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1.   MOAC MTA 98-363: Web Development Fundamentals
2.   MOAC MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals
3.   MOAC MTA 98-372: Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
4.   MOAC MTA 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals
5.   MOAC MTA 98-374: Gaming Development Fundamentals
6.   MOAC MTA 98-375: HTML5 Application Development

40375A: HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals
(Duration: 3 days)

Manage the Application Life Cycle

        Understand the platform fundamentals.

               packaging and the runtime environment: app package, app container,
               credentials/permission sets, host process, leveraging existing HTML5 skills and
               content for slate/tablet applications

        Manage the state of an application.

               manage session state, app state, and persist state information; understand states of
               an application; understand the differences between local and session storage

        Debug and test an HTML5-based touch-enabled application.

               touch gestures; understand which gestures you test on a device

        Publish an application to a store.

               understand requirements for marketplace submissions

Build the User Interface by Using HTML5

        Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display text content.

        Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display graphics.

               when, why, and how to use Canvas; when, why, and how to use scalable vector
               graphics (SVG)

        Choose and configure HTML5 tags to play media.

               video and audio tags

        Choose and configure HTML5 tags to organize content and forms.

               tables, lists, sections; semantic HTML
2.5. Choose and configure HTML5 tags for input and validation.

Format the User Interface by Using CSS

       Understand the core CSS concepts.

              separating presentation from content – create content with HTML and style content
              with CSS; managing content flow - inline vs. block flow; managing positioning of
              individual elements – float vs. absolute positioning; managing content overflow –
              scrolling, visible, and hidden; basic CSS styling

       Arrange user interface (UI) content by using CSS.

              using flexible box and grid layouts to establish content alignment, direction, and
              orientation; proportional scaling and use of “free scale” for elements within a
              flexible box or grid; ordering and arranging content; concepts for using flex box for
              simple layouts and grid for complex layouts; grid content properties for rows and
              columns; using application templates

       Manage the flow of text content by using CSS.

              regions and using regions to flow text content between multiple

              sections – content source, content container, dynamic flow, flow-into, flow-from,
              msRegionUpdate, msRegionOverflow, msGetRegionContent(); columns and
              hyphenation and using these CSS settings to optimize the readability of text; using
              “positioned floats” to create text flow around a floating object

       Manage the graphical interface by using CSS.

              graphics effects - rounded corners, shadows, transparency, background gradients,
              typography, and Web Open Font Format; 2D and 3D transformations – translate,
              scale, rotate, skew, and 3D perspective transitions and animations; SVG filter
              effects; Canvas

Code by Using JavaScript

       Manage and maintain JavaScript.

              creating and using functions; jQuery, and other third-party libraries

       Update the UI by using JavaScript.
locating/accessing elements; listening and responding to events; showing and
       hiding elements; updating the content of elements; adding elements

Code animations by using JavaScript.

       using animation; manipulating the canvas; working with images, shapes, and other

Access data access by using JavaScript.

       sending and receiving data; transmitting complex objects and parsing; loading and
       saving files; App Cache; datatypes; forms; cookies; localStorage

Respond to the touch interface.

       gestures, how to capture and respond to gestures

Code additional HTML5 APIs.

       GeoLocation, Web Workers, WebSocket; File API

Access device and operating system resources.

       in memory resources such as contact lists and calendar; hardware capabilities such
       as GPS, accelerometer and camera
40373A: Mobile Development Fundamentals
(Duration: 3 days)

Work with Physical Devices

        Understand mobile device tools.

               defining the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool and the Windows Phone
               Connect tool; Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit

        Understand physical capabilities of the mobile device.

               identifying the different device sensors; describing and defining the camera capture
               and preview stream APIs; identifying different built-in hardware; Motion API

        Plan for physical interactions with the mobile device.

               describing and defining the differences among devices, including features, API
               levels, number of touch points, and networking capabilities; identifying ways to
               save energy; accounting for screen size/real estate when planning layout

Use Data with Mobile Devices

        Work with networked data.

