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Nov 10, 2009, 11:15 am

Why has not this been written sequentially
translating verse by verse?

I decided to write on day to day basis; rather than
serially and sequentially to chapters and verses. This has
the advantages of being natural in expression rather than
formal. It is also beneficial because of repetition
and/additional emphasis on more important points;
which reverberate in my mind with reference to some

Sometimes it also happens; that I skip many verses, at a
given point in time because I have nothing to say about
them at that time, but latter additional perspective and
insights develop in the flow of writing; and deserve
expression latter; even if it appears out of context.

Moreover the Gita and her translations are available
world over. Anyone interested can refer the original text
of Gita as and when he or she wishes.

Is it true that acquiring skill is the same as YOGA?

In the 2nd chapter YOGA is defined (….Yogah karmasu
kaushalam) as (ultimate) elegance or perfection in skill;
but other way round; it also implies that the greatest skill
or perfection in life is to realize YOGA!


In my opinion, the latter is true. Because, the skill of an
individual per se; does not impart global dimension to
the individual’s consciousness, which is inevitable and
inseparable aspect of YOGA. In fact, the word kaushala,
refers not merely to the physical skill of an action, but
more importantly it refers to the perspective, plans,
intentions, involvement and feelings embodied in that

What is the perspective in Gita with respect to
suppression and indulgence?

There is elaborate discussion in 2nd chapter; on how
physical senses should be controlled. But if one takes
into account the reference in 3rd chapter, then it becomes
clear that the human life and experiences there in; have
(and must be appreciated by us that they have) one goal
or destination; and that is SELF REALIZATION and
there is one way to achieve it i.e. SWADHARMA, rather
than getting trapped in arbitrary suppression or unabated,
mindless indulgence.

Gita is unique in the sense that she shows your ultimate
goal, shows you the path and guides you in the method
to tread it.

Gita therefore does not advocate suppression or
indulgence in an arbitrary manner, but inspires
SWADHARMA; in which while enjoying the core or

essence of all material pleasures you channellize them to
blossoming of yourself
and others! This is really universal thought; in view of
the difference in the physiological and other needs of
people in the world from different regions and cultures.
Once the goal of individual and global blossoming and
the way of SWADHARMA is identified and adhered to;
rest of the dos and don’ts (which need not be
regimentalized) follow the suit, in appropriate manner.

In this context, one can appreciate the perspective born
out of studying Gita about sex education.

In light of Gita; we should learn and teach the father and
mother principles and parental care; so that we don’t
develop disgust for sex and succumb to sexual
aberrations or perversions through arbitrary suppression
on the one hand; and don’t commit crimes, don’t get
diseased through getting trapped in carnal sexual
obsession and unending, unsatisfactory and obnoxious
indulgence in sex. Such holistic corrections can be made
in all walks education.

How do the experiences of the study of Gita differ
from the experiences of the study of other books?

It is nice to share here that I found the study of Gita
different from the study of many other books. The study
of Gita coupled with NAMASMARAN elevates you
from subjectivity to objectivity, i.e. getting in

alignment with the nature. Gita gradually but surely
changes your status of being effectual to being
causative! What I mean is; you
rise from being helplessly vulnerable victim or play in
the hands of the inner and outer environments, but
assume the status of governing them. This is certainly
difficult to agree intellectually, but can only be
experienced. Hence one can verify if one wishes.

Another point that struck me is: Gita teaches and trains
us to enter the center of universe! Thus; from being part
of the
 world of visible appearances and interactions thereof;
Gita trains us to see and merge with the core. She
enables us to penetrate the shackling traps of indulgence,
aversion, escapism, suppression or perversions, in the
superficial and aspects of our life.

Thus Gita does not advocate renunciation of the world
on the one hand and does not justify or glorify the
unending and unsatisfactory retrogressive shackling in
petty pursuits on the other!

This is very useful in day to day life.

If you experience the core of your spouse’s heart, then
the fear of loss of your spouse (or any loved one)
gradually disappears to a large extent and the romance
becomes super romance and love becomes super love!
Thus Gita trains you in super romance and super

love. You learn to live every moment in super romance
and super love; rather than getting worried about past
and future and subjective considerations.

How to reconcile the statements endorsing; “freedom
from cycle of birth and rebirth” and “the
phenomenon of reincarnation”? Aren’t they

In 5th chapter; Lord Krishna assures that you would not
be born again (Abrahma bhuvana loka punravartino
janah Mamupetya tu kaunteya punarjanma na vidyate) if
 realize the self. But in 4th chapter; he also assures that he
would manifest or reincarnate as and when
appropriate/necessary (Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya

The explanations to these contradictory statements are:
1. Lord Krishna’s reincarnation is represented by the
awakening of consciousness in every individual from
time to time.
2. The reincarnation is progressive sojourn of life of an
individual (who is either already enlightened or gets
enlightened) and is different from rebirth, which is full
of shackles of ignorance.

