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After being at Standing Rock for almost three weeks, too much had happened there, for a simple post.
The duality between the Black Snakei
& the Water Protectors is a reflection of the extremes in our
world. The Black Snake is trying to continue to lead us down the road to ecocide, while the Water
Protectors are trying to lead us towards a new loving world.
I arrived in a group of 75 people coming from Vt, we had a bus and a caravan that was organized by
(a climate change organization). Everything was loaded with supplies, the bus, the cars, &
even a rental truck.
Most of the group only stayed for a week, however, we came in on the Sunday of the action, where the
police were the most brutal and aggressive. They did not just use tear gas & pepper spray; they used
percussion grenades, rubber bullets, and worst of all; water canons in freezing weather. The aggressive
action of using water in freezing weather is nothing less than attempted murder, & if it was not for the
fast response of the medics, people would have died. To make matters worse, the police even shot at the
medics, as they were trying to help the wounded, in clear violation of international law!
About half my group went on to the front line. I was on my way there, when a wise young womom (not
a misspell) stopped me, & said: “it was not a sanctioned action.” I also heard that the police may make
a move on the main camp, and I would be of greater use, to protect the people there, as most of the
warriors went to the front.
They seem to have been targeting womom with blond hair, one almost lost her arm, & another may
have lost sight in one of her eyes. The next day many people were limping and bruised by the rubber
bullets, some even had broken ribs. I heard that the police were even laughing, while they were
committing these crimes.
To give you an idea of the love & bravery of the water protectors, & the blind fear of the police. I met
two warriors who had multiple injuries from the rubber bullets that night, who shared their story with
me: One was trying to serve tea, not only to the Water Protectors but to the police as well. Even when
being shot at, he would continue to offer tea. Another was telling them that he loves them, as they
would shoot him down, he was not a very big man, thus the impact of the bullets would knock him to
the ground, all the same, he would get up again & again, and tell them that he loves them, over & over,
as they would continue to shoot at him.
That first night I slept outside. I was very tired that night, after coming down from the fury of my
dragon (an adrenaline rush). I put grass above me and below me, as to protect my sleeping bag from the
frost. However, I was too tired to notice I was on a hill, thus I slipped out from the protective grass, and
was covered with thick frost the next morning. I told an elder of this, as something that I thought was
quite funny, but she was not amused, & demanded that I sleep in the community sleeping spaces. With
very few exceptions up until the point I left, I did abide by her demand.
I put my backpack & sleeping bag in a tent, of a new friend (one of many new friends). Although I had
some of my most valuable possessions there; a comparatively expensive camera, a laptop, a digital
recorder, a new set of long range walkie-talkies, and a special robe, made by a close, however, now
deceased lover, all the same, I felt if she was alive, she would want to be there, as she was part
“Nipissing.” I had no fear of any of them getting ripped off. There was a strong feeling of trust, respect
& love there, that was strongly influenced by the prayerful & loving purpose, & directive.
However, I did not notice that I did not have my cell phone or charger for my camera. The excitement
of being there made me very careless at first, mindfulness set in later. The cell phone came to me the
next day, when an honest warrior womom who was traveling with us, found it on the bus and gave it to
me. Shortly after I got it, I promptly lost it again! I was pretty sure my camera charger was left on the
bus as well, which I would have to wait a week to find, as the bus would not return until then.
All the same, it really did not matter because other than taking pictures of police & military, picture
taking was very limited. The most sacred & beautiful rituals, places & even the wild horses who are
descendants of Crazy Horse’s horse, was not allowed to be photographed. You could not even take
pictures of people without not only the main subjects permission, you also need the permission of
anyone & everyone who may be in the background, or in any other way in the picture.
Every day was like a week, & too much happened to write about it all. You may have noticed that I did
not use names, & that is because, just like with taking pictures, I’d need permission to do so. From here
on I will just tell the highlights & overviews.
The next day, after the big action I went to orientation, & direct action training. In the direct action
training, I offered to set up a peacekeeping group, & the response was less than favorable. It seems it
was tried before, & whoever did it, did not do a good job of it. Being an outsider, on one of my first
days, it was obvious that I had to prove myself. Which I’d eventually did, however, setting up a
“peacekeeping” group became low on my list of priorities.
I tried to avoid being relied on for doing any particular work because I came there to be one of the
warriors dressed in black. Black means that I came prepared to die, to save our Mother Earth. This
willingness comes not because I have a strong desire to die, oh no, quite the opposite, it comes from a
deep & profound love of life, that is so great, that it is worth dying for, I am clearly willing to die for it.
What was said about the crop dusters, is true. These planes would come in, in the darkness of night,
low flying without their lights on, & would spray the main camp. Whatever they were using irritates
the lungs throat & sinuses. You would hear many people, including myself, coughing around the big
camp. We nick name it, the DAPLiii
cough. Eventually, it appears that we used searchlights, which
discouraged them from coming.
Most of my day I wandered around camp helping whoever needed it. I did not do much building other
than putting up tents & tepees, partly because I did not have my own tools, more so because of control
& ego issues with some of the builders who had tools. Again they had no idea of my skill level, & I had
no need to prove myself.
