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Corporate Reputation Review       Volume 8 Number 4

What is in a Name Change? Re-Joycing
Corporate Names to Create
Corporate Brands

Laurent Muzellec
Department of Marketing, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland

ABSTRACT                                             and strategic device. For strong consumer
Twenty years ago a corporate name was simply         brands like Coca Cola, the name is arguably
a trade name that described an industry, a ser-      the only valuable asset; outside its brand
vice or a product (most often the corporate name     context, the product, mostly made of water,
was the founder’s patronym). The study               sugar and bubbles is a cheap commodity.
reported in this paper reveals that as companies     For corporations and corporate brands, the
are becoming increasingly aware of the impor-        name is a prism through which each stake-
tance of corporate reputation, they are managing     holder perceives the company. The name
their corporate names more actively and treating     might be synonymous with a way of doing
them as corporate brands rather than merely          business for suppliers, a distinctive in-house
trade names. Newly created brand names are           culture for employees, an enjoyable experi-
now consciously designed to evoke associations       ence for consumers, or a steady return on
with a set of core corporate values that typically   investment for the financial community.
focus on themes such as life, competence, unity,        Academic articles which have tried to
vision and performance. By focusing on values        answer the illustrious question ‘what’s in a
that are common to most corporations, however,       name?’ often come up with the answer of
corporate branding may fail in one of its fore-      reputation and brand identity (Fombrun
most goals, which is to create differentiation.       and Shanley, 1990; Perkins, 1995; Aaker,
This paper provides an analysis of the corporate     1996; Tadelis, 1999). This indicates that
re-naming phenomenon and discusses its impli-        company names are the receptacle of cor-
cations for corporate brand naming.                  porate brand and reputation. A brand
                                                     name is the basis upon which the brand
KEYWORDS: corporate            brand,    naming,     equity is built (Aaker, 1991) and a corpo-
rebranding, identity change                          rate name is the vehicle that conveys cor-
                                                     porate associations to the customer (Brown
INTRODUCTION                                         and Dacin, 1997; Dacin and Brown, 2002).
  ‘If all of Coca Cola’s assets were                 Additionally, the name constitutes the link
  destroyed overnight, whoever owned                 between the corporate identity, understood
  the Coca Cola name could walk into a               as what the company ‘is’, that is its values
  bank the next day morning and get a                and its behavior (Olins, 1979; Dowling,
  loan to rebuild everything.’                       1996; Balmer, 2001), and the corporate
             Carlton Curtis, VP Corporate            image, which is thought of as the stake-
              Communications, Coca Cola              holders’ perceptions of corporate attitudes      Corporate Reputation Review,
                                                     (Bernstein, 1984; Davies and Chun, 2002).        Vol. 8, No. 4, 2006, pp. 305–321
                                                                                                      # Palgrave Macmillan Ltd,
Brand names are a fundamental marketing                 These various perspectives demonstrate        1479–1889/06 $30.00

                                                                                                                                  Page 305
What is in a Name Change?

                            the key role played by corporate names as        vides an analysis of the recent wave of cor-
                            strategic marketing assets. Replacing an         porate name changes and discusses the
                            established name with an entirely new            academic and practical implications for
                            name would therefore seem to go against          corporate brand naming.
                            elementary marketing theory and practice.           The paper is divided into three sections.
                            Yet companies adopting new ‘branded              First, the literature on brands and corporate
                            names’ are frequently reported in the busi-      identity is reviewed to establish the predica-
                            ness press (McGurk, 2002; Lamont, 2003;          ment of corporate brand naming. A data-
                            Wiggins, 2003). This phenomenon, some-           base of re-named companies is then
                            times referred to as corporate re-branding,      investigated and analysed in order to ascer-
                            has been quantified by Enterprise IG,             tain the characteristics of a newly created
                            which estimates that each year between           corporate (brand) name. The results are dis-
                            1,000 and 2,500 companies around the             cussed and the comments of two brand-
                            world change their names.1                       naming specialists taken into account for
                               Structural factors precipitating a name       analysis purposes. The final section discusses
                            change such as corporate mergers and             the managerial implications of the findings.
                            acquisitions, or major changes in geo-
                            graphic scope or competitive corporate           LITERATURE REVIEW
                            strategy can partly explain the re-branding      In order to understand the corporate re-
                            phenomenon (Muzellec et al., 2003). How-         naming phenomenon in the emerging con-
                            ever, while these factors may tell one why       text of corporate brands, the notion of cor-
                            re-branding occurs, they do not reveal the       porate branding is first reviewed. The
                            extent to which corporate naming is con-         differences between the corporate identity
                            sidered as a strategic marketing variable in     and traditional brand perspectives on
                            its own right, or whether it is merely           naming are then highlighted in order to
                            viewed as an administrative expediency.          underline the challenges for corporate
                            An additional point of interest, therefore, is   brand naming.
                            to investigate the marketing role, aim and
                            features of newly adopted names.                 Branding the Corporate Identity
                               Studies pertaining to this area of research   There are many perspectives on corporate
                            have focused on the brand naming process         branding in the literature (eg Schultz and
                            (Kohli and Labahn, 1997), on brand name          de Chernatony, 2002; Balmer and Greyser,
                            semantics and symbolism (Collins, 1977;          2003). Corporate brands can be seen as
                            Robertson, 1989; Klink, 2001) and on the         communications, vision, identity, culture,
                            types of associations evoked by new names        position, promise, image, or covenant
                            (Kohli and Hemnes, 1995; Delattre, 2002;         (Dunnion and Knox, 2004). However, two
                            Glynn and Abzug, 2002). These studies are        broad approaches may be identified: one is
                            either concerned with traditional (product)      centered on the organization and the pro-
                            brand naming strategies and their impact         motion of internal values as well as culture
                            on customers’ imagery or corporate name          and vision (Hatch and Schultz, 2003; Ind,
                            patterns within industries. Yet, corporate       2003; Urde, 2003); the other focuses on the
                            branding goes beyond traditional brand           external audience and the marketing of the
                            theory and differs from corporate identity        brand (King, 1991; Keller, 2000; Aaker,
                            (Balmer and Gray, 2003). In this paper, the      2004). This might be because the concept
                            two perspectives are brought together to         of corporate brand is at the crossroads
                            provide a broad review of the corporate          between the idea of brand and the notion
                            re-naming phenomenon. The paper pro-             of corporate identity.

Page 306

   Corporate identity refers to an organiza-    Brand Names versus Corporate Names
tion’s unique features, the way in which an     Defining a brand as ‘a name, term, symbol,
organization reveals its values and strategy    design or a combination of them’, implies
through communication, behavior and             that the name forms the essence of the
symbolism (Leuthesser and Kohli, 1997;          brand concept (Aaker, 1991). The name is
van Riel and Balmer, 1997). In other            a critical, core sign of the brand, the ‘basis
words, it is deeply rooted in the organiza-     for awareness and communications effort’
tion persona and can be assimilated as a        (Aaker, 1991: 187). Since the name can
‘statement of central character’ (Albert and    bring inherent strength to a brand (Kohli
Whetten, 1985). By contrast, a brand could      and Labahn, 1997; Klink, 2001), brand
be seen as a more contrived item, essen-        names need to be actively managed in
tially managed by the marketing depart-         order to influence external stakeholders. In
ment. Indeed, a textbook definition of           a conventional branding perspective, the
brand sees it as ‘a name, term, symbol,         name is an instrument at the disposal of the
design or a combination of them intended        marketing team, who can use symbolism
to identify goods or services of one seller     in order to affect consumers’ perceptions of
or a group of sellers and to differentiate       products or corporations’ attributes (Klink,
them from those of competitors’ (Kotler,        2001; Yorkston and Menon, 2004). Once
1992).2 Over the years, the brand con-          launched, however, the new name becomes
   cept has stretched beyond its concrete       the psychological property of consumers
physical attributes to include intangible,      (Lerman and Garbarino, 2002).
psychological aspects; the brand has               Brand experts are still unsure about the
become ‘a collection of perceptions in the      ideal properties of a brand name. Many
mind of the consumer’ (Restall and              brand consultants believe that a brand
Gordon, 1993).                                  name should be unusual enough to attract
   Those perspectives are brought together      the attention of the external audience, such
when corporate branding is considered as        as Xerox and Yahoo! (Ries and Ries, 1999;
‘a systematically planned and implemented       Godin, 2002). Yet, academic research indi-
process of creating and maintaining a           cates that names descriptive or at least sug-
favorable image and consequently a favor-       gestive of the product’s relevant attributes
able reputation for the company as a whole      are more likely to be recalled and liked
by sending signals to all stakeholders and      (Keller et al., 1998; Klink, 2001). In sum,
by managing behavior, communication,            an actively managed brand name should be
and symbolism’ (Einwiller and Will, 2002).      able to attract attention, provoke a high
Above all, manipulating a key symbol such       level of recall and/or recognition and initi-
as the name of the corporation is about         ate positive associations.
sending a powerful signal, that something          Identity is about behavior as much as
about the corporation has changed (Dowl-        appearance (Olins, 1979); hence the reci-
ing, 1996; Stuart and Muzellec, 2004).          procal influence of attitudes (‘inner iden-
More importantly, with the old name             tity’ — verbal school of thought) on the
being discarded, so are its associations. The   outward show (‘projected identity’ —
new name gives the opportunity to build         visual school of thought). Identity (and
up new associations. Yet depending on the       image) may be crafted by the management
outlook taken on corporate branding, ie         of marketing aesthetics, ie the corporate
brand or identity perspective, the mission      name, logo, design, colour, font etc (Mar-
proposed for the new name could vary            gulies, 1977; Schmitt and Simonson, 1997).
significantly.                                   Because the name is only a single, although

                                                                                                 Page 307
What is in a Name Change?