               integrating with databases (Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Lite); describing and defining
               how LINQ and Microsoft ADO.NET work; implementing data binding; minimizing
               the data traffic for performance and cost; making use of Windows Communication
               Foundation (WCF) Web services and REST; describing and defining the benefits of
               SQL Server replication

        Use data stores.

               using different kinds of storage (for example, file and database); describing and
               defining the benefits of different storage locations (local, isolated, remote);
integration with XML; accessing native data and functionalities (launchers,
              choosers); handling offline situations

Use a Mobile Application Development Environment

       Understand design for mobile devices.

              describing and defining marketplace submission rules; describing and defining
              mobile design concepts (for example, metro, button sizing, spacing); describing
              and defining globalization/localization; defining mobile optimization; defining
              MVVM; describing and defining object-oriented programming (OOP) and
              separation of concerns; describing and defining asynchronous

       Network for mobile devices.

              describing and defining the application model in relation to WCF RIA services;
              creating a robust server/cloud communication that can throttle between no
              network to mobile network to wireless network; describing and defining
              networking concepts in relation to multicast and HTTP requests; using Web
              services; describing and defining toast and other notifications

       Understand Silverlight.

              describing and defining the differences between Silverlight, XNA, and HTML5 and
              which one to choose for a given scenario; using Silverlight and HTML5 applications;
              identifying Silverlight controls

       Work with developer tools.

              using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE; creating the deployment package and deploying
              the application; using the Microsoft .NET Framework; configuring a test
              environment; testing and debugging mobile applications

       Code for mobile applications.

              evaluating code; identifying code errors; identifying the code to use to meet
              requirements; distinguishing among programming languages and programs,
              including XNA, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, HTML5, XAML, and C# .NET

Develop Mobile Applications

       Manage the application life cycle.
preserving application state information and handling activate/deactivate
       functions; using tombstoning; balancing code between battery usage and
       performance; creating a responsive application with feedback of user actions;
       managing visible status for long-running operations; storing passwords; splash

Understand mobile device APIs.

       NavigationServices class, mapping/GeoLocation APIs, and Forms, Canvas, and
       Media APIs in HTML5; describing and defining manipulation events, including
       ManipulationStarted and ManipulationDelta

Understand mobile device controls.

       using Windows Phone controls; arranging content with panels; displaying
       collections of items; building custom controls; describing and defining
       Push/Raw/Tile notification; using tasks and choosers to enhance application

Build the user interface.

       creating layout with Style; designing with system theme, accent color, and screen
       orientation; graphic layering (transparency, borders, resizing); creating the user
       experience to be clean, focused, and using UI standards and guidelines; integrating
       images and media in an application
Course 40372A: Microsoft .NET Fundamentals
(Duration: 3 day)

Understanding .NET Framework Concepts

        Understand basic application settings.

               understanding app.config and web.config

        Understand events and event handling in the .NET Framework.

               understanding the event-driven programming model and event handlers, raising
               events, and implementing delegates

        Understand structured exception handling in the .NET Framework.

               understanding error handling concepts, exceptions, and exception types

Understanding Namespaces and Classes in the .NET Framework

        Understand .NET class hierarchies.

               understanding system classes, classifications of classes, and logical organization of

        Understand Object Oriented Concepts in the .NET Framework.

               understanding how inheritance works in .NET, polymorphism, and interfaces

        Understand .NET namespaces.

               understanding the reason for namespaces, the organization of namespaces in the
               class library, and how to use namespaces in an application

        Understand and create class libraries.

               understanding the logical grouping of classes and the logic behind class libraries
               (what they are, why they are important)

        Understand and use different data types in the .NET Framework.

               understanding intrinsic data types, values types, reference types, boxing, unboxing,
               and .NET collection classes

        Understand generics.
understanding generics infrastructure, generic interfaces, generic delegates,
              contravariant and covariant generic type arguments, generic methods, verifiability,
              and constraints

Understanding .NET Code Compilation

       Understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) and Common
        Language Infrastructure (CLI).

              understanding what MSIL is, what the CLI is, how source code is compiled into
              MSIL, and how code is Just-in-Time (JIT) compiled

       Understand the use of strong naming.