I did not go to Standing Rock for myself, or to prove anything to anyone, I went to serve, protect &
sacrifice. All the same, I did get a lot more than I expected.
One of the greatest influences & spiritual gift givers to my growth & awareness was this wise Elder
womom, whom I helped, as well as her family. My spelling of the word “women/woman” went from
“womin” now to womom because of her. I was never really happy with “womin,” & womom is perfect!
It gets completely away from the patriarch, & totally gives power to the feminine, in a more mystical
light, too involved to explain here. This came to me as a vision, when this elder did a ritual, where the
men moved opposite the womom in two circles around a shrine, the center which was the shrine, also
appeared to spin.
More importantly, she helped me understand through her beingness more so than simply her words, the
meaning of the Great Spirit, as everything & within everything. And in this came a deeper
understanding of prayer, as a means to focus needed or desired intent, with the deepest respect,
humility, & reverence for the interconnection of all that lives, & thereby has an active and receptive
awareness. And in this, there must always be an offering, as not only to show respect, more so as a
means of balance with the spirit world.
After this I prayed every day at the sacred fire, to guide me to where I’m needed the most, & believe
me it most assuredly did, on some days a little too much so.
After this, I started to establish a daily routine. It would start hours before the sun rose, with a morning
prayer circle, around the sacred fire. Then we would go down to the river for a very beautiful and very
loving water ritual. The men would line up on both sides of the two docks, all the way up to the start of
the slightly hilly walkway, to the tip of the often slippery dock, & make sure the womom safely gave
their prayers & offerings. Then the roles would reverse with the womom protecting the men. It became
apparent that one of the docks was more dangerous than the other when a womom came very close to
falling in. I then assumed a role to assure that would not happen. I was the only person who stayed on
the head of the most dangerous dock and did not change roles, as to make sure that all were safe. I used
reverse martial arts, instead of making people fall down, I would make sure, that they stayed steady &
balanced, so they can safely make their prayer & offerings. It was much appreciated by all!
The next big actions were on Thanksgiving, & it was sanctioned actions of prayer & love. There were
three actions, one was an action at the “Bridge,” another at “Turtle Island” & “a drill,” in case the camp
was invaded. The private security force, military & police were divided, there was only a small force at
Turtle Island. The intent there was to put a small bridge across so people can cross the river, to pray in
this sacred place. The military & police lacking the numbers at this sacred place, that looked like a
large turtle, were threatening to use live ammo! It was authorized by the governor to do so, so it was
their call. When I heard this, I knew that is where I was needed the most. Fully intending to be a shield,
to protect the others, I was ready to die that day. I jumped into a car with others heading in that
direction, just barely holding on as we road over the bumps & took the curves. They could only go so
far, when I and a couple others jumped off the car, to cross the river at a low point by foot, as a short
cut. I ran down the road leaving the other two behind, they were not dressed in black, & as ready to
take the bullets. To be honest, my dress code was lacking, I had blue jeans on that day, however, my
spirit was ready. When I got to Turtle Island, I quickly moved to the shoreline in front of everyone else.
My dragon was pumped, my mind was on fire with adrenaline, & my ego burst into flames, & was
blown away like dust in the wind! I was void of self & filled with intent! There were maybe ten Black
Snake defenders pointing their guns at a hundred or more of us, when I unzipped my jacket exposing
my chest, as to make an easy target, as I said the only words I can remember, saying; “Shoot me, kill
me, release my spirit and thousands more will come.” After those simple words, the “Great Spirit,”
took over. The words were direct, meaningful & even shown loving concern. There was absolutely no
fear in the words, or my voice & heart. The words were of concern for the children of those pointing
their guns, for even their lives & the future, for our Mother Earth & all life on earth, the children were a
focal point, the words were pointed but not hateful, meant to get them to think about who they were
really working for, which was not the people & not for justice, and definitely not for life on earth. The
Great Spirit's words spoke of how beautiful the first nation people were & that the 500 years of
genocide needs to end, the Great Spirit spoke of concern for the 18,000,000 people whose water supply
was endangered. These words that the Great Spirit spoke through me, were from heart to heart, and it
appeared to have moved them. As my body was ready, & my mind visualized the bullets entering me,
they pointed their guns to the ground, they stood down, to my surprise I did not die that day. Less than
a moment passed, when two or three of them got in a car and drove off. Coincidence perhaps, however
the power of prayer, & the “Great Spirit,” I personally felt was the reason for why this possible deadly
action did not take place. Everyone there, were inspired and moved by the words of the Great Spirit, &
my show of no fear!