                            quite visible element of the corporate visual     are formed based on historical perfor-
                            identity system, it will not modify a cor-        mance, organizational culture and employ-
                            poration’s appearance on its own (Margu-          ees’ attitudes, rather than generated by a
                            lies, 1977; Melewar and Saunders, 2000).          new name (Hatch and Schultz, 1997;
                            This suggests that a ‘name’ is less essential     Stuart, 1999; Ind, 2003). This suggests that
                            to the constitution of associations in a cor-     a traditional corporate name, be it the
                            porate identity context than in a brand           name of the founder (Ford, Michelin etc)
                            context. A new name along with a new              or the name of the place where the com-
                            visual identity can nevertheless help to          pany was first set up (eg Evian, Raleigh),
                            create new associations as was done success-      reflects the corporation’s history and iden-
                            fully, for example, with Lucent Technolo-         tity better than a new name will ever be
                            gies, a spin-off of AT&T (Schmitt and              able to do. The characteristics of both
                            Simonson, 1997).                                  brand names and corporate names are sum-
                               Due to the importance of the behavioral        marized in Table 1.
                            element of identity, the name is sometimes           So far, corporate names have been stu-
                            seen as a trap that may catch the unwary          died through their length, their descriptive
                            (Dowling, 1996; Balmer, 2001). Badly              associations and their linguistic features
                            handled, a change of name might just              (Kohli and Hemnes, 1995; Delattre, 2002).
                            widen the misalignment of the communi-            Conclusions in both studies were identical:
                            cated identity with the actual one (Balmer        new names were generally shorter, product
                            and Greyser, 2002; de Chernatony, 2002).          and geographic associations were dropped,
                            The two schools of thought on identity are        and many coined words were created.
                            therefore wary about the importance and           Organizational behaviorists Glynn and
                            management of corporate names. The                Abzug (2002) reviewed historical naming
                            visual or appearance school considers the         patterns and found that corporate names
                            name as one single variable among many            are influenced by a web of institutionalized
                            other elements of the corporate visual iden-      practices. That is, organizations follow the
                            tity system (Melewar and Saunders, 2000).         practices of other institutions from similar
                            The verbal or behavioral school of thought        industries when it comes to adopting a
                            suggests that feelings towards a corporation      new name.

                            Table 1: Differences Between Brand Names and Corporate Names

                                                           Brand name                        Corporate name

                            School of thought              Branding                          Corporate identity
                            Importance in communication    Central                           Secondary
                            Primary audience               Customers                         Employees, customers, financial
                            Level of distinctiveness       High: Capacity to attract         Low: Capacity to be accepted
                                                           attention                         by a wide audience. Must not
                            Semantics                      Induce positive feelings in the   Reflect ‘inner’ identity or
                                                           marketplace                       culture
                            Management                     Actively managed                  Inherited (unmanaged)

Page 308

Corporate Brand Naming Challenges               bundle together a collective sense of pur-
Corporate branding goes further than the        pose, while encompassing the unique com-
traditional branding and the identity per-      bination of history, leadership, strategies
spectives. First, it surpasses product brand-   and values, and being accepted by the
ing by ignoring product features and            varied stakeholders. The difficulty of meet-
focusing on the underlying values and           ing all these objectives simultaneously is
vision of the corporation (Hatch and            self-evident and demonstrates the complex
Schultz, 2003; Urde, 2003). Secondly, cor-      challenge involved in corporate re-brand-
porate branding goes beyond corporate           ing.
identity by fusing the internal and external
dimensions of corporations (Balmer and          Corporate Brand Name Taxonomy
Greyser, 2003). The branding of the cor-        Brand consultancies usually employ taxo-
poration has several implications therefore     nomies of some kind to discuss alternative
for newly created corporate (brand) names       names. Common among those taxonomies
that must deal with a series of dichotomies     are labels such as descriptive, suggestive or
and challenges.                                 associative, and arbitrary or freestanding
   The first challenge pertains to the time-     names. Interbrand (2005), for instance,
frame. The corporate brand name must            refers to descriptive, associative and free-
take into consideration the heritage of the     standing names. A descriptive name
corporation but should also set a direction     describes the product or service for which
for the future, and maybe create a sense of     it is intended, eg Rent-A-Car. Associative
new departure, particularly following a         (or suggestive) names evoke associations
reputation crisis or a merger. Related to       implicitly or explicitly with product fea-
this initial problem is the issue of the        tures (for instance, Jaguar brings associa-
degree of change a name can support.            tions with elegance and aggressiveness) or,
Should continuity with the old name be          in the case of corporate brands, with a set
favored or, on the contrary, should a           of corporate values. Freestanding (or arbi-
totally new name be created signifying a        trary) names have no link with the product
clear break from the past?                      or service that they refer to but might have
   The second challenge concerns the target     meaning of their own, eg Orange or Pen-
audience; a new name must be noticed by         guin. In some cases, such names have no
external stakeholders but must not alienate     intrinsic meaning at all, eg Kodak or
the internal audience. Likewise, the values     Xsara, in which case they may be called
induced by the new name should reflect           abstract. Turley and Moore (1995) have
the actual identity of the corporation but      added two more categories of brand names
also appeal to the marketplace. As a result,    in their study of service brands, ie person-
a corporate brand name has to be assigned       based brands (patronymic name) and geo-
the mission to inspire and to carry the set     graphic names. In the case of corporate
of values that define the corporation.           brands, acronymic names historically con-
   This leads to a related and final dichot-     stitute another important category as the
omy; the choice between a corporate name        success of IBM, GE or BP demonstrates.
that evokes attributes that are industry-spe-      Collins (1977) examined the relationships
cific or one that induces universal values. If   between sound and sense. He set up two
the distinguishing core attributes for corpo-   opposing theories known as the ‘Juliet
rate brands are cohesion, uniqueness,           principle’ and the ‘Joyce principle’. The
intangibility, complexity and responsibility    ‘Juliet principle’ draws from the answer to
(Ind, 1998), a new corporate name must          Shakespeare’s illustrious question: ‘What’s

                                                                                                Page 309
What is in a Name Change?

                            in a name? — That which we call a rose,            constructed corporate brands.
                            by any other name would not smell as
                            sweet’. The principle states that the mean-        METHODOLOGY
                            ing of a name is not determined by its             A sample of 166 companies was chosen for
                            verbal form but by the associations that           the exploratory research. Using the search
                            arise over time. The ‘Joyce principle’ states      engine Power Search on the Financial
                            that the phonetics of a word symbolize its         Times website (, one can
                            meaning. It is derived from James Joyce’s          retrieve articles on companies having chan-
                            creation of hundreds of new words that             ged their name. A search on ‘name
                            sound to the reader somewhat like what he          changes’ from January 1, 2001 to January
                            meant them to denote. Accordingly, cor-            31, 2003 (a 25-month period) returned 314
                            porate names might be classified along a            articles. Due to redundancies of articles
                            spectrum from totally descriptive to totally       and/or companies, this number was
                            freestanding, as shown in Table 2.                 reduced to 116 when it came to identifying
                               This review of the literature compares          companies. Another 50 examples of re-
                            the differences between the characteristics         branded companies were found via other
                            of brand names as informed by branding             secondary sources (newspapers, websites,
                            theory and the properties of corporate             advertisements) and were added to reach a
                            names as implied by the corporate identity         critical sample size. Old and new names
                            literature. This reveals a series of challenges    were classified according to their name
                            for corporate brand naming which has               type (descriptive, geographic, patronymic,
                            been analysed by reviewing a database of           acronym, associative, freestanding). The
                            166 re-named companies. Two main                   first four categories were easily assigned
                            aspects of name change were under consid-          but distinguishing between associative and
                            eration. The type and level of name change         freestanding names proved to be a more
                            provide indications as to whether the heri-        difficult exercise. Names were classified as
                            tage of the corporation is taken into con-         associative when an etymological study
                            sideration in the new name. The meaning            provided some meaning and/or a plausible
                            and connotations evoked by new corporate           name explanation was found on the com-
                            names, particularly those derived from             pany’s website; otherwise, names were
                            Latin, were also considered to determine           classified as freestanding. To reduce biased
                            whether new names are shaped to appeal             interpretation, two independent readers
                            to the marketplace or to the internal audi-        reviewed the categorization afterwards
                            ence; and whether they strongly differenti-         and pointed out potential disagreements.
                            ate the company or are embodied in an              Consequently, 15 names were reclassified.
                            industry-specific      isomorphism.        More     This approach allowed further investiga-
                            importantly, the etymology of new corpo-           tion and categorization of the associative
                            rate names can reveal the essence of newly         names.

                            Table 2: Types of Corporate Brand Names

                            From the most   ?               ?                 ?             ?              to the most
                            descriptive                                                                    abstract

                            Descriptive     Geographic      Patronymic        Acronymic     Associative    Freestanding
                            names           names           names             names         names          names

Page 310

   Replicating Delattre’s methodology              the theme brought out by new corporate
(2002), the changes were also divided into         brand names.
two levels: Level 1 comprises names that
display permanence or continuity. Perma-           RESULTS
nence is reflected in a change of spelling
(eg from to Ebookers).                Review of the Database
Continuity in the naming patterns refers to
a combinative change in which the system           Type of name and type of change
is relatively unchanged; this includes sim-        The review of the database revealed that
plification, name lengthening, initialization,      previous names were predominantly
or a combinative modification (eg from              descriptive (31.8 per cent) or person-based
Morgan Stanley Dean Witter to Morgan               (24 per cent). Acronymic (14 per cent) and
Stanley or from S.J. Berwin & Co to                geographic names (6.9 per cent) also feature
S.J.B.). Level 2 refers to names that have         quite strongly among the old names. Free-
been created from scratch and which have           standing and associative names represent 15
no commonalities with the previous name            per cent and 8 per cent, respectively, of the
(eg from Andersen Consulting to Accent-            old names. By contrast, the new names tend
ure).                                              to be more abstract. More than 60 per cent
   Since several business articles have            of them are either freestanding (32.5 per
suggested that numerous companies adopt            cent) or associative (32.5 per cent). Descrip-
Latin-coined words when they change                tive names account for only 18 per cent and
their names (Dickson, 2002; Kella                  geographic names are down to 1.2 per cent.
way, 2002; Lamont, 2003), a category                  The data support the supposition that
including Latin or Latin-based names was           corporations are moving along the spec-
created.                                           trum from highly descriptive names to
   Finally a semantic analysis of associative      highly conceptual names as demonstrated
names was carried out in order to reveal           by the graph in Figure 1.