              understanding why strong naming is used, how to sign assemblies to support
              strong naming, and Global Assembly Cache (GAC)

       Understand version control.

              understanding how .NET applications are versioned and how to run different
              versions on the same computer

       Understand assemblies and metadata.

              understanding .NET assemblies, shared assemblies, and metadata in .NET

Understanding I/O Classes in the .NET Framework

       Understand .NET file classes.

              understanding read/write file classes and stream readers and writers

       Understand console I/O.

              understanding System.Console classes for input and output

       Understand XML classes in the .NET Framework.

              understanding XMLReader, XMLWriter, and XML Schemas

Understanding Security

       Understand the System Security namespace.

              understanding permissions and what cryptography is

       Understand authentication and authorization.
understanding code access security, access control, and policies

Understanding .NET Languages

       Understand language interoperability.

             calling code written in one language from another language, understanding .NET
             language parity

       Understand type safety.

             understanding memory type safety, type safety in classes, strong types, and
             security policies

Understanding Memory Management

       Understand resource allocation.

             understanding garbage collection and memory allocation, understanding stack
             versus heap

       Understand the difference between managed and unmanaged applications.

             understanding why managed code is called managed code, understanding the
             differences between coding in managed versus unmanaged code
40363A: Web Development Fundamentals
(Duration: 3 days)
Programming Web Applications

        Customize the layout and appearance of a Web page.

         CSS, tables, embedding images, page layout for navigation

        Understand ASP.NET intrinsic objects.

         Request, Server, Application, Session, Response, HttpContext

        Understand state information in Web applications.

         understand how state is stored based on application design and hardware; understand
         different types such as session state, view state, control state, and application state

        Understand events and control page flow.

         application and page life cycle events; page events; control events; application events;
         and session events; cross-page posting; Response.Redirect; Server.Transfer; IsPostBack;
         setting AutoEventWireup

        Understand controls.

         understanding various types of controls, including user, server, Web, and validation
         controls; know which is the appropriate type of control for a scenario

        Understand configuration files.

         Understanding the usage of web.config and machine.config, and the settings that can be

Working with Data and Services

        Read and write XML data.

         Understanding XML, XML validation
This objective does not include: Web Services, XPath syntax, XmlDocument,
         XPathNavigator, XPathNodeIterator, XPathDocument, XmlReader, XmlWriter,
         XmlDataDocument, XmlNamespaceManager

       Distinguish between DataSet and DataReader objects.

         the ability to choose the proper data object to use based on application

       Call a service from a Web page.

         creating a basic WCF Service or Web Service so that it can be consumed;
         App_WebReferences; configuration

       Understand DataSource controls.

         LinqDataSource, ObjectDataSource, XmlDataSource, SqlDataSource

       Bind controls to data by using data binding syntax.

         ensure that data is updated and displayed in data-aware controls

       Manage data connections and databases.

         database connections; connection objects; connection pools; transaction objects;

Troubleshooting and Debugging Web Applications

       Debug a Web application.

         Use in conjunction with custom error pages to display appropriate error information to
         the appropriate user; implement tracing of a Web application, Trace.axd, Trace=True on
         @Page directive,

       Handle Web application errors

         HTTP error codes

Working with Client-Side Scripting

       Understand client-side scripting.
purpose of client-side scripting, various client-side scripting languages

       Understand AJAX concepts.

        ASP.NET AJAX implementation, working with client-side libraries, EnablePartialRendering,
        Triggers, ChildrenAsTriggers, Scripts, Services, UpdateProgress, Timer,
        ScriptManagerProxy, extender controls

Configuring and Deploying Web Applications

       Configure authentication and authorization.

        Forms Authentication, Windows Authentication; authorization; file authorization;

        This objective does not include: Windows Cardspace authentication, Passport (Windows
        Live ID) authentication, Custom authentication

       Configure projects, solutions, and reference assemblies.

        local assemblies, shared assemblies (GAC), Web application projects, solutions;
        configuration files; AppSettings

       Publish Web applications.

        choosing the appropriate method to deploy an application based on existing or intended
        environment; updatable vs. not updateable; MSI deployment; Internet Information Server
        (IIS) installation and configuration.