Reinforcements for the Black Snake were on the way, we can see them driving up the back of Turtle
Island, a 50 or more. They were not pointing their guns at us, all the same, they ordered us to stop
building the bridge, we did not comply. We set the bridge in the water, & they ordered us not too, or
they would need to take aggressive action, we continued to work. We used canoes to move it across &
they ordered us to stop or they’ll need to use force, we did not listen. We started to cross and they asked
to compromise, saying they will not arrest anyone, or take any action against us if we did not cross, we
crossed anyway. I did not go to the other side, as there was no threat of deadly force, instead, I did
peacekeeping on the side we were crossing from. There were some hostile actions towards the
defenders of the black snake, mostly from those that came later & most likely “Red Warriors.” I
effectively & peacefully got most of them to stand-down, except one, who was not going to listen to a
light complexion male, a womom warrior came and he listened to her. The Red Warriors, on the Turtle
Island side, were also trying to get people to be more aggressive. The Defenders of the Black Snake
watered down the top of Turtle Island, as to make it difficult to climb, while some water protectors
were trying to prevent “Red Warriors” from climbing, simply by outnumbering them. No arrest, & no
real violence occurred that day. As I was walking back, a very large group of a few hundred “water
protectors” were going to Turtle Island to pray in peace.
I heard that on another day shortly after that, that a group of womom walk to where there were some
police guarding, another prayer site. In the past, they would not allow & stop people from praying
there. These brave warrior womom, walked right up to the police, & the police moved aside to let them
If I did not witness & experience these things, I would not understand the power of prayer & love, as a
powerful transforming force, that can be used to save our Earth, and give birth to a new world.
The coming together of over 300 indigenous tribes uniting with rainbow & seventh generation
warriors. This vast unity is nothing less than the fulfillment of prophecy.
As the Vt group was getting ready to leave they found my cell phone, & the bus driver gave me my
camera battery charger. I was very happy to finally have my cell phone, for I was out of contact with
my people back east up until then. I did not even have the Internet, so it was good to have contact
again, & my friends & family were relieved that I’m still alive. Most of the Vt group left, on and after
Thanksgiving weekend, only a few of us remained at “Standing Rock.”
One night after the Vt group left, I decided to sleep outdoors. I have a new 20-F° sleeping bag that was
given to me. The night before a young womom was sleeping in the dome with only a summer bag, &
she was shivering . A concerned warrior friend put a few blankets of his on her, & I gave her, my old
sleeping bag that was once good to 30-F, it may only be good to 15-F° now, between what my friend &
I did, she had a shiver-free restful sleep. This illustrates how life was there, all needs were provided for,
everyone cares 4 each other & shows the love by helping each other with their needs. Gift economics,
the 5th world economy was strong at Standing Rock.
That night that I decided to sleep outside, I found a flat area, cut plenty of grass for under and above the
sleeping bag. A womom was also by the river in a makeshift dwelling, she thought I was the wild
horses, and shined her flashlight towards me, a blinding light in my eyes. Of course, I’d gone to see
who she was. After a short but pleasant talk, & when she knew for sure, that I was not some crazy wild
horse, I went back to finishing cutting the grass. I knew I was warned, however, I really needed a break
from people.
It was the most restful night I had there, under the stars that danced in the sky, & shined so bright,
falling asleep, looking at a sky that had no apparent end, calm water moving ever so slowly, its rhythm,
set to the beat of my heart, and wild horses, no more than ten feet from me. It was by far, the most
restful sleep I had there!
I was planning on sleeping outdoors again, when the first blizzard hit, it was the weakest and first of
the three, two stronger ones, had yet to come. I was going around both in the blizzard and after to make
sure everyone was OK. I was not the only one, it seems many warriors were doing the same. Before the
blizzard, we were going crazy making sure to get all food & supplies under cover. I worked mostly
with getting army tents up, & work with the Mess Hall & donations & supply areas, to get everything
under cover. It was so easy to mobilize volunteers, it seemed like everyone I asked was very willing to
Other than working for a few kitchens (mostly the “Mess Hall”) the Supply-Resources-& donation
areas, as well as individual water protectors, & elders that needed help, I worked in both the Canon
Ball town & community center.
I stayed away from any organizing, although I have lots of experience, I did not want to deal with the
egos, power struggles, & the all too general colonization, which is too prevalent in the European
The coordinators for volunteers to help Canon Ball were two kind-heartened people, who were a
pleasure to work with. They did not possess most of the above unpleasant qualities that I have no
patients for.
One day when I was shoveling snow for an elder in Canon Ball, there were dogs behind me barking,
that I did not pay much attention too. One of them ran right up to me unnoticed, and he bit me in the
back of my leg. I turned and growled, ready to run him down and bite him on the neck, when I noticed
he had three or four friends with him. So instead of having to kill them all, with my very sharp USMC
Ka-Bar (knife), in front of an elder & some children, I decided to stand down. A sweet little kid chained
him up, & the other dogs mellowed out. I went back to finishing the driveway without incident.
My two friends, the kind heartened coordinators of the Canon Ball Community Center, were going
away for the holidays, & asked me to take over for them while they were gone. Although I wanted to
stay away from organizing I agreed.
We had a few media actions that were very meaningful with the vets & clergy. The only one I attended
was the giant hoop, which was open to everyone & that may have been its problem. We were making a
large hoop of people, that was having a hard time coming together. I was taking it upon myself to make
it happen & fill in the gaps, which was working, until some church dude decided to take part of it
downhill, luckily at that frustrating moment, the news came that we won! And the whole hoop fell
apart, or should I say it fell into a celebration! Cautious celebration, but a celebration all the same.