Table 3: Name Types

                                Old name         New name

Name type                       Frequency        (%)            Frequency       (%)

Acronym                          24              13.87           13              7.83
Associative                      14               8.09           54             32.53
Descriptive                      55              31.79           30             18.07
Freestanding                     26              15.03           54             32.53
Geographic                       12               6.93             2             1.20
Person-based                     42              24.28           13              7.83
Total                           173*            100.00         166             100.00

*The total number of old names is greater than the total of the re-branded companies because in
the case of a merger and when the two previous names belong to a different name category; the
names of both companies have been included.

                                                                                                    Page 311
What is in a Name Change?

                            Figure 1: Evolution of corporate names

                                         20                                                            Old name
                                         15                                                            New name

                                              As nym

                                               so tive


                                                 Ac ic














                            Level of name change                                origin. Table 3 combines Latin or Greek
                            In total, 31 name changes (18.7 per cent)           names, names derived from Latin and
                            displaying permanence or continuity were            names attributed to Latin.
                            classified as Level 1. A total of 135 new
                            corporate names (81.3 per cent) showed no           Etymological analysis of newly created
                            similarities with the previous name (Level          associative names
                            2 change).                                          The meaning of the associative names is
                                                                                now investigated. Corporate websites were
                            Latin and Greek connotations                        visited in search of an explanation for the
                            A total of 34 per cent (47 names) of the            choice of a new name. Only 33 companies
                            names that had changed dramatically                 actually provided any explanation of their
                            (Level 2) did so to become Latin or Greek           new name on their website. For 21 cor-
                            in sound or in derivation. It is difficult to         porations, the name meaning was revealed
                            define what makes a word sound Latin.                through an etymological approach particu-
                            The ‘Latinity’ of a name is often suggested         larly in the case of Latin and Greek names.
                            through its ending, for instance ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘is’,    Table 5 provides some examples of the
                            ‘ys’ and ‘us’ are Latin or imply a Latin            explanations supplied by the companies

                            Table 4: Latin and Greek Coined Names

                            End with the letter ‘a’                  Altria, Aga, Areva, Avaya, Aviva, Capitalia, Centrica,
                                                                     Consignia, Dexia, Encana, Glambia, Izodia, Kelda,
                                                                     Olimpia, Permira, Ramada, Sonera, Syngenta, Zeneca,
                            End with ‘i’, ‘is’ and ‘ys’              Acambis, Acordis, Altadis, Aventis, Elementis, Enodis,
                                                                     Invensys, Marconi, Misys, Novartis, Vernalis, Vivendi
                            End with ‘us’                            Chorus, Corus, Lorus, Mobius, Thus, Rubus
                            Other                                    Accenture, Agilent, Agere, Diageo, Lumen, Lucent,
                                                                     Thales, Visteon, Verizon

Page 312

Table 5: Meaning and Wishful Meaning of Brand Name

Name           Meaning                                                          Source*

Accenture      ‘Today we are re-named, redefined and reborn. The       
               Accenture name connotes putting an ‘accent on the future’
Agilent        Derived from the word ‘agile’, which means nimble and            Etymology
Altria         ‘The name ‘‘Altria’’ derives from the Latin word       
               ‘‘altus’’, meaning high. It connotes an enterprise that aims
               for peak performance and constant improvement’
Aventis        From avere (avens, aventis), which means ‘desiring     
               intensely’ or willing, with pleasure; eager                      etymology
Aviva          ‘The Aviva name tested positively in consumer          
               research around the world, bringing with it
               associations of life, vitality and living well’
BearingPoint   ‘Set direction, gain access to the right information,  
               transfer knowledge, and achieve results for their
               long-term success’
Centrica       ‘The name Centrica was selected because of its ease    
               of use internationally. In many languages the word
               Centrica is meaningless and therefore cannot conflict
               with overseas language translations’{
Diageo         ‘The word Diageo comes from the Latin word for ‘‘day’’ 
               and the Greek word for ‘‘world’’ or ‘‘every day, everywhere’’
Enodis         Derived from Latin and means ‘solutions’                         Etymology
Exelon         ‘Exelon stands for experience and excellence, and      
               that’s what the new company will be all about’
Kforce         ‘In 1999, the company changed its name to Kforce,      
               an abbreviation for Knowledgeforce, with the ‘‘K’’
               representing knowledge, (. . .) and the ‘‘force’’ signifies the
               knowledgeable team of people with a clear focus and
               commitment to the goal’
Lucent         Marked by ‘clarity’ or ‘glowing with light’            
Novartis       Novartis comes from the Latin term novae artes,        
               which means ‘new arts’ or ‘new skills’
Permira        Permira, a Latin word meaning ‘very surprising,        
               very different’
Thales         Name of ancient Greek mathematician                              Etymology
Verizon        Derived from the combination of ‘veritas’, which means           Etymology
               truth in Latin, and ‘horizon’
Vernalis       Pertaining to spring; used to describe plants for                Etymology
               instance Adonis Vernalis
Visteon        ‘Coined from the words visionary and eon, Visteon is of
               Latin derivation and therefore recognisable in many
Vivendi        Latin gerundive, means ‘vivacity’ and ‘mobility’                 Etymology
Xansa          ‘The name is easy to say and read in all major market  
               places and has clear phonetic links with ‘‘answer’’. The
               other inspiration has been the Sanskrit word ‘‘sanskar’’,
               which, among many meanings, also refers to culture and
               values which are internalized from past experience and
               determine future action’

*Websites were accessed between January 2003 and October 2003. {Although the name is clearly
derived from ‘centre’, it was classified as freestanding due to this explanation.

                                                                                                       Page 313
What is in a Name Change?

                            themselves or found through an etymolo-           combining synonymous and similar terms.
                            gical approach.                                   For instance, agreement is synonymous
                               Some key ideas emerged as central to the       with union and accord; high is synon-
                            meaning of those new names. In order to           ymous with superior, which is synon-
                            explore those ideas, a list of derived mean-      ymous with excellent and advanced, which
                            ings was established through an etymologi-        is similar to innovative, which is similar to
                            cal study of the corporate names, ie either       new. Ambition is related to dream, vision
                            based on the proposed ‘etymology’ pro-            and will, which then connects with force
                            vided on the corporation’s website or based       and strength. Experience is synonymous
                            on the researcher’s own use of French,            with knowledge and skill, which is also
                            English and Latin dictionaries. The initial       similar to competence. Thanks to this tech-
                            investigation provided a list of 37 key-          nique, a map of derived values was con-
                            words reflecting the ideas, concepts or            structed, as shown in Figure 2.
                            values induced by the 54 associative brand           Five clusters of values were then identi-
                            names, shown below in Table 6.                    fied: unity, life, performance, competence
                               The second step involved clustering            and vision. In order to visualize how
                            these keywords into general themes by             organizational names fit back into this map

                            Table 6: Keywords Implied by New Corporate Names

                            accord           being            energy           high             lively          strength
                            advanced         central          excellence       important        new             superior
                            agile            competence       experience       innovative       oxygen          unique
                            agreement        direction        force            intelligence     skill           unity
                            ambition         dream            future           knowledge        solution        vision
                            answer           drive            guidance         light            spring          vivacity

                            Figure 2: The values underlying corporate names

Page 314

Figure 3: Corporate names and corporate values

of values, they were placed back in a simi-      of Nomen, a leading naming agency, cred-
lar framework (Figure 3). Fourteen associa-      ited with the creation of famous new cor-
tive or suggestive names were excluded           porate names such as Wanadoo, Vivendi
from this map because they did not suggest       and Thales. The following section inte-
values or ideas but were associated with         grates their reactions.
their respective industry (eg Capitalia,            The literature review indicated that if
Omnicom, Sonera, Liberty Media) and/or           corporate brand naming was to go beyond
their country of origin (eg Swiss, Eircom).      corporate identity and traditional branding,
   Essentially, corporations were moving         it would need to overcome a series of
along the spectrum from highly descriptive       dilemmas. The following summarizes the
names to more conceptual names. Among            researcher’s analysis and indicates how cor-
those, associative names display a great         porations elude the corporate naming pre-
level of similarity both in sound (use of        dicament.
Latin terminology) and in symbolism (clus-
ter of five ‘common’ values).                     A New Corporate Name for Tomorrow’s
                                                 Corporate Brand
DISCUSSIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS:                 The types of corporate new names suggest
WHAT IS IN A CORPORATE BRAND                     that corporations are geared towards the
NAME?                                            future, disregarding their roots by drop-
In order to confront corporate brand name        ping the name of the founder of the com-
inventors with these initial findings and to      pany, the place where it was first set up
generate discussion, two brand naming            and the sector of industry from which it
specialists were consulted. Olivier Auroy is     emerged. The evolution from industry
the European brand name specialist at            association to non-figurative association
Landor Associates, an internationally            reflects the ambition of companies to put
recognized branding and design consul-           forward values rather than relying on his-
tancy. Marcel Botton, CEO and founder            torical attributes.

                                                                                                Page 315
What is in a Name Change?