       Understand application pools.

        purpose of application pools; effect of application pools on Web applications

        Not: configuring or assigning application pools
Course 40374A: Gaming Development Fundamentals
Duration (3 days)
Understand Game Design

       Differentiate among game types.

         console, Xbox, MMORPG, mobile games, PC games

       Differentiate among game genres.

         fantasy, sports, role playing, card, board, First Person Shooter

       Understand player motivation.

         quests, tasks, activities, how to win, game goals

       Design the user interface.

         UI layout and concepts, asset management, game state, gamer services

       Understand components.

         differentiate between tool creation and game programming, understand artificial
         intelligence (AI)

       Capture user data.

         save and restore user data, save and restore game state, handle input states, store data,
         manage game state, input services

       Work with XNA.

         understanding the architecture of an XNA game; using built-in XNA tools; work with XNA
         hierarchy (initialization, update loop, drawing)

Understand Hardware

     Choose an input device.

         mouse, keyboard, Kinect, console, mobile
Choose an output device.

        screen, television, hand-held devices, sound (local speakers, surround sound systems)

    Work with the network.

        set up Web services, TCP, UDP, basic management; plan for areas without access to
        Internet, notifications

    Manage game performance.

        CPU vs. GPU, reach vs. HiDef, graphics networking performance, frame rate

    Understand the different game platforms.

        console, PC, mobile; compare memory management

Understand Graphics

       Understand rendering engines.

        DirectX, video and audio compression, display initialization, resolution (full screen, Vsync,
        and windowed), transforms

       Plan for game state.

        scene hierarchy engine, gametime to handle frame rate variations, understanding games’
        main loop (input/update/render), graphics pipeline; understanding the flow of a game,
        loading, menus, save-load, configuring options (video, audio, keyboard)

       Draw objects.

        using bitmaps, sprites, vector graphics, lighting, blending, text, textures, 3D geometry,
        parallax mapping, and different shaders; 2-D vs. 3-D; creating a sprite font

Understand Animation

    Animate basic characters.

        movement, lighting, projections, frames per second (FPS), shaders, apply filters to
textures, sprite animation, generate objects from user indexed primitives, matrices,
    understanding keyframes, motion between keyframes

Transform objects.

    forming, deforming, moving, point distances, planes, interpolation; frames per second
    (FPS); translation, scale, rotation

Work with collisions.

    per pixel and rectangle collisions, collision detection, collision response, fundamentals of
    physics simulation
Course 40364A: Database Administration Fundamentals
Duration: (3 days)
Understanding Core Database Concepts

        Understand how data is stored in tables.

               understanding what a table is and how it relates to the data that will be stored in
               the database; columns/fields, rows/records

        Understand relational database concepts.

               understanding what a relational database is, the need for relational database
               management systems (RDBMS), and how relations are established

        Understand data manipulation language (DML).

               understanding what DML is and its role in databases

        Understand data definition language (DDL).

               understanding how T-SQL can be used to create database objects such as tables
               and views

Creating Database Objects

        Choose data types.

               understanding what data types are, why they are important, and how they affect
               storage requirements

        Understand tables and how to create them.

               purpose of tables; creating tables in a database by using proper ANSI SQL syntax

        Create views.

               understanding when to use views and how to create a view by using T-SQL or a
               graphical designer

        Create stored procedures and functions.

               selecting, inserting, updating, or deleting data

Manipulating Data

        Select data.
utilizing SELECT queries to extract data from one table; extracting data by using
              joins; combining result sets by using UNION and INTERSECT

       Insert data.

              understanding how data is inserted into a database; how to use INSERT statements

       Update data.

              understanding how data is updated in a database and how to write the updated
              data to the database by using the appropriate UPDATE statements; update by
              using a table

       Delete data.

              deleting data from single or multiple tables; ensuring data and referential integrity
              by using transactions

Understanding Data Storage

       Understand normalization.

              understanding the reasons for normalization, the five most common levels of
              normalization, how to normalize a database to third normal form

       Understand primary, foreign, and composite keys.