The unfortunate part was that the prayerful loving energy of the camp changed, and people were doing
things that the elders would not approve of.
Then came the second blizzard, it was more severe than the first. It was also at this time when the vets
were still there, along with the clergy. Over 300 clergy & over 4,000 veterans. The main camp swelled
everywhere, it was so crowded, all community sleeping spaces were being used, by this influx. It was
overall a great thing, however, I had a problem with it. My DAPL Cough was weakening my immune
system along with the blizzard. Another factor was not being able to wash regularly, having too few
showers for too many people, thus having more negative & harmful bacteria. With this combination, I
developed an eye infection in both eyes, one eye was almost completely closed, and the other was on
its way, to being as bad, I had a slight fever & a toothache. I have been getting up early every day and
going to sleep late every night, so, I guess my problem was really with me, not taking good care of
myself. I needed to get to sleep early, & to get to sleep real soon, as well as start using my healing
herbs, or this stuff would just keep on getting a lot worse!
Also, people were not as loving as they were. When I fell to my knees because my cough was so
severe, a passerby saw it, & did ask if I was alright, but when I said: “not really,” he just kept on
walking. An indigenous person was drunk and looking to get even more so, & he wanted my help in
doing it, not even being aware of how sick I was, or that I will not go against what the elders want.
People were even using words of hate towards each other. Most of the more loving & spiritual people
were gone, soon after victory was known. The only place available for me to sleep was in the dome, &
that was having an event, which can last for hours.
Out of both disappointment & frustration, I was just going to go to sleep in a cold snow bank, which
seemed warmer than the heart of the “passerby.” Then a young mystic came to me, and when I
explained that I need a place to sleep, he said: “go to the sacred fire, and in less than ten minutes,
someone will offer me a place to stay, sleep & heal! And that is just what happened! The magic, &
some “holders of the sacred,” was still there, even though the colonization & unbalanced world was
rapidly creeping in.
These beautiful people that put me up for a couple of days, were documenting Standing Rock for a
website that gets millions of hits. They allowed me to stay in their RV until at least my eyes were
better, and the closed one opened up, as far as I know, both they and the “young mystic man,” saved my
I felt a little guilty that I was not helping people in this second blizzard, although I fully knew it would
be foolish to do so. The vets were doing a great job on checking on everyone, to make sure everyone
was safe.
After most of the vets and pretty much all of the clergy left, camp was like a ghost town, the storm
drastically reduced our numbers, or maybe most people were just staying out of the weather, either
way, the morning prayers & water ritual was no longer happening, and there were few large gatherings,
at least that is what I was experiencing.
I went to two meetings one after the other at the dome. There it was made very clear from the
headsmen, who represented the will of the elders, that non-indigenous people should go home and
celebrate the holidays with their families, we won for now, & there was no real reason why anyone that
was not from there should stay there.
I had a prior obligation to take over as the coordinator of volunteers for my good friends at the Canon
Ball Community Center, as they go home for the holidays. I was going to try to get out of it, as it would
be hard to get volunteers with the small, and for the most part uncaring population, of mostly homeless
& people with emotional & psychological problems. Also, I did not have a good relationship with the
Red Warriors, which may be the only somewhat helpful people left. I had no tools & no transportation,
however, I did know a volunteer who had both, along with being a sincerely dedicated person, with a
good mind and plenty of abilities. I first approached my friends with the idea of replacing me, and they
were OK with it, even if there was no one else to take my place. All the same, that would not be “OK”
with me, & there is no way I'd leave them, without making sure there is someone. I then asked my new
friend if he would do it, & he was happy to do so, although he had other commitments. I introduced
them they got along and I was free to leave.
Well almost free, I wanted to get out before the third and strongest blizzard would hit, however,
someone overheard me talking to someone else, about being an organizer. The media group wanted me
to help organize an evacuation. I never organized an evacuation before, however, I did do organizing
that was logistical, in the distant past it involved getting people in and out of dangerous situation
successfully, as well as clandestine search and rescue. Doing an evacuation would not be that much
different, even less complex, thus I agreed, fully knowing people's lives are at risk if I mess-up!. Even
though I agreed, I felt as I did from the beginning, not to get involved in organizing, for the same
reasons that I expressed before.
I made up a plan, submitted it in time, but no one was getting back to me. I activated the simple parts &
made connections with some people that had needed resources, & nervously waited, knowing every
minute means that a life may be lost, as there were many people at high risk. I waited and a few hours
passed when I decided to talk to the main headsmen of the media group, who informed me that another
group of people was working on a plan, & to talk to them.
& the usual happened, the ego stuff I was hoping to avoid. They were not freely sharing what they were
doing, the usual elitist ego based colonized means of patriarchal stuff that I hate.
So I was free again, a day late, low on cash and closer to the day of the storm. I took the first ride out,
which only got me to Chicago, where I was stuck for hours, still sick from stuff related to the DAPL
Cough and next to no cash. I have a super good friend in Chicago & a loving family in NY, to make a
longer story short, my good friend got me a taxi, & my dear loving sister & super chill Brother-in-Law
paid for and arranged to get me on a train. Now I'm recouping in their home in NY, soon to return to
my beloved Green Mountains (Vermont).
i The Black Snake is the Pipeline
iii North Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Energy Transfer Inc.