                                In addition, according to brand specia-       A New Corporate Name to Resonate
                            lists, naming decisions are often made by         with all Corporate Brand Audiences
                            top management. As a result, there is an          The process used to select the best name for
                            emphasis on vision and future; indeed             a corporation may also explain some simi-
                            many corporations such as Visteon, Veri-          larities between the new corporate names.
                            zon, Accenture and BearingPoint have              Names are not selected based on their sal-
                            adopted names that suggest the idea of            ience but on their capacity to be accepted
                            vision. If corporate brand management is a        by a wide audience (Kohli and Labahn,
                            dynamic process that involves continuous          1997). As a result, a dull name might be
                            adjustments between vision, culture and           more acceptable than an eccentric one.
                            peoples’ images (Hatch and Schultz 2003),
                            preferring one element at the expense of            ‘The name that is selected in the end —
                            the other might become problematic.                 which is not always the one that we
                                                                                recommended — is the result of a compro-
                            A New Corporate Name for a Global                   mise reached in a corporate committee.
                            Corporate Brand                                     Everybody has an idea about what consti-
                            The large number of names that sound alike          tutes a good name; eventually, it ends up
                            (Accambis, Altadis, Altria, Aventis, Aviva,         with what I would call an ‘‘idiominys’’3
                            etc.) suggests that names were selected on          (An ‘‘ignominious’’ Latin-coined word
                            their ability to be widely accepted by the          for ‘‘idiot’’, ‘‘idiom’’ and ‘‘mini’’). The
                            lowest common denominator in the mar-               least audacious option wins!’. (Auray,
                            ketplace. As explained by brand naming              personal interview, 06/02/2004).
                            specialists, Latin is the common denomina-
                            tor of all European languages, including          A New Corporate Name to Conform with
                            English, which is increasingly used as the        Prevalent Practices
                            international business language:                  The natural apprehension towards novelty
                                                                              and the common inclination to repeat what
                              ‘Ok, so you think that all those names          seems to have worked elsewhere constitutes
                              sound Latin because of the suffix ‘‘is’’; so      a related explanation. Corporations con-
                              let’s take Altadis, (the Hispano-French         form to prevalent practices in their industry
                              tobacco company) for example, and the           and create names that follow institutiona-
                              core word ‘‘Altad’’: Altade, with a             lized models that suggest category member-
                              voiceless ‘‘e’’, it’s necessarily French;       ship (Glynn and Abzug, 2002). Just like ‘oo’
                              otherwise it’s Italian, Altadou, it’s also      became the distinctive feature of internet
                              French. Altada, Altadi, Altado, it’s Italian.   brand names (Yahoo, Google, Kelkoo,
                              Altadas, Altada, it’s Spanish. Altadu, it’s     Wanadoo etc), Latin-coined names may be
                              Romanian. Altady, Altadey it’s English.         becoming the common feature of newly
                              Altader, Altaden, it’s German. Altadis, it’s    created corporate brands. Since ‘Lucent,
                              more international . . . However, for the       Thales, Vivendi’ have arguably reached
                              record, Altadis, it’s Alliance, Tabac and       high levels of awareness, it was believed that
                              Distribution.’      (Bottom,       personal     followers like ‘Aventis, Aviva and Elemen-
                              interview, 06/02/2004).                         tis’ would reach the same level of visibility
                                                                              with similar names.
                            The similarities in sound are due to a belief
                            that an international corporation must            A New Corporate Name to Induce
                            not bear a name denoting its country of           Universal Corporate Brand Values
                            origin.                                           To initiate positive associations, brand

Page 316

names suggesting key values are being           poration (Ind, 1998; Einwiller and Will,
chosen. The semantic analysis revealed five      2002). The collection of perceptions that
summary values that occur frequently: per-      defines a brand can be intrinsically influ-
formance, competence, unity, vision and         enced by the semantics of the name (Klink,
liveliness. The extent to which a name          2001). Three options are available to man-
actually succeeds in inducing positive          agers when it comes to choosing the name
associations is beyond the scope of the pre-    of the corporate brand.
sent research. A review of articles on the         The first option is to keep the current
re-naming of CGNU (Aviva), Scottish             name of the corporation. Just like most
Power (Thus) and KPMG Consulting                brands were product names before they
(BearingPoint), however, can certainly          became brands, corporate names can be
help managers to identify the potential pit-    transformed into corporate brands without
falls of tampering with established names,      being modified or with little modification.
at least in terms of public relations (Brier-   For instance, the name Banco Bilbao Viz-
ley, 2002; Dickson, 2002; Kellaway, 2002).      caya Argentaria (BBVA) went from being
   Additionally, the fact that the underly-     a ‘simple instrument of recognition’ to
ing meaning of newly created corporate          being assimilated to an explicit brand
names can be narrowed down to five prin-         experience (Alloza et al., 2004).
ciples suggests convergence rather than dif-       The second option is to use the Joyce
ferentiation. Surely, most companies want       principle to define the organization. The
to perform well, to be coherent and to dis-     role of influencing stakeholders’ percep-
play some level of competency in their          tions could very well be assumed by
respective fields. They most likely want to      descriptive and suggestive corporate brand
be seen as lively as well. Indeed, a survey     names. A descriptive or suggestive name
conducted by the American Management            can infer what the corporation does (indus-
Association (2002) revealed that profitabil-     try-related attributes) or what it stands for
ity, innovation and ‘have fun’ were among       (business values/culture attributes).
the most cited values. Aviva for example is        Descriptive names displayed in the FT
associated with ‘vitality and living well’,     database often described the organizations’
but can Aviva ‘own’ — to paraphrase Ries        activity, for example, Ebookers, ITV Digi-
and Trout (2001) — the terms ‘vitality and      tal, EasyInternetCafe and Nationwide
living well’? It is difficult to understand       Accident Repair Services, but never
what constitutes the distinguishing features    depicted a feature of the corporation, ie
of such companies. All those names seem         there was no corporation with a name such
to be interchangeable. Could Altria be a        as Greatcorp, SuperServ, or Fast&Reliable.
consulting firm company, Aviva a food            Descriptive names are diminishing in
and tobacco holding and BearingPoint an         popularity, essentially because they offer
insurance group — probably.                     the lowest level of protection in terms of
                                                trade mark (Davies, 2002). A suggestive
MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS:                        name such as Capitalia (ex-Banca di
CREATING A NAME TO CAPTURE THE                  Roma) may also succeed in representing
CORPORATE BRAND ESSENCE                         the corporation’s sector of activity.
Developing a corporate brand is about              Expressing what the company ‘stands
defining the organization in a way that is       for’ is done through the use of associative
unique and distinctive. The goal of corpo-      brand names that refer to the company’s
rate branding is indeed primarily to create     way of doing business or, in other words,
a favorable image and differentiate the cor-     its business culture. Corporate brands can

                                                                                                Page 317
What is in a Name Change?

                            be defined as internal meanings formed             existing words that are easily remembered
                            within the organizational culture (Berg-          but applied in a new context. For example,
                            strom et al., 2002; de Chernatony, 2002).         a colour or a fruit like Orange is applied to
                            According to the ‘Joyce principle’, names         the context of a telecommunications com-
                            can carry intrinsically positive values that      pany. This strategy presents some advan-
                            provide the basis for a corporate communi-        tages. Starting from a clean sheet might
                            cation programme which will reinforce             give corporations the opportunity to build
                            initial beneficial associations. The name          an ad hoc identity and create differentiation.
                            Altria, which suggests ‘an enterprise that        If identity is an abstract concept (Czar-
                            aims for peak performance and constant            niawska, 2000), then a name should be able
                            improvement’4 is typical of this category.        to carry the fashionable values that domi-
                               When the corporate brand is supposed to        nate at a certain time and place, ie a green
                            resonate to a wide audience, it becomes           company or a fun company.
                            more difficult to find values that appeal to            An ‘empty vessel’ name, free of intrinsic
                            all kinds of stakeholders. It is interesting to   associations, combined with thematic cor-
                            note that many names suggesting perfor-           porate branding campaigns allows some
                            mance such as Altria, Altadis or Excellon         variability in the positioning of the cor-
                            are being promoted mainly to investors.           poration. For instance, today ‘Orange, an
                            These corporate brands do not deal directly       innovative company’; tomorrow, ‘Orange,
                            with consumers; they either hide behind           a reliable partner’. The only thing Orange
                            their brand portfolio or are solely engaged       might find difficult to claim is ‘Orange, a
                            in BtoB relationships. Corporate brands           green enterprise’! Unfortunately, since
                            suggesting the idea of life such as Aviva,        ‘empty vessel’ names are meaningless, they
                            O2 or Vivendi are more exposed to consu-          do not necessarily provide the company
                            mers and are being communicated through           with a credible story to tell. The conse-
                            mass media. For many corporate brands,            quences in terms of acceptance levels can
                            however, it seems difficult to determine            be dramatic, particularly among staff.
                            who is their primary audience. As seen ear-       ‘Monday’, the briefly adopted name of
                            lier, the cornelian choice between differen-       PWC Consulting, is a freestanding name.
                            tiation and acceptance among a variety of         A public relations exercise was supposed to
                            stakeholders has led many corporations to         explain that Monday stood for ‘fresh think-
                            articulate universal values in a universal        ing, doughnuts and hot coffee’. Employees
                            manner. Applying the Joyce principle              and other stakeholders, however, started to
                            might sometimes be too constraining               associate ‘Monday’ with less favorable
                            because it forces corporations to induce          although quite amusing images:
                            associations within a restrictive framework.
                               Initiating favorable associations, how-          ‘The word on the street is that the PWC
                            ever, is only one of the two main goals of          board called their creatives last Friday,
                            corporate brand naming. An equally cru-             ‘‘Have you come up with a name yet?’’,
                            cial aspect of corporate branding is to dif-        they asked, ‘‘Probably Monday’’, said
                            ferentiate the corporation in a crowded             their contact’
                            marketplace. This might be better per-
                            formed with names based on the ‘Juliet              or
                            principle’. This third option does not
                            necessarily mean employing newly created,           ‘A quick straw poll in the office reveals
                            abstract, meaningless words such as Kelda           that most peoples’ opinion is not ‘‘a fresh
                            or Zeneca. It may also include the use of           start, a positive attitude’’, but ‘‘I hate