              understanding the reason for keys in a database, choosing appropriate primary
              keys, selecting appropriate data type for keys, selecting appropriate fields for
              composite keys, understanding the relationship between foreign and primary keys

       Understand indexes.

              understanding clustered and non-clustered indexes and their purpose in a

Administering a Database

       Understand database security concepts.

              understanding the need to secure a database, what objects can be secured, what
              objects should be secured, user accounts, and roles

       Understand database backups and restore.
understanding various backup types, such as full and incremental, importance of
backups, how to restore a database

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Mta registration

  • 1. MTA 1. MOAC MTA 98-363: Web Development Fundamentals 2. MOAC MTA 98-364: Database Fundamentals 3. MOAC MTA 98-372: Microsoft .NET Fundamentals 4. MOAC MTA 98-373: Mobile Development Fundamentals 5. MOAC MTA 98-374: Gaming Development Fundamentals 6. MOAC MTA 98-375: HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals –
  • 2. 40375A: HTML5 Application Development Fundamentals (Duration: 3 days) Manage the Application Life Cycle Understand the platform fundamentals. packaging and the runtime environment: app package, app container, credentials/permission sets, host process, leveraging existing HTML5 skills and content for slate/tablet applications Manage the state of an application. manage session state, app state, and persist state information; understand states of an application; understand the differences between local and session storage Debug and test an HTML5-based touch-enabled application. touch gestures; understand which gestures you test on a device Publish an application to a store. understand requirements for marketplace submissions Build the User Interface by Using HTML5 Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display text content. Choose and configure HTML5 tags to display graphics. when, why, and how to use Canvas; when, why, and how to use scalable vector graphics (SVG) Choose and configure HTML5 tags to play media. video and audio tags Choose and configure HTML5 tags to organize content and forms. tables, lists, sections; semantic HTML
  • 3. 2.5. Choose and configure HTML5 tags for input and validation. Format the User Interface by Using CSS Understand the core CSS concepts. separating presentation from content – create content with HTML and style content with CSS; managing content flow - inline vs. block flow; managing positioning of individual elements – float vs. absolute positioning; managing content overflow – scrolling, visible, and hidden; basic CSS styling Arrange user interface (UI) content by using CSS. using flexible box and grid layouts to establish content alignment, direction, and orientation; proportional scaling and use of “free scale” for elements within a flexible box or grid; ordering and arranging content; concepts for using flex box for simple layouts and grid for complex layouts; grid content properties for rows and columns; using application templates Manage the flow of text content by using CSS. regions and using regions to flow text content between multiple sections – content source, content container, dynamic flow, flow-into, flow-from, msRegionUpdate, msRegionOverflow, msGetRegionContent(); columns and hyphenation and using these CSS settings to optimize the readability of text; using “positioned floats” to create text flow around a floating object Manage the graphical interface by using CSS. graphics effects - rounded corners, shadows, transparency, background gradients, typography, and Web Open Font Format; 2D and 3D transformations – translate, scale, rotate, skew, and 3D perspective transitions and animations; SVG filter effects; Canvas Code by Using JavaScript Manage and maintain JavaScript. creating and using functions; jQuery, and other third-party libraries Update the UI by using JavaScript.
  • 4. locating/accessing elements; listening and responding to events; showing and hiding elements; updating the content of elements; adding elements Code animations by using JavaScript. using animation; manipulating the canvas; working with images, shapes, and other graphics Access data access by using JavaScript. sending and receiving data; transmitting complex objects and parsing; loading and saving files; App Cache; datatypes; forms; cookies; localStorage Respond to the touch interface. gestures, how to capture and respond to gestures Code additional HTML5 APIs. GeoLocation, Web Workers, WebSocket; File API Access device and operating system resources. in memory resources such as contact lists and calendar; hardware capabilities such as GPS, accelerometer and camera