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My time at Standing Rock

  • 1. After being at Standing Rock for almost three weeks, too much had happened there, for a simple post. The duality between the Black Snakei & the Water Protectors is a reflection of the extremes in our world. The Black Snake is trying to continue to lead us down the road to ecocide, while the Water Protectors are trying to lead us towards a new loving world. I arrived in a group of 75 people coming from Vt, we had a bus and a caravan that was organized by 350.orgii (a climate change organization). Everything was loaded with supplies, the bus, the cars, & even a rental truck. Most of the group only stayed for a week, however, we came in on the Sunday of the action, where the police were the most brutal and aggressive. They did not just use tear gas & pepper spray; they used percussion grenades, rubber bullets, and worst of all; water canons in freezing weather. The aggressive action of using water in freezing weather is nothing less than attempted murder, & if it was not for the fast response of the medics, people would have died. To make matters worse, the police even shot at the medics, as they were trying to help the wounded, in clear violation of international law! About half my group went on to the front line. I was on my way there, when a wise young womom (not a misspell) stopped me, & said: “it was not a sanctioned action.” I also heard that the police may make a move on the main camp, and I would be of greater use, to protect the people there, as most of the warriors went to the front. They seem to have been targeting womom with blond hair, one almost lost her arm, & another may have lost sight in one of her eyes. The next day many people were limping and bruised by the rubber bullets, some even had broken ribs. I heard that the police were even laughing, while they were committing these crimes. To give you an idea of the love & bravery of the water protectors, & the blind fear of the police. I met two warriors who had multiple injuries from the rubber bullets that night, who shared their story with me: One was trying to serve tea, not only to the Water Protectors but to the police as well. Even when being shot at, he would continue to offer tea. Another was telling them that he loves them, as they would shoot him down, he was not a very big man, thus the impact of the bullets would knock him to the ground, all the same, he would get up again & again, and tell them that he loves them, over & over, as they would continue to shoot at him. That first night I slept outside. I was very tired that night, after coming down from the fury of my dragon (an adrenaline rush). I put grass above me and below me, as to protect my sleeping bag from the frost. However, I was too tired to notice I was on a hill, thus I slipped out from the protective grass, and was covered with thick frost the next morning. I told an elder of this, as something that I thought was quite funny, but she was not amused, & demanded that I sleep in the community sleeping spaces. With very few exceptions up until the point I left, I did abide by her demand. I put my backpack & sleeping bag in a tent, of a new friend (one of many new friends). Although I had some of my most valuable possessions there; a comparatively expensive camera, a laptop, a digital recorder, a new set of long range walkie-talkies, and a special robe, made by a close, however, now deceased lover, all the same, I felt if she was alive, she would want to be there, as she was part “Nipissing.” I had no fear of any of them getting ripped off. There was a strong feeling of trust, respect & love there, that was strongly influenced by the prayerful & loving purpose, & directive. However, I did not notice that I did not have my cell phone or charger for my camera. The excitement
  • 2. of being there made me very careless at first, mindfulness set in later. The cell phone came to me the next day, when an honest warrior womom who was traveling with us, found it on the bus and gave it to me. Shortly after I got it, I promptly lost it again! I was pretty sure my camera charger was left on the bus as well, which I would have to wait a week to find, as the bus would not return until then. All the same, it really did not matter because other than taking pictures of police & military, picture taking was very limited. The most sacred & beautiful rituals, places & even the wild horses who are descendants of Crazy Horse’s horse, was not allowed to be photographed. You could not even take pictures of people without not only the main subjects permission, you also need the permission of anyone & everyone who may be in the background, or in any other way in the picture. Every day was like a week, & too much happened to write about it all. You may have noticed that I did not use names, & that is because, just like with taking pictures, I’d need permission to do so. From here on I will just tell the highlights & overviews. The next day, after the big action I went to orientation, & direct action training. In the direct action training, I offered to set up a peacekeeping group, & the response was less than favorable. It seems it was tried before, & whoever did it, did not do a good job of it. Being an outsider, on one of my first days, it was obvious that I had to prove myself. Which I’d eventually did, however, setting up a “peacekeeping” group became low on my list of priorities. I tried to avoid being relied on for doing any particular work because I came there to be one of the warriors dressed in black. Black means that I came prepared to die, to save our Mother Earth. This willingness comes not because I have a strong desire to die, oh no, quite the opposite, it comes from a deep & profound love of life, that is so great, that it is worth dying for, I am clearly willing to die for it. What was said about the crop dusters, is true. These planes would come in, in the darkness of night, low flying without their lights on, & would spray the main camp. Whatever they were using irritates the lungs throat & sinuses. You would hear many people, including myself, coughing around the big camp. We nick name it, the DAPLiii cough. Eventually, it appears that we used searchlights, which discouraged them from coming. Most of my day I wandered around camp helping whoever needed it. I did not do much building other than putting up tents & tepees, partly because I did not