Page 318

Table 7: Corporate Brand Naming Options

                  Same name       Names based on the              Names based on the ‘Juliet
                                  ‘Joyce principle’               principle’

Main              Focus on        Focus on values such as:        Ability to focus on anything
characteristics   heritage           Life
Disadvantages     Stuck with      Limited range of values that    No story to tell. May
                  past negative   may not equally appeal to all   alienate internal stakeholders
                  associations    stakeholders
Advantages        Acceptance,     Induce positive attributes      Allow for greater variability
                  recognition,                                    in positioning

  Monday’’. But that fits with their opinion       sistent with previous studies regarding cor-
  of management consultants too’.5                porate name changes. The contribution
                                                  resides essentially in the analysis of the
The managerial implications are summar-           meaning of associative names. It reveals
ized in the simplified template in Table 7.        that the values promoted by new corpo-
   The template provides managers with a          rate brands revolve around the key notions
framework, which informs them of the              of liveliness, competence, performance,
advantages and disadvantages of each              unity and vision. By inducing the same
naming option. If the corporation can be          types of values through the same medium
defined by something genuinely distinctive,        (the use of Latin-coined names), however,
it might be worth looking for a descriptive       newly created corporate brands fail to
or suggestive name that captures the              create differentiation. The use of associative
uniqueness of the organization. Unfortu-          names could well be too restrictive by
nately, this study reveals that newly created     nature. Corporations might be better off
brand names often capture only the general        choosing less sophisticated names whose
aspirations of any corporation, eg compe-         associations can be shaped by a proficient
tence and performance. If managers want           branding programme. A factor that should
their brand to achieve differentiation, they       influence naming decisions is who is going
should avoid those five corporate brand            to be the primary audience of the newly
      ´                                           created corporate brand. As the anecdotal
                                                  evidence suggests that either associative or
CONCLUSION                                        freestanding names can be successful, how-
As companies are becoming increasingly            ever, this paper does not conclude that
aware of the importance of corporate              some name types are more suitable than
reputation, they are managing their corpo-        others. Evaluating what makes a corporate
rate names more actively and treating             brand name successful could offer a direc-
them as corporate brands rather than              tion for further research, unless one accepts
merely as trade names. This study is con-         the proposition that thriving brand names

                                                                                                   Page 319
What is in a Name Change?