  • 5. 40373A: Mobile Development Fundamentals (Duration: 3 days) Work with Physical Devices Understand mobile device tools. defining the Windows Phone Capability Detection Tool and the Windows Phone Connect tool; Windows Phone Marketplace Test Kit Understand physical capabilities of the mobile device. identifying the different device sensors; describing and defining the camera capture and preview stream APIs; identifying different built-in hardware; Motion API Plan for physical interactions with the mobile device. describing and defining the differences among devices, including features, API levels, number of touch points, and networking capabilities; identifying ways to save energy; accounting for screen size/real estate when planning layout Use Data with Mobile Devices Work with networked data. integrating with databases (Microsoft SQL Server, SQL Lite); describing and defining how LINQ and Microsoft ADO.NET work; implementing data binding; minimizing the data traffic for performance and cost; making use of Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web services and REST; describing and defining the benefits of SQL Server replication Use data stores. using different kinds of storage (for example, file and database); describing and defining the benefits of different storage locations (local, isolated, remote);
  • 6. integration with XML; accessing native data and functionalities (launchers, choosers); handling offline situations Use a Mobile Application Development Environment Understand design for mobile devices. describing and defining marketplace submission rules; describing and defining mobile design concepts (for example, metro, button sizing, spacing); describing and defining globalization/localization; defining mobile optimization; defining MVVM; describing and defining object-oriented programming (OOP) and separation of concerns; describing and defining asynchronous programming/threading Network for mobile devices. describing and defining the application model in relation to WCF RIA services; creating a robust server/cloud communication that can throttle between no network to mobile network to wireless network; describing and defining networking concepts in relation to multicast and HTTP requests; using Web services; describing and defining toast and other notifications Understand Silverlight. describing and defining the differences between Silverlight, XNA, and HTML5 and which one to choose for a given scenario; using Silverlight and HTML5 applications; identifying Silverlight controls Work with developer tools. using Microsoft Visual Studio IDE; creating the deployment package and deploying the application; using the Microsoft .NET Framework; configuring a test environment; testing and debugging mobile applications Code for mobile applications. evaluating code; identifying code errors; identifying the code to use to meet requirements; distinguishing among programming languages and programs, including XNA, Microsoft Visual Basic .NET, HTML5, XAML, and C# .NET Develop Mobile Applications Manage the application life cycle.
  • 7. preserving application state information and handling activate/deactivate functions; using tombstoning; balancing code between battery usage and performance; creating a responsive application with feedback of user actions; managing visible status for long-running operations; storing passwords; splash screen Understand mobile device APIs. NavigationServices class, mapping/GeoLocation APIs, and Forms, Canvas, and Media APIs in HTML5; describing and defining manipulation events, including ManipulationStarted and ManipulationDelta Understand mobile device controls. using Windows Phone controls; arranging content with panels; displaying collections of items; building custom controls; describing and defining Push/Raw/Tile notification; using tasks and choosers to enhance application functionality Build the user interface. creating layout with Style; designing with system theme, accent color, and screen orientation; graphic layering (transparency, borders, resizing); creating the user experience to be clean, focused, and using UI standards and guidelines; integrating images and media in an application
  • 8. Course 40372A: Microsoft .NET Fundamentals (Duration: 3 day) Understanding .NET Framework Concepts Understand basic application settings. understanding app.config and web.config Understand events and event handling in the .NET Framework. understanding the event-driven programming model and event handlers, raising events, and implementing delegates Understand structured exception handling in the .NET Framework. understanding error handling concepts, exceptions, and exception types Understanding Namespaces and Classes in the .NET Framework Understand .NET class hierarchies. understanding system classes, classifications of classes, and logical organization of classes Understand Object Oriented Concepts in the .NET Framework. understanding how inheritance works in .NET, polymorphism, and interfaces Understand .NET namespaces. understanding the reason for namespaces, the organization of namespaces in the class library, and how to use namespaces in an application Understand and create class libraries. understanding the logical grouping of classes and the logic behind class libraries (what they are, why they are important) Understand and use different data types in the .NET Framework. understanding intrinsic data types, values types, reference types, boxing, unboxing, and .NET collection classes Understand generics.