have my own tools, more so because of control & ego issues with some of the builders who had tools. Again they had no idea of my skill level, & I had no need to prove myself. I did not go to Standing Rock for myself, or to prove anything to anyone, I went to serve, protect & sacrifice. All the same, I did get a lot more than I expected. One of the greatest influences & spiritual gift givers to my growth & awareness was this wise Elder womom, whom I helped, as well as her family. My spelling of the word “women/woman” went from “womin” now to womom because of her. I was never really happy with “womin,” & womom is perfect! It gets completely away from the patriarch, & totally gives power to the feminine, in a more mystical light, too involved to explain here. This came to me as a vision, when this elder did a ritual, where the men moved opposite the womom in two circles around a shrine, the center which was the shrine, also appeared to spin. More importantly, she helped me understand through her beingness more so than simply her words, the
  • 3. meaning of the Great Spirit, as everything & within everything. And in this came a deeper understanding of prayer, as a means to focus needed or desired intent, with the deepest respect, humility, & reverence for the interconnection of all that lives, & thereby has an active and receptive awareness. And in this, there must always be an offering, as not only to show respect, more so as a means of balance with the spirit world. After this I prayed every day at the sacred fire, to guide me to where I’m needed the most, & believe me it most assuredly did, on some days a little too much so. After this, I started to establish a daily routine. It would start hours before the sun rose, with a morning prayer circle, around the sacred fire. Then we would go down to the river for a very beautiful and very loving water ritual. The men would line up on both sides of the two docks, all the way up to the start of the slightly hilly walkway, to the tip of the often slippery dock, & make sure the womom safely gave their prayers & offerings. Then the roles would reverse with the womom protecting the men. It became apparent that one of the docks was more dangerous than the other when a womom came very close to falling in. I then assumed a role to assure that would not happen. I was the only person who stayed on the head of the most dangerous dock and did not change roles, as to make sure that all were safe. I used reverse martial arts, instead of making people fall down, I would make sure, that they stayed steady & balanced, so they can safely make their prayer & offerings. It was much appreciated by all! The next big actions were on Thanksgiving, & it was sanctioned actions of prayer & love. There were three actions, one was an action at the “Bridge,” another at “Turtle Island” & “a drill,” in case the camp was invaded. The private security force, military & police were divided, there was only a small force at Turtle Island. The intent there was to put a small bridge across so people can cross the river, to pray in this sacred place. The military & police lacking the numbers at this sacred place, that looked like a large turtle, were threatening to use live ammo! It was authorized by the governor to do so, so it was their call. When I heard this, I knew that is where I was needed the most. Fully intending to be a shield, to protect the others, I was ready to die that day. I jumped into a car with others heading in that direction, just barely holding on as we road over the bumps & took the curves. They could only go so far, when I and a couple others jumped off the car, to cross the river at a low point by foot, as a short cut. I ran down the road leaving the other two behind, they were not dressed in black, & as ready to take the bullets. To be honest, my dress code was lacking, I had blue jeans on that day, however, my spirit was ready. When I got to Turtle Island, I quickly moved to the shoreline in front of everyone else. My dragon was pumped, my mind was on fire with adrenaline, & my ego burst into flames, & was blown away like dust in the wind! I was void of self & filled with intent! There were maybe ten Black Snake defenders pointing their guns at a hundred or more of us, when I unzipped my jacket exposing my chest, as to make an easy target, as I said the only words I can remember, saying; “Shoot me, kill me, release my spirit and thousands more will come.” After those simple words, the “Great Spirit,” took over. The words were direct, meaningful & even shown loving concern. There was absolutely no fear in the words, or my voice & heart. The words were of concern for the children of those pointing their guns, for even their lives & the future, for our Mother Earth & all life on earth, the children were a focal point, the words were pointed but not hateful, meant to get them to think about who they were really working for, which was not the people & not for justice, and definitely not for life on earth. The Great Spirit's words spoke of how beautiful the first nation people were & that the 500 years of genocide needs to end, the Great Spirit spoke of concern for the 18,000,000 people whose water supply was endangered. These words that the Great Spirit spoke through me, were from heart to heart, and it appeared to have moved them. As my body was ready, & my mind visualized the bullets entering me, they pointed their guns to the ground, they stood down, to my surprise I did not die that day. Less than a moment passed, when two or three of them got in a car and drove off. Coincidence perhaps, however