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Corporate Brand Naming

  • 1. Corporate Reputation Review Volume 8 Number 4 What is in a Name Change? Re-Joycing Corporate Names to Create Corporate Brands Laurent Muzellec Department of Marketing, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland ABSTRACT and strategic device. For strong consumer Twenty years ago a corporate name was simply brands like Coca Cola, the name is arguably a trade name that described an industry, a ser- the only valuable asset; outside its brand vice or a product (most often the corporate name context, the product, mostly made of water, was the founder’s patronym). The study sugar and bubbles is a cheap commodity. reported in this paper reveals that as companies For corporations and corporate brands, the are becoming increasingly aware of the impor- name is a prism through which each stake- tance of corporate reputation, they are managing holder perceives the company. The name their corporate names more actively and treating might be synonymous with a way of doing them as corporate brands rather than merely business for suppliers, a distinctive in-house trade names. Newly created brand names are culture for employees, an enjoyable experi- now consciously designed to evoke associations ence for consumers, or a steady return on with a set of core corporate values that typically investment for the financial community. focus on themes such as life, competence, unity, Academic articles which have tried to vision and performance. By focusing on values answer the illustrious question ‘what’s in a that are common to most corporations, however, name?’ often come up with the answer of corporate branding may fail in one of its fore- reputation and brand identity (Fombrun most goals, which is to create differentiation. and Shanley, 1990; Perkins, 1995; Aaker, This paper provides an analysis of the corporate 1996; Tadelis, 1999). This indicates that re-naming phenomenon and discusses its impli- company names are the receptacle of cor- cations for corporate brand naming. porate brand and reputation. A brand name is the basis upon which the brand KEYWORDS: corporate brand, naming, equity is built (Aaker, 1991) and a corpo- rebranding, identity change rate name is the vehicle that conveys cor- porate associations to the customer (Brown INTRODUCTION and Dacin, 1997; Dacin and Brown, 2002). ‘If all of Coca Cola’s assets were Additionally, the name constitutes the link destroyed overnight, whoever owned between the corporate identity, understood the Coca Cola name could walk into a as what the company ‘is’, that is its values bank the next day morning and get a and its behavior (Olins, 1979; Dowling, loan to rebuild everything.’ 1996; Balmer, 2001), and the corporate Carlton Curtis, VP Corporate image, which is thought of as the stake- Communications, Coca Cola holders’ perceptions of corporate attitudes Corporate Reputation Review, (Bernstein, 1984; Davies and Chun, 2002). Vol. 8, No. 4, 2006, pp. 305–321 # Palgrave Macmillan Ltd, Brand names are a fundamental marketing These various perspectives demonstrate 1479–1889/06 $30.00 Page 305
  • 2. What is in a Name Change? the key role played by corporate names as vides an analysis of the recent wave of cor- strategic marketing assets. Replacing an porate name changes and discusses the established name with an entirely new academic and practical implications for name would therefore seem to go against corporate brand naming. elementary marketing theory and practice. The paper is divided into three sections. Yet companies adopting new ‘branded First, the literature on brands and corporate names’ are frequently reported in the busi- identity is reviewed to establish the predica- ness press (McGurk, 2002; Lamont, 2003; ment of corporate brand naming. A data- Wiggins, 2003). This phenomenon, some- base of re-named companies is then times referred to as corporate re-branding, investigated and analysed in order to ascer- has been quantified by Enterprise IG, tain the characteristics of a newly created which estimates that each year between corporate (brand) name. The results are dis- 1,000 and 2,500 companies around the cussed and the comments of two brand- world change their names.1 naming specialists taken into account for Structural factors precipitating a name analysis purposes. The final section discusses change such as corporate mergers and the managerial implications of the findings. acquisitions, or major changes in geo- graphic scope or competitive corporate LITERATURE REVIEW strategy can partly explain the re-branding In order to understand the corporate re- phenomenon (Muzellec et al., 2003). How- naming phenomenon in the emerging con- ever, while these factors may tell one why text of corporate brands, the notion of cor- re-branding occurs, they do not reveal the porate branding is first reviewed. The extent to which corporate naming is con- differences between the corporate identity sidered as a strategic marketing variable in and traditional brand perspectives on its own right, or whether it is merely naming are then highlighted in order to viewed as an administrative expediency. underline the challenges for corporate An additional point of interest, therefore, is brand naming. to investigate the marketing role, aim and features of newly adopted names. Branding the Corporate Identity Studies pertaining to this area of research There are many perspectives on corporate have focused on the brand naming process branding in the literature (eg Schultz and (Kohli and Labahn, 1997), on brand name de Chernatony, 2002; Balmer and Greyser, semantics and symbolism (Collins, 1977; 2003). Corporate brands can be seen as Robertson, 1989; Klink, 2001) and on the communications, vision, identity, culture, types of associations evoked by new names position, promise, image, or covenant (Kohli and Hemnes, 1995; Delattre, 2002; (Dunnion and Knox, 2004). However, two Glynn and Abzug, 2002). These studies are broad approaches may be identified: one is either concerned with traditional (product) centered on the organization and the pro- brand naming strategies and their impact motion of internal values as well as culture on customers’ imagery or corporate name and vision (Hatch and Schultz, 2003; Ind, patterns within industries. Yet, corporate 2003; Urde, 2003); the other focuses on the branding goes beyond traditional brand external audience and the marketing of the theory and differs from corporate identity brand (King, 1991; Keller, 2000; Aaker, (Balmer and Gray, 2003). In this paper, the 2004). This might be because the concept two perspectives are brought together to of corporate brand is at the crossroads provide a broad review of the corporate between the idea of brand and the notion re-naming phenomenon. The paper pro- of corporate identity. Page 306
  • 3. Muzellec Corporate identity refers to an organiza- Brand Names versus Corporate Names tion’s unique features, the way in which an Defining a brand as ‘a name, term, symbol, organization reveals its values and strategy design or a combination of them’, implies through communication, behavior and that the name forms the essence of the symbolism (Leuthesser and Kohli, 1997; brand concept (Aaker, 1991). The name is van Riel and Balmer, 1997). In other a critical, core sign of the brand, the ‘basis words, it is deeply rooted in the organiza- for awareness and communications effort’ tion persona and can be assimilated as a (Aaker, 1991: 187). Since the name can ‘statement of central character’ (Albert and bring inherent strength to a brand (Kohli Whetten, 1985). By contrast, a brand could and Labahn, 1997; Klink, 2001), brand be seen as a more contrived item, essen- names need to be actively managed in tially managed by the marketing depart- order to influence external stakeholders. In ment. Indeed, a textbook definition of a conventional branding perspective, the brand sees it as ‘a name, term, symbol, name is an instrument at the disposal of the design or a combination of them intended marketing team, who can use symbolism to identify goods or services of one seller in order to affect consumers’ perceptions of or a group of sellers and to differentiate products or corporations’ attributes (Klink, them from those of competitors’ (Kotler, 2001; Yorkston and Menon, 2004). Once 1992).2 Over the years, the brand con- launched, however, the new name becomes cept has stretched beyond its concrete the psychological property of consumers physical attributes to include intangible, (Lerman and Garbarino, 2002). psychological aspects; the brand has Brand experts are still unsure about the become ‘a collection of perceptions in the ideal properties of a brand name. Many mind of the consumer’ (Restall and brand consultants believe that a brand Gordon, 1993). name should be unusual enough to attract Those perspectives are brought together the attention of the external audience, such when corporate branding is considered as as Xerox and Yahoo! (Ries and Ries, 1999; ‘a systematically planned and implemented Godin, 2002). Yet, academic research indi- process of creating and maintaining a cates that names descriptive or at least sug- favorable image and consequently a favor- gestive of the product’s relevant attributes able reputation for the company as a whole are more likely to be recalled and liked by sending signals to all stakeholders and (Keller et al., 1998; Klink, 2001). In sum, by managing behavior, communication, an actively managed brand name should be and symbolism’ (Einwiller and Will, 2002). able to attract attention, provoke a high Above all, manipulating a key symbol such level of recall and/or recognition and initi- as the name of the corporation is about ate positive associations. sending a powerful signal, that something Identity is about behavior as much as about the corporation has changed (Dowl- appearance (Olins, 1979); hence the reci- ing, 1996; Stuart and Muzellec, 2004). procal influence of attitudes (‘inner iden- More importantly, with the old name tity’ — verbal school of thought) on the being discarded, so are its associations. The outward show (‘projected identity’ — new name gives the opportunity to build visual school of thought). Identity (and up new associations. Yet depending on the image) may be crafted by the management outlook taken on corporate branding, ie of marketing aesthetics, ie the corporate brand or identity perspective, the mission name, logo, design, colour, font etc (Mar- proposed for the new name could vary gulies, 1977; Schmitt and Simonson, 1997). significantly. Because the name is only a single, although Page 307
  • 4. What is in a Name Change? quite visible element of the corporate visual are formed based on historical perfor- identity system, it will not modify a cor- mance, organizational culture and employ- poration’s appearance on its own (Margu- ees’ attitudes, rather than generated by a lies, 1977; Melewar and Saunders, 2000). new name (Hatch and Schultz, 1997; This suggests that a ‘name’ is less essential Stuart, 1999; Ind, 2003). This suggests that to the constitution of associations in a cor- a traditional corporate name, be it the porate identity context than in a brand name of the founder (Ford, Michelin etc) context. A new name along with a new or the name of the place where the com- visual identity can nevertheless help to pany was first set up (eg Evian, Raleigh), create new associations as was done success- reflects the corporation’s history and iden- fully, for example, with Lucent Technolo- tity better than a new name will ever be gies, a spin-off of AT&T (Schmitt and able to do. The characteristics of both Simonson, 1997). brand names and corporate names are sum- Due to the importance of the behavioral marized in Table 1. element of identity, the name is sometimes So far, corporate names have been stu- seen as a trap that may catch the unwary died through their length, their descriptive (Dowling, 1996; Balmer, 2001). Badly associations and their linguistic features handled, a change of name might just (Kohli and Hemnes, 1995; Delattre, 2002). widen the misalignment of the communi- Conclusions in both studies were identical: cated identity with the actual one (Balmer new names were generally shorter, product and Greyser, 2002; de Chernatony, 2002). and geographic associations were dropped, The two schools of thought on identity are and many coined words were created. therefore wary about the importance and Organizational behaviorists Glynn and management of corporate names. The Abzug (2002) reviewed historical naming visual or appearance school considers the patterns and found that corporate names name as one single variable among many are influenced by a web of institutionalized other elements of the corporate visual iden- practices. That is, organizations follow the tity system (Melewar and Saunders, 2000). practices of other institutions from similar The verbal or behavioral school of thought industries when it comes to adopting a suggests that feelings towards a corporation new name. Table 1: Differences Between Brand Names and Corporate Names Brand name Corporate name School of thought Branding Corporate identity Importance in communication Central Secondary mix Primary audience Customers Employees, customers, financial community Level of distinctiveness High: Capacity to attract Low: Capacity to be accepted attention by a wide audience. Must not shock Semantics Induce positive feelings in the Reflect ‘inner’ identity or marketplace culture Management Actively managed Inherited (unmanaged) Page 308