  • 9. understanding generics infrastructure, generic interfaces, generic delegates, contravariant and covariant generic type arguments, generic methods, verifiability, and constraints Understanding .NET Code Compilation Understand the fundamentals of Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) and Common Language Infrastructure (CLI). understanding what MSIL is, what the CLI is, how source code is compiled into MSIL, and how code is Just-in-Time (JIT) compiled Understand the use of strong naming. understanding why strong naming is used, how to sign assemblies to support strong naming, and Global Assembly Cache (GAC) Understand version control. understanding how .NET applications are versioned and how to run different versions on the same computer Understand assemblies and metadata. understanding .NET assemblies, shared assemblies, and metadata in .NET Understanding I/O Classes in the .NET Framework Understand .NET file classes. understanding read/write file classes and stream readers and writers Understand console I/O. understanding System.Console classes for input and output Understand XML classes in the .NET Framework. understanding XMLReader, XMLWriter, and XML Schemas Understanding Security Understand the System Security namespace. understanding permissions and what cryptography is Understand authentication and authorization.
  • 10. understanding code access security, access control, and policies Understanding .NET Languages Understand language interoperability. calling code written in one language from another language, understanding .NET language parity Understand type safety. understanding memory type safety, type safety in classes, strong types, and security policies Understanding Memory Management Understand resource allocation. understanding garbage collection and memory allocation, understanding stack versus heap Understand the difference between managed and unmanaged applications. understanding why managed code is called managed code, understanding the differences between coding in managed versus unmanaged code
  • 11. 40363A: Web Development Fundamentals (Duration: 3 days) Programming Web Applications Customize the layout and appearance of a Web page. CSS, tables, embedding images, page layout for navigation Understand ASP.NET intrinsic objects. Request, Server, Application, Session, Response, HttpContext Understand state information in Web applications. understand how state is stored based on application design and hardware; understand different types such as session state, view state, control state, and application state Understand events and control page flow. application and page life cycle events; page events; control events; application events; and session events; cross-page posting; Response.Redirect; Server.Transfer; IsPostBack; setting AutoEventWireup Understand controls. understanding various types of controls, including user, server, Web, and validation controls; know which is the appropriate type of control for a scenario Understand configuration files. Understanding the usage of web.config and machine.config, and the settings that can be made Working with Data and Services Read and write XML data. Understanding XML, XML validation
  • 12. This objective does not include: Web Services, XPath syntax, XmlDocument, XPathNavigator, XPathNodeIterator, XPathDocument, XmlReader, XmlWriter, XmlDataDocument, XmlNamespaceManager Distinguish between DataSet and DataReader objects. the ability to choose the proper data object to use based on application requirements/design Call a service from a Web page. creating a basic WCF Service or Web Service so that it can be consumed; App_WebReferences; configuration Understand DataSource controls. LinqDataSource, ObjectDataSource, XmlDataSource, SqlDataSource Bind controls to data by using data binding syntax. ensure that data is updated and displayed in data-aware controls Manage data connections and databases. database connections; connection objects; connection pools; transaction objects; Troubleshooting and Debugging Web Applications Debug a Web application. Use in conjunction with custom error pages to display appropriate error information to the appropriate user; implement tracing of a Web application, Trace.axd, Trace=True on @Page directive, Handle Web application errors HTTP error codes Working with Client-Side Scripting Understand client-side scripting.
  • 13. purpose of client-side scripting, various client-side scripting languages Understand AJAX concepts. ASP.NET AJAX implementation, working with client-side libraries, EnablePartialRendering, Triggers, ChildrenAsTriggers, Scripts, Services, UpdateProgress, Timer, ScriptManagerProxy, extender controls Configuring and Deploying Web Applications Configure authentication and authorization. Forms Authentication, Windows Authentication; authorization; file authorization; impersonation This objective does not include: Windows Cardspace authentication, Passport (Windows Live ID) authentication, Custom authentication Configure projects, solutions, and reference assemblies. local assemblies, shared assemblies (GAC), Web application projects, solutions; configuration files; AppSettings Publish Web applications. choosing the appropriate method to deploy an application based on existing or intended environment; updatable vs. not updateable; MSI deployment; Internet Information Server (IIS) installation and configuration. Understand application pools. purpose of application pools; effect of application pools on Web applications Not: configuring or assigning application pools