  • 4. the power of prayer, & the “Great Spirit,” I personally felt was the reason for why this possible deadly action did not take place. Everyone there, were inspired and moved by the words of the Great Spirit, & my show of no fear! Reinforcements for the Black Snake were on the way, we can see them driving up the back of Turtle Island, a 50 or more. They were not pointing their guns at us, all the same, they ordered us to stop building the bridge, we did not comply. We set the bridge in the water, & they ordered us not too, or they would need to take aggressive action, we continued to work. We used canoes to move it across & they ordered us to stop or they’ll need to use force, we did not listen. We started to cross and they asked to compromise, saying they will not arrest anyone, or take any action against us if we did not cross, we crossed anyway. I did not go to the other side, as there was no threat of deadly force, instead, I did peacekeeping on the side we were crossing from. There were some hostile actions towards the defenders of the black snake, mostly from those that came later & most likely “Red Warriors.” I effectively & peacefully got most of them to stand-down, except one, who was not going to listen to a light complexion male, a womom warrior came and he listened to her. The Red Warriors, on the Turtle Island side, were also trying to get people to be more aggressive. The Defenders of the Black Snake watered down the top of Turtle Island, as to make it difficult to climb, while some water protectors were trying to prevent “Red Warriors” from climbing, simply by outnumbering them. No arrest, & no real violence occurred that day. As I was walking back, a very large group of a few hundred “water protectors” were going to Turtle Island to pray in peace. I heard that on another day shortly after that, that a group of womom walk to where there were some police guarding, another prayer site. In the past, they would not allow & stop people from praying there. These brave warrior womom, walked right up to the police, & the police moved aside to let them pray. If I did not witness & experience these things, I would not understand the power of prayer & love, as a powerful transforming force, that can be used to save our Earth, and give birth to a new world. The coming together of over 300 indigenous tribes uniting with rainbow & seventh generation warriors. This vast unity is nothing less than the fulfillment of prophecy. As the Vt group was getting ready to leave they found my cell phone, & the bus driver gave me my camera battery charger. I was very happy to finally have my cell phone, for I was out of contact with my people back east up until then. I did not even have the Internet, so it was good to have contact again, & my friends & family were relieved that I’m still alive. Most of the Vt group left, on and after Thanksgiving weekend, only a few of us remained at “Standing Rock.” One night after the Vt group left, I decided to sleep outdoors. I have a new 20-F° sleeping bag that was given to me. The night before a young womom was sleeping in the dome with only a summer bag, & she was shivering . A concerned warrior friend put a few blankets of his on her, & I gave her, my old sleeping bag that was once good to 30-F, it may only be good to 15-F° now, between what my friend & I did, she had a shiver-free restful sleep. This illustrates how life was there, all needs were provided for, everyone cares 4 each other & shows the love by helping each other with their needs. Gift economics, the 5th world economy was strong at Standing Rock. That night that I decided to sleep outside, I found a flat area, cut plenty of grass for under and above the sleeping bag. A womom was also by the river in a makeshift dwelling, she thought I was the wild horses, and shined her flashlight towards me, a blinding light in my eyes. Of course, I’d gone to see
  • 5. who she was. After a short but pleasant talk, & when she knew for sure, that I was not some crazy wild horse, I went back to finishing cutting the grass. I knew I was warned, however, I really needed a break from people. It was the most restful night I had there, under the stars that danced in the sky, & shined so bright, falling asleep, looking at a sky that had no apparent end, calm water moving ever so slowly, its rhythm, set to the beat of my heart, and wild horses, no more than ten feet from me. It was by far, the most restful sleep I had there! I was planning on sleeping outdoors again, when the first blizzard hit, it was the weakest and first of the three, two stronger ones, had yet to come. I was going around both in the blizzard and after to make sure everyone was OK. I was not the only one, it seems many warriors were doing the same. Before the blizzard, we were going crazy making sure to get all food & supplies under cover. I worked mostly with getting army tents up, & work with the Mess Hall & donations & supply areas, to get everything under cover. It was so easy to mobilize volunteers, it seemed like everyone I asked was very willing to help. Other than working for a few kitchens (mostly the “Mess Hall”) the Supply-Resources-& donation areas, as well as individual water protectors, & elders that needed help, I worked in both the Canon Ball town & community center. I stayed away from any organizing, although I have lots of experience, I did not want to deal with the egos, power struggles, & the all too general colonization, which is too prevalent in the European mindset. The coordinators for volunteers to help Canon Ball were two kind-heartened people, who were a pleasure to work with. They did not possess most of the above unpleasant qualities that I have no patients for. One day when I was shoveling snow for an elder in Canon Ball, there were dogs behind me barking, that I did not pay much attention too. One of them ran right up to me unnoticed, and he bit me in the back of my leg. I turned and growled, ready to run him down and bite him on the neck, when I noticed he had three or four friends with him. So instead of having to kill them all, with my very sharp USMC Ka-Bar (knife), in front of an elder & some children, I decided to stand down. A sweet little kid chained him up, & the other dogs mellowed out. I went back to finishing the driveway without incident. My two friends, the kind heartened coordinators of the Canon Ball Community Center, were going away for the holidays, & asked me to take over for them while they were gone. Although I wanted to stay away from organizing I agreed. We had a few media actions that were very meaningful with the vets & clergy. The only one I attended was the giant hoop, which was open to everyone & that may have been its problem. We were making a large hoop of people, that was having a hard time coming together. I was taking it upon myself to make it happen & fill in the gaps, which was working, until some church dude decided to take part of it downhill, luckily at that frustrating moment, the news came that we won! And the whole hoop fell apart, or should I say it fell into a celebration! Cautious celebration, but a celebration all the same. The unfortunate part was that the prayerful loving energy of the camp changed, and people were doing things that the elders would not approve of.