Hence reincarnation and freedom from rebirth are not

What is the necessity to read Gita repeatedly?

Gita enables us to develop the conceptual framework of
our life i.e. road map to cosmic consciousness and
NAMSMARAN rejuvenates us from moment to moment
proceed. The other way round also may be true! It is like
anatomy and physiology. Anatomical structure is
essential and complementary to physiological function
and vice versa. But when you go deeper; both seem to be

One of the most important things I learnt; probably as a
 product of studying Gita; is; practice of the essence of
Gita is immensely important. Repeated reading or
recitation of Gita consolidates the convictions about the
essence of Gita and thereby rejuvenates the enthusiasm
to practice that essence (NAMASMARAN). The
practice of NAMASMARAN in turn; endorses and
reinforces the conviction about the essence of Gita and
makes the repeated recitation of Gita a sublimely
empowering experience!

It is like reading about bath, which develops conviction
about the advantages of bath and actual practice of bath
that endorses the convictions about bath. Thus both are
perfectly complementary. One can compare it also; with
the reading about the advantages of exercise and actual
practice of exercise. I also learnt in the course of time

that we come across a number of situations in life, (due
to internal and external environment) which shroud our
consciousness, from time to time; and we tend to forget
our true self i.e. the essence of Gita and this is really a
shattering and weakening experience. In such situation,
recitation as repeatedly as possible or plausible; of Gita
and NAMASMARAN helps tremendously.

Gita is a window to sky of cosmic consciousness and
hence this window to the cosmic consciousness if
closed, we get cut off from that sky of cosmic
consciousness. Or repeatedly reading Gita is like
breathing repeatedly, which is essential for life.
Repeated reading or reciting of Gita is
 like lighting (to dispel the darkness of ignorance,
illusion and slumber) the lamps every night, which are
essential to dispel the darkness. Repeated recitation of
Gita is essential for purification of mind, which tends to
get clouded from time to time; like taking bath every day
repeatedly for rejuvenation and cleaning. Gita recitation
is like taking the hypoglycemic drugs by a diabetic
patient, in the sipping of which there is risk of increase
in blood sugar to toxic levels.
Gita is like oxygen of our soul. Jut as continuous supply
of oxygen is essential for the life, maintenance of the
supply of Gita through recitation is essential for
sustenance of and blossoming of consciousness!

Hence in 6th chapter; the importance of consistent
practice is emphasized. In my view, even somewhat

arbitrary and formal recitation, reading or chanting of
Gita; proves very useful (by acting at subconscious and
conscious levels); in strengthening and expediting the
process of blossoming.

The repetition is important for another reason also,
which has physiological basis. Thus repetition of Gita or
NAMASMARAN is a central nervous system activity
probably leads to development of stronger connections
between cerebral cortex and the limbic system, (which
are otherwise very weak). This underlines the difference
between a well read individual and an individual
involved in practice of NAMASMARAN and/or self
realized individual.

Gita recitation leads to paradigm shift. Individual
becomes cosmic. Reading of Gita casually once in a
while may at best serve to feel the elation of having read
her or quote references and criticizing or praising. But
for getting the sublime experience of going beyond
subjectivity, the essence that has to be imbibed and
assimilated, which is impossible by reading it once.
(This is my experience and hence I don’t rule out the
possibility of someone exceptional getting the sublime
experience in one reading or even without reading!)

There is one more reason why repetition of Gita makes

Ordinarily one’s happiness or sadness depends on the
involuntary interactions amongst the cerebral cortical,
limbic, autonomic, neuroendocrine, endocrine and other
systems of the body. The perceptions, feelings and
actions are usually impulsive (and hence chaotic,
conflicting and counter posed) because of weak input to;
and weak output from cerebral cortex to the remaining
systems. Repeated study and practice of Gita and
enhance the integration of all systems, bringing them
under higher controls such as cerebral cortex, conscience
and cosmic consciousness and effectively lead to
harmonious behavior; blossoming; one and all.

One can study the changes in the brain from this point of
view, in a control group; and a group involved in
NAMASMARAN; to verify; the anatomical and
physiological substrates; of the essence of global culture
which may not be accessible to crude technology.

One of the greatest lessons (one appreciates after
repetition of Gita over a period of time is) of Gita to the
world is; whatever we eat, drink, see, listen, talk, write,
learn, perform, use, relish and so on; should get
culminated into the goal of individual and global
blossoming. This makes our life itself the most
meritorious activity i.e. YAJNA! This is a true and
qualitative revolution in individual and global life.

It is imperative to state that for a person who does not
have the capacity to learn Gita for one reason or another;
the doors to cosmic consciousness are opened by
highway to cosmic consciusness.