  • 5. Muzellec Corporate Brand Naming Challenges bundle together a collective sense of pur- Corporate branding goes further than the pose, while encompassing the unique com- traditional branding and the identity per- bination of history, leadership, strategies spectives. First, it surpasses product brand- and values, and being accepted by the ing by ignoring product features and varied stakeholders. The difficulty of meet- focusing on the underlying values and ing all these objectives simultaneously is vision of the corporation (Hatch and self-evident and demonstrates the complex Schultz, 2003; Urde, 2003). Secondly, cor- challenge involved in corporate re-brand- porate branding goes beyond corporate ing. identity by fusing the internal and external dimensions of corporations (Balmer and Corporate Brand Name Taxonomy Greyser, 2003). The branding of the cor- Brand consultancies usually employ taxo- poration has several implications therefore nomies of some kind to discuss alternative for newly created corporate (brand) names names. Common among those taxonomies that must deal with a series of dichotomies are labels such as descriptive, suggestive or and challenges. associative, and arbitrary or freestanding The first challenge pertains to the time- names. Interbrand (2005), for instance, frame. The corporate brand name must refers to descriptive, associative and free- take into consideration the heritage of the standing names. A descriptive name corporation but should also set a direction describes the product or service for which for the future, and maybe create a sense of it is intended, eg Rent-A-Car. Associative new departure, particularly following a (or suggestive) names evoke associations reputation crisis or a merger. Related to implicitly or explicitly with product fea- this initial problem is the issue of the tures (for instance, Jaguar brings associa- degree of change a name can support. tions with elegance and aggressiveness) or, Should continuity with the old name be in the case of corporate brands, with a set favored or, on the contrary, should a of corporate values. Freestanding (or arbi- totally new name be created signifying a trary) names have no link with the product clear break from the past? or service that they refer to but might have The second challenge concerns the target meaning of their own, eg Orange or Pen- audience; a new name must be noticed by guin. In some cases, such names have no external stakeholders but must not alienate intrinsic meaning at all, eg Kodak or the internal audience. Likewise, the values Xsara, in which case they may be called induced by the new name should reflect abstract. Turley and Moore (1995) have the actual identity of the corporation but added two more categories of brand names also appeal to the marketplace. As a result, in their study of service brands, ie person- a corporate brand name has to be assigned based brands (patronymic name) and geo- the mission to inspire and to carry the set graphic names. In the case of corporate of values that define the corporation. brands, acronymic names historically con- This leads to a related and final dichot- stitute another important category as the omy; the choice between a corporate name success of IBM, GE or BP demonstrates. that evokes attributes that are industry-spe- Collins (1977) examined the relationships cific or one that induces universal values. If between sound and sense. He set up two the distinguishing core attributes for corpo- opposing theories known as the ‘Juliet rate brands are cohesion, uniqueness, principle’ and the ‘Joyce principle’. The intangibility, complexity and responsibility ‘Juliet principle’ draws from the answer to (Ind, 1998), a new corporate name must Shakespeare’s illustrious question: ‘What’s Page 309
  • 6. What is in a Name Change? in a name? — That which we call a rose, constructed corporate brands. by any other name would not smell as sweet’. The principle states that the mean- METHODOLOGY ing of a name is not determined by its A sample of 166 companies was chosen for verbal form but by the associations that the exploratory research. Using the search arise over time. The ‘Joyce principle’ states engine Power Search on the Financial that the phonetics of a word symbolize its Times website (, one can meaning. It is derived from James Joyce’s retrieve articles on companies having chan- creation of hundreds of new words that ged their name. A search on ‘name sound to the reader somewhat like what he changes’ from January 1, 2001 to January meant them to denote. Accordingly, cor- 31, 2003 (a 25-month period) returned 314 porate names might be classified along a articles. Due to redundancies of articles spectrum from totally descriptive to totally and/or companies, this number was freestanding, as shown in Table 2. reduced to 116 when it came to identifying This review of the literature compares companies. Another 50 examples of re- the differences between the characteristics branded companies were found via other of brand names as informed by branding secondary sources (newspapers, websites, theory and the properties of corporate advertisements) and were added to reach a names as implied by the corporate identity critical sample size. Old and new names literature. This reveals a series of challenges were classified according to their name for corporate brand naming which has type (descriptive, geographic, patronymic, been analysed by reviewing a database of acronym, associative, freestanding). The 166 re-named companies. Two main first four categories were easily assigned aspects of name change were under consid- but distinguishing between associative and eration. The type and level of name change freestanding names proved to be a more provide indications as to whether the heri- difficult exercise. Names were classified as tage of the corporation is taken into con- associative when an etymological study sideration in the new name. The meaning provided some meaning and/or a plausible and connotations evoked by new corporate name explanation was found on the com- names, particularly those derived from pany’s website; otherwise, names were Latin, were also considered to determine classified as freestanding. To reduce biased whether new names are shaped to appeal interpretation, two independent readers to the marketplace or to the internal audi- reviewed the categorization afterwards ence; and whether they strongly differenti- and pointed out potential disagreements. ate the company or are embodied in an Consequently, 15 names were reclassified. industry-specific isomorphism. More This approach allowed further investiga- importantly, the etymology of new corpo- tion and categorization of the associative rate names can reveal the essence of newly names. Table 2: Types of Corporate Brand Names From the most ? ? ? ? to the most descriptive abstract Descriptive Geographic Patronymic Acronymic Associative Freestanding names names names names names names Page 310
  • 7. Muzellec Replicating Delattre’s methodology the theme brought out by new corporate (2002), the changes were also divided into brand names. two levels: Level 1 comprises names that display permanence or continuity. Perma- RESULTS nence is reflected in a change of spelling (eg from to Ebookers). Review of the Database Continuity in the naming patterns refers to a combinative change in which the system Type of name and type of change is relatively unchanged; this includes sim- The review of the database revealed that plification, name lengthening, initialization, previous names were predominantly or a combinative modification (eg from descriptive (31.8 per cent) or person-based Morgan Stanley Dean Witter to Morgan (24 per cent). Acronymic (14 per cent) and Stanley or from S.J. Berwin & Co to geographic names (6.9 per cent) also feature S.J.B.). Level 2 refers to names that have quite strongly among the old names. Free- been created from scratch and which have standing and associative names represent 15 no commonalities with the previous name per cent and 8 per cent, respectively, of the (eg from Andersen Consulting to Accent- old names. By contrast, the new names tend ure). to be more abstract. More than 60 per cent Since several business articles have of them are either freestanding (32.5 per suggested that numerous companies adopt cent) or associative (32.5 per cent). Descrip- Latin-coined words when they change tive names account for only 18 per cent and their names (Dickson, 2002; Kella geographic names are down to 1.2 per cent. way, 2002; Lamont, 2003), a category The data support the supposition that including Latin or Latin-based names was corporations are moving along the spec- created. trum from highly descriptive names to Finally a semantic analysis of associative highly conceptual names as demonstrated names was carried out in order to reveal by the graph in Figure 1. Table 3: Name Types Old name New name Name type Frequency (%) Frequency (%) Acronym 24 13.87 13 7.83 Associative 14 8.09 54 32.53 Descriptive 55 31.79 30 18.07 Freestanding 26 15.03 54 32.53 Geographic 12 6.93 2 1.20 Person-based 42 24.28 13 7.83 Total 173* 100.00 166 100.00 *The total number of old names is greater than the total of the re-branded companies because in the case of a merger and when the two previous names belong to a different name category; the names of both companies have been included. Page 311
  • 8. What is in a Name Change? Figure 1: Evolution of corporate names 35 30 25 20 Old name 15 New name 10 5 0 As nym e so tive ng d Ac ic iv se h di at ap ip ba ro an ci cr gr n- so st es eo ee D G r Fr Pe Level of name change origin. Table 3 combines Latin or Greek In total, 31 name changes (18.7 per cent) names, names derived from Latin and displaying permanence or continuity were names attributed to Latin. classified as Level 1. A total of 135 new corporate names (81.3 per cent) showed no Etymological analysis of newly created similarities with the previous name (Level associative names 2 change). The meaning of the associative names is now investigated. Corporate websites were Latin and Greek connotations visited in search of an explanation for the A total of 34 per cent (47 names) of the choice of a new name. Only 33 companies names that had changed dramatically actually provided any explanation of their (Level 2) did so to become Latin or Greek new name on their website. For 21 cor- in sound or in derivation. It is difficult to porations, the name meaning was revealed define what makes a word sound Latin. through an etymological approach particu- The ‘Latinity’ of a name is often suggested larly in the case of Latin and Greek names. through its ending, for instance ‘a’, ‘i’, ‘is’, Table 5 provides some examples of the ‘ys’ and ‘us’ are Latin or imply a Latin explanations supplied by the companies Table 4: Latin and Greek Coined Names End with the letter ‘a’ Altria, Aga, Areva, Avaya, Aviva, Capitalia, Centrica, Consignia, Dexia, Encana, Glambia, Izodia, Kelda, Olimpia, Permira, Ramada, Sonera, Syngenta, Zeneca, Xansa End with ‘i’, ‘is’ and ‘ys’ Acambis, Acordis, Altadis, Aventis, Elementis, Enodis, Invensys, Marconi, Misys, Novartis, Vernalis, Vivendi End with ‘us’ Chorus, Corus, Lorus, Mobius, Thus, Rubus Other Accenture, Agilent, Agere, Diageo, Lumen, Lucent, Thales, Visteon, Verizon Page 312
  • 9. Muzellec Table 5: Meaning and Wishful Meaning of Brand Name Name Meaning Source* Accenture ‘Today we are re-named, redefined and reborn. The Accenture name connotes putting an ‘accent on the future’ Agilent Derived from the word ‘agile’, which means nimble and Etymology well-coordinated Altria ‘The name ‘‘Altria’’ derives from the Latin word ‘‘altus’’, meaning high. It connotes an enterprise that aims for peak performance and constant improvement’ Aventis From avere (avens, aventis), which means ‘desiring intensely’ or willing, with pleasure; eager etymology Aviva ‘The Aviva name tested positively in consumer research around the world, bringing with it associations of life, vitality and living well’ BearingPoint ‘Set direction, gain access to the right information, transfer knowledge, and achieve results for their long-term success’ Centrica ‘The name Centrica was selected because of its ease of use internationally. In many languages the word Centrica is meaningless and therefore cannot conflict with overseas language translations’{ Diageo ‘The word Diageo comes from the Latin word for ‘‘day’’ and the Greek word for ‘‘world’’ or ‘‘every day, everywhere’’ Enodis Derived from Latin and means ‘solutions’ Etymology Exelon ‘Exelon stands for experience and excellence, and that’s what the new company will be all about’ Kforce ‘In 1999, the company changed its name to Kforce, an abbreviation for Knowledgeforce, with the ‘‘K’’ representing knowledge, (. . .) and the ‘‘force’’ signifies the knowledgeable team of people with a clear focus and commitment to the goal’ Lucent Marked by ‘clarity’ or ‘glowing with light’ Novartis Novartis comes from the Latin term novae artes, which means ‘new arts’ or ‘new skills’ Permira Permira, a Latin word meaning ‘very surprising, very different’ Thales Name of ancient Greek mathematician Etymology Verizon Derived from the combination of ‘veritas’, which means Etymology truth in Latin, and ‘horizon’ Vernalis Pertaining to spring; used to describe plants for Etymology instance Adonis Vernalis Visteon ‘Coined from the words visionary and eon, Visteon is of Latin derivation and therefore recognisable in many languages’ Vivendi Latin gerundive, means ‘vivacity’ and ‘mobility’ Etymology Xansa ‘The name is easy to say and read in all major market places and has clear phonetic links with ‘‘answer’’. The other inspiration has been the Sanskrit word ‘‘sanskar’’, which, among many meanings, also refers to culture and values which are internalized from past experience and determine future action’ *Websites were accessed between January 2003 and October 2003. {Although the name is clearly derived from ‘centre’, it was classified as freestanding due to this explanation. Page 313
  • 10. What is in a Name Change? themselves or found through an etymolo- combining synonymous and similar terms. gical approach. For instance, agreement is synonymous Some key ideas emerged as central to the with union and accord; high is synon- meaning of those new names. In order to ymous with superior, which is synon- explore those ideas, a list of derived mean- ymous with excellent and advanced, which ings was established through an etymologi- is similar to innovative, which is similar to cal study of the corporate names, ie either new. Ambition is related to dream, vision based on the proposed ‘etymology’ pro- and will, which then connects with force vided on the corporation’s website or based and strength. Experience is synonymous on the researcher’s own use of French, with knowledge and skill, which is also English and Latin dictionaries. The initial similar to competence. Thanks to this tech- investigation provided a list of 37 key- nique, a map of derived values was con- words reflecting the ideas, concepts or structed, as shown in Figure 2. values induced by the 54 associative brand Five clusters of values were then identi- names, shown below in Table 6. fied: unity, life, performance, competence The second step involved clustering and vision. In order to visualize how these keywords into general themes by organizational names fit back into this map Table 6: Keywords Implied by New Corporate Names accord being energy high lively strength advanced central excellence important new superior agile competence experience innovative oxygen unique agreement direction force intelligence skill unity ambition dream future knowledge solution vision answer drive guidance light spring vivacity will Figure 2: The values underlying corporate names Page 314