  • 14. Course 40374A: Gaming Development Fundamentals Duration (3 days) Understand Game Design Differentiate among game types. console, Xbox, MMORPG, mobile games, PC games Differentiate among game genres. fantasy, sports, role playing, card, board, First Person Shooter Understand player motivation. quests, tasks, activities, how to win, game goals Design the user interface. UI layout and concepts, asset management, game state, gamer services Understand components. differentiate between tool creation and game programming, understand artificial intelligence (AI) Capture user data. save and restore user data, save and restore game state, handle input states, store data, manage game state, input services Work with XNA. understanding the architecture of an XNA game; using built-in XNA tools; work with XNA hierarchy (initialization, update loop, drawing) Understand Hardware Choose an input device. mouse, keyboard, Kinect, console, mobile
  • 15. Choose an output device. screen, television, hand-held devices, sound (local speakers, surround sound systems) Work with the network. set up Web services, TCP, UDP, basic management; plan for areas without access to Internet, notifications Manage game performance. CPU vs. GPU, reach vs. HiDef, graphics networking performance, frame rate Understand the different game platforms. console, PC, mobile; compare memory management Understand Graphics Understand rendering engines. DirectX, video and audio compression, display initialization, resolution (full screen, Vsync, and windowed), transforms Plan for game state. scene hierarchy engine, gametime to handle frame rate variations, understanding games’ main loop (input/update/render), graphics pipeline; understanding the flow of a game, loading, menus, save-load, configuring options (video, audio, keyboard) Draw objects. using bitmaps, sprites, vector graphics, lighting, blending, text, textures, 3D geometry, parallax mapping, and different shaders; 2-D vs. 3-D; creating a sprite font Understand Animation Animate basic characters. movement, lighting, projections, frames per second (FPS), shaders, apply filters to
  • 16. textures, sprite animation, generate objects from user indexed primitives, matrices, understanding keyframes, motion between keyframes Transform objects. forming, deforming, moving, point distances, planes, interpolation; frames per second (FPS); translation, scale, rotation Work with collisions. per pixel and rectangle collisions, collision detection, collision response, fundamentals of physics simulation
  • 17. Course 40364A: Database Administration Fundamentals Duration: (3 days) Understanding Core Database Concepts Understand how data is stored in tables. understanding what a table is and how it relates to the data that will be stored in the database; columns/fields, rows/records Understand relational database concepts. understanding what a relational database is, the need for relational database management systems (RDBMS), and how relations are established Understand data manipulation language (DML). understanding what DML is and its role in databases Understand data definition language (DDL). understanding how T-SQL can be used to create database objects such as tables and views Creating Database Objects Choose data types. understanding what data types are, why they are important, and how they affect storage requirements Understand tables and how to create them. purpose of tables; creating tables in a database by using proper ANSI SQL syntax Create views. understanding when to use views and how to create a view by using T-SQL or a graphical designer Create stored procedures and functions. selecting, inserting, updating, or deleting data Manipulating Data Select data.
  • 18. utilizing SELECT queries to extract data from one table; extracting data by using joins; combining result sets by using UNION and INTERSECT Insert data. understanding how data is inserted into a database; how to use INSERT statements Update data. understanding how data is updated in a database and how to write the updated data to the database by using the appropriate UPDATE statements; update by using a table Delete data. deleting data from single or multiple tables; ensuring data and referential integrity by using transactions Understanding Data Storage Understand normalization. understanding the reasons for normalization, the five most common levels of normalization, how to normalize a database to third normal form Understand primary, foreign, and composite keys. understanding the reason for keys in a database, choosing appropriate primary keys, selecting appropriate data type for keys, selecting appropriate fields for composite keys, understanding the relationship between foreign and primary keys Understand indexes. understanding clustered and non-clustered indexes and their purpose in a database Administering a Database Understand database security concepts. understanding the need to secure a database, what objects can be secured, what objects should be secured, user accounts, and roles Understand database backups and restore.
  • 19. understanding various backup types, such as full and incremental, importance of backups, how to restore a database