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New Study Of Gita Nov 10 Dr. Shriniwas J. Kashalikar

  • 3. 3 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA Nov 10, 2009, 11:15 am Why has not this been written sequentially translating verse by verse? I decided to write on day to day basis; rather than sticking serially and sequentially to chapters and verses. This has the advantages of being natural in expression rather than formal. It is also beneficial because of repetition and/additional emphasis on more important points; which reverberate in my mind with reference to some verses. Sometimes it also happens; that I skip many verses, at a given point in time because I have nothing to say about them at that time, but latter additional perspective and insights develop in the flow of writing; and deserve expression latter; even if it appears out of context. Moreover the Gita and her translations are available world over. Anyone interested can refer the original text of Gita as and when he or she wishes. Is it true that acquiring skill is the same as YOGA? In the 2nd chapter YOGA is defined (….Yogah karmasu kaushalam) as (ultimate) elegance or perfection in skill; but other way round; it also implies that the greatest skill or perfection in life is to realize YOGA! DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 4. 4 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA In my opinion, the latter is true. Because, the skill of an individual per se; does not impart global dimension to the individual’s consciousness, which is inevitable and inseparable aspect of YOGA. In fact, the word kaushala, refers not merely to the physical skill of an action, but more importantly it refers to the perspective, plans, intentions, involvement and feelings embodied in that action. What is the perspective in Gita with respect to suppression and indulgence? There is elaborate discussion in 2nd chapter; on how physical senses should be controlled. But if one takes into account the reference in 3rd chapter, then it becomes clear that the human life and experiences there in; have (and must be appreciated by us that they have) one goal or destination; and that is SELF REALIZATION and there is one way to achieve it i.e. SWADHARMA, rather than getting trapped in arbitrary suppression or unabated, mindless indulgence. Gita is unique in the sense that she shows your ultimate goal, shows you the path and guides you in the method to tread it. Gita therefore does not advocate suppression or indulgence in an arbitrary manner, but inspires SWADHARMA; in which while enjoying the core or DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 5. 5 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA essence of all material pleasures you channellize them to blossoming of yourself and others! This is really universal thought; in view of the difference in the physiological and other needs of people in the world from different regions and cultures. Once the goal of individual and global blossoming and the way of SWADHARMA is identified and adhered to; rest of the dos and don’ts (which need not be regimentalized) follow the suit, in appropriate manner. In this context, one can appreciate the perspective born out of studying Gita about sex education. In light of Gita; we should learn and teach the father and mother principles and parental care; so that we don’t develop disgust for sex and succumb to sexual aberrations or perversions through arbitrary suppression on the one hand; and don’t commit crimes, don’t get diseased through getting trapped in carnal sexual obsession and unending, unsatisfactory and obnoxious indulgence in sex. Such holistic corrections can be made in all walks education. How do the experiences of the study of Gita differ from the experiences of the study of other books? It is nice to share here that I found the study of Gita different from the study of many other books. The study of Gita coupled with NAMASMARAN elevates you from subjectivity to objectivity, i.e. getting in DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 6. 6 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA alignment with the nature. Gita gradually but surely changes your status of being effectual to being causative! What I mean is; you rise from being helplessly vulnerable victim or play in the hands of the inner and outer environments, but assume the status of governing them. This is certainly difficult to agree intellectually, but can only be experienced. Hence one can verify if one wishes. Another point that struck me is: Gita teaches and trains us to enter the center of universe! Thus; from being part of the world of visible appearances and interactions thereof; Gita trains us to see and merge with the core. She enables us to penetrate the shackling traps of indulgence, aversion, escapism, suppression or perversions, in the superficial and aspects of our life. Thus Gita does not advocate renunciation of the world on the one hand and does not justify or glorify the unending and unsatisfactory retrogressive shackling in petty pursuits on the other! This is very useful in day to day life. If you experience the core of your spouse’s heart, then the fear of loss of your spouse (or any loved one) gradually disappears to a large extent and the romance becomes super romance and love becomes super love! Thus Gita trains you in super romance and super DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 7. 7 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA love. You learn to live every moment in super romance and super love; rather than getting worried about past and future and subjective considerations. How to reconcile the statements endorsing; “freedom from cycle of birth and rebirth” and “the phenomenon of reincarnation”? Aren’t they contradictory? In 5th chapter; Lord Krishna assures that you would not be born again (Abrahma bhuvana loka punravartino janah Mamupetya tu kaunteya punarjanma na vidyate) if you realize the self. But in 4th chapter; he also assures that he would manifest or reincarnate as and when appropriate/necessary (Paritranaya sadhunam vinashaya cha….) The explanations to these contradictory statements are: 1. Lord Krishna’s reincarnation is represented by the awakening of consciousness in every individual from time to time. 2. The reincarnation is progressive sojourn of life of an individual (who is either already enlightened or gets enlightened) and is different from rebirth, which is full of shackles of ignorance. Hence reincarnation and freedom from rebirth are not incompatible! DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 8. 