  • 6. Then came the second blizzard, it was more severe than the first. It was also at this time when the vets were still there, along with the clergy. Over 300 clergy & over 4,000 veterans. The main camp swelled everywhere, it was so crowded, all community sleeping spaces were being used, by this influx. It was overall a great thing, however, I had a problem with it. My DAPL Cough was weakening my immune system along with the blizzard. Another factor was not being able to wash regularly, having too few showers for too many people, thus having more negative & harmful bacteria. With this combination, I developed an eye infection in both eyes, one eye was almost completely closed, and the other was on its way, to being as bad, I had a slight fever & a toothache. I have been getting up early every day and going to sleep late every night, so, I guess my problem was really with me, not taking good care of myself. I needed to get to sleep early, & to get to sleep real soon, as well as start using my healing herbs, or this stuff would just keep on getting a lot worse! Also, people were not as loving as they were. When I fell to my knees because my cough was so severe, a passerby saw it, & did ask if I was alright, but when I said: “not really,” he just kept on walking. An indigenous person was drunk and looking to get even more so, & he wanted my help in doing it, not even being aware of how sick I was, or that I will not go against what the elders want. People were even using words of hate towards each other. Most of the more loving & spiritual people were gone, soon after victory was known. The only place available for me to sleep was in the dome, & that was having an event, which can last for hours. Out of both disappointment & frustration, I was just going to go to sleep in a cold snow bank, which seemed warmer than the heart of the “passerby.” Then a young mystic came to me, and when I explained that I need a place to sleep, he said: “go to the sacred fire, and in less than ten minutes, someone will offer me a place to stay, sleep & heal! And that is just what happened! The magic, & some “holders of the sacred,” was still there, even though the colonization & unbalanced world was rapidly creeping in. These beautiful people that put me up for a couple of days, were documenting Standing Rock for a website that gets millions of hits. They allowed me to stay in their RV until at least my eyes were better, and the closed one opened up, as far as I know, both they and the “young mystic man,” saved my life! I felt a little guilty that I was not helping people in this second blizzard, although I fully knew it would be foolish to do so. The vets were doing a great job on checking on everyone, to make sure everyone was safe. After most of the vets and pretty much all of the clergy left, camp was like a ghost town, the storm drastically reduced our numbers, or maybe most people were just staying out of the weather, either way, the morning prayers & water ritual was no longer happening, and there were few large gatherings, at least that is what I was experiencing. I went to two meetings one after the other at the dome. There it was made very clear from the headsmen, who represented the will of the elders, that non-indigenous people should go home and celebrate the holidays with their families, we won for now, & there was no real reason why anyone that was not from there should stay there. I had a prior obligation to take over as the coordinator of volunteers for my good friends at the Canon Ball Community Center, as they go home for the holidays. I was going to try to get out of it, as it would
  • 7. be hard to get volunteers with the small, and for the most part uncaring population, of mostly homeless & people with emotional & psychological problems. Also, I did not have a good relationship with the Red Warriors, which may be the only somewhat helpful people left. I had no tools & no transportation, however, I did know a volunteer who had both, along with being a sincerely dedicated person, with a good mind and plenty of abilities. I first approached my friends with the idea of replacing me, and they were OK with it, even if there was no one else to take my place. All the same, that would not be “OK” with me, & there is no way I'd leave them, without making sure there is someone. I then asked my new friend if he would do it, & he was happy to do so, although he had other commitments. I introduced them they got along and I was free to leave. Well almost free, I wanted to get out before the third and strongest blizzard would hit, however, someone overheard me talking to someone else, about being an organizer. The media group wanted me to help organize an evacuation. I never organized an evacuation before, however, I did do organizing that was logistical, in the distant past it involved getting people in and out of dangerous situation successfully, as well as clandestine search and rescue. Doing an evacuation would not be that much different, even less complex, thus I agreed, fully knowing people's lives are at risk if I mess-up!. Even though I agreed, I felt as I did from the beginning, not to get involved in organizing, for the same reasons that I expressed before. I made up a plan, submitted it in time, but no one was getting back to me. I activated the simple parts & made connections with some people that had needed resources, & nervously waited, knowing every minute means that a life may be lost, as there were many people at high risk. I waited and a few hours passed when I decided to talk to the main headsmen of the media group, who informed me that another group of people was working on a plan, & to talk to them. & the usual happened, the ego stuff I was hoping to avoid. They were not freely sharing what they were doing, the usual elitist ego based colonized means of patriarchal stuff that I hate. So I was free again, a day late, low on cash and closer to the day of the storm. I took the first ride out, which only got me to Chicago, where I was stuck for hours, still sick from stuff related to the DAPL Cough and next to no cash. I have a super good friend in Chicago & a loving family in NY, to make a longer story short, my good friend got me a taxi, & my dear loving sister & super chill Brother-in-Law paid for and arranged to get me on a train. Now I'm recouping in their home in NY, soon to return to my beloved Green Mountains (Vermont).
  • 8. i The Black Snake is the Pipeline ii iii North Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) Energy Transfer Inc.