Following work by the LMCE a study is now being
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                carried out to identify the location of vacant
                                                                                                                                                        - Dublin City Council                                                                          Lord Mayor’s Commission on Employment                    commercial properties in the entire City Centre
                                                                                                                                                        - South Central Area committee                                          LMCE Report            Cllr Ruairi McGinley has been the convenor               area initially along the Quays and Thomas Street.
                                                                                                                                                        - South Central Joint Policing Committee                                                       of the working group on Employment on the                It is intended to database that information and
                                                                                                                                                        - Finance Strategic Policy Committee                                                           Lord Mayor’s Commission on Employment                    match vacant units with persons or groups in
                                                                                                                                                        - Economic Planning and Dev Strategic Policy Committee
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Grant Schemes          which examined how Dublin City Council can               the cultural and artistic arena seeking temporary
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       facilitate growth in the economy by protecting           premises. This would have the dual effect of
                                                                                                                                                        - Budget Consultative committee
                                                                                                                                                        - Dublin Regional Authority                                             Transport Upgrades     existing employment and creating new job
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                uplifting areas with high vacancy levels while
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                giving emerging cultural groups access to high
                                                                                                                                                        - Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force                                                                                                                      visibility shop fronts.
                                                                                                                                                        - Director of Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin              Crumlin SOS            Recommendations have been put forward under
                                                                                        Cllr Ruairi McGinley at playground in Harold’s Cross Park       - Drimnagh Integrated Area Plan Commitee                                                       the interlinked themes of Dublin city a Working          Cllr Ruairi McGinley is pleased that report deals
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       city, a Learning city, a Creative city, an Open city,    with the number one political issue of our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Drimnagh Smarter       a Global city and a Liveable city with three key         times which is job creation and dealing with the
                                                                                        WEEKLY ADVICE CLINICS                                          7.00pm           146 Sundrive Road Crumlin
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       outcomes being announced as follows:                     current severe levels of unemployment.

                                                                                          Tuesday evening
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The LMCE has successfully joined forces with             For further details visit:
                                                                                                                                                       8.00pm           Village Inn Lisle Road Crumlin                          D12 DMAP launch        Tipperary Institute to secure 20 places
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       for Dublin in an exciting project CESBEM

                                                                                                         e-mail: | Tel: 086-8301111 m                                                             Allotments             (Competence Enhancement in Sustainable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Building Through European Mobility) II,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       which is a european funded project under

                                                                                                    Your local Fine Gael team - Working For You                                                                                 Pearse Park            the Lifelong Learning, Leonardo Da Vinci
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Childcare Facility     (People in the Labour Market) Programme.
published by Ruairi McGinley Lucan Co Dublin , Printed by Westside Press Tallaght

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       The LMCE has liaised with Ulster Bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                May Day Festival       who will partner with Dublin City Council
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       to provide a dedicated Business Support
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Programme for new Start Up businesses in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bushy Park Graffiti    Dublin. The Programme includes a €10m
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       fund to support Start Up enterprises,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       current account and ancillary services,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Cllr Ruairi McGinley Congratulating Lord Mayor Cllr Gerry Breen
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        & Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Edie Wynne

                                                                                    Cllr. Ruairi McGinley                  Catherine Byrne TD         Gay Mitchell MEP                         Cllr. Colm Brophy
                                                                                      Ph: 086 830 1111                            Ph: 618 3083           Ph: 496 1940                              Ph: 414 9015                               e-mail: | Tel: 086-8301111 m
GRANT SCHEMES REOPENED FOR NEW                                  The Home Grants Section of Dublin City Council has not                  CRUMLIN SOS COMMITTEE                                                        This report which sets out that 12.5% of population have
APPLICATIONS                                                    been accepting new grant applications under any of the                  Cllr Ruairi McGinley has been actively working with                          a disability and that this is heavily age related with 40%
                                                                relevant grant schemes due to the enormous increase                     Crumlin SOS committee chaired by Gerry McGuigan since                        of people over 65 having a disability. The report makes
Grant schemes which had been closed for new
                                                                in the number of applications submitted in the period                   November 2009 seeking to ensure that the pool remains                        recommendations covering matters such as a practical
applications since July 2009 have been reopened
                                                                January 2009 to July 2009 which lead to the closure of the              open. The future of the pool for the reminder of 2010 has                    checklist for participation in social and recreational
for new applications which is welcome news for                                                                                                                                                                       activities,sending information notes to Disability
                                                                scheme The current status of our grant scheme is that we                recently been secured following a strong campaign.
older people and people with disabilities according                                                                                                                                                                  Allowance recipients in Dublin 12 , public information
to Cllr Ruairi McGINLEY                                         have over 1200 grant applications at hand to a value of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     programmes, audit of community buildings in Dublin 12
                                                                €10million where the applicant has been given grant aid
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     and policies to improve access to public transport.