  • 11. Muzellec Figure 3: Corporate names and corporate values of values, they were placed back in a simi- of Nomen, a leading naming agency, cred- lar framework (Figure 3). Fourteen associa- ited with the creation of famous new cor- tive or suggestive names were excluded porate names such as Wanadoo, Vivendi from this map because they did not suggest and Thales. The following section inte- values or ideas but were associated with grates their reactions. their respective industry (eg Capitalia, The literature review indicated that if Omnicom, Sonera, Liberty Media) and/or corporate brand naming was to go beyond their country of origin (eg Swiss, Eircom). corporate identity and traditional branding, Essentially, corporations were moving it would need to overcome a series of along the spectrum from highly descriptive dilemmas. The following summarizes the names to more conceptual names. Among researcher’s analysis and indicates how cor- those, associative names display a great porations elude the corporate naming pre- level of similarity both in sound (use of dicament. Latin terminology) and in symbolism (clus- ter of five ‘common’ values). A New Corporate Name for Tomorrow’s Corporate Brand DISCUSSIONS AND INTERPRETATIONS: The types of corporate new names suggest WHAT IS IN A CORPORATE BRAND that corporations are geared towards the NAME? future, disregarding their roots by drop- In order to confront corporate brand name ping the name of the founder of the com- inventors with these initial findings and to pany, the place where it was first set up generate discussion, two brand naming and the sector of industry from which it specialists were consulted. Olivier Auroy is emerged. The evolution from industry the European brand name specialist at association to non-figurative association Landor Associates, an internationally reflects the ambition of companies to put recognized branding and design consul- forward values rather than relying on his- tancy. Marcel Botton, CEO and founder torical attributes. Page 315
  • 12. What is in a Name Change? In addition, according to brand specia- A New Corporate Name to Resonate lists, naming decisions are often made by with all Corporate Brand Audiences top management. As a result, there is an The process used to select the best name for emphasis on vision and future; indeed a corporation may also explain some simi- many corporations such as Visteon, Veri- larities between the new corporate names. zon, Accenture and BearingPoint have Names are not selected based on their sal- adopted names that suggest the idea of ience but on their capacity to be accepted vision. If corporate brand management is a by a wide audience (Kohli and Labahn, dynamic process that involves continuous 1997). As a result, a dull name might be adjustments between vision, culture and more acceptable than an eccentric one. peoples’ images (Hatch and Schultz 2003), preferring one element at the expense of ‘The name that is selected in the end — the other might become problematic. which is not always the one that we recommended — is the result of a compro- A New Corporate Name for a Global mise reached in a corporate committee. Corporate Brand Everybody has an idea about what consti- The large number of names that sound alike tutes a good name; eventually, it ends up (Accambis, Altadis, Altria, Aventis, Aviva, with what I would call an ‘‘idiominys’’3 etc.) suggests that names were selected on (An ‘‘ignominious’’ Latin-coined word their ability to be widely accepted by the for ‘‘idiot’’, ‘‘idiom’’ and ‘‘mini’’). The lowest common denominator in the mar- least audacious option wins!’. (Auray, ketplace. As explained by brand naming personal interview, 06/02/2004). specialists, Latin is the common denomina- tor of all European languages, including A New Corporate Name to Conform with English, which is increasingly used as the Prevalent Practices international business language: The natural apprehension towards novelty and the common inclination to repeat what ‘Ok, so you think that all those names seems to have worked elsewhere constitutes sound Latin because of the suffix ‘‘is’’; so a related explanation. Corporations con- let’s take Altadis, (the Hispano-French form to prevalent practices in their industry tobacco company) for example, and the and create names that follow institutiona- core word ‘‘Altad’’: Altade, with a lized models that suggest category member- voiceless ‘‘e’’, it’s necessarily French; ship (Glynn and Abzug, 2002). Just like ‘oo’ otherwise it’s Italian, Altadou, it’s also became the distinctive feature of internet French. Altada, Altadi, Altado, it’s Italian. brand names (Yahoo, Google, Kelkoo, Altadas, Altada, it’s Spanish. Altadu, it’s Wanadoo etc), Latin-coined names may be Romanian. Altady, Altadey it’s English. becoming the common feature of newly Altader, Altaden, it’s German. Altadis, it’s created corporate brands. Since ‘Lucent, more international . . . However, for the Thales, Vivendi’ have arguably reached record, Altadis, it’s Alliance, Tabac and high levels of awareness, it was believed that Distribution.’ (Bottom, personal followers like ‘Aventis, Aviva and Elemen- interview, 06/02/2004). tis’ would reach the same level of visibility with similar names. The similarities in sound are due to a belief that an international corporation must A New Corporate Name to Induce not bear a name denoting its country of Universal Corporate Brand Values origin. To initiate positive associations, brand Page 316
  • 13. Muzellec names suggesting key values are being poration (Ind, 1998; Einwiller and Will, chosen. The semantic analysis revealed five 2002). The collection of perceptions that summary values that occur frequently: per- defines a brand can be intrinsically influ- formance, competence, unity, vision and enced by the semantics of the name (Klink, liveliness. The extent to which a name 2001). Three options are available to man- actually succeeds in inducing positive agers when it comes to choosing the name associations is beyond the scope of the pre- of the corporate brand. sent research. A review of articles on the The first option is to keep the current re-naming of CGNU (Aviva), Scottish name of the corporation. Just like most Power (Thus) and KPMG Consulting brands were product names before they (BearingPoint), however, can certainly became brands, corporate names can be help managers to identify the potential pit- transformed into corporate brands without falls of tampering with established names, being modified or with little modification. at least in terms of public relations (Brier- For instance, the name Banco Bilbao Viz- ley, 2002; Dickson, 2002; Kellaway, 2002). caya Argentaria (BBVA) went from being Additionally, the fact that the underly- a ‘simple instrument of recognition’ to ing meaning of newly created corporate being assimilated to an explicit brand names can be narrowed down to five prin- experience (Alloza et al., 2004). ciples suggests convergence rather than dif- The second option is to use the Joyce ferentiation. Surely, most companies want principle to define the organization. The to perform well, to be coherent and to dis- role of influencing stakeholders’ percep- play some level of competency in their tions could very well be assumed by respective fields. They most likely want to descriptive and suggestive corporate brand be seen as lively as well. Indeed, a survey names. A descriptive or suggestive name conducted by the American Management can infer what the corporation does (indus- Association (2002) revealed that profitabil- try-related attributes) or what it stands for ity, innovation and ‘have fun’ were among (business values/culture attributes). the most cited values. Aviva for example is Descriptive names displayed in the FT associated with ‘vitality and living well’, database often described the organizations’ but can Aviva ‘own’ — to paraphrase Ries activity, for example, Ebookers, ITV Digi- and Trout (2001) — the terms ‘vitality and tal, EasyInternetCafe and Nationwide living well’? It is difficult to understand Accident Repair Services, but never what constitutes the distinguishing features depicted a feature of the corporation, ie of such companies. All those names seem there was no corporation with a name such to be interchangeable. Could Altria be a as Greatcorp, SuperServ, or Fast&Reliable. consulting firm company, Aviva a food Descriptive names are diminishing in and tobacco holding and BearingPoint an popularity, essentially because they offer insurance group — probably. the lowest level of protection in terms of trade mark (Davies, 2002). A suggestive MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS: name such as Capitalia (ex-Banca di CREATING A NAME TO CAPTURE THE Roma) may also succeed in representing CORPORATE BRAND ESSENCE the corporation’s sector of activity. Developing a corporate brand is about Expressing what the company ‘stands defining the organization in a way that is for’ is done through the use of associative unique and distinctive. The goal of corpo- brand names that refer to the company’s rate branding is indeed primarily to create way of doing business or, in other words, a favorable image and differentiate the cor- its business culture. Corporate brands can Page 317
  • 14. What is in a Name Change? be defined as internal meanings formed existing words that are easily remembered within the organizational culture (Berg- but applied in a new context. For example, strom et al., 2002; de Chernatony, 2002). a colour or a fruit like Orange is applied to According to the ‘Joyce principle’, names the context of a telecommunications com- can carry intrinsically positive values that pany. This strategy presents some advan- provide the basis for a corporate communi- tages. Starting from a clean sheet might cation programme which will reinforce give corporations the opportunity to build initial beneficial associations. The name an ad hoc identity and create differentiation. Altria, which suggests ‘an enterprise that If identity is an abstract concept (Czar- aims for peak performance and constant niawska, 2000), then a name should be able improvement’4 is typical of this category. to carry the fashionable values that domi- When the corporate brand is supposed to nate at a certain time and place, ie a green resonate to a wide audience, it becomes company or a fun company. more difficult to find values that appeal to An ‘empty vessel’ name, free of intrinsic all kinds of stakeholders. It is interesting to associations, combined with thematic cor- note that many names suggesting perfor- porate branding campaigns allows some mance such as Altria, Altadis or Excellon variability in the positioning of the cor- are being promoted mainly to investors. poration. For instance, today ‘Orange, an These corporate brands do not deal directly innovative company’; tomorrow, ‘Orange, with consumers; they either hide behind a reliable partner’. The only thing Orange their brand portfolio or are solely engaged might find difficult to claim is ‘Orange, a in BtoB relationships. Corporate brands green enterprise’! Unfortunately, since suggesting the idea of life such as Aviva, ‘empty vessel’ names are meaningless, they O2 or Vivendi are more exposed to consu- do not necessarily provide the company mers and are being communicated through with a credible story to tell. The conse- mass media. For many corporate brands, quences in terms of acceptance levels can however, it seems difficult to determine be dramatic, particularly among staff. who is their primary audience. As seen ear- ‘Monday’, the briefly adopted name of lier, the cornelian choice between differen- PWC Consulting, is a freestanding name. tiation and acceptance among a variety of A public relations exercise was supposed to stakeholders has led many corporations to explain that Monday stood for ‘fresh think- articulate universal values in a universal ing, doughnuts and hot coffee’. Employees manner. Applying the Joyce principle and other stakeholders, however, started to might sometimes be too constraining associate ‘Monday’ with less favorable because it forces corporations to induce although quite amusing images: associations within a restrictive framework. Initiating favorable associations, how- ‘The word on the street is that the PWC ever, is only one of the two main goals of board called their creatives last Friday, corporate brand naming. An equally cru- ‘‘Have you come up with a name yet?’’, cial aspect of corporate branding is to dif- they asked, ‘‘Probably Monday’’, said ferentiate the corporation in a crowded their contact’ marketplace. This might be better per- formed with names based on the ‘Juliet or principle’. This third option does not necessarily mean employing newly created, ‘A quick straw poll in the office reveals abstract, meaningless words such as Kelda that most peoples’ opinion is not ‘‘a fresh or Zeneca. It may also include the use of start, a positive attitude’’, but ‘‘I hate Page 318
  • 15. Muzellec Table 7: Corporate Brand Naming Options Same name Names based on the Names based on the ‘Juliet ‘Joyce principle’ principle’ Main Focus on Focus on values such as: Ability to focus on anything characteristics heritage Life Vision Performance Unity Competence Disadvantages Stuck with Limited range of values that No story to tell. May past negative may not equally appeal to all alienate internal stakeholders associations stakeholders Advantages Acceptance, Induce positive attributes Allow for greater variability recognition, in positioning equity Monday’’. But that fits with their opinion sistent with previous studies regarding cor- of management consultants too’.5 porate name changes. The contribution resides essentially in the analysis of the The managerial implications are summar- meaning of associative names. It reveals ized in the simplified template in Table 7. that the values promoted by new corpo- The template provides managers with a rate brands revolve around the key notions framework, which informs them of the of liveliness, competence, performance, advantages and disadvantages of each unity and vision. By inducing the same naming option. If the corporation can be types of values through the same medium defined by something genuinely distinctive, (the use of Latin-coined names), however, it might be worth looking for a descriptive newly created corporate brands fail to or suggestive name that captures the create differentiation. The use of associative uniqueness of the organization. Unfortu- names could well be too restrictive by nately, this study reveals that newly created nature. Corporations might be better off brand names often capture only the general choosing less sophisticated names whose aspirations of any corporation, eg compe- associations can be shaped by a proficient tence and performance. If managers want branding programme. A factor that should their brand to achieve differentiation, they influence naming decisions is who is going should avoid those five corporate brand to be the primary audience of the newly cliches. ´ created corporate brand. As the anecdotal evidence suggests that either associative or CONCLUSION freestanding names can be successful, how- As companies are becoming increasingly ever, this paper does not conclude that aware of the importance of corporate some name types are more suitable than reputation, they are managing their corpo- others. Evaluating what makes a corporate rate names more actively and treating brand name successful could offer a direc- them as corporate brands rather than tion for further research, unless one accepts merely as trade names. This study is con- the proposition that thriving brand names Page 319
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