8 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA What is the necessity to read Gita repeatedly? Gita enables us to develop the conceptual framework of our life i.e. road map to cosmic consciousness and NAMSMARAN rejuvenates us from moment to moment to proceed. The other way round also may be true! It is like anatomy and physiology. Anatomical structure is essential and complementary to physiological function and vice versa. But when you go deeper; both seem to be indistinguishable! One of the most important things I learnt; probably as a by product of studying Gita; is; practice of the essence of Gita is immensely important. Repeated reading or recitation of Gita consolidates the convictions about the essence of Gita and thereby rejuvenates the enthusiasm to practice that essence (NAMASMARAN). The practice of NAMASMARAN in turn; endorses and reinforces the conviction about the essence of Gita and makes the repeated recitation of Gita a sublimely empowering experience! It is like reading about bath, which develops conviction about the advantages of bath and actual practice of bath that endorses the convictions about bath. Thus both are perfectly complementary. One can compare it also; with the reading about the advantages of exercise and actual practice of exercise. I also learnt in the course of time DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 9. 9 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA that we come across a number of situations in life, (due to internal and external environment) which shroud our consciousness, from time to time; and we tend to forget our true self i.e. the essence of Gita and this is really a shattering and weakening experience. In such situation, recitation as repeatedly as possible or plausible; of Gita and NAMASMARAN helps tremendously. Gita is a window to sky of cosmic consciousness and hence this window to the cosmic consciousness if closed, we get cut off from that sky of cosmic consciousness. Or repeatedly reading Gita is like breathing repeatedly, which is essential for life. Repeated reading or reciting of Gita is like lighting (to dispel the darkness of ignorance, illusion and slumber) the lamps every night, which are essential to dispel the darkness. Repeated recitation of Gita is essential for purification of mind, which tends to get clouded from time to time; like taking bath every day repeatedly for rejuvenation and cleaning. Gita recitation is like taking the hypoglycemic drugs by a diabetic patient, in the sipping of which there is risk of increase in blood sugar to toxic levels. Gita is like oxygen of our soul. Jut as continuous supply of oxygen is essential for the life, maintenance of the supply of Gita through recitation is essential for sustenance of and blossoming of consciousness! Hence in 6th chapter; the importance of consistent practice is emphasized. In my view, even somewhat DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 10. 10 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA arbitrary and formal recitation, reading or chanting of Gita; proves very useful (by acting at subconscious and conscious levels); in strengthening and expediting the process of blossoming. The repetition is important for another reason also, which has physiological basis. Thus repetition of Gita or NAMASMARAN is a central nervous system activity and probably leads to development of stronger connections between cerebral cortex and the limbic system, (which are otherwise very weak). This underlines the difference between a well read individual and an individual involved in practice of NAMASMARAN and/or self realized individual. Gita recitation leads to paradigm shift. Individual becomes cosmic. Reading of Gita casually once in a while may at best serve to feel the elation of having read her or quote references and criticizing or praising. But for getting the sublime experience of going beyond subjectivity, the essence that has to be imbibed and assimilated, which is impossible by reading it once. (This is my experience and hence I don’t rule out the possibility of someone exceptional getting the sublime experience in one reading or even without reading!) There is one more reason why repetition of Gita makes sense. DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 11. 11 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA Ordinarily one’s happiness or sadness depends on the involuntary interactions amongst the cerebral cortical, limbic, autonomic, neuroendocrine, endocrine and other systems of the body. The perceptions, feelings and actions are usually impulsive (and hence chaotic, conflicting and counter posed) because of weak input to; and weak output from cerebral cortex to the remaining systems. Repeated study and practice of Gita and NAMASMARAN probably enhance the integration of all systems, bringing them under higher controls such as cerebral cortex, conscience and cosmic consciousness and effectively lead to harmonious behavior; blossoming; one and all. One can study the changes in the brain from this point of view, in a control group; and a group involved in NAMASMARAN; to verify; the anatomical and physiological substrates; of the essence of global culture which may not be accessible to crude technology. One of the greatest lessons (one appreciates after repetition of Gita over a period of time is) of Gita to the world is; whatever we eat, drink, see, listen, talk, write, learn, perform, use, relish and so on; should get culminated into the goal of individual and global blossoming. This makes our life itself the most meritorious activity i.e. YAJNA! This is a true and qualitative revolution in individual and global life. DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR
  • 12. 12 NEW STUDY OF BHAGAVAD GITA It is imperative to state that for a person who does not have the capacity to learn Gita for one reason or another; the doors to cosmic consciousness are opened by NAMASMARAN. NAMASMARAN is a express highway to cosmic consciusness. DR. SHRINIWAS JANARDAN KASHALIKAR