Dublin City Council currently administers three home            approval in writing to carry out the work at their home
grant schemes as follows;                                       but have not yet initiated the proposed work. All of these                                                                                           Cllr McGinley welcomed the report and hoped it will
                                                                applicants have received a letter in writing to ascertain if                                                                                         provide a strong impetus to efforts to improve quality of
1. The Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme                          they want to continue with the proposed works at their                                                                                               life for people with disabilities.
The Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme assists in the              home. In many cases people are choosing not to go ahead
provision and adaptation of accommodation to meet               with this work if it is not absolutely essential to their needs.                                                                                     DRIMNAGH SMARTER TRAVEL
the needs of people with a disability. This replaces the                                                                                                                                                             Smarter Travel is a Department of Transport initiative that
                                                                It is now clear that in light of the number of grant                                                                                                 seeks to change how we think about travel. It is about
Disabled Persons Grant scheme, and is subject to means
                                                                applications currently to hand that have been given                                                                                                  choosing to walk, cycle or take public transport instead
testing and the maximum grant is €30,000, which will
                                                                approval but where no work is being done, that we                                                                                                    of the car for getting to work, school and college or for
cover 95% of the approved costs for applicants whose                                                                                     Cllr Ruairi McGinley with members of Crumlin SOS (Save our Swimming Pool)
                                                                should re-open the Grant Scheme in order to use our                                                                                                  shopping or leisure journeys. A Smarter Travel Area is a
gross household income is less than €30,000 per annum,                                                                                                                                                               neighbourhood where the whole community including
                                                                budget allocation to facilitate those who are most in need              Pool hours are:
tapering to 30% for applicants with gross household                                                                                     Public Swims                                                                 schools, sports and leisure clubs, businesses, shop owners
incomes of up to €65,000 per annum.                             of receiving this grant aid. We intend therefore to open
                                                                                                                                        Mon 11am-12pm – This swim caters to the needs of older adults.               etc work together with the local authority and other
                                                                the scheme to new applicants from July 5th 2010. It                     During this (3euro) time they can have a relaxed swim for without            agencies to pro actively encourage people to travel
2. The Mobility Aids Grant                                      may be necessary to limit the time for receipt of grant                 any excessive noise or disturbing behaviour.                                 sustainably. In other words to walk, cycle or take public
The Mobility Aids Grant is available to cover basic works       applications to a period of 3 months. However, in light                                                                                              transport instead. Smarter Travel Areas works towards a
                                                                of experience this can be reviewed. DCC will advertise                  Thurs 12pm-12.45pm – This swim is a free early lunch time swim for
to address mobility problems, primarily, associated with                                                                                                                                                             reduction in car usage.
                                                                                                                                        passport for leisure cardholders and those that are unemployed.
ageing. The works include grab-rails, access ramps, level       the reopening of the scheme in the press, our area offices,
                                                                                                                                        We include a lane for those who wish to swim lengths.
access showers and stair lifts. The grant is subject to means   libraries and the City Council website.                                                                                                              Drimnagh has been selected because it is relatively close
testing and the maximum grant is €6,000 which will cover                                                                                Pearse Park Pool has public hours from 10.30-12.30pm on Saturday             to Dublin city and has a vibrant community which has
                                                                                                                                        mornings. This session caters to everyone for example .young                 been actively involved in the preparation of the Drimnagh
100% of the approved costs for applicants whose gross
                                                                                                                                        people, adults and families.  Tickets cost (€4.50) adult, (€2.20)            Intergrated Area Plan
household income is up to €30,000 per annum.
                                                                                                                                        children and €10 per Family.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     This project will work with residents , employers and
3. The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme                                                                                              DUBLIN 12 DMAP DISABILITY MAINSTREAM                                         schools. Workplaces primarily Crumlin Childrens Hospital
The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is available                                                                                    ACCESS PROJECT LAUNCH                                                        will complete Workplace Travel Plans. Travel routes for
to assist older people (60 years and above) living in                                                                                   Deputising for the Lord Mayor Cllr Ruairi McGinley attended                  cyclists and walkers will be improved. Public transport
poor housing conditions to have necessary repairs                                                                                       official launch of Dublin 12 DMAP Disability Mainstream                      mainly buses and Luas will be improved. Amenity use of
or improvements carried out. This grant is for owner                                                                                    Access Project launch of Strategies to Promote and Encourage                 Lansdowne Valley and Grand Canal will be increased.
occupiers only. The grant is subject to means testing and                                                                               Participation of People with Disabilities at St. Agnes’ Parish Hall.
the maximum grant is €10,500 which will cover 100% of
the approved costs for applicants whose gross household
income is up to €30,000 per annum, tapering to 30% for
                                                                  Cllr Colm Brophy, Catherine Byrne TD, James Reilly TD & Cllr Ruairi
applicants with gross household incomes of up to €65,000          McGinley at recent Fair Care meeting in Drimnagh.
per annum.

 The Rathfarnham Road QBC works which are at consultation stage until October 2010 aims to reduce bus travel
 times for bus users in Terenure and Harolds Cross in particular. Works will include an envirmental upgrade at Terenure
 junction as well as incorporation of Real Time Passenger Information,Traffic Light Priority and SCATS traffic control
 system.                                                                                                                                                                                                                Cllr Colm Brophy, Catherine Byrne TD, Cllr Ruairi McGinley, Cllr Clare
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Byrne & friends at recent Dog Racing Night in Harold’s Cross.
                                                                                                                                         Damien Nolan, Cllr Ruairi McGinley, Lorraine McNicholas, Paul Flanagan
                                                                                                                                         & Siobhán Barron.
 There are a range of works proposed for Rathdown Avenue and Rathdown Park which aim to improve residental
 access during Bushy Park busy periods. This area has proved problematical due to high number of cars associated
 with park users.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Tel: 086-8301111

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Newsletter July 2010 Dublin South Central

  • 1. ALLOTMENTS BUSHY PARK GRAFFITI An implementation group, with representatives from Dublin City Council, the VEC and the Crumlin Allotment Group, have developed an allotment at a site in the Item 182. Councillor Ruairi McGinley That the Area Manager report to this Committee on steps to eradicate graffiti in Bushy Park, Terenure. SUMMER NEWSLETTER grounds of Pearse College, Clogher Road. The initial allocation of approximately 100 individual allotments Order: took place early in 2010 and all plots are now fully booked I have now been informed by Bernard Brady, the South with most under cultivation this summer. Central Area Senior Executive Parks Superintendent that the “Graffiti in Bushy Park will be removed with the next PEARSE PARK CHILDCARE FACILITY 6 weeks.” Cllr RUAIRI MC GINLEY Works to construct a childcare facility at the site formally occupied by the caretaker’s bungalow in Pearse Park, Crumlin commenced on 8th June and are expected to be completed by the end of 2010. This childcare facility which has been years in planning is finally taking shape MAY DAY FESTIVAL The Crumlin Area Office, the Parks and Landscape Division and the Events Section assisted the Harold’s Cross Village Community Council in organising an inaugural and successful May Day Festival in Harold’s Cross Park on Sunday, 2nd May. Gay Mitchell MEP, Dora Bracken & Cllr Ruairi McGinley at presentation THE REPORT OF THE LMCE MAKES PROPOSALS business planning and mentoring aids and other of cheque to Irish Cancer Society in the KCR House. ON HOW ECONOMIC RENEWAL AND aspects of start up assistance as appropriate to EMPLOYMENT GROWTH IN THE CITY CAN BE the individual business. CLLR RUAIRI MCGINLEY IS A MEMBER BETTER PROMOTED BY A RANGE OF AGENCIES OF THE FOLLOWING BODIES: CONTENTS INCLUDING DUBLIN CITY COUNCIL… Following work by the LMCE a study is now being carried out to identify the location of vacant - Dublin City Council Lord Mayor’s Commission on Employment commercial properties in the entire City Centre - South Central Area committee LMCE Report Cllr Ruairi McGinley has been the convenor area initially along the Quays and Thomas Street. - South Central Joint Policing Committee of the working group on Employment on the It is intended to database that information and - Finance Strategic Policy Committee Lord Mayor’s Commission on Employment match vacant units with persons or groups in - Economic Planning and Dev Strategic Policy Committee Grant Schemes which examined how Dublin City Council can the cultural and artistic arena seeking temporary facilitate growth in the economy by protecting premises. This would have the dual effect of - Budget Consultative committee - Dublin Regional Authority Transport Upgrades existing employment and creating new job opportunities. uplifting areas with high vacancy levels while giving emerging cultural groups access to high - Dublin 12 Local Drugs Task Force visibility shop fronts. - Director of Our Ladys Hospital for Sick Children Crumlin Crumlin SOS Recommendations have been put forward under Cllr Ruairi McGinley at playground in Harold’s Cross Park - Drimnagh Integrated Area Plan Commitee the interlinked themes of Dublin city a Working Cllr Ruairi McGinley is pleased that report deals city, a Learning city, a Creative city, an Open city, with the number one political issue of our Drimnagh Smarter a Global city and a Liveable city with three key times which is job creation and dealing with the Travel WEEKLY ADVICE CLINICS 7.00pm 146 Sundrive Road Crumlin outcomes being announced as follows: current severe levels of unemployment. Tuesday evening The LMCE has successfully joined forces with For further details visit: 8.00pm Village Inn Lisle Road Crumlin D12 DMAP launch Tipperary Institute to secure 20 places for Dublin in an exciting project CESBEM e-mail: | Tel: 086-8301111 m Allotments (Competence Enhancement in Sustainable Building Through European Mobility) II, which is a european funded project under Your local Fine Gael team - Working For You Pearse Park the Lifelong Learning, Leonardo Da Vinci Childcare Facility (People in the Labour Market) Programme. published by Ruairi McGinley Lucan Co Dublin , Printed by Westside Press Tallaght The LMCE has liaised with Ulster Bank May Day Festival who will partner with Dublin City Council to provide a dedicated Business Support Programme for new Start Up businesses in Bushy Park Graffiti Dublin. The Programme includes a €10m fund to support Start Up enterprises, current account and ancillary services, Cllr Ruairi McGinley Congratulating Lord Mayor Cllr Gerry Breen & Deputy Lord Mayor Cllr Edie Wynne Cllr. Ruairi McGinley Catherine Byrne TD Gay Mitchell MEP Cllr. Colm Brophy Ph: 086 830 1111 Ph: 618 3083 Ph: 496 1940 Ph: 414 9015 e-mail: | Tel: 086-8301111 m
  • 2. GRANT SCHEMES REOPENED FOR NEW The Home Grants Section of Dublin City Council has not CRUMLIN SOS COMMITTEE This report which sets out that 12.5% of population have APPLICATIONS been accepting new grant applications under any of the Cllr Ruairi McGinley has been actively working with a disability and that this is heavily age related with 40% relevant grant schemes due to the enormous increase Crumlin SOS committee chaired by Gerry McGuigan since of people over 65 having a disability. The report makes Grant schemes which had been closed for new in the number of applications submitted in the period November 2009 seeking to ensure that the pool remains recommendations covering matters such as a practical applications since July 2009 have been reopened January 2009 to July 2009 which lead to the closure of the open. The future of the pool for the reminder of 2010 has checklist for participation in social and recreational for new applications which is welcome news for activities,sending information notes to Disability scheme The current status of our grant scheme is that we recently been secured following a strong campaign. older people and people with disabilities according Allowance recipients in Dublin 12 , public information to Cllr Ruairi McGINLEY have over 1200 grant applications at hand to a value of programmes, audit of community buildings in Dublin 12 €10million where the applicant has been given grant aid and policies to improve access to public transport. Dublin City Council currently administers three home approval in writing to carry out the work at their home grant schemes as follows; but have not yet initiated the proposed work. All of these Cllr McGinley welcomed the report and hoped it will applicants have received a letter in writing to ascertain if provide a strong impetus to efforts to improve quality of 1. The Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme they want to continue with the proposed works at their life for people with disabilities. The Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme assists in the home. In many cases people are choosing not to go ahead provision and adaptation of accommodation to meet with this work if it is not absolutely essential to their needs. DRIMNAGH SMARTER TRAVEL the needs of people with a disability. This replaces the Smarter Travel is a Department of Transport initiative that It is now clear that in light of the number of grant seeks to change how we think about travel. It is about Disabled Persons Grant scheme, and is subject to means applications currently to hand that have been given choosing to walk, cycle or take public transport instead testing and the maximum grant is €30,000, which will approval but where no work is being done, that we of the car for getting to work, school and college or for cover 95% of the approved costs for applicants whose Cllr Ruairi McGinley with members of Crumlin SOS (Save our Swimming Pool) should re-open the Grant Scheme in order to use our shopping or leisure journeys. A Smarter Travel Area is a gross household income is less than €30,000 per annum, neighbourhood where the whole community including budget allocation to facilitate those who are most in need Pool hours are: tapering to 30% for applicants with gross household Public Swims schools, sports and leisure clubs, businesses, shop owners incomes of up to €65,000 per annum. of receiving this grant aid. We intend therefore to open Mon 11am-12pm – This swim caters to the needs of older adults. etc work together with the local authority and other the scheme to new applicants from July 5th 2010. It During this (3euro) time they can have a relaxed swim for without agencies to pro actively encourage people to travel 2. The Mobility Aids Grant may be necessary to limit the time for receipt of grant any excessive noise or disturbing behaviour. sustainably. In other words to walk, cycle or take public The Mobility Aids Grant is available to cover basic works applications to a period of 3 months. However, in light transport instead. Smarter Travel Areas works towards a of experience this can be reviewed. DCC will advertise Thurs 12pm-12.45pm – This swim is a free early lunch time swim for to address mobility problems, primarily, associated with reduction in car usage. passport for leisure cardholders and those that are unemployed. ageing. The works include grab-rails, access ramps, level the reopening of the scheme in the press, our area offices, We include a lane for those who wish to swim lengths. access showers and stair lifts. The grant is subject to means libraries and the City Council website. Drimnagh has been selected because it is relatively close testing and the maximum grant is €6,000 which will cover Pearse Park Pool has public hours from 10.30-12.30pm on Saturday to Dublin city and has a vibrant community which has mornings. This session caters to everyone for example .young been actively involved in the preparation of the Drimnagh 100% of the approved costs for applicants whose gross people, adults and families.  Tickets cost (€4.50) adult, (€2.20) Intergrated Area Plan household income is up to €30,000 per annum. children and €10 per Family. This project will work with residents , employers and 3. The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme DUBLIN 12 DMAP DISABILITY MAINSTREAM schools. Workplaces primarily Crumlin Childrens Hospital The Housing Aid for Older People Scheme is available ACCESS PROJECT LAUNCH will complete Workplace Travel Plans. Travel routes for to assist older people (60 years and above) living in Deputising for the Lord Mayor Cllr Ruairi McGinley attended cyclists and walkers will be improved. Public transport poor housing conditions to have necessary repairs official launch of Dublin 12 DMAP Disability Mainstream mainly buses and Luas will be improved. Amenity use of or improvements carried out. This grant is for owner Access Project launch of Strategies to Promote and Encourage Lansdowne Valley and Grand Canal will be increased. occupiers only. The grant is subject to means testing and Participation of People with Disabilities at St. Agnes’ Parish Hall. the maximum grant is €10,500 which will cover 100% of the approved costs for applicants whose gross household income is up to €30,000 per annum, tapering to 30% for Cllr Colm Brophy, Catherine Byrne TD, James Reilly TD & Cllr Ruairi applicants with gross household incomes of up to €65,000 McGinley at recent Fair Care meeting in Drimnagh. per annum. TRANSPORT UPGRADES The Rathfarnham Road QBC works which are at consultation stage until October 2010 aims to reduce bus travel times for bus users in Terenure and Harolds Cross in particular. Works will include an envirmental upgrade at Terenure junction as well as incorporation of Real Time Passenger Information,Traffic Light Priority and SCATS traffic control system. Cllr Colm Brophy, Catherine Byrne TD, Cllr Ruairi McGinley, Cllr Clare Byrne & friends at recent Dog Racing Night in Harold’s Cross. Damien Nolan, Cllr Ruairi McGinley, Lorraine McNicholas, Paul Flanagan & Siobhán Barron. There are a range of works proposed for Rathdown Avenue and Rathdown Park which aim to improve residental access during Bushy Park busy periods. This area has proved problematical due to high number of cars associated with park users. Tel: 086-8301111 e-mail: